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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1886, p. 3

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THE A.DVANCE. a* of th* leading Ixwtl and Family Newipaperi In Nortberu Ontario, PubUabd Every Thursday, Float TEE OFFICE, CaUingvood Street, FUiherton, Oitt. TERMS OF 8UB8CKIPTION : * 1.00 per tnnuui In advance; l.Mif not paid theeudof 1) years. No paper dieoODtlnaed . 11 til arraaran aro paid up , andno nOMelp o ne taken for low tban one year, except when paolal arrangement! for shorter period* are toade with tbu publleher. ADVEKTiaiNO KATES, 4o. Caeual advertisuenti,tt cents per let iniertlou nd 3 cent! por liuu each >ubtui<iuuut inavrtion. TraaiuQta<lTanisuuint8 to De paid for wbel ordorod. Advgrtiujuit'hts witliuut tpeclal dlreo lone will bu iuwrteU till forbid uU ROYALTY 1*1 Kill-. UK I'M* e)r>iaf.irtt. 1 he Prmc* of Wlet and Prince AlbertVielor at th* Royal CaUdoni.n Ball. acooriliugly. Liberal ioducemonti to regular advertlier*. Notice! auioug r&avdiug uattur, IU ceuti per line each iiiBurtiuii No advertiauuiuut dUcontlnuod until all ar- rara(> are paid up. Copy tor advertineuicnti iliould reach tbli fflce not later than uoou on Tueeday to oniure lertiou in curreut issue. A.R- FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Flesherton Aleat Market. SEPT.OOOD, . FBUFBUTOB Gash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resh Meats constantly on band for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESH ERT ON CLAYTON'S II t K\ LKSS SHOP ! KLESHERTON, Is tke place to get your Harneu Cull tin, <tc, made up in good ttyle. Shop in W. dayton'i Bout it Shoe .Sfwrr , MatMVwMi A L.ONDON BOOIE1Y A L juduu (Able, dated W*dL*tday mom- lug, aej* : Ouw of tb* mo*l GimiukUiitueo And f Mbiuuable fancy balls of each Ljiidot. aean-n tb* Rival Caledonian, for the beut&t of tbi Boattixb BoepitAl ban jam nded at the New Ciub. Tbi* I* Ibe build ing long known M Evani' GJT*U| Oirdeo. Ibe 1'riLoi of Wale*, accompanied by Prito: A ber V; lor, both iu Highland dniB. Arriving about halt pa>l 11 joined ihoti taking part iu tbe fancy tud Highland quadrille. They Awtmbled in one of tbe drawing roome, and being pined and preceded by tne Duke of Atbolc'e piper, paaeed in proee**ion to Ibe ball-room, tb* Prince conducting tbe DnobejH of Atbole acd Priuoe Alber Victor the CooLtei* of March, tboee IL Mri. Murrat'u poionti.e faLO. q-aadrille tollowicg. Etch gentleman in tbta latter wore Ibe auiform of ibe Urtutditr ur Gilditream Onard*. All tbe ladie* to the quadrille wore drektea after Bir Joiboa Reynold* or Oainiborougb cf white meat- teun* d* ton with latbet of vtrioun colon, And nobua of moiliu edged witb Ito*. AU had powdered hair. Thin quadrille of eighteen couple* opened the ball. There wai An eqatl diviiion of yoacg matron* And maiden* in the Ml. Tbe great attraction, however, wan Ib* DuotenHof Atbol*'* Qigbland quadrille, ending with a red, in wliob thirty-four couple* participated. Tbe principal aud leading wan led by tbe Prioeeof WalH with tue Docbe** ortvcr tixorea And bia on with the Gouute** ot Much) the Mar- ijutt of Lorn* taking , ri witb Lady Florence Gordon Lennox. In Ibi* qaadiille many debatable* cartioipated. Eob lad) wor* a drta* ot white nlk or BAUD, with larstu tear* appropriate lo tbe Boolliali elan to wbieb by deeoeul eaeb one belonged. Etch gentleman wore tome High I and dreii Tbe teeue during thi* dance, atieen from ibe ptviliou gallery, reminded one of au ooeratia upeouele. witb A bali*l appro- priate to the time ot Guy Matibariig. The graceful abaLdon ct the royal at d titleU Kueite, and Ibe alter eti-nje of mfi en- queue, were plearaully remarkable. After ibe geueial dancing iu wbieb Sooicb laetit* from peaaabl* to Mry Qleenof Boole and Higblandan from Bbeiberde to Cbarl** Siuariit participated a band of juvenile* of both ttxen played a r-elcation i f Baolch meloditt while the r.up,er we* being tervtd. Met' while laid ou* of the Haul* totto vote. "Oar GlaJ i :. in le>d lug Ih* Tori** with their fancy dr*** pnu oil li A Bom* Rule dauo* m Blotter'. Oiren* al OIAJOW." KI i i i \ TO i- i rcecml l i>ii Ittaeaic. .1 I Oelrlal ll !- Al. l.ewla \ u ,u 1 " i'WirfR , .<nr. ll" rxiwrl- . : r-.imi:ti' : II- I win) . :,:-. HIII'.K ill lllhf III- rorniM woo will ii'l il.illnnln ml- ill ,, v hli-li will i 1 1 , or can be motto ,' : r I nt t,ll COT* ii-n. I n l-'-n, I. iulilrr mr litc-eiiti. ' !". I.'OWKI.L * ", A.l\ -.11-1 i 1 - tin-, i i ,:*, ' Si-Ill. :-i t-liil \\i-it- to >,; M-.W *PAP (loS|iiuci->t.l'i. II .-.( i. Ni-\v York. HBRATED pH CHASES I - LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Lir Complaint, Dytpcpiia, In.licr.tion, l!iliounei, Jaundice, HeaoacAa, Ii7/m^. I'aiii in the Hack, Ceawveaaat. or ny <li%e nriMni from i tleraned livtr, I). CHAU'S LivtR CIUK. will be found a ur ami certain ri- m <ly. NATURC'S REMEDY Tfc unqualifiil -11 an f IT chav' l.i>fr Cure in Livtr Complain! re-l. kiy ilh the fjcl llial it i com|K>uilr.! I: II " fciii.n liver rKiilator, MAM.ksk, , eoi .:rir,luh many other invn'u. ' .\\\ nnd hcrln, l,a<-in|i a powerful el>. ' . . v-. S . m_, h, ItoweU and BI..-I 500 000 SOLO Over om-k.\:f n ;.. uir't Knifir Htrikt were *oU it < .it,i.r.i ,i.\>*t. H'e want mam, ayjOTji-t sml ikilii ti'A.' IM trrttfii'fii -.t'itft Lirer Com- ffmimt to try ;\ i eiil-'emt rtmedy. SOMCTNINC NEW. GIVEN AWAY FIEC Wraj(>d around every tiotllrof I )r. Cha*e' l,i ver Cur* it a valuable Household Mr<lical C.uide and Kertpa Book (84 page*). <->>i'Uming over sou u*ful rr, iiw*, pronoun, r.1 l.y mr.liral men and dnjffK<*!' a* invalu- able, and worth trn timr the price of the medicine. T1Y CHASI'S CA-AMH CUKE. A afe and p-J-ilive remedy. P^WAj *S *ttVAi TRY CHASE'S KIDNETANO Livts Pint. '5. per bo*. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS [T. EDMANSON OO.. Sola A,nta. Bradford ran UUWMI logb ig ac doc A 4J0,I Man .rrlr .1 <l II, (Ja)ld W rtllke r Oo Monday n> 11 the northern poet MM> OBt from New York tn order to perform hi- ttage, but onoe a (ortnigbt, daring Ibe win- ter quarter. The eouthern p>at change* alao, wainh will otnne Ibi* paper to come oat on TuMdeyi doriag that time. Tbc oold* wbiob have intieted tbe northern colonies hav* alio been troobUiome bir*, tew familie* having etoaped tbe auie ;' ihal the body of- tbe teveral have beeu oarriadrfl by Ibe cold, among whom wai David Bnncail, in the 77lh year of hi* an*, lie wai the firel man that bid a briek boaa* in tb* eity of I'biia delphit, and wai mooh eiter-med for hi* joil and upright dealing. There goti A report here lhal the Lird Baltimore and hi* lady AT* arrived in Maryland, bat the toatbera poll being not yel eomi in, iht Mid report want enrfl"nation. Philadel Jffrcury Nor. 30, 1 ?'!-'. A liipM Tl . n " Obarlce," laid Baobelor Beniom to hie new man eervant A> b* wa* Bittllng him- nlf ootnforlably in bit library arm chair (or An after dinner ileata, " yon Ar* to waken me whenever I Am tbinly," toee- inx ofl A glee* of old port A* h* (poke. " Bat bow eball I know, ur, when yea AT* thinty T" " I lhall b* Ihirity whenever I am aroa**d," witb a look of good- n a orvd pity for tb* new mtn's itopidity. Irut'tur i A Bl. Louie, 11 o , deepateh iy : A pub- lubtd report t ib* mauagment o( tu bt Luau(oli) Worhb u*e duciuie. not ouly * grew* laok ol duciplio,*, but ezhiDii. wanton diiregtrd of all (roper ir,- iue . of tbe OOLDLt! on Ibe part of tue i ffloi>l- f tbal lu.lituuju. Ii appe*m u..i ,,. tu - ally a pnaoner 1 1 allowed M ly ceu - lay f jr hll work, bat by aroi /a-y a- d mean deduction* tbi< I* reiiaceU iu iu-r y ui'itor for:y etui*., uo pay i. gtveu lor Ha . Jay, And M.*-ba I of Ba:nr- day'ipayii deducted to in-iait, tne n- peuM uf the Alleged inpenor f jud whion ie fornitbed on ibtt day. Ouoe a week all (.1 tbe while pn*ob*ri, uamneriuit abjot leo hondrid, are nqairad to bathe ID oae itLk mity five ft-ot,fr. m which ibe water!* iitvtr drawn uutil the wunl* uomter nave watbt d ibemnelvt! in II. Tb* recall 11 the! nol b few of them are tfflioted with anou di**ai*e aud nor**, which are by njeau.i of the batb* eommunieAttd to the OLtfHtottd. Tbe fitly negro inmate* are required to Mklbe in tbe tarn* manner, though iu a Ireab tapdy of water, and the whole 250 are faruiibed with bat four towJ . In cane* of lieknei* th* patient u placed in A cell of interior Aocuumodtltoi], in wbiob are alto confined th* ioiane pattiuta, and Ibcss of tb* n*w eomeri for wbum room oannol b* fonud or made in other celli. The food t th* workhooie i* inferior in quality And ic.uffioiet.1. Ou* of Ibe woreifcalare* cf the maut^e uji ni i* ih* Uxiiy ot ai airline and Ibu indifferccM ot me warden and itnardi to what tb* [rmoLtra iy tnd do while nnenploytd. Xney play card* ,t.d ortp*, toioki, ewiar tud ii<ut, at< itdaUt) in IL* a*e of di*ga*tit.g laugaagi, all uar^. ,rai..i J by Any guard. I Ml i.llll - Ol NKW HHIIMIN. II 'l .< , i> v rablr ala>|aiUra mrr Kailirtf Mule er Aa < ana. r lar I- ilnaiioii A Waebiogton, D. 0., derpAtob *ayi : C. 8. Oonra! Griffin, of Sydney, male aome exhaustive aiadl** of tne iLbtbilanWi ot New Briaaio, an Uland in th* Booth Pacific OMAO. Among other thing* be ay* the inbabitaul* hav* the coitom ot ooLflniog their girl* in cage* until they are old inongh to marry. Tbii eoitom ia peealiar to that Maud, and without parallel among Ib* other inbtbitant* cf ibe Booth B*a. Tb* girl cage* are roade ot twigs of palm tree*. Tb* girl* are ut* in tbim while they Are S or S >*an of age. Tbe oage* are built lu-iJe ot hooita, the girl* never allowed to leave tbe Loan ander any cuoumstanoei, and are only taken out if thi oagu ocoe A day to b* wtabed. Tbe houieH tbem**lv*e are eloeely fecoed iu witb a aori of wicker work made of reedr. VCD Illation ander tb* ciroum-taacei i* rendered diffiioll, bat tb* girl* Are laid to grow op itrong And beautiful in ipit* ot iheie A H r man . I rrrtklr *"' A Chicago detpatoh layi : Mr*. Anna erftld, a nun* married woman living u. ibe rear ot No. 31 Boll itreel, waa fatally burned lai evtuiLg. So* WA* building a 'fir* to prepare mpper for ber hatband, tnd n banten matter! poared keronene oil ou tbe flame*. Tb* can burnt in b*r b*>ndi, euvoluptug her in flame*. Tb* poor woman ran 0uwuilalri a> d up Ihe itAir* of ao loot*. Kindly baodi tore ofl ber ing and covert d bir witb A blanket. doctor* were called. They found woman WA* horned from head to fuot. Bbe bad aleo inbaled the flamet and recovery u imponibl*. Bb* bad been married but Iwo mouth*. Walrr Dtolllll*U| In.c. i. Llvingilona met witb a wonderful dii- tilling iniect in Africa on fig lree. Seven or eight of tbtte io**ot* oluitcr round A pot on on* of tb* "mailer branobei, tnd tbfst keep op a eoneiAnt diitillalion of A clear fluid like water, wbieb, dropping to Ibe groui.d, form* a little paddle. II A veeiel i* plaoed anderncAth tham in the eveniLg il contain* three or four pinti in he morning. To the qoeition, wbei e> I* thi* fluid derived ? tb* nativa* reply ttttt the iaiect* *nk il oat of tb* Iree, aud naturalitli givt tbt cam* atmwir. Bat Liviogitob* nevir o mid find Any wound In tbe bark, or Any proof wbattvir that tb* IOBCOI pierced it, Two hundred and eix penone wire killed And over five hundred injured on railroad* In New Jerney during 1885. There AppeAr* to be bat one Confederate [ now mtnding, and thai ii at Blakely, U.. U u 1QQ reel la height. Mr, Jottioa Taioaereaa gAve jadgmtnt yetterday In a ilngolar tail for dander agaiuit th* Corporation of Montreal, which ba* been pending nineteen y**>n, Awarding Ibe plainlifl 112.600 and coett. A Ohio*** Young Meu'n Cbriitian Auc: oiation building ba* been ereotrd in Hono- lulu at A ooet of >5 000. About la.OOO WM oontiibuMd by Ibe Chiueie tbemiilvN. ! he Deaik el U. D. Meear, ike Prltace ! -.1 1 U.I .... A dripAtcb Inn:- L "" D (whiob ba> Already tppeartdln II *) [iMKujkanoODeed tb- loath 01 IJoUltl U'Ugl I tl-UJi: al Vill Juutujoretioy, Aukn, wtll-iiow/n iu iti aud till priuol( al oounrien iu Kuruj-e u oonneoiiuu wnb apiritatl naaulliiKiatloi.iol a troly ojarvclloai dtaenpi ,.i. Mr. Hem wai uvarKdmbarnhiu 1833. and cauit uf a Bootcb family. H* bad iu tbocoui of au extraordinarily active lift vuittd nearly every oouuiry in Europe, abd waa reported to be ou tbi mMt 001 ti ;-uUal aLd iniioikta teraii wilb ma&y ot the oro*ned head*. In fter, t early every ovtretgn, ezoe[ : tht Qaeen of Eogland tbe Pep:, bad oonioltti him. Finji IX would uol even permit tbe ipirilaalint doctor to reeide in bia dcmitiouti. Il WM in 1864 that bi wan expelled, for uo reawor, Kivun, from tbe Stale* it IbeGbarob. Be ben wenl to Parif, avnd held a teatcett -he Tuileriei, AI wbith were preaeui Napoleon III. aod tbe E^tprtt* E-jgeiiie, wiib A lord At.d lady or ltd iu waiting. O thin ooeatiou tbp gkiiet ol Napoleun I Ma- invoked and mad* oommoiiioaiicoi, both vtrbally and ia wriliog. Al tbe eloee if tbe teacoj Ntpoleon III. declared bim-elt mucb iotereelej, Aud procaiaed Mr. Home Auotber aadieuoe. Babqanlly tbeKai- piMi KagbDiiooDtioaed tne iiaDMi with enlbntiaim, bat Her Uijsely't ojLfen.r I- ok tlarm, Aud ihe WAI obiiKt d lo rtncunoa Mr. Home a-.d all bit works. Another cverelgn wbo tbowed bigb favor to Mr. Huuie wai tbe uuloniLate AlezAndir II. At hie court, toa, tee priet were boetile, but tba Czar WM bin own Pope, and,tboo);b dtvool acoordicg to bi> tatbion, made one of rather IbAO WAI i-Uati-oed by clirio.l opinion. Tbeeor veutio.ial ejoldiunff box adornod witb diAmoudi, wavu toon giveu, then a decoralioo, acd lail bot not leant a wife, Ibe daughter of A Roaeian ooblioaau and a god dAugbter of tbi Eapiror Nion- O!M. 8h* dieJ in 1(162. tnd Ib 1871 Mr. H>mi married agaiu, Kaeeitn lady of noble blrlb. Il WAI daring Ibi interlude ot widowerbood that Mr. Home mad* the acquaintance of Mr. Lyon, tvnd from thu aroee tb* fAmoue law imt of Home vi. Lyoc, in which thi plaiulifl loogbl to reoovir 600 000 etoek girea so li. me at ibe alleged commund of ber dtce*ed Lot- ritod'i epin* between October, 1866. And F.biQry, 1807 Toe ami wai iuiuat*d ou thn I., b uf Jaue, 1867, tud Ib* borioK I ted 'riitu tbeil'luf April to Ibe lit of May, 1868. A v.riiet WM girin for the 1 1 ioiiff oy lb Vio*-CbAooelior, Bir U. M. Olffald. 00 tbtf Mud Cf May. A BilV INANK , il inn ..n - ' l i. "iram- laaiaaraaniBrr Mat Haudi rlii(. l Mil I. -I ,..., I I '. \._,. A MAncbemtr, MS., diepateb tayt Withe Mjyre. wbo 1. 16 yiara old. bae b C for a few mouth* i MI ibcbriKbteat toh. Ur in tbe EVaiikuu Qrauirjaar B-hjol. H* i tn orphan and bat beeu iu<kiug bu bume at hl< ULClv'a farm to tb* Kiwu uf B dford b ut Ibree mil.* from tneioboul. Oa thi mar. i.gof tbjlO;iibi I fib.mi *a o>au j f.isud icaooi. Hi wotii 'o hi* uuoit t IAS- cf bUiiutM iu at*>.i-r jont before a 'j c .on a-d tceu dl>app*ard Uii ouci, Ova d n . j u . lao cl uiuj. tliuoiub uarcb a- tua-ie (ur ibr d y . by pan -.- of tutu a dby nci>o io KArly v tiler iyu>uruti g ii fur>i unkiua. . ij v.nd the Ooy le.L- i K *K>I -> trei iu aptiture ttd cloa* b> puce > f w -o4i uear ibe D)gU*iay BI K j. uu ot ui . wtgituu aud ( -uul Wiiiiu t -, woaki, wt.k. li wa*uc-iq .eul!> ictruea IUAI be had uol ( ortaieti ol fuud for mure ibau ibree da>yiatd ugb'i, Aud wbal bad eaten |>revi ue to ibtl wai wbal ooldptoknp. Wiil'i bail be>eu raideuly taken ILI aa.e And bad waute-d About iu Ihe patturoloi-of thii oily and nombbor- ii g towui. lie reuembiri being in (lie bill* of Lo d-iudorry ooe i-Uhl Add Alao being iu ibj (trdea of hie own home another Linbt. tu' All tie* I* a blAnk I. wa* leverml L ojrn bcf;r bi reccLiitd any one lava bin rteener. U* i* tow under- (jotug medical trtatmeut, tnd il ii believed ill kbortly reoiiVtr from bie ballueinauou. Ov r :iu J) etuted tb* ironbl*. i i-i 11 i i u i t i Twe UaiB^rrd ! fa>airirrn flrol, L. ,. {taaaral. A F irjainglon (N.J.)deepttcb ttji : Exact- ly 814 pwopl* wiri|,oi%oued at tail Ihure- >ia> 'a piouio L L ar ih i plaoe. Bix will prubably die, and twin ly are in a prtOAriuue ejudi lion. It U now b*ll*v*d Ibtl the ice) on am which wa* treely eattti. oauitd the trouble. Wuilber tbe iotiJe ol tbe eream fruit r wa* lined wnb iblpbtl* of line, or wbttber triiuie WM pal iu the citaau parpo>*ly, tlill pczs'ti tbe duoturi. OJA of ibe r <fayt- cii. m oueri(i of tbi ptuebU tAyi bi beluve! tb poiiooing W*M tbe work ol ajmt deviluh aiiHChief-iuakcr |le ixammed i-evertl of tba frci t. n, Aud Iber* WM out cuoogh debate of zino lo tbeir oompoei- lion to iLjure aoy one. Ide iyni|jioizii maniteited by Ibe pat.ejnl* ATI clearly of trienical poUon. Three or four people wfco ate ot Ib* oream econ utter u WAI troieb are perfcoily will, tnd Lave btd uo nigtii of *iekncM. The tiek people ar* tho** wto ate of the cream after it btd beeu in ib* fritziri bait Au-boar. Tbi* mket tbt doctor! believe tbat ib* poiton waa Intro- duoud within 15 minute* after Ibe oreAm w.* frozen. Auy sue Ciuld have ilipptd tbe pouou iuto tb* fretzjri. Ibe tatk of terv- ing il oat wt tiretorue, And auybody cffar ing to perform thai work WAI welcome. Toe pbyeiciau* til bav* tbeir biaodi fall, ai. a ity tbiy will b* lucky if tbty do not lu* a gr*al many pAlienta. TV HO I OX 1 1 UN. P..l.nln. el ih. i-i, ,,i, Lr , . <.,,.,! *>. In, lllll. tn Im.uri.ul III. ,.,,. An ADO Arbor, Miob , dippttcb my* Or. V. O V.ujdiau. iu i z.mii.iLg A i,eoi ujeu ol the io cream wbiob rtctutly (<ui*oued auomoer of p*r*ao* at Newton, Mich., bAi mAdi tbe iiuportatut di-CJVrry ibAt tyroii i O.ID, tbe Aeuv* ilanuent iu li.inoui.u-t cBeeie, WM the OBOM of tbe Biokuem. Thm proTei ibal lyruiosiojn u do* to ib* d*oompo*tiiioD ot milk, aud may be devdoped m any milk wbiob ii ki pi iu impart Atmawphtre or unclean yeieela. Ibe germ teemi to mulli|l> very rtpidly tndaimall M, mount of taiuted milk wtil poiaon a whole oaa. Il ii De. Vaagbtn'i