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Flesherton Advance, 22 Apr 1886, p. 2

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1 r (From tU Chicago Baaple*.) Yoa'r* UMT lull* waiter, 0, Krul.iul To 017 want* you always otter, Whnldlue; And you have ao Irritating Way of kwplBK people waitlDg. Aud you uuilo u captivate, loptn*. Yoi ax diMd 10 nicely. 0, Pranlaln I All my (Mil OKI 10 proiwly Yon illviuf ; That from ou|> to tutti-frutti You're acquainted witb your duty; Aud utility with beauiy 00 combine. Yon arc (killed la fancy cooking, 0, 1 ' raulel u I You're Ue maid (or whom I'm lookiug, For myahrtne. Tbo' I have not wealth nor title, rrithee, lilt to my recital ; Olve my (ond love some requital, Ob, be mime I Bo yon actually ue laughing, and ilKllne? And my wutlment you're chalUng, lud aay, Helu /" At my pruff end lovo you laagb, eh ? What I you are a better hall, eb? 01 tl> e uiau who keci'i Ibm cafe'/ 0, Franlelot MO^TIC A.: | THl iCTHOa O " PHTLLI8," " SCOUT B1WN," AKn OTHU rBk-LLAM tiOWLS. Her little face la to earnest aa ibe eaya all Ihii, mo fearful that he may have to en dure disappointment, that he ia greatly touched. Pushing back her hair irom her forehead with both bands, be lays u light but loving kins upon her brow, Go, my beat friend. I trust all to yon," ba aaya, after which tha blender sprite springs away from him, a,ad, entering the shadows beyond, is aoon loel to bitn. Reaching the boiue, she monnte the etaira with swift bat eilent tootateps, and, after a narvona hesitation before the door ot her Aunt Pritcilla'a room, finds berieK OOM again facw to face with Monica Tbat pretty oauee of all tbia plotting in not in bed, aa Kil bad predicted might be the ease. She it not even undressed. She baa) only exchanged her azure gown for a loose white morning robe, long and trailing, aat lavishly trimmed at tbe tbroat and wriala witb some rare old Mechlin laoe that Aont Priacilla bad given her a week ago, Kladln the thought that it may, perchance, add another ebarm to toe beauty ot her darling. Her bail is r>'. ; :u i . i.. a small, sott knot behind ; her (ace ia a little pale ; her eyea, large and Imm^sa, nave great heavy shadows lying beneath luom, auajestive ot fatigue and tiring thought. Altogether she U looking u lovely aa any heart can Sim "Ah, you bate returned!" tbe says a Kit enters. How long yoa have been I ', gave yoa op. I thought some ptxy hai become enamored o( yoa and hail earriei yon ofl to bis kingdom." I waa in danger of nothing so inbignit canlaa a pixy. It waa the great Apollo' self I feared," aays KiJ, with a >ly, bnmor coa smile. " And hero is your lily ; be aeu il to yon witb bis love and a kiss." Apollo?" smiling. " Why, yea. Wbo else eould it be at thia hour?" " Yet, there is something strange in yon manner. " " That U aa it should be. Oo uob a night M this, bow eould one eecipe a Uttl tonob of tbal ' moonatrook madnais ' , poke ot a while SIDSM ? Oo oal yourself walk through tni^Bs^oulit garden jna where I walked, ^Hr| J JB,'i-' it>* corns; over there Ibe raya Tuwijno ebadow, ani try If there be nothing' ia it tt^nake yonr heart beat taatar." ^f" i anM iia_ia"ii a>tnro 'Jtlaj <u I am now." V ' Then you are no true woman." "What!* Mutt a woman ba so foolishly romantic M to tremble in Ibe moonlight, to be true?" " Moonlights differ. There is a witchery abroad to-night. Oo and judge for yonrsel U there be not truth in my words." 11 1 can see enough of it from this," aay Monica leaning ber bare, aoowy arms from which bar loose aleeves have fallen upon Ibe window ledga and turning ber eyet tbe pale sky ntnddt 3 witb bright atari, " tt bewitch me, if, indeed, it has the power yoi aaeribe to it." Foiled in bar liral effort to tend ber t Desmond's arm!, Kil flingi herself npon in floor beside ber and lays her arms opou her lap and looks lovingly bat reproachful!; into her eyes. " I think yoa were a IttUe unkind to tha dear Brian this evening," she says. " That dear Brian will recover from m; oruil treatment, I make no doubt," say Monica with affected lightness, though, in truth, remorse ia knawing at ber heart strings. " It be does, he will show bis very good sent*. B* love* you; why, then, do you flout and acorn bim ?" In the ancient library below, the young ladies in tbe novels always flouted Ibeir lovers. Mot having the (am tee! idea bow they perform Ibis arduous task, Kil atil adopts the word aa having a sonorous sound and usoa it now with-aa sbo hopes great effect. " I do not float bim," says Monioa Indig antly. " But what am I to do? Am 1 to make Ann* PrisciUa wretched, thoc, be cause of him, and braak her poor heart perhaps) ?" Oh, bother ber heart 1" says the younger Miaa Bereaford with more candoi than deoency, "think of bit poor heart, ii yon like, wasting and wearing away beoanai of yonr nnkindneaa. It I bad a lover, thai is) DO! bow I should treat him. I should do anything in tbe world he asked mo. I shonlc defy everybody In tba world for bim, am think them well lost. I shoulJ ran awai wilb bim al a moment's notice if be aakec me. Mow I" "Oh, 11 1" saya Monica, agbaat at al bis energy. " I should. Indeed," nothing daunted. " 1 shouldn't hesitate. And, al all events, I should be civil to him at all times. Why, the way yon treated that wretched young man to-day at Olonbreo Barracks was, oooilder, shameful 1 And yoa otll yourself, I dare say, soft-hearted. To look at you, one would think yon couldn't be unkind U yon tried ; and yet the barbarity of your conduct to day, to a perton wbo literally wonbipa the ground yon walk on, wai " "But what did I do 7" interrupts poor Monioa, trembling before thia whirlwind. "What didn't yon do, yon mean. TOD would not even grant him one kind parting glance. I oould have cried for him, be looked ao Bad and forlorn. I think be looked like suicide I do, indeed and I shouldn't wonder a bit it in tbe