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Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1886, p. 4

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THHT tv> mmd m fiio st Oea. st-uu vr;u *, lint was vt>ry )' fU.V .l* C >' NrK.UOIl.-r ' sVsrsnisiii c iiurMuiioN|Hrw8'ArbMi'ntieiM ilurinv his trii* and met with many ncci- aaMMs * be Bud* lur li Ifl MIT 1 OKJC ttfiiU. II. wan on tlie train tint! killi-u r l^ 14 IV A T\ \7 \ \T r'V -ArthurCUJlfii Ht IWUvill* ami a with 1 11 Li A 1' V Ail VlJ DBI. lU-ar... ,.f Ifcllovillo, when hi M Is poblUtisri SOalded U i tli'iitli at Oiiii'im-o. "Every KK->M TBK OrrtcB. ColUttyirooii Strtfl, - - M.Jnrr*<*. Out TEKMS or 1JO per annnm in advance; ! 30 if not paid at thaontl <>( 1| yi'&i*. No (n>i"-r licontiiiued until all AjTfurn^i' paid up ; and no subch] tium taan fur lust tbaii ou yuar, except when arran<>mpnt for shorter period* ar ritli the publisher. Tliv >-lifn|Kwt lot f Overgwts ever oflcr- ed ill thw wfii. n "f country, nw n ex- :it J. ; Aiidenwiii'i, Markdulu. ADVKrrmtNO OaiValartvcrtiwmonU.RrjMil.. per 1st insertion ! /-.^i, ....i t i 1B : k*MaaUurUBaasti*nbMKitieiit Insertion, j Hohools and Tn Itir Kititur ufth' Advance. Dear Sir, I liave no doubt, Mr. tor. that l>y this time Metwrs. Edi- n.l>nnt ------ Tran-ii'"t advtrtioliintn K> b paid (ur \slum orders). \ ii!rti-v*iiiiiitn wulit'iit special .lirw: IU>M will Iw^aMrtw tlU fii<ifl and charge* tlic Station, arc poBseswd of a wonder- fill il <;rr< uf ixuup'ari-iir N and self -laud- ntiou. Ami no doubt, Sir, they have reason for frcling BO for have they not | st:i>aratioii from S. 9. Xo. 5, and for a'lvprtHi'tn.-nts laonlii resell this . a school section of their own at tlic il iui "' Lt * '"' No a<lvurti>fBiat dj outluutxl until all tr- ill 1 Tur*tUy to nliru not lat.-r tlian tuKin iu current l.ue. A. R- FAWCETT, <nui Proprietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. SEPT. 16, 1886. StWOOL AltltlTRATlOy. Mr. Tbo*. Gilray, Kt'rvi- <>f Kiiplirsa-M*, ' Mr. Samuel Ro<.-rrs. Rwve of Proton, ' Mr. Duueahl McCormick, Deputy Id < u of Qlent'lR, County junior Jml^c S. J. ' I AMU, ul 1 1 v.i u Sound, with ox School Int-IKvtor, Wiu. Ker^iiHon, Esq., of < Priceville, a* Chairman, \vcre tlio arbi- trators, who Maenibled in tlic Town Hall here last Saturday, to settle the school ijucstitiii. re |iro|xmxl m- w Bchool . T , . . .. time ? I do not bo},Tiid(;o tlicm thoir joy not even if Mr. Cook, the eutr^jctic heaxl-pUHhcr, HtiKxl npoii his bead on top of bin btackHiuith Hhop, and expressed tlic ovrrflowiug exuberance of lii- fti'liiiKH in a prolonged and exul- taut, " cock-a-doodle-<loo ! " For "it was a fanioiiB victory," don't you pcr- Well, Kir, even at tho cost of rnutilat- inL' S. 8. No. 5, it ought to afford thu ratepayers of the latter section much I'll :i-uir to know tliat the matter is at last M-ttli-il. HctwefuMr. line's ilin- mt'u-il contentions, tho sari oxtii- utter- ancoKof 9ir. Cook, the helli Cerent atti- tmlf anil loud htlloviupi of Mr. Purdy, the whining ol Mr. lleiii]ihill, ami tin- btirrali for Ixitli xidoa " of (ieo. H. . . tion at FU:iortou Station. Mr. Vim. \ Spencer ( lat.- lan.cutctl), the Floshcrton- Hogg. Mr. Robt. Cook, aud Mr. James iai)s ha( j agorr y tinicof it. They o U( {ht to !>< thai. kf ill it IH all McMullen, apiwanxl ou U-lialf uf Flunli- crton Station ; whilu Mr. M. Kichanltioii, Mr. a Daoiude, and Mr. \V. a. IV-k, II. Trtutee*, ap{H>ared on boiialf of S. S. No. 5, 1-WslM.Ttoii. We did not hear all the argninciitH pro and con. )>ut the n> ult wan that the arbitrator* d(H.