ibeory ibal lyrolozioon bu much lo do with ebolera Inftntum, the aymptomi ot woieb AT* timilar to thue ot ohec** poieoning The in. i to. TalB. Borne eight y*tra ago A eommnnity WAI narled AI Njrih Aoabeim, tb* letdii g tenet* of which were lo bold All property ia ojDjuiou And to online tbeir diet to fruit, vegetablei and grain ia their rw late. Tb* experiment bad bean eondncttd witb tb* aimoetiiAl and gwd filth, bat whatever may be tba ti iauoial rnnll, coo- eerning whieb w* bav* no data, II ha* I roved A Kwtrooomio dietiter. Tb* Lo* Ai.geln Herald lay n tbu " one after anothir bM left ibe eociuty by riiignttiou or iltrvAtiou until only t few Ar* left banglog on lo tbe vergi of life." Tbe end ot tb* experiment in now nol f AT off. Tb* pirilnal adrintr of Ibe moiety, 'Walter Lookwood ToAyer, i* Hated to bi 10 nearly tiarved to deAtb tbal be I* too weak to lea v* hi* bed, And Mm Hind*, tb* wit* of the toubder of Ibe oomrnuuily , li in tb* Itmnlag- H of iuaoi'i in (or wtut of Lourieh meat. Sun t'ranaico Call, Thi death of Mr. WilliAm LAndiborongb, Ibe veteran explorer, ie announced from Calonndra, ur Ar Briebane. Ue undertook to lead An expadilioo in itareb of Burke and Willii, acd bt traveraid tb* continent frcm Ibe Quit of Car put ATI* tu Milboorne. UK BUOVtft 111- u t > n 1 hr l iaiu il. I'm I. leant! A 'Im.ll, -, Which -!.... ale w.i fciarlix Tee -ooi, in. Arrival la t ui.. .1 A London oble tay : Tbe Cuoite d Prn bAa iiuid Ibe lol.oviug mLiiet<j : I Am oourtraiued to leave my o.uuiry I uruteit iu th* uauu* of jumioe xiu^i tbi violence done me. I am paealtualely AI aohed to the ooautry wboee muforiaut* havit recdorcd hi r mil dearer to m*. 1 nved tberu witbool iufriLgicg tbe law. For leariug me then*)* a moment wa ohoaeu, jum aa I bad returned, hefty '- having formed a fie.b tie between Frtiict audafriecd'y II.IIOL. In t ruonbinw ru, vergeaLoe M luken iu my peraon on 3 500 000 voter* wbo, on October 4. LI, condemned iba fanlte of tbe Republic wbiob nought to i.tiuiidate tboie daily dettohibg them- lelvei from tbe preeeul regime. Ia m* u proaecnu d the moLarohiai principle Irani- untied am a unit by him hj bad au nobly i reserved it. Il i> df tired loteptrate froot Franco ib bead uf tbe glorious family *biob guided ber ojurbti for uiue eeti- luriei iu iu.> work ut naliauAl ui.iiy, aod biota associated witb tbe per pie alike iu goud aLd iu evil formne, fc nuded her pros ltrityud grandeur. The hope uonernbid mat Frat at ha* fjr,o'leu tbe bt[py aud "aoefiil riign ot u-> grandfather, and ibe more rtcent lime when my brother iud nnelee fought loyally ander her flag IL ihe rtt.k* of ber valiant army. Tbeoe otloalaliooB will prove fallacious Taugbl by experieLce, France will not be mialiil ex o tither the oaaee or the aatbor of tht ill* be Btiflerii. She will reooguizs thai tbe traditional uouaroby, by itn moderu prin- ciple aLd by ii* iuitiiutioua, oau alone for- Linta ibo remedy. Tbie ualiucal monatchy, of which 1 am tin rrprr**utalive, ean alotie reduce tbe importance ot tbe men of disor- der wbo tbreaten the tepoiebf tbe oaaolry, etu alone leeor* political acd rcligiLO* lioerly, realore public fortnue, give oar democratic society A tlrong Ojvernmeul open to all, inperiur lo pariiei. and with a iitbtliiy wbioj will bo in ibe eyei if KuroLu a pledge ot lasting peaoe. ll ii my July to labor wilhoat r**ptl* in tbu wor a ot Mtlvtlion, and with in* aid ot O d acd the o j operation of All thot* wbo ibare my failti iu tbe fotorr. I will acoompliih It. Ibe R.'putl o in atrajd. In linking m* it marku m* uni. 1 bave ojLnde&ee in Fratoe, and At tbe dtei-ive hour I aball b* ready. UUUVaL IS IXiiLaSI>. Tb* Gomte d* P.rl* Uf I th* Obateau d a al 1 o'clock. Juil before bit depar- ture b* ttoad tarrouudcd by hie family in the Liiuoipal eutraLOl ol tba cuateau.'a: J bad* farewell to tb* twelve hundred I criooi woo bad called to convey to him tbur lyui' Tbe ataemblaiie wae aorruwfui but orderly, aod after ihe Conul'a depariur* dupertid quietly. Tbe from Ibe chateau M* Xewort wt without dtmonttrAtiuu. Tb* OOOD< euibArktd AI TrtfK.ri for Eulaiid at l.ttO ihi> afurnoon Be will a^tuoi* the ti U ot Marqm* of ll.i- ur., aud remain while iu .latij. A briliiau. 1LC U I K Ihd K 1U Ch 11-. aittd itieC'ouu'.'n arrival at D.Ver. lue Oumle de Pane aud nu pany arrived at Dover tbu iveLi:.g. tea met witb Aueutbtiii** 10 reotptiou. Ibeir lat,dn WM delayed by torrtiy wcatber. The l ariv c, L.I. ted . ! C >u.t- auJ Oom eta* a* I', t , iLe Duo tin C arleie, in* Djc a U iaa* aud h' . , coiuj aulon*. li.,y - ri r-ce.vcJ u, A lafii'.- cr.-wd Tu. i HE LADIES' COLUMN. lh Lutn.t Kaahlon Uoin.ii> trout Varlouu* Hourowt). SUPPERS AS VIEWED BY A FAMILY OOC'OR. WMAA'I <! frlrnri. A bair pin i* A woman 1 * beet ttiand. Il tt a moluplioily of ane* And *b* u never itboal one. If her bair i* aboil you oei, depeud upon it that in a reeeu of her curt* or a pocket of bar retieole you will &jd Ibe bair (,io. It (be builooa her (boe be u*e ber baar-pin, and wbo ever taw a woman ballon ber glovee with anything eUa ? If her bead itehe* doe* *b* aoratob it with ber finger* ? Nooseoaa. Bbe wbip out ber bair piu And relieve* barielf. Snppoee A niekle baa dropped be- tween Iba bar* ot Ibe wooden foot- i{rate in tb* itreet OAT. Poea ibe -oil ber flngere a* a man would, and tbau uot gel il? Certainly not. Oat oomei tbe bAir-pin and tbe eoin \ lifted oui wnbuul troable. If her abawl yia i* loet, wbere eu good a Hubttilole an ibe bair-pio 1 If ib* BAI< a LOI do*a ahe o>e a nnl-ptek .' Moel mrc dly not. Tb* bair-|.iQ a^ain. Ilia wilb tb* bau-oiu ibal tbe lipa open ibe ULCQI leavea of A book or mafziQ* ; it u A nAir-pio wilb wbiob *b* mark* ber i r , Kreutn bar favorite book ; if ber tru. h key ii miaung a bair-pin open* tb* refrao lory look an neatly a* a burglar'! ikaleton key would ; with it ibe oleauiee ber ti>ger UAIU and, it it u a clean one, even rickn her teetb. KM Brd^.lli.. On* of