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Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 5

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Maxwell Miss Jane Madill, who has been lying very low for some months with cancer, died on Monday evening last. Her remains were followed by a large number of friends and acquaintances to St. Mary's church cemetery. Inistioge We have this week to record the death of one of Artemesia's oldest settlers, viz., Seargant Ross, who passed away last Thursday at the age of eighty-four. Deceased was one of the few surviving and immortal Waterloo pensioners. His remains were interred in the Methodist cemetery on Friday. [Our volunteer company would gladly have buried this grand old Waterloo hero with military honors had they received notice. - Ed.] THE FLfcSHF.RTON ADVANCE. Who WH In .&apos; To th&apos; Kiitr of Thf Aii^xfr li, ir Sir, At it liiti&apos; hour U-i Timi- dity niulit niie of the Kle.*hcrton livery- neiidr.,v int.. Durham with a middle- IIKXKY MAItnnKKfltKtt. The <ir- <il jtr- in In r&apos;* i/j/-i M>IIIX I., .u hin-. on my arrival in l.u,r| -,.!, u&apos;ei.t-mn -which UUT fact *-< i that Mr. Uladatoiie waa to apeak oh M..II iiot olwervel until ho had divented him- ,. n j.,j. In- accuracy iiiatatenieht mar--l"tia. Hu olio na n far-aecinjr and coinpre- itaii sinnii. void of thu arta of poli- ticians, in deep wtrnoat, and with atronti moral convictiona. Mr&apos; (ilUtone tuuuiH to lie a man, I i, m Id nay, of itboiit tivo feet tun inuhen in ln&apos;io|,t. M- u ai-tivi-. .-, anil en-ct ; ca\|>:ible if tiiclurini! urnat fatigue, quiU> I day, 1 concluded to wait over aelf of un imiiiuiiae. l-e.-in.kin coat that he | (Jieop^irtunity of u inand luariiif! him. vroruto protect hiiinojlf frmn the incleni- j ( aco.n-Jinylv we u red tickets for the plut- oit weather during h Unix teen mile drive, j f ,, rlll , t HonU&apos;r&apos; Cirwis, a building capa- &apos;JNie Kuntleiimn *pokc in a very thick , M | L . n ( i,,,Mi,,., aevenil thoiiMtid persons. | atron(- : hi* features nre roioi-, and aeenied to be mixious to pul- T| (u mcctinx w-iut to IH) iu tlie afternoon, i neRr *y I&apos;ald, tho i ycim- Hoim-lioily : and from the mark* on ( A ^, rt llf J, |T J.JW O , c i*LMi! <ti.*i face 1 judged (at tho time) that an ......^d,, the t.&apos;aoiv city of Liverpool, in in |,n itH, Denial nnd uncial. HIM lienil is .inl to IHI u Welnterian lu-.-nl, )>ut in my Jinl&apos;.&apos;n coiiinarUoii. WHV WILL &apos;0t coagb wl.m Sbil,.b- &apos; f1 ^~~ JSoM Cure will Kiv* intm>-,lit.- r. li. f. I&apos;m* \ V flflil 11 1 (I II cti. , 50 eU. , tud II. Mold lit M.<h&apos;..l Hill &apos; " Ruartttr.&apos; In Informing you of lln. oii,lirfiil ],. for (&apos;iMi^tii., f olil>, AHtliuin. llr-.n, Mti- 1 ll.roal ( t!.. &apos; v..ii Tho limn II|KIII Ilia fitcu are arge ; Mid. In ii in of the height j be. i-xayirenited. | luxe, a mouth tine, but very In in; thu i-hin only moderately full. Al t.0 -,11,1 Ikt &apos;Illl&apos;l &apos;.|.|l,. value i- inn i ...... in it Utttl.