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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 2

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1 K .... rf . (4 parody on Juauhle Huot'i noeru " You Ki.aeiMe.") kissed yon. I own. bat I ilid uot suppose Tha' you tbruugu the papers, the deed would l >, u ' The luipul-f *H sadiUnlv catue AM thnt co J uukiug clutid 10 transformed into flame. My set was the lightning that glmnoM and thrills, An<- yours the loud thunder that l>lebe to the hills. I klM*i you ' As kisoed the poor Cartan boy, ID dreams IK Dlaua. eocold nuil aa cf. And fo i ishly Nuoied. encircling yuur charms, A tumid nut a uiatob-box w*s cla*|d in my aruit. The zephyr on lip-toe pssseil ,h a kerchief cluud bid her by, ftufl 1 kissed you The moon wtili eye ; Froui Hi" bough that swayed o'er OB, all shivered with dew, With tiH,mi itherod titter the katydid flsw. I kised you I All nature in counterfeit sleep Half pnjuji-tnl our eoret so More I to keep ; No ubnj itous preae corre*poudeut peeped 'bruugb The leaven. I was " interviewed " only by you. I kleMd y->u Then, loared by my boldness, I deemed You bad fainted, or else you wool 1 surely have creamed , Bat no ; y >u not only all eeoHure forbore, Bat, 1 ke Oliver Tui. are now asking "for morn." I kin el yon ! All others uiay do It who ohooeo, Bat 1 10 reiat tne |>erforuianoe refuse. On your lips I will uever agalu print a smack, Hy the pr<e ur by out* you may Bead that one bwik. I kissed you I The poetess-Btppbo of old. l.ikeyuu, waa so wruj thsl her Pbaongrew cold 80 she euded her lov aud her life in a pet I preiume tuere are ei| ual facilities yet. THE CHOICE OF THREE A 1VOVEL. The .1 ii.,,,. To-day, wltb i|Hi> t heart, I beard Tin- prayer tbe autueui, and Ihepsalui, And gent y on my spirit fll Tbe -weetneee of tbe nnndty calui. Till, at the leading of tbe bymn, With sudden tear* aiy eys weie dim. That old oldbvmn! Had fallen on my < Its sacred lines hears . sly >ifr turned back unbmdaied by The stretch of tatenrenind yean ; Near me my little daugb er smiled, Aod >i I wu again a child. Outeld* tbe wi ids were fierce and rough, The winter's chill was in tbe air; Bat I oonld bear the bonny birds and bumming insects everywhere , Ami fe I In spile of frost and snow, A summer breeze of lung ago. Tr find tbe plaee I look the book. And held u in a woman's hand, While all mv MI .1 was mor d w to tLrills N . . other soul ooold un<lerstand ; Ana qulM unseen, with luvedlvlae, My mo her'e augers folded mine. And not because tbe tuus'c rose K.sultiuglv I b- Id in. breatb. Lie 1 1 ah uldloae its sweet deliibt, Upon ber li|>- tbe hush of death For y. ai. ua lam. and yet I be.rd My mother s voice lu every word. Full well I know tbe dead are dead, Vet eotuellmee at a look r r tone, Wltb ebon relent DC. will the past Oue mnuieut give UH bac our own, Ob. b'ppy palol Too quickly done As swiftly ended as begun. Si.tannah Arichold, TtM funnt nB U you an ambitions to make a mine, As a funny in.n on tbepige of faui.. Yi a unit ful low tb prea-pts lier laid down Aft :m Iniiini ahtc In country and town Stick lu tl.rm cl ely . thr .iixb ILiek and thin. And. soouur or later, you're sure to win. Von unit tell of the all nevurini goat ; Of Hi" v.iuug man epo'tlng bis overcoat; Of tli mule who eiandiwlth inn cent face Vbne his owner g aalling al fi thro' ipaoe ; O flbe harmless uuda, of the maid Intense ; And tbe cat*' sersnaie on tbe garden feuee. Than you must mention the wily tack ; TDe bnana peel and I e broken back ; Tbe mm. I. n' father witb tbe heavy boot, And ti,e boy carried off l.y unripe trull ; Anil tbe hull dug n rco-for strength bf jaw Rivalled alune by ilie m .Iber-in law. Of tbe Vassar girl a line