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Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1886, p. 3

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THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. A Jdre.i lu Hr|>l< I* the |. h lion. Ikr Ihrn tarred T A Hot Ttsw UeaMnUr- .* IMI (Fiidaj) aicbt'i London o*Ue Bays : In ibt hooM ol Oemmoni tLu aituwoou, Lor* George Hamilton, Flnl Ljrd bl iLe Admiralty, replying to tntsrw- Nations, denied that any agent o( thi Dolled Biaten bad coe, UiruORh BM dim Of William AruiMrotg A (Jo , to thsdeslgsl fot naval TiiMli ouder oonfldsntisl eon- aiderfttioo by the British G jv.rumeut. Lord Kaadolph Obuiohill moved thtl preotdenoe bl given to the Supply BUI*. Mr. Dillon moved Mr. Parnsll emend- men I urging that \he ooLiJeriiou of tilt situation to Inland admitted of no deUy. BirWm. Yirnon Barooart pointed oak that if tie amendment ibaald be oarnud II would be uieleee, M the Oppxilion WM powerleeB to 000.1*1 the Government to introduce tew measures LU w ; llier tlure be would tappet! Laid BiidolpkOhurtkilli notion* Mr. Parneli (aid he did not blame Bit Wm. Haroocrt fcr tbe attitude be bd tmxtu.but it WM c Lly bj ptnistint applies- tioo of tbe pnuoiple of "Try, try agato," tbat tbe 1'ari.eliiltii bad iver got anything. Hs dkrfied that tbe Partellilei mtsndtd lo ociiicc: >.bu boemets ut the iitiiou. H* hiBMlf WM drafting meaauio giving leataholdtra leavs to apply to tbe eonria to fix tmr noli, and would tdvue tba with- drwl of tbe amendment if tbe Govern- meat would give taiilitiei for tbe ictroduo- tun _cf i neb a BUI doting the present teuton. Lord Randclph Ghnrcbill replied Ihil the GovtrLtuei t bad already stated 11* intention in regard to tbe Lend Bill. II Mr. Parnell deelred to deacriba ia a lullet manner ibe way in wtleta be wished tbi question to be dtall with tbe Government would nodertake to gif e a rpeeial tiling for tbal purpose fcefon tbe clou of the Bastion. feJobL Mcrtt* ix|riiitd b miell IB iln eerely tali t fit d wltb Ibe Otveiimeni't |io w ai DID IT. Mr. ParoeU'i amendment wae then witH drawn, Mr. Lsboaobsre moved ao amendment deeiariog ibai Lord Raudulpb Churchill* sptieb in BeUaet wae oaionlated to provoke bres.ob.ei of ibe law, and cogbl to be with- drawn. He Iniifetcd ihat Loid Rudolph Churchill WM morally aniwtnble fir the Baling and wcunaing of to many pertccs ia Belfast. Lord Baodolpb Churchill dtiorited the amendment ae a vain attempt to eel a net in the eight of tbe bird. Be mated with ooo tempt Mr. Labcnobere'i elaaaiy attempt, and flatly refuted to respond to tbe eballtnge. Major Sauodrtion moved an emeLdmeol to Blr. Labcoehere'i tmendmeDt deocnno- ing tbe preeenoe of Bntiib intjtolet tbe Meant Irieh Oonveolion iu Cl-iMgo, oalliug attention to tbe atetemeotfieely made UiM aome OoEmooere avowed tbat they bad taken the Fenian'e oath, and declaring tbat it tbie ataMmaot were true tbe membtra iu queeiioL eboo d be ikvertly oeceoied. Mr. T. r O'Oonnor atUoked L rd Ran- dolph Oborehill fcr ahirkio| a reply lo Mr. Ltbonobere. He taonted bim wub having climbed loto power ou a lalder of oUlrno tiuu. Wben thtre wae danger of a war With Rdatia, ooniioced Mr. O Oannor, the raoeor of Lord Randolph Oburobill'etocgae wai not softened by the protpeole of t aaotifloe of tboaeande of livet, and ne did everything in hie power to tbwart the iBorei of tbe Government, wbiob wae itrivmg to maintain peaoe. Cbaiobill'e wotde bad done more to eetrange and foeter haired hetwe>eo ogland and Iraland than any coonrrenee In tbe laat two yeare. (Obecre.) Mr. Banadeeeoa'e aoMadm*** wae re- jected wilhool a diviaion. Mr. Ltbonobirc'i eunendment wae rejected by a vote of aw to 119. The Hooae then agreed to report tbe Addrew. W i lulrr nnlrr llrhxlni Very eulr I" the lluia. A Rondoot (N. T ) detpatoh taye: Tb* ea eerpent whiob waa wiueaaed dieporting iteelf in the waten cf the Hodeon River, near Kingitoo Point on Bonday, b again been aeeo. Captain Fieber, of Rondont, went to Kinpeon Point Wedneiday, and tbe man in ebare;e o( the wrick of tbe teamboat Daniel Drew told bim that be aw tbe eerpent tbe night previous. It wai making ite way noctb with iu bead ex- tended abool five feet ont of the water. It toed from Ite oooree long enongb to gin ohaee to two young men wbo were) rowing In a i mall boat. They reached tbe eboie In aafety, bat were terribly Jrighiencd, The moniter, ae the watohman deeeribee II, grew forione wben it aaw tbe ytuog men bad eeeaned. Il lathed tbe water into foam wiin m tail, *k.M>b eeemed aboeit 76 feet dittant from tbe head. Ite bead wae ae large around ai a flior barrel, and lie eyee, of greeniab bne, looked " devilmb." Before itarting up tbe Hodaon River again it eqoiried from iu month a (tream of foaming itnH rewmbllng a loog ibavitg from a pine plank. Oapt. Oonkling, of tbe propeller John H. Oordete, alao eaw tbe atrpent. He gave) it tbe " right of way" in the obannel. It wai aeen th morning abreaat of Flatbaih ioe- hoaee. A number of penone MW the ear- pent, and tbelr deeoriptione of the) moneter do not vary ia the leaet. UsVBIwTIAN* HII i.KU. Ohiam* *U.I (h,lil|.D. -A A Bbangbai detpateh iaye: Advioei from Ubiog-Too-Foo, tbe obiet o lyof the Proviooe Of Bmeobueu. itate the ualiraei of tbe taetern part of the provinee and tboie of. nortbern Ooebin China have rteeo againat the Obrieliane, aad are naaeeaortpg them and deelroylog property. Tbie aolne Demolition u attribated to the impradeHite of tbe EogUeh and Ameiloan miaeiODarier. In OoohiD China alone fifty Cbrlealani ware killed, their house* burned , and their f armi deelroyed. In Bz;ehaen a general miaaane of Ohriitiaoi ia reported to be In pronreii and they ate killed wherever foand. It U aid whole villagea oeeopied by Chrtetiue have been destroyed, aad that all lanto oeeopied by proteason of tbat faith are being devaitated. The apoetolio vioar'e reeidenoa io Bziehoen hae been bnrned to the) gna&d. Tbe foreign oooanli beueb eoaped from Bieehaen with their livee. No (fforte have been made to aop- preee the disorder, and eo far ae known it continue" nnenppreeeed. BytM ! the llr. hip. Bays a despaleh from Anbaro, N. T. : Ths 19-year-old daughter of a wealthy Etna farmer named Rhodes, and Fred Oontani, a prosperous yoong farmtr living near Freeville, were loveri. Thi young man bad an excellent reputation, bat bis visits to the B ho see' boms wsre without the approval of tbe girl'i father. Oa Thursday last, wbili shopping in Ktna, Rhodes missed his daughter and found Ibat ihe bad taken a train for Freeville, a few mllet distant. Hs puriued bar wilh hie team and found her in thi village More talking with Coolant. Hhe refuted to return home, having made promise* to make an exounion to Ilhiea out dty, and he then tried to oarry her to bin wagon . falling In this he look a horoewhip tnd began to boat ber about the ibouMers, when Ooutenl interfered, and after receiv ing several btowi from tbe father, Mind the whip aod broke il, amid Ibe applause , of the vUlagwe. Sunday tbe applaoie morning young woman left home, Baying the would never return, and went to the houee ot an aunt near by. where iho wai married to Content a few boon later. Bbodi, ia **!*?" * P" 10 ". did not Interfere with the oerimony . I hr Mur|>il< furlr Wklck Ikr rul.rr llouirii<. Ueive ia AaecrtcbD Vbkcr m. D .r.r .r ikr lll.hl.nd I I,hr. jkBBJeVk A Obarlottetown, P.B.I., deepateh D : Following are the partienlari of the aciwre of Ibe Highland Light. On Taeedaj even- ing, obeetvlng tbat a fleet of boul 40 Beboonen bad Bailed into Oampbell'B Oove od anchored within a eboil dktaoee of But Point, the eaptate of the floolelto wailed until after eanaet, tbB qn:elly lipping among them under cover of tbe darkxieH by to all night. In tbe morning bit preieuee wai onnotioed, the Uihermeo tblDKingbim one of their number. 1 1 wae jail before daybreak, and ixm, tbroa(b the emoke and tog, aigne of life were observed on the fiibiog fleet. One after another tbe ail* were homed, acd tbe veeaeU, after atanding a little farther ont, hove to and prepared to flab. No eooner were opera- tion* oommenoed than the cutter twooped down akmgaide the neareet Amerioan, who bad j iut got under way. Tbe report of a gnn from the deck of the Honleite win! booming over tbe water, and the) Ameuiean at onoe hove to and awaited the coming of the boarding cffioer. Captain Lorway boarded the craft, left a nrue erew of lour men and an cffioer in charge, ordered a ainilar number of the aeheDoet'i oro)w on board the erniaer, and then both etood in toward Bonne. This radden and nnez- peeled aeuare of the lobooner fell like a thunderbolt among the viateli of the fleet. Immediately every jib and maicaail wae hunted, and the whole ftael vorued aud followed the orniier and prill hi pro- oeuion ae f ar ae Bonrb, thinking tbat il wai to that port the oraiier wai iteeriog. In thii they were miitaken, and intention- ally milled, tor Ike ontter at OEM turned for Georgetown, leaving tbe 'iwouHolate Amerioaoi behind iu Baaru harbor, where they remained all night. Oapt Lorway, on landing, immediately oommanioatad tbe facie of tbe tenure to hea^uarlere, and il U aaid tbat Captain Boon will arrive ai Oeorgetown to-night. Tbe lobooner wai to be itripped to-day. Tbe BiKhla Light U a flaely modellea, imarl-lookiog oboonir of 87 toni, built at EMU, Maam., in tbe ipring of 1865, and together with her Heine boat! and flibicg gear ooet about 99,000. THB (jOAKING EiRTO. .00 at Charleston. M vN Y OF THB PEOPLE KILLED. Ike treeti Crowdtd with Ttrrar-Striclfi Petple Calling for If rev. CONFLAGRATIONS IN THE CITY. everal Other Shockt-The Wive) in Other Place* Alto. THB TOKONTO HHAKE-UP. LONDON'* HOJIBLBBW *-O(K lk ' t~b.Bkm.Bl I .rd ae HI. rplDK fix r br 4r* ! Ou I, ..I. A London oablagram aayi : Tbe atten- tion of tbe Mention Home I'ohoe Court hu been dcawn to tbe fact that tbe Vic- toria Embanbment and the wuie laodi adjoining Ihi Blaokfriari Bridgi have be- oome tbe nightly refngi of eoorei and even hundred! of the poor and wretched, who eleep either on tbe aeate or haddled togitber on the bare ground. Thii morn- ing, al a o'elcok, there wire at leant two hundred poor onioaeti Ibne ileeping in the open air. Every one of tbi public iiali along tbe imbaDkmtnt waa full, and there are about a icore of them, each holding six ptrloni. Tbe oooapanti win moitly men, bdl a few were women. The waeti ground referred to above u a plot of nearly one hundred yardi iqaare, adjoining the new oily Science Boboule. Il ie partly covered by timber, but the larger portion ii nnoe- oupied. All round tbe wall men and women and iven children were etretohed al full length on the naked earth or hud- dled olote together in the corner* aaleip. Tbiy arpiared to be of all agee, aorno old and diorepit, bat the majority youlhe and men in tbe prime of lite, while a epriokling were women and children. In one sheltered epo) twenty-one men and boyi lay eloee together wit'uln airnoet ai narrow a space M it would be poeelble to paik them. They Btint generally to have learned tbal paper ie a alow conductor of heat andoold, a number ot them being wrapped in the remnanli ot newipepara. A i-e KATH. t(o>.lr,l AMiVS IB Hnrnln *hnl<- A Williamiporl (Pa.) dispatch nays : Word hM bun received here of ailikinlng oalamity, which oeoorred abont midnight latt night, five miles and half alms 8 joes town, on tbe line of the Williamiport X North Branob Railroad, where a large number of Hungarian laborers aro em- ployed on an ixtsniion ol tbs road. A btnty, iu wbiob ovsr Iwsnty cf ibiso men lodged, caught fire lasl night from Ibo over- turning of a stovs while ths men wirs ailssp. Huleeu msa ilspton Ibi second flier, bul liven ineoieded in gelling onl. Thi otberi were left to their tato, and wire roMted alivi in the burning abanty. their obarrtd iimalni were atlerwardi foaod ia tbe ruins. The men wbo eooeptd were so panlo-itrtekan tbat they made no efforts to aave their companions. The nmaini of two diad bodiei were removed to Soneetown. A report was) also rioaived bin tbat a Hungarian named Joespb Jsbioikl was murdered, and bis body bidden nndir a abanty on Ibe aame railroad at Elk Lick a abort