- ..f &apos;Mr- W in had blown him piirt nf the . t | mt i;ladtnc waa to make a &apos;hither. Onen-|.iiry 1 found, how | llult (>f !lis ^ n>r ^ >fH ..^eclwN. ,:\ rr, that he had fidltn nut of the;".v. &apos;. J ri . w , ICBr t,, t l, t . l, u ildiu the tlx-et were Further nivi-stii-ation nhowx-d thnt he hd i ,-^,1 wit |, aeatteriny, Imnda. growi-i;. thiek- .SJMI-I.K AMI tM&apos;RK.TK.vTlor.s -got "on tin- flpiw" in Hlhert and ,,. , (ll)e n^n^lnjd tlie circus. But ! in hi* manner : grave and MTV dit tin- hittt-r town not being Hiifticicntly &apos; w ,td Home ditticultv, under thu convoy of I vet familiar. I cannot aay tlmt ne i* (&apos;ol!im|.llon.4ii.| all aflocllun ami Inn..-- <- * I thiit H . an- il kiii.lni-l*. atf if ion havi- any of tin* |I|HIII|- If >->Kl will mil) trj It w.- will i-.iti r.iM- . MtUtnt-uoit lit-vrry ra< nr iin.n.-) r.-liin,ti-<l Ak for \li i .1,,-i.r s I.III.K (III|N>IIII,|. 1&apos;rin >k- ami *l.Ni|>ur bottle at nil Ihrim Storm. Alivn r. To MOTHKUH. \r, you ,UtiirlH,l n. M. -.;ln ami i.f >..iir r. -t I.) iek rhil&apos;l ill my jiiil-.&apos;nii&apos;iif it will hardly liear that &apos; .nrl.-rliiii amlcr)iiiK with paiuof t&apos;ntilnt &apos;I f- "i &apos; If lo lt |MMIT hill.- -utf.irt-r innnm-Hatt-lv 1> |.<-ti,l UJKIII it. im.tluTs ttiur*- ii* no uiintki lM>ut it It i i-ur* -i l>)s-iitrr) Mini llinrrhu-M, r.--.&apos;lilti- the Stounicli and H-IWC-I-. riiri-t* \Vintl r.ili.- - .ft, n- f tlu- Minis, re<li&apos;r.-.. InflMiiiiiMHtri. ami u-iv.--ti.iii- , thi- tn&apos;ji-ther, atrikiiix&apos;lie.idand |iliyiftoniiiiiy. i ),, HuuMiiaiillyra|i" for ilnl.lrcu ti-.-toiiu- i- IVhen I&apos; 1 " let him lubsfiiuoiitlv at Ins O wn I I&apos; 10 "*"" 1 ,&apos;" tl ,",&apos; t "- t< &apos; j 1 ", 1 &apos;* "j&apos; J |ir ,&apos;"" &apos;"I&apos;ti-.n of i ,, , 11, &apos; "lie of tin- ..lil. -it nn.l IM-.I tVumlf i. Ii it-uuiui. dwelling I" Ixindon at u breakfast. He I ,,.i ...irM.. in HIB rmtl MUr+M-i !- for -.! wa.H very !*>&apos; all <lrut(ijii*tit tlinmi;***.*/ liii- nl.l Trie.- IHi-nt) rt\ .- i-i-iit- & tmtur. lb* si.r.- n*i>l M-k for 1 take Railway. Owen Sound Branch. . n h. . oiii<-<l to > " f "" l " rcllo:ul &apos; !&apos;&apos; . A ilnniK II.MC, a mouth lint-, hut v.-r I&apos;anlWfll JtlUctlon Krro. . 7 |-m j &apos; in .-&apos;. in -ji, In &apos;r. 1 II Is &apos; Kl.h>l:niT&apos;,s II IT " Mark. I.,!. i-Jili" 1 ill. &apos;>ri.--.vMI. t in. li -n slit-lburuv i. . .. i 7 &apos;t - . l *&apos; W I" &apos; Ut Uro to voy o[ ciitianrt! in Mns \Visi,n,&apos; no otlu-r kinil. i.i,.- ir ..(.&apos;. i c)iat>rtli Dw.-n s.,ui..I 9 fJ &apos; <.oi ii- so, nli blithe in in .>xppll,-iit &apos; "onu , ui i ,, .. si \MiiNn J,.u. and thu !i.*r citi- , K, I atf,,ted an i-ntiaiKX! m ! ;-"&apos;-"."* , ". "* - &apos;" eAceo.-.,i , .-;.,,,,. uw Ml( , ril .,, r A |* Rrk ,. : r.,!.^ ._ r.-,l , liv..rv,,,,,, t.. fiV.. Ulki-r. Although tin-re were m-vrral u&apos;en- i . -rat.- t\ i!l I. -.1 v, th,- -kin in |~ -rf, -.-t li.