THIS PAPER-, ,i::;, f ;irr; . i ' l SMT l*> undo lor A IH SLUM 1 ult K. alK f ii i NUm n oi> . din- <ln f Dr. ('lisse'i throws lusell ,' the Kin,', feet, the .. An'eineiit. ue fuMAj eouW, Md L|wf ,.,,., ,., lri) H ,, k llcmla.'l.e, IM/./,- ittei In.Miti ' out tl M-H K'-.-i'ti" Kt have. eoiisfijuuiitly, in. apoloic t<. make ,... , Kl..msrli. 1 to 2 hottl ar-< to the iiuhlie. warranted tn i-ure Li*** CnapUat,;,''-* Til II Ij-" 11 t | : | JJj II A FLESHERTON: TIirUbDAY. .in.Y 8, IKHI;. GllAKI) SUCCESS! Crowns the Efforts af Musical Director Muiiro and his Amateur \'<>nili<its. FLESHERTON SCORES ONE Tit* <</ /'((<< in to l.<ti'<i< . tin- tii.n und M, S..I.I l-v the A KAIII 1'u >i-o-inov. -Tin-re eonl.l l- i... oflnr uioMlair tlnn that .>( tiie |i"> .M.ntM Illi: I I VI.H when t.>rpnl with of lUy.iol . Veil..* Oil. ttti.. have | i,.; ofl N.iti. jiiil IMls, K""d mill bilious ored tn r.-diii I evcrv .-eir . > ..en, I. .1 lor in. ii> , if it fin In U> uivc sfn.-tien on fuir A (illi.Wl.M. I'.VII. Si-loflll.l, ol ns un en'iarycrii nt of tlic vh.rnli- of the neck 1^ t. Mill '1. lll.1V III C.-llll-ll ,.( H.mdalc, wai ADVERTISEMENTS. |Uilli;.| "I .'3!: n. i. ) V JO ',ij .1 \- Jl'MI oi'i'is he same tune rimmi; her (mm her nn.t- r.ite position mi I leailint: liei to the front, xclunni.c;. " \\hat t.i it, yin'i-ii BsUsWi nnd what is thy rn<|uest ; it idiall beuivcn to thro, v'en tn the half nfni} kiiiL'loiu '" The CJ ill-en replies by inviting thu Uiiii: mil Hainan to a Lanqtict |>rci>uicil I) her. The Kim; accepts tlm invitation, mid then follows a Juet Ihttwevli Inn;-" il mid the yiu-eii, when tho eurtniim are ilran Miis Armstrong's iingiiiK in tin* .i.-t, as in tho previous one, showed her to iMissesH more than ordinary vocal p- .\ . II :ii dramatic nit. Aet 4th hriliKs HSIH..II once inoro to the front together with /i-resli ami nt- oiil..iys: "I have nmd Hngyard'e Tec- "* teral IfuNaiu iu our laiinlv for >.an. For o OOO(VXX>OOO(XXXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tcndants. tfm BlU Avers "* /.ereh, I j^^ ( . II J, IK _ K()r< . t i ir<ltttlt Hll .\ .iJKtiwiiiK tilled a ro.'i well aihipteil t<i uraiul cmitt'lik no other medicine no noon relieves." contralto voice. Her su-tnii; was remark- auiUof ,W|> Hum 1'iuihK. MII. .lohn N.-elauils, writ- ing from tin- Metlh.di : I '.n . n i^e. Adelaide Well ! the " Lattlc Ins In-en foil-lit ami Won," mid Kleslicrtorf 1ms won ton: proud v-ositioii in nil nnuiuur circle*. Two performance! of tin- niticvnt Oratorio of Esther. ti fill CJnecii," to nuiln n.-e-i in tlie I)rill Shed, have U-en u'iveii with tli> most i>roi,oiim-i-<l MI. -cess. The IIH-.I ssinniine r\|'c.-t:iti"im of tin- jmWi far UK 'M- than u.ili.vl in tin- munificent ml lirilliiint inunm-r in which tlic wss presented on tmtlirvciiinsp althoii','1 it is but fair to state-, that tln-ic was uiort uf a coiii|.lctineaji of detail tin- lii-t |*-r formance ; ami, of course, this mi','ht nut urally l>e expected, a- the iv.(iie-t to re peat the o!aton< ' was unex|>ect, .i. Long before the rurtains i -re drnwi on thr cveir.n:,' <>f Dominion I'av, th ({round floor ami " L'iillurii .- in the lar^o Drill Slu-J were packed with the I;UL:> ' most ap|.ri" -i:ilive, ami most ciitlm.-i i-!i audience, jirohalilv, i-vc-r seen undersign Ur eiixumsuii.c.- m any town or vilia-i i| tlu> county of Cr,;, . and a more rq> reentativc county a'.i.hrii ! was ncvr DMeinlilfil uiihin tin- l>.