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Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1886, p. 1

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PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BUL.MER. Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Having aiMtit some time in ths studio of the fuunua Toronto l'hoto|Hai>ur. Mr H.M . UUou, where 1 a. <tuir. .1 valuable kuowlwlK.- in Hrtoir *aln. I (oil auur*d I can ate good senorml satisfaction A call renpt-oymly "llntofl, MBS. BULME& Plaaherton, 8pt. 17th, IMS. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch, TIM.E 1M.PLK. TMng Kjfftet, JJftmdoy^ JWy ZTth, 1886. Going North. torouto OsrdweU Charleston Cringe- 1 Arrive ville. . Leave Orangevillu Junction.. . Hln-ll.ii'ii.- DuuOalk ...... Leave T4'.ui 4..i|>u ..*" ,- ' 9 :i ' Hark<Ul WUHamsford CbatHwortb .. Owen Hound Arriv' \ 4m' 10 05 J 7 03 " 1090 " I- 1 I-' " 10W " U a) - 7 34" 8W * h :l - 1147 " , 1*03 " HI" oai" II M* 1 06 9 > Going South. gTATlOKH. Owen Sound Chalswurth . WUIlamsford Mark.l.l.- KUIKHKHTOX Uun.lalk . :rn. OrauKevllle Junction.. Orange- 1 Arrive Tille. I Leave i-> CharlMton 9U6 Cardwell Junction. Toronto Arrive 10SS Kl|> Mail BIO " as - 64T " TU* " 7* " TS1 " 8 a 307 " s :*i - 406 " 411 " " MB" 545" 813" 630" 10" MlMd. W. WHYTE, ' D.MrNICOLX. OBM'LPAI.AOT. J. B. SLOAN, Has r.ny quantity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. AS., Our. rmxH iv\. KIRCEOX. &r. FLESHERTON. Retidrntt, neri to I>irttion Ciivrt affite, J.P. MARSHALL. L.U.K DBKTIST, OK.vntlATE of Toronto Schaol ot DrnlUtry, will I..- at Mark.UIn il> I -t an I :i. I V In - day of oiu-li ni-iiith. HM I at Kleshu. wn o>n the l^t anil .wd 'I Inn-la) in cli tuoiith for i,i. of hi* pr '. -. i >n J. W. FROST, L\A\>. ; Snlirititr, OBco. Straln'i Hull<llnc. FLr.miKiiToN. A. A. cnrsi.KV. Holicltor and Convcyancor, ItuiMunt Manaitrr. MK KUOHT will b found at tlio Offlci. ru ThurxUri u lirrctufor*. P McCDLLOUOa, Jlan-ister, Solicitor, $r. Oftlrr. over Slrl'nrlnnd's Ntorr. Markdnlr. noncy to Loan. MA8SON & MASSON, B \HBI1TBK i. SUMl'ITDHS. A . OKrii-Rn ()wn HniiiKt. In Vlrknr'* block, l-onlottst .; llran.-h nttlro In Ma^k.Ulp. <jv.>r Mc- >'arlanil'a store, ou Friday and Salur.ta) every week. J.IIA880N.Q.C. B. MA8HON \V MASSON. N.B. Prltate * Com|>any's fuudt to lur<wtat ram sii *" Mtibt iwr mint. a'/iwiN ntxni n r vein. IN. runn. w I.MIVIX HANDS, ECHLIN & OARVIN, ttiicrmtfiri to Isimlrr <( Ilniult, BAKK1KTKKS. Si .1.11 I 1 1 HIS NOTAKIK8, IOSVKYASTKHH, Ac Monet to lx>an at I.OWUHI Hatenof interol Offices, It KinHtret Kat. Toronto. John W. Armstrong. FLESHKKTOX, Co. QRKT. DIVISION COUBT < l.riiK. COMMIHSIOSER In H. H., Conveyancer, Ac. Ago nt lor pnrcriane an. I aalo of laNds. Aiijirainor for ('. I*. C Com- an I F. P. II. A S. Rocloty. Money tn Ixian nil the mnt PlwBBwsMv^aiwM. Imrita or HAJIKIAOK MCKNKKH. NOTAItY PL'HUC. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLKBK AltTIMKail. COUVBYA NCKR, roMMIOSHWSK, INXVltAKCK AO'T, ,(<'. Dr.Klis. MiiKTfi \iK.s I.K \SKH. *r . pronar- ed mil ]n i.p^rl \ .-v.-nitt-il Iiit, r ii,-. aff.-f ted In flrat claa> oonipanloii. Monny to I. -ml at IwVHliwsM, Flrthtrtan. Cmirvynnrrr, Ajyrniftr, I'al- v and .W"H'ii Itndrr. /'..-./.. U. i ' '/!/, leam and Wills 'irairn ;p and KaiwiMoiu mailf on ihorfrri nutif. fTuir- gtt r*ry Ur. Apply to R. J. 8PROVLB, Pink-rim. Money to Loan. At f>J Prr Crnt. Intnrrtt t/n StraiyM Loan. WITH Intnrnut pal.l yearly, not In advanr.No oommlsMon charged. Apply to A.;RIIK. - TNOKVIII m. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, ft Cabi- net .Maker. All rnpslrs promptly A neatly einentcd. tthnpii, Durham 8t, net to Ixiitch'i Tllor!nr Vlani and ipeclflcatlonn nn ahnrtmt notlo*. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It IH* plaet to get your HarnrM C<Mnrt, <tr, madf ti ji in gooA $tyle. i n Tf'. Flffktrton. Itnot d- Wu Start, Flesherton Advance. LEITCHS Tailoring 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. VI., NU. 274. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 16, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, FLESHBRTON! In the place to 4et your \Suitx made In future. HAMPDEN WATCHES Tit - Bits. >'<mtitin<j a f Liu-nl mill (Hh> .- Intrrtiting IttlHKIiltll'rnl /,;/ The AdtUHft Dr. Chri*t<> returned home from con- J>ra* lJ>i*utmrt : Thin department in fercnce yesterday, and has resumed his still to the fr. nt in all thu latest du*i|{iis professional practice. 4 II* nf tin-- unculorud Japan Tea fur nut dollar, at M. Richardson tt Go's. The ADVANCE till the first uf January, 18W7, fur -Kt i . i.u. Ten now subscribers to THE ADVANCE since laxt week's iamie. and coloring* at M. Richard* >n A Co'*. For a real nobby suit of Clothes, go to i The brick work on Mr. WhitUm's now ' -* Th e Great ' bonne will IN- fiiiidied thin week by that j energetic contractor, Mr. Fred. Rytler. i The structure in a one. J. 0. Anderson's, Uarkdalc. Clothing Eropuiium. A very choice selection nf Miuic of all kinds to be had at the Noted Jewelry 8tor, Flesherton. On Tnewlay night, while the firemen were out at practice, near the (rlobe, 1 [ the tug Hianathii. which was tied up The residence at present occupied by ! for tho night in the Slip, caught nre. the Agricultural Editor ban been pur j The fire started somewhere uear the Russell, Fleshertoii, can secure any | chased by Mr. Jamen BeecroTt. PC-SHCHM- file-box, and the flame* burnt fiercely piece of Music for you. ' on W *N be taken in a few weeks. into the whec-Iho.UHe. burning and char- riu^ the timUxs terribly. Jim Scott Hoots and Shoe* ! Urn largos t itock we WM on t i, c . tuK an ,i j, avc the a u rm , au j Junt call ami ask thu price, of Sityar* at M. Kiohardaon & Cos. You'll buy. i , A CCU fate, Reliable. SPECIALTIES Mr. J. C. Corbet, tho 4th lino, Arte- niesia, hhickttmith. is iloin-,' tjniti- a biini- uetw iu jobbing. Ktad lii-, advt. iu an- utlier column. . ' If yourself or family require a good go to Win. Clayton'** A 1 Hoot * Read now Shut! St<ire, KleHherton. & Clocks, \\Vddiim advt. inanotlnrruluinn. ami Difficult \\.it-li American Watchm Hiiikrn, Silverware, Rej>airiiiK. Fine stock , Cluae Pnoea. \V. A. UK A MARKDALK, rtttr, ONT. BfKUltK. Editor Adtnntt: It U very nice to have a ichnol near homo, but when the rati-pnyvr, who iiassi-mcil at $1.000, finds that he has to pay 9*20 school tax besides hii other tAicfi, and for n school consist - ini; of 15 to I'O chiltlruii, prosided over by a third claas school insriii, just out of In r teens, with a hran new j , runt to teach for a year. IUt|,ni-r will [-1 Onbly acratch hi* ln-al aiul think John Thoinaa, and 51ry Ann, and C'xtherine Jan., :id the <ji*l Itiek to place our or- ders before tin- advance in prices took plnce. 