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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1886, p. 1

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McCannell -Page. -At the residence of the bride's parents, Holland, by the Rev. Mr. Ayer's assisted by the Rev. Mr. Perry. on the 10th inst., Mr. John McCannell, of Collingwood, to Miss Grace Annah Norton Page. Stinson-Munshaw. -At the residence of Mr. Simon McCallum, Artemesia, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. A. Wilson, Mr. Joseph Isaac Stinson, to Miss Mary Alida Munshaw. B. Laurance&apos;s Spectacles <t Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Articles in the Canadian market Real Pebble* are kept in atock. Teat* are given to pur- chasers to prove genuiueuoa*. They i recommended by the President, Vice- Pro*. , Ei-Pro*., and Ki-Viee-Pre*. of the Medical Ataociation of Canada, <tc. J VS. 0. KI SSKLL. Jeuvler, <tc., flttkerion, Out. The only plate where they ean be got. Canadian Padflc Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TMny 1885. Going North. Txair oronto .Leave orono ............... &apos; Carew.11 JuncUoo ChMlMtOli vllle. i in TI.1V. I IMim I i ... 1* ^ Orangeville Junction.... TO IT " Shelburn. 1044^ l.un llk yxBBBTJUTOM Markdal* Oaafenrorth Ov.n Houud 44SSJSS * -- -- ^^* OT&apos; " 6i5 &apos; 70S &apos; Ttt TS4 804 11SS " &apos; n n " 1 910 &apos; *9&apos; 10W ItlSpm 100 "Iy <Tw.u Sound Leave&apos; >am&apos; iSSpui Oh.uworth S60 " 310" irk. 1*1. FLIIHKMTOM UumlaJk Sbeltmrue Oraagt>ille Junction..... Orang*- 1 Arrlfe fflle. l Leave Chrleeton Junction T*ro W 907 Arrive 10 45 TOO Til 800 h V, 9. tO SM 406 " 431 &apos; 46T " s as i s as " SB - s is - riao *! 1! , W. WHYTE, D.alcNICOLL.. (iKM&apos;L FASH. ACT DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &8..OST. PMTSICIAN, si IK.KON, A.r. FLK8HEUTON. e, tuurt to i>i&apos;vuion Cwrt ttffict. . Dr. 1 1 i xon . Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCnER, PRICEV1LLK, - ONTARIO. .r ARM 4 LL. l-.ll.h DKNTIBT, an \l)t&apos;ATB ol Toronto Hcbool of Daatlrtrj. V wir tn. i Mnrk.Uil the lit and .tr<t Wdn* dar of each laaath, and at Fletharton ou UM Ul and 3rd Thuradajr In each mouth forth* prictice of hit profowlon. FROST & FIMKST. BARKIHTKltH. HOMCITOH8, C&apos;dBVKYAKtVMH, A.- Offlofl Tuulatt Htrwit. (>WB* S..IM> and very TUunJay at KLI&apos;.SH I .KT( N J. W. Klti IKT. L.L.B. A1.KHEJ1 FROST. Crown County Attorutr. . a*LDWl<< l.&apos;ANM. k. r.ECHl-IX. HANDS, EUHLIN A, GARVIN. H\u-fn*ir to Lauder if- Httndt, B \UllIsTI-:its, 8OUCITORR, NOTAHIER. (X)NVKVANCKIUt. *e. Mnny to Loan at I,*wit Halo* of lutorMt. Offlcoi. 16 King Stri Kavl, Torouto. MORPHY & MILLERS, Itirrittrn, Naliciton, ffottiriet Public, Orrics, Ovr McFarlant&apos;s Drug Htora. DURHAM, - - - ONT. r. Cards. John W. Armstrong, FLCSBKBTON, Co. Omv. DIVISION COURT CI.KRK. COMMI8AION8R In B. Ii . Con**yaoor. *< As^nttnr ptircliaM ii 1 ial uf land*. A|>t>nlwr forC. 1>. C. Com- and K P. B. A- R Hooi<ily. Money to I ^>n on th* iuot ronaMe teruii. Isni&apos;Ka ur M AKHIAOE L.ICB.V8KS. Jas. E. Sloan, IXSUBAtfCg AQEXT, EUQEKIA. RpreMntln that lolld *ld Kirn Inxiranoc Co ,tbe NOMWICH UNION, of Norwich. Knitland. Inxurano* effectd on HOUHM. oiitbuildliig*, Ac.. atlowrat**. Inrareiafcaiiii W. J. BELLAMY. TWF. CLUK ABTKMESU. CONVEY ANVER, dOifMltWlOKKR, INSURANCE AO&apos;T, AC. DEEDH.MOBTaAOEH. I.RA8KH. Ac., prepar- ed anil pr|irly elocul*! Insurance affec- ted In firit claMSouipatiiet. Money to lend at loweeavatee. Honey to Loan. At $ /&apos;.i Cmt. Intrrttt i/n .StrntgAt Loan. T1TITR Intereit p*i4 really, not In advance. No coiumwalon cbaoxed. Apply t A.BIBK. to