-iilt-<l iu favor of thf estahliKlmu-iit of a new .chool ktctiuii at tbe station. UTTEllLf The atatenM-ntH of an * taprny corre*- pondt-nt in last \vtrk ' ADVANCE, am nt the allegexl marriage of Mr. .1 anu-H Speur and Mian Liy.zie Ottuwcll. ro charat terized HS brin^ utterly falnc in every particular. The alleged uiarriaKu never took plato. Nor m Mr. Spetr a over, and no 1 iloulit they ire. Your corres|>on<lent will not now he suhjcctod to the sly ou- in mines of a ll'i^i: or the coarse iuvcct- , ivH of a Purdy. for which he in reason- 1 ally tliaukful. and will endeavor to re- ri|'rin-t<-. Hut what is the result? What liav.i tho I- li-slirrti'ti Station people gained by separation ? Hare they fully counted tho emit ? HM it occurred to them that in another year their school taxrs will tie trelilt-d or more ? Hag it occurred to tin HI that they have now deprived their children of the means of advanced educational facilition that they will not be able to employ for years to come at LM t a third or fourth rule TiAchor ? member of the Salvation Army. In fact Certainly if they have carefnlly consid- en-<l all thew thin^, and others not mentioned, ami are still determinc<l to abide by their course (I nuppoae they will have toi it in nobody 1 * funeral but their own. Men like Mr. Cook, or Mr. the whole thiny watt a malicious tin*uo <tf faiiiehoodN. Now, in unler tn put au end to thcHC discreditable doing* forever, in no far SM tbe ADVANCE in concerned, wo have Ycry properly, we think, furnished Mr. Hogg, or Mr. Hannah, may be perfectly Speer with the real name of the c-orroi- j Batinfied. aud when the tax-Katherer pondent; and in future, tho imiu< of 'oome around nrxt year, may cheerfully corrH|K>udonU making Hiicli cowardly , " too the mark," but what of others.' tibellouM attackx upon private iudiviilu- i What of the laboring men. who have *la will not only I* tfm-u to the parties I quite enough to do to purchase tbe com- injured, but i>ublixhe<l iu thcuc- columns uiou uoocwtariui uf Ijfe aud pay low tax- en. Have Uu-y. too, counted the cost ! Ah, hnt, Hny one, property will in- well. It is hi^li tiiin for theprcsisto take up this Hubject, and ailoptaaiiuilar meanii of protecting tliemsclveK from . crease in value at the Station. PerhapH trouble through reck lew correnpoudeuU. ! it will, and then perhaps it won't. It A a mle such |.|le are too cowardly i niiyht for a time make thiiiRH " boom." tbir lying cpifttleR, ami cons!- Hut will this rreate hijjher wagca for <jii<ntly write over aattuined nameH. Iu ! the laboring i-la8, a goo<lly number of future we will make no atUimpt wlmt over to Hhield tl.un. Only -when cor- re*pondentH stick strictly to the trut 1 1 will their nainc* he iiriwrvcd in\ in thotte columns in future. K.litors have which arc to he fonud at thv Station ? Decidedly not ; and yet this is the class which deserves uioHt consideration that they migrate to oth- er pla--s every few mouths or years. no right \\hatevcr U) Htaml the In tint of Indued, Sir, it may tend to accelerate Attack* caimod Molely by hide- under- Itlu'ir in ignitions, an well as more weal covet corres|>oailuutH. Ami we mean, lor one, to protect ourselves every timr. Iteforc purclmsiiiK your Ti-a, yet a * |.lo uf J. O. Anderson's puro uncolured Japan Tea. He can suit you both in quality and price. i our i Hrrnr nt >. n SOIIIM!. (Iwen Round, Sept. 10. Aa a trial waj in proereas in the 1'olice ('..nit, Samuel Platt, barristar, appearing fur tho defmce, .a <lixpute arose Ixtwem the Police Miuris tratu and Ur. I'latt, auto tho manner in which a witmiw nhould lie eiamincfl. A f at-r snmo words the magistrate < .nl.'t.