SAYI HE IS A MURDERER. A Man Who ConfeeteiThat Ha Killed Ex- Mayor Bowman, of East It. Louis. CANADIAN HI TELLING HOW HE COMMITTED THE CRIME. Ike Ball war Vl.r l-M.ldrm k Mrrd- I h, I Pilee bl. Lome, Mo., deapateh eaye : A deapateb trom Oovirgton, Tipton ty, Tenn.. itataa that Sheriff Carter, oi that county, bM in jail tbere a ma wbo u aoppoeed to be Ibe aaaMain of tbe late ex-Mayor Bowman, of Eaet Bl. Looia. The man WM arreated about two waeke agoal Oovingtoo for aoma trivial misde- meanor and WM flnad and imprisoned While looked up it alleged tbat he eom- menoed talking about a terrible mnrder be _ , eommilted in Eaal St. Loula. Sheriff Carter eooelnded to investigate tbe man and bis etalemente. A reporter went over to Eael 8t. Louie to aeoertain what troth there WM io tbc affair. The man'a name ia Arthur Artbbaihoal alias A.L Pitlmao, alia* Chirlea Wslker' aliaa Pareona. II haa been learned that tbe sheriff haa cut tbe eonfeeeion to tbe Eat Bl. Louie authorities, and it ia, in aabilancc M fol- lowi: ^'Daring tbe early pit of the month of 1885, I WM viaiting io Eaal gr. hil* walking in tba oniakirta of the town about dusk one evening I waa approached by well-dreeied man ol [leaaing manner*, wbo atoppad and eon. varied witb me. After awhile be aaked me if I wanted to make aoma money. I told him yea, I WM pretty bard op, eo I WM ready to do almost anything. Ha aid there WM a man in Eail Bl. Louie whom he wanted to pal oat f tbe way. 1 told him I WM his man, and could make arrangemeote to kidnap hie victim. He laid he didn't want him kidnapped, ba.pal oot of Ibe way. I aid I would mordal tbe man lor |J 000 If I WM going to be b^ged at all I wauted to *ell myaalf for a decent amount. I didn't intend to corr mi murdtr, however, 1 meant to kidnap Ihe n^, Md kt< h , In M asylum. By tbie i,*,,, j 00 * |d tort money trom my capt. e Md m oipal at Ihe aame time. " I made ao appointment < _..,, DJm aga'u, and at thii lecood interview , r^b/learMd tbat my employer waa a View- Preeident of a railroad oom|any and a ' resident of Hi. Laia. Tbe flual arrange- menle were Iba-n mad* aud X * J 4* the jcb for 13.600. " Iilarted immediately for New Toik while tbere made arrangemanta witb andy Jim ' and Striped Cbarley Blake ' aaatit me. Oa *h. 1'jib of November I FIHK* Ul.lrln, (V H. A Neweaatle, N. B.. deecatah aava During Wedn.,day and Iburaday of lal week numerous foreal flrea ware raging in 'JaSHsMS'l lh- Mi ' m '<>"'- The long Joniinnad dry weather baa made tbe (one naeeptible to tbe leial park, bat tbie did not i, em to affeot the oareleaaneaa of the Jlflarentpartiee clearing land, to wbiob ihl !!! ry ., OM * "" "troetivi flrea an be aitribatcd. la many inalaneu the nree ewepl down on villagee and tattle nente, terrifyiog tba inhabilanta and oaonng much deelraetioo to their property. Io eama plaoea tba ownera of ' iea bad removed everything from their K!H 8 V*"f ip * nl ona d v Ml1 baltling tbe flamaa. At Newcastle tba fire broke oat in tbe wood. at the upper eod, and though blowing upon the town wae beaten btok witb difficulty. THE riEI BID elABTBD * nd U **tV"A to have b 7 p " k ' rom " "K' ' o i| ra,, f Br onely through i i. growth of dry nnd.rbruah, and in leaTlhat, thirty minuiM bad reached ia a mile away. damage wa. done. " Ql lb aome open Along tbe trail great Al Derby a aeoond Ore '" ne lime od botue<1 orope, barna , and even a .hie atore wilb ita stock. Nalaon vill.g. n rtow M "' * Dd * aaved by n Bwreville throwing earth ou lhtil " D FIRST WEODINI AtECIETONL OoulU aod Mi Kingdon Married la London. mi iiltMi'i uruiui in ITI HMLI. A New York peeial deepateti, dalad Bepl. 16ib, aaya : Mr. Oaorge Uaald wae uot married for the flrat time laal evening Mot that he ia a widower, or the divorced bjoebaad of aome icjored woman, or any thing elae anfortonaie or bad ; be if, and baa been aiuee hie firet marriage, tbe hna- baud of tba ona Mia Edith Kingdoa. Tbe preliminary and really ooooloaiva wedding look place in London upward cf two month* ago. It all oame aboat In tbie way. Nearly a year ago Mr. G soldi, attentiona to Miae Kingdoo baoame the object of oommenl in theatrical aooiely, and. unfortunately, aome nopleaaant MB|I were laid about tbe lady o coaiequenoe. There eaa be nothing mare certain than tbat all uptreione opob Uiaa Kiogdoo'a character were falte and man, in eplte of many eurioue atoriea floating about in the newapapera oouceru- lug him. ! vll k WAB WILLINU. u. . . bad el He WM -nil i bia hooter of 44 calibre banting knivee. 1 didn't p it gnaersKod, to marder That only bought tbc weapon, if he should resist my T kidnap him. That evening I tilroad Vioa-Preaidont by appoint- while we were talking together paaaed by. ' Tbere i* tha Mid my osropanioo, ' tbat I want i pal oat of the way.' Ie gave me bia photograph ao that I make to miitake. On the next my plan, were complete, except that eeaplioai bad not arrived. I sta I**** - a taok near Mr. Bowman'* house, ^ *tlob it WM my intention to drive bim *ylam. wheia 1 bad made arrange- | 5?' bia e-juflnrmeul I than eon TniBoaT~~*Tnircir m . hooee and wailed. 