. V THE ADVANCE; /. ft tk* leadiaf Local and family >. twi|i < > la Northern Ontario. rublltbtd Kva>ry '1 htti axln.y, it, u x* omcm, fctnf tcecd Srre-rt, fluhtrttn, Ont. i aiciis of 1 CO par aaanm it advance ; i jo II D* i 1 ta* end ot if jreari. o paper dl*eontlaaed tali all arrearage! are paid up ; and uo nbtcilp- _ni taktD tor lett than oae year, exeipt wuan leeeiel arraacementi for iborter period! are ' i with tbe publliber. AUVBBTIUN0 KATKS, a*. Oatutl advertitetninte.lcenteper lit iutotian id I nti per Hue each tubtcqueal insertion. Traaiiiul advirtiteuimt to oe paid (or LIU BTlri1 A.J m uiiui.u 1 1 wit Lioat upecial dlr*c- Boat will be lu.uuJ till forbid aud charged UfeartJluductiuenti to regular advertiaert. MotiiMi among iitdm*- ualtir. 10 cente per lia tub iiiMrtion. Me advirttteuiint aitoeatluaed until all ar- rearacet arc ptid up. Copr for aU'ortltiuitnti tfcoald reaeh tint oeiee aol later tban uouu en laeeday iiure ujertioii la currant lieu*. A. B. FAWCETT, Editor and Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. frb Meati constantly on band for Cub. Orden promptly fill**. GORDON'S' HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTQN. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing, Kavetrooghlug. tod in fact every- thing in tlit batlneti will receive HIT prompt and careful attautioa at r*a*onabl* prlcet. Stow !i Holmr. i: Slock. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It WU ptaet t get your Harntu Collart, *, mail* tip in good ttyte. Shop in If'. Clayton's Boot A Shoe Start, Fltthtrton. EUGENIA Grist Mill, SO ui Ln: Hill. Hiring mad* eitniv* improvementi In my (Jritt Mil), I am confidant 1 can five |*o>i Mtiifaetian. CHOPPING DONE ANY HAT. Good Float always on band. Custom Sawing, and Bill* filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath alwayi on band. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. AKITT, A bPD Ar*Bi\ A hook of 100 piwreB. tt'lviTtlnor to ron- HUH. bo lie experl- eaoctor otberwUe. who ftlu-co.tufmUi-rtl.li'B. Tlii- ml viTllsrr who nnls to unon.l 0110 iliillnr. Bulls In Itlti* In- iiriiiiitlo:ili*r < H".lr' < aliil<'forblmwnowlll ih'iniinnil li>llar*ln n-l- hloli will liv.- l-on Ifucvl. lent, pi>.-!. pn-'l loiiiir i ...!c. -' i.u' lOcenti. \Vrli in .i l 1 i:<W--L * XR\V>i'\l'l:ii liVKUTISINU m rrl ;ln;.'ll.'<! nlq.t, * U~, Dn tad certain rewintr ...nw NATURE'S MEOV TVi umuuli&tU lutciMor Di. Ch*t' I-ivirCuri IB LuVT^pftn. !^'My -i.Ktl> ftrt .S.t ,t I. - "'*" n,,ur, - lDlllt ANI. Dvvnni.'N, rornUnul "l> Wlnr aAl, inlu.l.> .. .-. l..i'k. .nd '"' MWlrfnl efftct on Ilil Kkliwyi, biomich, Blood BOO. 000 SOLD r ml It try MiJ lictlli'l rtmtdf. fotiiTHiitalliw. Civu * fiii wiii wry boiili of Pr. ChtM 1 . Uver Cnw _ Houwhold Midicul Ouldi iml Ri<-ip look (14 pagM), containing om too uMful recipri eranonn*rlT>t *Ural m.n and druggiMt lnvml- trli. end worth tn tirrni thi ptlci of tin mt TtY CHAMI CUT**** OWM. * * "'' PO'" 1 jlEfiliy Pri, i; < m" IIMIB . WIW.* . w OLD BY ALL DCALF.R A TIOI.KI. r ll.ul.l I rr.l.tui .1 a " ffllri- miMi .rd, I halard -oJ M> ournrd. A Bada-P**tb oauie aaya : A itory of moat btarilem and fialdmb cruelly U repoitcd from Oieb*, a amall Tillage about tuein ii lieu tn in Lluva. A little over a year ago Andril H*mko, wbo bad a daogb ter named Iwona, 16 yean of age, married a yonng wile. Tb* wife and her itep- dauxbler quarrelled bitterly, aod wben tbe wife oom plained to bir bntband be invaii ably look bin daughter part. Abjui hree montn* ego Iwona diaappeared, ana Miue. Bemko aoooanted (or tbi by eayiag that tbe bad qoarrellad wiib toe girl, wbo ibrealeced to ran away, aod abe aoppoaid be bad carried ool ber tbreal. A few n gbta ainoe lone men wbil* Bauingadn- d rool-boaae, liraated a oooeHerable dutano* from Ibe Bimko'e bonae, beard moant. Tbey broke open tbi door, and till btaribg tbe aoaodi! of dittreoe, tbey aontioaed tbeir iLventiKatiou* aod foaud [woua io a deep eellar. Tbe Kirl wae aloaoet caked and a biavy obalb wae pad- oeked ao ti^blly rooud ber waiat tbal tbe Imka were partly buried in the flsuh. Che other end of Ibe obaio wai (aateoed to ao iron bar in tbe oelltr wall, and i ao abort aa to barely allow (be n'M to i* on a pice* of aaoking tbitt oooatimted ber ooly bed. Hue wae reduced to a okeli ion, and was ocTirt d wiib oote aod brtuaee. ine told a terrible story of !i -r etep- ! oiher'y fleodiib eondnol Bbe eoppoaei ler ettpmotber moat have drugged ber and aken bar to Ibe cellar wbile a-ieep, for ibe >uly koowi tbat ibe awoke one mornlog to Ind berstlf ebained op in the way lecoribed. Her itepnolber wae in tbe babil of vuillng ber two or tbre* time* a k wiib f xxl of tbe ooarieil ieeori^tion, and on tbete oooaaione ah* oaed to wbip be unfortunate girl wiib tbe greateel roelty. Tbe wbip, wbiob oootietcd of ilaited oordi faiteoed to a wooden handle, wai found in the oellar. Tbe woman aleo lortored ber in a menotr loo rivolliDK to elate. Iwona begged ber ctepmotbir to kill ber, bnllbuibe nlneed to do, eayiog bat it wa* too rnpob fan to make tbe girl danoe to tbe mniie of ber own orie* to KIT* t up. Tbe men told Ib* polioa, and Mm*. Irmko waa arreiled, wbile Ibe girl, wbo i* n a peearioo* condition, ie beicg eared for by a ebartlable lady. Tbi gr*al**l iodlg- ation pr*Tail*, and there ar* threat* of ToebloK tbe ibbtman woman wbo *o wantonly tortured an innocent girl. A HI I t l>l > . I < I I I'-t l.oul,.nir WarvlMW.* I--MII. I Hrr i>ad scrrrml !.! 