morning we heard " "Oh, Ell, don'l, don't 1" says Monioa In an agony, as this awful insinuation gain: tore* witb her. " Well, I won't, than f'saya tbe advocate, pretending to surrender her point by abruptly changing her front. A very Jesuit at soul in this small Kit. " After all, I dare aay, he) will grow tired of year incivility and so forget you. Some one else will see bow dear a follow be ia and senile upon bim and then be will give yoa ap." This picture, being in Monica's eyes (van more awful than the former, makes great havoc in ber face, rendering ber eyea Targe and sorrowf nl, and, Indeed, ao suffused witb the heart's water thai she seams npon tba very verge of tears. Bhe torni tbeie wel bat lovely orbs npon ber tormentor. " Thai would be the bail thing ha oonld do lor himself," abe aayi so ajadly tbat Kil insensibly creeps closer to her, " and as for me, 11 doesn't matter about me, of oonrae." " Monioa, yon like bim, thfin," Bays Kil suddenly, rising on bar kooes and looking Into her niHai'e averted eyas. " I Ma aura of at, I know it now. ndsjhioie before?" Why did yon not con^ I Because il seem* all ao Uopelbba ; even 11 I lovtd him enough to marry him they would never give in " (meaning, pre- nmably, ber anntB) " so why should be or wast* time over ao impossible a theory?" "Wbyauonld it b impossible? Why ibonld you cot b* married ?" i " Because the talcs are against us. Not,' quickly, " tbat tbal BO much mattera, I lou'l waul to marry anybody. But bnl," owericg her lids, " I do want him to love me.". My dear child, talk sente it you talk al all," says tbe material Kit. " There never yet waa a heroine in any novel ever read by me (and I have bad a large experience) who didn't want to marry ihe man ot her heart. Mow, jaat look at that girl ot Knoda B rough- Ion's, in Good-bye. Sweetheart !' We can all see abo didn't die ot any disease, but (imply bccatue the couldn't be wedded to tbe man she loved. There's a girl for yon ! Give me a girl like that. If ever I tall iu love witb a man and I find I can't marry him, I shall make a point of dying ot grief. It is so graceful ; jnal like what I have beard ot Irving and Ellen Terry-I meau, lioazco and Juliet I" II But I can't bear to deceive Aunt Pria cilia," nays Monica. " Bhe IB so kind, eo good." " Bluff and noosence I" BJ a Kit promptly. " Do yon suppose, when Aunt Friacilla waa young she would have detertcd let us say Mr. Debinood, tbe younger, at the beck and call ot any one ? Bhe baa too much spirit, to do her credit. Though I mutt eay her spirit is rather out ot place now, at limes." " What would you hava me do, then ? aaks Monica desperately- " Ob, nothing," sya Kit airily, " really coining. I am too yoong, of course, to givi advice," witb a little vicious toes ol ber small head. " And, of course, too, 1 know nothing of tbe world's ways," witn anothe: toaa tbat conveys to ber auditor tbe idea that she believes herself thoroughly versed and skilled in Eociely's lore, but that aa ye she is misunderstood. " And il is nol my place, ot course, to dictate to an elder ait ter." This severely and evidently inleodet aa a slap al Monioa, because of some little rebuke delivered by her tbe other day on the subject ot age. " Bat," wilh oonoen trated energy, " I would not be brutal, if were yon." "Brutal?" faintly. " Tes, brutal, to keep bim waiting for yon all this time in tbe ebadow near tbe iv; wall." Havingdiecharged thia shell, ahe waits in stony ailcLca tor a reply. Bhe waits aam lima. Then "Are you speaking of ol Mr. Dee mond ?" aska Monica in a trembling voice "Yes. Ho ia standing there now, ani baa been tor oh, tor hours on tbe bare chance of gaining one word from yea." "Now?" starticg. "Yes. He laid he would wail until I had persuaded yon to go out. If I bad such a lover, I know I should not keep him waitici for me all the evening shivering wilh cold.' II is the balmiest of summer nights. "Ob, what shall I do?" says Monica torn in two between her desire to be true to ber aunt and yot not unkind to ber lover. " A* I said before," says the reaolnto Kit turning her Email pale face up to ber sister " I know I am not entitled to dictate to any one, but thia I know, too, tbal it I were you and twenty Aunt Priooillas were at my side I ahonld still-go to Mm I Tbere 1" Bhe oocquera. Monioa riaes slowly, ani as a first move in the desired direction got need I say it? to the looking glass. Need I say, also, tbat she fed* diesatUned witb her appearance 7 11 Than I suppose I had batter dress my aelt all over again," the aaya, glancing witb much discontent al tbe charming vision the gla&a returns to ber. No, no 1" taya Kil decidedly. Boo ha now arranged herself aa Miilreas of Ib Cerenouies and quite gives herself airs "Oo nol add even a touch to your toilet Yon areqoite too nweet as yon aro and ' tim presses'" (another loved quotation from on* of her mouldy volumes). " Bnl this," aayi Monioa, plucking at be; pretty loose gowu that bangs in limp, artii tic folds round ber 'light figure and i pranked out with costly laces. " It 1 1 port tot t Have yon no eyea for tbi beautiful.' There, go, yoa Billy child Nature baa been so good to you, yon no derido her prodigality and make little o the Kiits ehe hie bestowed upon yoa. G to " " Good gracious !' taya MCMOI, pautin (o stare al her aghast. "\Vb,ro did yoa learn all tbal?" "It is in a book below. I Kir::cd it by heart to say il to yon some diy, and now have dona it. There, b quick ! Qe will be gone if you don't make baste. Hi patience by tbia time moat be exhausted Think what he baa been enduring I I only hope b* hasn't fainted from sheer fatigue that's all 1" " Will yon etay here till I pome back,' saya Monioa nervously, " or will you ooma witb me?'' " I shall stay here ; and don't harry on my account. I shall be unite happy witb this lamp and your Chaaoer. There, go now, and tell bim I sent