TIIOKMtl KV. FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESHERTON. Orden In Town 1 Conntry promptly and rkrelully execntml. THE MARKETS. FLESHEKTON. Corrected Eafh Weets. Flor ..................... Fall Wheat ...... ...... Spring Wboat .......... Barley ..................... Oati ..................... Pa**...., Batter .................... Eggs, fresh ...... .. ...... Potatoes ............... Pork .................... Hay, per ton ............. Hides ................... Wool ...................... N 50 to 4 60 $0 80 to 80 072 76 40 29 62 10 15 20 Goose Turkeys JL Chickens per pair Pneks per pair .. ..... .. ft 00 8 00 26 15 60 06 07 25 40 60 30 63 12 17 26 6 26 1000 7 26 16 70 06 08 26 60 Flesherion Advancer^ r STOCK "TRUTH BEFORE fAVOR."-" FAIWC1PLES, WOTMKJV." VOL. V., HO. 246. FLE8HERTON, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 25, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, EOIT ,SS ;,. a THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bite. ../ Local and (HW /fern* fotkertd by IV KtporUn. Improved Farm for sale or to rent. Apply to W. Ek in., riesherton P. O. Look here ! I ant prepauW to pay cash for any quantity of Maple, Birch, or Cherry. Bee bill*. W* Br.iuuv. All kinds of Builder&apos;. Hardware and Boilding Material in Btook now at Riehardaon ft Co&apos;i Hardware Store. Bring along your bills and get quota- tions. A social will be held at the residence of Mr. Jacob Holley on Friday evening, (to-morrow) under the auapice* of Ladies&apos; Aid of the Presbyterian church here. Usual fee of admission. A cor load of Xuilt just received at M. Richardson & Go&apos;s, to be sold at rock bottom prices. A well known London printer being called on to reply to a toast, said, "Oen- tluman, I thank you moat heartily. I can&apos;t make a ipoech ; but I can print one a* long as you like." Be S*r to See (Am / What? U. Richardson & CO&apos;B Overcoat*, Metis and Boys, dteidtd hirytiint until balance are sold out. " Uh, Jacob," said a master to In* apprentice-boy, " it ia wonderful to see what a quantity you can eat." "Tea roaater," aaid the boy, " I have been practising it sine* I was a child." One load cf Lak Fiik, 1 oar load (fabric* Salt at bottom phoei at Richardson & Go&apos;s. Mr. J. W. Frost having aecured the services of Mr. Chealey, a solicitor, will in future be able to keep his office in Fleaherton open ooutuiuoualy luau-ad of one day in the week as hitherto, his own visiting day will, however, be on Thuri day as heretofore. Am f, again we say -Inn t ruing the Bargains now going at Richardson *V Go&apos;s Clearing Salt, Salt; FarmUock, implement*, Ac, at Let 32, Con. 10, Artemeaia, commencing at 1 o&apos;clock p. ni. sharp, on Tuesday, March 2nd. 10 months credit on all sum* over ?"> [We n i IK lit remark that the ituck advortiaed as thoro&apos; brud are rtally such and are properly registered in the Herd Book, a* will be shown <m day of sale.] Materials- JV<rO., Glow, /**. Bolt*, HinyaAuA all kinds of indoor fur- niBhings, go to M. Richardson & Go&apos;s Hardware 8tore, Fleulu rtou. Penoautl Pointer*. 8om of our genial bij< -hearted friend Oshawa friends have been visit- ing him during the past two weeks. Rev. Dr. Strongman, of Dundalk, preachud in the Methudiet church here on Sunday evening. My. John McArthur, of Culliagwood towoahip. gave as a pUasaut call last Monday. Mae i* as genial and jolly aa ever. Bob Beatty has again "akipped the town" for pasture* new. The drunken rsgaboad is not wanted here any more even though he is a good painter. Rv, Dr. Sutherland preached a mis- sionary seinnon of an hour&apos;s duration in the Methodist church here, on