-.lth. I" 1 &apos;," *"&apos;" **^ |t h,* rear, WM 1 waa ndu.ittod to the Htivp. tl^-n present, nr,-tty nmcl, all tin* d,s- ioo.ll. ln ami -on.1 elr. H- -,, ,i,,,l ,,, ^gj,^ liim i out of it. &apos;Drive t,. h laolong ux , , iVsitmHi,- ii|.i: my ymp.ttliy with Mr. , c-iume full from hu lipa. ft^.^W ^i !IjU>ri HtLrw* Hark.l.l. t\\> MHI! N Tin- -w e eet out of the d d town," arc the | (Jladst-mi-.the audiein-i.-aiNni r&apos; i-f.nU he il naid to ha.v. uaed just liefore Hm lo;ne vine hospitiiMeclutTa. At the re. Ji*p.irtiii({. The liveryman drove him to ; ,.( (l( t |, ( . eommittee. liowutvr, I retin-d j- v the Vurliam I I to an anteroom in ordvr lo nn-t Mr. \ oura, &c. , ( 1&apos;roinpt to tbv )mur lie up- VALK.NTISB Mfunixs. : , K .. ir , H |. t.^" ther with Mm. (i I&apos;.S. Arthur Henry Ncwtou Jenkina a f ew l a dii-n of hi> partv. &apos; will please copy. Y.M. Hoiiu and , the &apos; "&apos; K<-||ol Kmbrogllo. Dear Sir, I have alwaya keld yrt in <ln) hiplit-it eMtimatioii a ,-t coiiHcieiiUoim <:hriit i:\ii, nnd wait ii*tonihi-d Uiat y&apos;l Jywel a ourm|miident like " Prowler awmkeavd on the wihjt*ot the vital neei f-itj (if not int- rfi-n- with and hinder the iN-ni-liriiil i-Xertions of iiatnrt- on our markiiof thccani|.t,.&apos;ntl.r..iwli which lif lM .| lMfj ,,f ,, rt; orviiin or i.lantino *,- had L&apos;one, mid hiti voice waa huaky lit- i sdii-lter for uur fHrinx. ISut tin n aro had wmp|>iil around him a ort of tippet a rent nnm)>i-r uf tliv coiuinunity who to protect In- iwek and thriHtt. Mr*. lihiiMoin* tteemeil to have him iu pecial , J&apos;J"^&apos; WH*S,III>. n) ),i -i, ,tui. I |,unlis4 Kin il I. it&apos;ll t- lor II I Irlld I IIU tO loin-ini.r. -f.&apos;f.-n.-i- ti, all ,,th.-r r. in. ,li.-- r. F4iri k .*il ry* I Hapld iuH v*ra>aiiiatantly It it. , ,.-il\ ,11- _ &apos; |t&apos;.i-&apos;l no tr -ut.i. in, )o-t linn- ll ,|<M - n,,t re- &apos;&apos; vf Tin -/f>i/i-x. i|tiin- i-.,iit*int UK** mil- ||-lii:iitioh is ,-fffi-tiiHl. Sir. I&apos;ublieopini,,,, bas IH,,,,,,,. ^ ^^ ^^^Z^r^^^.^. &apos; r....tli.->i. H.,h. Ml inatiin -..1,1 >1 iV a liuttl.- It) all llriiUk-&apos;i-&apos;- .III llli.N " &apos;-&apos; Dun. talk T f. " Hli.rM.iirn.&apos; T M Orniioi-ulli* .Inn. to J, Ort-tii;,. \rn\. T-11.- l<TTr I I&apos;ll. irl.&apos;fl. in &apos; n&apos;t Car,l1fi&apos;ll Jiiniti-tn &apos;.&apos; i", " T,.f..i,t&apos;, \rrli. il&apos;,|&apos;ln S:n - l l i : i -n &apos; |n ii r LII nnd UBX A ML rm*. M-|K, him iind clterkcd nny |..-i > -n li, by the way. in a ven&apos; proper name tiiat w.-tntrl < alk him, for feni tltat - to att.iuk Teachers like Mr. Uixon and | it would hurt hi* voice. !Sln* alHonat ne.-ir MiMfiunn. are relieioua, i-aiimtak- him during hrr. :uliln.-, and h, fn-.jueiitJy Siiu, civil nnd well-informed Teacher*. I tinned to her, i-itlu-r liecitiiiicof aoiiH&apos; *uif if ion wilJ the I&apos;.illiittino in yui MMIT &apos; kljo\> nn sj.,i. , for r eidiiinns. theohl \\orld. form- The Appetite > If iu., ill* Iliri-lln- orcaBU iiL-th. MiJ, nJ the lluwi-1* n-iulnti-J. lv t ikin.- A\i !&apos; I&apos;lll&apos;-. Tlies,- I&apos;illi or |.ur.