Death of an Old Resident Orangeville Post "On Tuesday last another of Orangeville's old residents passed away in the person of Mr. John Parsons, who died of liver complaint at his residence, Price of Wales' Road. The deceased was an Englishman by birth, but was decscended from an old Welsh stock. Many of the members of his family did good service in the defence of their country. Two of his father's brothers belonged to the Duke of Wellington staff, and followed the "Hero of a Hundred Fights" through the Peninsular War. One of those fell at the Battle of Waterloo, while the other was, at the close of the war, given charge of His Majesty's canteen at London, in recognition of his distinguished services. The deceased removed from Oakville, Halton county, to Orangeville in 1858, and engaged in the stove and tinware business, which he carried on for several years. He built one of the first three brick stores in Orangeville, that erected by him being the building now occupied by Mr. M. Lesson,opposite the market house, broadway. he has led a retired life for some time. He was a liberal in politics, and was among the first Reformers to vote in this this section. When he cast his first vote tehere were only five Liberals in what is now the town of Orangeville. he was a staunch adherent and member of the Methodist church. He leaves a widow, who si well provided for, and a son and a daughter, Mr. W. Parsons and Mrs. R. J. McKitrick. His death occurred at 12:30 p. m., exactly 50 years to the minute from the day of his marriage. The remains were interred in the Town Cemetery, Orangeville, on Friday last. [Major Parsons, son of the deceased, is uncle to Mrs. A. R. Fawcett, wife of the Editor of THE ADVANCE - Ed. Note] THE FLESH ERTQN ADVANCE. TttlB P APE X r. il,. ..i^l u-i Nin.i> wwtlVaVnK 7 b* aMatolo* THE ADVANCE. Every KHOM THI Onw, IV/injiroorf Strrrt, TKUMS OK Hl'IIHcniPTION: f 1 vor aim urn u lu-ii paid HtHi tl y III ndvalfe ; I.5U l>r annum huu not o paid. A. R.FAWCETT, Jitlitur and FLESHERTON: TIirUSDAY, NOV. 18. 1H8C.. AKAIX. >Ve had 1 concluded last week to dis- riWTtiiiue any fnrtlicr discussion of Kust drey political matters mid not allow correspondents to do 80, unless at so much IKT line. Such phiiini,' iiinaccuracies as those given publicity to in tin columns of several county contemporaries last week however, lias iln i u us that it would be impossible fur us to write under onr motto's, "Truth hefore favor, principle* not raon," and preserve silence at the ninu time. In tin tir.-t place we observe that (he firry Jirciew administers consider- able taffy to Mr. McColman, which, coming from an undoubted Reform journal, i> significant. It means, MI I lain Kn<,'hsli, that interested partieii are making n most determined effort to ere tie a split in the Conservative ranks. Of course it is said that all in 'fair in love and wur," mid probably in politic*, hut we ilu regret to find Neil McColimm mlupiiiii' tnctif-t to win Reform syiuii.ii.hy and at the same Liiuc endeavoring or helping to split the ranks of his own party. \\Y arc fro* to assert tliattlie convention which < ! i 1 Mr. Mcfolmaii as