- . . - . : ADVANCE. a* *t the IsaeUaf Local and familv News* a* l la Smtusin Ontario, f ubllshed rsokt TU OVT1CB, Strut, T1BMS Or lUBOCBXPTIOir : LnpevsamjuBbeadvanes; t>uoil at ths sn d ol if years. .No paper dlioontinua (all all amaragss ar* paid up ; and no Bibserip- foni taken for 1.11 than ooe year, except w*n faealsi arrangenunt* lor shorter period* ar* Biad* wit" tb publisher. AUVKkTlbl-Nw MA Ilia.**. asual adrertissmenU, I cants per 1st 1 111*1 1 1 SB sad I seats per luis each subssqu*>t Insertion rjisieut advertlsmenU to b psid for when iil AdTertlMuieuts witbomt .pecia) direc- will b* inserted till forbid snd charged luduosuisuts to regular advertiser*. Neiices among reading matter, II) cut* per WjsV*t sVOll sVll*)*JI"t.iOU- Bo advertlsoriwut filtxtiniie* until all *JT- '^Cap'/'joIrV'l^srtiseuisuta sk<ad re thi* afflos sol later tbsn noon ea Taesoky t* nsur* aserllan Ineomnt ism*. A. B- FAWOBTT, Editor and Prvfri*tr. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT.QOOD, PlOFBIITOB 8aih paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fmh Msa ti comtantly on hand f*r Cash. Orderi promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON. Jaznes Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing Earetroaghlng.andln fact (very- thing In tbs buflaeas will receive m; prompt md careful attsutlon at tiaaonable price*. Stoves is HolGW. ia .toe.. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It <A jtoce iogtt yonr Harneu Collan, <t, made <;> in good ilylr. Shop in W. dai/ton'i Bwt A Shoe Stort Fleihtrion. EUGENIA Grist Mill, SO iii UU 11. Having mad* exteniive iuiprovemtnt* In my Grist Mill, I am confident I can give g**4 sttisfactien. CHOPPING DONE ANT DAT, (toed Flour alwirs on hand. Custom Sawing. Bad Bills filled on the short cut netiee. Lum br nd Lttb always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. AKITT, A book of inn riagra. L Th> l>nt hook lor an 'AnVTRTIfilMG " It. be hs ftjJILaVni iOlptj 1 .... ., . ItewoaUneUsimoi newspaper* andean male* oft)n'cot(.fiiclviTtlslhi.Tlii'n.lvrrlj'-i-wlii> wnntHtn nix-nit our <lllnr. lln.lt In It Uio In- fonnntlon lie ri'^iiiri'd. wliilt- li him w tin will Invosloni' linii'lic.l tlvinaiiil ilollnr* In ml- verlli'nir. awlii'inn IH incllontril which will mort hi* rvt:rv nvinlrcnieiit, or ean be matt* to tin mint >'i"l'i< "<>' 171-1 ni'tlyarrlredot kg cor- rM/" 1 "'""" l' !l prlRlon* lmvi< lx>on Im-uc'il. (lent. |>ot iir.M. tunny sddrcsn for 10 OBBta, Write to .l" I'. HOWKI.L A CO.. \ KltTlslSii RDKFAr, , Now York. lEB BHATED J^ ? CHASES OliAICtT* QtVHDELIOH HUSBAND CATCHIMO. 1 Ur, I>. CHAiit> l.ivas Cus* w,n be found and certain icmiily M .rw NATURC'S REMCDV TBS uaauslifte.! .ucce of I>r Chass'f Liver Care m ITrW^Splaint t..M Hely with the fact Ht BBSBMBBM Soen sat urs'i well-known ltet regolaion, MADAKI AMU I>ANnil n"i, comlm>l with mn> M*.r lnvsl.ial.lr , , K.rk, snd k"*\*2"J| owtrful ffct on tlie Knlucyv Stomach, Howeli sn flood. 500.000 SOLD O*tr HH-ktlf million f/ Dr. ikftii Kfdft Btokl .Wr, ,oU ee *** Inn. > *** "f-7 " kw* f*l cltiU nt/kf tl tmMlJ m< Lntr Ctm- fiflll It try /An l.iflilnt rtmtdf. SOMETHIM) NtW ClVCN AWAT Fill Wracued teounrl *ry bottle of Dr. Chase'* IJrer Core le s vmlusbls HeusthoU Medical Guide ami Recipe Beck (4 p>ge), containing; over 100 useful reripe*. ronountol by mxlicjil men >ixl rirugi *-- * -^- - - 1 *- '-i of the ;i( K. tnvall i medicine. b:, nd irorth ten times lh ,.TIY CMMI-S Ct*tll OHM. A uf. and po.itlre I eaVsoT Pric, t) cent. ' .jctt-peea*.. OLD BY ALL DEALERS Or. I .lo... Talks a bent n.n I. *. Told ..d > ! Haee.e Mea Whe Arc f*erlrc*. km Daagcreae-nalrt- eaeelaH aslvcrtleiasi. " Tb* Lara grant you tbat > msy find **l, *sch ot you, in Ib* boose of bsr otband " (Bulb i. 9), WM Dr. Talmage's oil laai Sunday, when be talked ot men, good and bad, with matrimonial inten- "This," said the Doctor, "is tbs irayer of pious Naorci. Bbs wae a good old eonl and knew tbat tbe devil would lake their cans* in band if tb* .Lord did nol. fine, therefore, prayed ibal th* L rd night grant onto each of hr daughter*- i*v aw real in the bout* of tb* man thai tbsy might ultimately marry. I congratulate felicity of those women who rather ban marry and have an unhappy marital alliance bavs bad none at all. There bat b**n no lack of opportunity, hat they bave referred to live without a husband ratbsr marry one ot ths many imbieiles that abound ao plentifully io our ilies. Men who arc incapable*, nonen- tities, they have seen, and they have ,etermii;*d that they will nol ally them- to on* ot Ibem. They have seen men also wbo during tbtu courtship wer* angelic and after their marriage were dia- nuoal, and therefore they k*pt btok from marrisgs. A woman had butter live a onely life a tboniand years than be annexed to one ol Ihe many vultures with which eir modern sooisly i* infested. Tbeee womsn n their single bleseeducM ar* angels, and heir coming to our households is ot tb* morning and their goicg away ia like tbs coming ot night." Dr. Talmage here described bit "Aunt to* be " ae one ot these aogelie women, and related a number of incident! from be reooUeetion* of hie own youth io which Ann! Pbesbe " played a prominent and ffeetionate part. "She had bad," said QC Doctor, " so many tioknss***. and bad had thereby such a vi*w of tbe next world hal shs wsi heavenly minded. Bbs Bald me one day, ' Di Will, twice in my life bavs bad sueb illuminating views of the love of Ibe Lord Jesus Obriil that have tainted away, and il was with difficulty tbat I recovered. People need not tell me that tbere ie no heaven ; I have II twice.' If," oontinntd the doctor, ' ; on want to know what Aunt Ptosbe waa n a sick room and ia a horns ask any 01 tbs Talmagee. Instead of being tbe queen of tbs household she was a benedic- tion to many. Wben shs went out of life what a shoot, what a betelietion tbere in us t have been