or two la always in order tntrefom you Of i ur i-.ii I,T. u sponge uak "next may tell ; And to numb up witb the obetnut bell. Arra ge all these ou aproprr plan And you'll ujake a name as a funny man. Tkr in. i Miorv. Oh yee t I am a married man . I a wit. and wb. n i sought ber Homo y. ars ago for mine an<i drought ber Hotu an a bride, life flrat began To be wortb llrl g. I just tbougbt ber An aogel, aud thanked heaven I'd caugbl ber . And do to till ami yet, and yet. There s anoiber one who's wrought her bhy i cbcraft o'er uie li I there's naugbl lier face ii, ay not make me forget; And K this day I've Lever fought tier b.fl iiway, although you s.y I ' ougbter." I know yru think it's n. t quite right, But ill- IOVB. me too oh I've taught her To* i, M sweet Inuion! and I bouiibi her My fir. 11 vegifc but yi'Hirrnigbl; 'Twas but a trine oust s quarter ; It was a dolly she's my daughter. Ernest crossed tbe road and aaked an oil bourgeoii who was standing in tbe door wa; of bin sbop tk og Ibi air after bii day lab ir, if ibi bouse opposite wa a school. " Bat certainly not, Monaeuir. Il ie. a convent. Tbe boly sislira lived there. Bai top, Manseiur bad reason ; it oaed to be t girl'i eebool before Ibe last revolution Monvieor could, no doubt, aee over tbe olc place. Tbe boly iiateri were hospitable, oh most hospitable." Armed with ibis information Eroeit re. turned to bis fnendi, and in due coarse tbey were admitted to tbe place and allowed to wander roand Ibe ancient walled garden witb every nook of whieb Mr, Alston seemed to bi perfectly acquainted. " There is ibe tree ooder wbieb ibi need to ill," be eaid sadly la bii boy, pointing oat an old yew tree under wbiob there stood a rotting bsnoh. "Who?" naked Krneil much interested. " My dead wife, Ibal boy's mother," bt said wilb a aigb. " There, I bave seen it 1st us go." CHAPTER XV. KINE8T QETI INT9 TBOCBLB. Wben Mr. Alston and rout reached the h )iel tbere wai still a quarter of so boor to elapse before the table d' htte, so, after washing bis handa and patting oo a black coal, Ernsat went dawn iuto Ihe talon. Tbere WM otly one olber person in it a tall, fair Frenchwoman, apparently about thirty yean of age. Bbe WM ataodiog by the empty fireplaat, ber arm upon the mantel-piece, and a laee pooket band ker- ehitf in ber hand ; and Erueil'a flrel im- prussion of bar waa thai ibi WM hand- some and much overdreeeed. Tbere WM a " Figaro " upon the mantel-piece, wbiob be deeired to get possaaaion of. As be advanoed tor tbii purpose, the lady dropp id ber bandksrebief. S looping down, bs picked it oat of Ibe grate aod banded it to ber. " Mille remercimente, Monsieur " sbe laid, witb a little courtesy. " I > j toot, Madame ?" " Ab, Monnsor, parli francais ?" " Main ooi, Madame." And ifaen they drifted in to a eon venation, in tbs course of wbieb Erneel learned tbal Madame thought Dieppe viry doll ; that I sbs bad beeo tbere three days with ber friends, aod WM nearly dsad de triitent ; Ibal sbe WM going, however, to ibi public dance at the Eoierliiumenl Raomt tbal night. " O: eonrae Muniiior would bs tbsrs " . and many olber tbinge, for Madame had a considerable command of lai guage. lu tbe middle ot all tbie thi door opened, and aoolhir lady ot moeb Ihe same cat M Madame entered, folk wad by two young men. Tbe first of these bad afaes of the commonplace Ejglitb type, rather a good homored taee ; bat wbsn be saw Ibe second K rnes I tlartid, it WM ao like bu own, aa bis woald become if be were to Hpeud bait a dozen yean in drinking, dicing, late boors and Ibeir concomitants. Thimaj la whom ihu face belonged WM evidently a gentleman, but be looked ao ill tempered one, and very pony and oat of health , al leant ao Iboognl