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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1886, p. 1

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Wedding Bells We have this week the pleasant duty of announcing the marriage of Dr. Leitch - son of our much respected townsman, Mr. Thos Leitch - to Miss Jennie, daughter of Rev. D. C. McDowell, President of the Guelph Conference of the Methodist Church. The happy event took place at the residence of the bride's father, Winghern, on Wednesday of last week, the 6th inst. The young couple have the very best wishes of the Agricultural Editor and a host of friends in this section. Death of Mr. Alfred Down Another esteemed and respected resident of Artemesia has passed away to 'that bourne from whence no traveller e'er returns." We refer to the death, on Saturday last, 9th inst, of Mr. Alfred Downs, ar. His death was not unexpected, as he was full of years, and for some years the infirmities of old age had been undermining his otherwise vigorous constitution. The funeral took place on Tuesday, when the remains were interred in the Flesherton cemetery. The cortege was one of the largest which has ever passed through this place. The funeral sermon will be preached in the Methodist church here, next Sunday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Ayers. Deceased was a faithful, earnest, and consistent member of the Methodist church, and when at all possible, was always to be found in his place in th various services in connection with the church of his adoption. he was a member of the class of Mr. Wm. Rutledge, Sr. He was a good old man in the very highest and noblest acceptation of that term and leaves behind him the bright and shining reflection of a well spent life. A large and respectable circle of relatives mourn his removal from their midst. He died a true Christian. Another Happy Event Yesterday afternoon another young couple were made happy by the Rev. Mr. Ayers, who performed the marriage ceremony which united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Alice Bellamy - on of Flesherton's fairest and most amiable daughters - to Mr. William Sharp, on of Artemesia's sturdiest and best looking young men. The young couple, as might naturally be expected, looked their very best. The Agricultural Editor extends his heartiest congratulations and is only voicing the sentiment of a host of admiring friends, in wishing the happily mated young couple a prosperous and happy married life. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. James E. Sloan - son of Mr. J. B. Sloan, of Eugenia. The sad event occurred on Tuesday last. B. Lauranco&apos;s Spectacles d Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Articles in the Canadian market. Real I&apos;sbblss an- kpt in M.H-IC Test* aw given t pur- Jiascn to pruve got, Ulueaess. They ate recouimeudwi by the- Pnaidsot, Vice- Ptwa,, Ki-Frw., awl Ki-ViM-PnM. of the Medical Association of Panada, Ac Jewsfer, *., Jlsakerfam, O. The only place where they out be got. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIME TADL.E. Sffixt, McmJay. Ju/y *7*, 1*86 ~~ North. foranto "iTAttOHB. Cartwell Junction Charl*atoo Orange- 1 Arrive Till* I !- OiaiiaaTilln Junction.. ah.lburm* Dundklk Lave T Dam Mall **P \ Wtaes north Ow*n Hound Arrive , * 1006 " 10 1 " 10 45 " 11 18 " 11 * " U41 " i I -VIM 645 TO* T TM 804 H M 910 038 1 00 " HO ! STaTIOMIl I S.iuii&apos;l Okauwortb Kip. I Mall. Willlauasfonl 608 -* :: T(M 7 II Dindalk aaelburne B 11 Orant* &apos; Arrive HU*. i Leave j Obarl**toD ,859 &apos; Cerswwll Junction 9OT " T.ronlo ArrlT.1043" S 10 S30 3 &apos; 408 4 SI 447 5 &apos; sas I 6*J &apos; 1J 30 &apos; &apos; R*0 &apos; Mixed W.WHYTK. &apos; D. MoMKXMX, OBM&apos;LPaM AST iUcilical. DR- CARTER, M.C.P. A 8., OUT. rVTAICIAK. M m.KO>, Ar. FLESHERTON. JUeUn, next to LHmritm C(*rt effiee. 