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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1886, p. 3

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. ' - THE ADVANCE, ae of Hie IcadUf Local and Family Kaweptparl in Mvrtixiu uutariu. fubllsbad TH Orrn i, f tcJ Strut, FlethtrUn, Oni TBM8 OF ai.*9 per snnnm la advanss; 1.60K aat BS.U at thisutlof If years. No pspar diaeoDtiuuad at 1 all anaaraejaaajw (uua up ; and uo ssltxuljx paia* ttn far Isis than one yaar, exeapt vrben iBMlat u-rsn*iuanta for shorter p*iiods are *> witli tha publiaber. AUVEBTI8LNO BATES,**. Gasaal adrertiwinanti, H canu p*> totiniartion Mt * tcantiper llua achsub<|uutiiirttou. Trauiiwnt (ivertiemut tu be patd for wheai iflifnl Adv*rtli*mot> withont upecial dirac loai will ba inieru>d Ull foibid autl charted asoonliuMly L^berariudnoeiiieaitu to regulur advertlsera. Neticaa tmoug reading matter, 10 cents per UIMI ncn Inlurtion. Wo tdvertisemsnt owsODtiuued until all u itu-agss aru paid up. Copy for advertisimDta ihould reaeb tnls oBee not Ister tban nooo on ! ocuJay to eneurs aertlon ia current issue. A. R. FA/WCETT, Editor and Frvpriittr. IPlesherton Meat Market. 8EPT.QOOD, PBOPJUITOB Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing, Bevetrouajhing. and In fact *vary- thing in tb* buslneai will receive my prompt and careful attsntiou at raaaouabls prlcee. lim Is lolomre in Stock, CLAYTON'S II A KMISS SHOP ! KLESHERTON, Ii the plan to get yvur Harneu CMari, d-t, made up in good ttyle. Shop in W. Clayton' i Boot it Shoe Store, fUthtrton. EUQEMA Grist Mill, SW i Lai. Mill, Having made extensive improvements In 017 Grist Mill, I am confident I can give go-i latiafactien. CHOPPING DONE ANY HAT. Oood Flour always on band. Custom Sawing, and Bill* filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath always ou hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. Til. AKITT, ' A book of im i>(.*Tfl. Hit- best Ixmlv i or mi ._ -i'i ior utiii-i-nis.-. ii - . L i pjipQraitndeetflniatM ofth<<oo*)Cfa<lver(lM|i i;.'l ln-mlvi'i-il^i i who wimisio sin-mi inn> i-.iinr. Bmle In tt the In* Mnn:itiO!i li<irr*i<i' r.- , wlnleforblin w IT;i will Invostoii" hiimln-.l thnntnuid <lnllnr-i In nil- vrvllnlirr. PI -< ln-i'i" i" iinlii-nti-d whli-li will nii'i'tliU PVCI rr,i.iinnif;it,i'r ro (V mntle lo data li-t -i firrirnlat liycor- re*i>otulfn- i:i I'.iii l<ni< huv.- Imrn i^in-.l. Sunt. pii-t i . i - :.ny inlilri> I'M- loventi. Wrlln to' I.I." !' HOW'hLL * . M.\V<!'.\r: 1C .\'>\ l:llTISIS. Ill KKAII, uSq.), Ituw \iirk. BREACH OF PROMISE. in .\ muring on Trial In ALL UPPEH-TESCDM SET LAUUHINQ, A Chicago detpateb *ayi : 'inis morning Judg* Abiuouy'a coutl and tbe a|iptoaObi's Ihtrato were picked with a den** crowd, wbo Btrugtiled and itraiaed to Ueteo to the uaatioiial braaoh ot promia* ca*a of Boa* Koran again*! Cbrittopber Wiehc. Tber* was a buzz ct (xpcetaoey at Minn Moran, aoocmpanied by bar lawytr and on* or two friend*, entered tbe court and raaamed her piaee npea tbe winrn* tend. She wa* subjected to a tr>ioi iminatioD by Mr. Brad*. Bba HAVt YOU, Py.pri.. In.1i|ji!on, F ic.. Hdch, DbihMss,.I > am m u*i""j Co.linc.v or ny clis r.i"K from i a d liv.r, UK. (.: i-TBK ill 'x found . .u tnd Cfrtinrrmdy NATURE'S REMEDY Tk. un<,tlifie.l W ^ "f I >r. Ch.^ ''' C " ': Ltr Lo*|>l>i>'i reM -My ,ch th fact -" eomp.Min.!rffr...-..l..r.-'i. '11 If guUlor., MA,,HI AMI. IHM-ztr N, combined with many othr ii.valual.1, LJI-. barks knd hcrt*. havln 'nl elfcct on ih* Kldny,8iooiah, Ho ' n * ~. 50O.OOO SOLO r m-lulf million '/ Dr. Cluuii Rtcift ftotl tM in Cntiuif flau. H't mutt tviry '. mmd tkM * it tr<**Utd niitk Lhtr itm- to try 'Ail Itcillint rrmidy. SOMCTHINO New. GIVEN AWAY Ff I Wrppd uo'ind ry bolll* of I)r Ch' Lir Cure b ulumble ttiwwhotil Mcilinl (iuidt n<l Recipe Book (>4 paiu), conlininj orer oo uwful recipw, renounced by mtn and ilrugi>l< invl. yit, nd worth ten timM lh price of Iht medicine. _ T>Y CHAtl'l C*TAH CUItt. A ift and po.iliT "rmudy. 1'nce, >3 cnt. tbat tbia wai her 27th birthday, though pjbedtd not kuuw nnlil Ia*t week that ih* wai over '25. i.ova 1 * OMBINI "Did you not npbraid him for addrati inn yaw limply a* ' Re' and not a* Ueare*t ROM' aid say tbat Chicago acmed to have frozen up bia love ."' Miss Mornu waa aak*d, " I hvNvre I nadt totoe remark to tbat effect. Alter be returned from New York he oied to addr*** m* more warmly thai af t*r be rituiMd to Chicago. I laid, ' 1 Buppoee diltanae ltL*n enebannxenl " Do you remember the flrit lime be oam* to you alter yon oame to Uie oouolu ion you were iu love witb bim ? ' ' I do." " Wbat took plac* on tbat occasion ? ' " I can't *y." Hire the witness' voice trembled tnd t*af* stocd iu ber eyea. " Did anything lake place on tbat oc- casion tbat never happened at tbe previooe meltings ?" " T*)*, tir," laid tb* lady in a low tone. " Did you kit* him ? " M I did not " " Did you embrace bim .'" " No." " Did he klai yoo f" "Tea, sir," (Ulteringly) " Did be embrace yon ?" " Ha did, air," laid lliuo Moran, while a blosh mantled ber cheek. 'Where did tbii wonderfnl nceue occur f" " In tb* parlor. W* were all alone. Hi kitted me and embraced me, bat I Lever bagged or kie*ed him." I11E LATITCliI OIVIS TBI "After you permitted him to embrace you on the occasion in qneition, did be habitually do to afterward when be oame to vint yon?" " T(*. sir. ' Mr. Brandt tired a perfect volley of qaat lions at th* wilneea, all tending to kiw that Mite Koran bad been repeatedly out at* at nighta during September, 1884, r*. turning borne at 10, 11 and 12 o'clock, and that Mr. With* bad seen bar put on alreet can by g*ntl*m*n at these nonr*. Tbe wit ceas. however, gave Ib* moal flit and emphatic denial to eaoh qneition. He did not dare to talk to m* like .bat, ' *aid tb* witneai, a* aba cliocbed i*r little band upon the arm of tbe witness chair. " If be did I would have never been bliged to bring tbi* lawsuit, for b* would lave bad baok bi* plighted troth and bit t* tub Hjt." 1 WITT WOJUD'8 ULT-OOKVUCUICT. 