Large Stock! Walt ham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver & Gold Cases, To choow from. Grade and Warrant considered, my prices arc oloM to " SUrks." and yon can prove this by calling to see. Anyone coining 15 miles to deal with me, I will allow them 5 cents a mile here on Watches & Clocks, be- sides the discount. This offer will run to Jan. 1st, 1886. A. call respectfully invited. >V. .*.. I3R.O\VIV. ToMyFatiMis: I heartily thank the public for their generous patronage these past 2 years and on tho following basis of business trust to secure a continuance of the same : " Straight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, and honest kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A. BROWN, A KeliabU JeutUer. m-va TJ S TJ TOT) may be r-mnl on m* al Oeiv flf 1H P AP KB Kftuweil *:<)<( FLE8HBRTON : THURSDAY, FEB. 4, 188C. PAPERS." Of course we did not expect that car friend, the Editor of the Markdale Standard, would look "through the same spectacles" as ourself in regard to the stand -we have taken on this subject. We would be very narrow- minded indeed did we regard his re- marks in any other light, than those of a gentleman quite as zealous and consistent in the stand he takes as the Agricultural Editor himself. It is quite possible for both of us to hold WK TAKI.K. The Sthool Supplement, pnblishi-d in Toronto by the Supplement Pub- lishing Co., aud edited by Mr. Sey- mour Eaton, stands in the front rank of our Canadian magazines. It is purely a Canadian enterprise, and is edited with rare ability. The articles appearing in the current number are worthy a place in the greatest maga- zines of this continent. The Editor is a Euphrasia boy, well known to many of our readers. All interested in educational matters should get the Supplement. The American Ayriculturi$t for Feb- ruary is a grand number and proves most conclusively that this supberb farm, garden and household journal, fc*"Tlie best, cheapest, most dur- able 1'ianos, Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, for sale by C. Treadgold, next door to Clayton's, Flesherton. Also, old Sewing Machines repaired aud ta- ken an part pay on new ones. Shuttles, Needles, Ac., and all kinds of Sewing Machine supplies. views directly opposed to each other, and yet it is just as possible for both toi>e honest and consistent in our res- pective views. The Standard points to the fact |?l that "independent" newspapers are "growing more powerful both in num- ber and influence year by year, and the question would naturally mi.-. why is this class of newspapers mak- ing such progress ?" If the Standard refers to such papers as the Toronto World, or A>IM. in the cities, we r<>- piidiato tbo claim, on the grounds, that while the former is very manly, honest, and independent in itt utter- ancti, it is yet a supporter of the pres- ent Dominion Government as well as of the Ontario Provincial Government Conservative and Itcform cabinets being the ruling powers respectively. It is therefore a partizan paper. On the other band, the JV* represents an entirely new party or element in Canadian politics ; so that it, too, is a partizau paper. In the cities all these independent (so-called) newspa|>ers take sides with one or the other of tlie great parties, just as readily and zeal- ously as lots of people take sides when a couple of curs arc nUiving with striviiiK. with "tooth and nail" to lick each other I To a certain extent