1 .i. TUB AHTI>T>*3 i> 1 1 i.M I till A laei (Friday ) nigbt'i Looiiv ille deepatob a> i : Late Ibie afternoon, doruig a brafy low-etorm, ibe front and middle part of be lane four-st. ry warh< use c coupled by P. Forward A Co., Frade ,V Co. and J. B. Balmtortb ; Co., all ootton and oom- miaaicn meiobanu, fell eoddenly, and Ib* >TerMminK of a itove ilarted a deetrooliT* Or*. Tbe biilding wai filled wiib ooiton, obacoo, molaaaei and dry goodi etorage, and tb* flime* ipriad OTer Ib* place oetanlly. Covered by tbe debrii of tbe >aildiog it borned fliroily. Tbe boildiog in tbe oeiitre of a fine block of large wbolaeale booaef , and it looked for a time aa if there wa* Io be aootfligrailoo, ae tbe re departmtnl was uoable to get at Ibe flimea on acocuLt of ibe wreok. Tbey aoon got to work, however, and kept Ibe flamei (/oflotd to tbe fallen bnildioK, and at 8 'oli ck tbe fire wai out. Tbe ibird fl >or wai itored with ooltoD, aid it waa ibi* bat gave way, falling on tbe aiooLd floor, biob in lorn fell, aud tben, after totteru K or a momect, tbi whole front and middle art of the boildiog fell tntward aod block- led bait of tb* ilreel. Tbire wt re eliven wraote in tbe building wben tb* Ibird il x>r ell. Pet*r Peikibi, a poiUr, beard ibe rab and gave warning to eevan meo ou Ibe eeood floor, woo eioaped by jam^u.*; from a baek window on to a abed Chat. Slam or tb, a eolorad porter, gave tbe alarm on be flrel floor aod tar led for tb* front loor. It wa* Iboogbt be wai oaoghl and killed by tb* falling wall. W. Wright. manager of tbe place, and J. B. Bilmfortb, me of tbe proprietor!, were in tbeir cffioe* m tb* flrat fljorand elarted for tb* door, bat ii Ie believed tbat tb*y are Hill in tb* wreok, a* tbey have not been a*en aad can- not b* (oond. Hiliil.ui >upil.l ttrrataav < Hie* aillali. A lait (Friday) nlght'g London table eay* : To-day wa* old ityla Obriilmai Day. Tb eooleiiteuoe oilebrated il a* ib* Epiphany, tut London comely called il Millaia' Day, for favored ticket-bolder* wilncaud tb* marriage ot th* arlut'* daughter in th* morning at Bl. Mary Abbott, the fashionable pariah oburou ot Kuniiogloo, and io tb* cvinioft the many ociety people not at tbe Twelfth NIKUI fancy ball ot Ihe Lord Mayor al the Mm- liou Home filled tbe Oro.veuor Uallery. where huug 160 of Bir John Millaie' pie- tore*, dating from 18it down to thir, bia happy new year. Tbe Lord Cbaooellor and Ibe Mioliter of tbi Roll* al the cere- mony headed ibe legal Bpeotaton, for tbe groom ii a " Templar." Th* Horn* Btere lary. Sir Richard Croet, beaded a loug lut ol Lffioiale, fur the groom i* hi* Ptrltamen lary Oudtr Secretary. M. WaddioKton beaded a K'oup ol tor*ign Amuaaa4or, f r Mmi. Waddiogton, who li a danghtrr ol ibe late Praiidenl King, ot Onlumbia Col- lege, ii an inlimale friend of L*dy Millaie Arlliur Sullivan repreienled muuo ; Browning, p ietry ; Val Prineep and Ibe new baronet, Sir Frederick Leigbton, art ; and Irving the drama, while quite a large contingent ot Ihe peerage ipread over Ibe edifice. Tb* bridegroom. Mr. Charlee Btlby 8 uarl-Wortlcy, u 84 year* old, and i* a widower. Bin nril wire wai a daughter of Tta mat Aflolpbui Trollop*, the noviliir, and hi* father we* one* Solicitor Ooneral. He rcpreeeott in Parliament, aa a Tory, tbe Hallam divuion of Sheffield. He ii alto well known a* a crack pigeon iboi. At Ib* haodtol ber father Mr Bioarl-Wortley grtpefolIT received bia bride, wbo wore a wuite dcobteee tatin, trimmed with aotiqaa Venetian poicl lace aod pearl garniture. A tulll veil wa* fastened to ber head witb a diamond tiara, the gift ot b*r mother. Tbe bride wai attended by Iwo pegee, too* ol ber titter Mm*, who married M.pr W. 0. Jamai, of tba Scot* Oriyi. The** nephewi wore eoelomei ol pale moa* green velvet, with point lace collar*. One of the bride'i three aamairied tiiurt beaded a prooeMtoo ot nz arideemaide, wearing while nlk trimmed with lime, and carrying bot.ii-i.-ti ot white tttpbanotit. Tb* Hon. and R*v. Edward Oarr Qlion, viear of tbe church, and the Biahop ot Cork performed tbe ceremony. Tbe wedding breakfait followed at tbe ptrenli' botue, in K nilngton Filaae Gate, where tbe t Ideal of tbe bnde'i four brother* propoied ber health. Her father's wedditg pretent U to b* bi* own painting ot tba bridal coople aod tbe lurroundii K at tbe otre- mooy, witb portralte of all the partici- pator*. AVRTB0 HI UIH < li i 'i K Aa I-. E - If I d I . . r.. .. - - a* **BI* lo kr ll.u.. .1 A Cbieago deepateb eayi : " Ob, my d I I want to be bong ; I deeerve it, and bil ouraed ili-loak that follow* m* makea ife oubearable I " oriid a pale, *lend*r- loilt and poorly elad man to-diy, a* b* aoed agaioit tbe barred door of a oell at a wlioe itatioo and looked ool at bii vititor. iivited lo tell wbat troobled bim, be laid : My nam* li Williani Boorc* and I WM born in WaalfUld, N. T , Aognit 4tb, 1869 When I waiaobild my (ther dud aid In a ebort time my mother martlet Caleb Orne*. of BUinbirg, Caltaraonoi Oonnty, N.T., where tbe faintly tben moved. My -eptalber mi-uied me. Nw Tear'* ive, 1873, when I waa 14. my motbtr and aiitcra went to a daoor, wbiie I elayed borne with my etepfalber. 