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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1886, p. 3

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... ! A.DYANCE n* tt the ladi|Lccl andfaiullf Kewipapei la itertbarn Ontario. 1'ublisbed it u TU Orric, TERMS OT II BSUUr-noX . SUJO peraar.nm IB advante; !. if not imi< ae Shi eu A of 14 vaaii. No paper dlacoutluu* SMlall arrearai [* ej- paid up ; no eabaorl) em taken for lm t inn on* veai , except whan fwelut arraufteuinta fur ihorter i>erlod* ar ofadt witli tUo publiauir. KlTV,*e. Oaiual ajiertlMUi vnti.t cuta per lat uuarti*n aj*4 I centi per line acli lubiaquwat Insertion Trtuiiem 'litieii,fnt i M be jiil for when ^--|*d. AdvertiieuiKuH witbt-t specinj iHreo i will be luiarteU till forbid anU cUarg.J LJ*)*rafiii(lucementitoreular advertiser*. Netices iniODg reading matter, 10 c*nt* 1'ti *Aae eaftii ii*e rtiun - * tdTcrtiaement Atseonlinued until all ar leu-lie* ate pat J uy f for H'Uertisement* ihouM r^iieh thil not lit.i Uimi noon OD TaMMdkf to nieur* l in current 4tue. A.R. FA.WCE'PT, EMor and I'rvfrnttr. ITlesherton Meat Market. SIT L PlOi-BUTOB iaili paid for fat Cattle aud Sheep. Freth Miatt constantly on hand fer Orderi promptlj tilled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHE^RTON. James Sullivan, Thi Tinsmith, - Plesherton. Repairing. Kavctrutigliing.aiiil In fad everv- tiling m tli* bitttliiM* will rf*ie HIT Hid cartful ttteutlou at price*. Km i Um\ in .lock, CLATTON'S H A H M;SS SHOP ! FLESHEBTON, It Ihijplitct. tofd i/<nirHritruCviUir>, dt, Shop IH If. t7<ij/loit'Hw.< EUGENIA Grist Mill, ui L!',;. Having made eitemvive ini|>r<>v>ni*uli lu niv drist Mill, I in conAiient I can f IT* (eed latiifsctien. CXOJ'PWG DON'S ANY QAT. (iood Fluitr ilwajs ou Land. aud Bills filled on tbe shortest netice. Lum- ber and Lath always on band. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, A book of ico i. .11. 1, .run ivlvrrtlwr t< <-iM- * HUH, 1)0 l!0 'J -n'.'cil < ir i .1 ii. i l:-.t'w* 1 1- i n-i-1 tmi h nflli" ir.(lbniulvrrtlrr who Willili Io :.|- 1 !,. I i, .,:<.;:.]. l.ii't^ ll ' fori'; ' i. M lirni vr*i w til Invent -:! tivmiiiinil li>lln in In :'il- in.lli-iitr.l wllli-li v. M ; it, or run kf ': rarll in." i IOf/. r ri".."' .-. ' Bout. \\iii.. i, ' . FI-MFV./ ul I ."\ ! III. 'A I.I.I, _.< . NI.'A ' m /VEICBRATED pn ? CHASES! LIVER CURE HAVC YOU aira cartftin rr. NATURE S REMEDY f unqualifK.1 , .... f I" ' liaif' ' llwr tomplaml rr.t. ,lrly .ilh lli<- fail ll< " etnpounOHl fVWin-t.W, w.l|.knonliv.rllalor.. tlAt.Akf. AS i I> > MI:' i .. < ' inhiied nr etlwt intiliiaM- i I .rU ntul httht, liavinf a fowtrful effc-cl on 111. ki.liicys Sioriach, llowelt nd flood. SOO.OOO SOLD "Owr tiu-tutlf millimrf /V. Oittit Ri.tft K^ki wr iM i* C/nuHl* tl,tftt. ll'f fml nt>y ", -./ . WW 4 h tmUfJ n-il* Ln-rr Ctm- nl Ii Irr iMi t.xttilnt rrmntjr. SOMETHINQ NtW ClVlN AWAY FlCE rp'ilrrtu'Hfveryoof Pr.rha.c't l.iv^r ('lira lit valulll* lli'iitrhiM il I <\'r > Book (84 pagn), loniaiiiinf over too tifiil r' .(, fronounrfd bymnli>l m^n n! clniggUti .- invala- ayi, anil woilh irn limi the IT ice of lh medirin. ..THY CMASt'l CAT|H CUM. A af ami |~) ili rwtady I'rlcc, i cnlv TRYCKASi'iKiONirtiiD IIVER Putt >;ci>- prtx. OLD *|V ALL DCALCMB MIS) A|.nt., tTkOn I UK I UM.IU ION*. .|| U- Arctic M. II. . Kr, M K bl Hum k>r the fmftmlm el Bceick Wkalrr. A London cable says : A mien ol Aroti relios of straugs interest baai been brough home by Uaptaic Fairweather, of tb whaler Terra Nova, of Dundee, a^ii Irtos milted to the Admiralty through Mr LigU Hmitb. These relies eouiint o f arlous doouments in a oj liodrioal tin OAie wliioh bad beeu depotiled by leveralof tb Franklin eearob ezpediticui thirty year* ano, and a ataiemeiii left by Sir Alleu YOUDK when at Beeoboy Island in 1876 Captain Fairweather taya tbat Ue ticked np the document* in Prince lUgetit' Inlul, utder tbe following oirautcutaucca While lying at the flja ed^e in tbat i: lut abjut tlie end of Jane last, he was anrprucc to tee several >lod|(ei with u.tivea oomtnit nff to tbe Lip. He bad never been DAtivci in tbat qiaiter bctojca, and therefore tboaghl that they bad ootne from Admiralty lulct tor Ibe express (nrpose ot rotibiu] the depots Itlt by former Arotio expedition on Buohey Islacd and ihere>bouU Tbe captiin was also, with goo< reason, sorpriicd at thn manni in wbiob tbe native* were drewed Tbiir Iroufters wrre out from Dread uoogbt" elotb, serge and woollen ihirta aLd big [ilol bverooala eopplivd the place of tbe usual Eskimo trapi'iUfcC, their outfl'.b beii-H completed with EDglieb caps o v-r ous deecnptioLS. It did not require muoh tcuteneu on tbe part cf tbe osptaio to laroii^e where the store wai Icoated from which tbe lucky na^ived bad been BO liberally bnpplyintf themselves. Their d^tp, also from the depot, were loadd wilb t'jbsooo and varions otber little Iniuriei, down even to onion powder, tbe purpose ol wbiob, however, rather r, ozi'ed them. Oa overbaulicg tbe rledgea, tbe captain was fortonate ecougb to nod Ibe tiuovludcr referred Io, aod just in time, aa the native* were about to use op tbe Don'.enta aa wada for their Kana. Tbe Etaioioadiuitted they fouud the treasure Iroveoo Deeoby lalanJ, LO doubt in tb* ' Northumberland Bouse " depot, famih.r to ill readers of Arctic travel. Tbey bad alo broiobed tbe rem oisks snd the pre- served meat iii, many of Ibe Utter, how- ever, bting bad. Tobaoop was tbe article tbey seemed beet cnpplied wilb, aod ibe crews of tbe thit>s l)itg ia tbe in let bar- icrtd not lesi tbaa