this applies with equal force to the coun try newspapers although, as we have admitted, their sphere does not lie so much in the way of politics of any hade, ai it does in the discussion o live home matters. The Standard slightly misinterprets onr position in its opening paragraph for we do not "belong to one or the other of the two great political par- ties," Ac. That would imply that we were bound body and soul to the party whose cause we espouse, which is most decidedly incorrect. Ours is not a slavish but a loyal and consistent sup- port to the party which we honestly believe is doing and has done more for the development of our Dominion, than any preceding government- Conservative or Heform. We are not //.I'm/ to support the party through right as well as wrong as the sen- tence quoted would imply but do so from honest conviction. Nor do we hold the opinion that any other news- paper should belong to one side or the other. Such a view, if held by us, would indicate a slavish and narrow- minded spirit truly, wliich would be utterly inconsistent with our motto : "Truth before favor ; principles, not men." "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,' is not confined to the so-called independent press indeed even our roost rabid political organs contain a grain or twu occas- ionally. And it has been demonstrat- ed pretty conclusively, that many of the to-called independent newspapers of the cities arc as often influenced by personal motives and monetary considerations as olber journals. Wberc i the jouinal published in the Wide, wide world, that is independent, according to Webster's definition of thai word ? Aud where are the strictly "non partizan" newspapers to be found ? Echo answer* where ? still stands liead and shoulders over any American monthly publication. in the same class in Uncle Sam's eiteusive domains. The Sntiil!/ic American the grand- est and best of all the scientific journ- als in the world conies to hand as usual, chock full of useful scientific knowledge, beautifully printed, on the best paper, and with the customary extensive list of new inventions. \|. < im. M.K'II Sri i-M Cru. It in popular ly admitted everywhere that McGregor's S|,< Cure in the latest, most reliable end b> far the chfapesit teiueily for Constipation, Liver Complaint, In.ligr stion. Impure Ulood, Lou of Appetite, and all similar trouble*. It it not ne*ery to take a great quantity before any icnill u produced. A i>w doe will convince yon of its merit*. Trial bot- tle fiv.n free at W. Kichardson'i Drag Store. A Hot T THE SI7.K Of" IT. Conttftieut Catkolie. It has been very truly said that when an editor makes a mistake in lis paper, all the world sees it and calls him a fool. Vhen a private citizen makes a mistake, nobody iiiuws it -\c pt a few friends, and they come around and ask the editor to keep it out of the paper. When a priviite citizen dies the editor is asked to write of his good qualities and leave the bad out. When the editor dies the private citizen says : "Now that darn liar will get his deserts." HlHHRr.NF.S8 A.NII 1.OB8 OT TOICE. Public speaker* and singe* are often distressed with hoarseness, and much danger is lurk- ing in tlie bronchial pipes. Hagyard's Pec- toral balsam is a prompt remedy for the irritation, and cures all throat and lung difficulties. I iu nia. Fur JTv A dean ft.] Speaking of "been," last week Mr. Charles Bruce, Lot .', Con. 8, Artemesia, who justcniiie to the Township