(|M1|<3 A mo Apr.i < .. . \s Ii, ' .1 iti-tlu^ Uk HKW 1 UH1C FLBSHERTON: THUHSDA.Y, JTI.Y 2-2.1886. tu lU-v. Mr. D'Arp'iit ilelivored his Her- raou to tin ' -iiKof Priuco Aithur Lod^e in tin. Pi< sliyU'rian i-liurrh here last Sunday afternoon. There \v&n a very largo congregation. Almost jirr- i-iwly ut tin' appoiuUiil hour, tin- bn th- rt-n lilt-,1 into tho chur. h uutl took uoatK, specially reserved for them, near the front. Kach of the gentlemen wore a very pretty Utuijue-t i)f Hoxvor*. and on the talile l'fi>n- tlie imlpit were plai-i'il two handsome \ a* s containing a choice tin i beautiful collection of lloxxi rs. llov. A. Wilson, tho Denial ami highly i-s- teciDtxl pastor of the ehurch, and his amiable wife, wen- amou^st tlm-e whu occupied tin -pew*. Rev. Mr. D'Ar#-it read the 18th chapter uf l\r*t . C'ormt'ii ans. and took his text from the last verse of the name chapter, viz., "And now abiduth faith,|liope, charity, these three ; but the greatoit of those in char ity." The ili-liniti in-, of the words " faith, hope, charity." aud their m>|>li cation to Freemasonry, formed tin theme of the Ui'V. neiitlemau's t'lu.|.ii-iit discourse, aud proved to be ciuiuuuth practical aud intensely interrstiny and instructive. A Freemason, who lived uji to the priui-iples of his order, could not be an atheist or sceptic; but must necessarily bo a ilex out and zealous C'liristiau. Kroemasonary had proved to be ODC of the chief handmaids to Christianity. Within the catacombs at Ktniir, in Spain, and elsewhere, hail been fostered and nurtured by it tin ji< rms of that yloriims Christianity which had hind- spreail xxith Hiich amazing ra pidity throughout the world. Kev. Mr. I)'Art;i ut is a \i ry fluent nu;l able spcaUc r. ^'ixing solid reasons for \ nstc-rti in he makes ; and (. \Mtli eijuiil foree to the heads and ln.irts of his hciirer". Sii that, while ono is iii-trm ti .1 and cdifted by his sound and logical reasoning, they also carry away an iiiipn-KMHin imt r;i-ily -_'nt rid of. AH the Kev. Dentil-man is also u mi-mbcr ol the fraternity, to xvhom he the miv i , ix'tially addressed his remarks, it will lie seen that he was ill a position to H(>ek intelligently and forcibly. \\'t h.>|K' hi' x\ ill tavor us \vith a visit agaii at Hume pt-riuil in the near future. I ex, rsll.iill. From i,itr oirii Tiinei ar* exeitini; in town : w..m.-i quarrvliiiK slxut xvearin-,' :t[>parel air y.iunir .>in-* lighting in lierry |>atchc* n ch othor |>et ]I;IIIH-< \V. H. Cainj :i^rn' '* eownli.nl hum broken off, nnd it to<ik all thu ]'! fi'Ulolinl skill of ( '.i!ii|,iiiL'iii'. Tenipext llol> Paul, mid Spi'iicer to st"[. ini{ It took fi.ur hour*. Mr. R. T. Mrftirr is out on tin- war path nimin as a di-over, biivinir Unib hce|>, li.i-.'-t, ami cuttle, arid it ojusn for hnno deal at iiiinx time. Miss Julia 1'iTii.'"* 1 i home from Col lingxvo.nl fura con|>li- of we"k!i. \V. J. Me<iiri i trying to m-t uj> a fiith ing parly to cainii al"ii'^ the R-eky S.-m L'l-i'ii. 1 think it i* not fUh altogetho Mr. VV S. it aftor, hut wht his true ob- ject M di puiii'nt sayi-th nut. Bx-Hev. Hull lias IMM n in the count <>f Yrk thu past uvek and diaposnl i liu hoMf, "CharU-y," for the num c $140. S<> report li.