-.l Mr. Plait t<> lavp the court, which he 1 1 /uswl t* Uo. He then ordered tho Chief thy raU'payrrs. High taxes never yet h- !)',.! to build up city, town, village, 01 country even if it docn bring increased educational or other facilities in its Any thoughtful man conUtrnplat- takiug tip his alxxlc in city, town, or rural district, w ill carefully ascertain tax rules. Ac., and if such arc very hifjh, ill in nine cosen out <if ten go to sonic other place possessing super- ior rccomwundations in these important particulars. Tin-He are factn whirh cannot be gainsayed ; aud although tin y may nut effect the matter in the least, are HO palpable tlmt I could not but no- tice tin -in iu pawting along. And. if I am not very much mistaken, they will POKHUHH a force about this time next year not to l>c sniffed nt by the most on- .,f Polic* to put him out, when tho Chief thusiaHtic rcnidcnt in the new nch,)l (old tho Mai;istru- to put him out him- f, which ho |ip>eei'ded to dn, calling upon the Chief to aasitt him. Mr. Platt v/a* forcibly ejected, and has rnturud an action against Mr. Sponceraiid the Chief, laying damages at 925,000. The Chief <.f Pulioe has alsociitrd an action Mfint Mr. Spencer, the Police) Magittrate, for grossly iusulting language arising out of the Wool (Jumzeyi elliii(; at greatly re- duced price* at J. O. Andenoi.'a, Mark- dale. Csll and noe them. JniH|-d from a Flying Train. Hastings. Ont., Sept. 12.--lieorge Frederick, an engineer on the Midland division of the Orand Trunk Railway, met with a frightful doth lalt night a few mile* from h*re. Engineer Froder- ick was on a blla*t train and WM round- ing * curve at the rate uf 16 miles an hoar. He looked ahead and taw a tre* lying Kcnw the track. Frederick at once reversed the engine and jumped. He lit agrmut a high nibtvikment, but UM fores <>f UM train threw him back and he fell, triking his head oti the train. Hi* right ankle sra* broken, and a bolt went through hi* bead, going in from the back and coning ont orw his forehead. Fireman McDonald jumped from the oppnite oide uf UM tnvm rtiid encafwd uninjured. The loernaotusj jumped thp tre without lemv- inf rail* and bmim rerersed, shortly after topped. Tlie rttrinver wai taken to Hasting* when h* <iied at 9 o'clock last night. Deceased leave* a wife and terer- al children at Bollevilla. Ha u 39 yearn of age. He had been in th at- I "f the Orand Trui.k company (or HCCllOll. Yours for the. future, \ u ' MM No use aendini; to thu city for your MU.IH-, u Uuell, Flvaherton, can Hell you tlic taniu for IH*S money. I h-in s Onr se n i inirii i >. TM> J S|ii-Uiuen, especially of the youthful kind, will be indignant, at be- ing cautioned against carcleM handling of ahot guns. But since the thooting sea- aon began, a number of ever, and anrne fatal accidents have been chronicled, and we apeak on behalf of possible victims. No man can reasonably object to another man nliontiiiR himself, but in case of caroleHintwa, it is not the gunner who get* hurt i >f triient . No excuse should ! made for " accidental shooting," and if perpe- trator* of "accidentals" knew that they could he runiiahed fur their folly they would be less careless. Many of tho al- legqd sportaroan seen about this neighbor- hood require some one to accompany them to teach them how to