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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1886, p. 1

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HOATH - PEDLAR - On the 12th of July at the residence of the bride's father, Eugenia, by the Rev. T. Watson, Mr. John W. Hoath to Miss Phoebe J. Pedlar, both of Eugenia. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER, Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. BTln t pentfc ) diUineiothe .tudio of th. mou. \oronto 1&apos;HoKtiiauber, Mr. SW.Uiiou. hen I aouuirad vluahl kuowledjiem Rotou- famo whe I aou 1 leul aMured I oan Kive good geuural Aflull rwi|>ctrully olicitad. MRS. BULMER. FlMkertnu , Bpt . Canadian Pacific Railway. Branch, STATIONS Toroulo Card well Juiic4iou. CharleituD Orai.Ko I Arrlvu vlll... I l,.&apos;vo Ormniie vi I !. J uaoiiuo - flhelbnraa ^v Dundalk > rucnUKKTOil Uarkdaln WllUamastrd -.-. -... Cbktawarlti .liai &apos; Owen ^yqaJ .Arrive&apos; I &apos;> CioliiK Kulh "~HYATll>NS KM. <%rn H&apos;ninil Lave&apos; SdHaiu 4S5|)in&apos; Oliatw.>rtJi _.. _. S9U " I J 1O " Wtlliainarord , 6U6 Markdale StT FlJiSBBHTOI B4H Dandalk !T Ha.lburue ... 7 Or%B4* T ill e Jaiiotiou .. &apos; tln Oraflnu- 1 Arrivti* H li ttl... (Leave , n;r, Oharloitou &apos; 8S5 Cardwcll Junction >OT frnn>. Arrival* 45 I S 30 " &apos;t06 " 431 " 4S7 " SS " 6S5 " 556 " 813 " (ISO " W.WHYTE, OIN&apos;I. SOFT. D.MrSICDI.L. OIN&apos;I. Piss. Aor. J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles Ac., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S.,JM. Pinsn IN. MIRGEON, &r. FLESHERTO.N Ri\tltn<-l. nejrl tu /&apos;irifion Court iiffict. J.P. MARSHAL L.L.ll.K 1ST, -^*- III f M<-h sOMBj. t <nsnut BUI . and :ir&apos;1 Tlinr&apos;ly m**auiunth for tin or mi yr,,r-ii. u i, ,.- lit i. W. FROST, 1.1,-B-. ItarrlMtrr, Sitllcltwr. I&apos;mtreyanrer. A. A. i- Strain 1 - Hllllillng, Kl .M(V.BT, .N .-n.,- s ,r uid Conveyancer, MTt FRONT will he fnimd at tbeOffleaoo Tli&apos;ir.,1. . . . I., i . t..(. i . P McCULLODOH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. OUi< . ovrr vj, | arl;iii<l&apos;- M on. MarkdaU&apos;. lloitoy to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, BVnHISTK.HS, SOLICITOUS. Ac (ippn r ((won Hound. In Vlrkxr&apos;i bloffc. P&apos;tnlett St . Uranrli nfficeia Mmikdale, over Mr Farlaiid&apos;s iitort, ua Friday aud Saturday every J.MASHdN. g.C 8. MASSON. W MASHON N M- 1&apos;rival), ,1 (.&apos; mii&apos;iuiy fuu.ln tn luvt-ct at roin Hit to Elglit fur cent. BAi.nwiHHAXni. M. P.scsa.rx. FHKU w HAHMN HANDS, EGHLIN & OARVIN, to Ijumlrr <( llmitls, DARKISTKUS, HOI.ICITOHH. NOTABIKS, |> C.JNVKV \\TKRH, Ac. Miiaey to Loan at I, wi"t Ratn of Inttirmt. Oflloos. 16 Kin Htreet Kant, Turouto. John W. Armstrong! Co. QUT. TVIVISION COURT CI,EHK. C&apos;OMJUSSIONKH ^ In H. R., Convoyanrer. Arc. AK&apos; > ntfor|>urcl>te an.l aale of lamU Appratner forC. L. C. C&apos;nin- nd P. P. n. A R. Society. Money to I^oau on the Met rcasosabio terras. I*IKH LICEN8KS. NOTAHY I&apos;L&apos;llLIC. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. rl.KRIC AKTKMTK1A. CONYJEYA NCER, COMMMflinifEK, IJf.WRAXCE AG&apos;T, AC. DKKDH, MOKTOAdF.H. I.KABKS, *c., prepar- d and properly >rntd Inmiranrr BS1M- ed In ftrt-rlHi companies. Money to lend at lowent rat,. . < &apos;tiiiveyiincer, Apnraiter, J&apos;al- a(or cijvi AfotMy I, ji.l.