13 r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUC/1KR. PRICEVILLK, - ONTARIO. r&Offllo and lle-Wene* nr ITr.l., teriD ChirchM. Prlovlll*. frnttetnj. HABMIALL. L.W.A DKNTIBT, RADUATR of Toronto Hcbool of Dontlitry, will tx at MarkdaU th<i lit and 3rd Wedntw a*T of Meh ninnth. and at Klhrton on th* 1st and 3rd Thtirmrfajr in each uioutb for the practice ef bti profioD. FROST & FRO.>T. BAItRIHTF.KH. SOLICITORS. rONVKTANC- c OITice Toulxtt Htroet. OWKN SofM>. and verj Thursday at FUKSIIEKTrN J. W FROST. L L.B. ILFRRD FKO8T. Crown County Attorney. . It 1 .1) &apos;.V i X in > ; .- II r KCHL.IX. nr I . W OAHVIN HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, Hufotton to J.i&apos;uirr A liandt, BAHHIHTKH8. BOLH&apos;ITOBS. NOTAIlIKfl. CDNVKYANCKUS, *o. Money t* l...nit L.*wit Kato of intrruit Offlcoi. IS King Street BMI. Toronto. MORPH7 ft MILLERS, i, Nolicitnrt, ffotarirt I&apos;nUv, d&apos;C. Orv . > JmrMcFarlaue&apos;iUruc Store. DUKHAit, ONT. Cards. John W. Arnittrongi Co. Onr.T. DIVISION OOIIBT ci.KUK. COMMISSIONKH In U. R.. Conv*yauor, Ac. Afent for pureha** aad aal* of landi A|>|irl-f r for C. I. C. Cora- and r P. II * H. Hoelcty. Money to Loan on Ih* mn*t rMnubl l*riu. Um Kn up MAHKIAIIK LICBKHE8. Jas. K. Sloan, IA&apos;SURA\CJt AQKNT, BUQBtflA. R*pr*Mnting that eolld old Fire Insurance C. t th* NOBWU&apos;H UNION, of Norwich, BnKland. Iauranr eff<x-t<v1 on Hointen, ontlMilldlnn*. so.. at low ratci. lasura* aaln>t W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. n.r.RK ASTEMFSIA. CONVEYANCER, INSURANCE AO&apos;T, *C. DKKDS MIIKI I. M.IS l.r \sl s ,t.- . tin-par d and prnperlyeiecuted Innuranrn affro- In flrct clam* <ainpanlei. Money to lend at IConey to Loan. At 6) Per &apos;&apos;><>. Int.,,*! , .1 Straiyht Loan. WITH Intorwt paid yearly, not In advance). No eommUtlon charfed. Apply to A. OKI Bat. TIIOKMtl RV. FRED. RTDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESH EBTON. OMeri In Town aod Country promptly and carefully eiMUtexl. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Carefultyl Correct ft! Flour Fall Wheat tipring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter EgRS, fresh Potatoes Pork Hay, per ton Hide. Wool Rhoepsking Geese Turkeys Chickens per pair Ducks per pair Each Week. 14 50 to 6 00 f 80 to (JO 60 46 62 10 17 25 4 T5 g 00 6 25 16 oil 05 08 26 40 72 60 30 63 12 17 26 b 00 1000 7 25 16 70 05 08 26 50 Flesherton Adyahce. "THUTH BEFORE fAYOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, A"OT VOL. V., HO. 239. PLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JANUARY 14, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, " 1T .*,* THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Oontitting uf Local and Oilier Integrating Item* gathered by TKt Admnre Reporter*. What do you think about the wea- ther now, eh t Mild, aint U ! For first-class Oysters, go to Sept. Good, rleshorton. Miss Winegard is a guest at squire Armstrong&apos;s. Remember the Ole Club and Brass Band concert about 1st of February. Spectacles for tLe million at Russell&apos;s. Fleaherton. Two well-known fanners, living in the neighborhood, had a trial at fisticuffs in Fleahnrton last Monday. The members elect of Arteroesia Tp. Council meet in the Town Hall here next Monday 18th inst Just received at D. S. Mnnro&apos;s, an immense stock of Women&apos;s and Children&apos;s Shoes. We regret to