handle and USF a gun. They should not be lot out alone. A Bad LORN. Wednesday evening the barn* and out- building of Mr. .lames Hrncken, of Hock- ley were burnt tofrethvr with all this sea K'.II n crop. A lantern plncod on the floor <>f Ute barn for n few momenta, exploded, and bwfnre anything could bo dono the whnl- place wa* a blant. There in iruurance. Fall Exhibition*. Toronto ImJuHtrial, Sept. to 18. A <'levr Mlnlntrr The opening hymn, to bo nuiitf in the , 24. i morning, was composed by our talented North Simcoe, Uyu*r, S, |,t L"J to 24. townsman, Kev. Tims. WaUon, pastor of EAST ({KEY, Kltwhertnn, Sept. 2;i * 24. tho Baptist church iu this district, espoc IVel/iuBnvmpton, B*p.Mto. th* liynin shuots, for uae in connection Ornneville, Si-pt. 'M to Oct. 1. wltn tno "urviceN. we were struck foreihly Miilland, Kins't..n. Sept. 28 to Oct. 1. with the originality, pointoduoa*, and Normanby at Ayton, Sept. 30. rv ^ a i,,| ity M^.j^^a , ltev Mr Wst . il, at Mitrkdal:, Sept 30, Oct. 1. .,., : , it son poticl production, and accordingly jhavo taken Ihe liberty to publish the aamu in thu \DVA.\I t.. We do so without HullaBsL at CliaUworth, del. 4. lUuri, Oct. 4 to 7. Arti-iin sin. ut 1'riceville, Oct. 6. Melancthon, at Shulburne, Oct. 5. &&. Northern, nt Wnlkertnii, (let. 5 to 8. Ht. Vincent, at Muaford, Oct. 7. Southern, at lirantford, ' U to 8. Sydenhani, at Annan, Oct. 8. r-.illingwood Tp., at C'liirkuburg, Oct. 6 A (i. Kuphraaia Tp., at Rocklyn, Oct. 8. Great Northern, at Collingwood, Sept. 28, 20, 30, and Oct. 1st. ""' co ''' ^ ea '* at a " hours of the il.i> or evening, can be had in future at Mrs. Thoinpm>u'8 bakery, next door to ADVANCE nfrice, Fle^herton. C. P. K. Trleitrapli. T<T,mt<> H'./rM, 1.1th, inst. To-day this new telegraph concern throws u|H'ii its ofHcea to the public throughout Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, thv author'* pei-iiiiiuiioii, but hope he will pardon us for the liberty taken. Follow- ing in the hymn, which we consider a supurior piece of composition : (COMPOSED ESPECIALLY FOR THE OCCASION. BY T. W.) Thou Chri-t who art In ovary place, With tliusv wbo ini-i-t to pray, A|>|MMir iu all TLy quickiming grace In H. -in rt i .n to-day. We own Theo as our So%-ernii:n Lord, \Vi- Ct>ll(]ncT thruuch Thy blood: 1 . t sinner* hear Thy faithful word, 1 - i souls In) born of God. (Hi. niakr this llttlo Rouse of Prayer A cuntro of Thy Light . TtiyKclf reveal, Thy love declare. Ana clotbu Thy Truth with might. 1 pnii ii now the grace bestow, H) faith to wu Thy faoo; Ho Khnll uv uach most Htirnly know, That i I-..I Is Iu this place.'' Call and gut one of those nico little books, " Hiiig out UieOlad News," con- Northwest Territories and Uritish Coluui- uiiiing a bi"u*Uful collection of Sacred bia. Tho Amorican connections are: the! all j Tempcnuice songs. Only 25 cent*, Postal Telegraph Co.; Baltimore and at u usgu ira, FlusJierton. Ohio ; and Mackny-Bennet Cable Co. __ The main otKcu in Toronto will be at 28 II*K>II wny \onmimiiilimruhasoFluidLiRtit- ... rw "'"* in I'rufernioe to all otbar rvmodlti are: Church -street ; branched at KoMin House, lujii'i r, -nit ' uru* iiiHtantly. It is aaaily ap- KiiiL' street west '!?' I' 1 "' 1 ' no trouble no lot tiuifl. It doun not ru LSI, J/^| i _,,.,. ronHtmit nee ,,nr spvlkntlon is efjectnsl One I. 