Sabbath morning last, but nobody complained of being tired or fell into a sweet and peace- ful leep. A child almost could under- stand the simple yet forcible and elegant language used by this celebrated preach- er ; aud a more attentive congregation novel assembled in this place. John B. Qouxh, the renowned Tem- perance lecturer, died recently, aged <U yean, and leaving for hia heir* thu tnug little sun of $300,000. John evidently believod with a vengeance that "the j laborer is worthy of hia hire. " It is aad to think, that notwithstanding the) great good Mr. Oough really accomplished dur- ing his eventful lifetime, he yet amused such an immense fortune on the head of it. It certainly shows that h* was Dot UM philanthropist the majority of people imagined his* to he. It make* nu* feel like elaasing him with E. King Dodda, (&apos;. !. liigt&apos;raoll, and other im-ii who lecturu ..iilj- when they art) w.-ll paid for doing for CasuMU. Dr. Bamardo, of London, England, is sending out in the early Spring, a party of Boys of age* ranging from 10 to 16 for farm and other employment. Those de- sirous of obtaining Boys sboald apply early, either direct to Mr. Edward Duff, Superintendent, Hazel Brae&apos;, Peterbor- ough, Out., or through the Postmaster of the district from * hum forms of applica- tion may be obtained. Grand Lodge . W. at St. Left OIT. An intensely intersstiag letter from Mr. W. Q. Plckell who lias just return- ed home from attending^ ii meeting of U A o &apos; Catherines is held over for next week. Some other matter is also unavoidably h<-ld over. We have also jsst received a lengthy letter from Mr. T. E Qilliland in reply to articles by one of our Eugenia correspondent* which win be pabliahed in our next week&apos;s iasue. Keep > on r Eyes Open. We have not time this week to change two very interesting and important ad verti*emnt, viz., Mr. W. A. Krowa, our reliable and celebrated Markdale JfWelK-r&apos;a, and Mr. Jobs] Brown, the famous Priceville Steam Raw Mill and Planing Factory man&apos;s. Bit "keep yuur eye* open" next week and you will see something from these geutleiuan about the top of our editorial coltanu that will bu of *i>ecial inUrvat to you, JfiM EllfH* not The many fnends of Mia* Minnie Harrlrd. McCaJniEU. Plot, At the residence of toe bride&apos;* parent*, Holland, by th* Rev. Mr. Aver assisted by th* Rev. Mr. Perry, on the 10th ma:., Mr. John McCannell, of Collmgwood, to Miss! Grace Anuah Norton Page. 8n!!to MCHSHAW. At the residence of Mr. Simon McTSulinM, Art.*eeis. on the lOtu iuit , by the Kev. A. Wil- son, Mr. Joseph I MUM. Stiusoii, to Mary Alida Muusliaw. Ellerby here will be glad to know that the item published in the Durham &apos; V. t - vU and copied into the ADVAHCX, an- nounciug her death, wa* uworrect. Al- though not yet fully recovered front her recent aevere illnees, the yosing lady i* in a fair way to recovery, and ha* written to one of her friends in ihi* village tu that eflect We might add, that it i* not likely Mies Ellerby will return to ker post in the Gospel Army when she haa fully recovered, her wonted health. RATIONAL 1&apos;II.I.S ar* tue lavoril* pur- gative and aatl bilious medieia* ; il*y art ujilJ and thnrouKb. Great Sale ! Dry Goods CLOTHING, &c,, AT FLESHERTON ! H. Richardson & Co. Will continue their anniuU Clearing Sale all thro&apos; February, THE SALE! CONTINUED. A large assortment of General MUstesiary rl< runic. Thniugh an abaurd want of thought * u were not present at the missionary meet- ing in the Methodist otiuroh her* on Mon- day evening la*t. Rev. Dr. Sutherland, Rev. Wesley Casain, aad Rev. W. Ayers were the speakers, aud those present s|-ak of it aa one of the moat interesting niei-tings of the kind they had ever at- tended. Tim sub*cri|itioiis amounted to more than Uat yuar. Right hviv we might aay, that the thank* of this com- munity are due to Rev. Mr. Ayers fur bringing to the place auch di*tin^iiishe<l preachers as Rev. Dr. Sutherland, h. -so name is revered and huiiorttd whenever there is a Methodist family in this Do- minion. POETIC CONFUSION. >if rVii for The 1,1 ,n,^ I.,, of youth loet, larking nx-h m.