&apos;l\ \i-iri-lalde Ill tin ir cnniniwllioa. \v \VH\ i i tlKN&apos;i.Scr&apos;T. \\- Ml M|. I (.1 -. I I 1 . t>y cnri-lossly cnttino doun their forest*-, BMUged their oond into barn 11 land. , lln I&apos;iin-u- of thin is :is follov\s : InU-r-iper-tino portion of fori st n n ive ami st. in- np the iiioistr,ii of rain inn I i tiuu HIKIW, ullouin^ it oriiilualU to lutss ^Ir. Divin ia atrictly tem,.erato. Our | geat.o,, tb.t .she m.oht have ,,m,le or from , ^^. t ^ ,,,. ill( . lt |>ril|1| r .. im i llllt Hchool Iwu adv-antx-d mpnily and in i-\cell- the liaUt of coiitteoiia deterenci- > uiw^y, n, Ui- Miil .in, I aJuiu*. in niotion. M| by IKUIM in South Crey, hrivin-.&apos; com- , to her. Sta-.&apos;iiRiit uater injure* v^.l.ition. A dried oat noil pmnnt-i >.:;. ii.ili&apos;.n. J&apos;.&apos;it the natural eourw >>f n ^ >ared favomlily with Durham School, i The Rtonn f a|>phtuse vrheii he aaceinl- the hmd-inuiiU-r , H d upon thv i l , n nut \*\**fd. The hnlly haw >-hich hatfour Teachura <--iii- a lt A man. i l , n nut \*\**fd. The PWI and cheera roll- &apos; tin- is riinu. nlly IH -m -litt*. I l>y flic pr< At the laat Kntrance Ksaniiiiati-ni .1 . ..J |, lh -. n,,,\ | (>u d, nn.! it wan with i-xlrenn- -m-r of fon-sts. Wlu-n- thf-y arc not. *.U|.iU..iit..f 7 |*aiKj- n-cow which, f &apos; .l.tticnllvand after --uocon.iucrab!H.,,. rain f,iliin. flo,off ut ,.. ,.,,., tl,, laml. < urrMiiK nuu\ in..->t of lU l-4t al- iteheve, it unu<|Ualled in thr Coiilil y. | of time that the audirltci* -a rediii-.-il t-i j uu ,j a l Hulwiajm t-i tit. r.v< r*. Now, Sir, 1 luk you ua an horn-it Tnxn, anything like gunemai Htlcncr. 1 nut in \V..o,ls liaxi- lil>r : it t&apos;t-i,, ti, ,.u .if rhat liuttrr ]>pHif do yoy Want .if m-vr- j the fit-lit row oti tUo |Ji4tf..nn. wln-r.- l-y &apos; t on .lja.:eiit rr l>t .< In.tli 1/1 vmiiiitr nf VX-ffetatiiin, and on&apos;, titma. thnn the faithful .\^\iu^ ..f turnm- toward hi... I had a full view of "&apos;"I "inter In miminwr. v, I,.,,, u H|,O i r bus fallen, if tlin wind lui\. free mm 11- . rvn|Miration is t",> rapid, tlie yet. fsrtli soflu ilriei anil tin- bem-rieml in- \&apos;d i-udeliCi- 4iia or lierdutimita-uataUiiilinl by iwrda. i the ofeat oiat&apos;r. HiaToicc* I have no [n object to verve, but of much uae in oprn-air nerely wiiJi have juatice done to t.> whil ilntiner mialiticd w*i* olMctin-d, it tlni&apos;U.-i- of a slioi r rrmuiu>i Uit for a faitlifut p\ib!ie iiervMitH. who havw ufrtitlr j wai reiotiant and onv could ea\<y nee tlmt l>ril f i l&apos; <n " <l - () tl "M ntr &apos; lr *&apos; "&apos;l&apos; T : improvud the SoliiMil by atrict attention it waa a voice eniinently to tin- tu their dutica. j U-at pur|Hiea of oratory. He huld hu Youni r(.&apos;*i|>ectfully, i audience f.-v an h*>iir or more with perfect RoBKItT M. < IOWAJI. ! i hi- Jui mi.! thoiii ; he It. K.I tlu in | with aa <ivvrtl.i*aini; vnthiuii.-ihiii. At Mttvwcll. >lulu-r it IHI-. Ii luuocr lent thu mi- &apos; luiiil thr .inj.laum* bnriit out into nn un nfr.&apos;llable sti\.-ui, uliich &apos;Miu .lane Mini ill, who luu W-KH lying Try low for KIIIUM luoutlu with nn.