tb* very Uleii idea* (or ladie* wnoe* time bang* heavy on Ibeir bandi u to make a patchwork bedeover ot the b.ce. of dioArded kid glove*. To match aud o jo-bii-e th* colon, both of Ib* kid aod Ibe ornamental atiiebing. and to fit iu Ib* bape*. afford* AD oocapAti ^u tu more faacinating and prolocg*d lhau ' erizy patch work." When flniabad, Iba qoili mnil be> lined with a delioAt* *ofl eilk or lAlin. It will really lain look a little nearer to being worth the troable fit making it tb.u aiigbt be imagined. Lo*4i Next. dcwa Jeligbted with a ebild. She (own tbe avenue over her il* brilliant color a had not walked far before It began to raiu Tn* Pnaeeaw ihowed that the WM proaeu 'o tbe me ot ber *ivili*>d finery, the no umbrella wai abut op with a inap aod lowed away aomewbere in the fold* ot tb> loe blaukat dreaa, while from another hidd'O p jekel the drew forth a black cot- lou U'uurelU, which the boi>t*d in place of be red on* and rcaamed ber twinging walk with her onual iiond eompoaor*. Tb> Prmeeei baa a perfect paeaion for ihopping v*ry pteoe ol money ibal the ean gel it at ooee expended. 1 1 i* the delight of her lit. 10 get away from th* people with whom ibr i* itopplog to go iff for i. teral boor*' loor if ib* iloree. Allboagb the u a prieetea- al bom*, oo* of a band of aix wbo batt taken vow* of celibacy, y el ibe u ai fond of bright arliolei of Adornment M the meet floieal of tceiily dame*. NlrAwtvrrr kiaricakr Kall*a (Mylc. Baiter and lu>* a Urge pi* plate with good pa cruel or pcff pMte. Fill with dry corn (to preearvo lb ibape) and bake a> you would a pi*; then rrmove the eon aud fil; wuu itrawoerriei. Over ibU apraad a liberal allowaoee of powdered lugar, and cover all iib we.lwhi(red eream, oee toeh tniak, well *w*el*n*d. It u an im provimiul to bav* ib* berriaa itand, wall prtnkled witb angar, an boor before o*tnk Ibem. Blaokoerna* and ra*[birri** o**d in ib* earn* way are vary rieb acd tooth- corn*. ua!et o' IL* towi_ o/uj ii the |r y aua d M y r auu o. l-r d ibe ver <l nJ < xireraed cyaj^aiLy wnb Ihtm, frnroulld an dueri to the C 04:* Parn, to which the Ulter madu a Ittatic rt|ly, in wbuh b* taid bo nj used ibal be Uad i-o muy traul^ in K.gUcd Au twldri*> frum FreLOUmcu in alliarU'.f Ortat Bri tin wae aleo pieteutcl to tba C tu'e Maiy ut tb* Cuoi[tnioui alter wrUa returnid to Paru. m tn HI * <t t K.I o>i 1, Mli'rat ar MakM !., I ..i II. '1 . . I. . U1 . .1 . A RicbmoLd, V* , i.enpaicb layi : Intil iuee jail vea froai Kddivillr, N. C.. K've* another (-rutt o( tbe remarkable tffioioy uf ibu aiajnloee when *p,lied to pereooi bitten by rabid dog*. Mr. J. II Hliokwtl , a prumineui oiuija u( Kudi vilie, wti bitten *om* day* ago by mad dog. Tba wound WM quit* tenooi aLd be oon exhibited all i) m, tome of mad d K titc Mr. Blackwell, taeticg upon Ibi advice of (riendi, tu ltd >u queil cf a portion if be celebrated pointer maditoue, wbiob b.i [ireviuaily been dereribtd 10 tbo TIMIB He toand A fiamtnl of 11 in ibe poa*- -ton of a family reiidiLgiu Pearaonouaniy, N. 0. Il WM at once tf. i hid, and it adhered wnb gral ttnoiiy to Ihe WOOL d ULtil it had Deo r bed all tba viroi it wa* capable of, wbin it fall off li WM ibau pltotd in warm water, wteu a greeuub .uotaLO led Ib* (too* tud | peared oo tbe iQifaoe of ibe water, which WM tAken A* tvidtnae that tba tiro* bad been diiebarged. Agm tba iiuoe wat applied to ibe wound, aod dtiii it adbarad (or aceo* moment*, noiil it egAin tell cfl. Tbia operation wis repeated till ibe nxth tioit, when, tba mtditone reluuug to anok any lonijar, tbe pauenl waa declared cured byilaowoar. Mr. Blackwell retarnad bcm, nd baa eiooe fait no rain m Ib* woaud, oar doee be or toy ot bia fnaudi eoterlaio Ib* li||btel tpf rebeunon of hydrophobia. .! U. .,,11. ol I III, at . t, ,,r, li- Tbe itnouiDea* of tba ujutien tnilaintd by tbe Ciiiogo police at lue reoeul tiol may be judgtd from the (act Ibat of tu nlilj-eeveu cffioeri woouded only molten bare yet beeo able to return to duty Sevan bare died, four ar* in a ornioal condition tod two of Ibem will probably die. Twelve Gibers ar* null unable to leave tbcir bad* aod forty-two have not reported f jr doty. Two of iba woouded men nave IJHI a U each, u itber nevertl toe* at d A tbird bad bin j f. anured. Lien:. Bianion wa* woui.dej in no lean tnau eighteen p ao I . in tbongbt Ibal ibe oonteLix of tbe b o,b were m i-j *iib poiou, an r, IB toutd almual imp'i-nbli' to heal ereu (light wrouud* wLioh it uflio ed. A New Vlrw oi ih, i a>r. Brown" Htj it I D oearad W'fe'a S.iter Bill riveted a. tin." tin. B For chime, Willum t Howoan you aj [irove ot nob an infamona Bill I II really look" M if TOO waul to get rid of ma." Brown " Not At all. my dear ; bat if il bad paeird von ooaldn't in dreaLev Ak yonreiiur-i Jane, Matilda and Mrtba to nay wnb na two mouth* every year (to bimttll) and I ibould net rid ot tba nni-acr* and txpcnt* of ironing ibrm all ovir Loo Jon two daya a week ! " tutmy talki. I hr \, ,,|, 1% at ., I !,,. Tbe w. anon ot the urea on bcg<y tod wtgau wbeeltia qoit* au interrtting nu ly. i a rooky road Ibey wear rcoudiuK, on a clay road flat, wbila in naud tbcv out out in tbeeeotr*. Tbrougb Honey Lke valley vehicles much QHed bave two hollow plieee all ibe way around tbe wheel. Thrre will be a little ridge in Ibe centre, wilb a hollow each eida and a blub plaoe on eaeb edge. H >me ot tbe ilige wheel* are ao, And m%oy t ib* farmer*' ba^ita and wagon*. /J<*o (Nit.) Oaifttr. He il ind. ,i III. ow* Hn. (... BtrAogar (al tba restaurant)- Beg par- don, sir, bat you biv* apilled eoop all over roar veil. Fogg I with you'd micd you own bun- new. Yoa've been littinR on yonr li<bied )ir for 15 mioatea, and bavt burned a bolt in your co.t-tall aobU M mv flit, bat yon didn't bear me ibooling it At you. Piltiburg ChnnteU. ID truly fu.hiou.ble hooieboldi Ibe Bui A* to lupperi : I have alway. been of tha OIIUIOD thai tlupe are bad. I bave nul Ib* iligbtMl doabt IbAI