>iil.-r.s of iirr\ It wa a hiulit whiiOi must have tilK -I tli- tcrpriaiDg pmmoten ith mbcMwded Mtiftfaclion iil j"J' ' and wax an emi- nently tittiiu' clininx to sni-li a tri-iinMnlniis undertaking for * imal! country villni'i . When the idea wan first introduced, i...f tint; of thm<- ..... ii-cr ..... 1. eX'--nt tin- Musical I). rector. Mr. Mnnro, had tin- faintvt conception a.s to tin- ni.i-nitu<li> of thu work iieci-HMitateil in prrpanni: "Queen Ktl>er " properly for a jxiMic rehearaal. Mr. Miinro alluilol to tln.s ftct at the outnet, )'iit no ,.in- shrank from the 'ordeal." The pr.i.ti' tended over a'lu-riixl of nearly four months, ami mint ncceaMrily h.ive U-i u severe tax upon the patience of M\inal Director MIIIIP., n< n.-irly all tin- p.-r- formers wi-r. rumpost-d of pretty " yi. u material. Hut. from the Musical l>u.-.t down t< the youni(et per!onn<T, thi' " material " for "i.tiieen Ksflu-r entirely of linif ta!>-nt, fi>nu Kh -shertoii and the iiinni'iliati' in-i_>hl>'>il ..... 1 '']. iderini; all tin - t'.iinj-, th>- i-ratorin wan marvrll. -m MICCI-SS, and will ird.iuinl t |)M M*dit of our iiiuaical village and tin- talented Miisieal !>!!., t,.r Mr 1> S Munro for all lime to come. Aa nearly the appointed hour M pos- sible. the U>!1 rant;, the curtains wuru drawn, and, expiwed to view, ntood a (.'rand array of handsomely continue.! Peraiann, witli Hainan, (.Mr. \\ m. l'..nn house) in inoKt i;..|.{roMs (.url a, ill the forcer .iiml. Hainan's xolo and the yrand ehoriixi -.-. by tli. I'. i-..ins v,. i. friven in a spirited manner. Act 1, scene 2nd, Uiscoxeied King AliaMiermt (A. K. Fawcett) seateil on % niairmtieent throne, benvath a beautiful canopy, and >'. in Royal robes an lc*ine the mighty knrj of a miu'lity empire. H:s majesty wim surrounded by guards (Messrs. \V. IVtili, J. \V. Unx'e. K. Richardson, and *'. .1. Sppmlei .1'' ndiuits, courtiers, and |>ai;i'^ (Masters John \V. Field and Austin IVk- ll). Hainan appears liuforu the Kinu petitioMiii- for the oxorthrow of the .lews. The wholu forms a spleiidid xcciie, anil thu duet !>etwe< n the Kinu and Hainan, in which wiiip is handed- them by the neatly costumed Pages, is followed by one of those ringing choruses for which tln- oratono in reimirkable. Miss M. Heecmft. ill the njr of Prophetess, canjj her part Tory sweetly, clearly, and in excell. nt time. So well, indeed, did shu execute her |art, that the larije and decidedly in- tclligeiit audienrn loudly .,,..!,./ her, when the part was repeated. Act 2nd, reveals a lanjc and splendidly dressed assembly of Jews. Mordeeai (Mr. Jas. (!. Husnell) enters, laiin-iitine; the condition of his pc.'pv Here Mr. Kussell not only ilispl.iyed his line ilnmi- tic ahilitivs bnf his vocal oi:<- as well His representation of Mordeeai s despair and anguish for the eomlitioii of his ].,., pie "For tho devices of the wi.-k.-d prt>er" wan so realistic as to fairly carry the audience by atomi, und at tho Minn time it eieated a profound impress ion upon the performer*, who rendi-nil the various choruses with an earnestnesB, fWtho* ajid vim, seldom equalled and rarely ever excelled in amateur inn-icKil circles. Minn Addie Armstrong as (,'m-. n Esther, wasitt once ilJ!>nitie<l and stately, and of coniniaiidinu pre. nee. As with the othor lending characters, her costume waa magnificently regal. In all her sing- ing, the hn<li notes were well gjstinncil, nil the low ones full, clear and jMiwerful. Her acting ivaji in perfect keepn.