B,,t the To the pot lu bie youth. I on xive you hUh etem, aiafliou* tiUud But I'ou nol love you now A* I used to love my !" Bhe wa uieauly dreMed you we, lu lief (i'* 1 cot f L uwu B lit ber null* heaven to me, And 1 never iw bei frown. You ere 111" roee l f J. 011 ". She we* but Illy bel' Yet 1 o*u out love you aow As I need to love my Nell. We were young. nd life WM aweet, And we loved eaeh other mow When there eoaroe wu food to eat, Uidtne well was al the door. There WM elwaya dope, you kuow ; We could dream that skies were blue ; But my aulluK had to go Joet before the tlreaiu came true, I am let: alone with lame, And the great world likee me well ; But I ean not love again Ae I need to love 017 Nell. Tbeu forgive me if the light Of your preMDoe leaven me ooltl ; You axe voting, and (ay, and bright, I am growing grave aLtl old; And the Mow the ueed to kite In more wrinkled than of jure. Hat tee ireajure that I mlH Ii oot loet, but gone before. Some bave many loves, but I Learnt to love but oooe and well ; And I can not w o you now Ai I mod to woo my Nell. MONICA BI imz AUTBom or " rnri.Lii," "MOLLV BAWX," AND OTBBB you L4B ROVSOA _____ CHAPTER I. BOW A POTI OOI WM f LCTTmaXU IS BQSBMOTXE. Tbe old-fashioned clock is ticking loudly, ponderously, M though determined to betray tbe flight ot fickle time and impreM ope* the happy, careless ones tbat tbe end ofaUthiaga ia at hand. Ths roaea knock their fragrant buds against tbe window panes, calling attention to tbeir dainty sweetness. The pigeons coo amorously upon the ail U outside, and evsn throat tbeir pretty beads into tbe break! a t ro-jm. demanding plaintively tbeir daily crumbs ; bett BO ooe toeeds. A deadly silence hM fallen upon Ibis rocm at Moyne, albeit life ia folly repre- sented here, and two eye*, in wbiob tbe light of youth is quenched, are looking anxiously into two other eyea tbat have ,. also seen the beet and s wee tee t of their days. Hopelessly ths golden retee scatter tbeir . i petaU. In vain tba while and tawny birda entreat baekiheesb. To no parpoae does the elderly clock count col its nambera. Tke urn ie hissing angrily, tbs two oops of tea so carefully prepared are growing oold. Bo are tbe crisp little hot oaken, so IB tbe Mo, by the bye, it isn't ! Honey can't. What a chance I was near giving the re vis wers I Ons bird, growing annoyed al tbe pro- longed qtttet, flies from tbe open window to the back of Miea Penelope'e obair, and aeUles there wilb an indignant flatter and a eappreseed bat angry note. Tbis small suggestion ot a living world destroy s tbe epail sttat f or the la* I few minutes baa been connecting tba brain with a dead one. Miss Penelope, railing ber bead, gives words to ber thoughts. " Poor, poor Katharine 1" she aays, gently smoothing on I the letter that lies upon ber knee. " Bow bar happiness WM wrecked ' And what a sad ending there has been to everything I Her children coming boms to as, fatherless motherless 1 Dtar cbildl Wbat a life bar's hM been ! II ia qaite twenty yeara ago, now, and yst il all items to me M freeb aa yesterday. " Bbe shouldn't bave taken thing* so easily ; the should bave asserted hereell at tbe ftsM," aaya Miaa 1'risoilla, whose voice is always a nota sharper than bariiater'a. " It rtqairae a great deal of thought aod and a great deal of moral courage to la- st rl OBI'S self when a man hai bebtved abominably to one hM, in fact, fitted one t " says Mies Penelope, bringing out the awful word with a little shudder and a shake of her gentle head, tbat nets two pale lavender ribbons in ber cap swaying mildly to and fro. " Why WM she ao fatally ailant about everything except the one hate tact of his refoeal, al tbe laet moment, to marry ber, without assijgnlDg any oauw for bia base desertion T Why didn't she open her whole heart to IBS ? 1 wasn't afraid of tbi man 1 " aaya Miss PriaeQla, with tacb terrible energy and inch a warlike front M {night well have daunted " tke man," or, ladled, any man, oould be bave seen her. " Bbe ahoald have unburdened her poor, bruited spirit to me, who it my mother was not her', Bind if I WM many years her senior had, at least, a sister's love for bar." " A true love," aaya Mias Penelope witb another eigb. "Instead of which," regretfully, "ibe hid all ber sorrow in her own bosom, and, no doubt, wept and pined for the mieoreaut in asoret." " Poor soul t " say a Miaa Penelope, pro- foondly sffectad by tail dismal picture. Tears born of tenderneee spring te her eyee. " Do you remember, Pnsetlla, how she re- fated to show his letter, wishing, I lapr/ois, even that to spars him ? " _ . "I forget nothing ! " with some acerbity. " Often, when laying my prayen, I have witbed I could forget him, bat I can't, to I have to go on being uuehari table and in lin if, indeed, sin it be to harden one's heart against a bad man." " Do yoa remember, too, my dear Prii- cilia, how she refused to go to church tbe Sunday after she received hie cold-blooded mii-eive tailing ber be wiabed hie engage- ment at an end T I often wonder in wbat language be oonld have coached sash a oa.ni1a.Ynni desire ; bat she tore tbe letter np. Dear) Dear I It might bave bappened to-day, it is all 10 clear te me." " Too clear," aayi Miss Priseilla. " I recollect, too," saya Miaa Penelope, leaning her elbows on the table, purbing bet ua lasted tea from her and warming lo tbs dismal memory, " bow ibs wonld not eetne down to din ner on tbat eventful even- ing, though we had the red currant tart the WM a* totx! of , MB how I took her op aome Bryealf and knocked at ber door and entreated bsr to open to me and to eat some of il. There WM whipped cream on 4 II ; she WM very fond ol eraam, too." " And abe refused to open the door ? " asks Mias Prieeilla, with Ibe satisfied air of one who hM often heard the thrilling reci- tal before, yell WM never tired of il. . " Absolutely I 80 I laid tbe plate on a tittle tahli outside bar door. Bomi boon after wardi, going up to bad, I saw tbe plate W Mgon ind her door tlighlly ajar. Steal- v kef into her room on tiptoe, I aaw ihe WM sleeping peacefully, and that the had eaten tba red currant tart. I fait ao happy thin. Fbo*. dear child I Bow food she wae of tbat tart i" j - See liked .very Iking that bad icgar in it," say* Miss Priaaflla, mournfully. " II WM only natural. Sweets to tba sweet,'" sayi Mies Penelopt, letting one little white jewelled band tall slowly, Badly upon HM other. Then is a lengthened pause. Presently, stooping slightly towards bir later, Mias Penelope aaya, in a myiterioni whisper f "I woristo, toy' wee* Pnoeilla, % she married James Bereeford a month after. W - WrmfJtvnrrtd Ibe boman heart? Far- baps it wail pride drove her into that roar tajjta tapirs *> abo* OfSM Diamond bX^ITih* ka tsd MfSws3w* of her. And Jamas WM a Laudsoine young fellow, wtorwal George WM " " I 'K<y. *?