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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1886, p. 2

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Tby sat tu(*tb*r OD Ih* steps, Tbsuiiihi wa* calm and fair, And soiiliuf Luna flung her light Upon tb* loving pair. Oh, happy boor I On* rounded arm About bis neck wa* placed. He held one tluy hand In bis, One arm wa* round her waist. And tbero beneath tb* smiling uioon, Hall baabf ul and ball bold, While blnabtuKly tbe maiden beard Tb* tale of love be told. Bnt while b* spoke In acoeuts low The maid withdrew ber arm And started, and tbe lover cried, Wbat can*** your alarm ? Il Bom* oca coming '.' speak, my own, Your papa, darling, tell '.' Tbe maiden laid, I tbongbt 1 beard Tb* ice cream pedler'i bell. A i Mir oi Three a*)*uh*. In May, will tb* river intice tbe small boj . It will, oh, il will, ob, II will, ob . Will i>ort. and not aehool. bring him solace and joy? It will, ob, It will ob, it will, ob ; Will he Ily bia big kite from the top of the bill? And be, when there's neb ing for itudy too ill Will a thought ot bis marble insure him a tbrill ? It will, oh, It will, ob, it will, oh ! In June, will Ibe seaside claim fair Isabel '/ It will, ob, 11 will, ub, It will, ob ; Will each wave have a tale of flirtation to tell '. It will, ob, it will, i b, it will, ob: Will ber sweet rosebud lips melt tbe soothing loe cream ? Will her big, lustronseyes ou the dry goo.Ii clerk beam? Will hi* pocketbook rudely awaken tbe dreaui " It will, ob, It will, oh, It will, ob ! In July, will tbe weather be awfully hot ? It will. oh. it will, ob it will, ob ; Will remorse and despair us tbe poor plumber's lot ? It will, oh, it will, en, il will, ob ; Will th* sheep iu the ohurcbee decide it is best To give their dear shepherd a much-needed re*t .' Will tbe dad* wear a bang and a polka dot It will, ob, It will, ob, It will, oh ! The -I mi... iu AoroM tbe fleldi I law ber go, A fair yonng maid of motion fleet ; Tbe falling petal*' drifted snow Prom pale white bloesouu graaed ber feet Tbe morning breeze wai fresh and clear, The blue sly crowned a pei feet day, While that aoe choru* filled tbe ear, Wbloh make* tb* orchestra of May. tio r**y chMked. *e yonng and fair, Br iti> 1 natioea long and well, And found they took ber quickly, where A mOtring houtcbold chanced to dwill. She bor* within her basket's space. Uainttee and food for thoee in need , And all the sweetness of bei face, I law reflected m ber deed. Ske lifted up the beartn 'track down By lifelong sorrow and despair, Anil by her preeeoev, sned aruand Their humble bouie ber luve ml earn. be did not aeem to make a talk Of wbat befell so fair and free ; Bnt nothing mote could crushed bearU alk, Tnan her moet welcome uiiuisur. Ob, there I* keenly in the ipring, And itrange dullgbl 10 oumruer days- bat ob, what joy on* band can bring When touched bv love's transcendent (trace. 'I i.. Crasne. My Lady UlsdaJn, my Lady Disdain, Of contumelious mien, As proud and ai cold as. in diy* of old, Tne (iroudeei and eoldeat >iueen , With your oh lulled face and your stately grace You tynnnne over men ; And your beauty rare make* us all deepair ; Bat your beautv will fade Wbat then My Lady Dledain, my L*dy Diedain, You re lovely and gay and youug. I agree in sooth there is caught like youth, As poet* have often lung ; But tut) year* go by ai tb* swallowi fly With swiftness beyond our ken, Ton are radiant now, with your white, mvmtll brow, But the wrinkle* will come Wbal then '.' f [.*.! Disdain, my Lady Diedain, ou ve Mrvanti at call and beek, nd jewels moet rare gleam imidyour bair Or iparkle upon your neck. u have weeJth at baud that yon way com- mand By dlppmg a golden pea, ad an income One that I wish was mine; tit your falhu may fall What tben '.' ^eonaime angels named ber, And they souk the light f tbe laucbmg alar*, and framed ber In atmileof whlto; And they made lii-r bair of gloomy Midnight, and ber eye* of bloomy Moonshine, and they brought her to m* In a Klemn nigbi. In a *ol*mn night of mmmer, Whin my heart of gloom Bloeeomed up to greet tbe comer Like a roe* In bloom i All fonbodlngi thai dlitreei me I forgot a* Joy careeeed me (Lvlnc Joy that caugbl and preued me In the arm* of doom I) Only ipake the little lUptr In tbe angel tougao; Yet I. listening, beard hsr whisper . " Bongs are only sung Here below that they mar grieve you- Talee art told you to deceive yon- Bo m list Leonalnle leave you While ber love li young." Then Ood imlled and It was moroin Matchless and inprcm* ; Heaven 'sulory lueu.ed adoruing Kartb with iti esteem; Kvery near! but mine seemed k-ifte.1 Witb tbe voice of prayer, and lifted Where my Loouafnle drifted From me like a dream. Buppoted to oe by E. A. Pot. " * 'l.- He took my band. Be did not even lay " Be mine, for I have loved you many a day." He only pressed it in hii lovingly; Be looked into my eye* anl said : " Make me." A mlit cam* over mine, I could not aee ; And be repeated: " wbat you will, Jiake me. " Last night I bad a dream, that I wai dead ; And you were there, love, bending o'er my bead Ton beld my ionl; and weeping law Its itaiu Tour tears fell on It ; It was pure again. e Can you not do it " I will follow yon Until I feel tbat 1 am formed anew. - Drop IT, .wu apuu HIT rus mother tear ; Beekou me onward and I will not fear. " Ob, take my band. Lead me your patb alone Without yon 1 am weak, bat witb you itrong. " Love me u yon love Heaven ; and I shall be Worthy to dwell witb you. Oh make me I" THE DKY WOMAN. Tbe lights were down, and save the eound o snort us; No noise disturbed tbe Fnllmauary calm, When suddenly there came a gentle roaring " How dry 1 be! bow very dry I am I" Again toft ilomber on tbe steepen rattled, Ooce more there wa* a atlll and awful pause, When from it* depths a voice both cracked and rattled Cried out, " How very dry I wu I" Awoke each sleeper from bii troubled pillow, From every berth a head appeared ii. view. Tben came a shout ai from an angry billow. " Dry