lesm uf the death of Mr. James E. Sloan -son of Mr. J. B. Sloan, of Eugenia. The aad event occur- 1 commencing at 12 o&apos;clock, noon, on Tuea- red on Tuesdsy last. \ dmy> Ja|1 Kth jo mi)lltn , ^it ^ Ladies, you run get a splendid Bnttou Root at D. 8. Hunro&apos;s, for One Dollar net cash. The good -looking and immensely populsr manager of the North of Scot- land Mortgage Co. , Mr. J. W. Hender son, was in town yesterday. A spleudid assortment of Sheet Music at Russell&apos;s Jewelry store, Flesherton. Auction sale f farm stock, Ac., at Lot 3, Con. 9, Oaprey, commencing at 1 o&apos;clock p.m., on Friday, Jan. 22nd. 11 montha credit un all sums over $6 Ham- uel Brownridge, proprietor . Ira Perigos, auctioneer. St>- billa. An enormous stock of violin strings and fittings at very lowest prices at Russell&apos;s, Flesherton. The ruah of job printing at the AD- v JIM K during thia seaaon haa been unpre- cedented in the history of our establish- ment. Our prices are right, our work ia unexceptional, and all orders are prom- ptly attended to. A splendid assortment of Berlin and Zephyr Wools mnrl Fancy Goods at Rubsell&apos;s Noted Jewelry Store, Fleshcrton. Renewals of subscriptions to TBE ADVAMCS have been pouring in during the past two weeks in a most satisfactory manner. We feul deeply grateful to all ur subscribers, who, aa a rule are prompt in their dealing with the Agricultural Editor. Russell, Fleslierton, has the fin- est stock of Violins ever shown iu this country at from f! to $1 5 -very fine tour aud timsli. Auction aale of farm stock, imple- Ac , at Lot 19, Cm. 1, Euphraaia, sums over ?"> Kobt. Fawcett, proprie- tor ; W. J. Khepperdsoii, auctioneer. See bills. Russell, the Noted Jewelry man, Fleslicrton, buys Ins Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry from his brother at man- ufacturer&apos;s prices ; therefore saving tbe wholesale house profits. Yon can money by buying from him. Auction sale of farm stock, iuiple- nits, Ac., at Lot G, Con. 4, Osprey, Monday last waa Cattle Fair day and , commencing at 12 o&apos;, noon, on Thurs beaides, it waa pay day with the patrons |dy, Jn. 2Ut 12 months credit on all Safest* S. S. 1mm. r*<irj/. The pupuUr Salem church Sabbath School Anniversary will be held in the usual place (near Eugenia) on FruUy, January the 22nd. A choice programme of viical aud instrumental music, sddress- ea, Ac. , is being provided for the occasion. For further particulars, see bilb. of Fleaberton Cheese Factory in conse- quence of both of which events, there was a large number of farmers in town. Russell, Flesherton, can secure any piece of music or music book for you. Auction ali nf farm stock, imple- ments, Ac., at Lot 53, Con. .1. GlenelK, enmaicucing at 1 o&apos;clook p.m., on Friday, Jan. ttnd. 12 mrntht crxtit on nil sums over f6. Jnhn McN&apos;sulty, i>ropritor ; D. McCortuick, auctioneer. See bills. Do not be deceived into buying any other Specs than the I). Laur- ance to be had only at J. G. Russ- ell&apos;s, Fleshrrton. turns over $6. Robert Lunau, proprietor ; John Specrs, auctioneer. See billa. Now Is the 1 1 uir and Lettch&apos;B U lh plan to ret your WMIS attea* il-<l to In (In Tnllorlue Hue. The .V< K i anil Kiut llrry Itmsu, pub- lished in Thornbury by Mr. T. J. Starret, is the latvst claimant for puMic favor. The initial number give* evideuce of a healthy and vigorous intellect. It remains In be seen, however, whether Thornbury can support two newspapers or not. If your Inn! HUH did not fit, . that > our m \ t one KO?H to l.