1 How tall *r yen? I think about five feet." L)J you weigh more tban on* hundred POOL A* T" " I do, sir, ctid tb* little lady, a* aha MtaeoLtoicn* glacea al her plump and 11 rounded person. " 1 *oppot* Mr. Wiebe i* a greal deal taller thai me," ah* continued, in reply to a loriber queilioii of iltorney Brandt. 1* not it a tact that von pertisteolly refused to no witb Mr. With* to parties Koauae jou were aware yen would have to walk round together and were afraid to lave pcoili * you, a mature wom*o, walking around with a greal big boy like tbat T ' pointing to his client. (Ltogater ) No, sir," laid Miw Moran, faintly. Witness aaid toe commenced making pre- paration* for th* wadding in December of ihe year prreediog. tier wedding drtta ra* of white aatio. She bad a dozen other dreasc* everything* lady should bav* for aaoh an oeateion and more tban a gr*at many ladies have. Il took from December. 1803, until October, 1894, to prepare tbia rouisan. H. fore going to Weit Point, Wiebr, tbe witu*s* aaid, deoUred tbat if the did no! marry him he would pat an end a himself. i Kiel mo memo i.iTiin. Brandt, in Ib* attempt to thow that Wiebe'* lov* for the plaintift wa* not so rarniog as *h* pictured il. read a letter !rom bim.datel al Niagara Fall* in Oato- Mr, in which Wi*h* aaid : " I wiah I wai a Mormon aud with the elder* aland." Tbia act the ladie* landing. Tbey glanced ml*- obievonaly tt Wiebe, and be bent bl* bead to bid* hit blnxbe*. I pawed over Flirtation Walk to-day ; Ibe girl* bare ar* delieiouily delicioui," went on the letter, " but they won't be mashed, though an introduction iigrauoos ly accepted. At the further eitrcmity of the walk is a big moond of earth and r jcka wbiob reminded me of yoa. Talk about tha nioe place* ; taut this place take* tb* cake, and bakery, too. It you ever taw It jou U never want to a M* a Chicago park tgain." The letter, a* read by Mr. Brandt, set vary on* ID tb* eoorl room laughing, and tor aeveral minus** th* red faced bailifl waa kept poonding for order. BOLD BY Alt DEALERS - -.f Tbe oi.i .hln4 Sieve. A Wilton veteran t*ll* tbi* story : " My lealtb got run down, I failed in trade, and [ thoogt.1 1 would go to farming. I bought m* a piece of land in Aroottook, built myself a cabin, and lit to work clearing il. Thit wa* forty y*ar* ago. It wa* ia tb* [ll. I didn't have time to build much of a boose, ao I jolt clapped ahioglei over the crack*. Il wai ratb*r cold tor n> my wife and ma. We didn't tleep very aom- forlabla night*. A friend told a* to get air-tigbi stove, pot a big chunk of wood ia wben we went to bed, and tb* coals would keep all night and warm tb* cabin. Tbos* round, Bbeel-irou, air-tight itovaa had jo*t com* into fashion then. I got m* on* and **t her op. A tbort lime before I lorned in I pat la a heavy chunk of beeob wool tbat I'd tawed right off a log. We turned in early and began to talk over our proepeota in our new lit*. ' Wb*t a grand thing tbat air-tight ttov* ii for na, M*ry Kllao 1' myi I, * Y**,' *ayi *ha ; ' but aiu'i it netting t little too warm for comfort ? I told her I didn't know but it wa*, aud ao I turned down one quilt. Before we got to sleep we had to turn down another quili. It w" a cold night, bat that new air-ngbt te*m*d to heat up tremendously. ' I never aw auob t beater, Jerry,' laid Mary Ellen < Neither did I,' *ayi I. Iu tbe night I w ike up and It wai ao warm that I torned down another quilt and left nothing bnt a beet over n*. Well, in the morning I got up and want to tbe stove to itir up tbe coals nd pat on some more wood. Ooart t Bleti ye, there wain't a ipark in the ttov* I Tbat big beech junk wasn't even charred. Tber* hadn't been enough fire in that itove allnigbl to tech off my pipe witb. Tit beech log waa too aoggy to warm a* up, but tbal new ur-<igbt Move and oar imagina- tion did tbi buiine** just a* wall." Leva- ton (ilt ) Journal. Ut-ll. rtr in New Werh. Rtinbow trout bring 11.25 a pound, and ar* In d*mand. OaoT**.baek duck* are loaroc, and art quoted at 15 a brace. Diamond back terrapin* ooat 148 a dozsn. Hot home muibroomi ar* II per quart. frog*' lag* ar* 81,60 p*i doien. 1MB I.UNDOH Ml 01 Mil i-.'ii|. i Krrr< .ir Vlvwt el ife IJy . . , . -aidarB of th >rc wait kuuwnuuarao ir IB tb* K glieh metropolis. Barns ban bteu aooosed ot aocrptit'g mooey ttum the Tory cloba for rnnuing aaa Piurliameutar) candidate in one ot the ogliah horougbi- Notticgham thai eplitting the Liberal* in tbo nope tuat a Tory mi^bi Ket in. The vol* showed C- Biely (L..). 6.660 ; E. Cope, (T.), 3,7'J7 ; Burns, 598. Borne acknowledged that be got the money, bat elalmtd tbat hi did not know wbenoe it oame. Though not an Iriahmao, ba fceianged to *ae ot the Irith letgnet in London, be*, w/at expelled at the iubtanoe ol X. P. OOoonof, M. P., on ob&rgei rifl:otiiig on his political and personal honesty. He ban tine* hu eipuliior, <n tba columns ot Ib* London Timet, abuied the L iague and iu cffiieri Be it a professional workingman, aoc were he a resident of Chicago he would probably be called a " toucher." HtNDkUH, BIS A%SOCI4T, ia a man of wenlth aud ot aonmderable literary capacity. He ie tb* author of most of tbe Commuaistio traata scattered brnad eaat throughout Orea*i Britain and Ireland nowaday* in ordtr to propagate Sooialiutic idiar. Ha ia a Hebrew without a religion H* u -.1- J to belong to the Poiitivi*! ooterie of which Frederic