dtrrt l>la UurMU i IOpruc- - "-r " "-i" ' "* ' " "** , , N. o r| . ( V wljor- ml <"-nlallu| IOKK. THE ADVANCE. If I.I-T: j ,iio.| Every FBUM i UK OFFICE, FUdurtvH, Out. TF.HMft OV fet'llVHimOHr : ini in advance. SISCIf not vald at the on dot l t yan. No |-|xr discontinued until ll rrrgie paid up . and uo aubi*cri| lion, i.k.u lor Ivai than one >ar, nscopl when H"-ial arrmcoim'iiu (or ihorur I'eriixln are mad< with th- publUher ADVKKTISIXO BATK8. Ac. CaMial advartiwiiivuU.HcaoUpcr it Insertion and 3oonti|Mur liuti oactiiubsoiiuuut iuau-tiun. Transient a**vertioiiiutii to be paid (or when ordered. AdvartlwumnU without H|icial ililc-c li. in- will bo ItlMirUxl till f 01 bid ami charged accorilii'Ul) 1.11. ml lilu.-.*i*mU to regular aclvrrtiter*. Notice* among reading matter. 10 ccutl \wr line MCb minion N.I l>i-,ii-iiu-iii dlaooutluucd until all ar- raara^i'* aio paid up I'D.') for advvrtiacnipnta ibould reach thU oSc-- in. t lauir tnau noon ou Tueaday to euaure murtiuti lucurrunt iaane. A. R FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. >/ /, Tilt Hi. ////- less guilty than he ? Which horn of the' Thin gi'iitlfiiuui has bec'U through dilemma will the Dr. take f The Dr. says: "If the execution of Kiel was justifiable, it was on account of tlm. Killing mil. say H he is nun- of thu uext couveutioii an M. P. P. for I ..^t Urey. He has visited i \cr\ bldcoiivcu- tiouiT. aud he has* nut tlm promise of the 8el 8i '' * hfe IIIH rebellion occas- ioned." Just so; in spite of the Dr's 1 best effort to choke his convictions, the truth will out. The hiio of the quotation is simply, that there tnii a "unclns low nearly every man. KcUn liaa found arid couquerocl anothur world. We raunut imaiiu a Keutleuiau of Mr. KI-H'K experience ami ability imrtm- i UK any such unw arrautable ami rhi-.-ky course as tbat outlined by tin .S(ii</<in( iu the paragraph, quoted above. The in'., shit\ fur making such a canvatiH not exist iu tho case of Mr. K. 1U who is Preuident of the Conservative Political ' I phi-avals." [H'rit/i.r the Adwnct.] The political :i--| .. i in oniiiious at thm m. .1 u, ht. It never was more HO. Kvery |ioliti. uin Im.s an axe to grind ; and every politicmu pulhi a wire. All with more or letw Hucceiui. Hut, lul<- thu air is tilled with the luuttoriugti uml of a /i i .it ] .uli ti* -:il Htorm, t i-g ,, AI i i. *** ***i*tn i * a i;**.ab inmiii~a* niAum, of life IhlttHfh Kiel ; therefore us eie .. tlu> general public is mute uucouaciouH cution inn just thc Dr. nails it by call- uf anything uuiinual. Ilu. la a "his rebellion," not Duiuunf. nor ^ ..-., ent , ral vMit . ., ttl , vay8 , 1 vis., to fall asleep just /(.', a The Dr. is purzled to understand a ,wl- electiw) and then awake tu Hfe icy that treats one as a criminal aud the knack had geuera PLESHERTON: TIirRKUAY, SEPT. 2. 1886. GX.iXD Tltl'\K KXTK\SH\. There is much talk at present of the extension of the Grand Trunk railway from from Tara to Owen Sound. But tin-re is ruore than talk. A mirvey of tho proposed line has actually been made. The whole distance is 15$ miles. and the coat nf ri^lit of way, niailinn, briil^inj',, and feueiun, li iiviii^ the tra<-K npaJy for the ties to be put on in esti 'uate.l at t^T.OOO. Si'takiug of the pro- ject, the Owen Sound Tiniet of last \veck " It la unneccHMary to say anything now as to the importance of this line. uot ouly to Owen S<mu<l but to tin whole country around. All are agreed that uo railway m-hcme of greater mi ,'ni ti.:ice luis ever bt-en prrseiited to tin in the ouly (jueHtion is as to tl < nuaiis for securing itH eonstrnction. and tin- n.nilnin- 1 xvitwlom of the Council is to be brought to bear on thin point ou Monday evening next." Now i-, tin- time for Durham, Price- Ville, Kloaiierton, Kugonia, Kiiuberley, lli-.itlieiite, and Thornbury, to speak " right out in meeting." Ventilate Uie the matter thoroughly through the iiiri'.iani of the press, get the oar of the railway officials, and go to work with a will. A long pull, a strong pull, and a .'