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Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1886, p. 4

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FLBSHEHfCWf , Ata. 18. DISGRACEFUL I A l oiidiiloii i.i Affair* nitark n> be Vrplored. The letter d " Sa*i>.y*r," in anoth- er culuiiiu, i* uot half strong enough. Our sidewalks are in a iliHgiaccful con- litiiui . Wluli- new sidewalks have been Constructed, the ropairiug of the old ones haii beeu sharuefully neglected by our I'athinaitrrs. Itroken atid rotten planks nn- to I"- found everywhere, and ln' only reason Dr. Cliristoe docs not liau Hurgical operations to perform t-vi-rv day, to repair and sot broken aud sprained limbs caused by our sidewalk*. caii uuly tutft-ly be ascribed to some special aud mysterious providence, -who cares for the unwary if the pathmaatcrs dou't. As it is, mishaps arc too uuzucr- ousfor individual mention. Not oven an attempt ban beeu made to patch Vhat is bad and dangerous, although %his should be the very first duty of tho pathmasters ; new sidewalks should only follow a thorough repair of the old ones, which, every year, require more r lesH attention. What Hatinfactiou in there in walking Dome diiitauce \\itli safety on a new sidewalk, to rind your- *>U Miiddfiily and violently thrown <*wn no K.IIHIIT docs your hardihood Mid love of " wild and thrilling adven- tures," and " narrow escapen," induce yon to set foot on the rotten old plankft just beyond ? It is simply HcaudaloiiH, that our money should be taken by the tax collector for work that is never doue, and our most frequented foot paths allowed to go to destruction. Nut ! ni axo, Mrs. \Vni. Clayton fell aud got bruised and cut iu thc face, and a few days later Mrs. M. Kichardson fell through the name caiiM-. Private mou ey haa been cx|>euded iu repairing and building new nidi-walk* notably that dangerous cha.iiu aud railing at tin- Unyno bridge. Taxes were |id for sidewalks laxt year which were never built. The same may be saul of widi-- walks thin year, which were never re- paired, or which were n i.nirr.l at pri- vate expense. It is but natural to ask the question in fact it ni^t-xts itself what have the i>athmaHU-r* U-.-u doing with tin- money placed in tlieir haudH for -.I- walk luiprovcruonts ? Whu \ve akcd for a sidewalk on thc street past our residence- more travelled than any i.tiirr iu town except the business Htrcets we were told that there wait no funds, and naturally sup|K>Hd other more i cessary improvements were iu priori liut such was not the cane, and it is hut fair to ask the pathrnutcrs to give a de- tailed statement of tho manner in which the minify has been ex]ieDded. We fear, however, that, in too many cases, necessary public improvements have been made Hubncrvicnt to private i-inl ,. We shall KvcntH coiwtautly trauHjiirin^, throw more and mure light UJK>II the brief car- . cer of Oeo. II. Siwuocr iu thin locality. It set-ins there were a few mistakes in the article w hich ap(>eared iu last week's .\I'\AM K. \Vc haiiten to correct them, an we are one of thoc who hclicre in ^miiK the devil liin due," if need be, every time. For instance, it in ntatod that neither Mr. J. W. Bates nor Mr. Win. Strain were contributors to the " S]icucerial Mukiug fund." both gentle- men having "dealt out" or " trotU-c' out " thur respective accuuiita against Spencer before that gentle man '8 sudden and much lamented departure for Geor- gia. ThuH shuwiiiK. that tho "darkest cloud may sometimes show am her lin- ing." We made another mistake, viz., iu Haying that Mr. Munshaw got back all Ins money from Spencer, aud that Mr. M. usually " gcta thar." The con- trary is tin- case Sli|i|'ry S|>enccr was the man who "(jot thar" this time, leav- ing Mr. M. out in