yon. And," mil ohievously, "don'l be civil to him, yoa know, bat rate bim epundly for presuming to disturb yoni worehip al Ibis hour." 11 Oh, if any one seea me I" say e Monioa quaking. " You will never get banged for a big crime," returns Kit laughing, and than Monioa steps out lightly, fearfully, upon tbe corridor outside, and so, witb her bean dying within her, creeps past her aunts doors and down the wide staircase ant through tbe ball and, at last into Ibe silver moonlight. CHAPTER XII. What a noise tho tiny gravel makes be neath her feet as aha hurries rapidly towards the garden I How her hoarl beata Oh, tbal she were back again in b,er prelly, safe room witb the naughty Kil to cooldl Ob, if Aunt Piiscilla wore to rise, and, 1 joking out ot bor bedroom window, catch a glimpse ot bet aa ebe hastens to meet the man she baa been forbidden to know 1 A thousand terrors possess ber. The sott beauty ot Ibo night ia unseen, Ibe rushing of sweet brooks ia n a heard. She hurries on, a little, lithe, frightened flgnro wilh wide eyes and parted lips, to the rendezvous ane baa not sought. And what a little way il bad seemed in the glad daylight, yot what a journey in Ihe silent, fearsome night ! There are real tears, born of sheer nervous- ness, in her beautiful eyes aa she runs along tbe garden path aud at laal at last -finds nerself faca to face with Desmond. Ah, you have oome I' 1 cries bo gladly, going to meet her while yet she is a long ray ofl. " Yes." Bhe can say no more, but her tear bas departed at sight ol him, and once mere aho grows calm, collected and mis- iresa of hreU. Bhe keeps well away from HIT, however, and holds out to him tbal " white wonder " bar hand, from a vary great distance aa it seems to him. DOOB she distrust bim, then? Thinking of tbii, Brian takea the extended hand atid holds il in a claep that though tender U light, and re- trains with mnoh forbearance from press- ing hia lips to it. " To oome here, and al Ibis hour I It ia madness 1" says Monioa hastily. "A very blessed uadneaa, then, and wilh method in il. II has enabled me to see yon." "Oh, do not. talk like that. Yon oo|bt not to see ma al all And, now, what is it ? Kil said you wanted me sadly." " And ao I do, and not only now but al- ways." " If," reproachfully, "il is nothing press, ing, would not to-morrow have done?" " To-morrow never comes. There is nothing like to-day ; and how oould I have lived till to-morrow? I oould not Bleep, I oonld not rest until I bad aeen yon. My earl seemed on fire. Monica, now oould on have treated me as y ou did to-day '( ' Bboitt silent. The very fact ot berTiol uawering oominoea hiui ber coldness at ie Barracks was intentional and bin tone akcs an additional sadness aa ha speaks gain. Yon meant it, theu V ' be says. You would not throw me even oce poor gUuoa. t you oould only look into my heart aud ead how cruelly I fell your uukindnean, you might " "I don'l know what you mean," says Hociaa. " Why should you talk of unkiud- ess? Why should I be kinder to yon than o another?" Ot your graoe alone ; I kuow that," says he young man humbly. He baa paid oonrl many a town-bred damsel before this, >nd gained their smilus, too, and Ibtir igba ; yet now he sues to this cold child aa he never saed before, and knows hia very soul is aet on her good- will. " Why must yon choose me to love me, f all tbe world ? ' aays Monica tremulously , ' it is wide, there are other., and " "Because I mual. It is my fate, and I am glad of it, 'Whom worthier oonld I ove?" eaya the lover with fond, passionate everenoe. " Mauy, EIO doubt. And why love at U1 1 _.etus befriends, tben, it it ia, indeed, de creed that our lives meet " Tbere oonld never be mere friendabip >etween you and me. U your heart Bleeps, at leaat yonr senae most tell yon that." Tbeu I oonld wish myaelt without MM. I want to know nothing about it. Ala*, bow itad a thing ia love 1" And how joyous I It ia tbe one omo tion to ba fed and tottered. All others arc but vanity.' I will persist in loving yon until I die." Tbat ia a Icoliab Baying ; and, even tt yoa do, what will oome ot il ail ? ' says Monioa wilb a sigh. Marriage, I trust," returns be right cheerfully. " Because, to give you another example of love's endurance, aud to quote old Bontbey to yon, I will tell you thai he Bays, ' It U luJeiiructibli: ; Ui boly name forever barutth; From heaven it cauio, to heaven retarnelb . hot nol yet awhile, I hope." 1 You are a special pleader," says she with a sudden smile. " For the cause that I plead I would that 1 were a more eloquent advocate/' " Yon are eloquent enough," glancing al bim for a moment, and then again turning away from bim, " too elcqatnl," abe says wilh a little sigh. Be is still holding ber bands, but now he dees uol speak or answer her in any wise A silence falls npon them, calm as tbe nigbl. In "full-orbed glory" Ihe moon above sails through tbe skies. A diwy Inann*** nlli the silent air; No mlat obacura*. nor cloud nor ipeck, nor stain Brtaka the serene of heaven. Then is one thing I must aay, Monica,' says the youog man at last, lilting bar face gently with one hand until ber eyea look into bit own, " remember, my lite is in yonr ban da." "Do nol overburden me," abe answers quickly, bnt in BO low a voice that il oan scarce be hoard. Yet be heara. "My darling, moat I be a burdeu to yoa?" ha says. "Moaioa, if this, my conrtbbip, ia hateful to you or morn tbaa yoa can bear, dUuiisa me LOW, and I wil go from yon, no matter wbal il ooaia me.' Too ara no true lover to talk like that,' Bhe says wilh a shadowy smile. " I am lover enough to wish you no pain cr weariness ot spirit." " I doubt you are too gooi for ma, ' she answers witb a little bural ot feeling. "I moat b* a paragon, indeed, if tbat be ao," relnrns be. " Ob, Monioa, it you maid only love m* 1" " I dare not.'' Tben, aa though aorry for theae words, she holds