up, old woman ; go to sleep pray do I" he f or.i . h ., Dreae . . . were Outre, "Mrs. Uppererait, I am Mhamed of yon I" "Why, George, dear, what have I been doing ?" " The idea o( talking before all the mm pany in tbat effusive, flirty way witb thst young, baldheaded " " II ub, dear, thai U Lord Lion, " No, it WO 'I ; tbat i* tbe bead waiUr. Okittgo NCKI A H.r.l Onr. Coming down in (be oar tb* other day I overheard lady My to ber little daughter (they were evidently on their way to a tunaral) " Nellie, you moot make no noiM when you go in where Mn D il; Ibe il MOISTIC^ : TMiOTH010 > "rTLLIS." "KOLLTBAWK," iMU OlliKU I'OfVUM BOVBL* Ana the little one * reply WM llow oan ih* hear me U eb< " 8h h-h h I" II WM a powc. mtifeh. A dead?" Don'l the Proleatant liuauw pay?" ask* Uweu presently, wbo ii ia * bhs.Iul state of ignorance about tbe taniot-right affair generally. Tbiy're jaat tt:e wont of the lot," aiy* old Desmond tastily, "tbey come whimper- lug here, saying tbey would gladly pay but Ibal they are afraid of the othir*, and won't 1 1*1 them off? and BO forth." " I wonder," aayi I3nau dreamily il ia very late aud be u in a gently, kindly, acm- ooleut state born of tbe arm-chair and bu pipe" I wonder if one WAS to give iu to thtm eutirtly woald Ibey be generous enough Io " "II yoa cau'i talk MUSS," interrupted hiu uncle angrily, " don't tsli al ill. I am sur- prised il yon, Brim 1 Hava you teen or noticed i.othiug all tuete ytiira, bave you been bliud to the ilalecflLe country, that yousiivuBcuud to each utter Irish? Pahaw I The weakly sentiment of tue day aiekeu* me." "BaC eappnse CDS WM to humor tntm I mi,ulallndirglo you, mydear Gaorgn," to h:a uaele-" 1 know yoa have humored them oouLiiltrably-but 1 mean landlo:dH Centrally would nut peace bu restored? Ibat fellow Donovan to- day wai beyond doubt ire pertinenl to thelas) degree; bat, of O-iurse, ho meant nothing ; they would, I bould ihiuk, bosiute in tbeir ownintereit before falling tool ot yoa." " You dout understand them u I do," yi tbe bqjire slowly. "I mil tbiuk peace, aud. nat war, should be insliiled into thicu,'' tayi Brian. " Too many landlord* are bainh and unyielding in an aggravated degree, wben a little pir- aua*ionand a few sot t words wonld smooth nutters. They, ol course, art visited witb Ibe revenge ot tbe League, which mob aa yon eaeape." These complacent word* are still upon hii lips, be bai bad time to lean back ID bia chair witb the languid lir of one who baa given to the world viewi not admitting of contradiction, when a sharp, whirring noli* is heard, followed by a craab of broken Klaw and tbe dull Ibad ot a bullet that baa found ita horn* in tbi wall right opposite the S'jnire. Kighl opposite Brian, too, tor Ibey cad been side by aide wilb Owon Kelly, fortunately not quite, but viry nearly, oppomo. For a moment nobody quiti known what has happened, ao sudden ta tbe thing : and thin tbiy sipriog Io their feet, full of the knowledge Ibat a bullet has been fired into Ibiir midil. II bad paseed rigbl over Ibe Desmond'* _ jo^lder, cloeo to bia eir, between him and Brian and bai grazed Ibe sleeve ot Kelly'* coal, wbo, aa 1 bat i aaid, wu tilling almost oppoeit*. With an otu Brian rush** to tbe win dew, tear* open the shutters, Ibrow* at the laab and jump* down into Ib* garden, fol- lowed by Kelly and the Squirt. It i* a dark night, murky and heavy with dense, rain laden cloudi, and ao tlaoh li to render il inapobBible aoiee oni'e band before on*. Search, after i while, ii found to b* impossible, and tbe cowardly would-be Msanin BO far ii safe from arrest. Dis- pirited and indignaal, th*y return to tbe "> tUey Utl to di*oo tbe outrage. " Now, wbo will preach to me of peace again ?" nays tb* Bqalri turning to Brian a face pale wilb eMtteunint. " Nol I." say* Brian with a fsoe pale IMS bia QWJ ud eyei Ibat bar ii fiercely with Ibe wrath o! luoooupltte mange. " I rlr*el eviry foolish word I Mid a few miout** hiLoe. Heticelorth il absll be war to Ib* knife between mi and my tenantry as well as youn." " War to Ibe bnllal wonld b* mure In harmony," wye Mr. Kelly aeripnily. Hi has extracted tb* bullit in queelion from Ib* wall wilb tb* aid ol a stout penknife, and i* now regarding it mournfully a* II UM in the palm of bia band. " Don't yoa tbink they tike a very unfair advaatagi of yout" ; sayi mildly. "Tbey come bore and shoo! al yon ; wby don't von go W tbeir cabins aud (boot al them ?" Let tbtm keep their advantage," ,'y Brian disdainfully. " We shall OOL.J uer at lail, uo mailer bow many liven ileoMns ' Al all event*, they won't got * fUimpae ot Ih* white feather Hire." naye tbe B.iuire, wbo 11 looking quite tea yeari younger. There ii nolbiog Ilk*) irowfor anlrubman a.'etr all. Hull, I Ibink I woaldn'l ait witk my back ;o that window my I ware yon," suggest* Mr. Killy meekly, sieing tbe Squire ba* sunk Into bia usual seat again. It will be a bad winter, I fear," uy* Ibe Squire shaking bit bead. " A lively one, no doubt. I quite envy you. I should ratber like to itay here aud yon through il. My dear sir, if yon and tbat enormous chair are mseparaoli, let m* entriat yoa to mow it *< leas) a little to tb* led. ' " ' I love It, I love it. suid wbo shall dare> To chide me for loving lute old aruiciiair " " quotes tbe Squire witb 'itiite a jolly laugh. Eh? Well, Kelly, Ibi* ii hardly a plea- sant lime to aak i fellow on a vim, and I expect you'll ba glad to gel back to more civili/.ad parti ; but we'll write and toll you bow we're gelling on, my lad, from time to lime. That i*, u long M ve are alive to do it." " Yon Hhall heir of oar mishaps," uy* Bt ian laughing too. "It ii ratber inhospitable of yon nol to take the bin* I bave thrown out." ley* Kelly witb a taint yawn. " Won't you ask a* to upend this winter with yon?" " My dear fellow, you really mean II?'' say* Brian looking at him. " OL, yes, i really mean il. Excitement ol the Kirt I bave been treated to to-night seldom OOGQII in my wiy. I should like to it* Ihia aft air through witb you." " You're a brave lad I" says the Bquire, " but Iber* ii alwaye ariakin this kind of thing, and il i* quite probable you will biva the roof burned ovir your bead nneof these dark nlgbta to come. You will hav* to obanoe that if yon slay, aa I intend to per- revere with theee blackguardly tenants and fight 11 eat wilb them to tbe lael." To the very last," say* Brian, regarding bis friend meaningly. Thai'* wby I'm itayinfl," returns hi* friend languidly. Whioh u half, but not Ihe whole truth, is tbe (act thai Mr*. Bo- linn and ber cousin Ilerraia ace going to spend the winter H Agbyobillbeg ba* a good deal to do with il, loo. CHAPTER XXVI. 