'it! I. will ruuiove in. ire pain than any oth- er reinvily Iu ,nit< no. Trj it for Neuralgia, Tt'>tliin'he. linadavhe, Ithtiuiuatibui . Bold at *k' a bottle by all OrugglsU. , 110 struet west (May's drug store), McCuaix's real estate office on Adelaide- street east, No. 1 Spadina-avenuc, and Sun Osborne's ticket otBce, Yonge-trcct. WBT Ej , FtDT j^,,^ -Consult a doctor for a 6 or 8 'ft. bottle of medicine 91 con- sult the Diupgist and he will give you a li 01. bottle of Dr. Chase's Lirer Cure for tl, and a valuable Kecipe Book free. I \( ll>e Oar Hll'-hev To 0* KUUor uf The Adnnier. Sir, -Having had frequent occasion of ate to teat the practical value of the La,<li troublud with Pimplm, Dlotohei, i M i . .i , i - ji Roui/h HaJid.s or Face, or Soren uf any decrit>- l-1eshrt..ii printing establishment, kindly tion ..lioul.l n- M.-dr.wr A Parka'. CsrboO allow me .pace to say that I have found | ^ S^S^JS. 'WSrJ. that the prices there are very reasonable, the nouuine, made by Mc(>rvor <fc 1'arke. Price . ' *'5. Sold at all Drug Store.. :he plant is adniireblu, the design* are! good, and the workmanship excellent: ..... . . ... , ; "Roa<ler."ln tn<i>nuinc younf thit wonilvrful while the dosirc t oblige (even under remedy for Couh>. Cohfa, AMhsaa, BrooabUta, sore pressure) and the ready dispatch of , ^* } ~ '&1 &??&& t. the w.irk are all that could be winhed for. kiodnc*. a it you bMrsaajref tU.. above com- ; plaints, if yon will only try it we will gusranU<*i " With all my soul I loathe" all tlattery, utiKfaotlnn ii< every ca>0 or monoy rofundod. Ai>k for MoOn-RorV l.une Cbmnound. 1'rlcc 30u. but I fuel It Would scarcely be right to and LMIperliottleat all Drug Htores. withold this word of hmtmt conimmdatioit. ' - I am, Sir, yours very truly, TBOMAH WAWOH, Minister of the U.*pel. [Our esteemed friend and neighbor, R*v. Mr. WaUo,,, will please accept our -r J Hlnoksmi< h, i ollrt ), M,,,. c-omer, Aru-munla, U Kettiiis a nl thanks for his warm words of c.. rcmovisK. cheap ratos. Itrlnff ou y loo. nil eulogy in our behalf. Ed.] Otber iul>t>lng at equally our dat . footefl, Inn, o any othor kind of horse*, and I will guar- sntvv natlHdrtion. < on-criaim- ronvriitlon. The Liberal Conservative Convention of Eaat (irey will he held in Markdale on thu llth of October instead of the 8th as announced last week. Bee advt " What it Mc(irouar'a8|>dy('are for"? It is for I>v|iiipi. Liver roinplaint. Indii;oii- .ii!. r.ilion-in>i. mill it l< tho nnost Mood |>ri- II. r in the known world to dn> 11 t)otM it Riv* nalinfartlon 7 We cannot point to one instance where it did not ' Where dors It have th* lament fair ? " Right ID tli<i rily of Haimltuli. whi-ru It Is manufactured, there has besft over one tboosaad dollar*' worth Hold in the lant year retail, and the great majority of the ] are by on r. coninmnding it to another. For sale >t SOc. and l.UO pur bottle by tho I'muti t A PiioriTABLr. LIFE Tew mrn hnve ac complishoil the unmp amount of woik .url in tin* world an the celebrated Dr. Chan'*. Over .100,000 of liis work* Imvc Ue. n Hold 111 Canaiia iilono. \\ want i vi-ty person tronliled with Liver complaint. I>yi I't-ji-i.-i Meidcho, Kiilnny or 1'rinary Trim- lilufi, to mil in at tl.i 1'iin- Store an. I Inly a bottle of I'r Ohtse's I.ivi r Care, it wilt cure yon. Medicine and liecipe Book 1.00. Anvii r TO MoTTTMia -Arc rou dintnrbcd at STEAYED. CAMK Into the prnmlni> of of trio mibwrihm, ni'ar Kloahnnon . Ctli Innt , onu roan colored H44er. thrtte > .-ors olil. OWIUT can tmfe aame by pruviiMf property and pa>iu|{ cxpeiisc*. JOHN Ali\MS STBAYSTEfeE. ( itilin to tlie pri'inisOB of tho nil li-ri(;ri|iil lot l.. -Jinl K T S K , Artninonla, almut lit of Au- UHt, in two year oltl Htavr. owm.r csu have sinr hy prortBI |<n>i<urt> nii'l pauiii; ixpolisos. JACOM H'U.I.KY. A iic !.. "FOB SALE." Ofarron u miles from Klesherton. Unod warm frame ilwoHliiK. 