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Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1886, p. 4

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Large Stock! Waltham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver & Gold Cases, To ehooae from. Grade and Warm*! considered, my prices arc low to " Htarks," and you can prove this by culling to sec. Anyone coraiug 15 miles to deal with me, I will allow , them fc cents a mile Lcrc on Watches A Clocks, be- sides tbc discount. This offer will run to Jan. 1st, lb6. A call respectfully invited. AV. A.. IJIIOAVIV. To My Patr.ns: I heartily thank the public for their generous patronage these put>t '2 y ais and on the following basis of business trust to secure a continuance of the same :---" Straight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, find honest kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A. BROWN, A IMinUf Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Castors, 7 Butters, 4 Cards, 7 Pickle Cruet*, 1 Tea Set, 3 Cake Baskets, 1 Ice 1'itoher, 2 Fruit Dishes, and many small Fancy Articles, viz., Napkin Rings, Spoons, Forks and Knives. 10 per cent, offlist prices for this mouth. See my Prices in all Lines ere You Purchase- W. A. BROWN. jmspms! p. r tut FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. FEB. 18, 188C. It is just as necessary to enforce strict military discipline in volunteer regiments as in those of the regular militia. We are well aware, of course, that a great many enroll themselves in volunteer companies without giv- ing a single thought to the fuel that there is always a possibility of their being called upon to do active service in the defence of their country from foreign invasion, or to quell local dis- turbances, during the three years of their service : there is lots of sport go- ing out to annual drill, but the graver (id of the question is seldom thought of. Bat, notwithstanding all this, they have Ukon an oath to do their dnty as faithful, loyal subjects of their Qneen, and, until they get their dis- charge, are obliged to obey all the commands of their superiors, or other- wise pay the penalty of our military law. Where officers are lax in the enforcement of the rule? governing oar militia forces, the results are soon i ten iu the negligence and, ofiiim -, insolence of the volunteers. The pub- lie school teacher who maintains strict discipline amoiust his pupils, with a firm but kindly hand, will show a fat- better record at tlie end of the year than the teacher who is indifferent iu this particular. Give a pupil "an inch of bis own way, and he will toon take a full foot." Just so with sol- diers: the officer who fails to main- tain discipline at the outset will soon find his company almost uiunanagc able although there are occasional pleasing exception!) to the rule. Hi - cause they re n-lutilrtri and not rryii- for mlJitrt. is no reason wliatev< r why tlie former should not be rcgn- luted by the sani>> utrii-t military dis- cipline w tlio latter, RH has been shown ; although, we confess, a good- ly Dumber of our commissioned ofti- cer who should know better do uot share this opinion. Now, we honor Capt. Ctinipbfll, of tbc FIcsbcrtou volunteer company (one of the very best in the Province noted far and near for the orderli- ness of its members) because, in the faithful and honest discharge of his duty, be recently bail an obstreperous member of tbc Co. brought before our Magistrates for disobeying the com- mand* of Ins superior officer in two important particulars. It was the Captain's duty to prosecute the offcn dcr not from mere personal motives, but because it was one of his duties as Captain of the company. Win C. Hanley the offender referred to was requested to attend annual drill last fall, but refused, or at least failed to do BO