-\r: W** â- \ V ,BXB19 1907 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE anMipHB -s IHE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. 0»ta 43 '.o 43 P«as 75 to 76 iUiley 60 to 60 Wheat 85 lo 85 Hny ...IH 00 tul3 00 JJuttor 20 to 20 EKgs, fnsah 18 to 81 li U Enjoying POOR HEALTH? If BO it is (in>bably cauxod by poor bilking â€" uur flour is tliu bust on ihu market. W« sell Ford's Pati^nl, Five Rosos, and M>>riiitig Glory. Oir Grocci'iMi are the beat and the prices low. We have a lartjo sup- ply of Peaches, Pears.PhMUs, Crab Apples, Grapes, and Tomatoes. W. L. Wright, Fleslierton. IG SALE Of Summer BoodS BOOTS AND CLOTHING . - AT â- • • E. Richards Big Departmental Store D u n d a I k Everything in line of SuinmiT Goods taxlit bo cleared out regardlcMS of cost, to innko room for Fall ^ooda coming in. Some Specials in Grocery Department Reclpath'g Granulated Sugar, 100 Ibn. for f4.C0 Comfort Soap, 7 bars for 25c 6 lbs. "Our Speoiil" 25c tea for $1,00 3 uina SnlrooD fur 26c fV' -vn In Furniture The I'i rgeat and beat atock of furoitu I* ever ahoMTii iu FleHher* ciia. This without fear of coiiira- diu tion. Como and sue some of th e uice things in Sli3 boards Dining Roon\ Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order lo reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT u J\vMn • OdI. ^j ro Kundreda of Students of the Popular and Nueceasful. TOBOIfTO, OHT. (Cor. Yon^d and .^Icjan lor Sla.) Iluvo spcurod (Mkitions this year. Ot'Uiaud is far Krualer than the 8' pply. Educate for buaineas poaiil 'ns ai dyou will Kut iheiu, but the odu ^iMoii mual be lirMt-claas. Studenta mlmitled al any time, Write for oatal(.)<ii<). W.J. BLLIOTP, J'rncipal Farm Laborers nnd Domestics I have lieen uppnintud by the Uoiiiiniun GowrnniL-nt t:> pUce iiiiinJKrantK from the United Kingdom in uositi.ina as farm iabourers or durnvjiiie Hurvants III tills rieinity. Any ptu-sons rei)uirinx such help ahuuld no- tify me uersonitlly or by letter siaciiig fully the kind of help nWlnirud, when wanted and wxyoa offered. The nuniborr arrivinit may not be snflicient to aupply all re<|UMt« but every t'trort will Ira made Ui provide cavil applicant with the help re<|iiirtid. W. W. TRIMBLE Csasdlaa aavsniaisat Eiaptoyiatat Agsat flESHERTON, ONT. The Song of the Hair There tre four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verses. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair-food ; this is the real secret of Its won- derful success. nM b*at kind of > taattatenialâ€" "Sold for over aizty years." br J. O. Ayr Oe., liOweD. Also msnn^«torgr» of f_ SAKSAPABILLA. nLLS. CnEan-PBCTQSAL. vers Sbotlborn Bull ThetliormiKhbri'd Shurthoru Bull, "Favo ite," 62235, is for service on lot 27-2«,2iid ran N. 1). R,,Ar»«Jieii\a. Pedigree on aiiplication Terum 81.25 ALEX. McRAK. Ceylon Business Cards M'OULliOUQH * YOUNG Banker Msrkdale Do a fjoasral banklutj busiuesH . MouDy loaneo a reasonable rate Call ou uu. T0HI8LETT, < Pottiuaster, Ceylon. CowmlBsiouer in H.C. J .Convevaneer, deodu, uiortoMea, IcaAOii, wills etc. carefully drawn up OoHeeilouB iuad.«. cb&TKee ruaHou&blu. Aluo Krocarivd, flour, teed ttc, kept iu etouk, Prices riKbt. RJ BPROVLB Podtuianlei, Fleuberton v^ommltaioner in H.O J., Auctioneer Con reyanoer, Appraiser and Money Lender Heal, Estate and luaiiranco Agent. Dcedr mortRaksa, leaaes and wllla carefully (Jrawn op and ralaationa made on aborteat nntico. iQonoy to loan at lowest ratea of interest. Col Aotiana atteudud to with proniptneso oharKSB low. Agent tor Ocean Dominion Hteamablp Company. A call solicited. DHcPHAICi, Lloonaed Auetioneur for the â- County of Grey. Terina moderate auri aatiafuctlon xusranteod. The arrai>i{umeuts and ilattia of sales can bu made a*. Tub Advance olMce. Iteaidenco audr.O., Coylou, Tclepboue connection. Ueo. 0,(/7. DWID RORRBTH. licensed BHCtioneer for Uroy