is heaven, from tbe lower :1 )or to the top step 1 Tu.ro will always at a large number of women wbo wiU never He married. Arithmetic and mathematics show Ibal that moat be so. II you ask me why Ood bat givsn as more womsn then men I don't know that I bave sny answer exoepl tbal tbe women ac*m to be thi tavored of the Lord, and then, U yon think ot it, II is probably sn arrangement o n fin He wisdom, for you may call to mind that wbeo woman was created it was a* an mproved edition of man. (A suppressed Utter.) Tbere is only on* thing that can cor- rect Ibs disaster of an alliance with a bad hnsband, atd tbat is a funeral. (Blight augbler ) Tbe police courts of tb* world uaunol oorrecs Ihe evil. A mi*tak* oaee made about marriage is made lor ever. Lvoid a lime alliance with a man who Jeii-(B Ihs Christian religion. Beware of each a man, for jnu surely will bav* a lit* f wretchedness. Bncb a man will jut ,t ur bom* under tb* anathema of iht lord Ood Almighty. II may pos- italy not be nsssssary Ibal bs should te a child of God, hot il ia necessary bat be should nol bs a dstp'scrof tbe uriitian religion. II yen ar* engaged to neb a on* yonr first duly is to break tb* engagement. My word* may com* to )ou oat in tims to savs your soul. Marry him and )co will probably both go to bell to- (ether. Next, I charge yon nol to marry a man of evil habit* with tb* idea tbal yon can reform him. II yon don'l reform htm belcr* h* get* th* prtss yon will not do il afterward. Ton might as well plant a violsl in tbs lea* of th* nortb*a*l wind. I also charge you to avoid a lifelong alliance wiih a man wbo ia so much oeca lied iu baiint** thai b* bas no toom in hi* ife (or anything else. 8om*tim** yea will )nd a man who ao spreads bimislt ovsr ihe ildewaik ol life thai tbire is no room 'or any on* *lee. H* is cl tbal class of man who bavs a disposition aud a nature that U a protect againsl marriage. Marry each a man and il would be a ease of Digamy. (Laughter ) There are thousands ol women at tbi* moment on tb* wsy to such slaughter. Avoid alliane* with any one wbo pro- poeM marriage through nswspaptr edver- ti**m*ot*. (An audible titter ) Borne women an*w*r such edvartiaimsoti for Inn. Pat arsenic into a cup and iwallow it Brit before you do thai, lor you would do yooeelf lee* harm. Moil of tb* men wbo inaert snob advertisemsnto ars moral lepers. It a man has wealth ef coal ha ta b- tier for you than if b* brd a fortune of iboDiaijdi. It you find a mau wbo baa never made any mistakes, wbo ii perfect, wbo is im- maculate, don'l marry him. II would b* a atudle (or you to do it. Why von would units yourself to perfection, and you ars not fit to be married to an angel. (Laugh- ter ) There ar* no perfect men. I bad wo HLa. oial transactions with two perfect men and they wofully cheated me." (Laughter.) Dr. Talmage concluded by extolling tbe men wilb nubility ol character and by earnest advio* to youug womsn to *clel on* of tb***. e * * Mealiaj Utri*. Il is DO loogsr fashionable with Ihe fair sex to f*ign delicacy, nor are Ibe gills ot tbs coming generation actuated by an insane desire to appear fragile and ginteel at Ibe *xp*n* of health. Tbe loore* ol buxom, bright eyed young ladiei on* will meet upon any ot our thoroughfare* any afternoon i* ample evidence of tbe truth ol the assertion. Noloogsrdo tb* fair one* *m wan and pal* to look upon, nor ii tbeir style ol locomotion BOggeattve ol effort ; but, on th* contrary, nearly all s**m strong aod lithe of limb and with cheeks saffased wllb th* ruddy glow ol health. Doctors generally sgre* tbal Ibere is fr less ot siskns** among tb* MX than bad formerly boon th* oaif , and this oould be attributed solely to the glorious practice young ladies bad ol late acquired of leeling their capabilities as pedeetrians, and in engaging in other form* of light physical xerai**. It i* to b* hoped tbal the good work Will go on.- Albany F.rprtu .New e ir. PrcMaud. The last Koglish mail contains account ol th* presentation ot new colon to the 7 Ii K -yal Foatlerr, al Gibraltar on the occasion ot Ibe 200 '.h anniversary Mi* formation ot tbat historic regiment Tbe commanding (ffloer mad* referinea to tb* presentation ot tbe old color*, thirty ytar* a , wb*n leavirg for th* Crimea wbioh were carried In the storming of tbe heights of Alma. On lhat memorable ooceeion tb*; regiment hsd DO le** than 349 cfflwrs and msn killed and woun4cd Tbie regiment wa* ordsrtd to Cairo Ihre weeks ago. Hu.lnr.. I r..,lr.. The following a*sUram*nta were reported yesterday : Ontario A Most*, clothing etc., BroekviUs , P. D. MeOraw, genera store, K u u Grove ; L. Wetb, shoemaker Puint K I ward ; D. K. rgunon. grocer Barnia ; Tbo*. Ktdd * Bou, general nor* H .afortb ; John Mod*, general store. Van ihekHill. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, Brilliant Inauguration of the Sasion Thursday Contents Of Her Majesty's Speech From th Throne. Promptly al l.W p.m. ibe K,>1 My Uft Baokiugbem l'ioe (or ih* Home ol Lcrds. Tbe rouie of lue KJVB.I pa*nanl uad Ueu eovend witb gravel. Tin* prevented ibe horses from lalliuK end eunbleil mote r| id progress to ae mde. Her Mjety rod* iu au opeu carriage drawn by eight homes. The Hoasebold Cavalry acted ai an taoorl Io ibe y jeeii. Larg* crowd* lim J the ntreeUi throogb wuioli tht Royal i^roouaiOD passed. Hu M.jo.iy WM greeted with hearty cheers all along tbe roatt. Tbe eoam io tbe Boua* of Lord* waa very brilliant, l'r aud Peeresnet, Judge*, Ministers and Biahops were present in large numbers in fall eoart drew. Gee- light WM u-t-d m ibe chamber*, owing K> tbe absence of Ibe Ian. Tbii enhanced the Deau ty of ibe scene, M il abowed more folly the bnliiatoy of the jewels and tbe eplsn- dot of tba dreases worn by Ihoe* preteut. Tbe Queen looked a* if ebe was infltcicg from eld . TBB rOBKaL Another correspondent oablei Thie afternoon Parliament wae formally opened