< Hrh, who Kiiaritii(-<-> sittlsfui tluau Before Stock Taking we offer Bargains in every line ot Winter Dry Goods and Clothing. Extraordinary Value in Furs, Muffs, Capes, Caps, Mantles and Mens Fur Coats and Robes. Gents Overcoats and Tweed Suits. Cloth Mantles and Our clever friend, the pnnci|-sl of the j FTrthrrtvn Ska tiny KinJt. Tbon.ld Public Schools, Mr. M P. Mo- The Fleeherton Ska tin* Rink, under Manti-r, in renewing hi* subscription to THI AIIVAMI-B. aaya, " I cannot du with- out it." The testimony of such gen tie - mtm as Mr. McMaater and score* of other gentlemen, u highly gratifying to the Ag- ricultural Editor, who doet hi* level beat to merit the Mice in and mapect of hU large circle uf intelligent readen. The Profket ia the naaie of a new monthly publication issued at Bradford, Out. , at 25 .TII ta per year, and pretends ! llrfrt*hnn ,ti Roi*s. D<x>rm upn at 7:30, entertain rornt to eoinmencu at 8 o oiock sharp. Adsiuaiou the efficient management of Lieut. Field, j 15 oeuU, ticketa to be had at the do**. Is now in splendid running order. It wma thrown open to the public last Saturday evening- The ioe u now in good condi- tion, the rink is well lighted, and the The Itnrr Hrrnminq Kj-ttnrl In the NEW STOCK. -AT U ,/ fv/t. * .nt- Cousistintf of j<ild and Hilver 1 and Guts&apos; Wateheo, Bronchos, Earners, CbauM. liiaga, Ve..jft(4 ta* ftasst S u*l- ity aad at Ltvjifea as any dealer safe honeatly (ell (faett. JA.H. O. I I !!* I-&apos;.I.I. *- Repairing i ipteialt/. Every Jew warranted It t< III I OKv room uusy aud comfortable. The , rink will be open every Tueadsy, Thura- &apos;lay and Saturilsy evening, fi&apos;im 7 to 10 o&apos;clock. Admission 10 cents. to give a correct forcast three months in adi of the weather . January is to be extremely sold, with few atoms and vary liUls auow. Fehrmary is to be ash- tired in with a blinding ao<iw-atru> ; an- other storm on the 18ih ; balance of month comparatively mild ; with rain falla. March will be mild and springlike Miss Hind takes this opportunity to thank the public for the pstronnge accor- To Uu Editor of Ou AJ*mc*. Dsaa Sia, I noticed an item in your paper sola* ai<-nths ago, in which, as I think, the Bachelors of Warehamei posed their ignorance, and ap<4e in a decided!; ungentleiuanly way I a very poor opiniwa It aeesoa they of iiiatrns>4iy, haJ and tumult Meeting. The annual meeting of tbe East drey Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Ball, Fleaherton, on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, atone o&apos;clock p.m. The bus- iness will be to receive reports, sleet offi oers, and general business of the Society. ded her in the uld place, snd at the same , xpreaw.-d their sTrnithy for WeD Wilirr time to inform them that the has opened who, they npii..-dwa * married man up new Refreshment R-xmis upetam in . , . . .. , Hut 1 understand that one nf these very Richardson s block, Kleshertoii, where . Bachelors has since yielded t.. tnit>tati..r the public will be furnished with Hot or Cold Lunch, at any hour of the day or evening, at moderate rates. trl> tntmi Elfftio*. The followinc shows the number of votes polled by the various candidates : Dr. Chriatoe, 492. Arch. Elliott, S46. W. O. Pickell, 129 (Ward 3) (it... Moors, 117, (Ward 3) W. T. McKee, 96, (Ward 4) Samuel Pedlar, 82, (Ward 4) The following allows the number rotes polled by each candidate : Tin*. Caniey. 262. Andrew MciJirr, 267. Archy. Mclntyre, 879. E. Potts. 2O4. J. Duncan, 39. J. Hudson, 196. John Speers, S16. J. Sing, 161. R. Sprttt, 9fi. J. Taylor, 249. J. Winters, 185, Wrry Trarhrm. The annual inevtingof the South Grey and fallen a victim to the " folly which they so recmtly condemned. I suppose s-)ine one has been " trnttmx out s.