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Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1886, p. 2

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Deftstfi I Wliu' I - defiat, great heart to Uiee " ' i l.UoUisu.i. n lu . tul rn>ihtya ia, The tioruj tii.t f i-iin Hi* harvoai jet tub*, The lhat lather faun tbt* sacred flame. V T PUCll lift** W> rlliHr Uj, II Would ill*, AudiUiM our ujwieas lives without alga. In th h- 1 itTMtU before a jeerlDf crowd A luaa l l fiUuliug ucaiu a a*.uwur oJ stones, The cries, Uu, loolT ob, mftuiiu I" echo toad. And diuwu Uie PLUIIUK nujli and dying tirotu. Vb.* oro * <l <lipf re. aou eat u> Me hi ., df a*.l. turf otllnf tur mil Itve Ik* woias hs said. be rack with creaking wluelt tear* limb from limb, Theiweatl s victim UyluKolxluratv, BWjd M the ili i.I JeaiL I)r. over him The ty rtui find ft limit t tutir Uat, tsar * HOD* eB ec* UIMT ratk lias tailed lo CBS ne.-boru principle made boly tbere. Xltl fagots piled around theniartyr'* stake AT* tan [10.1 to laiue by bifnuYe hot breatb, And wave* of huugr; flre around blm break To scorch the sacrifice btfurelts d*a!b. WLtt fooie to dreatu though be to aaties turn, Tbst tlaue e'er yut hai |>uwer a ibuogbt to burn 1 Fools! Shall ibe blew m bar tbs coming seed, Or ea>rljr waves keep back th Bowing tide, Or euviuuigiowwuruii alaytuli|htniuK'e speed. Or uilsts of uioi UIUK uooi ilay'v sunlight hide Truth never yet wa* rli>e aud Hill lot be. Bar vaat pro port U<ut i|>*u eternity. And of all wane, the racked, the Honed, the burned. Upon Wa choree of time we e higher waves Tbtt, UK" cj-e i lug. ol<ier shore liuee ipurned To mark ao i r with their sacred iaave. Too late a K&rltml, coluuit. or crown Aiora* s uauit the w<u l-l h* uauj}>ie<l ilown. A. T. Worttn, in Tkt Judge. a*ae C'keehlrt la t i. i>.n.i. 1.1. . A boy tcr* off s banana sVin Ann bis iiuail uff--yi winked be, O ' hl suul wai dark. and bin smile was broad, And be cbueklea in floudieb, glee. And be threw tl down oa the ptvement wide. I scrtt was tbe peel, ah me I And be wriggled and kicked ani ItujbeJ and And obuckltd In nendiih glee. Aid he cist II down on the pavement wide, 1 hard of heart wa* he, And be whl-li , nd h* roared au I bli bad thoughts soared, And he euuckled in Bendlab glee. A maiden fair with golden hair, Tbe peeling perchance did eee (01 abe waa fair !j and the youth came there, And abe cbackled In fiendish glee. 1 tbe yooth gazed oat o'er bis collar's top And tbe maiden lair tpied bs. Asd be .ettltxl himself to math tbat maid cliuciieU In londiab glee. And bsgtied adown tbe w i. Ie, wid street, And bit 'aerchiel white wavwi be, And be wioktd bie eye at tbe maiden fly, And be chuckled In Bonduth glee. Aad be stepped him tben on tbs pesltnc soft, OB tb* pee nig eotl tei>pd lie. Meanwhile tbe DS%idaa4wM buy asiJe. f uey ebnckied In nendlab glee 1 toe peel wa* aofl and tbe ptvemsbt bard ; Aad Ike youlk, 1 where wts be '.' Atuut tbat time he toorufull; ceaaed To okaekle lo densleu file*. A II 1 1 Tae I ' ! ' I want oa* cbtel wi' pedigree At enld a* Noab't mitber, Wl' uaotbiLg in his heed or e'e Hot tieu ta* acorn tl- brltuer. an ua' for u*-w fautilwl speech 1'at'd bo' tie way tae w owe, YiuU < ' 'reakaa t- nweriuy reach I want Lcait la* lo'e me Vnesqnlr* coiuss yont wl' coach and twa, H Ok'sme iiaeen an' fairy, Tb maobaa 1 st bin seijie a' A m if. 1. 1. ume u Mary. H" brings mo P^HU frosti an* fins Tbtt i.'tbt my we woo me, The r. K! tin k. i- UK' iu bis Hue Au huL*<t beart tae lo'e m* Wben Tarn oom* yont I ask blm ben, B* Stan's na.' uu counther, fwe we tit oou uu lanch and tben We era k < i oe tnltber. Tarn s a ltd tun apeak* wl' sense Weel he keutbou tae woo me, An' wben It's "gold me lit" la tbe spenei I ken there's toe la* lo e me. Old I wad marry wl' tbe *]nlr. 1 ken tbe lang an' Itve o't ; Hs'd eel me op ID tllk attire, An' I wad be Ibe tlsve o't. Jnlet bifleawa ye pimpered lrx>n Tain's leal, tro* heart can woo me, Bit love li better than a croon Kaecoden calf sail lo'e me. Detroit free Prei*. Tkr Bl.od I k. I Korki tbr , rudlr." They stv that man Is mighty, He gnrerns land aod sea. Be Wteld* a mighty soepbe O'er leaser puwen tbtt be ; But a power mightier . stronger, tlsu. from hi* throne bai burled. " For tbe hand tht roeki tbe cradle Is ths band tbat ralei the world." In deep, mysterious conclave, 'MM pbtiosopbie U.ID U, rjnrmvalllBC knot*) problerus, Hi* utilva forte man finds ; Vrl all his " ics " and " lima " To htaTeo'i four wlods are burled, " /or tue band lbt rooks tbe oradls Is the band tbat ru s* the world." Behold the brave commander, Btauneh 'mid t ie carnage stand, U*h< Uibegalilondn*! Witb tb* coion In bin han.l. Brave men tti-j be. yilcryen. Wben t U banner ta uufur.od, " Tbe band tbal rocks tbe cradle I* tbe hand tbat ruin Ibe world." Great itatoamen govern nations, Kind moald peopin't fate, Bnt tbe nnaeen bti.d of velvil The-e gtaute regulate. Tbe Iron arm of furtnue Witb woman's vbaru Is purled, " For Ike band tbat rocks ibe cradle I* tbe hand that rales ibe world." V I.I KB. Owe n.n . I h ror ) .0.1 K iprrtnt r. What pepts they are, to be sort I yet, iay Dr. 0. E Page, tbe remedy li very ilmpla one. Fiia arc scavengers, and only eotr-al leam take op ibeir abode in dwalliDfrsi from which tbe onlixbt and air are wholly or largely barred out. Even loratni are ofc jMlionable, for it la impossi- ble (or air to eater an freely as through a wide open window ; betide*, Ibe creatures will get in by book or crook, and wben they have eodnred ibe itoffy indoor air M long H tbey O*D witb doe regard for tbtir health (t) sad eigb for the pare atmosphere witbroi, tbey are kept in by tbe aereaoB, to wbiob tbe; cling aod do tbi ir belt to obtain fretb air by breatblng witb tbeir note* tbroogh tbe meabw, wbile tbe human inmatee, ilarving aod poiaoniDg, growing weak and predixpoeed ta liekoma, are oon- tent wilb tbe deritaliatd air tbeir only respiratory food, like drink ing from a etagoant pool. Tbe troth ii that eaollsjhl aod fresh air, if allowed the