1 got into a qoarrel with bim aboat hie reluaing to allow m* tome money to leave lome. He itntek me, and in my rage I ^oked up an axe and nearly out bia bead ft. I wae tried for mnrder end lentenead to Auborn Panitentiiry for life. Ten yeara of my Ufa were ipent in tbal priion, tnd tben, by help of my relalivee and on aooonnt of eitenoatiDg eireamilaco**, I wa* releaaed. Bine* tben I bave made many i (Turin to git work, bui all htve failed and 1 am btonted by my crime." Tb* man'i iiory wai broken al intervale by a eort of ab**Bt-miod*do*M, rtqairiog Ib* liitener lo rio.ll him to btmeelf by aikiog qoeitloni. He wai found bcggicg yeiMrday and wai looked np. A klogram ban b**n tent to Auburn, NT.. 10 gal Ib* faata in the ea**. url.M. I. .n .1 ...... ReT. Jobn J .men D*nd. vloar of Obieve- ley, i* decidedly a luoky man. Ltet Obriel- mat Day b* mad* numerous mlilakei in tbe eervioe, aod, among other thing*, rt ad tbe Litany, in tbe ooorea of which be prayed ihatBalan mlgbl b " railed op " loittad of "trodden dowo." In Ibe opinion of etTiral of tbe nambtra of hie eongrega. lion, "hie eipreition wae foolib," like tbat of a droDken man, and the inference tax gelled by hii face wa* borne out by tb* hu-klneaf of nil voice, by bia fluttering and dropping tbe eode of bit wordi, aa well at by 1'imiiK bia vpeelaele*. and plaving olbir prank*. Tb Bitbop of Oxford, bow. T*r, and three aaaeraori, naT* com* to the oooelnaion that theee were only tbe aiitni ol goat and defective *yet1|b>, aggravattd by Hidden giddlneee, ao Mr. Dand will con ti'iae for the prMent to ahow the people ol Cbieveley tbe adTanlave* of having an idaoattd Kentleman reeidanl amoag tnem London Truth. A I .n nd W rr Irmmtf lo U l_nlpr| A Wii.nirK deepatea eaye: Peter Dofcor, one of Ibe Baloebe >oflerir arrived In tb* city yeitecday from Quibeo whither be bad gone to eeek atiiatano* havnm walked Ibe whole way. our fifteen hundred mile*, with Ib* eio| tiou of the laal fitly mile*. Tbe time taken wae ilz week*. Be followed tb* O. P R tratk tor th* greater part of the way, often finding It difflou.ll to flod food aod ibelter. A-imt anc* ba* D**L proeored for htm ber*, wbieh will enable him to make tbe remainder of tbe journey to Batoche more comfortably A maa wbo J i d r. aiotly In tb* 8amo>i County It A'aiary, i e*r Akrcn, 0., bad fo a >on( time prior to b! daa b bein in tbe htblt of taking a plat ol hudaaum ivery ASdlB n KB a ill OH* >u < ru.urcd kr Ik* I .r.m-r'. lur, l.r Waa I foibr.r.B.r. A St. Tbomae deepaiob aay* : Tb* *dj'jurued inqatit on tb* body of Ami. Fuke, wbo WM found drowned in Tar- <*ood'i pood (Lake Pinafore ) on New Year'* Day, wae roeuiued lai evening. Mr*. Fanuie Bougber, a eilter of the Jeo*ae*d, described tb* tail ijaarnl betwaeu Aggie and ber bmband, which wai about a uiintit g collar button. Mm Boogber laid : Mr. Fuke found Ib* button in tb* drawer, and wben ibe taw that be had found it ihe poke pretty oroealy to him ; be aoiwered back pmtiy f uroibly ; one word led to an- utber.andFuke ran towardebia wifetaying ' Q d you, if you don't (hot op I'll maka yon ; " abe retorted tbal ibe woiAln'l keep till, and Fake oaogbl bu wife by tbe tboolderi and threw her out into tb* kitchen , b tben oloned Ib* door aud attempted to faeUn 11; h* ncee*ded in getting in again, wben he one* more imbed bur out , ib* ibeo knocked bie bat off. aod it fell to tbe fl/jor ot the woodabtd ; I tben went oot after bim aod gave bim a pieoe of my mind, tella-g him be iboold not lay baud* on my liitcr; Fake laid be dido I want ber in hie home any more, aod tbe ocner abe left tbi better it would be ; after tormina aronud tbe bone* a liltla wbil* Fuke left ; my i mtr aiked my advio* wbal to do, itauuK tbal the could col lire any longer wiib Fuke, wbo did not Icve b*r ; I adviaed ber to overlook il, and ihe laid ibe could not, remarking : " Sorely, if 1 go and drown mytelf or take potion be will have to acawer for tbi* tin ; " >b* tiaio left tbe bod- room where I waa. and fit* minou* at l*r- wardi my niece, Nellie Power*, told me ibe bad put ou ber (Nellie Power* 1 ) bat aod left Ibe booae. THI VIEDICI. " Tbat tbe aaid Aggie Viiloria Faka, oa tbe J3.id of Oolober, 1886, did wilfully eait or Ibrow benelf intu a pond known a. Pinafore Lake with intent to oommil ini- oidr, and wa* there aoflooatad and drowned , and w* further *zpr** our opinion ibal if tbe buiband, O V. Fake, bad diaplayed mere forbearance in hi* treatment ol ber tbat probably we would not have bad tbe painful doty of icqairiog loto Ibe oaate of th* laid Aggie Fuke'i death." AN hi I- i i it 1 1 11 I / I D.| no.i fo~r.lMl l.roup la ib. M .,1.1. ol A rcoenl Cbioigo dcipateb fayi : Tbe biitbeal tod moat powerful group ol elee- no light! in tbe world i* bUiiug artond thetowtrof tb* Board ol Trad* building, I Ib* tool ol La Balle itreet, a little over 800 feel above tb* ground. While tbe building wa* to progreu of oonilroetioo b* idea of eruwntcglt* bight*! point witb a ling of ligbU wa* lOKgetted by E-mer A. iperry, a Cornell L'ulvernlv man, 26 \eare Id, who came hero from C rtlaud, N f., brce \car* t|o and formed an tlrclne Kbl. motor aid oar brak* company. V'anou* oircumttaDOta (reveoled ibe tie cotiou of Ibe tcbeme uulil tbi present tme. Mr. Bperry't company cult up Ibr igbte, tbi Bjard of Trade larnubee the >ower, and Ib* otJtr tipentee are paid ly iubocipuoni from owner* of tor- oundmg (roperty, ii.olading th* Federal pverument and itvirat railroad oom- >anie*. There are twenty of Ibe IKDI*. and tbey are faeteced to a nog ut four-loch gae-pip* W feel in diameter. The ring bangi on iteol wirei tbree-qaar- en of an inch in diameter, mooing ovir bra?