'Diet ye bear, BUM? Ob. faux, there* terrible news, ma'am 1" nays old Timothy, rotting into the breakfast room it Moyne Ibe following morning, bid face pain wilb exeitemtnt. 1 You alarm me, Ryin I Wbal ie il?" ays Mill Pnsoilla laying down hsr fork. "Oh, it's beyaut everything, ma'am I Oh, tbe blackguards) o' Ibe world I II wa* last bt, mi**, il bappanid. The onld Squire, there below, wa* liMia' in bin library a* peaceable as ye plizt, raa'aai. whan lhay Ired a bnllal al him, an 1 ibol him in' wounded Mislber Brian Ho, be Ibe powers. I b'lave I'm wrong; they kilt Mis- ib*r Brian an' wounded the Bnuire; an' bire'a Ibe gr?ateal oommotion y* iw*r see town below, mial." For one awful moment DoTonloS thinks ibe s going to faint. A mill rises bein?c her and Timotby'l fan, bii voioe sonuds iaT away, in the next couoly aa it were, and ben ceases altogmber. Then a afaarp iling of pate rushing through ber veins roue ter aud aauds tbe blood back witb tamnltn- oui bait* tobeek ind naok and brow. Tb* tain ii short but tfleolwe, ind ii, indeed, .othing more Iban a rpinoh of a pronounced ype, administered by tho watchful Kit with promptitude very oredilaJbk to her. " H* li exaggerating," syi the itoio i'ii o a iQbdued apparently t Jdreiied to bit plate. " D ju't belive him, take ooarage and, al all event*, remvmbcr their i*** are upoti yoa." Uir tjoe in great witb myetery nd ku.Jly cDcoaraKimen*. Moru revived by it thau even by tb* pioob, Mptiioi takaa beitri ot graou and UIIMLB witb uiaddenttjg iin j uties ce f ..r what i* yet toocme. UUtnomg at Mi-i Frlioilla, abe oin eee thai ber aunt i* as pale a* dea'.b and tha*i her handu are Irouiblitig exoeti- lively. Bllsa Finetope IB looking with anx- iety at her, whilst trying to elioit tb* truth horn Ityau. " Collect yonreelf, Kyn," the layi severely. " Who was killed ?" 11 Mo one outrlgbl, I'm lould, uisi but " " Tben wao is wounded?" " Tbe bullet weut rigbl thrcoiib them, mivii." " lur^ugb bj'.h ? Bat Ibat ia impoutble. I unsl beg )ou at;am to eplleol youraelf, Timothy. All thin is moat important, and naturally ilina Blake tbat ii, wo-are much opottt abonl ii, Tbrcugb whom did Ibe bullet g)?" " The ould Squira an' hi* nephew, nii*j. ' " Through their bodiea ? ' oriea MI.B Pece- lope throwing up bopo and bolb ber bands atcbe lame lime. " No, ma'am, ji-l between Ihoui, aa il might ba te)weeu >ou and Miw PrisztlU, DOW." He iUuitra:es tbo real tenth ax be sy tbie. " Bleea me, man; sure they weren't touched at all, so," ity* Miw Penelope. " No more they wero, u,:i. Horrij a b t, ptMse be " " Then wbv did yon lay tbey were killed?" eay* Teretoa iudiguaatly, who has been stricken dumb by the apptlliog fat* of bia der DeamoLd. " An' anre, how muob nearer could they be toil? Wba) Raved them, but, maybe, tbe Li'oh of a ohair ! Oh, wirrastbruet ail day I" aays old Ky aa, beginning to cry. 'Timothy, til down dir:a>ly. Terence, get him a glue ot whiskey," says Miu Penelope. "Now, don't excite yourself, Timothy. Yoa know it ii very bad for yon at year age. Take time, now. Calleol your, tlf 1" "Have tbe Miasiina been discovered? 1 ' asks Miai Priieilla in a tremhliog tone. " No, mile. But I'm lould tbe poll* a very eager at Iber 'em." " Wa* nobody hurl, Timothy '.'" " No one, ma'am." Here Monica, feeling the relief greater tbantheoau support, give* wiy to a dry but perfectly audible sob. " Don't be afeard, miss, dear," says old Kyan witb heartfelt but moit ill-judged sympathy, tbo young Kentleman ia all rixbl. Not a single aeratoh on him, they lay ; ao yon needn't be eryin' abonl him, honey." " Miu Monioa i* in no wise anxioun about Mr. Brian Desmond," buys Mine Priucilla reeovsring from ber nervousness with ai much haue as though abe bad been eub- jeeted to au eliotrio shook. " She ii only ali>i*d ai I am by tbeie lawlesi pro- ceeding*." ' An' we hear they're boycotted, too, ma'am," ihyaold Ryan, still oppressed wilb news thai most be worked off. " Jobn Bileman, tbe Protestant baker in Ibe vil- lage tbey alwaye dealt wid, has been for- bidden to give 'em another loaf , and tbi butcher u tbmtcoed it be gives 'em a joint an' Ibe Cloabrec bnlober bai been tele- graphed to also, mils, an' Ihers'i tbe world an' all to pay I" "Do yoa mean that they ire iioing to treat him an tbey did Hr. Bsnee Jonte?" syn Mu Penelope indignantly. "Troth, I believe 10, ma'am." Will Mr. Brian bave to milk the sows ?' lays Xereoo*. at wbiob aitcuoding thought balb be and Kit break into merry laughter until sbtiked by Monica's reproachful gan. How eau Ibey laugb wbeo Brian may be starving? " Fail, il'* awful, mm , an' Ibe onld man to be wanlin' for tbioge now b* thai allot kep' a nue table, to spake truth ot him, aod liked bii bit an' *np amaiin', small blame to him. I'm thickm' 'lit hungry enough hell be now for Ibe future, tb* oratbnr ! Ob, wirri, wtrra I" aayi Tixotby lympa- inetieaUy, a* bt ah ambles toward* Ibe door. When he is goni, U'u rrifnilla turns upon Tarenoo ind Sit. ' I mail nay, I think your mirth *! iuah a time uoit DDSoemly," she say*. " I am clad MOB o take* no part in il. Teranoe, did you go to the Widow Driitoll wilb my meinag* Ibi* morning T" " Yie, aunt." She bad evidently expected him to iky " BO," beoani* ber tone i* couiiderably molli'jed whan she speaks again. Wa* slia pleaaed, do you think 1 " " Te*. aunt." " Bbe laid so, perhaps ?" " No, not." " Then wbal did sbe uy t I wisU, nir dear