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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1886, p. 3

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THE ADVANCE. SB of the leading Local and Family Newspapers lu Northuru Ontario. 1'ublibUutl Every Xhurnday, FBOM THX OmcB, Oollingwwid Street, Fletiiertun, Oi<. TERMS OF SUBSClilPTION : 1.00 per annnui In advance ; tl.M'il not paid t tbe BU dot H years. No paper tisoontwoed ntil all arreara^jus are pi'.ld up , and no subaorip Ions takeu (or ls> Mian one year, except wuca BboUl arraii^uuients for shortct periods are With \bv pulillhlit r. ADVEKTIB1NQ HATEb, Ao. Casual advertisements, M cents per 1st insertion ad st cwits per line each nubnuuuuut iusertiou. Uranmant advertisements to bo paid (or whusi erchrud. AdvortiMiuieiiU without upvcial Sues Ions will bu iunurtuJ till forbid and charged accordiugly. LSberal mduci-uumU to regular advertisers. Notices ainonu reading matter. 10 ccnta per Una each ianerlion. No advertiBuineut discontinued until all ar- rearages are paid up. Copy for advertiaeuieuts should reacu tuls fflce not later than noon on Tuesday to ensure sertion in current issue. A. E- FAWCETT, ii'l i'roprietvr. I lesherton Meat Market. BEPl.QOOD, Plenum fash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, II the place to get your Uan>tu CMart, &c, made up in good style. Shop in W. Clayton's Boot & Shoe Store, FleAtrto*. A book of inn paired. 'I !* ' * iKM.klnriin ii. oft lie r insli-i- it- otlH*r mlrMII ;.l |ii-:iilv>-rll. iiilr-i !> III- ivi-lll. i .1 . ,. II. if. llll.l* ill lltll" fm-timiiimiH-ii intree, wuile forhlrawnb will Invent in,,- li ni'ln-il tl;..'i-incl ilollHrs In H'l- vrrll- r.itai-rli. :.i<- 'I wlii.-ll will mei't Ins rv r--. rn mi it, or ran I" maile to ilo until -n 'ii'l arrirnt at If cor- i .-(tinon* liiivi- I" I'll Israeli. Sriit. |ic iiy ai1iln- for lOoents. Write I.. ".". I' KOWKLL * >.. M \V~l'\!'l:it AlA I ini-I\.. ''-I l:r M'- (ie*pnsesM.PrlUntf House <].), New York. ORANGE AND CATHOLIC. rn CHASES) LIVER CURE HAVE YOU, gsstfvsmss, o, .n, . liver, I). CHA-*- l.ivtn Ci nd """" NACRE'S REMEDY found t, .-*.. well-known Uver ""'-. NA'I.KAKK v-1* IXM> -, "Mil."'t *nk many SbS 1 rnv.u.A.i . , -i J' powerful effect , !' f i.!"ey.. Si..mii roo.l. GOO. 000 SOLD ' '' flfinl la try ilia e^rt/tnl rrmtitjr SOMITMIMC Mtw. ClVlM AWAY FREE every b..t tie of I>r ( liaie\ l.ivt-r Cure ba^SuaWe HeoabU Medical (luide ami B<x,k (84 PM), eonuiining over wo iwful r^-ipe, p,o,K,un,rll Y,y medical men and .IruRRiM. .nvalu- nd worth let, limes the ,,ri.e .f the me.!.. u,e ble, A ' nj In i;>t Hituess' Graphic Deseriptivo uf thi Bcltat Kiot. Tke sTacisry <-in. TaUlai up the |Marr<l TfeCI Moj. oil I fcrlr < nlhotl. Bl.lri . Hew 11 1 I uu< ri A last (Wsdcesda)) night's Belfast cable sayi : Orangemen are igain rioting bus to-day. They wrecked one hundred houses in tbe city, two of which they horned. Tbe rioters have broken into several whiskey stores and ponseseed tnemtelvei of the con- tents. Numbers ot men are lyiux about tbe gutters drunk. Olberi. made deiperale by drink, are prowling about Ihe ttreets cry- ing out, " To bell with tbe Pope." In Ibe variona assaults made by Ibe police npon Ihe rioteri twenty-five of tbe latter were severtly wounded by buikshol fired al them. Tbe police have btou ordered to lire ball to-unlit in tbo evtul ot any general renewal ot therloliog. Last night a mob of Orangemen made an attack opon tbe tavern kept by a Catholic named Daffy. Tbe pilioe were promptly on the scene, and after a itubboru contest, during wbiob Ibey used tbeir carbines and drove Ihe mob away in disorder, tbe rioteri reiBeembled witb increased strength and again attacked Daffy's place, this time overpowering tbe police and driving them from the place. In tbe first assault Chuf of Polion Oarr was wounded. Bs was carried away and now liei in a critical con- dition. When las Orangemen returned to tbe fight they were icacnipauiod by a large number ot factory girls, wbo goaded or shamed Ihe men on to bailie and formed a LDOH! dangercurf element. When the c ffioers abandoned Duffy tbe mob lock complete possession of the tavern ; il was thoroughly ttKoKtd ; all the tape and ipiggota were set running aoi! everybody was invited to help himself aeoordicg to hie tsslr. All Ihs barrels of liquor fout'd iu stock were carried into tbe itreel, lifted up bigh and let tall until they broke and liberated their con- tents. All tbe Inrcilnrs was carried out, piled in Ihe centre ot thi roadway and TBY CNME'l CTRRH ClIRI. remedy.. Price, jjunn. \mCHMfsKiwiEtMioliYtRPiiu. sts.ssrssa, SOLD BY ALL DEALERS TWC UH30N S 00.. Sol. A ( eMe. Bradford T...rh,,.ni. srtelirnai*- AtarsssM. A Oloaesstsr (Mass.) despatch lays: The diipatebee from tbs I'rovinees bsaring on tbe expuliion of American fishing vei- sell from waters within three miles of a line drawn from headland to headland causes eonilsrnalios here. Fishermen lay tbal this construction ol tbe trealy will cut off our mackerel fishery, and they threaten to take the law into tbeir own bands nnlesu the Government does eomelhing to help them. Bald a flsbsrmsa this morning " Where ie the American squadron, when the whole British North American squad- ron ii in and about Provincial walen '/ > the Amsrtoani ars to be ihnl out from headland to headland, in many oatei it will rat off Ibs whole mackerel flibery." A Nsrtawcei lalsrawr'a al*. A Wap.Ua, N. W. T., despatch iajs : .An ith<y of a rssMsnt ot tbii place wai dragged through Ihe town and afterward* burned amidst tbs sneering of a large, indignant crowd. Tbe man Ii suspected to bave aiilstsd the police to estob one oar hotslkespsrs for selling liquor. ot ' The way they build in Italy U indicated by the following passage trom a letter from Naplei : " I looked down from Ibe balcony of my hotel and watebad some in tson* al work jott across ths narrow