** placed at th* txtremiliei ot tear arm* projecting from the tower near tkt op. By lb*ee ropei, wbieh are attached to Irome to tbe clock room, tbe liable are ow*rd wben ne emery to a beleooy eor- receding th* lower al Ibe dial, 61 feel below. Th* light* are of J 000 caudle rawer each, iod are mooeeted witb a wtnly-liuhl dynamo of 99 ampore* in Ibi laatment. Th* eartoi i will burn fifteen boor* II nioeeiary. Tbe liable are to born v*ry night io tb* year. To-oighl tb* glowing erown 1* viiible from every part of be oily and tor milri away. It i> reported ibal it can be aten al Michigan City, eiity mil** dittant aero** tbe lake. It u ibcunbi >bal the light can b* aeen from a point In h* lake cff Milwaukee. Th* railroad . arda ol tLe oily are greatly benefited by be light. K r \-IIK VKHK* II 0!> III* Til < I r. ."> V. num. i b. t ler, rigjwrew la a airvri Vtgbi. Alatt (Fridty) bigbfe Oarbondale, Pa., detpatoh tayi : Oeo. C. Milo, tbe oleruy- mac-actor, wa* severely beaten bare lael K ht II appear* tbal a lelretn bi* agent aenl from a oatbern oily, directed to tbe manager of the opera bnute. Carbondale, went into tb* babd* of M*uager O Qearn, proprteior ot oneo|eia bouae. while a taller Iroin the agent went to Manager Nealon of another. To* agent did ool know tbal there were iwo opera hou-et In Ibe city, M. d the company played at Nealio'a Alttr ibe performance Oil-am e*kad Miln for |2a damage* aud Milu told bim tbat be could do nothing lor him O Hearn laid be would attach the oompan) 'a baggage. Milu ibeieopob weol to Ibe opera boote and bad tbe bagKH loaded opoo a dray, directing tbe driver to take Ihe load to the depot O'Hearn and Mveral of bie friende enne op and Miln got npoo tbe dray, intending to tee the baggage lately traniporttd. He wai immediately itraok opon Ibe bead with the ball end of a cart wbip, auetain- Ing a Mrioo* wound, and th* blood flowed freely. Tn* blow wa* followed up by oibera, and Miln beoame covered wiib blood. Tben be WM ieid by the legi aod pulled from Ibe dray. Ha wreited tbe whip from hi* anaaiiant and drove bim cff. i well aa teveral otbire who were templed to lake a hand in the onalaughl. Then b* mounted Ib* waggon and drov* to Ib* depot. A eooitacle met bim there and levied oo Ibe bagflN*- Miln furniebed bond* and left thli afternoon. He will take legal aetioo in Ibe matter, Fatal It. oii la ftvifai. An Akroo, Ohio, deipttoh eaye . Roland FatiM, aged 86 year*, one ol tbe mott muioolar men in the oily, bai dud from th*iffcteot blood poiaonlog. Ua Ohriil- ni-Kvn Faoal, wbowai a laloon-ketpir, got into a fight with a itraogvr, in wbiob tbe latter wa* badly eat ap. Faatt'* ooly woand wai a icratoh on tbe knuckle ol the indtz flot*r on tb* light band. A fiw dayi later bie arm began to t well and eoon attained twice lie natoral !*. Theawill- ioK and inflemmatiin inereaaed until Fau-t dltd. II ii loppoied tbat tbe ilighl wound wbieh be bad received by eollitg hi* kouokUooa tooth of tb* ttraoger with whom he fooubt led to hi* d*atb bJood poiiODiug retailing from the woaod. Dr. Joieph Leidy lately bad lobmtttid to him ipongy ice from tbe vicinity ol Mnrrietowo, N. J. which contained great qoactitiet ol llvirg worm*, eorae an inch la itDKih. Tbey proved to be a niw tproif * ot atatortcMt, to which Ibe oimrnoo earth worm botoca*. No living orgtci-oii have nver been found within clear dent* Ice, loch a* I* nioally eerved for drinking porpoa**. It la more tban a woman'* love tbat move* ui to a woman'! lyee it i**m* I: be a far iff, mighty love tbal ba* com* aia to ui, and mad* ipuob. lot Itaall there. A NBW Vwatla < in MI u I'lm.ihr Uolr ol n !!. I < iporlln A New York deepatob iayi : Ai a meet- ing ol ihe Conciliation dub oo Wednesday oiKht, Dr. A K. Ouuu made a report on ibe o >udilion ot the tenemiot boniee of Mew York. He laid thai Trinity Church wae the owner of the wont tenement hou>et in the city, and wai tbe meaneet lLdloid. The policy ot tb* Tiioiiy Cboich corporation i* to never make repair* oo ibe laaemnut tbey own, but to lei il actually fall lo piece*, until no one, however wretcbed, oao live in il. Tben the corpora- tion teai* ii down, and build* a ilor*. ware- htaie, or expeniiv* flat boot*. Bui U never epeodi money to improve ibe eondi tion ot tbe poor. The building at N j. 84 Laigbl itreet ia owned by Trinity Cnnreo. It u lobabittd by SOU people, and on tbe ground floor there n a I qujr itore. Toe ouildu g u io the moil tarrible eoodinon imaginable. Tbe floor* of tbe ball* ar* covered with filth from ovuflowcd link* and eloaeti, th* ball* ar* datk, and tbe itairway* broken. Mo. 63 Walla eireel i another tvLemeol bout* owned by Trimly Cbureb. There waa au coibreak of tear let fever lhre eorne moutbi ago. Tbe father of the tick children weol to tbe Trinity Cbureb tffiae and complained ot the defeo live plumbtiig Be wa* told tbal if hi didn't like u be cuuld g*t oni. Tb* cellar wa* filled wuh aewaga thai bad leaked from broken tewir pipee, aod Ibe fljore of ihe ball* wire ao covered wiib filth from Ibe lam* eouree that it deadened tbe auund cf tb* lootaUp*. Tb* Board of Uealtb wai notified, and ordered Ibe 1'rlolly corporation to make repair*. L)r Oui.n painted ool eeveral other wratoned lenemeule which ar* owned by Trinity Church. Oeo. U. Ood*n and W. D Cbandler, Buperiutendent of tbe Calvary Mieaioo, corroborated Dr. Ooan'i Hate- mcntf. The latter arraigned Trinity Cburob for il* " taibaroai policy." Trinity Cburob, laid be, bat an income cf 1400 000 a year, drawn mainly from tenement bonee properly. II wa* revolved to lend tb* repjri to Ib* rector of the obnrob. DIU UK TAI4K A M *I.H f A I III I. lit CvVriN r \IM.outi Mb. ~r Stem U. la o uik < .ecllu. were aiartle* OMI ! ik.ir w n.. Oa Friday laal there waa an oeeorrenai io the cemetery al tbi* place tbe like