-it it. Then^ was a magnificent time at S \ lrraek n 1'Jtli mst., a grand juliilt .and ccmic foiicort. Tlie l>oaniiii^ riiuntcnance of erer we <-oino Harry Hull, jr., is frequently si-* in town. Mr. Ono. A lister nnd A. .1. <'"iir"n ar making it hot for poultsy thieves, havin killed fi>ur within a week. Thrt grist mill i runninc steady now Air. ('. has diioharged all hand.-i and is a the helm himself, and it is an estalih: he fact, that hi' can suit the ladies with Hoi as can no one else. HnxwHl. Fnrmnur (iir You complained last week ut not r coiving item* from any of your corre pnndunts. Well, probably it was on a< count of the nlrii>iiH txrelfth of .Inl taking up the former part of the xiroek And your correspondents may hare fc oniewhat iiulispoaud. Well, there was no (x-lebmtiim horu our ( >rangomen cc abrntod the ainiix-ersary at Iladgen*. Hugh Caui]>lM-ll, uf Siniihauipton, ai W. HoliiiiN, of Iladi^eros, were suiumoi <1 by License Inspector Campbell to n] poar More Thos. Uamey and M. Kiel ardson, J. l'', on a charge of havin intoxicating Ikjnor for alc at on the 12th uf July. Kohins plead guilt to tin- charge :nnl xxnn fined $20 and c<mti Campbell made a very flimsy excuse bi stuck In it aud was fined (2~> and cunts. They will likely be more careful in future. The ref running rains of the last week have raised new hopes in tht minda of th* fanners, na cmi* wero suffering for want of rain. Ilnyini; is pretty well com- menced but tin- crop is below the average. Kev. S. Arkell* started for his new mission at Little Current last week. One of our Merchant Princes is octini; very strange at time* and experti say he will soon be ready for the asylum. > tht ill Innovation. f I'll' ! r 'i Slow Hour. NUHVKLOIIS. One ili'M- of Dr. Cliitx-'b Livr Curt- will run. Si. k Headache, Uizzi- l''lnur just MOsivtd i;ei, ,u..l Sour Sl.iiim, h. 1 to '2 bottles ro mil on I, nnil iit Mrs Thiimiisiiii's anil warranted to cure Liver r,,in)ilnlut, IndigtJ \our neatly ijot up Prize List of the i and " * " ti.,i, und Hiliuusiie... SJd by UieUruugUt. Eait Urey ^.cultural Society ha. a new Bllln d eparture in the shape of Horse Macing n.miicenu-nt ill it ! People iiiuiiy nf them, are surprised slid hocked ut it. Who authorized the Slrnyrd. Caruotothe premises of Mr. David ""'" co Smith. li>t :>-. rt'ini xsioii 10, Arti-nu-sia. AltOlSK THK I. IVKHwben torpid with uted. e..|.leH money for such a purpose f uUuit last of Jiiao, a white pitf. Any Was the money subscribed by private | pcrsou prt.uLK property an<l paying ex iti/.cna towards tin: ground intended t. Ublish grounds for horse racing f lines home racinx promote the morals if tho people ? Does it promote the interest of the ariucrn generally ' jKl any tiling bo countenanced by agricultural societies whereby a large i. irti.'ii of the public conscience is (.'an Christian members and siipport- ;r remain as such and encourage such acknowledged sources of immorality and wroni; ? KIT x-hoso particular benefit is this pi us* s can have thu >aim at any time. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IUK 10 ' a in I.i il.u|i PK( i.uu-.j. iNci'iuni.r. --!:. C. McOoyern, of Syritnihc, N. V., who is a well-known reiii ill III of til it |i'.lli'f, a> .lirl.irt-.l ilictirshh' * u J*t>* by hi* pliysii'iun, the ilist'HKH Wing a coin plication f ki.lnex urn! IIX-IT rouiplaiut. In two du) In fi.itiiii n lief in Hurdock Hlood liitt.