my reader* will bear fciumony to tb* truth of what I -ay frjui th*ir owu peraonal eiperienoe. A daid iupp*r gencrau* and, aod i* tan amm wort* it beer it to be cartiakiu with it. Beer and u-ilk food, or uup, would rain any digeeiion. No ; let Ihe little yea da take be *i.lid, And *aiy of dueetiou ; an i KX lht bM been preily well boiled and allowed to g*t cold, witb A iliee if cold toAi aLd butter, i* a timpl* topper, but one that agree*. Meat tbould bot be eaten, uor. M A role, nib. la feet, iupp*r ibo-jld 'eaJiy b*> ao off-pot, if on* ha* diu*d fairly well. 1 b* food we tat during Ibe day it* 1 iiiolily and it- qaalily bA* a very great a. l more to do than moil leojlo tniok wi h tbu kind of il**p wi obtaiu tl Li^ut ud the Amount thereof ; and ibe kind of locp ii of tar mor* importace* than it* actatl am , nut. l)murc*d, rtctle-n, or .rea _ful aleap u nol refreeLiuit. L.O mxtt-r ho tnuoo thereof we obtain. Even pUaatul Irr.nn dMlroy the gojd tffvo.e i.f il*f>. N *. IraviuK heart Ojmplaint* out ol tbe 1 .i--l o . I bave alwayt obMrved, tit... UA-. rpioiei of oump aiut known to mid ol ion M irriiabilily, with partial eougeetiOL ul Ibi lining mioibran* ot Ihe digeativj uri(ani, whither iu whole or tu part, i< i-vri.oly AOC mpaoied by re* uta^eai aud di-turbed tleep. Tb* r**ti>.-*>uiae by .ay ttkee the form ol n*rvo u Le*e aud ioil>biliiy ; but by night there are cflen tristful dream*. Wall, would uui icm* p<rtiou of ludigMtlbl* food lyi .g about tbe yatiu b* likely to produce Ibi tame u. oiurnAl lymptomi? I leavj my read-ri to m. Ittate u, on the qaeatioa and antwer It for tbemealwt. Hnl. and II. ..<.< a. Bedi, *Ayi the Lancet, are oeaop eJ Lixbl after uigbi, year after year, by divert per- iou ia fiekue** and iu health, iu tnmmer'i 4 and ini*r'i cold, And A* Iu wbeo bed it remad* and purified eaeb one Can by hi* own experience. Compar* lbi> witb ihe me of tbe Booth American bammook, which only require* a *toul Diai-aoi iniide, and in wiuler a woollen -letpicg driu a* will, ot aoilablt make, i.e.. drawen, took* and a loose jacket, all periodically wMbable. Tbe lauiltry dif- fireuoe beeomei al one* ilartliLg to iboa* who bave uiver considered Ibi autjecl he- lore. Tbe B lUth American ban. meek I* mad* ot tb flore* ot me yooag l*av* of tbe Iu palm, ao woven thai it yield* to very luovemmiand pn jeclica ol tbe b.dy iu cviry direction ixocpl Icniitbwu*, in wUab 04reation the weight of the tedy tn:t&.i'he* it* own topporl, lue tame a* in cbtair* with tb* IOMI eauva* bt.oi.1. Hammock* ar* very *aiy to gel in and out of, and t ue eannoi fall out of them when aaleep. They ibould bi twang the lam* diilAnee trim tbe groaL't aa Ibe **al of a chair. They form tn excellent teat. Silting down ooi draw. the back of tb* bammook a* bigb M oc* may de.ire. Tb* proper way to git into t hammock for there U a proper way i* tint to til down on it, and then throw tb* le**. op and Ibe beak down, wrapping your elf up iu ile toft, elMtio and ample foldi. Ibe b*el way to lie ia oroMwiae Tbe po.i>i.m oau b* varied io three or four way*. Th* writer ha* paaud several uirfbli in tnoh a hammock and blanket. expoeid to Ih* dampi of a Booth American f jre*l. and ruen pcrhap* more rrlremed ill*' i! be had tlept ID A bed. For bed ridden people their at* woa!d be ILV.I ntble. Tboee wbo htve beta eonnnid to a bed or water-bed for Ibret or toar Moatbt know how faiiitniog and ji KOiting they become. In mi .y aa*e in b i-pital< tueta hmm. ok wunld b* real tauilary t( u tuo"i Th* bammook 1 bav* oom from 'he Eoiquibo Inriaiii in Brnieh Qotana. I do , '.t nnow why a timilar mud* of open vcAViug (more like kniliinK without the it oi>-) '.I m me material having the mellow feelit.g of Ibe ruib uied iu ru-h- bottomed ciiatn ooald LOI b* managed 1C ihi- country. A Uebaiaklr felAI el u.| .,..,- Il ii alway* a debatable point o( etic|aell* whether boelee* or gae.t make* ih flrel movemeul to go to bed, And tba b-etki ap the evening gathering. Tb* gonl mty be ove room* with fatigue f rom a day'i j >ur- Ley. ibe bo*l may b* ndgeiiog under th* train of enterlAiuing, And longing for the Kneat to ibow torn* iigni by which b* oau gracefully And boipiUbly eUVKtit 1 lhal It I* growing late," yet neuter guile like to appear, M they think, impolite. In tact, many vttitor* have infferei tgouiei in trying to be agreeable, while th* hoel tnd boai*ti were doing Ibeir beil to tap. prtee their yawni and to " make oonvtna- lion,' until chance offered a notation of Ibo diffliolty. Then it, however, but one rule to ba followed in thi* retain, oibip of boil aud hot.|e*i And tb* boor ot retire- mint. Tb* hoel or bocteti mail alwajrt take tbi iniliativ* And lay an appropriate word M lo tbe lateu*** of the boar aud tbi deiirability of going to bed. A /.! I'rlBira* Owl far a Walk. Tbe Prince** Web-W*b, ot tb* /.aoi tribe, who bae made iaah a bit in W-b- lugton tooiety, WA* oul on tb* avenue the other day alone. She made quit* A e> tion. She wae in toll /.am dreii. Her head WM Dare, wilb th* *xoeplion of a few uruAtueul* l wilted into ber long, airtight, black hair. A blue blanket, beaded And oroAmtnted. formed the main garment of bir drit*. Her wbit* moooaai:.! and inor- moun ankleti played In and oat from under Ibt* blue blanket dree* witb An taey, loping itnde, wbioh could not be imitatod by MIT woman In bjgh-h*l*d tbOA*. Bb* e- ri.1. t-a.kl. , ^olr.. Little gold maabroon* ar* nuw worn a* peudeloqu** oa bracelet*. Wnal next ? K.enaui beaded bro aded velvet* AT* of very Hunt weight and will b* tued for CM! day wrap*. Tber* u a charming little Henri II. mantle, of J9l bead tieeoe, with a long want, noiibed OLder a deeply-peeked jit bell ; open ileevee, with bead fringe. Buotbadee are worn large, of cither plain or embroidered iilk. with hacdle* ol carved olive or orange wood, ornamented wiib a lame bow of rnbon. Embroidered errft luit i* among Ib* favorite miiiiLiry CiAttrial* of Ib* t*A*on, aod it