7 rotitua, i :,.'! cellar, cj4jdHtalilo janevor fulllni: "I'rlns iTf.'k Turnin eauy. For ptutlonlan apply lo W .1 IIKI, I.AMY, Klunlicr- l.if V. lli:i, I.AMY. Mark.lal,. AT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP Yon will Anil an assortment of If so iwnd atone* and gt a bottlu of Mm Win slow'n S.i.itliiin;Hvriip for cliililren Teething. H VK|II In inrniciilahln U will n-ln ve the poor llttlo sufferer immediately Drpend njxin .'t. inothrrs; thnrr ( no iniiiUku al>ut It. It i-nri'- DysvntAry anil Dlarrh'ra. regulates the Htoinaon and Howeln, curtm \\inil Colir. nnftns Uin Hums. rednoiH Inflammation, anil elves tone ainl enarsry to the wl.c-le HyKtnn ")|IH. \Vlns- low Soothing Byni|>" for children teothlnR Is ploasant tn the tante and i* the prescription of one of t!" oldest and bent fi>uiali> |ilivlrlans nnd nurse* in the 1'tiitcil Stattw. and Is for sain hy all ilruugists thronohmit Ihe world. Prico twenty flvncents a hottln. Heoirvsnd atk for MIIH \\ IVHI.IIW'B s ...HUM, ttviifF," and take no other kind. . . - , , __ - and wnt Harness. Whips, lini-hi-H. Curry Ci mi Im. Sweat Tads, and tho eolrhratrd "liKrniii*n < >il diX'OLLARH A SI'KMtl.ri .-<"- Cheap for Cash. Call aud Kxainiue. GOLD . bvt IhiM* *Ho writ* to Co .Porlland, Msaint.wiU rwrtr* ftm, full inforfnaUton ftbovl work wbleb hrT r-sji, Jo. sui.l h r> l lnir,lli t Will p7 brn from $A to fr> pr dj. Hotnt htr tn * <1*ir F.ith*rBx, ynunKme o* tn Urt*. rr. Tho^ wb rtrt MVVADVKirriSKMBNTS. BAST GREY CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION! A CONVENTION' of the Libwral ConwrvaMra .ii ii'ii nf Kut Clny will be held in Marktl&lo, at 1 o'clock p in-, on Momlay. Octol'ur lltli. iHni.ifur the purpose of Mleetlng rainliristes fur tho House of Coinmuiitt *ntl Ontario I.I-KI* iHturi' toconttwt tin' n lint; in the l.llitTal L'uu- f orviitivv luterontH at Ibo oomiiiK election. Polling il>> <<mtt>ii< to li,' r.'|ir. nt, .1 M Con- ftitiilnil by tin' Dominion Prtuuhite. THOH. KK 1,1,8. JOHN LYONS, rn -iii'iit Bocrvtaiy. FARM for SALE 100 acres in the Townrtilp of F.npl:raHla 1 unit- from Kuiiberle) , 7.\ ncruu clraroil, nuarly tree from Ktmiipr. ; K<i.':l lu-srhij* Orchard; rlny *, friimi' l>iiililiii|(ji, Huimu. Stable, anil llarn II In K'il repair. 1'rico tViOO. Kor Further particular! alilily to THOMAS DYNES, On tin- I'ri'tnisi'V ' N B. There arc 13 acres Kal 1 Wheat now iu tit- ground.] FARM for SALE Hnn:: !.>t 11. ('en, 10. Towm!ii|> of Ovprey, rouUiuini! 100 arroti more orient* ; about Hl> acres rli-nn-xl iu: I In a j.;i '<.! st . u- of cultivation ; good frame I'riru, K'n.ii fiHlljf llOUItti, ^tnwi fullCW ; K<>it.l w .-I! v. itli i'uni|> at the door; uuvor-failmg htri-nin of water runt rlott by the buUrltngn. Tor full particulars, atil v to HAMl'KI, CObQUBTT. Fevernham P.O. or to JAMES I.OYK. luiutiob'o P. o. Aug. untli, IHOi. FARMTfor SALE WKST II U.K r-f Lot !t, Con.H, TownHhip of Ciilliiii!<>il, so acri' under Rood cnltivit tlnu, Frame IloUMi and lltrn. YouugUrcksrtl. two Spring*. For furthur particulam. }>!')