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Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 8

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f. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 1886- W I NTER-1887 In addition to other lines of Boots ft Shoes, I have a tfood supply of WINTER GOODS! Consisting of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Gum Rubbers and Overshoes. Ladies Bubbers, Overshoes and Flannel-Lined Boots. OUR GRAN1M)LD MAN. Knthl(intie i;.,, ^ti,,,, >,C it,, I , - f< i-rir fittl <!<( ill > Ml WM. CLAYTON, Flcahcrton. HEARD'S CARKIA(;E WOUKS! . I'leshertjii, May _'8th, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts ore honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year lar^e additions have been made to oTur facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make. Buggies, Carriages and Wagons. It) our loin; |>rftctii'Hl . v |>. 1 1. in . itnil c%sr1a t uiti"%tion to tin- n nut-, of tin- traiti'. nil the ti. -I x.ttti-riii) wi- hvi- HIIII i-tMli'il in making H I'UfO iiu-h him no Mij.i-ti..r Solu'ltiuij your ortlwm. MI:AUDS CARBIAOE WUKKH. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, I . !: 1 1 K FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, At. I. KtN'PH i ::.: t&l T::,::, t" 2 ^ Siu-li ii Moniinu'iits. Tomb '1'iililes, ( oimli'i ninl 1'alib Tops in American and Italian Marble ami (iraiiilc. and liuiile i>n short nolle.-. Als.i Mantle.-, in Marble and M:irblfi/.eil Slate, Ac., Ac., AIIIJ. :ifl. lKH,"i. HEALTH FOR ALL " KOLiOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT 1'HK PILLS I'linft Hi.- Hlu.Ml.corrfH-l.i1l Hi-..r.l. i.o( tin' Liver, Stoinnoh, Iviin'> - nna icy liniu'ornti-iiiiil ro.tori- toli.-nlth Di-l.ilitnti-.l <'..n.tit utli.ii.. iu..l K n in VH|I,I,|,. m l| f oru l>Uintilioi>luiital t IVliiiU. - of all ai- Ki.r Llilliiri-u nn.l tin- x,-i-il tin-} r |irinli. TIM? OINTMKNT Kanlnralllblori-tmxljfiir lv.l t,.^.. Mail Hn-n-tv nM \i.nnil. Son-i mi.l rtcrni. U l> for '.-MI anil ll)i..innat IMII. Kor ... ...r.i,.r of tin. I I..- i U Im- no <-i|iia). . coruns, COLDS nrsnitK Timo.n. niuw liUn.liilarHwllinK. ln l)l-it^< it IUM no nn.l for i ..ntrai t.-l anil <tlff jnliitu it M-II. liki'n . I.HI in ..illy at l'r..f.j..r lloi.i i, M - n I -tl.lHl,ni.-n. TM, Xrw Oxf,,r,i M mi 4 inlr 5a.t. Otforil Hlrrrl ). l.omloi.. .i il arc nld Kt l. 1J.1..U.. H.I., I *.!.. II.. ftii.ati/1 ^I..-BI-|I Ifc.v or Tot. ami may li<. hail of all M*il . in. V. n. I. in. throttL'liont tin. \\ ..i l.i rff- />i)ri'AiiT *i.iiJ.f I- J. f. i/i. f.,il.l 0,1 Ihr l\,l, ..,..< lt;.frt. If flit iir/./ri-M u nut " "BELL" Unapproachtd for Tone and Qwlity. CATALXXJUM HtM. BELL<S r CO.,CMipii,onL J.'W. BATES, Furniture Denier and Undertaker. VLBHHBUTON. . Owen Sound was visited uu Monday by vW uvt g4 trnwd of pi o|.U- it ban ever witnessed- tfic occasion being Sir John U* .l.n il.i's wwoiul visit tu that town. The regular morning ('. 