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Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1886, p. 1

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FAWCETT - On the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. J. R. Fawcett, carriage manufacturer, Kimberley, of a daughter. ATKINSON - RADLEY - At the Methodist parsonage, Flesherton, by the Rev. W. Ayers, on the 11th inst., Mr. William John Atkinson to Miss Alberta Annie Radley, all of Artemesia. PHOTOGRAPBY. MBS. BULMEB, Photographer, Flesherton, - 0/rt. HtriuiiMntaoui* tlmlu th *tuo,l<> or the fsnmrT rr1- rbotonr*phcr. Mr. H&apos;J Dln.u wh I *]otr4?eJuMe knowUdfe In Rotou bint, I ) assaisrt I can give food seMilsotioB. AMltrM|>cttuTly (oliclMd, 1IB8. BULMER. riMbertoD. ITth, IBM. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. &apos;ri\i i: TADL.E. .itf X/tct, Monday JWy *7ti, 1885. Toronto QMvwell ClleVf l*J*t4tU Ormnge- I Arrive |1O TOS" vlIlVlLeaee 10" ; Orwvevill. June**.-...!!* M - : b,ltmru NOW" - < DundJk 11 * " * " Ft-MSM-rOII 1147" ste.rkds.lo tt0 " ; 8 10 " Mrillluifors &apos;WiBpm V* " ChaUworth HB" " Owen Hound AnW I OB " 10K - Wllliameford JUrS&apos;Ul" KUHEI1T Uund&lk tbelbuma ()rnrlll Junction Oranf*- 1 Arrive i H> vtll*. i Leave 845 i;hrlcton BUS Junction "* Teronto Arrive 10M " I l " W.WHTTE. li I. S. I- T D.MrNICOU,. OBH&apos;L PIM. AOT J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles &c. t on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. Medial. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. AS., OUT. M K.I.ON, &r. FTESHERTON. , next to IHrvioH Covrtuffite, rut is try. J.P. HtKMUl I . 1 .!> DENTIST. OBADl&apos;ATR of Toronto gctiool of T>fntiti). will Itoal Mvk<lllb Wodnrn <ty at each uimith, and at Klollrton im thx lit nJ <t I&apos;h ir 1) Iu *cb uioutli for tli prctlc of hli |>rofi&apos;<Kt<.n . J. W. FROST, U-B-. It<irrlter, Solirilor, llillt-,,. Striu&apos;n l&apos;<iiMiii||. I&apos;l r-lil.lilnN. A. A. CHRML.KY. Solicit, ,r n.| runvrynii<-r. Itviidut Mauanor. MR. KliOHT will bo found at the Offleo on Thumlari hvntoton. P McCOLLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, orr H< Knrlaiid&apos;^ St.rr, arkdalr. Nonry to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, UVK. It OrncKH -Oweu Hound. In Vlcker&apos;i block, Poulatt Ht . liranch .iffliv In Markdale. ovur Me- Portend&apos;* >toro, oa Kr|.| tnd everj J.MAHHON. <J.C. B. MASSON. W. MAKHON N H I&apos;llt.t" A&apos; - OHI|&apos;&apos;ir &apos;UU&apos;l to lDVC*t*t ton W to Ktht per cent. BAUIWIH *!> B. r. i i III. Is fllMi n ii IIIMS HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, Hiiecfuur* tt> Laudrr <t H&apos;inilt, B \HRIHTBMM, HOLICITOBH. NOTAKIER. CUSVBT ANCKIIH, Ac Muner to Loe,n tt 1, we.t H*|M of lntor*t. Offlae*. 1 MnsMn . t I . .i. Turooto. Curds. Jain W* Armitroof , FUSRIBTOB, Co. ORIT. DIVISION COI&apos;RT CI.KHK COMMIMIONEB ! B. 11 . C.>nv^y0i IT. .Vr \L&apos;fiit tin |itiri-liiiiii and lisle of landi Appraiiwr fnrC. I>. (&apos;. Coin- snd r. t. B * 8. So<-i..ty Money to I -.UN on i ! in-it rnnl&apos;li&apos; tmi InsrKH ur M AJIRI AIIK i.ICKNSKH NOTARY PUBLIC. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLBBK IBTKMRSIi. COyrKTANCKR, COMMISSION BK, INSVKAfiCg AO&apos;T, AC. DKRD8. MORTOAOF.H. I.RAHF.H. *c.. i.rep.r d s>nit |iro|>i-rly exaatd. Inurs.nci> flVr ld In flrt-leconipnlei. Money to lend at lewettratei. B. J. SPROUL, flnkrrfnK. Ciwoeynncer, Anpraittr, Val- wttor and Menry Irndfr. Drtdt, \fort- an>i&apos;t, \tntu a&apos;i&apos;l Willt dmtni up aiui Vaiuntifmt marir on Aortett notice. Ctuir- ei *ry lotc. Apply to R. /. BPROULS, Money to Loan. At J &apos;&apos;" &apos;&apos;&apos;"&apos;. htl-rftt , n Straight Loan. WTII IntMroit psld y*ar)v, Dot In sdvanee No oemmlsslon charged. Apply to H. M. CHARLESWORTH, O \VK.N BOUND, ONT.. Bneder n -l ImporUr of Orsni. Huff. Cochin nd Mammoth l.iiit Rrnhmu | K r> aiturkrri iu ft eV.Htiffi. IporiVx .Rrkhni . am nn Black Bpanlih and I&apos;lvmonth Bock to sell. Improve jrour ttock. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, ft Cabi- net Maker. All repairs pretnptl? A neatly noonn hops, Durham Ht. neit to 1 ltrh Tllnrln( Plant and ipeelneaUoni on ibort*t notice. Latk and Pin* Lrak+r for Male The u inWniitni.,1 hM a. i|nntlt v nf rim- I .un, ber an.l Pin* Lth for ul at nmhrton Htation. VII,I.*(K I.&apos;IT Full S U F. * Sinn s eiwwl loi for ! In Flwherton, wbteh will bo rtl.po.~1 of on r.^inhlr trrm. PV&apos;r t ADVAMCS Ofllm, ot to AKOUB McI.BOn. Flwh.rton Rtatloo Flesherton Advahce. LEITCHS Tai.orl.ig "IHUIM BEFORE FAVOB,"-" PRItfClPLJ&.*JfOI MEW FLESHEKTOlsn VOL. VI., NO. 269. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. AUGUST 12, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, " fT ,SSA !ETO your Sufis rnadt in future. HAMPDEN WATCHES Durable, Accurate, and Reliable. SPEdlALTiES: Americ4ii Watches & Cli>ck, Weddini; Kings, Silverware, ami Difficult Watch Upairinx. Film stock, Close Prices. Don&apos;t miu the sale of CHEAP HATS Our Well known braud 80 cant tea re- in Felts and Straws, at Richardson & Co&apos;s doeed to 26 cent* at Ksuhardson A Go&apos;s. Mr*. JM. O. KiiHHtll ia visiting friends in the city of Hamilton. We will reply to Dr. Landerkin&apos;a let- ter in another column, re the Kiel ques- tion, in our next week&apos;a issue. Mrs. A. R. Fawcett IH visiting friends in Oraiigoville, bo 11114 tbe guetit of Major ParsoiiH and wife during her utay there. Mr. T. Hall haa bee* appointed Gen- oral Agent ol tbs> Bum Life Asaoraoce Co. &apos;of Canada. As he has a Tsry Urge territory to nperintend, he lias already entered on bis duties. We wish him success in the new line. iHimliM Her- ald. A ROARING GAME ! Thr Married and Mlnglr *lnr* of rirkbrrton Play a Cruud tauw of Bnsr Ball. The cattle fair hero on Monday was one of the best ever held in Fleaherton. There were aeveraJ hundred osrtvfe and a very large number changed hands. Mr. John Gordon, Mian Liczie Gor- don, and Mr. J. U. Kusscll, left for Hamilton on Monday, to attend the Royal Tcmplarx graud international gathering tin n- this week. A RtKablt JnetUcr, MARKDALE, - - O.NT. Tit - Bits. <&apos;ni.f in-; of lAxal ami Othfr Jntfretting Htiiu yatkfrtd by The Advance Kfportfri. Get your Roller Flour from W. W. TR1MBLK. W. A J. Andcrnon, of Orange Valley, hare a quantity of pun- Martin&apos;s Amber Fall Wheat for Hale. 168 2t CHEAP BOOTS caused the ruah to Richardsoni last week. CHEAP HATS will be the rage this and next week. Master Thomaa Ward, son of the headmaster of the Colliugwood public schools, gave us a call on Monday. He is visitino hill grand parcuta and other relatives in this locality. From the Writ Kgin Merrury we clip the following : &apos; Mr. Keofer, our genial aud highly eirteemed Htation agent, is enjoying a holiday in company with his wife at Kle-Ji. rtoii and Eugenia Falls." Master Kddie Hard, son of Mr. Steph- en Hurd, merchant. Thombury, U spending his hulidayi) in Fleubcrton, be- ing the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Croaslcy during his stay. He arrived last week. Mr. Jo*. Blackburne, Mr. Edwin Richardaoi), Mia* Hopkins, Miss Ella Ayera, and MUs Mau/1 Richardson, of Flcshewton, and >fr. Wm. Me I m Ian . of Markdal, &apos;eft 011 