* U '" B Ftwakpe with quite an amazing amouul of vicious aatisfaiuoa, (or her. Strikingly to," syn Mi H 1'rmcill*, aieeolog mMt agreeably. " Bal then the Daimoud esuteb mean hall tbe county; we iud to thiuk be wan the soul of honor." It was oar favher'n expressed dekire opaa hli deathbed that Ktlherine should mury him." " Yen, y as ; a desire (o tie bald Mated. And Kttherme gave bci promise to oat dying parent. Nothing," saya MIBB Prin- cilia, lu a solemn tone, " should, induce auy one to break inch u oih. I hve often n:>il BO to the dear child. Bat shi appeared ool only willing, bat anxious, to marry Qeorge Ddtmond. flu WM the Iraitoroui mind." " I dare say be has bad bia own punish- ment," tayi Mua Penelope, mildly. "I hope 10," ityi Misa Prisoilla uteri, l> Theo, with a retain lo eadneat, " Twenty , earn ago it in, and now she ban been i iwelvemonth dead auJ in her qaiet grave.' " Ob, don't, my deer PritoilU !" eayt Mi Penelope, in m broken voioe, bury ion her 'aoe in her pocket-hand kerohibf. Ab ! well, well, we bad better look. to th future . the patt baa no oharma for ne,' eaye Mia* Priaeilla, with a ghastly attemp at oheeif uluenn. " Lit me see," rettrrici through a pair of gold-rimmed spectacle* t the letter in her band, " That the dee ohildren bave landed we know, and b'm yea, thii very yea, plainly, very retpeo) able pet son, tbe captain, writee to y the; will be witb UH to-morrow." " Tomorrow / and that was written yei terday," eaye Miss Penelope, patting down bet handkerchief and starting onot nnor Into life. " Wby, at that rate, my dea Prieeilla, they will be here to day I " Bleu me! Yon doo't mean it I" si claims Miu Prisoilla, again applying be glasses to tbe letter. " Monday, and this in Tuesday ; yee, lore enough, you art right. What a bead you have, my dear Penelope I" " Ob, not at all I " aayi Mus Peatlope, flushing witb pleasure at this tribute to ber intellect. " To-day in a few hours 1 Now, what it to be done aboat tbe bedi?" 14 Bal inrely tbey are aired ? " " Aired ? Yes. Tbey have been aired every day regularly for tbe past two montbi, ever eicoe I firit beard the ebildren were likely to come to u 1. Bol etill I atn onoer- tain about them. I knew tbey will want hot jars ; and then tbe roome, they will want flower* and many things and " " Can't I help yon T " demandi MIM Penelope eagerly. ' My dear girl, not at all," sayi Mm Priaoilla, wilb a calmly superior air, irUiog from tbe tact that she 11 qnite eighteen monthi ber senior. " Too can aeiut mi with your valuable counsel, bat I would nol have you disturb yourself for worlds. Yon moat be cool and collected, and bold your elf in readme** to feoeive them when tbey eome. Tbsy will be eby, no donbl, com ILK here all tbe way bom 1'alestme. and il moat ba your part to make them feel quite U borne." Tbis to Miss Penelope, who is afraid of stranger* in any guise, appears soob i fear lul mitaion that she pales, and taye, trem- blingly : " Bot you, too, will be present at car first meeting ? I must, indeed, beg yon to be preeent, my dear I'fisoilla." " OI coarse, of ooarse," say Misi Prii- oilla, eDOourajiiiMtly. Then, doubtfully , "I bope the boy won't lake adiilike tons." " I vonder how we skaU gel on wilb ohildren," says Miss Penelope. She is evi- dently growing extremely nervous. II seems eo tlrange tbey should be otxving here to tbe old bouse." " Monioa cannot be a child now, She maat be al leaal eighteen," cays Hist Prii- eilla tbougblfolly. " II was in 18ti3 that" 1- i , I think," interrupt* alias Peoe lope. " 1863," persists Misa Prieeilla. " Yoa may be right, my dear," aayi Mm Penelope, mildly bnt firmly, " you ofltn sue but I know it was in '64 that " What ? " Mks Mite Prisoilla sharply. Tbat Desmond jilted oar Katberuie." Yoa are wrong, Penelope, utterly wrong, II was in 6S." ' I sm nearly always wrong," layi Misi Penelope meekly, yet with a Utenl sense of suppressed power. "Bat I eac nol tor- gel ttaal in the year Oeorge Lteemocd be- haved so shamefully to oar street Katbe- rine, Madam O'Connor's oow bad two calves, and that." triumpbantly, " WM in '64." " Yoa are right qalte right, " aayi Misi Priaetlla, vanqoisbed but nol casil down. " Bo it waa. What a memory you have, my dear Penelope." "Notbirjg when compared witb yourj," saye Miaa Penelope amilinR. At tbie moment Ibe door opens sod an old man entera Ibe room. He is clad in tbe garb of a servant, though aaeh wonderful habiliments aa those in whieb he bia ar- rayed bimielf would be dimoullcf purchase now-a days ; wbetber there are more wrinkles in bia forehead or in hie troneeri is a nice question that oould nol readily be decided at a moment's notice. He it qaite ten yeara older than either of bis mistreeaea, and, indeed, both be and t>i garmenta plainly belong to a by -gone genera lion. Hia knees are bent, so is hia back bis face ia like a Ribston pippin, bia) eoat i a marvel both in cut and in texture, bnt bi linen ia irreproeobable, and wbal bai nature has still left him it moil careful! brnahed. There ia, too, in hia small, gray Irish eyea a miiebievoos twinkle, and (and nl bonest good hamor thai goea far defy Ibe ravages of lime. In spite of bis seventy yean and bis qaaint attire, be H til al time* ean bold bu own witb many a younger man. " Well. Timothy," aays Mies PriioilU looking up as be approaches tbe table, " we bave bad newa of Mies Kttherine's I mean Mra. Bsreaford's ebildren." " Best her aowl I" aaya Timothy ink reve rential tone, alluding to that part of tbe late Mra