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Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 7

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A H.I... mm. Bb* knelt with bur neat hands folded, H r fair little head bowed low, While ili ml vine* tapped un tbe window And tb* air wa* thius with enow. Without, earth dumb with winter ; WitniD. htarts dumb with ear* , Aud up through tb* lad*o sileooe Hoe* softly the baby's prayer. Bice* all whom I love, dear Father, Aodbelp ma b* good," abe said. Then stirred op a sudden fancy , bh* lifted the snmug head. Did abe catch on the frua*n maple Borne blntof ih* April green, Or th breath of the woodland bloeaossa The drifts of Ibe SLOW between ? " Tb* beautiful trees ' abe wblapered, " Where the orioles used to sing ; Tbey are. tired of the oold, wbiM winter ; Ob. help them to , row lo the spring. Anil the flowers that I love to gather, Lord, bring tnetu again In May; Tb* dear little vlo'ela, "leaping Down deep la the ground to-day. ' Ah I earth may b* chill with mowflake* ADd hearu may be ooM with oare, Bet wast** of i frozen .ilence Ar* ero**ed by ibe baby'a prayer: ADd Itpe that were dumb with sorrow ID jubilant bop* may mug; Tor when earth ia wrapped ID winter, ID ins heart of the Lord 'tis spring. Mu !-! *) llr.nall, Not**. Julie Levy, ih* oornsliil, will shortly begin a tear ot ihe world. Tb* American Opera Company travel this season with ovei 300 peope*. Pat ti sang at a concert in Albert Hall. London, Uugland, last week to over 1 * (XX) THE LADIES' COLUMN. Litt le Hints for Housekeepers that Way Com* Handy. NOVELTIES IN DRESSES AND HEAD8EAR. (Couin kaM'e Weakly Budget.) Barry Sullivan. Ihe great Irish tragedian, will visit America professionally out ea son. Dr. A Q. Oerster dsnie* thai his sister, Mm*. Oentor, ha* beoom* iotan*. B* aay a tb* r*port u a malioioui boax. Tb* lady has been ill bat ie steadily improving, and there ia no reaaon to enppose that her voio* has been affected in any way. Mr. Wilson Barrett's Isading lady, Miss Eastlak*. bas a peculiar styis of wearing r ar hair, which Is likely to become popular. Already several New York maiden* bave mad* their appearance on tb* etreel witb Ibeir he*/* encircled by tirtut* aureoles. Mr*. Langtry waxeth wroth because il ha* been intimated that the ha* grown tenter, and, even Ibe fact Ibal the critic* all agree thai cue ha* improved in ber act- ing, oaonot atone in ber eyei tor Ibe other atatemerl. Kmbou point il Ik* bete Mire ol every aolrees. Mr. Wilson Barrett i* said to ows much of bis elocutionary excellence to tbe lur.tiou ot hi* wit* wbo wae formerly Ml** Caroline Heath, reader to Queen Victoria, and an excellent aotr'ss. tUts bad achieved fame long before her boaeand. An awful quarrel ha* broken out .n Ibe B>So Ideal Opera Company because Manager F.teter bae been trying to boom Magau'ell* Leblaoebe, tb* new contralto, at tb* expense of Mies Hnntiogloo, tb* old contralto. Tb* nmtr eirdiale between tb* two ha* been interrupted M ecob. a Bad extent tbat tfme elle Lablaoob* will not pa** the oold beans to Mice Hontington at Ib* hotel table. - < ncnj/o Hem. M. OooDod't kindn*K* ot bear! i* pro vsrbisl. Not long sines, daring bie recent itay in Normandy, a little friend on summer'* bight incited ibe composer to stake him a kite. M. Gounod eel to work aod made a monster. Midnight taw the computed. ) jcl s ib* n*w day wee *|ing In, th* maeitro took op bit poo and as a fioiebiug touch, inscribed on Ib* face of Ibe toy a brief aonata. Rumor dee aribe* il a* on* of tb* most eqaiaile gemi that be baa ever written. One of loos* my stations " housekeepers ' wbo ere constantly enlightening the world about tbe beet way to doai a room or to spank a baby, gives ibis sapient edviee : Another restta! and really seoncmieal thing ie to have a looog* in the kitoban, where yon oan lie down easily. With twenty minntei ehaoge ot poeitios, a re- freshing article to read, or a nap, yon will be surprised bow you ee>n turn off tbe work afterward." It'e to be boped tbe nook or tbe maid-of -all-work won't ice this, tor a loungo in the kltoben would be seh a niee plan tor aeeeleraling the work of a bouse, beside, having conceded tbat, tbe next requirement most be a piano. It a woman 11 ooee her own work " ebs oan Us down wksn or where sbe pleases, while wailing for the dinner to cook, but the oh would be the dinner would be rained. Tbsre is no economy is that, sorely. 'tople wbo can't sit op " daring basioese hours " are Blander, like mod, driee and (all*, of. Blmplielty Ie often tbe i ff tpring of ioo paxjily. The bumble man aever kai to make apologies. It't a wise sardine tbat known it'i own father. Home is tbe anchor of tbe eonl ani bap pined tbe banker. A rolling etoos may gather DO rooa*. bat it doeen'l git left. A black eye to you antaMoi*! is often worth two blaok eyee to yoareelf. Contentment is laid to be as good money. Botb are bard to keep. The wise man lakee tbe bandage off his eyee and pole it over bis mouth. MM is a paradox. He praye for tbe mil- lennium and acts to prevent lie coming. It u singular, bat true, that itraitaned etreometanoe* do not lend to make a man erect. Vben 700 got a ewect oxpressioo on yonr face il vaa outer a good many (reeklei about! your coaodenanee. Tbe difference between fame aod money is tbat one covers a man with glory and Ibe other with gsod clothes. Never borrow if you can poeaibly a* or: it, but if yea are compelled to, then borrow enough to make il pay you. " How shall we reach the meeee* ? " aeki a religion* paper. " Dear brother," replies Bnrdette," yon ean best reach them witb a spoon. Go for them with a knite and fork Humanity s lender point is its paunch The eonieienee of man may be seared ae witb a hot iron, bat bis maw ie ever open to imprsNions. His Intellect may be Innled, bat bie appetite is a giant. Tsk him to tbe conoeri or the theatre, and be eomes away to seek the neareet feedin) plaoe where he may gorge himself before he sleeps. Tbe little HrogRllog church thai bankrupt* iteelf "till farther by ventariai on a lecture oonrie, finally lifts itself clear oat of debt by isriee of sappers. A msi who will not pay 60 cents tor a bonk wil damp SI M worth of dinner into bis sys tern. A pienie without ten perte of fend to one part of band is a flat tailors. When we ' receive ' a distinguished guest, we teed brru ; when we say ' good-bye ' to sn eminent oni/.eu, we give him something to eat. We have a feast lor tbe wedding gueite, luncheon for Ibe watchers, and a light collation for the moarnere. There are a tbouiand restaurants to one library yes, more. By and by, it Ibe principles ol evolution be true, Ibis world will be peopled by a race of elomaohs with legs and arme The legi will be needed, to oaary the stomach tc tbe trough, and the arme to Al t up." ^ A number ot ditooveriei of coal vein t have been made recently " fn 'variooi parts Oregon. to b* pitied ; but don't let hem advooaM ' a Mings " as a remedy, it i a atomay piece of furniture hat would be awfully in tbe wy ot the tote and pan*. l.rr.o. n k* M< 11 . r M o_r . < ..I. (LooeVM Wcrld.) The barveel homes are beginning again and show BO lign of decreasing in popular avor. Arehdeaoon Dsoisuu ;--emaed