of which parbap*. waa oaver known before Ia 187t Jme* A Wleon, rf Clover, wboee Uaiily tben rended at Yorkville, loet a child, aged 3 or 4 y*ar, by death. Al tbal Urn* Mr. Walaou we* living in Baltimore a teaebw iu ihe Bryenl-Bidlar Commercial College, and be could ool conveniently leave bit boinci* to attend tbe fueira), aud in bi* abi*DM only temporary burial wee given tb* body, awaiting bu rilorn home to neoore a permanent burial lot 10 the oemitary. Toie wa* not practicable oolil nocuily, ou the ezUoaioo ot Ib* cemetery groandi, lioee wbiob time bi bat bought a lot, aud laal Friday, io company wi.b J. J. Breve aod DC J. B. Allitou, be went luto the cemetery to remove the body to bii lot. Tbe burial-owe wae raited from Ib* K'ave. aod a na'-orai d at ire lo look upon the face of ib* child, which died and w buried in the fethtr'n abeenoe, prompted Mr. Walton to a*k Mr. Jeffrey* to remove the lid covering tbe glaae panel over ibe face. Tbe lid wae ouier*w*d aod removed, all ttrje ilandiog Dear, but. observing a film on ibe torfaci of Ibe glaie, Mr. Waieou riquMted Dr. Alliaoo to procure tome material for cleaning U < I. Tta* doctor went lo a re*id*no* near by for tome cloth for ih.n [urioae. aod while be wa* in tbe bonie ao eiploeioo of gae coined, ihattering tbe glaat, which wa* a quarter ot an inch thick, into oombcrleea iranmeoU. Mveral miking Mr. Waaeon in ihe faor, catling il nverely. O.e [lece elruok the bridge ol tbe na*e, oatnux entiit ly through it. A 'ew pieoee of tbe gltie al*o ilruok Mr. J. flr*yi, but be wae not jcrioualy burl. The eetket bad been out of tb* ground several minote* wben tbe ezploeion occurred, wbicb wa* the retull of tbe tzpaciion by tb* warmth of tb* tun of tb* ga* formed in il. Tbe rtpm of tbe izploaion waa iqoal to Ibal cf a dynamite cartridge, and wa* notioed by peraoci on Main tire*!, mor* than a qoar- ler of a nale dutanl. Tb* face ot Ibe obild wai in exoalleut preaervalior , ae were aleo it* burial cloiliM, aod a wreath ot fljwere on the breaat teemed lo be marly a fre*b a* when bonad. r*r*riU (8. C / Akfaarrr. xirmwreUawrr Caa* < MMakra IdraUir. Informatioo bat joat beea rieeived in Uaolm of a moil eilraordinary eaa* of mlitaken identity. Anuot tbrc* week* ago tbe body tf a rwptotably dreeted man wa* luuod in tb* Lifliy al Cb*r'i Icland, Dublin. Au uquetl we* held, and a vir- diel oi fouud druwoed returned. Oa Ibe following day a lady, Mre. L Jdjr, of Cooiabill. Chanty Caven, idenufied the rumatua a* tbjae ot her brother. Mr Jukn McL) june I', a ma*;i*lrate of Ciowtnaglan, Ooauiy AraiKh, wbo bad been Haying with her, - J u -d myatenouily diaapueared about a torluihl p.eviuu.ly. Mr. Jordan, of Halbgar road, aiid Mr*. Anoi* Bantoo, of Ujratl atreel, a norte, alto poaitivaly ideotiflid tbe body, and tbe coroner, alter holding a poet-OBorttm uquiry, directed tbal tbe rimaio* ihould Di g ven oTtr to tbe rtUtivee, wbo potitively identified the man'i eloibta, taoogb thtre wa* aooj* doobl a* to Ib* boot* and Kiockiogi. Tbe body wa* interred in Oiuoeviu C*iuet*ry ai tbe remaini of Mr. McDjoutlt, aiid a large Lumber of friend* were preeeul al the oti .j.i . Tta* rela- liv** ot Ib* kuppoced dec <d faave wilbm the la- 1 day or two wrilieu to the pulio* aulborilie* iu Dnbiiu wbo bad ebtrge of the oe, tlatiux tbal the geuileuun wno wa* uf pj.ed to be du y lutcrrtd iu Olte- nevio bai " turned op ' alive and Well, ool- witbataodinjt ai* pvrmalur* borial. Hut ei.ier, Mra. Leddy, ba* al.o made aa appli- cation for a nlaud al tbe elpeneee lucurnd by ib* funeral of Ibe ilrangir, bat waa informed tbat there wae no fund available lor tecb aa otjtoi. Up to the preteai no Cine ba* been found to tb* identification ol tbe utkiiowu geallioiaa wbo wa* ao de*ply mourned and reepsetably interred, and II ii believed Ibal in* body wai a wait from th* tea d j*>i*d in by the tide. PaU JfeU , Dtctmber Ml* Th I fcr. <MHlli.l I .Bl'lll Mow.,,) Mrcr.ir.l wlia I- ull.r f.ril. lr. A Montreal despatch aayi : All the French Canadian paper* have furion* artiolee again*! Capi. Howard, who baa been charged with tealpiog the dead al Batoob*. Tta* captain'* partial denial bae only inoreaaed tbeir bilterneM agiiuil bim. Howard'e friendi ber* did not al fir.l believe Ihe charge, but now public opinion appear* to have etna to tbe con- om-ion that b* ba* convicted bimtelt. Tbe tttt il Monday evening oot only repealed tbe obargr, but it gave additional particular* 1. lay a tbal when Howard waa io tbe act of Milling tbe dead man b* found Ibal bit owu kuifu waa ool iharp eo ngb, and borrowed tbe knife of a nou-oommiaiiooed offiaer ielooging to one of tbe baitalion* that wae ei>gaed In tb* flgbl. Tb* Pott ebalUngaa [Inward to nam* any of tb* Cinadian cfflaeri who,** be allegee, "helped tbemaalvw to bairy aoovenin," and, ia tbi nam* of ibe iia. lan militia, denie* tbe charge Officen who e*rv*d io tb* otmptigo, aad no koow Howard well, ipeak highly of bim. Tbey eay that it there ie au> truth io the charge they believe that il wae not a hait-brecd, but a Bioux Indian, wbo loat bii hair. II tbit can be aataalitbad Bowaid'a petition here will b* improved ; but it it i* proved tbal a ball breed lotl bu lock* by Howard'* knit*, ibeu there may be trouble wben he return* to Montreal, M b* ia likely lo do in a few dayi. Tbere ar* only three men in Montreal, two itifl offioari aod a oe'ipaper oorretpondeui, wbo were at Batoeb*. and they refute lo ipeak aboat ii. Hurnrrf i* DraiB la Her atall lie, ... A ud accident occurred al Davenport, England, oo