Harrison ii tb* high I riert, bat becomiDij too rash tot bi aeiaoiate* h* wai " Jrcasu out." Ha adite tbe Lindoo OommooUtie paper, for th* support of which appeal* are made nightly al tbe leathering ot tbe " hungry working aen." A couple cf yean ago Myudman oonliibuted to tha Stn'tttntti Century a somewhat itartUng utiole on Boaialum nuder tbe caption of " TBI IUWH 01 i KBVOLUT10IUBT EPOCB." In tbia article h* maintained that " n*var perhaps ha* tbe oertainty of approaobin,! trouble been more manifest. II will be itrange if tbe next few yean pata over peacefully. * * The crowded room, Ib* dingy street, th* ttmky atmoa- pber*, tbe gradual deterioration ot offspring are noted and brooded over by men who are being tteaduy eduoatea to anderitaod the duadvaotagea of their poai- lion, and are also being drilled to right them." Mr. Uyndmtu lock* upon Bia- marok a* the groataal " domotlie rnvolu tiobiet of modern times.' lo Franc* Ib* imprisonment of tbe Gammanitt* some >ear* ago wai " tb* martyrdom ot a new bocial faith." Austria at>d Italy are falling into line for many raaaous and through many cause* ib* principal on** beiox agrarian. A* for Etastia, Nihilism in thai may poaaibly be " ibe park lo fire the whole Eoropeato mafjuine of OJm- Buiiiblea." In London the Socialist from Germany, tbe Oommonuil from Frano, tbe Nihiliat from Riueia gel known to on* another, suggest ideas fjr common action, aod keep one another informed. Th* material* for " A OBIUT COHTUaaUIIOIl " IK LOSDDK, as tb* event* of Monday ehow, have been gathered and are almoal redy. Mr. Hynd- man take* eredil for bit own race a* fur the leadtre ol the new re vol u notary movemeLt. Bar* i* a remark able pi>(*g* frum bia pamphlet : " Wnilat uu ina one hand the Jawa are beyond tbe lea-lei* ot tha piui< crao) of Europe, holding in large aa wall a* in mattera, in Ihe ((real eeutiee an well a* in th* village* of Kama K..uo.eli, tna power ot the pone, acotber uetido ot b* aame race form tha leader* ol that revolutionary i ropnganda which it making wty agaiuit that vary capitalist olaae re- resented by their own fellow- Jew*. J*ws mor* tban any other men have held orth againal those who make tbalr Uvlog, not by prodnoicg value, bul by trading on tbi differenoea of value ; they are at thia moment acting at tb* leaders in tb* r*vo- utionary nuvemtnt. * * ' joraly w* bav* hire a very strong* pheno- menon. MB. HYHDIUX'l " BIMII> V " ,a Btate Boeialiim. Tb* principle of Slat* management moil extend lo all property tor tbe benefit of the mast**." Tbi* may ' involve anarchy and bloodibed " ia the Bfgiuning, yet at a pericd *ach at tbi present " any tbicg may be tried." Tbeold l*>d of artstcoraey atd olau privilege* are away. The Oovernmenl of tbe lay, Mr. Hyndman loiiata, moat learu bow to deal with growing democratic influence with steady delermioalioo at ihe outMil lo satitfy tb* ueedt aod gratify tbt r*aaon- able ambitiona of all." Il only remain* to ay of Hyodmiui further tbal he made a desperate aflorlto break into Parliament an December, but Mr. Chamberlain our ag*ou*ly oppoeed bi* political aebeme, and lueoeeded in keeping him oat. Chicago TribuM. HOW KIII i. it l III u > -I > l . A Veaag Olri Tawarwal la I.eve AiirsBtMa uliMi llrr Alvlkrr Hrln nod B \ . << j luv r*ti*w*. A North A Urns, MIM., deep atch tayi Mia* Lollie Harrison, aged 19, wai married yetlerday to Mr. E. B. Atlwood, a youu man cf tbia town, under moal lingular ciroamslaLcei. Th* two have been devoted to eaoh other for several months, bnt a few day* ago Lottie's foster mother told her "he must bav* nothing more lo do witb Blward, and tb* young man wai r*fu*J admittance to tbe bouse, Thursday evening Lottie procured a email Mven-ibootor, walked lo the cemetery, and lilting down upon ber grandfather's grave fired one shot into Ib* air to see if tha weapon WM in perfect order, and then placing ihe muzzle to ber (orebead fired again. Tbe ball did not penetrate the skull, however, bnt Klanomg upward rented under Ihe aoalp, Lottia wa* not evtn stunned by tha injury, and, concluding that she could not kill bar- eelf, walked to ber home, about a mil distant. Wben she retched the bouse bei foster mother, greatly shacked, wni for t doctor, wbo extracted tbe ball. Edward aod a minister were inmmoned, and lai night tba young people were happy a* man aad wife. Ncrthwrat News. Ao Elmsnton dcipatoh nays Ifce Iniubordf- nation among tbe police bas been effectually stopped by the arrant of eeven ringleaders, ttkiug them by surprise, and Icckiug tbum up. The trouble ia probably over. Two gentlemen from Ibe Nortbweal Territorial had an interview yeatarday with tbe Mininter of tba Interior for tbe purpoae of submitting to the Government a fiat ot claims made on behalf ut the peoplt of tb* Territories. Tbe amount ol need grain to ba distribu- ted by the Department ol ihe Interior among tb* diltrcoaad balf-breedi and aelllera ot Prince Albert, Duck Lke, Bl Laurent and Batoobe will b* upward* < f 16 000 buohel*. angrrgatiofi in value up ward* of to 000. Tbe dialribution will be made to the needy OI.CB by tbe Larn Agricultural Society , Ib* missionary pri*sta, and tbe prominent citizens of Ihe respective place*. A Winnipeg despatch aaya : Nin* ot th* insubordinate Mounted Police wbo mutinied at Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan have been *ent*need to term* ot imprisonment vtrying from on* y*ar to three months, and a fine ol oa* month'* payv Nin* mar* are being tried to-day. Mr. Kobl. Wawoo, M. P., WM dinid by tbi Liberals at B rile laat eight. The German Imperial Ooverntr nt h** ordered tbe Mtabllabment ot onaira lor h)giene aod bacteriology at all uuiverittiii bt th* empire. Th* Btat* ot