-r. Drrdt, Mori- yayft, Ututt aiid Willt (irautt up aixf r alwitiinui made vn ihortttt notie. Ckar- n tery low. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Ptittmatier, Flttktriun. Money to Loan. At &apos;.&apos;$ /&apos; r I VH/. Interest ou X(r,iu/AI L.^,^ WITH Int.Ti -t paid yearly, not In advanaa .No oommiflaion charged. Apply to A. CKIKK. TBORMBiJRl. H. M. CHARLESWORTH. OWBN BOUND, ONT., Hri-.l"r and I i p"tt,T nf OrariRC, Hi iff Cochin aad Mammoth Light llrahma* large a* turkxyi. r,c.IIuft, J.I per doi . Ilrahmiu i|a per don n. Hare fine Rlack Hpanlah ind rlymouth Hock ecga to sell. Improve youritock. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, $- Cabi- net Maker. All repair* promptly * neatly incutd. hop,, nnrhani Ht, neit to batten&apos;s Tailoring. Vlani and i|<olncatli>n> on nhorteit untie*. and Pine Lumber for Hale. The underalen.&apos;d ban n qnantlt)&apos; "f Pine 1 ,nni ber and Pine bath for nale at rimhertonHtatlon. \ M.I.M.I, LOT FOR HAI.K. *>" alan a ocod lot for al In Kloshortnn, WBMtt will ha sispoMil o4 on raatooable tarns. Apply at AIIVANCII nfflre, or tn ANUUB HrtAIOTJ.riosherton Ststlon, , 1 \ Flesherton Adyance. LEITCUS Tailoring &apos;TRUTH BEFORE fAVOll-&apos;h-" PRINCIPLES. WOT MEJf." VOL. VI., NO. 265. IT" FLESHERTOJ, ONTARIO, JULY 15, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, EOIT ,SA FLESHEHTOW! /* the place to Set your Suits made in future. o Hampden Movements ! Four graden. Key t Stem, with my own name on. Fine value. $14 to $80. Also Walthaui, KU-in, and Springfield Watch- es ooustautly in utock at competition pri<xi<. American Clockn, Hollow ft Flat Silverware. I do a largo tmsincsH, keep a finely assorted Htock, Hell retail, and girc cuxtomers value for their money. Tho public know my abilities B-S a practical Watch Repairer. Mian Bella Chrigtoe in visiting at Owen Sound. Apprentice, wanted, to learn the Tail oring at Leitch&apos;t. Mrs. Brown, of Toronto, in tho guest of Mr Thos. Leitcli, Flosherton. Mis<Li/.j;it: Fawcett in viaitiiig friends and acqoaintanoee in the Heathcote and Thornb&apos;jry iivighborhoodg. Mrs. Aikenhead, of Toronto, second daughter of* Squire Armstrong, is the guest of that gentleman. ,^,^ Mr. i H. Newell, the new Editor and Proprietor of tho Dundalk Ueratd, en- tered upon his duties the week before last. W. A. BROWN, A Jeweller. Markdale, - Ont. Mr. R H. Henderson hat* been rur- alizing in this neighborhood during the pant week. He is as good-looking as ever. Hereafter unletw to peraonx buying a copy or copien each week for a year or six months TRK ADVANCE will not be Hold for leas than 5 cents per single copy. G copies for &apos;2."> oeuta, or 12 copies for 50 i outs. Tit - Bits. .-l .; uf l.&apos;-&apos; Itrna ij&apos;itturril by The Adiutict Keptirt- rt. Interfiling I 11 .h r- for Hrhool Sealed Tenders will \m rtxicived for eroctiou of a Hrick School House in the Village of Flehhcrtou, up to anJ includ- ing July ICtb. I&apos;liiiM A Specifications may be seen at the office of M. Richard- son, Kl &apos;-111 T toll. M. Richardson, i S. Daniuilt&apos;, Trustees. W. Pickell, ) SHII,()H> I JU-: will immediately r lieve Croup, Whonpini; Coutih, and lin.n cbiiii. For sale st Medical Hall, Fleshtr tou. Afiy one \\ anting to rent a