.!! together, my lads ! Don't fall asleep and awakc to find the lakeside burg to the North has got there ahead of you. This Eastern extension line i of far more importance than any little spur branch would be to Owen Sound although if the people there can man age tn sceur.- the connection they no ardently dunire, alright ; we have no 'objection. Wo simply urge that tin- pro]Miod line from Durham to Tln>ni- bury i* of innniU-ly greater ini[iortancc- fcr4.!i jKojile in Northern Ontario- a* tin y would uot only secure eoiinec tioti with tho j,Tct<'t railway system on this coutini'Ut, the C . 1*. ]{., but would jdao secure connection with the N. & N. ^V. Hvnteni as well. Besides, a large *tract of grand new country -would be opened up, the magnificent and, at preneut, undeveloped water power of the Ik-aver River, would be developed to a marvellous degree, and the Kraud- cit and most ntiblime natural scenery in Ontario would be prescnti-d tn the ile light and iihtonitbed gaze of the tourist ami traveller. Few- persons even in the 'minty of (rn-y have any adu<p.iate yiutiou uf the fine agricultural district <hro-ij;h which this proposed railway M>u'.-l piiss. tin.- iiumeuve vati.-r pout r ot the Bearer River whicii .. wasted each year because undeveUjn'd and the -. nujantic, pictun-,ju, and Hiiblime ceuery all along the route Kat of Flchhtrton. At on;e points tin- xi ,IH r\ would re iu in- 1 the traveller of tales of fairyland. What (in.r view iu Ontario, aye, or on the Continent, than that presented a nhort distance North by Kast of Kugeiiia ? Thonsands ii]-ii thounands of acres of the choicest farm- ing lands in three townships, viz., Kujihratiia, St. Vincent, and Colling- wood, can be seen at one glance ; and on a fair day, a glimpse is had of Georgian Bay some twenty miles dis- tant with occasional stcamcrii pasH- ing tin or down, to Collingwood or Uwen Sound. Let all interested in this important project " speak now, or forever after- wards hold their j>eace." For our own part, we do not mean to leave a stone unturned, and will therefore resume the subject from time to time. other. M AMociation of Kast (iroy, ami a staunch | dUi , rilnill4ti old member of that party. Few men have put in IIH lunch active, mci^t-li,- Jt is a pity that his ii on matters political lacks tivity with . usual acuteues.. The volunteer, were eated as fan* but .t yet to be d- Kuddou >Ui t jimt btfort the opened. Alas! if t ' truth, the whole truth, and nothing but thu truth," was told would it uot NEW ADVKKTISEMKNTS. TENDERS W\IA, bu rucelvod fr I'mmiiiK andl'iklooiiiii.- iiu; Wttitlvy Cliuri-li, Uuaftiril KcNid, up to ti K.i-k l'. ill 'ii \\ i <lu. iU . tin ->.!. .u> tf 8e| . nlif i , 1HM). 1-iirtir- i-liin,; tn not) thu Cliurc-h i-i in, utioui cu do uby ciJliu^i<iD Wui. Uu- ftuan, jr. oonv6ni*nt to ilu- church. I AKTlll'lt JOHNSTON, signed THOH iml.AM), I WILLIAM BUCHANAN, jr. Farm for Id-ink' l."t 11. din 10, T<jW!i>hi|i of Oipruy. i-,<n t it i niiiu 100 acrcb 1 1 ii in- or lou : about HO ur> , l,-r-.l and in it i. KI.I htat,- of .-ill tl vnt i. Hi ; good fraiut) baru, good frame In. 111*1-. HOIK! fi-m-t-H Rood wall with puiup i the door : iiever-failiuK -ti .