for bs thirteenth lime at tbe fa -.'aujed one at East Brent, in wbioh seek- led viilagi some l.OOO people were assembled. Then was tbe usual prtoeetion bsfore dinner ol men and women carrying hogs joints ol meal, plam-poddinge, a loaf weighing nineiy-t 1 pouuda.and a ftraa tidt obeddar oheese weighing tigbty pounde, beeides abundance of beer and cider ; and tbe pro oeedings sndsd, as n*nal, with a danon on ibe vicarage law j. The Archdeacon quite frightened Hou. A. H anbury -Tracy, wbo did not know bis ways, by tbe vigoroeu onslaught be made on tbe ladiee for wear DK b*ok bottooe on Ibcir coals Hs irwaye tboejght tbal women oared greatly lot ibe graeofulneei of ibeir ftppearane Mil having watobed them lately in London ie began So doubt u and bs f sit so euoogiy about their back bultone thai if be were a mle younger he eboold atari an snti-borl ton eoeiely. He aoMSsed hie b; thai gentlemen originally won buttons on Ibe back of ibeir coals wswo they travelled moeh on horse-back in orde to f a>eien up ibeir eoal-lailn, but be did no appoee tbe women ot tbe period propoae( to fststsn np the taiU ot ibeir tkirte. llt- 'I.. ,.r..|.., Pillow-shams are ont of laehion. 1'ilicws are mi!ler than formerly. White grsoadins ourlaiue, wiib dan Isoe insertion and edging, are drawing-rooms. Portieres abootd be of heavy mstetia aod may be ot Turn man, tapestry o ploab Handsome Ian pa are need even IE bonsea where there is gas. Tbsy are of porcelain braa or bronse, with fancy shades. Tbs >maller the roin, the lighter ihool be she furniture ei d Ibe decoration of Ib 'all. A large room ebonld have beav luroiture and the wall* may bs dark. A bed-room should never be aombsr, tb brighter tbe better. While eerim enrtatn with antique lace border and meer ian ar liked tor chamber windowe. Tbe wall boald be of ligki lint, Ibe pictures reetfu and pleasing. Bearfs are greatly in favor, and are pa Ib numerous ones. Chair scarfs are more sly lieb than tidies, esptoially for slraigb baoked chairs. Mantlet are often drape iab crf instead of lambreqnine, an bureaus, sideboards and tablet are oovere with long eearfs with ornamsnial snd. There are many things more itiporlan about a boms than liue fnrniabiogs. room in winter shoold have all Ibs sn poeeibls ; a bribl firs, two or Ihrsn eas ebairs, a fsw ectra easbions, and a rsadabl book with the leavss uncut, would go far toward making tbe plainest room oony an oomforlablr. I) Mint luy an ogly pisee of fornltnr limply because il U ebeap. In purebasinK oooaidsr eomfort nrst, then beauty. Tr to combine Ibe two in all you purchase l'i net be in haste to get everything s ones, hat gradually build ap your bom until il is " a thing of beauty and a jo forever " to all its inmates. Tbs prevailing wood lor dining-room furniture tbe coming year will be oak, U tin eat carved in antique style aod high! poliibed. Tbe room ahonld have an oa mantel to eorresposid. Osk ball sofas and carved chairs are all the rage. Dm ing-room chairs are usually cushioned leather. Fine table damask bas the worked mono gram in the centre ot the napkins an table elotht, Dinner cloths or tray cloths are now fashionable when mads of the new Iris linen witb oolored borders in to-eslls peasant work. fmmttn. A rather pretty style for a 2-ysar-ol baby's Iroek ie of bloc eurab, with a sbor skirl trimmed with a flinnosof nnbleaobe thread lace ; a liimming of similar lace pal ou in braots over the bodice, the epaee between being plaited ; the sleeve, eo very long and ample, is caught np at tb elbow and fastened witb a bow of ribbon Small mantelets, witb the Ironl doubled np so as