^ with h*r rol* u< fact it was generally con- ceded, that in sinking, actiri)/, and genera) demeanor, .sh was "t-vory inch a i^tiiren. MiM Emma Daiuude, as " Mordeeai's Sister," fillwj a dilficult /<>/ with credit lid diitioetion, aiul llu' ni'Te so, when it it is known that she was snnVrinj; from n evere cold at tlietime M i Arnjstrong aiul other performers were also p]ace<l at somewhat similar ilisadvanf . alily realiiti.-, and her aiti^iiiK rich, full anil Meloilmus. Hani. in actctl Inn |>;ut to the life in fact In.tli Mr. HarnhnuM- an<l Mi^s \v. is sliovveil theinsclvi-s to ! > ,i-.;il.|e a.i well as paimttakiiit; ainsteuiii. Nil-- Katie Bellamy and .Miss Milly Van- It. IM-II, ('/.,'s Attendaiito) lookcil very pretty in their court ilrosses and HiinditU. In Act 4th, Scene 1st, thu SciiK- M !i StiaiiO perfornii-il the intri'iluctiiry part ereditablv. Then fulh.wud a spiritrd ilialnxno butwecn tho Kin^ and Hainan, followed by i\ mafpllfioVDt K'ries uf eb.<- -. alii rn:itel with noli is l.y MI .i.licai s Sifter (Mis* It.iiiuule) and lli,'li l'n.--t (Mr. Il;i\ul Illa'r) aii'l :i '|ii--i: :> ' !< t>y the Kin^ \1 m. \V. r,tch. .). \V. I.:iru'e. K. Kiehardson, and ('. .1. Spr.nile), nil delivered in a most excellent manner. A ilnet liy the Hi'^li I'l lot i Mr. 1 Jl.ur :iml mir livm Heu'ai (Mr. .1. Iliiskerville) in this net. U was vi-rv nicely n-inleri .1 ; a'.-,i a ...lo l.y Mr. liasUerville, " h'or he I'-nn^i-th dnn them that !>!! i>n Hiyli," Ac., in which Mi. I'.. ^:i..eil tli:it he i.osnesses R strung and \\ell cultivated lia-ss voice. .The "Triumphal Mar.h," in Act f.tli. was i in- ..f the ii.nst eiijny.-ililc ('-aturesi in ... Tlur marches were oieeuteil throughout with i;raoe ami prccisK.n. Hainan pin laniini,' Mnnleeui, anil the A Coui'LicvntD OAK. Harry Ricardo, Mi-afoul. Out., te.titiesthut h ufli-re<l from rtn iimiitir umit anil c^irnnic tronl.le of the st, ma. -li in. I lirer, wlucli lltinlnck llloi.d I '.liters effectually cured, ufter all other trinl re:m .lii-K hail failed. .CARD OP mm : In thanking my customers for their liberal patronuoo in tlie past, I have I.MII; (Ki.v-'l'l.e roimiipxlon is olteii much pleasure in beiii' n ' still able to r.Hil.reil unMKl.tlj l.y I'linplcs. I.iver S|.oU. sll ,,ply tin-Ill Wltb the following Cck- .-. i \ . il..v. i. w, '1 heu it in well knonn are I from mi inai'Jivc r ami lia.l Mood, hrated lnacllllll'8, VIZ., I F>r. Cliii-. - I.i\.r Cur.' purities the blood i Mi.l tthi.lC >)i.leni. Kef Ileripe liook for toilet ri cipvs. hint.s nn.l sUggMtioiu on how t.'pico'ive the c..nipli x'u u. Sold by tin- Druggist FLESHEBTON. 'IIT/'lllll/ r/H-fll'tfll i'.Hch II >/.. ['li.ur *- 'Jo to 2 -J. r i Kail Wheat -ill 7" lo H T'I Spriiij,' Wlii'ut " i-.'i II 75 llarlry (K) 00 Oats " ^S (l _>< 1',-as <l .VJ 52 Huttor (I '.'2 !2^ rirs, fresh. "'J 'I y I'otittoos 20 25 Pork 5 00 5 00 H iy, per ton M H) lOOli Hi.'leH 2. r . 7 25 Wool 17 1H Sheepskins r.G 85 Tlios. A. IHakcly, I'luin "i"t < ln,'iiiu-)lt<ll House ami Carriage Painter^ Flosherton. Iil>re]>arr>l t> ntti'iultp all work in bin liiitttiof IMI-HM ** in tin M i TV Hiid wrkinaii liUt- iiuiiitii'r I'-TiuiBtr - cheerful!* fomtthMl ninl'-..iitra;'t- rnrri, .h-ni !-t tin- 1. tt*T Dr-t-T* in titwii .ir <'(ni<itr\ . l>> ntHil <>r I'tlittrwivf, wil. 1 1 * i i\ . . ! : tl 1 \ )>rin|<t lit t> nt ion. hlh'ti '>\- r Mi]l"irn 'n curriit^i- works. THOS. A. BL \KELY. l(ill NF.TTLK HASH. Summer Heat, l-'.nipti.'M- .in. I L; in i.i! toilet purpusti, use Low's Milphur Snail. AM. \V! ; .'