street. Tbsy wsrs Isying ontside walla three feet thick and walls of Iw 3 feet between tbe rooms. The rising etruotnre teemed to b* a j til or a bank. I inquired and found II wan de- signed for an elegant private reaidtnoe." In Canada tbs tendency appears to be to burned to furnish the rioters with littbt during their debauch. Men, youth and girls drank until they fell helpless io Ibe ({niters, Ihe girU acting with greater fury during Ibe earlier slagss ot tbs orgie than the men. Thenoi-.e, profanity and disorder were terrible. Tbe mob ended tbeir work here by firing the tavern itself, and it bnrnei! to Ibe ground. Then the stronger men, wbo had become infuriated, and not overpowered by their potations, ran through Ibe streets wrecking and pillaging wherever they went, and increasing ibeir following the farther they proceeded. These rioteri after a while congregated around Ibi police Blstion and stoned tbe place until Ibey were tired. They then marched down to another tavern. Tbe police hastened thither in advance of them and attempted to protect Ihe property, but Ibey were overpowered and driven away. Tbe mob 1st I in poneesion treated the tavern ai they had irti. ' id Duffy's, turned on all Ibe tape, broke tbo .'all barrel* m tbi ilreet, made a bonfire of n - furniture, and finally isl fin tolhe boiIJi-.' The police returned, and this time got the belter for a time ol tbe mob, whose ranks were depleted by Ibe morn who bad fallen away in drunken- ness, and izliogniahsd tbi dames before ibey oould gain control of tbe structure. Bui tbe officers were auntie to drive Ibe .lolers from tbe locality, and they re- ma<ced aod domioated until moruiag. Danes Ibe rowdyism of tbe night, Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Parnill wers both turned in effigy, and a dummy corpse, Ubelled " Borne Rulr," was oremtted. Tbomai Gallagher, wbo waitbot and killed dnricg tbe riot al Lurgan last night, wai a will known local simpleton lie waved an orange atsb in tbe face ot a flomi Role Z">b during an ineessant ftrs between that mob> and lie Orange enemies. During tbs riot tbe situation al ons time became ao desperate tba* Mr. Mathers, a loeal Oranga leader, pjblioly declared tbal onleis Ibi authorities did Ibeir duty be and a thousand armed Orangemen wonld Uke charge ot Ibs town. Mathers was on tbe poial of carrying onl nil threat when the military appeared. To-day there bas been a little stone-throwing in Lurgan, but otherwies Ibe town bas been .juicl. A notcber o( policemen were ao badly injured lam mgbl al Lurgan that Ibey are yet in Ibe boepiial. Twenty rioteri are now under arrsst in tbat town. Two men named ilarl and Mason were arrested to- day for tbi murder of Thomas Gallagher, wbo was shot last night daring tbs rioting at Morgan. Rioting was rinswed bsn tbii svsMag, and the Riot Act wai again read. The moo increased in eisi and began to throw stone* al tbe police. The latter fired, killing four persons, ons ol wnom was a barmaid wbo WM looking out of a tavern window at tbs fighting. Ths mob returned tbe fire, and a brisk tueilade waa kepi op for twenty minutes. Bold if-- *re now parading Ihs elreeti to asiin the police in ease of necessity. LATKB. Tbe mob drove a fotoi ot policemen into tbe barracks and then at- tacked the building, firing revolvers and throwing stoneiat Ibi doori and windows. Tbe polios fired, killing five persona. Several Protestant clergymen tried to dieperss Ibe mob, but Ibeir tfforti wers un- availing. Ons o! tbe persons killed was a widow wilb two children. Mm KM -\ lnr' lrirlplln. An eye-witness of Ibe riots on Wednes- day Rives the following description of Ibe MMS attending the mob'i attack on Ibe Bowers' Hill I'olioo H.atiou : " Women wilb pokers prisd up paving itoosi and broke them into suitable u/.sa for tbs nss of Ibs rioters when they ran abort of musilss. Womin and young girls desper- ately entreated tbe men to continue the lighting whenever Ihey (lagged, Ailing tbeir aprons fnll ot freib stones, and wbeu entreaty failed Ibe woman and girli drovs the men on by isvagi threats. Tbe police nation ii a moderate need dwelling booi>e, and wben tbs mob attacked the buildiug tbe police responded with a volley fired from the doorway. Bui the rioters toon drove tba officer* in, and they retreated npstain and renewed the tikjbl by shooting from tbe window* on the aioond floor. They held their position for hall an hour, daring which Ibe bailie was hoi and isvage on both lidis, whsn thiy were reinforced by Ihe arrival ot seventy fresh officers. Tbe Increased energy ot tbe police warfare nrved but to aggravate tbe mob and they became ferocious. They were msddeoed by tbe light ot their wounded comrade*, writhing and bowling wilb agony in Ihe streets. I bave linos beard old office ssy that thsy never knew a mob ibow greater vioionaneis, violence, r.luoK and determination. Tbe rioteri burled their missiles wilb regularity snd precision, as it they bad been drilled in itone-lhromng. Wben Ibe men in front bad exhausted their ammunition Ihey would retire to tbe rear to receive mas num.