by tbe Queen in person. There was a brilliant assemblage in Ibe Hooe* of Lordo wben Ibe Queen'* Speech was real Her Majesty, in ber speeeb.aaid ber rtla- tions wilb other powers continue friendly . Tbe difference* with Kimma regarding the Afghanistan boundary bav* been satisfac- torily adjuited. She trusted tbe work of the Hosao-Kuglith FrontMr Demarcation Commission, already advanced, may lend to secure a continuance of peace io Csnlral Asia. Referring to the rieliig in astern Ua, Har at sjesty aayi ht r or. j -ct in th* negotiation! wnieb followed the oat- break baa been to bring the luhabitaut* ot that country, according to thiir wteb, under the Prince of Bulgaria's role, while maintaining unimpaired tbe rights ol Ihs Sultan. Ths Qaeen regrets the had been (im- pelled to declare war against K.it|Tbebaw ol Barmah owing to sole of hostility by himaelt and aubjssts. The gallantry of Ibe foioss under Ocn. Prendtrgaat had rapidly overthrown Ihe Burmese foroae and ibe had decided that tbe most certain method ol ininring peaee wee to b* toaud in the permanent incorporation ol Barmab wilb ber empir*. Negotiations respecting the right* ot the ranch on tb) coaet ol Newfoundland had been satisfactorily concluded. Wilb Bpatn, alao, an egreimenl bad been reached [iving the British Ibe same commercial igbM ae the Germans in the Can line lauds. Parliament would b* asked to adopt certain meaenree rendered neceeeary u the convention relative to international copyright, to wbieb tb* Queen baa agreed Tunug to internal affair* tbe Queen Ueuilenien of tbe Boiue of Commoni My Lurde and Gentlemen : I rtgrel to say tb.l uo material improve- meuloau be noted i j tbe eondnion of trad* agriculture. I fe I ibe deej e-l*> rupetbj or tbe great number of fereou* in many Tocatiouiof life wbo are lofforicg nnder a restore wbieb 1 trosl will prove tranetenl. 1 nave sesn with deep toriow a renewal Inee I last addreaaed you of au altesopt to leite the people ol Ireland to boettliiy against ibe LeKielative onion between Ibal niry and Great Britain. I am reeo- ntely opposed to any disiarbacee of thai niidamcntel Uw, and in reeiiltog II I am oonTiuoed tball sballbe heartily supported y my Parliament and my people. The oial, DO lees than tbe material condition of tbat country, engages my anxious attention. Although tbere ha* in daring Ibe year no marked Q0r*ese ot lerioue orinie, there Is, in many plaese, a ooaoe'ted resistance to tbs nforoement ol legal obligauoni, and I re ret mat tbe praetie* of organusd inumi- tiou oontinoee to (list. I bare ceased very exertion to be need (or Ik* detection and pnnisbminl of tbe** erime*. atod no iffjrt will be spared on tb* >rt of my Government to protect ay Irieb eobjeoie in tbe txeraiss ot tbeir fgal rigbte and in tbe enjoyment ol indi- vidual liberty. I', as my Information lead* >* to a>ppreb*nd, existing provision* of tbs aw iboold prove to be inadequate to eope lib Ibse* growing evils, I ahall look witb oooflieLCi to yonr willicgoeee to invest my government with all necessary power*. Bille will be sobmitted for iraniftrring to Representative OounoiU in tbe Cjontie* of Or* Britain lootl bosioen wbiob is now transacted by Court* of Qaarter BN- stons and olber authorities. A soeaaare or tbe reform of county government io Ireland i* aUo io yrsferii)0. Tbei* metiors* will involv* tb* oooiideration of ihe preseDl ioetdsce* ol local hardens . A Bill for IteUitaling tbe ikle ot glebe .ands in a manner adapted to tbe want* of the rural population will also be submitted to juu. as wsll also as Bills for rsmoTlng ibe diffisolty wbieb previnte tb* eaiy and cbt ; traoefM ot laud ; for mitigaliog the distreewtd e^odilioo ot tb* poorer elisses to the Wester u Highland* and ialkcd* ol Sol- land ; for tb* more efl*etoeJ prevention ot accidents in mlnei , lor eitepding Ibe powers of railway commeree ID regard to tu* regulation of rates, and for tbs oodifl cation ot Ibs criminal law. 1 tiuit thai reenlta beneficial to tbs eaoie of education may istiue from tbi Royal Commission wbieb I bsv* appoiule^ to inquire into tb* working ol tbe Ednca lion Acts. Tbe prompt and effective deipateh of important baiinssi, wbieb in an ever growing proportion fall* to you to traniaol will, I doubt not, oeeupy your attention In these and in all olber mature per taining to year bigb fanoliosi I tarnritl; commend yon to tbe keeping od guidance of Almighty Go J. encroBsno TBI BFIICU. Knots of Iriab me tube re are in tbe lob bie* dicouaiiog tb* Bpteoh. Tb* j illv. laoKli -.'K man dun'l bav*t > flow so deep by HUM feet for bis suoesaii* rbls world. They are sar prised tbat II eontaln* no new rmedi*, propoeals for Ireland, wbile coercion is so distinctly intimated and Home Rule so isruu. ly oppoeed. TUB A9D1BBS IX RBJI.T. Io tbs Hcuse of Lord* tbe Daks of Aber corn moved tbe Addreu in Reply to tbe Hpeeob from tbe Throne. He ppoke of Ibi grave respoDi>ibilitten ot tboe wbo directei tbu affairs of tbe Govern mml, and ai( ibal on* cloud bong over ibe Empire, am tb.t was tbs stats of Ireland. Be men ti< ned a number of dutias wbich be coon try most perform in relation to tb oonuliy, among wbieb were tbe nwiottn anoe of tbs union, tb* sapprcMion of tbe pereeeatlan of wbieb be aeUd the National Leaxuo WM nollly, and the dcfeoe* ol lb loyal Iriab minority. He laid Ibsil n staeesmMi, wbattver be migbt be, would caorifloe th* intereite ol tb* ooaniry . Tb Earl ot Scarborough Mconded tb> raolloo of tb* Duke of Abereorn. Karl (irai.vill ooDgratulated Lord Baliebnry on bis poe MMion of two *ocb eloqoeni opporter*. TIB aovssaunn'e rcueT, Lord BeUabary, ia a spoeeb oatlioing Ibe I policy of tbe Qovernment, laid iha O*r- | many had given aeearanees tb*>t ibe did not I intend to aonei fUmot. Wilb retard to H ainiti. he said II would be bettor ti nwais Ibe arrival of papers Irom L :d l>uif riu before miking any utatimeui. Tbe Uov- irnmeDt WM using it* influiaos to pr*T*Dl any important broach ol laternational On thin point Lord Salisbury said u. It strongly, because il bad been reported lal be bad given neourag*in*nt to Qreeor. 