out ber hands to him Bad aaya, with a quiek smile, ' Oh Borneo, Koueo! Wherefore art thoa Borneo?" " I wish I knew," returns he sadly. " Tel if I were sure of one thing 1 should nol despair. Monica, tell ma yon don'l lik* Hyde." " I can't," laye Monica. " He ia very kind to me, alwayi. I am anre I ought to like him." " How bias he been kind to yoa ?" "Oh, in many ways." "He baa brought yon a cup of eomabody elie'as Ma, I suppose, and has probably trotlod after you wilh a camp stool. Ii that kindness?" " If one ia hot or tired, yea." "Yon are the most grateful specimen ol your .iix. I wish there waa anything foi wuiob you might be grateful to mo. Unt '. am nut great at the fttitt $oini busiLBia." " I shouldn't bava thought to this after noon," saya Monica maliciously, " when yon wero EO happy with Olga Dobuu. Bnt see tbe moon baa riaen quite above tbo elma. '. moat go." "Nol yet. Tbere ia something elee When am I to ao* yon again ? when ?" 1 Tbal teas (aUwills it. " Yon are my (lie. Will it, then, and say to-morrow." " No, no I" exclaims uo, releaeiag her bands from hte, " I cannot, indeed. I must not. In being here with yoa now I am do leg wrong, and am betraying tbe two people in the world who arc the moat kind to me How shall I look into their eyes to-morrow 1 No ; I will nol promise to meet yoa any where ever." "How tender you are wilb them, and witb me, how cruel I " Yoa have many joys In y oar hie, bat they, bow few I ' " Yoa are wrong there. The world has grown useless to me ainoo I met you. Yon are my one joy, and yon elude me ; there. foro, pity me, too." "Who made jcu BO gracious a courtier?' aaks she with a little shrug of ber rounded Bbouldera. " Now yon oast aoorn upon me," says Desmond half angrily, and aa he says it tho t bough t ol Kit's word " flout " comes to her, and ahe smiles. II is an idle thought, yet it is with difficulty abe oleavea to the lees offensive smile and keeps berscll (rom laughing aloud. "Why should I do tbat?" ahe saya a little sanoily. Indeed, aha knowa tbia young man to be co utleriy in ber power and power is eo sweel when first acquired and so prone to breed tyranny thai ebe hardlv turun aside to meditate upon the pain aho may be causing him. "I don't know," a little sadly, then, Monica, yoa like me?" " YB, I like you," oaya Misa Bereslord, as she might bavo actwcred had aha been questioned as to her opinion of an aramatio asset. Repressing a gesture ot Impatience, Dei- mood goes ou calmly : Belter than Byde ?'' Than Mr. Byde?' Bhe stops and [lanoes at tbo gravel at her foet in awould- M tbouijhtta! fashion, and pnabea il to and ro with ber pretty Louis Qainr.e shoe. She pauses purposely, and makes quite an affair if ber bssitation. " Yes, Hyde," saya he impatiently. " liow can 1 answer that?" she says al mgtb, with studied deliberation, "when I mow so little of either him or yon ?" Hia indignation inoreaaea. " Knowing us both at least equally well, Fou most have formed, by Ihia time, some opinion of us." I should, indeed," saya the young girl slowly, always with her eyes upon the (ravel, " but, unfortunately, it never occur- ed to me tbe vital necessity ot doing so. I mean." Though her head ia still bent, be on d> ol the little amuaed smile that is carving isr mobile lips. There can be small doubt lul tbal she is enjoying bis discomfiture mtnensely. " Certainly, there is no reason why yon ihonld wanie a thought on either him or me," berelurna atiffly. No ; and yet I do wait* one OD you omelimea," says she witb a gleam o! ton- deruata, and a owift glacos from under br ong laabea, that acmehow ana/jr* biu, iu- ttaeely. You aro ft coquette," ho tayb quietly. There is contempt bolb. in bis look and tone. As aho heara it, ahe fuJdoily lifts her bead, and, without betrayiog obagrin rrgarda him aieadtaatly. Is tbat ao ?" ahe aayi, "BossWlbasWl iu v thought it, buu The unmistakable hope ber pauxe cm- mine augers him afresh. " II yon covet the unenviable title," he aaya bitterly. " be happy. Yon can lay just claim to il. You are more tban worthy ot il." I You flatter me," ebe aayi, letting a ;lance so light real upon bim that it seems sut the mere quiver of ber eyelids. I 1 meant no flattery, believe ma." I do believa you. I quite understand." ' Not quite, I think," exclaima he, the sudden ooldnees ot her manner frightening bim into belter behavior. "If -it I have said any thing to offend yen, I a k your for- c.ivenass." There is nothing to forgive, indeed, aud yon have failed to offeud me. But," slowly, " yon have made me very eorry for yon." " Sorry T" " Yea, tor your most unhappy temper. II ia quite the woraVTthink, I have ever met with. Good-night, Mr. Desmond ; pray be careful when going through thai hedge again, there are some roes trees growing in il, and thorns do hart BO dreadfully." Bo saving, sho gathers up hor white skirts, and, without a toaoh of ber band or a laat glacoe, flita like a lissome ghost across thu mcoulit pawa tl tbe garden, and co U gone. COAPTEB XIII. Early next morning Bridget, Monica's maid, enters Kit's room in a somewhat myateriona fashion. Glancing all zoaod the room furtively, aa though expecting an enemy l)i&g in ambush behind every chair and table, she saye, iu a low, cautious tone : " A letter for yon, miss." Aa she aays this she draws a note from beneath ber apron, where, in ber right hand, it has been oare(nlly hidden ao carefully, indeed, tbat she oonld ool have failed to ornate auipieion in Ibe bzeaat of a babe. "For me?' aaya Kit, off ber gaarj (or onoe. "Yea, miss." "Who brought II?" "A bit of a gossoon, rniaa, uut there in the yard beyaut. An' he wouldn't give me bia name ; but, anre I know bim well (or a boy ot tbe Maddens', an' one ot tba 0! jole people. His (atber an' bit grau'Utker before bim were laborers wilb the onld Squire. " " Ah, indued I" taya Kit. By tbia time she baa nouvurcd ner tnrprise and her