-in.- . f their fine young ladien " I am n.t aware I whether he ..! " Wdl-Wiaher " t.icho<i * for him or not ; indeed, it is not so diffi- cult fur some of tli.*,- uld liachelora tu make a choice aa might si |-r*r to the un- observant. &apos; &apos;Circumstances alter CMSJB." However. I sympathize with him in hii " miafortuiiea," and would say there is s possibility uf " objects of pity being jeu erated by OI.I IWhelors lam inforuivd that another of th<r Bachelors has unaccnunUtly disappeared I presume he foresaw defeat at the cominv election, and also expected a laugh at his expense at the meeting. And still another Bachelor has taken Ins departure from th vicinity of Ware- front our o*ra Tlie Iniatioge S S held iU anniversary on U ttth u!t . and cnaaadenng the state >f the r *.!*. it was a rraaai sacoesa. Tss Us was served in Mrs. Jordaa s atnc*. After ti the audisacc aasroiUled ID the Methodist church, which was beautifuUy decorated. Tlie prue/raaaane consisted of music vocal and instrumental, readings, recitatuma, and dialogues. Mr. T. Mt- Quay waa elected chairman Readiafs wre KH.-II by Miss LUZM UuuhiBSua, Miss Mary Juhoatu*. Ma*. Essaas Moots. and Miss Ktla AnstAsoa*, Un. " conducted the musical part nf the pro- gram. A duet was given by Miss Leak liutchioaon aud Mr. A. J. Jameson uf Tars, in a very crfditaUe sianasr &apos;.es were given by tbe Rev. Or. Mrnguian, Mr W Hamca and Mr. U. Huichmaua. suprrmteiidcuL A rwpnri f the fc.i,.-j|. n-a.1 by J. F Hk.idnna>, showed th j average attendance to b* 40. Proceeds, 4MI.6O Tlie Rev. Jaiues Hughes, of TakoU, very ably rilli tbe pulpit of the k.tko- dist church last .*>&apos; afh. Mr. Futir- Pntrhimna has irgamasa 1 s i i* t school here /:(./. r.iii Election, The following shows total number votes polled by each candidate : Thosaas Oilray, 373. Robert MrUa, 162. Wot. Vawestt, 276. VT. J. Bhepnerdson, 263. John Boyd, m. James Erskine, 238. Henry Hurd. ^69. 1M. of Kf/orm The Reform Aaaiation of East Grey will meet in the Town Hall, Flethcrton, ti Tuesday next, the P&apos;tli inat., for the dispatch of business pertaining to the As- s<Kiatin. The Reform Association of the Township of Artemesia will mn-t at the Town Hall, Fleshertnn, for a few iuinuta previous to the opening of East Grejr Association, to transact business coi.oectcd with the former. U .,1.1 1, i, t ,<.//. We have this week the pi nt duty of announcing the marriage of Dr. Int. li son of our much rvsjiected townsman , Mr. Thns. Lcitch -to Miss Jennie, daughter of Rer. D. C. McDowell, President of the Ouelph Conference of the Methoilist Church. Tin- Uappy tent tonk place at the resilience of the bride&apos;s father, Wing- aam, nn Wednesday of last week, the 6th inat. The young couple have the very U-st wishes of the Agricultural Editor and a host of other fntnds in this section. ham fr parts unknown. It would appear &apos;as Teachers&apos; Association will be held in Dur- though were becoming au.lden ham, on 2tHh and 3Oth Sept. . and 1st of |y extinct in thia neighborhood. TIM Oct., 1886. From circulan just issued by tin- Minister uf Education, we It-arn that Dr. McLellau will be present snd will take "Outlines of the Study of Man" I " Hopkins aud Lectures"- Fitch, ulhe j groundwork of some of his lectures. The*.- works arc from the course of reading re- cumruended by the Minister of Education and "they should IK- rrad by teachers be- fore the Institute ia held, so that thry will be prw[*rvd to discuss then. " Wa. I rtxuxint Social. A very pleasant social was held at the residence of our respected townsman, Mr J. K. Moore, on Monday evening last, under the auspices of our Baptist friends. There waa a goodly number present, ami it was the opinion of many that it was one of the most pleasant socials ever held here. The |*Htor of the Bnptut church, Kov. Mr. Watson, wo v.