'hi* statement ha emphatically denounce* as uiitru,and declared that England above all desire d pea** in the East. Refsrring te telaud th* Prim* Minister oaid Ibe O jv - srnmsat bad retrained Irom renewing tb* riiuee Act, peeansc there bad been a ruBLtot ot returning order iu thai country "'be experiment, however, had failed, al lough evtry chance had been given to make il mooted. Nothing, he uiid, oiold xoeed tbe patience ot tbe Earl of Garner- on in oarrj ing out hi* uusaloi) ot peace, 'ne disia* *, aaid Loid Balisbur> , axisted In v'eitminstor and not ie Ireland, and Ibe Government mat try to stamp U out here 'be words ot Mr. Gladstone, he declared, were auiwerable lor many Irish svils. Mr. bad nol spoken, be said, wilb ufficienl Qrmcsss C3uosri.iog the integrity the Empir*. Tb* Prim* Minister's pecoh was received wilb cheers. KB OLJBMTOMB'S viiwu. Mr. Oladatona aaid tbs eonduol of Lord aliibnry in the Koumclian matter woe ooorabls to him and worthy ot hi* name, ad waa a credit to England. The Opposi- would render Lord Salisbury every aamsULOo and grant him every indulgence eonneelion with tbe eeltlemenl ut tbe ioumeliau and Barmeas qoMtions. In to Ireland, Mr. Oladstons (ail ba wished the (jjeen's Speech bad been more xplidt. He waa convinced thai only a intle and conciliatory handling ot the rub qussliou would be effectual. U* bad alwaya- striven to eliminate Ibs slemenla f wrath and passion in discoating Ireland. tie exercise of candor and j jaiice could alone afford Ihe tmalletl hope of solving Ibs difficulty. " Whatever," be continued, il mtfcbl b* neossssry to do lor Inland ttoul J be done promptly. In tbe name of laa,v*n 1*1 us maintain th* Cnioa; we >av* been maintaining il tor six Hundred ear* ; lei us nol deviate from tb* patb of ood temper and sslf -command, bat, tor- etful of every prejudice, lei us strive to do UetiM to the great, the gigantic interest* ommilted to our charge." (Loud cheers ) [r. Gladstone spoke lor an hour and twenty iDutes, and was greatly applauded rougbont. Mr. Olad*ton* said that in seeking re- Icotion be wee mainly folded by a wish proeesd with tbe proposal in regard to K)ta tbe legislative and ins social position 1 Iisland. 0-ily tb* Oovsrnmsnt, how- v*r, wa* able to act in s uoh a matter. Hs, telitvii. g U would be miscnievous to do so, id nol intend to introduce proposal* ol hi* wu, but be would raecrv* hi* opinion. Hi would also reserve bis decision whether to alter or to add to the proposals embodied a bis election manifesto. Hi ( leaeed lor paiieu i hearing ol th* opiiaona of th* Irish Nationalists. Sir M. Hicks- Beach said that tl was boy ootlmg, not agrarian crime, thai bad increased in Ireland. The new Chie Beorctary tor Ireland would ooustdsr tb* qu.iliou whether th* ordinary powers wen ufflaienl, or whstber special power* wooli h* needed to suppress boycotting. f fl^pt.y. Q| CBIOV. Mr. Parntll said thai h* had alwaj believed lhal if Ib* principle were admiltei thai Ireland was entitled to aome lorm o s*lf-governmenl th* **tll*m*nt of tbi details would nol fcs found a Icrmidahl* la k, and there would be no great difficult) sccnrmg tbs Empire agaiosl aepan 3.1 bionel/, aliLougb a Protestant, feared 10 deigtr t) the mitiorily in Ireland from tbe UatEoliea. Tbe whole qoeeiwo was on* of naaooabl* or exorbitant rsnts tM AMBXbKUn MlAIXXJiaBI Bir Miebetl Uidu-B.-seb, Chancellor of h* Exchequer, tbanktd Mr. Oladstons tor kiudiy wirJs H* challenged ihe J, 1'omiou to come to a decieion in regard their aitituJo towards tbs unity ot the Empire. II they diaagree with ib* Govern lueul, lei lb*m, fee aatd, more aa aiaeaeV u.i-i.1 to tbe sddrtas in reply to Ibe Queen's Dceob. II they agrisd with tbe Govern meui they ibould declare so. If the majority of ib* House so wished, th* reaenl Oovernmeni wot 11 remain in fflee. He burnt ly and earnestly asked all h* members, to whatever party they ilonged, to *npporl th* Ujvernmenl In order to enable u to conduct th* affaire ol ib* country. AX iMocuMunr Neither Liberal* nor i'arntllilee appear- ng to bs iLCllusd to challenge Ib* Govern- ment, L )rd KaLdolph Churchill, Secretary of State lor India, propoeed that Ib* debate adjunrnsd. Hs wished Ihe House to clearly understand, however, that u would M Impossible for tb* present Government ever to aaneuon an Iriab Parliament. Hs addsd Ibat tb* Government would be i re >ar*d, wben tbe proper lint* arrived, wilb k scheme to improve local govsrnmsnt in Inland. In Ihs Honis of Gommooi Mr. Connslly, ationaliBl m*mb*r Icr Longford, gave notic* that b* would ask leave to introduce a Bill to amend tb* Irish Land Act. Tbs announcement was received by loud ebeen 01 Home Holer*. Thomas Powir Connor, Nationalist, ;ave notice tbal he would introduce a Bill n provide lor tbe cultivation ot tobacco In Ireland. Tbe debate left tbo impreseion that both parlies ar* anxious to conciliate tb* Par icllilee, snd bav* co detire to enforce strong ejsroive measures, at the same lime Tl is believed tbal tbere i* no chance eltber Conservative* or Liberals pro posing at tbi* ****ion any Home Roll mcaeuis likely Io satisfy the Irish. Tbe tenor ol Mr. Parnell's speseh gave evidence Ol a rafprerht "itnt with Mr. Gladstone and ol ths abandonment ot the bop* ot an alliance wilb the Conservative*. Il is ipecled tbal the debate will continue all nut week. A laet (Friday night'* London oabl* says Mr. Gladitons's speech made yeeter day afternoon a historic occasion in tbi Commons. Us was hoarse at nr-t, fr qiuntly partly inaudibls, but roes ever; tew minnMB to height* of *pl*ndtd oratory aud delighted tbe House witb hi* humor Even the Tory Ministers laeghed at hi exposure of Lord Salisbury's change o attitude. Thsn