. I'l i:\-~Klt.-The chilJrpn like l>r. I.OW'K I'li-itFanl \Vnrin Syruji uiul jiarents rijou'e ovir its \irtn*s. THi: l:i:V. (,EO. II. TH.VVKH. of Bour- boti In) . Miyn: lloth nivv It MI 'I w id- owe to" BHILOH'8 COSSl Ml'TloN AUK Yd!' M \I'K I.T imi, Coli-ti; ,iti. n. IM/--IIHM", I.os if Ap|ie lite, Vdl.'wSkin? Shiloh's Vitalizer u a 1 cure. WHY \VU.I. YOf con,'h nbeu Sliiloh's Cure will jjive iniiiH u;..I. relief. 1'rice ci .. ." U., will II. SIIH.Oira CATAHHH KI'MKI'Y- apos- itive cure f"f Cat. irrli. I 'iptli. 1 1.1 itii<l ''ankor M.'iitn. Fur j-ale at Mulical Hall, Flesher- t..n. Tin- Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky Hal;.'. The Miinst-y Harvester. Tin- Mussey Mower. The Token 1'ea Harvester. Tin I-'DX I'oft llarvi stei-. Hamilton'd Coinbinatinii Plow. Tolten's (.'t-ntre llraii^ht .lointcr Plow. Hamilton's Scnfth-rs. Haiuiltou'H Boss Gun^ Plow. Wisnt r's Spring Tm.tii Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stork of KKI-AII:. always on hand. Parties requiring any of ths above will do well to Ctll and int pi rt Macli- ines, which will be found in Sproule' warehouse. A. S. VanDUSEN, FLBSHERTOV. 1IA( KM1.TA( K,' a fragrant Fur sale lively retention bv a urnndehurusof Jews I'"' 1 " 1 "''- I' 1 ' 1 ' 1 - ; ' ""' "'" ' ut Me.Ucsl IUU, .inn I en<mns, was extviiteu in u ui.tnner r R "VSl'Kl'SIA and I.irer Complaint. VI.M have a printril KimrantfM.' on fTi-ry bot- ,],. ,,j sinloh 1 , Vitab.-. r. It nevrr fail* In c " rc '- Kr sale at Medical Hall, Hi-iherton. creilituMe to all concerned. Thu chnruH In the IM.J-M, "Thu Kin;' shall honor the 1,'iieon," Ac., was well suni;, and the " tiiture M" marching clieiteil j iiiueh applause. Thia was fnllnwi-il l.y a chorus of irirls, (drv.-ssul in ;.i--ttyand must I have IH-I-I. i.iiiil.hii^. " Ac. The \z\r\t also inarched in " tii;iire H " form, and vv.u- loudly a-iplauilcil for tli.- precision with which the niiiveiiii-nti were exeeiitwl. In Act ."nil and scene 2nd occurs a limit O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooDooo NOTICE. A NASA I. IN.IKCTOK Ore with tach Ixit ' l^foTICK l liurcby |iven that a l.y-li tic . f Mnloh'ii Catarrh It-im.lj. 1'ric* 5<) ^ |.*^il l.v tlio_lfunlclpal jCooBcll .f tin- HaU, i i tlt.'i N'UIllwir 1 ive. <>f l)liTWI.*)llp i.f ... ... -in. aii.i that Bucti Ity-JAw WRH rt<i^t.-r.' I lucilv i.,r eiiill fivir. 'nut it <loo not m tl,. t;.i;itr> ufflto f"r S....tli (it. v .M. the ilvviij.i i-urc Fi|uiri' 1'iltou ul (iras Klevrutli .U>..l.lun A I) iw \n> n 1..U,. MifthUn, look , all 000 K ol ^ t ^ ^T^Mn'il^'l K iminine f..r chronic Mills sn I malarial lever. i date i.f tin- HKitratlon tbrof and cannot tw Alter that in i utlier rniii.lie hinl .*ftpr ., ,, yriMKi: AMI ( lllLLH.-QuUiliie is tli pop uln r. ui<d\ i..r i-iull f< vi r, i.ut it doos nut in tin H 1' [.athctic event, in wl,,,-h X.-re>h and Ha- -. " cured him man are the |.rinci|.als. Again we are | tn-ate.l to oni.- line actiny, and a licaiili- fnlly loiiilen-il olo by Xeie<li Air. William Id-llainy :n ller.ild, i.i- '""'" ' Int.