* reou THE WOMEN, and tbni make way for tbeir oomradii with new supplies. Some ot Ibe stone- throwing was quite extraordinary. I law a man throw a Hone with inch vigor Ibat it crashed through a wiodow, itrnok a rear wall, and rebounded with inch force that il struck and hurl a police man. Tbe better armed ot Ihe rioteri carried what we call here Belfast kidneyi.' These ars stone* about fivi and a half incurs long, three and a halt itcbei wide, and welgii on an average about one and a half pounds. Ther were many boys among ibf> rioteri, and ibey were a derperate and p ueky ae the men. Tbe battle l lie ulatiuu ceased only wben two buudriA aod fifty soldiere cam j to the aid of tbe polioe. Tbe soldiers lisri, and they soon drovs tbe mob aw-. rOLIOI 01VB WAI TO SOLDI* 1M. 5.53 p.m. Tbe out ol town polieemeu bave been withdrawn trom the street* of tbe eity in consequence ot Ibe bostilii) manifested towards them by Ihs Uelfatr workmen, and soldiers have been told tfl to take Ihs placee ot those retired ollioer, and aesisi the cny police in eats ibs) should nesd help to-nigbt. A wilnees belonging to a tavern adjacent to the Bowers' Hull Police Station was shot through Ihs brain. A youth standing at Ihe bar in a tavern opposite tbe station was shot. A girl named Minnie MaAlieter, wbo was out to buy a pair ot shoes, was bol in Ibe cheek. A boy named Kale was shot in tbe breast. A barmaid named Ktlly was shot through ths skull A strange boy was found shot dead in a bouie into which be had evidently run to wilnei* Ike riot. The corpse when found was sarronnded by a lot of goicips who wire bending over it snd peering into its face witb tbe aid of e lamp. The pecaU living in the vicinity where the rioting began say thai il was caused by Ihe police under a mistaken iuifrewiou molestibg and eajoliicg tome orderly work- men leaving a foundry. According to Ibeir story the populace got angry at the police, and attempted to make them desist, when a ooLfliel became imminent.. Toe story gosa, the mob i ffjred to behave if tbe police were withdrawn, but not otherwise. TBI POL1CB iSAl.N tTTACKID, The people at tbe Bbankhill road meeting to-day attacked tbe police. The military were summoned and tbe crowd dupersed. Il ii now Hated thai the meelicg was iom- moued to denouoee the police and also all other personi for attacking tbe bouses and properly of peaceable people, and to urge npon the cinzaLB their duly to do the utmost in their power to bring the dis- turbers ot Ibe peace to justice, irrespective ot creed or parly. Tbe meeting appointed a deputation to ask the Mayor of Belfast for Ihe names cf tbe officers in charge of Ihe Bbankhill police bairacki yeilsrday evening. QALLiOHtl'S ICSllUL Tbe funeral ot Thomas Gallagher, the Orangeman who wai shot and killed dur- ing the riot al Lnrgan on Tuesday, took place to-day. Tbe funeral procession was protected by 100 soldiers and '200 police men. A mob of Catholics jeered tbe mourners and threatened to itop Ibs beirse , but the police held them in check Tbe pjlincil and religious excitement is leading to dangerous quarrels among women in the factories al Lurgao. Al one factory the Proteetanl females have struck work, dsmanding tba dismissal of Ihe Cathohee. The Waits el j , ...,.u u, Prof. Hayter Lewis, wbo bu just returned to England from Jerusalem, brings tbs niws thai the find of tbs wall nortb ot Ibs "Citadel 1 io tbe Holy Oily, promisee to be a discovery of Ibe viry uiKhetl importance. Tbe wall is from eight to ten feel thick ; il is built of maaonry < x icily similar to thai in the lower courses of " David's Tower," tbal ie, of large Btones witb the well-known and characteristic marginal drift ; and there is a dsep rook toarp at its foot. These cir- cumstances, lays the Atkatfiim, point very strongly to tbe prtsumr,lion that there is here the locg-loel S:ooud Wall. Il is moil dcurable Ibat this discovery should ts f jliowtd up as to'u as posnbls, though difficulties may arine from tbe [reseLoe of hourei. How important it l :.y be gathered from the tingle fact tbal if Ibe wall ruts outside Ibe Church o! the Holy Bepolohre, aod it it be aeoepled as tbe seeood wail, all tbe sites covered by tbal venerable church are thereby proved, and must be acknowledged, to be falie. Bui, io any CIM, the tradilioo tbal here Oon slantlue raised his battlica, and surrounded Ibe Kuppoaed site ol tbs Holy Tomb with columns, will remain undisturbed. A Bev with i !' lliee. A itrangs cats is now txeitlng the atten- tion ol tbs oculists of tbii eity. Mrs. Qaino, of 471 Wells street, Thursday, visited ths Hlate Eye and Ear Infirmary in company with her son, wbo possesses tbs peculiar power ot suing in ths dark. Dr. Charles I . Sinclair, Ibs specialist ot thai institution, wss io struck with Ihs CMS thai be sailed in several other oculints to examine tbe freak. Tbe boy was taksn into a dark room aod there various testa wers mads whib prove beyond doubt tbal tbii is a genuine oass. Tbe eyeballs glistened like baili of firs, and npon a close examination it was found tbal tbs lad'i eyss are formed much io tbs same manner thai a cafe are. Tbe larger por- tion ol tbs ins is miiiiog, only a small pcrtioo being visible on Ibs outer lids of etch ey. When taksn into a dark rocm an immediate expansion lakes plao which enables the boy to see perfectly. A elrong light blinds him, and from Ibe sams peculiarity tbe boy is able to see objeets at a diatanea wilb much mori clear nese than those oloee al band. Mrs. yuiuu recently returned from England and inland, where ibe had been to consult ooaliiH concerning Ibe boy. They slated that though oases were mentioosd to lurgioal history this wai the first reported in Ibs present day. All the oculists are agreed tbal nolbirg can b) done for the child. Chicago Iltrald. Waal iai> f rri ld. There ie wieked story current about Lord Silboroe. Bis town bouse is in 1'orlland Place, eloee by Regent's Park. Ketnruiog home one evening last summer, Ihs Lord Cbaoosller found all bis family out. Inquiring whirs Ihey were, bs was told Ibal ibe favorite parrot had got onl of ile cage and flown away into Regent's Park, and that Ibe ladiex of ibe family bad gone m starch of il. Hit Lordship ibongbl a stroll in tbe park wonld not be Unagree- able, and he accordingly went in quest of hia two younger daughters, who had gone io saaMh of the parrot. Presently he dis- covered a srovd round |r*e io tbe park, and io tbe centre ol it was on* ol bis daughters, holding onl a osge invitingly open, whilit Ibe other was trying to induce Ibe parrot to enter II. Bui Ibe parrot was very comfortable, and went on offsrlng ir- relevant remarks, to tbe great amusement ot tbe crowd. As soon as Its eye lighted npon its noblo mailer, being familiar with hie prevailing babit prevloni to breakfast and dinner, tbe parrot, cocking ile bead on one tide, laid : " Lei us pray."