time imco. When tbs shanty was torn down portions ol human remaina were found. Ths men who occupied thi Bhanty btve diiappsarsd. TABTLINU DBATH Ol Bir A In. Cl n.rhrll . Otlavnt. A lait (Friday) nlght'i Ottawa daBpateh aye : The city wie itartled thia ivenlng by a report that Archibald Campbell, eeoond eon of Blr Alex. Oampbell, bad committed luioide by ibooting himeelf. Un inquiry it wae aeeertaioed tbat about bill -put 6 o'clock he wai found dead in hii room at hie father'i reildenee by a aervant who went to call him to dinner, flarly la the day Ihi Birvanti heard a nolee In Aiebi bald ' room, bat paid no attention to it, ae the young man wai of a retiring and melancholy diipoeition, and would reman, ateladed lor uveral dayi at a lima. Whether the ihooting wae accidental or [remedilakd oan only be oicjeetured, but a revolver with one chamber diaebarged wae found near tbe body of Ibi ieoeaied. Sir Alex. Campbell Ii overwhelmed with grief. The yoong man WM abont 34 yean ot age and paeied nil final examination ai a barrieter laat antnmn, havict; itodied in Toronto. About two month* ago hi wae appointed aaaiitanl reporter to tbe Su- preme Court here, in order tbal bo might become familiar with praetioe in that tonrt. It la not Ukity thai any inqueat will be held. _ _ AMUAnKU OF II KH 1.INBACIM. l*r ( a Dccrelt A despatch from Detroit last night lays : A sad romanee was developed thio after- noou by the suicide in the Detroit River ot Minnie OharlaBd, tbs handsome adopted daughter ot Mr. and Mn. Ricbard Char- land, of Maekinstry avenue. Mlnoit bad just turned 21, and was adopted by thi Char lands when quits young at Toronto. Bbe grew up into a handaome aod Intelli- lint woman, believing Mr. and Mrs. Char- lind wsre ber parents. Hhe recently re- viiited Toronto, where she learntd the faoti of ber parentage, and tbii so priyod upon her micd that the finally determined to take ber life. She left her adopted prsnts' house thii morning early or lm uighl, leaving a patbetie litter stating whit ihe wan going to do. When tbii litter WM found to-day a tearcb for tbe body WM at onoe initituted. It ii reported iu I'aris tbat thi Kmprsis Eugenie has willed the bulk ol bor large fortune to Ibe rriuoeM bealr 101. A l.rl air M' >"' At cii !. The oompetitore of the Weex an J Courier deeline to work to-night, expecting a freib ihook of earthquake, and tbe paper oannot therefore nine to-morrow. The following article WM prepared for Bublicalion in the Ncm and Coeirur.and is telegraphed almoal in tbe writer own worda : Naeetaarily ibe deeeription that oan be given of the Aiaattor which hae befaUaa our city eac- lutein tbe narration of the izperiMoeB and obeervalioni of individuals, and tbe inbjeot being tbe lame and tbe ezperi- enoei of all being nearly alike, the etory told by one careful observer may will eland for a hundred otberi, with slight variatioia. While engaged in hii oinal dutiei in the eeoond etory ot thl NVI and Cuurur cffioe at tbe time of the flrit ehoek, the writer'* attention wai vaguely attracted bv a aonnd we iob laemed to oome from the c ffioe below, and wbieb WM enppoeed for amonienl tobe caused by ihe rapid : . LLixa cr i BXITT B:DI, M an iron Bate or a heavy laden Irnek cvir Ihe floor. Aeeompaoylng the aouod there wae a perceptible tremor of tbe building, not more marked, however, tban would be canted by the paaiage ot a itreel car or a dray along thi itreel. For perbapi two or three aeoondi the coourrence exeited no turpriie or oommenl. Then by iwif I de- greee, or, prhape, all al oooe il ii d tli :ull to lay which the Bound deepened in volume, the tremor became more decided, the lar caught the rattle of window latbei, gae fixture*, and other loose object*. Tbe men in tbe office, witb, perbtpi, a limnl- taneoni fliahof reoolleotioneof tbe diBtnib- anoe ot tbe Friday before, glanced hurriedly at eaeh otber and iprang to their feet with itaitled queetiona and antwere, WHAT n THAT ? Kiirae.CAU t And then all wae bewilderment and eon- fntion. Then tbe loog .roll deepened and eprcad into an awful rear tbat Beamed to pervade at onoe tbe troubled earth ud the mil air above and around. The tremor wae a rude, rapid quiver, thai agitated the whole lofty itrocg-walled boildicg aa though il wai being nhakea by tbe band of immiaeurable power, with intent to tear ite junta MUnder and eoelter in elocee aid bricki atraad. There wai oo inter- minion in tbe vibration of tbe migbiy iob- terraneau engine. From tbe flril to tbe lut il WM a eontinooai jar, only adding foree at every moment-, and ae it ap- proached and reached the climax of lie manifeelation, il eoemed for a few terrible leoonde that no work of human baodi coold poeiibly lurvive the ahocka. The flxra were heaving under, fool, thi en* roaudioa walli and parlitioni viaibly ewayed to and fro, tbe eraab of falling maaeei of alone and brioki and mortar WM hiard overhead, aad without tbe terrible roar filled the iara and teemed to fill the mind and beari, deiing perception, bewildering tbooghi, and for a few panting breathe, or while yon held your breath, in dreadful anticipation of immediate and oroel death, you felt that life wan already pail and wiirxD roa THI mn, at the vielim with hie hiad on Ibi block awaita the fall of tbe uplifted xe. 1 1 U not given to many men to look in tbe face of tbe Deitrojer and yit live, but it ii little to My that thi group of itrong mm who ihared Ibe experience above faintly deeeribed will carry with them the recol- lection of thai enpreme moment to their dying day. None exptoted to eicape. A udden ruab WM aimnlianeouely made to ndiavor to attain, tbe open air and flute a plaoe of aafely, but before Ibe door WM reached all reeled together to Ihe tottering wall and itopped, feeling that hope wai In vain ; tbat II wai only aqaaition of death within Ibe building or without, to be buried by tbe linking roof or omened by tbe tcpphcg walla. Tbe uproar ilowly died away in leeming dielaco), Tbe earth wai mil. and oh the bleated relief cf tbat ittllneM I But how rodely tbe ailenoe waa broken I Ai we mibid down the