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Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1886, p. 2

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Oal Wetee* Heart. Only i wonau'* bearl. whereon You ba trod in yonr carel*** haile ; A thing at be tbt wa* *a*T won J \Vlial uintor bofc dnar a wait* Bar life nur tx In tb* future yean? imaueuillf Oonotttar*- lt i ou I ylboiiadol dropping tn A. rUO| llUIil 4 WUIUkll I bvart. Tli ol littl* wortn, f or It coit you Bat a non*red word ana a ml- Waatbe fault not her., il *be blindly tboiigtit You were trur uian troth the while V What it ttuieediof & life long wo* From tt broken ilirio* upstart? W bat doet It matter to you '.' i ou know It II OQly t woman's boar t. Only a heart to b tnrown away With thtncklaMneai that a boy Who, eanlMa of iilea*nre aud wary of pity. Would throw down a broken Joy. The world li fair nJ tbe world U wide. AuJ tnere ' moru la iu buny mart; iCoDKiecct, ycu know you have pat aeidt) II II only a woman'* bear t. B at powerleM If your boa* tod w 11 1 To vaiiquuii tbe ijboel of tin. It bti i>oku ofl. and It wbiipen Hill Your soul'i ilark chaiuberi ID ; In tb drama of one life you know You Lave acted tbe villain i paurt, foi you atrack a batd, a cruel blow, And It fell on a woman'* bean. O nlj a woman ' heart, ftb. well! Til little, I trow, to you Whether that heart was aa talaa ai hall, Oiu beaten ittelf aa true. Yon ma; hug the tiiougbt to yoar lelflih brtut TLit you're eklllexl in deceptioD'i art ; But I brand you thief. lor the peace and rent Thai you Mole Iruin a woiuaa'e heart. lltlen A Lyric oi i in i 'If* the leaitin ol failing 1 tbe bell boeuii rather to toll tbao to caime : In i tie Kline of Ltlfe'i gaietioa, |*u I For the umpire butbonteU out "T !" And the boau and belle of tha ball. WLio lie wiater in revelry (pent. Now etop fur a moment to breath*, W Lile Uiey solemnly lay " It is Ixial." llyou have an u uibrella of Bilk Which a yoan t man d*iiri- to borrow. Witli the promise moat falibfnlly made To return it Jay after to uiorrow. aid 5 uu koow from exportuuM u*l That the day will be week> In extent, And wuh an eicnie to reply. Yon can truthfully say "It ii Lent, A I. in Ir Yew *. A year, a little yew ago. hae lorad me; 1 could MI The faint, aoft color oome ami go Whene'er ah* looked at m : Bhefladly would ka?e joined her fate To mine, lor weal or woe; Hot I did net reciprocate A 1 it tie year ago. Alu, I mad* a great faiuc JKU / My conduct waa moat rain ; Binoe then bar aged fodmuanii Uaeleftherlotaofeaab. IThtn 1 propoewl to brr to-day Bbe coldly answered " Mo; O, fool, who Umw hli luck away A little yoar ago I MONICA. : i iurnoa OF " TBTLLM," " HOLLT BAWN," WD OTUSLB rorcLAB NOTMU. Bat ibt pays no heed to his question thinking il doubtlett beneath her. " Al Uaai," ibt ia>e, wilh Liue ecoro, " you nttdn'1 be untruthful." "Do you know," says Mr. Desmond, deiperattly , " you art making the mail wonderfal remarks I ever beard in my lift ? Thert u DO beginning lo tbtm, and I'm dreadfully afraid Ibait will bt no ending." " No doubt," teorntnlly, " yon avi afraid." " If I allow, I am," tayi Daacoad, humbly, ' will il induce you lo txplsu'n?" "You waul no explanation," indignantly. "1'ou know very well what you oonf rued while ago, that tbat -'yon were' I Tbire !" " Where T" " Flirting witb Olge Bobanl" " Wnal ?" "Ton did. Too know yoa did. Ob. wbil perfidy I Only a momul since yoa declared il optnly, shamelessly ; and DOW yoa deny il I Why, I wooldn I bare believed il, (van ot yoo. How oau you pretend to forget il .'" Bui tbal tdere are lean born of real emotion in her great eyee. Mr. Oeemoud would auuredly believe tbe u making a vaii joke at hii expense, so innocent ii be of any offence. "It by eorne unfortunate method," be eayi, calmly, " yoo have mitamorpboied toy tpesea of mine into a declaration re- latlTB to a flirtation wilh Mr. Boban, yoa have done an anoommonly clever thing. Too bavi turned a lie into truth. I nivtr aid even one ipoony word to Olgt Bohan in all my life." " Tben why," in a still maoh-iggrievid tont, bat witb ttrong symptoms ot relent- IUK, did yoa ley yoa were f" " I doo't remember rayiag il t all," tayi f>oor Mr, Deemocd, who had fovgolten all boat hit interrupted remnrk. " Tben whai war* yoa ityiog lo Olg jail Ml*wm*in ?" " Ob t thai 1" brightening into a re- rxembranoe of tbt pail by the greatest ffood look, or Ibe quarrel might have proved a final ote (whiob would have been a tad pity, ajo many right good one* followed it). " You itopped me jat DOW wb I wu going to teU yoa about it. When yoa came tbii evening I wat da,nein wilb Olga, and talking to bet of yoa. It WM tome mall eoneolalioD." " Bat yon were tmiling tl her," Btys Mooioa, laJlering, " and wbiiperiof; to ber wbtopiring I" " Of yoa. Too believe me ? Monica, look at me. Do yoo know I really think that Bat tali valuable thought it fonver loil. Glancing at bin companion, bt tei a change oome over the tpiril of btr (aoe. Her eyei brigbten, bat not wilb, fleasara- ble anticipation. Quite tbe reverie. She layi ber band suddenly upon bi> arm, ind gaite into the landing- place bsnealb. " There in Auu t Priteilla I ' she aavi, 10 n awe elmok toi.e. " She ban jail oome oat of tbal room. She IH. I know," a Knilly oonaoienco making a coward of ber, " looking for me. B be may 00 mi here! Go, go !" "Bat I on'i leave yon bare alone. " " Yei, you can ; you oin, indeed. Only try it. air. Deemond, pleat! go." Tbis be eays BO anxiously tbat be at onoe deeidei (though with thtotmoit rolaotanot) there ii nothing left him bat to obey. /lad, after all. Aunt Ptiiellla never looks up Ibot* itairt, bot panes by tbem, dimly lit aa tbey are, an though they had niver been bull ; and Deemond, unknowing of tbii, goes tadly into tbe da>noing-room oeleneihly in search of Kelly, but witb hie mind BO loll of bit aroei little love that he dote not tee him, although) bt ia within a yard of him at one time. Now, Mr. Kelly, when he quilted the fatetol itair-eaae, ban turned to bit right, with a view to getting aomt fritndi to lounge againtt a door-way wilb him, but tailing in thiiqaeil, bad entered tbe dane- ing-room, and edged round il by degreet not ao much from a desire (or motion aa becaoae be wai elbowed ever oiiwurdi by tired dacciri who sought the friendly top- porlof tbe walls. Beacbiag at length a certain eorner, be diteroainee to make hii own of il and defend it againil all assailants, be they men or Amaaoni. It ii aeharming eorner, and eUmoat Im- rregn able ; il ii for tbii very retton alto taoet aneeeapable, ae he learna to hie eoet later on. However he eomti to anchor , and Lot aronnd him. He it qaile enjoying bimMlf, and in miking private oommtntH on bii fritoda tbal I bave no doubt would bi raptoxooily received by tbem eonli Ibiy only hear tbem, wben bt wakee to tbe Iot tbat two people have o^me to a tland-itill jnat before him. Tbey are engaged in Ml only an animated bat an amioablt diioaeiiorj, Mid are laughing gayly : ae Itnghttr ie tven more dultDgniibable in a nrowd (ban Ibe voiee wben in re|)OM, Mr. Kelly inillracted by Ibein, and to bii Mtoniabment di- tbat hie aiar ueigbbora are) ibe deadly enemltf of an boor agooe-i. e, Bin. Bohnu and UlioBoua>ue. N j faipieel traoo ot tpleei. u to be dil- covered in their tone*. All ii onoe more enubint. Fail itomt are forgotten. Tbty have eridtntly been carrying on lbir duoaeeion for a eontiderable tioie wbilot dancing, batatJM it ia only the very end of it tbat m reserved for Mr Killy' dtleotatioo. He, poor man, it hemmed in on every tide, and flndt to bii horror he oannot make his eeoape. ThU being BO, he riiigat bimttlf with a grim teote ot irony to tbe position allotted him by fate, and, being aoarcfnl man, mtkee up bit mind, too, to derive what aumtemtnt tiorn il that hi can. "Bo )on tee everything depende upon judgment," s>a tbe lair widow, fanting berbelf languidly, bat smiling archly. " A good deal certainly ." "Everything, I My. Determined to toeeeed, and the power to do il, are strong in tbemeelvcs ; bnt judgment tempers all things. And tr?w few pop sees til three I" "I, at least, tm grateful for that. If every cne was endowed witb those three irresistible forces, I should have a bad chance, I should be but one among so maty. Tben il could only be decided by brute toioe." " What could ?'' aaked sbr, turning a fair bnt amazed face up to bis. " Ob, nothing !" returns be, wilh some oontacion. " Only tome tilly tboaghl of my own private brain not tbe part I was devoting to your argnmanl. Forgive me. Yoo wtre saying T" " Tbal there is a tremendoaa amooal of feebleoMB in moel naluies. The teal olever thing is to be able to lee when an opportunity for good arises, and thsa to graup n. Moet psople oau't see il, yen know." " Olbera oan 1" says Mr. Roaayue. As be epeaka he |>aBSbs his arm rouad her pretty waisl acd smiles saucily into her eyes. " \Vaat 1" exalaims she, smiling in tarn, ii am I an opportunity, then V ' " The Bweeteet one 1 know, and so I sieae il," lays the aodaoiooa youth ; while Mr. Kelly, behind, feels as it ho is going to sink into tbs ground. 14 Ton don't andentand what the word meani, yoo silly boy," says the widow, laughing gayly. " Urn's 1 1 I only wiib I might paree and ipell it with you," eayi Ranayne, hie ipirits riuicg , at whieh answer, I regret lo say. pretty Mrs. Bobon Isngbe again merrily, and cuffari him to lead ber away into the daooing circle witbanl a rebuke, leaving Mr. Killy limp with fear ot die- oov.ry. Now bia impriionmsnt being at an end, be letvee his oornsr, and, braving the anger of tbe daneing people, walks straight through their midst to tbe door beyond, ready to endore anything rather than the taves dropping, bowevtr, innocent, of a moment pail. Filled therefore with courage, he sallies forth, and on ths landing outside encount- ers tbe two Miises Blake clothed for departure, wilh Monica and Kit beside them. 'lertcoa is still bidding adieo to MIBH Fitzgerald, whose tall obtrms have worked a way into bis youthful affections. L)Mmo>nd is standing at a little distance from Ibia group ; Mr. Hyde Is in the midst of il. Be is czpostolatiog with Mui.ioa about the cruelty ol ber early departure, in a tone that savors ol tenderness and rouse* in Mr. Desmond's breast a hearty desire to kiek him. Tben Mr. Byde carries on bii expostulations lo where Aunt Pris- eilla intending; and Brian tries vainly lo gain a taut glanee from Monies, il only lo see whether iht Irtaly ot ptsoe between them interrupted a while ago has been really signed or not. Bol Monies., titber through will uloeis or ignorance of hie near locality, or lorhsps fear ol Mist Prieilla,refuteii to meet his longing eyss. For my pert, I believe in Ibe wiitulneu. Kit, who IB always like the locales ot anoient fame, " alive O," sees bis dieeooso- lale face, his earnest, unrequited glance, and Monica's awumed or real indiflorsnoe, and feels sad al heart for him. Delib- erately, and witb a sweet, grave smile, the boldi out lo him her small band, and, rc> gardless ol oonicqaenoet, gives bis a hearty squeeze. MOB! tuaukf oily be acknowledges this eoarteey ; wbereopon, ot her still further charity, nbs bestows upon him a glacoe from her dark eyes tbat speaks volumes and astnres him b* has in her a friend al eoort. Tbtn all is ovsr. Tbe two Misses Blake go slowly and wilb caution down the Bleep ilairease, Monlea and Mr. Hyde (who growt more devoted every iu:< u:e) follow- ing. Terence and Kit bringing np tbe rear. Daring Ibe drive home ths Misiss Blake (wbobave thoroughly enjayed Ihemtelve*) are b3lli pleaeant and talkative. As tbe old horsei jog steadily along the twilil road, they o}nveree ia quite a lively fanbion of all tbey bave board and noticed, and liagh deaurely over many a small jokr. Kit, of ecuree, is in raptarss. Her first party, and snob a soeesss I She bad danced one set of qaadrillts and ons polka, two whole dances ! Te gods, was there ever to happy a child I She chatteri and laogbs and rallies everybody so gaily that Ibe old aunts are fain to die of merriment. Val Monlea who might as tbe chose bavt bad two partners for every dance, is itraogely silent and depressed. No word eaoapes ber ; ibe leant back wilb ber pretty tired head pressed close against tbe ouehionB. Perebanee little Ell notices all thip, because, when any one addresses Monica ahe makes answer for ber in the moel tareless manner possible, and by bsr Hharp wit turns tbe atlention of all from tbe lister she adores ; yet in bet heart she ie angry wilb Monica. Ones only daring this homeward drive something occurs to disturb the serenity of Ibe Misses Blake. Kit, in one of her merry tallies, bat touched up >n Misa Fitzgerald, whereupon Aunt Prisoilla, mindful of that late and lingering adiu of Tersnoe, says suddenly : " And how do yoc like Mils Fitzgerald, Terence?" " Bbe'a delightful, auut," sayt tha stricken Terenee enlhuiiaatioally. " Perfectly en- chanting I Yon never met no nice a girl 1" " Ob, yen, I think I bave, Terenee," says Mies Prieeilla fret /. ogly. " I am, indeed, ore I bave." " There's something about her right down fetching," lay* Mr. Beresfoid, giving him- *!