Bereeford. " II teems they bave landed and will be witb at to-day." " The day, misa ?" growing briik al tbis unexpected announcement. " Yss, tbey bave reached England in safety and are now in Dublin. Wbat s long, long journey it has been for them,' with another dreamy glance at the letter, " all the way from Paleatioe 1 " "An' ao il bae, miaa, poor little era- tbure ! " aays Timothy, who knows aei much aboat tbe whereabouts of Palestine] ai be does about tbe man in tbe moon. " Yon mustn't think they are very young, Tlmotby," saya Mlea Pecelope btitlly. " MIM Prtseilla and I bave been talking it over, and we believe Miaa Berealord muat be now seventeen, Master Terence aiileen and Mies Kale fourteen." " And ao of course tbey uiusl be, miae. Tbrue for ye, ma'ana. Dear, dear, though only to tbink now ; il lewmi only the other day tbs dear yoang Itdy WM married to Mister Hereford. Bat yon aren't eating a bit, miss," anxionaly ; " yon haven't tsited a monel, ma'am. Wbat ean I gel ye now?" 11 Nothing, Tlmotby. Tbe fact ia " "There'* an Uigant ham downalsire, ma'am," ayi tbe old man, now (tally concerned for the alatresaea, who ittil alwaya appaar to him aa "Ibe young ladieei ; " "let me brtng it ap to yon." "No, thank yon, Tlmotby; wear* jut a litlle npsat by tbis sudden newa. We 0n- not belp wondering bow tbe old bonee will be witb children in it, after all theae yean of oalan ai.d quiet." Hare an'agraod change it will be for ns all, miaa; 'twill indeed, ma'am," isyaj Timothy, cheerfully, though bia mind mm givee bin. " There's nolbing like children, wben all's told , tore, there's music in the i'aix, wbatelae would tbey be, miss ?" lays tbe old man with assumed repioacb. *Tia well I ran d of MIKH Kihrine bemelt tbe aott tongue she bad in ber bead, an' never a eroea word oat of ber.iavej to Nelly Doolin- an 1 be wai tbe divil himself, win' your presence, miu, auii enougb to provoke all tbe saints- glory be " " I trust they will be happy bare," goca oo MIM Penelope still wistfully. " An' why not, misa ? Bare tbe oountbry a tbe tiaest plaoe al all for the yoang , and wbere'e a fluer ooantbiy tban oold Ire- land?" Much oau'l be aaid for it of late, Timothy," aaye Miss Prisoilla sadly, " all il oanboaalot now is rebellion, eedition and 1 1 radsbed." Bare, every one mast bave a kick up aomelimes, MIM," eayi Timothy with youthful lightness, " an', afther al', isn't tbe onld place only doin' what i>be ean for beraelf, more power to ber T" "Byan," haya MIM Prisoilla, steruly, a^dreasing ber butler by bis aarname a thing that is never done eioept in dire oanee and nxing upon him au icy glauoe beneath which ue quails, "I rfgrt-1 you (tbonld so far forget yourself aa to niter anen treaaonable sentiments in oar pre- tence. You ought to bj anbaaied of your- self." " So I am, miea. I humbly ak yer par- don, ma'am," says Mr. Ryan, promptly. " BJI all tbe different opinions one btara adtlea tbo brain. 'Twaa only last night tbe Murpbyx bad a meeting, aid they do Bay, miea," lowering his voice confiden- tially, "tbauhe Squire down there," point- ing apparently through Ibe breaktatt room wsl 1 , " u ia a bid way wilb tbe League boys." " The Ueemond f " "Yes, mis*. He'a been eviotiu' again, ma'am ,*n' there's queer talk aboat him. But," with a relapse into former thought, "if be'e a bad landlord, wbal can he expect?" "No, no, Timothy 1 He ia not a bad landlord," aaya Miaa Priseilla, hastily, though this allowance of grace lo bar enemy oausea her a bitter pang. " He baa been moat patient for yeara. Tbat I /.now." " Well, maybe so, Miaa," aaya Byan, deferentially, but with a reservation in bia manner tbat speaks volumes. " It isn't for Ibe likea of me, ma'am, lo contradict tbe likes of yon. Bat did yoa bear, miaa, tbat Mislber Deamond's nephew has come to stay with him ?" " At Coole T ' " At the Cattle. Yee, UIIBB. l-'aii 'twas meself WM surprised to bear it. Bat there be is, safe enongb, an' another gentleman with bim ; an' tbey do say that tbe oold matlber ia M proad aa Poneb of bim. Bat his blood's bad, I'll no doobt." "No doubt," aays Miss Priseilla, severely, Mies Penelope sighs. CHAPTER II. BOW rwj OLD XiII> 1U Uil'E ACQCAIHTKC WITH 1 VEBT YOCSO ONI, already we bave reached tbe afternoon. In Ibese warm Jane daya, when all tbe earth is languorous and glad witb its own beauty, time slips from na unannounced, and Ibe minutes from morn to eventide and from the gloaming to nightfall, melt into one another, until all aeem but one iweel, lengthened boar. Juki now Ibe hot sun is pouring down upon garden and gravelled walks al Moyne ; exaepl Ibe bom of the iodusliioue bees not a sound ean be beard i even tbe atreunlel at tbe end of tbe long lawn is running sleepily, making i weetmntio aa il goes, indeed, bat ao drowsily, to heavily, tbat il hardly reaches Ibe ear ; and ao, loo, with the lap- lapping of tbe waves upon tbe shore below, sut me tide comes and goea. Oerlain atray little eonbeama, half wild with glee, rosbing hilber and thither tbrougb the roeea, discover Miee Penelope Blike silting in Ibe drawing room at Moyne. tthe ia draaaed in her very beat lavender silk, that would stand alone, and be glad ti do il if il was let, but, unabashed by ber splendor, ApoUo'a saoey babies dance down opoc ber, and, selling on ber knitting-needles, play bide-and-aeak among them, until Ibe poor lady's eyes are fairly dazz'ed. Fortunately, at this mutant Misa I'm- cilia, entering the room, draws down the blind and restores order ; after wbieb she eesta herself almost directly opposite ber ister. The Misses Blake are not pretty old ladiea al all. I don't want to deeeive you in thin matter. They are, in fact, qaite ugly old ladies. There ia a pensive air about Miaa Pene- lope that might suggeat to the easnal observer an early and disastrous love affair. Bal all soeb imaginings on his part would be vain. No winged Oupid evtr bid ia Misa Peneljpe'a ear, or played bo-peMp in ber virgin boeoo), or nestled In bar eandy loeke ; she ii free from all taint of socb wild f rivolisme. " All it ready, now," sayi Miss Frlsoilla, who ia the Mrtbe at Moyne, while we may regard Miss Penelope M the Mary. " Tbe rooms are prepared, nothing