- 1 st thli UitilayolJune.ime \V 1 HI.I.I.AMT. Twp. Clorh. Tin tf tor tb abort y*ar U ..... .1 l>r n'. |.frv..ri nr?,.rtn^ from Klii-illimtliTii. Ni-.irau'lit. I.Hjtli*elu'. II. l. lie, i>n> iu-iiti- | tun. l( lo-> "lil> pur elm n l.,.t'i ! ) In 1 l.lKlittiiliK. ft-- It cun - in stitntl) J'ii--i . itmi .' -iJi) when- It l. iii* 1'art in this scene cre.litaUy, hi< sinij- Tin- i< Hm.l l.ini.ti.init. in ; partii'iil.'irly l-nn; t-xcellent. Act .">th, S'ci.c .'lr.l, rcvealc.l the <,tiii-en i,i^ the thr. .ne, with lai.-e f Jews and IV-r.-iiaiiH on l.otli Miles. Knter Kini; ami Hainan who niii^ to the B, after winch ','raml eliorns t.ike up tho refrain. l^iit-en's Maid* of Hnimr (Mrs. \\' Irwin, Miss .Mary Smith .-mil Si.lil I)) th. Mi.;. n A l'u..i. i AI.II..I.II- CKBATK. H'.\, I It. l..i: '.. 'I.I . l . in. llii..l"li. -^<iU K ' in i rr'ij.i.', IU"t.he-. !tc. iit,'l. Jliinn^ i.r I .1. i ' if-". Ihen. Ii. hut "lo- < i namely, McUri'Ror <V i'arki ( erie K v->u I" it try it. it will convini-f > . u It i >'*U but SJAc. st the I 'mi.' store. The Thorough Hr- I DURHAM BULL, Will be for iwrvir.i st Ixit I.V.. ir.l K. T. 4 B. K, Artcmetia. durinx tin- pn-ri-nt ouunn. TWUI-. f I per row. |.>l.'i lit Jn 1HH7 W II .IOHNS70N. I'r >|.rl. tor : I .> Tli wall-br*<t Durbsui Hull. Prince Arthur, lit I ..: - WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING ' JAUNDICE. , OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, 'ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, I THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every specie) of rliir.t arlft : ir from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH. BOWELS OH BLOOD, T. M1LBURN i CO., """"fSZwo. HEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS ! Fiesherton, May a8th, 1886. lo our rnends and Patrons : Xt Our efforts are honestly directed to-\vards the manu- acture of Carnages which shall be the t>est that can be pro- duced. During the past year lar-je additions have been made to our facilities, and our building enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Riimri^ Carriages and Waggons. We make Buggies, f tbo trtdci, slid tin- best AltU'S CAHBIAOE WORKS. liy ..ur li.un practical i-xiHTii m-c and careful ttntiou to tho wants of tl! material, -,. i.m. me* ...i, 1 in making l.uwy wi.l.-li hss no snpirtor Solicitnn!) our orders. IIK.UIDS C Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWNS Steam Saw mil & Planing Factory, In the Village of Priceville, Ii. in fitted up with Ni w Macluuerv, of the latest and most improved pat terns, i.H SKfOMt Til NONI-: in the County of Grey. \V, -:ire invjMi-.-d u, the imhlic with any amount of" Lumber and Hill str.lT at I..)\Vi -t C.ish I'r. Ue IHIU- on hand ahou: o.,o,)ii f..,-t of Maple and Birch Flooring, dressed and ni:itclii-d ri-ady 1'i.r use. S.i\vin<;uiid I'lanm" done expedwowlv and siti-furto'tlv. Spi-t'ial bar-jaintv "ivt-u to I'.nild.-rs, C'c.uti actors, and Caih porebi Hani!..' lately put in ::n l'.:iii rj \\ 1 . 1 1, we can ijtiin Crosscut Saws iu firt class stv!.- and on the .shortest notice. A fair trial will convince you lht kliis is i lie spnt to (my \o;ir l.muliiT. New Butcher 8 hop In Flesh- eitou JWitchnll, I'liMl'IMKU'liS. THU and tillllH to niiiiitnn tl'ilK snke tiii'. to ;!n i,...|.:.. i.f 1 !.--|p mi I , ,rr..ii i tlml llii-y liitvn ctaltvd a Hiltchcr Shop m<i. .< . ! N. xi .li.,.r to tin. Mnrl.'e W.,tl,. l--|.!>!ll I.Vl'N. <ili,.|i- tlii'Vnill I., |.|,M ,..| t,, in,-, t i'h itll H<I,I fn\i>r till-In Hltll tl. >-li |.>i'.r . . Mektl of all kiud>,ll<l Klth.tle il:tl. BO^JK c-t fu;; > > (.urn, rim ii ,t Mircuri.r.. New Harnoas Shop PEICEYIIjLE! 