composure. " Thank you, Bridget," abe Bays, witb quite a grandiloquent air, "put il there, ou that table. II is o( no conso- quenop, I dare eay ; yon can go." Bridget who, like all her OJUD try women, dearly likes a love saTair and it quite aware of young Mr. Desmond's r.ution for her mistreaa it disappointed. " Tbe gossoon said be waa to wait for au answer, mlan," she saya insinuatingly An' taix," waxing, "I Ihiuk 1 caught bight ot ibe 001:- tails ol Mtithtr Deeneond'e man ontaide tbo )%id gate." " You sbonld never tuiiik en such oooa aious, Bridget, aud ooat-ttuls aro decidedly low," aaya tba younger UieaBereaford with aoathiag reproof. " They weren't v.ry low, mika. He wore one o' them cut-away coat*," in an injured loo*. " You fail to graep my meaning," says Kil gravely. ' However, lot U paaa. II tbir note requires an answer, you oan wait tha next room until I wrile it." 'Very well, miss," saya tbe diseomntied Bridget ; and Kit, finding berteif in another aooment atone, amiroMhes tbe table, with a beating bewrt takea up tbe note. " II is it must be (rasa Brian 1" (To ve ooMinaed). ftluc li An Ulna depend Dished by Bismarck, rcU' tenant ' Wfcrtl of bow great iasuen may ignifloant incidents is fur aga in tbe career ol 1'riuoo bae just been mads pub lie. About tbe year 1(150 the regent of tbe duchy ol Anhall Bernburg re quested th fruaciac Government U name several men from whoiu one might be chosen for high atate omaa in tbe duouy. Tbj riqooai was complied witb, and amot.-g the names sub mittid was t Lai of "<J:to vou Bismarck zu HoiioeuhaUBun." Buruarck and another were ordered to present Ibemaelvei on i certain day before the regout (or demon atration ot their filcoM (or tbe position to be filled. Both travelled accordingly to the oentre ol the dacby, but as ill luck or luck would have it the ax!o ot the carriage in which Bumatok jiurneybd broke on tbe way, and bo was compelled to stay a night with tbe rest cf tbe paaaengora al the nearest town. Next day be re aumed hia journey, but he arrived twenty-four hours after the time appointed for tbe interview. In the meantime his rival bad been given tbe poal. Bo Biamarok returned home, and in time beoame Iiope rial Chancellor instead. Who can tell bow the course of Oirman history might have been changed bad Bismarck wasted his power* on the duchy cf Anball-Beruburg? fad Hall Otutttt. A in With aa Ircn Jaw. Wclih names are proverbially ot a crack- jaw tendency, but perhaps the palm may be given to tbe following, whiob casually occurred in a conversation between a WeUb maiden and an English visitor al a village at the foot of tinowdon. The viiitor in- quired : " What is tbe name ol your little oottage, my dear ?" Welsh girl" Lletylli f vllfynwy, air." U. V." Ob, and aro your parents living ?" W. O. " Yea, air ; but my father works at Ohwarel Cacbraiobyoafn.' r E. V." Very well. Any brotbera ?" W. Cr " Yea, three, air. One at Kbosllancrohoh rngog, one at LlanonddwyLOwn>llanddwy- we, one lives, between Penmaenmawr aud Llaofairfecbao." , V." Its growing worae, I see. How many Bisters ?" W. O. " Only two, sir ; ono is wilb my annl at Llanfairmatbatareitbni." E. V. " My word, what a name 1 And tbe other ?" W. 3. " Oh, she ia ia service, air, at Llaufair- pwllgwyngyll gogoryohwyrndrobw 11 gor- robwllylandyailliogcgoab." < urlon. 'li.rrlntl,- t n. . Io reply to Mr.BradUugh, in the British louse of Commons tbe other day, the Attorney-General said he had received latter and a visit from the Rev. V. J. Batouelor, rector of 81. John iorsleydown, and the reverend gentle- man explained that, when he solemn- zed, by lioenae, a marriage between George flummery and Jane lohnatono on July lat, .">, knowing that tbo parties were mar- ried before a registrar in tho previous May, 10 bad no intention ol acting In oontraven- lion ot tbe law. He was only desirous tbat the marriage union Bbould have the sanction o! Ibe Cbnreh, George Mummery limsell bad gone before a registrar because he did nol wiah the marriage to bo made public. Tbe bridegroom married hia fourth wife and tha bride her third husband laughter) ao the modesty waa nol un- natural. He did not intend to institute a >roaeoatiou. Two animals recently added to Ibe Phila- delphia zoo are tbe harness antelope from Australia and the bog- nosed deer from India. The harness antelope is striped wilh while so as to eiaotly resemble an animal in barnecs, and Ibe bog-nosed deer derives ita name from its peculiarity of making a grunting noise through ila nose Ilk* a hog. mmm TUB SENATE. ID tha Benat*, on the motion fir tbe third reading ,of tbe Bill regulating the Blo ot liquor by drugguta in lutice where the GiuaJ* Teoiperauoe Aot in u foroc, Mr. Scott t>&id that ample >.cLiiM:ry waa provided m the original Aol for the obtaining of liquor for mechani- cal or madioinal purposes, and thin Bill il simply a ounuiug dovioe to enable druKgiste to turn their edtablibbnientB iutt dram tbopa. To paea this Bill wpulc simply b* to doasroy Ibe mean* provided by ilia Temperance Aol fur iho Buppret MOO ot the traffia in intoxicating liquors Ii looked ad if Ihe Beuate waa buuod to ho iu defiance cf the popular Hontituent of tbi country, and in ori'onitnu to Iho inora i-pitit cf tha prevent age. Their c:urec iu record to Iliia matter wan doing more to discredit tbo HI-US.U' tban anything cUe This Bill would uli,* tba aal of liqno without any ot tbe regulation now pro vided by the LTVB respecting tb Bile Iu miuoiB, or Hales after hoard, am neither tho municipal nor tbe 1'rovi: on. revenue^ would be becctitted by Ibirf tram in liquor by drnggietti. Ho moved tbat tbi Bill be read a third time this day eix months. Meburs. Viual and Flint tpoao ttgainntlb Bill. The House divided on Mr. Scott's motion tor a bix month*' hoist, which waa rcjtictei by 31 to 25. The following ia the division lift : YKAS- Iteaira. Scott, IlaytLorue. McCleluu