---i, died on Monday w-niiv* 1,-V Her re- tuaina wurr folluwed by a number of friends and ac^uaintauaiw to St. M .1 ilmn-li cemetery. (Quarterly aurricei ui> heM in the Mi-thodiiit church here on Sunday laiit. A coniiderablo amount of *ickiicM re- fiorted chietiy ainotiKit children. Mr KoWrt Heron ix viaitiir)> Toronto will return with a larjjv atonic of win- id i. Ai(ain there appcan U&apos; r irmtr one in .r about this nci";hborhiM>d very fond of Yowl, a* neveral report havin-/ liwl tnrkeyn, &apos;.tii-ki and chickuna atolen. Xot a few were enquiring what wan the nattrr with the choir iu one of our hurchei on Sunday kwt ; or did they uet tutu the mime ill K-.n ma a, certain leailer of in-iiiv" did, wno, it wo* xaid, started a ioiti( metre tune to a *hort metre hymn. I&apos; hi- ataiim vndud with the wurd .l,i,;,l, .ml UK; h-iiilcr, to make itxTword* auit 4hetune, tininhed up with &apos;J,i~ fal de diddle- r,*.&apos; " i h-- choir referreil to Kane a whole hymn and canu- out ai above every limit. urn SKII t i-.r i..\iMii. i r, clieck ed ev.-n. I wa* not rapahlu From our nirn We have thl* Week to n-cord tin- drnth .f "in- I&apos;l Arteuieaia&apos;n ohleiit x-Mlem, viz., S,-ri:ii f II. .si. who pnaxed away hint rinir-.ii.iy at the rt^&apos;e of l)e- >.-a*ed WIM one of the few mirvivini; and immortal Waterloo iHUmionerH. Hit re- main* were interred in the Mcthodiitt . u.. t.-ri on Friday. [Our volunteer company would gladly have burird thi* i<rnd old Waterloo hero with military had they rtfecired notice. Kd ] Tlie Quarterly Mrctinj; in connnction with thi* circuit was held in I laat Mumlay nnd wa very lately attended. There will be a nh-Mitin^; match at Prn- t MI t nt ion on the l^tli to tent the Inarka- iaen firound lit i. THK UK v r,KO. H. TUATKR, nf Dour. &apos; &apos;n. In.l . ayn : &apos;&apos;llotli ruftflf md wife uwi< vir UTIH to -HHU.OirS CON8p.MHTIO.H Cl&apos;ltr. - 3 LI at Mdical Halk .f jndoiii 1 ,&apos; of untnyof the I heinui introduced; I had no* the load knowledge. Hi Hi-elllell, ll-.l-. i&apos;\fi . ti. toll, -|| all tlo- i|&apos;l II".- neceaaary to lie aHveted, and he left tin- impri-*nioii on my mind that In- would IK- invincible. Tla-le were very uliyltt ihMM of humor in hi* apeech, l>ut it* predoiin ant charivteriaiic wiw that of profound convictiona on deepniornl roiiiidi. \Vlmt- ever in hia diacoiinw may haxc plnycd li|uin the xurface >.f tlnn-ji. In- aeeniwl moat to be stirred nhen the iniili-rlriliK time. In \\ii.ti-r tlu-y | tM&apos;ii ilnftmo ,,f MIOM, nnj Unit oj, :t tl\ l>eiii rit tin- "r<J<<tlj of fnJI wile. it and lover. It may IMI ntavnl hruaiJIv th.-tl win-re the rountr*. lins IH-I-II orionially IH..|I-I|. .is most ci>ntitric>i liav< I- - n. tin- com- jdeti I&apos;learti&apos;.ji "f llio foii&apos;st. in no I m^ time causes siu-li rliaii;;i"- in tin- ilistri- Ir.ltloll of tliu 1 illllf:lll *n<l III rSJ ,11-111 > to wni&apos;l-i. as at first ri-udrrs land am -I, lu m j (.-rule, and aft<-rnitrd-i to u un-at c\U nt ; liarreii. Iliu nrt i-lian.