Ernest. ' II is time lor dinner, Oamille," aaid Ibe ginlltman to Madame, al tbe same time lavoriBg Erneat witb a moat compre- hensive scowl. Madame appeared not to understand, and made some remark to Eroeat. Il ie time for dinner, Oamille," aaid tbe gentleman again in a savage voice. Tbis lime ibe lifted her bead aud looked al bim. A I . I . o, ,1 I. . r The da> was heavy wltb wind and rain, When last we -.HI I good hye ; Wlii-n 1 and my love nball meet again Tbi-re will be a clou ilee* s.y. "Din nire, dimort, qa'ewt qae c'eit qae tin oare ?" " Table- d'hote," laid tbe gentleman. "Oh, pardon," and wnb a liitle bov moet fasoloaMng .mile to Ernest, sbs Ibe gentleman's extended arm and sailed away. " Wby did yoa pretend not to under- stand me?' Erneel beard blm auk, and saw ber sbrng her sboalderi io reply. Tbe olber gentleman followed witb bil eom paoion, and after bim oaroe Ernest. Wben be reached tbeiaUe-o manger be found that Ibe only ebair al ibe table WM one mil to hie friend of tbesa'oii. Indeed, had he thought of il, it migbi bavi struck him tbal Madame bad contrived to keep tbal obaii vacant, for on bu approach ibe gathered together tbe folde of ber illk dress, wbirb bad almost bidden il, and 'eloomed bim witb a little nod. Krueit look tbe ebair, and forthwith " M ii nine. I did not know that there were any other K irchawB." " Nor di<1 I," answered Brneil, " exoept Sir Hagb K rsbaw," and his taoa darkened M be proDuaooed the Dme. "I am Sir Baiib K irehaw'i son ; my name in Hugh K rilnw," wae tns reply. " Indeed I Toeo we are coasioi, I sap- posr, (or I am bis nepbew, tbe son of bin orotber K r nsil." Hagb K irnbaw the elder did cot receive ibis mtelligenoe wi h even tbe moderate amount of entbatiaem tbat might bsve been expected ; be simply lifted bis aosnly eyebrows, and said, " Ua, I remtmber, my ancle left a son "; tben be lamed and mde lome remark to tbe genllemao who a next him tbat made tbi lti r lu<h. Ernest fell the blood rue to bis onieki ; there was something very insolent about hie eoosin's tons. Shortly afterward Ibe dinner eaue to ao end, and Madame, wltb soother fascinat- ing imile, retired. As for Eraeel, be moked a pipe witb Mr. Alston, and about 9 o'clock strolled over wilb bim to the Assembly Kxms or Oaiino, a building largely eompoacd of glaes, wbcn tbrict a week, daring tbe seMon, tbe viiiton at Dieppe adjoorned to dance, flirt and make merry, O ie of tbe flrit light* tbat eaoghl his eye WM a air creature in evening dnta, and witb ooQipioaooely white iboaldera, la whom be reeognized Madame. Sbe WM Bitting near tbe door, and appeared to be watching il. Ernest bowed to ber, and WM aboot to paM on ; hot, jmnaiDg ber former tactic*, she dropped tbe boqael ibe WM earrying. He Hooped, picked il op, returned it, and again made as ihongh he would pans oo, when she addressed blm, ost M tbe band attack ap. " Ab, qae a'est belle la mosiqasj I Man- Hiear, vales u'esi oe pan ?" In another minoM tbiy win floating Iowa Ihe rx>m together. As tbey panned along, KroMlsaw nil cousin standing in Ibe lorosr looking at bim witb no amiable air. dadame saw bis glance. Ab," she laid, " Monsieur Hagb ne valse pas, il is grise ; il a I'air jilooz, n'ett e pas ? ' Ernest danced three limes wilb tbii fair enslaver, and witb Ibeir lasl wain tbe ball Bme to an end. Jail tben bin coasin isme op, and tbey, all iooloding Mr. Aliton, walked together down tbe atreit, wbiob WM now qaite draerled, to tbe door of Ibe hotel. Here Krneil said good nigbt to Madame, who extended ber band. Be took il, and M be did so he fell a note slipped into il, wbiob not bsing aeeastomed to snob transaction!, be clumsily dropped. It WM tbe ball programme and tbere as something written across