freest entrance to any home, will rbortly leave nothing for tbe flies to do, and these little friends will limply make oeossional cxonnioDi, emgly or In pain, to inspect tbe ptemnee, not retting even to dlnftunre ibe paiut ; while tbe main body of tbe army will make tbeir too often nrjHuooem ui Oghe agtiaitdipblheritie virns In the, wbose Indwellen rralrlet tbennelvMi to quarter rations of oxygen, and prefer darkoene rMber than light. Bnflerera from beudtohe, eleepinem, IBM). tods, or other of tbe "ordinary alight all- uteote" (that, however, m odeh develop into ieioae and nvan fatal eiekoeues) may be oartenn that their trmblei arise largely, if not obi fl/, frnm tbe wronn eioditiobs indicated lo Ibe foregoing. Tbe writer bappDH to know of a few, a very few iu babiled dwelling*, where viiitore remark apoo the almost entire abeenee of flies, and appear perpl'.ztd to aooooot for it, eeeiog bo eaeaoe f Jl their exsloaion. In these homes Hie ever wide open windowi are never blialed, the ihadee are ran op onto( alubt tad newer a Mreeo detaloe the fly pollee wben they bav oonoludod their round of inepeotion When umBoetapi at a railway itali-n witk three minutes- for refresbmebt-, ard U handed out scalding hot cup of orffee.ll Ie dangwroae) to ewk him : " ! this not taOBgb lor yon ?" Lonflon li going to celebrate the 1 OOOtb anniversary of tbe restoration of the eliy b Alfred, King oftbeWeet Dazone, lo SM.Bfter II had been deelroyed by tbe Owe! wd other barberiMie in 839, A D. JEAN. Sweet and dainty M the wise-eyed daintt i pinned agaiuatber braa*t ; ultudur add c0k(ul M Ibe tall poddlDil g'aiece that bruch agaiobt Lor nkirU ; bwtet acd (air and lovely M the Jane morning itself that i* Jean. Bi<, aolemn, blue eyes like a bit of tbe icminer aky above her sonny head ; a curw.d, tender mootb, where dimplea lark aua lovely little imiles creep in and oat ; oft most ^ draperies aud a gipsy bat aei above ibe blosbas and tbe dimple* that is Jean. And tbe eeel eummer morniox seems sweeter (or ber preeanee and tbe fiild dowers ood m frisuoly way and tbe imall browa birdii along tbe path slog little ooufldennal songn to ber whom tbey both IDOW sad love. Tbe country roid in graaa-growu and de- ttrted. It ie a " short 031 " to tbe villa, e beyond the bill, to wbieb a broad, white tiim-pike i weeps and leans Ibe eborter io 1 . ) quiet and repose ; the grasa in soft teroaa it and the ground eparrow bai ber oeel in tfce wgxoo track*. The gran is eiudded with d>i<iiee, wbite and yellow, sod eweet-wi'liams blosscin gayly among the (urple tblatKi. Uiyori I, ia tbe fields, tlie ooru waves, a dark, grteu, sbimmertcg ses, over tbe nlope and oat of sight A clear greeu tea, broken ouly now and then by a utately mjllti^ etalk wbiob ream IB yellow head above tbe ebiuiog oorn aod eeemi to look, wiib ao air of ponre oio. . over Ibe broad fl ld. In tbe shadow o( the (euoe the dew ii not yet dri-d, and glisteoi bravtly at elray eanbeams a .d tbeir way to it. Tbe birds eiog tbeic merriest, tbe inn shine* iu brni'i-.ts: aod throogb it all walk] Jean with dowuoatit, happy eye. " While yoo are awv, you will not (or- get-)oa know what'.'" ber companion b*.vn nolJiog oloeer her warm right baud. " Yon will not forget, Jesa T " "As if I c jul J, yoa fooliih b^y," she tayi witb a happy laugh. " Bai you my forget." " Yen, wben I forget to live," he s*yi. " O J, Jean I wbat would the world ba to me withool you ? " ' A very lovely wcrld still,' ebe says, but bo slakes h:s bead and they walk on in tHenee. Tbey walk on, down the hill aod through the village streets and op tbe liokety plat- form where, ouee a day, s loariug exprtie train btop* atd bnnge, for a mouenl, same u( the city's smoke and din to tbe quiet o -ion try. Tbe station matter, ia flippiog Blr&w hat tnd patched corduroy trousers, loao k ee oa a truck ia the moruiug laastaine. A good catared old coap'e lit elose together in startled antioipalion of departure, and a blue yoong fellow, wbo?e satchel haog* by a strap from hii sboaldur, smotbere a yawn and opens bia dull e>es farther to take in more o? Jean's (resb loveliness, ss she cjmes forward. 1 It ie Ibe laet time, Jean," ber lover whi^iered. " Ton will never go away from me ag&ii. Think of it, my sweet- heart ! Tba very hit ' good bye ' ibat we neei ever say." Tbe sweet, red bla-bet e-^aie eeeli other over ber roes leal f.oa aod eraft wbile neck, wbieh kha linen oilltr KUiid< 10 jealoaaly. " Tne very ias)," sae repaate softly. Lei m* pu ibi dai<iy oa your coal, Dan. N j 1 T .u w>U tbiok of me wben it Ie withered aod you throw it sway. And I wiUkbep the>c i- o>> until they (ade and tbiuk of )ou > very mtnate aod know tbat yea are tb<ntit>|{ of me." Ana so tbey talk a>nd laogb, aud bis fond tym waiob ber 6 iwer-like faei tbal rallies and bin beencdtr bie tender gssi. at tbe latt, be bolda u<bl her soft b*Ld, M if be would never let Sbem fa, and ia>. : " I eao b*rdiy let yon go, bat it it the last time, dear. Oar Jail gxd by ; are yoa no) glad ? ' ' Q jod-by," i>bo whispers. " For jail a little time. I iball keep tbe fljwere, Don." Bii lips toaeb Lers, and tbe train speeds awy He e.'ohen a list glimpie of tbe fair, flatbed face, a I ail fmile and a lait wave of ber baud ; then I be gipsy bat has vacished acd fair-bain* 1 linle Jeau hu gcce. It is stracgely dark and dreary ae be walka away. He walki slowly back tbe way they came, bat tbe ran ii hot sod glaring ; the dew has dried aany ; Ibe birds sing baribly and tbeo;lor aod tbe beauty have faded from the fhwen. It li a viry doll and prossia world, much unlike th-j fairy land tbtt be paed through a l.i'le while a '0. e e Nuiec, occfuiion and cxeiteu LI. Qsjlee, sobe and eager qaeiticns. " Bow did It hkppen?" " Who WM to blame?" " A broke u rail?'' " Ai opt a switen ? ' A crowd of kw*)i: g, jcftltag aui kvrrow- fiil iicople. Elbowing bis way tbrougb them comes a wbi:o-faoed mun, witu a drooping dai-y in bii buttonhole. He stride) biratgbt to the door of tbo wailing room from whiob eome moani a^d sobs ; throat* aside