to form slsevee, are mad of a fancy woollen material called na. tie, ebades of gray and beigs. Tbsy an trimmad witb woollen braid and fringe to match, and are vary pretty and useful to morning walking toilets. The tame moda is also made more elegantly in faille or sll rep, trimmsd with guipure lace. Children's toilets do not offer mnc novelty, being always ot tbs loose America style. AD open vest Is now trrqaentl added to Ibe plaited frock. A lastefa mods tor a little girl from 8 to 10 year* ol has the plaited aklrt aod plastron ot strip* bloc and leather-brows camel's bair. b* opu jacket ol dark bio* clotb , out out iqnars tab*, and trimmed wttb larg* attons. In new manllea we bave been shown eksts of friuly clotb,msd* tailor fashion, dark shtdee ot color, travelling cloaks of woollen seLgliar, long enough to cover o m- plstsly tbs skirt, and mantolsts ol basket work ailk, or silk r*p, pr*llily trimmed with galloon and fancy friog*. Tb*** mantle* are quite *bort a I tb* back, not coming down below the waist, and tailing I'juere lappets in front. A prslly morning ooelume i* of pal* Off flannel aod bright bio* twilled surah. loth Ih* under and upper *kirt* ar* ot the " tanel the flrtl plaited, the second draped. DO bodice, plaittd bloo** fashion, u ol the bins sorib, flnitbsd al the top by a tend and collar, aod at the waist by a wide sa*h ot Ih* aams matsrial, ti*d in a loo** bow at Maok. The middle plait of tbs bodlO* is flsttoosd down, and pretty pearl buttons are placed over it. Tbe change predicted for oar eoJffar** iO*s not seem likely to take plaos ysl. The bair is til 11 piled np at the top ol ib* bead, aod well bra*bed up trom tb* nape of tbs ; the only change i*, that in front the bair i* no longer meessd over ihe forehead a tew light curls or wivea fall on each side, Kit the bair Is brushed up wsll off ihs temple*, leaving the aart qaito free. Tb* mall peaked Capot* agree with Ibis style ot coiffure , il is psr*b*d on Ih* top ot the lead, aod it* trimming* ar* pray* ol 1 .were, or tips of feathers high in Ib* air joop* of velvet satin or moir* ribbon ar< uperposed and combined with draperies ol a** or gauxe ; wtds strings ar* wming nto fashion ooo* mor* with the new bonnet*. Mooing gown or matiroe* ar* faah onahly made In In* shape of a po.oaaUe or redingote, quite long, though not train thaped, tigni fitting al the back, with an lira width let in to give tb* necessary 'ullness al tht waist; and loose front. open in front over a plaMron and skirl 'root ot another material. For instance, matin** ot tbi* description 11 ot gray oaab mere edged with an Oriental border in mixed color* , Ib* plastron and skirt Iron ir* of dark-bio* oaabmsre, with bars o Oriental oashmsre seroe* tbe plastron down to Ihe waiat ; Ibs collar and cuffs arc el Oriental cashmar*. In other model tbe reomgote is of cloth-finished flaons with vtlvst herder, collar and eoff* ; ih plastron and iktrt front ot ilriped >urai or ot fancy silk and wool striped pekiu velvet taab is tied al ihe waiai. Latest HroliUh Nrus. Rsv.Dr. Story, of Riaenaath, is named as Ibs aooeeeaor of the late Rev. Dr. Lee in the Chair of Obnreh Hiatory in Ola*gow i ui varsity. A rumor has been circulated tbal Mr Wioana, of aborting fame, is abiious t purchase tbe Inland of Bkys. At nils* ysars' purchase ot tbe proeent rental i wonld bring about 11 MO 000. Mr. MeEwao, M. P., bas inMmatod his intention of sompleiinc. al bie own charge the new Kdinbargb Uaivtreity building by Ibe erection ol a *raod hall aod otbi neoesaary adjuncts, tbs sum being 60 OOC Tbe fourth centenary of the burgh u K-rkwall, Orkney, was