standard- bearer of the Conservative party in Kaat drey was not more legally con- stituted than the otic wliicli recently eleotd ('apt llorkc, Mr. McColman forgets, the Tliornbury AViri forgets, uinl the Meafurd Mirror forgeU, that Under tbe now order of tliinga (tide ndvt. announcing cutivcutioni tbc peo- ple are now more largely represented at conventions than formerly. Hut they either can not or will not sen this. They want a new Convuuti.m com- posed chiefly of Mr. McColimui's Klip- portent, or else they an- so terribly ttupid that they cannot nee the real position of affairs. To say that the convention, which Relucted (.'apt. Uorkc was I'liekeil in favor of tluit gentlemen i* an insult to the gentlemen who uoinjiosod it that will not SMII bu fur- gotten. It in finally insulting to (k'apt. Uorke and Dr. Bproiile, M. P, ;iu- us pointers on East Grey political matter in a hnrry. -Tho trouble is, that tin AW. is tU*> tl uncoiiKci- i-n>l\ ,|rlii>*- i<(T]i'i->irin rliijne. \Ve miiiht add.thitt * sincerely hope that Mr. McC-olnmn'* fwxt common M-II-I will speedily couic to hi* rescue and prevent him cnnimitt inx politiml suicide. FLKSHEUTON GOSSIP. Mere tintl Tlirrf bf/ the AffrirHltural EiHtitr. Well, autumn has coint and we have arrived at that sta,;p \\hfll Chill NVvrllllHT'* HUrl) MKht* Make fl.KIa ami fnruntn ban-. Iii fuct autumn will coon be obliged to give place to winter when the Ice-King will rule supreme, und skating rinks, >lei^li8, cutters, &c. vill be in order. In i In mi an lime how is your V..MM! pile progressinj; or how is it retrogra- ding ? The Agricultural F/ditor hud some of his choicest wood silently re- moved by almost invisible hands on Wednesday night of last week. He liasj borrowed a Winchester regaling rifle. N. 11. The rifle is loaded. llouble N. B. It in loaded for large KAST 11KKY. n! wasting any wordn or tak- ing up more space than is necessary wu desire to inform our readers aud the public generally that circumstances Jiuvc occurred and information has I ' i. furnished us wliicli have led us to reconsider the remarks made in pre- vious issues of the MIKIIOH aiient the alleged dishonest practices at the re- cent convention. As we xuted lust week we got our information from a reliable man, but he has apparently been misled, which accounts for oiu mistake. We are extremely sorvy that the MlNHna should have ! TH tin 'ineaiiR of circulating a n |irt HO dam Hging to the uAAoeiation, and will \1o whatever lies in our |K>W<T to remedy any evil that may HIM in consequence. \Ve were conscientious in the mutter, having no interest to serve other thnn " and jiintice" to all men. It is oiirrently reported that Mr. McCulnut.ii will be a candidate against Mr. Horke. thu nominee of the ('oiivenlioii. We have no authority for the statement, juid we do not think, now that it is tdiown thcro is no truth in the alleged ]Hicking, he will icapordiw Ins future proopec'U by no doing. As the |mi M u: on whose authority we take back, onr former statements has been pleased to Iii. -i name quiet, we do not think would be acting hoi.cstly with our first informant in disclosing hifi identi- ty,. therefore we will keep it to unr.