-Hih of witt, r rum clove by the b-uililiu^H l-'ur full iiartiFulun. apply to SAMl'Kl, COUgL'ETT, Vt-vunhain P. O or to JAMEH 1.0VK. Inlitiage P. O. Aug Wth.lHBB. call uotlung less than a would show an amount of .statesman- 1 Th ' n . lik. inability not to be fo.md iu that e8l . n|>a(ll , tll Ottawa, but with igm , 1Iim . There are initi '- atio H of "political upheavals,'' however, w-hich means, in Ho ad sui bed h, o geutlemau. By virtue of liin i>ositioii, and of his uniform!} coiibisteut course as a Liberal Couservativo, Mr. Kc-lls is pro- bahly thu strouj;ist i-an,liil;it', at pres- in the nelJ, in this \\\ s u-n, part of tho ^^ ( , f hig IKJ|BOII ^^j , The M( , riding of K.st <m y. Hut we scout the Kl ., |Zlu t . ()VoriI1I1 *. I|t _ elIlbracill(C the idea of his bavin,; i.ia.le auy such per- ub|o B , nke> Uw autW uf ^ . iou* failure. Who ever stated that Kiel time plain Kuglish, that thu masse* are grad- up to jx)int where bluster, vurc-pulhug, and hole-and-uoruer meetiiigs are at a Roister nt-TMtheleM-Mid at the discount . . vhtjre extr eu,e parti/amhip 8tai.diii re-ward of $5,000 for the is frownn<1 dnwn . ,,, .>,, Mp is frowned dov* u ; and where Ix'fjiii to dictate their own terms to their representatives in parliament. In ..XV,,,. short, the rule of iitdividuuli is about at lcate8 - were cognizant of hi, presence in Ottawa ! , au( , t , - , t , . . Bemdes. the a^rt.on. or msiutiaUon, w , WM |w , ^ u - t - J ** ^ P m unnupport.d by tangle evidence ; couia Uve hee| , g() ^ ^ lished ? '' "^ *? without which atter it possem*?* no Tw , , ... ... T> commencement. Uie kaudwritmg has That is a conundrum. \N ill Dr. Lander- a , )poam i oll t | lo wa n, the>t ban one km solve ,t -as m-amst the iui[K.ssihility f ort b. tho political flunkeys must Rive of catching him on the plains of ^rv&t. wav t() t j iat Jll'SI\KSS UlFFIfl LTIKS. ' North-West, or the U. S., wlu-ii his nb- force. preat party of parties, which represents the national interests \Vi- iiiiticetlmtsomeof ourcoiiU-in^r- sence was purchased by gentlemen out in itf) truO8t an<1 ^gt me anin K ; which recognizes tho meanest suhject as well and which ,i ca ig arita show a very reprehensible and tin- there f desirable spirit iu six-akin.; of liusineas w >'h apparent complacency, the Dr. as t ) le Ult>8t difficult..-*- -especially when the dilHcul- says that Kiel's purchase was a t in* pur- ()llt justice to both alike, regardless of ties they B[K'.ik ,,f .-ccur a gol many chase, viz., until after the elections of nnt i o ,,ality or creL And whether mi!.-, fr-iin their office doors. It is a I W2. This is only reconcilable to a pro- that party lw Conservative or Reform, species of vain-boattinK nut always war- fossional tergivcrsationist, for certainly it Orit or Tory, woe betide it if it fails to ranted by circumstances, and is mine- has no f-.undation in fact. And Sir John's coucc d e or recognize the imperative du- tiiues indulged in for the n,)lo purpose of "'ds, "t wish to God I could catch n ,ands of culij-hUmed maaBes for pnier, divcrtiiiK trade from sister villages. Hut, '''>>" *c r nuito verified by his ctt, for better, liis-lit-r, nobler, and Rrauder po- liow profoundly silent they become wlit-n { H i w historical fact that Riel was hung! i itical Iuora i 8 than ha* hitherto been at- .l.c misfortunes they sneer at in other] T "e Dr. needs a little sympathy, for it tained iu Canada. places is suddenly brought to thur very i a herculean tank to hammer against the i Truly youm, doors. Mum's the word thm. buttresses of th; common sense of the VALKJJTUJK Nn business man living can claim im- peple ssyiiiK nothing about the weight , miinity from failure. Banks mi.y break, ' uf judicial evidence and judgement of the A l'aoriT.ini.i Lire Few men hare se- t I.e -am-- ua.ount ol work and >rM as the celebrated I>r. 000 of his works have .. ....... ... Canaju alone. \V<- want every to cripple or ruin ua linanciitlry . H,,w tency as a representative of the |>e"ple, , ,,, ti,ml.