1'. K. , train from Tttunto hud a sternly aud in [creasing iuiiii* 4i passengers from Or- I aiiguville to CliftlHwortli. Fh'nliertoii I wan the I u - 1 1 1 pn -ciitcd place on thu I Hue, am! on 'Jn way between our dupot nd Hcrkcley. Sir John (whose private car was uttachod tu tint rviw of. the ex- cursion train) pas-cil thronoli every car l iinil was introduced by our Post-Master Mr. U. J. Sproule, tn every mnu, .wom- an and child on )>ard. )?:- course through the train ws greeted wtth the most enthuKiitotiu on-ci-. TU ]>oplu were largely indebted tu Hov. Mr. Ay- eri>. pastor of the Methodist charcli here, for the distinguished honor Unv confer- ri-d upon them by the Premier frf C'an ada. nnd the ^icatest statesman 011 this continent. A nnml.i r were iut todm-itl to the "oraml old man" at Fh-slu-rtoii Station. The Fleshertnn Hand played Home lively airs at the .1. |>t. The scene which met the jja/i- t>f the excursionists as the triu'n hlcauic'l into the Owen Sound dejMit was nnu which never could IK- forgotten. Thousands of people thronged the station yurils and adjoining streets. myriadH of tl.iu- float- ed over the town, hands ]'l;u ino. raily m. muted horsemen cantering latin r and thither, handsoine carnages, the deaf- .:iiin;; and prolonged < hrcring of the {HHiple, wnl thu wild cutlinsianni which prevailed, hatttnl all uVsoriptiiu. The streets were densely thronged with citi- zen* .ui I vikitora, handsome archeH spanned the streets, and flags of every description floated from every hnilding. AT I ;ll l.ol I j u HIMi. I Iu n short time this Inrye edifice was filled to ni-r!lo mi:, and hundred-, had to K" away- but a large number <if them wvrt accommodated at tlio Town Hall Where .Mr. Meredith, l|ui>. Titos. White, and others addressed tlie |-..|.h- while at the same time Sir John and th oth- er speaker* addreaned the people- iu tVt rink. Mr. Thim. OoTih.h. P.S.l. for .North Urey, wa chairuiau, and introihiced l)r. Hproule. M. I', for Kant (ir-y. who i wns nvcived with yi-cat apnlinac and cheemio. While the Dr. was eJtnjiiciitly holding the lUtvntion of the viMtt and ieiice, Sir .J.Jin Macdouald entered the 1. nil. lino. Instantly the andicuuc arose ni iiiiiM'-. a:id such tn nittnilo such waving of hats, and -ex S of handkerchiefs from th< ladir*' gal- leries. was never heard or Keen, -' n Inro to say, in the county of drey be- ^ furc. Kof more than five Inintrtes the [ cheering and applause wiw simply deaf- Sir John was .ittinli-il t<u th rin by Hon. Mr. Thompson. Min- of Justice, lion. Tlnm. White. Mi'n 1st: r i-f the InWriur, Mr. Meredith. M. P., lender ol the Oppos-Hion in Ontario, Mr. MasKon, (j. (' . candidate for the roinin. .us. N. ('}., I>r. .l.iniii son, nomi- nee e*f the Cimscr'Vativi! party* In South On v for the C'omninns. and others. An :i'liiii- to Sir John iwhy, iu In n veil'* name, air addresses inflicted upon people :>) was re id W Mr. Goo. P. ton, after whieli the Mmi-tir of . lion. Mr. Thoin|mii- who was I<nidl covered delivered H union irtcent oratif.ii. iu wLich the Kiel matter was thoroughly discussed, nnd tAirt people of North (Jrey reminded of the portion taken by Mr. Allen. M. P., on tlifct ijiuw- tion. The "Itare and Uevi'iig*" cry, the irV.l>.-' "sharp and Hiiildeu elirvtk," the iuiincnse gatlit >ing u the Champs de Marn. Montreal, and ther matter* well knnwu to our readcrx. were pre- sented in tlie m. ..t cunviiwiMg nn.l logi* cal manner. Mr. >Ud<euxie'rf patriotic utterance, ''WiouM the fitno ever come for lue to d. n,l, I., ii., , i, jiariT and ! country, 1 shall stand by the country," | i-. coinpareil with the. COU*HU |iurnued I by \,\iu>tt! geiitlemea w ho were rndevor- I ing to transform a ntnnlercr and trait- or into a martyr and patriot. N'otwith- j