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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 1

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WHITTEN - LOCKHART - At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 17th inst., by Rev. T. Watson, Mr. Thomas Whitten, of Aretemesia, to Miss Sarah Jane Lockhart, of Proton. "Many Happy Returns" Of the day to Mr. and Mrs. Sept. Good, of Flesherton, who celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding day on Tuesday last. FLES RTON ADVANCE. &apos;TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES. JVOT MJV.&apos; VOL. VI., NO. 284. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 25, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, 3 * PROF r Don&apos;t Fail ! -TO CALL- Tit - Bits. >f /,<..-.!/ <uul Uthrr Ilfint "gntkfrnl by Tlie Advance I! jHirtrn. And inspect my large and carefully selected stock of very Fine Goods, at real reason- able prices. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Novel- ties, etc. Latest Styles, New- : t designs. Ladies&apos; Gold . Watches and Queen Chains, Gent&apos;s filled Gold and Coin Silver, Have added to my stock, tlie famous "Colum- bus" Watches direct from the Factory. Everybody \ welcome, whether you buy or JlOt. S. K. No. 13, Arteinesiii Tp.. wauta a Teacher. Se alvt. Mr. Will Armstrong returned home lant wet !i. Now get your holiday printing neatly and cheaply executed at the ADVANCE office, Flchflrton. Dr. Christoe >;ave an int< rmtinK al- dress in the Methodist church hero last Siimlny SPECIALTIES. Fitting Specks optically f difficult Watch Repairing!; Goods and Work warranted. AV. A. 13 O \V>", A IMiabU JtirtUtr, AIARKDALE, - - - ONT. Mr. Henry DownadvurtiHesouo of the Ix-st farms iu Artemuxia to rent in tln- Unue of our paper. Hotel proprietor" We don&apos;t allow any Barnes of chance here." Gamhlor " Thw isn&apos;t a ^anio of chance. My fi it ml here has no chance." " So tin- missr.s ito IK- married, eh?" aaid the gardener to the cook. " Yin ; and in ille^ant utlioyle, too. Shc&apos;g ymn for to have a dhrcHM thray yarnidH long. aud four pall-hcarerii to kerry it ! " s.iirs of all kinrlgtiinmf&apos;<l an<l fileil by It. Lvgnir, Toofh SUM-* a at S<i*H t&apos; />ir factory. - &apos; *&apos; fe &apos; Mr. Whittcn, r., has retired from I Flrsbrrtoii Kar(ll<|liakr. farming and taken up l,i H abode m HUH A tall Flehhertonian measured hit growing town in the handsome residence, l,.,,tli on the -idewiilk opposite this recently en-etcd foHum. office last Friday morning. He came The I&apos;lironoloyic-al Journal -ay,: " In &apos;&apos;""" likl &apos; -&apos;" v " thund.