last spring, made a contract to furnish some 12,000 fret of cedar scantling, lie got about 130 Imp skidded, when one of his horses got quite lame and uu6t to work. Last week his iK-i^Mx.rn turned out to assist him, and t> their credit landed every log into the saw mill at Eugenia. Wo ncud uot ay that Mr. Bruce highly appreciates the kindness of those who came so promptly to his help in his time of need. We strongly bclievo in helping those who by misfortune are unable to help themselves, although we cannot see any fun in men making beet who are bettor able to do their own work than those who they often wish to do their work for thorn. RCT. .1. < i. Fallis. I'utt.iu. certifies: "For some time my wife ban been troubled wiih Dyspepsia, and lian tried ou> tiling after nn otluT reCDiumcii'U'J with hut littli 1 or no eff- ect till advised to giro McQrrgor's Sfx-vdy Oore a trial. Sine, tuluni! the Hist bottle I hare noticed a decided improvement, ud can with confidence recommend it to be one of, if nut the best medicine extant (or Dyi- prpsia. Tbii invaluahli' mr.licino for Liter Complaint , Indication, Kidney Complaint, is p'irrly vegetable. Hold at \V. Richard- K.n's Drug Store. Trial bottlei given free. HIS "THREE PLY VOICE." "The Flesherton ADVANCE man lifts op hi* three ply voice and cries aloud for tlie removal of pig pens of the main street," Breton World. Well, if any thing in the world would hoist "pi? F* ni ff l '"' main street," surely "three ply voice" ought to accom- pliih the talk, jjy the way, what sort of a thing is a "three ply voice" anyhow? Th Agricultural Editor confMset his ignorance in this case. SALEM Ii \ Ml M IX,. Frum our omi CorretfKmHent, Salem 8. S. tea-meeting came off on the 22nd nit., as announced, and although the night was awful stormy, the church was well filled and all wont off very well indeed. II. Mel- drum, superintendent of school, was in the chair. The good tea Imd put all in fine hunior, and the ramie, speeches and recitations, wcic all heartily applauded. Rev. Mr. Watson gave a fine address on Sabbath School work, wliich was listened to with marked attention. Messrs. Wm and Richard Pedlar, Mr. It. Mcldrum and Miss Park, the Misses Meldrnm and Miss Hooper, gave somo nice music, Mr. C'liarlt's Bruce gave tlucc recita- tions which were well received. Mr. 1). Ilulinan gave his stump speech. MI ssrs. Joseph Pedlar, Robert Haw- kins, and Samuel Pedlar, each gave a short address. The tea and cakes were all that could be wished and re- flected much credit on the good taste of the lailies, who prepared them, viz._ Mi -. Hawkins, Mrs. Park, Mrs. M.I drum, and Mrs. Samuel Pedlar. After votes of thanks to the speak- ers, singers, cooks, and chairman, the audience sang the doxology, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," Ac., after \vhioh Rev. Mr. Watson pro- nounced the benediction and all went away highly pleased with all but tlie stormy night. The proceeds far ex- ceeded the most sanguine expect* lions. Maxwell Items. From our own Cvne$fioiulent, Our hotel-keeper, Mr. J. Allison, has vacated the hotel and liai moved into the Presbyterian manse. The public would much rather he had remained, as the hotel ii" noted for '-rimr kept quiet and order- ly until Saturday evening last when Mr. A. seema to have forgotten himself, and quite a number of men and boys got into a noisy slate of mind aud made the uignt hideous with oaths anil curses snd which continued until two or three o'clock on Sumliiy innriiiiii;. Their name* are with- held but if such acts are repented their will certainly !