is wanting and tbs flowers smell so sweet. I bave sent tbe etrriageto meel them, though I know tbe tram cannot be bere for quite an hour yet , but I think il wiae always to be in lime." " Tbere H nothing like II," aaya Mice Penelope placidly. " Now I shall rest bera witb y on a little while," goea oo the elder maiden compla- cently, < and think of all tbat IB likely to happen." "Really," saya MiM Penelope, lowering ber work and glancing reetlessly at ber sis- ter, " I feel more nervous tban I can lay, when I think of their coming. What on earth ahoald we de, my dear Prisoalla, if tbey took a dislike lo ua 1 " " I bare thought of tbat myaelf," sayi Mies Priseilla in an awe-struck tone. " We mx not attractive, Penelope, beyond a few a rery few insignificant touches," witb an inward glance at her fine hair, " we are absolutely onleide the pale of beauty. I wonder if Monioa will be like ber mother, or if " Here something bappena that pate a final stop to all eonveraation. Tbe door is opened qaiekly, impetuously, tbcie Is a sound M of many footelepe on tbe three- hold without. Tbe old ladies atari in their teats and sit upright, trembling exocaelvaly. What eaa bave bappened? Qae tbe sedate Byan oome to loggerbeadi with Mri. II illy, tbe oook (a state o( things often threatened), and are Ibey now elandlng on tbe mat oat. aide meditating further bloodshed ? A moment surcharged with thrilling BUS- penee goes by, and then, not Byan or the oook, but a much more perplexing viaion comes alowly into tbe room. Il fa a very radiant vision, thongh il ia ololbed in mourning garmenta, full of grace and beauty. Very shy, with parted lips and brilliant, frightened eyea, but perfect M) an opening flower, I* it a child or a woman, ia the first question tbat strikes Misa Psnelope. Aa 'or HIM Prisoilla, abe ia too sarpriied for bough i of any kind, too lost in admiration I'l i-bua Apollo than naive intended, draws ber brealb aomewbal qaiekly, and then, aa Ihougb aniioua to gel through tbe troublous tank swigoed ber, aayi nervonely, ia a low, sweet voioe : "I am U -i io." Aa the i-aya this, she glanoessatrealicgly from one lady to Ibe other, witb some trouble iu ber grtal eyes, and some tears. Then all at ocoi ber lips tremble to a amile and a aofl light breaka upon ber faoe. you are AUDI Priseilla," ahi aays, turn- ing to Miu Blake, "I know yoa by your dark eyes and by your pretty hair I " Al tbe Boood of ber voice tbe two old ladies wake from their abstraction. " Ye", yea, il ia your A on I Prisoilla," aayi Miss Penelope eagerly, with a sadden pleased smile. Ud the oampliment been made to beraelf she oould not poaaibly bave appeared more delighted and oerkainly would nol bave betrayed ber tumefaction so openly. " Her hir," the saya, " wai always beautiful." As for Miaa Prisoilla, she it mailing loo, but in a uuamefiioed fashion, and ii blush- ing a warm, pretty crimson, -uoh as a girl of seventeen might ba guilty of, Unteniag lo a first word of love. Bhe tekea Monioa's right band in hen and patu il aoflly and Mim Penelope take* the left, and then tbe two old ladies stoop forward, and, cue after the other, klsa Ibe pale, girlieb obetk, and with Ibe kill take her al ocee and forever into their very hearte. " But, surely, dear child, yoa did not come alone ?" etya Mies Priecilla pretently, calling to remembrance tbe fact that there ought to be two other Bercsfordi some- where. " Mo ; Terecoe and Ettherine are with me." " But where, my dear ? " " Well, I rail* they are standing on the mat jaal osaMide tbe door," blushing and laughing, and tben she isya, rather louder, " Terry and Kit, you may come in now, It IB all right " As to what was evidently supposed not to be " all right "up to this, tbe UIBBM Blake bave no time to decide upon before a f reeb nephew and nieoe preaent tbamselvei to their view. Tbey came in quite gaily- reassured, uo donbl, by Monica's tone; Terence, a tall slim lad of about sixteen, and a little girl somewhat like Mtoniea, bat more reslleea in features and even a degree more pallid. " My dear odildrtu, why didn't yon eome in before?" aayi Misa PtiaoiUa, aghast at tbe inhospitable thought tbat they had been abivering wiin needlesa nervooinesi In the hall for the laal five minataa. " Tney said Ibey wouldn't oome in until I paved tbe way for them," ia>a Monica, wilb a alight shrug of ber ahonldart tbat ia a trick of ben. They always pal every- thing upon my ibonlders , a little ababby of them / oill it." " I am afraid you mail bave pictured us aa ogrea," layi Mise Priaeilla, which idea strikea Ibe old ladiea M aaeh a deliaioua flight of fancy tbat they laugh outright and look at eaob other with intense enjoyment of their in lie j)ka. " Well, of come we eonldn't till what yon would be like," aayi Monioa gravehj. " You might have been people likely to iffl- press one with awe ; but, M it u , Tbia ia Terry," laying her hand upon her brother's arm, " and tbis in Kit. Bbe IB really Kttberine, you know, bat no one ever calls ber by 10 long a name. Bhe isn't worth it." Al Ibis the Ibreu Beresiords laugh among themselves, as ebildren will al time-worn fun, knowing no fatigue ; after which Katbcrine and Terenoe are embraced and made maob of by Ibeir new-foand relativee and freely commented upon. Bat, evsr and anon, the eyu of both old ladiea wander thoughtfully, admiringly to where the liasome Monica stands, like a pale, pensive lily. ft****** " But bow bsve yoa managed to ba bere so soon ? " aaks Miaa i'riaoills, when Ibe impromptu luncheon, improvised by the startled Kmotey, hu oome to an end. The obildren were all hungry and have eaten a great deal and have talked more. Indeed, though Mite Piiscilla has been dying lo ask this question for a long time, it bia been impoeeible for ber to do ao, ai there has not been to mnob as a comma in Ihi con- versation for tbs laat boor. The Beresforda are like ao many eljcka wound up, and bound to go for a certain time whether tbey like it or nol; and, apparently, they do like it. Now they have run down a litlle, Terence being exhausted after hit laal laughing attack, and Kit wrapped in contemplation of an oli- f aehioned hair brooch tbat ia