a holiday trip to far-famed Cbautauqua, on Tuesday morning la*t. Tkf -..,,. -49 tit !tO. The t*it m of base ball witnessed Hi Flenherton f..r years, wu pUyed on the agricultural groundi last Friday af- by mamrd snd lingU home Summer Millinury at half prices at ICicliar.l-.on & Co&apos;s. Plewu&apos;d Holler Flour 14.50 per barrel tout talk. Also Short- for sale W. W. TRIMBLE. The best, cheapest and must satisfac- tory Piatios, Organs snd Sewing Machines of the dmy, for sale by C. Trwwlgold, Pluaherton. All kinds of needles for sewing machines ki-pl in stock. 21)7 tit. On Tuesday evening last, 2nd inst., D. D. O. C. Mr. A. J. Syera, of Wyom- ing, reuuMcitatod " Perseverance " Council, of R. T. of T., Forest, Ont.. which has been inoperative about two yean. Mr. J. O. Keefer, formerly of Flesherton, ia Select Councillor. Mr. P. Muiihhaw, mail contractor, FleshertoD, ban purchased a new bun for carrying passengers, freight, express, and the " Royal Mail " between this place and the C. P. K. station . The vehicle is a strong constructed one and hat* patent slide scats. It i comfortable for riding in. Attention of tin public in called to By-Law 805, Township of Arteuicsia, to " restrain certain domestic animal* from running at large." We suggest that a raid be made forthwith on all the brcachr cow* in rleaherton, and that they be impounded until all the damage they have done to many vege- table and other gardena has been amply Hatixfied. F*WCTT. On the lit inst, tha wife of Mr. J. R. Fawn-it, carriaKu manufac turer, Kiniberli-y, of a daughter. Catherine of thr The S,.n of Scotland intend holding a mounter demonstration in Collingwood on 16th Aiu&apos;int. Tho (irand (.&apos;amp of the Order meets there on that date, and .1 granu programme of Caledonian < i>me* ii arranged for. Ktcuraiinis will lt> run along all the railroad lines. About three o&apos;clock last Saturday morning, the new houae of Mr. Henry \ Mehlriini, at Kut_&apos;enia. \\as discovered | to be iu flanu i, ami an the fire conlil Dot be got unilcr control, tho building was noea reitesfrt W sabe*. The building wan a frame, and when completed w mild ha\e la-ell Illicit VcIM-ereil. &apos;I&apos;lie dcM- tructiou of it is Hiimxmcd to have been the work of a tiro bug, and ban caused quilo a HODnAtinu iu lliin locality. It is to be hoped that tho mutter will be carefully luuki-d into, ami a Hraruhiug &apos; | m\ oti^iiti in held At at curly date. Mr. Ward, hea.inci-.U-r of the Lloyd town public schools, and Mr. Ward, headmaster of the Collingwood public school ... brothers, arc visiting their aged parents hero during the holidays. The Centre Ward Colimfwood public Holiool building is one of the fluent and bust arranged structure* in the Province. There are twelve rooms, eleven of which are occupied by the. Principal and his asuiittantM, together with tho pupils between aevcn and eight hundred in number and one room usod for a din- nit room for thow.- clul Ireu who remain during dinner hour. The building i situated in tin niidst of a large and handsome nquare. the front part of winch is apj reached by circular walks leading through a beautiful flower gar- den- the handiwork of Mr. Wanl. Tin r<- are two teachers in the Kant Ward HchiMilhoiwc, oiakiug in all 13 teachers ill ColliiiKwood. including Prin cinal Wanl. and nearly 1000 pupil-. Richardnou 4 Co. are clearing out Summer Stock Dretui Goods at 10 cent, value for 20 to 80 ccntu per yard. The Fourth l.l.:-r. Mr. Joseph who waa re- cently oniaincil an elder in the Presby- terian church, Klesherton, is the fourth member of his family who has been vie rated to thnt important position, Inn j father and tw.