'Hir rvib,mtn will get gooda at ol<t price*. M Richardson t Co. Parties wixhiiio to K''t a Htipply of Kn -li Meat for n*e in connectioo with Thrchliiu){ " boea," will gave money by callinp at Petch A Mitchell's butcher liop. Mi" In rti'ii. A nearly evcrybo<ly ban jons) to To- IinliistriaJ Exhibition this i have ever opened. right. Richardson & Co. The word* " While other minor or- ganization." in our luadiug editorial laat week, sin mill have ri ad ''While other ni'J minor organization*," Ac. a Ducket brigadt had all the work of ex- tin^uiuhiu^' about accompliiiliod, before Uie tireiaeu out to work. The damagt* will not intcrfi-ro with the tti^'h running. CARPETS a specialty ; very cfcrap at M. Richardson & Co's. Dr. Carter haa taken ponsosHion of his office in Strain'* block here, aud has at tho Kaino time taken up hiH remdeuce in Fletthertou for the practice of his pro fewion. See card a-ivt. For bargain* in Suyirt, call at M. Richardson & Co'a. ronto's A little girl, never yearn old, who live-, near Inlay, Onl., wan loat rectmtly. Slie was found near Goone Lake, ituuk all but her head and neck in mud which wag so tcnaciouH that her rcocuerii had week, there will be a scarcity of news * cot off her clothe* to draw her out of in the local papers. However, our loss will be tin? city paper*' gain ! Kvi-ry penon ouvjlit to see J. O. Ander- mm's ?!> and $i . r il Overcoat*. They are the mnd. Mr. Wm. H. Hanley, of the Post Off ice Ih-partmciit. Ottawa, in Iniim- on a \ isit We ha<l a pleasant call from him might have K o,, . little further to a bet- m ^ tiut Jnul)t .L^X,^^ ,, ^ Un . j Saturday lat. He rrtunm to (Uw. ter achnol, at a great vin to himself in achool taxi-s. PHIZ. GREAT UAUHAIXS at J. O. Ander- son'*, MnrkiluKv Drt'iw (i'xls selling off at lea* than lu>l> .! | i :ces. THE Ai>vi\xK, the livclirst, auJ bait l.~ iJ and family m ;-:ipi-r, will IM nout tn any njilrens in Cuiiaila or the t'. S. frmn isow nntil Ja:i. 1st. 1KHH (oxai-tly KMI .mtliM) for tl.OO *pnl coilt. Tl-isiK the l>ent offer of the aoay non. Thii'M 1 w ho do not jli to take thJH offer, can lia\e it until 1887. for 2.1 rents. of good* ever otlerrd in county. tin* part of the Mr. Thoman Dyni-s, of Kimberky. ad- vertiws an i-xcellout 100 acre farm iu Euphraitia TownHhip foi Hale, in HUM in. ne of THK ADVAMCF. Price $2,800, which IH very chi-np. See advt. for par- ticular*. We i -.t I'.jion liavint; all Ur, intendo<l for current ismio nf the ADVAVT <-\n pt --hort Immncsti locals anil small advertisement* ou fyle not luti-r tli.-in Tnesilay evening or Wednes- day niorniiii; at nine o'clock. with well, now, we won't anticipate. but commit the column- of THE ADVaMCB Bravy Wrixht I i-h. About ten day* ago Messrs. Go. Try- on and W. Wilt*. n, ,,f Priceville, caught some very line m^jcklwd trout in tin,- mil! pond at that place. Mr W. caught one wi-iyhing 2 Ibs. 6 oz., while Mr. Tryon caught onu wuii;hiii^ 1 Ib. 'J ./ , and wa* the largest tinh (surface measure) of the two. There are those incredulous unbe- lievers who won't credit anything beyond what IHUUW* before their own viin, and believe that Tin- man wbo ii bandy at cutinc trout fli*, U hkcwi-r a* at ravtiiiK ti<-ut llM ; Aa >n>pir liallm ilt-Tvlnp tin- more they are rol- kd. 80 Bb (toriM Imcthen tlie ofuuar told. Not so in this caw : seeing is believing ; and to be still nearer the fact, the writer made a hearty meal off a portion of the one |N>und nine fish. w. r. T. w. A meeting of thu above Society wa* held last Saturday at Mr* I). K. Wright's and was well represented. Tin- growth of the Union since it* origin "> one x. r\ encouraping feature, and we hope thatiu ' ltut lh " "''' ** t. f JTHI5I1 GREAT SLAUGHTER VIOLINS, AT THK Noted Jewellery Store, FLESH ERTorg, * FOR TflE NEXT THIRTY (30) DAYS! J. G. KUSSELL Will wll alt One Mock nt Viulmt n*ardl> of eoet. la enter w> clear then out by 1f *ul.4 tt.K. lasML * :W|>%4 ITirecr. te^BB. S.