itairway and into tbe meet there aroee the iLrieki, the CRIES or run UD run, tbe prayers and wailing of terrified women and children, commingled with the boarae ibouta of exulted men ont In tbe ilreet. The air wan filled to the height of the bontee with a whits cloud of dry, iti6ing dnit from the lime and mortar and ihat- tered maaonry, wbiob, falling upon the pavement and etone roadwav, bad been reduced to powder. Through thii cloud denee M fog, tbe gMligbl flickered dimly, ehedding bul little light, no that yon alum- bled at every itep over tbe pilee of brick, or beeame entangled in tbe Unee of ttlegriph wiree that depended in every direction from their broken inpporti. On t very tide weri hurrying formi of men and women, barebeaded, partially dreeaed, aome almoel nude, and many of whom were oriztd witb tear or excitement. Hiri a woman ia tup ported half fainting in Ihe armi of her naibend wbo vainly triee to lootha her, whili hi oarriee her into the open epaee at the itreel corner where preient lately icimi mured ; there a woman lies on the pavement with upturned face and out- etretohed limbi, and tbe crowd paised bar by for tbe time, not panting to tee whether ihe be alive or dead. A indden light fltrei through a window overlooking tbe street. It become* brighter and THX CIT or riai reioundi from Ibe mnllitade. A rath U made towardi tbe tpet. A man IB lien doubled np and helpleai agaijit tbe wall. Bul al thia momint eomewhire ont at tea, over head, deep in tbe ground, ii beard again tbat low ominoua roll whiob ia already too will known to be miltakan. II l(row louder and nearer, like Ihe growl o' a wild beail twit My approaching hie prey, and ie forgotten again in Ibe freciied ruab for open epaee where alone there la hope oT eecnrity, faint thougb it be. Tbe tall baildiogi on either aide blotont the iiiee and the itan and atem to overhang eviry foot of Around bjtween them. Tbe abat- tend eornieei and oopingi, Ibi tope of their groaning walla, teemed piled from both tidee to (be oentre ot Ibe atriet. II icimi tbal a touch would now tend the chattered naeeee left itanding down upon tb people telow, who look np to them and ebrink together M THB TBKMOB Or TBB XiBTBQriXC AOAIN pauee under them and thi myiterione revirberationi iwell and roll along like aame infernal drum beat BummoninR them to die. It paaase away, and again ii ex- perieneed that bleated feeling o( deliverance from impending oalamity. Again, far along the itreel and np from the alleyi in beard tbe oborai of wailing and lamtnta- tinii which, Iboagb il had not eeaaed, waa aoaroily noticed a moment before. It IB a dreadful BOOnd, Ibe toonil ot belpleee, horror tlrioken knmanity, old and young tbe Btrong and tbe feeble alike, where all are eo feeble, Balling for help from their fillow-creatnree and railing tbeir anguubed voieee in petition to heaven tor mercy where no human aid ooold avail. It ie noi a aotoe to be deaoribed by any morta tongue or pen. Il ii not a taine to be lor. gotten wben onea it bai been wltneraed and when tbe witneei bae ihared all in dangcn and fecli all i agony. THB met aaock > jjourreii at aeven minutee of 10, ae WM indieatad tbii morniug by tbe pobnc elocki tbe bands on all ot whioh barf stopped al that fateful hour. The etooui iLock WM fell tight utinutei later. Ae il paaatd away the writer ilarttd homeward to find tbe icenee enacted oo Broad iiree!, around the titwi and Courier tmaee, repeated aleviry itep of ibe way. All the way up Heeling ttrvt, tbe Broadway ot UoarUetoo, tbe r j*d wae piled with iebrii from the tope cf tbe walla. At Maun iquare, oorreiponding exaotly with Union iqoare. Veer York, a great erowd bad oollioted M even the edge of tbe wide ipaoee embraced in it could not be reached by the neareet buildiogt in the event of their fall. From tbu erowd, com poeed of mm, women and children of both raoee, aroae iuoeeaaol oalla acd eriei and lamenlalioni, while over tbe motley, half- dreaeed throng WM abed the lurid light of Iheoonaagraiion, which bad broken out joet beyond the tqnen immediately after the fint ihoek, and had now wholly enveloped enviAAL iciLbntof is run**. Ia turee inner quartaa of ibeTSeVn limilar large Area were ubierved under full head- way, and the awful lignifloanee of the earthquake may be oral fully appreciated perhaps when it ii aaid that with tbe ire men do oi firei biasing np all at onee around them, and threatening tbe oily witb total deetrnotloo, the people on the mrceti evidently did cot give them a thought. The orowdi poured in from every direction to tbe iquare just dcicribed. Tbe oolored people everywhere were loud and uneen-iL'g m their declamations of alarm, in ibe tinging of hynaoi and iu fervent a[peali tor Oid'i mercy. In the reeidenoe portion ot the oily many hontei tot ered aeverely, and itreeli, yardi and gardene were filled with tbe fallen ohlm- ueyi and fragments of walli, while walle thai wire left eiandmg were rent Mnnder in many eaaei from top to bottom, and were badly ihattend in every Initanoe. Womiu and children ruihed cut Into tbe etreeta and huddled together awaiung Ibi end, whatever 11 o>ight be. Invalid! wire brought out on mattnseee and depoailtd on the roadway. > rnocauT WAS orvB* TO Tmm&i^Bjra let I behind in the effort to aave lite. Until long alur midcight the tlreele wire filled witb fugitives in tight ot their bomee. Through the long nonre that followed few eyes were oloeed in alee p. Never io any oily, lu any land, did tbe approach of dawn appear to beautiful and weleooe as il appeared to the thoniaudi of p eagle who bailed tbe opening day here ia the) sudet of Ihe eountleM wreoked bomei in ibtf thrice- loouriied, but eliil beaoliful oily. Owing to the demural.'iid eooditioo oi everything here il ii impotiible to givi Ojprrcol faeti further than (hi*. Tbe num- ber ot eaaualtiea bM not )(t been aioer- taioed. Probably trim M to tf win killed and over 100 injured. Tbe leas to property will probably reach eight to (en million dollare. Tbree-touribe of tbe bnildingi ia the oily will have to be rebuilt. 