houae and nice piece of land atljoiiiiug for garden- inf> pur|>oiies (near Flt-Hlierton) should apply to A. R. Fawcett, ADVAM . Office- FU-nlii&apos;rtoii. A FAIB THOI-OHITIOX. There could b* no offer more (tir thtn tbst of the proprietors of Uagyarii&apos;t Yellow Oil, who have ln( ofl- erd t<> rt&apos;fmi&apos;l every cent rxprnded for that remedy, if n fail, to guv satisfaction on fair trial. A learned man may become a fool by assuming the rule of a " Weather Prophet," for in*tance. Dr. E. Stone Wiggins and the crank who publishes and edits the Bradford I&apos;ropkei are no- table i We were much surprised and -pleased lant Sunday to meet our esteemed young friend, Mr. Herbert Strain, who had just returned home from Atchisou city, Kaunas, I". S., o>- a visit to his parents in this place, lie looks as though Uu: Stales climate agreed splendidly with him. The baxe ball match between Kngenia and Fleshertou, last Thursday afternoon, resulted in an easy victory for the form- er, who scored no less than &apos;21 runs mnru than tin latttr. However, it is but fair to t.iie, that the liajhtuing . MI.T of th. Heslicrtou team, Mr. Will Yokes, was away on a holiday trip, whiuh no douht had much to do with the outrageously high itcoring. A CoMi&apos;LiCiTKD C*m. Harry llicardo, of Mt-afnrd, Out., t> ntilio that li<- sufferixl from rheumatic K<&apos;Ut anl chronic trouble of the gtomHch and lit, t, wbicb Iturilurk HI... d Kitten i-ll.&apos;i&apos;t&apos;iiilly cured, after all other tried remedies had failed. NEW PRINTS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW CLOTHING ! New Goods in Every Department ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^-^-^-^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^-^-^-^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M. Richardson & Co. HATS, & CAPS, Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality, Style, or Prices Mr. C. W. fatled$, pf the Markdale .s&apos;(.i4tr.j. ws*in*o*ja;n Tuesday and gave on a friendly Mist. Wotah, of 3| n Abridge, former awsiHtant of the PrinjipsJ of Fletth.-r ion Public School*, Mr. *. Irwin i now visiting here. Mins Welsh in an under- graduate of Toronto fniverint} . baring matriculated with bonora in Matlio maticg, French and English. ^ . Rev. Mr. D&apos; Argent, ol Maxwell, will preach a sermon to the&apos; Maiun of Prinoe Arthur lodge, "Flosherton, in the Preaby- terian chnroh here, ex | >oiidy aftonoon next at 2:30 o&apos;clock. All are invited to be present who can And it convenient to do HO. The Debentures of this School Sect- ion, iaraed for the erection of a new brick school house, were sold by Dr. Christoe to Messrs. Osier * Hammond, Manager* North of Scotland Mortgage Co., Toronto, at a very handsome pre- mium. These gentlemen are the lar- gest dealers in Debentures in tho Do- million. Mr. J. W. Hen 1. r,.,n and family, of Toronto, hare taken possession of their rammer cottage in this village for a few weeks. Mr. H., if the meantime, we understand, rein i... .1 fill hi* position in bin office, lea vim- uis family here, and visiting Uieui wb^ ^. nan. Ho may probably rusticate here a tew week* himself shortly. We had the pleasure of a call from our former citizen, Mr. Thos. Rated, who, with his wife, in visiting friends* in Fleahertou and vicinity. Mr. Bates is