>< handed in. The new hotel-keeper, Mr. E. Linley, is now in possession of the hotel, and if the tint day is a sample of the future we look for lively times. The revival services at th Centre line arc progressing favorably and many from our village who have attended, say tlu-y have the Wat meetings they were ever at. We notice a numlH-r of fanner* prepar ing to build by getting timlier .iml lumber drawn on the a|>ot which, we suprxme, is an indication that the N. 1'. is nt dead. Much speculation is indulged in as to who will Iw the mail contractor betweei here and buntroftn, as a new contract is advertised to commence on tho 1st April mil there are reports of quite a number of applicants. Mr. Richard Maxwell has lost a ralua horse. Slriirlmin is splendid and everybody trying to be hopeful. A CRYING EV1U CkiUli*. are often fretful and ill when wnrmi are the <. I>r I.ow'i \Vunn Syrup 8fijy expel* all IV --- CHOLERA PBKTATIV.- In order to with- stand Cholera mill Mich lise epidemics a perfect parity of blood, and the proper ac- tion ol th- stomaoli are rnpiireil. To intrant ihat mil, in the cheapcul tnont available and complete manner, u*e MoOregur'i Spredy Cure (nr Ih-i"'!' 1 " "ml Impure 111 .,,!. T|j.-rf i* no purer, nadir or more reliable remedy in cxiileiM* fur IniliKettion, Dytipep- ia. Coltivrness, air. Auk your neighbor ur any perxm who ba* need it. Hold by W. Hichordion. Trial bottle Riven 'n e. N..W renaw your jtubecriptiunB for 1880, anil pay up arrvaragee. Just luok at the fig urn after your name and you will know to A cent how you staiid with the Editor of tl.o AUVANCB. Nnrkdalr Itrmx. From tmr ntni ('urretfMindeiit. The i .priiiii-.- of tho new Roller Rinl took place on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and was a decided success. Al came to the conclusion that they preferrc the roller to the ice skates. Prof. R. D Simpson performed sonic wonderful am graceful movements on the rollers, whicl were admired by nil present. Tin' It. i IK! concert took place on Friday evening in Haikett's hall. Mr. Win Brown wan called to the chair about eigh o'clock. The concert was opened by mimic hy the band, followed by a well rendcre* reading by Prof. J. H. James. A son; liy Mr. Cmsar was well received. Prof \V. J. Henson, our rising comic singer mi i u forth rapturous applause. Miss Etti Frd gave a solo in good style. This was her first appearance on the stage, but we predict- not the last. A solo by Miss L. Korke deserves apecial praiso. A duct by Mis* A. Ford and Mr. Caesar receive* 'li*i-i \. <1 applanito. A song by Mr. J. R Anderson but he is known . we neeci nut add our feeble praise. Instrument* music by Miss M. Cornwall, a reading by Mr. J. E. Marsh in a masterly style, anc a laughable farce " Mark dale 25 Yean Henco " concluded as good a programme ax ever was presented to an audience ii this village. The audience wan not as large as expected owing to the inclomenc; of tlie weather. To DrmAsn. Com UAJMTI and Acoonrn wliiih HAI.VAKD'I YrLUjw On. U yuinn- tefd to oir or raliew cither in MAN or BlMT. TABU INII BMll FOt < HOI 1-. OOUOMf, CHAMP*, HOUR TUnOjtT, AHTIIXA, COLI>B, fe. ATPtiCt IXTCINALir FM /./-i 'f i / ; - . I \i i i: am I. 1111,111 II \*. .-Hl.l I It'.