thown ia all over good* for crown. aj.d a< edgiag for trimming or ttringr. E X i-h crape io all eolore u alto very do-irable. Ii ie pArtioolarly tuiavd for irimtLiog fi^e itraw* aai Neapolitan'. B ACk lui tmtr idf red wilb cprlge of lignt bloatom* i* faahionabl*, not only in mtiiint-ry, bat alao for (vanine; toileie. Oo* of tbu prellie*! ttyle* I* black lull*, with iprig* ot Ib* bid-Ilk* yellow flowir* of the mimoea. I'rttty capote* are mad* of ll aid trimmed with iprayi of th* earn* blot- torn*. Hound bate follow on tb* promiM of ib* larly part of tbe teaaoo. They ar* Taean ti.d plain braid* combined, and plain, floe M Ian braid* .bowing row of raw elraw. gtith turbaot are p -pular, aod bigb- eruwL*d bate with brime roltinx op ai one Mde cr ia from are among ihe favorite ety let. Tbe new tilk mo.N bave itrip** of mouy looking fnie tbal ar* very ptvity to com- biuAiijo wttb the thin tuandau .n fabric O.hergoode >f tLii tori elripce of a:iu and oje; work Ilk* r*vern g Yel uibett btve an ovir (atteru re-etib. L Letted ebei.ill. ibe heavy ( t- wuere ih-re u au appearaLC* of kLOl*. btiLg Q^de jf tbiefe ' iuti. E<> k -in and Oriental floaoemg* ar* in ti. e.lrut dtmaud for iuoim*r dn-e.y uae over white or with colored fabric* All piaio niki Acd tboee with brocaded or printed fUuree AT* oimbiued with Ibee* lace* or trimm-d with them, aod they art ih* preferred garniture tor, cam- brioe, batielee aud the enure range cf flue ooitcn Atd ailk fabric*. Overdreeeee ol Oriental laee over flue eatbmrre and nuna' eilu g ar* o*ed for young ladle* A Very rl K aul toilet it of peaeock gr*en k orh and pal* be 2 o[en work veitio- Tber* i* an ULderdrene of tb* lurah madi irfeeily pliuu, witb hub bodice, tmfal leave*, and round thirl gatber*A al ibe waiii. Th* ovtrdreai i< eompo**d of a Mta wiibool :*evee acd a lame ekirl. Tbo bodice ban plaited fronte, ero**ed at lue want, and ibowing the darker lurab bodice in ih'.- opet i ..; ; the baek i* (lain, tui alu open in a poio i down ib* middl* aud fl-- i..hed in a oort iqoar* plain d baeqae. Tb* laaia i. plaited AI the back, alii op*o oo tb* rixhl aidi and looeely drarta and looped op over ib* left hip. THK iafllMAU WIIIO( AK L,l \( ..111 u !. I r. land. A telegram ha* been reeeived 10 Dublli. N- w Boatb Wai*e, aadreaaid to Loti prooiiiing Ike help ol tralian Orang*m*n to Ibe Loyalte** a| LreiADd. Five live*) bav* been loet by the epei*<*M if lr*laod. Mr f tb* yaabt jua ofl tbe matt of 1 Xr. Plan kali, of Belfaet, the owner Pawn, the dengnir, And three of the *er* drowuid. Dablin, witb A garriaoo of neerly 4 000 mm u il* tighi barrAAki, ie to kAv* an .dd.tioo, boili on a lit* etoee to tit* Boy.1 Irith CooitAbolAry D pot, Pkoaolx PM*. At an teiimaiAd eoel cf 111 000. In Kerry tenant* AT* (Aid to be iHlawaw) ing their boldinp whenever [fnrt.inl.iM .re given them to do M at a ram r-juivA- i*nt to about twenty one yean' porehawa ~m ihe baele cf Onffltb'* vAloAtioa. Tbe Ulet*r Adv*rti**m*Bi for ri flee it) treated M a joke io Inland, and la reply II A Nttionaliil pAper inaerte a pAHV- grafb ealliug for an normcu oonanmmeat th* M 000 Orangemen. A pertaubolAior. in which were two children, WM blown from a footway into tne Uke into tb* aentre ot St. Hucnen'* 0-eeo, Dablin, daring IB* reeeeil gal*. Tbe iLfuw wen reeeoed in An coniitioo by a laborer. Il ha* been explained in Dablin . -. then are four deuveri*. par aanom freem ih* obi*f ArMnaJ of HM Empir* to tbe Iri.h military c -nine, aad IBA* the die- i aioh of two million roond* of bajl BArV ridgi And otnir ^nrnQniteon from Wool- wica WM on* cf the**. Th* metaJ bridge aingle epAn ever the Kiver Lifley, ai Duliin, took tr* tb* oiter day. 1 1 u euppoaed to hav* been by ipark* trom Guinnta*' brewery era. Th* rotten wood aod MpnaJl Tbe fire brigad* cat bole*) ibroagh and played with the hcae for A con- iid*raha* urn*. Ooneequeol The Hw.dc. tided wit. eke *o^ fUMd 10 wor., but the ooei of Mediae them home and paying them tome eon- peoiatinr ha* oo4i ib* Dublin trad* DO lev than tiio Tb* Dablin OMB bar* t- inmad work. In Ibe e-nrae of one week, recently Henry MeCrone. eneettaaan. A* r. loet a ao* Oy death oo 111* Saturday a daughter, on ib* Mocday two daogbten, all children, ana OD ib* F iley hie wife. Oat of hie whole fAatUy MeCrone hM but one boy left. A Terdiel in ib* flrat bet nag proeeenltae ander tbe Betiug Ael ev*r>d ia Hcotlicd we* obtained on ib* 10 b inet. atraicit a man named George 8aaw. of Oia-mw The Sheriff riilttWateT the pene4ty of 100 tc ij The ateoud bait ot the 100 O verament reward, at l to* turn of JEoOO cffered by no E rfl of B tliarree, ba* jai beea paid to Maeoray. game dealer, Aberdeen. 'or kiviDg ibformanoo leading to 'be eon- Tieitoa cf tb* parieirator of tb* Doneeat ..i a) .9.1.000 Vaiwe al |A H. U B.od. Uair-iAIrd vTeeee*. A Halifax. N. 8 , deepatoh tayt Capl. D ugbty, ot ib* c.plar*d icboontr "Kile M. Djogbly," bat arrived ber* to compute rr. gen eou fjr hooding lha veuel at J gf.nuii ber releaeed. John L.le and U. U. Fuller, two prominent II. 1,. giniau*. bave bteome eceurily to to* amount of three thooaand dollar* for any judgment that may be rendered agaioit ib* ve*l. A aurioai fact ha* come to lubt in tnii oonnaeiion. Ii u nioal, under Kboh circumiiAnce* M Iboee by which th* " Doughty ' U in the Admiralty CJUM. to bond Ih* ve**el tor her fall value. Toe " Djugbty coil 19.000 two yean avo, and with all her gear i* worth fully that now, yet tb* Giv^rnmenl lawyare only aaked bond* fur 13000. or on* third ber vain*. Il i* regarded her* M a mere nominal bond. No dale baa been flxeJ for tbe trial uf either ib* ' Adam* " or tb* "U.Ujihly" oaae*. In fact, toe I leading! bave not y*| beeo entered with the K-.i-irar. Thm enraordiLary elow- net* of procedure, togeibir with tb* de- mand lor ot ly a nominal bond far the relea** ot Ibe veteel, taken in con- nection with ibe new instruction* i-eued to Ih* Collector! ol Cnetome, and Ib* lal*menl