1 ii - MoTlliatt. \r. Will l. for wrvic Mias Li/./ie Kaw.vttjsanjr " I... in; live our N'oblc Kinc " ery nioely and in :: .<! tune. The <,lii.-, n'i I'.tTi-s Mi Hi-lla (iji-nlnini ami Mlix Kttie Ay em who wen- .lii-seil. .-H >-i-veral in the andieni-i- lecl.ueil, " like fairicH," wnlt^-il 'ill s most ch.-irniinn and graceful manner ti> tliulit au.l lr..lo M f \ ri -t l.y M ^i.'k .to] UK and cr> iu< with psJo of Cuttlofl I l! i , u i . ' Mn \\ in " 111; S\rii|>" f r i n - ..i-M.rli.-.l st \v,..t T .t S II . \rli-' .. ~. (MOD at Lot If 2. 1st Itn vitliii' i. 111; S\ incali" It Kill ri'lu-vt- thi.- centre of the- mid ihunci' UJ> to tlie foot of the thnme, bvnrini; itohloU of wine which wen- jironriited in turn to the ..... rottl. -.i.IT. l.T itinniilltttelv Depeli'l t. ri. Ilier. tuke itli .lit It. It . ur.-- 1>. .nf.rj an.) 1 iiKrrl.ifM. r.'k'iilate* the fMoiiiacb and Howvls, ours* Wind I'ulir. midium tin- n unit., r. .1.1. as Inflammation, aniltiivvbtniio ad inarn to tbe lioli- ^>>-t.iii --VIH Wins- low'n ^ . ij. ' f<>r ehil.lren tei-tlHnR ii l>li.-nt In the t-te ami I- th. i.rerri|.ti..ii ..f on. .,f tin- ..l.t.^t i..l l..-t finml.- l.hy-i.iai.. Mi.lii'ir- InthvVutU r .!,.! t>y nil .lriiit thrmiirhnnt tin- worl.l. ITIce a.k for <-i.nt pur oow. pnyfthlp 1l .'n. 1HH7 Hnrrnti. !>'>>' nowi your opportoott) to in, prove your ilock at "prici. to ii.t th. i o,.. <. Wu. C'AttU FAUK.H. l'n>i>ritor. Th Wi.ll lire I Diirhsm Hull. DAUNTLESS, dUt; r>-ligroe ) Will 1m for thi- service of Cows tlm w<*iK>n ft own pliwr. 1.. t lilt. 3ril ll.nce Wot. Those lia to call at the Kin-.'. They tli'-n waltziMl Vm-UwaiiU in the orilc-r of their a]i|>ricli. Heini; h.iul- ly and enthusiastically I/MOJ,./, tlie trim little 1'a^'e* " gh>l>e(l " acn tlie front of the st:ii;e ever:d times, amid tn-in. n .1. .us :i|.; !iUHe. The rest of this scene cmisitts of sunie very tino choruses, duots, soli. i|iiarti-tte, vi Mrhid :uly all the the re|.rc- suntative.-h:ir.i tern I, ike jiart. Tln-i|iiar- . . . , ,, f^roiip, Anthras. tett. "Dol w.-iki- or .-mi I dIMimng, J.i,n, k .i, ,i ,.) -t .iltb.'ii_'li i-xfi-i -inely ilitticult, w.-is rendi-ieil well. " 1'niMi- yi- the Lord, ' by tl n- tire coni|iany of |,eifnriners, with the prin. H'al ch:ir:t. -ters, in their bandsonic costlllln-s. to till! front, close.l till' 111. "t successful musical " .1 uliih-e ever held in tins [il.-ice. VoTRM. MIHS Hella ChriKtoo presided nt the rjan throiiohi.ut with marked ability :md grace. Mi. \V. H. l'"li-h.r invented a very imjeiiioua roiilriv-.-inoe f'.r iperatini< tho curtains in thin oratorin, which shuulil in our opinion 1..- p.-itenti-il. Three hundred people attended tlie second jierloriuaiicu of yueeii Kuther in the Drill Mu-il. < )rer aevvn hundred and fifty people .-itti-ndeil the ornturio n the evt-iiinej uf Dominion Day. The proceeds of both concerts amounted to within a fow cents of f210.IMI. The Stijner Mothndiit Clunr attended thu dint performance. HaiuilUin, I ronto, ()wcii Suiuid. Dnrhain, Markdalc, Collinirwooil, 1'iu-eville, Kii^'enia, Max- well. Siimh;ini|.ti..n, Dundidl*, and many other places won? nlno represented at tho oratorio. MUSH iiil Director \ftinro was invited to brinK hix coni|>any to Markdale, in or- dor to gire a [.urfornumco of "Queen Esther " in the largo n.ller rink there, but as the costumes had to he returned to Toronto at dice, and as many of the principal Hin^era were fluttering from se- vere colds, he waa unable to accept the invitation. It is, of oourwe. ini|i>sfihle to ^ire within the liniit'.