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Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 3

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< i UKI > I TOPICS In a new dictionary of biogrspby, con- taining 40.000 name*, all tbe Kitbuabild* and Aitors pal together receive only M many line* as are aoorded tn Harriet Belabor bio we. (Jorueltu* V.nderbil receive* leae attention Ibtta P*KDtni, and A. T. Stewart DO mart than Dniel L*m- bet I, tbe (at ran. Even tbe three rich benefactor* Guard, George Ptabody and Sir MOMI Mjntefljrs Doited lake lees room than Jobu Woley or NjIbaniclEUw- thorn*. LOBD Dcrr , Viceroy of India, recently vuited 1'juJiouorry to py bil reapeots to MM LJ jveruor of the 1'reuoh poesaseioni in India. He was aeeompaoied by Lady Dal fnu. Tbe vnil wai in reluru for Ibal whioh Lord and Lady Duffarin received lail year from the Gjveruor of Pundi- ohtrry. Toe 1- reach Government ordered tne U jveruor of the French Indies to re- oeive Lord Daflerin wnh tbe greatest die- unoiiou. No English V.oeroy had visited Poodioberry muee 1816. It ii not gsntrally known Ibal In* Indian Government paya a heavy tribal* to the Governor of the Freneb loditt for the monopoly OD salt. OMB of tbe fsmoas women 'i right* women of lhe> Weel ii tk* Kov. Miss Anais Bnaw, and good stories are told of her plaok aad snartnaai. Ujoe when ahs was riding through the lumber region of Michigan the drifer began to talk insultingly. Miss Bkaw etood il for bait an boor, and then oddonly drew a derringer from tbe folde of her garmsnli, aad eaid very quietly : You low, contemptible brute . alter anoibsr word of thai eorl, and I'll eboot you like a dog." Toe threat WM eoffieient. Tbe man did nol alter a ey Uabl Ibe test o( ibe trip. He helped to get * large con- gregation for her a>l the aelllement, " be- otiuM," he aaid, " be Uked ber grit." Ones < public mtsiing a speaker who bad been discoursing on tbe traile of strong-minded women, among othere that of wearing abort hair, eoddanly turned to Miet Shew and aiked : " By tbe way, bow did yon acquire that baWi, Miee Shaw?" "Sir, I wae born eo," wae tbe aoewer. " His { Roau DOCOHTT TICB- soajtm," or, ae he U belter knowa, " TM Claimant," who hae been aerioaaly ill ia New York Iron blood possooiag, ii now Deb bitter. He .till bopee b will get tnoagh of friend* on thii oontioenl to enable htm to proeieeale bit elaim to the grel Eagliah eetatee. He eaye : " I ehall reopo my eaee nol with etanding the op position I have mil with from tt Eugliib Government. Fortunately for me, tbe position they took le illegal. Tbe Govern- meat epent aboal 11,000 000 to convince a peaked jury that 1 waa nol myself bat somebody eUe. Arthur Orion ha* been feud ia a lunatic aiylum in Sydney, Aus- tralia, and nil brother hae been aent there by Mm Baring, wife of one of tbe Baring brotben, of London, to identify eke mania*. Hie death wae oerlifled to and Ike lying paper wae eent to bii wife, poor tool, who died believing tbe lie ; bui Orion ii alive and will be produced. Mre. Baring has taken great Interest in my OM I - a letter to tbe London Timu, Mr Ftoode, tbe huton.u repliee to Ibe charges brooght againel him by Mr. Harton, eaylog ta nbstanoe tbal be andertoek tbe writing of CrlTle'e life -> e latter I own orgeal request, and al tbe sawriflet of bu own amtagemente for future work, and of time and money which ha could ill epare. Carlyls, be eaye, left him absolute d Jeers- MOB to do wbai be pleaMd witb the letters and journals. " AM tbe difltrent portions of my w jtk were published." be eaye, " I restored tbe papers to Mr. Oarlyle'e nieoe, at