|e,l itl, Uver com|ilaiiit, Dyj- many men once worth their millions are ' whose opinions should always be commit- pt-jihia Hu. Im -he. Kuluc) or t'riuury Trou- * i. , r . ,.,i .,,, .., ,,,,,,,,..,, .. * ,...ti... 1 1*1 li!'-s, lo cull 111 HI tlit- llruff Store ami buy a now pauper. ( It slu.ws nci.on.iC3 of the >tl,,-r boM|e <>f ,, r ^^ ^J Cur ,,. it will c ' urc the .it4<k we have invested our money **' " len " f the land. If he contends in in;iy depreciate, business limy fall off, that his vote wan in accordance to his best K"o<l in this w.irM or a thousand other things may happen ' judjii-nient, then he confesses his ini|M.- ^'J^.ij ," '[-^j, uncertainty of all things in this life, votes the Dr. will have to answer for - vou when tho press Iwconieii s>. perverlcd im to " Ul -'h M tll;lt on thu Senate amendments laugh and jeer at misfortune real mw- to the Scott Act, completely annullim,' its we mean. M.-.lii-in- and Hecipe Book 91.00. usefulness if carried. WHY Kiii-i.'iv DIK.TIIIIS. Consult a doctor Scott Act orpr-K [ or , or 8 oz. bottle of medicine II <son fin-tvnr we mean. >r pr,K (,, r a (( ..r 8 oz. bottle of medicine l--con Hut there are liusineas difljculties of hibition men will think twice : before plac- suit the l)i upgint and ho will (live you a 12 different kinds, as there are business ' n !*>* '" 'he hands of Dr. Lander- ^i^t^Li^ke^MVookTr'e*. 1 ' 1 * ' Ot *'' i of aiffMrHiit kiiif*. Th,,rw aru the k' 11 K'i to vote a-aiiiot the very prin- tronbiisl .th Pimplw, Blotch, diff< men of different kinds. Thore am the k ' ***"'< Ul vote gainst the very prin- bumes diHiculties in which the credit- /''I''''" f " r which they arc coiiU.-n,lii,. onareth..nedeserviiiB of most ym- ] Once ''" ul d suffice. The l>r. has been i, *tliv wli.-n* the hiiiiiu-m ni.n haa do- , tried and fi.und wnntinu. Ci-rati- It will li-av,- ttio skin in |>..rfBct l,*-lth. mi. ., ,tli. <-l> an at,. I u I i-..l.>r. It,- ure aud .>! liberately wt about to sec just h<iw much II Wl " mtererting, also, to watch ih u iiiii:i.'. ii.a.i. i,> M.-(ir.nor & I'arko. I'rk. b.Ue " he could K et away with tK>fore ' ' *"" "f the prominent Temp.-rance | ^ m>rruM^.'jov,-rt,H,k hini : when- he I'-aders towards the Dr's election, and! iv.-n i.-r. iii ii.f.Tiiiiiik- you of tliii woinlBrful tied and as c,.lv carried ' "hi'ther politics will swamp their print-i- r,,ui..i) for i ,.,i K h-. ( .,i.l-. .uu,,,,, iir,,,i,l,iti. | . .. < oiimiiiiiJtit.il. IH| all iT.-ctionn f the throat unni-. M r lti-1 that * an iltmii; > ,m a^reat i*5*<, an if }i'ii liav.' HH> nf tl, aNivu coin- U. if ;i. n will uuly try It we will guarantM iatinfactliiti in cvi-ry IBM- nr money re(uii<!ed Akk for M,-<trf{,.r'* LIUIIK t'onijioiinil. 1'riceSOo. .vo 'A noy IXTEXDED. \Vi- rexret that our esteemed \ mint; friend. Mr. Joseph Buchanan, of Mea- fonl Koad, itliould think for one mom- eiit. that in our re]>ort, " Tho Fatal Poi- Ron," in last weeks issue of TDK AD VAN, K, an insinuation that he had a pur}>o iu leaving thc poioon in thu jimitry wan intended. Snch an insinua- tion woufd be simply horrible, and any l r-on wfco would make it in reference to sueh an npright and extremely moral young man as Joseph Buchanan mi^ht well be acetified of dementia. No in- sinuation whatever was intended. Thc meaning we desired to convey