Th B.I. i ' baby'" jauiu>.r That have y Slid j IU u. (-/ - ,_..-. Mi. plcaJ.. in BjeaW " s6P.usi ey -TAlln sud To rub acl Howzet. 1 And te'itlo j>ils alley. Tbso I toll. as I naootto tlie tDKl Bver at war tilth tnecoiuU, o market. attoine; Aud I count on tbe Kith little pigonoo m"" 5 - And she l.ulint the "I'Uty lory. Ai if unheard before Then I fold her bandi together V ,-ou b, mid it* In lir lisi'iug, sleepy laibion, Tupeatsuer prayer itB uie. Betoeit u J the Uomi 01 her eyes in .lumber cloe, Bui Oje word* tut ar left unaltered lie who lores Uie cuilJren snows. Then I Uy the libt held on the pillo With * liDgerlni! goal-night kiss, Tblnklag bow nmcli Qw loved me To ive me a child like ttolt, Au' 1 1 pray, " I turn I row tbe bedside, BewUlMlp uie guide u-iKbt Tbe feet of Ihe lillle duliuK I Itaie in HIB care tonight. BI> .'loihri- . A ilmple parsonae-plain mil browu- Wbrre ivim raiubled up and down Witb ewetl britr roaea. A place llm earliest uinbctm* kilt, Nor left, 'till shadowed by Uw luut The night uucloies. Twae bere bc wrought with patient cue A lite whose inceune tilled low air With fclaJ HOB* only. Here beuM her call to entir rest, Ana left tbe Louie. broken ueet, Bereft and lonely. To children'* hearts, and hearts grown itroog Witb anguish, 'tis a ieeaoo long, And ml tbe learning- Tbat prayers nor tears can e'er reitore Tbe loved onei drifted to that sbore Be yoad returning. We're learned farewell oft Uiroujb tbese yean. She welcome where there are no tears, Bat joys supernal. And closely folds earth's loos'ning bands Within tbe house not UMwle with hands, becure, eternal. O Mother, wltb the oft brown eyes I In thy lair home beyond tbe skies Am 1 expected 'I Can 'at tbou not tell me thii at lait, Wben 'cross tbal threshold all bare passed. 1 ahaU not be rejected :' M O 1ST 1C A. : TOM iUTHOB, OF " PHTLLia." "MOLLY BAWN.' AND POTDLim MOTSUJS. " I believe a man hasouly to be iix-feet- oce to bare every womtn in tbe world in love with him," says Desmond wratbtnlly. wbo is oaly flve-ftet-eleTen. "I MB notexaolly in lore with Mr. Hyde," eays Monionwoelly, wilb averted faoesud ooy air, assumed for ber cornpaniou'a dis- comfiture, " bat " Bat, I was going to say , there is nothing remarkable in that, ae I am not in love wilb any one and hope I never shall be. I wonder wbere Kit oan have gone <> ; will yon Ret up there, Mr. Diimond, swdlook?" Breskirg off a tiny blade of grass from Ibe bank near bar, ehe pats it between her pretty leetb and alowly Dibble* i) witb an air of utter indifferent* to all tbe world tbat drivea Mr. DsimoLd nearly out of his wits. Disdaining to take aoy heed of her " notioe to quit," aod quite) determined to know tbe wont, be es>ys defiantly : " It yon do g) to ibid dauoe, may I con- sider myself engaged to you for Ibe fits! waltz?" There ii quit* a from upon hi* face a* ba aayi tbii, bat il hain't the f eiot- eel effect upon Monica. Bbe ii nol at all impressed, aui ii, ia te'., ccjoying berstll immensely. " If I go, whiob ii more tbaa improha- ble, I shall certainly not daces witb yon at all," Bbe says calmly, " bio *ue Anal Fris- oilla will be there, too, and sbe would not hear of my doing even a mild quadrille witb a D**mond." "I see," witb a melancholy assumption of oomponure, " all your dancat, tben , are to be reserved for Ryde." " It Mr. Ryde atki me to dance, ot oourie I shall not ratose." " You mean to tell me" even tbe px>r assumption is now gone " that yon are going to give him all 8>nd me none? ' "I shall not give amy one all ; how en you talk like tbal? Bat I cannot defy Aunt Prisoilla. Ilia vsry unkind ot yon to desire ii 1 suppose you think 1 should enjoy being tormented tram morning till nigbt all about yon?" 11 Certainly not. I doo'l waul you to be tormented on any account, and, above all, on mine," vary sliiily. "Io prevent any- thing of Ihe kind, lehallcot goto Cobbelln " It yoa eboose to get iota a had tern pr I can't belp yoa." " I am not in a had temper aud eren if I were I hare OMie. Bat It ie not temper that will prevent mjgoingto tbeBarraoks? ' "Wbattben?" "Why nbonld I go there to be made miserable 1 Yon cm go and danoe witb Byde to yonr heart's content, bat 1 ebill pare myself the pain ot taeiog yon. Did yon nay yon wanted yonr lister 1 Biiall I oall ber now ? I am B ure yon most want to go hone." " I don't," tbe iaye naeipeotedly, and tben a little imile of eonejoioos triamph wreaths ber lips aa the looks at bim, lai. J- in moody and dejected before bar. A word from ber will transform bim. and! now, tbe day beiDg all ber own, she can illord to be generous. Even the very best of woman oan be orael to tbeii loven. "I don't," she sayi, " not yet. Tbere ii something I waul to ask yoa first. Bbe pauses in a ta>ntaliziog f aibion and glanosi from the graea tbe ii still holding to bim, and from bim baok to t'ae grass again, before she speaks. "I* iea Qaettion," afae aaye tbon, aa though rolucHu tly, " bot yon look au angry with me that I am afraid to ak it." Xbis It tbe rankeit bypoerliy. M ha ii M wax in ber bands at thii moment ; bat, though he knowi it, bi giTee in to tbe sweetness ot her manner tod leta hie f ace clear. " Aik ma anything you like," ba says taming apon her now a countenance " more in sorrow than in anger." " It Isn't tnnob," says &IiM Bereiford aweatly, " only what ii your Obriitian name ? I have been 10 longing to know. II is very unpleasant to bo obliged to think of people by tbair surnames, Ii it nol ? Bo on- friendly 1" Ha ia quite staggered by tbe eisess ot ber geniality. " My name ii Brian," be a>*yi, devoatly hoping she will not think it hideous and ao aee cause to past judgment upon It. " Brian 1 ' going nearer to him witb ball shy eyes aod a little rtatitv month that witb difficulty soppreeaea its lu<btr " How pretty ! Brian," purposely lingering over it, " with an ' I,' of ooarie ?" 