hs thrilled II with Ih *olemnily of his personal pledgee ao< appeals. He treated the whole ellnation with such tact and power that hs com plelely dtioonoerted the Tories, won over ibe Iriah snd pulled the Liberal* together Only a solitary Whig V.HOO waa raised in protest. Mr. Qlsdslone declared thai bie opinion exprcaaed in his Mid lolhian manifesto waa hi* opinion now and bad been lor fifteen years. Hs showed amid laughter what ground* h* bitdforsap poeiug until jotl lately, tbat Lord Salisbury " wa* not vsry tar Irom being in Ibe same [i -moil as himself. Tbs following charaetcrietic sentence was delivered wilb tbe solemn emphasis ot a personal pledge while Ihe Hon>* we* perfectly aiUnt. Hi* voice wa* like a grsat bell, and could b* beard in Ih* long lobby. " From lb* Ir* my highest ambit um has been, and it eon liuuai to b*, and I nbnk* myeelf by autioi pation 11 1 deviate by a hair's breadth from ths principle, not to say oa* word of an; man mingling in this a,a*itlon that can bring tbs elements ot wrath end. panto into a debate and a consideration wbio oolbkg but patience, nothing bat i*lf restraint, nothing but tbe casting asids o much prrjadice and prepossession, and nothing' but a determined disposition look aloo* at what candor and jaitio* domend will sffard n* in* imalleit hop* < " xilving ' H* urged tb* Govrnm*nl tod whtUvtr it i* going to do with the nlmoe promptitude and franku*ss. As to th OB -y of ih* Empire hu vaiJ, addreeeicg tb members wish astouudlng (nTtet ou tbe I i*h membtre, " II it au txoellsut thing to say tbat you will maintain the unity of the Booptn. ID beevto'i am* maintain il with all your isjbl, but we bave been maintaining il. ot tor tbe (K >ear* tlnoe the Union, but :rXX) years before." Th* t fleet ol this pou the Irisbmtn was that lh*y apprs- i a ted instantly tbs argument aod th* u bile die tu o. ion in Ibe rslercnee to tb* iiateno* ol tbe Union, where there we* a I nub Parliament, which had nsvsr, alien Irom the lipe ol an Ko^lisb Minister wfore. Tbeir face* fanned with pleasure, and they cheered madly. Afterward* atv ral said to m* : " H* ha* taken all tb* 'nom out of th* itruggl* " Thii wa* bown by Mr. 1'arnell, wbo oonclud*d hi* ufled and wiss e pet oh by saying lhai or hi* parly, they taw In Ih* present Daemon deair* aud s wub oo Ibe part o< ioglishrceo to study aod understand Wllb view to in flual Httlemeiil thi* great rtsh qoeslion, and they wer* resolved tbal o ei.ravegane* on Ibair part, of eon- n or augaag*>, shcud mar tbe chance wbieb heir country poeeMed for Ihe ft -si tims n her biatury. Y-. surd ay has shown bow ooonoaivably iiliy were those prophets who talked about Mr. Gladstone i it.llaei.ee (eiugou Ibe wane. Pur hap* he wae willing o let hie follower* stray alone for awhile, iot, like tbi mm in Goldsmith's poem, he cw that wben be pleased be c.u'd wbls- le them back 4JOCHXB Acccnrt. Th* aatoanding tffcci ot Mr. Gladstone'* nejath, especially among this new Liberal members of Parlumwt, i* becoming hourly more apparent. BIB phenomenal power of expression, the facility with which ie turns an apparently hopeless position xi to one almost uuasiaiUble, and tbe iin nlly ol resource which hs displays compels irrtauiible allegiance from young mem >en. Bseidee, tit. Oladiaous's position in the Irish queetiou, altbongb bs pro- ponudtd no defiaite policy, bas delighttd h* Parnallite*, and the y are almoel uuaci. mou.ly agrsed that Mr. Oladitoc* U (till UUng and able to peranade Ib* country and bi* parly mto conceding Home Rule to reland. The former hops ol Tory sup- port has vaniihed, hut a nsw one baa IBSU in its place, and Ihs Irish Perlie- acLtary party turns ODBC more to the real Liberal leader tor ibe fulnloieul of heir dceiree. They flatteringly say lhal he alone ol English statesman l* liberal nough to appreciate tbeir demands and trong enough to grant them. Al the headquarters tc-nighl it is announced thai il Sir O.adatons will nndtrlaka Ihs task of pruaeiog measures or Horns Bale, tb* taeiiot ol tb* Na-ionalut parly will be modified io as to aaaisl him in sv*ry poeelbl* way. Mr. Tboma* Bsxton's speech in Ibe lout* to-night was s very tos ifljrl. He iloeely followed Ihe line* laid down by Mr. 'arnsll ysatsrday, mdicatiLg in lerioua and mianly phraaee tb* extraordinary posi- tion ot th* Nauoualiat party in tb* new Parliamsul acd their determination to ia- atst oo jaaties aud consideration. Like Mr. PstrutU, however, b* elated that no word or act on the par t o! himself or hie colleagues would interfere wtth honet efforte tor Ireland's good, Mr. Gladstone listened intently to Mr. Btxton throughout and afterwards told hie friend* thai h* bad just been charmed by a piece ol re oratory. Mr. BCX'.OO'B ifljrl was a direc arraignment ol Lord Salisbury's Gavirc m*Bt. Tna 1. J*M Quttlt say* il i* knows that there is a reeolute) body o'. m*n wbi are detrrmiueJ to neor, to vi Ucoe ntles Ibe demands of tbe Part In parly ar< couoedetl b>> i'ailiamn.1 It >. a>Uo kjowi tost eveu amxg ibe Iritb u^eiuhem of lue House tlCooiouonslbtrt are ecvirtl em pkiycee of O DJOOVSU R >>aa. Tb* G verc i* aware thai the muooanu have alaxirnt* plan* to perform deed* o.' violence, Ibal they bave selected ib* par tieuUr part of EunUod in wbicb to ply tb* ill* and [iitol, dieeardliJg d)uamll, which ibe alleged plotter* regard a* bluuderiLg medium. Mr. O Brtvu's amiudmeul lilbeAddre in reply so tn* y i**u'* bjj- eon rcettee that the depreseiou iu sericulture itfl ete grisv on* bardibip* n^n th* tenant farmsr*, who form th* bulk uf tb* peopl* ol Ireland, and being destitute ul capital tbsy ars nnable to obtain ersdit. Uwing tc a snceee lion ol bad Masons they are reduced U a uelpl*** condition and are unable M pay lull rents. Tbeir hardship* ar* aggravated by an incooaidsrate n< ot legal puwir by the leud-o wnere in cnloning eviouons and rslnsiog Ihe abatement n <juired by th* present