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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1886, p. 4

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THIS PAPER FL'PSHERTON: THUKSlAY. Ji:i.l 1.1 H80. LITTLE CHIT-CHAT. t'aleitHtif Muguiv* Am<nJ(B in a l.ittlc Frrr and <*.// tlttump. (I). Well, sir, it w hut, and no mis- take ! 1 ri-ft-r tn tin,- weather, of course and not to the political mountebank* who an busily engaged heating cauldron of public opinion s that xouiuUxiy shn.ll get a *circhiiin--uot themselves, you may be ure. Well, now that I have fanned m\- s<-lf, let's talk sbnut matters ^um'rally. Talc, for instiinoe, tliu political situation in Si.utli (iruy. Was there, ever such a muddle- well, perhajis there was ; when Messrs. Laudcr, Korke, and MyK-s, in dividually and separately, and at the same time, sought to secure tho representation of East Urwy in the Ontario parliament. But even t hat was scarcely a parallel case. IK- iv we have Dr. Jamison, nominee ul ih Liberal Conservative party, Dr. Lan- 4urkin, M. 1'., tliu chosen one of th.- K. f<iriii party, and Mr. A. H. N. Jenkins, tlie nominee of of (did some one shout ntt* !") of the, well say of the people. Mr. Jenkins is said to have I..-, n a hi.- loii); 'i.inK-rvittivi- ; but I'll 1..- "ki-rtlns trakated" if it wouldn't take n. Philad phia Inwyer U deturiiune what are his politics at this moment. At Irish Lake, he was a > rabid Home Kuli-r, and there- fore of decidedly Liberal leanings ; at Klesherto.i lie was a dyed in the-wool, red hot Tory." in the *'/, ,,,,u,/, he is "little of vetythiiit;." Dr. Jamison was a strong Unit nn cr at one time; since theii, having become converted from tin error of his ways, the Dr. has been a con MSUMI t ami zealous Conservative. Dr. Lsndcrkiu i. a Reformer of the first water. Khouhi all three gentlemen run, the present mornber would almost assured- ly be re vlirts>'. (II).- -East Grey is likely In produce a laruu and very Tf-terestinR crop of politics! .ispirsnts for th representation of that constituency in the Loral House at To ri.nt.i. The Tbotiubury OXaitiitinl men tiuna a few names. But the best men are rarely aver okosen. ..r stand an) chalice of IH-III',' ft.ivuMi in East (Jrey ; th ' v "f - "** Y*rLuait_ party hack, who knows how to pull the wires best Js the man ever} time. Heal ability s-^unU for little * fara* party cjiiW. ti tioos are concerned if an tttnorsinus k> M> show to pull th . wires aol pack th<s<s.L-v<:iitiuii, he is the mail who will be 4iirct*l to uphold the banner -f lli<-/rtt, (.' ! Land independent elect, n a. Jt'ortiinitt'ly East Grey lia/ aliniyi ault'Claii :nU)li^-4it if inacticv met: Lut you cnir't must geaarsJly always ti-1 wii-st may uij |nirm'iirt- future. llal' *A*I Jaertilul,- have We I fur uri)r M>,I. t.ii..ii.4 ( with all iihi -evils in fonttcxiJ'iB with the pres- ent sy'. in of st'in li'i.: i-aiididates for tliu nsjf^ctivi: Htuwefcof farliament and tln*us" evils- it dues uul scum that any 'V>t;twrMsJistituteAjar-vr been offi-rt-d Trwfcj.^isu* which. b- e <n pnated in the l'is*<.l nai'iiia^, ><i>iun<, have la-en brought irrw.tnl ibilu wtstti subjected to test, tttty have lieeji^.; iw impracticable. as rrrn'nl li.ivn lben < v- i.-.l. With healthier moral 'H^liQR pervading the inaases will coiKr.a l<Ns;rT utatc of thimp as reijardu phtonAl*iivei lions and every thing else* /public weal di n-.