Thurtday evening week, terminating fatally the following day loth* death of a yoni % lady. Tb* Iwo daogbteri In law of Mr. St. Anbyn, th* Mtiati FiUroy, bad dreaaed lor a ball, and wben leaving tb* room to j MM Ib* *rrtag* tb* younger title r dre** wa* found lo bav* taken fire. Her elder inter al one* clewed ia upon ber and longht to tstingouh Ibe t\mei. Bb* herielf, however, bteame iLvaloped, and received inch frightful icjuriet before heartrending enee brought Mtietanoe tbat ebe died yetltrday. Tbe larviviog iliter remain* io a prioartoui condition. reeaal* t>. i. r< i*. . Wbeo William Blaiki* aiked a Botlon aodieno* in* other bight, " How maoy ladita in Boaton could ran a mile at lay pace Ibal could be eUled a ion f" there wae a general laggb ai Ibe idea. Aod yet tbtre ought lo be girli wbo o ju J rno a mile with ea.e. Blaiki* added tbal if tbey would tell bim any eieroiao Ibal would do HUM toward making a man or a woman graceful than running b* would like lo know wbal il waa. B* alio deaonbed a very aalutary form of ezereita for ihe arm* atd back, each aa could be applied iveu in tb* oa-e of youog ohildrio. Il ooutitkd of a moTemenl backward of tb* ont*tr*tob*d arm, with a aimallaoeoui tbintuoKlor- ward ol tbe obetl. Ia tbe German militia, aaid Mr. Biaikii, tbey took ibi big backed youog fellow* aod airatghteaad them ap lor eervicfr that 11, to*y pot oo tbtrn a kind ol dale col ar, Iwo inobee wide and an loch thick, and out ol that tbe eandi- dal* mcrgtd in about tbrt* monib* on* of the mo*t militaty-looklng pereont con- ceivable moi.iiiir.cbr Dark. Ao inveterate smoker mformi me that a emoker cannot tell whether hi* cigar ia going or not by tbe aente of taite alone. In other word*, be eay*, Ibal in ihe dark a man oannot decide whether hi* cigar I* drawl g wit hoot looking al tb* fir* on tb* lighted end. In proof of bi* aeaertion b* -ul thai b* knew a bliud man a Dr. J.Brien, at EMI Bagioaw, Mich. wko euioked a pipe. Tbe old doctor would ptff away on ibe pipe without drawing tbe leaei erjooke therefrom, aod apparently labored under the delation that hie pipe wai going beaaliiully. Tta* doctor otatn admitted til . inability to 1*11 wbeu Ib* pipe wa* going wilbool Mtabliablng tb* tact that tbe tobacco wae oo flr* in ibe bowl by touching bi* flug*r to ibe me to atoertain iu condition. St. /'il I'unurr Prtu. i hr Hew*) la Mliaw Look attar tbe bend in your iboolden jail below tbe nap* ol your neek, me*dame, lor tbii proclaim", Sarah Bern- hardt'i age, according to ao aatot* critic, who tayi co itac* artiflc* oao eoooeal tbit rideooe of 40 yean, now perfectly apparent in tbii once deleelabli French artint. Women wbo bate to grow old will be obliged to do eometbiog more tban repair tbeir faee* il thii worldly ob- erva tioo ii really Ira*. A wrinkle, a lo*t tooth, a gray hair, 1* mere child'* play to " th* b ml in th* ibooldim jail blow th* nap* of tb* nt*k." fiotlaa Btoeon. The United Ktatei kaa three tim** a* many lelaphoDea a* all Europe. " Wbat do they do when tbey IntHH a mmmter ? ' Icqolred a imall boy. Do tbv pot bim in a alall and feed bim T "Rot i bii," taid tb* father. "Tb-y barnea* bim to th* chorea and eipeet bin a draw U alone. "-fii. Pu.i l-lflle.. k.nl Pft. !>.*.. Nobody ever payi tbi imalleit alUnlwn to Ib* " antboriaed " fiction* which are oireoUled whenever a royal pertooag* U ill. It ii the invariable ooatom to eerar* ibe ioqoirer tbat very little ie amiei with the patient, who ie al wayi reported to be " gniog on lavorably," altboogb al the very lime be ie known to b* going alramht to hi* grave Plenty ol people atill n member tbat nol a wbitper ol Prioee Alberi fatal illoeea g n into the paper* uuiil four day* btfore bie death, aod tbeo it we* anuoocetd in th* Courl Circular that hie malady wa* " an. atteodcd by unfavorable *ymptooi,' although al that time there wa* aeareely a hop* of hi* recovery. RoyalMe* are morbidly advert* to being thoogbl ill, and tb* lilly erai* I* particularly ilrong among oor peopl*. London A retired newepaper man tell* of pleaiaol *speiiecoi with Mr. Vaoderbilt I weol to interview Mr. Ykudeibilt," b* Myi, " aud the big man wae imiliO elleut. 'Sure.) you wonlln'l binder i newtpaper man from making a few dollar*. I laid to him, facetiously. ' A talk from yio i* worth a great deal. I made a band oti) i turn ool of oiy flrat interview with yoa.' ' Well, by Oeorge, I like a maa wb ean make money oui of me,' eaid tbe rail way king. ' It take* a tmari man to do II Are away with your queettona.' " A tleamer laden with corn from Chicago arrived In Buffalo Cbrulmai day. Aloon ib* root* a number of ligoihouie k*ep*r lit their lanterue etpeoially to blip Ib veeeeloo ber way, tor ibe department bM ordered the ligbthouee* to be ol, nj for Ibe Wlatat. AO e)V A M< 1 * >i It A .iii- mm<d Prove* t. 11... Hair mm* I iuru.i> fleae. A Caniflao, N. T., deepatob tayi : A young lady of beauty and intelligence stepped from Ibe Erie train tbii moruinn and weal to Hertevtlii, near here, and on ber return related ber etory. She aaid ber borne wan al Rollln, Miob., and tbal ber nam* wat Tbeda A. Btmmbil. BiTeral QBontbe ago >> reotived a letter from orite Beojamio, of Uaruville, wbo aaid ba bad found bir nam* on a pa* ie board box cover in a oar aeat on tbe New York Llral Rulway. Ut wanted to carrea- pond witb bar, and tb* wrote to him. Tb* i*iMri became In*] MO! and aff.eiioaat* Tb* o^ople um beeame engaged, and New ' ar t wa* eel lor lae wedding. Ou tbal dy tbe bfldegroom tailed to aptaar, but a telegram f rum hi* tuter lain Mat " Oeorge " waa very low witb typhoid fever, and he waa eootitnally atkug for Tbeda." Sbe bemad to kit bediide ai lie tittcr'i reqotet, beiug (.romued tbal Ibe marriage woold eoon take place. O . her arrival al bu boon ib* aaid ibe louua ibal b* bad dot been lick al all ; that h* lad been trifling with her ; thai he we* 'ar fr>m good-looking, aod a abittleat 'eil.w with red batr, aqoint tyee, and lorned-upooae. I b. I l..r btllO l>b. My trio*," aaid Brolhir Oardoer, a* opened the me*iiog and nodded to batujel Bhin to tbuve anotbir herring box into tbe etove. " I trutl eaafa aad cbery one ob yon may take a deep interact in natron omy. bo I de man wbo iota oo de tenet io de day time lookia' far de ebecm' itar am gwii.