slate of affaire. This Hoosr, there lor*, with the view of emnring r**[*cl for law and order, shoaid consider a* 1000 a* poteible meaiuree by wbtcb the Iriab ooarts will be enabled to stay *viotiou* aud arrange a *elli*m*Ll between teuaute aud landlords. Tbe Ckrmade says Ibat W. H. Smith, thi new Cbi*f B<or*lary lor Ireland, will tart lor Diibiia to-uigbi, aod will take lib him, il adopted by tb* Cabintl, a sohems for the ettabuibmenl ol a new Irish Und b*Bk. e> 311 WP. nsiaiMB ship. tkU eieepl a* necessity repaired, or could And oal aoytbio thai could b* learned ot the mysterious rmiu Hs remained in the mountain I hr l.airei Drvk* ( Km llnir SMralle* let *lw>fT*w) Th* French muff i* tb* latcit device of tbe female ihoplitter, and by tboeilamiliar wilh it* construction and psrfeol adapta- bility to its bof ia*i it is conceded to be tbe neatest thing known. Tbe holiday period ii the cboioeit Beaton ol tbe year lor th* shoplifter , but il bae been shorn of a larg* share of ite prcflii by alert floorwalker*, wbo have become perfectly familiar wilh Ihe " werehocss " dresses anl cloaks of Ib* prolsseiouals. Until the advsnt ol thi French muff the Isdieiwho lived by picking np valuable lace*, silk* and fancy article* in the Urge Itorss had DO particular com toil in their calling, but with Ihs nsw device they bavs been able to reap a harvest des[ IM ths lynx-iyed professional ocuntor watcher*. Tbe shoplifter's mnfl is outwardly above laipicion, there ben g nothing about il to betray it* capacity far ejnesaling plunder It ia covered wilb any kind ol fur, ju*t as honest muff* are, with the eigotnosn exception tbat instead ol btiog padded wtth cotton th* tur rest* upon a framework of wire. Between Ihe fur covering and ib< wire-iopportiDg frame the spsos usual); filled wilh cotton IB left vacant, Ibn* pro- viding aocommcdation for quits a stock a valuable lace, article* of jewellery, glove* or anything el** email and valuable. Ii Ihe bottom of the niufl Ibere is a small slide on th* inaid*, worked by Ih* hand ol tb* weaver, wbo, alter Introducing th* article itolin to Ibe muff, preeeee back Ibl* ilidc atd drape Ibe plnadsr into Ihe cavity between ih* tram* and Ib* lor. With on* ot tuts* man* abcplilting is so easy as to bs snoesfcafolly practiced by novice*, ae nol one store walker in a lb u -and would BUS peel lhat bie counters oould h* worked tb rough a QiusT worn as these are whsn in action tbe operator rceta) her band, with ihe mud on II. ou tbe goods she propose- to lampli, and a motnsni of divsrltd attention on tb* part of the amlssman or saleswoman ia ample (or bsr to Kaneler to ber ingenious warehouse sash sample* a* shs can oonveniintly and quickly pick np wilh one hand. Tb* movement ot conceal ing the atol*Q arlielss I* ioitanlaueouily eieonttd, aud, however well th* mul may b* stalled, it can nol be bulged out to attract attention. Ocn. Lord Woleeley'e appearance le decidedly effeminate, and when h* speak* be accompanies easb remark with B*rvoa* shake ol the bead. H* i* disposet to be sociable, but is not a favorite with tbe " rank and Bie. ' Wire or nbrooa nails are coming into us*, and ar* el aimed to b*, in *om* respects, quite an improvement upon Ib ordinary cut nail, **p*e*ally oa tb* score o? tenacity , tbty ar* not only tongb, ba siifl. sad will peautrate bard wood where out mils would break sharply offer become badly crooked. DEAT1I OF A HBKffllT. l a, Bteesarkaaie Career ! a (Bissi w Lived i mi fun Wear* In a n (Jew*. Litter from hUlford, ha. Austin Hbtldoo, better known aa " Hw) 3crmil of Lehman," died aline of a CIUMII cf Lsbman townsbii onoty, on Monday, aged M yean. Me wae born in Stony Brook, Conn., in IWil. Ht) was a member ol a prominent and wall-to- do family. He leaned Ih* blacksmith trade, and at the age ot 10 year* had accu- mulated eeveral thousand dollars. H* waa a man of very strong religion* belief, and at he age of II be married. Hie wife died ooo afterward. Bhe had been dead hot a abort time when Sbeldon disappeared from ui. native vulag*. Abonl th* year 18aO a man giving toe name Austin Sneid n. and exhibiting many eccentricitier, purchased a tract ol wild laud oo tbe Mooeie Moon tain in Janaao township, Wayos county. Pa., tan milee from Honeadal*. H* pat ap a hut o tbit wilderness, aod lived there the life ol a bermtl. He seldom appeared in any ot ib* villsgs*, and kepi aloof from all o-.mmun: cation wilb any human being, No one knew anything abool his antecedents. H* remained in the wild .pot b* had chosen for two or three years, until the lumber men and lannsre bad cleared np the region all round him and made bio retrial lee* relirsd. Hs then old tbs property and disappeared In the year 1M6 a number cl hunter* were tramping through ths mountain wilJernias in Lehman township, Pike tonniy, when they discovered a singulsr- looking being living in a miserable but or eave in ao isolated portion ot tb* region. tie would give co account ol Mmaell ex- cept to say that be had been living in the hut for three years, and lhal hs had DO! any human beings daring that urn* until the appearanoe of Ik* hunter*. H* subsequently came to this place, bought tbe trial ol land on which his hut wae located, and il was then learned that his name we* Austin bbeldon. but lhal waa all hermit eave until 1878 before anythiog of his bi.tory was known. Hia hut wa* visited Ir m time to time by people bo wtr curious to see him. lie wa* always found rsartlng a Bible, and nsver mad* any visitor wslooms, frequently refusing io permit an interview wish them tl all. Finally, in 187S. Ibe remarkable oeianee ol this mysterious man having lived tor ovsr thirty years seel tided m a wildcrt.ee*, and occupying a filthy eave eoaroely large enough to admit the preset eu ol him**" and another, and ia all lhal ima never having Boneoed hi* head* or hi* with water DOT bis hair or bear J wish res w or