eighty poaad* from lueiu. Osplaiu Fairweatber is of cpinion that tbe n&tivee bave ciearei out Beeobey [eland depot of everything tbat would be of service to mau in tbose iu:t A IO*FI>. I>l-Kcnrrlul Mriu. al at U nki Bcltrt Wmmtu ..n.l A IMI ( Cbursday) nigbt's N* vark (N..1.) dei| btcb ttyi: Hartley Rice waa shot by t'olieemin Biumer a day or two ago while retistioK srreit. Riee bad beeu aoetued of eteiliug two kegs of beer from tbe saloon of a Italian named Polito. Rioe'a body wa* aktn to an apartment over Ibe saloon, where a wako wae in progress laet night when a [.arty of Italians entered and demanded that tbe ocmn should be taken >ut of the house. A colored woman tried to bar tbe way, bat she waa thrown ioto a Mr, and the Ilaliai i ttiztd ILe coii'u, nm wlich the li.l bad been remove! As bey etirted ,'cr the doer two men and five vou,eu grappled wilb them, and a fleioe trugKle ecfeoed fer tbo ocffio wbieb as larrud bickward aud forward in tb..' meltt. a V41IH c ero nfirg the b, rl t,: lie ndirs when Pulilu raid someHtiiig in talznu at.d it iuh was made towards tbe wi:dow. The women wire taken bjmr- >risr, sod before they ctuld male any etUtaces ibo bta 1 of tbo itffio wai driven brocRli tke Fish aud protruded into tbe itrei-t. A thuwcr cf f,\wt fell on the beads ot tbo F[coticr below. Fully two hundred tenon*, mostly Italians, and of both iczcs, were nmrcd in front cf tbe bonte, and a wild chctr wen up frum thiir tbroats a boocf&a acprared. Il waeonly a mcment n i-igbt belcie tbe plucky women in tbe oom were reinforced by several yoncg riends ot Bice, wbo drcvs out tba Ilaliani and guarded tbo corpse until tbe police arrived. 1 he wake then ooutinuod. KKHl *Cir A Wlirenalu .tlnu, Freneuorrd lira. 1 , fllll l.lrr. ie> Tell boui It. A Otltna, III., dcspa'oh rays: John F, Mia cr, a w 11-knoWQ oitizaa if Pialteville, Wii'., has M, (fired greatly from rheumstiaui in ibe feet. Two days ago, witb tho bop* ol relieving tbe paio, bo bathed bii feet truly witb tmctiro of aconite and then thrust them into a pail ot hot water. A tingling Mosatlon followed, the poise weak- ened, ueskin beoaoie moist and oUmmy, atiJ violent vomiting and retohio)? eniued. A dcctor was called, but he fount! Ur. Manger apparently dead. Tue he ail eeeoud to have atopped beating, and tbe doctor, with other medical nun wbo were nntnoLcd, decided that Manger had died frcm aconite poionicg, having ab orbed the drux through bis ftet. An undertaker el about preparing the bcdy for turial, w\cu tbe dcotor, a* an experiment, irj oted with a I.;, i.cdirn io rjrioKo a mixture of brai.dy KLJ digittkU i.ear the heart la a ft* om.ut s tbe eupfoted dcid man btgau to gasp abd tbere was a ftir.t beatinxot tho heart. More hypodermics wjre Riven, tba .It.ath pallor wai iticccedel by i reddish glow, ttie aaselee relaio ', prrspratiin brokn iui, acd Mr. Maogar elowly retorted to lifo. He ii now entirely tu: of danger, Tbe doc'oi B oonslder bli reu citation u.o t remarkable. WI1UI.KBALB -II Itui- It Hew a -nniuk'-i In llnwaan flnh . . BM ol Ilia I arae. A Seattle, W. T., deipatcb ta>: Tuo details ot a horrible story which gained oironlati'in here tc-lay aro to the fcllowiun tlliol: Oaeday last summer an Italian boatman, aoeompanifd by seven Cbiuameu, left Victoria for the American lide cf tba Strain cf Fae. When almoit acroas tbe itraiti the Italian tb-crved tbe Ualttd Biatcs o itter Oliver Woloitt coming towards him, the evident intention ol the omosra of tbo vceeel bciug to examine the content* ot thii craft. He became alarmed, and to avoid tho penalties attaching to (bu iflenoo of smuggliuic Cbiooiiu into tbe United States, lerolved to nmke away witb tbe eviJci oj of bis guilt. He oaJled tbe Chinamen out of tbe oabin one by oue, acd aB each man came out tbe Italian ntrnck him OD ibe bead wilb a club, aud pitobed the body overboard. In this way be got nd of Ibe whole nnmber, and wben tbe tfnocru from the culler bosrded bis boat no evidence whatever of a orimiuatlDg ia'uro was found. Tbe story ia told by a reoently oonvioted imugglcr cow in the penitentiary. An investigation will be made. THE ADDIE DAVIS TRAGEDY. Bad Story of u Olrl'ai Down, full ami Death. TUOLIJLEa THAT LLD TO BU1CIDI. A HI-MI i-torakta Vaiktr Wcca> liver Ike A Florida mau i* trying to introduce tbe mistletoe into Amerioa. We don't tbiuk kliln)| needi any farther enoourigcineiil In tbi* country. A farewell b*.)h*lor dinner not lorg ago oime very near oanoiog Hie poetpooe- in- n t ot what we o*U a " high life" wedding. Tbe li"-'. imbibed not wifely but too well, and il took a doctor and bi* bent man all the nut morning to git him in O)ndin .n Io appear at tbe church al noou to be married. Prohibition forever t i* nnw tbe cry of hi* Wife'i mother. N. Y. Mail Dr John Kirk, Dili ib agiot in 7i ,iib*r, u doihK bi u<un>i>t t>> IL,K. atrauit^m I.'H witb tbe King of Uombeia for the rtloue Kn , llanuiDglou. The late B ahopof Mauo i>- -rowed lie ixiraordiniry mai'ery over bie voioe to having lived or jiiri with a deaf mother aDdkOOt. St< maloa el If Ii Urnrf UaBa;hlrr. Toe icqaest Into tbe aanss of tbe death ot tbe >oucg woman, Adelaide Davis, who committed suicide on Thursday in Toronto by taking carbolic aoid, wae held yesterday morning at tbe Morgue before C, Dunoau. John Davis, Ibe father of Ibe dtoeahed wai the Aral witneas called. lie is a gray' beaded old man, and fell so deeply th dis gracj bin daughter bad brought upon ber name tbat bis emotion at time* prevented him from continuing bis evidence He test! ned that be livad iu