( atra. " Something er there, bot diffioall to describe." ' A ' je ne sail quoi young man,' " quotes the younger Miss Berehford with a Boeer. sver overhung tbe earth. Tbe moon it al ill fallMl, the wind has fallen, all is calm as heaven itsell, through which Diolynua't unclouded grandeur rolls. The Misse-i Blake, fatigued by tbeir on uinal dissipation, ordered an early ronl au booragone, whereby bjdroom oaudleitick* were in demaud al cino or hall-past nine o'clock. Now, in otonioa's room, Kit it Blandioi by the open window, gaaing in rapt adoiira ion al the dew- spangled garden bebeatb Like diamonds glitter the grata acd tbe flowers beneath tbe kit* of the qiecn night. Moonbeams ate playiux ii tbe roei* and wrestling iu the lilies and rocking to and tro upon tbe boiom ot Ibo stream. Tbere is B peioe unspeakable on all around. Oae holds cne't breath and feels a lunging paiuful iu iu iakusily ad cue driuka iu the beauty ot ibe earth and ky Twero heaven to bo assured 1 1 lore on such a night SB thi. Stare make tbe vault above to fioe tbat all the world, metbinka, sb- uld bo in love with Light and pay DO wornhip to the garrUb bun. There is a raah pi feeling iu the air a promise ot belter things to come ol hope, ol glad detire, ol sweet 1 <VY per tooled 1 " How lovely a night it i. ! ' says Kit leaning fir cnl ol tbe window snd gixirg westward. She i* at heart a born artist, with a ii.ii J, iudetd, too loll ot strange, weird tboughu at times to augur well for tbt happiness of her future. Like many ol her Iri*b race, she is dreamy, poetical in tenbu atone moment, Ray, wild, impulsive the next. " Bse what a flood of light there id on everything," tbe iye. '"Bathed in tnuOA- lutbi,' what a gaol thcughl was then I MOP ion, wben I am as old an yoa, ia a very tew shorl jbars I shall bs a poel." " No, yoa won't, darling ; yoa will be a musician. See what fairies lie beneath yoar fingers even now when you touah the piano cr violin ; be content, then, with your great gilt, which mast surely in yours. And to me, indeed, it seems a grander thiog to thrill and enchain and draw to your teet al hearts by tbe power ol harmony that dtrellt within you, than by tbe divine gift ol aonf that poets have." " Bat their songt are harmony," ta;s tbe child, turning quickly to htr " Ay, the interpretation ct il, bat yea hkve its very breath. No ; search tbo world over and yoa will find Doming ia powerful to affcol tbe sonU ol all as music." " Well, some day I shall want to do some Ibing," sayi Kit vaguely, and then ibe turns to Ihe window again atd lei* her mind wander and lose itself in a mule sonata to tbe fair Itis tbrcned above. " Ii draws me," she says presently, rising i lowly and addressing Monica, but always wiln her gtzs fixed upon the sleeping garden below. ' Ii is BO bright BO clear." "Whal, Kit?" ' Tbe moonlight. I muel," restles&ly, " go down into il tor a little moment or I shall not deep thrcugb longing for il." " fial Ihe doors are eloeed, my dearest, and Aout Priioilla it in bed, and to aro the servants." "Bo much the better. I can draw the bolts myself without being qacstiooed. Too said jail now," gaily, " I nave a fairy be uealu my fingers. I think I bave a moon fairy in my heart, beoaoso I love il to." " Blay here with me, then, and worship il senmbly from my window." " What I Do yoa look for sense io ' mean struck madneee f No ; I tball go down to my scented garden. I have a fancy I ean- not ooEqoer to walk into tbat tioyflima- while palb of moonlight over there noar Ihe hedge. Do yon see it?' " Tee. Well, go, if Tilania oallt yon. bat Boon rslarn, acd bring me a lily I, too, bave a faney, yon see a tall lily, freth with dew and moonshine." " Ton shall bavs tbe tallest, Ibe prslliesl I ean fled," ea> Kil from Ihe door way, where the stands framed nuknowi: gly, looking such a slender, ethereal creature, witb eyee too large tor her small laee, that Monies, witb a todden pang of tear, goes swiftly np to ber, and, praseing ber (o her heart, bold* ber ro for B moment. " I kuow what yoa an tbicking LOW," eays Kit with anolber langb, " Ibal I shall di* early." "Kit! Kill" " Yes. lin'i it strange? I can read mott people's thoughts. Balbe happy about m*. I look fragile, I kuow, bol I tball not du " Sbe't tall enough to be one, at any rate. She's a horrid girl, I think." "You're Jealous," says Terence con- temptuously, "because yon know yoa will never be halt as good to look at." 1 If I thought tbal," cays Kit, growing very rid, " I'd commit suicide." Toll Ton are too silly a child to be argued with," isyi Terenie, in a tone tbat is not to be borne. Kit, rising in her seat, prepares tor bat- tle, and if), indeed, about to burl a scathing riboke upon him, wben Misa Priioilla inter- rupts ber. " What is tbii great charm you see In Mii Fitzgerald, Tersnee ?" ihs askiilowly. That ii jail what I oannot describe, aunt." " I honll think yon eouldu'l, indesd I" pate in Kit wratbfnlly. ' Bat, as I laid before, she ii delighUal." She may be," eayi MirB Priseilla, tbe moat damning doobt in her tone. " She maybe, my dear. Forbid tbat I ibould deny ill Bot tbere are some delightful people, Terenee, that are not good lor as." Bomebcw, after this, oonveraatioi dwin dlee until it U gone. Terenoe talks, Monica moons, Kit ponders, the llisiee Blake inoost and M, al last, home Ii reached. OBAPTEB XL It ii too o'clock and M lovely a night M until I am quite a respectable ego. Not a bideoos sge, you will understand, but witb my hair and my