tbe official who would br bie way snd wbo abrioki baak from hh drswn, deaptriits faee. A soiled wbite drese, a era <bad gipay bat cad a white, upturned faee. He lakes ber in bin arms and, witb no word, bean ber out from the noise and crowd. People make way fur him and tnro thair eyes awuy, and eyee are dim and lipi qaiver. Oat of tbe crowd be goee al lays bar gsotly down on the grau. There is blood en bur wbile forehead, be wipes it tecderly away snd imoolbes back Ibe fair, tingled hair. Her limp bandei Hill bold the flawero tbat hive hardly withered. He kisses bar snail, o;l J hands, her Hill white lips and calls ber by tbe old, fond, tender names atid there is no reply. Holding fait her fljwirs, with the happy smile ihi still Imgeri on ber lips, Jean has gone nwif lly Itrribly -- oat of all poe- sible harm aod misery. Her bead is heavy in bis arm, and lo bii paoionate criee tbere it no answer, and be banes bis gray, haggard (ace in tbe cool grass snd bolds fast ber dear band. " The laot good by tbat we need tver say," hs moans. " Ob, Jean, my darling, it was. Bat lake me witb yon eome for ms I" Bather lips do not answer or move, Ih'iugb ba watches them and warms them with bis brealb. Tnen he fold-* ber band- up .L her breant and olanpsher flngera abint the faded dailies and bow bis head, wbile tbe sbsdow, thai never will be li.'ted, somes down and takes him into ill embrace. DIIENCIIANTED. "And there's nobody here to meet me after all I" raid Felix Cuortecsy, fuiln g die- eoBtet tedly at t>i* bilky bt a:d. Pieseutlv, tv.rrvcr, tbe noieo of wbrels wu Ijeotdl, and what Mr. Oonrtcnsy Ihongbt i onciocu lltt'.c turn-out drove up. Iu il tbtra ul *a girl wrapped iu a gray oloal, with a tor^ Ie) ribboned hat tied ccounly under ber obio "Ob, there yoa are," ibe cried, and wilbcul s word he got up by ber tide). By the waung twilight Mr. GourMaa>> ojuld me that bit fur ohuKititr wai * roty o uulry g:rl, wiib lrgi, loog-lMbed eyes, masaei of black wavy Hair, and s> dimple 10 her chin. " Ara tby expteiugme altbeUrm?' " O >, yee," eid Lotiy Bloisom, for tba: wan ber name, esrefolly gaidii-g liar d. u key pasi the beeiiicg tdge (f apreopio<>, " ypnr room ii qiile ready, iboogb Wa woitewahbed i) >>storday mormcg, scd litrbara will havu ib carpel down tody .'' "Bubaral" 1 She i' my sister, indlha prtt'i i: ia tbe fati'ily Bba is aim- si (n|j>ged toun elegant L >udcner, MI J ttia straUKeit part of i is tbal be doo'l for Ibe) msa a bis." "N<?" " N jt a bi*," rp <ati d L illy . " B arbar ays ber city hi au is old und wrinkled and ha< gray hair m moastsebe." " Ore. if nil" rein rkttl M'. Ojurlenay, " Iu'i ii ! " obimtd iu Ln'.y . " Tbcugfa, of ojotre, us khe B), tue older he in the Conner he will leave ber a nob widow." " DJQ'I yon think," ibe added, ladder *y, "that tbo kitten would be quieltr if yon were to take tbe b*ket in your Up ? " Atid :beu tbe began to ohat aboal other Ink g-- tbe dibtant glow of Ibe iron foaodry agtinsl tbe iky, tbe long of a (ar diiisuit ouokoo in the Kl', tbe came ol tbe huge ptelnrerqua oragi wbiob Blood like beutiueU alonK ibe road. " I mpfQit," the laid, presently, " tbe children are earning op in tbe nut train 7'' " Wbst children ? " laid Mr. Gjuttenay, witb a itarl. " VVby , yoars ; the four little ooei," stud Lolly. 11 I think," (aid Mr. Oartenty, sfler a (ew minutei' pazz'.ed medititian, "Ibal you are under a Jalne inaprtstiaii. Ton sue, perbapi, taking me for -- " "Aren't yoo Mr B>daey Haliton, msvm- IIU'B oau-iu, from V rk-liiru ? ' ibe Mked taruing abruptly tow.rd faim. " Not at ail," said oar biro. " My name ii Ooartensy Felix Coarliaay." Lolly gsve a liltll brisk tad uesvrly dropped the reins. " Then," ibe cried, " you stre Bubira's lover?" " I'uf jrtoualely, yes," be amwerej.witb someihicgof bilterniss in hie ML e " Or, perhaps, it would be more eorreet to *ay hat I was." "Ob!" cried Lolly, checking ber iteed within eight ot tbe cheery lights of tbe fsrmbouie. " What have I dooel Il'sjmt M msmms and Barbara are alvays Idling me my horrid, baleful tongne hit too sway with me I I thought yen wen our oonaiu, >.i d that yoa would like lo know all the news of tbe (amily, and now aad now - " " 8 op, my oblld," laid Mr. Canrlensy, linoerely Icuoh'd by her geuaiae aod cvi dent gii-tf. "There is no oecaiioD lor all this trouble. We will kerp out own etc re. you and I. I am noiaoga<ed to Btibart, aod (.robabl, never shall be. Bus yua aid I shall always mind always) be frieodt." Tbe two went into Ibe booie together. Tbe ti{ iiiiiDg-room wu empty, bat tbe fair Barbara ecreamed from ta adjacicg ipar menl: "Lottyl Lolly I Turn Ned'i bcid aronr 1, quick I Drive to tbe utilise is faht as ever yoa can. Tbat (irtsime old Oonrtenay has telegraphed tbal be will be op by tbe o'clock train, and nol i BOD there lo - " "Hash I Barbara," Bail Lilly, with a composure thai asjtooiabed heneu. " Hs bae eome already. He 11 here, ' Barbara hurried in, forgetful of her curl pspr and general deibabille. On, Mr. Cjorteosy, what i very, very deh.'htful lorprise Ibis ill" " Tes," he said, ctreleiily. "I wu Koiog on up to Sky Top moantsin unl thought I woald stop ben on the vay. I hcpe yon are pretty well?" And bs wai gone tbi next mornicg, almoit before daylight, thanking Provi- dence for bis lucky esoapt. Mill Barbara Blossom never knew why his admiration bad grown so rnldeoly cold. And little Lolly kept her own eoanitl. " Bat I never, never will cantor 10 f Ml- isbly to a stranger aguio," ibo Inwardly vowed. And a few years afterward, when ili.-i beesme Felix Ooortenayi wilt, mere reserved aboal herseiltandher batd than ever. A i;i t -I Ki> Of ll I \ l. ii.. Inc. . . . . ii- M h t He iiro P pr<i Hie Htsirr. In Ibe olub window ; " Pretty girl tbat." " Yaas." 11 Hue looked al yon M if the knew you." " Teas." " Does she ?" 