Kentucky bas no food clothing or work lor oue thousand oonvieti with whone itrvicM contractor is about to aitf euse. II / " ai 'i*rri left Bog : e ooia lam o JlUet tM rtfl . i>;:i-J of tbe MaUfM Tbe ranuaio* ol tbe D wagar-Ccnnlksw ifftitbeswei* oo tbe 2th alt. iuterreo a the family vault in tbi churchyard of Leille. Tha Dak* of Satbarlaud bai to tba tbaep farmer* on tbe estate a reduction of 40 per cent, on tbe current rate*. Mr. Alfred W. Petrae, of the firm of P tree Bro then, engineers and ubipbailden L>aod*e, died uudderjlycQ the 26tb all. Jrona paralyiU. Mr. Doff**, *oM*itot, Furr**, aud aciuary of the Stvingi' B*nk, hut been committed to prUon on * charge cf embezzling over 610 bthngiog to depositor*. Mr. Duncan MeLiohlao, one ot tb* iSdsot lolioiior* in Daudt-e, and for many >eu* an Houorar) 8b- nfl Bobetiinte, died on Ibe 86. u all. iu bin 76 i year. Tbe old family estate ot Aaohliahie, u**r Kuriemair, F .rfar-l.ire, baa beet k urUia by Mr J. M Bl.ok, ibe fjroiti partner m boiiuets cf Mr. Wilkte, tbe late proprietor. Another heavy tailor* ia tbe coal trade waa innonneed on tha 29 b nil. In Glasgow tbat ot Mr. John Qendrie, ol Ibe Muyville Cjlliery Ootnpuny. Tba liabilitiet are stated al 80 340, and the Muta at 84.727. L ird Fraser, OB the 27lh nil., iu the Ocurt of Seesioo, aaataintd tbe jurisdiction of iba Court of Session in the aotion b] tbe Re*. Wm. Haiti* ageiul Mr. Ojtaviu Steel for 5.000 diin^ea tor alleged lander. Mr. JoUn Baird, sen., o! Bl*kford, near Lockerbie, and lenior pinner ot tbe Arm f J dt J. Baud & MarkecBle, lolieitor* Lockerbie, died al Blaekford on Jan. 9)h air, Baird, who WM in bii S3id year, wa* a native cf Ayr. Tbe Barns itatae in George fqaare, Glasgow, wai prettily decorated witb ever grvaii* on tb* 25ih ult. in bonor of tbe anniversary. O.i each of the fear lidei of Ib* pedestal wa* a large wreath, composed ut bolly, laurel and ivy. The Bxntieh Farmer*' Alliance have received to agitato daring tb* present par- lamautary lettioc for a Bill to give tenant armer* under leap-en the option of quitting tb*u holdiug* after oca yuan notice, or a re-valu*n u by mutual arbiter*. Ia the eveul ot Dr. Cameron bringing orward bia resolution f r ibe diaihlab- labmeul jf tbe Cbareh at Scotland, Sir J jtuld Carrie will prupjie an amendment n favor of a Royal Conimipiaion to "in- [air* into tb* wiahe* of the Bootlinh uahon." Ill nOHH OF OOVIKflTIC I.IPK. A >. w V*rk Wllr, llu.k>.arf aad Babv I ... % llu.b.nd Trill*)* Mw Ur I'our.rf Mnirr ea III. M llr ia Itir Nitjai. OlM Bartorio* sabnjittid ycilerday to cd<* Barrett hia travar.-* to Ln wit*'* barge* 10 her return to Ibe writ of babtaa oorpa* to gal pof*9tsion of bi-> fuur mon'.b*' l i baby. Ha aaya bia wifa came home at belt-pact 12 o'clock, went to her ronm without rii>ging th* bell, and sneaked iff to bed. He had been fitting up for her, and Leo ba dually fonud L*r iu bed be tried o get sums explanation of bar conduct. le told bar tbal the must get up and bear what be bid lo aay ; Ibai it wa* not a iroper thing lor a married woman to return o ber bcnsa after 12 o'c!c*i and aneak into bar room without nulifyingher ba-iband. Then be left beralonn.auil, alter walking up and down toe room for about ao hour, poke to ber again. Bb* declined to give any explanation. Bh* laid tbi wubid to leep. He wa* vary much tioited, aod old ber the moil get np, and if the did not ie would pour water oa tb* bed, ao tbal aba could not remain in il. He thereupon pro- and from tbe bath-room a halt-pint litelier ol water, and put about a apoouful ou th* bed, aloigiide of bis w.fe. lit took ber by the arm and told bsr aba must g*t ;ei out of bed. Bbe did (ei up, aad eal on a obair without loosing a) him or vouob- ig any reply. H* begged ber to cease ahaooiatiug with ber parent*. Wb'le abe W*M titling on tbe chair lo king toward the Ixir hi touched ber upon tbe forebetd, and, with bis hacd, raited h*r bead back- ward. Hi asked her to look him iu be face, M bia wife, and giv* him her lolimn protui-e that hat o,ur*e ol action wculd otaae. ibe, weeping, promlaed. All tbat time b* j so excited ai-d nirvcos and co'd from naviog sat np partly undressed, tbat h* ound il abaolntely u*0' <asry to take some brandy. Then with mutual tear* they talked tb* matter over, and Ibey bolb retired. He though! th* quarrel bad b i-i made up. H* held tb* oaby awhile next morning, and kiaaed bia wife good-bye - be departed for buaineae. Ai be torned round, after galliog into :he itreal, be law ber standing at the window a* uuel, waving adiena and throwing kiaae* at him That night ba " foood hi* bom* deserted and hi* child removed." Hi averted hi* belief Ibat hi* wit*'* departnr* wa* all arranged during bar viitlt to ber parent* on Ib* previoo* afternoon. judge Barrett *nt tb* case before Referee Eiward O. Parkins, wbo will take tralimony and report to tb* court. -A', f. Sun ej Ih. \.rld I Kir iln( I'ratlr. From a recent comparative itatemenl it appear* that, omitting vend* of lee* tban fl'ly toni measurement, Europe poesestet 43 tona to every 1.000 Inhabitants, America 49, and Auatralia 1'J, while Aia and Africa have only 2 toni per 1.000. Livsrpoo! ranks a* tbe moil important port in tbe world, with a tonnag* ot 2 646 373 ; tbii m -aeoeeded by London wilb il 330 688 ; and Qitrgow with 1,432364; New York cum** ii- it, witb 1166676 Tb* nine leading p rt* of Oreat Brnain bav* a tonntge ol 8 794.123. while tbe flrat four port* ot the Uuited 8tat*a have only 1*79940 Si Jobo, Now Braoawiek, ia in this reepeol a* important as Bovlon or Obarlrftton. and more *o tban Pniladelpbia. Great Britain and Irol-ri'i p<>!w a grew* tonnags ol Dearly 12 000 000 nailing veieel tone, and with tb* vouunif