> brothers being ciders Mr. Klackhurne is one of our mocl highly res|iected young men, and well deserved his rlevatiou t *" hjiiorsble a in the church of his adoption. <&apos;olllngwood < >||< - iai<- Institute. Ai will bs noticed l>y reference t<i our advertising columns, the Collingwood , Collegiate Institute one of the best in I Canada re-openi Monday, August 30th. instant. This institute well deserves the i wide refutation it enjoys, ami ia the mil) one lint make* a specialty i>f teacher&apos;s ex- amination*. Keen, $8 25 from August to December ; 96.25 fr in January to July. JUST RECEIVED! Direct from Staffordshire, Eng. CHINA & DELF WARE CONSISTING OP TEA SETS, BEEAKPAST SETTS, DINNEE SETS, SETS TOILET WARE, All in now and beautiful designs, white and colored. COMPLETE TEA SETS, 44 Pieces, no seconds, at $2.26. Tbe Right Place to buy Crockery, Glassware and Cliinaware is at M. Richardson & Co. FLESHERTON. cores op in the sixtys ami sevetrtys were sadly disappointed ; and those who ex pectt-d to thu married odly, were equally ami perhaps ably disappointed. Another fact mu*t have bten apparent even to the casual ob- server, vi., that Flesherton can put a ?rand team of picked players in the field, for contesting came* with outside clubs. We might right here suggest that the following gentlemen take the field against any team in flrey : Will Clark, pitcher. Will Yokes, catcher. f. J. Leitch. short stop. R. J Hannah, lit base. J. O. Ruasell, 2nd liase. David Clayton, right fiel.l. Win. Oorbett, 3rd base. Thne. Clayton, centre field. Robt Clark, left field, "&apos;th the folliiwine grntlemen as sub- titutes, vi* , Win PeMi, piu-her : John (ordon, centr field ; Jerrv Thomnson, catcher ; W. J. THvi*. left field : Jsme Mosier, ahort (ton ; \V P Wright, lat ** : H. E. Wrii&apos;ht, 2nd base ; Mr. Hawke, 3rd bane ; IVfer Munahaw, right field ; and. besides, have such cv-.-l&apos;cnt players as W. Sharp. James Baskerville. Will Armstrong. nd others, to fall back upon. But to return to our game : The match on Fridi by some very heavv hatting, fielding, and nn lens than tw.i double plsrsnne on each side. The batten- on both sides was strong. Seven inninir* were plaved u previously arranged, a), though the regulation nine, pould easilv have been plaveH within three hours from the start, which latter fact gives a good idea of the ability of nur home nine* of | amateur base bailer*. Tbe single men&apos;* j battery waa Thomas Clsytoii, pitcher, and Will dark, catcher: th- married | men put in the battery, C. J. Leitch. pitcher, with Wm Petch as relief ; snH Temr Thomson, catcher, with John Oordon as relief. I . -t.h only made one &apos;rror throughout the rntire eame. his T&apos;layine; Keim; remarkablr brilliant. &apos;&apos;UrV&apos;s catchiin; WM arlmirs>>le. but a few wild i>itch<>* to 2nd bane were rather cotly ; however Clark more than made &apos;trn fnr rbat rv bi terriff< < rmrhne- twiee sending th" ball Hoar oror the fence nn<[ making home run*. Jomr Thompson&apos;* catching wa* rosllv errellcnt. and the neat manner in which ho pitched a ball ro first ha*e and prevented a plaver frm reaching the nine iil,..|. of cmirw, bv .!*.. (. Rn*eir* a<lniiral>le rttteh wa* much ayiplauHed Mr John Gordon caught a n&apos;d h. t flv at left field in fine tvle. The Agriciiltiinil FHitnr !.