Baroia. He had been the body and reoogniaed il that of bia daughter A uuinber ot letteie which were found in tbo room wberu tbe girl anieided were identified by him as beicg iu her handwriting. J-'|IM HuthcrKuci, o<iinmereial traveller was next called. After btiug warded tba bid c v.Jecco might be wed against him, be tf at.ntd tbat Kat Moid*y morning abon 10 30 be wae coming out of bia n.oojn wbeu ha met MISH Davii uud tuothsr girl. Tn- y looked very bard ut hioi, and hu looked a them. They both walked along toward tiia Albion IIoteL He beokoned for them d asked them where tbey were Roiog Tbo deceased s id she wae icyirgto nnd bearding bouse. He said, " Why not eta] witb me ?" They laovbed and away. Be aaid be would be pleased to meet tbem ibal evening. Tbey went on a little way, wben the droeacod lamed baek and told him she would meei him al half- past 7. He met ber ou Kiorf btreei at tbat nour, HLI] they weni np together to lis rooms. 8 bo haiJ shs bad s&mi trcubls wilb friends, and waa ashamed to go home. Buo wanted o . :uy till Saturday, when ebe would return to ber friends. Sue stayed there ibrte days until boon Thursday, when ibe left, sayiug aba was iniux to her wolhw* a beoae. She atkedfor tbe key of ibe room so that she ojuld gel in wben ehe emo back. He told her be ruigh) want to [tin biaielf, said be naally agreed to eavo Ibe key* noder bit tniLk. He etl a lew uuunte* after aod returned Mlwcec 5 aud 6. When iie weal into the ooui all* ssreamed out, throwing her araa u to* a-rauJ say ing tbal ahe bad poiaoccd lersalf. lie took her dowuitaire to Ur. beeves' offloe and aaktd him if hi bal a stotnaoh pump. He aaid be had not, aud told tbem to irei some otber doctor. Wit- ness said, " Yon cannot see Ibe woman die." Ur. K-eves said, "Take ber on) of hen-." Ui took ber out and eat btr opon beitrp*. Al Ibal time be eonld speak. Bho had co bal or cloak on, and said that : brother had taken them from ber. Vilcots went to gel another doctor, eaviuK tuj Kit! sitting upon the attps, at outsiue Dr. R;eves tffiw. H* weat p Dr. O.drigbt, bat he WM oat. Dr. "anica K>H>, (u Bherb urcc itreet, was ouod to be cugaged H* went to >r. li> 1, t,:i Qoccn strut, wbo happeaet be GU". Dr. Uleffoe, cu b^iox iLformid 1 tbe c.iojmiUnocf, Mine imoitdiately. >.-. ChiS * said he vr.uld need au aeeitt- art, aid wltcet* told Uia tU. D.-. Hjtvca * r i>itr, K, Lk wae iu tbe ro-iui ttJ tlie line. Wltnrttwas acot for n-ius rubb.r ipugand brandy, and wbea b'. riturccd bero isimcd to bo i.o LI.C I-.-.IVUIL< to her Iht wax fciiil sitting apoa th:ite; With be seeivtices o! Dr. R^evee and Mr. Iwiuboruu be carried ber upatairs to bii oom. She never spoke atltr tbal. In aniwer to a qoeiti >n by a jaryman, linens luted tbat Dr. Retvae refused to Io anything He never aaw tbe 'fore Monday laet. arricriia LITTIU. Tbe coroner tbeu read tbe following etttrs aLd iics'.-aard, whio'j wore fouod io lie room witb :be deceased : DIAJI PATBKR.-I bave Ju*t bearJ tint joo are ookiug fur inc. I cannot tell tba Iruili 1 wa* accuMxl of wrong luiu befur* 1 wa* guilty, but now I aui guilty. I blauie D. K. Hawlty (a tMiot tint sbu tiav,ier.i. Uia bouie It ou tDivariity tteoi. II* will bo held rm|u,uiible for uijr |ioor oul, and wbat will my f nenda Ibmk wbeu Una ba btwo divnlga.1 'I \ cauuul hi*. IUII it e 1 rill Dot b* bait ao bad ai 1 am emlurmi al i<re- lent I bava h-uu a aouroeut (mubleto you, tut low It I* til al an end. Yn uiut ticuaa tbi* cni'ble. for I atu juat abuut dead. My it r: I aui glaU tbat 1 aui tbu on* wno h MO led ulray luatuaU uf auy uf them, fur Ibey will by my way* tbal am baa ruiued ui. y ao.l aoul. 1 cannot live, for I know you aru In acarch cf m*, aod 1 Jon 'I want to atw auy- n*. ADIMK. I'. H -I did not yieM to D. K. Hawlay'i wlaliM, ut be took advaDtiga of Die ami forovd in* to tif>arlr t>oari au My trunk ami olotbea ut> >t i7 Carluiu atnel. and 1 am bare brealtilug my MI. Doi, l blame lh* out wbua* ruuui i am m, tor h baban a frlnd--(Jood by. Ai<i>i*. AII KinicND J - . After 1 Iclt you tbi* uiiiu 1 want to my brolbr't-a* 1 tola yuu I WM RI>IU( to do and be uko.l m* a quaation at i.< . H* Ibcu took away my cloak fruiu luoaud went away. I would DO* wall till b* returned. >ut cauie away in my bar* head. I fouod that ou were noi here, ko I take tbii way of U-IIILK 'ou i hut uiv father U bera Itoking for me. T anDot MI* him. I oaunot live ; and I am sorry hat my life will b* ended in year room. I caii- iotbl|>il. I came Io a n I fastened hvtb loeka. iidwliuu I wrote tb* Doto tu my father I tbau rl l t'> tilt- ill IT t . Qlllock it, but 1 COUld Dot. confcated all to you Iwl niifht. I told you about D. K. Hawley iwiucnu ute, aud uv'a be nun wbo will b recpjuaible fur my i H>or tool. 1 a'ao tola abuut Kd l,,m t-r wtra)iD|{ Ho "ill b* a< rry fur u, f r I would act end in) lifo only f >r lilui All 1 u>kl 'on pereonelly 1 want *UQ Io toll again, for )uu re not to blaino for ooo of ruy acllona. 