rf bar oolonieathe Britinb dan covers 14.000000 tjunage <>nt ol Ibe total rxiatinKWorld'a tonnage ol 27 000,000 The United Stale*, twenty year* ago, carried 66 per cent, ol their foreign trade 10 tb*ir uwn bottom*, whereas now tbey carry *omethiog le** tban 18 per cent. nanlteka n.l ikr A Winnipeg denpateh tay* plowiog com- meuocd at Medicine lUt oo S^nrday lant, i. il awrral farmere were engaged in Work The Dominion O--ven. inert will beaaked to plao* a hum iu Ibe estimate* to improve the Red River with a viaw to ite utiliza- tion iu tb* Uudaou Bav route. Ltadiog brewen of tbi Uuited Bitten bav* written to tba Canadian Pacific Bail way *xprea*ing a desire to pnrtbaae Maoi toba barley, and asking the company to notify the farmers to thai effect. Oue St. Looi* firm My* it purchase! eaob year one million boabtli. and will have buyer* in the Winnipeg market. Never interfere with a man who i* enttiing. Wben eo engaged he require* to devote bii whole attention to the batln*ii. Tbe united propartire of tb* Rothschilds aggregate more than f 1, 000,000 000 The fortune, by later-marriage, I* alway* re- tained in th* family, and ban teen aoonmu- latad within one century. Over 9300 000,- 000 I* depomfc J with one baokioii firm iu London, Meeara. Baring Brother*, while a earn amounting to nearly 1600 000 000 ba* been loaned to European Government* by tbi toUuobildl d Bring tbe paj| ten > ean. HNT.1RI!) lEGISUTl'RF. i'ho following Bill* were reJ a first um* : lit. VViddifleld To incorporate tee King Lice Kilway Company. Mr. Mcrrick lo amend th* Burrcgate Cjurla Act. aud rep*oting the estate o deceased (xrtMEi and minors. Mr. Farm To incorporate tut Toronto Fira Inaorenoe Company. Mr. Brereton Respecting tb* oon*oli dated debt ot tbe town of Port Hope. Mr. Dill- T , incorporate th* village o Hanlavilla. Mr. Er malinger To extend the boora ci polling in mn&ieipal and legislative elto tiooi. Mr. MeKim-Tu oonsolidata ice deb -. lure debt of Iba town of HOOD! Foreit. Mr. Meredith -To inoorportt* tba Lon dou A 8 intheaiUrn lUilwy Co Mr. If iradith To provide for certain i 1 to tutt L-indjn & Souiheanlem Co. Mr O Connor To amend tbe Aol raipeol ion tt> aaeeMtuent of property. Mr. Gibson (Hacciitor) a-.ked whether it ia the iotautiou ot tba Ouvaroment to bring >oto operation "Ibe Obtain Faotorie* Aoi. l-iil ' by tbt prc carnation ot tbe LiieuWnan I- Governor, acd, it mob o:>ar.e baa DO! bien decided upjn, whatner any aud wbal step* nave beeu taken to tettlu aa> doabii wbiob exist ai to tbe ooostilo tionaUt; at tbe Aol, aad generally ae to tba intention of tbe Government regarding the matter. HOD. 0. Mowat II U tbe intectioD of tba Government to bring into operation the Qatar 10 FaeKuie* Aet by proclamation M toon aa this oan be done with advtuUgr and safety. I am sure tbe Hooa wil disapprove of ite being brouitbt into opera lion before it oio be done witb eataty auc advantage. It w.ll be remembered that tbii 14 one ot ihe matters in regard to wbiob the qaaation at jariadiotiou ia in dispute A Bill for tbe eame parpoM bad for MveraJ y*ara been introduced into the Elcaae of Common*, bat list year It aeemi to have been abandoned. I bare etdea vored, *o far wilboat effaot, to have a eae agreed upon betvecn tbii Government anc tbe Dominion Oovernmeal for reference to tbe Supreme Ooarl in order to aetll* taut Jispute. Il I* ot tba greateet importance to lave tbe matter aolvad before tbe Aol in brought into operation. Il ia greatly to be regretted thai the Provincial Government oannol refer a oaie to tbe Supreme Court be lame a* th* Dominion, and it bai ooorrcd to me to try th* uperimenl of bringiLg anil direct without Ite aeaeol ol be Dominion. Tbere U no precedent for bia, but I am not ear* that anon a eoora* DOI be allowed. Mr. Preaton Have tbe Oovaramant made any and wlual arrangement wbareby tbe ur| Iu etook of tbe Model Farm will be retained ia the Province? Hon. A. M. R.'ue- Previous to tbe last ale ct aurplua atock arrangements were made to anuooooe that Ibe freight of all ha stcok purchased would be paid to tbe he ma ot tbe pnrobatara, provided tbey wera reaidauta ot Oalario. Thie bad tni ffietot placing all on Ibe aame fo> t L L'ns ba* been tbal not a tuiKla animal sola at tbal sal* ba* gone ui Ibe jiwd 8 ;es. Mr. Water* To incorporate the Town of fMkhill. Mr. Hrooorl-RtpeetioK*oveLai,uoon. aiued 10 tborl forma of leaaea. Mr. Snider To regulate tba wiJlb of anton tires. Mr. Gibson (damillon) To aotflrm oer tain oiuvayanees made by married women. Mr. Water*) To amend tb* Aal respect- Mr. Oibsoa (Hamiltob) To amend tba J vi ion Conrla Aol. Mr. Ermatinger To inretd tbe law of leaeent of land. Hon. C. F. Fraaer Au Act to furtber amead tba Aoamenl Aal. Mr. Qcabain moved tor a return of tbe .amber ot Farmer a' Inelitntea formed in be several Riding* of Iba Provines, ottelber witb tbe number ot Uelorei lelivered in eocnaetiou witb the Institutes by tbe I'rolciion of the Agricultural Col- ege. II* cated that in bia ndmn tbay had lad m Institute wilb marked benefit to be farmer*. Tbey bad a Uo.or* by I'r >( Jrtmiide on tbe Lorss, and oo* by Prut' 3ron on parminent paaiuras, aad other person* bad givsn their expenauoa. Tbi> jad riwaltedin great benefit to Ibe farming community. With regard to permanent )Miuree, be Ihaoghl the gain to tba (ounlry would bi very greal U Mr. Browu a advice were followed. Hi was trytnx tbe Laiuielf, and the reanlla would be [pod. Mr. Orury aaid co expenditure ol tbe 1 jvernuirnl bad been ot greater benefit to b*(sruir<4 tban tbal on ariouliurl iu- atitoiea. He was eatl>n?d tbat tbe farmer* of tbe country generally are convinced tbat their inter**** ar* carefully looked after aera, and tbal whatever oan