-. in uo I, -tin I in illtfi li-nr. pitrUol (lie Stii&apos;rs. tlr l.lst ; Inn Ion:; I" en the , as, in niMiy neions nf Kiu-opii. Aia and Afrin. It ! i t-Msiil. ml tliat from out third to 1,111- fotirtli fif all land *-lioiil,| rrniain in fori*Ht, and tlmt the reinaimler ill then nivr nnUih ln-tt<-r coj v with h-sw In- ltiir. than if Ulc uliole were eli-nnil. For tin-. |iwrjto*st. it would I.e uell. ,-l noranx rt;m. r.m -Ini-.-. nJ uy l- nk&apos;-n |M&apos;r(. t -afi&apos;tv >.\ PIT-MII- uf :ill w*. I wn a trent Mitfi-rrr from ])i-p<&apos;|&apos;l nnd l oii-iii-aiion. 1 &apos;i;i.l ..... |.|--lil.. IM-I-IUIM- >:ivmlv dtiUlltatrd, and -- -n- htautly Mllrtra flli Hi : Iw mnl li/rt- II. ... &apos; | riiliMlll&apos;-&apos;l "iir f:lil diN-lor. |K> j.r. .i-rltied for IIH-, m r^m thm-. willi- oiii an&apos;unlinir inon- Ilinii i.-iii|ciir\ trUrU I liiuiu , oiiim. in rd Mkin-.&apos; A;-r Till*. In aliurtliim- 1111 dk&apos;e.tki" tu* JH-i-IIU IMPROVED my li.&apos;Wi-N werr ri-cuUlPil. and. ov th t ii&apos;n.- I lin|.lnil twiilH.xt.of tl ...... Till, mi- o.-i |.i i-.l" -In i lia-l ili-.H.l-jr--il. ami I liVi&apos;niiH- .iitui^ tnnl XM-II. - 1&apos;ariuf M. l.i.^an, Wilmington, 1H-I. I W:IH tp.ntd.-&apos;l, for ovi>r a vr. wllk I.o., of A|I|H lili-. ami (o n-r:il li->.nlly. I ,. .lino- ii.. . I tiikiii,&apos; Aji-r&apos; rill-, und. IH.- li-ilf a l&apos;\ "&apos; &apos;hi- im-dl. inr, my a|ttH-tli- :ind Mri-m;ili wi-n- rrton-J. V.I >. C&apos;lirk, J>:iiil.urv. i oaa. .\vr* Till* nn- til" 1 Ix-&apos;l in. dlrlno known to HM- f&apos;-r r.-.Mililimc thi- howi-U, nth) f..r -.ill ili-;i->- rau~-l &apos;> .ll-ordi-n-d M,,n ..... Ii :in.| l.ivrr. I n(T.-r..l for i.i.-r &apos;in.-.- ii- wtih Ii. . In.liire.ll.ia. I liml mi aMH-tile. and wan Wruk HIM! IHTVIMII ul of tin tiuu. BY USINO Hi:.-,- I...X, . of A)er&apos;< I&apos;tli. ati.l. at tlie -.lit,, till!.- di.-tilljf&apos; Illl-rlf. I -! COII>- iiiri.l. My dfcrrtlv* orcsiln r n,, In ^-,H| onli-r. :md I &apos;.&apos;in li |-rf.-.-t In iltb. n,ilii>l..ii&apos;kr\.i.l.1&apos;..|til.:i.l\n. .lu r&apos; Till* h:iM- lH-m-(llJ nu- w omli-r- full.&apos;. I .., lu.-n&apos;li- I Mill, n ! ( Inill- KmUlMi :nnl lli l.Vi.ll. 1 . W:i* r.-ll--< at lii&apos;.-lit. iiti.l kM :i lid t&apos;-&apos;-l&apos;&apos; 1" >> ni"U | t> ^^lTl inoniin.-. Afi.r Inkltitr "nr h.x t An-i&apos;-i I&apos;ilU, all tin-&apos;- Ironlil. ill-:i|>- IN-&apos;nnil. my T.K| .ll-.-.-l.-.l .ll. mrl in) li.p w -i. f> fn-liwr-&apos;. II- ill) . JU-ni- Miiimax , UIM kj>,M. Sla-. I w -i- i ureil (if Ihr ViV-< 1&apos;V tin- &apos;* A>ir&apos;. l&apos;i;i. Tin y iml iMilf n -lli-i d m ..f Hi, t |:iinful ilUinlir. (ml fn\-- m- H,- .n-:iMil \i&apos;.-,.r. ami n -Imvd my liialllu-- J-.IIM i. j/ u n-. M. j.din, N. n. Ayer&apos;s Pills, 1-rrparMl I- I&apos;r .&apos; I&apos;. X.-rfcTo .t..rtt. >. In MrUl.lw- J. B. SLOAN, II:is r-.nv (|tiantit3 - of ShiHglt iS:c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. ( &apos;/ti&apos;ii ft for DR. GARTER M r.r. .v s , IINT. i- in -n UN si KUf.OV r. KI.KSHKliToN OBI Stmln&apos;>li!iM.k H.-- \\M, \\rtv-ln 5 cntiotry. "lv. I- Nil". I VTK .