&apos;"l>U-n "| nu n by his genial and cuurtooui bearing and Price rllle From OHT oim *&apos; New year&apos;s day waa well by <>!J aad ynung. until lat- at night, the old cus- tom of list tittini;, from house U> b<>as, waa not forgotten. In the a/ten,...h the wholr village turned out to aee the shinny and ball playing on that txcrllsnt school house play-ground, the band following tluir respective honorable captains, via., Messrs. Duirald M.-Lran and Francis i Waite, who played Loen&apos;y and vi^on.ualy t the hea<l ..f their men. Then wer 6ns Ki>als played. DiawaU McLean casne out victorious by -me iroal K=X*The best, cheapest, most dur- able Pun os. Organs, Sewing MacU iocs, for aalc by (&apos;. Tr*adjrold, neit door to Clayton&apos;s, Fl*herton. Also, "hi Sewing VlacLine* rrpsured *aA ta- k>-n a port pay onn*wons. Khnttlel, erdlef, Itc.. and all kinds of Sewiflf Machine \K\VAI)VKUTISKMKNT& Rabbit* IwiDMdiaUlr ; na th. uixl Bt>tclaM RcbMsj for which Uw hlrt< firm will .!. e a i4f to THV\a Hol.LIKo ls. t h TnmMiitdr. &apos; das (ral awsfsl vert xfsntae uto <%ap*st b. ^r mi-uld ui a ti-t IB U* or we4. a*4 IT* UBM tor balaac* Apply to w. M. it 4LK. Thai propvrtT. known M ta* Hooftr \ in Ih* Tillagw el rUsawrtM. sss l> JlinT Hi>u* ant ("jop. sow u< a Hw.,llinj HOSM [) Mair . as4 a let oa wMai Apply to ilnlnJ lor I W. a CHRISTOB Jaa V IMS enming on prevented a continuation of the ganir, or it ia hard tosay how it would have tunied out. Hth caplaina are de- termined in try it again on the same , . The contest fur the Reeveship of ths kindly mat, HIT. He referred in fitting T . , Township was pretty keen in Pncrville snd graceful Iitneua^e to the Inch moral . i > ,.. ward, and alUough the day wsa very un- standing of this village and ctmimunity , ., ., &apos;* favorable, the turn -> u t of ratrparrra waa The proceeds of the social amounted to ... , ,.i , ,, . . astoiiislnng. How eicited some are over elections. Dennis sold out his hotel premises t Mr. Duncan Laniont. ..f ArUmeaia, who took possession on Monday, election day Lament is a sober, shrewd man : no proceeds the nice little aum of II-&apos;. / " ,l&apos; Yesterdsy aftftr.oon another couple wvrv nialf havppy by the Rev. Mr. w > UllM***V .-*n lit*- *>t tli* tint* you lhaa will *>i vow ui ts IIMIJI at ooc*. ta*s *.o *-+ waw. m all * i-l -rr% IT -ran Mssi. nr &apos;! n<H required Wo veil eawt in fershoas r*aa*a> PTMUUM in November. Loa JS. Con 10. liWmMU. 1 Sb*|> Uwa*r it by prutiuf prvswty wd. |MB \\it.i. i\ 1&apos;favta. ItMIKKs H t\TEa. nwill UrrcMTwd up W aoca of XHk la. ;... IMvV l UM rVeU.waei flow aUlta, for the <ij|vrv uf two itiimiejaJ S)Da (.. i .- K., .. t4.U Ml o lin a tw*n W li 1-ick.ll and \\ k H~b.r wH Ut Marcb. US*. D. KKU. s BJtADLKT. Millinery at Cost! DBESS GOODS in all new fabrics and shades ; a large range. In the HABDWAJfcE department we are tally assorted in Axes & Crosscut Saws, at prices Lower than ever offer&apos;d before. E RICHARDSON & GO. ,,/ tht Last Friday svwninK the nienibera of the Methodiat church choir, Flesherton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clayton, by whom they were entertained in a right royal manner. The preaence of Rev. Mr. Avers waa enjoyrd by every one, for this worthy clerKyman is not one of your long faced parsons who cast a! leaden ]>all over such pleasant a-scmblies aa soun as they enter the house. A roost enjoyable evening was