- Diary of Two Parhantrnti. II. .. 'I... I. -I,. I OTf.l II I ... ' Fannie," bs said to her, " I love you with my wbols heart, and I want you to be my wits. It is true I'm only a department clerk, with only til 400 a year, but, Fannie, money doein'l buy happiness. Do yon love me, darling?" "Oo-oo," thi cooed, nestling her head on bis new coal front. "Aod yon do love ras?" hs siolaimid, with confidence ; "yon love me with your whole soul and being ? " " Maybs not quits that much," ihe gorged, "but I love j on 1,400 worth, George, and tbat'D S400 more than I ever lovid any other living man." Critic MIIH Van Veohlsn, once regarded si a poanble mistress of Ihs White Home, wa rsciutly preiented al court in s " train of ivory natin, trimmed with crepe, and elm ten of white lilac. Hoad drees, plume and veil ; oruameuta, pearl." The ondon aldermen Ibis year Kern to bs anything but a happy family. Al Ihe last meeting of the Council one of them charged a brother rapreeentative with steal- ing corporation earth. The seensed pro- duoed a receipt showing that be hid paid 81 . for 100 loads, snd the aeeustr then denied tbe right of Ihe corporation to sell the earth, and Ibi aoouseJ intimated tbat IMPERIAL POLITICS. A iMt (Weduesd*) ) bight'* London cable ys: BirFredirioil'uuionby.the Queen', private secretary, nd u interview with Mr. Uladstoue to-day. Immediately after- ardi lb 1'rcmter convoked a Oabicel Council, wbiob remained in session two boon. All [urtiei are preparing (or m , utrl election with feverish haute and .Liiety. Tbi Liberal wbipi to-day declared thai Qladitonian candidates will be obtained m every ooo>tilueooy in Qreat Driiair and Ireland within two lays. Mr. Soboedborit. chief ol the National Libsrsl Ftderaliou, baa beta con- (erring with Mr. Gladstone. The HarliLgton Whigs have held aeon- tireuoe and decided to organiza, with the partial amiitanoe of the Connervativee, patty to not to oppocitioQ to Home Hale candidates during the coming tleetioni. Mr. Libouobere u forming a Uadioal part> to oppoai M . Cbamberlain aod bie methodi oaring the impeudinit Parliament ary clcohoa. Jaetio McCarthy will lurt on a lecturing tour in the United Stale* in Beptetuber. A telegraphs menage wan reoeived thia afternoon from the Queen by Mr. Gladetone. It U understood to contain tier Mejeily'i sanction (or the diufcolutiuu ol r*rliament. Lord Salisbury will deliver an addrete at Leeds next week. Mr. Rylaod, Libertl member o( Parlla ment (or Burnley, addressed a meeting of 400 of bie Liberal oonititnuuts at Burnley ibie evenijg to explain why be oppohed Mr. Oladetone m tbe reeent division. After ihe addreea a ballot wte l.keu on tie |uetiou. " Are yon ealitliod with Mr. Kyland .'" Tb* rult WM, ayee 67, noen -JU . Mr. Gladstone ioainte that every consli- inenoy iball be provided with a Home Kale candidate. He reliee upon tbe Radi- cal and workiugman'n clubs and eooili to procure zaaJooe volunteers. Tbe Gov- ernment will endeavu: to diaiolve Parlia- ment on the 34ib, or at an earlier date if the Home exptdiiei ueeeiaary business. Aa early dieaolotioo it desired in order that the eleotion* m*y not interfere with the ntrvett work. The despatch ee&t by the Qaeen to Mr. Liladstone tbie afterooon antionnoed Her Uajeiiy'e content to a dissolution. Tbe Queen bad previously aeked Lird ilarlicg- ion whether be wae> willing to form a Mm- miry. Loid Qirtinfton in reply advised that Parliament be) dissolved. Lord K jse- Dery utarted for Bslmoral on the night mail. It is undent tood that be goes limply si tbe Minister in attendance. Female Orange lodgee are being formed in England to aid ib* anti-Home Uuleri in tbs elections. The movement WM started at a meeting it Major Hannderson'e loose in London to-day. Tbe anti-Home Rulers bave neleoted Mr. Kouell, a notable Irish leruperanes advocate, to oppose Mr. O'Brien in Tyrone. Mr. OlaJatoni will to-morrow inform the House of Commona of the Ooveromenl'i intention to appeal to the country after obtaining the nteeaeary voiee of supply to tide over the eleolione. Parliament will probably be dissolved on Jane Mih. Tbe Qjverament whips ere leee eangnins regarding the pro-peon of tbe Liberals in tbe oomiBK eleotlons owing to a greil dearth of fuodi and lulsaole candidate*. Mir. Ilerbert Gladstone, in a spteeb M tbe opetiiug of a Liberal club at Rjcbeitsr to- day, predicted that Ihe Home Role Hill now dead would revive into vigorous life. Tbe Liberal clubs have eplil like tbe pirty. Toe Reform and Devonshire Clube nppirl tbe dissidsnli. The members of tbe National Liberal Club are Qladston- ians, and Mr. Saboadborsl has his bead- |urter at that club. Mr. Bebnadborsl decline that not a aiogle Liberal Assooia- lion severcJ from ill allegiance to Mr. Gladstone. A deputation of tbe Irish 1. .>! Patriotic Union bai started tot Boolland to stamp tbe country. A last (Thursday) night'i London cable eays . In the House ol Oommoni this after- noon, Mr. Gladstone, wbo was loudly obeered on rising, said that in eonetqaeuee of tbe rejection by Ibe Hoase of tbe Uume Rale Bill, be bid advi.el Her Majeety to dietolve Parliamsnt without delay. Her Msjtsly bad graciously aaMuled to Ibis, and bt would therefore ask the House to wind op tbs holiness of tbe session at tbe quickest practicable moment. Tbe) Premier s statement was received wilb enters. Mr. Oiaditone added tbat be would move every day that tbe Government boiineas have precedence fcr Qoanoial buiineei, and that to-morrow he wculd ask tbe House to adjourn until tbe followiuu Wednesday, and to drop all Hills tbe consideration of which would be likely to oause contention. Sir Michael Hteki-Beacb moved the adjournment ol Ihe House. ID supporting bie motion, be said tbat on account of tbe