* to be hungry in tammtr an' cold iu 'inter. "A ipcerit cl philoeopby am to be encour- aged iu all, bat d* maa wbo ton down to cold tatert and oodnab, an' reaeoni dal it wa* to be, an' darelor* ia, can't borry any money ol me. De ttudy ol oator' am lo be commended, ml doan'l gel 13 ebtboataeuo over n dal yon am wiiliu to tee de ebildreo go bar'fnt a Jicnary fur d* take of etndy iu' deir heel* an' ii.e " Pur'ui de (tody of peliytioal eeooomy, f you ul, hot doaa' make de dlekivery dal de boll tubjio reaoivei itaelf into Ilia' your wot* for d* wiry hi(b<*l market price. " D< 101*00* of anatomy may wwll in- ereii ebery one of yoo, boi doen' atop iborl ia yoar etadiee el the dukivery dai ao atverag* healthy man kin bold down a larl bottom cheer for tiz ilraigbl boor* widont terioutly ifftctia' hi* ooatu uabuh. Beek to matter de toienee of mecban- em, an' doau' emaKiue dal yon bev got d* loll bu jesa lo yoar pocket at *ooo a* yon levdemonitraled to de ole woman dal a dull as am bitter dan a abarp oae to 11 In - dwid. 1 Brudder Bbin will pleaae light two nor* lamp*, ttuf an' ole bat into dat irokin pane in de alley winder, and w* will puroeed to biineee." D<lrotl frit Prut. t IH i a i . i r 1 1. r Oa Sunday moroing week, eay* a letter 'torn Bootlaod received by lael mail. Either Scuttoo, a aomewbal toaeLtrie old woman, wbu for maoy yeara cerapied a rade hoi 10 ibe oavee on ibe ettato of M acbaiijcb, ioutbecd, K'u lyre, wae foood dad io ber iriiniuve dwellioc. E-tuer. wbo wa* au ab.ui tbe S.otbeud dulriei a* jieeu Eiiber, wa< brm!eai perroo, and uo farmtn and o'.ber. in Ib* dulriei ntver allowed ber to want, bat for come e baek ber health wte giving way. Bbe Mlated every attempt made lo induce ber leave Ler lonely and eomtortlet* abode, aod alwaye maintaiL*d tbal abe wat far ief pi*r a* ah* wat, with Ibi company of ter eatt and fowli, taao ah* would b* in any of tb* eurroui diug villaffM. Tbe family al Maobarioeb Hoaa*. in taw neighborhood, were very kind tu E.tb*r at all ume*. aad 1 it reported that wben Ibe Priaooee ^ miie and tb* Marqoi* of Lorn* were 'e>idiog at Maebaiioeb Her Kuyal Uigb- n*e* paid a vtall to Etther'i cave, and maoifeitad a kindly inter**! in tbe old woman, oidiriug tapplieeof tood, foal aod si jibing to a* Inrolancd to ber. Either lad a boat on the ibure near bar eave, aod wben ihe wa* elrocger uted oocationally io go oat flebing. tmmr, tm taw I b.r.k. In tb* venerable Arebeiehop Bereeford, :>rol*itaal Primal* ot all Ireland, tbe ;nurcb bae loat a very old prelate aod tbe ladioai* an ixlremely uaef ol ta/gtl, aay t a , >Ldoo paper. Dr. Btrcafnrd oam* of tbe aoiily of the Maiquia of Watarford, wae *oo of ib* Bitoop ui K Imore, entered the Church in 1885, b*e->m* bubop of hi* atber'* dioeaaa in 1864 and nine year* ter lueeeeded bu a LOU ae primate. Tbe [nab Cbureb bad alwaye bwen tbe great jiaatore ground ol lae Btrealotd*, aa WM oiearly tbown by a parliamentary returo of ibe laai generatiio. Io a period ol aboat thirty-four yeert, L?rd John O. Bcreeford Held three bithoprie* aad bob atobbitop- riee, drawing rev<noee of 1.7&O.OCO. Th* B.ibcp of K Imore to tbirty-lwj year* received 11500000 Another Berettord Rev. Obarlat, drew t&5.000 ; .till anotb.r, rector ot lour livtoe, received ttM.OOO ; and there were four otber minor memtat of tbe family wbo brought ite r* eeipt* from tbe loHerion ai>bliabm*nt io oo* genera- lioo op to 14 580 000 Tbi* wa* witboat taking aay account ot the mamberi quartered ' u the Civil Barrio* and Ib* Army and N.vy. trmav Then ha* b**o a great cry laetly aaunal ilk eraty j jilM. It ia a good way aa ibliM old aenpi ol nlk aod tl I* only the aba*> o! tbe uaiy quill tbal eaoia* ditltka. A erajy jaili Ie pnttler wiihoal all ICM auieaiog. embroidered baoeke. piaaaa f .. e. -.4 UM>. tat ic. or any luparfliioai Tbe biookt ol eUk etaply with colon batidiag bar- A Loodoo cable aaye : Wbeo the Prince** Louiaa w married to ib* Mar qau of Lome, in 1871, tbe Qoeen ordered an oil painting to eommemortie tbe event. I ni lead ol eulrnelinaj the work to Ibe pencil tl MiUal*. LeighUM or Frttb, a compare- lively ooknown painter wa* a*leea*d. and Ae wat oocu) ;ed lor aeveral raoolh* opoo th* picture. Th* brid* and bridegroom, tb* Queen and all the principal pereooeg pre.cDl al tbe ceremony gavi him maoy iittingi to enable bim to make Ihe portrait* accurate and Ib* competition effective. Tbe ooilioee of tbe picture were jo*l oom- pleted wben inddenly both ibi pouter and th* painting diaappeared. Tbe (ji**n waited two yean and then canted loqui- riet to b* mad*. After a long teareb tbe onfluiibed pietnre wa* found in a pawn- tbop. Th* arliat ba* never been found, aed aoolber painter wa* hired to fioiab the picture, and it baa now been completed and aaug