it in pioeil. Unfortunately, be wai not Ibe only one who saw this. Hie cousin Hagb, wbu bad svidently been drinking, saw it ano.and tried to pick op tbe programme, bat Ernest WM too qaiek for him. " Give me tbat," laid bil oonna boareely. Erniet answered by patting il into hie pocket. " What it written on that programme?" l your hand : bat I made no eign I could 11 t npeak DOT stay ; Yet s m tblnij daubed from > our eyes to mine I of uigot and uay. And strangers utood In Ihe drea'y street An i ma, k d ea h glauce an, I tone ; When I and my love ooce more shall meet W sball be all aione. There's many a troth br'ak's easily There's iinny a love may quail. I know, wherever our tr*et may be We two sbali never And death may iwrep our yeari apart And all but faith si. all .lie- As my own bear! I tin. I v.iur heart A luDg, a ll Lg K xxl i/yo ! DOMX8TU ADVIOS. Wbsn your belpmett inquires in a terrible lone. " Wh.t kept yon so late ?" and, beginning to mn.n, Deelarrt that " yon bave no more heart than a none," That " you're rapidly wearing her dowu to a Done " Just let her alone. When sbe floods all tbe house witb a deluge of Tl 1 the plaoe Is a vista of buckets and mops And me .ays " you oblige htr to work till she driipn ' Don't seek to atn-rt thu yonr eoul le yoor own- Ja>t let ber aloue. No Benedict orgnps, ofoonrse, with his wife usiMesbes prr|i*red fr p> rp tu il strife- If your ri in ipal aim i- a ,.,. ,, ,.,t,|,. i,r,. ' And you i ekessH for tbe Turrld the Temperate Zone~- Just 1st ber alone. At last when you've really stood all that von an. If von hear, on Ibe qnlet tbat itie has a plan To elope on the sly with another young man, To rusn in aud slop it, pray do not be prone You let her alone. Madame enlertd into a most lively conver- sation witb bim, a course ot proceeding tbst appeared io be extremely distasteful to the gantleman on her right, who pished and pshewsd and poshed away bis plate In a manner tbat soon became .jiite notice- able. Bat Madame talked aereoely oo, qaitt careless of bis aniioe, till at last be whispered eomettiag to her tbal eansed h blood to to her fair oheek I," Mais tais toi done," Eroeet beard her unwer, and next momint the eabecqaenl history ot oar hero demsnda tbat tue troth should be told it wai bis torn to color, tor, alM ! tbare waa no doibl about it, be distinctly fell Madame'e little foot pressed upon bie own. He took ap bis wins and drank a liitle to bide bis eon- fusion, bui whether he had or bad not tbe moral eooraga to withdraw from Ibe situa- tion by placing bis lose under Ibi more chilly BUI safe guardianship ot tbe obair- I K", biitory ssitb not ; lei ua hope and presume that be bad. Bal if tbii was so or no, be did not get on very well with bis dinner, for tbe eitoalion was novel and not conducive to appetite. Presently Mr. Alston, who was riiiinj opposite, addressed bim aeroai tbe table. " Are yon going >o Ihe Amenably Rooms here to night, Mr. Kirtbaw?" To Eruen'e ior|>risi the gentleman on tbi other sids of Madame anawered with an astonished look " > I am going." " I beg yonr pardon," aald Mr. Alston, I was speakiog to the gentleman on your " Ob, indeed, I tboogbt yoa said Kir- sbaw I" " Tee, I did, tbe gentleman'! name Ii K-r.rmw, I Ihluk." V. H.' pat in Krnest, " my name ii Ksrsbaw." ' I don't kno " What bave yoo written oo tbal pro- gramme." Catuille ?' " Mon Dieo, mail voai m'ennoyec '" waa Ibe answer. " I insist opon yoa giving me tbat," witb aa oalb. " Moneieor est ' ytxtifiiun.' Monaiior ne la rendra pas," said Madame wilb a mean- ing glanoe, and thin earning the entered tbe hotel. " I am not going to givi it to yoa," said Ernnt. " '.jo shall give it to mi," " I Ibis lady your wife ?' asked Krnsat. " That it my