11 las." "I'm so glad I know yours, now I" lays tbia die<raoiful little ooqnelta, a sigh of pretended relief. " Ton knew mine, aod that wasn't fair, yon know. B*eidei," with a rapid glanoe that might btre melted an aneborlta and delivered him from the error of bit wayi " casidei, I mty want to oall yon by it some day, and tben I aboald be at a loai." Tboogb by no mains proaf igainit so much friendliness, Mi, Desmond still eon- inuee to maintain an injured demeanor. Monies layi ona little band ligblly on bis w Won't yon auk me to oall yoa by II ?" ba aaya with tbe prettiest reproatb. "Oil MCDIOS, sajs tkt jooog mac, seizing bar band and pressing it against bia heart, " you know your power, be merciful. Darling." drawing her still nearer to him, "I don't Ibink you quite understand bowic id wilb me ; but, indeed, I lev* yoa witb all my heart and toul." " But iniuoiiallttlelicnel How oan it be true ? ' eaya Mouioa, all ber gaiety turn- leg into siti in wonderment. 'Lav* ii * tbing aa any epiril free," ijaotei be teiideily. ' How aba>il any oao know when tbe god may come? II bas nothing to do witb time. I have seen you il little matter* bow often aud now I love you- D:r baarl, try to love me." Tbere it souatthingin his manner bath gentle and earaeet. Impreiced by it, ebe whirpers . Ul\ : ' I sill try." " And yon will call me Brian ? ' " Oh, nol no indeed l-not yet," en- treats ihe, stepping baok from him aa ttr as ba will all jw ber. "Very well, nol yet." " Aod you will go to the Barracks for ibis dauoe." ' I will do anything on earth yon ackme. You kuow that too well, I fear, for my pjtiooof mind." " And j on won't ba ungry with ti;- if I don't daLce witb you there?' " No. Ipromiae tba', too. Ah I Ii r i Mite Kit com i OK- and without the ronwi - after all. It U true she baa no row, ane bas. In- deed, forgotten ihe even pretended to wint theiu.aua bias been hippy while away wit'-i | ber Foui4 and her own tbcughta. " 1 think, Monica, wo ought, p<rbup.<, to be think, ug tf coming home," sbe eys apologetically, yet wilb qauo a motbeily air. Baa bbe DO! bcca mounting guard over and humorion theae two giddy >oang people before her ? Yes, I thick so, too, ' and tbe goodness ot Kit aoidtocnttbicgeliie n'rike ber. " It we are a>ked to thii dacoe at Clon- bree, and if we go, I ehosld like Kit tc go, too," she says in a aoll aside to Desmond, who fays. " Tbal it all right ; I let Sled il witnCjlbjtti yesterday," and then, a little moreeuer^etioilly, as ha ties the momenta fly i tig, h goea on. " Before you go, say one thicg after me. It will be a small oowola- tion until I tee you again. 8sy, ' Brian, good-bye.' " " Oxid-bye. Brian," ebe wbisp.'ra nhyly, at d then ihe draws her band oat ol bis, and, turning to tbe imdionUy inattentive Kit, passei ber arm through hard 0)ud bye, Mr. Dwmondl I trad we may won metl again," saya tbe younger Mi* lijreiford, witb rat'ocr a grand air, imiliuK upon bim patron iz.ogly. I hope BO, too," says Datmond gravely, " and tbal next time yon will graciously accord me a little mere of jour acoiety," Qaite pleased witb Ibis delicate protest against her lecgtbened absence, Kit bowa polr.ely and aba and Monica lake their homeward way. Oaoe Motion turns to wave bim a little, (riendly adisu, and hi oan sea again ber soft, bare arm*, ber pretty baby neok io her whits dinner gown, and ber lovely, earnest eyes. Then stae is gone, and her patting teems to bim "lika tbe oeaiiog ol cxqaiHte mu-ic,' and nothing ii loll to him tnt Ibe wailing ot tbo ruing night wind and tbe memory ot a paiteot girl- face tbal be knows will bkuul him till he dies. CHAPTER IX. Monica kid Kit reaab tm less baste " COD.- ciet-os makes oiwardd ol us all,' acd Iba late secret interview wilb Brian d baa lowered the tone of their toiuoh an ei'.et t tbat tbay tcarotly dsr j tj aa tbey creep into tbeir aunts' preacnoe. Thelamri are lighting in th* drawitrg room aa tbey enter, though tbe windows are open and Dut Voter, the all great, is Hill notorious over No*. Tbe Mini 13iake both aud look Dp as Ibey oome in, and ebow general lymptoms ot relief whiob ii nol reciprocated by tbe oulpriia. Mrs. Mitchell, tha nnree, wbo ham followed alcnotl on tbtir heels, stands in tbe door- way with bajonela fixed, so 13 apeik, teeing {bere ii every obicoe ol an engagement. Il may be as well to remark here tbat ititohell has nol "got on" wikb the Misses Blake, having rootod opiuiona of her own not Mb* lightly laid aeide. Tbe Miatei Blake*' opinkna have also a boms in very deep soil, so thai the "give-aud-lake " principle U no) in fore* between them and the ton i<n uaref , as Ibey term Jane Mitchell, though ihe was bred and borr, on Devonshire soil. " Mitchell," say tte Mieaea Blake in eon fldenoe lo eaab ether, " ii not altogether wbat one would ue*ir* in a servant aaaigced to the care ot children. Sba is nol nise in miny ways; there ia far too much ot tb* ii ID laiy about ber," etc. J net now lira. Mitchell ii plainly on defensive and eyes ber baby as she nil calls Kit (having nursed her) witb all Ibe air ol on* prepared to ruh in and reaoaa ber by bodily force should tba worst coxa lo tbe wortl. " My dear Monica, wbat a late hour to be abroad I ' sayi Hiss Prisoilla rtproaeh fully. "The dew faliirjg, too, wbioh i most unwholesome. For > on, Kit, a mere child, il is really destruction. Nurse, as you are than," regarding t be bony Mitobtll wilb dUtrutt and disfavor, " I think it aa well to let you know I do not think tbia ii a proper time lor Miss Kaiheriue to be in Iba opan sir. Il ie far too late." " It isn't late, mia*. It i* only nine o'clock." " Nioe o'oloek! Wbat U tba woman thinking about ? Nine I Why, that meana night I" " Not at this time of Ibe year, miia." " Al any lime ot year. Wilb all Ibe ei perienoe yon Bay you bave bad, I wonder yon do nol ooniider il a most iojuriou boor for a child of Mia* K%tberine'i age lo been! of doors." " I do not bold witb making a obild puny, miia. Coddling op, and that sort, only leads tc consumptions and asimas, in my humble opinion." "I must request tbst for tba future yoa will show deference to onr opinion, nnrie, which ii direetly opposed to yonn," say* MiH Priioilla straightening herself. " I suppose I oan manage my own young I*4y, mi.