-d space at our com Mils. \\IS-HI.OWS ho IHIVI, Sim i-, ami take no othor kind. Mi-fiii' o 'i ' ' io \\hi-n wo nay M.'lir i , run- l tl il) iH-rfi-i t .-ur.- for !>, r l '.'Tiipliiint-. hi'liue-ntlun, Hii.l I'ii|. me It;. .0.1. we uri' telling' |.!iiln tin-t^. f which litin>lli-'lH Initt'lre'tK . in t< tify who tlllV.- I - I I i |.|.-r. rt he!fl| ll\ itK UB. \\.' woiilrl ther f.>re i|\iu> you -tr<uii;l> If ym. .-.; of the ttl.ovi' I r -. t.> VIM. MI .1.-. . i trial and beam 5 ri'-i-l It i -.'111 in 'iv- BI..I *l Oil Inttli-s t tho t.rut{ St i T.*H. K. \rt. _ _ TnnR $1. tM> por row. |>VRhlfl in or hofimi IMI lt, IW7 Town not n tiirneil irmlurly lo bull will l. churvi-il n tiMtlier in calf <i"t DON \l.|. Mi-KKN/LI . IT..|'ri. tor frsn.e a (ill rtu-ulr:. i i.r t.>' fttr Sal*- . - Itm. ' lw^lliiiK.7 ro. part toii' niKleshi-rtnii. (|.lwrni l.. KiMiil c- ( .[|r. k '. Nlnl.;. iue eri-ek. Tru.if eeny. I' IT .. \\ J ]tl I.I \M\. riesbor- rtEIAAMY. Mar Mixr.t.Ai. I*r>ino!. Nothing tut I'lirn pxtracts f r.ini plant" ro..t an- ii-i-.l in |.repritiK Mc- <;r<>'..r K ].ti.K'( lllpoii.|.l. the tliili rn HI..) now popular rvraedy for Cold*, rough-*. Itronehitis, f^roiip. Asthma, and all ntTeirti..ns of tin- thri.nt, i and client. All inmuriil ]."i-..n>. ami dan- f, r.-u- K.iliHiinr. - ur. ii\....|i 1, uhirh remleri. it L' tor children nr adults. SoUl at *100 per l.ottle nt the I 'run Store. James "Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton Ki.'nirit.i:. l..vetr..iii;liiuir.iii.l in (set every- thing in thn IIUMIII-M will re..-ive my protript ft.i'l carnftil ttttniitinn st iMiMKits n ATI; RIALS Always kept i" Stm-.k. Cull mid HI-V tbni WOOL! i WOOL! \Vnol to sell or manufactnrc will find it to their ad vauUigc FLESHERTON Woollen Factory ! 'I lu- ;! i i f 1'fj that )<' ' lukn.k' .,|-lh.-. Ml 1 p^ftHl.' <>f pulilh |rt i 1: -xill !<( attt'ti'lfl : nt I> *-[ i i K .,-. M ( >tflt ami t uji ifi ftr-' ' ' ' J t ' .rrv Coiuh-*. ,|> 1 .'. i I 1 . . . A , 11 1 1 ,;) ,. i- -i >f k. - IT' 1 1 J.WATSON. A GIFT 10 c4-nt ] ... HI. i V. .- U ill I'm i| \ .01 . r -\ ill , \.il ril.!.'. M.IJlplf loX of i: I" w i'l l it > "i in ill- \vn\ if niii!,i- . an). tltti.r <!<' i'i \i'i> ri-ii lt< (>i ***."* . f all i. k -. . i H-klivt' at J."|M.' it t ul w rklTi ]>nr. tin,.., nr K'I! ltt< tl'ii". < j .: i I t I ,] ( \ \ "ii IinnfftiHr pay hiif f,.r the*.- IIM : tort at OTIC**. >ir. -' N ' * l'->rtlaii(l. Mtiino Important Notice! The M,li.-i il,,r I. . .- to infr.iui tin ftOflt ..f I-'ti-Bheitoii unil KII rriiiinilin-'i-ountr >.thst lie lias The Machinery b< intf now iu splendid working order, and having engaged n HtafTof competent hands, we are uow biiRy raunnfiicturitif,' goods usually kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to ns will receive prompt anil careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give us a call. W. H. FLBSHER FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN! AT CE1NT. tlie Scribe sppmrently enterUinini? him reading from a acroll, with guards, ntun dsnU, Ac. in the background. Cjuveii fther enters, rushes past guards, and maud, AS full a report "f tlie oratorio ns I inixlit ha*- Leen desir.