the former is, we believe, tbe correct way of putting it, for II. m ley had the same notice to attend a the other volunteers. He also seem ed to labor under the erroneous im- pression that when a volunteer had served three years, he could return possession of his military clothing without let or hindrance. In this particular, also, he failed to comply with the military regulations, and hence was cited to appear btforc the Magistrates, which lie did, but was very indignant with the officers for performing tlieir plain duty in the matter. Tlie matter was settled by Hanley paying all costs. Now, sup- posing the offences had been commit- ted when the active service of the company was required, Hanley would most assuredly have been treated as a deserter and court-martialed accord- ingly. As it is, we think he may thank bis stars that he ban escaped so easily. It will, however, be a warning to volunteers that they cannot disre- gard or ignore the command of their officers with impunity, and if it only results in a more rigid observance of military discipline, much good has been accomplished. "Tlie Bccton World, nays the editor tilt Flesherton ADTANCI has a three ply voice and it makes the agricultural editor wild."- Colltngwood Bulletin. In tbe Ungnage of the immortal John Glenn we lisa to iviunrk, thai the language of tlie H. H. of the liullrrin lg "of a nature too supercilious and malevolent to elicit an nnrr.ffled rr-fu tat ion f ! " And now II* 8. 8. will haul forth his wi II thumbed Webster and procfH to decipher the quotation but in vain! Iu antieipation, we can sec his wild and haggard looks, and the Agricultural Editor chuckleth softly to himself. SCHOOL 1IA\TKD AT TIIK STAT1<)\. A communication in another col- umn from "Nemesis." in reference to the petition presented some time ago to the Trustees of out Public Schools by ratepayers living at Flesherton Station, praying for a school teacher for that section, during the winter months particularly. *q It was generally au ..icd at our Annual Meeting, that should the at- tendance at our Public Schools ne- cessitate the engagement of another Tchcher, it might be just as advisable as not to locate the third Teacher at the Station, if by so doing, of course, the necessity for a third Teacher in tliit school no longer existed. It is claimed that there arc not enough pupils in the Station neighborhood, luiwevcr, to warrant such a course, as even if they wcrs provided with n Teacher, the attendance at our schools would still warrant a third teacher to do the work properly particularly during the winter months. However the question is in the bauds of our Trustees, who are men of integrity, and will see that justice is done to all. i.v/>/;r/;.v/>j;.vT".VEirsiMP- EML Our contemporary the Markdale .S'/./in/'ir./, s, , ins to misunderstand our position re "independent" newspapers. A newspaper may be independent in itt utteriincti and yet not be nnu-parti- zan. Now while we give a loyal sup- port t j the present Government, and get a shtre of it; patronage, it docs not by any moans necessarily follow that we Itflony to that party. We re- serve the individual right always to rrnsiire any of its acts which we may not think consistent with the best in- terests of the country. The AIAANCB is not and never has been controlled by interested politicians of any party, and never said it belonged to any party, and hercirj the Standard has unin- tentionally, we trust misquoted us a M > 'iid tin H'. What wdid say wis, that "every journal little and big should give forth no uncertain sounds politically." \Vr did not, and ucver did say, that they should belong to any party. As to the Government's patronage, the Siiiniliinl has an equal claim with the AHVANCE, for theCiovcrnment docs not require or ask the tlm-uh support ol any newspaper. Sir John