he directed. A* I eoold no longer refer w> them, it would have been eotuteooi if, whea the dieeoTered mtateke*, ebe> had feinted them oat to me. She wai beraelf receiving tbe profile of tbe Rewjlaieeeoeee' gilt from myeeU. It there are mistake* in tbe lettere and memorial* of Mr*. Car lyle. they an not due to me. Tbeee votamef were printed directly trem copies wbioh Oarlyle tnrniebed me. Il hae been over thie publication Ibal Ibe) chief irritation bee arieen. Here I eoafeM I think eome blame atlaobee to Oarlyle) blmeslf. If, la remorae tot read or imegioed faulte of bu own, he thought il nbt to pot together theee memorials, be ihould have bimaelf decided bather they were to be printed or not. Tbe reeponeibihiy iboall not have been left to trienle. He told me often be ought to do penanei like Jobnton. Bat ae in faet be bae left me to eland in the pillery foe him, I am tired of tbt illoation. Now witb my own will 1 eball neither write not red another word opon the rabjeet, wbicb b*j> been a torment and perplexity of too lacge a portion of my lit*." Tbe eommenle of tbe London preee upon thii are an favorable M Mr. Fronde. Tbe Palt MU 'Jourttr. for inetanee, eayt : " Froode'e apologia ia a eomewbal eorrier perlormanoe tnan the fault bealtomple to hide. He wae nol worthy of the bonot of being pil loried for bii maetor." "Mr. Fealherly," Inq aired Bobby, while tbe deeeerl wee being dieeeeawd, " ie your dog'e name Rome ? ' No," replied Fealberly, in eome acton- iebmial, " hie name if Major Why, Bobby?' " Beeaoee pa told ma lait nibl tbat you were down at the Eagle Hotel making Rome bowl, and I e'poewd be wai talking about your dog." I'r.l. l.rlhlr K.rlh.|..l.. .. The mor* I etudy Ibe lete I know aboot eeurthqaakee. Ae yet tbej are toteJly an explainable. 1 jtil eome one) known Ibe erlb raolKiue an earlh nke bureau to predlot eneh oalamitiee 11 aboolntely ira poeaible. Al preeenl eoienoe bae hardly taken the tirel elep toward tbe ditoovery of Ibeir origin. Not York Bertiti. Tbe aeeiiN at Toronto were occupied all yeeterday an! lait night In heattoc Ibe OMeof erimioal aoeaall preferred by Miry Ball againe! Dr. W. H. Graham, epealaliit, one of bie patienle. Tbe jury, about 11 p ii' . braogbt in a verdict of nol guilty and tbe prieoner wae dieebarged. Wter wai not allowed eoldiera of Ibe Aoelrian army while marching twenty yearo ao. Now ibi eopply le virloaJly unlimited while tbey are Duderaoiogexereitte, a fael o wblob In attributed Ibeir freedom from emneiroke during thin yaar'e autumn jii" jvree wbio ibe beat wae utra- I-KI - > I - f toir.i AaUM Ike I n, .1 I .i Uuab hae beea eaid reotntly, and ribily too, with reference to exiravjgtnee in f uueraU, remark* the Philadelphia Record. Tbe unwarranted display in Ibe trapping* of woe and the ilereoiyped exhibition of either sorrow or f riendebip io Ibe etaepa of fljral Iribaiee have often aiooeed orilioum and led to then jury whether wasteful and meaomgleea expenditure doee not often detract from tbe eolemnity of tbe oooaeion and impoverieh tbe living wbile nol honoring tbe dead. It thii erilioum ean juetly be applied to fooerale, it ean witb iqaal jaetioe be applied to marriagee, tboee other ovento wbiob are eo deeply in- grafted into our eooial economy. Tbe pool telhi ue thai Leave* have their time to fail, And flower* to with or at the uurUi wmJ breath. And HUT* to Ml ; but all Thou baat all uaaoni for thine own. O Death and, uke that of death, Ibe marrying eea- eon U at all limee, altbough there 11 a popu- lar belief tbat the rule of Hymen generally oovere tbe eoming and the going of the montbe. With eertaia elaeeee