-s," taye Mitobell undaunted, and now, indeed, thoroughly braced for coo fliol. "I bave grata doubt j about that, Mitchell, and, at least, you should not answer me in this wise." "If I brought my yonng lady lately all tbo way from Jeruialem, miss, I anppoae I oan take cars ot her 'ere. 1 ' " Her ear ?'' <j aeitiona Mies Priseilla nol meaning to be rude at all. " bhe meant here," niya Mil* Penelope in a stage wbiiper. "Oh I' lay* Misa Priioilla, rather booked at ber mistake, which has been accepted by Mitobell as a deliberate inanll. " Katherine, go up stairs witb Mitchell, and change yonr shoea and stockings: tbey moil be damp." "I don't consider Mikhail al all a nioe person, "layi Mini Prisoilla, when the door baioloied upon tbst veteran : " but Mill bcpe I did nol offend ber wilb thai last thoughtless slip ol mine. But really, over here iu Ireland, we are nol aoouitomed to the extraordinary language in wbioh Mitobell indulges at times. She seems to me lo ba saving np bar ar iratca for a hypothetical dearth of that article in the future." " Oertiinly, from Jeruialem i* a long way to bring a obild," aayi Mis Penelope, thoughtfully ; and, indeed, tbia journey from Palestine has been, and probably always will b , Hra. Mitchell's trump card wh-ti diipntiog with the miitre*ies ol MtoyDe. Mini Prisoilla has walked to tha window, and la now gazing In thoughtful fashion over th* fast-darkening landioape. Presently she lays aloud, In alone calcu- lated to attract attention " What la that in tbe meadow, ereoping along beneath Ibe ha-ha, Katharine? - Kit baa returned with Itj aboee and stock- mgs eoma here, your eyes are sharper than mioe I" wbiob is u disticot libel upon bar own orbe i.uiu?" iaya Kit, i < oo^m'sit g Ibe crooouinK foruiof 'lurry v-i ii a i,Dgi/( terror. Is fibe tu bj o^mpellad to inform upon ber owu brother? IVrikh tbe thought T Over there," saja Mi^a P/isoills, in an awful tuuc, pointing tu where tbe luoklts* Teret<oa !> crawling home in tba food belief that In i) defying all detection ; whereupon Kit, with much pretence ot mind, lock* toratiniaiogly in jud the oppcsits dircotion. ' It ia Bornebody orr)ing a gan. Qjud graoioon I It ii remarkably like Terence I'' Ai thii al'ji.ioa itarta pi-ic ptibly, and Icta the book iba is bcldiag fall hetvily to the grouud. " Ptirbapa it i a poacher," aaja K !, brightly. Perhapa," asya Miea PriiailU grimly. " Yet I feel aura it ii ycor brother I" Tbtn aba throws wide the nab, and ealla a!oud 10 the onlprit : TereLoe, TereLor, o .me here! ' Al tt:n, Sir. Bercbford loaes Lia prts.<Lee ot mind aud stands boh upright, gnu in h v..d. Tbo wordn hart) ojrua to bim (Ji- ti O'ly Borosi the m'.: green '**, and fal- len upon hi-, i >rn with dn-oiil diatiuctueM. Tnrowiug up the sponge, ha shoalderi tie LCFer.eirg weapo'i aud uiarohes upon tbe foe witb heal tree: aud banners flying. 11 U?a'ly, it in Terence," iaya Miss Pane- I >po, as be approaches ; " but where can be have got the gan T" I know ! ' saye oliia Prieoilla, where- npou Monioa teals positively faint. Feeling aha ia firowiug very pale, tbo I 1 i- hurriedly from her seat, and going to tbe lower window, so that her f aee cannot be seen. If Terence la eroai-ezamined, will be tell a lie about the obtaining of tbe goo ? Aod if be doea not, what will happen ? what draaiful thing* will not bj aaid and done by An:it Priioilla? Her breath omee ij jtokly, and witb horror bba nnda bcruelt aevcutly bcping tbat Teracoa on tbisooea- eionwill tell a lie. By this lime Terence baa moanted the balcony, aud ia standing in a somewhat denanl attitude before bit icquUitors. Wbere have yoa been, Terenoe ?,' twgins Miss Prisoill*. I Shooting, aunt." And where did you get tba gan, Ter- enoe 7" Silence. " You certainly had co gan yesterday, and none this morniag, aa far a* I can judge. Now, we want the truth from yop, Terence, but we do not wish to coerce yoa. Take time, and give aa an answer }our heart can approve." Snob an answer U evidently difficult to be procured at a moment's notice, became Terenoa ia atill dumb. " I am afraid yonr nature ia not wholly free from deceit, Terence," iaya Mill I'M ills, sadly. " Thii baaitatioo on yonr part -peaks volomea ; and aneh unnaoes- isry loceil, too. Neither your aunt Pene- I !'- tor I have any objection to your borrowing a gun if you find auoh a danger- OOB weapon needful to four happineai. Bat why not ocflde in OB ? ' " IB it possible she would not be really angry it she knew? ' tbinki Monica breath- Ks-sly. I regret to lay tbat both Kit and Terence lake another view of Mies Blake's ipeeob, and believe it em artful dcd^e to estraet eoofeeaion. "I "Bye Terenoa to gain time, and b o tne speech ol some kind at this momer.1 l ab<clutoly niOiaaary, "I didn't think " " 0! eourte yuu didn't tbiLk, Terence, or you would not bava recorded your poor aunts, in yonr aeorat thought*, aa hard- hearted and ungenerous. It yon bad told ui openly tbat Mitaon, tbt ooaat guard, bad lent yon a gan (*t I strongly suspect, and, indeed, fell sure from tbe flrat moment wai the eau), we should not htya been at all angry, oaly naturally atiuui tbat you should use an instrument of daatb with caution. Bat you have noonAlanoain 01, Terenoe." latenie relief nils the breasts ot tba three Beretfords. Bemorsa tbal tbe trailing nature ol tbt old ladies should ba so abused touches Moniea keenly, but ol tbs other two I most again declare witb griei that they leal nothing but a aanse ot delivery from peril, and no o intrilion at all for their past au'pioioni " I thought you might be angry, aunt," lays Terence. " Nol angry, my dear, only nervous, hope you know how to load, and tbat. I remember a ooosin cl oars blowing off bit first finger and thumb wltb a powder-horn." "Tbia is a brceeb-loMlar, auntie," layi Monica softly. "Eh? Oaa ot thoie new-f angled tbingi I have read ot 7 Oh, well, my dear boy, I dare lay there ii more need for eirenmtpee- lion. LM me look at it. Ah, vary hand- some, Indeed ,' I bad no idea ooaat guards ware so well supplied ; snd yet I cling to the old guns that yonr grandfather nsed to me." "Did yoa shoot anything?' aika Miss I'enelope, wbo baa grown rjuite interested and regards Terenoe with glanoe cf pride. " Only