comb, which was apparently a matter of rsltgenqi pride wilb him, led to a ocal newspaper making mention of it. Tbe tern was copied throughout tbe country, and dually wa* printed hi a OonnaUtcul local paper. A l*w weeks alter the original publtoa- uon ol th* item i floe-looking, mlddlt-med gentlemen, accompanied by a fashionably dteased lady ot svidsnl culture, arrived ta this village and saked to he directed to the but occupied by tb* Hermit ol Lehman. Tb* lady was aaialar of Austin bneldou s, aud Ib* gentleman wa* her husband. They had read the item about Ibe bermil in tb* Connecticut paper, acd that was tb* Am intimation th.y had ever ressived ot hu wut-rskb-ut- eiDoe b* disappeared in Toey had loig tupjo-.d him dead. They were driven as nsar to Ibe Bicldoa but ae a waggeo *sa!d be lhr,uh the wood*, and tn*y riaebed IO* uermil'e abode at BWblfaU. They o uil LOI rco-K . * j ia ih* g i AI>, nnktoupi utj ol Ibal dupji*d their entrance 10 his sheds ineir lo-jg-lo*! brother, but be ad- milled L is identity Hi* relatives begged and pleaded witb him to leave his wriiohed life aii return witb them to Counect.out, where every comfort aud luxury awaited )im. H* emz basically refused to do so, or to sc*pl any n*lp al their band*. They wer* forced to rtturn wiluout him. llwas Irom his lisUr lhal tb* story of Austin Boeldon's lite wae nrsi obtained hen. Sheldon continued hi. miserable, aucom- mnuicktive lite in tbe monntevn aevs. Oa* day, iu lev*i, h* surprised ibe inhabitan'.i ot ths villag* of Dicgmati'*, nine miles from hi* but, by appeartog there to obtain a new suit of cloihse to take ths place ol the ragged aod patched garments be bad worn ever sine* be cams into Ihe region. He laid be intended M look attar a wtf*. U* visited several women in tbe vicinity and propoeed to them Being refund h* returned to hi* cave, and alter a tims dis- appeared Hs wa* seen a tew day* later, tniriy mile* eway. and hi eaid h* was oo his way back te Connecticut. He walksd all th* way to his native place. A fee mouths later he walked back and ones more took up hie abode in hie old eav*. H* sad be 03Ula nol possibly live among civil aid seen**. A few weeks ago hi* pbyaio*! and mental condition became soon that bs was taken ia ebarg* by ekarilahl* person*, al tbe hone* of on* ol whom be died. Daring Sheldon's long and lonely life in b* 1'ike county wildtrneee be several iime* was marly trosan to death in hie eave, timely discovery ol hii condition by buuteri alone laving bie life. More than b* wa* in peril lor day* by loceel Ores surrounding bis hnl. Hs bad namsr- oo* sscapes from wild animals. Bbsldon sUpi in an upright position on s chair mad* from tb* bull *nd ol a log with a back et laurtl branches. His hair and whisksrs w*r* eitremely loo*?, and malted with twigs, burrs, and whatever became (likened in them. HI* nondescript garettnH wsn bsld upon him and together by twinee azic wythe*. H* bad read and reread tb* Bible and said hs bad taken op bi* abode in ih< wilderuea* so tbat b* might scrv* Go< wilh more aiigleoeae ol purio ie. He ap peared in Miltord regularly one* a jear to pay ih* laiee on hi* land. Tfce IsicMesil I . I'..!.. Dr. Jam**) . King was telling i Ua early experience* I* td>s South last vcning to some newspaper men, eay* tb* Inffalo CuunfT. Early in to* 6Xa>," b* I wa*) io Mtm|>hia, Tinn., whan a *hl took pise* btlwewn a bmnkeraDd* peculator wbo bad b*>*n bidding; igaioii each otber al lb* slave block (or a beaau- al slave girl dautinglj whit* and at ovsly a* a dream, y*l a degrees aod tb* augfaMr of a planter who bad died teslat* aod bankrupl. Bb* wae about 6 years ol age. aod might have stood a* iuod*l for Ihe Greek lave. Her BUiHrae* ned to sire her, boi ber meats gave oat, and she wan crying bins an*, tbcugk thi rl wa* her boabeod'e illestiomaes child, je waa ber enmpanion end frund. Whuls wa* eryiog the tow arose between M two bidders. Oo* hsd a bowl* knits aod th* otber a small bstesj** hwh b* had picked op. Tb* way they out aod lathed was ~*'*-| wfoi Tb* backer bad Ibe knife aad k* at the face of hie antagonist from tb* face- *ai to tb* neck, npping cut bi* !ofl eye, nil* al tbs same av>mnl his opponent's ialcb*t descended upon hi* own brain, and e wae laid oat. Thi a over, the crowd allowed Ih* bodies to h* wtasr* ttas? fell nd lurned beck BO tbs eel*. A Hi. Louis man took ap tb* bidding from when the idow left it. and raised ber IMO. Hs era* andantood to h* tb* agent of a nefa psroon- age wbo bad seen tbi girl aod given order* have be* oujqrid at any pnoe. Her miatreea appealed M her friend* in vain for lOLCy , wbeo * Mississippi itesmir apaatt, 'bo had known bar awshand. eam* atoog and asked ber what wae Ib* trcubla. Heaf g the cause) of her diatrese, bs bud I*. 000 or Ibs girl, and palling a pietol half a > ard ong, dared tb* bi. Louis man to bid sgaain o peril ol haog bu brain pan emptied. 'h* other at one*) wilted, and the misaress was mad* inteaeoly happy by Ik* recovery of tbe girl. Tba inndinl has goo* into many a play, ' continued the doctor. but I's SB tros a* goapel. ' ia riesa-ri k T a retcv *>*>. Mr. Jane Barns, late eiitor of th* .Vrw, rntes tbe Naoolocbe eorresponoent st bs Galvsstoo Sewi. bits a red I neb setter mp. 4 months old, named Fly. Her value rill b* recognised by eportamen wben it Is rated that Fly'* sir* ie the eeJebrmssd Champion Olsoobo, cf Pttkrkill (NT) ennei*. Her mother is Flam*, from tee une kennels, aod owned by John G. Todd, lawyer of Boo* too. Mr. Harrie give*) so citauee of Ihe asov* pop'l wondewful * WlfB RWB.D f OH flVK An Akron. O., d**pateb say*. Tbere bave been some) eenaailona! developmne here eonneoled wilb Ib* arreel of Jai BJII, wbo keep* a salooa al tbe corner 01 Broadway ani Fulton streets. He appear* ia Ibis oily some yean ego. aoojpasi*d by a woman wbo paesid a* bis wife. Last nibl T. at. Webber, of HorneUtvUle, N T., arrived in town and bad Ibe pair ar reeled. II* claimed tbal Ibe woman bad been ni* wit* for 18 ysars. Xh* couple were accompanied to jail by s second woman, wbo look great inter**! in Ibe pro- ceeding.