ot ibe Deputy Miuuur of r'>b*'i, tbat it wa* never 10- ten led thai aeiure* hoold b* mad* by collector*, p. t j v- pretty eoLOiueively to the t.e bat ta* Qjverumei I lawyer* have very little faitb in the " D ugbiy ' eaae, aud that it IK in immiaent dagger ot col' lapae. Captain D ogbty to g-t [H'Mei-i.u if bl* veeeel to-uiurrow. He b*a telegrapbtd for bi* crew to meet him at Oanao, wbouoe he will pr.ewid to bl. A'.u and take bi* v*ea*l tbenoe back to 1'jnUod. New Kiliatrek Choreb, Dambartonthin> ha* b*.u re ocenrd by Ihe B v. Dr Ali*oo> of Kluborkb. Al a ooet ot 1,600 tbe rielury bM been r*-**Aied, Ibe root upi*M< i xp Jting ihe old timbtn, and frtrfed clAaw windowa (laeed in tb* gaol**. Mr. "> tb* p*e*or, WM preMnted with a gown and ca-aoek. M a aoovcntr of tbi* ivent. Il bae been iffioially annouoeed lhal Mr. Brand, advocMtie, Boenff of Ayrebin, u to b* bitd ot iba Crofter Oommieaioo, with t tAlary of 11 'JOO per annum, and lhal be i* Abo to retain hi* tbenff hie. which br.ngt him A farther tarn cf 700, bat that in future b* u to be dibarred trom private practice. Tb* Committee of Edinburgh Tow* Council, lo which WM iubmit:*d tbe jo*i- lion of ireotiug a luitabl* memorial to tbe lal* Dr. William Chamber*, on the ib mil., agreed thai in* memorial iboatd take ih* form ot A naioe. A inb-eommilte*) WAI appointed to i*leet A loitAbl* ait*. To* G IOLCI! earn* tim* ego Agreed to ipecd 11 000 03 the memorial. HIcAlaald I .Ird. aay* lh , ,.| lrr . ajlU. Wbal a Kiueroo* , fair dealing man the llinbUnd landlord it I 1 1 bee All M once ocoarrtd to him that hi* imAll teoAole 'boold hav* leaea* , and to be I* eeteinei Ue lector About to make tbe otter. Many mall tenant* have been induced lo BBAW leaeee on Ib* great LOTA! neat** in Inver- nee* ibire, acd many other* hav* now taken a timilar ivp on tbe land* of Glen- moriiton. Wby T Beeaaw* lenAoti pay let* ibau a .j not, and enter wbo into no Itaaei, AT* ipci.| y nelod*d from th* pro- viaiuni ot the Crofteri BUI. Htth*rlo no lluxblacd landlord hM *v*r tbooghl It aaetatary to cfler hit .rxa.l teoan M iaaeee. H* pnfemd to bav* the tenant abeolately ti bu mircy. to that b* eoold torn him ool .lock, look and batrel at aay moment on tb* bar* moor. Aod now b* ha* w*mh*d ib* two *til, and thinki u belter to divee* himeeif ot hie privilege cf lummary *vio- lion ibau lo undergo Ib* annoyance ef **iUKbu wnant* laic advantatce at the Crofter* Bill. Tbi* i* qoit* in keeping wiib tbe policy O f eetate government tha* ba* iQoo*d*d in a tingl* generation in oorcpleMly ettraogiof the moel eoutwted peMaLtry in th* world. <Ao. I rai n, l...i..d a, Ca>w. A oorreepoodrbt lull* tkie paibtlia (lory of the war : Oue of oar bardoat expert- eceee wa* to be d(nv*d of bom* ratiooi, each M batter, milk. *gge, etc Ai on* time our eommiwary ieeu*4 to n* five day*' retioui in bard lack, along witb the infor- mation ibal we muot make tb* tnpply lut u* iuto NMbvill*. Pretty toon alter, while on the march, I thought I would do a little 'i raging I f und A T*nn**e*c cow, a niee- I oking brat*, And I deoid*d to try lor torn* milk. I tpproaebed, and well, *b* wouldn't, quit*-*o I OMxtd and tried again to draw milk no not yet. So. thinking to bribe her, I gave her a bard tack, bbe appropriated thai very readily, Aod I thought abi really WM a little l.unr bot qoit* yet-gAve her another hard tMk-tm*r yet, but aain tbe eluded m* ; but I bad ber ao near ooAxed that I knew I >houkd locoed, And I gave ber mother hardtack. 1 ao to bcitie, to to-bo**ied in my geoticet and moet etdactiv* note*. And thought each moment lhal tb* next I'd get ber. Aod tbue ibal brut* of a Tennewa cow f oled wilb m* until ibe had ay v*ry IMI utorael ot bard lack and I bad nol tb* flnt drop ol her milk. 8b* bad beeo flirt- ing wilb m* and I WM euchred." A II'..,. "W* regret to b*Ar." My* tbe TttUt, " tbat tb* apoetl* ol th* leper* ol Moeoae. u beginning to p*y ib* penalty of hie hero- urn. Shut Away frcm all imliied and bialtby buniALry Fa-b*r Dameo hM tat year* beea a willing prieaner to tb* uland iu which are collected and confined tbe leper* ol all tb* aaikbboting Baadwtwh group. For A loog time, tbjugh *et ofl from tb* outward world. Father I'lraeo eou tinned in go d teaJib, teoogh iln*M among Ib* deed But tb* etroke bM falleo al IMI. Ia A letter written reeentty be ay* : Impoembl* for m* to go any move to H o luiu, on aoeouni of the Upro*y Breaking tut on m*. The microbe* have finally Milled Ibimatlv** in my left leg aod mjr ear. And on* eyeerow bAgine to bet 1 eipect to bav* my face eooa die ?,ur*d. Having no doukt myeeif of the tru* oharacier of my di**a*e, I feel ealeB, reaigoed, aod bappier am^ my raxine* AluitgbiyUxl knowe what ia beet for "my taLCtiaaaUcn. and wi h lhal eooTteeloa I ay dailv a good Fiat TifiieMi AJA.' Wbere u ih* oeroum wbion wUl vie with that T " and at Qrand Vie* General Uereebal flatly con tradiJl* Mr. Cbaplean't recent itatiem.1 ancut Ib* Cardinal'* bat. Mr. J. I. Beandry, * a Mayor ol Men- died al bl* reetdeae* In that cily A L)ndoo Jeer, t lob eayi : Daoul Doogbi li tue. ib* ipirituAuat, i* dead. U WM born near Edinburgh in 1393, known chiefly tn oouoeetioo witb I irttntl manifMtAMoae. In 18&), in __ trial ol I. yon T*. U 'me. wkter* ibe rieinaHf toughl tu recover 1 100,000 Moek, gtWn to Home al tbe alleged eommaod of her dioaeid hoibAod tpirit. Vie* CbaoeeUof Bu G. M Uifford denoaoeed Home e IVI*MD M " niiacbievoui uontentc, well eeJeAktead to delnd* ih* vain, tbe Teak, the fimllAk and Ib* iupreiilioui. riinnj wee iwieo married, each time lo a Raeawaa nvdy ot uoble birth. Bir Tbomae Wad*, lal* Brtltth to Ptkio. I* engaged oa A work Kox> Cbioeee iriM* with regard to KoaijA iAliWl). O. A. Barclay, of Eiinborgb, told a CaM- ago remrwr teat b* bed kwea by nubt I iroai h tb**lmm* of hi* owu GlAwiow Liverpool, Loodoo, P*r4, BomTiad Ntplee, and thai txecpt in Naplew,

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