11 Well, the faol ie, me boy, she's my siilaw. But she mawied a fellaw that wanssitaw, aw someibiog of that saw, *od Ibsy livi in a haw ding boose, so I owo'l affawd to weooguize haw in pablie. Bat I always send haw my eawd at New Tsab'i. Paw giwl I Bhe has been fooh-r. atbaw than owiminal, don't chew know." TotnTofict. There Is a breaoh of promise io prospect for the Middlesex Fall Ass-Zii. Some inteonly aflaotionate letters may be pro daeed. In one of lhe-e was enclowed a lock of balr with a few vtrsee Imploring ibat a kiss may be lent in return, and expressing e solemn oanvietion tbat a kis< on psper woold be better than no kin at all. This is point of some seientlfle interest, and, oo doubt, will engage the btst attention of tbe court. It Is said the Menoe will demand Ibat Ibe kiss be pro- duced. We're lioi 'Rm n she I. In. Evory uswspaper knovri the man wbo it alwayii r aly to smaggl* a ad. into tbe newspapers osier the gales of lootl newi item?. He ii nslarally a miau, unpro- grcjtive eitisan. He ii cevir willing to advertise, and therefore oanco) poBtibly know anvtbing a boot tbe vslue of adver- tising. Yet hi ie tbe very man wbo to readily volunteers tbe information that advirti'iag don't pay. Hi h&en'i aenie eooagh to Me, or if bi seen, be hasn't honiftty euoagh to sokoawlidge, ibi*t ibe most enooerefnj mra are they wboa-dvur- tise the most- jet be doea aoknowlidge it in a mean acd ooderhindea nasnner by everlastingly laying for the reporter with a writ in beep'H clothing, in tbe ibspeofa "puff ' dresHedout a local. He in bnmerooi aud he is everywhere. BIB bnnineis ii ot the slew order. All bii naelbods arei eld, played oat, aotfqaatad. Histbopiidnily, and nobody more than five nailei away ever goee to bli commercial deadbonie to buy anything. He is s nniiance ia ibe community, and ii always oppoeiedto local reforms and progreis. very Iowa bM him, and bis only good la ol tbe negative order, il * insisting in tbe taot tbett hie du-iiy windowi, hli stagnant ilyle of boii- nei, and his general baokwatdneiigtveoat a ghastly warning to yoang men of tae praclieal results ol the foolieb molio : " Dm 'i sjvsrtiee." Alibongh this kind of man, s B oted with dry rot, ii wi tb ne), it la donbtfnl wbe ber our grandchildren will know him. L ke Ibe noble rid man, like all things wboie very tiiitente is a protest gainm the progreii of li J iga, hi moat go." Meanwhile the man who advertises rakei io donate, which is eminently in accordance with thelawof nslarsl AlLeis, merely another proof of the tbnory of " tbe survival of toe flileat." Simmtrnde Journal, I* lirlU'ulDg. A < i . in i-i. bake Sharp in Delro t Free Proas.) 1; U* btbu r,d tliktamau w.i: ::...: j ull cv r th* world acd ralsla a pretty gul opiuiJii ol hiiL-olf, but the oiutnsui ho arr.v s in Now York he Is taught how . - i^Liuijtiila perou be u Aeu ibe custom < ifli err. t their work in cu blm. O d trovellek-s tell me lb*l the mta -> cm toon-bcuM m tb* world tj pain in ibe CUP in New York. L'er.ouully I tnuil i-ay 1 never fouud itio. 1 bave lalieu into the handi of veiy genlleminly cffljem wbo iui me Wi us lulls triable as p^saib.e, made a tolerably thorough overhaaltng of my goodi and chattel*, and tbeo ehalked tbe Iranki. I nsvsi paid a cent in bribes as any ou> torn home I ever passed. Eng- lish people are ge&er&lly very bitter agaimt tae Now York oattom bouse. A London lady I .Id me tbat the cffijer wbo attended to btr t ruuka said, as be bent over the open HortDuenl ot miilicery, etc.: "It yoa will let me know at wbat hotel you are stopping, and it it u worvii 110 for you to hem your trunkx paseid th,oogb without ezamiaatlon. I will call this afternoon.' 8be (jave him ber*>ddrt>B, he oallud and got tlO A Mauobeiler man wbo corns* lo Amioa every jear wilb orpel xaui^laH tuid me tba* bs alwiy* gave tui officer at N -w York 910 and thai bis truLki a'.d mplepHed sbroogb all right. In run- deriuK hii aooonnt lu sba flriu that em- ployea him they otjedted to thu item. Be aid Ibe item bad been allowed lor year*. Bull the aenior partnir objected. He objteted OD bixb moral grcnode. Il wa* bribery and they oonldu'l o:UDtecance kbit. Tbe traveller Bail tbal it eaved blm a> great deal ot time aad troable. Taey paid it, bat give their traveller to under- emud Ibat co more items of tbat sort would be approved. Next trip tbe traveller BcUlboouaioms mo ttiat there would be no more bribery and corruption. The officer liJ tbe gooig sppraiied and tbe ojpet mm bad to pay 975 doty on his amplei. Wben Ibat Item waa present! d o tbe home firm tbi leoior pan tr f rowued, robbed hit noil a bit aod sail : ' Well, perhaps il is belter to pay the man thetlO; it ttemito be Ibe ooatom ot tbat wretobed eoabtry." Womnb seem slwayi flattered at the th'iagbt of paniing a onitom house. I gaee moil of tbem buve reason to be. It i olsimed that no woman ever passes a oaa- tjom bouse withont ciua^Kli''K- This ii a libel oo the ladle*. i tbe tcp ot tbe eupolaed oustom house at Venice tnere ie u woman wbo seem to be harrying alocn over tbe dome. I think eviry one will admit Ibat thai womau ii tmoggiitK rjothicg. I am only loo pleated to ba able to give tbisiustaioj of a woman wbi is oomioailly pateiig tbi custom houte and yet loineXiei co article of clotblog, old or new. The list time I pasted tbe custom house in New Y^rk tuerc wai an E:g uh wtm*n wbo seemed in gnat terror of tbi eaitom cffiiiekli, 8ae deoUred she had nothing dutiable tbul Bbc k-.vr of. I a faced .'