standing Mr. Hlako's "rea* upet-vh on I the execution of Kiel, twenty-three of I Ins foll,,w, rs Mitc.l that thu Govern- I mi ni was right in law and right in .tu- | tiff. There was not one word in al! the evidence furnished at that trial to inculpate the Government. KM ry jury- man wrote on In- ballot that Hi. -I irui guilty and prrfrrtty fine. Uou. Mr. Thomson then refuted a slander ai;niiist the government, in which it had been alleged, that a request by Dr. Clarke to the brain u< Mn-l had l**.u r- f i.-.l until after decouipoitition had set in. Hon. Mi. Tliomsoii' saiil thu stat< II..-H" ii- ntiitly f+-. Dr. Clarke hid never made auv am h r.-.|in-sl . . He ad- ded further, that the body of Louis Ki( 1 contrary tu tlio custom - wan handed over to his relativeH for inter- ment. Kiel was in the asylum twice, it wa' true, hilt he wibt there at hiw own request in shelter frn justice. He wm shamining i?iMiiiv. Sir John Miic. loii.-ild next came to the 1 front of the platform to reply to the ad- di c- .. but it was k/tnw niiunti - before I he could In- henrd an account of the thunders nf ajip.Vn*. Aiuj dcnfenino ; cheer* which greeted Ir.ui. Tlie "Grand , Old'' seemeiVVl>* lOiich gratified J at so cordial n nM'ittioil, and referred j to '-tw (act very f<V>ling[y in In . brief i half hour s]n-eij. The diffcniice lie- t twmli the Owen Aiinnd of nine years ag<>. when he lit < "i-iti-.l tlie vee. and the Owen Sound /if t*-dnf. wd* trongly (Sbhtrasted, nnd tV cluuie for the bet- ter hirgidy Ui ibnttd iu the I "-in tic. nt ii/nneiices of !> Nut.H.mcl Hi ' k |>olicy for the development of i*DfUiufac- , lures had Ix-iai dilh tenii/.^l. *iU every '(riinim- nfade fdithfiilly cnrticd out. : This (rnv different from the cxnirse of the l.iiw-. wlw> weri Uivs t^kmiipliiietl by a certain poi t. . "As ll-* nn rt. -H.I- M lulit i-i'a*i' tlirlr Hum. So M uliuf in Hi. ir |.:i . - (>rit urnu liuinl. : " "When the Conservative government ret n i ned to power in 1*7*. said Sir John, "they were handed an empty 'lug!" The rapid construction of the great transcontinental railway- the!'. P. 1{. was referred to in that happy yet , forcible manner so pei nliar to him. i "Mi . Mackenzie's plan of eonstrnetiug ' the mad by piece-meal would have tnk- i iii till the year '2NK6 before it could ' have been completed !" The U'liefit of the (MM! as a nipans for traiiK]>orting liritish troops across tlie continent, 1 through liritish soil, to the Pacific iu case of war with China or Russia was very clearly show n. Kiiglaiid now tinds Canada a wiurce of strength rather than a so nice of weakness. The opposition mode many adverse statements, and sought to create disunion amongst Can- I adians by fostering the "Hoee and Ite- veiige" cry. decrying Canadian in. Ins tries, Ac.. Ac. "Well," said Sir John, "we believe everything the Opposition says tr/i- it mutt iinrn-lm .'" In refer- ence to the Kiel matter. Sir Johu mid the (iii\erniiieiit had "punished the murderer as a murderer oiijjht to be pmii> In d." Ueferring to ))u- Mackencie KIIVCI nnn nt. Sir John asked the ques- tion, what had that "ovcrimmit done, win u some on the front seats shouted "Nothing," others said "steel rails I" Vis" said Sir John, "there was a litt!e bit of -''/ about that, I dare Riy." Kir John hs nut now that jaunty air In' once so larorly possessed, uor yet Im* he that firm, elastic step he had wln-n we first saw him iu 1H7.V Nor could he IK- expected to |>Htess them. . It- is now 7*2 years of age two yearn ; pa the allotted lifetime of mortals ; and if rrniBrkably active and vigoroun for bU age. Uis Uair is becoming sil- : vernd by *Ji*i front* >f many inters/ > hut thr iifd man citn yet h"M the atteu- I f.n of an twidU-.ii! u an can no other man 1 in [ .1 .