Uountir. Prompt attentiou Riven all aalea eulrnaled to my care, Anauxeiueuts can b« made at tbis uBce. GVJO.Q. LUDLOW, Licensed Auctioneer for tbn County ol Qroy. Prompt service aua reaaonabU terius. I'luton Btailon P. 0. T UARVBT PERKiOK, Fevorabam ^' lusuranca. Ileal estate and atocka. Con- vuyancur, Ijoaua and Collectiona, Write for rates on Fire, Life or Sick benefit iustnaiioe. Hettnr ouutracts and luwer ratea ou fire iu- aurancouow. Societies AO 17 VT meata oii the laat Monday in saeu month, in tlielr longe room, Cbrlstoe'a block. Fleaherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; Heo. T. HIakely, Financier, W.J. Dal.aniT. Vtalting brutbteo Itvited, PRtNOB ARTHUR LODGE, No. H33, A.F.dt A U, maeta iu the Masonic hall. HtraJn's block, Fleabarton, every Friday on or before th»(ullmoeD. W A.ArmstiouK, W M.; Uerb. Smith, Bstratiu-7, COURT FLKSHERTON 995, I. P. F. ir eota in Christoa'a lllo<ik the last \Vu<lneadav evenliiR of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welooma. O. R., Dr. Murray; H. 8., 'i". HcLry; Fin. Hco., C. N. IlicUardson. Please pay dona to Fin. Beo. before the flrat dav of the mooth. CH08KN FltlfCNDfl-Fleaherton Council of Cboaan Frieuda meets in Claytou'aliall firat and third Woduasdav of each moot 8 p. ni Pay aaaasauianta to tue Itecorder ou or tiefore tpe first day of each month. Chief Couuotllor, T. IllakalayiUaooider, W. R. Buut. Medical DR OARTBB U O P A S Ont. Pbysician, Bnrgeon, etc OtUoa and rssideuceâ€" Pater at., Fleaborton DU. A.T. KOND Graduate Toronto Univers'.ty. Mem- ber of Ontario College oj Pliysiciiana nnd Sur- geoua. Maxwell. Ont. ducceaaor lo Dr. Scott. JP OTTEWELL yaterluary Surgeon Qradaats of Ontario Veterinary College, rastdeno* â€" sscond door south west on Marv atreel. Thia street ruus south PreaVvtariau Church. H WILSON, Ulackfinlth * 'Graduate of the Veterinary Science Aaaoolation. Buaidenoa, Durham Itreet, op- poalts Boyd, Bloklii.g'a hardware. Legal LUOA8 WRIOBT A MrABDI.R Barrlatars Boiloitors Oonveyancars, ato Ofneasâ€" Owan Hound. Ont andMarkdalaOnt \V il WBIOHT, McAnui.s . I H Lucia N li-Flsaherlon offioa, Uttohall's Dank •very Saturdav. Dentistry D'. B. C. MURRAY L. D. H , dental surgeon honorgraduatn of Toronto Uuiversitv and Royal Collage of Dautal flurgcona of Ontario, Has adnilnlalared for tsath axtraotion. oUlce at rasldanea. To r«nlo street FIsshsrton, hort!i:) rns, Bees and Poultry Our bass hava winterad well and wa have a Dnmberotealanies tor aaleaud young awarma attar the Arst of June. You should a«e uur pen ofH. Ollrawu I.agborca bafoia getting your aggs far hatekinn; SO oenis for IS eggs. L«t 170,tnd I. «-. a H. P. rieshsrton. B, ALLEN Falling Off $12,000,000 The official report issued by the Ontario Department of Agriculture places the yield in four out of the five important grain crops of the Province away below the yield of last yuar, and at much less than the average of the previous five years. In peon, the least important crop of the five, there is an increase in the yield per acre, while in fall and spring wheat, ottla and barley there is » fulling off. After allowing for the increase in peas there is a net decline, as compared with the average of the previous five years, in our five chief grain crops, of something over 30,01X},0(X) bushels. At a very iiioderato calculation this is equiv- alunt to a reduction of $12,000,000 in the youi;'s income of Ontario fanuera. The decline in luiy represents a losa of, say, ?6,000,000 more, but this may be at least partially oifuet by a better yield in Cora. The returns from dairying will also be consideivihly less than last year, but fruit and poultry will probably make a Ijetter showing than tn 190(5,- though not sulKciuut to otl'sot the loss in dairy- ing. It is not a good year, bays the Weekly Sun, but it might have been much worse. Let us be thankful for the