afitir ; givi me Ibat note." " I >ball not give U to TOO," laid Ernaal whose temper waa rapidly rising. " I don't know what WM on il, and I don't with to know ; bat, whatever it 11, tbe lady gave it to me and not to yoa. She is not your wife and yon bave oo right to a*k for it," Hie cousin Hugh turned livid witb fury. At Ihe beet of times hi WM an evil-tampered man, and now, inflamed M be WM by driuk and j*aloney, be looked a perfect fiend. " U yoo !" be hissed, " yoo half bred ear, I suppose Ibal yoa git your man- ners from your mother I" He did not get any further, for at this point Email knoekid bim into Ihe goiter aod then stood over bim, very qoiet and pale, and told him Ibat it ever be dared to let a dmreipeelfol word aboat bii mother pass bis lips again, hs (Erneet) woald bait kill him (Hagb) Tben ne let bim gel op. Hagb Kr*baw rote, and toning, wbia pered something to bis frisnd who bad sat next blm at diunir, a man about thirty yeari of eg* and wilb a military air about bim large His friend listened and palled bis moaaebe tboogblfolly. Tben be " Tbat la odd," said the other gentleman, .Mr. Hagb Kers'hsw, addrsised ICrneit wilb the almost polite ness. " I am Oaptain Joitiee. ot the Hae- am. Ot coarse, Mr. Kerebsw, yoo are aware that yoa cannot indulge yourself in Ihe luxury of knocking people down wittaoat bearing more about il, especially," he added, " on this sldi of the water. Have yoo any friend with yon ?" Ernest sbook bil bead ai bsanawired, " '1 bu," iudioaling Mr. Alaton, who bad been an attentive observer of everything Ibal had pasted, "in ibe only gentleman I know in tbe town, and I cannot ask bim to mix himself op in my quarrels." Ernest was beginning to understand that tbii quar- rel was a vsry serioue bniinees, " All rigbl, my lad," laid Mr. Aliton quietly, "I will stand by yoa." R tally, I bave no right," began Ernest. " Nonsense I II u one of oar colonial one- tomi to ntick by oni another. ' " Mr. Jantlee " " Csptaia Justice, pat in tbii gentleman with a bow. "Oaptain Justice, my name ii Alston; I am very mush at yoor aervioa." Ospiain Justioe tamed to Hugh K eribaw, whose c'olbes were dripping from tbe water in the gaiter, and, after whispering wilb him for a moment, laid alond, " If I were you, Ktrshaw, I should goandehange tbone clothes, yoa will aaleb oold ," aid tben, ad- dressing Mr. Alston, I think the smoking- room is empty ; ihall we go and bsve a ebat?" Mr. Alston assented and tbey went in to- gether. Erneet followed, but, having lit bis pips, sat down in a far corner ot tbe room. Presently Mr. AlMon sailed bim. "1/xik here, K'trsbaw, thin ii a isrloai buiinees, and, aa yoa are principally eon- eeri-id, I think tbat yoo bad better give I TOOT own answer. To be brief, jour eonaio, demand, tbat yon -bou'd apologize in writing tot baviig struck Him." " I am willing to do tbat if be will apolo i<iis lor the terma he used in oouutoiiou iih my mother " "Ah!' eaid the gallant oiptain, "tbe young gentleman ie ooinu.g to reason." " He also demands Ibat yoa eboald hand over thi note you received from Ibe lady." "Tbal I osrlaiil/ sball utt do." be snswered, and drawing Ibe card from bis ponket be tore it into fragments, nnread. C tplain Justice bowed aod left tbs room, la a fsw minutes be retarned, and, address mg Mr. A'ston and Ernest, laid : " Mr. Karsbaw is not salUfled witb what yon offer to do. He deelne* to apologize for any expression Ibsi be may bave aaed witb reference to yuur mother, and be now wiibee yoa Io ohoose between signing an apology wbiob I ball dictate, or meeting bim to-morrow morning. Yoa mail remember that we are 10 Francs, wbsre yoa cannot insoll a man oo tbs payment of forty ehillinga." Eroiel fell the blood ran to bis heart. He understood now what Captain Justice meant. He answered limply : " I shall be very bappy to meet my oooein in whatever plaee and way yoa and Mr. Alston may agrie upon," and then be returned to bii ebair and gave himself op to Ibe en j >y msol of bii pips and an entirely new M| of aeniations. Oaptain Juiliee giz'd after bim pity- iogiy. " I am sorry for bim," be said to Mr. Alston. " Kersbaw ii, I believe, a good sbot witb piitoli. I loppoee yoa will eboo-e pistole. 