celebrated on Ib Mid all, and the eeeaaion wss fur tbe watkad by Ibe formal opening of Ibe municipal buildings, hi-h have just bee completed al a ooel of 6 000. Al a meeting of tbe Inverness Count Commissioners 11 was stated Itat dunu tbe last four years there bad been an In ereaae in ibe expenditure, due to Ibe di lurbauoee in Skye, of over 13000, 8 800 of which bad been paid by the county. The minister of Cm ff on the Ib b nil. told hie pariabionere tbal they bad only tbemaelves to thank lor thsir lessee in tbe harvest Held, loasmnsb aa ou a recent fine Buoday tbs farmsr* and ibeir men were in bed or in church wnsn thsy ought to bavs been at work. Il is proposed in Edinburgh to present a testimonial to Sir J <mee Oowaoe. Ibe Chairman of the Kxreotive ol tbe Edin- burgh Exhibition, foe Idea mooted la to utari with 3,000 taken from tbe enrplns fund of ibe exhibition, which It variously aatinjalad al between 10000 and 90.000. FABITI AND GABDBN. A good grooming ia a* refr**kingto a ion* a* a bath I* to a man. Turnip* ar* a native food tor sheep arm*r* m England feed scarcely anything s*. It U uaele** to hop* to d**lroy tb* acid y of oertaiu soil* by the applieation ot m* and otb*r tuppowd oorreotlvt* ; only rainsg* will aooou, uh.u it. Tb* Hlruggle again*! weedl may be eon tinned IL autumn with tore or asee MM- isss as long a* ihs seed* 0*0 b* induced to pronl, ready lor deslrnoliou by Ihe har- row. The theory that low)* and rorkeya in jar* b* grain by roaming through It u not true, while tb* tinge tbey kill and their drop- logs made solubls by the rain inerea** the crop. Ail giant or lall-growing sel*ri*s should i avoidsd ; a* a rule, they an always .ore hollow, giv* twit* the labor to work and are inferior in flavor to the dwarf rowing tort*. Where wire fencing U not ta*ily obtained be poultry yards may bs l*n**d with albs, which will last two Masons. Laths maks a cheap tenos, but tbs wire netting mor* durable. In leering potato** Ih* first sounder* ion is to keep tbsm in p*rt*cl darbo*** he next is thai Ih* bine should not b* too l**p, nor over three feel, els* it prod warmth and can*** tbsm to sprooi. There is no belter plan for freeing roomt and cellars ol mildew than lo barn tulpbur n them. The rxoous should be ifleoiualiy oloeed and not opened tor one bonr alter Ming filled with tbe sulphur fumes. Flowers intended for winter blooming should b* polled at once, it not already attended to. As a mie geranium* that have flowered freely during ibe summer inoi be depended upon for winter bloom. Tb* beet drug for poultry is carbolic acid. Oel a pint ot tbs crude*!, tor fifty oents, put il al ouo* into a gallon of water and sprinkle il with a broom all over the chicken bouse aud its furniture once month. There U no farm interest thai tends more surely to ibau tb*p on laud eoited to K' zing, especial); where we*da or bu-be. interfere with sueeeeelul culti- vation, or on lands too rough to till saeiiy. Alter Iroel ha* pinched the graea*e they are no boger tafncieol lor cattle thai musi b* kept iu good fleeti LOT fur ecwe giving milk. Add enough grain aud tbe graw will serve much belter M maintain good condition. Fall plowing, to have tb* bae I * fleet, should 0* late and Ih* furrows letl looaje, set on edge, Ibal tb* action ol trust may b* complete, rial furrows shield ins luwtr toil from trust, thus impeding Its Beneficial operation. Tb* beet bed lor figs is one made o leaves. Fins litter ot any kind ia always prtlerred by them to thai which is ooar**, and ih* cheap**! aod most sonteuien i leaves, wbioh re juire no preparation lor that pnrpowe. II pumpkins