fastening an equally old fashioned place of priceless lace that adorni Miss Penelope's throat. "Well, loan'! think bow they do ill" abe aaye, loet in admiration of a little alim hair lady beading over a miniature hair urn in tbe moil lachrymose attitude oanoeivable. " Bat ihey have pot her aye in wrongly , she looks as if tbe U dying with laughter." Here Mis* Priseilla edgsa in bar question aa to how they bare contrived lo be al Moyne at so early an boar. " We osme by the wroog train," aays Terry. " We generally do. Ever llnoe) we left the Boatb of France where we were siayiLg with tbe Bohaoe, yoa know, on oar way here we bave been missing oar trains right and left aod taming ap at all lorta of unexpected places. Haven't we, Kit?" " fou bave," layi Kit, with euipioioui emphasis. " Yea have suoh a pretty trick of rotbicg into the first train you aee, with- out ever asking any one where It ii going. No wonder we alwiya tamed ap M the wrong end I" " You've a pretty trick of palling every- thing down on other people's shoulders,' iaye Terenoe with open diigntl. " Whose fauli WM il we were alwaya BO late at the stationa tbat we hadn't time to make icaairiM, I'd like to know 7 Goald yoa," with fine irony, "tell net' 11 Certainly ; II WM none," replies Kit witb dignity. 11 Dtar me I And where 1) your narie now ?" Mks Miss Prisoilla anxionaly, " When IM| / aaw ber," aaya TereDoe, " abe waa sitting on tbe top of oar biggest box, witb everytbicg elae etrewn sroand ber and her feel resting on two brown paper paroali. I wonder," aayi Mr, Beresford addressing Monioa, " wbal on aartb ibsbad in those brown paper pareela. Bbe has been hugging them night and day ever sinoe Bhe Uft .Tmulm '> 'iaqoits) Bbe lutle food pal on Monica's hind, Ibrbe miles from Ibe elation." "We ahoald have thought nothing of that," taya Terence, " but for Kit, abe ha bad a fever, yoa know," painting to tbe child's lo*>ely-copped, dark little head, " ao we aaid we would just stroll on a little and see wbal tbe country waa Ilka." " And lovely il ia," pnta in Kit inlhosi aatieally. " We got up on a high hiU and uw tbe sea lyiag like a great, qaiet lake beneath na. Tbere WM scarcely a ripple on it, and only a toll Bound like a nob." Her eyea, that are almoat too big for her a mall faoe. glow brilliantly. ii And then tbere came by a man witb a cart Ailed witb bay, and ba nodded to as and laid, ' Q-ox>d morrow, air,' and so I nodded back and said 'How d'ye do?' to him and aakad him WM it far to Moyne Uooae. ' A good step,' be aaid, ' three miles at Ibe very leaat' " " He didn't ; be laid lattt," aaya Kit, who is plainly in a liligious mood. (To be eontlneed.) i is-*. IN ruin* mill-mil IMaUcctt lu -h.u>l ir.Hl I III Iraul'ori* erf l I'l oplf . The oonaervaitiim of the Obineee oharao- ter and Ibe extremeat point of provincial- ism are inilaooed in tbe awry told of tbe rebidenta wuhiu tbe walla of the native city of Bhangbai, writes tbe Shanghai oorre spondent of tbe Rt. Liuit Glebe Democrat. The city baa three galea tbe north, acntb and weal onea and many of tbe people living al the south gale have never been ai far aa the nortb gate, and oould not under- itaud tbe dialect of the inhabitants there if tbey did go. One nation oould not differ more from another than tbe Ohineee from Ibe Japaneie if tbey lived 90000 milea apart instead of only 200 milea, and one ii all wrong if be thinks thai having Men Japanese clues he ean know what a Chinese one will be like. While tbe Japan- tie are tbe cleanest people on tbe faoe of tbe earth, and far ahead of the Engliah for eternally batbing and lerabbing them- selvee, tbe Qbineae are the very dirtieat. The trim, exqnitite little toy bourn of tbe Japaneae along wide atreeta are the great- est ecotrmat to tbe filthy abodes of the Chinese, wilb. Ibair dirt floora, mud and bamboo- woven walls, and atreeta often lens than five feel wide front wall to wall. Overhead ia a foreat of gill leltere, gorgeously colored elgna and banneri that fairly bide the iky. The narrow atreeta, with atop Irons all open above a low counter, aeem like paaeagei in tome f antaslio exhibition hall witb booths or " apaoaa " close together. Mere crevices in the walla correspond to alleys, and looking up them or down the tunnel of a street before one il is eaey to realise what U meant by " H warms of people" or " mas.es of human heinga." AU through old Bhangbai tbe people are packed aa if at a mail meeting, and one baa to dodge into shopa or flatten himself against a wall al Ibe oonktanl cries of the coolies carrying Icala by polea or yokea on their shouldere. Backets of water and garbage, bandies of dried flab, bodiea of dreaaed bogs, ooffina of Ibe dead and aedau onan. of Ibe living crowded ui into tbe wall and rubbed againal aa daring a progress through the bandsomMt and moil important four leet widu atreet of the city. Tbe people were all too busy and too stolidly indifferent to gather and stare al 01, or follow OB in a train, M ia the happy Japansse fasbion of treating a strange foreigner, and we really fell twinges of wounded vanity at tbil neglect. Na more did Ibe natives throw eggi and ret oae al ne and twit aa wilb being foreign devils, or oall ua namei, as had been ao freely pro- phesied in the foreign settlement. And ther, having conjured op eoeb an awfnl vision of fillh and horrors, I WM fairly disappointed at finding the city ao clean, tTr*ke oi Waiche*. Watobea are qaeer things, saya a writer in tbe JfutUrrt Circular. Taey possess some uuKoeouuttblu peoaliarisiea. For instance, aome time about tbe beginning of lael summer, where there had been a sue- oetaion of fine diaplaya of the aurora borealu, il was animated that in a tingle nigbt in the city of New York the mam- tpriogt of not leaa tban 8,000 watches broke. This estimate la based on actual inqoiriei. Fine, aenaltiva watebei are particularly liable to be aflseted by electrical atmoapberio diatorbanoei. Daring thi month of Ja*e, July and Auguei, when tbast phenomena are moat frequent, there are more mala- pringi broken tban during all remain- ing montbi of tbe year. They briak in a variety of ways, lometimea mapping Into aa many at twinty-aavan