one thrush," aayi Terence draw- ing tue dilapidated corpee fiom bis pocket, " and a sparrow and one rsbbit ( flred at and wounded mortally, I know, but il got away into ill bole and I lost il." " R%bbita I" says Miia PritoilU. "Am I to understand Lay, I hope I am not to un- derstand tbat yoa crossed tba itile into Ocole 7" " Tbare are plenty of rabbits in oar own wood," iaya Terence, " more than I eould toot. I am glid you don't object to my baring tbe gan, anntie." " I don't, my dear ; bat I wtnh you bad been more ingenuous witb us. Why now, Ttrenea, why do yoa steel along s field with yoar back bent as thongb desiroos of avoid- ing oar observation, and witb yoar Ran under yoar coat, as it there was a policeman era bailiff after yoa f" " I was only trying to steal apon a craw, annt ?" " Well, tbal may be, my dear, bnt there are wsya of doing things. And why pot yoar gnu under yoar coat? I can't thick snob s fraudulent proceeding neoeisary even with a orow. Mow, look bere, Tar- ecoa," illustrating bia walk and lorrepti- tious manner ot concealing bia gun beneath ble coat, " does this look nice 7'' " If I do it like you, auntie, il looka very nioe," lays Tereno inooaently, bat with a malevolent intention. "What a pity yoa miated tbe rabbit, Terry," eaya Monica hurriedly. " Ob, be ia dead, now, I'm certain ; bnt I should have liked to bring him borne. His lag wae broken, and I chased him right through tbe rushes down below into the fnrza brake at Cools." Sensation I II ia too late to redeem his error. " Mur- der will out, that see we day by day," says Chaucer, and now, indsed, all tbs lal is in the lire. Tba two old ladies draw bek from bim and turn mute eyai ot grief upon eaab other, while Kit snd Moniea alare witb heavy reproaob upon tbeir guilty brother. The guilty brother returns tbeir glanoa witb interest, and tben Miss Priioilla speaks. '81 you went into Ooila, after all," ibe sayi. Ob, Teranetl " I couldn't belp it," lays Tereneo wrath- Folly. " I wasn't going to lei Iba rabbit go for tbe sake of a mare whim." A mere whim I" Words fail me lo con- vey MJHH frHcills'i icd'gnation. " Are you destitute ot heart, boy, that yoa talk Ihna ightly ol a family insult T Oh I Shame, name I ' " I'm vary sorry il I have nude you un- happy," eaya Terence, wbo ia really s vary good boy and fond. " I didn't mean it, in. Iced." Bat M las PriMilla appears quite broken- hearted. " To drtsm Of bringing s rabbit ol Qoola iuto thin bonne I' she 'wfcff , wilb quit* a oalob in her voice that brings Misa Pn,e- iuto prominent (lay. If, when yon earn* to tbe itile tbat let !H in'o M >yne," the layi, " yon bad aaid tj )-an !f, ' My gcod autt vlio lovee me sjda.rly would tot wi*b tau to inter this forbiddeu land,' yc u MUd, I bcpe, bavj l'u nl acd couie buoM here. But yon did nol. You went reeklawry on and trod upon ground wbere your tool ia unwelcome." " O-ur Aunt 1'eiAtope, dp not talk like thai," nays Monica ttitrrn'iugly, (lipping ber arm round bar. ' "Aod thia to bit peof o'd aaote wbo love Liu ao fondly. ! ' ys Mien Penelope in BO diaoiKl a volte tbal tbe two Muses Blake treak into ache. g. " 1 1 w uMii't H,H m BO bid if he hadn't equivocated abouj it,* says Miaa Priioilla, prtneully. ' But be iurpo cly ltd us to believe tUat he bad nol net bis tool on tbat detested laud " " He has iudead b:tu muob to blam.9," rays Mi->H Pm.elopa. " Terence, wbat waa il r.sid i.U-ut I)ini4 in the Bible Ibis morn lug'? I am afnid your obaptar to-day thai awfnl chapter about Ananias and Sit phira did you little good." A growl from I'erence. lie will be inoro careful for the future, auntie," Bay* Moniea, Mirprdling tl growl after ber own gttitle fashion. " And oow yoa will forgive bim, wan'l yon ? Atltr all, auy 01*, i v.u you, migbt forget about fvruiddeu landi, il you were racing after a labblt." Tbe idea of the Missel Blake raeiug through rusbea acd gone after a rabbit btnkea Kit a to ocmioul tbat the forgets every tbiug, and laughs aloud. And tben the MISSES B ake, wbo ure not altogether with- out a sencc ot fun, oatojing " the humor of il," laugh too, *Ld, drjmg iheirayea, give Terence lo nuderataad tbat he is forgiven. Ju-il at this monHtol tb* door ia opened and Timotby enterr, beaiiog nol only an air ot mystery witb bim, bnt a large en- velope. "Wny, what ia this at tbii time ot night ? " s}i Misa PiiicilU, wbo ia plainly under the impression tbat ones the lamps are lighted it ia verging on midnight. Sbe takes tbe envelop* f r< m Timothy and giz 11 al Ihe huge regimental oreit upon it wilb a judicial txpretibn. " A rojer brought il, misa. TN, indeed, ma'am. A hosibaek ba come all tbe way from tbe Barracks at Clonbrae." Redooata al Kisemoyne are a novelty, and are regarded by the peasantry wilb mixed feeliogi ot ad miration and contempt. I ibink tbe con temp t is stronger wilb Timo- thy tban tbe aimiratioQ. "From the Birrack*?" lays Miss 1'ris- cilia alowly, turuiog aud t sistiug tbe letter between ber flngero, while Monica's heart beta rapidly. Il in, ii mutt be tha invita- tion : and what will be Ihe result ol il ? " Yea, indeed, mu I a-ked bim what brought bim at thia hour, ma'am, bnt ba took ma mighty iborl wid bit aniwer, so I give up me questions." Never having been abla doting fifty yeara to make np his mind whether bis mistresses should be addressed as maidens or matio3s, Timotby bas eompromised matters by putting a " miss" and a " ma'am" into avary sentence he dedicatee to them. ' Ah, an iuvitatlt u from Captain Oobbetl for Friday next urn nmfoor lo seven nm nm. All of ui invited, evan Kit," ayi Mis* PrUoilla, io a deeidedly lively ton*. " Me ! au I asked ?' oriel Kit. excitedly. " Ye:-, indeed, yon are ipecially men- tioned. Vary ni* anl alte.tive, I must ay, ot tho e young men, particularly whan w have not tbowa them any klndnen a* yel. I thought tbal Mr. Hyde a vary superior youug fellow, wilb none of tbe disoourteoua antipathy to age tbat dis ngnraa tha manners ot tbe youth of tbe present day. Penelope, my dear, perhaps yon had better indite tb* answer to Ibis. Youra ia tba pen ot a ready writer." " Vtry well," fays Miss