-rs. ;ui.i in ono in.. nth he ciitirt ly n covered. |. \M, 1.1(01 S K ITS sr- often caused by worms. I- ii" man Worm Powders destroy inoIhiH lit.. iis xa'iv >iu ls,nu,-ijy '(i II... . '4,1; t'owi '-<i'ir ."(!. mi 1...1I..1 1 >JUl UHOJ, THE MARKETS, rLBSHBBTOK. I'huir ?2 -25 to 2 25 Full Wheat $0 70 to 75 75 (K) 29 52 11 U) '25 5 0( 1001) 7 2ft 16 85 Wheat .......... (J5 Hurley ..................... 0() Oats ................ ... 28 Peas ...................... 06:2 lUittcr .................... Oil Eggs, frcsli .............. 09 Potatoes .................. 20 Pork .................... 5 00 Hay, per ton ............. 800 Hides ..................... 25 Wool ...................... 1C Sheepskins ............. 50 HEARD'S OAUUIACiE WOKKS! Kleshert-jn, May 28th, 1886. To our r nends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the inanu- acture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been. O tXK)000000000<)OOOOl)(K)0<XX)0<HKX>0000 1 encroachment ? \Vhoii these questions are answered, n" . I.- is at hand. I'iriZEN. FOU Nl'lTl.i: HASH. Snumier Heal. Krupti.'iis und ^enurul toilet pQ/poan, uw Low's Milphur Snap. AltK VMI MAI'l. mis. rable by Iniliffest. ii'ii,/L'"ii>uiuti..it. l>i/./.nn'-i, I.os of Appe- till, YrU'-xv Skin '.' Sluluh's Vitalizer is si CARD OF TIIIMS! III thanking my customers for their berul patronage in the past, I liavc much pleasure in being still able to supply them with the following cele- U'HV \\ii.i, YO l cough xx heii Shiloh's bratcd machines, vi/.., Cure will yni' niiniijiatu rtluf. Price 10 cts., iltii-ts.. mid II. liiislioge. vur oit'ii ' 'urn .<f"iH<l' ut. riayin^ is in full bloom here now. Tin' M. -tli. ..list church here is now onipli-ted iinil will be i.|>ene(l for service next Sabbath. The Kev. Mr. Cornish, f MinktUle will pi.-ach at 10:30, the Rev. \\ . Aycnt :it ii.'W and the Rev. Mr. Murphy iit (i.HO. Monday fveiiinir follow- 111! there will be a -jr:unl tea nn-ctiiij. Mr. J. Little, nf Owen Sound, is visi- ting friends in this xicinity. Councillor Pickell has V>een repairing si. nir uf thu bad roads here in grand tyle. Mr. Ludlow, of Oranguville, is visiting Friends here now. Tlie pii-nic held here in connection with tilt- S:ibli.itll BcbOoli Was a i_'l:unl RII. There were about eiu'ht liundrt'd |ieoplo [>resviit nnd a very enjoyable time was .n-sfiit. Mr. \V. Watson raised the frame of a ariff bam last week. Mr. T. Hutchinson is putting s stmie '..uii.lnti.iii under Ins bam, as U also Mr James Robinson. Mr. T. Brown, sr., has been re;.:iiriui; anil paintini; his house, which ivi-.t it a very neat :ippi'ar:uice. The kr:inlei. [liirty ;it Mr. (!. Moore's lat Monday, came off in raud style. Coloiilnl i:\liiliitiiui ><>i->. T!io number of visitors to the Exhibit- ion for the week eliding; 3rd July, vras IHI.KiX ; nmkini; a total since tho opcn- iii'.'. "f 1.4.-J,'.'.V.i. ('an'.in.il MAIHIIII-.' recently visited the Cnnada Section, and under the guidance i.iiln- H"ii. (i. iiiiinii-t devoted much at'. -iition tn thu flucatioiial exhibits from BBILOH'8 CATABBH IlKMKDY apoi- itivi- ruri- fuf Ca'i'rrh, Iiiptln-ria HIH! Canker Muutn. l-'or MI!. .a Mi-du-al Hall, FlvMbur- toa. Binder. "HACKMKTACK," a lasting and fragrant pprfnm,'. I'rii'i- '_'."