Uillur (buoakur), Uuillargooo, ViUal, Btclnooi 1'ullL-tlur, Allan, 1'ower, W&rk, Grant, Oirar, Biovem, Belloroae, Aruiaud. lie Mailer, Film Leonard, Uuyd, Dever, Chatlurs, Archibald LewiuanJ IJeUloia. NAYS-MOSS. Campbell (Sir A.), liotilor.l Odell, Kubltaille, McKiiulMy. McKay, UcUonul (O.K.), MacJuuald (U. C.I, Montgomery, UcMH iau, liead, Aluiou, DoBouchorvllle, Holduc Turner, Nelson. UDuuoboe, HUBS, Howlau Sullivan, faquet, Carvull, Lhckoy, Ferguson Horthweod, Ka'ulbacb, Uowan. Butherlaui Ulaaler, Molcnoi (Ilamllton) and Plumb, Mr. Baoll tban moved tbal the BU should nol RO into operation in oonntie where Iho Canada Temperance Aol ia in force. L-istou the aanie oivisiuu. An amecdmonl propoeicg to restrict tb sale ot patent medioinca to those nol cap* ble of baing n&ed aa beverages, WAD curie by 24 to 22. The Bill wai then passed aod tho Benat adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. In tbe Oommona to-day petition* bearing tever*! thbnsanda of sigoaturea praying fo au amendment to tbe Bcotl Act were pre tented. O j motion ut Bir II. Lingevin, tba tim fo; receiving reports en Private Bills extended to tbo 29ih insi. Bir II Lacgbvin read tha following letie Irom Dr. llovard, tbe mediol attendau of Bir John Uacdouald : Ditir Sir, "Iareplyloyanreoqatri-j4l my aay tba B>r Johu'a [ n>oi:l ojiidit uu IB remarkabl Hood. Tuough bia l.cil symptoathiiv been vtry ooa'.iualo, >>.! tnay are co undergoing a rapid cb>UKo for tbe bolter a id 1 1.1 ik forward to hia o iiuiilele valaaoonoe a: au uiriy day." (Ap^ilaai Sir A. CJkr.u', replying tu Mr. Mulcck mt-!i:toly ruture the Hon-o eaily tb rtp.tiof he B aril ot Officrn appoiute daiiug tbe p*si jsr to investigate at. rc(,.-.Ti upon tho wo:)icg of tu.< faoi'vy at yactKP. ri-r B (Jr*rub Meked wiiu.hcr i. i Iho IL'.O-HUU of tbo Q .v. mint ..t '.o pr, 4. on aoy aaieaJtuuui tn iho Franohiit. Ac uQ otiOit tbe qu^lino<ktiou ol uuy clias o vji-.r:, dim: i; loo precutkMii.o of meiit. M?. Toompdcn The O^veraineut ar now oousidtiriog Ibe aubjao] r.if^rrtd to i Ibe quealioa. Borne amouduienla wn f :cbaDly bs made. 1 am DOS in a po itio io Bay tbat they will b uf tbe kin meutioned iu tha q lantiou. Mr JamieiiOD preHuted a Bill to ameai the Bpott Act. lij u^l.i.e) Chit tii proviiiina were bouibwht I>UUH.>OUH t Ilium iniroluoed by bimsolf Ukt year a tbe, instance of tho Djiuinion Prohibitor Alliauco. At preseul, uudcr tue law, I taerc wero two registry i ITio.u ia ib county s petition aust bo d (<oti:ed iu 01.0 before tbe Aol could bo nabmiited to , vote. It was proposed t} | ruvido tba depositing a pelilioo in une rcgUlry cfflo in th ocuuty wonld bp suffioieul. Thtr were teobuiol diffiouUics vthicti prevute Ihe Ac) being aubmilted in Briiii Cjlnmbia. AmcndmoBU weru propose which would provide that in tbal VroviLo ihe Ao: might ba bubo.itted ia an, electoral district, instead if ooonty as provided ia tbe Aol. Il wt intended to provide means for nub tuitliDg the Aol in tbe proviMunal motii oi*;al diaincts ofOJlario. It was proponed also, U> provide tbal drnggieta and other selling liqu:r under tbe Aol might sell in Isbb qnantilioa tban a quart. At present i was provided tbal they oanld nut do so for what reason he di-i nol know. Tbi only exception il was proposed to ma* waa where medical men gave fraudulent o; colorable certificates. At present all tb enforcement claused of tha Bill wen applied to tbe Dnakin Ao) counties, exoep tho starch clauses, aid il was proposed t< extend the bcarch olauiea to tbeio counties and moreover to give tbe right of searob a night u well an in Ibo daytime, aa al pre scul provided. Tbo laal ol the me: io>pu:tanl changes waa to ircvido that ; : flues wero to be divided bstweea tbo pro sooutor and the ocucty iu whieh tha aui was brought, and to provide a schedule foi justices of tbe pokoo, witb a view to pro venting righteous judgments beitg < vor ruled by tbo Courts through m.- roly leobnioal errors. The Bill was read a firs time. Mr, MiaSIillau presented a Bill to pro. vide lor tbe distribution of tba asaeta 01 iceolvent debtors. Tbe Bill was read a first time. Mr. White (Miniatcr of the Interior) prs son ted a Bill to amend tbe Dominion Lands Aot. Ue deroribed tbo principal amend mcnis as followa : Homesteaders may make entries before tbe senior olerk in tbe LandOffloe. It the agent were absent, instead of il being necessary to make the entries before the agont himself, peraina may mako entriea fo: bomeateada and pre emptions, and maka certain improvsmcnla wiluont roeidenoe for two years. When tbroo years expired, In order to aeonre a patent a man muni put in three years' real lenee like ordinary settlors. Tbia waa intended to meet the oaao ol Ihe huge ol ot people wbo worked on railways, etc., aod leeired to have an opportunity ot gecnring land nol having the means to begin rcsi denoe at once. Hamesleadiug would be abolished. Even those who most strongly lavored this principle before il was actually tried, now, be believed, agreed tbal il bad not worked aatistaotorily. The right of exemption, whieh expired at tbo end ot this year, waa to bo extended to 1890. The 3ther amendments were technical, having to do with Ibe organization aud routine work of the department. On Orders of tho Day being called, Dr. Orion rose to a qneailon of privilege, lie read the artiolee in the Old,, ol yesterday referring to himself. He said: " Now, Mr. Speaker, I stated on a former occasion tbal [ reaented, as far aa I personally was con- earned, tUose attacks, made without a shadow of foundation, for I am sura tbere a nol a aingle hon. member of Ihia Ilou'e bnt will agree with me tbal there was not a shadow of ground tor anon a baae attack upon my personal character in Ibis Horn a) Jinoo Ihe commencement of this session 7 have worked with my fellow-members lisidiouily in tbe interests ot my oonstila. eatfl and of Ihe whole country