-ai.i it !n. ul. 1 trail in the dust of u{fi<.rance and graviUU) to the earthly and aenaual. U- oar hoy* learn by all roeana to cul- tivate *very gift, but far better to aaw wood, hoe turnips, or black boot*, and Iconfeasalikingforthe ", , the g,ri. to darn the vt,lat,on ia their though .. very fw occaiona have I per- &apos; hosiery w<uh ^^ ^j icfub flooft mitt** niy adoration of rhythm U, tind a thml , for ellher ^ -^ th(j . visible eiprewon in verse. I can revel , dnmmj cr> , wd who ^ WMt|ng 8 i hours of youth in futile attempt* while thuy neglect the iuu*ic of do- lie training, which ia after yaanwoaUd B D vmn,or rue with th* ir-pinng SUJ- J p^. ^^ JuhlUnt wuh th . ^^^ o , ear/ of a Gkarie* VTeatey borne by Its ,,, r ,j - AT ~ ut I&apos;d Jeu&apos;fl y Sfoie- r&apos;lrxherton, ConsUtiiig of (iwltltnef Silver Ladies n.i lii-uu&apos; \VittcliM, tirwc&es, Earnngi, Chains, HIII-. i, .alief tbciMMt iual- ity and at M W jtrieej a svuy deal** ** lionastly sell ifluiu. .JAH. <i. I* i;SEL,L, ,?*- Ke]piriB|| a iM*italty. .Every job warranted _ _ in tbe beautiee of Milton, delve HI (krio&apos;a iotagcry of Shakesper* and Byron, tread th* elytium fields with Cowper and aong divine up to the pearly gatea On of <;i greateet gift* <s>> men la, that l>v of " concord of sweet sosaaaa," which pervades the human family alnvnt universally \Vln. has not felt bis soul 3w big within bun, under some inspir- ing scene of nature&apos;s beauty, or melted into inexpressible tenderness by some sudden dash uf woe f time*) when all our ben uf society. { .try lve. respited nwav Knnd A <.l^r risjb C< Public expectation wa* fully realized on Friday evening sjat, when th Fleah- ertun Brass Band and Ulee (lab eoaeert came off in the Town Hall here by the plvtidid prii&apos;xrainiiie of vooaJ and inetru- f utterance would fail us, and IIiellUj miu)lc , hmn preMntwi And powers o&apos;er our humbled souls would sweep the matchleas melody of " things unseen." The world i* full uf wnig - the warbling bird*, the rippling nil, the gentle itream- | ,i (>ori by th let and tin- nuirhty wave, the uentle zephyr fanning nature&apos;i (ace, or the de- structive tenipust each have their influ- ence un this human harp, and weave their uiyttic song upon it* fragile stringi. the public counted oc a rich and I chum tio special geniu* a* a critic, yet I candidly confess, in common with our "lutfennt; humanity," I groan under the accumulated weight of disordered rhythm which i* rapidly filling our home* through the medium of the presi, with it* destruc- tive influence an amount t versified Ujah, whose chief feature U the utter ab- buth tense and reaaon. To so greeU au extent does thia prevail as to not without some show of rea- son t)j intervention of guvemnMntal authority, either iu providing an asylum (or tb incarceration of the Poetic Je- itroyer, or in the levy of a fin*) oa all Ed- itor* who permit their vffuskiu* a place in tUir paper*. Bai it over struck the " gentle reader " how much valaable time au Editor has l> worse than waste by the aspirant to poetic fame pathetically imploring him " to read over the vnclcjcea 1 i>em, which I respect- fully submit for insertion in your esteem ed and valuable paper I" Had you but nee the privilege f Mewing th* "hidden " of an Edit, r aanctum, it wuM rare muoical treat, wa* to be seen at once in the fact that the hall wa* tilled U> the larviit representativu au- dience fn>ni the village ai.d neighbor!