> dia- tin-ui*hed himelf hv catching a hot flv (it feels hot vet) at ri-rht fiel.l. and bv making s honn> run chief v hv he aid of a nories of wild pitche*. Puwoll&apos;s wort on fir*t ta<e was .tlin<>*t faultiest, a* wa* also that of Wm. Cor}>ett. who bid* fair to become ono of tl-e fir*t )ia*i&apos; haller* in the oountv. Tbo* Newen .uc. i . .li-,l in i. ntting out no 1> thnn eiuhl of the nmr rii-d men dnrini? the .itnie. which *r>e*k* for iUelf J*mo* Moiier c*&apos;i"ht a flv vcrv neatly nnd >*ttod well Tho*. Clsv- t.-n alwav* r>l*v well, and on this occas- ion he excelled himnelf. At the conehnion of the seventh inning. tti&apos; score trwwl, Rinirl" 1 nine, 30 ntrn Marriel nine. 20 nin*. Clavton ami E Vanrant rospertnrlv There wa a lanje number nf spectator*, who thorouihlv enioved the intnie, manv I of whom spoke i>f it "ne of the nr-st i keenly eon**ted ami be<t p1are<l m;it<-he* i of nfuic. Iwll wo hnvc had in Fle*rnr"n for manv year*. At tbe close of t>>e match, the plaver* jatrtook of ice cream at Miss Hind&apos; refroshrncnt ^<^lm*. GREAT SLAUGHTER VIOLINS, VIOLINS, VMS, J T Till.- -AT THK Noted Jewellery Store, FLUSIIERTOIV, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY (30) DAYS! J. G. Kl&apos;SSHLL Will Mil bl. An* .toes of Violin* rv.fu.U~. of eort. in ord to clear them oet hv lat aWptesBbcr, 1HM XUTH TK KI i u vi-,, PMI I* -A >< SD.Mnnrr Vmlm 11 A uiiuibururH.ipb Violin* froui fieutu Sou - . to 110 Now U the tiuin lo Mcarc s tin* Violin e>l ICM than wbolaeel* s*H be gina with ee<b \ lulls. S4 iu foods oe4 b* eoU. t m . m WWWWWWWWWWWW \V \VWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW From North Carolina. I&apos;, v. nn,i|- -. Canada. lo I u the i|e*t, healthiest part of th a* it i> rntlaiitly ajriue<l to bs, au wua- der that in tbe more Suutham Btatas asa- lanal dveri. diarrhoea, Uoidjr flux, IUD- trokei, lc., are so cuauaoa. In a IctUr fr-nn a fnend, at July tlst, I l^ani that in !. C. " bl.iody flni ur killing old and young as it vuea. m re fatal than but summer, Uierr _ mon or lost i.f it every year, and always Wl11 >* except the climate change*, of South, and take a ride along " The land &apos;which there ia u.> liopex) "There has Tee. I am bees t.. ( nJ. Ilf *r let m* be; While nt>i<r* nrr aud tar esplor*. sly iii|nrnk. il 1 nuw five o&apos;er. Perhaps if I give a brief accoout of journey, m diary form, it will .-..iiTey to your readers a l>rttr idea of men and than otherwise, especially to hi intend some day to visit thr of th Sky route," via thi- \Vet.-ni N t K. K., utrr th>- lilut- Kiilffe. am) unward. JUIK 7th, l*o. Left Kutlierf..rd Col. X. &apos;., at : p.m. I&apos;aMcil through M-T- gitntown, a aniall county town with a U . n only t vi ur tare* clear days for in n tli Farmer&apos;* crupa are alaaua* rsma- ed, thr nain has washed the corn oat of the ground. &apos; ^ X. . about those venomous snakes. aayluni, which, by thu way, appears to be ( *|"lTv sci>r|iioiM, ac., this is ooljr au s iieca*ity in (lie South prbahly niorej omission. Thankful are/ we tu have sja- so than elaewbere on account of theluntf ca|*cl fr<mi that uiifurtuiiate o.uotry and intensely hot lummers, en. riuotu con- &apos; thankful would I be if thuer kwd pasyat umption of tobacco. Wmnen and girli "&apos; l "* *" |l h could eaeape) also to a bettss* also use tobacco enough to undermine the &apos; cliiuau-. &apos;uettar soil, and where tkre are "constitution of a hone." Whiskey ii &apos; "" <l-th dealing serpents. Any per*i &apos; advising Canadians, r Northern 9tstoe- ({uit freely used for rwal and imapnary o.mpUinU , also, &apos; Deosuse I love a little We thought last week&apos;s ADVANCI con- tained all the local news up to tha date of isauo, but a glance through thu rlesh- erton correspondent i items in the Dun- 1 dalk lltnM conriiice<l u* that wo had it least missed the two following : The ordination of