ar* good food for cattle, tbi beet time to feed them la before they ar* frcztn and while Ih* Mm perainre I* nol low enough to chill animate that take into their atomaeh* fifty pounds of the watery stuff al a mat*. Kill your next year's weeds now. Pull, di, muw, rake, pile and boru all ibe weeds yoo ean tlud iu tilled land, meadow, \ ure and by the roadside ouw, aud you win bave deetroyed untold millions of weed seeds wbioh otherwise next year wonld bave developed into ooxioui, labor-making, manure ouBsuu.iug, crop weakening weeda, enough to make Ibe heart *iek, th-j back ache and Ibe pocket empty. All chicken of jet blaek breeds, Ib* adult towie ot which are blaek, produce chiokt with whit* breaets. Wban tbey g*l ibeir adull robe* the flatters become Many amateure or beginners have been dii appointed when breeding black Spaniah blaok I.-gbornf, blaok Hamburg*, sic , to ae* little ohieks wilo white braaul* run mug aronnd me pramiaee, tbe remaining portion ol Ihe young being blask or rualy CKAPR. TK SToar Ot TWO OLD VrOFUB. Once be wa* twenty ana eoe> oal y Mo, tthe waa a child, he scarcely iu his prime , Couth teemed eo long, aud ate ao distant then. ADd ooou oam* not. aa now, era moro log urn*. Bat later oa lb*y hano*d agt.a to m**t. And be wai thirty ami aba tw*aty now , 'Why, be la old, ' exclaimed Ui* niaideo awe**, And aiaeal with can!*** taeetft sad oJcudhM brew. Ten year* ( weary runoJ) roll e*l semiu. Whoee days aad weejtia, to Ha* *>* other, paaa. That, when tbey mast, 'tie he. witb sudden pain, Wbo en**, la tare, " Why, abe is aid. aias 1 ' A UlHAUMBlf ASJI.B Gate and pea* are lomstimas town to gainer, bat only lor food, a* neither grtiu will tell for other purpoeaa unless pure. I ie claimed that more feed oan be grown with tbie mixture than by sowing oats ur peas alone. Tbs peas shade tbe ground so a* to cueck the gro*tb of soisil weeds while Ibe stronger staika ol oats push above them and help to keep the peas from tbi ground. This crop Ibna grown is some limea used for ensilage and is excellent for thai purpose. Tbe air permeate al Mils nnlsss tilled with stagnant water. U there is motion in Ibe water through Ibe toil it is evidence tbal rome sir U prsssnt even Ibsrs. Al eolle excepting pure sand absorb and retain fertiluintj propertiea from the atmosphere, though heavy and loamy soils do this mot*. Whan the country was new it wae noticed that fever and ague dsvsloped from malaria was wore* on sandy soils, though these wsrs generally dry, and tbs malaria Itaell was more apt to originate on low, wsl landa wbsre there ia an abundance of de vegetation. r,.IBl I : mf Bridge. A last Saturday Dighl's Niagara Falls, Ool , deepatcb sayn Another daring jump- ing Isal waa ancoeaaf oily aooompliahed her* to-day by Lawrence M. Donovan, wbo earn* M the Kails laet evening on a wager of $500 to jump from Ihs nsw Baipeoiion Bridge into the Niagara River. At 7 o'clock ibis morning Djuovan a rove on to In* 0*0 Ire of ih* bridge in a boggy witb a friend, mounted th* railing, swung himself over ib* sid* and dropped I'.i feel into Ibe Niagara Kivsr with all hie cloikaa and boot* oo. He mads a straight dteosnt aod struck tbs water witb great toree, making a loud eplash. Men in a rowfeoat were lo wailing and pioked Donovan up unir jured but somewhat shaken np. Tbe weather wa* an> thing but agreeable for a bath. It auowed all night aod tbe lurronndicgs bad a wintry appearance. Tbe almcipbore wa* oold and raw. On reaching the tbnre Donovan was taken in a oarriag* to Ur. Clarke's otfise, where n* wa* examined and on* of hi* rib* wa* found to b* broken. H* does