1 I the gentleman walking in jnd when be oame opposite ilat io front of bim and pre- I before hie face and com- Jd~iii to ball. He iaiid my band u bia and two and called nor take my band M kill im Be dropped | sway a tool or V In order M quiet him 1 raised ... *nd fired. He fell tea* down 1 1 than knew that I bad hurl him I bad intended. I did not comprehend Ibal I had killed iT only intended to dliable him, him in the carriage and take him to <4om. I walked op to hi. body and | that be WM dead. I tben started to , and bad gone but a ahorl dlilaoee , I met my employer. Ha than paid my money, and we went to bia houae kit. Louie and apent tbe remainder el I night. Early in tbe morning, diagataed ' woman, I took tbe flral train tor iflald, III." onfeaaioa tben detalli hia travel. gh 'he aouth and hia final arrival at Oovington, Tenn., and hie rabecqaeit arrest. n:n of the Frederieton . Ihe road above Blaokville. lie two paaaeugere wilh him when ha seawall fl ?' * nd lold lh n "ol to woou' ao^n e WM D>J "^^ * d l "* 7 oetded Ibe imoke became ' denaer* urged on bia, but before he raging fire. The fl^nteVeVelimbing a v 'hi trees and atretohing acrJM the roal forming a perfeet arobway of fire. H waa ' o urn back. Tbe amoke w.a blinding and the heal ternfij. The two paaeangere threw tbemMlvea on tbe bottom f Ibe waggon and wrapped Ibein.elvee op in ocvennga. A bundle of wool on Ibe rear f the waggon WM oioghl np by tbe fl mee -oaring away through ibe air a of fire. Tbe boraea, which Ibe could not ice. began to rear and n eod eonld only \e urged oa by thrnngh oil rftfrg. Fortunately ihey gut Beared and Fletcher**^ paaasngera badly " badly burned. A NATIO.1 Or No one wbo knew her, either her profeaaioo or out ol it, ever altered 1 word in derogation of bar. The alight realb ol aeandal waa in.pired by tbi . rbo knew nothing ot what they talked tx.ut. Mr. Oonld'a atteotiona were not blroaire, bat they were earneet, and howed that be meant battues). He did ol content himielf with lending exlrava- ant bonqaela to her aaroee the footlights. it aenl imiead bie eonpe to the ataga door t Daly'a every night at the eoncloaion of the performance, and Miu Ktugdun rod* to ber own bonae in it. He aleo gave her a preeeol now and loan of y jewellery. Now, there bM been a third parly to tbia interesting romMM from the beginning, and it may be well to introduce bar at thia point. Enter then, Mri. Kingdoo, mother aLdohaperone of the aclresi. Tbe friends ot ibe latter credit the mother with a good deal ot ebrewd flgoriog. They declare, Kood bnmoredly, thai bar ixperieooed eye dettoied Mr. Oeorge'e extraordinary merit* and native worth before ber daughter di J. eonieiooa M tbelaller mighl be of her rare fortune in Mooring tbe eetaem of a many millionaire. Be that aa it may, Mra. KiLgdoo has accompanied ber daughter in all ber travel., and Mr. U juld hae dtfened to Ibe mother a wiahec at all limes, M a true lover aboald. Tw* I.I.I. A A MacohMttr, N.H., deepatob lay , Arthur 1'ravcrs WM arrealed to-day, charged with bigamy. Travere want to ooard io the family of Allen Batten lut Jane and won the affMttoaa ol hia IB-year old daughter. When Travere Mkcd lor ber Qand Ibe girl'a parents objected, but, con- trary to their wiebaa, the pair ware married 'in September 4th. At Ibe and ot a week 1'raver* told bie wife thai he WM engaged to ROM Latiju* and obtained hia wife'. ooaeenl to marry tbe girl. He aenl hie wife amoag fiiande in Vermont and then Mranged with Miaa Lavigne, wbo WM atoppicg in Providenoi, to meet him ia Boaton, where Ihey ere married on Tuesday by tha Rsv. Jjaepb Duryea. Travere, with hie eeooud mate, oame directly here alter bia wedditg >od WM d omioiled with bu bride's pareuH. i'jtadam, N. Y , ia the plaee of hia birth, ue nays, and bu father WM killed In the war. He haa baaa a brakeman on tee Contra! Vermont Railroad, and once bad bia head airook by tne Victoria Bridge ; M the injoriea then anaiainae' he would ami onto bia alrange behavior. Travere aaye that be WM married onoa before, hia first partner being Ltbby Mo- Kmley, whom be married in HM2, and *boae death occurred laal April. With reference to Miea Lavigoa, be aaya thai ba baa kept company with her for two or Ibree yeara. Allen Baiteu became anapiciooe al nu daughter leaving for Vermont, and on making investigation ba learned thai hi* on-in law had married again. He reported ihe faoi t] the police and they arre.ied Travera at bin eeoond wtfc'a parente' bcuae. THE LADIES' COLUMN. Aa toon aa it u >::, became known i o .r, Kriiri fr.o, i . ar* kj Aei *>f fJf arranged M nicely ae if Mr. Gjuld rarlbaaseas. if "'1f lo '" ID London bimtelf. A London cable aaya : Bir John Lob- he* inclined 'to" 1 *? 1 * tont "** I"* 1 ''! f boek'a propoaed Shop Bonn Regulation after tbe ootnpanv b**L~_ eDl9 ' lle . mole A London cable aaya: Bir John Lob- bock'e proponed Shop Hours Regolalian Bill baa been leaned. By lie provi.ioue abopa of every olaaa, with the cieapiion of laven , refreabmeDt Louaea, tobaeeoci.te' hope k d newa agenoie*, are to be oloied not later iban 10 on the evaninga of Bator- daye and bolidaya, and not later than on tbe evenug of every other day cf the week. Where any abop ia foond open after the hoar at wbiob il ia riqolred to be oloted, tbe oceapiar la liable to a fine of 6. Obemiela ac.d druggteta will net be liable to a floe for eopplyiog medieioca after tbe boar appointed, but they moat not keep Ibair abora viaibly open after tbe boure named. Tbe meaanre alao aeeka to render more atringeot tbe law againat Bacday trading by raiding the peali7 trom five ehillinga Io 1. If at any tune 'it ia niadt to appear Io the-aati- taeticn of iba aalboritiet that more than one third in number of tbe occupier, ot tbe abopa to wbiob an order for tba I in? being in fore] under tnii Act relate, are optoxd to tbe ot auoh order, il ahall be tbe duly ot the local anthoritiee to revoke Ibe order, bat tbe revocation ahall be wilboal prejudice) to the making of another order. Il 1. propoeed that the Act ball come into operation on the let of January i.ext. No doubt ia entertain. d tbat the lepreaaiva proviiione will paaa by a large majority both H .naaa cf Parliament, but