1 cn- aay auOlcicut witb roxud to llaw.oy. I bave old you Iliti truih. and 1 want you to tell it tbe au a* you beaid it ami t*t ln guilty pirtiea je puulBuod. Wbeu I aui fouod bvre you may >ut my bravulat* lu luy |>ookot au-l lei every thitiK ) teut liuaic. I can acarce'jr write, tu will now lota. Oood-bye for ever. Ui ur Jack. I aui dyiuK i|uickly. DEAB J 1 coofeiao.1 all to you laat miilit, and now 1 am abuut to ami my tiuliai'py hio. Vu lave ln'in a frleml to uie, and 1 don t want yuu . . i'S. I want you to tell overylblng a* 1 tld it o you tail uuibt, and tbeu the truth will b* mown, Oa another febcct ot IcoUoap tbe girl had gau ber liat note. By tbia time tba uii.on had evidently nearly nciabed iln itotk, f r tbe note ended abruptly. Tbe vcorda written were there DEAR J. I Lave managed to unlock tbe door, id I know your eyes will ootue lu contact with a terrible aiiibt, but Icauuot gel down ttairt. I cauuut ace Tbte waa evidently written iu tbe laet throea ol dua b. Tbe theory advanoed aa Io why tbe girl Helected curb.lio acid aa tba po:B u IH thic Saiberlatd bad buen DHiog oartiho icid on a eore arm. Dtoowtd taw tbe bottle on tbe table and read on the label that it wae potion, aud went to Dilworth'n drug ut. re and purchased a two-ouuce bottle, iwal- bwing two- third* i f il. the i ! I'rama. Tbi* ie the tearon for hydrophobia, emallpcx acd calendars. All ot tbeie aflliotioLi make their appearance together, bal tbe pe pie will lake them we meau tbe calendar*. One large firm announce* ninety different varietin of EDKlinh, Frecob and American calendar!. All tbe pott*, eiaajiiata aud alleged wite hive been drawu upou. Bcma of theie calendar.' are Ttaioly putt/ aud u-tful. BBVIBAI. medical writer* bava lately called attention to tlie faet tbat alth:ingh there i a mirkfd dlruinatioD of drai k> n ueiii in Biglund, the as* of powerful narontia Mid *tl*aUtlng drcge bae liti;.|> ino'-rH-id. Even nllro Rl)oertrje a com- paratively new medidne-baH found ite devotee*. Tbo I.anctt >-ayi : " Biuce tbe lutr. i'ucti( n of Litrr-xlyonrkt. tablet! irto tba Britieh pharffiaj)a(uoia tun u.o of tbe diug ba loniuieil to an enoruiuue extent, and il it to be feared that il* manufacture l oarrlid 00 iur r tiliouely. ' FARM AMD OARDEN. Ceasonibie Topics for Discussio Around the Ingttnook. TUE DUTIES OF TBE NEXT MONTH at. r. the i*.i n.iin, k . It farmer* generally would follow th oity faibion ot beginning tbeir d insert, u a oautomary thing, wilb a3o> k.ndof at>n| tbey would i-.on Aud il heahhfal M well i eoouomioal. Muoh mtat iu odd* and eu la watted iu farm honaea that ini^bl made in'.o good, nob loop, ll u tb French fitbhiou, and o:rtaiuly a vtUe one to have a pot perpetually on tbe back c the etove or range, mt i which all letapa ( meat aui] vegetablei are thrown, and nafb pient wate< added from time to time. Th U kept, not boiling bard, bus aud Ibe family manage to Lavj a bouillon (or brotb) for their daily u r. 1 f&iruure would have their j-i u ; vta aud beet and potat;ea, and make Die ol them in tbe name way they would certaitil oijuo.U, wintry d*y bharf tho wbo kepi " tbu po; b-^iliog." WlBwew eiBl fer January. The window garden and gretnboui should now be gay with blx>m, uud rep Ibe earlier o*rc. 13ring potted buite fioi tbe cellar, to give a luooeuiou ot blcom Ibo'e cut of fl iv ir ehonld bav* th* alalk out away, aud Ue leave* allowed to gro until they turn yellow, wbeu tbe pou n. go to tbe cellar. Iiinsola, dual and dry i,e of tbe air are the chief euemiee tf th window garden. Tba red fcpider ii imall that il i< rarely eetn. Tue leave turn brown acd toou fall. Ecaouue tb lower of the leavce witb a magi, flor ; it a red or brown mite u a tea, ii i tho red epider. Syringe the under tide o tho foliage frequently and copiously, layiu tbe p.'anl oa iu tide in a tinker bath tub this U the only remedy. For, o plant lioe generally, eyringe with tobaoo alar Mealy- bog and kcale inseete are belt removed by baud-picking. If earl 'crme infett tb: toil of pote, aatorate tb ull with clear lime water. Il will no mrl the planu if BCOQ watered witb rain water. If a very cold spoil oomee on remove Ibe tender plant! to tbe middle o be room at night, aud cover them will acme light fabric cr with newipapere. l,ek le \ur I lr HUck la JMUUUI i January H a critical month with allkicdi i live a loch. Tney ebonld be kepi oom ortab:^ aod gai&iug. If they begin tj fall ff iu eonditiou, tbey will be almott inn o loee rapidly, and will require more fe aud belter oaie to keep thm np, than il riill touted, and ooutit.uoaaly well fed. ie ayetemalic aad regular, then tbey will not eland and worry for food or water, and will take ttmo to feed, to ruminate and to eat. L>ok after abed* andatablee, to keep hem eluan at.d warm. Water ouxbt not o fret*) iu o?w or bone static, on the ocldeol nigbte, and at tho aauie time tbe entilaliou ebguld be fcuoh that t'ue air i. alwayi ewccl. l'i inffer grea'.ly with the jlJ, aud ' hould bave dry, wtll littered eats alwayn. Litter them wilb elraw or wim( hay, ecaugh eothat the) cic cover . out of ii*bl in it. bhupi-bjuld iave cry ibcd* ; tbey bear a great deal tf -lit, bn:sLoald not bave wa: net d-rty traw to lie in. Where much ilraw i* j 'Lr AU IL: . .L.i.- i'.t Ja, pr _ a few m.v-blc plait .ric*, liko ill b.i.-^ liuo jr ti-tiu u atand u. .... Tcey will be a .lc.uli-i tJtLcuj.kud they are ewily arced over h-ii fru-n draw U thruwu 1:1, or i bey g3l dirty. Fowl* will lay if tbey avj warm booeee, art well fed, and bave obato-j toeiereiie. The free ran^e of hi oalile thed*. ebeep hedf, and tbe barn arde give* neually luffioienl cxerciie. II <brrtd tbim, they must bav bclured ruuH aud bar* grouud. Daok> eed to be well fed, but not allowed io gel Bjfal if tbey are to begin laying early 'oo muob corn u always tad, (icept for aliening poultry, as i) product* aiernal at, et"pa laying, and makes the fowl* laay. Io exereiae, i.u cggo, VeirBB Ulai* ler JDI . Of ccurae, before you take your vacation, be farm harue<s will be oiled atd repaired, be waggoni and sUigba and buggi** ana urrUgta oarvfull) ixaoiined ai.d the LU> igbloued. ' willoe a place for every- b.u< aod eveiytuiig will be in its plaea orlu, rakes, hoc*, tnovcl*, ipadei, chaii.s leviaoii, wb Uli-lieei, pljugbv, ouliivjii r, lortiorake, muwer, bmuer, rjil.