managers in a large store at Sault Ste Marie, Mich., U. S , at a lucrative sal- ary. We wish bun continued success. Mr. and Mrs. B. leave for borne on Sat- urday. Admission 15 cents, KIDS 15 cents," appears an posters recently issued. We frequently hear people boast of " our nineteenth century civilisation," but we iln nM thiuk. Uu*y carao svross on/-f tlio |x>sU>rt &apos;referred to above, or they might have altered the vnarding con- siderably. No one but- an illiterate Doodle would be guilty of such wretched taste. Wo heartily congratulate tlie Rhel- burne t&apos;re* I&apos;m* upon the fact Uiat a ftnn new pnwrr press ban just been added to it- extensive printing plant. The free Pr<a it a capital paper as it in, but with such great improvement* con- stantly taking place in its mechanical department, there is no saying what change** rosy yet take place in oonuuet- ion with the F. P itself. The Hamilton Toemn is another in- stance of the wonderful vital energy and indominitahle teal possessed by the Grand Secretary ol the Koyal Tem- Tempvraooe, Mr. W. W. Bu- No utbr Udirtdoal in Canatla has done morn toward* furthering the run*&apos; of Temperance. His adminis- trative abilities, too, are simply mar- vellous. The Royal TempUrs of Temperance propose giving a grand vxitl and instru- mental Entertainment on the 7th, of September being the date of bold- ing the meeting of tb District Council in KWuirton. On Monday morning, about three o&apos;clock, fire was discovered in the rear of Mrs. Caswell&apos;g premises, Markdale. The flame* were spetdily got nlef con- trol and before touch damage bad been done. Win. Wright Strain has been beard from : he is on* the Msaiitouhn Island endeavoring to iTTangsliin the natives. Being a poet M well aa an orator, he will doubtless oatim a KTeat sliakm>> amougst the &apos;&apos;dry bone*." At Last, At Last I Last Saturday afternoon the roof of James Henry&apos;s house, Markdale. waa noticed to be in darnel. By tearing off a few shingles promptly, and the judi- cious application of a few pails of water, the fire waa got under control with very little damage to the building. The rVotecl J%vlr*^&apos; >ln.n. of FU-ulierton , hu jut received j an immense stock of \Vatches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacle*. Ac., which be m [telling at (icnun:.- Hilt-gaum Just imagine a Fine Solid Silver SWIM WaicLi &apos;for $8.26 (net cash <, warranted two tears; a real \Valthamor Elgin \Vatcli ! from f 10.5(1 up, warranted from !ij jrearrt to 5 voari. Spectaclet from 2&apos;"o. a pair to $U the fainoua H. Laurancc tin- b>-<n in tin- world. They never Un- the eye ; buy no other. And if you want your Watches or Clock* Repaired properly. Russell id the man to go to, u be lupcrvuei ail repairs himself. Don&apos;t forget tn go to the (larden Party at the residence of Mr. Andrew Beatty un Friday (to-mnrrow) evening. Markdale and Fleiherton Brass Band* will be pres- ent and furnish the instrumental music. Admission IS cents, proceeds in aid of the Methodist church, Markdale. A number from this place attended the band concert in Markdale, on Mon- day (evening last. There were about 400 people present, and the programme was creditably carried out. Flesbeatoa glee club, MISH Damudc. Miss Arm- strong and other of our vocalist* rend- ered good