remarkable omission by tbe Premier of a date for tbe dissolution, it remained un- fixed, and urged tbat Parliament be dis- solved M soon a* feasible. Tbsre was nothing, be added, tosatufy tbe Opposition but an assurance Ibat tbe dissolution would take plsee at as early a date as poBiible, and Ibat Ibs new Parliament would meet without delay. Mr. Qladitons replied that be wai unable to positively inform Ibe Ilonn at whai date Paillamenl would be dissolved, bu tbat it would dcublless be before the end of the present month. Regarding tbi government of Ireland, the Premier laid be thought tbi state of affairi in that country wai snob tbat tbe new Parliament ought to meet at early ae possible. Tbe country ougbt not to remain in unoer tainty after thi general election regard ing the policy to be punned reipeotiu* Ireland. Sir Miobasl Hiaki-Beacb|jdeo!arad tbat Mr. Qladitons's statement wai satisfac- tory, and withdrew bis motion. The Karl of Carnarvon, in the House ol Lordi tbii afternoon, made a ilatemenl respecting Mr. Varntll's sberje last Uon day tbal tbe Gobssr vitive party purchased Irish support in Ibe lait sisetiou by a pro miss made Ibroogb % Cabinet Miniiter thit ibey would in return introduce a Home Rule Bill, wbleb, in addition to ite other features, would confer on Ireland tbe right to control her own tariff policy. Lord Oarnaryoo iatd tbat when be was Lord Lieutenant ol Ireland under tbe Marqnii ol Salisbury's Government, be received from Mr. Paruell a riqneil to be allowed an in terview. " As Mr. Parnell wai tbe elected bead ol tbe Irish party." continued the Earl, " I acted on ray rsnonal responsi. bility and conversed with him. The con vernation was private. I never oommnni okted It to any member of tbs Cabinet Mr. Parnell and I Isfl tbs room as free ae ws had entered it. I desire to repudiate tbs statement tbat has been printed circulated tbat I acted upon that occasion la the oapioity of a member of tbe GJV rnmint." Lord Carnarvon laid be objected to tbs present Irish Bill in many poinle, although be would be perfeetly willing to see introduced some I \item by which tbe Irish poople in a modified waj and without being disconnected from tb< Imperial Parliament could conduct tbeir own tfftiri. Viscount Hampden, Liberal, late Speaker of tbe H.ioie ol Commons, writes to tbe Daily .V.-v-i tbit if he bad been a membe of tbe House be wonld have supportei Mr. Gladstone's Home Rule Bill, because it was a menage of psaee to IrtUnd am would probably bave led to a more hearty union. A Parnellite manifesto will bo iseuei referring especially to tbe defeat of th Borne Rule Bill. Mr. Cains, member of Parliamsnt fo Barrow, delivered an address before tb Liberal Association al Barrow to-day, In dsf euee of bis opposition to tbs Home Rol Bill. A resolution ci| MMIUK oontldeno n Mr. Gains was rejected, and anotbtr evolution, expressing regret that Mr.Caiue bad opposed tbe liome Bale BUI, wai adopted by a email msj irity. A deputation of Ibe Irish Loyal Patriotic Uuiounmi started tat Scotland to stump he country. I i. .1 lrSB ike Nerlkwcsi. A WinLipeg despatch nays : Mr. Fair- anks, M. P. P., has been appointed Benu irar for M*i'i". vlcu leljl Chennier, eiigned. Mr. Justice Taylor will leave on Monday en for Ctlgary, to conduct Ihe Travis nvsetigatton, which will be^iu on tbe 17lh aalant. Tbe Manitoba Liberals will nominate audidates for Ibe Lieal Legislature for lorlh a..d Bcnib Winnipeg to-ni|;bl. levsra. Co^klm (formerly of Hamiliot) and LQXIOO will probably be lelectcd. Oat of tbe '215 members ol tbe Conserva vs Association to arrange for a welcome > Hii John Maadouald al Kegiua, only 'K Iteudcd yesterday. A terrible thunderstorm took place in lie vicinity of Moosejaw and did K'sal amage. Mr. K. Cliue WM killed while louguiog, aleo one of bis team. He leaves wife aid six children. Aid. Wood, ol WiLuipeg, has been ap- pointed Agent General for the Dominion n Australia. Icoendiariem u inspected of being the ante of the Ul Pjrasge fire, and several arrssli bav been made. Odoeral Buperinlendtnl Egan lays Ibe }*nadiaa Paeina Nar.h Shore lslij|ra(.h ystem will not be open tor nearly three months yet. Bev. John HeLean, missionary among is Bloods, dsuies the general aooaraoy of la charges made against ludiau ageuta, and layi the agenll on bis section are oing their duty. It 11 tbuugnttbe Coniervative oandidales or the WiuLipeu L;cl Auembly divisions will bu Mr. Bcarth for the aiuib and Mr. Jrewry lor Ibe north. The Conservatives f Beautiful Plaini have nominated Mr. lavidion aa their candidate for the L.oal loose. A nouihirn Ncwtpaprr'i tti. " To Mri Qrover Cleveland, from Ibe real and Good TeUgrafk," is tbe legeud nai flsmtd U(on a maoimotb tnpelo gum tread-tray wuiou on teelerday sped toward* Wkibiugton from ibis city. Ii is weddiUK present from Ihe leading niwi- aper of Gsorgia to the firm Udy in Ibs and. Tne Telegraph might easily bave lent M. Clevsiaud a set ot diamonds or a ilver service , but these ibe bas already. I preferred to send an article tbal will be friend in all Beacons. Ths bread- tray is mple, convertible and adaptable. It is a rand Jeffereonian combination bread-tray, warranted to rerve a Democratic family in any station it may occupy. We bave said u is a grand combination read-tray, bj it it. Il makes a fine card receiver, somewhat Lovel, it is true ; but ben the fashionable world lovci novelty, oaosti lutes a (Sue lapbsard, and for Belling peai in it bai BO inpattor. It will Uo serve ae a canoe, and G.ovtr, with a oud butter paddle toiroptl it, may enjoy _,y , rnojoligbl ride on the trL<i'.ii 'otomso in ibe opeiuus tray. And tiieu, ao, a* uiauy g^.J U.uigia hujwivee now, it uiakei fi.o cr*Jlo. 1. uy tf Im. Ciivalabd's F->Uom km Drug bttlos o be rtoaed al ino Wnile Uoue it will be uuud iuvlu*ble. Tuirs LMU I bcsu a (Mile in ibo Wuile Uuuie in forty years. (aeon 1'eltjraph. ... . i B ! i:iiou HHI.I. . Tne average duration uf numan life IB bus illustrated by a spurting p*per, lu ins peculiar dialect u( toe lrateruii> : It one oou.d cce a luil.iou babiwi atari oa race (all the mart, uf ojune), ud conid follow ibm tnruunh life, mis i> bout what be would see. Nearly 1AO.OUO f lusm would diop tu; ol Ihe ranks oy L<- end uf tbe lit year, while 12 moulbi ater lue uomber would be luitutr iuiuu*d y Ibe Oeduou ju ot 5 i.lWO ourt ; ^J.OOO wcull tullow al Ibe eud of ibe lira ysar. 