lieth intael. One kef pj one's hair until forty, docio'l one 7" "I don't know. I'm not forty," sByt Monica. " flu t hurry, borry cnt ot tbe gar- dtn, beoaaro ibe dew ii falling.' Down tbe dark tairoaso, through tbe darker ball*, into tbe brilliant moonlight g'MB Kit, Tbe wind, io.'t as latin, playi about hii pretty brows and nestles throngb her hair, rewarding itself tbun for ill en- fotcidqoiat ol an bear ago. Rvsllinx iu tbe freedom she bai gaiued, K't enters Ibe garden and boks lovingly around opon ber oompauiuns tbe #}weri. Who would sleep wbtn beauty mob at this u flnng broadcast npou tbe eaitb, wait- ing (or mao to feast bit elotbful eyet opoa il? Lingericgly, tenderly, Kit pataes by each slumbering blosipm, or guts into eaoh drowsy ball, until thi moonlit patch ol grasa ehe had pointed out to Moaioa ie l last reached Here sbt stands in shadow, glancing wilb ooy delight at the fairy land beyond. Tben she plunges in to it and looki a veritable fairy herself, slim and tall and beautifol, and more than worthy of tbe wand tbe laokp. Walking straight up her silver path, (he goes to where the lilies grow in a bed olote by the hedge. 0ot, before sbe comes to tbem.sbe nolea in In. hedge itself a wild oonvolvnlos, and just a little bayond il B wild dog rote, parent ol all rotes. She slays to pluck them, and tjjan " Kit," sayi a voiee lobduad and low, bol so distinct HI to sound almost in her ear. She itarls and then looks eagerly around btr, but nothing can she see. WM II a human voioi or a call Irom that old land that held ftraat Zos for its king ? A mes- sage from Olympus it well might be ou snob a mgbt a* this, wben all things breathe cl old enchantment and ol mystic lore. Almost she fears yet iiofta to see a sylvan deity peep out al ber from ths eiiilonia yonder, or from tbe white-flowered, sweetly- perfumed syringa in thai distant corner- Pan tho matioal, perhaps, wilh his swset pipes, or a yet more stately god, the beauti- ful Apollo, witb bis golden lyre. Ob, for the obanoe ol bearing inch godlike maei witb only ibe herself and Iht pale Dian for an audience I Perchance tbe goda have, indeed, beei good to ber and ssnt ber a special messag on tbii yellow night. Fear forgotten, I the eottaey ol tbit hope, the Blrangt obil Hands erect and wait* witb eager longin for a second summons. And il cornel, bat, Bias, in a latall earthly lone thai ruius ber locd hope lor ever. " Kit, il i* I. Liften to me," says som one, and then a bole in Ibe hedge i* clearei and Mr. besmond, stepping through It, en ten thi moonlit patch, flatbed, but chain a lesoly onembarratsed. Kit, pale with disappointment, regarda him Bilsntly wilb no gentle glanee. 11 And to think," ibe Myi at length, with Blow icoro, looking him up and down wilt msaiareless contempt, " to think I was mad enough to believe lor one long moment thai you might be Apollo, and Ibal yoor voice Wat a cry Irom Parnassas 1" At which, 1 regret to nay, Mr. Dstmond gives way to most onseerrly mirtb. niver dreamed I should attain to such great glory," be says. " I letl like ' the rapt one ot Ibe godlike forehead.' " "Tog may." says tbe younger Beresford, who has awakened from tb dnsk of "faerie lands forlorn" to Ibe light of earth. " loo may," wi " feel like it, bat yoa certainly don't look like it." " I aa not oamplett, I know tbat, ' nay.) Mr. U-iuij! J, still tali of uuhuly eijiy ment. " I luck bright Apollo's lute ttrui g witb bis bair,' hot il you will wait a motnsnt I will run back to Cxila and ge> tbe ueaml iniDg to it." Ut turns an it to fulfil bit word *, but K't Btopi him. " Don't co," iut> say* laughing gaily cow herself " Even tbe very original lute would not trautforoi you into a god. Stay if yoo want to. After all, now I am again iu my Bcnuee, I dare lay you are as gojd lo Ulk to as a heathen deity." "!" tays M;. Djsmoud tumbly. " Tbsy always thundered wneu they tpoke, ao think bow imposing and convincing ibtir arguments mail bave been I ' 11 Horrid, I tbonld thick," says Kn. " Aud now tell m= what troaght yon here." Tbiu is abrupt, but, taking ber in ber own mood, Datmond auewers bluntly " Mooita." " Sbe told yon to come ?" " No. But I want to tec Lor." " Sbe baa gone to ber room." Make ber leave it again. Tell ber I cannot reit autil I ite ber ; tell htr any- thing ; only bring ber to me for even one abort moment." "Bat II it tote time since I Itli ber ; perhaps the is in bed." " Bat cot Mlcep yet, turely. She loves you, Kit, iudase ber, then, to come to her window that I may even catch a glimpie of her, if I may not speak wilb ber. Snl she cannot bo ia bod ; il it so early," eays Mr. Desmond desperately. " Well," says Kil relenting and stiivicg to forget tbe blank occuioned by tbe sub- slilntiou_)t an ordinary Detmond lor an extraordinary deity, ' I'll Bee what can be done." " Yoa will," eagerly, " really 7" " Yet, really. 1 will stand yoar liiend," eayi Kit lolcmnly, feeling now tbat even if the old gods bave denied ber an intimate acquaintance witb them, still they bava devoted her to tha aervioe ot C0pid, and have secretly commanded ber to help on Ibe micMoatioas ot bit naughty little bi^b- ness. Then will yon tell her I want to tee ber bare, now lor only a bare second it ene so wills it? Will yoa tell her this from me ? Dear Kit, sweet Kit, I entreat yoa to do tbii," "Ob, how sweet I am when yoo want me to do tome thing; for yon I'' says the witb a little emile. " There 1 I oau see through you at clearly aa though yon wer* crystal ; but I like yoo all tbe same. V -u o-u-t have Home good in yoa to full in love wilh my MuLiea." "O:hera can fall in love with btr, too," returns be with moody jealousy. "Ah, yes, I saw that, too," says Kit till- ing her baud* excitedly. "Who could fail to h.e il? Who could fail to love her?' 1 >ays D.'imond sadly. Tbso, being in tneb very poor caee, and looking sorrowfully for comfort from any eouroe, however email, be lays nervously : "Kit, answer me truthfully you bave sworn to be my friend tell me, then, which do you count tbe better man him, cr me 7 ' Bat tbat a sense of honor forbids him 10 pry into hrta love's s.odt thoughts, be wou d bave aiked whom abe counted the bevler "Y/n," Biyi Kil, ' I have no doubt about u. I hato fat men, and and 10 does Monica. 