assistance in vocal music. Un Sunday afternoon an immense cloud of grasshoppers settled down on a wheat field in the vicinity of Lenboru, Northern Pacific railway, Dakota. In a very short time they cleared off every rettage of the wheat. Several other Acids were partially swept. About sunset the hoppers flew south wast. The attention of our readers* is direct nl to (he advertisement on this page, relative to the "(irrat Prohibition Camp and International Oatht-nng," at Hamilton. Out., on August Hth, 9th, 10th. llth. 12th and 18th. JSHfi. Cirtat- et speakers of the continent. Grand musical attractions. Low excursion rates. There are nonie cows in this town which are always on the lookout for " pastures new," ami tins probably ex- plain* why it U that enough pickets are taknn of the Agricultural Kditor&apos;s fence to enable an average Flosherton bovine to liinl her way into pur garden au<l n gale herself upon the juicy gram during the " silent watches of the night." Of course nobody kiioc&apos;tH tho pickettt off they junt drop off whenever a cow looks at Yin. Hnwevrr the next time those picket* have to be replaced (they have been replaced a half dozen times this seaaon already) Homabdy&apos;i COWH are goiug to find a lodging place in the nearettt pound, or wa&apos;ro a Dutchman I JAS. G. RUSSELL, rn t: WATVHMAKBR. W hi|MT Around Town. That there are a large nahihrr f visitors here this miminwr. That the lightning ctnupottitor. Mr. T. NY en, is on TBI ADVANCE printing staff at present. That the uiemberH of the A. O. I&apos;. W. are possessed with a mild mania for " stovepipes " the other k::. &apos; course ! not r.jki7 stovepipes ! ! That the Munnhaw hotel roof has re- ceived a coating of paint. That Mr. W. J. Bellamy&apos;s new honac i* approaching completion. That the population of Flesherton is increasing rapidly ami likely to ! That curtain cattle and pig* are likely to find a night&apos;s lodging in the i>oun<l- keeper&apos;s police station occasionally. That there was a very miall repre- sentation of Station people at Tuesday&apos;s School meeting. That Mr. Diuwoody&apos;s colt, which made lU appearance upi>u tlimniiuidane sphere at &apos;2 o&apos;clock on the morning of the " glorious twelfth," will not be called " King Hilly." for IIMOUK reasons. That tl.n-.- Orauffcuifii i.f Arteniesia ihstru-t. who did nt tf to F.UH nia on the 1-th, <!i&apos;l not act h<&apos;iioral>l\. in that thi&apos;V violattxl an agreement entered into at the l>iHtn<-t Mil-tin^ prior to that date. That Ki&apos;ll H Orange Uxl^f wax n..l at Eugenia, and why &apos;.&apos; That Orange Valley Lodge waa not at K 11^1 ma. aii>l why ? That Uitli I^Mlki. H will have excuses already cut, &apos;lrif.1 mul framed to meet the exigency of the cane. Tliat pnUu- xi&apos;t-ak- If ^n-l t. ass indecent remarks should be "(muffed out !" >r* ( Th.- <).. rt. rue St. Methodist church congregation. Toronto, ar>- at building a beautiful new brown chureh ..n the corner of Carltoo * Sher born* str.* U. eiMtting when coaplviad. 155.000, and will unque*tioably be one of thu UnoHt ch&apos;ircfut IB Canadian Methoiiism. During erection the COD gregation won hip in the Pavilion Music Hall, in t> ira, iiardvnii. ami we are assured, that any Flesbertosj fri.