..r tbst in that ore Uo bad nolbiun to f*ar. Tbi c fflter made a very thorough i-Xkmica tioo ol ber belotgicga, and fltbcd on: . ' ra' boien of glovte sad k few kLiok ktiioku ibn he laid be woald uavo to obsr^e aaly oo, aud, alter Bj*ertainibg Ibe pno-, told ber wb l the amoant woa'd bo. Bbe paid il with a trembln.i: kind, bd when be Lai oi.alked tbe truuki Bbe klipptd 10^. tbiLH iatu hi< p ui Ui tba. ked her a^t} klipprdil iuto bi> po:ki't. I rcli Ibat ibs Loiicr cf my ooontry wit- at kt .Lu. I i.aid tj bur: "i).J yuu giv. tbal fellow hi y mo: cy ?" " I give bim two pjuuds. P.eve dci ot say avcytbiuk; aboai n. I aui eo glad ibtit tbis worry ii over." " Ba) tbal in au en'ra^e. Be didn't favor yoo *u.y. I never law a more tbor< i-gh searoh cf a trunk ' " I wa* told it was tbe cj-:oin ot ibr ooontry." "Itiioosneb thiog. Tu* foil:* ie abcaod to taki eo much from y u. I wouldn't mlod h if be had favored jou any, but ho didn't. Utke blm difgorge." " Now I stsnri yon," said the earnestly, 11 thai I don's al all mind the monsy, ad ocly want to git oui of tbis bcrcid plaoe." Nuvettbcleie I went up to my man atid ttpred bim on tbe shouldsr. " I'd ba mooti obligel to yoa." aid I, " if yea would bave Ibe kiudueti to return that two toundi that ldy gve joa." " Sue gave me Lotting " " I law her give il to you." " Did she say tha gtva mi anything ? ' Y , , ebe did.' " I don't believi) it." " Come back, tben." We wem lo whore tbe iDxtonily on fce: Irnak. flfle. ' Thii man ys tbat yoa said tbat I received nwuey from you 1 denied 11. Was lady was titling Tbe iffior ipoke Btrteasi Uwsird. Several African trsvallen hiving re- ported tbe existence of s race c / dwsarfi in the northern part of tbe Ktlshatri Dasicrt, ne%r Lake Ngami, Mr. 0. M.Fswiol under- took a j jurney to Afrio tot the parpoie of verifyiug these statements. The eipfdiiioo was attended with oioniderible difTiiohy and danger, bat Mr. Ferial was ncoeHtal in atlalnicg bis object, snd ban ritnrned. bri'giug with him sly ipcolmoni of tbe " Akka*," as the rsoe li called, who are now being exhibited in Berlin. Tbi tllp- of these African dwarfs Is 4 leet ( ino ie", but tbey are well formei, nolive and intelligent. The Akias dlsplty gnat aoorage and skill In hunting, In which th< y u-e poisoned srrowi. Tbey liad a nomsdio lift, and st night dig a bole In tbi groood, throw up the isnd round tbi eidie of it and thus receive all tbe protection r qairsr 1 . Tbi Akka* bave nomarriageoeremorjy scd no religion of any kind, Tbi largest ind strongest of esoh family ie th r*M>({r;ii'd chief, tbire bring no bead ehiif. M they do not li vs In tribee. They are bronst-eolored , and their langaegk li eomponrl of lawtrllea- late sonnde and oomhinatiom of icuid' , aided wiib many gNtUM. Certainly, officer, it U all rigbl and I id sure I am very maob obliged to yoa, indeed." " Now are yon latiifled 7" be tsid (o me. " Yes," I answered, and I turned away. I taw the lady waa very much frightened, being alone in a foreign country, aod I did not wint to give ber further trouble. Bai I reeulved to briog my friend. Ibe cffiaer, np wllta BJ ibort tarn for bis piooi ot impo- Biliun snd iatimidalioa. Wbia we were out ot bearing ot tbe l*dy 1 1 Aid: " I inppoie you thitk tow etdi tbe matter, N jw, my man, we will go together lo your emit abd if I don't get tbal 3 cat of your clothes il will be beoanee you bave slipicd ttem ihrjugh tbe wharf ; lu either oe tho o iah won't do yon much grad." Thecfflaer emiiod grimly and cynically Hi* band was in his trousers pocket snd he actually jingled the coins tbere si bs looked ma etraiiihi in Ibe eye. " I itill take yoa to my ebief with plea- tare," be isid. " I suppose you have really in Idea wbat a darnel fool yoa are making cf yourself." Hs slowly drew bis band from bis pocket scd ibowed ms five goldsn lovereigns. "Ten ie tbe amount the lady gave me. Bhe ain't afraid cf tbe Cu.iom House just tow, but fibo'B frightened to dnatb of you. Jus> 'oak si her. Bhe ia about ready to faint and the ii probab:y wiebiug yoa wsre at tbe bottom of New York Bty al tbis moment. That woman bi over V5 000 wcrtb of new jiwelli-ry al the bottom of ber trunk. It ie irau I made a good rearch and charged btr lor ifewtbiogi. buu made ber bargaiii witb me wilb ber eyes and wiibon) optn- log her lipi, balihe'i oonviaoed she ean'l p.uud lliostato of tff*ira into your tbiok sknll with s sledge htmrner. Young man, yoa iboald travel a little and try 1 1 accumu- late lomeeEnteand some knowledge of tbe world. Or eUi yon should stick to a farm and kiep away (rom New Yjtk. I. H a wicked pltee, my eon." Igaociyouareaboutrlght,' laniwered. " Wbal djyoodriuk? ' " I never like sn> thing, thack you. Take my advice and avoid the fl) wing bowl y .urn If ' "All right. Perbtpe in lime I may be omeau houeil and icoirruptible oitizan like yoa." Tberi'i nothing like trjlog," he replied, A remsrkabli accident occurred in New York city a (ewdayi since. A woman was walking along the east aid* of Sixth avenae, wben taddenly the was leen to whirl op into the aii lo tb* height of thirty feet or more, tod (all, b'niied and lecss- lene to tbs pavsmenl. Tbt caase of tbis itrange cssnally wis a telegraph wire, which bad been out nrl allowed to drop on the sidewalk. A swill pawing train strook kne wire, twisted it about the woman's head and burled bsr into the air. Although nrioosly injured, tht violim of this start lio g cala mily uiy rto J vsr. i i u ii 1. 1 r TOPIC* 'THE late A. T. Stewart," ttayi llurftr 'i Weekly. " found it t ) hi" advantage to give o c9b bead of drin-imet.t ol bin buhl oejse a pstejwtefi ol '. j-r ti': - th drptrtmeoi. ia atlUiuo. <o a KUru- to" : talary. Oae yoar tbn bund of the lace Urpirloi'.'Ut earutd W7 000 av.d the head < f another departmeoi SW 000, 'be per- centage beiog 1 per cent, of tbe profits of Ibe department." IT Is on tbe bills tbst Lady Maud Orfilvie, duaiibter of the late Bail ot Airlie, of London, England, is soon lo marry an Amerioto. Bine* the death of ber father Lady Maud bae spent tbe sammers in Emeu Park, Colorado, with bar brother, wbo OWQI ImmeoBe tracts of land iu tbe Wcit. porebaeed by the late Earl. Tbe marriagd is to take plaoo in Ibis coon try and tho dowager Lvly Atrlie will com: from England lobe presenton the oeosiion. THAT picturesque rural rite, ibeep waeh ing, has got to go. Indeed it has gone, to a great extent, already. Tbe Wtal Journal sayi il does col know a sicgle argument io its favor. Tbe practice was inaugurated at an early day, aud it ii a relic of old limes, wben tbe wool shorn from the imall fl ok* in tbe EiBtr-rn States waa lately need op at home. Then il was neeeemsry to wann ehbcr before or after sbearioif, to prepare il (or carding or gpioaing. Thcs days are pa>4. and both the aheep and their ownem oobbt to be glad