il ia doubtful tbat Parliament will paaa tbe provieion aa to one-third of tba abop- keepera being permitted to aller Ibe pro- hibition by common oonaent, b*)eaaae the Aot ia for tbe benefit of employee)*, and Ibe provi.ion would allow tbe ahopkeepera to defeat ill object. Daly company wai to go abroad, Mr O surge sent hia valel over to London to prcoara amiable apartmenle for bia eweelbearl They wire furoiehed new at great cxpenee ; eervitnte employed to attend to tbe lady 'e neede during ber .lay m tba melropclia, and a floe carriage and epan bough I and placed al her diapoial. In fact, everything Gjuld telf. lime, be followed aud diV?L , B ' T\_.,- - and the Conaliinlhu everywieZ* - Coring the progrsaa ot the the obeeriugYK"-'" ut ">cia were neatly parly was weioomiWejrd^ by_gro<ac*. hoi crowd of Tnara wi did it* beat to oflaet ike welcome by ing lueltly for Paroell aad United I Tae boml.a atteiupltd to follow tbi tbe Mtiqaia eud Lady Lwdunlsrry eblered tbe Caatle. by eiugiog Oad Bave Ireland, "bat tbe poliM ralUed aud put a top to it. i welcomes 4* "7 groane, out if Loyaliata, TrhrHaiTj|- v u ' vae alao a hoettle orowan.A .'Af|e Irtl.ud.^ lie op, aa I TUB HI 'It NOT n \ l.l. n- . ,r,n )! Ik* ll.ji.r . d l>. IDM Well. A Silver Creek, N. V., deepatob II HI MOfiH VOB arl A eTrrl(kl Trala Wrche1 "0.1 Oac aiaa VMBNtiBBBN ! Hrr.lOM la Ike New II. b, _ Ike "alive* aartl rreac* BrllUk ni..ln.rl. . Aak Heir "- Ike Brtllik qdr.n Melbourne cable aaya : Kxciltng re- have been received bare of the Ktrary Freoob action In tbe New Iridee. Biv. Mr. Maelonald. Pre- by in miaeionary at Havannab Harbor, lo to Lieut. Marx, ot tbe Biitl.b gan _. Bwloger, My* that the French Bekdea Company bar* teiitd the landa of WaVtive Chrietian miaaion, alleRlng prior \ltltiVnd that tbe French commandant hreetVed tbe nativee wilb a armed force Ihey Dieted. Tbe company alao claim t landt ot otber Brittah subject.. Mr. odoaaU asert. that the French prac- 41y axercia* sovereignly ovir tha ialanda a ecJIiMou between the oalivea and tbe oh ia immlnnt. Tbreata have been t Main.l Mr. Maedonald aud the 1 0bri.tiaDi, and be demand* Maial from tbe Englieh tquadron. Tba in of the AuBtraliao coloniea are o bold a conference to oooaider tb* v. F1VB AND^BPANIABOB el ikr iory. i .... .f Airtcsi. yncbed. id cable aay* : A telegram trom >ae. j the weal ooaal ot Africa, reporta onfli WMQ gpaniarda aod French- BoeDl s to tbe hoiating of tb* French fl 8 Ju the Bpanlib flag on Ibe eame ' - f According to lateil . tbe left back ot Ibe lite Fernando Po, hoisted and a Bpanleh gunboat it. The authorities of __y O t Gaboon thereupon Pe V tanboat to tbe .pot. tbe hk4 Ibjtrnetioni to claim the Man! eoaaf aeVrtnch territory. Tbe t*0 guntoasset. \he Freoohmii wautid * h( til tbe'ieccb V, but the Bpan'ard announced bat tba\ would fight belor * n y wouldllow tbe Vreudh eolora to be rai*ed. le Freneben then made again*! the action ot tb A Booth Lyon (Mich.) deepateh aaya: The flandiah work of Irainwreekare near bare thla morning recalled in the death of one man and may and tbe life of another. The .pedal train on theOrauid Trunk road, Oon doctor Dacker, lefl here at 955 a. m. Half a mile eaet of tbie plaee the engine and aix care were thrown from tbe traak into a dltoh by tba removal of a piece ot a rail Tbe engine waa ameahcd to atcma, and all tbe eara wbioh left the track wire badly wrecked. Engineer Ibomaa Davia and Fireman Eiward Newman elaek to their ecglue and were buried in the wreck when il rolled over ID tbe ditch. Tbe engineer eacapad wilb only a trifling injury , although that he wai not loataetly killed acema almoat mirioalona. tireman New. man waa killed, hia body being terribly oruahed. Ha lived at Fort Oratict, wbere be leavea a wife and Iwa children acd a widowed mother. Brakenian Campbell aleo fell under the wreok and waa injured Internally and ao aeriouily that It ii feared tbat ba oannot recover. An examination of the track tbi. morn- ing abowed that a plcoa of rail about three feel In u bad been removed. The maika upon tba piece ebowed tbe uae ot a ipike maul, plainly indicating tbat Ibi diaaiter bad been caaaed by a deliberate pnrpoie to wreck the train. The injured were brought to Booth Lyon and a wrecking train aoon cleared tbe aek. There) ii great excitement bare ver tbe affair, and could tbe train wreekere oaoght they would undoubtedly be w**t e: advices Muni K,' the Bpa! wan sent be Fren alaodaa oaplain A detective la working nf the 114 l> I I1KTI. Bel Net la Bl* H.oi., io III- A Wllliamapor, Pa., despatch^ aaya oman r war*.*** Hyla of i'in a j fly. | down quickly, hope M nod haada with Tbe coif. atd more ia growing id hall rcpee lityleataln. ta to bant Three year, ago John Longwell, of Onetlei- ton, Tloga ouuuty. begM MperienMng trarge lenaationa in hi* tomaob a* if aane living thing, were therein. A year a {o by meaua of a violent emetic h* vomited iwo living make*, each over a foot in ength. Two month* later h* fell a recur- recce ol the crawling aanaatlon In bia a-.omaoh and wae taken with flta, acccna- naiiied by horrible convolaioria. Three weeke ago be experienced an exceptionally Bver fit, which nearly ooat him bit lite. Yesterday atlercoon during enolher fit Mr. L ; cll vomited op a gner make 184 t!s long and half an inch io diameter, wife alatea tbat when tbe anake pro- ded four inehee from the enffer'e oath it itnok f a*, but th* make WM Anally ij*l*d, though not before Lingwell i OMX. >i,mm IN inn > i. Brccplloa .