-r, harrowi, arm drill, garden drill, garden ULV, corn market I am alraid toy corn marker I* clicking uti the fence, bu; I bave noupco- ation of takiug avaoaliou, nolese we may couoludo tbal Ibat ii the pioper place for I. Oi oouree, y u will g*t tbe barrow cetb sharpened td tbe wood-work aluraud with crud^ p>lroleuin. Tbe manure will be all drawu out and piled iu be Held. Yon will get everytbiug ready or tbe Iambi aud the pena will be ta ado comfortable for tbe early apiing pig*. Yu will have a ileuty of truugba a^d raokj, IIoopu will ligbteLidim barrel*. New leathers will >e(.nlon pump*. 1'runing will ba doco ) ad tr.ib ..ill b: out down and worked Dad br^nohcit of shale trees will be emovnd, and wbcrevnr shade treae, or rceeou tba la#u aro wo Ibiok, tbey will j tbiu; eJ GUI. Feuoes, gatei and bar, ill be io per.'ect onter. All tba pig pi n] jw i iab!B, beu boues, cellar* aud alia, p led*, will bavu two cjat of white waab, atd seme ol them tbrte. Tbe fotatoee in ie cellar wil. be suited over, Ibe decayed a niuovuJ, aud Iboie inteLdtd for seed, or niirket o: tor bom* u<e |UI by Ibrm- Ives. Tbere will be no broken panes uf laae ; LO window* loote in tbe frame* ; tbe oom, ibe Icoka and tbe bills, will all w>urk uoolbly. Tbe garret will booverhnuled. ibai n )m will lay this U w, man's work. .t any rat?, you will lee that they bave a ood bench for tbe wash tutu. < MIT, l-.,,linn The following lumming np to-.ea ou oat- Ic frrdit.g, by l'iof. Uoorga . Moirow, ot he University of Ilhooii, al Ohirapaigi, I , are well wottb itady. Boarmg iu micd that it is not wite Io rwfltml eouclnsioc* from tiugie trial*, be facts Ojuoernlng these oattl< i.u^geit or llnatrate atuocg other things that : 1. Tbe difference!) in aulmaU of like ireediu aod nuder like trcataien are iften greater thau thoee between typical auimlH of different breeds. U uder the prevalent methods of win- ern>e>ieeri in tb* Weitern Btate* little r no gaiu U made in weight duri gwintera 8. It is diUJculi, if not impuamble, Io eoure under good (Mndilions gams in win- *r wbioh thall nearly iqnal tbose made lu uinmer. 4. Tbe largcsl gains may ba expected rem acimals in tbiu flesb, it in good ie*ltb. ll i* diffioult to secure rapid gain u wsight during long oonliccel feeding. 5. Uuder like conditions young animals uake largest giia in propirliou Io food stto. 6. A fair pi on I out be ical-.-, even at ircfiol low prieei*, by grtiing and lh*o ralu-feeding fur two or tbree minthe at tie which bave beau jidioiounly biu(hl ir economioally reared to he sold when r u. SO to 36 months old. 7 Ksjiu'iuy uf prodcotion is qai'e aa tnpo.-tantaii maximom irodnat, e*pooially u timoH of low prices II is not clear that . . r fl table to givo full grain feeding to tocrn dcvi^ued f. r tho grulcg markcti> dun, g the bet ot thi uteaing Beaton. It s i.ot proved tbat it ii lm :ois) pn fl nbie or Weettrn farmers tu fatten aud 1*11 tluir teen a* ytarliugii. *HTHinn(r ol II privdut* drought. Il furolsbee au i.iorea*iei supply of atmospherio ftrliliiira. It warm* the lower portiooi ol the Mil. II aeoeleratea the disintegration of th numeral matter! in the soil. Il cause) a more even distribution o nutrition* matteri among lbo<e parts c tbo koil traversed by roots. It proven tbu mtohauioal texture of soil II oiust-a tbe poisonone exerementitlooi wallers uf plant* i be eaniei oat ot rei of their rootr. ll prevents the grasses from rn&citig cot ll enables tbe burfaoe eoil to be deepenci by removing cxoess ot water. It render* soil earlier In tbe spring. It prtv.nte tbe throwing cut of grain in winter. Il alto ii victk to be do-e alter rains. It ktepi ill th. tQiCU of o .IJ weather lender iu tiie f >11. LipravtuUUtefoiu>aliou ot aoelie i other aoil-, which tudD3 tba growth o sorrel arid otber wceSe II prty*cta, in a great me**nrr, tb* eva[ora nu cf water, aud the ooumjaec bjiractiou cf beat from the toil. Il admil* fresh qnautr.iei ot water from rail.*, etc., wbioii are alwajs mure or Itrt imbu-d wilb tbe fer ihstog ga4e* cf Ibe atmiis; i.i ri-, to be dtpoaiied among tbe abcorbrt.t p ir:e of so:l aod given op to Ibs nsMeuittr* uf plants. It prcvt-u'.n tb* fr of io hard a crui: LU Ibe aorfaee of tbo icil as is eu : touiary uc heavy IIL Ji. Il prevent* in a groat measure grata and wi.t.r xr.iLS from btisg winter-killed. tin. 11 ... ii- A Mritui I H B Mleon I* fl.rr. n. II, r Deck In llroki<n. A Nc * York detpatcb eays : Tuo ro-i decti iu tbe vioiLity ot the dock at the foot of BJWUO itreet, Brooklyn, and the aailon on a fchip iu Atlautio Jock were i-lirUt J ai midui^bl by an txplotioc. Oa harr>iLgto Bcwae ntrtet they f,.nad il literally alrewn witb tbe dcbra ol the tog Niagara which Lsd tna']e fnst to the dock early i: tn tvei'iog Tfae engineer bad let <ff eteaoiaLd the flrtioa backed Ibe flre* early i t .:o evening, acJ tvcrytbiig wae tboogb*. Io te sufe. The safety valve o tbe b-jiler uiu.l Lave been out ot order and tbi> water low. Tbere mua: l-o bave been aoffleient flre to generate attam, for abcu midnigbt tbe dome of tbo boiier. wsigbing over 500 iba., vecl iky ward a dutanoa o 150 feet, a:d when it came down il W.L ora-h through ibe roof of agrain war*hom adjncug. Too pilo:-boaie was blown to pieces, aud a portion cf tbe cabin act l .r part of lae b.a; went overboard '.' ti:ema:i was toriDUsly icjared and a d rk lu..d wn fiibcd oat of ihc river uninjured. Ueo 4. mr>hrd (!.! 