Macdonald has always shown his hearty appre- ciation of those Conservative or "In- dependent" journals who, while they did not fail to applaud him for any meritorious action of himself or cabi- net, were equally zealous in censuring him whcu he erred. The Premier is by no means the corrupt trickster one section of the party press designate him, nor yet is he the angel of per- fection the other section of the party pris.i would have him appear to be. The extreme views of these papers is precisely what has brought to the fore newspapers which are more independ- ent in their tittcrnncei in reference to IIM j">!itioal <|nijtioiip. Much its the Toronto World, AViw, fr& But be- cause they ore liberal or independent in tin) views or opinions they promul- gate, does it follow that they are inde- pendent of party politics in the real acceptation of the word or term ? We maintain most decidedly not. And yet that is tlio Standard'* position ex- actly. One time our cotem was neu- tral, now it says it is independent : we might well ask, what are // politics, or how soon will it be changing its political base again, or has it any po- litical leaning! 1 at all? In reference to the remarks of a certain renegade Conservative paper i i this County, on the same subject, we may say that we have not the time lo spare to reply to the unwarrantable grossly personal, and inconsistent vap- orings of disappointed politicians. TO MOTHESS .- Are yon disturbed at night and brokeu of your rest by a sirk child nurturing aud cry I rig *lt>> pain of ('uttingTeothr If no Boinl atouco ninl get a bottle of "Mrs Win low's hofithinc Hvin|> for Children Ti'tthing. Its valns ls incalculable. It will relinre th poor little suffiTer liiinicdiatnlv. Depend upon it. inotlium ; tljMi i /n. nii-.liik about It. It cures liyriii<ry and Dlarrlura, reciilata* the st IIIIK-II mnl Dowels, curt* Wind Colic, till* < > unu. reduce* Infl aii'l uiiniy to tue> wliole syt low'f ttooiniiif lamp" for cbll |ili'a*svnt l<> tlm Htv and Is th oiiruf the ol.Mwt and rtent f<n ntiil n iir-i"- In li..- I 'iit.-.l Hlatwi liy all rtrinu.1i.tii IknNsHsosjt II tw-iil. flmceoln a bo Hen ll fllvn* t"Hi. Mm VVini Mi toothing li ntwriptlori of A!A phyftlcialll nil n lor -alv world. Prlct r mil k fnr \Mi.Va HOOTHIKO Smcr." and novt'iier km. i THE I'HOItl.KM SOIA'Klt. t'nilH tltf Bfftun If'urU. klmbrrley M'UOOL HONOR BOLL. Looking over an old Flesherton AD- Fourth Class Ella Dyne. 120, Alfred VAKwe came across the following T,ut,,n 114, Edith Hurlburt 96, Ella .... , * Curruthers 87. item which i. a good excuse for its ^ C , U8 _ J(>hnH))WBll 70> rriK . ilu editor completing his system by taking Dynej70) Mm , io Adaimoll tt| Henry anotherrib: " Strange, that with the y owe 53 21,000,000 buttons manufactured in Second Claas-Flwtwood Btttrick 08, this country last year, we still have to Win. Mundle 54, Albert McConnell 46, fasten our suspcudui'S on with a shin-- John Abererombie 42. gle nail." A CBYISO EV1I,.- Chililrni are often frt-lfuUn 1 ill whru worms are the ran>c. Dr. LUW'H Worm Syrup nvfdy i-xprU all Worm ii. NunilMtruii the roll for month 73, aver- ago attendnnco 45. 8. i , \ M v , Teacher. Bniorn|U},-"V'h*nTfr I out of torte.f iliou. tuyHvoruot work- ing riglit, or rm'li'.l willi a headache I take Chase's Liver Cure. Tliere in more real The young man who takes to wins- benefit from OKO Jose of jour Livor Cure key discounts his future to a much *hu in many bottles ..f Borne medksinea." ,., .. ... Jno. MoNutrr, Bonn Hi-ad. greater extent than did Ins father who t<x)k to stiong liquor tliirty years! fcs'Tlic best, cheapest, most diir- ago. There is now no room for whis-> ble Pianos Organs Kcwing Mac),- . 