( ike New I .ru-i i, u BBBBk A la*t Satorday nigbl'l Dublio cable cay* : Tae Slate entry ot the Marqoi* of Londonderry into Dablin WM mad*> witb in* uuil tttijial demouatralioo, but WM devoid of intereel. Tbe Marqoia WM accompanied by hit wife. Tb*y were rec.ived in Weetlaud-row by a crowd whioh cheered them. Bath Ibe Maiquie and thai the Lady Londonderry rode thither irom ibe elation on horseback. Lady Londonderry, m tribute to the Iriab (topic, wore a dreaa of white poplin. When ibe couple departed from the railway station mey wore greeted with cheer* followed by groan*. Tbe reeogLUMi Use greeting by bia bM and bowing with a mile to tbe crowd. The entire route from the rail way nation WM lined with troupe ; moel of the boudinge were decorated, aod tbe atreela looked gay. Tbe Hibernian Bank boildmg WM oonapioujua , ,. ---. ' ' total lack of decoration. Kildar* in tbe nicely furni.bed bou.e:*lJ* bort 'treel oJub beat* IWM filled with people. In thai a weddiug took , Uoj. Then*KJ ,~.^!f*!? '.. b ^ nn ! r , .T 1 ^" 16 |UM "P thoie wbo tbink they kcow eomatbing about tbe matter, wbo aaiterl that II wa* at thii point that Mr*. Kingdon'a elevir management WM marked by aae- cere. The deeirkblo millionaire was away from home in a foreign land, and ibe alrongaal upon hia acte and feel icg* wu tbe beitaliful eolrcea. If be WM lo b rnared by diplomacy, now wai ear- lamly Ib* time for action. At all evjata a 1'jiui widding ceaurred, at which Mr. Oeo Uauld and Miaa KJnb K'tgdon were regularly married. Several membere ot the Daly Company were ocgniaaot of Ibe fact, it not preeant al tbe event. Among BjB* Mine Urehtr, th* brUa'* i .1 i, Mr*. Gilbert, Mr. Jams* Lewi', MIB Ada Rebaoand Mr. Bkinnar. Mr. Ooald gave hie wife a magnificent diamond brooeb a< a wedding token. For ovar a month tba couple lived together in tbe London mite, and there ie no quealiou that the timt paaead vary happily tor both. Whether Mr. George's bli-e may bOt have been alighlly clouded, cow aad tbin, when he thought of OBI UT OOCLU on thii tide the Atlantie, U not certainly known, bat il aeeme reasonable to auppo<e eo, inMmoeh aa tbe marriage WM without bia knowledge. Il ia believed tbat be ki.ew of bia ion 'a fondoaM tor tie actress, bat WM not aware ot hia immediate intentione Well, aftor k few wiake of honeymoon, Ujorge retarned home and faced the moaio It wae all pianieeimo, aod eonU not be heard beyond the eonflaeaof tbe Ooold bootebold, but it WM viry earnect. What ever regret th* father may bave bad for bie eon's cooree wan aoon oast aaide or conceal- ed, and a plan adopted that aboald ensure tbe avoidance ot anything like Mandal. The whole world would be agog over elope- ment iloriea if Oaarge should allow it to btoome aodtratocd thai he had bean aeeretly married abroad, and it waa aMiid- ingly determined to bave a new ceremony when MIM Kingdon'e aeaaon with Daly .hould b* terminated. Mr. Oeorge did not object to thia at all, M be tbuoghi that hia experience in London woold prove a capital r.beanal lor Ib* ordeal on Ibie eide, and ao 11 proved, il Ihe groom'e behavior in public aiuce the tvent 1. any criterion. He takes congratulation aiid chaff aa quietly and modeally Mit It ware limply a Oliver man ipnlalion ol railway etoeka tbat had In- terested bim, and hardly betray* hi* j >y by a bloih. Miaa Kingdon bM been a personal favor- lie wilb tbe membere ol the ccmpany ever ilnoe the j lined il. Everybody ku>.wt by Ihie time of ber rare beauty, acd it WM thi* tbat finl charmed Gteorge Qould. Bat pereonal acquaintaco* added to tbe glamor In bia eaac, and il wathe aame witb all M with him, but io UM lender degree. Tbe older Mton of tbe company, notably Jamei Lewi, and Mra Gilbert, were very food ot ber, and the readily became mi intimate member of tha little family party tbat diatinguiabea thie association from almost all other troupe*. A* noted above, Mise Dreber WM her particular friend and eloee companion. JBAI/OCtlllft AIU8E. Bat attei tba company had bten abroad for a lime a little onpleaiantnaaa arose, through Ihe jealooey ot ooe ot ker tupertora In rank over preaa notices Nothing seriou. ooeurrc d, however, until Bamborg WM reached. Tbe papara in thi* oily, witb remarkable uniformity, com- mended Mi.s Kingdon b .vc all In the troupe, excepting roeeibly Mr. James i .. ;ul .ul.ruuil.ii Ballone, paraiol* and dresaea are oftin adorned with painted daeigoe. Velvet and heavy illk. beaded or plain, are uaad fit revere open thin material. Elegantly draaeed weman have their hooae to correspond wilh ihe material of the dnai. r 08 T ptekelbock* M* mad* of bright acirlet Eugli.h morooeo, with eornera a- J elaipcf dull oldtilvar. DreaiM of atriped aalin eorab have Iba akirl trimmed wilb narrow gathered fljuneea bordered witb aero lao*. The hair i* worn very high, or in btakel pints rather low on the back cf the bead. Pi ff-i and coil* are arranged high on tbe hiad. Tbe taaeeU and ringa, oUsp wilb ebaio, can all be purehitcd in gold, tilvar or .leal, i-o ooe aai croobai aod mount a purse to I lease beraelf. Ridicg habit* are worn wilb white ibirt front*). Low-erowucd ailk bale are tbe oorrto) headgear for nding, although the derby it often aeeu. Then tboee crocheted of purse twist may be found in any Md every color, tbote cf black mingled wilh mauve being very eiyluh tor light mourning. Tben ome tbi oetrieb-feather fana, aj aofl, ao .laUly ; the** ar* io black oeirioh in white Mtricb. and for young ladita every eolor to match tba draaa. A tea-gown of jclljw crepe de chine, with eaiiu airipee of ibe aame tint, has ihe train of lorafa ovir wnieh tbe crepe n draped Fine obanlilly lace form, the tnmmicg. Thaoiweel (hopping bag i* the beet of all, tbe pjrtemonnaie i ioald*. tb* eln for handkerchief ouiaide, baa strap to fasten ia front, with