-: / ( 17 \; s-. CONTHACTimtH 1,1 MIIAHO, CALLttVS if'.WI'S rnonT COU.V5, II II I IS/'. rrca, XT" (M\ PAI .Y In HDK, *. Every bottle ru.irantecd to give ufiafac- tin or nMner refunded. MKSTIOSI WITH EAOH BOI ILL fttI 'J.Vx T. ii ILDTTT^T Se 00., Proprlotorn TORONTO, OUT. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Castors, 7 Batters, 4 Cards, 7 Pickle Cruets, 1 Tea Set, 3 C'ake Baskets, 1 Ice Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishes, and many small Fancy Articles, viz., Napkin Rings, .Spoons. Forks aud Knives. 10 per cent, offlist prices for this mouth. See my Prices in all Lines ere You Purchase- W. A. BKOWN. Vegetable Ciciiiau HAIR wa th first prcr-.rat:on r<-:.': :.'; r. Mp*c ! t cur' ilti-i.M-i ol tbo tlj-, ul tlii I., l - celul ru>u>ri-r <>f fauitl crgr.iy la r tu i;i i,.nu nl c."n, f ">!, i >l > .uil.i'jl 1 an". H liu> Lu-1 iu....y i.iiii.M 'in. Lul l.ui.o I.aie. j UK! all .w rt'ijui .I.AI.H i.i'...(ul f.r tUV l'l, .' IKMtlill lit (1 ti.-- l....r ftll.l E<" ' '. II.II.L li.iiit I:L.\T.V.TU U:. u " !y c <- J in lnvr. ami *j r.:ul in f...i : uJ us^. *.'. i.J U> evt rj IIU:U:IT !( 1^ *' (. > l %rt . Jti i.. ...A!- .> cm IHJ .-....-ill to lut cu C:'Uc: /:...* i /!< .-.-- i. -.',' It' j i-..''.'*j T.. jinprlrfnri |:aro ff;cnl:c:i mirpriic.l r.t Hie rocc I ffi.n'.m I o: i ' :i: n* cunn- Ir .. '.iro : -ii ., '.: I IAICI !:.. j L:I lUo ..l iluri 1. llif n>. f..r a i 1 - rt llnio of IT i.' 1C:. Li l II -,l:iVrri y 1 .:.!.- I' I or- tOi:alnp-pi .-.I:*-. ln''i ::~-lli '|>(roni a!l m t '..' ; * '"*, *!' i * ' 1 1:. i'- ^*. f' *^*", ;.n I't'*. fl : 'l *"* l-.i' if 1- t.iliivF*. It tin u': lr t!ie i-.Uti <!(;'. i .It ail rn: I- ! l..i... U> |.iih l"-v. I .. ...l\i. > (*Mli. 1U eilivK i'f l!i :l ol ar l.ot iriiripil, llkn t'. - "f n'.jr^vlic )! puia- tn'1-..l.ui a ' ^ l ii.c,u-:.'j ;....- \ia iu a maUi-rtf cc... ^1117. BuC-miGHAjSi'3 DY WHISKERS TTI'l f'i/irfi> UK bi-nr.l to a nntrrrl 1i-o i. orl.i !>.. li-n'reil. ll |>ro<lucf <v|frmnm'i CO'.T lh;il wil! i:.'t u ruh a\vny. C orf if tlnj; c-f a iliifle prci>araUon, It u, trpLcJ u-out Irnubl*. i>REp.\Jinr> r.7 R. P. HALLS CO, Kssbna, H,H, BoU by all DcaUra l:i Mmllciurs. ros ALL THZ 1011:3 or Stroriilnn", Mercurial, and I'.llllMl HlMlllll'l-. thn >x^t rm<N. TKH-IH-I !!> limit ht .iri'lunn aai.l Utui^%J blufHl-j.iu.Ut.-r, it Ayer's SarsaparHia. Sold by all Urug S .u ; SI, all boUlea, Ii. A FEW MSTS O^ THS BCE OF To nor: th* lew- //r.n.i. /'. y. 4 to 6 Cil*Tiencr icllltltCHlc lilt For f n>i itli'iiiuTi, rr Cot>Tcne, DO rendy U to .11. th KM AVF.U'] FlLU. Th7 lEItir* rr| iUi!y action, and r- itor* th bowel* to hcal.iiy conJillon. For Iiiillii-vtlon.or nyr\- jla, ATia'S Pn.L aro liiTalnabl ), anil ure oar. Bpart-bnrn, Lcat ot App<-Ula, Ful Rlomath, natu'..-ary, l)liiln, Mad- rha, NnmbnM, Nausea, uraU i*lK<a and cnr-J by Avrn'j rim. In T.Ir?rCosirlr--!nl, EH!oi:moril*r and J.'.'iiir. , AYEH'S Tniw thotiM M glt:n In ilo3> brjo tin.i';h t > cicltij !! llior aikl bowik, a4i.l r.nion c.-asl!; Al a eloanMiig medlciM In Uia Sprlnz. I!.:M TII.M ire nn"iin'.!J. Wnrmi, e-iun-J I'jr a niTtil.l condition of th< bowe', r.. m| <i'.:-rt liy ilea Ernpllnni", Sl.fii ni*m+, and the rtu!'. of :n.!'e-i: ii r.r<\.iillrlion, ar c -i- il bj llio E.r .Writ's Pli :.". For CoMi, tilio A\ru't PIIM I" T'" tlio rorsi, rciuoTo Iii3u:niulvry wci cl. . , an I ill.~v tho (.r. For DlarrliCTi^n.l DTK-nlcrr.t.ia*"! 1 / ml Ion col I*. In.! -.IMo (owl, u-., J. '.".' r ilio true Roller ntmr/'ur Sulr. 