was that it waa worse than carclem, it was thoughtless. And HO it waa, as any per- on must admit. Deadly poisons, such an " Kongh on Rat*," should be handled with great care. Hop-ever, it is confl. drntly expected that this will he a warning which yonng ^nrl old will re- cognize aud put into uracttae when us- ing poisons for rate, potato bugs, ver- min, and MIK-II like. rivals in business. Had debts and loni; credit at length accomplish Ins fmuncial ruin, and he is obliged to put up his shut- ters. Who can fathom the ngony of that honest IIUSIIICM man fur he ia honest through all as he stands amid thu rum of blighted hopes nnd a lifetime of unre- mitting and ilavish toil ' Thin is real misfortune, and is deserving of thc di-r|>- est sympathy of every man who has a soul larger than a mosquito. Heru, then, wo have two kind* of husi- noia difficulties placed side by side. Now, what newspaper of urdinary com- mon sense would pla.-o the two on tin- same footing, and with thoughtless indis- crimination lash both alike} It would be one of the very worst kind of cruel- ties, and vhows thc great nuceasity for care and judgement in commenting theru- on. First " be ntrt you are ri$ht ;" then out those plans to cheat his creditors/ I' le " r ""* More anoti. This is the swindler, and .sorry wu arc to say that this class is Ini^t-ly represented in Canada and tho Tinted States. Then ilu-n- is the btuiness man, who struggles honorably for yean to keep his business and himself on a footing with other straightforward but more fortunate "What l Mc(.roB,,r i .8po,ny Cure fur"? , ^ It iafnr Uv|iei>i*ia. I,iv.-r c<iiii|ilaint, lii'JiH""- ami l Oil |H,r houl<- at all Drug Sturm t mil. I'.iln. ii-ii.'-- ami it l tli.- Hiiwt blooU i m i n.-r in the known wurlil to-ila>-. " Doe* it give alinfartici. ' We cannot point to um> iuMtanoe where it did not. " \\'lu-rw iloet it have th* laruftl aa1f " Hiiilit in tin- city of HaiuiltuD, where it la rainn to the pr.iniimof tin undnrnlKnvd Lot liiaiiufa, tnr, .1. tln-r ha IHM-II (ivoruli,. tln>iiali.l ].,j .>,,,\ K > h n , Artine>ia, alxiut lat uf Am: STEAY STEER. . ., , . In] |ar worth nold In the la.t year rvtall, and u >t, nnu twu year ol.l Stcor. Owner can h tliBKr.-t niaji.nt) ..f tin- haU-K are by one ro- ,aiuc by provitid property and ]i>lnf i-i>iiiiin)ii.llnft it to another. For Hale at ^*c. sud MI m m 1.00 i',-r bottlu by tho Ntone Flour. A good supply of firht-clasH Stone Flour will always bo found at iirs. A. Tl Aug. flctii, ime. Ilu I I.I * For Hair 9J acre* I) mil,-< from Flenherton. (lood warm fraiixi tlwi,l)iti|{, 7 roomi,, KCMK! cellar. Rood ttartlo anevar-falluiK -I'rhn.- i n-uk Twrnn oay. For . . ] I-*! i I v. partlciilaTtaoplt t.. \\ .1 IIKI.I.AMY, 1-le.l.or- s bakery, Hesherton, which t,.n-ort,.c \\ . IIKI.I. \MV. Mark.lal. will be sold at cheapest cash i>rkt--i. Anvitr. To MOTHKAS Are you <tl>turlM-<l at nik'ht an. I lirukrii i,f v.mr n Kt t>y a nick tliilil If H.. n.u. l at ..in-.- i*n I i;i-t i* bi.ttlu.if "Mrh \\ in Inw'aHinitlilni: hvrup' for rlul ln-u 'l,-tlnM.- ItH Vkluu in Incalcillaliln. It will r. li.-\.- tin poor little HiiiTrr.-r iintiM-iliati'U . [)-|>rn<l njion it. in. .tli. -r. there In no nu-.tx.ki- aliout it. It Dyat-atery and niarrlura. ri-ciilatei, the Wind Colic. AT CORDOIV'S HARNESS SHOP Stomach and llowrli,. i-ur*--. , noftona tin- ( tiilnM. rt .liii-f^ Intlaliimatiiin. and HIVPM tnlio ami . n.