-Lly-ur inilisiiTtrj- "Tn in works won Win (IT). our vieu t urretpuiMenl, was received too late fur ast week'* paper. Kd.) V disgraceful scene wiui enacted oil SusuUy evonrriK A party of y.mii^ I To the In Ull I in ! an Stale. Kditui <'f Th-' Adwnce. Sir, I .mi K. i s man of order, strictly speakini; : but I ilo admire clean- here { lini-ss. My iiiti-i iti-.n was drawn to the deplorable conditimi of the Methodist LAI in i IM i 1 1..- o.. in (.I. XL n is iifltu i. ml' it-il initial. tl\ by I'm') M. Livvr Sputs. an.l Yelluw UBi<. These it is wull knonn me csuso.i from an iuunive I.itrr ami bad blood. i L)r. Chase'. Liver Cure purities tliu blood i. -I ln. I H S)*tem. See Kecipe book lot toilet iicips, hints ami suggestions on how i the complexion. Bold by the sueii -iuitiv from Singhamptoii, mid very Church ground* lat Sabbath. \Vith the tuuch the worse nf liquor drove up U> , heap* of rubbish around the Church, slid MAHMCIXIUH. One dimn of Dr. Cbass's the hotel jost aa people were going homo also the large amount of cow droppings Liver i'ure will euro Sick Headache, Dizii- n.i church, and made the place hideous ' in and around the she.!, it might be that E-.S. > ur Stomach 1 to a bo ,, | ,., , warranted to cure Liver Complaint, rith their oaths alid slang. A former , with care, gentlemwi could evade httUI 'K ti ou aml u u u>au*s. Sold by the with resident of our village was also noticed their clothes soiled, but notjo with Isd- oyo 1 to a bottle, ara int, InJiKca- the Druggist . ainong the crowd, and many regrets were ie. their dreaaei come in contact with ABOl'SK TUB LITER when torpid with cxprewwl on seeing him in luch company ' the wheels of tl, veliicl*. when getting Nationsl 1'ills, a good snti-biliou. cathartic. suuar- coated, and at such a tune. If scenes like this | u> and out. aKaii* occur the names of all uartiu. will Now, *ir, I would just tay to our Church be given to the public. tlu-y may taku warning. Hut we hop Fathers, who has the Church and grounds in charge ? They should make a visit to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fllE MARKETS, FLESH lillTON. Uarefulty Corret-tetl Eneli ll'rrfc. ?'lour to 2 Fall Wheat $0 70 to" 75 Spriug Wheat 085 075 Hurley 00 00 Oats 28 Peas 62 Hutter 12 Eggs, fresh 09 Potatoes 20 Pork 600 Hay.perton 800 Hides C 25 Wool 15 Sheepskins 50 -29 G2 12* o oa 25 5 0(1 10 on 7 25 1G 85 KteuJs nuy p 11130 steal lit. I..- that filcheii from me my I.-.M! name, robs me of that which not ojiric'hc*'h*iu and makes mt |>N,r indmul," isa'fiM.riHir limitation ; Kn the man who asspmes A* A It's property Ingliur tlian itnluiuKl he. v. t.- into a hor net's nest with a < vonceaiicc, and en daiif^rs hi* " i;o<>J-iuiii(-, " very ncriouijy Tliu assessmeut ^unctinu will bear a ip-eat ilr:il .f xkeriniuliiiL'.^Uil if the Ansemor's lot in the pant has -neii. \jcen a happy one, I pcudJct thvtjt wiil'tie tun times less .. 1u tin- near filUire. A " cloud no bigger than a man's haiifl*' is already ilisceni- able, anil Uu: tiuie *iien it will develop into a morn.1 hrrican>e i* nearer at hand tliKii most people imagine. Tliere must L- soiui! dutinite liasis for asNessnient of rurtUiuJ \illuKc pri)|MJTty, and it will be the duty vf :*)' jiswMor of the future to " hw t,. UMiliua, Wt the chips fall where the/ may." Faithfully Your*, VALENTINE Notirr. Wiartoii, June 28, 1886. We the undersigned luvim; noticed some gross misrepresentations in .me of the local papers reipectin", a case of Small Pox which appeared in Wiartoii, beg li-avi- to make the following statement : In Ui early part nf the month, a young man bf the name of Clark, affected with Sniiill !'