4 mes, for sale by ('. Treadf{old, next key-Laeds in positious of trust or dom . ^ C | ayton - 8f Fleslierton. Also, where nerve aud care are required. n id Sewing Machines repaired and ta- The only place where he has any ken as part pay on new ones. Shuttles, show is as hack to some one else. Needles, ic.. and all kinds of hewing Everyone takes advantage of |. im Mael.ino supplies. ^^ overworks him. Even a smell of Hwrl , LED N CI ._ Mr|1 . B eur, Dobb,. *t beer about a young man is sufficient Bprridale, 1'arry Sound, tesiifieH to a prompt excuse uowaduvs for a bank manager ! f " re ';''.f tl.o n-ck nd sorf j throat by (lie internal KM external ue o in refusing him a small accoinmol- Harvard's Veil. Oil. V'ellow Oil ia a sure ation or a wholesale man in refiisins ; relie "" or "" f aMnl ^^ition*. him a small line of credit. The old T0 REMOVE DA-Ji'DRUFrV-CJc^iM the idea that d Hows who took to drink scalp with I'rof. Low'iMasic Sulphur Soap. were good-souled chaps is a delusion. A <leU ht ' ul m <*** ( -P '' lhe ilet - It now apposr8 C( , rtaill t i, a t the Mor- They may bo so when sober.but more mean aud low acts are done by men mou3 wil | bllillla city under liquor than when free of ita 1 ,,.^ The Mexican government is not dozen times over. People no longer ,a gti( ii OU9 w i, cil an , consiaerable sum take stock iu the chivalry of whiskey; of moilcy is i M(i i w \, but wo doubt if they are. however, convinced of the Uie poiygamists have found a place of beastliness of the habit. It is iu tMpcaajMaj peace iu that disorderly air Uiat the whiskey-head must go. COUIllry . They -will have to sustain tbe enmity of the church and the ex- actions of revolutionary leader and Toronto World .o*ri ln V! n rt!J;- l !a, t ^ n C ti:^- 1 ^J otLr banditti, ^<o notion of poUt- , anJ l.a< iriuJ cue tiling after an ical change 18 liberty to steal every- Cure a trial. Hini-c- tnkinu tlio flmt buttle I icans are acting upon principle of the ^SSJLSSSJSSSA ~ Fous Irishman ^hose wife of, if n. 't tlic l'"t inmlieine extant (or 1'ys grwoke him ill the Ill-rllt to tell lillil ESwa?a^ff jj?f-X!i"i f . "r vviis a b ^ Iar in lhe lioU9C - iii p'ir. ly vi'Ketal.Jc. Sol.l at W. Hictiard- "lie Still," said the lltlB haDil, "until wo ^ if be finds aB y t | lillg . Thca I'H igct up and take it from hirn." About uccinuulatc fome . ,,.n'. Drug 8t..rc.. Trul bott o. fr.i wil| _ Toron , o The Osprey Agricultural Society annual meeting was held iu Maxwell on NYedncsday the 14th. The follow- ing officers were elected : President, Arson Lee : 1st vice Win. Guy; 2nd vice R. T. Bark ; Directors, Gamey, (Secy.) W. II. Campaigne, Tn^i'iT Krysipflm, Halt Rbeunj' Tetter, Thomas Saigeon. John Kerton, Noil- 1'impleH and all Huraor ol tbi hloo-l a.c ,,,.,,. carable by Unnl..rk Blond Dilters, which Mclcan, John Madill, \\illiatn p ur i ne s the blood. Sproulo, Jno. Kpcers, and John Hun ter. r THK Sim. Mot Joseph thikin i.e bad M,d wdl lck l cleanlin"n. except lwn fanaedby grubB cr _ ., . , . ... Cno,nAH.KvrNTnvr.--Inrrdertow,tl 1 . ,.anl 0,,,Wa nnd ,uch 1,.. rp.dermc. HorcThri , at$ licrd rl purity nl lilnnd. and tbe proper ac- tn. ii i I tin 1 ttomach itre required. Toinonre thatend.inlhechep<..t mo.t arnilable and completo manner, rno Mef'rpffnr . S,,<-e.1y Cure lor Dy.pepsia and Impure Blood. . The proprirUir* ol Hagyard'i Yellow Oil h iiosi rinr. crtitKatc o( oiuc mint rpiunrliable cnrog of !