tbe elder* elect in the Presbyterian Church here, took place > on Sabbnth aftoruoun last. They were &apos; Mr .1. K. Anderson, Joseph lilackburn, and Henry Mvldruiu. The service was conducted by the pastor, Rov. Mr. Wil- son. Our expert veterinary surgeon, Mr. W. Richardson, performed a nkilful operation mi Thursday afternoon last, by removing from within the ear of a hor*v a very large nielanotic tumor which he has now in HpiriU and on exhibition at tho drug tore. W. C. T. C. Three of tbe United State* have now , secured constitutional prohibition, three &apos; have prohibition by statute, aud twenty i have local option laws. A word to our mslers : If a Htone is dropped into the centre ot a large hake, a ripple is at once canned, which we can sec Mpreailinpi for a little time. It u SIH m loxt to our e yes. but it atop* not until it readies the farthent ahoro. So our influence for good or bad, love, kin. I nciu, charity in heart and life will help us aud our oanse. Uur meeting will tw> on Saturday next at 8 p. m., in the Royal Templar&apos;s ball, Strain&apos;s block. t&apos;oKio -C..M.IV.. SBC. Notk*. We, the mi&apos;li rHi^nml . will giro a prize of tfi.OO for tho bert <>arfie.ld " colt of IHM; ; and 10.00 for best fivecolta aired by anv one borne in thm section of coun- try. Pr i/i -, to be aw ante. I by Judge* At&apos; K.&apos;i-t &apos;ir.-v fall fchow. I. n to be divided equally betwot-u --m conifM-titors. Abnvo notice should have Iwcu ir prize Lint, but was nnglected. i&apos; &apos; it TftlMBUt A I&apos;ll Ktl.l . - small Boya," We are accused in lant week&apos;s Wmi./iin/. by tim "Markdale Junior I^tcrosne Club, cif "abusing a lot of small Imys" in that town, in a recent tusiie of the Ai>\ >^ i If by "abuse" M impliml the remarks we very properly applied to the l>ys com- ; prising (lie club above referred to, we plead guilty. For bullying, swearing, and profanity generally, our Fle*herti>n junior* cannot hold it candle to Mvkdale. Them- things they acknowledge with be- coming humility. Hut how will the | Markdalo "small boy*&apos;&apos; reconcile their statement that they would not do aught el<e than "rrfiinf to associate with a lot of cAir, (possibly iiitendutl for IsJasIplj ttxnlnl. mffin ffxilffiia," with the fa<-t , that a few days after their insolent letter appeared in public print, they nte humble pie by m-ndini; a poet-can! to the Secretary of our Junior IjScro*se Club, Frank Sullivan, ufrrimj t,, n-mr i/inrti and ;i/&apos;ii/ notwithitandiin; all that hl <iccurred ; and explained their fail- ure to meet our Niy* the prvviom Mon- day by saying that some of their mem her* had KOIIU to Meafnrd ami bad not returned in tune to go to rlesbertmi And tin* after pivvioiuly aiwignini; the reason for their non-attendance In the names called them by the Kleshertoii Club and THB AnvA!r ! No reputable, truthful person, could or can defend thesti Markdale "small boys, &apos; in view facts .stated in thi* and former issues our paper. The bullying and impertinent tone of the article, t. -. deafly showa that the Markdale Junior Lacrosse Club" were hard pushed to defend tboir untenable poxition. It is a fact worthy of note, al- so, that our valued and re|>ectble c..n leni|Kirary, the fitamlarl, shows by its si* lenco that while it due* not condemn it certainly ih>* not endorse the ungentle- behavior of the Markdale juniors. \TKINs"&apos;. Married. H|i|,t.l. At till&apos; Ml by thu lit \ \V. .