.,. was shipped from a neighbor- ing town to our Tillage. Shortly after his arrival the local Board of Health was spprised of the nature of the disease by the attending Physician. The affected man died n few days after his arrival. Every jiosjijhle precaution was taken, both before i v j ffjli'i his Uat lj, to prevent (!,* spread of the fjtatady, and so thoroughly were those precautions carricsi 014, Uiat we h**-e not had another caste in our vil- lage, and as the tune for the development of the dlseax* ha* more than lapsed, ' art) warranted in officially staiinif that the rillage U entirely fret' from it, and tli.-i,- is nut to our knowledge any case or case* of Small I'm either in our village or within a radius of twenty miles. T. D. Galloway, SpcrrUry JW'd of Health ; C. V. Paike, Chairman Hoard of Health . K. M. Fisher, Medical Health Officer. Mr. Richard Hen.n haii retun.ed from the r..uud of the English Church in o .K>o<K)OOOOOoaoooooooooooo<X)oooovvi conference. Kev. Mr. Arkells is about ! Markdsls, and take note thereof, aa to b removed to Little Current, winch is j "cleaiihneas is iieit to C.odliness." Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your DANOK.liOl M KITH an. . ft. n CMMX! w irnin. 1-reeOiau Worm 1'uwdcrs Julius. by rather a surprise and very much against the wishes of his congregations. An effort is being made to retain him. Mr. Thou, (ianicy raised his new barn last week, when the boys had the usual strife on such occasions. But everything valuable apace, I remain, OAIID OP THINKS ! Ever Yours, A MKTHOMST. In thanking my customers for their Flesheiti.ii, June 28th, 1886. liberal patronage in the past, I have [The statements made by " A Metho- 1 much pleasure in being still able to went pleasantly. Tho frame is a (food ' dial" should be investipited at once, and supply them with the following cele- one and rc-lk-cU much credit to the work- '* correct, the yard cleaned out imme- hrated machines, viz., man, Mr. Mctiruther. diately and step. Uken to prevent ram- ' bling bovines and nthcT i{uadru|)uds niak- Th' People's HervanlS. ing the place a sort of headquarters.-- El>. ADVAMl'E. ] Frum tlie l>iirhitni Cltnniielt. Tlie people of Uii. country arc sup. FQH SKTTLK RASH 8u , um(Jt He<ll Jiosc-d to control their own public af- Eruptions um i general toilet purists, use fairw. Wo elect our rejircsentatives to Low's sulphur Soar. parliament, to the legislaturf, and the AU., \VKI.I, I'l.KASKD. The children municipal couiiciln. who are rcsptumible 1'ke Dr. Low's FlcsMint VVorui Syrup and to the voters for the- way in which they pa ' eut " r " J ict; VW iu ''""" fullil the functions ,,,tru,t to them. liut . E HEV. (1EO H T1IAYEK uf Boor- bon, Imi., says : Both my vlf ana wife uwe tlu-r,' is a lari; class of public oftciaU ,, ur UTrs to siIILOH'S CO.NSUMI'TION who, tliou^h they have most important c I'Kl .. ilntit s. are uot ill any way rcn[ioDfiihle- AKE YOt' MAl'E tniierable by Indigcst- to tin in'oiilt:. Tho iwMitions of HherifT, ion, Consiipstion. Dizzines*. Loss i.f Appe- I tiu, Vellow Skin? Shiluh'H Vitulizer is a registrar, licfiiitc couinilHiouer aud in- po ,j(j vu curi . *l>ector, county crown attorney, sur- \\ll\ U ILL MIL cough when SJnloh s