1 1 woald be difficult to gel awards 10 saah a harry. Hi u a floe yonog fellow, took il eoolly, by Otorge I Well, I don't think thai be will trouble the world moch longer." " This- is a silly buHiuese and likely to Isnd ai all io a naaty mesa. Ii tbere no way out of il ." " N jue tbal I know of, onleea your young friend will et dirt, fie ia a naaty tempered fellow, Kersbaw, and wild about tbal woman, over wbom be bae ipent Ibooaande. Nor ii be likely to forgive being rolled in Ihe goiter. Too bad better get your man to give in, lor if yoa don't Kerebaw will kill blm." " It ii no good talking of il. I bave lived s roogh life and know wbat man are made ot. Hi 11 not of tbal sort. Besides, yoor man is in tbe wrong, not tbal boy. It any- body ipoke of my mother like tbat I woold boot bim." " Very good, Mr. Aliton. And now aboat Ibe pistole ; I bave none." " I have a pair ol Smith & Wesson revol- vers Ibal I booglil yesterday to take oat to Afries wilb ms. Tbsy throw a very beavy bullet, Oaptaio J amice. ' Too heavy. It one of them ii bit aoy- where in Ibe body " He did not finish bu Mntcnoe. Mr. Aliton nodded. " We mail put them twenty paees apart to give them a chance of missing. And now aboat tbe plaoe and ibe lime." " I know a plaee on tba beach, about a mile aod a ball from here, that will do very well. YJO go down that street till yon strike tbe beach, tben turn to your right and follow Ibe line ot tbe eea till yoa eome Io a deserted bat or cottage. X here we will meal yea." ' At wbat time ?" " lie! me eee. Sball we aay a quarter to five ? It will be ligbt enough for us then.' " Vary good. Tbs Nsw Haven boat leavea al half-past six. I am going to see abort' getting my things ready to go to meet il. I sboald advise yoa to do the same, Captain Justice. We bad bettor ool return here after it in over." " No" Aod then tbey parted. Luckily thi manager of the hotel bad not gone to bed, ao tbe variooa parlies eon oernsd were able to pay their billa end make arrangements about tbeir loggage be- ing scot to meet tbe early boat without exoiliog Ihe slightest aotpioion. Ernest wrote a note, and Itf I it to be given to bia triend when h iboald arrive on tbe nor row, in wbieb be Haled mysteriously tbal bnriueii bad called bim away. He ooold not help smiliog to himself sadly wbeo he Iboaghl that bis bnmes migbl bent a lorl tbat it woald lake all eternity to let lit. Thin be went, to bie room and wrote two letter*, one to Eva and one to D .rotuy . Mr. Alston waa to po*! Ibem if anything hap- pened fo blm. Tbe first WM of a passion- ate nature and breamed hopes of reunion In anoiber plaee ah, bow fondly iLe [oir human beartolingsto Ibat idea tbe second collected and tensibls enough. Tbe letters finished, be, following Mr. Alston's advice, undressed and took a bath, tben be aaid bin pra f ers the pray sis bis mother bad taught bim pot on a quiet, dark mil of ololhec sod went and eat by the opsn wiodow. Tbe night WM very still and frsgrant witb Ih. tweet, f Iron* breath of tbe sea. Nut a sound earns from Ibe quaint town beneath. All was al peaee. Krnesl, silting there, wou- dered whether he would live to see anoiber uigbt, and if opt, wbal tbs nights were like in tbelatid wbilherbe was journeying. And