boy, yoa would try to be a little leu retiosnt." " Bhe laid, ' tier duty to yon, aunt, and her very coarse veins were worn than ever," " Varicono, Terence varicose." " Bbe laid very eoare*, aanl, and I tup- porieshe knows more abonl them thin any one else." He bai a> very sweet faae and it Is more than usually so aa he *ayi all Ibi*. " And her BOD, bow U be, poor soul ? ' aeks Mm Penelop*, g>* Miu PrUcilU withdraws beaten into the baekgrssud. " Hi* duty to yon, too, and ' b* is bftltsr, but b* been much a: Jioted witb the egg. eupa for Ik* il two dayi.' " The wbat 7" says iiiu Penelope sbittiog bervmct-vz uneasily and looking perplexed in In* extreme. " Oh, Tirry, bow cm yoa be *o silly ? ' lays Kit wilb another marry laugh. "How am I silly?" wilb an impuiable countenance. " Yonng Driieoll i* illly, ol oanrie, aod evideutly looki Dp)n part o the breakfaet-ware as enemies of ftome sort But that ii not my fault." " Hicoaugbi he muat bave meant, m; dear," *ayi Miss Priscilla hastily. "Dear- dear dear! Whl a terrible ihoek he they moil bvo gollaBlnighlalOoolel'' When Jay ii deepening into eviatide Monica, finding )jl alone, kneels down be tide her and la; u ber ebeik to her*. All day long she bu been breeding miser ably over ber lover's danger ind dwellinf witbfoolitb persistency upon future dan gers bora of er terrified Imagination. She bai been aowo to tjtiir trysting place at tbe river.bardly hoping to u od bin Ibere yet bad been terribly disappointed wben *be had not fpand him, Brian at that very moment being busy witb police and magis trates and law generally. " What ii il, ducky ?' lays Eil very ten derly, laying down ber book and preiaing ber pretty sialer oiosa to ber. "Kit," says Monioa wttk tearful eyei, " do yoa think il i* all true tbil Timothy said this morning about their their itarv Ing al Ooole? Ob, Kit, I can't bear to tbink b* ia bongry I" "Hi* dreadful! I don't know what to think," aays Kit. " It nobody will Mil them anything, I suppose Ibey bare nothing to eat." At thi* oorroboration ot ber wont (sari Mor.ra di-solves into tears. " I couldn't eat my obioken at lunch thinking of him," ahe lobt. "II eluck in my throat." " Poor iwiet love il was dry," eayi Kit expanding into Ib* wildest affection. Bhe kiaees MonMi, fondly, and (though yon would inevitably have intfarRd death at ber bands bad yoa even hinted at r) ie begin- ning to et joy hemelf intensely. Otiee again thin 'nekless couple look to her for help. Bbe is Id to the one to raiae them from their " Blough 6? Despond" difficult but ooucenial lack! "TbaB yon have been existing uc lemon tart and one glau ot sherry BJIIOB breaiVfHt-time ?" (be layi with the deepest eomminration. " Poor darling I I eaw it. I noticed you ate nothing except the tarl. Ton liked that, didn't yon?'' 'VI djdn'l," *7I Monica, "I batid it. Aud I wai a cruel, oc!d fcarlcd wretch to tuuab it. Bnt il wai iwet-and I it aomeuow disappeared." " li did," sayi Kit lenfsrly. "Oi, Kit, help me I" " Von mean yon wau'.to tako him tomo- wlierewith to atari off th* pangs of buu^or, nays ho yonnpr MIHH Bereatord with vuatftv ,J 't:r atylf kbe uoutlly afiot iu momentH df ulroiig esttement and with the vic-ir U)*D lUktiogut'bea her, I aee ; erUioly." Bbe grown ateiraeted. " There's a leg of mutton banging u tbe larder, with sotne fowl and u quarteiof lamb," she say* presently, " Bui 1 njpose if we look them AUDI Frltoilla would put us iu the hne-acd cry." " II mustn't be thought ot. No, no ; think ot Bocaotbiug el*e." " Bread, then. Ordinary, of oonrae, very ordiuary, but yen tbiktufi of lit*." " I couldn't lake hi*) anything ao nasty a* mere bread," HJ* Monica in deipair. ' Bat, if cook would nake ua cake " "A big one, with carrautil Tbe very thing I" &>.. En witb decision. " And sbe will never betray us, Rttilly, in little affairs ot tbia kind IhoDguwadly wantiog where aonp-i are oancerocd I* quite all Ibe ought to be." " Wbeu will it ba baked ? fle mnil get il to night," aaya Mouioa whi ia evidently afraid nor lover, it nol euooored, will die o! want before morning. "Leava all to rne/'aayti Kil flillicg away from her ibrougj tea gatburing gloom to seek tb* lower regijab and it* presiding goddess. Lsving all to Kit maaus thai wben din ner ia over, aboaa bolt- past eight, tbe two Mi . en Bereaford may be seen oroasing tbe boandary that divides Moyne from Ooole wilb anxious baatevand a hot cake. Tbia lust is bufred to Monica's breast and b plainly causing her the greatest in- convenience. Il i* a huge oke, and baa to be carrisd parcel wise, being much loo bit lor Ibe smaller basket they had, ana meat too emkll for the bigger. But Monioa though il it heavy beyond description (though, 1 hope, light in every otber way tor tbe aske of liailly's reputation) and still appallingly bol trudges along with il bravely, relisting all Kit's entreaties to be allowed to share tb* burden. in ipite ot tbe warning just d*livred to iii* friend) ia now indulging in wild mlrlb and can toaroely apeak tor laughter. " Bhe Monica heard we were boycotted, aud, tbiukiug we wero ilarving, tbe dear wgel, ibe brought this ap h*neit to na." Daitmocd, I'm ashamed o! you," bays Kelly, wbo has col moved a rnuaelo of bis __ o o f .__ tace. " Bach an aolion a* hern call* fur to have trong, stocky plants. Those that I AIM! AND CIAJIDBN. Oonneotioul'i new anti-ileomargariue law winl into effeol June lit. It provides Ibat dealers in boi>ne butter ahull label it a* such, aud create* Ib* cflioe of Bute Butter Inspector. To grow good celery il U very "Wbo are tho.-o coming towards n* througb Ib* elms down Ibere?" sayi Mr. Kelly suddenly. He acd Brian Deimoud are sitting upon a garden seal outfluU the dining-room win. down, enjoying an after-dinner cigar. " There ?" sayx Biian following bis gi/.