b* done by a Government acd a Parliament will be dot. a, and tbal tbe present Minister of Agricul- ture it concerned for Ibe farmer*' welfare. Mr. Creigbton added bis testimony to the ni>efulne*8 ol tbe farmer*' ioslilntee. lie believed they were going to do a vary grett amount ot good. Mr. Awrey *pok* ot tbe institute held ui WuDtwortb The farmer* there, irreepeo live of tbair politic. I proolivitiaa, feel thai they owe the Minister of Agriculture grati i u le for the intereat be ba* taken in their oocoerna and the courtesy be ba* sbowu them whenever he bas been approached on any matter. Mr. Water* wa* *att>fied that tbe Pro femora of the College had, a* well a* th* tamers, received great benefit from attending tbe lo-litule*. Tbey would LOW know that thor* were bandreda ol farmeit who understood practical agriaalture jua aa well aa tbe professors did themselves TbeiafttKute had doubtleeidooe much gooi in drawing frtni<r* together. lion. A. M KJW I am highly gratified tbat tha policy of tb* Ooveramenl with reepeot to theee inetilntea ba* been aoopt*4 a* salufacsory and rce.'ived with coco iueudtion by both aid** of Ibe Houe. 1 don't claim credit for organising the io*ti lutes, bnt I doa'l think that claim ran be j-i-ufl-d by theotbor aide ol the BOOM*. Tbe idea wa* suggested to me by teeing iu the reports ol in* Michigan Agricultural Oollrg-i that the professor* Ibere allruded Farnj0n' Institute*. Having bad *om<i expeiianoe in municipal organisation*, I knew tbal tbey would not be *uoM*ftol if th* whole expenses were t iron upon two or three ludivid and tbai there mail therefore be acme exiraceous aid for the purpo** of tbe nseissary txpennae for print ing, advartit ing, etc It frequently hap pena that in anything c f tbuonaraoter, the at! >ir IB gcoorally eaplured andbeld for tb* beutflt ot one town or village, and ao 1 offtde it a ooudilion iu having oaw in *ver> electoral division, tbal tn*y aboosd ba held ia different pise**, when repealed iu the ame riding. I also made arrangement* that they thould be mauaged by th* farmer* tbtmaclv**, and Ibat there should bia certain membership. Another part o the scheme was that, in addition to tbe Government snpporl, there should ba aMistaco* from the County Councils, whtifa ecured interest from the people likely t< be benefilted. Tbe retail*, I am aalufUd have been good, and I feel bigbly gratiflic at the universal acceptance they have mat with. There I* no doubt tbat th* in*ti tatea have been ot immense advantage to the protea*or*lhemalvee. In talking with Frofseeor Mill* and I'roleeeor Brown tbey have gratefully acknowledged tb* gnat tomtit tbey bav* received ia txobanging view* witb the farmer*. Tb* motion waa agreed to. Mr. Morin To incorporate the Booth K**ax Onn Club. Mr. Ferri* K*p*olUig la* Women i nJ Christian Aasociattoo, Mr. MnObr* Tboir.>-.ul><l*taj the UietowtAit O(aciivill*. n ! sbeAo. ! aaanitcmen** lor to* bnIMof ofediHt Mr. Krni*>amgr^Ii**p**eMpl*n I .1 t>uoe*. Mr. Biittr-Tj author z tbe village of Caledooit to iliu* certain debenture*. Mr. C3nm**)OD incorporate the Ontario <ft KUny Hwef Kvlway Oc*npny. Mr. Dryden Tp amend tb* Aol moor poraliog lue Baptist MiMiocary Conven- tion of Ojtari*. Mr. Bixter To amend th* Consolidated Aoi l*.t I* TUB HIM -I / i uuu . r.. d<d a-ct. mm* i,e*l*s Wnata>*d to I..U. Watll**j lr lb. Hu.rm. Th* op*oiog of Parliament ia an old atory, thank* to tba cable, hot there are <ome li'ila p^iat* worth noting in th* L icdon ic ,'ufh'i deseription of the scene. The acoj. u aiudaiion ol Their Laroahip* - g*ti*ral was of a aomewhal different obaiaotar to that \ rivided on former ocea- aione, and "bowed that ao iogeaion* mind oad brought i. power* to bear upon the iae.ton bow la mak* tb* moal of tb* d.or, which i* all tbat their female raia tivaa allow on aoob oeeaaiooa. Tb* reaolt waa tbal tbe peer*' becebee wera not, a* Heretofore, ao many parallel* of latitude, nut parallel* ot loaiuuid*, tbtir compact* tbaa (HMD ting crcalea to tbe tbrone. Tbe arrangement bad* drawback, beoaose each coble lord aat uiewaye, and neutral, ud ihagaiu of apace, a* well aa ensured aom* peraoiial duoomtorl. Bat tbi peer*) bore up well, tnd accommodated each oiher wilb a good will most edifying to behold. No- body oouli tee Lord Iddwleigb plant him- elf on a crowded bacob, aod witnaa* tb* amiable raadjoatmant which followed without gaining a batter opinion of uuoGbUd human nature. In a moment one Mlanwod Ihe maxim. " N jbleaae oblige. ' Ibelawaomer* ware, ot ooore*, embar- rasa ;d. Iu *v*n LoWe lord* moat submit to Iba pbjcoal law waiob ordain* tbal two bod:** eacnoi oe in tbe tame place at ibe same lime. Ii waa, bowavsr, aomewnal Joubilul wbelutr tbe tardy arrival* fined themaeive* or were piued by other*, tjj* by on* tbey drifted oo to Ib* lad it.' bench**, dadicg here and there a vacant brtb, and ejmiug thankfully to anooor. Tntir robe* topplied exactly tba bri^Ll ealor rcqu.redky tbe ma*i ot white, black and neutral tint* surrounding them. In pi****, a peer Iock*d like a p*ony in a bid of marguerite*. Her Mcjeeiy'i judge* bad an easier Urn*. Tbe" infar:*r wooaaaaaU " proved roomy enough lor all who pal in - appearance, and there they aat a pact, quadrangular ma** of lull- )j|icmrd wigs and acarlet and ermine robe*. Witb ever ao itrong a daaire to mac* a somewhat mo*ty quotation, u can- not be taid tbal they I a terrible how." Theee oaoally grave digni- ariaa war* in point of fact ibe moet ani- mated group in tb* UJOM. Small blame to bm for It. Tbey do not often receive a nmxont to figure in Parliament, and, h. waver much w* may wonder why ibey are eumaooed at all, it it difficult no; o a> mpaiaiz* witb tbetr aatilMted eoj jy- mtrui of lh