a tiny poekelbxkfor change cartiokel*. etc. Toe fl nble open pnreia, both tbe long with duuole nnge aod tbe oval ebape wilh Uapand chain (ih* Utter intended for oaaug. ) are .nil favorite. ; tbi gold ie p.r- tcollyluvely. A tigb crowned bat for a little girl i of blue aui fawn mixed atraw. It ia trimmed in from with loop* and aod. of blue and fawn ribbon. Three large bow. with o rle aarrouLid the crown. A high hat, with tbe crown of openwork atraw, ha* ibe brim turned op at the left wub a cluster of yellow roMe wilb tbeir leave.. Tbe trimming ie elraw-eolored crape, fauteutd with bowaof velvet. Large surah bandkerobiaf* are worn with jaoktt bodices. They ar* aimply put ab-.ul iheLeokand eroeaed io front before the bodice Ie pot on. In tbia way great variety may be bad wilh a dree* of neutral tint. Planron. of velvet, bordered with brace, of pataemeoterie anl lace, or of colored or blaok galloon, oovered wilb beada aod bullet, Banned below the wei.t with ccquillee of lace, are dignified by tbe came ol mantle. A bonnet of poppy red orapj bM a eofl orowD dotted witb rid beada at intervale. TM brioa le edgtd with r,d b^ada, aod tbe uirxmiog eonauta tf ecqmUee of red laat, with the design ouilmed wilb gold red and a red aigrette. very lovely bat coetly l u u made, tba **Wd^||Dei>sive wood aud Ojv.r*d with one'e buow K^ ,. L j ou .-, t ^ u Vj %h tbe ixpeose oMi>{^.^ mt , Ou( Mba , A woman with dtf ; b year be well dreaaad >r| in.k. of waa well to try wrapping the end* la a L 1 1 c rnoea, and tben in oil ail k ; by thia meani they may be male lo last over on* day burulLg tb* end* will often bave Ib* Mm*' MACB BIV aT BBLlUI*)r?. Vaial ri|kl Briwrra rttu sea euM lullaaM A Pitlaborg de.patch aaya : Foor-Mile- Rap, in Fuarteenth Ward, WM the aeeoe of a bloody race not at noon to-day, in whioh two of the parlicipaota received fatal JEjarie*. Tb* fl<hi WM the reeall of had 'ling rxiaiiDg among the Irub and Italian labjrera, wbo have their abode io that neiKbborhcod. Oa Saturday night, while Jteefb Ternard, an Italian, WM on bu wav .me he wai attacked by a gang of Irish, men. Tbere were eix in the party md it said they were under the leadcrab two brctbar* named Daly. Varnard terribly beaten, bat managed to eacete > bia home. No more trouble occurred BM ncoa to-day, when a gang of iwen.y Irl.hmen called at Vernard'a hone* and demanded admittance. A number of I aliar boarder, were In Ib* house al Ibe time, and the doora ware quickly barred Tne aaeailani*. however, battered tb* doore down acd ro.bed ioto the bouae. A free flgb I followed, io the prcoeee of which f.dly Rtcco, aa Italian, bad hi* ikoll crushed with a chair, and Patrick Con- atanlioe. an, WM (hot in tb* abdomen. Tbe UgLl of the proatratc men seemed to frighten the, and a gene ral atampada loO k pUee. ao thai ky the lime the police arrived all bad eeeaped Tb* woouded men were removed to a bo* pital, where Uonitanline died a tew boor* later. Rico ) ie still living, but hie reoov cry ii considered doubtful. Five of the Italian, were arreeted, but the Irishmen ar* itill at liberty. IHI CUK Klttl III. Tk Mcv. Ck w J.i,,., Water ae PeirUr ai. T,. i broke a mooa cake laal evening Chtneae bat.juel given in bia honor a a piece of meal atioking out of the .. r , and then called for a ba*in of InkawMm water to purify bie vb< hand. Thi. bae aomewhil etaggered I pbilanthropie Chineee merebanie In that over anxiety to Iraal and feast their auiahed gaMt ; bat. happily for ih. miitake in the moon take _ *d* by only an ignorant rMkeoraat wter. wbo did not knew tbe peeattcvr f crate, or rather habile, of aba etrietly religiov people of hia own land. H* had probably been too long ia aieoweiioa with CnrieiiaaeaBd other profane OMidaotaJai * know j|Bt bar* are a eertaic alaei of men in tUiwhated world who, in order to o Ibe kingdcm of keavea, refnt. ao r,. 1 "" V!i hl0 hu k(UMl U * e - * ' Tien cried dieiinetly : " O mai tofu: O me! torn daj and than reeumed hi* eoavet wuu rather a flashed fee*, a* if he MBBBtat ecmethiac The in ?" m !V; *' K -o".Pol^>d forBw A iM.iiD.ui.a. ., ,,,.. rrwaee. "Taat gen tie mac, air. la Hoeo Po. an African prince, air. of royal blood, deep oyid, wildly eielaimed a little dried op old man. wnh bloc goggUe aod a eraek.d voioe, M be pointed a long, claw like floger toward a negra wbo WM leaning In lv gaint a poet at Ibe O. T. R, depot Bator- " YM. aif," be eon tinned, be'a a princ*. tie can't ulk a word of EngUah. hot if you want an interview I will MI M interpreter. ' Without waiting for a reply be began talking m a langaage Ibal had a auapiciooa Uioeruiaa not to n, although il might have beeo Oreek or Sanaeril iqoally M well. " crinoe," wbo WM folly an feet and a half tall and beavy | n proportion, oame forward etd WM about to answer, when a rather prelly liule mulatto girl cam* for ward and, gnteping him by tb* hand exclaimed : It u well known that " O " in Chinee* mean. O - in Engli,h. out the 5 M -. uneee reporter, who informa aa of taaa diaaeter, omita to tell aa what tne rawl a' mei tofu : ofa dal wantofg - meane. M. T. Aaa. i t I WM 'f raid Id be too late to aay good bye to yon. bat Tie here yon. bat Tie here 'O'way can't y.,- exclaimed Ihe Prince, aa he .h-.ok her iff and atrode majealioally toward bia (lace in the train. Tha m Mrpreter gathered up hit two value, and a box containing a monkey and a tame enake d followed bim rapidly without aaying a WO I'd. " Dar'a dat Manuel, now, ainee ha'e jioed ait abow and b cum a prince be doan care MM for bii frtena ao mo,' aadly ex- claimed the pretty mulatto, M abe wandered back |jwrd her home. hleagoniting onvnliimi had bitten II almost through in three plaeee. Tbe neigh- honra corroborate tba aooonnt. Il Ii aop- poeed thai drinking from a pool three yean ago Loogwell anckad into his atomach the gga Ire m wbioh the roptilea grew. Obivalrooa Sooth-How do you lolka feel about a foreign war ? Practical North I'oue be o lines nfoaeamry wa are ready. Obivalroua Booth -Shake I It you can ralee tbe privates, we'll guarantee to fox- olab the colonala.