11.50 p. m. Another iboek bM joet passed over tbe city, rather more tevere than any einee IMI night at 0.62, knocking down aiveral bonsea. KODKIM BUITUCT aUOOJH Theti week etsMao dititL-et'iUwoa troai the earttqoake here last 1 1 jbl and np to 5 clock tbtt morning. The flrit aboek wai fearful and honaee were ihakin M though made ot patteboard. It reemed M if every thing mm! topple. The rubbling io tbe earth was loud and horrify log to Ihe extreme. Oloeki atopped, belli were rucg, and damage done to aome boildinge. principally by toppliag cbimneyt. Two In the Ooveroor'i maoaion wire There were numerous ot*es ot oervoni proetration. Two shocks were fell Ibia morning. The tremor ot tbe earth made pideelrlane laagger. run EABTHgcAKi asc:ai>e. During 1885 there ware recorded tbe fol- lowion earibquakea in the Uaited Biatu aod Canada : Canadian ProwiLoee, ; New England, 5 ; A Unite Btatea, 9 ; Mia- iMippi valley, 8 ; Pacific llope 81 ; total, S'j. Daring tbi 13 yeari, 1878 to 188, there have been rccoid-d in the United Blatei and Canada 364 earttqaakee. M*uy ot theie diiinrbanoet wareeo alight M to be nnperoeivtd by tbe mijiiily of people. The lit! ie more o.uiplele ia th* cejiely populated td frrqaeutly thakeo 'Allantia llope than in either ibe teldom ebaken Mietietippi valley or tbe ipirsely roco- latad Pacific elope. The Fnnh.pokr la I rBI.> A elndeol of MoMaeter Hall writes : I wailed to-day for eome aoocuat of Ibe earth- qaaki having been felt in the oily. Failing 10 aee it in any ot thi papin, I evnoluded to aind you a brief acoouoi of ny ixperi- enee. 1 occupy roomt on Ihe fourth fit! of MeMMter Hail, and at 9.46 1 wae anting writing at a table wben all at otei I fell a diuinees. and the table aod tlxx teemed to be going from under me wltba rollicg wave like motion. Tbe gae jet thai hangi from Ibe ceiliag cf the room, also itarted to vibrate through a spue* cf about alt Inohei ; I ike win a Vmkdte tbat nood on a table behind me, iwayel to and fro ao as to ilrike a picture that bung by ile lidi. Tbii luted lor some time, until I Marled for another room to fat two iln- denti to oome and eee what wae going on. When on my way I met them oomiog to me for tbe same purpoie, there being but three ot ne on tbe flat. They retojrefc wilb me, and we oampared our txperltooea aod 1 found thai thinga in their room bad been dittnrbedl tbe lame M they wire in mine, and they alio experienced the eeme feeling of diiimeM. We ooneluded it was an earthquake, and announced II as toeb at the breakfait table thii morning ; but eome who wire aeleep at the time ibougni it WM ouly our imaginations. Bat we itid, " Wai', ycu will see il In to day'a papere." BHOCKI iLanniai IN CAIUIIA Dnpatches from London, 81. Oatharicee and 1'etrolea ttate that ibocke were fell ia tboee plio} on Tuesday night. A UbarleetoD, 8. G . deipateb ca)i : 13.30 p. m. People are jail egioniog to plooknp courage, and iffjrhi are being made to olear pathi through Ibe ilrieta for the patiage ot vebiolM aod pedietrian, and the oity onee more hep ji lj ebow Hume elgne of life. The hit otlbi dead rc?gn ; aid and re ported np to 11 a.m. foote op ta uxteen, but the search has only oimmanotd. Tne Hit of wounded will go into the hundred*. Boaroely a building m the oiay eeeaped injury. Toe damage ie animated at Thecffloial total otdeathiii thirty three ; tbe wounded wtll probably number 100. Bniineis Ii Mill inependid, the Whole attention of the people being given to pro- viding (or Ibe refugees and making their reid<noee aafi. Brioklayeri kave ad- vanced their rats to 16 a day. lucre were thooki IMI night at 830, 1 1 .'iii p.m., aod 6 am ; all wire ligbt. Confidence IB gradually relnrning.bat Btueb apprebention u mill fell. bpeoiali from point! io gout.i Lianlioa ranging from tbe extreme north won lo the aeaooaet report severe aboeks ot earth! qnaki, with more or lees reaultlng daaaafe t) properly, though without lows ol tits ao far M known. A epeoial report from Mount 1'leaaaut, oppuelte Obarleeton, says thai a aink near the Ueriuan Courob, wuioh on Xueaiay WM perfaetly dry land, kt now full of freah | oi.o wvati.B) NKWD BV BAII, water. Near Shell Uriel there ii a eakia occupied by a oolored man tbal is com pletely turrounded by yajwning chaimi extending through the earth's surfaoe for ten teel and ovir. All around these are einka ol freah water and masaos ot mud with queer -looking soft substanats that have never been aeen before. Il la eon- tended by many that the mud and other intMtanoes found around the village are voleatntc matter. Just after the flnt great tbook on Tun- day night there was a decided and dlsticet emell ot escaping tulphuroni aetd gai over Ibe entire village, The BMU luted throughout the night, and was diitinei in tboe localities where the caviiiee in the earth were most numeroui. borne lay thai portion! ol tbi mud thrown np by the waiar-ipoaei are strongly wilh inlpbur, and that imall poruoni ol bulpbor oan hi found ib tbe mud'. Not far from CbarUetoo, on tbi road to Bummer- ville, ixteniive moondi ol clay wire thrown up and V"*- of land, ia most oaaee in the ahape of inverted tones, tbe hollow part of wbiob bad evidently been formed by tbi action ot water returning into tbe depthi from whioh It had been railed. In many eiaea the erupted matter had etreaai- ed away from tbe breaks in Ibe inrfaoi of Ibe earth to a diitaoee ot from M) to M leal. In other place* there were fiauree almoel invariably extending from north to a iuwi ami tooth. Theee Bracks were nol wide, aod ' Shetland pocite mended downward alwaye in a tlaoting direction. Tbe matter thai wae thrown op WM of a dull, dark, slaly color, and was mixed with gravel. Then WM also a little ebale, and in general thi mud resem- bled thai which u thrown from the bottom ot the phosphate pile along the river. Tbe water to eome places bad the taste ot our arteaian water, but io many inalanoai il WM juii as clear and limpid M from a mountain ipring. Thill evidence! of a gnat convnliion extend tar and near in every direction from tbe ally limits of Ubarleiton to Bummerville, and at tbe (alter plaoi II WM