<f Toronto Hrtim H- nl \lrk-ll, ll f i.. hi nli and at nn MI U will IN- nt \lrk.ll,-lli- I I n.l " l .li,l ri , of ii l (,rfi.-*pi,,ii. in f 1>. \\.iln.&apos;. i tin- 1 - io*,n(U for ilo- |-i . &apos; * j. w. KKOST, LL-B., Htirrltrr. Sftllrllnr. 1&apos;tniri-ynnrrr, &apos; > irfl,-,-. ^irm -. liuiMint:. Ki.f -in itT.-N. \. \ i M Soluitor ami i , x !.. . r. U, l li 1,1 Vln-trlk&apos;.T Mil Kl:" > -r lll l- fi.iin.l m Ilir i&apos; I Inir- lux ^ tt. ln-r. l.-f&apos;ir, P JIcCULLOUOH, /Itirri.vii&apos;i: Snl rr 1 >&apos; kd.ll&apos;. lion. lo Loilll. MASSON &, MASSON. . \ > rri. i - owt-n f*.uii&apos;l. in ^ i&apos; In r W*>- k .. ..i!t.. Uraii. -liiiitti-i -in Mik tni, . or M&apos; i -Ion-., .11 m,,l that, win iu . MIIIII- of tin eleinvntaofin-ralityutniriiifordlMMMW, j u , |) . ill Ion*: L-,t,l.l l>o retained on , i. li farm. It IH true that mu-li reiicrM&apos;N of- T CrORDOri I .I AtSOS VI >M\4MIS V M VIM&apos;- . . I&apos;m it- .t <&apos;ni|n)r&apos;> fun-It to imr-.. I ,&apos; tit t Kiulit i^-rc.-nt HI IN I II&apos; There were no n./ there wo* iiotluni^ of the clemi-nt of com- bative attack. Tlieco|n* of hi* klmwli iL&apos;i and tin- iiiiniitene>a of hia information were remarkable. If it IT th*> object of an orator to iitiivince, it may !. :u.l that on thin oci-.i-.nin he exhiliited hihMi-lt to In- V MlsTh.lI IV .. I&apos; I I &apos;.IH Tiikiii" the addn-M an :t Mid rout- l-anii .- it with it..* i la.Mtrali- offorUof JMtcli an Am. n. .in in Plum! \\ . l,si.-r. or with oine of the old i.ii-!> oratori, it r<>ulil acarcelv Ii* a.-ud t" have the form nnd lini-li nlhniiitlii : ) t -r en-nt l-s or entire o r on. nml snff ilestriu-tinu l>y . trie*. IM-IIIO Idouii .!.,-< ii ; but tliii- i u&apos;*n (rally Hitn)dy the ri-**nlt of cattle beino alliiMod tlitrauee. If these mil IT kept out of n piece uf fttrrst. !i:b- itill in OIMII! fon st eiMiilitioi,, the yoitiio tn t s roii-tiihtly or,, \MIIJ up, will not only re &apos; plnre tin- ol-iir one-, in tiiiie-i. but th, ir prcst-licu protecting tin- i I&apos;ll r st. ins from HUH ami win. I. eit-Htly pfesi-rvi-i tlnin. I aiu aei|ii.nnti il uitli many pii&apos;i&apos;.&apos;s, of fon-it reH**r\e in i x. i Hi nt or- : ili-r tlironuli obwrvine tliin |>ri-eniiti>n. I Another exeelltnt metlio I of -belter inj.&apos; a farm i* the plniitiiiu lim-H of iv*>r* I yrcni treed on the t \\o siil s iiiunt I-NJIOS H HANDS, ECHLIN&, OARVIN, I M.lilj- 1 I.UM. MOIJI lloKM. n in Yunilll Ami MI a^i^MMi I ! Heavy and Li?ht Harness, | \\ liljp.. Mrii-ln>s l ,irn < ."lit-. Siml I&apos;MlK. anil ; nN\ I.V\S( I U*i. A.- r.*%. -t llt- nf in*s,fi-t i-. ,-l I if. .lit- 1 &apos;I -. . n Kii.i,sirr. I - i oi MI;S ,-. ..--,.&apos; A >rf j MI i > - tf.llllv John W. Armstrong, that appliea tii mini) of tin* ina*U;rpieci- el. &apos;1&apos;ln-si- iinlliri-iilis. as tbr ntf eal of i-l...|ii. in-. . .liiii",,,... of it* i-lltfi I ilpnn mjHelf, n Ntntii&apos;.