-0wi Aa rferU, |[UU| D| W**^^WeIBj i >m^~j - m -- Lewie. Tba jaalouay dil not extend to Mi.a Kingdoa alone, hot ibe wai about tbe only available) victim ot it. Tbloge became very norleaiaut for her, and the acme waa reached al Berlin where ehe eeaaed to appear. Ber salary continued, bat abe baa not bean on tha etaga ainee leaving Hamburg. Her departure from the com- pany followed, aa a matter ol courae, and ii waa aoeompUahed without further die- agreeable experienoe. Bba felt tbat ehe could leave without a great atoriflae, in view of her relallona with Mr. Ojold, and tbe aetre't and tba company therefore parted. Hi e went to Paria, remained for a abort time, and tben took the ateamar for New York. Hir aay tbat the reason why tbe first wadding wae kept a secret wae that Mr. mid deelred M avoid talk as much ae poa-lble, and, having certain arrangement* to make with hie father, it waa decided beet that ah* tbould flniah bar season at- o>rdinn to oootraol before tbe marriage should be auuooDMd. TouDg Mr O ioid naturally cornea in tor no lltil* diaeuMion In view of tbie affair. He hae bie warm frtenda, wbo stoutly maintain that be Ii a good f< How and a very d,ealrable parly, outudfl ol money eon- eideratiooi. It Menu to be generally ad- mitted, too, that ha la a ihrewd bnamaie aaya : Tbe iLJurad OLM here are doing aa well M poeaible. Cjburu and Z numeric ac flared a great deal during tbe night, tut they will ojme oal all right. Ooburn'a brother from Tiinaville arrived lait uigbl and le looking ficr him, and Zimmarla'e wife came ibis morning. The r.porl of a Hilver Creek parly killed is falte. Tba coroner'* jury Ofcly can eellle the blame. Tbe report moat credited II Ibai tbe trains bad orders to paae here, aod thai they were duo- o*)ed by Conductor Uarriaoo aod Kugineer Brewer, while a tew plaee tbe blame wilh ibe train deepauher. The freight earaly bad order* tor tbi* place, wbtl* Brewer could not be found, and Conductor Harri- ou wooll cot talk. Henry Hayok, of Btentiua, died on the tare while being taken bom*. All th* ot w ar partiae ware removed to tbeir Lome, by tbe train which returned. A atogolar feature ot the acci- dent WM tbat none ol tb oar. lefl tbe track, and tbe wreak WM speedily cleared. It WM elated al ihe oBaa ot the Nickel Plate in thi* city, this forenoon, that Huperiotendent Kimball, ct Cleveland, ie mMiag a thorough Uqairy into the otaee uf the disaster. Tbere are three etonee float. One ie Ibal Ihe train dispatcher at Cjoneaut mistook a switch lo laeoing hie ordera. Another ie that Kogtneer Brewer i f the ixeuraion train, tailed to wail at Silver Oreek lor tba freight, and that he ia ci.n.iLg The third U tbat Engineer Haiti*, ot tbe freight, neglected to remain al Irving uuiil tbe excursion bad paaaed. A Pcntaa Ants*. Pioiara humble Mlist*ld io whlli or green tarbao* aad niwiog tnuioe and >eated oa tbeir heel* upon a rug in an open booth by tb* buatliag wajud*, or under a Breading ohenar In Ib* market [lioc Around him on their kueei are aaattd bie cbagirda, or aaaiitant*, who aid bim in bia labora. H* make* hi* oolon after raoipea learned trom hi* father or hi* maater, and device* varniabee ot hia own, which add a delioloaily melloelhatffsei to Ibe delicate d.Kigoa over wfejtw) he devotee inch patient and loving toll. Hie customer* Mttiia only eritica , when they approach bit boolk he oourteounly invitoe them to examice bia prodaolione witb a " hiimallab," aod ike offer of a pipe and rap of tee, or, with hil vorka careful y wrapped op and barn by a ohagird, ba ios forth and exhibit* them at the bon.ea ot purchasers wno land for him. Hie ambi- tion i* gratified when he can atroll at even- lid* or on Friday with dignified mien to tbe tea hoaie or public gardeni counting bie bead*, reptatina: veraee trom the Koran or atacaaa Irom Hafia, and in reattol mocd devising new deeigna tor the morrow. Whether he aell* hi* painting* or finds It* WtlC I .,,.,,, !!,,. loar.ipa tor the afternoon ia in : * "**ssu lurtugUvUl v^ii^. Oi dinou wilh a blaok. cream and a beige eolur'i* 5;-'' dreea if aiie ojuld only di^pun about th " front of each tbe tot I whit* or rid band lean*. ^vdbaBBi worn. ~~ ~ ^ ^ hoteJ, io nine waeka. Dreeaea for girla under 18 are made wilh bly remain uuiil aioi* fall iktrle, sowed on a light flilijx bodice them a drag on hia bandaha ie resigned, for it la the will of A'.Ub, " to wham be pra-Bj.' The Century. Dstlr, ikt< Uywaaalter. A Londoi cable aaye : A eorreapondent wrilee to the T<mrt in reference to tbe reeo- Intion ot tbe Limerick Branch of tbe National League, expreeaing aympatby wilb Daly. Ibe dynamiter, whom ibe resolution describee ae " dying In a British daugeon." Tbe aorreepondenl temlnde Ibe Timn that when Daly waa arrtnted tbere were found in hia hooae in Birmingham letter, from Breonan, wbiob proved that it WM Daly . purpose to obtain admiarian to tba .