-nTHr. FI-: i.. :-... I'mrrn - A trj Air Hirlnvr Vu-ltn M . Hi A namhrr of H.-t-h '. i ..:... fr.HM M ta10 Now U U> ur Violin M U-^ tl.* ' 'r-nlr prir*. wit* nch >ii<hn.u lit* (oud> iuu>t I. A bow will \V\\\NA-\V\V\N\\\V\V\VWWWV wwwuwwwwwwwwww I eer-ll.tni. Over fl600 worth of Clothing selling 25 |>er cent, discount at J. O. Anderson's, Markdale. nurubers may still b au>{iuentd. many, the existence of such a society may trifinotir io, ' rrv The Director* i 'f i fcj-rey Tp. AI{. Soc- iety met on Naturday evening for thr pur]Mje of rx isn..- rli.- pnst list and a|- pointing judgr* f..r tin- annual fall fair, which they ili.l in a wort satisfactory manner. There wai a vi-ry ><> itmg time oppnsjse the post-. So- on Saturday night. It hapiwned thus : Mr W , of the 10th eon , and his gnud daine were good mem if the S. A , previous to the adv.- nt of the person wh n<>w ha* charge of the barracks her.- H-- -uldn t allow any one to join thai usrd the weed. And >ld Klijah baa used it since a bny consequently f..iitnl it very hard to quit f was quit* taken up with y ip I the pM-uhsr ways of the captain, an.i itill stock to the army. S<> it followed on A number uf \..uth- from the i-mi ron* of thin town held a haochanalin re- vci on '''ir " t r<***t - ^n PIMIHT nij^Fit I&Mt. A.s they are well knoxxii, they will ex- 1 erciao wisdom by emifiiiiiie their rrvels I to some moro MIH-I .-ili/.-d portion uf tin- coiuuiiinitv iu future. superfluous but should it do nothing inorv than ixlu. nto the wives and niothen in the Tt-iii[>emice svtitiment, it will, in- il'-eil, hare acoompliBtiod somethinc .ml tins son:, thine means a ^rvat .leal to |.- U-rity, wlnis moral lineament* will be, tn .1 Ian;.' eiU-nt, a ruHection upon thi teaching and influence of woman. The heart frit *i.di of the U'.C.T.t". I* that (iod in. IN abundantly hie** the Tem ; ' ranee c.iu*c thn.ughout our Ian. I Mr. SainiiFl llo^erK, Reeve of Proton ^^ 8l * ' Township, ami Mr. Tliomas (tilray. Rssiu of KuphrsHia TownHhip, K av<1 " 4'hnrrh Oprnlns;. a rail on Saturday taut. The first narn- AH will U- seen by larye posters just dl i,..-Titletimn lives at ( Vilnrxillo. l.nt issiwd. the o|K-iiiii({ t.rvn-->. i?i roiirieet. originally cauio from wealthy and fer- 1 ion with tho c<inifortabl anl neat llnp tile Toronto Township, in the C'oiiuty ti>t cha|>el. rr. .-t. .1 in I'l. -.bertoii tins of Peel. an 'I UK- roost cosmnofxilitau in that land. Hurrah for tb*> Toronto Tnslss^ii*! t Miss Carrie bavin, and Mrs. C. H. Teuuy. are home on a visit. Mr. Janit-. O. Brooks and (asaily pr*- pose removing to Buffalo. N. T. shortly. We shall be sorry to lose such ciutena. Cartlii<ans, Jenevs and t'nil. r car in vaiiety at M. Richardson and Co's. th l.ytUudrn, an- Saturday night, that the old lady marrh ed with th army and 'I jjah sed that he didn't like, snd caught the old l.idy to briu-4 her out of tint march ; but i>he w- uld not ft", and she appealed t. -1 *aid:-"O U'd, uw ' 'a* a' bcn a crushin' d'nn un me thi* w'iU back. It'* an aaf ul thcnp, men an' wiiniiiii.g- mj h'eye* h'ar duni-ba ' K.i There is another addition t.> the male I- 1'iilati. M f tin- hotel. I. H. Perigo and R. T snd W J. Me Oirr Iiave gone to the Industrial fair- some \<\u yarn* nrxt week. There is a very tricky cow in town that the owner take* the 1*11 off at nujht and puts it .-n the morning Now, I would say for the benefit .-f tin- owner, that had better leaTe the Ml mi at niiiht a* well as d.v time, otherwise keep t)u> > ' shut up- failing either, she will find her Mr. T. D. Smith, the elegant tonsor- ial artist, of Markdslr, will illnminatc this town bj lii-i pi, .. me on both davit following there will >>e a plat fonn in. H tint;, with our talent* ) towns. of Kaitt Grey fall <>*hibition. viz., Next! jmM1 , jj. niehartlson. Kq.. in the chair. Thur*lay and Kri.Iny. Sept. 2Hr<l and | , Wo hat! almo*t for K otton to a.1.1. that J4th. when he ill IH- very happy to tea will be wrved fkam, a.lm.s,i,,,, atteii.l ti rxny one rei|iiirioK a hair cut, ' shave, or anything eK- in his buxinctw. SHAWLS : -Novelties in Herman and Scotch (foods, cheap at M. Richardson & Co'*. JUST RECEIVED! Direct from Staffordshire, Eng. Ol^lo: CHINA & DELF WAKE CONSISTING OF TEA SETS, BEEAKPAST SETTS, DINNER SETS, SETS TOILET WARE, All in new and beautiful designs, white and colored. COMPLETE TEA SETS, 44 Pieces, no seconds, at $'2.25. The Right Place to buy Crockery. Glassware and Chitiaware is at M.Richardson&Co. FLESHEETOIT. Mr. S. Quinn iM a prize of II tn the hcnvir-Ht baby, not o%-rr 6 montlis of age, exhibited at ArtemcHia fall Hhow, to be hold in Priocvillo on Tuenday Oct. fith. If a prize wen- pven for the l>ot squalling baby, nnd their wa.s a fair turn out, there would IH' no need fur a braxH band to cotno fooling around, or a fife and drum band either. Lrrtsirr. Rev. \V. .\\.-rs dfliven-il his leetun- on the " Supremacy of the Human Muul in the Mrth.xhpt . Imrt-h li.-n- .-n .M..ntlay i evening. Incleineiit weather prvventt-.l ill. Corkscrew, ami ^.H^HJ- nnniU-r fnun puttini; in an ap- I Wide Wale Worsteds ; a complete rantfe ^mnce, but ipnte a few of our eitiiens I at M. Richardson * Co'*. ! were thoru ,, ^.j..,^ thu ,,,u-ll w tuiil The Agricnltnriil F.ditor of Tnr. AD- VANO -et B.500 en.s of bourKeoi- ty,H, ^^ ,. Sl , r ,,,,,,.. M I', v.-ry ably Hummer, take place tin rein ou Sunday next, Itfth iimt. Thre.- ser\iee will lie held during the dny. The eliKiueiit and learned it. v. \. (IrMit. of l.on.l is to' ,,i r-.und nionimg, if she crosses tht- preach in the mornitiK at 11 o'clock, and 1 river as often a< she IUM of late in the evening at 0:30 o'clock. Mouday Thr Exhibition. T<-i"*t" W..r/.' ' ) It only rfs|nin^l a |KawunK glanrp tin- strct-U of Tnriiiito last ni^ht to con xni- . uur thousand* of visitor* that tht- Toronto luiiiiHtrial Kxhilutioii "Canada's t treat r'air Tin ImteU wen- jainiiiisl full and InsU were at a biy premium. 1'lu- tot.-il re. . i|-t- . ( tin fair up t<> la*t'ht were lit 70,'>, or fiili.J more than for tin- i or r. |- t 'ii:,t dayt of last year. I 1 . o|-l- fr.iiii 11 .n.r th<- I*rovinee like to visit Toronto, an<l Uuy find no ' convenient tune ..f tin- Year than the pleasant m-.ntli uf s. pt. --.1. r A |{ood deal nf fun haw beea poked at the lloanl of Directors by rival awu ia ti.'ii^ Ki HUM- .-( tl:e ' .11-1-1-. Die tit (- .t " intrtxlured into the horn'' rmi; "1m torn, if they are wise, will (five thsw " objections " the go by. Fat bullocks. lv< rk-lnre pi^it without twxjks, broad riackrsi Smthdou n, sleek thoroughbreds and wnndrrful invt-ntionii in mechanism and acrienltural '!" i-eiiUi Addresses will be drlm-rcd b\ H. v. W. Ayi-rs. Hev. K. T. C'arU r. Mt. Korest. Rev. J. Dr.nlop, Pnrlian.. ll'\ . A. (Irant. Londmi. Hi v. W. Strongman. D. !>.. Dundalk. and lU'v. A ^ Markdalo. Chair to U- taken at 7:80. The afternoon -crvir. on Sun.!;i\ will lie helil at 'l.'.W, when a sermon ill be prcwlu-d by Hev. W.AycrH. Coll. . -ti..i. at each er\uc for building fund. treat very much. Mr. U. J. Spronlo oc- cupied the chair in the sbsence of hi* (solid ineasurei on Wednesday forenoon of last week, in five hours. And ho waxn't iu good practice either. All the work in connection with this office job Kr nn the close attention vcun-d work, deuce, editing, iu-\x -.i-.-ip. r i \ i-. IWIUUK, form oratory. At the close of IheKvture, AC.-IH done, and done promptly and Uoy T} ^ Wn(l(on t ^^ s ^ well. too. by the Agricultural Kditor aud thMki ^ th ,. , w|lin . T , s ,, ru . f , mt e|o . an aKHistant. who ban not yet been two years at tho liu-.mes- t mrnts are all very well in their ay. but the festive farmer and his M>DS and during the hour oirupiwl in the delivery J daughters like to *>e all they can for .f the lecture, wo think IU-v. W. Aycr* "<' I'"'"'' ' a-linission <i.l. clean can safely e..ngratulat himself upon his amusement*, prois rly rondurtwl. will Bilk Velvet*, Volveteons, ami IMushe* in all the best mnk at M. Richardson Jt Cn't. traction* in the ring aro now liwikisl up on a* tho keystone of the r'.\hibit-oii and the dirivt<-r> nhoulil > n> .-ura^i quent insnner, which was seconded in Manager Hill in these featun-s nf thr ispially graceful aud ehxpient laiiguage '*' r hy M. Richardson, Esq.. and carriwl by a Anotlirr prominent feature of fair unanimous standing v. t. Mr K .1 days in Toronto i* th.- Ian;.- numhrr of Spnuile, the chairman, spoke in a prarti- .convention* and meetings that are b>- eal and i-difyini; manner np<m thr subject in hi-bl at pn^ent. Yeterday the f suprenmcy of the mind over matter. A number is! Onr esteemed contcmpor- Mr. Win. Irwin, IVincipal of our Public sric have fallen into the bad habit of School*, made his .t.-W here a* s public sending out any dim and unreadable *|>eskcr in a very creditable manner The sin-vis of their varioim ion ties to their Agricultural Kditor also said something. "exchange*." Hall sheets cannot be And Mr. M. Itichardunn S|s.fce for abiuit avoided sometimes, but tliowc slieeta, five minutes in a strain which showed which ^ive e\ idince of tho dt-vil's neg him to be equipped for the lei-tun* field lei-t of dnty in riinniu^ tho roller VTUH* at a moment's warning. 4 liberal silver the ty|K'. shonl I \>e liirneil over to the c.-lK-ctiou'-ind the mncipg of the national butcher or bak.-r. itiHtoaxl of bein^ mark, anthem Immcht a pleanant evening u> a ed with a bifj X an they are in many.. close. offices and urnt to " exohan^fi," to be! Next month Kcv Mr Avers will do- thrown anidu in iliagiiHt by the justly in j liver hi* interesting lecture, " My !"!> ili;:nai,t editor. to England " Mi th.xlixt Oeneral t . -nfi-reno- wat a* ns ual in the Mi>tro|Hilitn, a traden con grw* w* ht-M m DnrTi-rin Hull, tin ' fsrmera talked arxint honey at trn- I'M . Court clerk* of the I'roMncc weraaiMMailiUol at the Court Mmi. * |, IK t.-ni|^-ran.-.- .-onvention was in progtws*. fifty municipal officials of ( hitario fornod tlix nucleus of what powerful organisation, and , \. ml minor . all of a national or pri'Miirial nature, were held. The |H-oplr> nf Ontario heartily join with the r.tiycn- of Toronto in making nur Exhibition tho big^oai, the hot Ml Aututnn. -Fall show*. (}utl zrphyrs. M<-iihi;ht *tr<<IIs !fc>wn ti the Boy DC Water bndKe beyant ' s ) in inuattons about Osculatin/ and huninit ssatehss ' THE Ai'Vax E till 1W7 for 2S centsv - <>r till Jan. 1st, 18MM for OM dollar. We had a pleasant call from Mr. Me- (iirr. Euphrasia, on Tuesday. W* understand that Mr. T. A. Hlake- ly mutes* plate*) rvraovui t.. Maxwell. M. P. r*. Tbo*. Krlls, Artemesia. Tho*. M'-K.-nny, Th.-rubury. John HaJ.lwin Hands, Toronti. \.-il MH -..1111*11. M I' } . THon.bury, J. J. J. hnst..n. Me*/ nl Tli'.s t Jilmy, R.-ve . f Ruphrssia. A. M.<irr, Ko-r* of (Hprry . Jos. Korke, R.ftro t NV -I M.-KarU, -1, Markdal.. And various < thrr* t>->o nu IIH-II.IOII but tint will do fur UM prsssnt until M-.n>iat " t. llth. when tri-t linal r.-xKinn takei jilat-.- in Marl. Chi<- \f now luiiu y will have for a public KTvant. \n<l in h.-xiiiig. do rx-t forgrt .< very b<-*t man in tW abi.vo bated. ^- 1. we'll U-ll yon hat is wautsd : All ul-*crilwrB in arrrar* l B<{VMIT ac- munU with us a* *r.n a* th-y rrs*l this uitinistion, and beKin th i no-mint; v.-ar with a clean sh*rt N.. rwttor IIBM than the prdsrrit t.. .1.. thu Putunf <ilf swh small a.xui;U frost time to tiat* is nut ^ l.avc a word to say tu crrtain pvr- --n *li.> have utterly dian>fari*d our - - ' r ; T ;..-,* -,,. M | ..' i . r t an.l xixc riming atx-ount* : if you do no* fttlr within the nwtt Un days you will b *ue.l. John Baldwin HaitoU. r . (Ar JTsKlsr of TV Isisii j IV-ar Sir. I wa* glad to MM> hjr your last papvr that Mr Hatxla is (nine to be candidate at lh nxt election f. r this I'-tintT. I havn known Mr Hands ever mrv he was a buy. Ho is tn* s>n of a farmer, and was N-ni aud rais*d in the County of IViffirin. and worked ,. n th farm and knows what farmind is H then studied law, and tli uh he is .-nly a V.-UIIR man, hi- haa by hard and indus- trious work rajard himself tu the i**iti- n of thr hoad of the prosperous young lav timi, whose card *ppr*r* in your i*(-'r. He waa, as you ttated, a partner of tho l.u- Mr. Uud.r, M. P. P. f.r thu county and n-- .1 -n)-t derived some *dv*ntsv fri i tnat fict He U a <.Hl >i-v*k.-r n J is in every way well adapted to represent inly. I admire a younff man hki Mr Manila, who ran raise hirasrtf up s* he ha* iL .in-, I'l.t I will use every eflort t hsv him ch*t-n as our neit candidate for the local housr. I think we should all join iu doing so. Kxcusw ae for tak- injj up so much of your valwabi* *)<*. Yours truly. A l*AMBm. >s P re.v, 13th Sept- wit* \\ . . Uie nn-li-rHiKn t -<l. will ui\. a pric of . i for tlw btwt " (rarfield " colt of C, ; and I lMi for brt five coto mrfsl by any tirauKht horwt in thi ttrction of oountr\ l'rir-^ U'N- awarded at Kant (troy fait show. Ten dollar pria<< U> lie ilividi-d e.pially botwecn rc- ro^Hful romp -tit Above notice *hon!.| have been in prir.e Li*t, hut wa* n. li'-' i it .

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