> mid .Mi ctnto. For sale at Mi-dii-al Hull, l-'leMierton. FOK I'V^rKl'SlA uiid l.iver Complaint, vu biivf a I'rinti ,i guuriintiu on every bot- tlt- "f hluloli'ii Viulizer. It in v< r faiU to cure. For le at Mrdical Hail, Henhvrtuu. A NASA I. IN.IKlTOtt fne with each bot- tb- o( Mnloli'* Catarrh K.-mi-ily. ."rire ."Mi centE. Fur iiale ut Medicul li.ill, ilunker- tuii. la tb* pop j,, ^ ular n nii-.lv i..r elnll [.-x-i-r, i.ut it ilnen ml Klay. i-uri'. I--.JMI-I l',-lton. of tiraw j Warehouse. Lake. MU-IIH.MII. t""k in cill WMI grains of ipr.niiii- fur .-tin nil- i-lnll* an I lualarial fevi-r. that snd x urioiin other ri'Uii'dit-.- had , live bottleb of IJurdock iilood Hitters curetl him. Tlie Toronto Thu Toronti) MO'.VIT. The Sharp Sulky Hake. Tlie Massey Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Token" lY:i Hurvestor. The Fox IVn Harvester. Hamilton's Coinliination Plow. Tolteii'd I'eiitiv Draught .Jointer Plow. Hiunilt'in's Scutllers. Hamilton's Ho.-- (lang Plow. Wisiu-r's Sprinu' Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham 1 . lining Mill. A full stock of KEPAIBS always on hand. Parties requiring any of ths above will do well to call and incped Much be found in hproulc'a Tlios. A. Rlakcly, Plain Hint Ornamental House and Carriage Paiiiter, Floslierton. ll>re|iar<.,l i.i titti ml In rll work in Ills llnesof l.u.ini .s in tin' lui.i-t nnti-itm -torvand workman hk- luaiiiii'r. I'.^tiiiiuti-s cheerful!) furni-i- i. ami i'"i:lia.-t c ' ini-.l .,ut I" tlu- Iff ti r OriliTK in t..\.:i "r muiiu-v. by mail or otherwise, will n . ' i\> '"piulU prompt iitt-ntion hhop over Milt turn's rurrui^*- \\orkg. THOS. A. BL^KELY. THK LT ii in. I---" Alter the alxivo year l> 1'iuluil t)i' r. lu-ra !* mi 1'iTHuii HUtfcririK from lt!li-.iniiiti-iii Ni'timlk-ln. Tnotliacho. Hctdachu, l.iiinluu. 1 >. <>r anv ai-utu liaili. if thr> olily pur- rhaii- H uuttli- uf Klin. I Lightning, u it curun III- itintly I'nln i-aiiiiot Kty whur it It unod. I'h. IIKIIII- i, Fl-.iiL LigbtuinK. Sold by tlie L)rugxit. A. S. VanDUSEN, FlJCSHKRTOK. O OOCXXKlO'MMIOIMIt i. " n .iinoolKKHMiruuilKMK) NOTICE. VTOTICr. iihen-hy niven that a by-law wan Mi-<;it n ,v 1-AiiKi .-. utiiot.ir CrriATr - [> | m s-,i lit tin- M.ini.-i|.nl Coom-il of thu ll..\, >.ni ami "M S.,n-. Cut. liiirn. !liin->. Cnni, >', up, , r uiii,ii ... tl..- Tnxi IIK|II|> of ArtulouKia. oil Hunioti, Suit Kin inn. 1'iiripU', liintclie-, Houi^li tlu- Si v. ntli .',i> ..( JUIM \ D. 1Mb, providing foi llilli.l" ..r Kni-i''.' 11 .-'<. thi-r. i~ li'.t ODf . .i,. ilu- i-- in- i.f iiciii litun - t, itln ' aiiioiiut i 't tliirt) namely, UoOrooor A Parka's Ctrboll ( ,-n.t. n iivi- lnin<ln"l .Inllam i^.wwwii (or iiur|>o<. of y.iu luit tr> u, it will i-,>iiviiii-i->ou. It cobtil but ' s.-l. .. ! s.-. lion NuuiU-r KIVI-. of IteTOVBsUpol JSc. a>t tin nru^sturo. | ArtmiMsIa, sad tbs4 -u> h l)y L.wwari-(jit,r<',l ititlu- U.-'.-i .tr\ uRi'-i- tor Si.uili (iri'V on tho slow'H h.>tlmik! !->yrill> ' for I'lnMr, n 1.. lu valut' i in.-iilciilal>!o. It will n-lifx-n the |> "-r llttl.- -.iitTi-n-r llnni.'.iiati-lx ll.'l'i n>l iipmi it. n...t I., r . . th.Ti* u IK. luintako aliout it. It; .- ,r. 1> - r.i.-r> n:i.l l>iftrrli,.-n. r.vuUtcs tin. Klouiacli ^Ti'i H. v. ..;'.- ^'. ;r.( < .Ii.- -..fti'ln. f li,rrIli-r L>ato<l at Kli-ihartou thin Hut day of Juno.lMM \v. j.ni:i.i.x\tv Tv.