rugate clerk, bailiff *c., are fllltd by Cure will K ivs immediate relief. Pric 10 ii.iiiiiuiiti'.ii. The people have no voice ots., 50 cts., and 11. whatever in sayin vim shall nerve them SHILOH'S CATAHKH HKMKDY- spos- iu theso capacities. These officers are itive euro fot Catarrh. l>iplli-ria and Canker ... .I Muutn. Fer ! si Mtdical Hall, Flasher- part of the patronage of the local j government, and the ;ii.pi.uitiiii-nts are "HACKMLFACk.' a lasting and fragrant p. rfum ,. p ricu ^ and 50 cenU. For sal* _ made on the ground of party service., not of litm-.^s for the position. The tax at Medical Hull. Klesbcrton. payers who pay their salaries have uo| FOB DYSl'EPSIA and Liver Complaint. control over their actions and caunot vou haw a printed guanmt.-i- on ewy bot tin ol Bluloh's Vitslixer. It nevrr fails to Tlie Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky Hake. Tlic Ma-s. y Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolten Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tolteii's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Humilton'.s Kcufflen. Hamilton'^ Doss Gang Plow. Winner's Spring Tooth Cultivators. Tin- Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of UKPAIHS always on Imnd. Parties requiring any of tho above will do well to call and inepect Mach- ines, which will be fouud in SprouU'n warehouse. A. 8. VanDDSBN, FLESHERTON. O ()C)Ot)OOOOOOOOOO(H)OOOOOOOOOOOOKM)<)0 remove theiu, even though they niay be cure. Fur stl *4 Medicsl Hull. FlesherUm. NOTICE. NM Tin. I* hurrby giren that a by-law was l>aM*l bv tho Muiiiclual CouDcil of tba Corporation of the Towushlii of Artoniosia, OD tlio rtveuth rlay of June. A. u IHHb, prnvidlnfffur the Issue uf Oeinintarmi to tne amount of thirty- Dvu huudrwt dollara |UW)(JI for uur|K>ee of School Section Nuiuber Five, of the Township of Art*niB*!a. and that such Hy-I<aw wan rsgister* ' Til* Ular r *ne u J ur cum lew, oui it noes not | n tbu Kt-itmtry office for South Crev on tb* alwa/s cure. Kiquire Pelloo. of Grass, Eleventh ilay of June A 1J . 1WS. Any motion 10 approval of those having L>sk, Michigan, look in all 600 grains of ql JJ|J l AlJ, r n ^ i w * t { I l JJ"* n ^^ ^n > | n *^*,'^ r ^j at the clow- of quinine for chronic chilli an I malarial fsver. ,j k i e O f thi- Rnfintratlon theroof and cannot bs . I After that soil various nther remedies hsxl . mad* thnrnafivr their term would make them attentive; ,_;,, .. K....I.. , n.j..t ul I u. >..,.' Uat.i at riesliertoa this tl*t<tajrnf Jane. 18?. utterly incomixitcut to fill the office, or be guilty of disgraceful conduct. A NASAL INJECTOR fr. .- with rach bol All the IKISIUOIIJ, f.llr.1 by tl. uf SLiloh's CaUrrh lU-ruedy I'rios 5U ' cnU. For >ale st Medical 11*11, Fleihcr- popular election. If men \\t-n-. chosen u , h liy tin- IN ojili- for a linnUtl U-rm the rt- suit would bo that a better class of of- yct* MD CitLS.-Quinle is the pop- ..i.. ..... ular r* 11 "" 1 ? '" clli11 '*"' but * '" > o1 out c. < a i w i Cllr , sire to the JNtwer U) replace them , faj , edi fir . buttUiof Burdock blood llittri to tin- ilntu .-- of tli.-ir position, and civil , cured him. aud oldigiuK in their interconrM) with the public. Notation in office would prevent the formation af an official ra.itr. iiulcpuuduut of aud thinkia^thom- selves alKivi- tlmso who BUpport them, i ?> n'ame u Fluid LinlituiiMi The ] |.li- ou^ht to insist upmi tho right uf choouug their own Hen-ants. TUB LIST VI.K, 1IMI --After the above > nar Is tnil.