bounties (jf the previous ten years, and giatufnl that a iiieiibure at luast of good tilings has been vouchsafed evuii in this Bvusun. PALE AND ANXIOUS. Your Countenance Indicative the body's Awful Struggle for Htal'h. Impossible to woik or think clearly whe'i there is no reserve of vigor, no nourishment in the blood, no supply of nerve enorny. The life of the half-sick man is pitiful, in fact, almost criminal, when buundiiiff strength is so quickly derived from Fcrro- zona. The nutritive tonic is guarantied to strengthen all men women and children. Weak organs |eet new force, vifal energy ia )!eimrated. Muscle and fat are added, healthy color is restored, and the blood fairly tingles with new found life. Read tlie evidence of J no. Carter, of 424 King St. East, Toronto, who says: "After a severe attack of Grippe my health was almost ahattnred. I suff.'red constantly from nervousness and dys- pt'psy. At night I wovild waken with terrible [wlpitadon and heart pains Wnrk bucaaie t ureat effort. At ten in thu uiorniot; I was so tired and weak I could Imrdly work another minute. "Then ounic a bad attack of rhuuma- tixm, H:l>ifh laid me np in bed. I could sctircely lift the woiglit of a pound, ami to atoop or bind was impossible. My druitgist recoinmciidod Ferrozono, nnd he knew what he was talking about, for it rt built my strength, pave me abundant appetite, belter blood, and new nerve uiierny. The rheumatism has disappear- ed. ,1 weigh more, feel refreshed and vigorous, and am able to work ten hours a (lay. Fcrrozotie did it all." Yuu will be steadied, toned and Htrei:gthi>ned for all time to come with Ferrozcme. Grt the genuine in SOo boxes or six for 92.50, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison A Co , Hartford, Conn., U. S. A , or Kingston, Ont. For the second time within six months Shields A Sons' alore at Grand Valley WHS broken into on Tuesday niuht, the entrance being made by prying the fr^nt door with a bar. Last week a farmer brought his lambs" into town and sold them at 4 cents. He felt it keenly liecauso if he had feed he could have got 6^ cents, the same as hist year. He was asked how much he got twelve years ago for them and replied 2J cents, and here is the cause of the fueling of any dciiression that may strike this country. The times have been ao re- markably good for anumbor of years that one cannot return to old otjnditioDs with- out a kick. A town that never has anything to do in a public way is on the way to the cem- eti;iy. Any citizen who will do nothing for his town is helping lo dig the grave. A man thaf curses the town furnishes the c<it)in. The man who is selfish as to have no time from his business to give to town affairs is iiiakiuK the shroud. The man who will not advertise is driving the hi'iirae. The man who is always ]iullii>g back from any public enterprise throws boqueta on the ^>rave. The man who is so stingy as lo bo howling hard times preachea the funeral seimon, sinas the doxolugy, and thus a town lies buried from ail sorrow and care. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Aaron Bayres. late of the towiiship of Oa- prey in the county of Grey, farmer, ilocoased . NOTICE la hereby given pursuant to the la- vlaedHtatueaof OiiUiio IK)T, Obap. IM that all ci'udilora and others haviuK claims against the estate of the said Aaron Hayres, docoased, who died ou or alwut the twenty first day of June, A. I). 