found tbal Ibe oraeki aad fl Mores are everywhere vielble for miles around. Some oMheae were m active operation, aod the constant ahocks tbat wire fell at Baminerville cent Ibe water out of tbeee fluuree iu jets to tbe height cf (rom Ii to M feel, and there WM a con- elan I dread that there would bo a general inundation eaneed by tone exiraordicary toree cf ibe earthquake. Nol only was tbe water emitted io the low places, where il night be expected to eutt all Ibe lime, but on the tope of the highest elevalioci tbe mod could be aeen. Near Tan-Mile Hill a nearly fatal accident coonrnd on Tuesday night. The down I urn hie, train jumped thi traek. Tbe engineer, Burns, and thi flnmav, Arnold oolored), were badly injured by the Ire- mendooe leap which the train took in Ibe dark under tbe unseen itfluecoe of the ihook tbal diimaatled tbe road. It is laid h; thi earth suddenly gavi way and that IBS engine first plunged down Ibe tern- parary dtelmty. It was then railed oo ibe top of ihe encctedtng undulation, and I i . '.*,"; __. Q having reached the top ot the wave atndden iwervugof that ires to tho right and left burlid toe ill-fated train down tbe emback- ment. The train al tbe time of tbe earth juako wae running along at tbe niutl and wben about a mile aoulb of liabnrg II encountered a terrible expiri- enoe. It WM freighted witb hundred* c f excursionists returning from tbi m.untaina. Suddenly the train appeared to have left be traek and wai thrown up iato Ibe air. At anJdeoly it deeoended. aod WM dung Irsi violently ovir to thi sail. Then there WM a nflex action, and Ibe train igbted and WM hurled with a roar M of diecb^/Ke ot arulisry ovir 19 tba wail. sad fiaaiij, subsided on the track acd t-ok a plunge downward. Tbi engineer put down the brtkee light, but so great was the original and added momentum that Ihe train kepi right ahead. Il ii aaid on trust- worthy authority that tbe train actually galloped along Ihi track, Ibi front aod rear trooke of Ibe ooaehce ruing and falling alternately. Tbe utraoel onftuion pre- vailed ; women and children ihriekid wilb diimay, and Ibe braved heart quailed In l.eiawt IIVSB trcaaatst. Dr. T. H. Pardon died recently at his resident*. Balfial, in nu 8ll y Tbs public entry of ths Lord Lientenan into Dublin hsB been fixed foe Septeoj bar 19. Tippsrery has taken the initiative in promoting tbe erection of a ovsr tbs grave cf Charles 3. Kiokham. At Dublin, tbs other day, John Jams Moriarty, formerly a teller in the Hibtr nlao Bank, wbo absconded wilb over 1,000 WM lentsnoad to teven yean' penal aervi tods. It ii said tbat tbi Lord Lieutenant in teoda to do bit belt to bring aoool again lo i Ireland the love of bunting and sporting o ' ' [ all kinds, for which the oaUveeTueoaee io dittiognisned. He will nol ocl; patroniii flat-rasing, but also the kiadrei sport ot iteepleehasiog. Oa thi 1 J b all., in Ihu Dublin Bank roptey Cou. t, ihe Judgi allowed proofi lo the amount of 78 .000 against the estate of Fa: luaarson, ins ejbseondlng Preeilan of Ibe Muciter Bank ; and II WM staled that there WM 15 000 in ocuri lodged to tne or edit of the estate. l.lrl frM "1 lisas! .. II U expected tbat tbe new Tsy Bridge will be ficiebed i - lummsr of next year. A disease baa broken out amoog ihi lo the laland ot Fellar and it sansing oonetdrab!e Bvortallly and much anxiety. f ~ On tbe 17th alt. tbe flnt Provincial Council of the Roman ^Vitqcfj)! Church whioh bM been held to BooAssxI sinoe lib'}. WM opened al St. Benedicts Abbey, Fort Augnitni. The aiirgy of the Church wire largely represented. * Lady Colin Campbells "Book of Ibe Running Brook acd ol Still Waters " ba, been published. Tbs subjects treated are Mils and lvir, Watsr Wolvti. Carp Culture, Cousins of tbs Carp, I'eren Small Fry and Fish pandi. Mn. Bond, tbi wife ol a tailor io Ardroeaao, gavs birth to triplets oo ths I _ nil. As this ii the first triple bond of affec- toco which hM ever happened in Ardroasau, great Intersil attsenea lo the little strangen, acd numerous gifie are pouring into the household. The late Dr. Sellar. Aberlonr. Bstflshirs, hM bcvjasathid SI 2*0 to ealablish a Bible raaderfor Ibe paruhes of Keitb, Aberlonr. asd (art of lljharm , S'ttO for scheme* of the Chnrih of Scotland . a 100 for ibs poor of the pariah ; a'200 tor buraariae and prisi for essays ; 100 for ibs Craigellaanli M lesion, with aomi other gifts for tbs good of Ihi parish. Lord Provost Clark, Ehoburgb, has ri eeived intimation that Bar Majetiy hae conferred on bim tbe honor of bironetey. Tbe new baronet Is ihi chief psrtoer in one of the leading and oldest printing and publishing flrcii tn Edinburgh. Msaari. T. A T. Claim. For several yeari hi WM a iioo to the late Sir George Uarriton, M.P., he WM elevate! to toe chair of Chief Magistrate. a u in. v .. , i . . ! Ikr 9l*UrB ft Io Ikr Ha>kmad BBr I* t rf.ll ! momentary expectation of , bBff * a ,,, , loflcg etrcpbe. Tbe train WM takeu back in the ' direoiiou of Jedbnrg, and oo Ihs way back tbe work ot Ibe lartliqnaki wai tcrriblv patent A |M| (Friday) night's despa'.ob from CharleitoD lays : After the park* aod publu iqaeree bad beea oiled laii nigbi, tbi inhabitant! tuipendeJ overeoale. bed- quills, etc , from the fenoesover ihe tide- walks and Ibni passed the night. Many ei j lyed repose under open umbrtllte, Ibe h.Ldlei of which were ilnok In the ground. Tbe more) arietoeralie people oamped iu their own yardi. The oolored people lay they will nol return to their bomes until at liaal another night bM passed, and Ibsy may bl asen taking tbeir ooffie aid sating their dry bread beside the placed wbtre they tltcp. Ou the whole, howevir, i) may bi -aid tbal confidence Is returning* and should tbsrs not hi a revolution of tbs eartbquaks Charlastoo will bs In her usnil buttle of holiness within twenty -lour boon, although ineonvsnunes and delay will be experienced for monthe to oome. A ucMidi noM gem vicTOftu. " Balmoral, Sept. S. " To tbe Preiident ot thi United States : " I desire to express my profound sympa- thy with Ibe sufferers by Ihs late earth- and await with anxiety fuller Intel- i, wbieb I hope may abow the eflecte to have been leal disastrous than reported. (Signed). Ttm QCBBX." CiuxLxsTax, B. 0., Sept. 8, midnight A lharp shock of earthquake wai fell juit before 11 o'clock to-night. Two baildmgs till. A whist woman, name onkaowo, was killed by a falling wall Ibis evening. TUB OLD, n i HTOHl. 