-wl- d IKrror. It will-now be in order for the Thorn bury Ai to make an ample apology to Tin- ADVANI i for its inijiertinent and fitoliRh allusions to us last week. We iwu't tliink ii will again attempt to Mr. Samuel Kingston some time ago iniiile the remark ; "I never gave u Refarmer a vote in me life." Thursday morning the Agricultural Kdilor heard (lie same gentlemen denouncing the Conservative Government and uphold- ing its opponent;* with an earnestness quite sturilin;;. A warm discussion took place but Samuel dramatically |K>inted to the expense of the North- (Test rebellion inproof of whnt he sard. He blamed the (ioveriiinent {or the rebellion* Ah ! Sir Kit-hard. Sir Kich- urd ! you have created the mischief amungst us, and yet, like onr own Samuel, you were once a good Tory ! * * "Say IMJSS,' saitl a friend of the Ag- ricultural Editor, "do you know what I heard from a friend of mine, whu lUied to team grain to Durham in fact did soiuitf. quite lately V" "Don't know, I'm sure," said the A. E. with H'II lie show of interest. "Well I heard him suy l-'le-lici (i MI buyers had bought Dearly twice as much grain as the Durham ones; he also said that your buyers were square men and paid as liiyh prices ax could safely be paid, and that the Flesherton market was getting to be very popular. Its a fact the A. K. made careful enquiry, with the most gratifying results, ami found that even thing stated by his friend wiiti correct in every particular. Big grain warehouses and bigger blus- ter Joes not heeessai ly imply highest market pric. < or handling of larger quantities of grain than places not possessing such facilities for handling grain. Nowadays, indeed, with such excellant facilitca for Hhipping, it pays be tier I i n most cases , to keep produce on the more. V Flesherton must hnvc a Mc*luuiics Iri.-ititute, a circulating library, n Heading Ko.ini, or Koiuelhiuj-. of the sort. Tho A. I . baa nevcrul times been on the eve of ettabliiiliing-ii. Cir- culating Library, *ritli incntborftliii> lee at so iinicU ykx -atuium, o.- Ixiots given out at so mnrh -ch ; (governed by the rnle&j and n*;n(alr>niind(iptcd by Mini eiinei i us f! ->wl,i i r. The A. K. having already. ia sUx-k a large nuni bo r of works by ffifmkr authors rc- ii^i'iug, scientific, poetical, biographi- cal, artistic, and fictitious is giving t ic matt, i- his "serums considera- l. '>n." Oilier works, of course would be added", from time to time. morons chanifltor. 1'hge two is the story page, nnd in the isstte of Novem- ber 1!) acontiiMied alfiry begins, that in point of real intermit i mud to out- rival any previous serial, ltd announc- ed title is A Nevw-frWtfOKeii Sin. Page three is a'most intonating depart- ment o< the |>aper, Tim bivting iloom, where nt the round tikbl are found letter* and contributed urtirle* from aU \ho desire to express tlieir ideas in print. It wrmMt the sulwcribers' own I't . Pages four and live are the editcrinl nnd ii^wnpage^nndgivefvery- thing of interest in the world's doing* fur the week, while the editorial col- umns show a fair and independent treatment of sul^jecta. Page HIM