1 .1 , k Tbe New York Suncilr* attention to ariou* f*o) that Mark Twain's article in ie Dscemter "Ontary" enuiled, "Tbe 'rivale Iliilory ot a Campaign tbat p ailed," la, by au oJd, a eon- I rav.ouuii lupplemtnl to ebapter 18 in be urn volume, jiil printed, uf Oeueral Graui'n memoirs. Il appear* that taeonly ime lbl Qjueral Gra,-.l w., really *oared 'a* whoa lie bad to meet tbo litUearmy in Liohhi- f i:uro [Ublinb.r wia a private At 1'almjit, Orkul, ttea a Cjlanc), wai rJerel t> agli.-.: Col at ii . * '. ? F. n I., v 1 i.i mesjjotffa . ~ Ui- 1 . .u i- . . ,;n.' < j ib 4 . LU _ ii: L^ f .. i :., : - ti,r at, r.ui beu bareaoked a poibi where b >, . aud f. uud tin .Lid earl reiuioed lt p! ic Mtrk Twain wayi LO i.t tLj " tutin.s" aud tbtt bu ajj l..t* wir. i.j:aly fr'gbuntd ar* in bU da-.k eocfaiaioo iu tb* >.-cuubcr " Ontnry." Tbe diflertnoe b* erecu iho lo ..Idiera was tbat Mark !*wuiu was thrown iu:> tcob trepidation bit he then aud there ebtiidoued forever ba profession of artue, wbercaxi Oeueral rraiil mads oa thai coaaMju tbe discovery that me enemy wtru an much afraid ot lm as be had ben of them. "lhs."sa)s Qjusral Grant, " wae a view ot Ibe qnea- lun I bad never ukeu beforr, bal it WM ns I never forgot afterward. From thai vecl to tbe elote of the war, I never eipe lecotd trrpidatim up;u ooLfroLticg an niiay, though I alway* felt more cr leee txieiy." * IA\ .Kr. I I M I(UO-S i* C> run. and l c arr A eu Tkr Ijr.l I mi ll.i .1... i , >.i. i lu ume (OrtijCH if T> re! u i couiiar and betutilul oja-.oai itiil Wbea a in i" ab-u-. tj beiuarrtc I bit .re bc lovci u. r h i:;.o to K j to ll.e Obuccb, her tuolbrr aurfs her kerohiaf, whiaa i- o.litd a i> ar t rohitt. It it uiaJe ol ntwl> -made tioen, id has never tc<n u*ed. ll it with tbie ;robi( that ibe drien bar tear- wbeu tbe iav. her father'* htuae. Mid wbil* sbt lUotfi 51 tbe altar. Alter the marruiteu iver, aud (be bnJo tiai oue with her bu-- baud t j lb*ir own new h JIB*, t b* fold* np the kerobicf aud (Uot i> uuwuhed lu bir loeu closet, wbeti il remains no touch e1 i ir kctehuf hi* ouly performed ball of i:.i inifiou. Cbildrea aro born, row up, utrry ; d mive away from tba old homo. (Mb daughter receive! (rum tbe m ih r i ew tear korchief. Utr ova mill r-_iniui rbtre ii was p:cod io tba lioeo olotvt OD bo day ol the uiarna^o. OeueralioL* ome and go. Tbe you. t ru-y bride bis become a wrinkled old woman. Bbe miy re eurvived her bu-bctiid uuj all bf'r lildren. All ber friends niay have died ff, Ld still tba) tail pretent whie'i she eoeivad from ber uiotber has not fu.'fl l.d objool. Bunlooiuu il last. At U-l 10 wtary eyelid* oloae for Iba locg, loan irp, undine lired wruklid bauds are IJt-d over tbe polscleia bean. Then Ibe ear kerchief ii taken from ite place and j>n.kj over tbe [ItciJ feturreof tbe dead, c?r to be re moved uulil we aresummonsd oeome fortb on the resurrection moro. 'tilt Siftingt. l.e>v- Mcewihere. A novel marriige tbal took place near ilvertoo, Col , 11 reported by the Colorado Itacvn Mus Mullie Connors, of Like Ju;,'d Mr. O-cr OlMn, ot Aoimaii p orkii, were marrudoa tbe lommit cf tbe ividc, at an altitude ot ever 13 COO feel, bo party beiig oa inowaboea. Mua uord agreed to meet Mr () sen on tbe .111,11,1-, bringicg bur ftioud* witb her, and (r. wae to approach tba enmmit riib bis friend*, cooiing up oa Iheoppoeite Ida of tbt Tbe bride left Lake lit; acojinpa;.iad by ber two brothers, aad i.'ej left AI.IIUM Koike al the same boor, accompanied b/ the Htv. Father Ley, of Iveriou, aod a few friend*. Tbe only way of saalii.K tbe enow-covered moantaia raOD snowehuei and tbe climbing WM Kuuitf. Tbe groom and tbe minuui rnved fleet at th designated tiueiiu< oinl ; bat tbey did LCI bate long to wait, or tba biide aud ber brolborn were soon berved nearioglbe ipot, trudging aloig bccrily. Mne Cocuoia aetmed leaa aligued Ibau any other member of III arty. After a abort real Father L?y per- ormcd tbe wedJim orimony witb ai mui h a>prtsmv*ntei at it u bad taken [ lao* in a huiob. Tuo minister, tbe bride, tbe grootu .d Ibe witcetiei of the marriiRe grou|r 1 bem>eivee trgelbcr as olo<e aa tbe ~ian iLowboce waold permit. Clone upoa tbe beele ot tbe atorjr tbat beyoj' g Km;cr r clObiua le ab ul to b m>'ii 1 OJtum the martin K iuff ilii toe b.'. 1 M moibtr, tbe Emprcei, ie taking toxlug UtfcOtn. - Lotull Timri. After tho election in HJSJ hire aod in tor brolber's abeeter, KIM V. Manro- FerKuaon deliveied a very ipirited addreea to Ibe Diogwall rleetore from tbe bolel window. Daoki art reported plentiful oat at The versatile Fr*eeb Ku|{Hai.niaB, Max O Kail, Laa been summing op facie and ngores) oa Ib* ciiy of London, wilb ibe reiull that be finds that ' L <ndcn is a oily of wuuders and oontrMlf. Fcom different atalistle* tbal I have gathered, can thus doionbe tbe (jrestt eiiy. lie diameter U 24 milee, and arsa 700 i-juan mile*. Ii numbers within tnecc boundaries 5 000 000 lobabikaiiM. It contains mere Bhutan CaataoItM tban Rome itself, more Jews than tbe wb Is of Paleann0,niorelrijh than Dublin, intre Bootebmso tban Edinburgh, more Wt I -bitten tban Cardiff, more oouclry folk* tbau tbe ouuntiee of l)ron, Unrham atd WatwioAibirepot lotietber. Il baa a birth in it evtry five t^icutee aad a death in every f i.hl ralonte* ; bu aeveo 1.0:1- deuls e very day ia it* 000 uiiiee of streets ; lia* au a*era*e cf 40 milss cf itrdtt* opened. nd 15 COO Lew hcoses bulll every > tar. Iu ItttJ iLer* were added ^J.llU new hoejes Io lit* v*ii a^regate of dwelling* wbioh i* eailed tbe metropolis, thus form- log 868 