spent, and at ten o&apos;clock the company sat down to a spread fit for nobility. Tin- kindness, hospital- ity, and courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. (lay- ton on this occasion will not soon be for- gotten by those who were present. Ayers, who iwrfonued the marriage cre- monj- which united in the holy hoiidsof . matrimony Mias Alice I It-Ham \ -uns of F&apos;u-shfitoii t fairest snd ni<*t amiable l.iiU-lit.Ti -to Mr. William Sharp, one of Artemetia&apos;s sturdiewi aud beat looking young men. The young couple, as niii(ht naturally be expected, looked their very best. The Agricultural Editor extends hn heartiest congratulations and is only voicing the sentiment of a host of admir- ing friends, in wishing the happily mated young couple a prosperous and happy married life. but what he wi!l uiak a g.>o<l hotel John Brown &apos;.&apos;"t the Planirg Machine for his new steam mill up last week and W!ll f.H.n be rvady for working it. [ Ahnve eorrsspoiidonce waa held orr from last week&apos;s issue. Ed.) of Mr. Alfred Down. Another esteemed and respected resi desit of Artemesia has passed away to "that bourne from whence no traveller . or returns." We refer to the death, on Saturday last. 9th iimt , of Mr. Alfrrd Downs, ar. His death was not uni>ect- rd, as lie was full of years, and for some years the infirmities of old ago had been undermining hit otherwise vigorous on- itnutioii Tlir funeral took pUon on Tuesday, when the remains wrre interred in the Fleaherton cemetory. Tlie tvrttgr waa one nf the largest which has ever paaaed through this place. The funeral sen 1 1. in will b preached in the Meth.<dist church hers, unt Hunday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Ayera. Deceased waa a faithful, earnest, and oonsiatent roenibt>r of tln Methudi&apos;t church, and when at all posaiMe, waa always to be found in his place in the various services in cnuiiootlon with the church of his adoption. He was a memWr of the claw <i( Mr. Win. Rut- Isdge, sr. He was % ood old man in the very highsst and noblest acceptation of that term, and leavoa behind him the bright n<i ahininx raflection of s well spent life, A &apos;*rge and rorwotahU circle <>f relatives mourn IIM removal fn>m tlieir aitdat. He d.iad a true Christian. &apos; l>,.li,i , * .in.l Rev. Mr. A yen is imthin^if not origin, al, and, therefore, instead of keeping in a certain precist&apos;, methodical and nii>iiot..n oils groove, he frequently diverges frui the beaten paths of n<>n-pr\>grrasiveo--tho. doiy, and launches out into leas frequen- ted ours thinks for himself and gives his hearers something to think about. Mr. Ayer&apos;a TH- of |wial (vrniona hare giv- en much satisfaction, ami to the thought- ful have |k*f.iard more than or<lin.iry interost His a>H>nd edition of " Di>llsrs and Dimes," last Sunday cvenini; waa really an excellent <l,no>unc, and was addrnMH&apos;il chiefly t<> young men. The teit wan taken fn&apos;in 1 Cor. lOc. Itir. . "I speak aa to wise lurn : judge ye what I aa)-." Tin- discoureu wss eminently j-rac. tical, and rt-vealol nitomi>raiic in all its hideous iloforuiity. I..I,. ,1 One of th ({ramleat if nut, musical evt-nU of the scaaon, s.Hiil,. m /Vom OKrosra CorrttponJemt, KUchU^n hiin<lrt- 1 n I iht]l .l HU )ourtif., !!< b*9TUn. r.iiililorn h in lr..l and *i(bty flr*. How iwid th* numieut. Another y*r is " past snd pi-ne," with all ita pleasure* ami its im>n. What kind of a rep.-rt has it scut to the " RccurtBnf angfl on high f " Not a very favoralde one, I fear, in many instances, and in many cases there will b nnn f.. r IHtwi. for - While with rMMlMi ewn .un. Hrti through th* form*r >r. M*n> SMtslasw i*f*bsrun. Nv*r luorr to tti**t u* uer* Fit &apos;it In an *Mnial >tt>. Tti*> harv .