as be Iboaghl ot ii tbe gray dampe tbat hide tbat anriseu world tram our gz < "truck into bis soul and mads bim fsel sfraid. Not afraid of death, boi afraid of Ihe empty loneliness beyond it of Ibe cold air ot an infinite spaee in wbieb nothing human can live. Would hit mother meet him there, be wondered, or woold aba pat him frcm ner, coining witb blood apon bis haudi? Aod then be thought ot Eva, sod in bii Holitude a tear gathered in hie dark eyee, It Heemed so hard to go to that other pltoe wi, hoot her. CHAPTER XVI. MAtUM-K B WORK . Presently tbe eastern iky b>gtn to be barred wilb rays ot light, and Erniat knew tbat tbs dawn was near. Rising with a igb, he made his last pre- parations, inwardly determining tbat II he wan to die, be woald die in a way b, I: ling an English geuilemsn. Tbere sboald be no ngti of bin fear* oo bii Isot when be looked at his edversary'a pistol. Presently tbere ome a infl knock at tba rt"or and Mr Alston entered with bia shoes off. In his band be held a caae containing Ibe two Bxllb * Wessons. " We mast be < ff presently," he laid. " I j ml b*ard Oaptaiu Janice go down. Link here, Kirvbew, do yoa understand anyibW shoot tbeae ?" and be lapped the Bmiib A Wessone. " Tei. I have often practiced wilb a ptir of old doelllDg-plefoli at borne. I used to be a very fair shot wltb them." " That IH lucky. Now take oai of these revolvers , I watt to give yoo a lesson and aocu-toin yoa to baulle It." " No. I will not. It woald not be fair oa the o'uer man. If I did, and killed him, I sboald feel like a murderer " " A yon like ; bat 1 am going to tell yoe, sometbiug and give yon a bit of advwe. These revolveri ar hair- triggered ; I bad tbeeoeariflltd. Wben tbe word is givea, oriag ibe barrel of your pielol down till yoa gel tbe tight well on to your antaganisl aomiwbere about bis cheat, tben preta she .riKner. do not pull il remember tbat. If you do ai I tell yon, be will never bear tbe rt part. Above all, do not lose your nerve, aud don't be sentimental and t; e in tbe ir, or any saeb nonsense, for thai is a moet faille proceeding, morally and every other way. Mark my words, it yoa do not kill him be will kill yoa. He intends to kill yoa and yon ars in the right. Now we most be going. Your luggage is in tne hall, le it not?" " AH ixcspt tbis bag." 11 Vary good , bring il dowu witb yoa. My boy will bring n to tbe boat witb my own. If yoa an not bit, yoa will do well ta get oal ot tbii aa aoon as possible. I mean ta make for Southampton as straights* I oaa.. There ii a vessel aailing for Sooth Afries on Friday morning ; I shall embark in ber. Wi will tattle what you are to do after ward." " Tee," said Ernaat witb a faint imile, "tbere ii no need to talk of that at present." Five mioatts afterward they msl in toe ball aod slipped qoistly oat through tbe door tbsl always stood open all oigbt lor tbe accommodation of visitors addiaied to Isti boars. Following tbe street Ibat Cap tain Joitloe bad pointed oat, tbey eooa reached Ibe beach, and, rarnmc to Ike right, wtlksd along II leisurely. Toe early morning air WM very sweet and all nature smiled dimly opon them M Ibey went, for tbi HUH WM not yet op , bat at tbat moment Erneet did not ibink moeb of Ihe beantyof ibe rmrniog. It all seemed like a frig-fa if al dream. Al tail tbey came to tbe deserted bat, looming large in Ibe gray mist. By it Blood two ngoree. "Tbey are there already," said Mr. Aliton. As tbey approsobai tbe two figarea lifted their ban, a compliment wbiob tbey re- tarned. Tben Mr. Alston went to Oaptain Juitioe aod fell into eon vernation wish bin, and together tbe oaeed off a otrtain dis- taoea on ibe sand, marking its limits with Ibeir walking slicks. Ernssl noticed that it wae