in tbe Royal gallery at Windeor. TIM IHi4 aaMI tl i. Taller. " Will you pay me tbii bill, air ?' eaid a tailor in Regeol tr*t, Lodoo, to a gentl* maaber wbo owed him a pretty loo| bill. " Do yoa owe anybody aoytbiog nr?" aaked the ycutb. " No, lir, ' aai<! tbe tailor. " Tbeo yon can afljrd to wait 1 aod off b* walked. A day M two after ward the tailor called again. Th* math* wa* net al bie wil'e and yet ; eg, torning to bit creditor, h* lava : " Are yoo la deb/ to anybody ? ' " Tee, air," eaid tbe tailor " Well, why don I you pay 7" " I've no the money. ' " That'* joat my oa**, air. am glad lo ate yen ean appreciate my eon dition ; give ue your baud t" The uew onel profeeaoc al Oiford. Mr Ch*yo*. I* an anioeal taaolar and a mem ber of the evangelical parly ia the Cbarcb The Stlvtr 8tm*J*rJ I* tbe name of a new oewepaper pualltbed at Silver Plane, Colorado. Il ought to laeoeed, for It be* ao eye to botioen aa well a* great com. moo lenae, aa I* proved br in motto wbicb read*: "Trying toDoBaatoeK Witbool Advirtiaiog I* Like Wtnkiog al a Oul In Ibe Dark. YJU may know wbal You are Doing, bat Nobody EUe Do**. r * iif. Tbra* ranot, grim wolva* tbai bail (orncp. TLr*|atini tnct wotvee there be: tod on. u Hungir, and co* 1* bin, lad ooe It Mltary. I ell and taluk till my bcert I* aore, Whiii tb* wolf or tb* wiad kepe ab*l)a*j to* door Or p-n at bit prey taroncb tb* wlaejew. Till hit ravaaon* eye* burn Into n.y brala. Aad I cry to Bjwalf. - If tb* waif be Ma, t tbali act e->mi ia-b*eaaU ael eaaatla B il if tbi wulf t* H ^ near or Woe, Ut will eume lo all maa, waelaacer aw r Mara i ^_ far b m, torfli**; tifc* tavee grim wolvat, MIO. B* Woi, A roan uioit Bgbi them wbitbir or DO, T - -uf D oil 111 ia* email* tbi Scalar diet. To-oigbt I *ry to Oo* for bread. P'.r b Tbac flu .(>. ;. 1 1 t^Lu Wbaa I knew i r* are ttrw wo: TM taal hook (or aw Aad I bv* met 'ni tarw. Ao.l MI* Moi-g r, aad OB* U Ita. Ar.d ooi li Mtw<j. Tbrr* p.uri ul IJM at Ibi window pea* An tion* i and bran >i :ato mw *t**B Liti aigoaJ iigbtaai Ma. Vor 001 !o tb* twUlgal, atara aad grim. A JMIIDJ w*va* maa * lit* for a m, Ai a tpi i*r w*ava hi* wt> tor flm ; Aa.i tai UIFM gnu wolvai, aui, Baager aad m rrow D gbt I tall b* d.id . r tbi 'anile, ai* Mraa*> aad awarealy Ma* - iMcirn tbroa*b aay brain. ot tin umi, k>oc loag ago. r no. aia aad Haiaat aad Wee. Jaw ler ia* A HIM in Coctah eoouly. MJ**.. aaakt oat of bit cotton field one day al noon and arned bu (low moi* in tbi yard andlbrtw or a bundle of (odder aod ta*>n eaeand la* to eai bli own dinna*. A. bait eterved calf, tbat WM friz o ta yard, wandcrad otr to U> otoU axd fo4- acd b*nao Mtu. To* moU bar ran and bas, aa a*T*rl; Utal 11 fill to UM Tu eblldno eaJkd to ibcir falter : - Ok, papa ! Old B' doot killed B.llf ' fee linr irumcdiaMlr iaiad kit ua raabed loto tbe yard, aad neiin what .be moJ. bad docx, in bia nf dk*fcrad nib barrcU of In* jon al ib* mat*, killiof ler aJmo*l iDttaAily. A c*ibbor pafate| Joe* afcoaM abai HID* tr qoucd : Jje, don't joo tbiok it raicbiy poo to kill a bocdrad dollar molt mil bca a Iwo-duUar oaJ( T" Hondrtd dollar mnj* ! Tkoa4ar, Ui nol a> moo*y mailer vitk roe. II to Mil priocn-le of ib* tfcio." cioo.ly are eooocb to prodaot a o. li 11 ib* tami wiib ib* araxt j nil IIU wiib v*yhmi{ elat ia Ata.rtoav U MOO a* a prwtly faahtoc arrina it omM aba'td al DIM* by OT*r-d*oorattoo. flarl/ord cfieo Pit* Twt badly treated, icer. The ar* peioleealy, epeedi eared wilbool knif*. ctatlu or ealvt, our new aod improved mtthodi. hlel aad r*fir*n*e* 10 oeota 10 etaeipex W rli i D.ipeneary Mtdiaal / "i Maio bireii, Buffalo. N T. oenleetad or Al lean four iooorporat*d IOWDI in Ooloraxlo ar* al MI IMIOM oiowar 9.000 f*t abore tbt a*a. No Uoiiby adT*nie*m*ol i n*o*M*ry to boli*r op Dr. Bat*'* Catarrh B*mdy. A woman may oct be able to ibarftn a >ocil or ibrow a clone al a b*c, bol abe ao pack more article* in a tmok tbao a man oao In a one-bora* wagon. Sa Sprmf Vnrt. 1 He who U (ale* to prtwct dory," lay* Hiory Ward Berber, ' break* a ibread ia the loom, and will find ibi flaw wbta be may bate fortolMn it* e*oi*." A **M la point cooar* to a Mr Wm. By4*r, of 87 derioa lire*!. Bafltlo, N. T.. r*oaUy told a reporter that. I bad a Urf* abatawj on eaob lf. ibal kept oooiuioaJlT Jnetrg. D( for I wanly y*are. Nolbicg did mi aay tood *xe pt Dr Pierw'e -OoUra MtdioaJ Di**ov*ry.' li aar*d me." Her* M * lam* ti(**a*d w a few word*. MX. K.dir i fipcrieo** i* eetillfd to oar rwadere' oaxefol ooouderaUoa. IW Sm. Aozioai pa***D||*r to dnrir of Pbilad*!- >bia etraei otr : " Will w* riaek t*M )road >tr**i naiioo in Mm* for Ike o'*lo*k train wwl ? ' Dri**r : " I eo*1- l*ol toll yo Dob*w, boaa. It all dcptade on dim air mule*. ' Joana Umn<oc. of EUrlo. Pa., UioMd tkree w**k* ago, and wa* ocabli to efawk wbit. oooetoocn*** returned, bat wroti 0*1 a pt*e of pap*r : Lay ra* on ike had, wbtra I ronat remain aottl alMr Cbratma* or New T*arV Sb* take* no meat, and Ibe aae* i* at ten woo. PERCHERON HORSES. bjffT~! In trw Freoch and A iTitia i in lathU ttirrt i * Dwraurn k l ) "'A.RM8 IS VIBOINIA VERT 17 Hr. Tasee tew. Brnj for Oatav , Rarrooe Bkmt. en. booai tat eaab at blcbee* prlas* aad lor dmoJar. . O. BODOBTOK. M 9*4 it Mew Turk. I'MitlvalyeoraJlalOmlaalee. Xw iHa*;li tail- by Prof OkepnaaM i ' N*oraifa Pww tin. i. or wtal eaekaj* T 5*. C HiPM AN ObiiatM. I na<a*l IM trMl. u J I i -.r i^u >. a j. aowv .* rri ax. TW*J R. U. AWAKE THAT Lorillard'i ClimAi Fhg atarta*: r*<i r< i.u , MI I nQaii* K JUT I f nn rvl . taat Lm-lCJ-, HOMt