*. Il now transpires Ibal l second woman claims te b* in* wif* of Bolt also, and Boll eayi be purchased her (rom ber boibe>nd, Cbarle* Blralton, euoie weeks ago. Stralton was a former ealoon- keeper, bnl met with bad lock, look to driuk and wound np a career of dissipation by eellmg bi* wtf* to Bolt. Tb* torn in ouDiideratiou was five cent*, paid to biiu by 11 ji in his saloon. In snpporl of Ibis Ibe latter produce*! a bill of tale written oo tb* fly leaf of bie memorandum book. Blralton i* miaaiDg, bating been nixed ap in a abooting lorape bsr* a few wetka ago. Tb* woman cams (rom Indianapolis and is said to have wealthy relative* there An (xperienoed vocalist bee, il ia said, during fourteen year* eared any no saber of 0*4** uf obstinate cough by preeenbeng ib* free BBS of raw ovtttre as a dial. Tbe ramedy U easily tried. Tbe Great Eastern, so long lying idls al Milford II <veu. bas been commissioned to take 10.000 tone of steam coal to Gibraltar. An immense number of see clame, torn from tb*ir eeean bed* and thrown asbors i>y tb* let* itjrm, lins tbe beseh al Ocean Ueaob, N. J. In soms pleat* Ihsy U* in bears two (set high. Farmsrs an oarHagj Mf tot r.iulis*r*. IN ' II Un laet Monday oigbl," nays Mr. [arris, " it beicst extremely cold. I piled i* log* bi*;b ca the &r*cla*e to keep Ike room warm snd 0017. I placed a rug near a* hearth and bad* Fly lie down. BOOM time during) tb* nigbl she earn* to my bed whining aad ruling at Ih* bed-clothes, only ball awakened I rsaabed over aeped ber. bidding her to go aod U* down. In a abort time the returned to my Ad, whining ptteonely, pulls* more vigorously at ihe bed-ololhte. and al last caught bold ol my sleeve. I opened my eye* and a glace* showed ate the mantelpiece in flame* aad to* floor burntd through to the sill*. Tbe room was new lib dense volume* ol smoke. For- tunately I bad plenty cl water convenient, and iu a short time exnnguuhsd the I sal op for some time to at* that waa no remcenl of Or* left, acd Fly ay down quietly aod eooMotedly ea bar rag, p rfceiJy saliened al heic *evwd her maaiershooM from being burned op." The abov is in no way stagger a ted, bat literally true. In a paper by lot R.-v Philip Heal*, late Irtish chaplain al Batavu. in Lruurt leer, epecaking ol tbe great InmdsvlMa rom ih* soa caused by the Irakaeoa aoarth- sake, Java, be say* : " Oo* of Ike most enarkabU) faote eooenning tbe inunda- tion rsmaici to be tald. A* we walked or to Had (MM mesieso* bs *td* ot oar pain whit* coral lying at in every dureejoton. lome of to*** wsr* of immense siss. sad led been OKI ap more than two or three mile* Irom th* ashore. It wae trident. a* tbsy were of oral formation, thai these mmense block* of solid reek bad been torn up Iron tbeir 0*000 bed in the mice* of Ik* 8a=da olraiw horns inland by th* gteraalse wave, acd finally 1st* on th* hand several miles tram the) bore. Any one who had nol aceo the ti*v,bl would soaroely crsdil the) tory. Tb* f*al .eems almost en imposai- is on*. How tbeee) great maeee* eoold iave been carried to far into Ih* interior ia) a mystery, and bear* oal wtel I bave) said in i rsviooa papers a* M th* beeghl ot kxaa terrtbl* wav*. Many ol the** rocks wer* rom twenty to thirty lone in weight, sad some ct tbe lanteel moil have been nearly loubl*. Lloyd '* agent, who wae eiih roe. in tbmhung tbal w* ooold no* be mistaken it w* pot down th* largest ot coral rock tbal w* fssssil ae not IBS* tban fifty ton*. leirsetewr-ette ' 1'bere i* a class of pewpU who prognea witk smeal aomithiog after this faeJuoo, write* Margaret Sidney in tooJ UenMse* tag . "A ton*] draught of eoS ee, tosv, sail or water, as tb* OMSJ may be, rerformaoioe . this is followed by a i f ul of somtthiDg solid ; only bo w*v*r , for b itream is turned on again down Ibe throat. A (las* of water die- appear* ; then Ih* food is attacked, sad voraciously ; again ih* sir ean. On*M more, attention is given to th* food, bat always tbs stream hs* th* tret sonaid* ttoo. W* silently ask and wonder long the man can stand u. To say i of ibe utter disregard of tbs law* of I ia tba* eating sad dnnkiogumultaneoua. il is ao abeord spectacle ! A ured, over beeeed an drink* twice a* much witer so bs need*. Ant. becaua* be t* so tired he iVnen't know wnal he is doing fell bs botaom of Ihe |Ue* bla Mood i* a* toiling mark and Ihe i chill le delightful, and h* would proton* it till his oapaedry to swallow grro* oat. for Ih* same) neaeon he drinks rapidly, the inooession of obills may lower temperature a* speedily as poedble. lh*n b* go** ool to his etabl* : ' John, bt sure to *iv Black Price* ao water just y*l. Rub htm down wall, John, aad tool htm off etowly. " UTe* I Sav Btr(*ra. BssBsJ* Qiotop, about to aanthilst* * hot Scotch: "Have, old mac I ihirasfhl you told E*) yea bod iworn off oa New ieais. ' GtnlOD, after heeiteung *u* picioosly I did, eon eanogh. Bat when I remember to-day tbat H*w Tsart loll on t' rid ay I mads up my mind to recall it and wait until next year I will o*v*r begin a great reform oa an anloaky lay." According tt tkc _._^_ . - m*:bod of trealinic rabies by uiueasiBioB wa* diaousted ia a Ltipeie medteal )n*raal ae loog ago as 1(M, aud la* Joewr reeoen mending U wa* elated Io be Cjostantss Hiring, of I'biladelphia. Th* botcher bird, a email spotted bird, resembling tb* common Booking bird, is the foe ol Ihe domntio esaarw* ea BIM I'aciae coast, and deetrova n*sn>lfl cf then. Tbe man wbo pereaitB In iwanaininf singl* is too eocnomieal k| balf Oonoeetical ba* IM* than l.OOC mils* ej railway bat thtee carried lee* fear seven teen aad s balf mtluone cf passsngeri. cf whom only twel-v* wer* injured. Th* passenger traffic of 18M wae almost N r *r oeul (reeMrthaatbatof 1W4.