in the Young People's page and is quite a interesting to old a to young readers. Page seven gives thu \veek' market quotations and nmflt be invaluable to the fanner, producer, merchant and business man generally. Page eight is the Farmers' page and given a vast deal of practical information on agri- culture, poultry, etc. Well-selected or original poetry appears un the sec- ond, third, sixth, and eight pages, as well as the tiist, and lovers of verse will find all they desire in each week's issue of the Detroit Commercial Ad- vertiser, which, by the way, wan e- tuUished in 1M61. The publishers offer a s[>ecial inducement for subsc-ri- IMTS. in their Twenty fourth Annual Premiums, January I'.Uh, consisting of 4' MX in among 1<IO,(H)0 subscribers. and also ofter other privileges to sub- scribers, all of which can be learned by sending foi a free ttamplc copy. Address Commercial Advertiner, De- troit, Mich. LEITCHS HABNESS HARNESS. Tailoring Establishment ...If yon want HarnesM, Single I'.ells, VftlweA. * urry ( omlw. Ifnisln. or the eelebrated Hnrne* Oil. cull !> :i Hi of )lll Old Itoi.l, 1.1. "CTT TT CJfTTTl'R'PO T^Tf . examine before piu-uliasing t Isewhcw. Jl. J.WATSON. Ix tlif place to x'ei your p K I r K V 1 1. M. . Suits ?n.(i (fc in /it hire. TUP iftuiTTg CLAYTON'S THE MABKETS, FLKSHKUTON. ('firrfitlly 1'urrrctnl Knrh It'rrk. | wcsti'PDTAV Flour ?2 as to 2 '2ft! KLESHERTON, KulnVI "'" 1 ?().- 10 ^\ Itt) , <feilt tMll> , rli , lrilfttClJl Si.ring Wheat ift (Ml mf MII in 'Hinl <<!': Hurley <> 40 5R Oats 215 ' I Pean I' 45 (I 4(1 B-itter <> !'-i < !4 1- ; afresh 1 ' ! 1'olatoes I) 411 'III Pork S mi :, -ir, Hiiy.per ton H "" H ides (i (HI Woid H5 Shcepskinx 40 (ieese ('." Turkeys (HI Chickens |M-r pair > -" Ducks jn-r pair 40 U. J. SPROUIi, PHOTOGRAPHY. H DO t 7 INI ft !!; MRS. BULMBE, II |ii ' Flesherton, - Ont <vt .W">Kii ! it<li r. /'''/n. l>'Kr.i iiinl ]\"illt ili-'in'ii I'llllHltinH* Wltlr "II flli'l'li'-lt nulif. ,;.. ,.,/ I,.,,-. A)<)J>i t; II. -I. HnviiiC'OfUt K,-II. ttluv HI tile 'til.ini >if tlia> faniixi-. I. in. nt. i rii..|,."ij.S,T. Mr > .1 I n.'L . 1 '((- v li.-t, I iicijuiri-il v.ilnnl'lf ViMt*!i-*1^i in I'.'t. * Mull- ' hiiif. ' (! nnMiin-'l I mn cm- u'"l i-''-iieri ;. ;;,;;! i ' MRS. nrwiKk Kl.'li. rti.n S.'| t ITtli. I -v- . A. PvptiUr Weekly. The Detroit Commercial Advertiser is one of the few old uata'blished'wcck lica-that in.oonstanUy adding to the value of it* columns. Taken in i con- nection with our owii p*ppr, otir read- er! would find alriiit eviwy" iwosible re- ui-icciiient in the way of current read ing. A brief summary of the oonteutg of a Detroit Commercial Advertiser aliowa the following attiactinm : The lirst page lias a column or so of first- clang jxx-tiy and about tii columnn of A . II HchcU'l matter, mostly of a hu- "On Tuesday l.i-t aimtbcr of Omnye- viiU- 1, i 1,1 roniileiit* |>axrd nwny in tile ponton nf Mr. Juhn I'linmnx, who died of livtr couiplaiut at Kia rimiilfiice, Priuuv <>t V\ s I. Hold. The ilecviucil .is an En - (lilhiimn !