aboat tbe length of a short eriokel pilch. "Bballwe plaee them?" be beard Cap- tain Jailiae aay. ' Not just yet," was tbe reply, " tbere is barely light enough." "Now, gentlemen," said Mr. Alston presently, " I bavs prepared in duplicate a paper selling fortb M fairly aa I eaa eke oireomtlsneee ooder which this onbappy ffair bai come abaot. I propose to readil to yon lui to ask yea all to lifo it M a protaetion to to us all. I bave brought a pen and a pooket ink-pot wilb me toe that pnrpoee." Nobody objected, ao be read tbe paper. Il wae short, coneine and jail and tbey all -Uned II M il stood. Ernest's, baud snook a good dial aa hi did so. " Gome, tbal won't do," laid Mr. Alston snooorsgitgly M be pocketed one copy of ibe doooment after baodiag tbe other to Osptain Justice. Hhake yourself togmher man t" Bat tor all hli brave words be looked toe more nervous of tbe two. " I wiib to say," began Eroett, address- ing himiMf to all tbe other tbrea, " Ibal tbis quarrel is none of my seeking. I eoold oot lu honor give op the IOM tbe lady wrote to me. Bat I feel that this is a dreadful holiness, and if yon," addressing bis cousin, " sre ready to apologize lor wbal yoa amid aboat my mother. I am ready to do tbe same for attacking yoo." Mr. Hagb Kinbaw moiled bitterly and. taming, lata something to bii eeooad. Krnent otagbt tbe worde " white f father. " Mr. Hiinn Kerabaw refuses to cffer aay apolrgy ; be expects one," WM Oaptain Joi- lios's ready anewsr. " Tbeo if any blood ii shed, on bia bead re it I " laid Mr. Alston solemnly. " Coin e let oe gel it over." Kaon look bis man and placed bim by one ot me ilioka, and then handed bim a revol- ver. " Stand tideways and remember wbal I told yoo," whispered Mr. Aletoo. "Are yon ready, gentlemen?" asked Cap tain Jntiloe presently. Tbere wan no answer; bat E meet felt bit bearl stand itill aod a mist gathered before bii eyee. Al that mcmenl be beard a lark riii into Ihe air near him and begin to sing. [' uless be oonld gsl his sight baok be felt thai be waa lost. Ojil" Ttas mill cleared away from eyei. He saw bie adversary's pistol bii pointing steadily al him " Two I" A ray broke frnm tbe rising son and eaogbl a crystal pin Hagb Kersbaw in- otatiooiiy wore. lostinouvely hs remem- bered Mr. AUtoo's advies and lowsrad hie long barrel till II was dead on tbe crystal pin. enoogb, ii reminded him at the moment of tbe eyee in ibe wltob'e head al Du-.i'h Ness Bis vital forces rose to tbe emergenoy and bie arm grew aa steady M a rrok. Tben came a pause tbat seemed bourn long " Three !'' Tbere was a double rrport and Erosml beoami aware of a commotion in i, IN hair. Hugh Kirsbaw dug up bis arms wildly, ipraog a tow iueben off tbe ground and fell backward. Oreai G .d, it waa over ' Ernest ateggertd a moment from tbe re Miion and tben ran with Ibe others toward hie oouiio nay, toward what bad been bis corjHin. He WM lying on bis baok opon Ibe snd, bii wide-open eyes staring up at tbe b'ne eky, aa tnongb to trace the tUni of bu ip'rit, bu errm extended. The beavy re- v.iiver ball bad straok near tbe crystal pin and then panned upward through me tbroal and out at the bate of Ibe h ad, battering tbe epinal oolami. " He ii dead," said Captain .las hoe sol> m oly. Rrnesl wrong hi* hacds. " I bavs Killed him " hs laid. " I bavj killrrl my own e m-iu I" " T nog nun," said Mr. Alston, " do not stand there wringing y< ur bands, ba thank Providtnae for yoor own escape. He WM very i.sar killing yon, let ms tell yoa. la yunr bead cu-T" (Tob* OonMnned.) ,f Tbe biroea we read ol are not like (hiae wi aee. If a man ii born creel, aa Ibe world goee DOW, bs most bostle lively eooogh to atay great.

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