* " I'.il What?" Tbere ii a second pinar then, riuog to bi feel with much preeipi lanay, he flioga bin cigar to tbe winds, and before Ovec has tima to recover from hi* a'itoniebmen! at these proceedings, ii well out of sight. A turn la tbe lawn ha* biddeu Brian aud tbe advancing ngares from hia visw. " Monte* I" aay* DeKuond ai be reaches bor, " what baa brought you her* al tbi* hour? My darling, how pale and tired you look!" " Sbe baa been very much perturbed," iayi Kit solemnly. Bhe has been meditat- ing this rermrk for same time. " We heard all about lait night," mur- mnri Monica wilb a sweat, troubled fnoe, onl of which her eyei look into bis, full of a tender pilhos, like violets drowned. " And yon were uoi al the river tbia at Mroon, and so I orue here to find yon and " Her voioe trembles ominonily. " I wai obhiie.1 to b* with tbe lerguant aod Ibi ottitr ru^n all day," lay* Daimond hurriedly. " Do col blame me, my love. Wben I went to Iba river towards evening il was then, ot course, too late. I meant to go up to Moyn* when the moon was up But wbat bave yon got there, dearest ?" pointing to the *oormoni thing ihe is elil! holding to ber heart. Bbe colors and beiilalea ; seeing wbiob tba faithful Kil comes on** more to tb* rescue. " It'i a *ake, ' aba aayi with a nod ot hir sleek head. " W* kn*w ot your being boy- cotted, and we thought you wonld be hun- gry, io w* brought il to yon. Bnt," eyiing him wilb dittavor and a* one might wbo feels herself considerably done, " yon are looking just tbe same at ever, and nol a bit pinched and drawn a* people are when they are toned starved in garret*." " 7**,I wai afraid yon woald gel nothing to tat," lay* Monica timidly. There it in ber lovely eyu a certain wiittnlnei* ing- geitive of the idea Ibal ihe bop** hir sake hai nol been made in vale. Mr. J.'imond, seeing il, graaps tb* illna- tiOD. " I am hungry," he iys, aod I hope and think the gentle lie will be forgiven biln. " W* have bad nolblng In Ib* house all day bnt bread and Ibal U nol appeliiing." " Tbin," wyi Monioa turning to Kil witb iparkling lyei, " I told yoa b* wouldn't like breaJ." " Bat," goei on Uaimond with a vie* to making her fuiur* btfpiir, " to-morrow all will be right again. We kcow ot a few faithful people wbo will smuggle u* in all we may require. Ba do not be unhappy about me again. Sweetheart, wbat a ter- rible weight yon have been carrying !' 11 It li a flue ooe, isn't it ?" *ay* Kit. " But give it to m* now, Monica," tiking Ibe cake from hir, "while you talk to Brian. When you are ready to come home, I can give it to him." Bo aayiog, Ibis inestimable child with draw, beraclf and Monica's offering to aafa distance and prelcndl lor tbe remain der of Ibe interview an absorbing inter** in tome wild floweri growing near. " i bare only a moment to slay," lay Monioa narvously. 1 shall b* missed ; an now I have lien yon late and unhurt," wit] a very iweel smile, " I shall b* able to aleep But all day long I have been haunted b timid tbongbli," ah* sighs. " I donbl il waa a sorry day lor you, Iba flril one when we met," iayi Desmond r* morsefully, " I bave brought yoa only trouble, By-and-byi yoa will regret yo ever knew me." 11 Da nol aay thai. I bave no regrela- none I Even if it wo cannot be" rid deniog vividly, " more to each other than we are now I cn pull be hippy In Ibe thought Ibal yoiilove me and are near m* and thai I can aomelimei, in spit* ot ever 1 OBI "with a recklessness that nil virj funnily upon her" lee yon." " Bui w* thill be more to each other Monica," iayi tbe young man earnestly " We Khali be all in all to each other. No bumu being baa the right to separate two heart* for tbe sake ot a mire whim-" " Tbere are so many things. Bui cow indeed, I must go. Good-night." " Good night, my own. Bui I shall go with you as tar as th* boundary fence.' "No, DO, indeed 1" "But, indeed, I shall," acd, ol oourie, be has hia own wy aod parts trom ber and Kit Ibere, and answers ber parting injunc- tion " to take care of himself for ber sake " this Isal very low with a lingering lover'* kiss, and watches Ih* two (light figure* with a beating heart, until tbey are onl ot light. Tbin, picking up Ibe cake, be goes back again to where Mr. Kelly ii Hill awailing him. CHAPTER XXVII. Well," *ayi Kelly, " wa* il Mil* Bores- lord 7" 1 Ye*, and her stater. I law them back to Ibe boundary fence, bnt they wonld lei me go no farther. 1 1 wasratbtr " ' Wbal on earth bave yoa got there ?" Aye bis friend sticking bin eye glM* in bin eye and itariog wj tb bent bead and tome annpieion al th'i mysterious thing in Dei- moud's arma. 'Tain? Oh, ah. yell" Then, deeper- aiely, " Kelly, il you Uugb at it I'll never "orgive yon." Mr. Kelly drcpi hit eyrglaa* and looks reverenee not this unseemly gaiety." " II'H not tbe action I'm laughing al," ays Brian still convulsed, " it'* ibe oake. Tbe action ii divine tbe cake bol I" Here be sinks upon the garden-seat kgaiu, ai it exhausted, acd dries bit eye*. 11 1 see nothing to laugh at in Ibat, either. II seams an excellent cake, aod, a* you lay, hoi," iayi Mr. Kelly prodding il medita- tively with bis finger, " a mem in a cake of Ihia sort, I should say, and nicely browned, too, ai far aa 1 can dee. I oan aee, too, that il is quite tbe biggeit oak* I ever made acquaintance witb. Another merit I Did ha carry ii horaelf all the way ?" " All tbe way, poor darling, and jail be- cause ibe was afraid we should be hungry." Mr. Deamoud's laughter hi* subsided and he now looks ratber abienl. " II qaitu weighed ber down," be aayi in a low tone. " Poor child I I laid yesterday, you re- member, that I Ibongbi ber one ot tbe nicest girls I bave met. Tbe oks ha* fin- ished me. I tbink her cow the rises!." He aya thil witb a obeerful OOLB -iouoe. Be- twe*" ;;:r!.; aad widows a deep margin lie*. " Bat what are we to do with il ?" lay* Brian regarding the cake, which is cow lying upon tbe garden-seat, wilb a pnzzled expression. ,, Bay a repentant tenant no, that sound* like tautology say a remorseful tenant brongbl il to you." . " That wouldn'l do at all." " Tben lay yon found it in the garden." " Nonienie, Kelly, tbey don't grow. Think ol something more plausible." " Oive me lime, then." Ai be ipeaka be absently breaks cff a piece of the cake and