|oii vilh all blow. a flnle*r wall. Hut bow inn, oon* a know Tin. ia the first wek in January I can scarcely rvalue that it is winter n- an, w .UK) the wvnther !.- h.4 at times for the natives to UU>r v<>nifottabl) &apos; Yot we liail "killing fr.*t " in (Vtuber, andsiiow on the 2Hili November ; horses, cows. Ac. hal to U- fed since I > t U r They say "tins u at, unusually line fail " 1 >I|.|.M- it will be " iu.vlf up " between this an. I the 1st of M.i\ >>y >n<iw and sleet, aiul a cold, liaukwanl, fnisty ajiriiii; Such haa Ufii the oaae since we caine here, much t .1 ur surprise and discomfort. Notice to CoLtractort. S: h addreMwl to th* irad and nilni mi &apos;Tislit SM ta* faaal will b nMt i*d as lass sss eMl u-riral ->f U> t. tli tlh .la. f JlNL Akl B.II lest. for nlalliK lt wl. I Ui* tors*, mrtr*. tt . mt lnrn**iii Ui* hcicht o( taw caaawW of Hi- "*J tiesw*a Port IMJ OMitl U)J (r 1 n.- rttt brooch nit. will Hapserf Is &apos; . ...L i eUUvw to wwk* Mrs* at AU- . il! K- rnral>h*>l as tk* kVesaieel Eiket- scr i oaVw. Twosoa^. astrf tar work* natb ( \ , . |.|*u>a, wwtacalSaa*, Sc . stay i... i i.nt r HereJ Ml* anr* with ta* |wuitd fmeai. f arm*. tt-pt ltr. ar* as. lathrl "IT &apos; "S * " n irf ta* seeessli in sad i-laor *J rswtasaes el *>< ssss. b*r ol U> *uu ai- i (urtaw. a* aiin>sboaa *B**JM for ls MSI of Two Twovaam Do lh M. ts*ian. b ***4*rl set e*clta* n tori lwte> ruotraeS for tke ttwras>tt*il iu ib* offer *uba.ttt) . &apos; t r*.] . Iir.1 1 11 t t*kt*d a* Ib* forwi of *aJ* Th* ch*.|i>* ar wteney UIIM *! la will t>* Ui risstUlve parties who** Thi* lW|rtm*M sue* MS. kowwve*. bin* it*U to > .)t it* tnw* or aav t*a*Ve StmK A r.KRADI H : I &apos; I . ni I&apos;*.B*4< will take plactt m it Wednesday the 3Oth inat., in the Methodist churvli, bv contetitrd with your country and cli- mate in winter it is healthful and HIM- orating, ami thr numuier heat not so op- preaaive and debilitating as that of th South. We are now enjoying (t) anuthjer Flesherton. All our public readers anil reciters will take }*rt, while our Hrasa Hantl and (ilee Club will take an equally active part. Itvaideathia splendid array <>f attractions to the lovrrs tlin-r days inceasaiit rain- alumat a flood of rocal and niktriiniental muaic of the most adlvct kiiul, there will be a number of oharninK instrumental nclections by a number of talented and nkillwl miuiciani. on flutes, cornets, violin*. Ac. Tin- pro- oerdinffi will be cumineiiced by the sing- ing of-" All Hail the IVwer of .1. .... Name," by Church Choir, Ole 1&apos;luh, Ilraaa Band (inatrumental), and entire au- dience. This muncjl foaiital ia the aupicoa of the Ohoir, iincli-r the Ifiuit-inliip of tin- (A! on I ad young musicia t Mr. C. JL Kproule. I ngret not being abls U> furnish yi-u w,th a longer and iuure vnU-rwstiiijj letter. on a-i-..unt ..f ooiitiniu-d ill ht-alth How- - or, .w you^ "yrof r hort l.^als," accept of part i.f Out as auch, altho&apos; located far away. ^oura, Ws. IVmoT. UittMtfntCiillege, N f , I.-W. IV8. Since writing the foregoing, the weather has changed from opj re isively vann (within a few hours) to bitterty col<J -the wind "howls" around the h"iur, ai&apos;Avy winter clothing is r*><|im\il. and roarmi: (ires in cvi-ry ovun.- -W. P. K01R FOR *. th..rou(h l.r^l Hnflnlk Hna* for lx>t IN. feHKa-t T .s Hoa.l vn.m^la toot 8r.t pin* it Ka. <it CtMintv KatUktstea, hold In t lh*rtoa tall uf 1M Prt* l JU &apos;lt HLLKT. 1 | xj r v A-I xrrj "ft oemt.n

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