|. t Icrk. Tbu Tliur.niKli-Ilriil DUUHAM P,ULL, : t r,lK.T.A8.B.. tli, 1 1 .it. .- r. I i. . ~ inilHiiiniation. ikii.l unvi K tone , : tlni wholi t.y f ti-lll. ' Mr. \Vln>- . low'a (toothing ttjrrup '"' cl.il.ln t, tci-iliin|{ IK |.],--,in; t,.ll'"t.i-U.ai. i . one of tho ul'li'-t ali'l tii'-t i\n.l li.ir-i in lli.- I iii:i-l ^ - _. Mr. < Minuet ex I .lamed fully the I b> all .IniKt^t* thr. :ii. hunt tin worlil. 1'rtce , Trnin, U pr OOW, pkjrsbl* M -Ian. IHK7. twi'tit) I 1 ... t.r:- .' ,r..;oi.| a*>k for HO*. Wo M, -.UK s. :i:ist, Sinn-," and taku 2.WJIV* nuothi-r kin.l WUIb.for.,rv,.,..t lx.t I A.t,,,,,..., .l..r. V tl.. ,, A FAIK 1'iiuponirioN. Thiro could be no oflfr iiiorr full l)jn tlit nf the pruprirtuM of llanyir.1 Vellow Oil. who hsve InnR nt- ered U> ri'fun.l every c->iit <\pi iuli d for that remeJir, if it'uU to give -at'fn -tion on fair trial. HIOB PmAmn. Mrp. .loVin N. eUn.U, writ inp from the Mr-thnHst Pamnnafr*. AdrUnU Ont..rtys: "I hsrp mod IlKgTsrd'n fir iTl llnliaiu in "in f'nilr f. r ycnrr. For heavy cnlds, ore thrmtts n-( .lintt>Fii> AiujUi oo other medicine 10 noon rrlieTes." |,].I,'I.->M "f I'll'it-ati'.ii in the I'rox-ince. Duiiiinioii I'ay wan ul.to niaikud V*y a visit from tin- I'miivHs Heatrioe, accom* |.in:.'d by her husband, Prince Henry of l!.itt,-nl..Tr, and Sir Philip Cunlit r l >xx en. Tin- I'nnri-Hs npeiit a consiilemlile tune in the C.-inailiaii Si-ctioii, and evinced much iit. r. -f in the -j.-nn.- and fur exhibits, puirlia-iir.' .-\i i :il of the latter from the i-nlli'i-tioii of MeBsrs. Renfrew of (Quebec. Thu (i.une Trophy has recently under- il'iiit' Home new arrangement. Thu inside of thu tniphy n now hun^ with some fine heaiU c-niitribuUHl by the (ieolo((ical Sur- vi y "f <'anadaand individual exhibitors, while the w all* are IIMIIL; with excellent in.lia ink sketehes of Rocky Mountain scenery by Mr. Lewis, of Winnipeg. \i th. i int in stum addition to the trophy is a pair of ni'x-casin, formerly the prop- erty of the late Sir John Franklin, the celcbi it ! Xi.-tie exployer. They seem in a ri-m-ii kablf state of presentation. Diiminion Day was very appropriately celebrated in thu Canadian Si-etion on tlm Krst of the- month. In the Central (Sail- cry anil Eihicatii'ti and Machinery Courts flowers nnd foliasje had licen tastefully arranged by exhibitors, and gave a frenh und (ilfasin^ appearance. Round the bust of the Mar<|uis of Lornu and the ph.'ti .lymphs of Sir John Macdoiiald and Sir ('liarles Tupper appreciative hands bands had aUo placed Horal wreaths, Ix uiiix', as did other decoration*, a neat card with the. inscription :" The Day we celebrate -Dominion Day, 1866 Canadian Court, Colonial Exhibition, July 1st, 18id." In further reference to tho proposed fruit shipments in the autumn, it may be iiii; to note the excellent BUK- that, for the purposes of tho Ex- hibition, pn/i- fruits should be obtained from the leading ]in>x-incial and loesl fairs and uxhihitions held throughout Canada in the oarly autumn. Such a collection promptly forwarded and shown, as is suggested, in the Hall of the Royal Horticultural Society adjoining the Can- adian Court could not but have a most attractive appearance. Tho question of thu transmission of fruit to Europe in cold storaao chambers is, we