-.i U vmlting Ux> city over Sabbath will U- wetoame at the Hall 11 a. ni. 7. p. m. They will ftad tbure -they .1.1 fn. u.l. Mr. J. \V. Henderson, ooeof tho TrusU-.., an.l t&apos;sher. on hand tft ves or the Editor a good *e*t. PAN&apos;.KUOls KIT^ anofUn uusa br worm<. Krestnan&apos;s W,,rm i&apos;odn destroy Wo would like to auk the ADVANCB man a quostiou. I>oe he, in sticking np for everything Orange, also approve of the course of the It, -I fust rioters? We do neither ; We had the pleasure of a call from onr old friend Mr. Wm. Taggart form- erly of Kavunna, and now of Thornbury on Monday morning lant. l>nring his stay in town, Mr. Ta^art wax the gueat of Mr. George Saul. Mr. T. bears I &apos; a most striking renemblance to tlio un ivenally bclovp.1 pastor of the Presby- terian church, Meaford, Rev. A. T. Col- ter. Oar Junior I, acres* team went to Markdala on the " Qlorioun Twelfth" to have a match with the junior team in that town. Our lada got boaten by thr.M&apos; straights, but not by tho Mark- dale jtmtori, anlesH the yonni; men who played against thorn wero to bo countod as such. It will be sonie time before our junior Lacrosse team some of whom are not in tbeir teens will allow thoni- M..IV.-H to bo duped by tlio mugwnmpian duffers who fooled them no cleverly (oh ! how smart 1 1) last Monday. Following are the offlrr* of Flesher- ton Divisios, Sons of Temperance, for current tern : Wm. Irwit, W. P. Miss. Brown. W. A. A. R. Kawoett, BBC. Scribe. Miss. M. H.-.-croh, As. Beo. Soribe. C. J, Sproule, Treasnn-r. David Clayton, Kinkncier. Rev. Mr. Watsoo. Chaplain. Miss. Alice Bellamy, Oondnctor. T. A. Blakely, Ass. Oondnetor Frank Sullivan, Swtinel. hut we are I" U :ide of law au.l order, whether CatlmlicH, Oraugcmen. ProteHtantw, IHtgan, Maliomuietlans, In fidelH, Atheists, llu.Mhists, or any other sect, arc i-muvrued. Let us now ask the lirmru- roan a c|uestnni : Does he (and Dr. Lauderkinl in assorting that the Government did wrong in tti. lian^ of the traitor Kiel, also assert that the Metis were justified iii thr course purnu- ed by them during the recent rebellion? r*rrrM|MiidriiU. For the tint time in many month*, not on line, in the way of news items, ap- pears in this week&apos;s AIIVAM K fr-&apos;in any of our larje staff of eicellent correspond- ents. Why is this thualy . Have all our able rural assistant*, by a remarkable ooincidsuce, all gone uu a holiday trip 1 Or has the " glorious twelfth " been thu mean* of inbbing them of that nicixfJUt rrd*no4 ao neceaiarr to the bright and racy chronicler of local eveiits I We |>auae fur a reply. An Or.-uif Ludxr Vila. k. .1 DCBIJX, July IS. An Orsiu- C.ial Island, a amall village in th,- (&apos;. untr Tyrone, was attack ud la*t in^dt l.y number uf men belonging t" the National League. The attackini; party were armr<l with nrieit, and kfpt up a nrv for two houn on tho Ifdge. The |M,]IC* were powerless. Armed moonlighters last ni^lit attacked and swumt )H>aii<-i.>n of tw.. houatt* in KrwiiiiHint Mid Kanturk. I&apos; rk l&apos;. unty Tli&apos; y >vcrly )>eat the inmates. Serious noting broke out thm evening in IW-lfMt U-twen thu Cat h lies and I&apos;roteatantn. Many stones were thruwii, and revolvers wvr frrely uaud Thr military were callwl out to rua! M.iny |*ron wers injurvd and snt U> the hutpital. GREAT PROHIBITION CAMP T i. !i,.