not, however, anticipate any aerioua trouble from Ifaia and is quit* elated over hi* teat. a < fcur, h I .., Blinson vt. Tb* Synods ol tbi Dioceses of Huron and Toronto, a oa** decided in Ihe Ontario Court of Appeal yesterday , will bs rwogrmtd a* a somewhat famous sail by a clergymen ot the Anglican Church tor arrears ol an allowass* out of a com- mutation fund. The Court held, affirming the judgment of tbe Chancery Dlvition, Ibal Ihe plaintiff was nol entitled to recover anything, as he bad o*a**d to do clerical duly, engaged in neoular pnranlt*, and had nol put blmeelf in tbe bands of tbe Bishop a* being available for doty. Th* artistic effect of Charleston interior* Abraham Blackburn, now ot Newborn promise* to be excellent if Rome of th* new N t., hi* mother, tbrre brothers and ideaeof decoration are generally earned eietere were aold al Richmond, Va., in Hi,. oat. To prsvsnl tb* danger of falling i *d I*** lu Tennee***, He bas just au plaster at tbe next earlbqaake many pro- 1 severed Ibal hie motbtr is living in thai prietors are having walls and ceilings ' "late, and bae also learned of a brother in paneled with wood. Hlneoo work and Hyrsooae. a sister in Booth Carolina and otber light arrangements will b* avoided. <"> ' Norlb Carolina. Bat often on tboeo under April eves, Wneu baat tliu* tu bidden melodies, "Why wan 1 oavex loved?" be a*e-and ine " WhydiU I Dtvee love "' the esls a lad now, opvreet with vain raauret, tbey eav. Aa years waai on la ever -dMpa-uiiig locu. , Chudrsu sujo. Uie sauabiae wbue> you luej, And piaeM tue fluncr in iu aiuiuiuf blooiu. A man who stuiiere pe>yei,at nie words on the instalment plan. Featber bands are Ibs (referred triin ming* for new tall wraps. Very small poke* art worn by young woman, uarried or Mngl*. Skirt* ar* worn Tory short, said shorter behind than before. Al a oolleg* namioation : " What is the beet luanUtor 1 " aakt tbe professor ot pbysi*4. " Poverty." Tb* molb*l ot Loois B. ^immarmaa wbo we* iut in Ib* Algoout otaaeter JUM . year sgo yaeterdey, will to* the O-P R. I * 15.000. -Sbakspeare said : ' Tbe apparsl ah prooiaioia tbe man," from waien we svltr thai tome men iu Williajo'e time were onl anile. The Royal Canadian Aasdamyit Arts have pnrooaaad the lot, Wilton avenue and Victoria street, Tocsato, for 000, on wuieb to rrtei a euzimodiona ouilamg to coel tit 000. Tbe Imperial Government be> deotded ograulmtjale to tboae members of tbe furlbwael Mounted Police wbo were under fire in the rebellion, and tbey wall shortly oe praeeotcd to them. A blaekamilh put op a wra'berooek oo he top ut hie amidy the otner day, aod while ne stood admirug it be atkad oos ol lit neiabbure the fo 1 iwiog <]oeet*os . " I want to chniuso m; weathercock Aad give it a itrrlii n namsuf pith. M wuukl yon call n if it were youre "*" " Call it ' I'd baueil UuUlwin Biultb '" Tbe patriarch of Jerusalem Is thus deeeribed by ooe wbo baM jaal Mid biru a vieit : Be ie one ot tb* ujeet kingly men 1 ever eaw, meeting ooe-'t ooneepttoo ol HiDg Dsvid'e appcaraoe* iu middle life (be a about '' yeaxa o d), very strong in every way, ana tender- bearied and aflaelioosle M alrong " Tbe Detroit ftti Prut tells of a Cin- cinnati man wbo tailed ID botiueaa twenty rears eo and paid but 10 per oent. Weak Before la-it be paid all creditors Ibe other 90 per cent., at d shortly after waa cent to an insane aaylum. Thia laal peltfnl fact i* not racited to ibow that iboaej wbo pty old scores in lull are liable to end tneu daye ae lunettes. A Boston bootblack bse a aigo on his stand oo wbieb la tbe Hoe from Boraee ' lut*mt**tit f-tlftt honor i ' m' Hashinee