4n I nxopri'lBg Ukrl, Hrirair^ ! Abn.ioorrf. 1. 10 pi. Birr Owe I Hr. A Montrsal detptteb iayi : Bain Chan- try, a young American girl, WM brought before the Police Magistrate hire on a charge ot attempting to commit inloidi by thooliag birtelf with a revolver. Her de- fence wan Ihat the bad eloped from Jer home ii Adrian, Michigan, wilb a jonng man named Kdwaid Arlington, wilb whom ibs had been acquainted for aome|ime, on aprcnr.reot marriage. After remaiciog hire three weeki the iconndral told hir ibe bad belter nturn home ae hi wen a married man with a wife and ebild livicg in the Blatee, aod he bad mtde np hie mlod to return to them. Oa hearing bit declara- tion the girl pulled onl a revolver OB Ibe itrvet, which ibe had taken from her deceiver, and preiented It at her bead, but be eaugbt ker arm aad took the pietol aw*;. He then called a e ab and told a loUeeman lo take her to the union and deeaoiped. Oa the accused promising the maturate to return home tbi wai d;s charged. ^ A lr r , ,l fKBl'linral. A man named Koberts, for aisanltiog MIM Ella Graham, bu been neolenetd al Fredirieton, N.B, to a yiar'e Impilaon- meat, and al tbi end of nine months to receive twelve etrtpas. The whip handle le to be tweery-lour ioshee long, and half en inch thick. Bhtabonld the jail anthori lies at tbe ind of nlni months certify that the prieoaer'i aonduet bae) been focd tbe Crown may remit Ibe whipping. Roberta' wife died on Monday, it ie laid, by grief over her hutband'i position. She leavat a family of five young children. It ii btoiming Ibi faibion among mar- ried Is d ite to keep their mil J to uami to aidition to their hasbaod'a tor name. This practise has loog been in vagus among aotreseee and other ladiee wbo havs made a reputation for IbemselvM before marriage, the benefit of wbieb they are unwilling to loose. The namee of Mee damM U)lss^aiinl-I^a<Trihilh Beeteawt Limene Snemngtoo, and hosts of olbin, will rsadily oeour to every ooe M OMM in point. But until lately tbs fashion wae cat fined to aeirassee. tingen, autbortaiee and other ladies, whose lots al marriage tkrrngh tbe shasgi of a ims would havs been so lubeiattial a pecuniary ons thai il might be animated io Ibonatodiof pcnndr. Il ts only now thai ladise lo privets lifs bsve begun to realm the fait that their own lota in interchanging their name, and . tbitr idtnlity, U qoile as real aad -jane M important to Ibemtelvee ae so the actieM, although poet i Sly no ooe would go ao lar M to say It had a monetary value. Wbin a girl marriee, il ii usually only Ihi favored few wbo are present at tbe weddicg breakfast wbo really manage lo remember her new name and addrstr. HJW often we hear tbe question : " Whi is Mary bj and eo s name now, and where doee ebe live .' ' How often tne answer brings the rtjiinder: " Diar me! we o.u-1 have been qoite eloee to ber Ibe other day . what a pity we did nol know, wi ihonld bavi liked eo mi4b tu go and aee ber. Bens* tbe prevent movement rn Ibe psrl ot married women. Ii esrtainly will havs many advantages tf It beoomes gent ral, nol only to tbe laiiea laii&M>e, but to all Ihiir friet.Ji and tc ptinlanoe*. especially if tbe double surname coses, in course ot time, to hi tbs dUtiDguiihing mark of a marrisd woman, for. M II would form part of a lady t ordinary denature, which the title cf Mn. and Mies does nol, many a correspondent would be relitv d from thi harassing doubt which now besets bim ae to wbstbsr hs Is lo address bis reply to Mrs., Mist or Eq London Sotuty. A II . ,1 . - ln, t . . i , r An Lisslliue man quite prominent in political circle! wai trying to Mil a bane ben Ihs prospective purchaser said : " Ii tbe aumal firil-elase in every re- eptot ?" " Tee, sir. 11 But I hear that U 1s lomslimis tiken with nok spells. " " Tes, that's a fact." " Aod still you recommend M a No. 1 bom?" " Of toarss Id), stranger, hie being BSBB ocoe in s wbils ii what I prxs him tor tbe highlit." " Worth more on account of that T " "Ton bet he is. He'ieiek about twite a month and II would do you good to see the pure enjoyment we gel onl of u. He U lay down, and eometimee there'll be more than a bnndrtd men eome rouod in leu than 10 minntee all the town of&etrs and candi- dates and members ot the Sooool Board and other prominent sixains and we'll all eland round acd talk 'boat wbat'i beet to do. and try ooe thing and another thing. and 1 II 1st eome ot my warmest friends bold his head up while I go down to the drug itoro. I tell you that boras has mads ms popular in this town. 1 don't ears any thing about selling him, anl 'lees you want to give me my pries you oan't have him. I gueet we can't deal any way, as I aee you're one of those kind of men tbal don't eare whether they make friends or not." sWt, Riv. Mr. McDjugall does not tlarve his loyal chiefs. Pakao, wbo weighed 180 pcuadu when he tint reaohid Toronto, now weight MO BJ olear gain ol i~> pounds iu oae uiouiB. Tbi bomi of tbi late Sir Moan Montr; fhri al Ramagata WM beqiistksd to hui nephiw, Mr. Sebag UoottUore, who baa ixpended 160,000 lo beaatitylog u. Lttd Ceeil U conducting 1 evangelist ie meelicge in Napanoe. A imall boy named DelaoeywM drowned while bathing in the Free River, near Belle Kiver, Onl., on Thursday. Ilia body waa recovered. A epeoial meeting ol tbe Toronto Board of Trade WM held yesterday . al wbiob Ihe gratuity labeme WM ergaaixid by the appointment of three trnatet*. Evidence it tbe Long Point murder trial yesterday related mainly to tbe ideooflea- HBB of the body and tbe relatuwi of the) prisoner with the deceased. A brother of the allegsd murderer SproulB wauM the Colled Blatee Ooveinrneoi to iottrfere in the oaae, wbien is DOW before the Soprimt Gout at Ottawa. TELEBMPHIC SUMMARY Latent News rrom All Over the World. . Typhoid fivsr 11 somewhat pMvaleM fa Montreal. Tbs argument before tbe Soprseoe Oourt oo the Sprouie eaae wai Bonstadsd on am4- till urday, jodfmeni being day, the 13th inet. The Oregon, from Liverpool, weekly maiia aad 61 oabln, 40 In I and 71 ateerage pBiiBgm. arrived Klmooakl at 4 30 en Batuday n> Ibe math) were forwarded at i a.m. SU handaome ean for __ railway arrived in Braotford on and they were plaead on tbe traek ai! Five with invited gnu IB and large one* eara with a band proceeded over the dtfer. i where tbe tr oare enl ilreeli ean eo Ibe pubite Tbe regularly for A 4 year old son of Mr. Joseph Dawaao, Si., was bangmg to the bask ' > heavy lumber wagRon on tteosvm ilreel oo Batorday morning. Whan the driver bseked the waggan ins littls faftiej fell, ihe wbeela paaatng ovsr bis lags and crushing them badly. He wtll probably bo crippled for life. Ksoewsd earthquake aboeks have been fell al Pyrgos, in tbe More*, Ons hundred thousand pounds of I were withdrawn boon tbe Bank of BL yesterday tor shipment to ^-'tr'tOa Sir John Stewart bas oCered to sail to Bis tanaoia bis Tyrone ewtase oo Ibe W-yean' [urehaie plan, provided they bay u alL Pnnee BuotaMk, who is suffering from an attach of seialioa. Is mueh i anseaburg, hitherto II tueney of his SOB. Count Herbert marek, has retmruod a Liberal to the) Reisbitag. Thi aiw Maharajah ot Soladia has) bawl inthroncd with imposing oeremoaios. A great durbar WM givin in honor ef the event. Tbe young MaAarajab made a speeeb, in which he promkted to surpass his father in bu inn friendship to Kaglaad. A I Ballymaoarnl. a inbnrb ot Belfae*, leetsrday. a mob attaeksd and Mveraly aaadled low piWisemen aad wreektd a MOBS in whufe Ihe oaan hsd tahen refuge). Hilieary aid bad to be summoned to sf sot the reseoe of the poUoemen, and two ef tho noten were arrested. An Orange tBOBBal roeeanon yMlerday was attacked by tlbolies, and there WM much throwing ot A eonferinee will be bald at ridtte, tiatberlaiidahire, Seotlaad. em iect. 2Jod, for Ibe pnrpoee of tormtn| a 3lue Laae. There wtll be preeent I>r. .'rr Jjnte and Prioeipal JOBMB, of Baia }oUe)ge, who will repreeeal We lea , Cam- mot ere Bexlon and Cbanee, wbo will rapreeeot Inlatd, and Commoner! Me- Donald. Cxiybeare, Hniberlaad aad OMB- iron, npreeanting tbe HigMaada. Tbe ;eutlmeu having the movement in charge tave received from many parti of tbe) gdooj aommncteatioDi im wheeb the) wneere promiee to pin Ibe Leagme. General Llayd AipinwaU, ot Mew York. wae ilnekio with apoplexy and died at noon on S iturday at Provtdtooe, R.I. New* bae naibed Portland, Oregon, that the northern end of tbe Northern iilj Innnel lhroon tbe Caeeade Moon- talce oavtd in on Saturday aad nine white earth. There ii little chance of any of them being retcued alive. For M viral daye parliee have been aearchinet on Panon'i Creek, Waahtngtoo ecnnly, Kan , for four pereoni known ai the wild family, oociuuog cf a man, a wonaaj, i girl abont 1 yeare of age and a ehili. Oe> Batorday the aeareh ended in tbe eafeaeB of the en lire family. Tbe nan, woman and girl have black hair on tbtir faoee, aad the mac hae muoa hair eo bat body. Thai n tbe girl'i f aee le very floe. Tbe Dolor of Ibe feeee of all ti a eky grey. Tbe anool talk, hot tbe woman Dollar ooiee wfaiob the gkl oderetand. Oa top of the beadV ot man and wiman are ilight ividenBM tbat they have bMo eealped. Tbe opinion are- aiU tbal they were eoalfed by Indiaoe eare ago and bieame iaaacr, and have wan'ered in tbe i propcaetoperf In bopee of rtetonng tbeir nuaeta. be partaM makat a i iriri. ! I ne in> A Pilesburg, Pa , dsepaieh says : A sen- ati3nai and probably fatal aecidsat *s> urrid aboot 11 o'eloek last (Satorday) tght. Officer George Woods sod ained K Iward UeoBsf. whom be ' eiiLg. fell over a eufl to od are nol expected to eurvtve I bey received. Uenoig had engaged in tree I |aarrsl. aod wbio ths ofBeers a*. tved he took to hie heels. Woods gave ba*e and finally drew bis revolver and abol al the fonilive. tbe ball taking effect o Uenalg's left foroarm. Benasg swapped nd stood at bay just oo the brink ei o reoipiee fifty feel high. They nd after a short, bard toesls isappeared. When tbe other Ivsd no oos WM is sight, hot a tun I eery rom over the cliff attracted their aitsonoa. Looking down the two men were seen treict *i moticnleea at the bottom of the out. Woods WM uneonastons and baob were terribly icjered. Heoaig is rewttng essier to nlgbt. but Woods h) suffering ttv eueely aod may die) bsfor* ' A London coble aayi : Mr. ey died at midnight on Basorday ia hat 4th year. Us was) a prominent ihanajjtns) f Proteetant Nooeooforoalty. and made many liberal dooaMona to skat caoee, more penally for the purpose of building hapela. Be WM deeply intereeteU in the work of ihe Home Missionary Soetesy, aod was laatrameotal in Unewdaeiog. In sow- nccncn wilh thai body, she sarvieee of lay ivangeUsts and eoiportsOBB. Mr. Meriey sDtsred polltieal life in IMg as ao advanced Liberal and represented otMagbam for bout a year, whoa he was on see ltd on petition. lie tubs* jointly ran tor Briatol, rat wae Jsfealed : bat at tbe general dee tioo ot 1*5 * be was) returned f JT tbal awa- ioeccT. which hi ooounaod to rapreeeol until hu withdrawal front pubtte lift last i New i in mmt BMtde*. The Dry O**t, Cknmu\ of New Tot*, pnhlhsbee the following M the new tashioh- ble c Jors and saades for tall and wtots*: Toakinass a yeUowUb bets*. Ogbt browmish hsBje. Tabie- a vary ^^ tobaseo brown. Oolr- Fi<eU* a H|M beeja. eige. raesole an oehre yellow. Sapph* golden brown. Cardinal a etear blood red. OOOSJBBSJOV a poprr red. Oonil a bill peak. Liege a eotk color. Tele- boue-a bluish steel. Baltsqas a beme teel. Far Forge a bright tree abate. rgtnt a dull silver. Hero* a leady bade. Utseda a rnsjauswtti. Oaboo a dark meo ol Iks riseda order. Ubsaior dark straw shade. Jades -a light hello- Tbe gusrterly Board ot Rk* ra~"' Street lethodut Churen, Toronto, bw (ranted Rev. Mr. Piekering a bonus of ipiBaaten ot lympatby QB noint iUnaai. nl of bta

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