&apos;vr a l"r. ;_-m-r. one not well vemud in the dctaila whn h he din- cuaMiil, I found niyxelf, neicrtliek-Ho, glow- ill!,&apos; with the Hympathy of thr .indu-nrv led. ill a few year*. INTOIIII* of i-xcclh-nl MTMI-I-, and iiliiiiiL&apos;&apos;- for tin l*i-ttir. tlie liol<- i of a farm. If plant. *d , almnt lute M.-i\ nr i HI U .lime, nnd tlie ; roots l.rj&apos;t sliaild) nnd d.tmp till planti d th. n- 1*4 no difficulty in _(" n-y th.-m. ai lv.iiiia.i-\ (&apos;*. ii \ DTMUfj-t i ol Itr I&apos;l.l.llK i-i\iMisMi&apos;M U III II. It .(.&apos;!> *-r 4. I &apos;. I -i I- .t I , *n I Mli- r* linl- V|,|-iai-, r loi I I. I lull. Ml I r I&apos; I- -5 s --.-lrl\ M"rt.> 1.. I A an -n lit* "li tr, ..-..nnMi- tt-riin&apos; l-n|/*i MMiKIAI.f t I.M-KIMKS. M> I \K1 fl Ml.l* and in full ltd mi ration of thii it man. NVIiatotriir may l>e tin- ianiiu <if thr L.TI .it qm-Htioii iijion which he h el pen- j ii, d hi* M. mm. M liich hu n-L&apos;iiid< .- hi* J lait .rn-.-.t life* work tin- t&apos;limncipntinn of Ireland there cnn IKS no doubt thnt Uladatone ia pre-eminently the central figure in the politic* of i ir.-.t liritain, nml ami thnt he H)HO ii or haa In-vn a lending figure in thu nfTitirn of .ill Europe. Hia veraatility ia proverbial. Hi* knn. l.,i|o, of claaaical lani;iia(e* nnd of m.l. rn UIIJ;UIIO,M. which in not no profound or no m 1 1 Mite an that of many (>thcr men, i* iievertheleaa, remarkable. There are few nuUjccta which internt thinkiii(c men to- day aliout wKich he cannot wiaely and in- Mructivvly diacourM. It i - IM--I to let t I..-IM , t in, ii to the erntllKl. It. W. THIPMI. ToroiiUi, Nov. Otli, iMHti. FOll HYSI&apos;K.VHK and l.ivi-r Otnplaint, \^^F^"^^;&apos;Z*t\ Ciirr. Solil nt Mmliral Hull. \\ r . J. BRLLAMY. (-f).M A;V.I.Y-A D > I !>, Millll t>A | oil pru|N rl l in r\r-t <-l *r.. |,r&apos;-|-- nu, I lii-ui,<i C, , i- - M.-ti.&apos;i toltiulit F , paid far fat Cattle and Sheep. /.V I* MKMOKT IN ROMICTHI1H PMor|.l|r.r< Mii auutiMOd of Biati-rial MTV atriking ; 1 b Co., nr 4M WRLLiMiiTun Stn-et K, ToMUto, or 81 Dt. Kram-oia- Xavier >ir. &apos;. Montreal, want a (iimeral i Acfnt. Tln-y an* tho rtclimive ownvra of ; tin- Si-hotirli! 1&apos;ateiit i &apos; ik. iitt&apos;1.1 , the i &apos;i-li-lirati ,1 Kinery Knife Shnrpener (known ni tliD "Carver&apos;a Kriend "), the, Eiiierr Scytlm Shar^H-ner, the Jay ICye- 1 an Si&apos;i- Wip- Curry Comb, and other |,.-i ial , til-- If you want U> make money, write to them at ones for an out lit. atid to < , cure what t.-rtu TV you rjtu.hnudle. | 6 J 8rflf>OHH M MUM hi M H&apos;-i . u/&apos; " pnritlvr i-iirr for Catarrli, I&apos;iptl,. t&apos;a aiti Mouth-. Sidd al M- d- .1 Uull. on im mi for ivromptlv filktl. TO BE LET OR SOLD. 1 lu i.f.lrrirol &apos;rfrr tor inittli Hft.*pMtKll mul rritnti-- a r< ^-nUU pri* t- . i<r ill II-H* (IK 1 ti,o ! fair rrnlnl I &apos;.v nmrtR. -.&apos;. . Till- lir, |>.-rl) n -lr. l,| 1, Id. Hi W Honey to Loan. ntt-r. ~t pui 1 .-!>. in -( In a-l >>( ,.ri. |,.r Jutv I**. ult |i|>l\ to thr p" IT I f.Mt*. hnllHI !!87 tt . Kir-hern* J. E MOORE. , Joiner, <y- Cabi net Maker. All r|irl -h, l nrfclU r l.ntrl i 1

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