new itrreii aod one new iqnara, ooverir * a distance of oti mile* and >H yards. Ij 1S1 BrtKbton had M.ST'J inhabited Lou-ci ao tbal Loi don in He.t added to itself a town bigger than Brighton. Il w-uld rrquirs two Cambridge* or two Oxfords to represent Ibe stddilico made to L in a, tiogle year. L^uduu i^creace* it* population by 46,000 every year. It bae over 1 000 .hip* and 10 000 sailors iu it* very Jay ; basas u, u y beer ahope and KID B*Ja*M ai would, if placed side by aide, ars:on from CnariLg Orose to F> rttmootb, of 78 rxilt* ; haa 38 000 drutk- arJs aLcnally broogbl before iu magis- trates ; haa 70.000 miiea of open abope evtry Uaoday, and hae interooaree with all part* of the world. rcpre;eLtd by a yearly delivery la 11* postal distriete of about 300,000000 of letter*. It bas more vice thin Babylou, atd more eharehes and ebtp-la than the whole of Italy. It ha* S railway itatio&s; l.a;i traiLi pus Clapham jaaeiion station every day Omitting the good* train* aod the und*r- BOVcd raitaay ; runs 1.111 train* every cay, o .rryirgtv -r 11000.000 (a ecgre in tbe year. Tu. London omuiboe coiLpaniee bava 1C20 .ia. camae^ which carry over .VJ OOO.OCO paeaeoger* every It i* more dacgeroo* o wall tbroagh tbo itreeta ot London tbau to cron tbe Atlaoiic. Laat > ear 130 peraoni wer* killed, aad 10&1 icjared by vihiole. in the itxeets. There are in Liodon Ii COO policemen. 14 000 eatmtn aod 13,000 persona eoooeoted witb tbe [it cffte*. Toe cos: cf Ljtbtu.g London by gas an- nually ii 13000000. Lr.ndcn ba* over 400 oaily and wtrkly Lewipapcri. Laet year there wire 2.JU tirta. The ancient oily of London wai founded by Brute, the Trtjin, in ibe year aj>. A mixture ol beer and bible, of gia and goapel, of drank- arm and pod*uappery, of uubeard ot ualor aod unbridled luxury, ot poor, atjto:, id vtrinx, Halving creatures and people) ksolecl witb bappiceM ai.d wealth. Hill h a eily muob like London,' said BbtlUjr." I. 01 , KttittDV. . Tuc moet d'racrdinary oaeeof fecundity ih >: 1 M f beard cf eame to my knowledge i rck. Aboal tvcuij-ov* uilee frotu icrc, a>Ld by reil *o or three itaiicc* .;_. II- e Metorieal eity of - (LeNuo.n cf tb* ani*n:) la ' Lipaeta live* MaJ- 47. wlio wa* married - -a t Min-., jai uiocteen - -. M . : .ult^u Urauaia be* given I.LT 4(k4 or liviny) flfiy-liro ..>DO of wbom wcro uialre. ~- jiiddni h-.altb, u robu t, ai.d w i i> I ur ii' ur after her Ui: *ce:ucbe- m-nta* leady to go oat to knr aceai- -- i ,b r u tbe field. She ha* no i'.j; cy i cjL-.erping wilb anyone about ler extraordinary pioiifloneae. iltr pby. eieiau, 1):. Kipbail da BaLetu. ct Noetra. .attbrcie not tbe Iraat exauera- i ibe>e etatemenla. Hae any CLC jver urard uf lueb pbecomeoal feencdily n Ibe whole bielory of maUroily nily- wo children, alive cr dead, in uteteen ear* ! Bbe b*a bad triplele fifteen limee. KafUl Ltlter lu 1'jrti Ht^ittrr. 4|uaurrl at* !!> let .H iird. r UMr A Cbarlealon (8 ) dtepaleli lays : At Mount L'leaeanl, a village near br*), yee> terday a terrible tragedy WM enaeted. E. Italian, we beating hie wife, when hie brother, B. Oeretti, and Jamee F. Colburu, a well known iiuuraue* ageat of tbi* oity, ioVrrfercd in tbe woman'! behalf. The wife, with her four little ehil Irtn, eeetped from her infari*te4 hn- batd, who, meenaed al the interference, erept op behind Colboro and flred tone) ibcu at him, one of the beUU lodging in hi* epine acd itfl.ollog what a thongbl to be a fatal wcond. After ihooling Golborn be fled to Lit farm, about a <jaax|ei erf mile diiiant. purro*d by Ibe town manbal and a pout. He lootaa bit . UP SB boose, acd the foue being unarmed, etaflewl theaa to arrest bias. Weile few evMtjeiw were deliberating Gere tli pUeed tbe mtuals) of a piitol in hie muotb acd blew out bia brains. I . IH. II. i. I mmi -. ..i|i.|r Tbi* widely eelebraieJ loetiMkioei, located al Buffalo. N. Y., i* ortaaiud with a fail itaff of ligtieen *xperii>e*d aod ekilfnl l'By:ciaj.a aod Sorgeoee. oocetiial ing U* aio*l ODBipleie orgaLi^aiioa of medioaland lorgieal in America, foe tbe irtatOMnl ot all ehronio diaeaeea-. whether requiring aMetel or targMcJ mean for their eure. Marvelooe luecwea ha* been achieved la tbe cure of all naeai, throat acd lug rlmeaee, Urer and kidney dieeaaee. dinaen of the digeeaive ecgaoa. bla-lder diaeaeie. lieiaiee peculiar Io women, blood leacle aa< akin diaeaeea, rheomatiMB, neuralgia, oervooa debility, pejtalyaii, epilepery (aa>|. impotence a- d kindred adi and* are cured a. thai/ oorreepondenee. Tb* core of the worrt roptaree, pile tamon, varioceel*, bydroeea* aad ilrieiaree u guaranteed, with only a bort al tbe mtitetion. Bend 10 oeota in etaeape for the I o valid* O aide- Book (Itiepegee). vbioh pvee ail parucu- lar*. Addreee. World'* Dupenaary M4ical AaeocialieB, llwlilii. H. T. Superintendent (-.0 little girl) Mow, ay dear, bow can you beet ibow yoor anve- eiatioo to your parent* for tbe bbaral edneatioc tb*y bav* given you ? Liltle girl -By marrying rieh, sir. Jev lm t.,,,, Urar Tbi* may be uoly laid of Poison's Knvt- uxc , tbe g reaaeet paisi ressedy of the) *. It briog* comfort to the weary wbtn tailor* baa attendid tb* oac i kLcwo remedy. Nervihue U aa cure for all kinle of paio, interual, extern*! or local. Parebae* a 10 cent lample bottle and try ;ui great remedy, NervUiae. oerre pain cur*. Don't forget ibe name, al any drug store. A Saothern ontio likecs a o*rta,a literary lady's sonnets to " tbe silvsry ui:urs of a cobweb endowed with tbe JorabUily of a pearl." i of every w * rr Ai a rale, tbe c.unc ot the vioioue or destructive bab.te of boy* wboee parent* are in osuif ortable cr i fl wot eiroumttanere ie a fa.dauieolal one. Toe primary aid piiufolly frmttul crrjr u ibe ocmmon aebtci; m *ucb faciiliee, either by preoe;<t or ixanjplp, cr bulb, thu induetry u die- oreOitable. Bjya are col trained ur taught ibe tcoeeiit; cf uecfnlte**; tbey are trail. id and taujfbl only to tojoy tbe luxury of iditncn , aad viceouinee M Laturally a* the niiibt taeecedd the day. H job bo}*, it tbey happen to worry ihroonb cigarettea auj other enervalicii it,dulKuaea to man- b'jcd. are ever di-Uaocd in tbo raee for - ai. 1 u-<falnrMi ty tbe alley boy* or tbe r.ou!.i;i bo>i wb >aa pbyitcU vigor ie uot detro)td by luxary and todnlgeMa. < au '.JUiiLl L l i: y in tbcry bat iu pracvie*, that bardnna ever tf htrdmeae u Eiotbtr,' acd tbiy bring the binhcM physical vigor to (he aivekopment ot Ihetr ui powm. Tbey f urge to the tionl while tbe oil) cigarette boy mo>t be eup Iky I .' inij* o: i*x iu Ib* rear uf tbe race for a livelihood if dependent upon bli cwn iff jru. PkiUdtpHi* T A Murk* I BOMC-I. Fitjk in bonnets hat ar, peared al several faehiouable gathering, an i very bcooming it u to a braoelte. Htceutly, at an after- noon woddiet. tsa, a ycuug married woman wore a ooatame cf black velvet, wi:u a bUok velvet bonnet trimmed wl-.h link, and a high blask oxk'e till, and eairied a large bocquet of pink oaroationa. Pink atm ball ektrie, veiled witb paler pi.k tulle, have been ordered for come if lbe> eomiDg oonu ly bUU, and eevaral tortt, Je fra< are lined with tick aim. aad have a plaitirg of the *ame tn.ida the iliff. high eollar. Very long black far boae are faenionable, come ot them almon toocbiog tbe ground, and meaeuiiurf J > ardf. ArlinaiaJ bird* eo palpably artiti:ial ai to remove qaalme of oouiaieLoe are beiug mueh need on ball gown*, dame are placed in twoe and Ibreea ou a lwi|i, and adapted to tbe bcdtor. Tbe meal eery, fairy lookiuit birde, wilb O'.P. ille i.cad i Mid bcdiec, aud tmel winge and tail*, are to be bad in every eolor, lor fanteaiog amocg lolle acd rcatteriog abjul bodioci and ikirta. I fc' Hmrft -ian .1 TU* no etory mat rlad* a* reepoouve an echo in all heart* ae ibe oosc farting acd aaaoriog word* given in tb* abort extract belov. opeakinic ol one ol th* paiofal reaJi-.ii* at life i.e ., ao aohing :cru. Kr. O Crook, of D jwgic. M.:i U.B add> te.u- m ny to tbe matveUiai re*uit* aiteadfaig Ibe uc , 1 iiial grtai ecru curt 1'atoam Paiblee* C.-rn Extrietci- I bave Iritd it to my entire aalMfaouon and tx.u*b col in my he. of botiaeei. woulj like to keep n eu o." Beware of lubeiuotii acd imita- tion*. S.1J hy droggute and ecantry meiabanle. A machine oaliej the Buffalo bocae trainer bae been invioted. by whub bie>elieteeao train for raewe in their own rojm. Ii i* leatwnary. I'--. Pure* * > Pellete ' care eiek and Mltow baaUaoh*. eoar itomalh, aad all biliotu attaek*. Coatagiou* dieeaiee bave exeiled the) people of Fairbavw, Ma** , to digree leal tu* hare* oar* earry two bag*) ofcauijbor ai duicfeeianta, on at eae*a end, placid iber* by the B jard of Health. Ie a bad ibiu k -, bat U.-. P.trai < Favorite) PriKjriptioo deeerve* lie tame. Il It a eerlaio cor* for iboee faulul maladiee and weakueeece wbieb cmbilKr th* live* of M many women. U.' draggiete. Eeu Hieeian blouie* are made ot jereey wibticg. > aa>* ibal a Yankee maker of *ewiui( machine* ha* cflered Mm*, i'aiu tl 000 for each eppeereuiee. in addition to her regular aalary, If ah* will til al cne ol hi* eewibic maohiae*. in*a>ad o' the etmuini; wheel, while eingicg the Kicg o< Ibul.. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THECCOK'SBESTFRIEND *. I.. u. n II.. . ie. ' What aeeme to be tbe i ews 7 ' she aaked aa sb* leaned over to the passenger in trout, wbo bad a uew-; ajer. " Tbe catnip crop is eutirelr ruined," Le grcttly replied. " Ob, ie il Tbal'ii too bad, Bat mibte > i u kiu pall through the winter on laesatres tea A gigaDtio er Kineering sobems is to oon- nset tbe (' ui, iau Bta with ths rereiao Gulf by way of tbe valley of th* Kat>uralea. This would make Aia ao islaud, audwjuld ohaoge the tide of travel and boaiue** throughout Ibe a*Mru world. Olus ia rendered water) roof by first ioikiuK It in water outil It beeomei soft, and tbeu melting it with gentle heal, in I IM ed oil. The soften and fineel ot California rose blanket* are now made into downy acd ouuforiable robes aud prineeee wrap- rers. tbe row colored and pale-blue striped border* being alilixid as trimmings o belt, sleeve*, aod front of Ibe Rowoa. Yooog Ul* Da 700 admire Mia* KolliDKton daoeiDK ? Htmy young man Te,Tery maeh. fonnn lady And ibe dreeets eo wall. 400. Horsey young man Ob, I'm sjo judge of tb* haruee*, but I auwertoitbn Mtlon, I/AI1MH IS VIBOINIA VERY * 'Sesir. Taxev kw BeoJ for Gaa- locoe. AJ.Irew f. e>. *-*). Noiauwar O.R. Ta, >Tafl^MBi i wl l"SVe al . a UWM eat ipaa ** MI > ...-. l anea araea r T n*-' - !.- . riT^ rtL*T^* M riLLDUa - :..-,, rmili w cr tM w.~i -. BM*a*a Maw* -4 ia*illoi mi Oca- -wi. ; <-r. *M<M inMU* * I I . j vyi ur*v'. ..X kin*. ***.. bi.achl foe- euh al bUb**t pnee* Bend for elreoJer. I. C. BOCDBTOM. M Bos>4 t . NtW Y-Tal. II K . . ltl,, W -t,,,,|, -IUIM,, Poiltlrely earej by Prot Cbapmaa'i i a. Tbe fenmae reaiuee *ad mailed for |. J. OHAl'MAN pa. T. A. tuMi a. IM r*vi eu we 1 HTUDT. Hook-keepliM. treelsiei rams, Wnuac IboriDaad, ***< Ibocoofhly latutit by laail. Careulan free AJJrM* IIKTAWTI HUUMBM ooLbioi Buffalo, HI R. U. AWARE THAT LorlUtxd'i Clinui

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