-rl.olt. " (ircat choosing a wife, I* (orerned by 1,, . * I " Fighting Editor. " M i :tnti : l-&apos;li-MhrrtHH tmlienff l on T It watt not a large audience which a- somhled in the Town Hall. Fleshert. >n. Tlmrwlav evening, but it was a most select and appre, i. itive one. The I... iter&apos; .MS u. r\ther prcventr-d many, et- "Wnny Happy RHurns ^ . fr J 1.200,000 tinu, as lar^ as the earth. O f the day to Mr. and Mrs. S. ,, t . (J 1. | N ,. vor WR , R F l, -herton audience 1 1,, y must have an awful Ume hunt,,,, ,,f F l,, h ,, r( ,-n. who , , -|, d.rat-d the fif- Jj f ,, u ,,,, , two t, ,,,th anniversary of th.,r ,-dd,n, day S011S t ,, al , ,; . (K ,. aM ,, n ,, a , !1( ,,. ,, ~ &apos; hist. chin." A man m apt to U- -overued hy " &apos;^ llls li;l - &apos; tr " t:k il l l lis time- th. M&apos;l , tlio same thinj; afu-r he e, t, a w ift-. &apos; llU lllU &apos; st earthquake ! According to l*rof. Proctor, the sun i-. It was i>rt-tty nearly half-past eleven " o&apos;clock when he began to nine; " Mow Can I Ijeavi- Thee ? " to his Iw-st nirl. I&apos;r.-tty soon her pupa cam.- down stairs and hi- found out how casv it was. Blown Ot i r. The brick Balding in Mr. Fred. Ry- dy-lne\v house in Fh-slierton which wan nearly completed was blown over r Morgan pomeuM a very *- ilear. and well cnlturiil voice, .,f much depth and power. He is lioth a \ r f-Hsor of miisic and of elocution. Mi-- Fairy Morgan may well \M- callil tl e wonderful c-hild vocal i-t " H.rsisa Kv,.np,o,,HsonlHarc,ou,,,,n,,,t,mp f , )U ,.. N ,,V tll M , lt! bv the ,, , avv wiml , v ., icp romarkR , llo alike for it(( &apos; of n,es.,av evening last. The lo, will .,, \,, ftl ,,_ its ^ ,, th anil I It -H -&apos; 1 * 1 II 1 be conmderahle. wer her the little maiden wkopruy, 1 : Mr. i iod, I&apos;m tired o&apos; beiu&apos; made good won&apos;t you kill pa ?" l&apos;:i,tor-"KnIsay,aain. brcddcrin. put not y..h trust &apos;in *in,js I " Stdl Hiuall voice, in conRr.-j{etion-" llieht yoh m. chile, right yoh is. ACCH M-t- Uh. -n dafH .In roaaon I&apos;s,- co*. t, r de cha&apos;chw.vuutnoobercoatdismawmn." F.nphroMiM Ml ill Lvads. Last i-k HI- copied an item from the Fl.iiKi!T.iW AIIVAMI. stating tlie editor of th;it journal had Uen IT- nt e.l with a radish weighing o\. r pound*. Thin w-ek Mr. .1. I,. She can modulate the tone* of >- ,| r ,.. &apos; - voice with such prcci-ior, that it will just fill with nweetc*t mcl Tl " >s<> " r &apos; 1 &apos;&apos; ri * ": - 1 &apos; r **" at oty-il* smallest drawing room or r ar """ Wt &apos;" il f"T"f *&apos;" &apos;&apos;&apos;"^ &apos; lo lor, or the latest music hall. * B few h " rtl bcf " n> tlu &apos; r "&apos;l > " r " 1 t &apos;"&apos; 1 On this ,-, asion the l&apos;r..f.-~.r an .1 hi- tlmt "*&apos; wl "" th> &apos; "I*" "" r &apos;"V" r "* eharminuan.! a.v..i u ,,ll,...l litil.- dau K h Ut &apos;&apos; "&apos; U "&apos; &apos;&apos;^"^ &apos;&apos; &apos;"&apos; U &apos; st - VHUTl1 t. r MM (M ted with a ,. rfert storm i-f always in Htock .lur.UK the a|1 ,, UlIs .. ,,,, ,, IIltill1It ,| wlth l,, t l, ensation from fir-t to last. Ki were enthusiastically called, and a!tl,< Mr \V. H. tlvrry. has -tart.-. I TVINTER STOCK ! -is- We Invite Everybody to See it. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here. M. Richardson & Co. PLESHERTOir. the 1&apos;rofessor and Fairy were H|> a ferine, from cold contracted while driv- the stand in( , ,,.,,,,,, a ro |,l. ,,.l tm rain. fr..i, IWM Mmishaw&apos;s HoUd, Fl. -hcrton. th( . ( , n>(it t , |( , ,..,,, ,,,. ,. ,. . -_. . on. ""&apos; travclliDK public cai, U- accommo- V) , r> . ^, MM , I , atllr( ,, 1 , y Wll| ,.,.,.,,.,- . i , ii i . i dated with Lood velnclcM and ImrseH at _i. w i i, ,1,.., .,,,,;;,,., >l,.t of l-.ujdira-in townslnf*. walk.-d into the poMM. It <loe* Beam urpntung. tnat v. rv reason ahle Mr. Johnston .,,.,,. ,,., 1.1 i^. .1.1., >..,,!..-,;, Mirror office and presented ye --erihc . two p r-on- should he ahl<> t will devote Ins whole time and atU-n- , mn Slull ,. n ,.,. fnr urar i y two ,,,.,. ani| tion to the busin,--. and us this IK eon ,,,,,,, t , i( . r , o ^ t att( ., ]tl ,, n ,i . -id. red a most ,\..llci,t centre for a But lt WR , * ; and int. r, -t K.s>d livery, we no doubt, that he fl aw! j, 1( , j,, tn .. 1, a-t -. m.-d to in." *ai I* largely patronU- 4. m M ,,,,_ llllpttl ^.^ ^^ r^ ; . confiilht &apos; .h"ih. Fle-1 Ijicrimse Club dmefve* all cre.h; l.rin.iiii; si., I, ,nj-r;.&apos;r talent to our with one weighing 6J pounds. \Vhen lar^e produ. ts arn tlie i]uestioii before the h.MiM 1 r&apos;.iphrasia n.aua^uH to take auJ Loep tin; tfo... &apos; rd Minor. \V bitten, of Artt-inesia. Jinn- I.iH-Uhart. of I&apos;l.ii ID, Important Mr. Mackenzie l)iiu<-an, of is sok&apos; Igank for the following highly re- iMimmcnded alludes in I his ~i ction. \ i/.. Kiiiery Knife >|^m rs. :i most useful <liime-.ti> iin|>leii:i nt. \\luih will not hn ;ik \ \-.\\ en aeeount of a stcid rod wliicli PHI- tl.roiioh it ; Scythe Sharp- eners. \\ \\ill put an ed^e on scythes in half tl:<- time an ordinary -ton.. would : ami last. lr.t not len-t. IVit.&apos;iil Cake <iriddles. which have Ix&apos;en highly WlHTTF.N-I,,HKHART. .\"t the re.lden, e Thnilk-, B l |H. ol the bride&apos;s parents, on the 17th Sin-cial -. rv ie, "- h. Id ill tho I&apos;" in-t . bv H. v. T. Wat -on. Mr. Thomas byterian i -him h. I I. -sherton, on the af to , vl| MM t, .,,, ,,f &apos;I liaiil.Mjiuny iluy. K. \ . A p r ,,f Mori&apos;an and Fairy will Iwi in u &apos; 1 -"" : " Mr &apos;&apos; "&apos;"" I&apos; 1 "" 1 - I&apos;rteti. il., i), in ,| R i- K 11I1U ] t |,, -j,,,! ., ;> | ,.; ,1.,,,-ian- " &apos; s,,,,,. i, n.aik- to his hear..-.. , 1( . x t. when th.v will r.t.iru to Fl. sher -howniH that it is not only our |iri\ilee ton f ,, r f| . w ,.)..,. j,, ,, r |,. r but als., our duty to return thank- t.. f<)r ,,,,, t |,,.r uniud m* .1 . i,t. , th. Lord; and not only th;it. hut w, m ,., |t , vvllk .i, nia ,, v ,,f ,,, ir M ahst 4 -h.uild always consult our fr.ator in will K- a*kwl to tal-.- those toil,- i- n iinino toourdailx av" ,1 UI . notice will t-e yiv, M I.-H-T on. Tl,.- "S,,k first the kingdom ol j iVeU-ssor in a t "> -&apos; , .with i and its ri ; ;lite,,iisn,-,s and .-ill a ninn | y . f ra nk co, di.nificd other things hall In- added unto you.&apos; l an< i ( .,,nrteouij in dem.rvn-.r .and only 3? \..,i-of at;.