puts il in his month. Desmond, in quite as abstracted a manner, doei likewise. Sileuoe ecinei. " I think the idea wua so awcel," lays Desmond presently, bii Ihongbli being (ai they ibould be) with Monica. "Ai honey and tbe honeycomb!" iayi Mr. Kelly breaks cff another piece, witb a far-off, rapt expression. " Bbe laid ibe oooldn't b* happy, thick ing we were hungry. Her dear heart ii too big for her body." " tier cake ia, certainly," *aya Mr. Kelly. Here he lake* a third enormous pinch oul of it aud Desmond follow* hii example. "I didn't tell ber we had had oar din- ner," aayi Brian. " II wonld bave taken Ibe glou cff it." (To be continued) I). I. .mil,- Dynamite is more aod more in use for lawful purposes, happily, even mare thin in furtherance of tbe objects of Fenians or anarobiiti. If we include it in oognite explosive inbetanoee il bai become a very great fad. Three U jvernmeut inspector* watoh il. A large number ot manufac- turers make il. Us behavior li Ibe lubjeot of mire than one Aot ot Parliament, and the accidents by reason of il are detailed in a blue book just issued, containing Ibe annual report ot Col. Majendie and hi* assistant inspectors on explosives, which is well calculated to make one feel Ibat the me ot inch powerful agenoiei baa sensibly inoreaaed tbe perils of life. Twenty year* ago all snob substances were of little ao count. Excepting gunpowder tbey wire curiosities, toaroely known outside of the laboratory. Bui of late the trade ion plosives baa wonderfully expanded. Tbe factories for the manufacture bave doubled in ten years ; tbe magazines for Ibe storage are 75 per cent, more than they were ia 1*7", and ibe reUil premises exceed by nine thousand wbat tbey were in Ibat year. We make more and we import more ot tbe tab stauoea, and there is every sign tbat Ibe trad* i* only io it* infancy. Every year, loo, addition* are being made to tbe reoog nizsd explosive!. Within tbe hi) year several bave been added to the aulboruid list, one neing electric detonator fuses, consisting ot electric fuse* will wire imbedded in a charge of a priming composition made of earnlnlly purillad gnu cotton. Same new lormi ot gun cation, inch a* Ionia* and potenlitt, find favor. Oomprosted gunpowder cartridge* u* inperieding in mining loot* gnnpjwdir, and, being safe to handle, tbey hold their own against cilro oomponndi. Tbe brown gunpowder, called " ocooa " powder is, as every one knows, much used her* as well a* in Germany. But Ibe tendency ii to develop the nitro glycerin* group n* (X plosives. Foi iporilog pnj*-,i eBi Bohnlu powder, k nliro compound, ooniidicg cf nitro-lignin carefully purifisd and mixed with a nitrate, U employed. For loma time Lack fbt uaeolnilro-gljotrineai a medicine io CAMI of angina, peotprii and similar diseases ba* been recognised by the British pharmacopoeia. London Tima. My diar fellow, do I ever laugh ?" b* iayi. Well, it il'l t oak I" iayi Brian, wbo *ii Bra ..f (.r,i Old alee. If Bidonia bad belonged to "-. instead of tb. lira! b> ol |h ; MUtary, it 13 pfobable that Ibe celebrated eulogy on youth wilb wbiob be favored Coniogiby daring their memorable inter- view al Ibe country inn would hive been considerably modified, It col altogether suppressed. UB wonld have al leant per. ceived that the era of ' Wondroui Boyi " had gone by, and thai thi era of " Grand Old Men " had lit in. It li true, be would have laid, that Napoleon caoquered Ilalv at 1)5. Bui Molike conquered France at 69. Byron and Shelley no donbl died before ihey were 40. Bnl Tennyion and Browning are piping away a* fluently u ever at three score year* and ten, while the poelio ardor of Victor Hugo was nooooled and nndimmed al tour soore yean. If Kiobelieu became Secretary of State at 31, Thairs became President ot the Republic al 80, If Innocent III. wai the despot of Christendom al 37, the pontificate ot Pins IX. almost equalled " tbe years o! Peter " wben bis infallibility waa proclaimed by tbe Church. If Bollingbroki and Pill were Miuialers before other men leave off eriekat, Palmerston and Biacausfield were al the height of their power a* Premiers when other men begin to think of leaving cff whim. At the present moment Ibe deatiaies ot Germany, France and Eng- land are in tbe hands of staleimen, all of whom have exceeded the limits assigned by tbe Psalmist to the livoi of the sona of Adam. The Oerman Chancellor is 72, tbe French Preaidenl ii 81, and tbe English Prime Minister ii 77 , aod although il may be true Ibat " the hiitory of heroes I* tbe history of youth," it ii, al any rale, certain that Europe ii now at Ibe feet of ae. London World are weak and apindling wbeu tramplauted Into rows will seldom make good buuohtn ot oel try. Ablooibead.armed with a. saw and prun- ing sbsarr, is aa destructive in an orchard as a bull iu a china store. Oat a careful, experienced baud tor a day or two and tike lessons from him. Bee oulturo reqnirea a per*ou wbo ia peculiarly adapted to the busmen. If the bees are averie to you, it ia difficult to ino- cesd with them. There are person* wbo oannolgo neutbem without being attacked. Experience tiachos tbat the earlier in an animal'a age full leading is resorted to tbe better il ia both for it* vigorous be&ltb and rapid growth. Thai will the bin- returns bs secured, whether tho animal ia intended for early sale or tor raising. Honey or sugar Bhould always be given to lue beea on tbe inside of tbe hive, to prevent robbing. A i ood feeder in made by taking a shallow dish aud plaoicg within il plenty of little floats of wocd to prevent tbe beea from balog drowned in the l:qaid. A dairyman near N*>hviUa eulea that one of hi* Jersey O?WH t'ives milk no riob that il li nearly all cream, and Ibat if the cream ia allowed Io stand twelve hours tbe butter oan be produced by wcrking the cream with a knife. Phenomenal, if true. Pji-t ooeli little, but agricultural imple munta are expeoaive. By ootttiog tbe one wilb the other every letaon a great aaving in made, for agricultural impleminte may be used