believe, be- lieve, bciiii? brought to the attention of the Minister of Agriculture by the Cana- dian Eiecutivu Commissioner. But tlie week has been one of confer- encfR, too. < >n \Vodnesday Professor Frt-ain dealt with Colonial Forestry. He again urged the importance of a national school of forestry, and pointed out that so far as Caiindn is concerned everything neenn-rl ripe for the establishment of .1 department of forest conservancy under the Dominion Government. On Thurs- day Mid Friday tho Imperial Federation League held a cniifcrcnw of coni ilernbl.i ini|K>rtnci'. Sir Alexander (Jalt treateil t he question froni one colonial point of view, and Mr. J. O. <'"lmer dealt with iiimiiKralion. On Saturday Dr. Selwyn delivered an address iijion the mineral resources of Canada before a conference of th* Geologists' Association. al.Ii WKI.I. ITKASEP. The children tike Dr. l.nw > I'leKwiit \\'orm Syrup and parent* rejoice ovei its virtues. \V H. JOHNSTON, 1'rujiri.itor. M.-iiiirniiiis SIM I-IIY Ciio: \viirn wo ay XI i ,r. ^ ij -j.. . . i i . :< ] tfi. ,,;! > i', rf, . t .-i.n f..r 1 1> '|..-i> -u*. I.i\-: i .napUiTi:-!. [ndlxi aid lirijniri. Ill -"I, wi> art 1 t, Ilillk' plnm faclit. nf wlii.-M Inin. Ir. .in ill. in 1: un.lr. ill call ti-^tif> lln hax-i' I ..... n nMona i |,.-n.-. t h.-altb In it W would thoruf ore aavlio yon stroDRi) ar xilhji'c-t "f any of thi- nlnix-- tr niM. . t.< 1veM.iir> , >( tire n trial uti 1 i ; i., . ,| It is sold in toe. an 1 Ml.00 bottlvk at the T>ruK Store. MIM'.IUI. l'..i '*- *-. .'.Inn : 1'tit uuri' retract* f r.'in ',-liiiit ~ ftii'l rontu ari- ii-i'.l in |m']'imir M. aad, ths MOasra and now TIio wull bre.l Durham Hull, Prince Arthur, I'l'.liRrae.l xVill I.i f.T MTV thin ncason at Ixit 103. IHI - H \rti in. '<ia. 1 , Tin" nuts pur cow. payable 1-.1 Jan. lw-7 llurrnh, Uiyrt ! n.iw- \.,ur i)'|>,>rt iinity T provo your stock at "pri.-i 1 1" Ruit tin 1 tini-n." WM. CAIUI I'AIIKI u, 1'ropriator. ('rnii|<. it IHT li..tlli- lit tin liniK stiirc. Th V. . ii lln-l li'irliaui Hull, DAUNTLESS, (Hoi; I'l-lurn-r i \VUlbnfortlici.-r\i., . r C..WH tin 1 ^rannn nf I.UIli: I "Mil r i. n.. .iy for (.'hlii. < "UKli>. I'r.incDltlf, A-tliniH. an.) all iiff,-cti"ii>- of the tliroat, iili-lii.it All mini ral |..>i'on anil ilan *til.-.tiiri- r.- avoid, -1 whi, Ii r.-ii.li-r- it if**; at lil own plan', l.,.t l.vj, :^r.l KmiK<i West, .lill.lr.-i. . ,r H.lults. SoMatoUc.at * 1.1)0 T ft S. U.. Arlmuiisla. \ TnriiiK "1 (in I'.-v . -<iw,]iax-alili< mi or l,i-l,irn Jan. 1st. IKi7 CiiMfi...' r. tiirnnl rrtiulally to Illlll will I,.- . linrR-'il wlu-llirr ill ralf '-r n- .1 MHNAI.II M. KI'.N/ll;. rr..|.ri.t r BELL" For Hair OJacrnn H inllrafroiiiKlvahortnn. <lnod rm frame ilwrllini;, 7 ro..iu. J.i"<l .'.-llnr. UIK>,I Htalili' a nov.-r fnilini! <| -rin; ' -r. ,-k I I-IIM- \ . K.,r particulan apply to \\ .1 HKI.l.AMY. Fli.hrr- t..ir or to C. \V. HK.l.uAUY. Mark.lale. Unapprop.ched for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL&CO.,Gaelph,Ont, James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertoa iii: MI,;. l'.:t\t trou^hln^.aiul in fact ovury- ing in thu buffiiH'pH will rccoivo mjr promi'l Hii'l rai .