-. Helms I i since i he was U years old and ha never t>en hi- wife or children. His wotid, r iu Tin. AI>VAN. i Tin- Only Tw in Th-rr Wan. (>K,dl\ That ehoild there. he is twin. See what a foim> lad he is to U .rd BHILOH&apos;B VITAl.l/.I&apos;Il ihat v.ii i f..r e,, ii, tip. it ion, I., as f Ap|riitr lii&apos;/im-m, ami all i>yiii|-tiiiiis "f llj -p. |>--i.i. I&apos;lii-p 10 and 75 ciiitj per Liottu-. SyM at Medical Hall. I&apos; &apos;T, ba-k, Bid* or rh, st. use stiilnli&apos;ii Porous I&apos; I&apos;M - &apos;J.T cents. S. Id :.l Modicul II ill. r, Fairy who is really sure. a musical prodigy exhibited the most liarr Indeed. \Vlnn.- is the other one? ntrikin v.-nl powers when only three O Kelly What ither \M.II &apos;.&apos; and a half yearn old. Both Profoosor Harr -The other twin. and Fairy will U- . tr.lially welcome^! by ((Kelly Shureaii&apos; tliat wasthe on v the p, ..]!, of I-&apos;h-herton and lie i u wan there was, be jnlx rs. Did ye think *>...! 1 ie\t they \isit us. there wor a <hi//i n &apos;.&apos; Prof. ntil l&apos;alr> Worvan at Ilio is Still Liviiijr ! ( &apos; liiircl I&apos;nii-ually laroe . .ri^re^.-itioiH were attracted to the Hapti-t. IVt-sbyti nan and Methodist Churi hi -. Fle-hiTton, last Sunday morning, afternoon and evening hy the prewi 1&apos;rof Morgan and Fairy .-it ea. li of the si-rvK-i - uiried. At the eveliiln; One of them says !ic cannot buy his goods wholesale at litissk-ll&apos;s quota- tMl . p,-,,,. . 11I1U -p ra> . p.iethr.u. Pi tions. He should |?t> to HuRsell to .jet some fresh flock to sort up with ! all( | K H i r y snil> . -.\re j.e.i t&apos;oiiiiii^ Home lU&apos;SSKFiL gota his Roods At Low Prices and Hells them at Low Prices. To Ni^ht." with ureat earneHtncs and Call nnd Brc hi prices for Watches. JO-MT. Many |&apos;opl. wen- deeply aud Call an.l see his prices for Clocks. profoundly moved by the p< r-uasive . Ie Call and BOO Ins prices for Jewelry, Silverplnte and everything in hi* q&apos;tmce of the ..iimin- ,.f these dmrmin^ line of business. and Rift-l v.-ahsts Ho Cannot help Other Fellows getting Hiled ! (iood Hnyinir and Low Price* does it every time. If your Watch was ever made in keep time, P.ussell can adjust it to i&apos;s best perforiiifinco. S>ojrA!l work wnrranteil. Husscll is still soiling Watches from $1) up, while other dealers ask from $12 upwards. f)on&apos;t tfji to UJill 2it tl\e ^oted Jewelry tiitje You hfe ir\ ! << lcrf nr Tnhlr. f..r-.if n-i form is the nan f v jour- nal published in Toronto l>y Chnrhs Stark. Hiid dcM&apos;ted to &apos;lit hi. S|.,.tt- and Farming lit. :,-;-.&apos; Tin- initial nuniher was issue. I t&apos;.ic w.-tk K for. l.i-&apos; and is a \ery creditalde ,,ne indeed. Mr. W. \\ . Fox. late of the T,-v,.nt.. Jfni/ staff, i- i ditor. Snbsi ription ]!:!. II per year. Tin- /&apos;<irii,. i&apos;< I ,...-, in. crease in inttrestM the it LT..V.S. and is a w.dc.iiiie visitor in the lioiues &apos; of thousands of intidli^eiit, prO(.Te--:\.&apos; a^icnlturists. It is published hy Mr. Win. Wuld, I. .in, Ion. Out.

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