piecea. It ia a fact that linoe the introduction of Ibe electric light baa become ao general a large number of walchei, aome of them very fine onea, have become maguelizjd. Wbile in Ihia oonditiou tbey are useless aa time- keepers. Thia defeat aaed to be incur- able, and because of it thooiande of watches save been tbiown away after much money bad been spent on thai* in vain attempts to persuads them tokeepgMd timr. Among Ibe melfaodi retorted to were washing tbe parts in garlic juioe, refiniabing, and pats ing them through tbe firs. Bat all Ibese davioes Were entirely failures or only in part efieetive. I know of a man who had a floe and valuable move- ment wnioh kepi excellent time. He trans- ferred it from a silver CBM to a teeond- band gold ons. Immediately it loet all Ite onaraoteriatioa ottteadineaa and reliability, and in faet did not keep time at all. When replaced ia tbe silver east it klpt good time again. Tbe owoer, a jeweller, puzzled bimaelf and experimented in vaiia to dm cover Ibe eaoee of tbii itrauge partiality ob Ibe part of bit watch for silver. At length be sent it to an expert. He discov- ered that tbe lifting apring of the gold oaae bad been magnetised. Qn substituting another for il, tba watoh kept M good time in toe) gold case ai in tbe silver case, 1 1 KI. AIM t> M uueri i a i.i 1 1 . A Prletlilve Maaatcr ( ..lu u> u-d Which Hheche a Traveller. (Special eonetpoudenee of UM Preci.) A Lang, leelai.d, via Scotland, letter sayi : All members of au Iceland fintily sleep iu one room, and tbii, indeed, often aervea all purpoiea save tbat of kitchen. Vtry narrow, and from MIX to twenty feet long, according to tbe tue of ths family, with a row of low bunki on either lids, leaving aapeae three or four feet wide down the centre, these rooms are lighted by one small window at tbe end, ventilated by tbe door or the trap through which they are entered from Below and wanned by tbe beat of Ihe bodies collected in them. Tbs steeply pitched roof, oonatrueted of ratters and overlapping boards aud covered on the oalside witb a thick layer ot growing tort, rests on low walls, and makes it impoaaible to stand upright, ex- cept under tbe ridge. The priests' bouses and a few othera bave gaeet chambers, witb sometimes s stove, which ii oted only on exlraordinary oceaeioui, owing to the dilfi rally of transporting fuel from tbe sea- ports. Partiea ot tourists atop where there ii a church and shiver oat the night on tbe eigbt-inoh wide benches, Ihe veilment chtBtH or tbe flxir, bat it there be only oae or two of yoa and no guest room or that ia already filled, yoa share, for sxperienoa'e lake, in the lomawhat promiscuous nightly packing of Ibe family for experience's aake, mind yoa, aud yoa alwayi gat il, as will M the only good idea of tbe home life of tbe people. Upon tbii evening I foand myself in a room imokily and dimly lighted by seal oil, burned with a wick of oollongraaa in a lamp of braes, moeb like the ancient lampi of tbe Greeks, bat far nished witb an overhanging arm and a swivel and boatbook arrangement, which permite of ita being atnek or bang wherever tbe aaer wiahea. Two bunka on one aide and one on the other ware literally full. In one a man and two boys, in another two women and ebildren, and in tbs third three men, all Bleeping like sardinM in a box, tbe bead of one on tbe same pillow M tbe feel of bis next bsd-lallowa, and tbs apace lhat WM nol occupied by human beings proba bly WM by beingi it-human. After sbak ing np tbe many boxes and bundles nnder tbe rada mattress, and giving an extra poke or two to tbe feather or dowa bed, which ii the only form of covering known In Iceland, one ot the girls motioned u to tbe bed whirs ws were to sleep ( Iceland gentleman WM to share my bed), and tben, M if it wers an every day occurrence to shook tbe senses of a modest traveller, while we were still nodreas- ing, ahe, with two others, proceeded to disrobe and take poiaestion of the bank opposite oun, until " tbs Ust in bed pat oat the light." My companion somewhat inrprieed me by a warning to secrete any valuable! I might bave, but aa be WM an Icelander I tbonghl il boiler to follow hii advice than to trait to the proverbial honesty of his countrymen, and attar an application from a box of roogh on rate- no, well never mind I was soon uncon- scious, breathing carbonic acid gas by tbe eabic yard, but in aweat oblivion until awakening during the general turn-out next morning. The daylight revealed nothing new, except, perhaps, tbe many little arti- cles stuffed into every nook and crevice. Furniture ii scarce, and a cheat of drawen a luxury in an Icelandic habitation, and odda and endi are hong on nails in tbe root, staffed into the cracks or in boxei bidden away under mattressei in the bonks. Horn epoonr, knives and forks, bite of cloth, mediae, books and fishhooks weri tacked promiscuously away, and old clothes and flub bung over linen stretched lengthwise of tbe ridgepole. It WM interesting to aee the men, after (lipping into tbs fiw elotbei tbey had removed upon retiring, ill on tbe bedi chatting and lipping the o fi brought by tbe women. Several times I was aroused from my minings by ths roitling ot the diearranged oovering in a bed wbiob I had supposed empty, and presently a half-naked child would, atart from depth and itare in open-eyed wonder at thi stranger, who returned Ibe gasi with a MOM ot tbe ludicrous rising within him. From beda where I had counted three tbe nigbt before four had already riien, and bow many more were lo follow ? At tbe further ind ot tbe aitle a matlrMi ipread upon the floor bad lerved M the resting plaoe ot three more girls, whose accustomed bonk myself and companion probably oooopied. TIC A IN MTttANUK i Vaaeeeass " Admit Bearer to a Free Tea for Ragum, Thieves mid Vagabonds, on Friday svsnu g, January 8)b, al 7 o'eloek, in tbe Lillie-road Mission Hall, WSB| Bromptun. After the teed, an address will be given by your liuoere friend, Ned Wright.' 