aa tar i| my bumble abilities would permit, and I uink il a cruel wrong that the families ot hi lion, membera and their tender- <earlrl 'riendn should have thtir i.o!iu,,b hariHOed by attacks 01 this ii-jj attxcki uci, made in tbo puMio i.i regie, not ouioulated to advance ;be public ibtereal ol tbii country, ur to atitnee tbe respect that abould bu pei i to thia Home, made up of representative of Ibo people. I maintain ,hat it is the duty of tbia lioaae to aacart ts dignity. Ttere waa no attempt made >y Ibo bun. Speaker or by any momber of tbe House to expreia an opinion with regard to snob attacks, aud I then mated that tbe only policy that oould be pursued Ay tbe membera to prevent Ibeir friends [rom being harassed by snob attacks was to take the law into their own bauds [cheers ond laughter) aud I am aorry to ay I fell under tho painful and disagreea- ble necessity of pursuing that course. Oautltmen who aro privileged to occupy places iu the preax gallery in this HOUHU do not make there villainous allackt ol their own ttcoord, but parly wire pullers tido ot this Hoii-t have laid it down as a distinol policy to fatten; the Opposition, intending, as they bd no policy to present to the leoik', to enter npon a con- sistent policy of persouiil Blander npon the membera on thia side. I do not believe tbere are any members of Ibis House who would enter npon snob au unworthy policy, but al the same timo I have a right to eay tbal tucae gentlemen wbo occupy tbe press gallery are instigated by other*. I have Ihe high- est rcapuci for Ihe press. I maintain il is degrading and debasing to Ihe preas to attempt to tx$rt an iciluonoe upon Ie gisla- tion hero by making these unwarranted atiuofcb opan tbe numbera. No member ia e&fe from such attack*. One might oonio into Ibis Chamber accidentally witb hia collar or cravat disordered, and tbat nonld be the occasion for a personal attack upon bim. I hope tbal, if tbe policy I bavo iudioated i nol to be entaUibhed, members will lake bttpa to thjy> their disapproval of these at] hers. TUK CAM-ANDKK KX rKNSHOW. loiKlllloll ! Ih, ll'-ublr tJm'll ibe uirnciri iwl il" afnrril Tuo dttie of opeting iho Northern it l'oino JuLOtion Railway baa uol yet twAu dioidednpoc, and it ia poitiblt il may "> dulnyid for tofuo months yet Adir|ite baa arueu between tbe Gsneral Maca^i r 1 1 the Northern & Northwestern Kailwnj*. tho lesttes cf Iks road.aLd the contract c IB, which may defer tba tkking onej of tbo_ roai till the first of November; ^n former wuut.i to have the bonds wbio bavu li tu acoepied by Metsrii. Iletdr Hyaiu-eniC: , in part payment fot i eoLBtrootlon o( the Hue, made to cover tl : portion ot tbu tu-.J from La Va*e EC'' to Lake Timiicauiiug as well as tbea>' plated line. Tbe rod from Li Vaael- !1 ban uotivtn bad tbe lirnt Hcdtorr '' ytt, midai there Bceru -i little prob tbat the wuk will ba c.:n.ujenced ttatsly Illi: COSTBACTOBS OBJECT to thin blot> kumded in the line them, eaptc>iiy as every eent txpendtd jsj the rod cnKidcof the Ooverument tnbrfBy haa beeii foroitbed bylbCIB. Beai.iima the maniigement cf tbe Northern & N .1 .! wi-htcrn bava a Bill before Parliament pro- viding for ihtireontsnlion. The eontruotors say tbia is clearly oaUide of tbe c=i. tract they mada with the oompany, and Ihrtaun to hold tbe road till November IMI in aooordatoj wilb their legal rights it the company carry their Bill through Tbo equipment of tbe road is nol yet ready, ba) tbe tpioiuoationa for building il bar* b -n preja-eJ. It will lake months stter the contract is let V T V boudctt' 1 BKFOB AY OF TUX mBMKlWl STOCK can be delivered. The road ilaell could ready by il . , Io (or freight buainekK, vtry aoon after for paaacnger bueu ej tbcreouly remains DOW some. " ' be dene, becidea wLich A 'i on IN A . nm mm* Ilo l*llcc. Tke Ten thousand the Tayon Avenue* ing when an attemt Ibe freight blockade' l'3 Ua One tram got tbr! There must bavo teen twent 1 . six oara when they alarlcd. oars were Htock-still the polii and posed wilh folded armi-, bul ol tha start 01 settled them all, staggered around the roofa cf tbe cars' drunken tailors on dtok ia a r.tcrmy sea. wild laugh went out as Ibe poli<-e began to' weaken. Bame ot them flopped right down and aal on tbe foot-Board, wbtle others got down tlowly and tqaattcd on tniir calves, bo'ding en for dear life A wild langb waa eel op on all sides aa tbe little train bUrtcd. When tbe young man turned he ai:oh the i-.vgite paused on all right, but il waa very soun discovered tbat ivarjtbibg waa not all ilgbt witb tbe train. Ii was nowell in tbe 1'irw.ud pirt. Tbe nrrt car brgau to wobbl? B little, tbeii it -vg ' a liitlo to the right witb a joll, a- i wbita tho valiaul policemen on top w< -e recovering from tbat shook thoro waa a bump ou the left. Tb*n lucre OIDJC a t'BCceebiou ol bumps, for tbo oar waa cfl tba truck aud tbe wheels were bumping nl-iug on, tbe ties, every bu'i.p i-Fndin tbe police- mtu Uf io the air, < o tbal the speolat- r* Tiul 1 >*e tbe ky b >w<in Ibeir (eel and th tori ot ;h o>ra Bucb laughing -n there wai then only thote who beard U cau imagibe. Tucn tberu wits a final puff, tbe rins ot smoke sailiig away up straight in tbe air. Another jork, aud another uast.i- moua eitiicg down ct tbu p:li:e. u snoaea aiou of crackles aud jx^lenol tbe liaka, and Ibe train bad aUried. The crowd waa atill aa death. Tbo train palled ou. little nlowly, and pwei-d under tha bridge. AH it did ao every policeman ducked bit hen!, thcngu an eight footer oonld easily utand en a oar and PUJO uodor without dagger. The flrl couple of jerka of t'uo OJTH ons'.ltUd tbe poliojiDcn, too, aid one by o>>e thty man- aged to ail JOWL, u-t btveral attempta provod it Io be impoimibla for fcix men to hold on to ono brake. The line tl polio] on timber tide ol tLe traok-i waa biokcc, aud the oroid duhid towarJ tb-i train, bu. tha ergiueor palled tbe tLro',tlaopen,aud there wan no earthly obaooa (or thoaa wbo were bo diipnued to pull out tha pin*. Beveral caught the ruugH of the ladder* uu tbe Hides of the can, but jniopol cfl on a damoubti* tiuu by Ibo police. Theu the crowd (al- lowed in tbe wake ot tbe engine, tbe tracks being biack with fco;!c. Bol tbe tr.iu gained rapidly and was FOOJ on! of bight. fit. Louii Olobe Democrat The bn-Bi tiill.h l.nuillanl The Duke ot Portland ia oouataotly referred to aa a great London landlord. Tbe tact is tbat at the deavh of tbe late Duko the Marylebone estate, whiob is ol vaM value, passed, under aelllement, to hi) sisters, Lady Oasington and Lady Howard de Waldco, who also biOime proeaaed of a oor.siderable portion ot the Ayrshire property. Tba present Dukd inherited tbe Derbyshire and Notlg estates (43,000 acres), a property of 11,000 acres in Northumber- land, which came to the Bentlnoka from the Ogle family ; 80.000 aorea in OaithncFH, all tbe estate* in tbat oonnly having been purchased since 185.5 by Ibe late Duke, ud also some properly ia Ayrshire. By tbe way, there is no truth in tbe report that the Duko ot Portland in ergaged to be married to a yonng lady (rom New York. Tho Dako is not engaged to anybody, and bas no present intention ol changing hie condition. London Truth. It re*^m^PsVslsassV3 L olv aud a man namid Smith will s rikeV ' more money. I he I'n TOI Hr Prt .crlpil.u Dr. R. V. Pieroa. ot Buffalo, N T.. whcas name LKH bcooma known ov>.r tbe world through hia snecsas aa a |i > -icun, and erptcially throunb tbe rcpntati .; f bin " Qoidtn M- Jical Dingovery/'h^ doi e a goal work ia pre^hriug an e-peeial r, lucdy for thb many distressing troubles oU-sed aa "Jeuiile wettkuensbS. "It iskoown < the 'Favorite Pas9rlpuon." Uniir il admiubtration all tbe pelvic orga ,a a Btnr n\luLtd, aud the woman b-t emb.diuicnt ot health and beauty ich O._ uituded her to be. aulnoh io diam > r on treea in Ban BtrnV'" Ncrrlllar, Wkiti Ii Isf J Polson'a NsBvnjn is a eambil tho moot [oxtct pain relieving an known to medioil toienoe. Tbe ' progreea m1n io this department (i points upward and onward. Nervil tba latuat devel ipmenl io tbia J embodies the latest discovtri . neuralgia, cramps, paina io the external, internal and local Nerviin no cqail. Etpend 10 ointa in tba 1 1 ot a sample bottle ol Nerviliue and vicorcl of its tnarvollont power ov 8 I : by drufgiata. Large bottles 2 Tbe Grown Prince ol Germany I aa enty two orders ani decorations. n . BrMack, or nrnl. nogleoted, often beoomes atraDguU''o> proves fatal. We employ a new iat and gu*rauto a oure iu tvery outo > . Hy. Beud 10 ojnta in stamps f r pi pbla) and referencea. World's Dio IMsMl A Hooiaiiou, 603 Main BuS*lo, N.Y. A Ju.ii '. Pint Chargr. He aaid : " QaDtlemtn o! the jury, charg- ing a jury ia a new bnainesa ta ine aa this is my first case. Yon have beard all the evi- dence aa well as myself. You have also bokrd what Ibe learned counsel Lave said. If you beliava what tbe counsel for plaintiff uu told yen, your verdict will be for the plaintiff; but if, on tbe other hand, yon baliova what the defendant'* counsel baa told yon, tben you will give a vardiol fot tbe defendant. But il yon are like me and don't believa what either of thorn have said, then I'll be blowed it I know what yoa will do. Constable, lake charge ol the jury." Critical and Surgical Reporter. A IIIK Ituiiil. Henry Bmitu, of a palace- oar conductor ou tbe Krio Railway. Hia " run " ia between Jersey City and Ubicago. Ha is well known in Rondont, and has extraordinary large hand]. Ho tells of a sued story that happened to him at tbe Ohio-^o depot one day recently. Ho hnog >ne ot his hands out ol a our wiadow. Shortly after he t|ll some ono palling and feeling of first one finger and then tbe other. He stuck, hia ued oal of the win- dow arid aaw a man, wbo aaid : " Bay, mister, how do you sell bananas apieoe ?" 'iiiigiton freeman. A i i ,, | <..! IB The agrienllnral papers of India aro nveighing against the plague of goata there. There are something like 14,000,000 goata n tbe presidency, of Madraa, and il ia illeged that nol only have they destroyed outig forest srcoa, but reduced, through he annihilation of moisture absorbing herbage, many of the water ooureea into dry ravines. A qnestion likely aoon to oome to the ore la Ibe practicability of tunnelling etween England and Ireland. At one jxiinl Iht distance ii under twenty-two milei. A plug stream (rom a Are hoae, tho , den Tim.'i declarta, ia the be<} tbi:.,; which to confront a riotous mob. DUNN'! BAKINQ POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND D V W.I,. IT HO. Bend for catalogue ot Fruit, Grain and Truck Farms ID tbt centr.. or tb* famooa Peaob Bali of Delaware, to D A V I H Of CO , Mm , in. OKI.. Till fit I in OF NHWPOBT For )! a collection of SO paokeU ol obolce Flower Beeda no two alike; best oolleotlon for constant l)lomlnti all Bummer. Adclrest A. \\. POTTBB Newport B. I. YOUNG MEN Daisy 40 cent<. Sample by Mll for 16 oantB (silver). Agents awn tod. Donsldsoa A Co., Riobmond H:., London, Out. I CURE FITS ! BraBCudce, 37 YoDgeSt,, Toronto, You are MIowM a frtt trial nftMrlv itmri of the n oflir. Iij.-'iC, ],.|,rt.'.| Vullalo IU-11 with r*~n.<ory Applmnnn, fnr thn . , IKM..V n-,. BMiwnt RUIO a< Mrroiu /VMH/V. Ion of rfta MaiMmx', mill all klmlnxl truuliloi. Aim for n-a other, llc\wc. Compluta resiomilDn to Ilcahu, VI and Halititnxl tmaranWd. No rink In in run ml. IlTtu tr.^'.l | mphli't In ivnlnf rr,rrliwmall>irr<>'-, l' o( treating VOl.TAIUBBL,T(JU.,nianhall.MV IN SOUTH AFRICA. Adventaras among the Dwarf* and Jrll- !> of tb* Snrk < Harm. Price IJo. I W. J. PLAYHH, Hasuawoya, Osi7 HOME | TDDT u Ii<)ok ' k t ' rtn *' Basin* e T?^- P< ir n t^ rlMl1 * Bborlland, Me NY , t by mall. Olrealan trt* BUBIHB8B R. U. AWARE THAT Lorlllard's Climai Plftj

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