*. S-oITi. 'I L.- 4rrMigineuts in cviinectivB with ! iin-nilicrs of the |>rM %ts of a most wretched character. The nsual invita- . tion to take seats >m tbo plartfonn was ; not cxtfiid'Nl, and r|i<Htcrs an I editor* ! HcramMed tip as best liu \ kuvw ttow. Those nev sjuipir IUMI win. have i loudly Hwallowetf ttrry ti of the t'on- | servativu government wen- finni-bed i with tickets to the banquet- thuigg>t | toady i.1 thr pndrllo rxing AI[dia4iHical | Jenkins. Others were rigidly excluded <irtt M. Tory t*iug tritI alike. To (he Public. \- wv havu U-i-n making li. r^ti . ami have p-t/ laiyrc. dining nn,in tlmli formerly, we urv prepared to (fjve vithcP Dinner or Luncu at any hwur of the il VT < iiv,- un a cull. You will find nur |iricti> i !:.. F/rtS 1 Oyatew on Irand f..f- thu SCHH.'II. 4t. JAMKH jNK\V AOVKftTfSKMKMS. STRAY HEIFER. " Stii. . .1 from til* |.r.-i;.l -i-f of tli.' ur.lf r-u-i ' t Lot 77, lt I'oli., North Itnrhaln liomi. A.-f. 1.1. M.I. I >i-itr old Hvlfcr, .niH (ray, on* white bill.l f.M>t. ln-l -..n ulMiut ^1 t iJ.-i-.i .r Killilur will U nuitubl) tewar.U il K. I.IX.AHi; IH MIVRTON FARM TO RENT. Bi-iiif I "' '11, <Vn. -V Art<-iiii"-i Toni.hi|i, eon ' Itiniiii.' Kmrrr murr or li^ . T5iUT<kcIvrJ MII-I in u p>'"l flute of fiiH>il brii k dL'llin^. ^'"K! out (mil'llug*. U(HM| oti l.mni. i- i. i fi.ln * - iu-\ t-r fnliini.' wi-'l uf wiitiT. hitltltti i) ' milM from Iflwilu'itoii, in. I n.n.-niriit b> rhiHl 'lYrius niaiU' known u upclicMtiou fci i/ndfrciuilwl. lti:SllY DOWN. MH-t.f. riwbrrton P. O. TEACHER WANTED.' \ Kur SiliiM.I Sfi-tliili V" IL Vrt. in.-ni. tlnlilillf Mttci'ii'l or Tliinl <-'''^ I'lTtiAi'iir. ilmifii (in iti lHi-.1r1 rt> i.l .Innlturv, l7. \ji t.. 1'Afl., S,.rri-lr>. Teacher Wanted. \ "t Si-hH.I s. < t i"ii No. :t, I .iii-nri liU|lleoBd or Thlnl t'l*4 i - n rtiuuiit irL'i- <>ii lln- :inl iln > nf .fiiu ply, -tfttini; MnlKcv. t*> J. U. KAXVi'lITT. . U-. h"irt mie-> 11* STRAYED. " i itnii- I ut-. Ill-- I'li-nii..'-- uf tin' r-i|tii-tl. l I. Cun.x. Onjiri-i. KIII- lv>.> >i'r o|. I st,.i ilnrk n-'l ( i in r run hnve Minn 1 In pro\ in!,' prt> ' . JOHN t UNTDN. STRAYED. ('(i; to I!M' |irnnlMei^ tW- uinlnr.iBin*f. \*A 7 Con. U. i . on i!i.- '.-jiiil (U-toin r. 'J > rliu Hi-if. r our nil mill the otlnT '|K.t(i-il Ownur run liv<. tin- -tin' by iirovini; iro|irrty iml |'i> u u. xii'i'- JOHN I. . MAUHKN STRAYED. CAMKIutotliu|iri.|iiiM'> of tli< .iiliM-ru'iT. i I .\.r-linio. xUiiit mi. Ml.- of Sf|itriol>r. miiHll n. I >.rliiif H.-if.-r I In- umin-r in it- iiiii.^ti-.l t.i iirovi. proiMTtv. IIAV PinenMV MM Uk.-l.rwin W I) CAMI'.MIiSK MONEY TO L()AM~. At < If-f <:iit. On Town or Kami Proix'ttv S tiAMI'IIK. FARM for SALE KM HTTP* In tlii' Tmrn-lil|i of KiiphiKklit; ' mil* from KII|K i ].-> : T* i. r > . l.-nn-il. nrailf Iri-i- from !tlllll)p^ ; y nnl I.. ;tnn- (lii-)iaril : rlu k.ii). frnni-' huilUl i '(.'". H' .11- Htnlili>. mi.l Itni ii all In tro.M ri'imir I'IL. -".'no Knr Kuriboi i.iirlH-iiUm |i|)l\ to tHDMAS IIV.XKS. nil Hi. l'n-iiii-.