'I'h.. requiring firet-clasa Roller Flour from the famous mills of Mr. Ford, Mark- dale, will do well to call at the Flesher- ton Bakery where it is always kept in stock, at reasonable prices. WORMS often a.-truy children, but Free- Worm 1'owd'm destroy \\'oria t and them from the Byteui. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DfSPEPSIA, i DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTcRINC JAUNDICE. 1 f OF THE HEART, IKYSIF-ELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, > THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRY HESS HEADACHE, / OF THE SKIM, of dl*a* arislnc from KIDMErS. STOMACH, And vrry (ticordarcd LIVER, , . BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN 4 GO., PHOTOGSAPEY MRS. BULMER. Ph otograjift er, Flesherton, - Ont. Having upent tnnio tlmo In tlio tu<lin of th fanimiM Turonto Pbolo0wlilMV, llr. B. J l>ixn. wkure I nr.jiini .1 vulnal.l. ku. iv Ii >'fi' in It.'lmi chini:, I fed aflHurrd I run ^ivt* XIXM! ^onoral utl>/actlou. A call ratpvrtfiill.t MRS. Ul'LMEB. FlMberton. Kc|>t. 17th. IHK>. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton r- Fetch & MUchcll. I'lii'l'lilKToltS. Tllf 1 , ; ' hi* ommr tlllllt v t.i ,.:ii!"i''.r, I-. III.' ii. -..|. I., r.1 1-lni-ll nrtnii aii't i"irriiiii'lii' ''Minu y. II nt tli.-v Imve Mtart.'il a HiitchtT S|H.]I in th>> -tm.l in xt .I.Mir t . Hi.. Marl.l.. Wc.rk-i. ri.i:sm;llTuN. wli.TO they will Ii. |loaied to meet vlth JiM wlio favor them with thrir |ii\tvo:m I ' I Moatu of all i kind*, anil Y ih. ,\ .. in tln-ir . :.. lte>iioctfiilly yonr. ! : n U A- MITCHKLI,. Framing and House-Joining. > Tho undurHlciK'.l In prrj uro'l to rxecnte al or.lcrp cntruHtf.l tu linn for th> vrpction of I hKfUinijt nutl i'f(mr limliliiujn, .lnrillf!th*noii (if I <". Mln-ntnl iRlfiirni-hi'd U MO .in-iin- 1. Nonu hut coiiiptjt'int wurkinun O'iii.!'> <<! Til - H.itisf;i"ti'.ii uiv uoik liaa f{lfan n th i pmt in a,.; larantoo forth* futuru. Apply to A. Mil. Kill) Kltmlicrtou Ktatlnn Brlatln.'i.'t-.-n .-. ultfroni injr-'lrf il MIVV raont, or cu^Jf, u-.d dlapir on remor.i g Uio au?o I'jr tho m of Airu's I'll IJ. Tnif.uin, Dropy, Kllr CmrpU.lm*, and olber dlMriler* cansl !>y i.eMiitj >.r obftrnetlon. ara cared by AvrR'9 rii.1.1. Important Notice! Tho nubvirilxT bofin to Inform tbu )<on)ili. of Flooherton aDdiurrcumlingcountry.that In li leased eoa, bT a sifo and rtodj rti-.e<ly !a AYER'S PILLS. Foil dlrertfcnt, In raHwi UngUNJ, - company oaoh packn^. rnrrARFi) BT Df.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, WIM. i;j Dominion Organ and Piano Co. 9 inlliii from >)esli<irtoii, and I* now fnruiah lull < of any louiftb or slrM of Lumber LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Alwayn on hand. HUbwoodcut toatoro length* ou baud. Cuntom Hawiiifi done bjr the tltoiinaiul. REASONS Why you ihould Ret your I.nnibor andRhlnijIos cut I.) Spencer: (IHKvery Haw in the Mill in New and tbo mill is in perfect order. (ll HecauHe he in n practical eawyor and keep* al* laws anil machinery in perfuct order. (8H- Hecaure ho cut" all bcautlluK Juice exaot- ly to the bill funn Ii. I (4V- He ha* put in a I,uu.ber Edgar and all board* are name widths from one end to the other. (o>- Because yon can take a load of Ings to the mill and a load of lnml>or hnmo iamo day. ifli llorni".. he giiaranteen to cut all cuitnm work in a workmanlike manner and nutlKfactlou Rliaranteed. (71 Because all sawing l> done at rock bottom price*. Lumbrr Drlivfrcd if Hfqnired. G. H. SPENCEK Hi' | .1 10th. 