-d.le, coiiidoriii Insurance effected on Fnim and Village Unildinps nnd coEtnntg. Insurance Hie niavrnitiide of tin- uinlorUkiiiK nir iiKainst Li^litniiiR a specialty. tlm very crediiaMe nianntT in whiili ' Deeds, A.nitgagos, Lpasrs, \Villn, fir., carefully prepared and properly erery one <!' t) wl> t<.nk part c- executed. OrntK, Toronto street, near Town Hall. .|mne<l theinsehes. Jfo<-ier, w of the . pace, in our TX7" T "DTTT T A TV/T"V W . J . J3 ill I_J ij A 1VL I , J miles fi-Min I'l. |,rit 'i. l.:i I i, liiiW |ili I fiirninh lulls or anv ! LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Always on hninl. Slnle.. !.,ve Ii nj;tliii on liaml. CiiMoni SKwiniiiiunn by trie tl.oiiHftinl. REASONS \VhyyouiihoulilKi-t.Miiir I.iiiiil.i-r RiidSliinglpii cut liy S|. nicer: (1) Evory Saw in tlie Mill Is Now ami tlir mill in in perfect or.ler. Hen\i.BohlHiircticsUwy(.rsnilkopp hi* daws am) nmi-l.inrry in perfi-rt ..rdi-r. (8r Hei-i\iiM. he iili all Si-antlliiK -'oicc exact- ly to tlio lull r KIO-II..I (4V-He 1ms put in a l,nn.i,, r I;.| L -IT nnil all boar-Is aro HSino wlilll.H fri.m on,. , ,,.| i,,tlo other. KCCSIIHII ymi enn tnko a load of Incntotho mill anil s loml of linul>er IKI.I.I. sanie .Uy. r-ersunolio HusrantM-K to cut allriritoin work in a workmanlike inminerR.KliistiiifM.tiMn Kusrantooil. (7)-Uoosaso all sawing In ilono st rock bottom price*. if H., { >urrd. Hopt.lOth. 1MH',. . SPENCER YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An,pl.mittotke. ConUin trmlr own Pnn;.tiT. U a infe. ,t lr .,. ,<! ,n,-ct,,?l f wo, mm in Childtou or Add . Feb. 2,'lnd, '80. Have on Hand a Fall Assortment r< s *** -OF- SUIHIVIER GOODS. In Gonts, .. V.~. A iind Cliildn IH BOOTS ft HllOi'.S. I iuIeTo> to otir cit!>touier.s both in Good* and Price*:. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS E. VANZANT, AM. ..!.- OF Mia ui UaiiEealftl Tcrks, Such :v-t Monnnu nt i, 'l'tiiliT:iUes. IIi-iidstoiifR t .liter ami T;il)li' '\\n\t in American and M.ui '.. k- -i lir;uiite. mul lliade on > oliort iviriei. Al-> Mnntloa iu Marblo anil M ulil.'i/i' 1 Shite, <tc., Ac. Fli-slierton, AII.J. 30, 1RXIV. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S-PILLS&OINTMEMT THE PILLS I'urifv tbo lllooi), correct all Disorder* uf tbo Liver, Stomncili, liitln'yw, nnti rhjlpYi8orstean<t nature to hvaltl. I.elilli to KenialeH of all ICorwtitiitiiuii, aiul nra invalual.lo In sll Con- ChUu.-eu nuil tlm resell Uiny are |>rlcelels. THE OITMENT rnr Ra<l LORS. -I Kliumiintm ForKOliK TIIHO.U, KROA'CHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS F an Infallible for liil Loffi. llsd Mroasts OW Wouniln. Hrrrcn nnd Ulcen. It ii famous far liout mul IU.oinimtini. For iliionluri of the l'lic-.-t it has no equal. UlsnilularSwclliugH, ftnd all Skiu Tllspsuns it bus no rival; JniniH it nets liko a cliaroi. for outractoil and (tiff Knnufsi't.ireil only nt Prnfi>H!or HOI.LOWAJ'S KstsMliiliinent, 78, New Oxford si r.-i i ( late 533. Oxford Street K London, and aro sold st Is. IJd ,2n.!M , 4 .M , Us . ISn . sinil .'ii". i-nrh Ho\ nr Vot, soil maj Iw hsd of all sftdf rme Vendors tiirotiKhinit tho World. Jftr- Pnrrhatm sh'il'l tank t' >hr TsiM rm Mr I'ntu nnd Hrr*. Orfnnl f/ntiiirm. Ihry nrr tjmrimu. Tf fV atidrru u not NOTICE: :V . J. W. BATES, Fur nit u n' Dealer and Undertaker, I'l/KhHI KTON, . ONT. A thorough iind Dnrtinm Hull calf, n o month old, for nalo. Also a one yi HI old Diirhnm Hull, with ood {ifdiKfci < Also a good SStormi Flour Mill t Fli-sliei ton Station formilr. Apply to ROGEI: LKVM:, Kloliortou P. O,