1 bavt beard ber nay to, over aud over again." " Ob, Ktl, what a dear 111 Je girl ycu artl ' layi Mr. Dasmond witb grateful fervor. "Well, I'm glad you like m.'," lay* Kil, " beoBOM "frankly " I like yoa. Iiwa< very good ol yoa la lend thai gun to Terry. I haven't forgotten tbal, though, goodnei knows I only hope be won't do himself to death witb il" (the delights in Old Wcrl-l phrases such aa thi, ) . " and I like j ou, too, tor loving Monica. I-iu'i the "laying her hand upon hit arm and locking Uotilully Into bii eyes" uu't sbe pretty T" "Sbe ia like an angel," says DMiaoud teeling all bis heart go oat to the fragile, ethereal looking child before him, as be lis- tens to ber praises of her sitter. " Or a saint, perhaps. Monica 1s a caintly name. Was aba not tbe mother ol Bi. Augustine? ' ny Kit quickly. Alter the old KQtlr, a passion I jr tbe saiUs acd their MICH knd rotea tind Cory trials am mattibur tbildioh borom.^ "Qo, and thai reminded tot,'' kbe Bays, fho told me to bnog her in a lily, fresh wilb dew one ol 11 o 'o liliee over tbere ia thai dark corner. Do you see iberu tall acd white T" " I see. Lit me pick one for ber. Here, take il to ber, and," laying his lips UPJII it, Ibis wilb II." " I will. A&d now lei u e ran in aud try my nloioei t > peiaoede ber to come out bbre. But," ioabitully, ae she ren.aibers bow Moatca retuied with studied ooldntes to mseiiili par Mng glii. co al tbe Barracks a few bolr i ago, " do cot be too sore of ber cjining. Bbe rusy lefnie, yon know. Bbe is peculiar in many wayi and ibe tbinke herself ba^cl in honor to Aunt Prieoilla not to look si you. Bqt stay here, jast ia tbii spot, and iblnk all the tiue that I am doing m/ verybsef foryoa." To be conilua* li. Hlrn Ml|il|cli) ike llnl U t,..,. \ Nerd Uijlf llflmti Hhi|>d Heuuci*. Some of tLt new di i . art eo tlen.l) simple tbat ocly a prao.iord eje a; p t- oiates their ooitliueM aud oieril ; otbera-to gay aud beautiful that a chili would olatp it* haodt ia deiigtlat Ibe aigbl ol Ibeui, as tbe vi-iju ol a l*lry qateu's robe. Foi iniUDor, a new ui.del lir a walking dreu which 1 aaw on Saturday al Madame Rally ' illuolraHs tbe first elyle to pcrfte- UDU. lit Bimplieily IB lonelhiugpMilively extraordinary, linmade ot blank Indian oa>Hhmtr, having lium ia ii ot bliok em- broidery. The underskiil ie ptrftaily plain aiid rather narrow, with tbe tiniest liMle l>laitmg ahowiog uoder its cf^e Tbii ondemkiri is almost euciidy bidden by tbe tunic, winch ha* aa b^euiag right from ibs waiht to tho bottom, j .1 : a lulls to tbe left, about a finger fro:n tba front. Ner the waist, vrberc lao tutiio olobli, tbere are lwoorthre-4 tmall foldr, formitgavery sliglii dn>(iLg; itty lock oa if tbe mtteii*! bkd been lightly |>aiih<d up by a skilful hand aud bUyed ia ill place by magic Tbe buiJioe ba two poin:s al the back, aud under Ifae right baud vbe there are a few more ol thone liny folds, a little fuller and more uuonsrcus. Ot'eerwiKs tbe tnoie is> p'.ain, and nearly tvarywbere almohl toncbes the bottom ot tbe under- bkirt ; Ibe bodioa is plain, bat exqaiaiitly shaped. It is practically impossible to do justice to this dress 1 , wbiah is to prtlaoudiy simple, and yd IB oae ol tbe moat bsautitul model* al pratenl vouchsafed to ne. Aod now for tbo coctiaat. For ita illustra- tion I will describe a diuncr dress, to delicate, so ae:i*l and Qae tbat the very daylight uf this drear climate seems to soil it, and it bag Iu be guarded like a precious j*wel uutil tbe moment comes for ila me. II is tiol a thing cf fairyland, as a child would think, lor it ii real ; bol il ie an exotio !.ud belougsto an exotic cxitteDoe, to a life in wbiob btaaty acd delioioy are poisibla iu tbt midst ol a. black atmotphore Ld an outer world wbiob is never clean. Bat il u very nioa to wear these thing*, and nevar think of tbe brains or care put into tbtm, or how soon their delicate beauty it gone. Tbia drese, typical of Ihe style I ana speaking of, bae ibt front cf tbe akirl mide ot loog plaila of cream colored French lace, of exqainte dt>i*n aud iltlioite ai bnlteiflicB 1 wings. Tba Nee oammeneee qoile nar- row at tha wail, and thue i< eome thing like a fan shape at tbe b'Jltoui. O-i eaoh kide ia a broad panel of crepe de obioe embroidered in mtii*j silk. MJH! lovclv in Ibis fc robroidired material, bol moro beauli ful than itsetl is tbe way in which il IB shaped to ths form II locks as if il bad jail been smoothed over the hips and bsd taken tbe shape ; LO Mam, no fnlinefts ia tbrre ; yet tbe ebaping ia perfect. How this mirio'.e ii worked the miracle worker most know, bat I do LO'. It is like looking at tbe teals ot a clever juvgltr ; one cau only say, " O, ot coarse tbere mam be H.UJO way ol doing it il ii not wttcboratl;" ytl it is Bmkz;ogly like it! Tbe back ol Ihe tkirl ia madt ol iwc reta it f/U", oae of the filmy oream lace, OLI cf the rich heavy mail; >i k, wbiob meet io tb* ti.iJiii-. The- a fll away Irom the want in iba ptrlcot line the absolutely right MBf* wtlhoat tbe f,iutctt sugge*- tiuu uf csubion crueller any men honor An ! jjit KI tbe wai* t tbe material U lightly liftod draped i* mueb too |.ntn B word wi b thai delightful lock 1 bve already m-ik-n cf, aif tbenr i-ih-i; ji-i pushed 11 np a ilfle to ligblfu ito ifl c , ad k^pl it iu it) [ 1C3 by a n. il or a word Btiicbr! are i .c ..M. ivable in oon&co'.icn with 1 1. 1< light butterfly turlot draping, (or il koks kB if a pofl of aof I lir would blow il away k a lbitt:e-down ii blown. Tbe fco'.tcmot Its foU cf thb rich maio filk ie frirgrd, no that II lotki almoet as It tbia wrre a taub p it on to Ibs airy drcis. Bonnet* at made in tort ol helmet sbapti now, abd tbt b-xi fliae'l ja front rise flimo like from toe be ad. Xbefl wer, which aro to ta -o luuob worr, bland upon Ibe bonnet an 'bjouli in > grew tlure, atd hoid tbc-ir facts np iu '.ho uo an they do in lb-! garden. No i i g-. r in a fljwer laid opou a b.-nnel. The hped aie very small aud lie cloFe at the idii ; al the b*ek tbey arc caloulaud for tbe bair to *ie worn bign on tbe bead. Bol a Ltw mode if poltiug on the ttringi taket aay Ircoi tbe bare- ness oo the beKoT il Ibe back to which we have now become almot accustomed. The Ktriogi oome right nccJcr lb upright bow in front, and pas)> side by lids down tbe back of tbe crown ; then tb;y aeparkte cl neoeslty, td, bctog arooud bekind tbe esrs to meet ia Irani, lie iaootbly c p ibv upturned bair.