% birth, but was rlewcnJt**! fr-'in AH old \\ vUli (tock. Many nf the iiiciubri (if lii* family did ((notl M.TVICV in the defence of their cnnnty. Two . .1 hii father's bruthen bc-li>nt;cd t" tint Duke of NVellinytoii Htntl', and fnlluwo<i the "Hern uf a Hundrud KiuhU" tlirmit;li tin- 1'ciiinnular War. One of them! fell at the Huttlu of WuU-rloo, while tliu ot]i- r wax, at the clone of tliu war, given i liar.-i- of Hit Majetty'* cantwn at Lon- don, in recognition of liU tliBtiii'.'uiolieil iTni-i- The ilcccim-il ntniovud from Onkville, Unlton county, to Ornnuevillu in 1 H.">M, and uiiKAgisl in the stove ami tinwart! huiiiivs*, wliicli he CArried mi for vvural years. Hu built <>nu of the fimt throe I'M. k utortM in Omnuuvillu, tlmt erected by him livini; tin- building now occupied by Mr. M. LcMkin, op]xuiile the market houae, 1 Imad way. He ban led retired life for Home time. He Kan a Lib- eral in |)liticH. and wiui nnioni; the tint KeformerM to roiu in this auction. When he cmt Inn tirnt vote theru were only rive LiburnU in what is now the town of Or *ii|;villc He wax a t4iuiicli adherent mid in, iiil>-r of the Mothodt*fc rlmrch. I!.- li :tvr< a widow, who in well provided for, i nl n HUH and it ilauulilvr, Mr. \V. I'arnonii mid Mm. K. ,1. MvKitrick. Hii tK-ath .n run nl at 12 7.0 p. >., ozactly M) yenra to the minute fni thu day of hu ni.trriaxu. The remain* wrru inttiiTed in tlie Town Cemetery, Ornn^vville, on Fri- day last . [Major Phrtnna, mm of JeceK*eil, ii un- cle to MM. A. R. Fawcutt, wife of the Editor il THK AI>VA*CB. -Ki>. NOTK.] Thos. A. Blakely, /'/ ii n itii't ' '/ ii'tni '.</'/ House and Carriage Painter, ! Flesherton. I- pn'imr.'l t<^ ttfii<l t'> M wurk in hN Dm hn-.ri><H tri fln liNr-4- )Mt rvfiK'toi f nAlil Wi.rkliiMii- like miMtrfiT h>tiiiitrM eb-totiulh furm -i.-... nii'l *iilrn< I* rurrii >l out to thr li-itc-r (V.'i-r* in tovtn <>r rj>iititr\ . l*> 'nail nr iHhi'ririw*. MrlJI ri--'. ir- iMjitAMy j-ri'inpt ntt<*nt.i>n. MHI.IIIIIT Mfllmrn'MCArrUuv Wt>rk. THOS. A. BL^KELY. FOR SALE. " | '.U /vr," U iiliU-H KlwUert'tn (iiMHlwartn friiin. .l,-l!llir. 1 riMllllf. k' I eelUr. ;J>*i.l -.tulile | II.-VIT fKllini; -prlnit .-r,-, k Term" i-m-v Ki.r IwrtlniUrxmilvUi \V. J IIKI.HM V. FlclK-- tnU'<irt<iC.W. IIKI.I. AMY. M.,:kn ... O III IINMII MHHMIi MMII I'll HU II1II1HHI. HJ 1 inilllinil III ; CARD OP TflAKRS ! lEBHATED r T I CHASES -- J LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Lint 'ompUint, I >j >p<|ia, Indifcuian, Tili Jaundice, Ht-.daih<, pijrlnr.s, P.m in lh Huk. L'oMivcticu. or .njr iliwu* ruin( from . ilr'>n(l Nvcr, l. CM>K - l.n Cl'KK will \* founil . M nil certain rrni' <i;- NATURE'S ftCMCDV ' Tk unqualifi*,! >ur,-eM,f l)r <'hj>' Ijver Cmn > I.iver I .ini.l^i . i fi> . i!-iv with Hie feet that il i> ' NI>KK AM. I>M>PIION, CoRZ'Ulr* WltK Oti^f (Mbcr Inx'ua'lU r ... Urif unH hrrl. ha\in| powerful effect on Ih- ki-lny. St. with, Howel< uyl PI ( 600.000 SOLD fltiml la try tkii / i Kir Uavlil Vnrpkrnion. T,> M- K4*,r fif Thr .4,ir.o-^. l>i-r .-ir. I ...linn, very Hiiuli TIKIF *tnnii on tli Ti*i|> ruiioe que.liun. nn.l I think vout pnpor in one >( tin- -|neirt I n ml I ,-tfmi eiij.iynl your i-. . .i iHiiiiri .1 report ol ilml iH'iniiUftralii n at Flrabritoii ou thr .~nri iuxtun'. IVrliii)'* it in net in-nully well to .