lommer flir- laliooi are largely reepooeible for fixing Ibe marriage eeaaon. Tbe worde thai were lightly ipoken at Oape My , al Nawporl, or at Bar Harbor beneath Ibe wiMfaing iotta- enoe of wavee or of moonlight, find their fruition io thai other more eeriooe aentenoe whieb ende with " to love, honor and obey," and wbal wae born in oomedy may i. jd IU ealmmalion in Ibe eevere* : kind of tragedy. There are, however, certain pertode of ibe year whioh appear to be [.eealiarly eiered to marriagee, one of them being oloae opon ue. and, therefore, it may al <o be eaid that the iiaeon of preeente hae begun. For, in- dependent of the intereel whiob alwaye eeeme to aliaoh to two people joining themeelvee to eaota other tor belter or for worse, there appaare to be an anwrilteo law M Ibe cfleel that their friende or relativee eball expreee their regard or approval in eome enbelanlial way. With the growth of eivilicalion bae eonae an iaereaae in sere mony ; but wbile we have oirreepondiDgly more preeenle, tboee manifeetatione of re- gard or eflMtiOQ do nol have tbe eignifl oanoe wbiob al one lime belonged to them. When a marriage takee place eometbing ia expected of ouleidere. The bridal preient* are not inexpensive gifle , tbey are gener- ally dieplayed and their Uel pnbliebed in the newepapere, and although we may eometimea hear ot eome one who profeaved toobjeo) to thia publicity, whether he or be be donor or recipient, we often find thai thie very pareon invited an ID vaeion ot the privaey of the domeetie circle. Of oooree il 11 not to be euppoeed tbal all wbo give on eaeh oaoaaioni are actuated by a deeire for notoriety. Bomeumee in tbe wilderneee of gifle there U one, homely enough it m*y be, which ehinee "Uke a nob jewel in an Eihiop'e ear," Ibe work of loving baode, Ihe outgrowth of tbe prompt- ingi of a lender heart. Bal in too many oaeee theee outward dleplayi limply re aotve tbenaelvM into an advertuemenl or a competition. Beeide Ibii, taete doe* not differ eo very materially, and what i* a br|de to Ae wnh all the batter-knivee and ailver teaepoooi and dreeelng oaeee and vaeee and elooke which are heaped upon ber? Thi marriage table of to-day ii imply ae a loaded eoanter la a baaaW. Yoong Mr* Daley rejoieee la tbe Ibonffbl that ebe bae bad 151 preaenle, wbilel ber ooial rival, Mre. Fern, bae only received lit. Tbe number tooebee ber pride, and he never beetowt a Ibongbl apan tbe eentiment whloa inipired Ihe gill . Ibe donor IB forgotten in Ibe temporawy anaiel triamph. The elereolyped "OaeeeAjar," which ie laid upon the grave, and ttae Freneh oloek, the oarvinge on wbioh axe mingled with orange bloeaomi, art, a* a rale, equally devoid of meaning and eigni- fioanoe ; and Ibe wedding preeenl, ioetead of being an expreeeion of friendahlp and affjetton, beeoins* a eoetal lax which daily provee ileelt more eeneeleee and more bardentome. A >t- V 1 HI, K Hew . We.irk Jtm, *>e ,,, . Tkc " t uaui 1 D. In 1 -i ; 1 I lefl Wilmington, eayn J. H. WiUiame in " Lipplnoolt'i ' for Novem- ber, and returned to Nonietown to ateami an editorial pooition on the Htrald, a daily edition of which had been elarted a few veare previonely. With my advent on tbt llertld I introduced a oilnmn of wbal 11 known ae " Paragraphio Homir," wbieb bae been a feature of the paper ever lino*. Al flret oar exchangee referred to Ibe author of theee paragraph* ae " Ibe Norrie- town Herald man," an appellation that wat nol at all otloncive , but, when tbey began to oall me Ibe " tunny man " of the Nor- riitown llrr i ,i, I fall like demurring. Tbe title ii a miinomer. A jonrnaliet ie Mr- ribly handicapped