7 Ths dubic ui compliment conveyed in tbe above invita- tion, sayi the London Ntm, might natoial.y bave been imagined to indoee a feeling of diffidence on the part ot its recipient, but apparently delioaoy ia not a marked ehir- Mteriatio of tbe " dangerous classes.' Nol only did thoes to whom tickets were addreeaed present tbemselvei ia full force, nearly filling tbs mission bail, bat tbeie were a number of applicants oattlde who, thongh not specially invited, wtra willing ana anxioai to prove that >key poisened tbe neoetsary qailifleetlon for admission, u afforded food for reflection that ao many who same under the deaigna lion we have qaoted above should have appeared in soon a remote locality, eepe oially, moreover, M quarter seeiiops are now on and the attendance of this class ot the community ia generally largely required to lake their part therein in tbe adminis- tration of Ibe law. Nevertheless some 160 gnetle, chiefly yoang men, many ot them mere ladi, assembled under the Mist-ion Hall roof to injoy tbs meal provided for them, and afterward to listen to the exhor- tations of Ned Wright. Tbe proceeding* weri tolerably orderly, bat there were one or two turbulent ipirita present whom cothicg spparently would satisfy. A com- plaint was made by a discontented genii. man at the back of tbs room that be bad been asked to tea and bad had nous. "Don't take any notiea of him ; be Is telling a confounded lie, for I saw him sating and drinking jaal now," WM tbs retort of Wrlght,and th malcontent was accordingly pal down, though not witboat tbe pro- teal, " If you can prove wbat you've said I'll give in." Ned Wright tben gave cot tbe hymn, " Hold the Fort," which WM sung to the accompaniment ot a violin and barmoniom. Tbe hymn waa, on -'ue whole, rendered with due fe''.ng tL d respect, bat it was not iliff ; ji, to detect aome stray discordant sounds mingling vritb the wsll-nsailafforfa of Ihe majority. Wright next claimed attention for eaa of hia obaraolerutie addressee. m which, with considerable power and feeling, be depicted bia early life, and the change tbs conver- lion bad worked In bim. Hia style ii manly and ilraigbtforward, and be un- doubtedly poaeeeeae tbe power of controlling large and disorderly audiences. II mast be admitted, however, tbat the narrativa of his early exploits in ibe criminal line awakened a more lively interest among bis hearers than bis apiritnal advice did. Hu account ot bow be met hi battle and conquered one Cooper, a prim tighter, in 2 bonri and M minutes, WM received wilb doe retpeet, but acme exbl- bitiona ot aoepticism were dimly vislbH when he asserted that in consequence ot twenty iwo years' total abstinence be should , had be to meet Cooper again, be akta 10 " settle " him in aa hoar. The address, largely made op of peraonal reminiaeeccea, in which weri ioeladed the painful ex perianeet of carrying coals at lha new Model Prison at Wandeworlb, and a flog- ging through ths fleet al PorUnwotb, had a osriain rough and vigorous power ebon.', 11 that held tbe audience tn close attention throughout. To every incident that Wright narrated he appended toma moral leasou, which hi very hajppUy and adroitly adapted, and at the ijntlusion muy of his haariH renamed to listen to a ipeeial appeal to them, as to a change in their lives. Bo far M aooli be uoertaiaed, in splta at the character of tbs company, there WM bmoh of ordir, and only one. polieenjaoi tuffioed (or the preservation of peaoe ia the immediate vicinity et the hall. k well-known oparator in Wall street, tue who is generally eoniidered M " np to snuff." Henee, It nay bave been quite natural tbat a countryman who reade Ihe papern reoeotly called al his office and Mked for a package ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, He discovered hii mistake, hot be made no mistake in tbe article called tor. Tbii Remedy, when applied witb Dr. Piercb'i " Nasal Douche," will surely and rapidly eradicate the meet aggravated sass ot catarrh, with all ita unpleasant and dan- gerous aeoompaniQtnts. Mrysoandat Ibeir footsteps " " I bope tbey will be good," lays Him PtwAfps wi* a dDbtfDl tlgb. the little, gracious, uncertain figure, with Jeep-blue eyee glanaing ap al ber witb a half terrified yet trusting expreasicn, to i ve way to speeon of any kind. She ia slight abd slim M a biul wand. ler hair ia not-brown, witb a red gold tinge running through it. Her noae ie adorable, If slightly lilted ; her mouth ii a ed, red rose, tad bat tweet, and fall of >nrpost>. Her eyei are large and expres- ive, bat touched, like ber lipe, with a ins tioion of melancholy that renderi them nl y a degree more sweet and earneet. Tbere u a pirltaality about ber, a calm, paee tbat ibioea oat of Ibeee dark Irish yes and ruts anon ber perfect lipi, M II were a lingering breath of the heaven from whence ahl came, She itacde BOW, he.iiat.ng a little, with her baod* loosely clasped brown little bas dt, but beeutif uUy shaped. Indeed, all ber ikJo OWN more of ita adoring to I am left Jerusalem. "Dynamite," suggMti Monioa lightly, wbereopon tbe two Misses Blake turn pale. " Al that rate, Aunl Priioilla, we needn't trouble about ber," aayi Terence pleasantly, " aa the IHHI( be blown up by thii. None of those oloek-workaffaira oould be arranged to go on moob longer. Poor thing ! Whon in Ibe flesh abe WMO' I bait had. Iforgi?tber everything even ber undying hatred to myself." " If the is In fragment! ao are oar tblngo," say M Kit. " I tbink the needn't luve elootld lo til on them at tbe eapreme moment." "Yoa don't really think," taya Miu Penelope, In a icmewhat troabled teoe, remembering how an innocent baker in If Tsmoy ne had had aome of tbe explosive matter in qaetjtion thrown into bii kitchen the night before last, "you don't really luink tbat there parcels yon apeak of con- I mi infernal machine*? Yes, lhat itwbal Ihey call them, my dear Prisci!!*," turning to ber lister M thongh anxioaa to apologias for having nsed a word calculated to lead the mind to the lower regiona. By thin time both Kit and Tereraet are convulsed witb delight at tba sonsttion tbey bave created, and would probably bave gone on to declare tbe innooent Mri. Mitchell an advanced Nihilist of Ibe most dangerona type, bat for Monioa's coming to Iba rescue and explaining matter) Batufao torily. " Bull, I oaunol underatand bow yon got op bare so qairk'y," says Miaa Penelope. " Yoa know Moyae WM I bope yoa will He was oil I il tor tbs (atari, 07 aea*i"-wllb a ' hood, w to Warns tbe The role ii tbat a person tries to force healed air into a room already full of oold air without affording tne latter an ifoape. Into a room fall of cold air warm au can. not be poared. Daring tbe oold eaap last Hjinrday and Sunday a family in warm bouse, wiia a qaodel faraaae WM neatly frtssm, and tbe DJOHI active operation of the fnmase ooold not rates Iks mercury above 68. A little fire WM atarted in a grate that bad been closed, and in 80 minutes tbe mercury stood at 76 . Tbe ftre in the grate created a draogbt, which drew tbe oold air from Ibe fljor up tbe chimney, and gave a ahanee for tho warm air from the furnace to lake ita plaoe. Wilb a little knowledge of tbe lawa whton govern tbe air, any person may be able, not only to effect a great laving In the use of fuel, but may very greatly add to bia or her own corn fore at the same time. CHietgo Nei. A .lll.ra I. i,n -*. t)secr Trick. 11 Tbere are seme curious oases among tbe geckos," said a L M Angeles country naturalist. " IJero m one dead, that ie called tbe (eat- tail gecko. Yon see tbe tail bullies oat aoon after leaving the body, and aesnmes a leaf or arrow abapa ; hence tbe name of tbe animal. New, when Ibe little creature ia oLaned you will sat il dodge aroond a limb and hold np tbe eqricn.i leaf like tail. That ii al| tbijt yoa can lee, and so naturally would think It a part of the tree itself. But tbe lisard ban a more remarkable method of escape yet. We will imigine tbat you have tried to plook tbe leaf. The animal drope clumsily to tbs ground and darts away aanong tbe rocks, where il attraota tbe attention of toms Of the hawki tkat are forever prowling around. Immediately a chase ensnea ; tbe bird gaina, and ii finally about to pounce upon ita prey, when nil at onee two liaards appear, one waking off while the other dance* ap and down into the air and along tbe ground in a myiterioas way, so that the Mtonithed bird etopt aud looks. In the meantime the original Heard escapes ; the other, that ia really the tail, aoon becoiHee quieeoent. Yon se the gecko has tbe faculty of throwing cfi ita tail whan hard pressed, aod while Ihepuraaer'a atten- tion ia drawn to the squirming member tbs animal iteslf escapes." "Bat it Ions its tail," suggested the reporter. " Only for a time. Tbsy ean reproduce tbis organ, and, curiously enough, some- times two taila are produced instead of one." flan Franeitco Call. It's a eold day when a hen-pecked man U nol in hoi water. oung .irl. re al a critical period when they are about maturing and developing into women. The of watchful care at this time may lack The aatail HOT al PI fc.cl Bchool-Teacher (ligbing) I regret that compelled to complain of your ion, sir, bat he aaasee me a great deal of trouble. Fatber Well, miaa, I think ha would behave better if yoa would only try to make yonr sonoct more interesting. Benocl Tsuobwc (indignantly-Interest- ing, indeed I Wby, that is jast the reason I find faoll with your boy. He makes il entirely too interesting for tbe other scholar*.- New Yorl Journal. A milkman dipped and tell ia New Lon- don tbeothet day in aueb a way tbat l,e wDl hral foreoroev roto a san from wbieb be bad removed the cover, and, M it WM a tight fit, a tinamith'a services were re- ijuird to **triot him. A farmer in New Hanipehire hM been fined for cruelly in not providing she! ler for hii on' tie daring las late oold weather, the riebeii man in the neighbor- > > Amur .|m M ll,|i T , " The Astee Indiajia down In Mexico, of whose antiqaily and traditions we hear 10 much, are a very peculiar people," said Gkneral Eastern Agent Keller.of tbe Mexi- oanOantTalBoatl, to a New York corres- pondent. " Tbey are something like the Obineie in their inventive genina and their babil of keeping to tbemeelvee, but tbey are very childish and simple-minded. We bad a carious and lamentable illustration of this when our first locomotive began running through their territory. The Aalees seaarssd OM engine as a apeeiea of their horsea or mustangi, and believed tbey oonld jump and romp around jnst M those animals do. Three of them wars by the traok oni day when a locomotive was coining, and thought tbey would like to aee it It ooulil jump higher in tbe air tban either of their mnntangi could. Bo they placed several logs ol wood on the track and made a hurdle of them for the looomo- ti ve to vault. Of coarse tbere wan a wreck. One of tbe train handa thought the train WM surrounded by Indiana, and ibot one of tkajrio. The other two ware captured and brought to trial, but it WM so evident lhat Iheir action WM entirely free from malioa and prompted solely by curiosity that they ware allowed to go free." remit ID fixing Irregularities opon delicate organa and entailing a long list of "female weaknesses." All this may be avoldld, and tbe young woman come through this period olotbed in all ths bcaoty and strength of a perfectly healthy organisation by tbe aid of Dr. Pie*ee's " Favorite Pra- icription," prepared especially for female troubles by one of the moil laMejsafol pbyiioiana of ths day. Bon momotse, beret a gnat big knot. hole in dt floor, Oome an' lookee Mother (abatraeSedly)-Ob, honey, don't badder mommee when ihe's busy. Bring it beah an' I look at it DUNKPtF BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIENP iv.. r M. IKDICU 1RRIT1INT rBfiK,,, tlrxi 1'hjslMana. Write freely Tor afcy advi Oanrwpondenoee trial] T private. Ad- TJ1ABHB IN VI BO INI A VERY 1 4 is RAP. Taxta tow. Bead for Oata- lofee. AdOnes V. D. at PK t. Notto* &T o B.. Ta HOME Male weakness and low of power promptly cured. Book. 10 cents m llampa. World's Dispensary Medical As- Delation, 6C8 Main Slrsst, Buffalo, N. T. Tbo annual report of the fltty-foar Maine saving* bauk* shown that lesa than 1 per cent, of their 137,000,000 of o whined reaoaroea waa put into aeouritise that aepreeiated, a loss which was made good by Increase in value elsewhir*. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorlllard's Climai Ping a rrd Hn Sknnk.lnskrat.liol, Rawoon 1 tei Tort. *