many years longer iban i* nnual by tbe judicious and timely application of paint. Potato growers should go over tbe field wilb a common barrow, running lengthwiee of tbi row*, jn*l before tba plants pnib their nosea through, and Ibni destroy all Ibe wsed* ; afterward cultivate flit through Ibe season, uiiug only the common oulii- vator. In iitling posts a farmer itataa that where great solidity is requ rad, gravel and email stones should be thrown iu tbe bole after ibe post* are in poniion, aud lime and sand inorlar poured in on Iba a oues , wbiob proleoli tbe posts ai well ai keep* them firm. One-half the UiluouliicH iu tuaking good bolter ii in Ibe care of Ib* milk and nol ia tbe mod* ol churning. From the time the milk ii drawn from the cow until Ibe cream is ready lobe used, the strictest care should be exercised m keeping it clean and free from exposure to odon. Now that tbe itrawberry crop is nearly gone, and the vines are beginning to send onl runners, Ibe beat Ibiug Io do u to give them a thorough cultivation, miking ib e ground clean and uaicg feriili>ri freely . The belter Ibe growth of the vines ihii sea- ion the larger will be Ib* crop ol fruit next ipring. Tbe bcri* Ibat can plough an acre while mother is ploughing half an acre, or Ibat which can carry a load ot paaieDgeri ten miles while another is going five, indepen- dent of all ooniiderationi of amusement taste, or what is generally called fancy, ia absolutely worth twice as much to hie owner u trie otber. Good judges claim thai a bog or steer tbat will fallen well and increase rapidly should be as nearly square in front and bo- bind a* possible. While Ibs rule may not alon* be a true iidex of quality, yet, in connection with other itdioauoni, it may atiietin arriving al a knowledge of ibe value of tbe animal judged. Tbe milk and butter qualities of acme fiiraoidioary cows are derive;* through ibe family of tbe sire, and for thai reason only bulls d*ioend.ed trom the belt butter and milking strums should be used in tbe herr>. . Breeding indiscriminately on the male tide yet uiing firit-clais dams, will aai alwiysj tend to improve Ibe itook. To prevent gormium^ gcowug oul of doors from beoomint;ena-Bcalded give them goad, r.ob. loo** soil *ud ibad* tbe surface tv escape refieoted heat. Rilled leaf mold is excellent for the pur, o.-e spread over the bed. Put plants ralbi r clou together that Ibey may tbemielvei abide the round about the rood. Thi j,f Profeieor W. 0. water bav ; aown , n , ) , i oontrary to tbe n *'.ai opinion of ohemiata, plants assimi- late nitrogen from tbe air. While Ibey take up the greatest quantity wben abun- dantly supplied trom the toil, fully one- half the total nitrogen acquired by wo' 1 ' -A plants is drawn from Ibe lmo*r>- "' ' j b* turned each week ind a shapely plant. Another and .ry great advantage is that aneb plants aa dahlias, chrysanthemums and geraninme oan be brought inside on frosty mghta and protected, to be put onl when the weather ia fine. The hi. m i, i .i K i'i la a matter of imall Importance compared with other applications ot electricity. By this agency Polson'u NIBVILINE i* mad* to penetrate to tbe most remote nerve every bauo, muscle and ligament is made to feel jti beneficent power. Nerviline 1* wonderful remedy, pleasant to lake, even by the youngest child, yet so powerfully far : laohing in it* work* that tb* mo*t agoniz- og internal or external pain yields aa II by nagio. Neglect no longer to try Norviliuo Juy to-day al ten cent trial bottle ind he relieved from all pain. .) Wilion, druggiot OoJeriob, writes : Norviline gives uood latintaotion." Seld by drogglats and country dealers everywhere. I n lor ,... I l.n nil I . .,,, r.n, r Have you lioenie In 1'onnny Ivania ? " asked a Buffalo yonng tidy, deeply inter ited in temperance wotk, of a Pilliburc leitor. Lioenie 1 " replied the latter. "I ibonld ust think we bad. Wby, yon ean'l even get married wituoul one." Piltifrurj Chronieli Every farmer has more or lees mechani- cal labor to perform, and be will find profit in koepiog Ibe tooli required not poor, mean tools, but tbe belt ; aod alwiya in good order. In tbe lial there should be one or two band-saws, gimliM, brace and bile, augers, hammers, a tew cbiiela, wreoohei, jack-plane and otber tools to Hive iveryday wint*. Timi intelligently given to beei will piy equally well with Ibat given to any other kind ot farm work, and where too many ari nol kept il may be done at inch time* ai not Io interfere with other important work. Outside of any pecuniary benefit it pay* well in forniahicg a needed article for Ibe family, which oan only be secured by working for it. A crop ot weeds and vegetables cannot be grown on a piece of land at tbe same lime. One ot them must succumb, and it should be tbe weeds, bat anlese Ihey ire eradicated they uanally lake posseesion. Weeds me an much moiitnra as regular crop*, and hence, in dry weather, Ihey deprive the plants that should grow of a portion of the moisture. Sunfloweri, which can be raised a* cheaply and a* easily aa corn, are a profita- ble crop. One pint ot teed given Io hones in their regular feed will give them a sleek appearance. The leaves are fed Io cattle and Ibe Reeda are good to make hens lay. The flowern yield a good honey. The planting of .iwcrs la reputed to ba a preventive of miasmatic feveri Spidiri bave been found by Dr. O.Keller, ot Zurich, to be voracious deelroyen ot plant-preying insects, and be contend* tbit Ihey play a moretfteolive pul in Ibe prs- srvatioD of the toreals tban all the insect- eating birda together. The value of Ibe service rendered by apider* hai been ibown by observation on coniferous trees, a few broad-leaved tree* and apple tree*. Hay li naoeiiarily bulky in proportion to ill value, but baling mak** ii posilble to bip il lor conNiderable diilaneei wilb profit to all. Were it not lor baled hay coming from point* where land U cheap bay would be dearer thau grain in all our large pities. It is to io it* comparative nutritive value, and so far an possible ii being huperseded by grain straw and mill feed. Bulphide nf potash, ia Ihe practice ot tbe editor ol " Yiok'a Mags*ine," hai proved all Ibal has been claimed lor it by the English preti as a destroyer ol mildew on rosea, chrysanthemums and lomo other greenhonae plinta. A .