- N II Tlu-r.' an- l:icn- Kail \Vhrt now fit tin- (,-ronnil TlioroiiKb-llrpil BERKSHIRE BOAR! WITH RiMid ^wliKriT will siini.l fur uriiHon nf 1-M, 7 ill Lot No 141 fliHt llaliKc i:k' uf Tor- onto 4 Hyilenhtm Koiul. XI-I.-HM -m Trtn uu iiln-atiiin. JM'tlH A. L.KVF.R. SCROFULA " Wliat t< I.T. .'..I'- SIN., .!> ( -ir. for"? U i. for l'-|s-|.i.ia.,-r Coiii|.lnlnt. lu.l... . i Won, BlllolMvM.and It In il..- KM.- -t 1. 1..,,. I purl- flur In It* Snowirworlil to-. lay. Ii... - i| nlv,, -.iii.fii. ii,.n 7 \\ r .'ft II not point to oil* trt**nlli> ii . i. U IM ; i.. -i " Whi-rf di<^i ft liaVr tin- luri-. t -ulf ?" , IliKlit In oh,- ,-iit --f HaioHtnn. win-re It la niniiiifacliiml. id. it Ita- b.-*i i.n-r<>ii. tlic.iiKniiil ilollarn ..i tn Mil.) in tu u-t yir >i-<ntl. ami thu (Fuat nmjorit) of tin. nali-ii .u . I./ Hi. r. i-iiiini.n<liiiK It tt'amtthi.r. For fall- At JtV liM 1 iHJI-i-r i-..ttl. liy tin- llriumlM. U'HT KMnxiT DIM-TOIM. runmilt if for tl or ,S DX. Imltlr ,it ni.-ln-iiii. || p ( , n . null tin- l)niK K iiit inn) hi* will five von * It oz. l.oitli- of l>r. CkftV I.irtirOnrV for II, Mil) a Tullllkblc II. !; ):,. k (r,-, . Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Cm be eared by purifying the blood with A I'll. .11 Til- 1. 1. I.1II )-, , v ),,,-,, hliVf M- r.nn|.|i-li. .1 the nuiH- amount, m work an4 KINK) In thin wurld tin . 1. l.iaii.l Dr. H,..r. (in r fiuo.lMMl of lii wurka Imve !" n xolii in ('auaiU alonr. \\ want rvrrjr pi-rioii tiniiblui) iil. I.ii. r i-oinpiiiiht l)yi- pi'jmia Hnnlix-li,-. Ki.luo vr Ciiiiury lr,'.i|. !. 'u mil m at the DrlM si.,n atij day a l.ottlt. ..( hr. rlnn . I.n, r I'ur. it ill .111* : on. M.ilum- and H. r, v , fi....k 9I.UU. I do not IM-H.-M' tlmf Ajrr't -in sup.irilln h.n an i-i|Ual :ii* a rcuwil* for -.-i.ifnl.iii> lln inor*. It U plcanant to Ink.-, glvrii Klri'iik'ift .ui.| \igiirlo Hi.- body, Mill pnxllJCl'l a lli'ilr prrimnrnt. laitlni;. tf- ult limn ni> ni'-ilii'liK- I rViT u'ti'd. K. I! Jim N. Ni>. Umiak, O. I linvo unl Ayrr*o S:n -:i|i,u ilhi.lll IIIV f .1111- lly, for Sorufuln, nnd > know. If It \i liikii! f.m lifnli> . U Wilt IhuroUKhlr i rmll. ati thN li-rrlblr illi-. W. K. Kowkr. M. D., Urccnvllk, Trnn. Kor forty yr 9 have Mill.-ri'il with Kr* - iix-l:n. I bavr trk'ii II aorti of n in. .llr, for in; foinphilnt, hut f. HUH I n. i 1 1 Ili-f until 1 com mencfil unlnir Avxr'n Sarnaparllln. Afirr InkliiK t<*n bol- ll>- uf tllU ini-<li. in. t Mill i "lll|ili-l. I) rlirril. - - Mary < . \mriliurr. Kovkport, Mr. I liavr nif. r.-.l. for M-:II-<, from i atnrrh. \\ Illrh WH tl'VITr ' that It .1. ir.n ,-,| m .l|p| till- Illll nrnki III .1 niyiymcni. Aflrrlrj-. Int: oilier rfiui-illi . : nnil L-'-lilin- mi relief, I iM'Klin til l.iki- Avir' <:ir-:i|nirillu, nnd. In a frw iniiiillK, wiKftirnl. Silisn L. (nnl, MOM \lli-ill) -t.. II., .1,14 lh.-liLiii.l-. M:i... Ayi-r't .-:ii-..ji:.rlll 1 l> iiiii'ri.ii to inn III. .... I puriiji r Hint I' liiv* rvcr tried. I lia>* tnki'U It tor Srrofula. i i u W i r , Binl ."-ill- KM. inn. and ruci-hi.l inn. Ii In-ill lit from It. It N pood. Rlmi. fnr wrnk "loin i.-li. Mlllk .innc I'. In-. . Houtli Hradfnrd. Man. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rr*a>r*d t>r Dr..t.!. Ayr &ra.,I.owill, I'M.- !.*! bMMIrl. i.

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