| in Hamilton &apos;&apos;it \;iu * . f 10.11, r.t 1.. w Etrur*toa . i I W W. H U ii.U.,. Director HuiUu.r jljunro&apos;s ^forntr. HOATH PKDLAK. On the 12th of .Inly. at the residenos of the bride father. Kngenia, by the Rev, T. Watson. Mr John W. Hoath to MJM Ph.xbe J. Pedlar, both of Eugenia. t n I I.. , pi . in s, r mon. Rsv. Mr. Ayers dolir4 a most stirr- ing and eloquent sermon to "Young Man" in tho Methodist church here last Sunday evening The sermon was prac- tical and edifying in a high degree. There was a large congregation. Weat ntl Fleahnrtonians dtwerve much Rev. Mr. Bunt, lately of the Sarnia district of the Methodist church, called on in last Tnewlay, on his way to Moose cr< &apos; dlt &apos;" r the &apos;>l Mlrt &apos;&apos;t additions they Jaw, North West Ttrritory, where he&apos; h " ?eniad- * tiur "idowalk and stnvt will be stationed in future, having re- &apos; ystem. A new street has been nnoned cently boon transforrtd to the Manitoba , u l&apos; frt>m tho k" 11 Sned to ln " r * distance oonfsrrnee. Rev. Mr. . is a jjenial, | outl &apos; &apos; Church street, and the sidewalk frank, and kindly nwitloman, of sogag- on tn * latter street has been continued to ing manners and phasing address, and * junction with tho f>.rmer ; also a ought to mako hosti of friemls wherevor &apos; n * w &apos;<<alk for a short distance <m Mill ho Roes. Durint; hii brief Htny in KIonli s *ret. Nearly |40 of tho money nc- orton, he wan the giont of his lurother. eiaary to niako these improvi&apos;ineiits was Mr. C. Bunt. I **** b / *" e h l f *" West ei.ders. Law .mil i LI i. un.. On Monday Ad. Davis, who used to &apos;attend bar for Mr. C. M.-IXmcll. ><f , Duiirlalk, arrived in U>MII. an<) was I shortly after arretited by constable ( Hubbard on a charge of stealing n , watch. The charge WSM prfferrd by | W. McCullough. wbo alloKtxl that tb j theft wait i,<:tiiittKl in I>un<lalU over a year ago. Davis wax hrooght U-for- I&apos; M. Monro. wlio nut Iwing satinnoti with the evulouco. unit r.-. i Im release. Davis and McC&apos;ullough subwqucutl\ met and nought to *ettlo their dnipiitr by a physical contest. McCullou(li threw a large spittoon at Davis, but fortunately it missed its) aim. Thdrv was then a band to hand encounter. l>nt thu couihatanU were separate*! befon either WAK |&apos;Ui.ishe.l much. Dn\i< said t.) be a great man at poker, l>ut h* has a mortal dread of big spittoon* M. loft for 1-almerntoo on Tuewly. /rn&apos;ri !&apos;.<!. I&apos;r.-ijiuti. iNcrajuiLs. K. C. MrOevtm. of SyrariiKe. X. V.. who i a WfU kn.-waresi- &apos;U nt of tl>tt place, a JeuUnxl uiounl>l by hi* phyairUn, the .liamtMi bring ni pli.*aii. n <>l ki.ln.&apos;v a.i.l liter cnmplam 1 li iw.i .Ur he Iniiii.l nil. f in Bunl.vk Hliwv Hitter-, and ill one Bioaiii mUrl]r r JUST RECEIVED A large consign- ment of Hay Rakes and Fork- Handles. A very large consign- ment of beautiful Glassware in the very latest de- signs. A large consignment of Soaps. The public are cordially invited to come and in- spect those goods and compare pri- ces with any other house in the trade. I twill pay you-. Money is hard to make, but you make money every time you buy a dollar&apos;s worth of D. S. MUDTO&apos;S goods. The goods are the best in the market, and prices are right.- &apos; -k

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