-rty to the wholu -v^lini "Mra. \Vln~- low'l HootnlX Bjrrop" for i-liil.ln-n teething i* l>l*-a*ant tothu uu-t<- and it thn preserlptloii of ,, f thu oldi'Dt and t>e*t fmnale iihyKiciann \Vblpn. Hrnthc-'. Curry in the United MR!.", and li for Halo Yon will Bud an a*airtn.ent of Heavy and Liffht Harness, by all -Iriifcit-i -t-- throtiKhont tin world. I'rice twnt)-IH-i i uti n linttlu. Be ure and ai-k for Mils \\-p.si.nw H SIIOTIIIVO STKI r. and take BO other kind. bn, Swrnt Padu, and the Cf*lct>ritt<'<i "Ilarnemi Oil." "-I 01 I 1 Its A s !M HI : ^ Cheap for Caah. Call and Kiamlno. Hap>oni w ny jrou aoouid purohaae FluH I.liiht ntuiu i>rcf*-ruie to all uthrr reiuediM an; llain.l r4iilt < IIIFK Uu tiiiill). It ll nit-ily ai> > n..i.oui nu loot time It dm-* i.ot rr S"oou,Uu.i UM> uu application l i-*T,-ct..al. >tU 1.1 inuiotu U..M, pain tl.an laiy uth- ' It for Neuralgia, Dr. i ami. rk in Again. (Fur Thf Advance.) The Dr' fascinating style it so strange- ly at variance with his logic, that almost ever}- ]>nnu;ra|>h furnishes ample sc<>|i for analysis and criticism. He says : "Now that th,-y (the French) begin tn indicate that a change of OUT- enunent would be flood for the country, the Conservative |>rcsa have discovered they arc very bad and very This |i<irai!ra)'li is assumed, it not a scintilla of truth, and may be fully answered by asking simply ".Arc the principles advanced by tho " Parti Na- tionale " thc " Blood and lU-vt>iii{u par- ty " of Quebec, and re-echoed by Dr. Lamlerkin for the (food of the country ) If so, what is the matter with Mr. Joly and the iirotestant rc[ircsentatives of the Eastern Townships who repudiate the Dr's logiu all Reformers of tho first quill ) Why does the Dr. urge such in Hi- sense ' Have not these men, rc.sident* of Quebec, the best right to judge as to the necessity of a change of Government under such perilous conditions ? The people of South Orey will decide. The good of the country ! It is fortun- ate for us that we hare men from all rankn, who place their country In-furn tlmr party. All honor to McKcnziu, Charlton, Cartwright, and others, who itood by the dhip in the storm ! Where does such noble actions place iuch namhy f>aml,y men a the Dr 'I He nays a^ain : If it was just and ri^lit to u,rant Duiiinnt WOOL! i WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at the PLESHBETON Woollen Factory ! The Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having cngagcc a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufacturing (foods ummllj kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt an careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give u a call. W. H. PLBSHBB PLESHEETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAK OWEN soi M> Collet/ate Institute ! W 11.1. upon ou MONDAY, .nun An, iimtaui Kxci'lU'iit Ktafl uf Teacherh liih|.,-n..r Ili.-ially rt'iKirtK It tin. Best Equipped School in he Province. Clai*ita for Klrst. Sti ..n.l mi 'mrd I. labs <'i-rtitl,-ati-n. Junior and Kimior latrii-ulation witlihouom, aud Law mid Meilica 'i&iiiiiiiiatiuiiH. At thori-cont Teachem' Fxaiiiin tn in all thu Kiri.t Claim Candidate* and a Ur:i i. i . . ni.i^t- uf Svc-ond and Third <'iaM weru uc ! ul. Vuei, fidu for the Fall Turin }>ayablt> t clitialn-i- A]i|.|) to F. \V. 51K11' 'HAST, M.A.. Principal, or U. Ii. liolili: . s..i- Board of education Owen Hound, Aug. IN, 1880. i*>i- Hale. WEST HALF of l...t 0. Con 8. Tuwn.-hip o OllingWiHxl, HO . n-- niuh-r KIHH! i-ul'ivit ion, Kranin HIIII-.H ami !n.rn. VIMIIIK On-hard HO Sjirin^-s Korfurthui particular*, apply to GBOHU1-: Mi A I'Klill l-...|,ri. t..r. Itavt-uua r 1 1 . Out. AUKUU 1-Jl.fi. I. 1271 <J > rilE 1AMETS. rLEBHEBTOV. <\twfully Corrected Kurh It'erk. 'lour S 25 to 2 25 ull Wheat $0 70 to 75 intf Wheat ..;..- 065 075 alley (X) 00 Aits 28 '2! 'eas ..... 