diilu-ctuo. At lor the diplu- uiaiie body, tbey toinllllated more and more ad adJilioc* war* mad* to their namber. Bjcae of ibeir excoilanoie* ware dau ug *jet. bat tb* moat striking and 8i K n.fl o*nt i<or* of all waa made by Mr. Pbelp*. tb* Lmenoau U.uaur, who** plain evei-iug Iress uuaricd him out frcm tb* masa of littering uniform*. H* moil bav* fall like Cajuler*ah at th* congress of Vienna tbe mo*t diaticgai-hed man present, because waallng distinction ordinary igoa i'uaicK fron law*, bow shall we peak of Ibe ladiea, wboae overflowing nam- b*rt, oo tb* onm.ou beccbee and in every allary, gtv* tba toon* ia* principal charm ? tetter, perhaps, to say nolbiog al prewnl, or Ihe combined rank and oaaaty of tent- minine England remain* well wrapped up intil compelled to uncloak and ulinil forth n all the iplendor of coarl drat a and family iamocdiK I.OID MloHtm (Bom* i!lu*ees after TeDDTeon.) i bar, Mi><ai<>s*k, i [j'i PraeruSur hltcii. * fiio a m*** oi pi t..-b Tly Ud tt Old Uoodred. Treble* tu rl(bf ot them, Tenors to ll t .;( Ojui, UatM* m trout ut UM*O. Bllow*a aiid tniudered. Oo, tbat i'reeaolur'i look. Wuu Us aupraao* look Theur own HUM and hook from toe OU Honored. Bcrab*d all th* Irabu* here, bo(laa Ibe Uoore laaae, liaiming tli* paraoo's bau, While bia mud wandered ; Ttuira not to reason wny TLu peata WM pttsbad too bleb , Tbalrs but to craap aoj ory OuiltMOUlUifdrad. TTbl* u> rlgbi ot Taoora to left of ibam. BSISII In front of tbein, BUowl ud Uiuwlarwd. ttormed ibey witb (boat aad yell, Not WIM U>v ian% nor wall, Drownin*; UuMxtoo'i b*lL Wnil* all UM ebon* wvadated. Dir* tb* Preotnior'i ilara. Vlacb*! hi4 tltcbfurk in air Boaoainji frwu kvs to bear Out UM OM BnaOrsO. Hwifuv a* turaW his beak. Maaatoeii h bu bas tt ai rack, Tb>a tram tba tereaminc peak UimMlt h uol.rt. Teoon to rtbt j( him, TrtilM to un of bun, Diaeovtl* rmsiiart ***ti haowa and ibaaSerad. Ob. cL wUd buwU taty aina**j| ! KILC \a u. ana UMT kMaxbt I Burn* iua Uuv iaiu. but not, Not Ui* CliJ HUQ.IT_L ILK I**IB*0 e>r Wall A < kar .1 Urlak. r*w*ii Aaeaia r lira Tvtry mmt Ucw. aranairaj Milkmen ought to mak* Elton T*rry, tb* aotrate, tb*ir patron saint. So* ha* irtainly net a fashion among young ladies bub ba* boniid them vary mater all j Whan aba fint cam* her* th* brought wiik her bar habit ot drinking tbrt* or four eaeh oual. of milk at Il ! itrmm l. i.r \ ,,,.!., j K. .. ,r a TOT* laax-mt Oa* of oar modi Imiaatit atag* beroci 'a* travdlliog by train ia Hwitnrland a w w**i* ago, lays a Berlin parer. Oi-foaiU) bim tat ooaplc ot handsome cuu lidi. H wbo not only fairly aUrvd lim oat ct aoantaaa**, bat mide bim tbe pioof IDeir wbuipcrlng eouveriation. Klatlored al firal by tbia delicate alien lot, th* Mtor good-bomoredly aubmitted ii, bat in tba locg run be began to grow irclof'Mhi* son of Ibing. ' and d*ter- tuinid to pat stop to it. Wben in the anael. b.fure naobing Ltaeannr, be mrnuted a f*w auJilia tire*, on tba beck if bin bald. Attar tlie train emerged fr jm tb* tunnel be actor aat calm and imptativ* a* it nothing hd happened, while tbe ladiea first tiari d al each utber and then began a lenr e f mutual recriminations on tha enormity it their c'uduul in taking such liberties) with the bero of Ibe tootligbti. Ot courtu *acb blamed tbe other, and tbe h-pute luted nutil iba train atotped at Ltonaone. Before leaving tb* oarriag* the actor bowed to tb* ladies, bat in band, and said " Ladiea, tb* great atlentkn you beatow d on me daring tbe journey mak** m* uatorally aozioua to learn wbioh ot you g*ve me ID tbe lanncl ao striking a prool ot year affection." He did not wail tor a reply, bat left tbe ladle* to their tefleclio** l'rr.ain l*> I hllJrra. The custom ot pr*abiog abort sermon* tocbiidren in tba Sunday aobool ia one that ba* been started cf late in aome ot Ibe Brooklyn onurchec, and, a* il i* a good on* there ia lull* doobl that it will grow. Pa* ton f rtqaently deplore Ibe wane ot matnal relaliou aud interest between Sunda onool and obnrob, bui il u in part lb*i own fault. Tbey seldom adelrea* tb* ehildrenon topiee, or, if ibey do, ibey mak* tbsir diaooon* so serious Ibai the obildreo do not care to listen lo ibem Tbere in a knack ia talking to abildren Ibai i' native to few olerKvtnen. aod In not aof- tl -lently etadiej by other*. Tbay moat not b* treated aa infant* and talked to in obilJi-b language, or tbrir little dignilie* ar* cffaoded, aud they o*a*e to reepeei tb* p*rou wbo ao addreeie* them. Oa the 'her haad, big wcrJa and theological dis 1 i>iti MIS are tq lally ill placed It a cler- gyman ba* aympatby. kindline**, and really want* to *ay ometbiag. h* and* it beat received when h* eouobec il in a p*r able, or tmbodit* M to aa anecdote. A boy at go lo ele*p dariug a tarmon on moral h*roim, bat lead op to th* Ueeou by a oits.ii JQ of aome aoi ot physical daring or uoble display of honorable oiuduol aud h* faecmeaed. Th* *zp*rim*ul ba* not vet been tried to any eittnt tn Chicago. an* i* *aid to hav* foilowad toe yean. When tb* young ladle* about town beard that Kileu drank milk tbey toUow*d aoit, toe tb* wa* then iba race. What wa* begun a freak ot faihion ba* been con- linoad becaja* tb* woman bave grown to Ilk* milk. Ii u also a f aahionable medicine jo*lnow. andamediean* thai ha* proved very affeatoal in tb* treatment ot paraoc* tuflsring trum nervousness. This ia bseaoae il ii an exoelUnl carve toot* and blood creator. Particular attention teamed to ba directed to thia fact ihrcunb tb* eoontry at large at about Ib* lime of UiaaTarry a arrival bet, and ao milk baa bad a boom evar uaca. Gen. rjobacck also eallad public attention to tbe la*t*ai laid by tot a** of large qoantiti** of it for kidney troobUa. Thar* u hardly a alrael in town devoted lo trade tbal batn'l somewher* oa it a ttori with tb* ugn, " Milk by th* Ola**," Tb*r* ar* a half down place* on Broad- way, between Caicn rqaare and Bryant Park, that diiplay ittoa a ugn, aod all of them are well palronizad. In bar-roomi tb* same sign i* true, lenlly to b* aee*, and tb* sale of milk in reataoranti and it* as* at hotel table* ba* been more tban doabled within the pail Ibrae yeare. Every pro- trioior of each place* ban noticed th* menaced demand and ba* wondered. A prominent pbymeiaa wboaw practice u aritely among aeton aid b* could not explain u part tb* reason for tbia in- oreaaed consumption of milk. Aotora and in it* aa* a stimulant wbiob prevent* n*rvcui zbauiaioa and a r reviver generally tban Uqoon, i** it ba* no *vil af tar < ffaota. Ha bad iriked it* oa* largely for narvooa roubles of all kinds witb txe*U*nt retail*. H* kn*w, too. of vtry many pbyaiciaci wbo were punoicg Ike earn* ooorae. A* natural retail of thi* euatom of regular phyniaian*, tb* drag atora* bave now on numerous " patent tn*dicin*e," witb iigb-aoanding name* wbicb ar* nothing bat simple compound* of milk wilb some other tOLia. Milk can be bad by tba glaea at most of Ib* drug ilore* that bav* tod* water fountain*, and many hundred qoart* ar* daily aold in tbat way in tbi* city and irooklyn. A m:xtur* of areant and milk, mown la rtitaoranl oocnsLolaior* M bait acd -half, ia (lut* popoUr now-a days. Al aneh roomi tbi* same combination ia argely oad to serve oatmeal, cracked wheat aod other grain* in. Il ia " mix- tor* cl half milk and half cream tbat u given considerably topeopl; tuffsring from at g trouble* who find difficulty in retain- OK on Ibair atemaob* cod liver oil in any ot it* amubtoo* or other prepared form*. Wall *treel baa lb* oailk fever to a vary onaidwrabi* extent, and broken, their olarki and o>***en**r boy* auk*, drink rom on* to a bait dcnn glaaa** daily. Bviry little iidtwalk itaod wbare HP 1 **, oakas and pias ar* aold, al from 10 o aloek u ib* morning auttl I o etoek U the after- noon, baa also it* can of milk. Mixed with mor* or to** wattr oinally moe?e t ia told al en*, two, three or five cente a glaM. Nearly *v*ry down-town bar baa it on aale either al fiv* or tin osnte a glaaa, and many hundreds of bowl* or goblet* ot vhe lacl*al fluid ar* osually diacoaed of at ib* Broad and Naa*ao *u*et dainee. Oo* enterpriMig tidawaik marehanl ha* bad a waaucou oonv*rt*d into a travailing dairy, and every day, wba* tbe weather i* not too old. be drive* down to the earner of Kx^bang* place aod Broad atreel, aod than diapanaea to thira'.y patrons hit couple ot hundred quern ot milk and cream by the (Ue*. Hi* bu*ine*a ia a vary prob- able one when milk oan b* bought al wboU- tali at lee* tban eight cunt* aqaart, return- iog him a print if from 100 to 300 per cent, on bi* investment Ia three or four month* ot tb* narnmer when milk i* a Jrux iu ib* markal, and wb*n tb* demand for ooolicg drink* i* craateel, hi* profltt moanl up to aboat MO per cent. Hi* cruflie leaked out in torn* way to other sidewalk mrrchanla, aod be ha* now four- tee* ooojpeliicr* tbal b* know* ot, bat none of Ihrm hav* ye* w elaborate a tarn- out an hi*. All ibe other aidawalk milk- men are aalianwl to cell from ptjab cartt, and b* aloo* require* ah* aervie* of a bone to drag hi* " pur* Orang* *ounty milk" to mark*l. N. T. Timtt, Bautoil Bullsn. of Bondoat, a tow fancier, own*, actna choice Brabmin* Tb**a have been acffaring tbi* winter fron a disease very like rbsumaliim, wbiob oaa**a their joint* to iwell, aod render* walking a difficult op*ralion. With a view to alleviating th* saffenuff* of bi* fowl* Mr. Bullsn be* (reeled a track around hi* hen- boos* yard. Each day be rube linl meat on their limb*, and *ft*r binding tfasm op with red flanael. axerei*** Ihem oo Ibe track for aboat half an hoar. Hi think* Ion are Improving. An old man In Stougblon, M**a., d* cribed aa " italwarl, robnat, and viuoroos, ' baa bathed every morning for yeare IP a cold ipriog ntar tb* hooat. Tb** *r*ooomilt*d recently when tb* tbtr momater wa* 18 below **ro. H* aaya tb* oustoro oared him ot calarrb, aad U tbe paLaoealur All ill*. A mo**am ba* been a reeled in Poaipeii, in whiob arc pre**rv*d plaatar east* of aome ol Ib* people wbo periabsd la Ik* eruption, saya St. Sukolu. Tb*ee people were covered op by the fine aebta juit whirl the fell, and iu th* poaition* IB wbiob Ihey died. Tbeee ashes hardened, and although the bodice, with the excep- tion of a tiw bone*, entirely disappeared in the oonre* ot age*, tba hollow place* left in tb* athe* war* (xsotly tbe sbap* ot tbi form* and feature* ot tb* peraoa* wbo bad been there. An lugauiooa Ilaiian aooetived tbe Ida* ol boring into the** hollow mould* and ailing them op with liquid platter ol Paris. When tbi* beeam* dry and bard th* a* he* were removed, and aud there were th* piaster Una*** ol the pertou* wbo bad boeo overtaken and deetroyed b*for* they eonld escape from tbal terrible storm of hoi athe*, wbiok cam* down in quaniitie* tufflattot to eovar a whole eiiy from light. In com* ot the** flgurm tb* faaiure* are vary iaitinct, aad ve can even diiungaith tb* taxrare ol Ibeir clothe* and the) ring* npon their flogar*. Tber* ar* ei*.bl of tb*** flgoreje men, women and girl*. be*id*a th* oaal of a larg* dog. To Maud and look upon th* exact repreeeolation of iba** poor ua*HM*J wbo p*ri*a*d bar* ***>* tall more tt borttn tb* Urn* between the preeeat and the day* wheu Pompeii wa* a lively, boat- ling eiiy. Tb Chareb ot Bngland baa nlae treaah aioug ib* hue ot Ike Paaaota Canal. There ar* a larg* Dumber ol hjMa Maoag UM workmen.

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