of it. L NMN society bai been dreadfully di-- torbd. Il appnars that tbe two youngsters, tbe Prince of Wales' boys, wbo sailed round the world and then wrote their prtooioui observations in " Tbo Oruise of the Bie obante," have been foacd gailty of plagur islng from Charles Kingsley. Mr. Lb n chire tries to eomtort tbi boys by telliL them tbsl other great men bave been font gailty of similar wicked [radices', amou others tbeir royal graodmjtber's gre* Iriend and adviser, Lurd Beaooui- field, wb Hole bia oration on lac Dake of Wtllingto from Thiers. EM rains ELIZABETH of Aaalria bsi beei ia failing health (or mme time past ind Ib iboek ibe sofiered on beating of tbi trag o*l end of ber ooa-m, the Uie Kiug o Bavaria, almost wholly [roetratedber. Tb doeton bave accordingly resommended he not to ride any more, and Her M-j y bai decided to Ul ber fins sttd go to ibe ham mrr. Tbe Empreit wax one of tbe mot daring horsewomen in Eroce and too maob more interest in bir btables than ptltoe affairs. It wa from her Eagl siablemen tbtt Her Majesty lit raid E i 'lib. wbieb ehe talki qaile tt jeotly. FBIXCU itatlatiet jahtpubli>bsd eantsii alarming iDformatiiu oneernlng tbe io oriase of crime armog children of both sexes. The demoralisation of tbe yoaui idea bai evidently rcaihed a point ii France which demands the rcriooi atten tloo of all interested in ibe future welfar of tbeooaotry. Tb- ua;ua<r f ffauder U' i1r 16 years of age hat augmeLtoi frnm 3,235 to 6 S79 for h '>H *o] f DO 418 ((. for Kirl. From 16 1 3 81 ytar. ot Hge nntneer d orimijals hs tuerea<<ed from 5 936 !< 20 489 for hey, i.nj frc>tn 1 046 t a 839 f ir Ki'l<- 'Ibo ratio ot erioia amoni off-udtr- under a^e hai tbf n f or* ooiioi j erably more lhaa doobltd do>iug Hie pa- fivnyrar* Tbe alatisuei rvgietcr tor ib Aral liine numeroai oa ts of tutcilo c- in mitieJ by chiidteo. TK a (i*n>phl:t reeenlly pjb i.b^d b; LieaKnaul A. B W>rk ff, U.i J Bl*'* N^vy, uiud-i iLforiuauo . 1 1 given *s t > ill u of c.:; 1 1 q ii-|.i K Htorm WAV o Tb wti-er a'K'. e! ibe poilosoi by of ire too j e . Ibe Nil witb iii lew tpsaioog.-aTity ti i .. Oo tu aur'iOt) fo m< i. fl.m, h oi ih writer e .trjp.rm to a (bin rubbt blabkst ovir Ibe water." B o*ae ot the vi*a .mty cf the oil the frie.ioL -. f thi wini does not ruinare ibn fliru, bui wuile tb fpecd of the at-du tlon in icareaiied il4 farm i* ahacged from the ovtrubslaiLi storm wave luto a hetvy swtll. Tut if _;, Liea:ebtk'.:t Wjoc. fl onim j , on always be obtained at lea it a eli->bli 01 ie ussd. Be bai examine! onu hnndrtt and fifteen reports of ibe use i.f oil ia marine utorms not finds tbit a'l tbe trials were vsry mooe-nful txoepi four. Xoi greatest tueo^ei it obiaiusa with Ib buavior oili tprsai well lo wiadward Mirmera about to sail for ilio tropiej a this nason should go prepared to try tui tfflasoy of oil in owe ici y " OJOUI.T bar rioanei. IT ia certainly qai'.e sua.^e, lays tb> London Ath-tm*m, after all tbat hae been writlcD on tbs religion of Buddha., to flod as one d e, a oon-iderable number of f.irlj well-lnf <rmed persons who iappo.-e tba gei nine Boddbism still exists in the plains of India. Pcrhapi tbiumpreesion maybe l-rtlydue in the oontmaed txiitenoe, in cvernl widely eeparsled regions, of tbe J.ios, wbo eertaibly to any obeerver bear, in tbeir strict maiulebauai of monaetio uasge, tar moreresemblaneilo tbifuutd^rs ot Baddbinai than tbe deginerste Bod dbiiliof Nepal or some of Ibe countries beyond. Tbe contrail ia tbe fortunes ol Ibe two religions ii one ot tb* strsngeil in hiiitory. Both trace tbeir origin lotbeiame region of India, std both bava In si-cue periods cf Ibeir career oinoled adherents in all the parte of the eooulry inhabited by Ibe Aryans; and yet the one, periehmw utterly ia its birthplace and leaving there Lot io maebas a popular traiiaoD, has now overspread tbe further M| >-o as to be In soois sent s the greatest religion ot tbe world, while Ibtt other, ariiiog from ooLdi- lione similar, it not identical, remain* io India to the present day much as it htn ever been, nut wholly obscure nor deititaie i.f irjflaenlil memberi, bat, as s system, who ly apart from tbe main oarriuta of ths national life, TBS hU hlioi ot the world's production of sogar bhow tbat tbere ii a Heady and large annual inoriase. Tbesmooni of cane Huvar prodnced in tbe seMoo of 1886 6 was 3,905 000 loo*, an Increase of 733 lOJ toui uvr tu nl 1884 6, and 1 078 583 ton* over lh%l of 1875 6. Cub ltd tbe list witb 600, 000 tnrm ibu season, wbieh wsi a falling 1 ff n> 27.000 IOUB from tbe year before and 61 058 eon* lees Iban in 1876 6. Tbsre was aliro a decrease in tbe product of Java, tbe next greatest eooree ot lupply, of 00,000 tons from tbe yield cl 1881 5. Bat iu the prodootion of almost all other cane-grow- lug outlines there hai been, as shown by ibe totals, a marked advsnoe. The yield ot beetroot eager (3014000 tons ibis seasoii) hai fallen iff 601 000 toni from tbe last annaal rep->r, bus o imparieon witb h* ituiitioa of H75 6 ibowii a growth of 702 689 toni in teu years. These reporti do nut recognize glucose scd grspe lugar or lorghnn. ngar, or maple ingar, and an evidently nude op from the baiii cf com mereial etallnticj sinciruiog ibe ingar thai bai entered the mtrket. Biyoid tbii there are vaet qa>nlitiei ot cane l prodoced for dome.- tic une in all tropioa eonnliiee sad oanenaei by Ibe producers and tbetr immediate neighbors, wbiob do not enter into the computation. Tbe moil notablo increase in any country li tbe beet root sugar yleH of Ratals, which bsi rown from 222 000 tone tu tbe season t ( 1875 G aod 380 000 tone io 1884. C op to 62.-> 000 toni iu 1886 6 I.AWN TBNNIB. 