when be achieve* tbe reputation of being a newipaper " fanny man." lie ie expected to be fanny at all limee and at all place*. When be ii inlro- duoed to a party of elraogen aa the "fanny man " ot Ibie or thai jiumal, they oom- menl on bie funereal appearanee, but ineanely Ibiak il U the proper thing Io laagb al bie utterance*, even though be ebonld >]Qote from a London Timoiditorial or a i Jiied H ale* oeneae report. They, of ooaree, don t realiee that Ibii bueineae of beirg alwayi on Ihe lookout for a sentence that oan be twilled into a grotecqae or ex- aggerated paragraph, or a word Ibal oan be tortured Into a depressing pun, Ii one of Ibe moel lagnbrioae and wearing da tiei ooniieoted with journalism. A -I Ii. i. i .,..i, vora Little l)wk Pap, my clothe* i* all out. rp- Oan I help II, Disk, I feel very poor jail now. " Wry don't Ihe BioleMt give yon Mme money ?" " Wbal a qaeitlon ' He bae DO money to epare, I'll be bound." " Well, let'a move to Booth Africa and pretend to be heathen." Omaha World. Theodore Kooetvell, tbe defeated oandl- date of Ihe Republican pany for Mayor of New York, tailed for Europe on Bator- day. Wbile abroad be will marry Mm Kilth Oarow, a Gotham belle. Dr. J. H. Borland, a prominent lye and ear apeoialiet, ot Pilt*burg, Pa., ia Ibe lateel villim of the oooalne habit. He hae become violently Insane. When taken into rasteiya bottle of oooaine and a syringe were found on bii person. Thii ie IBS .first oaes of tbi kind repotted from Pitta- /burg. - ' " Bwa new Iriokoal inlawalbe other day," eaid a tmvolling OMUI. I was stop- ping al i little nation OD tbt Norlbweateru and Ibe hotel waa oloae to the railroad traek. The through paaeecfier traiae doo'l ttop there. In the party Hilling onleide after dinner wai a man who bad a fine gold wateb, with a eseei ol extraordinary weight. He eaid it wai Ibe heaviest watob- cane made and Ibe ilrongetl. Tbere ie a funny ibmg about Ibie watoh of mine,' he laid, ' il ia to strong Ibal I eao put il on Ibe railroad traek and let a train ran over it and il will nol be damagtd in tbe least.' ' Right on tbe rail ?' quirted one of tbe parly. " Tea, I'll plaoe II right on top of Ibe raile, where Ibe wheels run, ani il won't be bnrla partiola.' " Bel yon Ibe atgare you daaunl do il ? " Tbi propotition wa> aoeepted and tbe whole crowd unladed in Ibe piymenl of 'be wsgir, no matter wbo loet. In a few minntei a train wae ictn approaehibg, wben tbe owner of Ibe wateb w*nl out to Ibe traek, pal hie timepiece on Ibi rail and then walked baok to tbe hotel porob and reeamed hie chair a* cool u a cucumber. Tbe train oame tbonderuig on aou tbe wo wd got excited. Tbey itood wilb open moatbi and thinking wbal ahame il wae that an internal fool abonld pat inch a Ane wateb on Ihe raiu to be emaebed into tnithtreeni. Wben the locomotive slruek the spot where Ibe wateb bad been placed Ibe crowd groaned and fancied tbey could ee bile of gold flying alooi witb the dost. But tbe owner of Ibe witob cat quietly imokioK his eigar, and ae won ae tbe long train bad pasisd be walked out, reached down and pioked bii watch op from Ibe lide of Ibe rail, aa perfect u it it bad been in hie rocket all tbe time. " V jo aee,' be said , as wt all lighted fresh oigars at tbe other fellow exj eue. ' Ibere i* no danger in this trick providing you plaoe yoor walob near tbi ed^e of the rail, where Ihe wbeele have worn Ihe faee imoolb, and so thii tbe iligbteel diilurb- anoe will eaoee it to elide off meide ibe rail. The watch cue ie oral, and il leaves an opening for the air to gil nnder. If tbe jar of Ibe rail did not eanse Ihe watob to fall off tbe preatars of Ibe air from Ihe approaching train sorely would. I have performed Ibal lillle trick bondredi of limee and never met with an accident One day a freth levelling man from 8t Linii eaw mi do It, aid be si ones de- clared Ibal thai wae nothing anybody ooold do that. So bs wni out io front of another train and put bit watob on the rail. After the train had paited he found his watoh about forty rode op the track. Ii waa about as big at a aauotr and ae thin as a piece of light oardboaii. H* bad made tbe fatal mistake of putting tbe wateb nee* Ibe end of a rail and *o nieel; balanced upon the top of tbe rail Ibal il didn't fall off. The trick im jail like any other-yon want M know bow to do il" sjtjN A raieea"* i > lecture. At Brighton yattordST a jory Awarded 60 damages In an ejetion for breach of prornue brooght by MIM K%|* Fiabar, of Bono, London, agalaat Mr C K. Grans, orgeon, of Brighton. Ooanul reed ex iraeii from eevoral lee ten aent by defend- ant to Ihe plaintiff. In Ibe flnl he wrote : ' My muelaabe bae grown inconveniently long and wants trimming, and If you are not here I shall have to trim il myaaif." (Laughter ) A l Card 1 1! he "longed so uieb for hsr fond embrace, which beiojoyedio moon," and aided : " Y iu mut imagine I e>m kteelng you every night before you go to bed." (Laogbter ) In another letter, jut before ooming home, he wrote " I am sorry I cannot com* earlier, but you iball have a few more. Y ju bad bet- ter waeb your face in brandy or epirlto of wine, for I mean W make il ia man tbat yon will not be able to reel it on your pil- low fir some time to eome." (Renewed laaxQier ) Fiom Ooildtord be wrote) : " Mother Ic j let off to a prayer-meeting and I am going Io look op acquainlanoee. I eball be thinking ot you. all ibe evening, ebptoially op to 10 o'clock. Mother will ootue to yoo to-morrow," iii another day be wrote " Darling Kale, how kind of yon to aend anything to enliven life here ; you had belter eend yourself , labeled thii eidi up." (Laogbter.) On I ) cumber l...h, 1889, hi aaid : " It you could feel ho* my heart eapl onto you there at I watched yonr tearful and eorrowfol faee wbea the ihip lefl." Oi March ib, 1886, the defendant wrote from Olaremonl terrace, Frcetoo Park, tbal be wai " sorry bt had oaoaed ber so much anxiety. Il wai better to tell tbe truth iactead of laying he bad an afleotion for her. wbioh hi had nol." Kjt Ibe defence II was contended Ibal the defendant wai in eooramplion and Ibal therefore Ibe plaintiff had a lookv ceoape from marrying him." I-ondan l>ailf Ntwi. A Nklr rtin. intnl " U'e a solemn thing, yoong man," eaid Ihe broken hearted father, " to eome Into Ibe borne of an old man, and lake away hie only daughter, Ibe Ughlof hie booiebold, and the prop and solaee of hie declining yean. Bol you have my bleumg, and I wish yon ivery j >y and " " But I won't take ber away, eir," intor- ropted tbe young mao, inexprescibly afftcled. " We'll both nay right here." WtlBI Ike I in -r Tin, EKSWCI* Tbs Marqaii of Salisbury run* hii tbretbicg machine with eleelriaity. Now, all that ia wanted ia an eleetrie cultivator, and a few otbir tbing*, and the farmer oan lit in hia parlor aod run hit e*tati with a machine like a lypewiier. Omaha World. Gin. Bonlaogir, Frenoh Minliler of War, wbo hae recently beoome a disturb ing qianlily ID i . iropoao polliiec, eom- bioe* Eoglleh gril with Krenon daeb. Hie mother wai an Kufclmh woma>o, named MIM Orif&tbe, and ibe Qioiral bimeelf wai born In Brigbtoo, and he lays bii earheel reeolUo ions are of tbe time he played wilb tbi E aglUb boyi ur Ii ekaiu pirr. Oen. BouUoger ipeetkiKnguih wilb vemaoalat iaiaty. , A ".. ul.r < l l.llma In Ibe pnmitive day* of Methodism it n i nred nol only prsaohsr* of iterltng pi*iy and Obriilian oonrage, bat also pby- ical etrength. Tbe late Bv. Oamteidge Orabam was noted not only lor Ibe excel- lency of bis Christian character, kindneee of heart and forbearance of cpuit, but for bu greal pbyiieal etreogth Tbu laller characteristic was never brought out ia hit minulry excspl when DO other rsmedy was left him. In his early ministry hi wai senl to Hancock circuit, in the Haiti more Conference. Tbere wae al one of bis appointments a family father and sooi) wh > wire noted aa bailies, as dn- turner* of Ibe If tbodist meetings. Wbile Mr, Orabsiu was holding meeting! on one occasion there Iwo of the map's eons began their usual series of interruption. No rebuke bad any efiiol apoo tbtm, and finally Ihe preacher ejected them frort Ibe bouse. Tbey went home and told their father of tbe treatment they bad received at tbe baode of tbe new Uelbodiil preacher. Tbe old man was terribly indignant al Mr. Graham aod vowed to ebaelise him the next morniog. Bright and early, gun in band, be appeared al tbe farm boas* where tbe preacher was lopping. Mr. Orabam was out on the poron performing bis morning ablution (tbe man of Ihe boo** beiogoverlu an adjoioiag field) when bi was aaloK 1 by the urate felher : " Too are tbe new Methodic! preacher ?" " Yet, eir," replied Mr. Orabam. He then naejated what bs bad done to hii soni Ibe previous evening, winding op with the declaration thai "lie had eome over to whip him." " Wblp me T ' eaid tbe preacher in a tone of lurpnee. " Yee, you." " Well," eaid the preaefaer, " wait until I gel through WMbiog." In tbe meantime Ibe old man bad Ml down bu gun and pr pared for tbi itruggle. Mr. Orabam approached him in the kiodli eel manner, repealing : " Ob, yon doo'l want to whip me." and with a manner thai practically diiarmed hi* antagonist, Draw- ing oloat up to bio) be placed bis band on sob of tbe old genl'i arms. It wae like tbe grip of a Ties. " Bo yoa want to whip ma," as his grip tightened, and he began Io sway the old man back and forth. He was like an infant in tbe preacher grasp aod writhed in mortal agony as the grip tightened on his flesh, and tbe ihaking became more vigoroos to the eboroi : " Bo you want to whip mi t Why, 1 11 shake yon to shavings I" The ogbl was all taken out ot the man, and he begged to bs relsaeed, promising for himself and cone Ibal there should be no farther molestation of Mstbodist meet- mge in tbal neighborhood. Tbs preacher accepted hie promise aod rslsascd him and gave him eome kind and good advioe. Tbs old man, thoroughly crestfallen. caesed Ihe man of the boose wbo wae oat ie the field trembling lor Ibs safety of the preacher and saloted him wilb the remark : " I believe tbat preaabsr would fight." Tbere was peace al tbal preaching- place ' i.Altooita (Pa ) Triteex. ft Bobby was evidsntly very moeb per- pUxed I wail to aak you. Mr. Kiathsrly." hs Dually said during a loll in the conversation, "aboal your bouss and lot." "I have no bouse and lot, Bobby." replied Featbsrly, a will uneasily. " I told them eome lime ago." " Bold "em," repeated Bobby. " Then pa mast have made a mistake. I beard him eay yon drank 'em up ' Wkere i*r Treable WeeiM Ceas* in. I'm ears," eaid Mrs. Podwallader, t don't tee bow II could make trouble 10 Ibe borne* of th* land If women should vote. " LIJU'I you tbiok, my dear," replied Mr. P., " Ibal the men would maks Ibeir wives vots as they wanlsd Ibsm to ?" " Make them ? Indeed, eir. I don't I'd like Io see yoo attempt to make ms vote as I didn't want to. I'd drive yon oat of th* boon with s broom." CMsefe W'*. fl. .n. ler *- ifcr r i , Wbal was il tbat ma said M you wben yon earns in T" whtrpired young Bobby to t'eaiberly, ons of th* goeete. "Oj, simply tbal she was delighted to tee ms . thai was all, Bobby." I'm glad ot il," said Bobby, aod a look of ginniD* relief oami over bii face " 'esats sbs said this morning thai ahs hoped yoo wouldn't eome." WBIX TOO ASS ini TO FL1V. It I* a boos To mails yos coax, WLeo she insists tbt I not prepared , (the won't Intisl tthsd play unasked, loo. if the dared. And tbtn tbs rest Tbeb*nu attest. Of e*ry wil I spasmodic whack , W hoc etch to eaeh BngsKtd iDSpceeb, Oblmuui j tarn Ibe beck. A daughter of Mrs MoMoUsn, Hackville etreet, Toronto, was bitten in Ibs leg yea- terday by a oeigk b ir'i dog. To-day the girl has been delinoai and hsr Ills u de*pared of. A man noted for sbrswdnsae in trade is approached by an acquaintance wbo hae jail returned from tbe country. " What's the oewe In tbe country?" the shrewd man a>*ka. " I am sorry, but I'vs got bad newt or yoa." " Ton don't wy eo ? ' " Yes, yoar wife Ii deed." "My gradoai ! ' Ihe threw d man sxeliims, " I woold nol bavi Ibal happen for for fifty dollars. No, let ms see. Well, lay forty fire." A Lswiitoo, Ms., man bat tited in b i window a wire bird trap ihaped like s half cylinder and deliottely hunt; on its centre. Wben a bird alights on Ibs trap bis own weight swings II downward and bs ii whirlsd Iniide of tbs window i ito another cage there. Liberally scattered orumrt call iparrowi to tbs trap and ths Lwistoo man says that they are as good sating as reed birds. Dog Hong Bie he* bstn elected Mayor cf Obioatowo, N ew York. His salary n t< wstk No gentleman should imike when walking with ladies, nor should a lady smoke whin walking wilb a gentleman Mr. George W Davis bae just died in Baltimore after living eight months with a broken neck caused by a fall. Aiir*B|>te1 A young mao, who reside* near Lulls Ournnt, it., eome Ibree we*ks cinee sent regisltred letters addressed Io a intrebanl ot Toronto, In wbiob bs staled hi bad enclosed II JO When ibe letters reached tbe merchant they contained blank sheets ol notepaper and pieces of ao old news- paper, but no money. Tbe merchant re- ported th* matter to Ibe Poet cffiw lot pee or. Mr.Bweelnam vieited Little Cnrrenton Wednesday last and men luted an irqairy. 1 1 was discovered tbal ths young man bad prepared Iwo sets of letters , thai in on* he placed the blank notepaper and piece* of newspaper alluded to, and Ibal in the other he bad snoloeed }1'/0 io the psseeoes of two respectable men, wbo, al bis rsqoeet, accompanied him to Ibe post < ffloe to wit- ness the posting of the letters. Oa reaching the post-cfnos be mailed and registered the dummy leltore , and, ot course, kept ia bis pocket iboss wh oh contained the money. An effort bad aleo been made to indicate that ins envelope ot th* letter* bad been tampered with. Tbs young mao on being charged witb bis attempt to east sosp::ionoo tbe posl-offiee admitted his (uiit, and made a bumble apology to the Postmaster. His oflinee is punishable, at there was an ob*ioos intention to defraud i 11 i TUlim VAII.KO. -' i mmrru days ot agony and discomfort, nol by i interposition*, but by the aee of th* from great interpositions, , _ . only core-pop corn cure Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor. Tender, painful oorns are removed by lie ass in a fsw daye, without the slightest discomfort. Many luttiiilotei in tbs market make il necessary ibsl only " Pulnsm's" should be asked for aod