'bey would Ibrow up tbe eponajs by iwo< and thrive until tbe end st the i.<.i> year, wbcn u would be found Ibal m me inter- eniug period lomethiug lias '>UO.OOO bad sit ibe track, tuxiy yeari wuuid ass 0.000 grey-Headed mm mil obeerlully KKiLg away. Al Ibe ind ot 10 years Ihe Kiiupeui.ri in this great go-ai-)ou ileaie " wonld unmoer j7 OXu. but mey rould be geliiug more sbs,y u J dotty ' eon lap. Al me end ut Do beaions 'i'lA ould only be lei I m IL fiual " lies, ' wnile ihe winner would b ld into uu rsiirmg-room, a aulilary wrtok, at inn age ot Hn. 1'nsre Is >uuieifaiug gnuily LUuiur- ous to Ibs quaiut array ol ngutea, BUI tOey axe fonndea upon Klallslioa earefully com- iled. One ouiuot uvlp wondering what would be tbe belling at the atari about any one of thoe million babtoa cowing in aluue at Ibe lOttih lap ut ibegreai and mysterious track upon which tbe lace ot lite is run. A III*, nil W rd i. fruvHBi r Nothing bas excited more amusement during tha debate on tue Oieomargaiiue Bill man Ihe efforts ol some members to pronouLC] the word arigtai, says a Wasb lugtou letter. Al flril moel of those wbo spoke pronounced Ibe word as if ibe " g were given tbe sound ol "j.'bni one or two who are authority generally on tbe question ol ortnograpby gave the " g " i bard eouud, and the example bai been lol lowed by nearly all wbo bave bad tbe door later on in the debate. Randolph Tucker made deiperale efijrie to gel ihe wor< rigbl wbeu be was epeaking. " O-le-o mac-mar-gerine." he maaagea to ejaculate atler a etrnggle in which Ins last syllable waa emphasized more tnati tbe others, anc tbe House fs;rly roarid. Tbs Readinj Clerk ID one of those wbo bave rsformec their pronunciation of ibe word since Ib; debate began. He now gives " g " a batd sound, and Ihe adherents ol Ibs eofl"g" are dwindling out ot notioe. n i>. When tbe trial ot Ihi notorious convict, I juis Viao, Ibe ringleader ol Ibe revolt at ihe Bl. Yiosent de Psul Penitentiary, was completed, and he wa sentenced to twenty- five years in the Penitentiary, Ibe prisoner reoeived bil ssntsnos with a imile and turned and sal down in the dock, obeervtng to hii gnardi, ' I am now 33 yean ol age. I bad eight yearn to serve, and ihie addi- tional lenience makes U thirty-three ysarr, 10 I will be Oil before they 1st me go. How- ever, I will be young e: ongh then to get married." Then, with a noowl, be added, " Bui I may say tha) in three montbe 1 will be tree or standing in this dock again." THE LAD1EB' COLUMN. Uonoolta in Burn me> r .in- 1 Hi- ,.i-l >i CoeUuinen SEASONABLE DISHES EASILY PROVIDED. Aoul Kate's Budget.) WIN .,. wnt. o! wearicg tbe bridal veil I ..orli. Viewers Ie* ike A large roes peony in lull bloom or a bunob ot field damn are the favorite flow- ers now fur ooraags bouquets lor tbe street Tbe daisy baa retained in bold upon popu- lar favor for several aeaiooe now, and no other fLwer that blooms in the spring, Irs U, seems to outrival it. I'jt evening the i, wbich is composed always ol half- 91uwn (osss of ons color, lied with satin riaaon to match, is carried in tbe band, no dowers being worn on the dress. For ush- er, al weddings, ae well as tor ths |*oom and best man, the bontonuisrs is s half glowu while rose and green leaf. n .- n. i.i. The manner now is copied directly from royally. Every ii familiar wuh Ibe arrangement of \ icturia's ever present veil, and in manner do Ihe brides ot to day fancy wearing tbein. Il is bunched ilightly on the top of the coiffure, forming a coronet or cap, and thence fails bask over tbe train This arraigtmint requires a skilful band and la generally intrnitel to a milliner's manipulation. Il IB becoming to most face*, but does away with the traditional use of Ibe vert, which bas always been M ooer Ibe modes I face of tbe maiden, il being au old-lime custom always to lid u an soon as the ceremony wee performed. Tbe bridal veil then wss full of signifi- cance, now il is merely an ornament. A n UalulT f"'HI The following is a very delicious pud- Ibe recipe for which I beggtd from Mrs Marshall, of the Mebcol ol Cocker). for you, writes Mis* Madge in London A : Pour bait a pint of warm cream on tbe crumbs of two French rolls, two ounesi >f eskstor sugar, ons ounce of vanilla choco- late and n. j large eggs beaten up. Always use a rather low mould with a pips in tor this pudding, and, after having buttered u, me II with well-buttered paper ; pour in il the inixturi and steam u for Iwsnly minutes or half an hour ; then turn il out and remove Ibe paper ; pour chocolate sauce over it aod aerve a nice Mm pole of rail in the centre. And ibis is buw the chocolate nance is made : To three ounces of vanilla chocolate add two ounces of tsetor sugar and a good half -pint of watsr. Wbin n boils, stir in a taolstpoonfnl ot ere me de m thai has been mixed in s lulls cold water. Bail all together till quite smooth ; then tammy and use. UelalT IH>h.. I'iinly of v age labile ars considered more iiallhfnl al this icason than msal. A >unob ot asparagus may bs made M go fur- ther if il IB cut iu mob lengths and eerved on toft toast with plsnty ot drawn butler r sanoo. Bananas sliced very thin and eaten with itrawbemee acd cream are delicious. They ehoold be ice cold. warm wiaiher it ii wisest, unless one bas a very large ice-box, to purihaw only small jieses^f meat. Two capi ot cum meal, ons cup ot dour, > | iLch ot hall, two eggs and two teaspoon- ' bukiurf