'I'*)* 'l< d/ 1 ii Vavcrlie nmiunnl a Ue* - LU. in el u,r Old VrcBch I. . . " Fuotbill niver became utturaJujd In M, but varinnt other gtmts fl jaiiihed taer*. Tbe unit imp'jrtsnt of these wai unaeatio .ubi> ;b*ju dtpaume tbepareui K*aie ot nvei, racket: ai.d lanuis. Tbe ball uted wai a bard cue, and wa* ulruek backward and forward by players ranged in two opposing lines. L.ter padotd glove* wire lutroioo.d, snd later still ths racqait. Ia 1424 a girl named Margot ex- celled all uieu |a>(ra vt me game. 8b woie no gloves, and strnok tbe ball lodit- fireutly wiib tbe palm and hick of ber baud. The nams ' fives" sssnas to point to a development jeu de paume in wbiob there were ttvo players a ide ; and it ie on record that a match of tuli description was played al Eivetbam by tbe Msrqoess of Herttord'i servants for ibe edification ol Qateu E iisibetb, who, ai iu doty toond, txpreated herself va-tly delighted wilb ths performance. Ba: 1 >ug befors the dsys of Q teen Botu tennis proper had buthi mtu itiojujpiicited life. Her royal grandtatber ahd father were both great exponent* of the game, aud it U to be noted wiib sor- row tbat tbe former (untied tbe rtprebe:.- i-i' It practice of bating " sometbirjg on ibe Bailie." There may still be teen a paper of kOtt'Ontii with tbe entry, " Item, tur tut KIOK'S lo B at teijui-, twtlve penes ; for tbe in- 1 of hallo, ibrte pence," Tbe memory of Henry VIII 's great game i* ill B retu ia tbe aijuaU of tennis. He played with tbe Emperor Maximilian agaiuit the Prince olO.-auge snd the Margrave ol Brandeu- barg ; and eleven games were played, atd then Ibe >riies agreed M leave (ff aud o slider tbe oOuteit as andioided ; though o : whsl groond Ibis last btep was takeu li Lot very obvious to tbe modern, wbo ban a teLdenoy to believe tbal one bide mail have tbe advantage after an uoeven number ot gtmei. The direo) descendant of tennle IB the game known ai lawn tennir. Though cf comparatively reoei.1 origir, ite aathorrbip is nol less obBoare Ibau mat ot Janioi' letteri ; and the warfare already wiged in pamphlelBon thembjto) is probably cut foretaste ot tbe d D. uiu that will be raietd in a few houdred yeari beuee, wben Ibeis will bave been lime for asveral morn i:i- venter* to bave claimed ibo credit of adapt ing teuriiii to the opvn air. Teuuia proicr fortonately still tnrvives, though u >t wila 'he i-smu vigor which cbaro:*iis>* tbe t-qoally e.noiaL.1 kiog of ball games orioktl G jlf, hookey and ev:i tra^iall yet fljurub iu tilt r wj plsoio ; bo 1 , bjkbdy ball, ktocl- ball, ii gball, club ^ll and pall mall are merely uames to lo pretmjt generation; aud crcqnel tbe tfispnrg of (.all mali seemi tone ring into au early grave. Mr- hie* lull kfford aoiniimtul, thoogh not, tbe isme cirolen ot aooieiy a* in tbe nfteeLib eeniury ; and tbe under- gradoatei of Oxlord, in obedience to tie statute*, bsve left cff playi g ibe gams on tbestr(sof the cebocli. Brotker liurdurr -Lori BrnsiSB*. It am easier to govern a State dan to fajMs a Buiday ikatu plonie. L) . aian wbo givts yoa tbirtetn ee ti lor a atiil ia' will curry y a tea au' eofljr uu' A i>.'.otogrpb d^anbboir d< diviitiy i a uau o ey* nor de t ou a woouan'i DJIOO' (jood c . im beap >., )ir baoi ae lei* yoar bid g-aiurnar will bj 1) I' nobb:r clop tj qaeshau de tr of of a scaadal, asd de ojau woo oliui') . acove us am uebo-r qare (orgiven. Oe iai ot de phil*jibrjpi*i am &ol to pre*ervti do go-jj r^g-, but M work d bd ooce over au' pa.m 'em off again. D* room wbiob a man takei upan de sidewalk am no orneriju to jadg-i o( de oouui of brains in hi* bead Yuu can't h'*r d* j ugle ot g,ld pisoei half ite for a* you km h ar de raillj ot tia pa a i. De man wbo aauooEOad his own bouekty tomttiuiei B it< iutu Uauada wid de boodle, u simttimse bo am eingbt io Daroil or sTCftsla. Let twj lifc-ldjg frolic bfgiua dtaoa-iion a* to the color of Aiarn'* bairor d* sisief Nuab's hetd. an' do ob* tin fur a io t am iioUas. Whi mt_ .jn' know am wbat tbey rof 01* to let go of. Hift down de talk of Ibe world's greatnl neon, aa' wben yoa cam to ealrao) de b-gjity, igoiUm, prejudiouao' aelf-iLlen I, yuu will have io 1 Kk far di qiotient wi i a Lav am a beauU.'nl bentlmiut, au' de gum* ot three ketrd monte am a swindle, but Ally p.-ople are downed by lav for eb-.ry "M- swiLUlea by tbe kesrda. ludaitry am a raok in which dar am always a ieg to ing up one mo' worklh'- mau's c i. When yon ooum lo 1st de gas out of a bal- loon yon am sarpriied an' diigoitod at ae sbriukagi, One halt tbe gre^t men eipeel deir speohei to be read by posterity an' deir deb:* to be paid by df ir onil'en, Detroit Free Preu. 'loili-rn I'ro.r, b. Fiom the writing* of the Bev. William Boott Duwney.) Wben hangar pinobeg poverty braves the storm. It is belter to be innocent than to be !! WB* BsHlyelvTee rj,,imrnl,. il,, . " Biy, Urrgg, I've bad my salary rained. ' 1 Htuoklon. tiuw dirljon manage it?" "Byargomcnk He wa- giving yen 130 a w i. k aud hot 920. I convinced him f the iojanliee, and he's going to pav me 5 more. Tbal wai liberal, wasn't il ? II ((paints things yon tee." " Ye*, Stockton, and Ibat'ipreoiiely what I object to. I wish y.u bad been lies argu. tneuiativ*. Be took 96 a weik off my salary n order to add It to your*." Philadelphia It is belter to live aad die a moot* among mioe than a fos in a p >lao. Mules and jaokassei are as apt to kiok at saiuts as tbey are to kiek at sinncri. Works ot art, however grand, sink Into iibign.fUanoa wben compared with woman, tbal wonder of creation. He wbo lays a claim lo true piety oaxht o be vigilant, because tbi higher the pin- nacle tbe mere fatal will be ibe fall. A* the odor of tbe roie outlives its beauty, evsn io with a virtuous couple, do ha leader feelmga of youth outlive ibo decay of years. A *>l*e ourlu.lon Oae hummer evening after Harry and hie line Bimer Helen had been pal to bed, a evere thunderstorm came up. Tbeir cnbi stood side by side, and tbeir mother, in the room, beard them as they at op in bed and talked, in low voioee, boat tbe tbandt-r and lightning. Tney told each other their fears. Tbey rumbled afresh at eaoh peal. Bat tired nature could nol hold out as OK aa Ibs storm. Harry beoams very sliepy, aod at last, lib renewed eheertalueis in his voice, be sid, as be laid hii bead oa tbs pillow . ' Well, I'm guagto Itaalin Ood." Little Helen sal a minote longer think log It over, and tben laid her own Unle bed dowi,, laying : " Well, I dess I will tool ' And tbey both wenl to sleep without more wards. Youth't Companion tur FAnorn HIM i A M Win. i.. n,r, Their Nesae iu lack S-.l. ....,, MM.,, II. ..bur... These laws were enacted by tbe reeple ot tbe "Djoiiuion cf N*,* Haven," aid became known as ths blue law* because tbsy wsre printed on bloc paper. Tbeyaie a* follows : " Tue Governor and magistrate! eo: vened in general assembly are ibe iui n n.