-ful attention at roHnonabli! price*. I'\IN : r ;s MITKRIVLH Alwax'K ki-|il in Stock. Call and sea thorn. WOOL! I WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at the FLESHERTON Woollen < Factory ! Tlio Machinery beinp, now in splendid working order, and having engaged a staff of corniif tent hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods nsimlly kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give us a call. W. H. FLESHER WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DKOPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTZRINC JAUNDICE. \ OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, ' THE STO'/ACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every tpcls of clliea* arU r ir from disordered LIVER, KIDNY8, STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. HILBURN 4 GO., pro- made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to r ._ duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies,. Carriages and Waggons. i our IOIIK pmi-t ical ox itoriul. wi' have Biu-crc.) Soh.'itiiik' )"iiri.nli wneiire u,l ci,,fu! attention to the want- of the trade, sod tli bm led :n uialnug u liuggy which lia uo u|..-n,,r IIKAU1IS CAKUIAOK WOKK8. Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill 4 Paaning Factory, In the Village of Pr/cevil/e, Being fitted up with N. \v Muchincry, of tlie latest aud most improved pat terns, is SKCOXD TO MONK in the County of Grey. We arc pn-jiui-eil to supply the public with any amouut of" Lumber and lilll stuff at l,o\v-t CHS|I rrMK. We have on hand about 5(1, (>()() tVot nf Maple und liirch Flooring, dressed and mutcht'd ready for use. S.nx in- and l'l;imn done expcditiotiBly and satisfactonly. Special buixuiiis given to liiiildcrs. Contractors, and Cash pureliascrH. Haviit" liitfly put in an Emery \Vlierl, wo can K um CroBBcut Saws in first class style und on the shortest notice. A fair trial will conviuci you that this is the spot to buy your Lumber. Pricfvill.', Feb. 2;tnd, '80. .jon:v PLESHEETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN! Now Butcher Shop in Flesh- ertoii ! Pntch < Mitohnll, I Have on Hand a Full /Usortmsnt I'li'il'RIKTQUS. TH K nn.l.-f . tilliity t..nii."ni. i- totli.-' |..-"|'l Sfton and aurrouodlug ..! t:, , il.m tluvltavu started Butcher fUiop in t!i. i-.n.i n.^t.l.Hir ti,,. M-.ri,:,- \AI.II.X, n.i:--Mi KTHN. wiu.re tli, . uill I,, |,1. it-, I t.. 111, -it with all who favor with tkeir pstnuugi Pnek Ksass o( all klu.in.atul Kili. Ac in tin ii >i ... ltop-c-tfull> y-niri-. IMITCHA MIT< HKLL. New Harness Shop PRICEYILLE! i.iiiiiia.iiiiii Thr - r ' <'f 1'r t. \ [lie ti i I ui rouu 1. n. ti- '.1 ! >ri 1, tlint h< h Inkinp liU 'tlli'-H i -t I'r -. "V iJ !' \x t r> )n I } mhar. f |i':l.ii.- [Ns.tr. >IMI r Allw.uk will IH* - <l ti t I . U ami ; A^snt titn nt <if \\lup-v Hrn-h<>. Ci-fv ('>iul)H. I.ip I"'.!. -. i.-.f. Ac . ulwa, K .1. WATSON. A GIFT fM-ll.l an. I x fr i in , , t- i'.>ta'>. <> Mill mail xnu r.'.iil. x-alniMf, tli.-u xvill MU: M 11 hi the way i.f iriikin.- i.ii.r. :n.,ii. ) t ..m... ;|,aii any- til Ii f . f nil ru,-i- it J- >iti' n'nl work in ]wi' 1 1 1 . - nr .ill tin. tii . 1,1,1 i-,.|tiii iron. Innu - in, start ut 1 I , I'. I. till! GOODS. In GcntB, Ladies, Misson nn-l ( 'hililnns 1!0( )TS & ?1I()KS. I endeavor to hatisfy our cu.iloimis hotli in (iiw.ls and Pricei. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of --STOV . IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, : j .1 j i KM. TO IV. FLE SHBETON. Important Notice! ThotuhKi rili.-r l*n to inform the pm>]>li< ..f Floiherti.il n ii'l MII r<'iiii,liiih'fi>untr>. that lu-lian tsMH MR .UOfiti'N MILL '2 in Hi-, fmiii Kli--li.-rt .n. nn.l furnish liilln of any U -n^th , now )>n j-ari'd to ,r sixi - ,,f I.uiut.er LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. AlwayH on Imml. Kluhwooilrnt tostovo length! on haitil. Cintom Hawlog dune by l!n thniiHand. REASONS Why you Rlioultl p-t your I.ninliur uiiilSliiiiKlim cut by S|ii'n. -i-r: (1> EvoryRiiw in tho Mill U Sow and the mill in In |ii rfi-i ! iir.lri. () Hnrausulii' IH aprnotii aluawynr nn.lkorp lll aw nn.l iiinrliiin-r> in prrfnct onlir. ill Hi .. nn~. -In. i't all HcaiitlinR Joicoexact- ly to the liill furnished. (I) Ho lisn put In a Ltin.lior K tiger and all honr'ln aro name wl.lt In from ouii end to tho othor. (5) Bccaniio you ran take? n load of log to tho mill anil a loud of Itmiltcr homo nanio clay. Irti HI-I-UI. ho Kuarantocn to cut alti'tmtoin work In a xv.irknianllkc uiannorandnatUfactlou Ruarantonrt. in l!< i-aiuo all nawlng I. <lono at rockbottom prices. Liimlirr bfUfrriil if lir,/ 1, ireil. G. H. SPENCEK. Sept. loth. 183. AT O A.TVD OJ Insurance offcctod on Farm and Villain Htnldinps and contents. Insurance against Lightning a B))ccialty. D. ills, Mortgages, Leasrn, Wills, &c., carefully prepared and properly executed. OFFICE, Toronto street, near Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent. E. YANZANT, xi. i. or d Mi, Such m Moiiuinonta, Tomb Tables, Headstone* C.iiintiT iiml Tulili 1 Tn|is in American and. lt:ilun M nlilr und dr. mill', and made on sh >vt iiutici-. Also Muntli'H in Marblo and Miirlili'i/t-il Shitr, kc.. Sic. Flushurtiin, Aug. :W, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the lilootl, correct all Ui.-,onlors of tho I ,i \ ! . Htomacl&, Z \ i< in' \ -- and Theylnvlgnratoanil rnKtoro tohi'nlth ni'1'ilitHt..l r.iiiKiltiitions. and urn InvalanMr In all Com - plaiutiincldoiital to Koinalotof all ac<m. For Cliildn n nn.l tho agi'it thoy are priceless. THE OINTMENT rt an infallible romodv for Tin. I lift*. Had llrot. ol-l \Voutiiln. Sorex and Ulcers. It Is famous fac limit an.) BheumatUm. For dltordenof tlmCliujt it lit* no equal. ForSOKK THR0.41, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Hwelllngi, and all Hkin Dl>eio<i It ban no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joiuti it act* like a charm. Kanufantuivfl only at Profoiior HOLI.OWAT'H Eitabllibrnent, 78, New Oxford Strrct < Intr .133, Oxfnrd Htrret >. London, andareioldat l, 1J<1 .'2. M.. 4. <vd., 11 ., SBn.. and :o. a<-li llnx or P cine Vendon throuKhout tho VV'orld. Purchotfrt thmitd Innk ft >tn /../.-/ .,ti the l',,f nrul Hnrn. 55.', Orford .Sf/iwf, Liitl<m, tlify rr iirin t. aud may bo had of sll Med Ifihe oMreu it not ' YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take Contain their own Par8Ue. Is a safe, sure, and rtti-riL-al Slim i'ir t tnrm In CliU.lren 01 AdU> J. W. BATES, Fur n it n rr Di'dlcr and PlvKBHEDTON, ONT. NOTICE: A tliornngli brod Durham Hull calf, ii e month old, for sale. Also a one year old Durham Hull. with good pedigrees. Also a good Steam Flour Mill at Flesherton Station for sale. Apply to UOGKU LEVKB, Flcshertou P. 0.