* -l, which ha* yet aaseuibled within it* wall* thi* winter : and thi*. notwithstanding the stormy evening. The only iejproTe- ment that could have been sninrestml in l.uf-r- ! a Prill I H <>!.. The compoMng rouso <>f a printing office &apos; nut the place to tell long iturie*, or Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats <Sc Caps, Millinery, Mantles, Furs, Boots & Shoes, &c. This will be a, rare opportunity to secure bargain*. argue point* in OMtaphirica. A printing ttiou i* like a achool ; it can have no in- terlopers, hangers-on, ur twaddlers, with- out a serious inconvenience, to say noth- ing of loe* of time, which i* juit a* good as gold to the printer. \Miat should V thought of a man who would achool and twaddle first with the teacher and then with the scholars interrupting the discipline of one aud the studies of another? And yet this is the precise t-f- feet of the loafers with the courso of busi- ness Ji .tracts the great attention which i nectaaary to the good printer. N-< greatly itnhanoe him in four favorable opinion, for it i* only by such means you can form any idea of his grace of I.MII; nutfvnnt; and Ki piiwvn f undurance. These poetic frauds tvom in, mi all . n cvivslilo subject* from the advent of a pwtcalfto the lait pathetic kick of tliu ancient inuli-. te>r" frequently "Tlu- gnwn-eyed niona- niitkes it a medium for the programuM, was thu addition uf a few of our best lady vocalist* by way of var- iety and to make the dutin of thu Hand and (ilee Club less arduous than they were. But this is only a matter of in- dividual opioiuo, a* the " beys " all per- formed their part* chevrf ully and willing- ly heavy thui(h no doubt th*y were. The leader of the Markdale Band, Mr. Jones, sad Mr. Armstrong, on* of the members of that Band, ably asnutrd the Flo*hert..n boys. Without flatUriiig, we may aay Uiat our Hand played charm- ingly aud heartily deacrvud the applauer, which greeted their renderings of diffi- cult music, from tisae to time. Mr. Van zaut has always shown himself an able and efficient leader, tnd it (lands very much to his credit that he haa time and again refueed substantial rvovnitfon* of his individual services. Such uiun-lliah and persistent devotion to the best in- terest* of one "I ur UMwt laudable and worthy institution*, i* de*r\iug of thing m<>re than mere praiar. The mem- ber* of UM Band ail through ar* aa fim lot of KVII tit-men a* can be found in any aimilar institution in the country, am nclily merit the thanka and wh.ile-soulet support of the entirv conimuiiity. Thu (ilee C&apos;.uli aiuii; th.-ir vnn.-us duets, ai..l solos, with . n-.lit to them -.-!>.. and our musically faiuoua town They have improved wonderfully, of lat* luch u asying a great .1ml when we con thccofnuctitt.n, I hav* ciecMaei acit to offer any nun Be-in* fiit ta ur**it , sV anyrate. trufj&apos;, V*Lrm*e M TJOSSMSV best, ctaespMt, most dor&apos; I&apos;liiid*. Organs, Sewing Mafr&apos; ities, for sal by C. Trt-adgoJd, next door to Clayton 1 !. rlMlierton. Alto, <>1<J Swmg Maebawes r*rpatrd and ta- ken as part pay on nw ones. Siiattln. Needles. *.. and ftU kmds ol Bewieg Machine auppt i*. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. to be T>a* deetnbl.. well teejlll reeMera>e. bed m*Kwr* table). fantMi. aSMwt ataU aa *cr. wittt youof orchard Applyoathei Bfiroleei %*lke le) CJM Take) nnMo* that nw i urteaewj ejoi* aueeV b uu in f>..r -f MMJ MartLu. of Owen auuxl. eji.l4e.u-l nu c* el-nit th. Uek Jejaejry, !)