1HH5. JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer & General Blacksmith, Manufacturer of Cutters; Sleighs. Baggies. Democrats, Wagons, Iron Harrows and Patent Farm Gates. Also agent for Ckatsworth Plows. Noxon Bros. Ingersoll Light Low Down Binders, Combined Reapere & Moweri two kinds of Single Reapers, tliree kinds of Mowers, four kinds of Grain Drills and two kiuds of Horse Rakes. Please come and see them. Jan. 1st, 1886. A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of G-lenelg, Proton, Artemesia and Egremont ! Persons requiring LUMBER, LATH or SHINGLES, can get them t BEOWN'S Steam Saw Mill ! PEICBVILLE. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber : Logs delivered before February 1st, 1880, taken in exchange, for which Cash Prices will be allowed. iWMore Lumber can bo got ant of a log at Brown's Raw Mill than at th majority of mills, as Drown has the latest improved substitute for the "dogi" formerly, and in many places yet, used for holding logs in place T/hileaaw inj Bring on your Logs aud get your Lumber home witli you. flan th larK-x* n<l ninut complrt* factory In the i '.i-.M.i..n ivui.ia. Sill::'. C.ten tut Lftritt to uy Mike: la tt* WorlL j Mi-'lnl mirl IMplomt Crntrnnlll. I*W. M"ll nn.l Mini. .mi at Sjtilnry, Anmnlla, 1K7. i;.il.l Mi-.UI.f llvirlnrlaJKxhlblUon. Tor<nl<>,l*/n. lllirl.i-'t Awinti it ludwtrliil IxhlbHIon, Toronto i 1*.'*! SI. Wt til wow MAKrrAOTTiiifo SQUARE AND UPR'CHT PIANOS. I BRUT in TUB M \MKBT. Oom-Kpomlrnr* ^.illrltrd. nil for Illntntri1 (' ' awsjBjajBjiSBM fr..v .\<:<!r< ^ lK>l!.V!t)N r. OKT. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are |.]nant to toko. TonUIn their own Purgative. Ii a ufe, turn, ami rrtr.-tuil ! warm* In Children or Wm. Clayton Has ou liaud a large stock of KJL,ESHEK,TO1V. ALL KI Mis OF MENS, WOJfENS AND CHILDHEITS BOOTS. & SHOES! Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FL.E SHBBTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, Uncli as Moniimrnts, Tomb Tables, Hcatlstonst . Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marblo and Granite, and mad* on slpirt notice. Also Mantles in Marbls and! Uarbleized Slate, Ac., &c. Fleshorton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Klood, correct all Diwrden of the Liver, Stomach, Kieln'yH, a.nd IJo\vel. Thoy InvUjoraUi and rnntorn tn hnalth Dnhllitatert Coimtitutlon*. and are InraluaMe In all Cots- liUmtd Incidental to Female* of all affoe. For Children and the dl they are prloelws. THE OINTMENT k an Infallible remedy for Hn.l l..r, l>.l llroaitu, Old Wonndi, flora* and Ulcer*. It U famoas for Oout and Hhoiimatlim. For dinordanof the Chert h no equal. ForSOKK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Olandular SwollInK". and all Skin niease It liu no rival ; and for contracted and Iff joint* It acU like a charm. Ranufactnred only at Profewor Hoi.towiT's Etvbllhment, T8, Nrw Oxford Street ( late 533, O*forJ HtreetK London, and are .old at 1s. IJd., M.. 4*. M . II* . fl*.. and M.. eex-h HOK or Pot, and may be had of all M *st cln* Vendor* thronliout the World. 1'tirrhaMfrt ihauUt look t< 'hr /xiM nn tbt Poh ami Bosret. If thr adiirttt it not 5M, Oxford Htrrrt, Ismdun, fAty art ipiirvnu. The Well-Bred Durham Bull, " GRAY CHAMPION," Will be for nervloe the seanon of 1886 at Lot 1st. liit Range Welt, T. t S. Kowl, Artemeila, near Flonherton. J. W. BATES, Furniture Drnfar and FLBHHF.nTON. ONT. -1 I: Payable Itt January, 1RS. ROGER LEVER, Proprietor