\\.rs. .m the llth inst., Mr. Will- iam John Atkiimoii to MISH \iU rta Annie lU-llry, all of 8 o&apos;clock p. in. Very dark and raining in torrents. Train moving slowly along, when bang &apos; liang &apos; like a heavy revolver cars stoptwd. conductor wrnt forward, reiuarkiug. "SfUMtlun: n the matt* I&apos;ssseti^i-rs .lidn&apos;t kn.iw but a gang of di-s|inuloes had rominencvd ihonting and robbing Prvaently we were informed that a land *h>le hil occurred a few rod* ahead. Thankful it wai nothing worse. Heing near the village of Marshall, N. C. men were soon employed in removing the obstruction. The nun increased to a deluge, rushing down the side of auioun tain close beside us, bringing fallen tim her, brush, etc., which lodged against the Im-ls. The water BOOH PUM- two or three feet deep, threatenii.g inundation of the track. Had this taken place, thr whole train wuuld (.rubably have over- turned into tho " French Kn-ad " (nver) within a few fu?t of us, Fortunately, we had ant nf (A* >*tt nt- ijinrrrt on banl. who, with a, iiiiniber l men, wailed back and forth, removing thu rubbish fait as possible, living only lanteni* to give them liglit while at work. Surely these men had an uncomfortable tune of it heavy nun falling incessantly upon them, and h. water half way up W> their neck*. I cannot say how lung the atonn continued, but after it ceased, the next newt was, a bridge, a little farther on. wa* iwept away. The train was then (lowly backed to Mjirahall, where acoosa iiiisUlioii for paiueiiger* and other*, wet and dry, could ) obtained -not icvt, I&apos;m pltuue.l to statu, with anythuig stttniger than water. Si:,,-.- tins deluge, another of a in n- nenoii* nature unt.-d Marxlimll and vicm ity, ile*tn.\in^ cnip*. wash ing away b-.u *es, iVo. I may here rviuark, that .nn; t-i the peculiar nature of the soil of the South, great damage u often done by thunderstorm*, farm and garden crops injured or ruined, nuinerous " washouts along the highway, culvrrU ainl ! ri.l.i &apos;Uiii.iL&apos;!&apos;! &apos;T de.siroyeU - in slmrt.a persoi. ith .% team leaving home, may he pre (eiiteil fimii returning fir a day . "r daya, if a heavy nun occur. Such misfortune* 1 an- almost unknown in <.&apos;a.vU. Knoiville, Tennesre. 1Kb June. 24 | hours lou of tune at Mirshall prereiitetl | making the " connn-tioti," coUMMjuviitly &apos; we have tune to " take in the town, i Thi* is an important, busy place, ami !. t until entering the state of Ti&apos;imes-e. did : we l>evm t&apos; *w butUT soil, Iwtter cn-ps, I and sign* of thrift. Hiding had also be I come a little easier, the traok more in.-.ili and not o much swaying and jerking u&apos; can. 10th. Perlia) I am occupy ing Us< v much of your " valuable s|>m.-e," as many ofymir "jt<ittmifi oirrw|s>ndnU call ii when they "rush into print, " (gueao it* Kir valuable s|iace also, eepecially if w have paid our subscription fee snd con tribute useful and iiituruatiiig informs tl-ll ) W.-1I, w v are gliding along tlirouch a fertile | oi ti.. n of Teiine***, Kentucky. Illinois, and so on Crops look very pr iiiising, clean, thon>ugh tilling of the soil i* attended to m season, rewarding thr labtirer witli enough and to spare. Hth ami 12th Now w are frastmv our eye* on the broad, beautiful, and ap ".&apos; psrrntly boundlves prairie. We "can aee everywhere- and nowhere &apos; Fine weather, cars smoothly running about &apos;M units per hour. Sutunlay, 5 oVlm-k p m. St IVmifacv in viuw. Now we are in Winnipeg, the one,- &apos; U...iumi: " but now iKilul, sutettan tin!, pr.-s|n&apos;r.&apos;iM ciiv of WmnipoK. We meet with all our chiblren, excepting the 1 .