>< (n, by that nmt-: ivl rfinptij lor pain. Yt'llow Oil JJJ K, )Mirua 7 ,i,n. S,,rin, HKAmcnr. -If vou.nfler from He.rfache |)0 ,,, ^,,, t stomach. b a* fcslt, i| porlmpi nil thn-e There i. no pnrer safrr or more BrP pomb i nB( , inbtt d action. I(.o. th,' l,l remedy in existrnco |nr teUftMlsM, >vpi-p. renlei , v ; , UurJl> ,. k Blo<v) BiUcri., wliioh Kia. OMUVMStsi.Sto. A^k yonr nnitflihor or Care8 H r.,lacho l.y ro|| (listing the organic any prrK.m who Ims iiped it. Sold by \> . -ji-- ,-n.. " " : ' - 1 Tiial bottle Riven Ire*. Goon VM.IK. Many lafTrrcm baying medicine hnre bcpn ilisapiiointcil. don't >-n Mr \\.Iloss, Secretary of the Hoard up, buy rplialil nrticle like Dr. Chans'! of Education, of Port Perry, and Mr. 1 JJver Cure, ami -itl,it you get reolp. Jno. Gordon, of FleBherton, who are attending the convention of the Royal Templars in this City, visited our Central and High Schools on Wedn- | book alon worth themonty. ll-'AH-il-.r-.f, ASI> UH OF TOICB. peikers and lingen are often <liilre*8ikl with hamen<>u, anil much <1an|er it lurk , -.. ill thf bronchial pip'. Hagyavrd's Pso esday. They were shown through the toral Balism in a prompt reruwly (or tbe building and given an opportunity of. *""">. <l seeing the workings of the schools. They expressed it as their opinion that good, thorough work is being done, and were somewhat surprised at tlie | - ... . . , , , i I n. r Complnlnt .,ano aceomoilation which is provided for i,| e , the pupils, it being first class in CAery Liver Complaint CauMa Dv|>epi Liter Complaint Cause* Sick Headache Diizmon, All Kidney Tron- respect. The attendance is largo, and they are sure that the youth of (Inclph have every advantag as regards educa- tion, and must r.ay that the Trustees seem to be desirous for the welfare of those committed to their charge. They beg to thank the Janitors for their at- tention and courtesy in showing them round. Guelph Mrrery. CompUintCaiufw Throe-foarths of all clieas. I.ivi r Compluint in cured by Dr. Cbase'i I jfer Cure. The Advance is boimd to lead the way. W.J. Bellamy FLESHERTON, Loan ^ and Insurance Agent. Money to Lend on good Farm Property at current rates of interest and YOUR OWN TERMS to ivyuy tbc Principal. Expenses at the very lowest possible figured. INSURANCE Effected in the leading Companies and at Current Rates. Roller Won / Naif. Those requiring ttrat-clasi Roller Flour from the famous mills of Mr. Ford, Mark- dale, will do well to call at the Flesher- ton Bakery whrre it in always kept in tnck, nt reasonable prices. WORMS often destroy children, but Free man'4 \V Tin Powd-ni destroy Wormi, and rz;>il them from the i-y.-U in WILU CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTIOH, JAUNDICE. 1 ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, fLUTTERINC \- OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF i THE STOMACH, DRY MESS OF THE SKIM, And ery species of dlaeaae arlali( from dlsordarsd LIVER, KIDHEY8, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. H1LBURN 4 0., PHOTCaRAPHY. MES. BULMER. Flesherton, - Ont, laviiifpflitMinir in tlir ftmlio of th famous Toronto PhoUispraulMr, Mr. J Dlxon. whore I ac<iuirl>:i< UMtntdei in Kutou chlng. 1 fffl safturt*! I can give ui't*\ Kenaral atlifactiou. A call rorpectfulljr solicited, MRS. 1JULMEB. Flsihertou, Spt. 17th. 1*5. New Butcher Shop In Flesh- erton Peicli S Mitchell. . i ri'i''i (fully take this op|>or lunltr to announce to thi |i,H.|,ir f nak- ortoti ari'f siirrouiKlii'i: < it i \.thnt they liave a Bakohor SKop In tin- in I iirxt door to tlio Mm bio Works, H.KKHr.KToN. here thor urill In- |.l. i > in 'n.-.-t v. nli all who faror thorn with tltnir rmtrMinRo Kroh MeaU of all kluda, anj Fish. c. In tlivlr Huatoas. Ileipoetfully yonra. I'HTrn AMITCIIKI.L. Framing and House- Joining. Th iniili-riit'iic'il l prnparnd to mecute al order* eTitrimtud to him for thaorectioo of Dwell inyi <i>i'l Framf Ititiltlingt, ilnriiid thaaoaaon oflHUi AlltnatertnlfurnUhiHl I/ HO doilro 1. N>':II- b U coiii]iottnt norkinon UTilojrH. Tbn natLtfartlon my work ha>Rlon u in put lutff laiantmfnr th future. ApT<l)to A. MrLKOl). Kl- hcrtcn Btatlcn Important ITotice! The ttuhnciibor bogR to iufuiin ilio poople of Flonherton andturroundinRcoiuitr) .that hbai 3 miles from Flosbertou, and in now prepared to furuiah hills of any length or >ir.e of Lumber LUMBER LATH, L SHINGLES. Alwayson haml Rlabvood cut to