52 52 hrtter 11 '.1 gs, fresh 12 12 'oUtoes 20 '25 'ork 5 00 5 <i ray. per ton 800 10 (If, icsJ ..,.-., 25 7 25 Vool .- 18 ShwpsWns 60 85 Thos. A. ftlakely, I'laiit and Onuinuittal tiouso awl Carriaffe> Painter, Fleslierton. i prepared tn attuml to all work In liii linet of nihiiifH > lii tlii-io-iitiatibliii-tiirvanil wnrknian ik.' iintinii-r Knt iinitt*--* .ln'.-r(ull\ film i-hi-.l h'l ciintrart-- ri*l 1 1> 1 <Mit td tliu l,*tt,-r. (li.l.r- ntiiviiiirioiiiitrv.il)- mail or otburwise, will i-. . i\ .- usually nroin|it atU-ntion. Sli. .|i uvrr Villii mi'* carriage wnrku THOS. A. BL^KELY. IHt II Ilk OHM I tO p*"j :V>JD? CHASES mi, l ai.d gc * or ny dica^ tum Irooi a t MA-.\ LIVM Cl'a W.H U (uuml n M i.. dy. NATURE'S REMEDY u ---f I" < I 1 *"'' I-iCur m TU unqualifK*'. i ivr I ..iniiljiii co-pou, ..',' lr : UKAKP >i r ,i,*AUa .-:. ,rul>UCU,il > .- "i. ,,w,ili,tT f ulalof ' ' v . *.>mUn. ,1 nh PUI i. il< i-l '''; ' ..... ' >' . ) . S i.m-jL, CoWC., .n lil" 1 !. COO OCO i.OL.0 t>l-rr tmJudf >*..:.> / /'-. ' il'Ut Klift in < .>* t.f.i * .<nt ti 'e ;i i / fify ut iJiMJ twfctf i'. tr*mb,r.J witft Lntr ml /** In tk t tt*f.t*t r*m.<i\ . StMCTMilC Ntw CiVtN A*T FREE WrapfMNl aruuntl very U>1lle "f llr. < ha*' Liver Cult it a valuabe HuuMrh.. 1 Mr,!n.il , .'.liiie anil Kecii" Uook (84 i^^*-). > >ui.iinin.R ovrr TO> useful r^cipv l*onou:i '.I l.y n4*. *l ii.r'i i"l iliuKKi-l' minvIu able. ..': w..rlri in tinl*i {NICC nl t.ie mciiiciitc. TRY CWI^ Crw6*llt A lafc and po-iliv rcmcily. I'nce, a . nils. TttCMASl'lKll)lltTIIDLlnr<llU ! cli.peU>l SOLO DV ALL DEAVCNS T. IDMMSON CO.. Sola ACK<. Brador Recommend'd by Dr Christoe HEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS! Fleshert:m, May 2 8th, 1886. To our rnends and Patrons: Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the manu- acture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies Carriages and Waggons. By our Ions practical six<riiic and careful attention to tho want! of the trade and tl, h-'.t turial, we havu nuccoeded in uiakiiiu a bujjg) wliicli^han ii iniriir flKAlll) S CAHKIAOK WOBKH. our ontor... I Have on Hand a Full Assortment -OF- SPRING SUMMHR GOODS. In Gents, Ladies, Misses and Cbildrens BOOTS 4 EIIOKS. I cudcavor satisfy our ciiBtonier& both iu UocxLt untl Prices. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL K1ND8 OP Ms d tteeaiil Works, Such asfMoniiinonts, Tomb Tables, Hcadstonrs' (' mntiT itnd Talilr Tops in AUK rirati flntJ Italian Marble and (iranitc, and made ou sliort notice. Also Mantles in- Marbi* cd Slate, Ac., ic. FliMliurton, Au. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMEMT 1JL1K TILLS Purify tb Hli Od, tontM.-t all Dl^tdurn of tlie Htornuch, ICicln'.yN, an<l New Harness Shop p RICE ILLE - liilllllliiiltlli - k'iM'.l doiroi, to Inform thu pttople an<1 Hiirrouinlin^ neif lln- Harn The uiiili-m f I'riccvilh, that In- lia- . iiiniMi-Mr.- 1 in ll )Mii,in,-t*H in Pricevillu, wln-n- hi- hopex to .nharo of public patrotiacti. All work will lio att'-tidud to at )owe*t i-ann rau-n. Single and Uouhlu HarneB Rot up in (.rut-clam, ntyln <lo<id rtmont of Whli. litu.h,- furry Conibi, l.i*|i IniHti-r-, KuKa, Ac , always iuttock. R. J. WATSON . I'HOrillKTOU. AT O A.TVL> I? Jilt OEIST n pardmi, it was nothing less than judicial murder to liany Louii Ricl." But let the Insurance effected on Farm and Village Btnldinps and oectonts. Insurance argument ! reversed ; If, as the Dr. j against Lightning a specialty. coiitenils, it was a " judicial murder to Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills, itc., carefully prepared and properly Jian Louis Kiel," whirroin lies but ap- executed. OFFU:E, Toronto street, noar Town Hall. to pardon hi. coadjuto, OOOOCOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo CARD OF THINKS! In thanking rny customers for their liberal patronage in the past, I have much pleasure in being Rtill able to supply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto I.ijjlit Hinder. Thc Toronto lyiwy^. The Sharp Sulky Hake. Thc Masacy Harvester. The Massey Mow>r. The Toltcn IVa Hsrvoster. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Taltcn'a Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton's Kcnfflors. Hamilton's Boss Gang Plow. Wisner's Spring Tooth Owltivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A I'M), gtock of K n'uns always on hand. Parties requiring any of tho above will il.i well to r.kli a.nd inepcct Mitch- ines, which will be found in Kproulc'n wareliousc. A. S. VanDUSEN, Fl.ESIIEHTOX. j GOLD IV Mi arc rrr. tml thM who HU lo Sitntoa A Co. Portland, MUna.wlll rtefflv* Trr*. Titll infornwitifn hrini vnth which 'tir !! do. ml llVtftt bom,lbl will pay i bcm frowi |R to | A pr dty. BOQM hv i,. .-1T F.I'... r*i...umr..foM Yo riUMt*l fr** They InvlRnratcnml rrton- t" Ix !(h l>i.|>ilitxt,^l<'"iit,tntionK. and M-K Invali-nl.l,- In all CoU*' likiuUiuuiiloutal U, Kumaloa of all ao>. l-'or I'lnlun n ami tlm aged tlu> are pticvlvai. IMIP OINTMENT [an Infallible ramrdy for li. II, !-,. Mad Itri>at. Old W.UMI.IB. Knrm and rin-rn It li famouafo' (tout and KheiiinatUin. Fordtaordnni i< fwche-t II has uo i|ual. ForSORKTHKO.n, BROXCtilTIS. COUG'fIS, COLDS OlanduIarSwolltnga.andallHKinDlMtaitK!. It haa no rival; anil for contracted aud itiff joint* it acta like a charm. r in'i'i* fir. t.mlv at Profeiiior FToi.ixiwaT'* Kitabliahnwnt, 7H, New Oxford Strn-t ( Inlr :.:::! Oxford Strrrt ), Londoa, tnd are nold at In. Ijd .2.'.i>l M . Hi . '.*> . nnd ft* car), 1l,,x or Pot, and may be had of all SId nil,- Vendor! throughout the World. ll; f> 'If (>rf<ir<l Sli I 'nit If Iht adilreu u not ' *i>tii-inii*. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLKSHERTON, - - ONT. NOTICE: A thorough bred Durham Bull calf, one month old, for sale. Also a one year old Durham Bull, with good pedigrees. Also a good Strain Flour Mill at Firs In nun Station for sale. Apply to ROOEP LKVEIt, Flesherton P. 0. BELL James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton K.'i WITIUK. r.'-i'triMii:li liu: . and in fact every- U4t in the btmitioAN will receive my proui.it and careful attention st reasonable priceii. /A r Ft. i:s IIEKTH \. TO BE LET OR SOLD. The nnilcrKiitiixil tilTom for lale lili (Hark- rnith Hli.i|. stftl,l aiul rremiauft ailjninuiK, at a r.-nKi iiuiiil,- pricu ; r will lea^o tlit, name to n 1...II.I inioi at a fair rmital. Thin |>ro|M<rty U Mt'll aituat,*'! mi Collin^wood struut, VlHhorton, iieitr t hr |,l A .ling factory . For terinn and |>artlr-nlar. i,|ilv to tin, i>ro- KoiiKHT Ct.ABK. Unapnroached for Tone and QuaJ.ty. CATALOQUK8 FREE. BELLA CO., Goelpii.Ont. New Butcher Shop In Flesh^ erton ! Fetch & Mitchell. .'HMl'KlKT.iKS. Til i : iMi.ii-r'.iKiH-d ropectfully tnk. thin o|>|>or tiniltv to announce to the 1>>1>I(> of Kleh- frVn and surround, ng cuiiutry.lhal thpy have started a Batebsr U>op In tl> Mtand npitdoor to the Marble Work*. KI.KSII r.KTON. whom Uiey will b,. plrax-d to nii>et with all who favor them with their patronage. Frt,h Meats of all kluilH.nnil FlHh.ilc. in tliujr mjaHoiiB. Hi- -|.i-ri f vll\ yourn, PJCTCH * MITCHELL. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, I'ROrlllltTom pritor July 9)tb, 1M6. J67 tf Flcshcrtun. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly fil^d,.