(rangers' gallery io tbe Uooie ot Oom- mona, and to throw a bomb on tha table during tbe debate. Tbe Parnellitea were to receive a caution before band to abeent Ibemaelvea CD the occasion. " If," eon- tinoee the orre.pondenl, "Daly's parpoee bad been saoceaefnlly* carried out every leading alateeuian in tba Hooae of Uom- mooa on both aide., including Mr. Qlad- itoae, woald have been killed. ' Uerman military o. roles ere already prepariog to celebrate the Emperor'enioe tietb birthday anniviraary. on March wilboal darn, Uoed over a eaolraeling guimpe. Tha material of which lh< gaioipe i. made forma tba trimming about the boltcm of the ekirl and the narrow pern I in front. Oroe grain ia again in favor. Some ol Ibe new coetamea have a palcoalae, folly draped al Iba back and open Troui .be throat to Ibe fool of tbe ikirt, ibowug obemieelia and front of akirt of azeaediogly flue wcol crape of a color In ooniraat to tbe polousiae. A pc ka bonnet of Lfgborn airaw bai a knot of etraw colored velvet jnl under the brim in front, and a drapery of while point d'eepnl ia arranged al the point. Tbe brim where il turn, op at the haok baa a aimilar drapery. Drooping oatrich tipa, the lint of the velvet, complete the trimming. In fana the altraclione are many ; Ihoee of gaoxior line have taken tbe fatey ; they oau be purchased to match the drees. Tne toented wood atieki are teen from end to etd tbroogh the gani) ; aoma are edged witb lace, otb.ra are daiottly piiiled in Watleau laodaaapea or Japaneae deai^Le and all are lovely. Tea moat faabioaable waterproof, ot the moment are covered with ihot and brocaded silk, and they are to pretty ; they aeive aleo lev dun cloak.. Tbe neweel stock ings worn at tbe recent gay gathering ware exactly the abide of the dre.e, wilb bl.ok lace inaertion let ia tbe front. Bometimee tbie insertion ia embroidered ; bat It ie Ibe thpe ot Ibie front trimming which ie now improved upon ; It exactly loilowi Ihe form o! tha ehoe. Tbe transparent aae parasols are alill aaed, bat not ao much io ae red nlk ooee. Tbe former are costly to boy, and should any ot yon have a little chiff jne I can tall you bow to trim ilao tbat it will .till look well. Plaee a band ot narrow velvet from tbe lop to the edge al intervale ontaide, and a blaok velvet bow to f aateo it down at either end, and than quite at tbe top, around .be paint, place a wreath of leavee and roeei. Tbe proper mode and icaaoni tor wearing jawela U a great and important item in good dresaicg. Borne time bick no one avir (bought ot wearing diamonds in the morn- log ; now every one doee wbo haa tbtm, auob aa aarringe and brooobi a ; and at aome of Ihe ktnareast weddinge lately I have eeen a riviere looped over a feather or bouquet at tbe tide of the bonnel, and ooca>nnally worn round tbe throat. Bat Ibe patting on ot the email brooches aboat bonnel-atringe and the throat certainly demand, a good deal of alyle. Hardly any garni are faahianably worn no* bat diamonde and pearl.. Tbe dia- monds abould not be heavily eat in eluetere, tbcnh a variety ot ornaments are placed on Ibe front ot tba bodice. It ie eonatdered in better taate to have a number of dia- mond beea, bnttetfliee, alara and devieea than tbcaa somewhat beavy cluster, ot fl wers in which brilliants are aomelimea act. A new and prelly laehion thit year la to bave a row of natural or artificial blooma around Ibe front ot tbe top of the low bodice, and In the petal ot Ibe fhwer to insert a eingle diamond or a amrll diamond ornament. Long glovee are worn, and bracelet* ever them, bat not too many, or the itfecl ia decidedly bad. While glovee are beet wcro in tbe aveniog. Every oie aboald have on Ibe t)ilel- eu.bioo a large collection ot entail, black and white-beaded pine, and aome just long enough (and on DO account too IOBI) to piu tba bonnet on eeouraly, for they all re- quire thie. Flowere are worn In small booqaete, rmaller tban last year ; bap[lly, women have given op Iboee long wreathe on the left abouldere, winch had tbe effect of making tbe wearera look lopelded. It ie not easy to iaaert the enda ot the tl iwers in a bottlr, and Ihni preserve them, for the boitlee cannot be hi Iden. Faded flower*, however, are k diiflguremanl, therefore 1 1 U dnel. Td. - farm " W M alwa. .ome Undmark, and many wen ike oioieo loree of etage paeeenere reflardiog ite in matea and bow ibey lived io winter eo diataot from civilisation. Tbe old couple wbo owo Ible barren tboogb romantic Mew iiaojp. hire farm have come I > grief, failed op, loel their mile all. A few aeaeona ago their iffeele were aolJ, and a eon took tbe old man to live wilb him. while tbe wife fouod a home with another ebild in tbe wild, of Maine. Tbe hnibaod, wbo ejrieved > Blaki Mr. ThomM Hodgua. Q.C . in hi* Manual r Voter* Lisle, joai (obiiahed. ' Tiitii ap 5^ lbt &* n hl ' * " Oln " ' EnejiMd and Canada, M to voting and boldiagTBea. X & 4VQ LHAfl 1 tr\m l in the Maoaal, and altogetbu aa in a ' array ol jodgmaot*, rolinge Md Ma. eedente ia forniabed. Il may iniereet oar reader* of bolh ati.i tka* theogh WOCDM bM no common law right to vole at eleeaHoM of member* of Parliament, acdia ewll wall- JH^ ^h, ^ ^^ ^ ^ capable of holding macy t oblio cl&eai the Bfiiub Empire <J( e.nnttb,^, W^eeo ; Qae*n r*gi.aoi i* Uw whc botda me crown in ber own right ;" alto marshal great chamberlain Md champion of Enr land and'e of England. Aot- CcuoteM ot Pembroke, held tbe cffloe at hereditary .herifl of Wealmoreland exeroued it in person. Al tbe At | leby ebe MI wilb la* beech. Lacy, Count*** turning tffieer, Md signed ^ and return of the member f of Tork in lli. And in widow of Sir H. Yavasenr. alee _ , aiga*d a similar indenlore. Bo Lady E bath Copley made Ihe return tor borough of Gallon in Iii3 Md UM. Dame Dorothy i'aekiogtoo a* returning cffleer, aad made of tb* two member* for Ayli And in latt the return ol Oattoo WM mad* by Mra Widow* and (lectori) of Lyme an may be k sawere. wbieb cffiae i* jadwaai , of the Crown in