the cold to the tune of Home $27 or so. On<. II. Sjicnccr's father IMJ I two brothers were -till in tlic neighborhood on Saturday last. They run a shingle mill at the Station, and seem to be made of different material from that which constitutes tile divine form of tin lamented Ooorpe H. Une individual told us to look out or they would "punch your head for you." We decline punching " from principle, but if wi are tu tie thus dealt with, we can MHiir* the gentlemen that, althoagti px>acoabl) UK Inn "1. we can and will resent insul and defend oursclf when op]>ortunit] presents iteclf. on. The " amalgamated team," upon which HO much vtress iu laid, ib heard of y IIM for the first time, and although in-. I'n 'ii*. of Flesherton team, we do nt know of ouo mi iiiU'r thereof who ri-aiut uf proposing such a scheme : he q on but Number Seven, on the South tide competent to i of Napoleon streut, in '.he Town r>f. Eu- " with- i-'i-iii, whereby th said Utilise was to- be part of *"? burned, .. -.,. . i..,.. .,..,, , uu *i, ut Tborubury Notice u hereby given, that I will (jive a towu JO miles distant from Eugenia I * rew rt l "f ( >" Hundred Dollar* u> any to wit. ! person who will give uch information a* Iu conclusion, we l>ee to ask tho Eu- l> * 11 luad to tne conviction of the guilty . Ml* . . ... ." * 'A a. n, The Eugenia Base Bull Club, not con tent with our very mild explanation last week, publish a letter in this issue .of Turn ADVANCE which only makes mat tern apjwar in a wornc light for them .elve in short tho "c*tifuiion grows worse confounded." What in thc UBO of talking about Harry Bull. If he were mouibcr of tho Eugenia t*vun ten times over, and had lived there all life, FleHherton would still, and with reason, object. Our team in really t mnch strongor one than thc Kugcniaii in nearly erery particular. Yokes in ai good, if not a better, catcher than Bnll and Clark pltches.a better (-ame than Tweed ; and with the exception of Me .A leer and Hogg, our boy are mucl superior, basemen and fieldtr*. Dro wning men may "eateh at strawn bnt it happens that Bull \ H the " utraw the Etigenias have hcn catcbiug at, w that the foot is on the wrong foot when applied to FleBherton. Voald it no be as reasonable UK the action of tlu Kii(;( nis, if a )>rofe>tiionl player from Toronto or elsewhere bncame a member uf the Flenhcrton cluli and played in the various matchett. Hut wuld Kngenii consent to j !> with a team ernployini aucti tactics) ia a friendly game '.' Oer tainly not, and public opinion woulc sustain tin-in in thyiir ooume, and rieht 1y too. Hut , BuU in obiccted to on other irronndK than that of being an outsider in tin- triie acceptation of the term. It is neodlcms to taU> thn ^rounds for the oh^rotion at prwwnt. from the atMtnde of Engnia B. H C., -pre may be induced to state them later ^ttOO.OO my 10 IIBU, - ^ .7 emus the three following questions : 1) When was tho Kugenia team " twice party. Thi*, togetlu-r with thu Two Hundred Dollar* offered by the Township Council fur the discover}' uf inuendiariui ictorioua" over Kloshertou ? (2) Why id not the Eugenia* play Harry Bull j in thc Townahip, u the two contests which have already , " Thrne Hundred taken j>l.u, betweeu Flesherton aud uyenia ? (8| Why did the catcher, ir. Hogg, say that Eugenia would lave plaved Fleshertou wittiout Harry Bull, haxi it not been that ho (Mr. Hogg) was " used up 1 " ' DH. LAHDERKIN, M. P. / ;'i (!/ Ills i m f.iiii-ii on the <Jue*tl(tn. Hirl will make the above Lallan. The u. name will, if poasiblo, be kept private. HENRY MELDRUM. Artemesia, loth Auguit, 1H86. THE LATE BASE BALL MATCH That In.ln't t;,,n>- off. T tilt Etlitur of the AJmmce. DBA B SIR, On looking over your re- l.rt nf the Into basu ball match, that ; i* well founded. didn't come off, between the Eugenia and j A ,, BOF ITABLI LirE _ Few me n have *c- HesherUiiiclubs, owunr, as our boy* put complinhed th* i-ame sjiouiit o/ work *nd it, that tin- Flehertoii Jxiy* felt ure of a K c>od iu thi* world a* 1 1..- wlebruted Dr. ' drubbing, and resort*- d to thu base . Cbase. Over SUU.OOO "f hi work* hve l.ri n Hold iu Canada iloiir. We want every ** AFTKB TWINTT-THHXI YKAHK ScmtmKo. Id v. \Vm. Stout, nl Wiartou. wai cured of scrofuluns absent that sevtntora doolurs I'niiM nut cure. Burdock Uloud llittem was the only successful remrdy. It cure* til impurities of the blood. A Mii'Su.HT ALAKM.- There is scarcely any fright uiuru alarming to a. mother than the ouiluiouD nouiid of croup so liable at the bour of nixbt. When Hagvard's 1'ec- tural balitam (fur tlm throat and lungs) is at hmid, croup and diKtreBting cough* lose half their terrors. It cures coughs, asthma ami brunchitif. A UoLDEN OriNlON. Mi - Win. Altkn, nt Aelon, declares that H^yard'i Yellow Oil it the W*t houaehuld rciueily in the world fur colds, croup, sore throat, burns, scalds mid utliri painful complaints. Her opinion To Uu Editor of The Atiranc*. Sir, Ynu have, on several <>cca*ioii*, n your luiner, made allusions to the vote siiUcrfuyr nf nil coward* technicalitie* [ iave <>i- the Kiel question, and in such ! The man of our club, win. in they objected pnrnon troubled with Lier complaint, 1,-avi- th.. immvMi.p.i that i *" w tllt ' ri{inal oraiiiier of our club, P*p Headnche, Ki.ln. v or I'rinary Trou 1 "' th ' ha. Wen identified with ,t ever since, and M. ' e.11 ... at the Uru K Store ,,d bu T U>-tly is a meniW of the Eugenia Club koltle * Dr - <-'' I'"" Core, it will THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Carefully Corrected Each WreK. Flour ?2 26 to 2 25 Fall Wheat fU 70 to 76 Spring Wheat 066 075 Barley 00 00 Oats 28 29 Peas 62 52 Butter 11 11 Eggs, fresh 12 12 PoUtoes 020 025 Pork 5 00 5 00 Hay, per ton 800 1000 Hides 6 26 7 25 Wool 18 20 Sheepskins fill 85 Tin*. A. Blakriy, Plain and Ornamnital House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. .1. prepared to attend to all work in hts line* of jUKiiiM in the ni'iM Mitif-ffti'tiiry and workman- ike manner EttinuteB cbeanully furniahed, aud contract! carried out to tho I t tt-r Order* D town or country, by mail or otherwise, will recoiva equally prompt attention. Hbup over Milburn'a carriage worki. TH08. A. BUKELY. a wav a* to Irave the impreulun you desire to en-ate prejudice against me [or taking the view I did in the case of that demented and misguided man. 1 cannot gut over thu idea, that you wiih your renders to forget all the wrung* done by the government, merely IntcaUM: they executed Louis Kiel. Nuitlu-r can I rid Medicin and Ileeipe Book 91.00. ' Drowning men catch nt straw* " is no. lea* old than true, and tho Fltaherton Club muit have been sorely pressed fur' an excuse to avoid a contest with their twice victorious opponents, by ruling against Mr. Hull, wh<i was temporarily a myself ..f the idea, that youare tryiiiKto|, 1(>ll . rellit i ellt ,, f Eugenia. The Eugenia buys ere determined to stand by their chief, and they receive the hoiuprablu WHY EMPLOY DOCTORS. Consult s doctor fur a 6 or 8 oz. bottle of mediciue II con- sult the Diuugint and he will five you a 12 02. bottle l>f I'r. Clmse'fc Liver Cure (or II, and a vahlnble Recipe liook frw. consideration of our community in *o \nvirr TO Are you disturbed at nleht and hrokun of >nur reot by a nick child ntifforint; an.l rr> ing with pain of ('uttinpTtx-th ? It tu -i ".i at oiio- and k'l-t a bottle at -Mr- Win plow'. Soothing Syrup ' for Children ToetlunK. It valuu in incalculiililii. It will relievo the make it appear, that the executii>n wa* done at the bidding of a section nf the 1'rotestttiit . . 'iiiniiiiiii y. and that hi* blood *'J* J ' Uea .!" ''I ><MW * thelr *' h Uld C0 "- i doing. But, what may not be .aid of the u. ralue i. iocalcul.1,1.,. It will reliv the solubM them m support of the Kovern- quatU moral* of the virtuous Flesburton- poorlUtletuffererlmniefflktelv. Deiwnd upon nient 1 cannot briiiK ylf t think iallii .,, |m>p<Mle<1 an aIlla l KalllMe d t( . alll ^.rV^ntcrr.^ OtoSZZ^Z&X'+l u,,k,,,,Uy of any action of the Fn,te.tai,ti,, f Fleshert,,,! and Euf-eiiia, with Mr. ?! body. I d..n t think any good Pn.U-stant j Bull a* ,rt of the Eu K fiii:t roiitiiik.'i.-nt, thirst* for the bl.xKl of a R<iman Catholic, i , {1 | av eit | ler () wen S,, un d or Meafdrd And 1 do hop*- we have not again arrived ( Clubs'! 1 The professiunal cry is an empty t a period in our history, when it be- bubble. Three years iixo, when Eugenia met necessary' t shed hummi I.I..IK! for | i| ul , wai in iu prof^j..,..!, tone the [iruservatioii of any |Militical party il this country. I thought Kiel wa* insane. I still think . Holding that view, what other course ultl I havu pursued, in the name of hu- manity, thin I did pursue. In this view 1 was sustained by my highly gifted and eminently endowed leader, Mr. Klakv. This fact, though it did not fix my upin- i .n, greatly ti-nuVd to asiure roe that it .i right. Mr. Hlake's trvvtmeut of the Kiel <|Uttioii, was, to my mind, mi*t itatesmanlike and just. Mr. liliike sought t" reinuve the question out uf the arena if party politics, and place thc considera- tion . t it upon a judicial basis entirely. He did not uri(e his follower* to agrov with him on the quuction, neither did h insist that they should I'ote a* he did ; but he left it U> the judgement and to the conscience of each, of hi* *upportr* in the Home. Now, what higher *tand could any fair man ak of a party leader. It was the very essence of liberty, which U thu foundation of the Liberal party. You swiu to intimate, that ninny of my constituent* do not take the Mime view . ! the case a* 1 did. I cannot help that. I am not responsible for their opinion*, nrit IUT nre tln-y responsible f .r mine, on abstract questions. If 1 hold viuws, I .! .n i think that you would advise me tu link them in urdt-r t.. gain |ppular *p- A man of courage has the cour- >f hi* convictions only a sycophant and n coward will fnrugip them to catch "the passing breere." My principle* are my i. nn. I cannut fashion them to suit every man. 1 d nut desire to do so. I am pru|mred to gn ureat lengths to serve my- friends, but I cannot make so great a sacrifice as to stultify my conviction* in i |']i ;iii- liii'iii. This may not be a suitable for a wily (politician ; li-.w- it is mini-, and I am pru|wred to lUuidur fall by it. Do I understand you aright, when I ;. t the iili-ii, that you consider Sir John its nrti-d right in tho Kiel matter. 1 luld the idea, that he ha* acted very far from ri'jht in his dealings with Louis Ku-1 I- -'li I 'i'1'.iri' and sulMuquent to the latu i..'i-'i:i..ii. and I will tell you why I think no. You, no doubt, well remember the fate of pi pur Thomas Scott. You remem- ber that he was executed by Kiel's order* during the rebellion of 1870. This exe- cution haa been considered n most atnic- one. Now, what did Sir John do to avenge the blood of Scott. Let m tell you. He promised Kiel a complete am- nesty, and gave him money t.. leave the country until the affair would Mow over. But probably you will ssy, " This cannot be true, that Sir John would never do anything so outrageous a* this ; what evidence have you that he did no." I an- swer you, the very best of evidence : Sir John's own lutter, announcing the fact, and Kir John's sworn statement, confirm- ing it. Tin- sworn statement of Sir John will be found in the n-port of the com- mittee oil North-Went ditticulties in 1H64, at page 111. and the letter I here give in, from page 54 of same report. Here it n INo. 30.] (Private and ttrictly confidfntial. ) Ottawa, Dec. 27th, 1871. My dear Lord Archbishop : I have been able to nmku the arrange- ment for tho individual that we talked about (Kiel). I now send you a sight draft n the Bank of Montreal for fllOOO. I need not pres* upon your Grace the im- |portance of the money being paid to him periodically (say monthly or quarterly) and not in a lump, otherwise the money would be wasted, and our embarrassment begin again. Tho payment should spread over s year. Believe me your Grace's very obedient servant, (igned) JOHN A. MACDONHD. His Grace, the Archbi*hop of Kt. Boniface, Montreal. After reading this letter, you will ask why I refused to vote against the Landry motion ; why I refused tn thus white- wash Sir John. Why, I refused to con- cur in Sir John'* dealings with Loui* Kiel from firat to last. If you dn, I *h*H l much surprised, for from thc tone of THE \i-vAMr, I am led to believe that you arc not a hide bound partizan, and that you are disposed to view questions on their merits, and treat them according If. Sui-h being my view of your fairness I will, in conclusion, remind you, that it was (iabriel Dumont that induced Kiel to leave Montana nd enter the North- West bufort! the rebellion. T don't have to tell you, fur you knnv, that Dumnnt was the head and front of that rebellion, nud was more responsible for the blood shed there- in than was Louis Kiel, yet you have no douht heard, that Gabriel Dumont was wanted a full amnesty l.y Sir John just befon the Chambly election the other day, and yet I havp failod to find in TRB A.IIV *M K any condemnation of Sir John for this act. Probably it will sunn ap- ptar : until it does, I am Faithfully v<>". UBO. L&MUCRBI.V Hanorer, Aug. 7th, 1886. Flesherton courted the opportunity K'aying our elub against the Sflf same arry Bull, because they hoped to reap a cowardly share of cheap popularity. On behalf of K' ur M i It K MAI r C'i.r B. Btomarh ami Moweln.curel WIn.1 Colic, the Gums, reductm Inflaiiiuiatiou, and give and oiu-rgy to the whole n> Hti-m "Mn \\ ins low'* Soothing Hyrofp" for children teething la pk'atiAnt ti> the taHtv ami U the prescription of one of the -Mist and Iwit fenmlu phytUcUn* Mid nurncs in the rmted Btataa. and U for ule by all .lr'K_-ii- tbriiuKhont the world 1'ii.r twrnty-fUt- i-t'iiti a bottle. Be aure and a**; fur MHH \VINMI.IIW HUUTHIXU HTsrp," and take no other kind. Hoaiions wny ynu unniiid pure-bane Kl m 1 1 -ik'lit iitiiK in ]>ri f. r I'M- tu all oilier remediee are: Hripi.l result riiri-n mitantlv It ia aully p- |.li."l no trouble no loat time. It doe* n<t re- quire conKtatlt -in.- <>n SJif H<-atWn Ineffectual. Olio tiottle will ri-niove mftrr pain than any oth- Sl2l(iun er remedy iu i-iiiiteiice. Try It for Neuralgia. 'I ...-tliachi'. ll.'.!i In-. Khi-iiinitiiiiii. Sold it ilic rt-moval of g(KMis from one Htore *v- a bottle by all to another here, during the "silonti watches of the night," formed a rather iutereHting " panorama " for some of tin Station people who had not retired \ until late, one night recently. What did it mean ? NF>W ADVERTISEMENTS. ALWAYS HKyl-lHKD-A good cathsr- tic ruedicinr. National I*ills wit! cot disap- point you. I KHKEMAN S WUKM IO\\ 1>KRH arr safe, sure ami kpvedy to remove worms from children or adnlts. LOWS BULPHfH SO A I' nhoul.l U foanJ with ett-rj U<iUt. It is cleansing and healing. I'U LOWS PLKASAXT WORM SYR- UP is a safe anil reliable worm remrdy for all worm* afflicting children or adnll. Kivr. YHHI. or T..HTI nr. Mr. U. RE-ttfEXS Monday, Aug. 30th, 1886. HTAFF-Wu. WILI.UMS, B. A.. Principal: J. H. UiiKTHora. H A . < luwlral Mater : J I.. '. I! \ . Matlivinnticiil MMUT; W. L. KTKVKKI, H \.KoloncoMantiTrT. H. UcOflSL, H.A.. Ma-ti'r. of Uraxehridgr, writes to *tv that Itiinliirk Hi-mil lUtti-rn eurt'il lii-r of li'-aluuho, fnun wbirh ii>- huil MilTi ml fur livr yrar*, all other in. .11: - 1, i\ in f;ul. il. "What i- MoOrror'i8pH.