Penelope ritinfj slowly Ob, so slowly I ibinkiMoniea-and goicg towasda tbe^avenporl. " IB lha soldier outaida, Timotby ?" Miu I'tiscilla- " Yes, miss. Ha t aid be wanted a bii of writing from ye for tbe captain." " II i* a long ride. Take bim downstairs, Timothy, and give bim aome beer, while Miis P*nelope prepares, a reply." " Begging yonr pardon, miss, and with due rested toy*, ma'am, but he's that stiff io hi* manners an' tight in bia clothes, I doubt il he'd *onde*eand lo enther the kitchen." "Timothy," say* Sli-a 1'rinoilla wilb mnoh disi/leaaurr, " you have been having hoi words with tbia stranger. Wbat ii it all about?' " Tbara'a times, mii>, as we all knows, when a worm will turn, and, though I'm not a worm, ma'am, no more am I a ooward, an' a red coat don't cover more flesh tban a black ; an' I'm ao ould man, Miss Priaailla, to b* called a buffer I" I To b* eoBtlnned ) < i Uili: Va TOPIC*. Or. Orml.len nail Many of onr readers, we doubt not, saya the Chriitian Leedtr, will remember the graphic reminiscence ol Ihe ruetie Sunday eohool near L jinborgb, in wbioh Dr. Wil- liam Ormiiton, ol New York, received hie early religion) training. lie now favori us with ano:ber chapter of autobiography, whiob we have read will) painful interest. O! a naturally strong physique, b* never needed more than four or five boon' sleep, bnt al the age of 4'J be found, after a season of bard work, that be bad entirely lost Ibe power of sleeping. On one occasion be was without a moment ol unoanscioueuns for six days and eix nlgbte, and yet felt at 1 3 and ready for work. He Irisd avary. thing ; the aivie* ol pbynoiani, th* advice of quacks, exereiia in all iti forms, bnt fa'hi. 8 ;lll bis waking power continued. He then tried brandy, but it Boon lott any good effect. At last be tried hydrate of chloral, whieb gave him Ibree or four hours of refraabiog sleep. H* continued to a*a It for twelve year* witboul perceiving any sensible itjurions effects. Ha never in- creased tbe dose, bnt raduoed ilfrom thirty grains to fifteen, added to a like amount of bromide of polateium. In tbe summer of 1883, however, sleep again left bim ; bis ii' i v ui jrtf m seemed to b* unaltered; melancholy and dyspepsia seistd bim all tha meaaa tailed. He wai tent abroad by bii physicians, acd promisei to give an account ot tba mem* lhat contributed to his recovery. ^ Onr oi ihr Kresawss. A Drover man beiug asked by a member ot th* Congressional Committee wbat be thought ot the Chinese question, promptly responded : They must git," " Why?' " For twenty different reason*." " Name on*." " Well ; four ol tbe infernal heathena nailed a silver mine and sold it to me for Sir, 000 Anybody wbo ean btat a white man in tbit country baa got to git." It ii not surprising that Mrs.Wilbelmina Brown, ol L)nU villa, Ky., should bave been dirgosttd when ibe learned that bar daughter Ellen bad eloped wilb a news, piper man ; but sbe sbonld nol have per- mitted herielf to be so far overcome witb grltf a* to light a firs ID the range and tban II* down upjo II. Buah aproeeedingcould not have removed the Btain from the honor of tba B.'own family, even if Mm. B. had ineaeedod in roastiag berielf. But, fortu- nately, before she waa quite done, a neigh bor oama in aud look her off tbe itove. Al latent aeeonnts ber prospects of recovery were fair to middling. In OSM a yonng man in Bnrmab traika a matrimonial engagement the law ojmpela bim to give the jilted girl a bulldog worth thirty npter, a p g three feet ia girth, a apcar, a fork, a bag, a pieoo of ornamental o o.b and fir* poll of khovng ACCOUIIO lo Sir Andrew Olsrk, the cela- Eoglith physician, one-hall tba population ol Licdoa ii permanently ill tbat is, not in tht condition in wbiob work ia easy and doty not over groat a trial ; tha state in which it ia joy to tee, to think, to lea), and to be." Tut office ol tha Order ol the Thistle, which has become vacant by the death ot Principal Tulloob, will probably be given by Ihe Qieen to Dr. Donald Mtolecd, ol Glasgow, wbo is one ot Her Majesty's chaplains in Scotland. Principal Tnlloch was one ol the six Daana ot Iks Scottish Ohapel Royal. WHEN surprise is expraased tbat a staccb oamparlment ship like tbe Oregon should have gone down under the blow of a sebooner, il should be remembered, to tbe oredil ot ber boildera, tbat aba floated for eight or nine hours with s bole stove in her 11 big enough to drive a horae and buggy into," aa one ot tha paaaeuger* describes il. A shoddy boat would have sunk before the passengers could have been taken cff. A CORBXSPDNDCMT of the Pall tfall Oatftte declare* tbat all worda brgioniug wilb si lavs in come degree a second-rate or bad quality aboot them. "Ljck through tbat liolionary," be aays, and you will not find ona tbal is quite fint-rata, for ' sleep,' wbioa IB aboot the beat of them, U alter all ball-way to death, and tbe groat mijoiity of tbese words are more or leas diiguetiog as well aa degraded." A RUSI B ia current in royaliil circles in France ot a marriage to be arranged between the cldeel son of tha Oomts da Parid and tba daughter ot H. B. H. tbe Prince cl Wales. It U added that the joarney ol tbe Priuoe to Guinea and bis tborl stay tbera will be utilized in tbii sense. One ol tha strongest advocates ot Ihe alliacca ii the Marquia da Beauvoir, tha equerry aod friend trom childhood of tba Comle de Parii, to whom ia in a great measure due Ibe union of tba House ot Franca witb that ol Denmark and ol Por- logal. TBS good work ol protecting tha birds trom tbe cruelly ol fashion goea on. An ornithologist riding in a New York oar noted tbe following : " Tbs oar contained thirteen women, of whom eleven wora birde, as follows : one, bead and wings ol Ibrea European utarling* ; two, an entire bird, species unknown, of foreign origin ; three, seven warblers, representing four speoiea ; four, a large tern ; five, Ibe beads and wings ol three shore larks ; six, tba wings ot Bevcn ibora larki and grass finches; seven, one- ball of a gallinnle ; eight, a imall tern ; nine, a turtle dove . ten, a virae and a yellow-breasted chat ; eleven, ostrich plume. ' Against tba whole- tale slaughter ol tbe pretty creature n repre- sented by Ibia diaplty tba man of aoienoa outers a timely aod indignant protest. THE Island of Jaan Fernandex, upon which Alexander Selkirk, tba prototype of Robinson Crusoe, spenl bis four solitary years, has never aiuoe bean inhabited until twelve yeara ago, when the present G jvtr- nor Rodl settled apon it witb s small eclony. Rodl is a Bwitstr. In 1M66 ba fought lor Austria againil tbo Prussians, and in 1U70 for France. Atlsr tba defeat ot tha French ba emigrated to Obili and made himself useful to tbe Government, at wboie invitation ha undertook Ihe coloniza- tion ot Ribinion Craaoa'a lonely Island. Here he baa raiided for tha last twelve years aa Governor and Judge. Mist of tba (etllera over whom he presidea are Oar- man and Swiss. Nearly all tb* vegetation ot tba temperate sona tbriv.