-.l there ueeit be no iiers.>n ptiflmine from Kin 'a>iimui, Xuunlma. Tiwtliarhe, Hi-adaoho, l.unibaoii. or any acuti>ain. if thejr only pur- cliMiH a bustle of Fluid Lightning, an it eures In- stmitly tXili nuinot stay where It is tud. buld by tbe W.J. UEI.LAMT. Twp Clerk. for Ihf Draf and iMimli. Tu the Editor r>{ tli' A'lninrr. Kindly allow me to say to your readers noH * PAKKI:'H CAHIIOLJC ( HSVR you anil old Kuro, < ut. Hum, llniiev. c.irn. Huinon, bait Hheum, I'ituplv. Hlotctii-H. houitli HsndeorKsjMf If no, thuru i* but one cure. nsnirl) , McOrcKor .V 1'arke'K Carboli Cerate If you but try it. it will couviace yon. It cost! but fee. at tin. UruK tituro. The Thorough-Iired DUKHAM BULL, Will be fur srvioe at Lot 196. 3rd E. T. * B. U.. Artfinesia, during thu prosent season. Ti-ruii.. (I per cow. psyabtu Ibt Jan. 1HH7. W. H. JOHNSTON, Proprietor Tlte well-bred Durham Hull. Prince Arthur, , ., r j I KumTlliK itiiilrrylliKwitllpninof CutliliK Tfvtlll that tlu- Institution for the l)c*f and , n o inl t>ineand ct i>ottlf "Mrii .Win liinnliat Hclleville, i* open to the deaf children of the 1'rovince, and evtry deaf units child in Ontario, whether th |>ar- nt* aro ].i.oi- or rich, may share in tho in.iny ailv.-inta'.'- the Institution afford*, uch an tuition, hoard, care, etc. There arc many pan-tits of *uah chil- In M who do not know of this placv, ami portions who will inform them of what tha I'r. .\inco has so generously provided for tin ir children will confer a laatiBK obliga- tion. I'noducated, a deaf mute child ha* 110 knowledge of Innuua^e ; is isolated, aa it were, from the rust of mankind ; is irres- p. umililo snd in many case* dangerous tu "".' I'ediflree.l will I* for wirvlcu this Hwani,ii at Let IM, 1st ADVKS TO MUTHBU. -Are you dlnturbed at \v,mt T * S. K . Arttnal>. ni>-_ht ami lirnk.'ti ul your rinit l>y a nick_cliild Terms. TS rentn pur row. payable 1st Jan. IfKT. H nrrab, l>oys ! now's your opfiortnnKy *o tin "he in... H l*roprietor. for Children H|OW'H : .tliiiii: Syrup~ Its v.ilu, u incmlculablH It will rullt-ve th {KMr little suff.!rr liuiumliatelv. Di'pen.l "p**" I - t.motliora; there Is Do miiitake about It. Ill curea Uyseutery an. I Ui&rrriu-a, rvgnlaten tbei Stuiiiarh and Huwcli, ciiren Wind Colie. Hoftuns 1 1 . (ftuiim. rduc4>i.liiflaniniatiii, and fEi^e* tone anil uswr^v to site whole system. "Mrs. Wins- low's Hi'othiui; K>rup" for c-hlldrun teething 1* IileanAnt to the te>Hte and in tlu prnncri|itiou of i'ii. <>f the ..1 l.--t snd bent female phv^iriaim Mn'l tiurftHH in tbe t'uiWMl States, and fa for sale I.) ail itruiuiisto throuxhout th wnrld. Price %wnrty-flv. centH a bottle. lie sure and aik fur MHM. WINHLOW'S HooTHixo MIMI i . ami take iiu . tin -r kind. , prove you stuck at "price to unit the tinwe." WM. t'A*m the community ; life is a blank without s ray of hope to illuminate the future. With an education such ns may VoGHKUoa's HPKKPT CUUK. When we aay Mfiimgor'* Hpooily Cute in tbe only perfect cure for I>yp.'|Ja. Uver (*omplaintN, In, ml Lxnpuriyitlood, we ur.- ti:lliin: (*lnin faets. of whi.-h lii.ii'he U upon hundrudu can toetlfy who have DUUII rert.r.-n to ln'rfu.-t health bv Its use. Ve would ther'fori' advlno you strongly II you e,rn ik subject of any of thn above troubles to ulve MI-I i r. u T - hp.'i-.U Cure K trial and bncon- nii-..