> to t.KUM.K McATKF.U. rr|>ni'lr. Ravenna P.O.. Out. THE MARKETS. FLE8HEBTON. Knrh Can- fill I n Correct fd Flour Fall Wheat Spring WliMki liurlcy Oats Pens Butter OX'S. fresh Potatoes Pork Hay, per ton Hides Wool Sheepskin* $0 70 C5 Ot) 28 52 11 12 20 5 00 8 OO 6 25 18 r.i; ll'eek. to 2 25 to 75 75 OO 29 52 11 ) 1-J 25 9 0(1 1000 7 25 20 085 Titos. A. BlaliHy, }'lain and ftrvamnittil House aud Carriage Painter^ Fleshertoo. lit |irinrfd to atu*n<1 to all work in hi* IlnM of biwinfM* in tb moal at ihfart* irv *vnrl workumti- lih- innniu'r. K tiinati*ii cheerfully ftiriu-h- I, tut contracts Cr\rri<"f oat to the ltr f>r1er In town or cnnntrv, by mail or othurwiae, will roceivi! *|u.%Ilv prmupt all' ritlon. Sho.i over Milburn'i ctvrriM^ti works THOS. A. BL \KELY. TfltftfLEBRATri} r~| " 1 CHASES J % n A */ a*S(> ! * HAVE YOU Liver C'omplsint, . . Jsundicc, Heiltx, Uiinnrvs Costivcncu, or any iliicaM rm|j froi lir, I). CMSari I.IVEK CIHK will be and ccrlsin rcm. dy. NATURE'S RCMCDV TU nc|ulifid .uccru of Dr. Ouue's Lir Csre in Liw tomvlaml r-n solely with lh fsct ihsl it u caaipoumlcil fmni nature's well-known liwr rgulstoct, MANI,AK AND UAXKKLIOH, cocnl.intd wilh mmr.T other inv!uaM<; r >on, borks anil hrrta, hsnnu s powrrful effect on the ki.lnr. Siomach, Bowtli and Blood. 600. OOO SOLD Over mt-hal/ mi Him / Dr. dutt'l Ktfift Rfott wff uU it Caiuut* mJmu. It'i mmml rrt'j nut*, M>jMan mit.t <kitd Tuke it trmbitt vitk l.inr Com- flmut It Irf Ikit ti,tt.'e*t rtmtdj. gMMTMiHO NEW. CITED AWAY Fit i Wrapped around every hottlt of Dr. CKaM't I Jver Curs is a vsluable Household Medics! Guide and Rrrips Book (64 page*), containing over too useful recipes, pmnounred hr mediial men and druKfius asinvalu- sule, ami wivtli trn times the price of the medicine. _ TBY CHAM/I CATAHH OKIE. A aafe and poutin remedy. I'rice, 35 cents. TRY CH ASt S K IDH! T AND LvER PllLS. ' OS. per t- SOLD BY ALL DEALERS - T. BDMAN90W S CO.. Sol* AgWIlta, Br.dford Recommend'd by Dr. Christoe WOOL! i WOOL! Thofie having Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at tho FLESHERTQN Woollen Factory ! The Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods usually kept in stAck. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give us a call. W. H. FLESHER FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. AT O A.TVJ3 Oi I* JiR- OEIN1\ InBnrance effected on Farm and Village Buildings and contents. Insurance against Lightning a. specialty. Deeds, Mortgages, Lennes, Willfl, kf.., rarrfnlly prepared and properly executed. OFTKB,- Toronto street, ntur Town Hall. W, J. BELLAMY, Agent. New Harness Shop PRICEVTLLE! iiiiilliiiilii- R- J. WATSON , rilO.'JUKTOR. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO C1RD flFJIMS! Ill thanking my customers for tlicir liberal patronage in the past, I have much pleasure in being, still able to supply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Biudcr. Tho Toronto Mower. Tho Sharp Sulky Rkf>. The Massry Harvester. The Masscy Mower. The Toltcn Pea Harvester. The Fox Poa Harvcuter. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tolten's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton'!* Scnfflers. Hamilton')! BOBS Oaiij? Plow. WISIUT'H Spring Tonth Cultivators. The Cliatliam Fanning Mill. A full stock of BKPAIRS always on hand. Parties rfiiuirinp any of tip above will <lo well l'> ('.ill mill iiH'pi'ct Mnch- incB, wliich will he fonnd iu hpronle's warehouse. A. 8. VanDQSEN, Kl.KHllERTON. DO BE WISE AND CALL AT ; And get Yourself and Family Shod. He has made a large addition to his stock of Boots & Shoes suitable for this season. BEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS! Fleshert-jn, May 28th, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts ore honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and Waggons. By our lung prtii-tii-al ri;,.ri, nn- and can-fill attention to the wants of the trade, and the boa* notarial, w havu roeMatud in inskiui,' a liutvy whirh has uo mpn i. T our unU-i s. liKAliDS CAUHIAGE WOUKH. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OP COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, . PLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Hiicli a.s M iiinin nti, Tomb TabW, IIuadavloDc* (' milter and 'J'ulilo TOIIK in Ann rioiui and Italian Marble nnd (irnnitr, and made on short notice. Also Mantlci iu Marblo aud M.irbluizud Slate, Ac., &e. Fi .!., Auir. 'M, 188& HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'5 PILLS&OIMTMENT THK PILLS Pitrif,' the Blood, corrwt all I)i-ordi>r. of tbo I^iver, ' i 0111:1 -li, Iviilri'.VH, n.ntl Dowel**. They invi;v>mtr itid rotor(> to bnalttr T>rliililat< > fl r,iiititutlMtiii, and are invalnalde in all Com plaint* incidental to Keiuali-a of all atus For C'.iil.irrn ml tl.o aitud t)>> arc priccluss. Till- OINTMENT Istulnfallllilrroiitr Iv r ir Mm I !,.. . llml r.'c-f CM \V<in,i.l. Son'- and ITicnra. It In famous to' 1 1 nit UN I llhi- i M:I: 1-1 i !'. . ,i!-. nli--> .f tin i he t it ha uo equal. Fot-SORK THROAT, Bli(L\CllLTIS. COUGHS, COLDS (tlani|iilarSwlliHK'<. snd all Skin Dirnp U Imn no rival, and for contracted and stiff joints 1 1 art*. Ilku a charm. Etnufartarod only nt rrofonso; Hni.i.nwAT| I>taMliihin*nt. TH. \cw Oxford si i-,-<-i ( inte :.;{::. Oxford Slrcrl ). London. and arc sold at Is. l]d.,S<i.Oil., KM.. Us . > . nd *1. facli HOT ..r Pot. and may be bad of all Med cinp Vendors throughout the World. XftT- Fitrch*en thint'l 7<Jt l<. 'Ii' f*ill I>H IJ<f /'"'.s fi,i,l /.Vrr<. // tftf culilrrm unot :..:.:. flrfunl flti'rit, l.>ntli'H. fhry arf njntrimu. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, "BELL" Umtpproached for Tooe and Quality. PLiKKIIKUTON. ONT. NOTICE A thorough bred Durham I'.iill calf, one month old, for sale. Also a one year old Durham Bull, with good pedigrees. Also a good Steam Flour Mill at Fli -slii'i i mi Sin ! ii 111 for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVKR, Flosherton P. 0. James Sullivan, Tl m Tinsmith, - Flesherton i UK, Kavrtioii^liin^. RIH! In (ftct -viry- tniiiu Iu the buaineflfl will rvocive my t>i-oinpt and careful attention At retflonahle prirrt*. /.V FI. TO BE LET OR SOLD. Th nnilAnilffnpd ofTcm for nalo hln Hlnrk inlth Hll<i|). Hthl|| n.l PriMiiiKCK ftrljolnln^. at s rtiftfonnbU* priro; or will lim , tin- mtiiic in n, UIKV! i, inn nt u fair r. ntl Thin i>ro|.rty Is well itiiiiiitril "n ('lllrii:wil sto*t,rtoshnoB, no'n th> I'liintnir frt>r\ . Kur lerniii mil |rtii-uli ni>]>lv tn iliuiiro- prlctor. BOHEBT CLABK, Jalyttth, 18HO. 'J./if CATALOGUES FREE. BELUCOjWi.Ooi. I New Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton t Fetch A Mitchell, ^ I'HOPUIETOKS. TIM" iin'lnilKne<1 resjioctfiilly take this oppor tiinilv ti> ntinnmicc to the people of Flesh- orton iii(iirroiiniliiiii conulry.that they have started a Butcher Bhap In the atanil next door to tho Msrbln Works, VI.KRIIF.llTON. where thoy will l- pleased to meet with all who favor tin -ii. nitli thi'ii i-ittronaKe. Frosh Meats of all kinds, anil Kish.ic. in tliolr seasons. Kospectfully yours, A M ITl H Kl I. Klesherton Illeat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Gash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on l>nd for Cash. Orders promptly filled.

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