-r.rf po'iiu-;il nv. i.r .- with *n editor, bnt ruilly, iloa'l you lliink Toil were K littU too liarit on )!<>. Sir l>. I,. M<-|.l,, r...,, ' I Krv with yon thut Kiel w f x'Tiiil jnt- ly. aii'l also Hint .1 ^OIH! <tcnl nf rrunnri* lioiiM l pvrii v>mf ^iiviTiiiiirii i*l oflieutlii, lull Hiirely Sir Dntid -h.Milil not U r tli nir- of ill. HowpTcr. im I h:iT,. not oHiuial rr|Hirti at iinuil. e\ci>pt (of lv>:l. olien Sir 1'nviil had un |><irlf,Ji., nt all. wlll}ou pteate tell im who IIUH )uU tU<! i.llitM of MiiiiHter of tin. Interior, a*it Siipt. of Indian Affair. MI. . I87A. I mppOHe YOU. n. t ()nn Sonnd in M'linl i\ ami no will ! henpeU up, pr, *i J down, aiut.rtintiiOK uter. Hr.nci.oi Ki <i i i. Onprry, Nov. 1.1, Iii thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in Uic past. I have much pleasure in NMiig stiM aide to sii]>(>ty them with tli fullowing ce|e- In-.ifeit in;icliilies, viz., The Toronto I,rht Minder. The Toronto Mower. Tin,- Slmru Sulky UaJs.-. The MasHt-y I lurvestor. The .M.iss. y Mower. Tho Toltf-n Pen Hitrventrr. The Fox IVa Harvester. < t'liinliiiiiitiiiii Plow. Centre Draught JoiuUr Plow. Hamilton ' Sciifflers. HaiiiiUnu'H HOSH (iang Plow. Winner 1 K Spnng Tooth Cultivator.'-. The Cliftthnm Fanning Mill. A full tttoek of Kn-.uiih alwayx on Imiid. Parties rei|uirin<; any :,f thu above will do woll to rail ami itie|M-et Mach- ines. \vhich will he found in SpronlcV warehoiiHo. A. 8. VanDOSEN, FI.KMHEUTON. ooooooioodOMOoOMDMoaoonoaonflnno tu il tr**KtJ !,;'/ l.i-.-tr Cm fitint rvMvWr. , CnrtN AWAT Fill '< 1 iroun.! every l>oule of I>r. I'h.i^'. l.iver Cur raluible Huiiwhold Medi>l l.uide anil Keripc Itoofc (%ipafli,X coniamiog mer too uvful rcip*". ptiMtDunced br mednal nxn an,l ,irw^t;isl\ at invaln- ftble, and woru ten time, the price of the medicine. .. TRY CHUM CAUMX CMC. A fe an,: reme'Iy. Trice, 35 i enti. OLD BY ALL DEALERS Jf.. ttMAHSON CO 4 Recommend'd by Dr. Christoe Kew Butoher Shop in Flftsb- ertou [ Fetch A Mitchell. I'HiU'HIK'i'itHS. TP>' un li riUin.l re-|tv (nll\ take tlii- ni pen tilliitv t.. nlimnuiru t.. lli.i p.-olilr ,,f Kir. I. |>f..| . itrton *iiiliiitrr<niii.1iiic rniintrv . Hint tin \ hkv* rtaitod i ltat*hr Mkop In the ntnmi Bz*4onr to Hi.- M.H.I.- \v,n-ki. KI.KKHKHTiiN. bi>ra they will !.. |il, ,.! tn in -i with nil who taviir them with llirir |.ntr.,i,fi. Kn-uli M.-i t . of !l klli<ln,ilil FUh.Ar In iMlrMMOM, Hwipncttully >our), I>KTCH*MIT( - James Sullivan, The Tinsmith. - Fleshertou. Hu)>KlriiiK KitvKtriiiiL'liliie. iul In f>et f>rr) llilnij In tli IMI-III.".- will riKiiv,* in) lui.inpl ri.| oAreful attnhliiin at I., TOIT ion, Contip*tinii, DizzMnn, I<mi t Mr. V-lli.w Hkin ' Hhiloh'il VitaliMr i* . |....itir,. ure. Sold ! M.-.lirl Hll FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. 1*1211 C AT O Inmitance effected on Farm and Village rtinlrlinpii and.eot.teiitii. liihurai M a Hpoculty.. H V< k .11 M< k I" r f uui. . I'hc* X i .n I Medio.l,, CBl*. doia . T>ceda. Mort^apon, l^ascn, Willn, Ac., careful!) prepared and nroperlf I executed. OtncE,- Tonnito otroot, near Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent,