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Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1886, p. 4

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f. ilhnery T Our new stock of Pall and Winter Millinery is 119^ opened & will bo slaughtered at greatly reduced prices, as we are giving up Millinery business. Call and see it- ItnrtMun HurrauOOHliruooK:.!, i-- Kill ll uw U> w4o fur 11 Ut flltW THE ADVANCE. tipuU'inlieJ J{ Itiithvan, T. K'1U Snii,.l. I. lii:i li.-iin. .1 l!n>ilie <'"! \Vin(r .\|i|.U-K, .1 I. (iraliiiiu, H. Kulliuiu. Sei-<lliiip, J. I Uniliuiii, <i Swaiitiiu. <'nl. ('rub A|i|>li>* .1 1 (irnliiini, .1. llM'li". IfculKll IVin \\ N.nt.'ii, .1. Hulley. ('l;i|.|.'^ r'uvuritu TH Orrtrr. .1. 1. (intlmm. I I'" .inn ill- Jersey .! I Tiraliain. J f.iihuii. I'.il. I',- is, J , LoiuWrd, J.H.BM1 W *'"' ' <!i:li:nii. * , I Ji Bnh- v MAdj ,| I l , . loMfii Prop, J.McOcM , ,:i. H Klltlu an, .1 . 1 1 Vrntinne. tion rtion, for vhu M, .1 I. (iial.ain. -I Mi Vrtliur, \V. lln.w n. I on. will l.c Inieru -I aoaordiiuely. Mfctru iMa<-iii"iii- in regular ailvertinert. Nolioee Mli >>: ' '.: matter, 10 ctMitu per lino each in i I4V. aa WTtUi* i n I li. continued until all ar- rnaraftei r |.ii! . up Co|iy f"i fclvertiMHiuiMla fhoiilJ reach this ' Hcu nut later than noon on Tnt-mlay to eusuro in out n-nt i**utv A II. FAWCETT, Editor mul 1'ruftnrtor. FL.BSHERTON: t'HrKSDAY. SKI'T. SO, 1880. ~ - ' . *" taw I ! fxlractcd. '!'. A. M. uluMiii. Mni.ey, ciinili, S. I llntu-r. liw. tal.le. .1. (J. Mil-kin. .1 Uiell.ll-ilsxil. lilllter, table,.). AU,,tt. It. Oliv.-r, .1 Ki.haul son. Butter, - r >()lks lul>, (!. liuskin, J Kcrris, .1. Miliior. Clu-i-*.-, factory, Stewart. C'lieesi/, hoinv in;uK-, (I Stewart Tiruttd, W. Niirti.ii, J. lint' I til A/.IJ.ll/.li-flll 1 ' <. ILuinU-r \Y, .1. H. H.-ard ; alsu Is prizes fur fifh <>f f'.llottiiic : Dcinocrat Hux'ify, i-ovi-uil, II|H*II Bireriry, single C'ut ter. and (li.nhli* Cut tor., team .1 (lordoii. II.11HI--S, Kindt'. 1). Clayton \V. l!:ini!i"i,M-. lit i.n/e each for Gents*. St..i;:i Hiinln, ninl I!. ii .ts. Judges, G. Nixon, J. McArthur (iilniy, .M home IIKI.U-. <.r<-> Prize List. UnrSf*. Dm.4K.HT HOKM-. -Brood mare; W.I R C'r|-t, Mn. '. *Jii4i.dl, S. Wiikely. -' (Ji-liluig or Ruthvan llliinkeK II.HUO VSrly ; A. R. Matlill, A. Johnston. 1 \. ii VJelHinn or Killy, A. Johnston. Spring Voal, \V. Nicboluk. *, Wakuly. GKX'L I'fBi'osK., 1>. Stiiiiwiii, T. Kf!l. UriH.d .\tiuv. A Mmmhaw, A. McMtillen. 2 year old Cult. U. Cum]- btill. S. Wmkmly. 1 year .-id T. Bm.t-r, J. I. (irahaiii. Spring fol, J. \Wbur, 'f. Krown. ROAPSTEKS. - Team, Dr. Hpr uK Av . T*.u, J. H. Henderson, 1). (Jrahatn. Saddle Howe (protest*-.!) A. IV-attie. ItllllMe * 1'lekell'l apti-ia! fur (iartii-U ecJl W. Nu-holli Trn.iUe A fickell's apodal for five Lent U hrwJ frinu ,.y Imrae \V. Nil-holla. <'*. J. Weber, \V. U,, C. Din- ODD Kelts, J. for Speed Brrun & l.ju-.ick. <ieo. Dinwoody. Judges - H. J. Middnuijli, John At- Ainlrew Juiniis. .n. , Mrs . unk', 'JIr. 'R. .V UoOM. Full.-d Cloth, Mr. \V. N..:tmi, Mr*. J Cl<.lJi, I'.atoiy, U'. Nor- ton. Flaniii-l. lioint- iniicK-, Mrs. \\ . Nor- ton. Mrs. J. Milnoi. Flannel, union, Mis J A'l-.-tr. STtirkiui: Yarn. Mr-. J. All Mrs. T. Ellii. Woollen Mils, Mrs. \V. N..II..II, MIN. .). I'.imiie. WiHillol S,,,k<, Ml. J. AI.1...U, Mrn \V. KlcUlur Ui,,.l,,Mi M.-.-W 1111:1*. Mr*. J. Al.lxitt, Mn .1 itiaiar.:-..!! P : 1- Quilt, Mrs J i . .Aim \V Nint'in. Knit or Crotcli .-'. y.nlt. Airs. W. Nuitoii. Mm K t;i:i.i> Any other kind Vmlt, Mrs. \V. Nut ton, Mr'*. S St,.ki-.-*. C..I Hi-rlm Wool \V(,rk, Mn \V. TruuUe, Mr. J. IJoecruft. Ar ra-vne \\nrk, Mins Daniude, Miss Arm- [trang. Bnidia| in Cotton, Mrs. R Gtl- ray, Mims M. M.i(ln-s. ,n. Kmh. in Silk, M^rs. (;ilry, Mra. Mi!nr. Emb. in Colon Mn. HicJJinii, MiH(li!i:iy. Kin. in \\i-t steil. MrsUtlii'T. Mi-. 1 In.!.. ft. Cioti-liet in Cotton, Mrs (iilniy. -nd ilo. 1'rotcliot in Wool, Mrs (jilray, Miss Anderson. It. and Honit..ii KM-. Mrs Milnor, Mrs r w 4 ' , e . I. & \\. S. O'Brien. -A. Cairns. Ayrshire airua. Ayralurv 2 year old Cairns. Devon Cow- U. I l Heifer Calf R. Oliver. & W. S. o Bn.'ii, T. A. M rVt-finon. <!rndtf '2 year Heifer I K^na, W J- And. THOU, (ini.le one TwrVHeif.r .lu. Stewart, K. & W. S. iVllrfcj. ilimla Mt-ifi.1 C'alf K .t \V. jricii. Oxeti Irwin Fawrett, .1. Hicklni",. Fancy Kiiittinir in Wi.ul, Mrs (iiliay, Mrs Milnor. \V,,.,IU-n \V,.rk on Mis Miltior, Jliss K. Kii-li.-ird- llo \\.-rk, Hrn.iiiifiital, Mrs R. Oilray, Mm \V. IVt.-li. Man's Shirt, hand iiuide, Mr-\V. X. rl..ii. Mn Stokes. Mat Mi. \V. Ttiiiil.le, Mrs Fletehi-r. Maerainc I^u-e, .Mr> U-atlur \\orli.Misu St.ait, Mr* T. A. M l-'.r.-ioi n. \Vork- i-d Slipper', Mrs Blilnor, Mi i . I. Kern*. Tallinn, Mm T. <Jilr.iv, .Mrs Milnor. H..ivers. .u I >..- K. \ \V. S. i ' -' v >r old Su-un wale, J Slew ait. Held , ( 'anna .linltfes .Jas. 1'urk.H, J,,lin Wch. .'.Is. 1 Wax Fruit. .V:n .Milimr. Miss AIIU-:I . ii.-. Mrs tiilrnv. 1'li-t.*, J L. norlt. Mn Milnor, Mr* !^- Agricultural Hull. (//.,',., 7'.-. ,./<. s.,.t. nth, /AW. The exhll.lU ill tlii.s In" l.lin;; arc ex- tremely i,"" "I, mid ouyht t<> attract niucli utteiitioii. r.nti-iin-4 i tliu .-..nili. sev- eral lart'e lunipa of a reddish Ktilii-taii. , on the tint tnKlo, uill tit- noticvd. Ac- cording (" 'lie I uti.n-lit i!, thia m rm-k salt foi II-.IM i-.iitlc, and aei-ptieal turti.oitv iiec.U mil^- in rul> it lingers n-ii.-s and |-ut them t" its fou -..nviiKiil tl.nt (lie lain I s|a-uk 1 Tlie name titlilu HUp|iorta I'a^s lioldin s:ini|.li s i.f ml c.ike 111 various euinhtieH.-*, l-r.ilo-n and utlit-rni .-., li..u\er, pKl as it is,; nil! nut I..I1-; ill-tain tl.v \ iMtor' from lilt; most htrikinu feature ill tin- w hole- build iii(; llu- which is made by TIIK 1-ANAHA 1-At-IMf HAM. WAV, ainl liiel-. iiiiin.iti s thu proUjctivu pow- ers of thu whole fotinrry a!"ii^ its course ' to the 1'iieilic ociaii. It is HH admirable iii.i|.lay, l.ntli fur its extent nnd its im- prt>ai\e t-haincter as u uiioli-, and for tho variety, t-xo-lleiu-e in ijtiulity, and skill in ;i i.iii'jriii.-nt H!IOHH in tliu nay of details. The attention of even tli altiwest oloerv- vr, will 'innlly inins tin- gigantic sec n n of the lirilish ( 'oluniliin sprtu-o Iree, wfiioii 8<arn him in thu face. It bears a I. !..!. ti-lliiiK ita birthplace and that it i. -'-veil fei-t ill lii.mietiT. At the font of this trophy, nnd on either aide, either ly- II..' i-\|, or kept from thievi.ih hands j ny ^;las ea-. -, ale line specimens of THK MINERAL WEALTH. of the i;ne*t ( '.unulian North- West Terri- torieK. At i lie ntliereiol,^ the north entrancv, is a similar tro|>hy, tlie tn-e e. ti'.n in tlnit beint; rir, and eight feet in diameter. Iktween every two of the supporting pillara of the building a niinfature an-li i <<. intruded hy means of bundles of prairiu itransts and different aorta of ifiain. ( >n opposite sidt-a of each sire attixi <1 the Hpleiutid apex-itnens of the fauna of the North-West. On the tal ' s hali.w, iii almost Lewililerini! vari- ety, an- nrra Hired ani[ileii of tho agricul- tural wealth of the auuie regions. The First Sign Of falling li. nl'li, whether In the form of N,_lit Stvcati ami Nervousneia, or lu a (cute of (ii-ut-rnl Wruriin auii Lou of Appotltr, hhould lugguct the UM- of A > IT'S Sr-.i4|i:u-ill:i. This prcparatloo U moit ffectlvt fur (riving tone and streugth ta tbo i-nfirlileil lysteui, pronioting the e-iinii nnd avutmilatluu of food, n-itor- ; II. i! ncrvou* forcei to thrir uununl ami for purifying, cnrlvbhig, thu blood. To got your watch, or clock repaired |iro|K.-rly. > on will nt-od to take it to Husstll. tin- lioss watcliinaKir. tou. 1 v. Failing Health. Ten yean ago my health began to fall. 1 was t'rouhled with a iHstrewilnK Coufrh, nesV. 1 tried various retuedieii prencrlbed by ilul' |.li\->iei:in, but beyamo so \\eak ihat 1 eoiilil not eo up main lih- out topping i . rest. My frlruds recom- mended me to try Aver's Sarsaparlllu, which 1 did. Mini 1 am now m benllny and strong na evor. Mr. K. L. M'tlllami., Alexandria, Mmu. I have u-e.l Aver'sFarsaparilla, In my family, for Scrofula, slid know, if It li taken' faithfully, that It will thoroughly eradicate IhU terrible ill va>i-. I have alto I n-.'-'i i In-. I It as u tonic, im well an no alter- ative, and must nay that I houeitlv belie o It to be the best blood medicine ever corupouiulfd. - - \V. F. Fowler, 1). D. S., M. U., GrccuvUlc, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be i:n|"i--ibl.' for me to de- scribe what I Miit'er. .1 from Indigestion ami Hc.itlac.bx) m> lo the lime I bepin taking; Aver's Saroaparllla. I timlrr the car* of vuriotm |iliyirl:int and tried a irreat many kinds of mcilicinc-. but never ot>iaint-d more than temporary re- lief. A(l. r taking Ay.-i-'s , v ai--a|.:n ilia for a ibort lime, in) headache tlis;i|>|>e:iri-il, and my sUmiach performed ita duliei mure perfectly. To-day my health I* com- pletely rcntored. Mary Hurley, Spring- field, kla>*. I have bocn grrntly benefited by tho prompt nac of Ayn's KaraapsYlthi. It tones and invi^oratei theiyatem.refrulates Hi. -in-Ill. n ..f the iliL-. -MM- un.| aaMUiilallve ornns, and rltalizi-n the blood. It tit, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet dlscoven-d. II. I). Johnson, 183 Atbuilic avc., Brooklyn, N. V. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, V J. C. Ajn k Co.. LowtH. Maaa. 1 : all MUM, M. I'll. STBAY PIGS. C" 1 *' ifrif ti. ..IAS It., Vit.-n i-ll h.'|.| !, lw PlKa, liwnerrai by ivoviii^; iiru|K-ity auil pay! Anvirp. TO MIITIIKIIN Arn )on iliKtnrbcd at nit'ht aiiil liroki'ii i.f \..ur rrt hy a Kirk ehll.l f 1 1 if i riiiK ami rr)iiiK with i<aiu nl Cutting Terlh f If <iien<l at iniri- nil. I IT'-t Ix.ttlr nf "Mm Win vliiw'liolliiniiHyru|i" 'ur fhllilrvn TM-thlnf. lt valOD i- I iicafculaMo. It will rvllrvc- thu r-r III lit MitTi-ivr iiniiu-.liati'lv I>i |'rn.l ii|iiin iiii.ther-. th.r. l- n.- lu.-tiiki- al.i.ut It It nr^i l>y*rntrx anrl DiArrhn**. n-nnUti-n the .L. .!. . Il .. I I -IM-N l II If* U III. I Cl. Ill- *< it tell 14 tin- '. .r'i^'^ Inflammation. and civr* tuuu \\ I >]r t. Ml "Ml \\ III* : ,. i-lnn let thing li plms*lil Cuthf t**t and i* the |.reii<-ri|.tfoli of li. ,,f <' Mitle |-!i.-nfixtl f jnH nnriu-i in the i i, and In for al p U1K inh. t!i i-rinliea of tlir nuliM-rilxr, lot y all ilrucKiHt" tlin-iiu-li<iui tlm world, trice' V 30. cou. ft, Artriui>ia. aliont two nuwth* ao .wenty-rlveet-ntM a iM.tlle lie Mirt* anil a*h fr oiu- \ earlliiK If^yfitr, on* Kwe. n.l S.I.-HII.MI s rut r." and tak Uwaaraa no other kind. n.l pn>iiir 1. 1 .at 1TC. alKiut the tIMh have tli.- aain* XDMSCtf. IIKST. STRAYED. i\K\V Al'iVBRTISEMBNTS. BAST GREY CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION! ACONVKNTIOVof tbe Liberal Consorrative Axociation u( Rant (irey will bu hild In MarkdalM. at 1 o'clock yjii . on Mi.ntliiy, October lltli, IHNC.K'.r thouur|>oof alectim(canilidatea for tbe Hoime of Coinuioim ami Ontario Ixufix- latum > content the riding In tbe Liberal Con- Korvaiive lutorenti at the eoniinK electlou. Polling iil. <li\ ISIOIIH to I.. i..|.r,.s..iitf.l aa oon- Btitutwl I.) thu Hiiiiiiuion Krani-hiM-. THOK Ki:l.l.s, JOHN LYONS, 1'll-Kl ll'llt S.-C|l-tlll\. FARM for SALE 108 acm in the Township of l'ii|>lira>ia: 1 mile from Kiniburley ; 7f> acre* clcan-il, luarly tree from tuuiii; K...| In-aitni: Orchard; clay mil, framu huildiiiK. Hounu. anil Bam all in good rapalr. Price 2,HOO. Kor Further !>artlvular> apply to THOMAS DYNKS. On tlm Premises. (N. B. Tliere are II acre* Fall Wheat now in tbe ground.] FARM for SALE Beliifc I'Ot 11. Con. 10, Towiih!p of Oaproy, ooniai itinK 100 rm. inorr or leH : about W acre clearuil HUI| in <>oJ tatof cultivation ; goo<1 fraiin- burn, guud framu boute. pood fences ; Kn.1,1 well with pump at the door; tierer-faillng strt-tuii of water runs clone by the building. For full particular*, apply to KAMfKL COU&UITT, Kxverabaui P.O. or to J AM1.S IXDVE, Tuhrtlogc P. O. Ang. tiMh. IfM. FARM for SALE WKST HALF of Ix)t 9. Con. H. Township of ( olIiHgwDo,!. sr) arrai under KOU.I cultivn tiou. Frdinc llontm aiul It&ru, VOUUK Orchard, two S|irlnf>. For further particulars, apply to GEOHdK McATKFK, Propriutor. Kaveuna P.O.. Ont. Attcnvt 1Mb. 1W. (27U THE MARKETS. FLESHEHTOX. Cttrefnlly Correetnl toirh Week. Flonr 2 25 to 2 85 Fall Wheat $0 00 to 00 Spring Wheat 00 000 Barley CO C5 Oats 27 27 Pen 60 50 Butter 12 !8 EsgB, fresh 12 12 Potatoes 020 025 Pork 5 00 5 00 1 1 M. per ton 800 loon D.E.Wriehl ^^ ^""^mm^^^m^mmmmmi DO BE WISE AND CALL AT And get Yourself and Family Shod. He has made a large addition to his stock of Boots & Shoes suitable for this season. " HEARD'S CARRIAGE WORK Flcshert^n, To our Friends and Patrons Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the mam facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable ws to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and Wagons. i.iir In:,;! practical otpwlMneaadeueM atteutii-.n toth wwita olt!^ trade, n<l the bwt akiti^ m bugffy which liui no Kupetior. 111. \iur \v<. have suoouodud in i i -oi.U-11.. . 11. \iurs . AlUtlAOE WOKKB. Largest, Cheapest, aixi Best stock of -STOVES ^*f THIS SECTION OP COUNTRY AT Wool Sheepskins *() o mint, foi wrn -.IL.- i-"T*it-T nobody. Il At>tnn, . I). Stii . ~ vatta in him. b W. Iferti Ibii bfora your mo. ' ^eflvepop^ * * . v J.lie \v. .r \v. -d Hues, \V. !*ln-arliii(( <i. Swaiitmi. \V .1. SI...,,. I Haiti, (iei-r-.-e . Mie|.herdaon A-.- Kwe., Hhearlint; " Kwe Ijiinlit, hii.- sr,. Aved ,JCs, T. Mia, T. Elba 8hearlin Kn, Laailxi. T. Kllis, .J.liukin ItuiKlal. H. Tuolimr, T. I'.nil. I'ouitry. |ie" i.f I i i \ . dark, W. J. O<>ey. Brahinas Momlay. t lie L'7l ' Mrs Hi-eeroft. l'.e.-1-r..ft. Ceraiiiinn. Mrs ..ft, Mn. \V. Tiimble. Kus-hi.-i, dmi- Mra \V. Triinlile, Mra IVecn.ft. ,' P..i-k. t, .Mis l'..-iir. ft. ft, Mr* Mitiniide. Helio- tro|.e, Mrs Uee.-n.ft. Mra Hirklin. U-. l|..!l n! Fli.HXTS, CUt, Mi.-. II. eeroft, Mr.. '.'. Kill.-.. <',,il,.elioii I'lanta, Mrs llet-eroft. Udy Judges, Mra H. J. A I'aortTABU! I.trK Few mm bare iiii'lisdcil the rame nrtonitt i,i w. ' ,,i m this Ki.rbl ai the ~*+" u ham*. Oror .VHi.ikui .' '"" . ' r " , . , UK proj of the nl.-n il.iT. Lot Artniflla. Hi,. MI i the lut Ktvr. ( i:er rau harn ;>rty ami paving ri- I'KTKII MT 114. 1 M..I. Itlal tn.ti. l-.ih ti.-r ITI t>i \\ i not - farf'.r ? ., nipla-nt. InJIijr.. M.lllt til It liavi- tho >.lay. anru where it di.1 .!?" Mrs \\i Mi.ldaugli, . lirowi,, MI-H K. J.flri.-r. /"'' ' ' ' ..... '. / - . ! n , .la, i;. |<, ls ,,.]|. A- S-1,.11 \V,.rk, .1 1. MolFatt. . Mncliine, I). I.. \Vliitu. t'r Prlmlllo. r I.I/-M iT did yxiee. Ix-irli-.m. white ntw bow tbiDga w* 1. P. ll.xiifn. .11. Ion. Hanilinrv, i>"l'l Win up J. ,l,tto and ooh which I do col wa>' 700 are a man fridhlsrn^^^ can live *nrk <. W. Ducks, J. Ueeae, J In; ..f all that U aaul alx.ut tlie bardnwiof tliu tinua, thu Uri;i- hcarU^u of I'li.c-villi- ninl in-ulil,i!i,,,,,l ,, prt-M-ntrd I). A. .Mr- J. Bridie, T. *lie, T Stiiisi.ii. mt'W.ii' I' Me(M-e, 2nd ditt o. Plymouth K,.ck, II.' lit to. I'.iiitaiiis, <_';niie 2nd ditto. .\\les- ' t'o.M-y. ./. Hrodie. . t. A M. Ker I MatheHsiiii. S Stokes, T. A. M. Ken,-.,.-,,,, W. (Juy. (Jrain <t>ui >'/ Wheat, whit-. K Kulhvan. Claw- Kutlivan, T. B. Carrutlien< Oih- Ellia. Sprini,' \\ hf-iit, Hus- !ie, Jan. Stewart. Other var J. Htiiiitcntiiir-.'. Harley, Us. ()aU, white, J. Itro- *, Mack, T. Kerirn.-..!!, small, J. Itiodie, Jan. Jas. Stewart, W.J. Til, white, \V. Norton. yellow, \V. .. C -y, U .ion lictu.s. .1. Hrodie, J. Seed, J. Hickliuit. -I- 'e*. A. Hislop, J. Plewos, Early Itee, .T. Kern,., Irwin ttoe, otlar varictun. Irwin Ferris. Collection Mangoldn. (^obe, J. I'.rndii-. ., Inlijf, \V. Norton, A. Teeter Swwlish, W. Norton, T. KelU. Tunii|,, ..ther field, J.Ff.dhty, W.N,, r toii. Turnini, table, J. lirodie, J. Ki-rris. Ber-ts, |,,ri.j Mood, R. Oliver, \V. N,,rton. Bteto, any oth.-r kind, .?. F.-rm, T. Kllis. amHa, field, W. Norton. J. H,.!l.-v Carrots, Early Hon., J. Hrodie, S. P. i. Paninip*, K. Oliver, .T. Ferris frpnv hlack seed, A. Teeter, T. Onions, Potattie, W. Ni.rton, J Ferris. Cabbne, Wiuattdt, \V. NoKon, J. AbWt. Cablmp,, Drumheacl, Mrs. Jtaliner, .. Holler. Cal.Uve, other var'y, t. AbboM, A. Te, ter. C.-iuliflower. J.Mil- or, J. Al>l,tt C.-lery, white, .J. Ferru, ft O^lray. ('eli-ry, red, J. Ferris. { ( l| *er. Piui)kins, J. IJr^lie, A. TeeUr. JBquaalu-K, J. Hrodie. Mra. Hulmer. ( it !, Alt-j. Henry, W. BarnhoiMo. Tom- A. Teetr. Judgea, A. Hisl (1> , J. M, J. Loid. T. Orahani, , J. " ntuilont of Kn.i^ ('o||e K ii, Toronto, who ha* proclaimed the ( Tulinus of Salviitimi in lx.-li.-ilf of the Kev. I). Me- Uod, ptmtor ol the 1'ni.hyterian Church her.-, witli a (inlil Wiiti h worth f50, m,d the f.illnu inu- luMrcsa : T'< l>. .1. .M, I,:;IH : K- |eet. .1 Sir. Fi-eliii;: that on the "ii <.f yinir ill-part urc from our iniiUt, y.>u have l.-uil us under a .l.-.-p sense of ifrntitmle dm ii,^ your hhort stay with u wliieh it is only I'i^ht and |irt.|.- er for IK t.. .1. kjinwleilye in Home practic- al mid sutwUntial niuiini-r ui- herewith U-.' I-. | in -Men t you with this ^old watch. Although rt-iil worth is not to IK- measur- ed liy such itiftB, ,- feel a certain il. of ptaMmTt in the thoiii-ht that every t:iin- y.ui tak,- thin wntt-h from your pock- t a. id note lh<- ll.t-lit ,,f time, your th,,t' s will OCtWtonallv revett to the many wann mendl you liart madu in I'ric.-ville and iieixhU.i I.. ...I, \\lio hold you in the hi^li- ' rm and must profound respect for tin- e;iim--t ninl /cnloii.' manlier in whiih you have pioi-laini.-d he (iovp,.) ,,f '' Kin.' i.f kingiinnd Lord of hosts." May Qodblmwynn, and may thu ftoU* Won you ar. i-n.-i;.-d in lie as prmluctive ol K ' els.-wliei-e as it has liecn hen yourlmmN. IVegeiited ..n l, ( -half of the Prcalij-terinn rniirei;ali.,ii, Priceville with iH-st wiihcH for your future pn*per ity and happiness in nil tinio to ci , -'NO M< ARTMI-B, N>P.. AfHHIM. In reply, Mr. McU-an anid he felt al n.ost ipeechleal, nnd tlmt he did not consider that he had done anything t merit tin- In niitiful yift of which ho was th<- ri-ei|.i.-nt. He warmly thanked tho ladies and (vattanen for their kit Ho TIII<M] tlie watch Ixicauso it was a token of their appreciation of hissuriicea. He wished them Go<l-spcod and succras in thii world, and a mansion of glory ii the world to come. The KU-IS wore entertained in a moat elimiimiK ami frareful manner at the iiinnsv l.y Mm. McLwod, where the prea- ptitation took place. Mils Mclxxid presided at the oro;an, and fT a aolo with trrand eflect. Mr. i i. l^.tliian pla}-ed a waltz on the violin "pleii'lnlly Mr. N. MrKinnon, and Mr. I). Lamont aliio coiitriliuted to the even lot'" aiuiiM-nienta. A most enjoyable e\ , nrnij was clt*ed hy all preaent riainu larifeit might in tin- , ir> nf ll:i.,,,j...n mapafaetnr. -n.-thmikaiiil ilollarH-w..rth ..|.| Inlh,, l-t year retiill, an.l roatuiajnrity oftli.i al.- are l.y r- i-oiiiiiieiiihnt! it t.i iiin.tlii r. Knr ali tio^ aud, l.\ ii., l)riiKK'l. J. C. CORBET, 1 t I : < -U - Ml I I h. Tp-Mirth I. in. (i.rn.r. AileBMala. U Rotting a N uf Jubbiun. m, i i iiri-i'irili); lo .1.. larui- rim <.l lniine. 'hi, iiit.-i New Bboea "tlJ|*". >"~ .' '>'' - -i...-n> .-I.. -*|i rain- hrlrif an ri.i f...-.l. Intorfv- liilt, or any olh.-r kiudol honatw, anil I will E .r- anto>atl>fnetit/u. iaouKlparehawFlmMU|kt> nun- in |.n fi-miL-.. t.i all i^h.r II-IH..H. Haplil . ui tlj It i. 1,1, .iv |,. |iln I in. tr..u.,:, -n.i !o-t In. ii- It 'I'll' ' ' ' ' "i" "I'Vlii'iiti. n ,,.:[.- timl ' i- - (...tile will r<-iniivi. 111. .re I.MIII than any,- i-rn-iiii I, in I-M [,.,,,- |ij ,i f,, r N, uralnia. Timtliarl.e. II, n,l, li... lihi-uinatl.!!,. s..lil at Sftc. a Ix/ttle tty all Drop,- STRAYED. POIK Ititu llio |,roill!of tho rnlmcrllwr, M UMur Klr.h.-rV .ll.C.Ulli<t., nnu roan <x.|oreil Ktear, thri yntrn nlil. Unnnr oan have aauia b> proTUI |"i^ity anil payini;espuM. JOHN ADAMH. FOR SALE. 4 acre* I) nill fn.iii I'Whortnn (Inmlwarn fraiut. ilwoljlnu. T r..,,niH, i-n.,,1 n.lUr. uiKxtntahl Blakely, Plain n ii a* Onwmeiitid House and Carriage Painter^ Flesherton. b prepared tn attcnrl to alfwnrk In lit- line* of hnilncva in tin- atifi.-t..r\ ami .>rknin- Ilkumaiinor INtitii^t< el ..... rfnllv furniihoil, aoilcontrac: . r in. . il i, it to thu li-tter dr.lort in town or ivi'in'.rv. ly nitil or ullxorwisc, will receive iwjuallv pmnipt atti-ntli n Shop over Uiltnirn'M rarriii^v works. THOS. A. BL \KELY. FLE SHERTONl MARBLE WOR E. VANZAIST' TWft ElEBRATTD CHASES ' LIVER f JCURE ul ; erii-k foraOm So/, tn.ttle ol in, liein.- J I e.n- suit tin- lin?i;ist nrij hi> will t 'i\i \.M n 1J n/. hoifli. .( |) r . CliKHe'k l.ivcr Cure for II, j mi I a valuable Hi ripe lluok (rrr. l.fl.lii-i tr,,-il.l|..l with fhuplta, IlliitdlM. H'liiUh llan.lx.r Kace. or BorM nf any d<~n-rii. i.iulil iiv.- M,(,ii- K ,ir A I'arki . Cui|...lic < i-rat, It will li-avi- tin- ^kin in ). rf,. [ ln-altli, Blnooih, clean and tfood color Hi* mir* and Kc-t thi<K"iiniti<- . ni.l. li)Mi-lir..<ir A- I'arke l'rii-. iUo. oldmlall Dn Rna.lor."ln InfuriiiiriR you nf thin wnndrrftil ri-nii-,', fr>r C.iui/li.. Coliln, Antlim. Conaumptlon.andall altcctionn _. . ami lungs, .- 1- . I that .- arc ilninK )"U a kiniliii- \..ii havnanyof the above i-oin- plaltiU, if v.ii will only try It we will guarantee -ati-f.i. li..n ,11 t-\ .-r> caAu or> i..f un.],..! V^k rorMc(lrgor'iLnntfCnDi|Miiin.| j'r,, an.l *1 i.|MT I. .t!li- in nil liruu St,.r<i4 STBAY SHEEP OTKAl l-'.Il from the. primi-i* of iii.di rii;iie.l. I...! : li. run (1. Arti ini-iu tin- i.Mh .^ ( .|.t IHhd, i >Heli I w, ui ,| ,.t,,. K(|,| ; in t;,H,,\ , nli.litiou f ! the time Ki:i.l.-r will Iw wll rewnr.le.l U. \\ ( I AUK particular* ani.!/ to \v l IIKI.I.AMV. Kle>h'r \,iu '..rti.f. \V HI.U.AMV. MarkcUl. AT CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLKSHKItTO\, Ton will Rn<l an aniii rttnnut of Heavy ard Light Harness, RronchMin, of Iho throat w l"l- H""-) ".( nrry (Viiilm, fiwnut Padi.and tin- r.-lthratod "IlariipM Off." > 01.1 V ICs A N /I I \l M Choap for <'ah. Call and Examiuo. GOLD V. wrHtk> >llllnlT* ork wkleh II n u ilmi.lhM will fj Ihnri from K to > r*t day. Rome ttmn V . f Kib >!. ftmg ot old. Ci t ~3tt MarM trm*. TMH wboft*rt M t. . \ ta*f Uato forUML All U an to iln-ir f,-t and kingiiiK that grand uld OJIecti.rti Fall Apples, J ft. Hutlmw. Hod Av ImWI, J.*. ]>uchesa o J. HolWy, W. n.-u : lier. Si J. I. (Mali. im. T. Kelts, (iravtiiistciii, .1. I. (Jralia.ii, (}. Hwanton. Alexandria, Ir- win Fawctttt, T. Gihay. Winter Apple* Northern .Spy. K. Huthvan. .M. (ruhnin. Baldwin, T. Kella, W. Norton. Spiteen- K9fe_ f V t C T Orfden, J. | thin isedfromMi .1 MoOee, R. ^ulh W n. Roifaury !{,.,. tt, C. ,;;,.,],, Hl .,, .,._ |1|( . f:u f;u ,,,.,, ..,,,, >pBgrise, n- liens, h ; ..jMiIni u,,ted jewelry man. Anl(1 All credit !,,],< t,, tho ladies and gcu tl.-,,,n, , i>r \ Mlllt , Committee, M, . N . McKii,,,.,,,. Mia. A. Muir, J.,.,.h Au*,,,,,, M rB . ( lri ,, r , B))r i Misa Mrl^.,,1. f,, r tl,,,i r untiting en,-rxy an.l si,l.,,,lid rnai.ajjenirnt. "ir;fnl (fold wnU-li presented on WOOL! I WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or muniifacttirr v.-ill fiu,I it U tin to call at the FLESHERTON w oollen Factory ! The Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufactiring goods usually kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to n will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give u a call. W. H. FLBSHER FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. HAVE YOU Liver Combtaint, DysprfMia, Indigestion,, HeAtiftch*. Uiuincsc. l'in in the O*nvnr*., or ir 4iMM ruing from liver. DR. CMJUB'B LITEI Ci UK will >>e found a Mr* wxl certaio rcm-dy. NATURE'S RCMCDY Tbe unqualified uicceu of l>r Chasc't Liver Cure in IJver Complaint reU vdcly with the fact that U U co*>pouotled frum nature\ well-known liver regulator*, MANONAKK AND DAKUBI K>N, (.ornbinrd wuh many other inva'na'ile r x*, l..rk and herb*, having a powerful effect <>n t^c Kulotys Storruch, Bowel* and Blood. 600.000 SOLD Oltr mu-lutif mullitm. </ 11,. Cktui'l Ricift Btokt wrrt teU in CammJ* mlomt. Wt vnmt rvtry mm*, wtma* M*./ ihild n-tt H trfmUtd talk l.iirr Ctm- flmnl tt liy Ikii fjmlltnt rrMM>. SOMCTNIM NEW. emu A*v FMI Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chate't Liver Cure H a raluabk Houwnold Medical (iuidc and Recip* Book (84 pa<e>), cunuining over KU awful recipn, pmn.iun,r<l by medical men and draniiu a> inrila- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine .. TtT ClUSI'S CTttM CWK. A safe aod p.itive remedy. Price, a) cents. JBTCMAM'tKlMfTUDlmir^lU. >i ctw per boa. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS - - 00.. Sol. ALL KINDS Or S T-!I ;i -. M initini'iita. Tomb Cm:ii.'ruM,l l'.Ue Top8-, tonrs I 1 1. I* \ I l_ I J lllljll' >* Italian M irblo and Omni, : - '- 1 11 >> Also Matitlc, e M.irbloi/oil K!.tto, Itc., ic. Flojliort in. Ail-,'. UO, 1883. , e on HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S A c . n .. Recommend'd by Dr. Christoe Now Harness Shop PKICEVILLE ! itlillllUillllli The nnilvriilgned denlre* to Inform the people of I'rii'i'villo an. I unriounrtiiifi neiRhtx>rhnod, that hehat comincnoed in tU Harn<'ns-MakinK hii^ini-.H lu Priceville, whnr ho hopu. to M-mri' a. hare nf public patronup. All work will Iw attended to at l<>i(*t cauli ratf. HinRle and Dnuhln Harnenff got up In llrnt-rlaaH style. Good sjwortint-iit i.f WhllM. Hniahea, Curry Cotubi, Lap L)ustcr, Ku^'s. X-.-.. always In .tock. R J.WATSON, rKOFRIETOIl. OJ lugurancr effected on Farm and Villapc BnildinffH nnd oottentg. Mist Lifhlning a specialty. Dncils, >foitMrrf>, Leases, Wills, Ac., mivfnll.v p Oi-J-i i . Tnrond) sir, <(, near Town I lull . Inrarance j. BELLA: O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nilll OF THANKS ! In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, I have much pleasure in being still able to supply them \utli the following cele- brated macliines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. Tho Sharp Sulky Rake. Tho Massey Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolton Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tul tin's Centre Draught Jointer low. Hamilton'* Scnfflors. Hamilton's Boss (Jang Plow. Wisnrr's Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Clmtliam Fanning Mill. A full stock 'of REPAIRS always on band. Parties rr.iuiring any of the above will do wi-11 to call and inopect Mach- ine,*, which will be found in Kproule's honso. A.-S-.V^nDUSEN, ,' - Fl.E8HK|TON. I-ivor, PILLS P.i. if v the Illuu<l, cornet all Diwtrdon of tbe , anil Tan lirfalllble raniwlv for lia-1 1*.^.. J li.iitan.l UlioiiiiiatiKi iio^mj . .-... ... .r lll\'lllUtll)0 ) Hi uinaluK of all iie. Kor Children anil the a^i.-.l they are pricelfc' Tilt 1 - OINTMENT .-I Hi. !. f)l,l \VoiinilH. Norland Uleen. It in fa tnr dlaordan of tb*Cbait ithaa nueijnal. ForSQRK THROAT, VROACH1T1S. COUGHS, CO\ , ainl all Skin I ii-.ea-.-H It )ia no rival ; and for eotrtracted aurl I joint* it act* like a charm. Run ufact tired only at Profemior HI>I.IWAT'I Eatalilinliment, 78, Xew (Kior.i MI-, , : ( i.ti,- 5. Oxford Strort ), Landoi and are .old at Is. ljd..2.. M., *.. 0.1, lla. Ji... .,,.1 s*. o.,|, it,,, , Pot . an ,, ,. ^ hfc , , clue \i>ndora throiKfhoti*. the \Vor1d. p*r-rnrrhasfnnh<nild ImJc ti ft, /xiM OH thr f',,i, ,i,,,U>><,rt. IftKtaddr sniiim. tltry or? *)mr',,m. not J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLESHBKTON. - . ONT. NOTICE: A thorough bred Durham Bull calf, one month old, for sale. Alo s one year old Durham Bnll. with good pedigrees. Also a good Steam Flour Mill at FloHhrrton Station for Bale. Apply to EOGEB LEVER, Fleshertdn P. 0. "BELi Unapproached Tone and Qi CATALOGUES BELL A CO. New Butcher 8 hop ertop ! Fetch & lib- door 'PHI-: nii<l*ri,iKiiiul r.-sp etfni^j,, of tiniitv to ainioiinoito thtj{t tb* , ortouandiurrounditi c> u .jS.,,,i n" r tartlaIliit<-h,rSb^ in JvuTOS. >'" to the Marl.l Wo-A yj^.ii w*i".! ".y will hi.|.lii ( wuie thi'lil with th-ir u- roliBRr kindn.aiiJFish i, in the 1 James Sulli^n, The Tinsmith, - Fles liopalrini!, Ravetrouehlng, and in facl thloft in tlm buainma will reoeiv prompt and careful attention reaaonahio IJT TO BE LET OR SOLD. Thu nnileralgned nffom for naln his Illack ^lltll Slnip. Klulile ninl l'r.'iiiiii(i .|j .Inini.'. at the aaine i . a 11! leu man at a fair rentnl. Thin |>n.|...rt In *ret, Klunhi rt,,u >000000000<>0(fOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I rT , l "! < "l u , July J8ili, Koo<l man at a fair n-iual Ml -i> on ( i.llinuwooU f( tlWar tin- I'latiini,' fi. For terinn and partiruUn. a HillIKU 'JBTtf apply to the pro- ar CLARK, Fro l-'lesburtou

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