-joarserol an ounce dissolved in a gallon ot water and thrown on tbe slfaoted foliage will wholly destroy tbe funiag, and tie leaves will not be injured. potato-bog, ii mor* economically applied witb platter or ground gypeuui than witu water, and Ibi nwclta are belter. Mix one part PUIKOII wilb 100 parta, by weight, of mtr TOO mucu of thi poison IniCien Ibe foliage. It nflloliiit care i* nied in the' Ibt rough mixture of tbe substance Parii green oan be used in the proportion ot ou to ISO, It ii itupurtant in tb* breeding of live took Io re member thai permanent Improve menlii a thing of ilow growth ; that is to ay, when we allempl to bund a *troog oonitilution on a weak foundation with a view of reproducing U wilb any degree ot certainty the result oannol be kffeoled in one generation. That wbiob i* easily acd (jnickly produced ii just a* eatily and quickly lout by neglect of tb* conditions tbat produce it. Tbi striped squash bug, which ha* been io abundant for the pa*l two **a*oni, - beat kepi in cheek by the use of the plaster and Paris green. For tbe family garden, the safest and most aatlifactory way to overcome them ii to maki a bottom!*** box twelve inches tqoare and six or eight inches r)(p, and cover wilta moiqaito net- ting. One of these boxes placed over each bill until the plant* hav* become tough acd bardis a sure protection. An intelligent farmer, who ha* watched Ibe tpread ol yellows amoEg bis peacb trees, advance* the theory that thu la often brought by beea passing from one tree to another when io bloom. Ii i* a fact thai bearing trees are more sutjsol to yellowa than tho-c not in bearing In Masons wbeu frost destroy* peach bud* Ibere ii lea* ipread of yellown, though this may IB part be due to tbe greater vigor ot tnee thai are nol beiring a crop of fruit. It was an old oriental dcotrin* Ihtl women hav* no soulc. More enlightened philosophy concede* that they bave purer, finer, more exalted lonla Iban men. Bui Ihey are loo often contained in feeblr, suffering* bodies, which hamper and retard their full development. For all those pain - fnl ailments incident to their lex. Dr. Pierce'* " Favorite Prtioriptior, " ia ib* beit specific in Ibe world, ana I* coU under a positive guarantee that il will do all that U olumed for il. Price reduced to on* dollar. By drnggiitt. "I rather tudieol," said BaH, "thai Smiib i* imitten with that young Robin- son woman." "And why do you tbink Ibat ? " aiked Jonas. " Think 7 " responded ftaaa, " wby I'm aore otil ; it wai oaly yes terday thai I beard Mr*. Smith lay that he didn't think tbal Mill Robinion wai at all attractive -, at least lor her part ska couldn't see anything in her Io admire." Batten Trmicrift. De> Net he Alarmed At tbi raising ol blood trom the lung*. 1 1 la oni ot the very earlieil lymptomi ot consumption, and only shows tbe healthy efforli ol Ibe system to throw cfl tba scrofulous impuriliei ol Ibe blood which bave resulted iu nloeration of Ibe Innga. Dr. Pieroe'i Golden Medical Discovery " i* a poeilive remedy for consumption at ibJi stage. If taken will clanae i he blood, heal tha ulcers in tha lunge, and build up and renovate Ibe whole system. I'oihr ! the Proper Tlsr. Bui U not only a very polite mr, B| bu| b* is a man wbo never loses bia presence ol mind. Tbe other day be waa Medina in a horse or. Suddenly it struck a coal carl aud Baas wa. sent to K rau ; in abort, be was knocked dawn. As he rose be saw a lidy standing. His, ipiut ef gallantry was touched. Bowing rolii ly, he said : " Take my "at, madam." It ii presumed that he frelerrid to Hand. Botton Trtnicript. Walking advrtiiem*nti for Dr. Ban * Catarrh Remedy are th* Ibonsands ilha* cured. T we WBVI of Looking m 1 1. Priioner (f lei the verdiol bai been ren- dered againil him) II'* pretty tough for a yonng man like me to ba banged. Lawyer Hard I Wbal are you krakto*> about ? You killed him, didn't yc* / Jn* think of m*. Il'e mighty tough loi a young lawyer to loae bi* nril murder i I oan tell yon. Puck. A mo.lrl -.hoppr r ''Whenlgoe* a-ihoppin," lady, " I allera asks for wb* i it they hive it, and I*' M ola lersta.. I. - ,, d , I' 1 * 06 ' or le "' i h. Hakhaih 'I u.i Be Ohecrveel ! Tonri*t-Cn yon sell u* threepenny worth of milk t Mn. MoJob Whil did ye eay ? Lo*b me 1-tell mnlk on tbe Babbath day ? Na, ca I I oouldna' dae that ; but as ye eeem dacent boyi, I'll J:B gie ye Ibripence worth lor caetbin', an' ye'll jial make a praeeent o' aihnllin. London i>un. Wa* lie H lo< k hr n,t f " I've ran a piece ot wood under my linger nail," said an old married man to hi* wife. " Ah I" ehe sneered; "yoa rausl have been aoraiohing your head. New York Journal. At Marletle, Mich., Ih* other day, two young children ale several nutmegs. They were taken ill, and before morning the younger, a boy about 6 y ears old, died. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND w O H. t LADIES' COLLEGE HAMILTON, CANADA. Th* Hr., ol ,hr i nr flrei ml ihr I .,tu. 4 oiirzr* Ra* Kr,luate<l ovr SCO ladies in the full eoone Ba* s-Jucatrt over 8.000. Full (acuities In LltrratSre. [e*, Slnsio and Art. The largen College i i'J' e ,{, >r J'P CB . WUI open on 8e P" lrt lilresi the Hrlnclpal A. Ill If* N. |>. |>,. i. i . |> ' WANTED-LiDIBS to work for ni at their own borno* 17 to 10 rerweekean be qaletly ', M ., ? hoto P'o'D8; no canvassing For AM r *%'' plll , Me 'Ws, at once, Craeoent 61TO. 0tral Street, Boston, Ma**., BOB CONSUMPTION. " trrvnir II m fall!) In Ma> Branch Office, 37 Tonge' -n IliU (UtMMsi !> . D y rVlrtxw. W, A leading authority grun or London parpU, tail Fatii to destroy tai ffig f ou ar-> allnwrNl a fri* (rtVU los* of pn I MMPLE FREE 4 Oo , Loodan, Ooi . a

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