-e apon Joan FernandiB IT ia estimated by inaarnnos oompaciea thai in Iba United Slates lat year dwelling houus ware burned at ihn rate ot one every hour, wilb an avarag) loai ol M'.iti. Barns aud stables, fifty par week. Country stores, three per day, with a loai of tllOOOO par week. Ten hotels burn weekly, wilb a loss per year of $1,000.000. Every other day a lumber yard goes np in smoke, each representing $30,000. Forty- fouroDttio factories, tba loss in eacb case being 92^,000 , forty-three woolen mills at 126,000 each, and forty-two chemical works at 127,000 eaab, ware destroyed by tire latt ytar. Forty. two boot and shoe factories ware sonanmed, tba loaa being (17,000 each. Theatres wars lappad up by tbe flames at the rale ol five per monlb aversga loss 119,000. Only about halt as many court bouses were destroyed, tbs oust ol each btlng about tUO.OOO. WOMEN wbo are in tbe babil ot biting cff tbe ends cl tbeir thread whan tbay saw till dp vail to lake a' leason trom tbs malanobolr tiperionee ol Mrs. John T. Oreen, of Troy, M.T., wbo died Ihe other day, aa il was thought, ol a tumor in tbe itomaeb. Bbe bad complained ol an ex oruoiatiag pain in her tide, whers there was considerable swelling, and tba symp- toms in bar oaaa appeared to ba to onnaaal tbat tha pbyaiciana intiited upon making a poit mortem examination. Upon investiga- tion, it wai found that tha snppasad tumor was nothing but a Urge roll ot ailk and mohair flbraa, which bad gathered in tbe stomach in anoh a way as lo form an ob- traction. It wai subsequently ascertained that Mrs. Qreen bad been employed when ibe was a young girl in a Bilk factory, where aba bad acquired tba babil of biting off silk thraada and obawicg Ibam. Bbe finally became so fond ol eating threads tbat the continued tbe habit op to tba day of bar death, which waa undoubtedly oaoced by tha practice of thia enrioaa vice. On tbe marriage of Prinoass Beatrice tbe women ol tha oily ol Bristol resolved to make a wedding praient to Her Boyal Highneaa, and il wai decided tbat the article ahonld be eaeb ae might represent tha art lile m tbe manataolares ot Ibs city, and should consist of B marriage ebest and a piece ot embroidery. The gill is now ready lor presentation. Tbe panela of the cheat repreaent the return of Qaeen Eliza- beth from an entertainment in Brittol in 1574 ; a carved representation ol Henry VII., presenting bia sword to tbe Mayor ot Briatol ; the departure of Hebaatian Cabot from Bristol on his voyage of discovery, and tba initials of Baitrioa and Batten- btrg. Tbe chest ii tbrie laet four inches long, two feel two inohea broad and three feel four Inabea high, and |a tbe work of Mr. Tfapnell, who designed and mannfao lured tbe beautiful wedding oaskal pre- sented to tbe Princess of VMes twenty- ttl.e yearn ago. A I'RoFEHHiosAL Bboplitlar, arrested in St. Louis a law daya ago, made an open confession and thus explained bow the work is carried on by those wilb whom aha wai engaged : "It seems to ba Iba easieal thing in tba world. They bave dreanes made efpeoially for that purpose. They bate a big pcokel ia the front of tbeir dress BO made ui not lo be discovered. Tba opening extends alaar across tbe front of the dress, acd Is as deep as the akirl ilsill. It buttons up at tba waist. Some- times tbera are big pockets at the sides. Of caorsa tbe ikirl bs>ato ba plain, as the weight ot articles in ibepooketa would ba plsi ily seen in a plaited or flounced dress. A 1 ! Ihe wearers ot tbe dresses have to do la to stand right up at a counter and jnil pnsh these things cff Ibe counter Inio these pockets. A bolt ol cloth can be easily taken Ibia way, or a bos ot aoap or writing paper. The handn need col be nutd, a mere above ol tbe elbow doing tbe work." TBK statement that bicyelea were to be suottilated lor cavalry borsea in some mili- tary operationi wai at fint not unnaturally treated as a joko by most people. Yet ia tba MOID! macoojvrenof tbt Austrian army sot! moanted on biojolos and tricycles ootdid cavalry in endurance, and now tha cycle ia formally adopted in tbe Austrian military establishmed. Anotbar eon- trivacet now in foil military nae is the balloon, wbicb is adopted iu nearly all European armies, wbile iu Germany tba aeronautic coureo la oooibiced wilb tbe railway brigade. Figaooi, too, have become parla ot Ihe military force in Germany and France, and to a less extent in Rnena Italy, Spain and Portugal. In the two firal named countries private homing clubs train birds to sopp'ement tba military lofts ; and il is jbvicui that pigeon poets may ba very useful wbere communi- cation by telegraph or signal is inter- rupted. Finally, aeoordicg to tbe llanoitr- tan Couritr, dogs are kept in the yard ot tbe barracks at Qotlar to be trained for military purposes. Tha commander ot tbe Foarln Army Oorps bai ordered similar experimenta in other garrison town* ; and when sufficiently drilled and sat np, these four-legged recruits are expected to acoom pany sentries on tbeir beats, and possibly to perform urvioe anilogona to tbat of tbe geese whose oaekling saved Rome. 1 hr Ulrli Mil lo Ur<1. " Every girl and woman i < now weariu( red in seme way cr other," i-nid a modiite to a reporter ol tbe Vail and