&apos;lest. h. &apos; i i.v*n hundred miles farther "M, intruding to select a farm in imty of Iltttleford. N. W. T., pr fer* t hat part to any he has yet seen m his travels. M tMTA st MMTK III4T * hot indeed, but not so oppressive, &apos;To strating. sickening, as in Western, North Carolina, where we hat) the misfortune u> reside, upwards of three years, and if thai r men to BBOT* South, does so either ignor- antly or from selAsh motives. Northern- en calm. >t rnd ure that h..t cliiuale. The nati\r autfi-r until. i iniawnes nn aocoont .if tl.e mtetite heat. Xoiiu^>ut "nifftn " an tit for it. and sunstroke is not UUCOSB- muu sausig UM selciesl race, rtoaioa. (Living noticed Blowing accnunts of this State. I feel it my duty to caution all >nrt li*rneri against believing I*" much. Several X,, r th Carolinians went there lo better themselves, but wrr* glad to " escape with their lives " back to >&apos;. C. Tliry slate, that " besides Uie unen- durable best, tuofcjUiioea. Ac., men are hirv.t t-i *h.>it all UM snakes they cata. se nuiuervus and dsagvrvsja have they be- come &apos; The soil is exceedingly poor. \\, Wirnipej, Aug r. ti,, r.i-i&apos; nf A&apos; .4<Jemwe. I &apos;K Sia, I wish t.. enquire, the \iivi. i, wh i> rear>iiaiUe fur tbe >li Vra<-> ful r>n<liti<-n in which our n<t frr.|ueiil!v trii.-.| uduwalk* srw n.w found \V,. hT, wsiteU |lK-nilr alltKe season, hoping smnvthmn wuuld Ike atnii* t<i fasten ! .* planka and rrplam r<>Ucu or hrukvii !<lanki, hut tiiey arv Kniiis; (nnsi bmtl ko wiirw, and are |>ueUively daoirrr- iu Almatljr atreral Ixlies have been enotialv hurt by louse planks tipfing ap. It wuulii I*. iiitenMtuia; to know how much money the roaimutati&apos; n of statute lal" r fr the villa*.. aomunU lo this rear and in have a detailed statement of how it la spent. I do not question its bring aoaejatly ei|>nde<l. but the ral0|yers have a rujht to kn. w if it is judicn &apos;usly, fsiil\ .ai-.Uea>u.iicaUlj expended. "Tak the public uito confidence. &apos; rtan UMT aim I Mi W.U.n. ..( Mark. lair. Miss Wol- l.\. ..f Ti&apos;Mtite, anil Miss iiordon, of KV!i.rt"ii, aro tin- |[ues>U of Mis* Car- ruthrn, &apos; &apos;f thm |ilac<*. Mn MUWr aud >o ar* the gueala of Mrs. <iatxlin. Mr S. 1) frauelui m now bosMi f>ov Thombury. whn s* kss been wastra( ilrawuiK leesuns. K^v Mr \Vat>n. rUptut inmiater, ot, prvsvhed in the i >r* &apos;ait Suntlay iii&apos;>nmi4(. He ifse lUtcrssUDg uuKi&apos;iintr. Some of the s|iurt.s bad a very ex- citing hear hunt on llmrsxlay lasU. A sharp Kiiglilnuan brought the) news that hi* daughter. 1&apos;ollv. *aw a bear ia the hrrry patch on tlie Hth COB. 80 A. J. C.. W. J. M.. aud Yankee charged no and gatlK-rnl i&apos;amp&apos;s bounds, and wead tin ir way to tbe tiauntn of brain, which. I think, only exmted in their imagin- ation ae * . J. haa not recovered from the 1-tl.vtn nf bis piscatorial adventure. whiUi A. J. m generally thought to be limy on bear buntion, and a faint recuUection of the atiimal !M< rmle the Monday niglit pre \ i.uiM at FWborton - ain they buutrd around for awhile, until a fourth addi- tion to the partv ewpied Tom Klliw&apos; black h-i;. anil they all fired with aiore dan- aye to their abonlder* than to th* dog. I In currrMHiO&apos;tent to the Standard iuade a initaj<e in stating that Camp. piiri liah*d " BuU lier < iirl &apos; The s<-rils- of ill,. [>iu)dalk Herald at Maxwell, need only go to tbe Lanking to see the " 7th. wuudas ei tha Kxcitt-nient still rontiunes high r* the r&apos;cverttharn niatu-rt in the Ar>VjkMC_ <)m> lad> it I&apos;lnni; U> eni\i)oy lawyer F. liv i>roxT to wtito you re that matter of. -t wk. viz., Mat ami l,uW >. K<>\. Luke Hall ban taken up the paa- toral work again iu the laud of ib atara> sjn\ I

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