<l It Is told in :0e. snd 1.00 bottles at tbe Krui; Htorr . The Wnll llred Dnrlmni Hull. DAUAITLESS, 1. H Pedifrree.^ Will IM> for tl.i- survice of C'ows the iwiason nf IHHT. at hlnown placn. Ix.t \K. 3rd Rangu West, T. A H. U, Arteuieoia. Terms. ai. go pur eow. payable OD or before Tan. Int. 1WT Gown not returned regularly to bull will bo rhar*.'<l whether in calf or not. DONALD MeKKNZIK. Proprietor. For Sale. '.'4 acre* 1| mil. ^ from Fleihertnn. ri,><l warm frame ilwvlliug. T r.ioinit, n-">.l crllar. i^oodstalilu a nerer-failinu T>ring creek Terms eay. For partiouUr. |.pl to W .1 HK1.I.AMV KlMher- ton' or toC. W. MK.l I.AM V. Mwkdale. James Sullivan, MIMKHAI. POIKON Nothing but pure eitrat> Tll6 TillSIUitll, - Fll'SlltirttlU . .tink plant* anil riHite ni*l In tiron^rinir MA. __ _ be had ! Otqaor's L,unK Compo .... I |~. pillar remedy fur Colds, Coughs, Hrouohltla, li.-re, all this is chained anil the mute is croup. Asttuna. sii'lall aBootlons of thv throat. oimiiled to take his or htr place as rc- ', ^u^uh^anVt.sliIre^^ri^wn'ic'h n*?ii Si uo I I...P ruirrln nt tli., Ilrin- Kturo of the glorious mute children our books and Actable ieinl*rs of society and law ab- idinK citizens and learn life beyond. Over 700 have In -i- n i-nti-ivil upon the larjjo majority of them spread over tliu Province liear testimony to the good work already aceoni|>lishod. We have a full staff of capable, dovoted teachers in tlie literary and industrial department*. Wu are doinu all wu onn for those afflicted in this way and wp aru anxious to do what- ever work of this kind there is to do. There will be room for all who can come in .September next, and in the meantime it will (,-ivr me pleasure to supply applies- | ji papers and necessary information to | any one who may apply. Yours faithfully, R. MATHIMON, Superintendent. Belleville, July 1st, 1886. from plantR anil riKits are lifted in prrpnrinu Mr ..mnd.tlu- modern anil now Kenalrln. havetnuiKhlng. and In fact every- '.UIMK in tin- bUKinuHS will receive my prouipt and careful attoution at reasonable prices. PAIXTERM M4TERIALN Always kept i>> Stoek. Call mil see WOOL! i WOOL! A Fiu I'BOFOIIITKIH. Tliere could be no offer more fair thin that of t)i proprietors of HaKyard's Vellow Oil, who have long off- ered tu refund every cent expended (or that ri-in.ih , if it (ails to give satisfaction on (sir trial. A Oiowi Evil..- Hcrofnla, or king' evil, an an enlariiempnt of the frl'nHs ,,f the neck in toiuieil, may be called a growing rvil in more tlian one annst. Mn. Henry Dobbs, of Berridsle, ws* enred of enlarged glsadsof the neek snd sore throat hv the internal and external use of Halyard's Yellow Oil. having Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at tliu FLESHERTON Woollen Factory ! The Machinery being now iu splendid working order, and haviug engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods uaually kept in stock. Any Cuntorn Work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention anil dune at reasonable rates. Don'l fail to give us a call. W. H. FLBSHBR Hjou I'atisi. Mrs. John Ntelands, writ- in k - from Hi* Methodist I'arsouage. Adrlaida Ont,,ssyi: "I *" nsd Ilagyard's I'ec- li.ral lialmini in our fauulv for yeais. For hesry oolds, sore throats n<l distreinf( euuyhs in,- oth(r inedioin* so toou rcliews. " A CoirLU-ATr.o C*K. Harrj Hipsrd.). of . Ont.. tetiH that b sufTred from rliriiniatlo K"Ut and chronic trouble of stomach aud