}* tt'or ,t I in TOI>V Or tlHBATION. i ,h Nallvr* el AlaaUa I rll U aue) CUCTC II. Iu hie report ol tbe 1' 1 1 1 Borrow ipe- dilion, LUuleuaul K > . tv jtii eome alltn- iton to tbt AUtkuni aud ibeir l<.'Dd. Oaring the lotg winter night, wbeo food ist plenty, bt r^ayt, Ibo i.ativeo deliitbl to meet at tbo couoeil house, or at difSenut ilu-i (bnU), aud over tbeir work repeat the Ic-gend* of their race wbiob Imvtj b u banded down from lather to BOH. Tbet-e legends go back to tbe origin ot map, ind tbey tell iib oarefol detail ol a time wben there were no meu iuull tbe land, but a spirit oalltd " A eeln" dwell bere alone. Es made tbe ioiage ot a tuau ia clay, set il op by tba tboreif the set to dry, kbd f;er it wai dry ne breatbed O|o-j it atd gave il lit*, aaci cect i! out into Ihe woild. And Ie called tbe d K from a loog w*y c ff to g) wtlblbomau, thai he might nav.; help 10 travt lliug. After a lime the n--i.-.l niadu tbo tuk tu (reindeei), and eenl Lim out in to Ibe laid, nd the teetb of the deer were like t e teeth uf tbe dcg ; aid ufitr many ditye man came to tbe tpiril uud mid, " Tbe Ji cr ia bad, he devoura man." Whore upon tbe spiril otlled iu All tbe deer and removed all tba front teeth from their upper jaws, tvliieb time men btvd lived on deer, tLd tbe deer lived ou moaa a-.d grass Tben tbe man asked Ibe tpirit that there might be fi<b id the livers and rea. And tbe tpirit look a pieci of pine *cd a piece ot babum and tat by tbe river where il emptied into the i>e, acd be whittled loog shaving* Irom tbi pleoei of wood, and the ibavingi fr^m the yellow wood became salmou, and tb&ee from tbe wbita wood became white fiib, aid iwam away. Tbe taitb in these legends is very etrotg, and thay are earntttly opposed to any txpresiiobs of doobt or ridicule. It is only by gaining tbeir ooi>fldet>O3 acd abeUinirg from any txpretsi:ES of doubt in Ibiirpreienoa that they ean ba induced to talk about tbeir people cr repeat tbeir legeude. We beard bat one legeod iht rtlerred in any way lo tbe regions to Ibe northward Ii waa laid tbal many yiars ago a man from Nuwuk wai otcght iu tbe moving paok that a at letting to Ibe uotlb ward BO rapidly tbi 1 be wat acable to return to tbe land. Af r a great mit y days, more than be o old o am. be came 10 a laud where dwell itracge txople ; they spoke a strange laDKoage aud drtiied in deer-skins like the i .> u. Hi r taiiued with them a long time, bat, wiibiig to return to his people, bo left (bem out inter aod started oa'b over tbe ioe, living upon tbo seal be eacgtl by tba way and renewing bis botti w.tb Ibtir tlioe. Tbe jooroey wasko long thai bs wore oat flftein pain of bwlt ia retarnicg to Nawuk. I < I c.,,,1. "Ye,"aid Mr Householder," ' I havo a terrible cold. Yon know how it rained and blew and ttormed generally Tuesday nigb l ? Well, wind blew tbe Seattle off tbe root. Wite taiJ she knew il was open and I bad to go op and tee. Blood oudor the Seattle ind took aibowerbitb in my uigbl robe de i. Kit Then I bad to dresn, when I found it wai gone, and go lookilap. Found it out in tbe yard. Oarritditap- stairi>, and then found tbat il waa made to fit on from tbe outside and was) five inches wider than tbs bole in the narrowest direc- tion. Shower bath ol twenty mlnnks' duration during tbia struggle. Nailed a blanket over tbe boll and went to bed, breathing tbreatenioga and tliugbttr agaicEl tjjo lunatic tbat ever made tuoh an idiotic scuttle door. ID tbe morning fooad the Bintile door ont in tbe yard ai least the children did, I couldn't get out ot b:d. I oonlilu.1 ramamber having carried il down-ataira, bat BUI pcssd I did. About noon, neighbor cams along nesrcbicg neighborhood for his cellar door tbat bad blown away. Carpenter, sent for to replaa oy scuttle, found cellar door np in my garret. Mr*. Coueebolder in coream- icg byilerioi in littitg-room. iieighbor down m my yard, bolaing on io fence, black in tbe face. Carpenter with bit head cat ot Ibo tpotlli, haw hawing the ibioglii off Iht roof. (Jook lying on kitchen floor saying she ebonld die. Everybody on tha prjrniees having lots of tun except me. Yet, I ve been mad ai a hornet about it all tbt wier, but I'm getting a little over il now."-Burdttt. New i (er * Carrel*, Ttu old-fashionid idia of making rig oarpda Is quite come abool again, bu with a differentiation, so to speak " Aoiostae," laid sbe, as the leaned per oepthly in hii direction, "have yoa any old leoktiei that yoo are not nciog? " Aofiline, my deareel, I will iee ; bn wh.T da you want of old neektiei '/" " Ob I'm going to make a silk rag carpet for i par ier, von know. It will b) jail lovely, 1 " L vely ,'" " Yes, bcaauue ve ean draw il ver elMely wben yoa call evening!." hatbox fall ol wrecked neakweir was sen! down tba next moraing early. Hart/ore Pot - Whet makes yon look M dismal ? kfj Ike engineer. " Best girl baen'l (ODD batk on yoo, ban she? " " No," said ho bacgiiiemar, ruefully looking at a caper o bin hand, " but I'vt been tntd tor irecohes of promite by say tailor. The net I have on, too," be added mournfully. Ihe AH Ibe iraiu tped alocg la tba nigbl, wilb drowsy putstogera calftratobtd upoi, tbe seatr, the e:nduolcr wae obeeived frcqaenlly peering out i.f the froily windowg into tbe darkceti. The night was b aok and ootbing c.uld be eetn but a sheen ol enow over Ibe shadowy Uudeotpa, and yet tbe condnator ibadtd hie eyee wilb bit two bands and held hit fao and a weary-looking fu il w*kc, toe c!cwo to tbe window pane. " Looking to aee if your girl ia awake yet?" inquired thi icquieitive passenger, wilh a coarse laogb, Toe conductor looked nouud aod Bhoddered at with bosky voice bo replied limply i " Yei." Aud thin the icqaisitive pannecger became ganulocs and familiar. He rat down biteide the ocnduoior and poked bim ia the rib*, as he lightly laid : " Ab, I see. Oomg to gel married aud qoit the road. Ooiug to marry a farmer's dsugbtir. Is sbe worth m uob ? ' Tbi* ti '.e tbe oouduator replied, withoot taking Lin eyss away from tbe window ; "Bhe'ii worth a million to me. ' Further remarki in a aimilar vein did the passenger make, but ibe eoDdnOor deigned no replies. Suddenly the whistle ol the locomotive gave a long, low moan, the conductor stuok bii oyci etill closer to Ibe window, teemed to lanlen uia g- . upon some oti*ot in the darkuss*. snd tDen tell hick, in his seat wilb a try ol despair npon his lip*. Tbe pasiengtrB gathered arocnd to it quire tbe nature ot Ihe trouble when tbe brakeman a- B sled bis chief to rise and led bim into tbe btggige oar. Tbo ooLdootor's (ace was white as tbe snow-banks w blab fringsd tbe iron roijwey, aod iu bis eyei was a look ot tearltsN grief. " Poor Bam," said tba brtkeman upon bis return, " U'c a bad nigbl for bim. For week* bis little girl has been ill. Nixhl alter night be wat a) bor bed, bat then ibe got betttr and be o*mt buck to bis train. Ha arranged with bis wife Ibal il all WM well with ths little oae she'd display a lighted lamp right In tba window ot tbe room. Tbe boys all knew ol 11, and every eight we all looked for tbe light almost as eagerly as 8am himself. He liven by tbe tide ot the traok baok bere a few miles and to-night tbere wae no light in tbe win- dow for 8am." Chicago Herald. Urallkj Him. a>y TI.II. Large eaters are almoet alwajs wanting ia mental activity and Up to lix months tl ags a baby should nuree oaoe ia three hours, and alter tbat onoe in lour hoars anlil it i* weaned. Every habil or indulgence wbiob reduce! tha general vigor o! tbe f-ysteno anVc'B li -el tbe ttomaob. K ep tbo pafsioaa aider tbe cootrol of tbe re)i:n powers, it >ou would (re- serve mind and holy ia health Kto:sdiva physical exeroiie doet oot , < mole beallb, hot moderate pbytltal tri ing :i a benifi:. Tbe danger oinnested wilh citLtl >ir eiso :s from tbo mecUl worry last asojm- panire il. O'feuMVj imilltf aro klwiin to b, avoided, Itr no air 11 part wfalob eontaici any odor. Whatever oce'e ceenpitioo may be ii ihould be alternated with rial ind rtorttv Hon. Perfect sotian o! tbi ikm Is nteeneary to health, and ean only bo obtained by fro qaenl batbieg of tb* entire body. It ie a mistake, from a nanitary point < I view, to wear olothicg uotil it it thread hart, tor .'ocg brforo thl tioie ii Ji too dirty to b) beallby. Toe air of a bid- room sbould bo miiu O*i W*r i '. in, i < ,.. var i '. Wbnltba compwilor aikt (bnt k.lpre- itui cauuctobuiijia, uoi (hit tbe c and u be tuade ilika, col tbat eaoh bav* u dmtiiiitiva ibu(u ; not tbat tbe I be maitu 101 lir to I, bu , tkat il be erosked, or elai Inrnaed a'tei the fashion much in vu>m , oinaely.a stroke more or ICBJ alepiag, witii loop io the oeiilre on tbe td far. he-- 1 IIOQJ the letter tollowii'g it; and,>, that tba i bt dotted, au omiaaion whioh fttca* to meet witb great favor among lutbon, tboagb il ii very tantalising to tbe eoa. fositor, iinoo la bad rnaDtueripl ihs uhdotted i may bt taken to represent either e, s -r r, or even be njfp jed to form i ai I ol v,l;i ia reality i4 the letter m. Bui il Ihe i't were dotted acd the t'c crowed, Itw io[op!int4 would emanate frcm prib-itg iffisci 1 , or. iudeedi tv*r ba heard, so urri an aid li the do* plaoirg ol these M'er iil'.uiiii.^H 111 the tark of dtcipbeii g - Scientific American IVrw l.l.h on ibr I l'iu.r 4|urillo.. "D.-ar Will," Mi tbe bride of ibr.e luov ibii, I ku, . . ii> afraid Ibal you bavi deoeive.-l U.D You- u, atli has tVvrrkl umeBkuielloJ of liqoor. Mow, doiA v u drtok? ' r.i ? D.itkl Tobi tort oo(. Toe doctor tul it mo tbat I hv-j weak gam*', and I cexuiiou- illy rub them wiin sloohol to burden ibttB." But, Will, dear, bur dotBn'l m. i 1 kt nlocbol doti il?" Olconnr, pet. Don't yoa kao* tLat it ia aloobol ia beer that makes il lot x cat- mg 7 By the way, jet, tbere is a vc lame c.l cheuiUiylu toy library. You hid belter look over thai, a&d yea will and* r*taud the -e ma'Kri mcro tally." Wr* ck* er , Rbo bava as:ed tbeir manly vigor an powen by ycuihfol tollie*, icdncicg cervons debility, impaired memory, mental tizitly, derpondeney, laek i.f self- ojnflJenoj atd will-poier, wekk btack ac,d kia-iitd weakcei!**, tUnU addrtat, wi:h 10 Oiuta iu nUmps fir large il a liatxd trtaii-e giriug aufalliog means uf our*. W r d - Dipecsary Ais< oiblico 603 M>iu Street, Boffaly N. Y. A iterr waj killed by B V.r^i oily LutoLtr 11,1 ctter day, whose terib, tbe kntcrfTite *)*, wore oomflitely u croi'td witb gold and tilver bn'Iion. Tbe tnimtl osxcdfrouia rLch on Cirson Biver, ted II u tbougbl tbe meil aecumalat(d on bis rcetb while he was diiokirg'beriv rw*ter, bieh ii impregnated wilh th tailing! lio-v the mills reducing Cj A Peer, Wcalt ttlmttr, wboiisnflericglrom ailments pteulitr to tier MX, dreading to go to a pbjs cur, but knowing tbe needs medical help, will And in I .' 1'i.rci. B "Favoriln Presoii,. i.u." a l>repuatioD which will give ber atiengtb aniluiw life through tba raitorati >n of all ber organs to their natural and Leallbv action II ie the retail ol many jtare cl tody arid prsctioj by s tfcorcogb.y tcien- ific pbjtlciau, who bad mx! thets troublra a tptoia'iy. To be bad ol all druggitta Aaiahnmi yoau< ui.u pal bl* rcuud a young womta who s.v i, tie auae jew with biin during seiTico iu tbe United Bnthr*o Church, al Port W.jit, u b'j-i :.-.) uigbl, and kit ed htr. gbe wa* o pie*>e1 tbal the laugbod right iu: le meeting aud other* piued witb If. Then )oun l | peiple are to be iudiottil r d:|- tarbiug a rtligiooa melting, To brcvk up ooldB and fuvem, u. tarl* Dr. PitreVMJEttraetol Smart- Wttd. taintd at a temperature o! 6O 9 , tbe body ol a sleeper sboald be kept -tu 1> rets which bind H tightly OD aoy |trt of the bo 1y or limb* it ibjarioas, beoMte il restrict* tbe coarse olthe blool, it it does nothing worss. Tbe matt tfleolivekizidol e bath ii svt the rams Itmo tbs limcltet and tbtt ii Ibe ordinary ruonge balu. IMS B mistake lo tkfrtiw In tha m-.r^, ing on an empty stomacb.bul a lew montb- lull i f bread and milk, or ronaetblos; o' tte kind, Mill uuitiia tbe sytlroa ui.drr c>n- lidsrablfi UUir lot an buut or t*o until tbt U r, BB II. U.I. I oillt I'rnil rdluu- . A man was reotntly s>rreMod on a o' stealing. An offletr broagbl dim otters aOtkota Juiticd of tbe Peace, wbea tbe pritoner laid : "Jedge, I otj-o^ to tlii; I want to be lei eft a while." " Prii'ntrs' objto'iaoe ain't gaoir'ly con- sidered very telly by Ibis Court," replied I'je Justice, sarcaslioally. "Yei, bat I'm willin* to bellied, bnt I want to git of? for jut a little while." " No, iir I Tbe law mail lass ber oj'ree ev'ry time." " Can't let ue ctf bail en Lour V" Notil theOuurtkoowiherwIf." " Bui yea Mt, Jedge, I bid jilt slraok a man out bere lor a trade on my near hoei When thi c0'oer " " Whieh 'ua didycoiay-tbeior'l T" " ?M." " Why, Jjnen, I cm give yon a darned good trade if yon want sometbiog to matob Ibal eft boil o' yoorn. Tbii Court it adj'nrncd till I'-morrer at lOo'elock. Gome out to Ibe barn and look over my roan mMt."