Kjcprat recently. A few weeke ago it was all yellow, bat now yon do nol eee any yellow at all. Tbe red started in with a bow in tbe bats or bmnete, than the bats became all red, trimmed wilb a black eilk cord, aud were made like tbe Lilliau Rawell bat Tben tba or* 21 for red eitended togowna The street oatnme, or red sack trimmei with black silk cord, a very military looking coat, is all the ityle, and tha more militar] the batter. For tbe opera red gowns an quite proper. Every tbicg IB red : ra< gownr, red elipperi, red feathers, rad from bead to loot. Moil of the red dresses are cat very low and are trimmed witb whit lace. A costume tbat caused a great senia tion waa worn by a young lady at tba oper recently. One hall ber waist waa red (ill and ona halt white laee, tbe lisa ol eepara tion running from tba left tbuulde obliqaely aorote ber waist to right aido o ball. Il looked as il a loots rad waist bad slipped lar down over tbe right shoulder from t he Krie I'ork Mail. rr .. il Treason lor Dadei. Bland np, dudes : Bere ia a point. Washington latter to the Boston Trait'.le saya : " Tba inexorable laws ot fashion preterite that tbe dude mult have a oreas running down ihe whole length ot eacl troniera leg. Now, thia oreaee baa a babi o! absenting itself alter tbe trousers bav been worn several days, and making tb dude's heart sad as he contemplates tb solemn lict thai be will bave to pay hi tailor ball a dolls* to press il in again Now, half a dollar ii fifty big cants to mot ot onr dndes, aad they were beginning I feel Ibe dram apon tbeir pnrsei, when ona ot Ibam hit opon a rebeme which ba secured bim Ihe grakf ul thanki of bis til lowf. Every nigh I before ba retires h folds bia trousers caret oily and lays them between Ihe nuttrecaea on his bed. B aleeps on them and Ihni tha creases ar preserved for tbe admiration ot tba pnbli next day." I'll II . Ill III lll.l Mm.. AI the risk ot wearying reader* with repetition of what hat already been printe in tbe Couranl, tbe following brief record i reprinted from tbie paper under tbe date of September 7lb, 1761 : HAXIFOKD, Sept. 7. L wt waek. David Campbell and Alex andar Pattigraw, wets indicted blore tb Superior Oouri, Killing in Ibia town, to breaking open and robbing tba honse Mr. Abiel Abbot, of Windsor, ol Tw Watches, to wbicb indictment they bill plead guilty, and wera sentenced eaeb c them to receive 15 Stripes, to bava tbel Right Ers out off. and lobe branded wit a stpital letter 11 en tbeir Forehead* which pouiahment was inflicted on them last Friday. Peltigrew bled so mneh from tbe Am potation of bii r tbal bis Lil waa In Duger Hartford (Cosn ) Courax Ir.uilu. ShwlBS; Mount Vesuvius is reodlving a great deal of attantion from alraagera at this lim Nightly its internal emotions sbow sign ot increasing, pretenting beautiful scene of aflalganl tllumina'.iona, deeply outline againel tbe aky witb a varmillion tinga. few nix bis ago an unusual display ot it vomiting power wae witnessed. Oooaaioni volumes ol red hot lava issued forth sodden bnratej that ran down tbs aide Ibe mountain in ona long stream of flowio red, crimsoning aa tbe contact with tb atmosphere o Doled il, like tbe deareaeio beat of red -hoi iron. Tha next mornio now covered Ibs aearrsd aorfaoa ol tb mountain from Ibe aommit nearly balf-wa down to the base, while tba aver exbailin imcke atoended iuto space like a IOD white plume. Naplti Letttr in Baltimor Sun. BII.D.IID'. 111.0. Blondio, who ii now 62 years old, want to coma to America and rapaat bia Nisgar perlormaEce, hot hesitates beeanie tbe la' would compel bin to have a safely as ouder tha rope, wbicb wauld detract mucl from Ibe intereil of tba feat 1 1 is safe t eay that tbit betilation will not aerlonel interfere with bis desirae, and that i America does nol see the old light rope walker tbii ommtr it will be more 01 account of bis 62 ysari than became of tb DSl lluffalo Courier. ,.urroti Mr. Bpurgeoo, though only reoantl restored to his own pulpit, witb character in' tic Christian courtesy has screed to preach amiagionaiy sermon at the approaebin annivereary of Ihe Waaleyan Missionar Booiely. Il has bean eoggeetsd that Exatc Oall be secured for tbe occasion, iu orde to allow as many ae possible to bear th gifted Baptisl preacher. Guardian, WOBAN h llrl. u I ,lor BUI. Be Mr, Mr. "cm In r.rl im BJclilsv a dirt firr, At tbe J*rs*y Criminal Auitsa tbe other day, a Frenoh woman named Jeaone Maria Daboicq. aged 47, wai lantenoed to 31 yearn' ptnal isrvitnde for canting Ihe death ol a girl by setting her clothes on fire because tbe girl would not tetv* her with some brandy. t March Is a boltteroai fellow, And, uii'loterru'l tijr fear, *'"> n >' i y Pranki proclaims lilmaell Tbe tomboy of tbt year. Bweet April lehlsiliter; Her even areoften dim. Pained by tbe thought that be Is dead, Hhe ibed* ber tears for him. The Keainn aayi: Braoeleta and brooohea made of ilrong, masiive gold wire twisted into the wearer'a initiali are an exoeediogly nioe style of jewellery tor children and yonng girla. for whom, on aooonut of their liinplioity, tbey are especially enitabl*. Parasols bava made tbeir appearance io a variety ol novel shapes and fabrics. Elamine wilb embroidered itripas and embroidered or printed crap* are tbe newest materials witb which tbey are covered. LMB oovern are used over shaded silki of various hues. On a nag by the curbstone a little peel sat 4 banana, banana, banana! Ami n (llgnined goutltman laid him down flat Oli, t>Dnoa, tituana, banaua I Iln laid him down flat on tDe length o his spine, And noii* from bis speech would b* III* Hi* olios Tn believe tbat be ooul.l b* > noUd divine Ob, banana, banana banana. Teacher " Now, Klaoa. if I say Ihs father blessed hia six children, I* tbst active or passive?" "Tbat la active ' " Oorreoi, and wbat ia paaeiva?'' " Th* lather was blessed witb six obildno." Qtrman Humor, " How far do woman lapporlyoo, Mitb Taylor?" aaka a writer in tbe PaU Hal iudget. "I myMlf, a* well SB my ltdj auvasseiii, bave bsan struck wilb ti ; ilrong and general interest aroused among wcman, and by their pUaaur* at