taken. Bore, safe, barn, Its*. Oio eaws havs deprived one hundred per- sons cf Ibeir hand* aod armi in Alabama Ibii year. No matter ID wbal part you an loeaM>l Co, jro* '" - *' M - - - . . -. should write to Ballttl A Co, Portland _.. ,. au.l roelT. free, lo( .ruiti.,u about work rai io ai> I lit* al home, tt a print of from ails _ in 1 upwudsdai y. boiu* L.t made over MS lea ess All . o*w. OepitaJ cot Deeded. Hs,ll*it ACo. will start you. tuber MI All **. Those wbu ommtooe aioDcewin uiak* tun of snug little fortune*. Write ts.J tee lor younelve*. New polios rules in Washington torse tbe men wkile on doty M wear white glovce aod carry oane*. Washington polios are not known ae clubbers. The ii. . - , - el t* ...... ii ber crown of glory. But alas ' bow quickly doei the nervous debility and ooronie weakness ol the sex tunes Ibe bl ram ot youth to pass away, sharpen tbe lovely features, and emaciate tbs rounded form 1 Tbsrs n but ons rsmedy wbioh will restore tbe faded roeee aod bring back tb* grace of youth. Il is Dr. Pierce i " Kavortte Preeertplioa," a sovetetgn remedy for the dinaesi peculiar to fs males. It is ons of Ihe greatest boom ever conferred upon the homaa rase, tor il preserve! Ibal which is fairest and dearest to all mankind Ibs beauty and the health of woman. Tbe founder of ths Ionian steamship line wee tbs first to eend a serew veeeel awteej tbs Allan Mo Te i PI,-.-. Reader, ean yoa believe that tbs Creator i til ete one-third of mankiod wnh adieeae* for wbio i there ie DO remedy ? Dr. R. V. Pierosi " ( >idto Medical Pi-oovtry " has cored hundred* of oases of ontompwoo. and men are living to-day healthy, robust msn whom physicians pronounced ineera bie. because one lung was almost gone Bind 10 eeots 10 stempc fer Dr. Pieree'e book on ontomrtiun and kindred aflte lions. Address, World's Dlcpeneary Medi eel Association, 6>,.l Main street, Boflalo. N. Y. David K. aod Kmtly P. Mix. of Oonneeti cut, have a daughter 1 mouths old, 1) inebe* In bsigbl aod weighing Jj pounds. Bbs U bealtby, aod eao eel, steep aod iaall like a baby five limee her silt. Stricture of tbe urethra, how ever inveterate or complicated from previooi bad treat men I. epeedUy and per- manently oared by oor new sod Improved methods. Book, references aod terme sent f >r ten cent* ia stampi. World'* Unpeneary Uedieal Aseooiation, t>'.( Main Street. Buff do, N. Y. Mrs. Parnsll has arrived at Ibe old boms- etead in Wieklow, Ireland, near tbe Vale of Aveca, immortalutd by Moore ia Ibe " Meeting of the Watere." Sbc has been reoeivi 1 wilb filial tendsrnees by ber II- luilriooi ion aad hir deogbter, Miss Anna Parnsll, wbo has been mietrees of Ibe homestead siooe Mre. Parnell lefl lor America, many ysare ago. -Miss Dor* (at tbe piano) -Well, I 1 ung one more socg and tbsn I marl go bom*. Mr. Ojteve 8 Sail I accompany yon 7 Miss D. Thanks, I havs an escort ! A Boston, Maes., lawyer recently advsr- lised for an office boy. A fsw days after bs received the following application : " Miiter I want Ihi job mi folks ain't rich and I got to resale they are ded. II betes all bow hard times is I can do choree an Isarn fast. I wanl a job in your offloe let me to. Jimmy Carrigan." Jimmy got tbs oh CONSUMPTION. I b*t ft p>t*Mll** rTMtstalt >nr the* abn.e ellMtM tie MB) DW*M -tirw4 !,, e'-^t to mj IhJlb >* tf* w .... tr*t i i ** r ,.i TW.' n. 'i tint PHIA. Ti|in nth * v ti I'tiM t rniriTi** i >,s in m a* Mr MsVorvr. i*i* rtr*o a> i r n i' n, i < k " t -!'* Branch OfBco . 37 Ton^e SL, Towito J H. l~ IT ee DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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