puwder. mixed with soar milk, tasks nies muffins for breakfaii. mould be baked in a hot oven in well- Mas Ihe out ncMrihlne; ! ilr Nrwrn Little Dick- Oh, ien'l that jilly buuxht UH a new lawn tent. Little Nell But il ain't nice like cxier ; it's made out ot straw. Little Pick May be it'll kiep rain better. Lel'i let il up. Horrified Mother (Jniliiren, what in tbe world ard yon doing with yunriiMer'suew bait _ _ TBS Congregational Union of Canada yesterday passed a resolution iu favor ol the abolition ol all lax exemptions. Berim has abolished the old ouitom ol holding market In squaree and public plaoeH, and during this month has opened a ssriei ol grand and colossal market balls in various parts ol Ihe city. During one year tbe city consumes 1,626,000,000 pounds of food. It is reported that a deposit of genuine meerschaum bai been found on ibe beach uear Yaqoiaai, Or. il tsLds to clear foribsads. Waving biudtasjK ars disappearing, and coiffures turned up in the) Kcoanisr fashion ars lakiuK ihair place. Tbe large twisted sight ii no loager worn, but a ssries of small snpsrpossd bows massed high aod vsry clues sogsiLsr. A pretty summer oostnms for a yooM lady is of gray muslin ds-lains, spriggai with email bULObee of rosebuds acd forget- me-noti. Il hai plaited and crossed frouM, bowing al Ibs top a little bit of finely plaited chemisette. Tbe baok ie plain, Iks sleeves light, with a narrow drapery over tbe shoulders. Tbs skirl, plain in front, plaited al tbe eidee and back, aod is aligbily boled oal al Ibe top, eo as to form a limp pi.ll. Moire tasb round tbs waist, lied in long loops and ends a little al tbs side. Tnis, wuh a yellow straw bat, turned op wilb black velvet, and trimsasd wilb May roses and forget me note, forms a charming toilet for a lummir file or flower show. Ou step at a Urns, uj that weU placed. We reexsb Uie (rau lest beubt , One ilruke at a time. Mrtb'i hidden stores Will .lowly coais lu lltit . One MIK! al a tiiu*, aod the forest (rows Ju< .Lrup al a time, and the ntw flows Into U>e boundless sea. One wcrj al a time, ao I the greatest book la written u, 1 i< reed . Oue ilona at a time, ei*d the p^'fltt rears A let: iu suiely iie>l . One bl.'W at * :...., tod u. tree's cleft tcroexb, Ai.1 acr.y wMitua where the furest Krew A few stun lean before. One fue at a urns, and be sabdsed. Aod iLm ouofliet wi.l b. woo . One cratn t . urns, D.| tbe wad ol lite WOT slowly all U run , One ruinate anoUier u,< boon fly . Uue Oe.y at a time, aad oar lives speed by la to Eternity ! One (rain ol knowledge, and tnai well Ai~oiiir auJ uore uo Ibetn, ifci u time rolle oo your mini will aniae Wiui outuy a garnered feu 'I UK>ubt u I i:uiu. And time will tell, - Uue thlog at a tUue, and that ooae weU. " Is wisdom i truTin rule. A |errr D*wrr. I was ones aa Ulaehe at cor legation al Frankfort, in tbs days of Ihs old German Diet, writes Mr. Labonefairs in London Lruik. Oar main business a ted to bs to oslsbrats mamagei. AraUgMsj as optional . if ins bride and ... did nol demand this, tbs process was si mary. Thsy had each to ns and 11 io a declaration tbal then was DO cause why ibey should nol bs marrisd, sod to pay a sovareign. wnion was Iranioussai to Ibi Bishop of LIE ion, in whose llnesss all our foreign legauone wire supposed to bs. OM day I was siiung in Ihs euanesry, when an aged Englishman entered. " I wank," bs said, " you to marry my daughter." Al first I nadsntood that he wiebed Hie to be she bridegroom, bai hs explained that I was only to be tbe celekrani, and that sbi was to marry s FrecehoMsB. " Hs to a scoundrel, ha observed. Thsn why." 1 asked, " 1st him marry your daughter T" " lie bai, alas !" hi riplisd, " satcsd her affections , and if bs doss nol BMTTV SMC be will run away with bar." " I entpoas thai you ars rich ? I laid. " 1 ant uors than rich, be replied . I have an infalli- ble system al roulette. Tbii is my/ daughter's dowry . and it is to learn tbe i) stem tbat ihe Frenchman marries bsr." " Will. I laid, "come with ths pair to- morrow morLiug and ws will marry them." Tbi next day they appeared aod were marrisd. Tbe girl was a rrslly blonds, but ths man was col precisely an icdividnal to whom a wits father wonld eilteer bavs intrusted his dneais i greased tin*. For breakfael or tea a dub of dried betf oooked with scrambled rgge will be found palatable. Tbe beef u first scalded in hot water. Ibeu placed in a trying pan with a hills bu-ttr and three or four eggs. Tbe whole is scrambled acd served hot with of witboni least. I- rf h I- hUu >!*.. Kibbon velvets dolled all ovir wilb small Mads art used for loopi. Halting brims are faced with bias fjlde I vslvsl overlapping each other. Jsl bonnets are fancied with whiar, black or colored lass rosettes. Coronet fronts of djwsrs are veiled with silk tulle and give a vsry soft i fleet. Bailor bats are trimmed with a band and >uokle, or soirfi and knots. Ullrich tips an used in profusion with gauo ribbons and fancy pins. Rougb-aod rsady booaets are trimmed lib bows ot plain and striped ribbon and striuga of plsin. Crsam-eolurtd laces aod mull will be used extensively (or trimming rough straws this summer. Kibbun Icope on bonnets are fastened on tbe top, extending toward Ihe back, and are ol several shades, Ibs djweri being plaoed in the centre of Ihe loops. Olsss beads of every color are eswed iu groupc ovsr crowns, or to Ibe edge of tbe brims. Hanging pendants are also fsucied tor bats. Leghorn bats are bent in fanciful forms, la>ctd with crepe or velvet, trimmed with feathers and fancy ribbons, or crepe and flowers. Tbs prettiest Swiss cap for a little girl 11 tbe Normandy. It has a high back crown, corded brim and fluted ruebing, edged with lace and very narrow ribbon bows scattered through tbe rushing. Vsry pretty jerieyi are made ot ailk tricouue, with a row of jet beads between each rib ot Ibs triootine. This is to be bad not only in black, but also in broozs, gar- net, navy blue and other colon, witb the beads to match. Pretty mantles ot lacs and beads are fasbunable Ibis inmmer. The planed lace forma a soil of light-Oiling jacket, f*.lened al Ibe waist wilb a bell of jet beade. From this bell hang pen dec te of ist beads representing bnuohea of fruit. Bimilar trimmings upon ibe fronts aod epaulets A vary prslly luuioier oo^tnme is ot p'*in veiling and striped bayadere. Tbe kin is striped halt way up wuh bright ouiored stripes running aoroer. all tbs veel being of a plain shade of beige. 1 1 is plsited aod just caught up a little on tbe left tide, showing an underskirt of plain tx.ue silk. Tbe bodice is plain, wub a su.all drapery al the back , it opene into a point with revere in front, ebowiug a plastron ot red silk tcieotine. I'laio and striped ribbons are seen on tbe sami bonnst, also figured and plain and figured and itriped. Be vt ral colors as well as several shades ot tbe same color are used in tbe same roeette or bow. Gauze ribbons with straw drops strung Joig tbe edges are used with aigrettes of straw upon bonnets and hats ot open- work Tuscan braid. Tbsre are also rib- bons witb tassel edges and fluffy lush pots in contrasting colors tbal are made into standing loops and formal- looking bowi. Vsry elegant lash materials are among tbs late importations. They come in all light colors, bavs a twilled surface through tbe middle of the fabric and satin stripes about a finger wide on each edge. Tbe goods is about 24 inebsi wide aod ol cx'iuiMte jjality. Il acmes io 10 yard pieces aod une can bave any length desired forsaab or drapery. Tbie goods n need not only for easbeii but is placed double across tbe from of Ibe dreis tor short close aprons, b. ing drawn up at tbe tides nndrr tbo back drapery. Il may be fringed and knolKd cr out in bib-tail points). Two important modifications are to be observed in modern fashions. Tbs first ii Ibs considerable diminution ot ihe onrnute . not tbat ikirts ars worn earn plenty plain, bat they are much ! puffed out, sepeeially al ihe tool. Tbs ouroure is Mill marked al tbs waisl lias, in ctJsr to curve it in and give It more Met* ies. After Ibis it falls >ioite plain. jost supporting tbs dress. las other a.odlUalion is a mush more linking ane few < ana. . io, iar . Ths poor little King ol Hpain is ool Uks Kiobard III. in being born with a false aet of teeth. Uu dentist, however, was) named on the day of hie birth as a mem- ber of IIis Msjeily'i household. I doo'l think Alpbooso XIII baa rnuab obanee against ths usual .iisasss ol infancy and tbe usual loss lol monarchy in bis country. Us ought to bavs I son of his robust nurse instead of Irian Archduchess, wbo bas ibs i to bs bsr uncle e daughter, and has not gooi constitution. Tbs lats King attacked with phthisis tor eighteen months before be die 1, and was weakly in bie boy- hood. II out of pity Ibe Kepnblieaos were rssdy to stay laisl, Don Carlos would not 1st Ibsm. Us is beginning to move agun, and undir the late Cjmp tease ds Cham- bord'i will he has tbe sinewe ol war. Letttr to LonJan Trutk. TSc *)ejrea mm* Mer Tbs it'jeeo sgaMn ssnl for Mine, tjxarvady to go to Windsor aod play to Her Msjesty on hsr ' 7ih birthday. Mms. Bxarvady was a pupil of Schumann, and highly (aironued bv 1'riLce Albert when first she cams M Eugland, aod was often commanded to play to Ibe royalchi dr -n, oneof whom is agraod- mother now . au J -eo is Mms. Sxarrady. wbo bas. however, sept ibs energy aod tbs vigorous toash of her yooagss* days. Among other tbingi Ibe (.' jesn asksd bsr to play a sonata by bearlaiu wbisb sbs bad played to Her Majesty thirty yean ago. LonJan World. Country Editor-Will, ibey captured tbs murderer al last. Citizen So I bear. Where did they find him 1 Country Editor J nit leaving the back door ot old Busrag's dry goods store. Us aol Bnsrag ars relatives. Us had bssn takinx il sasy there for three weska. Ci ueo I woadsr nobody saw him. Cjunlry EJi or Ho dao;vr ol tbal. Bnirag never advertises, you know. * torrln I awlewMrr Waalrd. Ths agitation in Ihe United Bl against alien landholders has found trail in a Bill which passed ths rtenats unani- mously leal wssk. Il prevents theaoqoi- situu of real properly by aliens, and pro- hibits corporations, except railroad, canal and turnpike companies, more than JO per cent, of tbs stock ot which is owned by alum, trom owning more lhan 5 000 seres of land, under penally ol forfeiture to tbe Government. A H, Hr.ri tor Wweh. A 1 year old son of B. Bymsrs has bad an exciting experience in aoeideots during tbi past wssk. First bs tsll off tbs bridge) uear Uagga't foundry into ths creek. Us a fished out ot Ibal and bad recovered, when bs umbled oal of a second story window. Tbis fortunately did ool kill him . neither did u put a stop to bis mis- haps. Shortly af tsr he got among a swarm of bass aod was badly itoog. f0rhia Journal. Al ons of the great hotels, a gentleman seeking iu vain for a candle with whjob M light himsslf to hii room, passed a yovukg lady who bad two candid, o which she politely offered him oae. He thanked her, and the next morning acknowledged tbe courtesy in the following ij-igraaj. Tbe yoosg lady was polite : Too savs me a oanJIe, I *TS you my ttoaaks, Au I s-U-ae a ootui'llmeni justly roar <- There isnlaftrl inuieee remlalasr "~ Wbo could. It sne tried, bold a eaadJs Mfws Aa I -.. H ws had a pso as big as s Kswanee girl's fool. I'eooey'i slocwk for an ink slaad au J a township let a MS, ws snoe.14 write aoroee tbal psge, " Boil It Down, and Mad a copy of il to trery newspaper com pendent, preseaier and school graduate ID Usury eoalj.-0w< (Hi.) Newi. A dlisen d Grand Rapid*, Mica., claims to bars a raeor used by Father Mar lastte la I67U. Il was dug up from aa Indian, grave near Harbor Spnaga aad is preiiy will ptsservtd

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