king a bench ; the ot a workhouM ; eextob ot a paraBh in London ; kMper ot tb* priaon cf a". bouse of ibe dean aud jbaptew of Veawania tar ; governce* tt a werkbotu* ford ; eoalndlsM ol a nietl* ; KM tbe eher.aTt court, which ie im trail, eu.d likewiee to a degree i laior, and overeeer ol tba poo*. tbo .malltr fjuruaU too* their readera oo no al tbi* change of fortune, complained that it WM prelly bard liuee to be separated Irom tba partner of bia joya and sorrows al tbeir lime of life, aod attar living Otly year* together. P*haw I " WM tbe grim eonaolalion of tbe weaker veeeel, " fifty year* U enough to live witb anybody !" And eo tbe two parted. H"* Jfcauitaia cor. Bottut Herald, A Datroiter who wa< working aeroaa oce ol tbe northern oountiee wilh a horee and bntgy Ibie aummer met a farrtar on fcot and a-kad him bow tar II wae to Green- ville ' Whieh one ? ' wae the qury after halt a minute apenl in reflection. ' Why, I didn't know tbat tbere wae but one Greenville." " Didn't you.' Tbere'e one in South Caroline, a aeeond ia Ktntee, a third in Ohio and a fourth ia Iowa. Which one do you want to go tot" " Tba neareel one." " Well, tbal'e about eeveo mllee off. Next time you icquire for Qreenvillo yoo'd better name tbe Biate. Got any tobacco ? ' " Which tobacco do yoo want?" Why, I didn't know ae there wae more D one tobacco." "Oh, yee there la. There e ploi tobacco, floe cat, ehorte and emoking. Which did ) cu want ?" Wall. I'll take ping " " I haven't got any. Next time TOO inqaire for tobacco you'd bt?r rn'iiion the kind." Tbe two looked each other over for a minute and then aaparated tor Ufa. Dirroil Pitt*. llr I. a T1.J..I T.o " Mr. Laably, can you keep aober for one eoDieoutive week?' icqaired that gentle- man'e tpouae, ae be oame into tbe houae in hia oaual coodltton al tbat tine of Iba night. Bbertainly, my love, ehertainly." " I don't believe you, and neither ioee any one elae wbo know* you. Why don't )ou brace op and abow people you know how to be decent?" " My hie love, I'm a modieh man, and I don'l believe in going roan' makin' a diebplay ot all I knoweb. I knoweh bow to hie keep sober, but I'm going to keep ar eheeret to myahell. ' wbo are it* co* 1M0 A. D. Tbe and Ibe Pok* of W.I kkjh*r op IM oat Karart Ih* ninta. yeoteit there Kaoma ' l aJaui e**artly ear timee iu. km. ThaekiTay \^. ** CaHjie. aad are only one tbit -eairti ' >an)M taeMkef Va.hmgton. Thin , Borne, and -"--' War. up a Peter the Oreai ], . pelitioo editor. wei> andenl problem, of MI w " I would I be 10 your thine." aatd one K etreel girl " Well," replied the " if I know aoythiog about I think I do, you could o "Waat'a arithmetM aekad the firal girl. lioqely. "Nothing very m ot tbe ralee ot divieio into two. Bee The otber girl fell eve and abe flirted oat ot the ten Cntktt. Tk BMli Two pbyiaiane happened to meet Ma the .treete ol New York. " How do you do 7 Boey ?" " I ahoold eay eo. I am on ike go all day acd all nighl. I am almoal Bin out" " Tbe aame ehth me. I'll be kejey tor tbe next two monthe alteadBet to peo wbo have returned trom their bealtb-get- tiog tripe." . Bo will I. When powple are oat of MWB at tbe health reeorta we have a quiet bat ae aoon ae they gt back they arw <Ba> n .and f:r ae. I've got more debilnv on band than 1 (give any oee tor He bad hrcuchl a friead to hw iwoepnoo and WM going cfl to ataaW ewher party wilb her hueband. / ^ " Anderacn. be eaid to the boeMeat. An- dereon'e all right ae loag M be doeea t begin M alng. Ae aeon aa be begjBB to nog aend him home." " Vary well, ay boabaod iaall right, too, nil he begine to elng II be begina M atag pal bun oal. bat don't lei him some hoa>e. Sea >'reaeieD fowl llumbu, >,..(. I r... There ia an awful lot ol bombog about human nature. I wai at tbe Baldwin the otber night, and when the eortain fall oa tbe foarlb act two man came oat wiping their eyee. They had been erylrg over 8:oddart'a woee in "Bainle and Hiunere." " A moet .fTeetioai piece, ian't it .'" " Awful. I've been cryiog all night" And tben they began to talk aboat an rjtctment .ait tor aon payment ot rent by .ome poor family, and didn't eaem to have much pity lat'.-Sewi fr*eina Ckmntlt. A large floek ol .beep which were being driven from Montana into Canada wai* enrrounded by a band of Indiana on tbe Bslly River and urged over ita preeipitoue bauki oniil they piled op. one on another. twenty five feet deep. In thin way 171 abeep were killed, and afterward ekinned, ut up and carried off by the refeklne. Tbe marble oapitol ol Oounectieol, at Hartfoid, 800 feet long, il laid by engineere to be thro inehee longer in rammer than n winter. ... a MI. Klorene*. eged 4 yean, pirquiut* Ihe wishbone ot every broixbl into tbe bouse. Oae day ah carefully arrangicg her oolieewoa wl father eame Into the room. " F\ ' aaid. lockirg up "fader, U yoa 4oin' to die T" " Why, yM, Florence, we ma si ail die some time," be Mid. tooebed by ber earneel look. " r'ader, when yea doe* die. may 1 have your wiahbone T" Rtme Sen- Intel. Oaorge Miller, aetving owl a teavveet .ntenee in an Icdiaoa prison, beard ot tee prison triek ol eating *oao lo order to appear to b* wasting away, and thu* |*ui a pardon. Th* aeheine worked tw well. Miller s throat is nlc-rated. he eaobotlakw *v*n liquid nooriabmaol, and ia morrtbaki likely to die. It is strange what a .mall nibbl* a woman will take oat ot a pi*** of sake wb*o her kv*r la looking. Be* with what alacrity ibe can get abool a duawo atolke* pega lo bar mouth oa wMbing day wbta she le in harry aad want* to go oal In the afternoon. Civil WM WM resumed in Samoa after tb* departure ef the EoropeM men of -war which rutond peace.