-KittUine (D. T) St't. A Ulrl el B>|rli. Daring the striking tlmet tbii week an inoident cooarrcd at the Fifth street Btiblea that is worthy of note. After tbe scrim- mage at tbe Third Btrtel itablet, a crowd ran over to Fifth itrtet rand undertook to bring matters to a oriilt tbirr. Tbe driver P, bowevtr, were not ready for a ttiike, and proposed to proceed, it one oar wae kb ,ut to leave the stablca tbe crowd seiaid the horst'e rsins, ubbitobed bin and left ibe driver and ear in a btlplest condition. At this juncture, Miaa AUct Harrison, tbe lady catbisr a bright, i pai ky girl, smart as a whip snd pretty as a tout, matched ont of bar cffloe, told the crowd to stand bich and lit tbe driver do bii duly. Tbe crowd gave way, IUIBJ Barrlion hiicUed the horse to tbe oar witb btr own bacda, and, tiizing tbi bridle, led hone aud attach- ment to the middle ol the Dreet, imid tbe obaeri ol tbe by-sta&drri. Dayton (0 ) Special Loiiitvillt Courier-Journal. A L.uieville ntwipaptir ocru|Ui > ol ibe ilrett oir niM.Dtrii ot th* laditb , f .Ltl to wo, aed a) s that ibty ktep ear* wai : 1 1 g wbilt th) kin , and bid e.o'j other good by. is rtUttd : "Two Udiee on thetldewilk haikd ao*r, acd it- Ir -.(. i:op(d, sufpniug ibty wacted ip lf\ aboard. Bui tlcy bad timely ecso a (einals acqoaJLlanee oil tbe ear, a; her but to tbe duuritep ot Ibe or, tte laditi kitd, f i bd the ecmpllaKnte tt tbe iliy gciKiprd uw^il- , aod tbft Ibs two Itdin walked b.-ck to tb* sidewalk, tbe lady U.i,Je rtiomtd her seal, aod tbe attouiabed driver whipped np bla cuule*, to ihr, err a) reliel ot tbi impelled (*' IMW Parecn Bmitb, c| South Carol,, a hi| .Mogalo:,g uloio'.y bridJe p.tb ktarf a rultle-uak-. Iu tbe grasi ntar by. 1 tit fiiif m jment lit b'.rec gave a plun^i a: d lb<n S VJ?SD |j kick. Tbe ntrson was quickly ODboriti'. Hii frrj lie* iteed disbe^awar. iiokirg acd snorting wilb tirror. Tte bad rprupg at Lim and its lao^ bbcom* eotaigled in tke bktr cl imnl'e tail. Thi soske h*d tb was afttrvar. . foacd B mile away, d*ad, kioKed a- <\ beateo Ituosi to ajtlly. Ttt kone wane, [lured ten miles farther on, stilUblvtiirg wiib Irigbl. .'ERCHtitON HORSES. 1 inn, !, ?lich., ta rr: -.. iiiontly Inc,. CaaadDV ; an iKLjud in l.K i-i,nv*. i , ; r,/ 1'ri tral. ! Windier, <ml. 1'iir- chuon will i.i, il iv lorgn numb. i ..f (.mr hred ami ., uom, br,,i \.Aftt aiulcolu r , to select l'r.,;,|. All -"' ^" pure lired Ji 'K. riV thn Frencbancl American Biinl |Vok$. Monabte. stock Kniiranteed. Iji t.i!i*ue free. K4TAQK * PA t^I'M, Dnnuri Mi. 11 It . TUBRMIOK Of riKWFOBT For *l I ".collection of UO packet* of ebolee Plowr aeexli-oo Iwo allk*; but collection for constant oemlng all Hummer. AJilre* A. W. 1'OTTBB Newport. It. I. yCU O" 1 ?- Bomething , MCII yoa all want. A Daity 4O cent*. Sample by Mail lor 16 oeoti(iilver). Agent- awn ted. Donaldson 4 Oo., Riobmono>St. , Qut da* n.i Ae Oar attroncmeri file a gritvoai charge agiiuet natural RSJ. They lay il inter leres more with their telescopic observa- tions than the imoke svsr did. Tbey do not mesn Ibe gaa ID ite natural BtBte, bnl tbs light caused by its oombuition at the various waste pipes m acd arcuod the oily. The blaze and heal together dietorb and agitate tbe atmoepbere so mucli that it limes il IB impossible to make B close observation. Pitubvrg (Pa Mrs. Jouo Watkins, ot A.lmtna, Mich., drnming tbe other right, kicked violently as she dreamed, and wbea htr batbaod'i sboate woke htr she found ehs bad broken Mverel bone*] in em ot hie feet. liter Dra'l Die In tl, . Ulbl*a<l*. Highlander* nevf r ipeak ot tbt departed as " dead." Pr. Blewirl ono.j gave great offenoe to tbe daughter of a friend of bin by asking her," Ooin a bhaearoh 'or n' atbair?" (' Wbtn did yoar taihtr dit? ' ) 11 Brntes alone," ibi angrily nolalmtd. " die, and wben they die, an dead Human beings men, women and children do not </ie, and we not to be tpoktn ol aa dead. Tbey ibifl off this noebt . tbty depart, tbey go, tbty change, they tleep, it you like, or re gathered unto tbtir falben. Tbey don'l i/i>, and ean nevir with propriety be ftpoken ol ae dead." Tbe phraseology in wbiob tbe death ol homan Mingi, ae dio- tlnot from brnler, IB ixpisssed in Oaelie, invariably implieB oontlnatd rxiiteoet Dr. Stewart, "i'<c\xt Ben Nevit and Oleneoe. CONSUMPTION. I hate pn.ltlv. rrmHr lor tb. tbovr UTIUI br IU HI U'.UMn.fc ,,f . ... , ,,f ih4 von | ktn.1 BU 1 T toef BTkartlKa 1 '"." '.Ti .'L."UC!lJja*J*l l. li tb. iMn* ,,r ftfft of IM wonl ktb.i fnml ln*M, K ir. .,, It , IMI I .111 MM TWO lun-1 MB wiii> . TALOASijf nutnKi , liifT^rcr. <llv. ciprcM ,n<1 P o .i< *'U. T , 11,1, l Branch Office, 37 Tonge'St, Toronto term*. Ons. N"viry lamp glaw Henil H e*nt* for aa eltaner. or aamplt and B. BALL, Patentee Box 137. dqelpb* Tow are allowed afrrt lrtnl,,riklrt v dnv of trio oBolt w ine oain V'm olhr Mil w>rj ('rated Voltaic r r tbo f/trtma IX all klndrad OnmpM* tin I Mlo ml /lr v ao, ireast&iVO . Alwi fnr mat; thm to Hoal u, Vlid Adventure! among the D la* ol Ibe Ourk f)eiU*M_ ooptoiOo. W. J. PLm& Ha IN SOUTH AFRICA. ^ -' * warte and ttertl* HOME BTTJOT, Book-BMplD|, BOSOM* n V^il K Forms, Wriilnn, Willie Bradford, r, yeaui old, strayed away from bis bom In Ibe Cherokee Nation ths otbtr day, and tbe next day what the wolvss had ltd of Ihe pcor little How wai looud iu a mountain alia. bf , 8borihn.l, tte maU. Otnolan R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard'B CUam Flo + I ;-nrln R r -,l tin -eafaa. t LorlllM* *. .

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