-<ly Core for"? It In for Dv|iiia. l.nt-r Coniplmint, liiillftee- iiiii-. UiliuumiiiKii.auil it i thenueit blood |>uri fli-r in thi' knuvn world to-day. ' I)oo< ft give . il i -f n. in. n ?'' TliU Inntitiitf urnt up to the July Mamlna- iirinfx Matriculant*. Flral "Av. Ujirty. i Kirt "( .ltr two Htcoiidi, anil one liun n-'l anil M;vi*n Tlilrda. 1 hi. luntitiitii l tho enly one that naket a Aston, I>.'cialty of teacliem' riaiiiinati<. ' . KKKS t'.t '-"> from Aunt to Uccomncr; .11 healihy: litnrr>- (KM-irtj, i'ymti luni. foot liall. buatlnf, Ac. For furthur In for- mation fti'i'ly to WM. WILLIAMS. Irlnri|l. Voters' List, J886. . , annot point to on. iu.t.nco Wh.r. It did j Uvniripa , ily ,,f lhf T.w^ip of full ii til I if Hint. II XT 01 '"' 1 '' Is hereby ulrrn, tliat I ha train- I ll nillti'.l or delivered to the IHtrvom men- ' Where don It have the larci-M tale? Rii;ht In the city of Hamilton. hpre It li manufactured, thero hailteenoverom- tliotieand dollarn' worth told In the la*t year the threat niKJority uf tho nalo* are by ono re- < - - commcnninK it to anotlirr. For nalc at tor. and 1 1 onnd In the third and fourth .ootiou. f The *t 00 ir bottle by tin- UniRKlst N ' "" l - 1 " 1 Al ' th " co '' l< '" 'T l)rtd !'* "' cl i -tioii to In. xi l>r li liv.-r.-.l. of tilt Ladlm troubled willi Pimple*. Illotrh*.. ' "* ""> I'ur.iiaiit to aalil A.* of all P"'~'; HUKh Hand, or Fare, or More. Jpf any dUMrrii. at-i-rarlng l,v the la.t reviiod A-.i-s.niout Hull tlon. .bnnld IIM Mc(lr.Ts,,r A Parke Carbolic Jf ihe iTj Mnn ' <;l l' llt . v ,"'' > "l"<> *""'* '" Cornti-. II will lev- th,. .kin in |H-rf,)ct h.'.ilU,. tin- KI.| Munici|.ality t Kl.'tioni f..r Mi-nilwr Mi..^, clean audcmpd col. ,r. H., ..ire and K rt "' '' .'- ^*t>*" ^T|T ut will t. , t .' l'm thi- Koiiulne. marti- by Mc<iri|or & ParVe. Price Elictlon.; and I hat laid liit wa. firt IMM "1 IV Sold at all llrui; Stores ' " X (hi-re fw'l!,, ,,t*Ho"n Ri-ader." In inforniliiK you of tliti wonderful remedy for CouKliR, CoMn, AMtbma, hroncbltln, ('on.uniptiun, aud all affection* of the throat mi. I IIIIIKN. wr fi'i'l that we are iloinf; you a irreat kiiidneM. an if ynu have any of the above nm- plaint.. If you will only trjr It we will K"arantee nati*ifaction in rv*-ry cane or money refundftd. Aik for McGregor l.uni 'oin|>ound. PrtceJOe. and 1 00 per bottle at all Drug Htore.. PKINTKll \VANTT.n IMMKUIATKLY ONK with from 9 to 5 yearn experience. Munt he minor and thnmuirhly rxllable. Onewhnhaa Vf Y worked In country printing office, with good ill I Kl.'ctorw are called up.nito exftinino the aald lint, piml if any oim -*i..i.,* or any ctber error, an- f. mnd therein, to tnkn lmn)edlat proceed Inn* to havo thc tald orrorn corrected accordlnit to law. WIUJAMJ BELLAMY. Clerk of .aid Muni, ipalit) Dateil thi> 4th day of Aii^unt. IfW. 1M TICK. . knowlexlffo of newnpapi-r, job, ami prexn work. preferred. Apply, Hating wage*, with or with- out board, to AHVAM K (Iffln-. Kle.herton. if,v Rrberca Kennedy, having left my irolatnl board, without anyjnat mum- or 'Hi ThoroiiKh-nred Berkshire Boar. From *tock of J. C. Bnell A Km. will be for ter- vice at Ixit It. <'on. 11, Artvineaia, during thin u-anoii. Teruia tl.OO. si. nil K JUHNHTON. ]>roprletr. > provocation on my part, all uartie. art* hereby orbldden toglvoher anything on my account. (Sd.l AXQU8 KENNEDY., AUR .Ird. 18M. 9M* For Kale. 0) acres It mile* from r*le>berton. Oood warm frame ilwelfinR, 