witn luitaruiched boou." Wbas wbieb wurd meaol nhica be) re " Wby, dal Word folget,' dot meaae de same a- 'fnlnei ) ob d* ion. F u-l lul. g e-l g*l. dat meakO* ss bngtal aa the sun wbeu be t full as bs ean gel." Tbe diamond baa long been imitated so successfully sa to deorivs all szeepl experts, but tbi ruby waa btld Iu honor by lover a of rreciona atones, its a,st>niaeDs>a wae eappoead So be reproach- N >* it appeare that tome very clever imitatioca ot isbiee bave been made in Oaocva, aud if the prakctl** beer me* gen- eral il will probably lead to dabreoialion in tbe ( rioc of Ibe atone*. i aisvi-inir. Like maair beard oo the atlll waser. Like piuuwti<u Ibe wioii cease to by, Like pvarle iu ine depth ot tbe oesao, Like tlan that fuaoiel tbe iky, I.ika JULB aud the oloi of roeea, Like !i-w ml the freahaeee of ojora, Like -uiuhine that kisaoa ihe alovw 1 : lassela of silk un tb* euro. Like notes of the tbrutb in the woodland. Like brook* wbare ibe violet* grow, Lit* rsiobows that arm ths biu* baavena. Like clouda when the SOD dippcSb low, A I'" !> KeTcaaje. Mies Button, who reeidea on the Fingal road, a couple of mile* to the w**t of Bt Tooma*, met with a painful accident last evening. A oollie dog, which has been a pel aronnd Ibe bouse, look up lie quartern on a sofa and upon its mistress otdsring it off, Ibs animal spang upon hsr, imprinting its teelb in ber lips, mangling both of them considerably ITrlrrr..! .llrr H r . n. I. I. , , . " I must always keep plenty of ooffet in Ib* bouae," said Clara, on tb* eve ol ber marriage, to ber mother. " I know Cbarlsy is very fond ol U, for wben be lakae ma to tbe theatre and goes out between tbe a I smell il on bis breath." Like dream* of AcaitwD i<l*. Like cukn tbat gnof'illy blsii.l Liknuvervthiug LreaUnot; uf uareaaae, Like (hen 1* the leva of a friend. -A wicked little boy. Bobby-Ma, yon don't want me to play with wicked boys, do you? Mother-No, indeed, Bobby. Bobby Well, it one little boy kickt another little boy, ian'l it wicked for him to kick bask ? Mothsr- Yee, Bobby, vary wicked. Bobby Then I don't play witb Tommy While any more. Lie e too wicked. I kicked him ibie morning and be kicked m* On* night last week s monie got into the tend mould prepared for t large late oaaliDg at Ibs London Machine Tool Com- pany and ran all over it, burrowing her* and there. Tbe pouring waa d i.e in Ih* morning, hot on opening the whole easting waa found to be spoiled, involving a loss of 150. Tb* burned skeleton of Ih* mouse was found in the (so* of tb* casting. l.m,lon A:i< ertinr. Il wae al sn evening party. Mr. D. 81. George Smith wat reciting s poem eon- siattog ot forty tix etanajat. Mr. Brown, a gueet, oomee in late," What'* going on he wbiip red to Brigg*. " Bmilh'e rwsding anew t xii. H* ha* joal finished the tbirlielh etarzs," aoawsrtd Brigg* asvagelv. " What i* Ihe anbjeot the motive ." " I don't know what tb* lukjaet ie i bat I sus peel b ie motive matt b* re vtog* . I can't see any other reaaon for II." Boelon llasaws*(io young nan visiting from ibe wwat) We Boston people, Mr. Bret /y, ar* laughed at a good dsal lor being so partial to brans, bat we doc 't nit d it Wseiern Toaog Man i^allaotltj No iodcrd, I wouldn't, It I were yon, Mrs. Waldo. Beans are a vary valuable product. Father, who knows s* noeb about took mature as anybody in southern Illiuoie. says tbsy are even belter than corn to fallen hogs with. T,<r>. Ramoel Croup, cf Ckterrv reojp. V * bae a M. year old bore* thM Is a* active a* say ynmg horse, and hat josl out a t rand new twi teeth.

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