liTr, whlob liurdix-k Ilittpm nffp'-tuslly it'irtMl, after all other triwl roiin iii~ had failed. HHIIiOH'S ''I'KK will inime<liatly t'- lie* Cronp. \Vh"|i.n OtmA. tf* Bron- ,-hns fur **! at Mwlical Uall, Fle.b.i- FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN! A.T o Insurance effected on Farm and Village Buildings and contents. Insurance agniuat Lightning a specialty. I)eeds, MortgaofpR, Leases, Wills, &f... carefully prepared and properly executed. OrncB, Toronto street, near Town Hall. W, J, BELLAMY, Agent. Thos. A. Blakely. Plain and Ornamental House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. Is prepared to attend to all work in his linen ol buttineRR in the moat Bfttittfactorvand workman- like uiatinur. KHtiniatoa cheerfully furnmhod and contracts carried out to the lettur Orduri iu towu or country, by mail or other wUu, will receive equally ttrtirnpt attuntion. Shop over Mllmirn'a carriftno works. THOS. A. BUKELY. Burdock B LOOP WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNCS8. OIZZINISS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY. IMDIGESTIOir, fLUTTfRIHC JAUNDICE. ' r OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUM, t THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIM, And rvrry *pecl f dlMlM ri' .g from disordered LIVER. KIOMEY8. STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, HEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS f Flesherton, May aJSth. 1886 To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Busies Carriages and Waggons. Now Butcher Shop ID Fl esh - ei'tou ! Fetch riMI'IMKToHS. 'Till: iiniliTniKiM il rt'ipeelfclly take tbls m.;.i.r * tunltvtn announce t the |M>pH> of erton and nurromidiuK country, that tlu-y have irttul a Butcher tshop In th.- Mtaurl ... xt.i...r to the Marble Work*. FI.KSIIKKTiiN. whore they will lie pl.-i..| to meet with all who favor them with their patronaKr Krenh Mnata of all kinds, and Fish. Ac. in their seasons. Kespeetfully yours. FRITH 4 MITCHELL. New Harness Shop PRICEYILLE! Tho unili n>igne<t duilro to Inform the of rrli-i-vil and urruniliriK awltthb th it Mkat MSBJBMSMSM to *|*S) Il hu^'neu In I'rlccvillf. where ho rn.|ie to M<rur a*iarnf public |trunsn>. All woik will l>o ait""'l'"l 'n nt lowet csili mtm Sm^t,. mid IKulM.- II- ruei (jot ll|i III ftrnt rin >tylt>. (li.ixl axuirtniest of Whiim, Hruilum, Curry Combe, l,ui' 1 lusl.-i s. Hues. Ac.. alwayK In Ktock. RJ. WATSON, uo-aia A GIFT Read 10 ent* postage, and wu will mitll von frei M royal, TaliiKhle, ample I M.I of goods that will put you in th way of making morn money at once, than nny- tbiUK nine in Anirrlra. finth Mim nf all am** i-anlivii at home and work in inaro tinir. or all thu time Capital not rmjiiir.^ V.-il] utart you. Imiiinnte pv surn f..r ttioH.' who start at once. BTIMSOM A Co., Portland. Maine Important IToticB! Tlioinbsfrlbcr bci; to Inform the people of Pleoliertoo andsurrouadlngcoun try, that bu has leaHod . IIOUU'S MILL 1 miles from Fleshorton. anil l now prcpuriid to furnish bills of any loiiKth or size of Lumber LUMBER LATH. & SHINGLES. Always on hand. Hlabwoodout to tv-lengths on hand. Custom Sawing done by tbe thousand. REASONS Why you should get your Lumber and Shingle* cut by Hpeneer: (I) Eyory Raw In the Mill Is New and the mill Is In perfect order. (8) Rooauio ho In s practical sawyer andkeeps his sawi aud machinery In perfect ordnr. (8V Beoauio he cuts all Scantling Joioe exact- ly to tin- bill fnrm-li,.,]. <> He has put In a Lun.ber Edgor and all boards are aame widths from one end to the other. (5) Because you can take a load of logs to tbe mill and a loan of lumber home same day. ( Because he guarantee* to cat all custom work in a workmanlike manner and sattsfsotiou gnarantood. (71 Uucause all sawing is done at rock bottom prices. Lumber IMivtred if Enquired. G. H. SPENCER Rept.IOth.ims. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM WORM Ara |il ' POWDEHS. ant to Use. OoaUIn t t.-i r o-wm Is a sale, sura, stud rttm, i tB Soliciting yourordeis. lIlvUtD'K CAHHIAGK WOBK8. Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill & Planing Factory, Inlthe Village of Priceville, Being fitted up with N,-w MHcliincry. of HIP latest and most improved p*t terns, is SKCONJ) TO MOM K in the County of Grcv. We arc pn-pan <1 to sunply tlic public with auy aiuomit of" Lumber and Hill stuff at Lowest Cash 1'rices. U'o lm\v on liaiid about 50,000 feot of Maple and Birch Flooring, dressed and matched ready for use. Swin K and Flailing done expeditiounly aud satisfactonlj-. Special bargains given to liuildors, Contractors, aud Cwh purcliiistrs. Having lat.-ly put in un Kincry Win-el, we can frmn Crosscut Saws in first c ass style and on the sl.ortct notice. A fair trial will convince \ou tku this ii> tlie spot to hoy your Lumber. Priceville, Feb. 23ud, '80. UJtOWIV. ^' .- ' I Hat on Hand a Full Assortment -OF- SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. In OanU, Ladies. Misses and Children* DOOT8 A SHOE 8. I cudcaror to sMiify- oar cimtomers both in Good aud Prieei. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHEKTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, AM. KINDH Of Sucli (VB MciiiniiH'tit.s, Toinh Tables, Counter and Tablo Tops iu Aaiurkau aud Italian M irU. tuid (iranite, and mad* oil Hhort tinticc. Also Mantlvti in Marhlv anU M.u lili-i/i il Hlatc, &c., &c. Kleshertiiii, Aug. 'M, 188a HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS I 'ii r if v tho Blood, eorruct til I >i ,i . I. r, of tho Liver, Stomach. Ivulu '% -, and Oowelo. TbeylnvlRoratfnnilrnntorp to health T)h(lltati1 innHtltutioiiK. and aro ISTaJusble In %11 Cea liliuiitin.-i.l,.ntl in l-i-iiial".i>(a.ll .. KurCliililri'ii MailUieaiiril tlwy an prleles>. THE OINTMENT han InfaJlibls rnmivly for ]!/! re. Ra<l RreaitH. OKI \ flore snd Ulcers. It Is famous for. Clout ami Rboamatlsra. For dlinrdirs of the Chei* It has no minal. For SORE THROAT, JiKOJV ClflTIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Dl<oase It lm no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints It acti like a charm. Eannfactnred only at Professor HOL.IX>WAT'S RstabllsbnBt, TH. New Oxford M r <-t ( late A3:t. Oxford Htrect ). Lndn. and are sold at Is. l|d.,9s. Od., In. ftl. .!!.. aa.. anil :th. onrli linxor Tot, and may Iw had of all afedr rlnr Vfindon tlirontlmiit tin. World. Purehaten ihtJd look it. foe biM oi the I'ott nni Bonn. If iht nddrtu it not 633, Oxford Utrrrt, f^ntuim. tJu\i J. W. BATES, Furniture, Denier and Undertaker, H.Lnlll.KTON. llNOTICE: A thorough In I'd Durham Bull calf, n o in mtli old, for sale. Also a one year old Durham Dull, will i Rood pedigrees. Also a good Sti'iiin Flour Mill t Flesliprtnn Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER. Fluulicrtou I*. U, OKT.

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