store-lengths on hand. Custom S wine dono by t hi- thousand. REASONS Why you shoultl Rot your Lumber and Shingle* cut by S|ioiicer: (D Every Saw In tlm Mill Is New and the mill Is In perfect ordor. U) Decauie he Is a practical lawyer and keeps his HawR and machinery in perfect order. (31 Because ho cut* all Hcantllnn Joice eiact- ly to tlie hill furnished. (I) Ho hail put Iu a Lan.hor Kdger and all bear-In aro tauie In from one end to the other. (5) Itneaiue yon can take a load of logs to the mill and a load of lumber homo same day. (A) Because be guarantees to cut all custom work In a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaranteed. 17) Booauso al I sawing Is don* at rook bottom prices. Lumber Delivered if Required. Sept. 10th. 1 G. H. SPENCEH In all its braiielns to. Office on Toronto st,, opposite Towu Hull. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An pi t to tak. Contain thalr mm Is a tats, suro, aod / wftmm la Children or JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer & General Blacksmith, Manuladurei* of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies. Democrats, Wagons, Irou Harrows and Patent Farm Gates. Also agent for Cliatsworth Plowi, Noxon Bros. Ingersoll Light Low Down Binder*, Coinbiued Reapers & Mowers 'wo kinds of Single Reapers, three kinds of Mowers, four kinds of Grain Drills and two kinds of Horse Rakes. Please coinc and sec them. Jan. 1st, 1886. A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of Glenelg, Proton, Artemesia and Egremont ! Persons requiring Ll'MHKK, LATH or SHINGLES, can get them at BROWN'S Steam Saw Hill! PRICE VILLE. At Lowest Cash Ratt-s. To thoae who have Timber : Logs delivered befors February 1st, 1886, taken in exchange, for which Cash Trices will bo allowed. le-Moro Lumber can be got aut of a log at Brown's Saw Mill than at th majority of mills, as Brown has the latest improved sudstitute for the "<!>&" formerly, and in many places yet, used for holding logs in place while sawing Bring on your Logs and get your Lumber home with yon. Win. Clayton Has on hand a large stock of MENS, WOME1TS CHILDHE1TS BOOTS & SHOES! Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, .ft ALL KIMDS OF Stich as Monuinciits, Touib Tablefl, Counter and Table To[>s in American snd Italiun Marble and (irnnite, and nmdo on aliort notice. Also Mantles in Marble snd Marbloized Slate, ,tc., &c. Floslu-rton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS &OINTMENT THK PILLS Purify tlio Illuod, correct all Dinonlen of the i', Stomach, Kicln'yw, ttncl I t<\\ They Invigorate and restoro to health I)el)ilital<-<l Cnn-ti tut Ions, and are invaluable In all Com plaluta luoldeutal to Koiualos of all mion. t'ur Chlliiron nnil tlio aRod thoy aro priceless. THE OINTMENT U an Infallible remedy for Dad Lrua. Had 1lrea<t. Old Wnnn.m. Horen and I'lcera. It lifamoni for Oout iiinl ItliuuniatlKin. For diitordeni of the ( 'In t It ha no equal. For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlandularSwolllngs, and all 8kln DlHoaaM It ha* no rival; and for contracted and stiff joiiith It acts like a charm. Kanufactured only at Professor Hoi.rxiWAY's GstablUhment. T8, New Oxford Street ( lale 5S3, Oxford Htreet), London. and are sold at Is. 1M.,. M., 4. M., 11s , SB., and Sis. oach Io or Pot, and may be had of at? Medi cine Vendors throughout the World. Pnrfhatrn thc,M lonk t< Uir IM on th' P"'* niui ttore*. If tht addrtu u not 5.1.-I, Orfiinl Xtrrft, Ltitidim, thry arc ffmritnu. J. W. BATES, Furniture, Dealer and Undertaker, fLBBHEBTON, OKT. NOTICE: A thorough bred Durham Bull calf, one month old, for sale. Altio A one year old Durham Hull, with pood pedrgracfl. Also a good Steam Flour Mill at I ; siiri tun Station for sale. Apply to ROGER I.EVEU, Flcsbci ton I'. O,

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