tb* appearance of a lady candidate. Tbis )' qaally viaibla among tba poor woman wno collect at o|'*n air meetings and amor g ihoee of the better -off filassm wbo t r. visited in tbair bomai. Among men al-o tbere la a ready reepong* tbat a wou-un ongbt to be iu Farliamenl to repmeul womes aud children." "And whieb qata- Lion*, Miaa Taylor, are, in your opinion, tba moat nterestiug to tbe elector ? ' The subjects wbioh arena ite warmeil interest nre shorter hcuis ot Inner, better bcmae anl Ic.od tnd clothing for obildrtn, witb reaio. a- lion ol tlie endowments for tbia Utter purpose. As to my general views on i be bbtiou of admitticg woman into Parlia- ment, I ooniidcr that tho tact of a woman ilar. ding for u Real will give a great itn- petna to tbe general advancement of women. Il al ocoo makes Ibe granting tf a vote to woman **em a oomparatnel, moderate meaanre. It is nnfortnnattl) t o much Ibe ouatpm iu England to nroectii iu politioi by a kind of Dutch auction, and, until Something moreitskskid, thitranehiio quoHtiou is al aalandetill. The drawing uf Itae attention of tbe poor alt o tors and of all women to Iba faol tbat there is DO la * againel women billing in Parliament i* stirring cp tba general queilion ot tLe equal tights ot woman into tb* domain of practical politics. Wben men bave to contend with a woman in parliamentary elections, abd to d read tbal ah* ia drawing off tbeir votes, the political posi- tion of woman will nave tor tbe first time eeastd to be a natter ot thaory, *j.d become a practical matter to political man. I feel lhat I am aoting aa a pioneer, and I axpcct that at tb* n*xl election there will b j many women eaodi- datca lor Parliament." " Among what class do yon find metl sympathy witb tbe political acpiration* ol women?' " Tb* sympathy with Ibe claim* of women iauo- donbtadly itrongcr among M*p*clabl* workingmeu. They r<eogni*a the eooLoml aal value ol woman'a domealie work a* no other olaaa in society doea ; tb*} also, liv- ing and supporting their families by thai m whiob man ba* an ucdonbud eapeiioiiiy ovor woman namely, mnianlar strength are neither jsalcna nor afraid of womec, but recrgnis* tbe equal value of men 'a ana woman's work. Moreover, many among them are nol yel eotranoJiitod, other* hav* only joat beooine ao, aud tbay Hill teal a keen aympalby with tb*) disabilities and disadvantagaa ot an unprivileged olaaa. 1 bava found this onivaraal wiitrever I bav* spokeu to tho workers in towne, to tb* miners, or to agricultural laborer*." " Said A%ron to Uosesi Lat'a cut ofl oar noaes." Aaron (quit bav* been a sufferer from catarrh. The desperation wbicb catarrh produces is often sufficient to make people aay and do many raah things and many toati&ue Buffering just aa it no such ours eta Dr. Sige's Catarrh Remedy t us ted. Il cores every ease from the simplest to tbs most complicated, and all tbe oonetquenor* of oatarrb. A person onoi eared by Dr. Sage's Calarrb Remedy will nol b*) apt *o lake old again, as it (saves tbt tnncoua membraoes healthy and strong. By drug gills. Tb* MetboJi :.. of Oww Sound bave axi*Ldedan invitation lo th* Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Oodericb, to become tbair pastor next year. I lon-| MSW I* M fc.l All* 1r aajn many a stiffen r. " I bavs the bines' frightfully ; 1 am troubled wilb bsadaebe and dtzi'.nesa ; I bave loet my appetite ; there is a bad taste in my moats) SOD- stautly. What ie tbe mailer wilb m* ? " We will tell yon ; you are> " bilious." Get a bottle of Dr. I'icroe's " Oolden Medical Discovery," uia il faithfully, and yoa will eoon b* a naw man again. All druggists, bare it. A odious trial is la progreis in tbe Paris courts, in wbiob, among otber allega- tions, a wifa obargea ber husband with grots cruelly in lying bar down and tiokling the lolaa ol ber teat. U* lha sure. I remedy for catarrh Dr. eagfs. The Paris butcher boy, mtl wbo killed bis paramour and atterward fired two ibola into his own month, has died trom bia it Juries. Tbe lamoua Frenoh Socialist, Louise Michel, waa blared at a meeting called by ber at Vinoacuea. She, howevr, perse- vered and finally won tb* audience over. Rev. Wm. Muir, formerly editor of the Canadian Bapiiit, met witb a serious accident on Friday evening, whan in pasting down tb* cellar ataira it hia reeideoea b* fell, breaking bia right ankle. PERCHERON HORSES. Island HOI-.I. SliN k Farm, Oronso IF!"-, MU-h., Is vcrjr cmi>.' i I'-nilv located f<ir Utnaalana, krliiK "" nu Island in !><-ln i 1 HlTr,ten inilrix-l Wliulinr, on' llir rliiwn will flnd n I'" 'I aril) irrwl'- '' >l lluiut, nrood ruarci II<1 i'. illy uf all ACM to wli'c-t from. All pur tiro<l s'.M'k . rep 1st. r. 1 In the French and AiniTirui Btuil !< .k>. Pri'-i < "ixnnabli>, stock iriiarantent. " tra!.. I .luhiguefrce. O UN. i,. 14 8. Yflllllfi II Ell " ly ' Bomalhing I UUntl mCll 700 all want. A Daisy 40 r.ontn. Bumple by Mail for 15 oents (liver) AKeuts wanted. Donaldson A moud 8t , london, Oat. CONSUMPTION. nur > pn|i<.r.tnl ) rri>r 'n.nwnrt* ..frM. ,.r HM wor rlhb>i>dlKUi lull, aw wortl kliM !,.! of l',nc lin<lmc rnrrt. H*l, x> llm,, U my IsOk) II. Sney, Ibtt I will Mnil 1 WO ROTTLKH fRKK lorMhrr with . VJLI'IBIJ! 7-RKATIS. o. ' ulnrvr. Ulr. *iprrM Kn .l r O i 1,1, .. I>R. T. A. UXm, Branch OfSoe, 37 Tonga C t., T oroato AGENTS. lamp ilais olsaner, _ _ 3 cents for namr>ls and turmi. B. B. BALL, Patentee BoKff. Qoelpbt Ont. _ VsBlsre allowed afrrr trinl nftMrty <\.i\j* of the na nf Lr. In ' (Vlnhrat<Hl Voltaic Bolt iviin Hcrtric Sm prnfKiry Appllanc<-n. tnr trio "i^-^ily rrlli-f and pM nmn'-m <'u i .' nf ,\r T'..M. /'r'.i/i/y lc>M uf I ittinty ATM ninl all k!intr,-.l troutilpM. Alftfi for inaaj Compltraat/>niil<n to Hrnlth, VlaTM -'o rlk In lnrurre.1. Illui anil M;. l guaranteed. rowUiMi VOLTAIC UELT(JO n Manhu of.lj| aC 9 IN 80VTII M UK A AdTtnturee among the Dwairii and nni- la* ol tile Dark (Harm I rice 'IM.. I mplosMo. W J. 1'HTBK. Nasesya, Onl. HTLDV. Hook-kseplni, BBI|DI>I Forms, Wrltlnn, Bborlhand, at* UinronhlT taibl by mall. Olnolara fr*i iddreM ItHYASlTH HtmiNKHH C R. U. AWARE THAT LorilUrd'i Climax Pi: