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Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1886, p. 2

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>o Prrfcrt Work Bal " ttansloni 1 1 would build." MJI tL* areblleol, more fair, BUrtli ooluuned, and stately and granil. lammoth-domad. perfection base. turret auJ rshall Mammoth-Joined, perfection stairs, And tbe wiiidi the fame of the buUJ< To Ihe o'nermoet parts oi the land." " I will paiBt," aaid the artiM, " a picture inb- liwe, Ralnbow-Mnted and wonderfully quaint ; The world shall bow down to this piotore of mine, For I'll Jlp mr brnab in tbe river of time, And Ibe lights of eteruitT paint." " I will write," salJ the poet. " a beautiful song In the glory and strength of my nilnht. I will liberate troth. The shackles of wrong be bioieu. aud sin, redhanUed and by the words I shall write." BbaJlbe 'Htaib tbe broad dome of heaven's encircling blue, gonlptared cclamnt reared itately and vast, And tb architect sjullod u tbe palace grew, But the Anger of time pierced thoae columns through. While tbe uiounuiui, Uod'i helloing*, itood fait. The picture lacked something thai glowed on the bream. On. the lea when the inntet unrolled ; The best of tbe poem wai never expressed ; sUA's achievement ii drou at the best Cwiipared with Uod'8 labor of gold. liote Uartieick Titorpt. A NOVEL, (BY TBE AUTHOB OF "QABTH.") " II.WM when I WM only a little girl that be flnl got that power over ma. He knew wy father WM rub, and he wanted me to bj promised to him (or hit you know what, Tom. Then my father pat me in tbe eon- Mat and I utayed there aevan years, till we thought he had lo. t the power, 01 WM dead, perhaps. Bu: b found me in Ameiioa and me corn i back, and DOW it's worse " Why doesn't you father have him ar rested and impriionsd ? It oan be done." " Ob, try poor (aiber I Ha cannot, Tom Do not a*k me that 1" " I most aik it, Kate ; remember, I love yon. Why is it, Kale?' 11 My father is afraid of him, too," the aid, ebafiuK one hand with the other with a piteous expression of pain. " If he dtd anything against him, be would be rained My father oannot help me, Tom." " Bat I do not understand. What hai your father dona thai he should bo afraid ol oeh a Mouodrel as Stork ?" I demanded teroly. She hesitated IOUK before auiwennp moving her bands and bead restlessly and fetching many troubled sighs. At Jail she laid bar band anrinkingly on mine and 1 grasped il firmly. " I will tall yon, Tom," sha satd ia a fal term* voice, " bnl you know I would tall no one ia tbe world bat yon. My dear papa did not do wroog himself, bat there were people connected with him who did, and made the blame seem to be his. Aud there were some papers of my papa's whioo vVlflelrl *** Ti " Yee, yep, I understand, darling ; and Blork stole the papers ?" 11 Yee thai in DO , it was worse than thai, for ha didn't know where tbe paper* were kept no one knew thai bat I. Tom, be mad* me sleep, and in my sleep be made me go to tbe plao* where they were, and take them oat and give them to him. Ha made me rob my own father put my own dear papa in bia hateful power. I would rather have died 1 And papa forgave me think of tbat !" 11 Than Hlnrk baa the piptra in bis po Motion, and be osaa them for blackmail? at bavs you cevtr thought of trying to II sounds badly, bnl il would be perfectly justifiable to steal them biok again 7" " I eau do notbicg. Ha can make ma half leas by a look . and he alwaya earriaa them with him. Bat, Tom, if it ooald be done without being found oat, I would tell papa * kill him. Bat I oannot let my dear f afia be banged for tbat wretch , and, yon me, we have no evidence." " Good Ood I What a fearful thing it it I" I muttered. What help, what oonsola lion could I offer T A refined and sensitive girl under the mesmeric control of a ruffian; her father iubj-ol to his extortions and inaulis , aod tbe only aaaapo a worse misery even than this Kte to yield her twit to him in marriage I Faugh I The tboagbt aiakened me , but enragid ma, tco ! Kate waa right death, andden and merci less, was tbe proper measure to be meted at to Slark. If he bad appeared at tbat moment, I believe I would have abol him unhesitatingly and rejoiced in tbe deed. Murder would be a rigbtecm woik when brought on each as ha. And if the murder were brought home to me, o;uld I suffer In a bitter cause ? Kate bad risen slowiy from her chair and was now fronting me, scanning tny face and bearing with enrioui eagerness. Bbe held her handa across her bosom, alternately interlacing tbe tips o( her fingets and pulling them free again. Her lipa moved as it in peeeb, bnl no loucd came from them. I got op presently looking, I dare Bay, very solemn, as, indeed, I felt. liar eyes followed mine aa I roaa, and now we gizad straight at each other for some moment*. " I promised yon that you should bi freed," I taid, " and yon aball be. I aball be sorry to have any man's blood on my hand*, bnl if yon can be eaved in no olhar way, it moat be so. ' "Ton do love me, indeed I'' aha mur- mured with a sort ot aad exultation in bar tone. ' ' Bui," she added, ' I cannot let yon do it. I cannot lose yon, even to be freed from him. II ii my fatbar'a fault, after all. beiidee-" " I take it upon myself," interrupted I, with a dignity which may have been absurd, but which did not seem so to me at the time. " Bnl II would be murder at any rat*, the law would call il ao. No, you must not be called a murderer, Tom. But I they would not hang a woman let ma do it I I should love to do it I" And the spoke with a look tbat confirmed tbe worda. Before I could reply, however, bar expression changed again. She appeared to think intensely for a few momenta, and than bar face lighted op. 8add*nly she osught my band and kisied it. "And kiaa me, Tom I " she cried excitedly. " Kiss ma, for I deserve it 1 I hava thought of a way Ibat will aave us all 1 ' Mneh alartled, and half fearing that the girl's mind bad given way nndar the pres- sure of trouble, I was attempting to qnial her, but aha silenced ma by an impetuous gesture, and want on tptaking eagerly and rapidly. "To-morrow wa have planned to go to Kohlttein for a picnic. It'* a great, immense rook, where robbers lived hun- dred* of years ago. Hardly any on* ever goes there now. I have been there, and 1 remember that on the top it ia full of deep elef IB and bole* , and I Ihooght how, if any one were to fall into one, they might lie there for month* without being found, and tbey oould never gat out of themselves. Ho now listen I We will go up there yon and I and be , and I will lead him near the brink of one of those elef to, and then yon must ruih forward aod take him and drop him down down to the bottom I Bo we shall gel what we want, and yet there need be no murder. 11 Not be murder, Kt* ?" " II need not be ; lot when be wa* safe Jown there, rather than be left to starve, he would give op those paper*. Don't yon think h* would ?" Bbe WM trembling with excitement ana her state communicated itaelt in sons egrsi to me, ao that I WM soaroely able to think coherently. Bat there tertttnly saeoiad to be plauaibilily in her achime ; at the worst it would be belter than iLootisg the man outright. Bat would the recovery ol tbe paper* pot an and to Blurk's persecu- tion of Kate M wall at ot hat father ? Would not hi* power over her remain ? 1 Bat we oan have him imprisoned thai, yon Ma," WM bar amwsr to my objection, and for tear of tbat he would never trouble me again. He would have been in prison long ago bnl for tbe paper*." II certainly teems a good plan," I said, after a confuted attempt to turn the mat- ter over in my mind. " We'll aik your father's opinion to-morrow." " Ob, be mail know nothing of it I' she exclaimed with a gesture ot vehement dis- sent. " He would betray il. You don't snow how what a power that villain has over him. Blurk treat* him like a child whan they are alone. No, Tom; we moat do II all ourselves or il will fail. Only wbao it I* done will dear papa get back his cour- age." I knew mote about how Mr. Birobmore wan treated by hi* val*l in private than Kte was aware, but I mad* no allusion to this. The more I reflected upon the enter- prise, tbi more inclined I was to atseot to it. It wai wild, fantastic, ULOOaventional ; bnl it bad important practical merit B neveriheiMx. Moreover, it poiaeased tbe powerful recommendation (M I deemed it) ot allowing for a (air man-to-man struggle between Stark and myself. I WM to over- po*er him by main strength, and from what I had observed of tbe fellow, I fancied he would be able to m&kejaat resistance enough to nv* my self-respect. Oa the other bacd, he might be able to do more than tbii; and, if tbe wrral came to Ibe worl, of eoflfs I might be compelled to maim him with my revolver. But, alto- gether, the froapeet kindled my imagina- tion. I waa ittarolated ty the thought ot distinguishing myult by my par.oael prowee* before my mistress' eye), in cm- Uiol with her dastardly opprentor. And a* I loosM at b<r a|andiog there before me, so lovely and toll oTo urageoni flrc, I laid to mjBcIf thai DO knight of yore ever did bat- tle in the lisle (or a worlbiir lady love. However, I realized thai this was neither the place cor the hour to enter neon a de- tailed discussion of oar plan*. Every mo- ment that Kate remained witu me increased her peril, especially it, as the seemed to think WM the atae, Slark bad dispatched her hither. As to his motive ia ao doing, I bad DO difficulty in form- ing an opinion. There WM little doubt thai be meant to nee her as an un- oacioiooi aat'a-paw to atcal tbe diamonds, a* before to purloin the papers oompromie- ing ber fatbtr. Had I been asleep, the device oould hardly have failed ot auorata. Bat M Kate seemed her. elf not to auipaot tba nature ot ber involuntary errand, I would not additionally distress ber by alluding to il. It WM enough tbat il Inr- nished me with a sufficient pratex', had other* been wanting, for iifl.olicgobaitise- menl on tbe valet. Ktte said, in aniwer to my itquiry M to tbe propoeed lima of our starting on tbe pionio expedition tbe next day, that it would probably be sb^ut eltvan in tbe fore- noon. WM would, therefore, have ample time to settl* tbe particulars ot our scheme before tbe boor of action arrived. At part- ing the alung to me with peculiar tender neta , nor bad I ever loved her ao well M at that moment, whan I looked forward to libaratisg bir forever from tba evil spell ilni had been blighting ber young lite. After ibe had gone, I bad tbe curiosity to examine the boll on tbe door. Tbe explana- tion o! iia mysterious opening proved aim- pie euoogii. The eorewe whereby tbe socket of ibe boll had been tautened to the door-frsuae bad btao removed, and tbe hole* f o enlarged that tbey oould be clipped in and on) without difficulty. Bosket and eersws had then bean replaced, so that tbe bolt eould be shot M readily a* baton. Bnl th* teeurity wae only at) illusion ; for, tba latch being turned, a alight push would bring away tbe socket and a:rewa attached to Ibe boll ; and thus the supposed mean* ot satsly be ingeniously need to disguise th* rial abaicoe thereof. OHAPTEBVIII. II ocojrrcd to ma Iba nexi morning that, considering tbe nature of Ibe work that WM out out for me, il might bo prudent to depart from my naaal custom by leaving tbe diamonds al toxe ia Christina's charge, as sbe bad beraelf suggested, and I look tbe earliest opportunity of mentioning tbia propoaal to Ktte. To my surf-rite, ab* at once expressed a decided diasenl from the arrangement, and, indeed, aemed ao much perturbed by il tbat I at oi.os relin- qaishtd the idea. But I tegid her to tell tue tbe reasons ot bar or jconon. "Not now," she said nattily, "I bear papa oooiing. Wail till attar trtakt ail and than yon sbsll know." We ware standing al the gate ol tba court- yard, breathing tbe (resh morning air. Bbe li-f t me and returned to tbe boose, whence Mr. Birehmore almost immediately iisacd and saluted me with more than bi.i usual cordiality. I wondered what his behavior would have beta bad ha known c( the transactions of the pail night, or ol what waa in store for us during tbe day. He began to talk about Kohlstein, and related several aneodotea of tba b&cditt by whom II wai aid formerly to bava been inhabited. " I have beeu up there mor* than oooe," be remarked, " and the trace* of their occu- pation are still viiihl*. I remember one feature tbat particularly Impressed ma a narrow eUfl or obasm cf considerable depth, into wblcb the old fellows are said to bava thrown their prisoner* when tbey became refractory. ' Would ibe fall kill them 7" I aboold nay not ; tbe bottom seemed fall of chopped brushwood and other each rabbieb. Bnl co bnman being eooll bava got out unaided , aod probably a day or two'* lonely lojonrn there would bring tbe moat resolute malcontent to terms. II would be a ghastly fate to (all in (her* nowadays and have one'a skeleton flihed out again the following year, perbapa, aod a eenaatlooal parsgrapb in the newspaper*. Yon young folks must pick yonr step* carefully to- day." Forewarned is forearmed 1" rejoined I with a short laugh. Further conversation out abort by a summon* to breakfaat. On this occasion Blnrk wailed al table, and I observed him with more than ntual atten- tion and toleration, M one with whom I WM ao soon to try desperate oonolnaloni. Ha wai certainly a villainous-looking charac- ter ; but he appeared io be, for reaeons best known to bimeelf, in excellent spirits this morning, a circumstance whiot stiad np an nnwilllog kind ot oompa**ion wilhin ma, reflecting what a speedy and final end WM going to be put to all hie posaibilitie* of snjoyment. Vile though hie Ufa bad been, it wa* Ibe only one be bad, K%te likawite had the aamblanoe ol no- nsnal gaiety, but I .iculd *ee tbat It WM either feigned or the result ot nervous excitement. And my judgment WM jnetl- fied wbao, alter breakfast, she overtook mt M I WM on tbe way upstair* to my room to make my final praparationa, and said, in a voice nnateady with emotion : " Tom, dear, you aekcd ma why yon might not leave yonr diamonds with Chris- tina. You do not know what danger you ware in Usl night I Un my way baek to my roam I heard two people talking together and tbey mentioned your namr, to I stepped and listened. One said : Tha boll ia all right ; I had betMr go in and risk il , he'll be certain to be Mleep by tbi* time I ' And than the other laid : ' Ha ban his revolver ; leave it to me , be believea he can trust me. To-morrow, when be goet out, I'll gal him to leave them with me for safely I' and then Ibay both laughed. My darling, tbia boure in a Jen of Ibisves!" Were th* persons you beard who were they*" Christita and that creature abe oalli hat lather. 11 ash, there sbe ooa>M I Sha tot k not see u together ;" and in a moment Kate bad glided away. I want on op Ibe stairs with a heavy heart, I would almost rather not have heard Ibia Uat revelation. My oaDndtDoe in my penetration bad re- ceived a nominating shook. To think that Christina's innocent face and modest, maidenly air oonoealad the heart of a thief, or, worse still, ol a decoy-duck, wai a blow to my vanity M well M to my tailh in bnman nature. How artful abe had baen when I fancied ber most ingennooa ani kind I Aud then all at once it flMbed upon me what it Beinrich Radolt-b bimel were ia the plot? What il he bad written them lo been lh outlook for me? ADI what it Blnrk, being itereily in league with him, bad contrived (o get Uu Birehmora and ma along with them, iiito ttaia bouse intending to divide tbe spoil with Han Rudolph and Christina? Many sigt seemed to point to this a* a line deduction from the piroumslaDoei ; and, even aa I WM rather grimly eonaidtriDg tba matter, a ne oouii. MI ttion ot Kite's discovery awsiwx me. Cnrittina waa atinjing at my room door, aud aa I esme nr, (be oonrtaaied an<~ laid: "I was wUbing to tpeak a moment to Herr Grainsborongb, it he would permi me." " Wbat do jou wsntT 'laikedacmiwha roughly. Due* the honored Uarr remember wha I said yesterday ? ' "Tbat yon iued ma to give you m diamonds for B*fe kcepiig? Yea; and bva to aoewer that I am not quite s trustful as you teern lo think I" Tba Boprnf nl and severe tone in which apoke evidently startled bar, hoi she iti afleeted not to understand. " II WM for Herr Oainaborongb'* ow sake," she began, but I interrupted ber. "Dj yon remember what I said yester day '/ that I wanl armed ; well, I am armei to day, and whoever tries to teach ma ho to take csro of my diamonds may happe to gal a ballet instead, to lit him beware. ] Herr Rodolph ii anxious about me, yon oa tell bim that." " Herr Qaiciboroogh will be sorry bava spoken to," said Christina eolorio deeply and with to emulous lip. " I am sorry to have to say it, Christina But oan jou tell me bow the boll ol thi door came to be in tbi* condition ?" and palled out Ibe loose socket a* I (poke, an the screws fell to the floor. " Indeed, I did not know thi* I" exclaime she, but the dismay and oonlniion wbic were but too plainly visible on btr fae belied her worai. " Yoa will understand, however, that house whose faiteninga are so much col o order would not be a proper place to kca traasnrei in. Well, good-bye, Christina. am gcing to Kcblsteio, and probably sba'n't spend another night bare. When yon write to your brother in Paris, yon may tell him that Iba diamonds ar* quite aaf e, though they may have been in danger. " Will Herr Gainsborough lot me lay ace word?' "ll'e too late I have no time," returned I, witti an cmphMis all tba more eoldl oonlemplaous beoaase ot the secret icolina lion I full in view ot bar youth aud pretti ness toba compassionate and forgiving and, perhaps, I WM half sorry tbat (he al templed no farther Bell-vindication, bat obe)iog my gesture ot dismissal, passed cu of the door and down the paMige, with bt bare feel, and bar bine eyea downejMr, an no backward glanoa. Wbaa she waa gote, abut the door in no enviable mood an walked to and fro about my room like surly bull in a pound. For th* flrat, thong not the last, time I heartily cursed the dia monda ; they seemed to raise tbe devi wherever I carried them. In the midit o my anathemsi Mr. Birobmore knocked a aba dcor and told ma that everything ready dowastairt for tbe Hart. " And, by-lbe-bya, Qainsborougb," h added wilb eno ot bis point-blank, ic glauoea, " I have arranged that our Inggag shall be removal to-day ; and, if yon leav yoan here, I sdviie yon lo tetl il np in m, presence. I found the lock ot my door i rather a strange condition tbi* morning, bav* my opinion of what our landlord ma ha." " Who recommended yon lo this place Mr. Birobmore?" I demacded curtly, for WM gelling lo leel something like eon temp for my Intended father-in-law. II i* no easy to respect a man who, under wbateva stress of circumstances, allows another man to make a alava ol him. "It wan that fallow Bluik ; and b deserves a gool borsawbipplng for it I ' re plied Birehmore, thrusting hii hands rcr o Inlely into bii pocket*. " I think hi deserves at least that," I re joined with aiigoifloanl laugh, " at J whan ever you're ioallnad to operate on him, i'l stand by you. Btr. Birobmore said no more and we wen down stairs in silence. Kale wae alread; sealed In the carriage. Blnrk wa* on th' box with a largs basket containing our pro visionn for thi day besidsbim. Mr. Birch more acd I took our plaese oae of a*, a least, with a heavy heart. The landlor Bto7d in the door and nodded us a sari farewell. "Where ii Christina ?" I atked bim. " She has) |one to tbe town to sell egga Dil the Herr want anything?" " I "b mid like to have aenl for a loraw driver, bnt probably I can gel one on ou way biok," was my anawar, and with tba wa drove away. Ia abjal ball an hour, proceeding by nn frequented rotde, wa came in light ol Kohl Brtfn. It wai a vMt four-tided main o gray rock, Beamed with deep oletta and fla me*, running horiontally and vertically ao that il appeared to have baen built o gigantic blocks ot stone. Il WM consider ably over one hundred feat in ibeer height and it mood upon a rif ing ground of Rhifi ing land. Blender trees grtw bare ani there cut ot Ibe erevicia ot itt headlou aldea and Btraggled nakedly along i'a levi summit, outlined againil the sky. It wa an idtal plaaa tor a robber stronghold ; im pregnable, certainly, to any attack lave tba ol the heaviest modern artillery. " We mast get onl and walk from here,' remarked Mr. Birobmore. " There'* only on* way of getting lo tba top, and lhat'a oi the othtr rioa. I bava got a touch of m; rheamatioa to day, and hardly think I ihal be able to do the climbing. However, tbi needn't interfere wilb you young people, o court*." I exchanged a covert glacoe with Ktte KB I helped her to descend from tue carriage and Bbe pressed my band and smiled. 1 admired her courage aamnota M I lamented tbe apparanl laek of It in her father. Tbi hone having bean unharnessed and tetberad where some ecol gran grew beside a itream, wa (truck off aoroa* th* candy upland, Blark.oarrying the big ba*k*t, Mr. Birohmore walking with a rather feeble tap near him, and Kali and I in front. It WM an even hotter day than yesterday, and the tramp WM a wearisome on*. By tbe time we arrived at the fool of the B Win, wa w*ri quits ready to rt*t a few minotea in the shadow of the rook, for cooloaaa and braalb. " No, I ean'l do il I" aaid Mr. Birohmore, wiping hi* torshead and glancing hopelessly up at tbe narrow white fool-path that seemed lo mount almost ttraight upward to the diitanl eummit. " .lust leave me hare, with a law landwiehe* and a bottle ot book, and I shall do very comfortably till you eo me back." II WM certainly vary arduous work clambering np thai ladder liks path, and I doubt whether Kate's determination and mine would have bald onl, bad the motive wbioh urged n* been merely on* of curiosity. Hut the top wai gaintd at lail, and we tbrew ourselves down on the dry grase lo real and to be tanned by Ibe welcome bretzj that blew there. Hiurk placed tbe baikel in a little hollow where tome boshes kept of! the diraot ray* of the BUD, and stretched himself al full length beiide it, "Now lets* walk about," suggested Kale, al length, lo an undertone ; " wt tnusl see what there 11 lo be seen." Wa bad already arranged all th* steps by which we were to proceed to t he achieve- ment of oar purpose, and we felt thai the sooner il WM eodad now the better. The suilace on which wo stood, thcngb pracerv- ing a general Uvol, waa lull of inegolari- tiaa and nnevenuetMi ; it WM overgrown wilb low bashea and parched grsa<, with perhaps half a dctdn alarvad and msagrii treca. Hare and there lha naked rock jutted forth from the thin soil, orumblicg and weatber-wocn, its surface stained in piaosa with dry liobene. The entire table WM scarcely two-thirds ot an aora in area ; and a more lorloru acd uncongenial spot II would be bard to find, even in the midst of summer. Tbe oave in wbioh tb* rubber* lived waa aomawhere lower down , wa bad paused ita entrance on oar way op ; bat il WM here, probably, Ibat an outlook wai kept over ibe country, to apy out tbe ap- proach of victims or ut enemies. Il strcok me tbat il WM hardly worth while to be a bandit, if one mnit put np with such bleak and unattractive quarter* in which to oairy on tbo bosineta. Kate and I wandered ovar this barren summit band-in-hand. Tbe moment WM now very near thai WM to mak* a great change In the world for both ol us. We tall, Bomahow, M it we were taking leave of a certain fart of our liveu then. At least, I remember gsiiog onl MKM Ibe wide txpani* ot sunlight oaonlrv thai atretchid lar away on every tide, and wondering whether it wonld look the eame an hour b*ne*. Blnrk all tb* whil* lay be- side his bMket, and appeared to be Mleep. We eame- atlbe brow ot a aorl ot shall or shallow dsBaMily, detoecdicg which we found onraelva* en a lower l*vel by acme lix or seven feet ; and *o much ol the area M lay behind us ceased to be visible. Ad- vancing a few paces farther, wa pauied abruptly on tbe edge of a dark, profound cleft, wbioh gaped right at our feet. II WM ao narrew that cue might easily leap aoroea ii al its widen part ; but it wt* BO deep ihal, lor all that I could see, il might decoend tolhevery baaeotthcBlein Peering downward earnestly, however, my eyer, becoming aeeastomed to the gloom, oould dimly discern what seemed to be a bottom al a depth of nol more than twenty feet ' It'a an awful thing to do, after all I" I murmured, alter a long icspeotian, lookicg op at Kale. " Are yon ready ?" WM all ber answer. " Yea," said I, shamed by ber resolution " Lai him ooice." She mounted tbe little ridge, and Blood with ber graceful fignre ailboaelted against tbe blue beavenr. I, below, torncd op th* cuffs of my aleevaa acd buttoned my coat across my cheat. " Binrk I" oallsd sbe, in a olear, penetrat- ing tone, " bring Ibe baike) hare, il yon pleMe. We mean to take our luncheon on this tide." Bbe remained standing there, with her baok toward me. From my lower position I could nol see whether Blurk wire answer- ing ber summon* with alacrity or not ; but since il would be bis last opportunity ol obeying ber orders, I WM content to let bim take his time. Br-aad-bye be appeared, with the baiket on hi* arm ; b* descended the ledge, and Kate lollowti bioi, with btr eyta on me. " Bat it down than, E*ar tbe tit* ot Ibid pit ; nol qaile ao near, pleat*. Mow tske bold of bim 1 ' (To be eonllnoet). A Ulil *)wUs ifeti Uruvlt HlTcr. Mi-,s Olga Dohmjireub, a comely 17 year-old Oarman bell* aod daughter of s prominent buaioeM man, hat created a sensation ia the eastern part of tbe town by swimming the American channel of the Detroit Biver to Belle Isle Park, a diatance slightly ovar a hall- mile. Mia* Olga ha* baen noted tot eooae time M an expert swiacnsr, bat ibis ii bar first long dtiMtne* (sat. Tha river bae baen awam by men several time*, bat never before by a woman. Tbe trial WM witnessed with much mtarctl by parties in boat* aud ou abore. Mis* Olga WM olad in an ordinary bathing dress, and WM followed in a boat by bar father, ready to give her any needed assistance, bat Ibe plucky girl needed none. Bbe breasted Ibe strong onrrenl like a man and struck out boldly. The onrrenl run* four mil** an boor in tbe Amwioan chan- nel and tixia tbe atrongaal mats s*immer to keen (rom being carried dowo stream. Him Olga did nol mind il al all and landed on Belle Ile Park jun thirty-two micntea after entering the water. 8b* WM not seemingly {aligned and proposed lo swim baek, bnl ber father would nol allow ber, fearing over enrtion.- Detroit Special to Philidtlpkia trtu. War He keel sko I'l.oo. Hanry Burton was before Justice Rasiell yesterday charged wilb disorderly conduct. An cffloer passing the home al No. 1.105 Weal Jackson alreel beard a terrible com- motion inside, and upon making an investi- gation found the owner cf tbo p!aee smashing tbe furniture aod diihea. In tba centre ot Iba parlor ware the ruin* of a piano, while chair legs and fragments ct farnitnre were lying in various corner* of the room. He was looked np. Yesterday when brought before Jostioe Rutaell be declared tbat bis pretty daughter, wbo appeared in ciurt agaioal him, WM the cause ot Ibe wbole trouble. He declared tbat she wonld play the piano till 8 o'cloak si night and then go to Ibe tbaatre wilh her best young man. About 9 o'clock they usually came home together, aid tb* flrel thing WM to go to the piano and play for nearly an honr. Thia bad been repeated ao many limea that he concluded the only way to Btop it waa to demolish th* loatru- manl. Burton WM fined 125 and costs. Chicago Timei. r . ^ Hhr U lpr,l film tint. Il WM fitlcen years after tbe: i marriage, tbe record says, when Prof. Btowe fonnd in bin wife'e room one day aeveral (heeU ol paper covered wilh ber handwriting. Aa he look them np ajtlread a description of tbe death ot ITnoleTom no vliion of the effect they wen to bav* nron hia after life oonld have appeared to him, or he might have been tempted lo advise Mra. Btowe to throw them into the fire. Oa the contrary, be (aid to ber : " Voa oan maka eomelbiug oul of thia." Her qnlet reply wai : " I mean to do ao." From this beginning WM woven tb* atoryof " Ucole Tom'* Cabin," one ot tbe hall a dcz o book* which have acquired renown wherever tb* English inguag* ii (poken and which did mnoh to form and oryatalliza the anti-slavery sentiment Ibat finally ael the slavaa tree. ! n Ottawa onn. Ha WM only a boy, bni h* WM before th* Police Msgiitral*. 1 Well, my lad," laid the court, kindly, 1 according to the officer making the arre*l, on war* painting th* town red. Hav*yon anything to Bay for yourself ? ' No, yonr honor ; tb* officer ii right." But yon ar* very young. Hava yon any employment ?" " No. yonr honor ; my (athar ii a mem- r of 1'arliament." Ob ah I" exoisimvd tbe magistrate, n aurprii*. Htre, ofljoer, lit th* priaonar go. Thi* court ban nothing to do with the oorrco ion ot inherited waakoe**." A paraonagt lo be built for Rev. Di, Hall, I New York oily, will coal 176,000. Oa Hs/.leton avenue, north Toronto, y es- terday, some boya threw aand Into the cyan Of Dan. Blaltery, a woodcutter. Tbe old nan bad his taw under bia arm and M be lobbed bick tba aaw alrnek him in tbe aad, inflicting a serious wound three inched ong. He WM taken to tbe hotpltal. Tha Town Ocaneil olMaldatone hava aaolved to Inscribe tbe name ol Mr. John . Qougb upon tbe walla of tbe Council bamber, amocg those ot other eminent to c! Kan I, CUHBENT TOPICS English engineer, Mr. Hairy Foot- mar, has been invutigaticg th* subject of abrasion aod corrosion ol iteel rails. Ha found the loai ol material not lo beta pro- portion to amount ct irsfiH aid thai the corrosion ou Iba bright or wearing surface uf lha rail, WM four or five time* more rapid than on th* body ol the rail. GKKIU.N photogriphera have baooeeded in photographing a projeolile in lha ocnrse ot its flight, and some of these photographs show Ibe head ol condensed air wbioh precedes every shot. II i* said to be thia " head " wbioh pravante even akilfnl rifle- men from hilling an amply egg ihall when bong oa a long thread. Tbe air blows tbe anil! oat of Ibe way of the bullet. HAUFBIINI fares en the London nuder- grooud railroads are predicted for the near future. Il appeara thai some ot the inbnr- ban London tramway* have Iried the ex- periment ot low fare* and report satisfac- tory remit*. The Boulhwark and Deptford Company report thai in tba past half-year they oatrisd 184.000 passengers at a half- penny each, and 9,828,000 at a penny each. Tbe average tare overhead WM only 1 Old. THE two riobe*! Englitb Dak** to -day, in the point at IBM! of available OMh, are probably Boccleaob and Cleveland. lha iMt ia child lose, hss only two placaa to keep up, and tbia year rseelvad a large acoeeaion ot income by leaaea falling in al Bath. He WM riob before hi succeeded to the duke- dom, and bis habits hava always been quite the reverie ot laviah. Th* Ducben eujoya a separate income a jointnre from bar firal but- bcd, Lord Roubery 'a father. A BIXABXIBLB instance of rapid promo- lion la furnished in s recent London which announces the promotion ct E. 0. Kn<x to a troop in the 18 .b Hauara. Captain Knox only enllatad In Iba apring of 187U, and has tbni paused from ibe grado ol a private soldier to a oiptain in (even yeara, and from the rack ol a aergeanl to the oommand of a troo? ol cavalry in Iwa than tour, Thna does tbe promotion ot merit only" schema ot tbo Gladstone Government result in biioging to tba front talent wherever found. ALMS AtiMH, when the expreaa bnaiLtit waa in it* infancy, had an office snd two horses in New York. Oae ol these burses waa a fine, fast animal and tbe other an old, broken-down nag. Package* tbat weie to be delivered immediately be aeut orl bebind 'In fast horse. Of gooda that diin't have to be ruined be wocli tay : " Leave them tor tbe old boas." In tvary express iffiee to tbi* day there it an "oldhoaa" room, where undelivered and unclaimed packages are kept. A tUTBtUL for clothes hat been wall-nigh perfected in England whiah acts M a lite preserver. Ill* oompcsed ot thread* cf cork ioHrwoven with cotton, silk, ate. Garments made (rom Ibie stiff have Ibe appearato* of ordinary elotbicg, bnl are remarkably buoyant. Il ii satisfactory to know that drowning ia to baoome one cf ibo loal art*. Hereafter no bo Jy but tbo imall boy netd be la dacger ot death while in the water. Far nothing can evtr m.ku Ibe urchin wear oiotbtB whila twixmicg. lie oneiders himsell enough ot a buoy without being ooikad np. An E'mira doctor baa diaoovered that delicate persons live Ibe longest, and he iottsnoca M-. Tilden M a good example ol ibe tru-.h cf bia bobby. Strong, robosi leoj le ay : ' Oa, I oati aiacd auylbitg , bovbiog will hurl toe ; rij 1 |jt fl.-jt ihibg )ou kuow |mcumoLiorioina aoeh iii-ekse lakes them c ft like a tl>U. Tue delicate maa or w m\n, on tbe contrary, ia always Kaardiog agaiual draughts, ta careful during Hidden obangea, mindlnl nol to eat what experience has taught fcioa does not agree with him, ana by such cue extends ncd proloogn life. Tba doctor adde that il he were lo au iasorance company b* would aoaept all tbe ritki njscted by the rexulur iainratoa compauU*. Why T Because ol the theory tbat delioate men live tbe longest. TBI latcet application ol the Irioyote idea is to the construction ol an ocean life- Having contrivance called by it* inventor, E . B. Lake, a *aa waggon. Il consist* ot a triangular Iramtwork ol iron and atMl 37 (eel bttfb, turmonntad by a email platlorin on wbiob loose wbo work il will ataod. Il reels U(on thiss ataal whatla, 8g tee! in diameter and 84 feet distant trom taeb other. T*o ot these are driven by lev.-ra above. Tbe levers move itcel rcdi with ihota at tteir ends which oaloh in LOtcbes apon tires of thi wheeli. Tba third wheel ia a easier and only falfili the (unction* ol ibe litil wteel ot a bioyal*. Toe theory ii ihal the machine will pr***nt ao little re- matinee to tbe sea and wind thai il ean be ran out to a stranded vessel and the people on beard be brought aibore without diffi- culty, by two man working tbe lever*. The machine is in construction at Oamden, N.J. Mr. Like will, perhaps, find that tbe Allan- lie o,'ean when arjused has more vigor than he gives il credit for. Torn who prefer frceh fruit to pre- ervei will lake oondderable comfort from the following etalamtnt, wbioh appears in a recent number of the London t.c/io : " Fruit it highly charged wilh an impond- erable element, electricity, the active life prinelBle wa all poaset* io a relative degree. Now cook thu (rait, and what become* of ihi* avanawent element ? It bM disei pated vanished (rom Ibe eaene, together wilh mneb of ill delicious odor, aod hM lefl na nothing hot dead matter. Now ii ought to bi tvidant to Ibe meratl tyro Ihal, in eating ripe fruit, h* ia adding to tba I UD) of bia own vitality- increasing the fund of hit energy without deteriorating bis physical poweri. On tbe contrary, by nub slating on dead matter, h* subtracts uses np hi* own supply ot tb* vital fo- ment to gel rid ot tbe inert mam be igcor- anlly puts into his stomach." Ti it nevirtheleaa a tact tbal Iresh fruit, M used in Canada, ia rarely to be lonud on tbe tablee ot tbe mass ol the people of Greal Britain. Tbey teem to prater ('reserves. ACCORDING to a well-informed corres- pondent, in Paria tba excellent ayatem ol draina enablM the telegraph engineer to lay hia wiret in lead pipes fastened to th* top ol tba arob. Throughout the wbole ot Qermany Ibe axigenoiea of war and climate led to the completion ot the underground system ol telegraph wires In 1880. ID Vienna both telegraph and telephone wirei are earriad on braokat* along the Iront ol boniea. In London moat ot tba talegrapb wires are buried, bul tb* chief nuiaanoe there, like in Berlin, ariiai trom th* telephone tin**, wbioh are increasing daily. It i* eheaper to awing a wire In midair than to carry il underground, for three rea- tout: Firat, lha ic;il Una need nol be insulated ; (eoondly, the ooal of tubicg and of excavation is avoided ; and, thirdly, the angineer ean take ihort cats overhead inittad of being compelled to follow all the awkward angles ot Ibe streete. Bul tba electrical overhead wires io Europe ar* doomed. Tha late Richard Norlhoote, ol Toronto, bequeathed f'.'OO \3 tba Uharoh of the Redeemer, 1400 being for the poor ot the parish, Mn. Tapley, sen., of East Oxlord, mat wilb a llraog* accident on Wednesday morning. Bbe luddtnly wokk np in great pain and found that (he oonld not close bar monlh or *p*ak. Bbe drove M qoiokly M possible into Wosdatook, wbeo Dr. Perla discovered thai ibe had dislocated both Jaw* in btr Bl**p, which war* Mt to right* *p*edlly. Il IB *aid tbal there hM never beeu a brctc i of promise OMB before a Colorado court. Women are ao scarce oul there thai when a " fellow " get* a girl he yankt h*t NllOlt I BIHEH H WarsB-Wenlhcr \* l.d.oi el Oar sXrirad, Uroiht r .r*urr. Qio a man credit it yon want to star! htm on de road to da poo' bouse. At il am de ronghniM ot de grindatuo wbioh (harpiuH d* ax, to il am de trnbbles ol lit* which alga np de hnman mind. Oray>ba'ram entitled to reipeek only when de owner* of gray-head* r*speok dair- elves. It doan' do any good to ligbt a candle arler yon have bin eatin' wormy apple* in de dark. Da pnMan who judgea ot de iteed ot a mule by hii bray main't complain it every- body paaaaa bim on da road De poMOo wbo am ntbbar tempted deaarvea no partiokler credit for obeyin* da law. D* leas adviee yon gin widout pay da mo' eiedit yon will reoeive fur bein' eLu:k full o' wisdom. Man wbo expect to be traatsd jitt M )ou treat dtm will neithar Blander nor abuse yon Between readin' a man's character by bia bampa or gcia' on a picnic wi 1 him, tike de pionio. What w* oalkerlatc on doio' (or tomorrer won'l pay de groeir fur 'eaters nor de butcher fur soup-bone. Da man wbo alma to elevate bia fellow- men can't be too keerfnl to prevent de nay- bun (rom oberbearin' hi* (am'ly riola. Daan be too hard on human nator'. De man wbo kin sot down an' tell yon exactly what dis kantry needs to make ber great an' gloriona may hava no ideah whar' bia nex' bar'l of flour am oamio' from. A religion which ein't aland beto' de sight ot a eiiooa pnro**bun or d* sound ct a fiddle am nol wort lagging aroan' de kentry. People who expect a man to kick hi* own dog in eaie of a figbt hava got a big aor- priaa laid op for 'cm. When yon flatter yertelt dal de majority ol people doan kuow de difinrecoe between da roar ot a lion aud de bray of aa BIB you baveatruak a baLaiia-peel which will bring ye down kei flop. Lots of men who would nlabliah an orf an asylum it dey had de money will beat a wocd-aawyer down SO pir cent, bslow d goin 1 prior. TUB x< 1101*1 iom-mriii Kale Field ictista, in an article io tbe September ' North American Review." that Ibe Mormons have both preached and prsotioed blood atonement the abadding of tanman blood wbal tbe reil of Iba peo- ple of tba Uaited 8tat*t wonld call mnider and tbal in certain initaneci, like tbat of tbe Mountain Meadow maaaaore, they have practiced tbat lorl of mnrdar on a large Boale. Bbe qaotea Heber G. Kimbell M preaching thua : " It a man hM dona wrong, tall bim to do right fcr tho future and do a good work, and pi md venture God will remit his aim and not rt quire any mo:e than a lamb, a p gton, a calf, or aomething ol thai kind M an atonement. Bat h will riqaire a great mny heifer* lor some ol yon, and you will n d yonr bouse Ull unto yon desolate. ' Mi<B Field lay* tbal.ou Sunday evening. Ootobtr li.b, 18i, Eider Penroae. editcr of tbe Mormon Church organ, tb* L)jerei Ntiti. arose io tbe Twelfth Ward Meeting Bou.e ol Ball Like Oily aud preaobed a nrmun on "Blood Atonement." Ha ad milted tbat il wa* a priuoij le ot bi> religion, bnt that tbe lime bad LO! yet ooma to carry it oat I Tne alder declared t Lai it only appli.-d to mob M bad j.iutd Ibe Church aod apoeletizsd. MiaaField'a aruel* is rssreotiblr, alao, for a meat horrible narration about a Mra. M in Held, wbo bid revealed oartain Mor- mon Meres*. Her two ion* told tb* story : " Brown took oa to a plao* where some- thing was thrown over our faeee. Tben we ware conducted down (tote steps into a room lighted with candles. There tbey brought poor mother almcal nakid. Wa were Mked whether aba bad told ne about tbe Endowment House, and w* said ' No,' bnt Brown contradicted n(. They cut mother's throat and disemboweled ber be- fore our ayes, and than told us to leave tba Territory fa Iweoty-fou? hours, or we'd be treated in Iba aama way." It tbeie statements ars true, Brown and tbe Mormons evidently need looking after, tor other tbinga as wc'l aa a polygamous theology. Bnddbiam g.ves no explanation of Iba beginning of all things; ita ilarlicg point i* tbal tbe world and man exist and tbal everything ia tnbjttt to ebaoge. Everything moves toward either dealrnoltcn or ranova lion. Nirvana" perfection or salvation " i* the slate toward whiob tbe righteous tend. For tbe theisl there is the sbiorp- lion ot Iba individual in God ; for th* atheist absorption in i.o:hiog. A hnman life ii nol a aeparate entity ; il ia a portion, BO to f peak, ot the nniveraal lite. The life that sinnttb il sbsll die, aayiBnddhism ; il shall link through lower and lower forma until it raaobaa annihilation. Tba right- eona Ills, rising aver upward, attain* al length to Nirvana, and i* reabiorbed in Ihs Divine Essence. There it av*r-iner*Ming joy in aver-inoreMlcg wiidom, and after one life ii ended Ibara (hall be another, evtr aeoanding the scale of holiness, alr*leh- ing np to beatific and illimitable baighti. Tbii WM transmigration ; DO! ol souls - for Gautama held Ibat there was no toob thing M a soul bnt of lift ; each indi- vidual, according lo the good or badnae be makes ol bli present lite, becomes attar death another individual of higher or lower character. And yal il ii almost an error to ay thai Buddha taught absorption into Ood M the itaga of existence btyond Nirvana ; for il doea nol appear that Baddbiam aoknowledgea a Ood. Perleotion oan go no further ; il la tbe vanishing point ot tbe hnman landioapa. ap to tb* altar, II b* bM to pat a lariat on bar lor a ueoklao*. n ,>i n (onndlanrf. Three strange fish mad* their appearance in Placentia Harbor, Nild. , a few day* *go, ruQob to Ibe surprise ol th* inhabitants, who bad never Ml *y*f upon th* Ilk* ol them before. Armed with a harpoon and a rife, John F. Burke, aided by hi* neigh- bor*, snooeeded in killing one ot tb* moniMis, II it twenty le*t in length and five feel in diamettr. In color it Is nearly all black with on* large while stripe on each *ide. It* body la covered wilh a ooal ol (at resembling whale (at, two aod a halt inohe* thick. Tba trangeel thing about tba creature ia ita very large teeth, wbiob fit to etoaely when it* jtwt art shut thai (otroely any water penetrates through tbam. A Baa frmr . I r.r. ." A Glasgow draper, wbo WM narrating his experience* during hi* flnt viiil to Eng- land, said hi *Upp*d into an Episcopal Obnreh in tbe middle of the service jnat lo sea wbal Ibay did. " I hadoa bean wall aealed," be said, " when Ihe minister, awa' at Ihe itbar acd, cried onl, ' Lord preserve nialtl'and then a' thi folka about m* one.], Lord preaerve us all I' ' Preserve na I 1 *aya I. ' did yon never tee a man (raa Olccoa afore ? " Tb* naxt High Bobuol entrance examina- tion will be bald on Tnaiday, Wednesday and Thursday, the Slit, 2ind snd S3 d December. The work in reading, aritbine lie, Bpel!ing aud | renouncing, writiig, geography, grammar and composition as hitherto. The literature leaaona tcr December are ; Tha Truant, p. 46 ; Ih Vision ot Mirai, pp. 63 71 ; The Bell of Atri, p. Ill ; L- ohin vsr, p. 169 ; A Obnn- mM Carol, p. 307 ; Ghent to Aix, p. 985 ; A Foro*d Keo'uil, p. 887 ; NationsU Morality, p. 296. for nexl July : Tbe \ iriou ol Mirz ; Death ol Little Nail, f. 100 ; Tba Bill of Atri ; Dora, p. 187 ; Tte Changeling, p. 805 ; A Foiotd Katrail at Bolfeiiuo ; National Morality ; Ihe Two Breath., p. 314. In Drawing Books No*. 4 and 6 ol U.* Canadian Drawing Coarse are to be uco(. Ia Htatory OatUnea of English history ; the ootlinea of Canadian history gtneially, wilh particular attention to the events sob- acqoenl to 1841. Tba monieipal inalilc- ti inn ol Ontario and the Federal lot m ol tb* Dominion Crovercmeot. At the 1) oembir elimination tba marks assigned lor English history will be 76 aahwetolorr, but 35 additional mark* will be awarded M a maximniB bona* lor Canadian history. In July, 1887, and inbaequenlly, EoglUb and Canadian history will be valued M prc scribed in the regulations. The literature for Ihe next thnd-ole, M teachers' examination will ha taken frrm th* new High School Reader, and will t* different from that prescribed for sioji d elaea. Tba literature lesaona (or the former olaea HI. are: Tb* Gold -a SoalN. from Aidisoo, p. 88; Viear il WaUneld, p. 127; Cathcugbtfulne-s, Arco'd, p. 327; Deslb ol the Foe- tor, Carfyle, p. 374 ; The Beeoeeilia lion, Tbickeray, p. 808 ; Arnold ai Runny, Stanley, p. 850 ; From Ihe M-ll O i Ihe F103B, p. 856 ; Tbe Mystery ot Lifv. Kaekiu, p. 390; Eoglaod io theEibtee.n>h Century, page 40t) ; A Liberal Education, Huxley, p. 413; andtb* following rxlraolr, in vere : Byron'a IsUa ol Greece, B.-yanl's T j tbe Erening Wind, Longfellow a Untig- ing ot tbe Crane, Olongb'a A* Bbipi Be- dimed, Tsnnyson't Tbe Lord ol Baileifch aad Ibe B) verge, Arnold's Rugby Chap* I, Bwinbnrni'* Tbe Forsaitn Oarfto, aud QMtt't Ritnrn of th* 8 *sliawa. Tba literature for teeoud olass it Thorn- son'i Season* Autumn nd Winter, aod the last three cbaptere ol Bombay 'a L fa ot Nelson. In Ltlo Csjier's Ballum Brila^niocm for olaaeea II. aod III ; additional (or olara II., Oioero'e In Oahlinam I. aod Virgil's , ld I. In Frenab L.tmniue'i Obriatopbe O jl- nmbe fcr both olasies, tnt only ohapttti XXV. to XL forolMiIII A Un. K r HOT. He may be, tut if hi tells yon lbl any prepsration in tbe world ia M g'lod at Putnam's Painleaa Gore Extractor dutro-l the advice. Imitations only ir vj ibi valaaot Fatuam's Painltai Ooro Ex'raotor. Bee (ixnatare ou each bot'le ol P liai. 4 GJ. Ool" PolnamV Tha Tiahborna olaimaulia i.ow rtaidiug in Naw York. A aerlinoate WM died in ; In Bureau ot Vital Blatiilios the other day stating tbat Lillian Tiebbirne, daughter ol Bir Roger Charles Diugbly Tiobborae an 1 Ltlii%n Roaa Eontver, bli wit*, dial oh B*tarday laat, at No. 11 1 Fjurth avtuao, ot cholera infantam, 25dayi after birtkj. "Good deed*," once (aid the oeUbra-*,4 Riobler, " ring olear Ihroagh Heaven !ik* | ball " Oae ot Ibe bail diede i* to >!!> v a i human inffanogi, "Laat Ull 017 daughter waa in decline," saya Mn Mry Qinson.ol Monlrom, Ktoias, "atidtvtty* body thought sbe was gcicg into aootoinp- lien. I got her a bottle cf Dr. R. V. Pierca't Favjrit*) 1're-oriptiou,' aud il cared her." Bach Iteta a* tbe above nrai no comment. Two eompanie* cf divert, lays tbi Uatniehi Bhimtvn, a Japanett paper, hnv* obtained permiiaion from the pref aeM ul Baga aod Kukuoka to aalva tbe wreck of a foreign veeiel sunk between Takaibima and Himijima 213 year* ago. "Ai 1* the bad bit whn an envluui worm," o is many a youth out down by the gnw- i-g worm couumption. Bat II can be mad torelsMeitt bold snd sl^p It* goawiug. D/. Pterea'e " Oalden Medioal D.acovrry" will, if liken in time, iffdol paimtne.l eurea, not only io ooiitamption, bnl ia all ones ol chrocie throat, bronchial aud long diseases. A Ohloaman, who bai been lathe Ne WelmiEiter, Canada, j til, under **nlna* of death, waa very angry when toll a few days ago tbal be WM reprieved (or a month. He laid tbal after death bii loot would inhabit the body cf a bird, and 1.1 WM anxioua tor the Iracsm'gration to take f Uco, tbal he migbl peck oul tbe oyet it Ihoio wbo had testified against bin). Being entirely vegetable, no i articular ears la icqaired while naing Dr. Pier e< i " Pleaaanl Purgative Pallil*." xbey operate without distnrbano* to tba oog. atiinlion, dial, or oooupation. i'jr tick- headache, oooatipation, impure blood, d si.nesa, sour arnetatioDt frcm tba btimaob, bad taito in raouih, bilioos atlsokB, pain in region ol kidnaya, internal tevir, bloated feeling about stomach, rnsk of blood to baad, take Dr. 1'iercc's " l\\. lets." By draggieta. Mgr. Oapel, who Ii living near Ban Fran- ciiw attending to the publication of two books, oa* relating to the powar, state ani inflocno* ot the Roman Catholic Church in the United Hiaten, reoanlly received newa of the death ol hia venerable mothar. 01 her ten children hot three inrviva, on* a nan, another tbe fries! snd th* third miroaant. Oharlti Z Mhary Kaoaolay, who djed Soalhae* a ftw days ago, was a brother Lird Maoanlay, tbi hittorUn. A Philadelphia datcolive ia r* ported M saving tbat bunco men and Ibat elatt of thieves rarely, U ever, approaeh red-beaded person*, beoauie red headed man ,M a rule, are quick tempered aad art apt to man ooniiderable fuse M aoon M they know thai they havi been robbed, and of all thiugs hs bunco man dataalt a In** the most. Tbe devastation of tb* Spanish toretti it made avidanl by the faot tbal th* titf for a railway to the iron mine* of Ara-oa an to be furnished by a firm of Inmbir merchant* in Ellenville, Stale ol New York. "" Jmmptrm lo br Nh.rbrrf. The jamping orank* who visit tba Brook- lyn Bridge will jamp no mor* from thai structure. Tbe reanlt Ii attained by oon- neotiogihe wire* ot the bridge with a dynamo and charging them wilh eltolr laity, When a person MIM* th* wire to elimb np on tbe parapet ha suddenly raoaivea a mild nbook, and when ha attempts to withdraw he finds himaiK bald (Ml until relaMed by tbe polio*. Ib* enly device yet lo b* added to thil invention ie a method by whiah the police itation will be informed al onee ol .hi *pol on tb* bridge to whioh tbi prisoner to attached. I CURE FITS! Wh.n I My cur* I do Mot mf*n mtralf to (plbm rr lln)knd tk*n hT ihftn nunt *nln. I M^n rt.|lcl e lhmxlu><iur >l , f KIII li-ll Il>v..i PiCE INddlCKNIM. llf^lo.l.-l T I. .ri.nt m, n*X lo nir. ll,o wonl CMM, Btriw* lbn .. kllM b MSSIBa* "01 n, w rtmlTlno rart. Ht*4 >t ooo (or a STMSSi nil>rt<-[lollUal m/ HUIlUr r-m.-l, Ulr tmt OOc. II CMH r- n..lhln c lur IrU * ' i .. UK. H. O HOOT, e, 37 Tap It.. Toronto. <i n. L. :i- *j DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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