*>, been I.*! n I tr>. nubile -r* heirehy wenevt aid Doeta*) WO USsIaTUi. Waau.1 to jwn-h* a acre* au.1 to jwn-h* a vtooe ef leo*. eMe* 4 , .uive.1.1- for t ceneeier-jr . etta>*n a dteUJiei a) mile) treea taeeaalre <jt nie*irte 4s>- - WM (.-UtYToN. Hwy (or Trwetlli. FleeairSoB. Keto M. 1OS). H. M. CHARLESWOR.TH, rin>. n-l Importorof Oraa*e>. . . end -th I.itt HnkBna* lane ee. tattowej. (<>. HaOw, SI pe>r eo^ Rraseaau se ill am. Her. < Hleck Hfmmt* mm* PlymoeMa lock VtM tiul t.. t oiitra<-( SKALF.D TRNDEK8 eiwl. **4ei Canal. &apos; will be. L . eAefeVOlfltal . UlJteBsi, pWtie^SsVj wt)**BltMI**MML MesVtu the> arrived ef SAM KeveterB and Wests**) eueUn* TCBSDAT. tbe. .XIMTM -la, at KAJsCH M *t, fur rn..ntke wale* UUMloeBw, MM. *... of the Wellaad Canal WS-wein Pert the expression of their heart-burnings U. , ,j,| cr wl , h what fmri . r lhelr ward* a more succeatful rival ; so heated, in fact, i* the venom uacd on *uch occas- ions as to almost emit a lulphurou* odor. Vet the great source of nearly all the *ub- ject* euniplained of, i* funii*hed by be- rwavenx nt That, under *uch dutrewmg circumstanct&apos;i, the uand should to BOOK* nt sink within itself, is nut at all to M) wondered at. Buwml down under th* |>preeaive weight of grief it has lost it* wonted claatioity and bccomel a prey tu enter &apos;&apos;&apos; often gloomy surroundings of disaoln- tin. Voder sueh circumstances we can eaiil v perceive how it ia quite poasible for many to allow their disturbed and disor- dered thoughts to get the ascendancy of their judgement and permit themselves tu give written expreaaion to that which in their sober nioiiii&apos;iiU, in after life, they gentleman will ever vnter it and presume t.. act the loafer. Hi- will feel above it, for no rual man aacrinea the interest* or interfere* with the dutie* of uther*. The luafer doea both. Let hiui think, if he ver haa, that the last place he should ever insinuate hi* worthies* and unwcl- corned presence, is in the printing office O v. M xoiin.l. Fn>m our orn Cvrrrtpvndntt, The annual ball came off at Queen&apos;i hotel, Friday night, I&apos;.th inst. Miss \ niintroiin, lecturer and authoress, delivered a Temperance lecture in Town Hall, on WeduesiUy evening, 17th imt. She is a lady of much talent and elu* Huence. The 8. 8. AUxria&apos;t engines are being fitted up for opening uf navigation. Several shipment) of furniture and water wheeli, for Indian and Colonial Exhibition, Kensington, London, Bng., have been made this week via C. P. R. The C. P. R have built a large water tank for use of engines. News very acaree, weather very cold, and sleighing good. will rugret as the m.*t absurd d Let any unprejudiced i>enon analyse niiir tenth* of uewi[(ier poetry written mi tuch occasions, and he cannot fail to Iw inipreiiaed with thu fact, that they chiefly consist of an heteroxonous mass of euUMice*, terminating in jii,|jling4iuud*. be pardoned fur turning in holy horror at their recital UK., you, IIK ire." Th /Vo* our CorrttponJent, Jamee M. OamUien, who went to Ohio five yean ago, ha* returned with wife and family and ia visiting at hia father&apos;s li"U* in Kimberley. Rev. Mr. Dunlop, Baptist minister of ] for his di*>rK*nuetl system. Durham, prv.-hed in the Methodist church hrr on the lt*th inst. and gars a of which the one-*) liable words, from the child&apos;s primer, form a prominent part. Take, fur instance, tho one I have before me, where the words, sight, re*t, light, blttst, tail, shore, more, &c. , are used aa terminals in utter disregard to tbe body of the verae, simply on account of their intended bride, was jtiiKleosity of sound. | . nd natuml I have another &apos;&apos;original poem " (f) indifferent, where the word "do " oocura at the end of three lines in each verao, and in ano- ther the word "him " i* the sublime end- ing of three consecutive lines. Take another upecimen : "made, trade, n.*.-, how&apos;" are the combinations, though th* proximity of "nose" and "has*)" may have been suggested to the poet&apos;s | f i mind, by having occaaion Ui u&apos; liae a pair of the Utter to meet th* unrent demands of the former. However, w cannot but admir* the sublraity of the eipn-asion. Asa final tpeciiuen, I cannot refrain from mentioning the lant itanza (&apos;) truly soiiirs have been received m the past. The >.nh piece* which mixlit have bven aaid tu have been a little flat, were "Mounlixht on the Lake," and "The Magician*," but this might hare U-eii, and pn.t*bjy was, <>oca*ii>ned, in the timt inslaucu by a alight degree uf nervnusneae, and in the second case, because of the bellitp>ret>t attitude and noise nocasioued by N.-rinan Boyle*, --who was bvmx "teaaed" bysume |>ersnn ..r persons on the back leaU-juat whilo "The Mancuuia" son*; was being rendered. "The Army aud Jiavy" duet, by Messrs. Danihouae and Rusaxll, in character, wa* fine. "The Little Farm" and the "Thrje Jolly Sail"r wore en thuiiMtically and very de*erv*dly encor- ed. "I&apos;m a Dude," l>y Mr. Muni, crea- ted much memment and wan louilly <-n corvd. The operetta, "Barber of Bath," wa* the event of the i-vmnn;. anl threw the audu-nce int.- pamxyiami ..f laughter by the many comic absurdities intro- ilu.-.-d Mr. Russt-11, as the awkward and liimd Sylvester, created Mars of laui;htr by his K r..tea<|ue movement* and facial contortions. Mr. Barnhou** filled the part uf the retirvd tradesman, Mr <;*! bert, to the life. Mr Munru performed tho difficult part of Curlew, the hairdress- er, with rare dramatic ability. M- Ayer* }wrat.nincatioa of Uertrude, the charmingly irrmoeful The aiiiguiK was far fmm although the chief mtertet was centred in the acting. "(Jootl Night, Gentle Folks," by the (ilee Hub, cluaed a moat mtonwUn* nd edifying evemriKs entertainment with pnbt tv all concern- ed. The */(A AJnmef. phas I offered of tho Klnsherton ach.Ht! it, M only two article* harts been handed \" me for lupvrvtaion, namely oira by so artutio, that th. bon- of Milton might *"&apos; T* ^^ ^ *&apos; <>ther niss Jennie Trwadguld- both U. h .ch was best T vi&apos;-li : t.. , omaa, k M.-, saying, I felt, on perusing thu sublime effort, that a limited quantity of &apos; aafu cure &apos; would lie a pn>|<r corrective very oainuat UisoourM. Misn Kvt Hur.l, of ThornKury, ia fisii- ing them)* in Kiuibttrley. TO BKMiYK UaNDRUW. Chalsssti**) oalp with t&apos;rof. Low&apos;i Malc Hulphur Sup. A a*ligbUul steJJMUd *eap fur tbe totl.t. While tho gvnuino works >f txieU <>f iMjkiu.w UJ-.-.l tiuirit can h |>un-ha*d so cheaply it would be a paying mvtim>iit for parent* to provido such wholesome meana for family uae that would be sonu<- tliinu for the opening thought to elm* tn, oinvthint; t<> inipin< with tru nobility, and elevate to a purer plan<> tho tl.-mre* very difbcuU tu ectcH nc of fl.QO and 50 to my own satisfaction, thstn to a friend, wko ,t that thoro be boo \<nn cent* re*>ertf u nj, , ferunve for MIM Jenniet ovui|M>e]tion, wliu-h o..ncirT(d aJiu.wt riavtly with m> own decnioH. ], therefurr, have mu,-ri plcaiure, Mr. Kiiit&apos;T, in tuatraclin^ you U. pay fl.OO t.> Miss Jennio;..!. I, nd 80 crt fo Master (Jwortjp, her t-r. ther to tlie lack "f iutvreet takn in Tu. work* thronrhoet will Iw let ta iiHiaBI, A map ahowuf ISM AAWeM plate*, teas**** VSSa ple.ii* u.- 1 lri-rt|rtn ni.nni&apos;.ticK.i.eem ay ii*B -t thuoAooa *Dd mftor Tmiiay.Uta.asje) February -uiteuit. wbwt i>ruite>d brave) of taetder ran be o>btaino< A like eUes ef inform***** ,elu.e *.. (tee worki wtll be. n.plied a* tae ill * Kne^neer&apos;a Mem, Thorold Feniett teaiftertBe; erer* jaen*tee>milBV th. irrumtu<-Mi UO&apos;lew vfaih IBe) w.ike hw t. I* .Ion. rviidei tout*) ul ttaem of is ju-.ptlooaa. BjejBBBBl T.ale)n will not be *i trull y In aerordoae. wi th pnnud feme lit tU. ce**i .! Urine, .inapt UMrf are l tU>> *ct ual >l*TBaMna,ti> nature o* tae tton.ajed place gfreeKisiiiief eat* membevol lor IB* um o< Two TaouatfD I> u-^aeoc snore I dlni to the. MtMU at th. wort am Ik* eex*lon -time* aeooap*,ai< the) rM|M<iTe> Wa- .Wn. wl.ichewmebellb* forfeated it ts. v" wn-lm n In; JIM etterini inao < u t reel for the w.iki. at the nte. ur pn.M tatml IB the) ?.r ti^l Tti. mtniii* required tn each ceee wtll he> eUlexioa tti.form of teeilir The tiepueit ree>t|iti UiiHeMBl I* wtll be) r*. t.irne.1 to the) nepeMtjTei partia* whejee teMlen ej-enot ai-cerHed. Tin. r>-|>krtmi>Bt .InM not. howrvw. bind it- ee)lf \-j accept the l...~t or uy teadex. Pv order. A. r i Deyailuient mtawa. ::th Ivtyw. u,l MAfiSOB & ILASSOK, IKH1STK K. HUUflTOBe*. * rarUudieu>n,e J BMMHOV g<- I If ASON W MAMMON X B - 1&apos;riTe.u Ceapeaay&apos;i fuade e IB-net a* from IMilu Btihl perrexit &apos; to I -nd. On Palmer T>wti ProcMftr. at loweel cum*)*, at l*kreM. i i-l le BVJ svpmoULsM In The High Court of Justice. CHAJCERT DIVISION". In th. me.tter at th. Btettte of >e,ahwul Wood lat* uf th> I&apos;. nUii. xC Oin> la IbeCwUBI; at Orey. J.ceaee.1 WOOD v*. AKMOI n leant to a or Ordew of th. ii(b Court of Juejtice D>*M tn thle m>lte>r aael nnee> th. eveiliu-c. .( Nwheati.l W.vd lat. at tb Town^iip .>f o|>r.. lu th> < <>uty o< Urwy, Iee> man bo.iieduti otfthoatthe Kleveath aa; at ivt.-t-r. DlHSBltre.oe.vbeieroth.Tw.aty- erenth da v . ( rbniaxy t*BV la eWH) toy so*)* .i.l to V*iere Merwdiib * *redtti>, HBBB- m U&apos;litJH -itrwl in IL City of LeBieieB the Holtctton ft.rlh* .Meii.buite the Klertiton mt tbe <nai 1 th^lr ch rlrliaa ae.1 earna*ae>. a>|. . >n.| JevrikUoem. U> full pertleeileri erf tho BBlmr* of th Mewirltte* if HyiheMby thn. or in 4fanit therreef ir... will be *JiteB>p- torlly .irluded frnei %h. BMW** ef aAM e!d JudejaiBwek .w Oreer Ifewy erexHtof e)iew1a<e any urit jr to ynoVeifi the *a*BM lesVin ee at my Chamber* ID tB>e> Conl bulMla**> in the City of IxMidnti u*tbe> nflneth .lay .4 March \ D. l*>l<re*e>kUiiaer the tlui. en-JlaiUd tot Dated thta Sad U; of Ftbrwry rie*herv>n, I* .V*n K. J. |-K! I , te<r that oM The. Canodt Peut Loan aa J tevtne> C- pejiv "f Tara*k*o R. i. ejrtaortsiJ o leu. I IU-K q&apos;ie,ntily al nuejey at Inmt carvejal rmUe of interee* Tbow w>ntin rhe,p money will Had it tu tbehr aihuitaf. w> IT him call Builder and Contractor. Dvrhau itiwt. Hooper&apos;B *M >*mJ -f Otnamt Kssnirs. n . I I I . lor TbUKenlaed Bate t H>-*JM Uee>rorek)la the V Ulast at Ft. * ... .i&apos;lC iChurrb Tee roe*M aad be.Iley IB H.U* W,ler vovnniMI For full pertlryhkr^ fti&apos;K&apos;* *&apos; *^* ABWA^CW OS)ee) er ...Jis <i HIUKiKM. oetbwereawSMa. A/ifT&apos;.r z?"zsKsryt mWW W *&apos; "&apos; valuable. mJiVJ eft -i"i- ! - N &apos; ol cxte ihet will p>H o In the way of mtklnat n>w* non. \ > ., ttiui mnj. lhin>l*)eln Anri< Mote ee>iM of ill ecrt ti !1... at h.tiv .n.l .-B la Ihellmei i e,|>itel IM4 voa. lBnime itr avr. for thoew OWITC Hiis>--v jt\-. IVrtleo.r. Mnn . will .tart a>o Mai t at

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