7 rootnn, |(ood collar, a nuvtir failinK nprlnit creek Term. eaur. partiiMilan apply to W .1. MF.L1.AMY. Flft* ton- or to C \\ lir.l. I.AMY. Markilale. .hi Cor her WOOL! I WOOL! Tbosc having Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at tin- FLESHERTON Woollen Factory ! The Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged a stuff of competent hands, we nre now busy manufacturing goods usually kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give us a call. W. H. FLESHBR FLESHEKTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. AT O A.TVI> CETST Cures Cholera.Cholera Morkus, Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and wilt be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCIST1 T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. AT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESH EUTOX, You will find an aucrtuieut of Heavy and Ligrht Harness, VVblpi, Bruthn, Curry Combe. Bwe*t Pd. and Ibc eelfliratwl "llarneu Oil." --;-< oi.i. u:s A MPEUALTY.s* Cbeap for Caih. Call aud KxMiliM. 1886. Miitiieipnlity uf tht 7*icnMif> uf (>if>rey, tif lirty, NOTICE li hereby i von. that ( liare trana- inltieil or ilolivnrod to thc INTSOIHI men- iNl in tho thirit and fourth rctiotu of "The Votvrn' I.i-t Act," tint ciipina rvqulrnl hy ald to Im M> ti annul tti! ur rlli veretl. of the ln purmiant to nalil Act of all ponumi aM|>rrinR by the laM rcvlu'd A-^-HIIII nt Hull >f tin- -ant liulelpaUtjr to he entitled to vote ID ttir saiil Miinn i|*!it) at Kin'tn nr for Muinliur of the 1-njinlativi' A>cn.bly snd nt Municl|ial Klnctlnni; and that Mid Hit wan first pntd up lcx on the 4th day of AiiKuaa, IHHT.. and there for . Kleetnra arecallvd u|>ii tooiamlno the Mid lit. and if any oiiiiasiotia nr any other errors arc fouiiil therein. Intake Immediate procean- "K to bare th* aald errori corrected accord tug to law. WILLIAM MII.NK, Clerk of aaM Mumripality. Dated this 4th day of Augutt. ISM. New Harness Shop PEICEVlLLE! The;ned dmirnfi to Inform the people 'f I'rici-vllle and .urrnundlntf neiithborbood. that beban coniiiirnrM] in the llarneM-Maklnff bu.ineiui in Price-vllli-. where lie hope, to necure hare of public patronage. All woik will In tti-ndfil to at lowmt <;a>b ralxa. Kindle and Dn.ibU Harnosi> i;-.i up iu ftrt clan, style, (lood aiwortment of \\ liii., nni.he, C'tnry Combe, Lap Diuten. KIIRH, A.- . alwaya Inetoek. R J.WATSON. PBOPKIETOB. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO(K)OOOOOOOOOOOOI>0()00 I USD OP THANK!! ! In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, I have much pleasure in being Rtiil able to supply i In in with the following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky Rake. Tin- Ua**ay Harvester. Thc Masscy Mower. The Tolten Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tolten's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. HamiHon'x Scufflers. Hamilton's DoBB Gang Plow. Wisuer's Spring. Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of REPAIRS always on hand. Parties requiring any of Ui above will do well to call and inepect Mach- ines, which will be found in Sproule's warehouse. A. 8. VanDLTSEN, FLBSHERTON. Insurance offrctcd on Farm find Village Buildings and contents. Insurance against Lightning a specialty. Deeds, Mortgage*, Leases, Wills, Ac., carefully prepared and properly executed. Omc*,^ Toronto street, near Town Hall. W, J. BELLAMY, Agent. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWKKXKKXXKKKXXXI HACVARDS ' . a. ~> Wl/v^/ ^ ^VJ YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM TREHMAN'S WORM POWDERS. AT* pleeetpt to take. Contain their own rti. 1* a *afe>, inn, and ISMMSIBr T wonv is r hinrn of A < BEARD'S CA1URAGE WORKS! T . , Flesherttm, May a8th, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the nunu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable u to nro- f 1 I I ~* ** }lf * J.F- IB'.VI-K * K ,, ., .. _!__" W > . t I HT m Hind Fall JUttrtmtit -OF- SPRING HUMMER & GOOD. In Gents, Ladies, Misscg and Childrcns BOOTS & 6H0U8. I endeavor (o satisfy our cnstonirrs both iu Goods and Prices, WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS 8ECTI01L0F COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHBBTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS "V MarUs :-,i Mcsn.E,a! Iforh, Snch as Monuments, Tomb Table, Headstone* Countor and Table TOIM in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on liort notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marblcizcd Slate, JLc., ic. Flusherton, An-. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOB ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMEMT TUK PILLS Purify the Bkd. correct all Dlaerders of the Liver, Sltomnch, Kldn'yN, and Dowels. They Invigorate and reaiore to health Debilitated Conotitatloni. and are invaluable In all Cost plalntaiuoitlental to Feuialoa of all agei. for Children anil tho aged they are pricleai THE OINTMENT tsan I nfalllblo romedy for Had ljea. Bad llnaaU. Old Wound*. Sore, and Ule*** It li faneue fee Uout and Hheuiuatlmu Kor ainordeni of the rhe.l It ua> no equal . ForSORK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS aiandularSwolllst*. sud all Skin INaeues it ha* no rival; and for contracted and itlff joint. It art. like a charm. Manufactured only at Profeeaor HOLLOWAT'H Establishment. TH. Mew Oxford Htreet ( late S33, x ford Htrel K l.n*>. andareioldatl*. l|d.,9s. M., 4*. 6d.. lli.. a . andSS". each Knior Pot, and may be had of all Med cine Vendors throuKhout the World. Pu rchatrn afcwtiW limk Ic tiir Lahrl <m Ike Fot* and Bom*. If thf addrtit ./.;.;, (trford Ktrerf, Ismdon, tln-ii art $pvrift*u. BL^ fLsT^ ~mi J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLKBHKBTON. - - ONT NOTTCE": A thorough bred Durham Ball calf, one month old, for Rale. Also a one year old Durham Bull, with good pedigreeft. Also a good StiTun Flour Mill at Fleaherton Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER. Flcsherton P. O. James Sullivan, Tho Tinsmith, - Flesherton Repairing, Ravetrnughlni;. and In (act *Terr- tnlng In the biulnemi will receive my prompt and careful attention at reasonable prlee*. "BELL" Unappro*che4 for TO OATALoouia ran. A GIFT Send 10 cent* po**s*. and we will mall TOS fra a royal. ralokbU, ample bot of good* that will pill TOS In th wy of mtklnfl mora money at osee. tba* aay~ ' thing ot In Am*rlea>. Both aeM of all ' oan live at homa and work In >|>ari> tlm, or all i the time. Capital no* required. W* will a<art jou. Iin(n*nae nay aur< for thoM who itart M one*. 7JV FLESHERTOfi, TO BE LET OR SOLD. Tho underpinned offer* (or mle hi* rllaok- iniitli Shop, rttable and IhrmniM* adjoining, at a reasonable price: or will leajw the aam lo a Rood man at a fair rental. Thi* property I* well Rituttodnn '<>lHiiRw<pl itreet. FlMherton, near the |planlnjc (actory 8-rtNaoif i Co., Portlaad. Mala* New Butcher Shop ID Flesh- Fetch A Mitchell, PROI'UIKTORS. man at a fair rental. Thia pjroperty I* latod "ti ' iplanlnx . For teruia and particular*, apply tn th* pro- prietor. July Mb, 1M. KOHKRT C(,ARK, l7tt Flatberto*. TIIK uniler>li{ii'1 rrupwtf nlly ac ihll oppot tunltr to annonnoe to the p*pl of rla*b- rrton Miri "nr ri'UMdiMK country, tbat thejr hare ta,rt<Ml a Huirher Khnp In tbe eland neit door to the MarM* Work*, FI.RHHF.HTON. wbrt thoy will be pUaaed to mwt with all wk lc,r them with thfiir patronaie Froeb UeaU of all kind*, and Fl*h, Ac In tlinlr teaaoni. Re|'<-tful 1 > youn, TBTCH * MITCBtIb.

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