< power, ULder Ood, of tble indeptndent domialon. From the determination of Ib* awwmbly no bhall hu L.ade. " No ons shall bs a freeman or have a vote unless be is converted and a mci&t * ot one of the ebarebts allowtd in tie dominion. "Eaob freeman thu!l uwear by b' blessed Oad to bear :-<io Ulegiane* tn <h. , douiti.c., ti-.d Ifeat J..U4 is tfce only k ; "NoeliSMStofioia tb* onential . ship ot Ibis dominion shall bo allowed tn give a vote tor electing cf magistrate i r any officer. " No food or lodging tball be offered >o a heretic. " NJ one i hall orots a river on tbe 8-b bath bat anthoriBid clergymen. " No one shall travel, cook victual*, ru >. bedn. Bwet-p b-niei, cat hair or bbave u the Bsbhath day. N i HUB aii..> alii hii or bar childreu n Ibe 8abbtli or (ftMing da\s. Tho Sibbatb U .> shail begin at suuitt Stinrday. " Wooever wean elothex trimmed wi.h gold, silver or bcne lace above one khilli w per yard Khali be presented by tbs Rra- d jarcrs, and tbe eeleci men shall tx tb eetatr 300. " Wnoever bring* eir Je or dice into tue domi.,io i tbili py a flue of 5. ' No one sball eat mines p'es, dsbec,. play cirdii, ur pUy any ineiromiat ot mnsic exo.'pttba drum, trutujel or js-e- barp. " No gjitpel miuiiler shall pin peopU in marriage. The ma mralo may j>iu tbeui inmmtagr, as bs rxsy do il witb Ie s soikcd-1 to Christ'. Cborcb. " Wneu people rtfn-o their children eoi- venieol marriages, tbe magistrate shall deteituiuo tbe point. " A man wbo itrikes hi* wits shall bs fined 10 "A woman wbo strikes ber tu-baid shall bs pnciibed as tbe law dine- . 1 N unau kball o< nr: a maid iuierion cr byle'.tar witbonl nbt*imrjg the OCIIMUI o' IT partuli ; ij penally for th<< first off n for tbe itcmd, and for ibn ti nd iin, riio:iment darii g the pliatqro uf tbs coorl. LADHS' COLLEQB, ST TB enrolled latl year 180 mudeMe It, o. ir < are thorough ar.d practical, it* fco:iy composed of graduate* and oeruflo* td tmcberi and its reco:d ui iu i a?n J Ra is law. For 60 pp. announcement, tit'iies f BIMCIPAL A I Ml.s B. D. P*!m*r BteveBR, of Oanusn, Co n , who died rtotntly, n K d US ye.r*. w>a o i,| fsm'iy uf too, ct whim a I but OLI :i > u be 70, and four were over 90 wbi.. ib. y died. Blv Talrlj.aU I', r fjra*. o! tboio wbo di* In m oousun-j lieu ubeiit the di o-. f e. In all oibsr OJI-SK ii itn-i either be contracted U>r,,u,b orel*-n *.. , cr, aoeordio to the new tbtuiy cf lubei- bolar rara*it*s, received di'bBtlt frcu others as an nJio i u< cioeate. But IL sivberci*.-, Dr. ti*r*e "Oil Jan MedMai DiC3very'' ie a p niiive remedy for Us diseaiiiiii in i'n early m*g.i It i , j*>*y tbal in da^Keroni. If you are troub *u with ib'.rtLtss of brealb, tpit ing if bl-iod, ntifbl iwrat* or a ImgonoK euogb, do u< t hesitate to procure this sovereign remrdy al or.ce. A Urva eive bss rto^ntl) bi.-u dissovend bs Otsgegj rang*, forty mi.'es north of LI Paw, wtioh io > s > aid iu ibe b*iily cf its stalactites aud itlBmi*ss bide l>lr lo r.v.l the Mammotli U .v.-. ro The HD.I., el llres* and tbe artificial rfleete ol eosmelics master bow deftly applied, can never .. beautiful or attrHolive one whoij intiio v.. einaalation, Lervoai deb.lity, or aui foVm of female wsakno.i. Th,** mo,. fco roaabed by i ward appueation*, ,i,d 1,01 by oat ward aitf mpte at oonoealmti r, a d the ladies may lake hope from tbe del ibat thoaiatdi of tteir cistern have mad them- selvsi more radiant aod &**o i'ni by ib* ne of Dr. Picra* * Favorite Pmoripiioti- than they could ever hope lo do by tbe sil of tbe appliances ut Ibe toilet. Net Teicher-" What wenld in all probs. bility bave been tbe rtsuli i( Julius Css ar bad 001 bveti aisa^ inated." Papil " He woald probibly have d'el snbccqaenlly." Tbi cleansing, antiscp ia snd be*lii.|( qualities ol Dr. Bage'a Catarrh Remedy are oi>rqoallod. A/ma Ladies' College ST. THOHA8, OMT., Offers unsurpassed advantages In I. item r) Work, ivTnsic. Fine Art* and Commercial Science. Largely patronised by all thedenomlnatloni Altendaoee last year, 180. BB-OPKNa PrBnnBB IB. For DO pp. AnunDucemenl, aeUrew, I'lti.^i iri, ASJstTIN.D.D. I CURE FITS ! .n I >r rnr* I BSMSBl lbn l,.v.. tor. Ih.T.rn.d. ih. Jl.n 81.-KNB.S. lo cnr 111* worn H"t mean | f thrin return ffftln. 'fFITH.Bri topth.mfV.) 'JBs. * radio*! '.,, ,.ti,,,. >,. tr..lli . , . d Fr. Rottl. ,,| ,, Inr.HIW. rcn MCO.U ru in.l I will ,.,r. ,,,. lllrr.. l.k. II II HIXrT, Brancli0111ce 1 37YongeSt.,Toro^. Here, D) you feel bine and de'spocdinl T I>j paidi rack and tear away al nerve and iuu ole, and bave yoa beeu diiappoinled in fludiog a nmady that will afljrd certain and speedy relief ? It eo, go at onoi to any drag store and boy a sample bottle ot Poison's Nemlin*. Polion's Nirviline uever fails to relieve neuralgia, cramps, beadaihi, rhinmati<m, and all internal or BXttrnal paioe. J. B. Carman, druggist, M<irri-burg, writes: "All tb* ptrtiil I supply speak viry (avcrsbly of Nirvlilot ind always purchase a itood lot.', Poison '* Mervilia* n sold in sample bottle* *>t 10 ceot* ; large lise .16 cent* by all gtfUtaaBd ooonlry dealers everywhere. Try a ten oedt bottle. I M <Ht. VESLEYAN UDIES' COLLEGE HAMILTON, OANADA. III. !,.. ! i hr I, ..!!,. . "II ,.. Htl sradnaiedov*r<00>adl*eln tb* fallmiurte Ba* e<tact*il over 8,1 00. Pnll facaltles ID 1 Iterators L<auciiKr, MuslotDd Art. The large I Oollaf* bullilltiii lu the Province Will npen on Bens. 1st 1MB Adilreee the rloelpal D. D.. I. L. 0. -As ao atnbignom itatemenl is nsilber bere nor thirt, when Is II ? DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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