1WI7. are required ou or before the lUth day ol October. A. D. 1007, to Rend by jiost prepaid or deliver to George Harbor, Saq., Feveraham P. O. Ontario, or John Thonuon, Esq., Keveiaham, Out., executors o( of the last will an] Testament uf the aald deceased, their ohriatian aud auriiamea, addreaaaa aud dua- orlntiona, tbe full particulara of tbuir claims, ana ststemontof tnotr aooounta andilie uature of the MHsuriiies (if any) held by them. AND Fl.'KTHKh TAKK NOTICK that after such last mentioned date the aald ex- ecutora will i>roueed t'l diatribnto the asaets of the deceaau<l atiioug the|iartiea eutitled there- to having regard uuly to the claims of which tbey shall then hare uotioo, and that the caIn eit'cutors will not be liable fur tba aald atseta or any |>ait thereof to any person > r l>oraona of wboau claims uotioa shall not have beeu reoeivtd by them at the time uf auoh dlf tributlon. Dated tba tiUth day uf Auguat, A. D. ili07. Lucas, WiiKlitaudMeAidle,Ow«aii«HU<> Ui)(. eoilcltors fur (bo Hxiout^r*. Expectant Mothers shonld take xBu-Ja" during thia trylag time The extra •train, weight and nndae prea- â- ure oo the delkate organs often irrita^ and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the dan> get ot childbirtli, but places the health of the babj in jeopardy. L,ama 3ack. This is an ailment for which Chamberlain' Pain Balm has prtven eapecially valuable. In almoat every instance it aff-irda prompt and permanent relief. Mr. Luke La(iran((e of Orange, .Mich., aayiofi*,: "After uaing a plaster and other remedies for three weeka for a lame l»ck, I purdiased a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and two applic- tt'ionn etfreted a cui'.'." VursaJo by W. E. Richardson. Stcck for Sale. Large Englleb Berkshire piga of both sex almost ready towean. Eaay feeders, the right kind; also some Oxford Dcwu ram lambs for breeding and Toulouse (.'eesn. ocaa H. D. McL.lUQHBY, Markri.ile. Qreeu Grove Stock Farm Box 40 keeps the kidneys strong and rigorous â€" ueutraJiies Uric Acid In the bloodâ€" relieves Irritated Bladder (Cystitis) â€" acta as a mild tonic on all the female organs. A "Bu-Ju" pill at bedtime takes away the sharp pain iu the back â€" relieves the dragging, bearing down pains through the hips- prevents Constipation â€" is the best protection against Kidney Trouble during pregnancy. At all draggista, or direct on receipt of price, 50C a large bos. 87 TMC CkAFUM CHCMtCAL CO. UMTTC^ tmisaoa, oirr. -v â- ^ _ '"^' Had Tetter tor Tlilrty Years. I have suffered with tetter for thirty years and have tried almost countless remedies with little, if any relief. Three boxe of Chamber- lain's Salve cue<l me. It waa a torture. It bn.'aks out a little sunietiiues, but uotlmig to wliat it i'B«<Ito do. â€" K H. Beach, Midland Cit.v, AI.1. (.;iiaml)erlain'e Salve is for sale by V/'E. Richardson. f" NOW FOR Don't delay. Get free """ ' "" catalog at on««. Beat college,l>eat terms, beat reanlta. B.A.Farquharson, B..\. British (janadisn li.C. TOO Yongo St.. Toronto. BUSINESS COLLEGE Yorkshire Boar for Service Tlie undrt *isnin\ has for service on lot 103 2ncl \V. T. it S R., Arteinesia. a thornughbie Yorkshire liuar. "}'.,ikt;vi(;\v Victor," Xo.lJ'iaO. Terms .*1.00. TlioiiiugbisiiH exlr:t. Asplen- did .stock fi^etcer. IdecW TliOi. (JUIGG, Prop. Sl^orthorq Cat::3 fcr Sale Leviniasand Wiraplo^. t!)> b')*;!; of breediui; rtiui tj^Hlit*'. Dull, coirs aud Ujifers for sale at reasonat^le prictjj Lot 32.COR.3 Cli.\S. ST.VFFOUD. FlesbertOD Attack c,f Olarrhooa CtarecJ hy One Dose of CliaiTit>erlaln's Colic, Cliolera and Uiurrlioca Kciiiedv. I \va!i so weak from an attack of di^u-iboea thut I coull scarcely attend t.> my duties, wlicn I took ft Hose of Chamberlain's Colic, and Diiirrlioea Keni«ly. It cured me entirely and I hud been taking other medicine for nine days withnut relief. I heartily recommended this remedy us.beiuK the best to my knowledge for IkiwcI comi>laiiit«. â€" R.G.Stewart, of the linn of Stewart A Iko., tireeiiville, Ala. For sale by W. K. Richardsou. Fall Fairs Fhe fellowing are the dates for fall fairs in this vicinity. FLESHERTON. Sep. 2»jHid 27. Pricoville October 3 and 4 Collingwuod, Sep. 24 to 26. Clarkaburi!, October 1 and 2. Durham, September 24 and 25. DuiuUlk, October 8 and 9. Elmvalo, Octobet 7, 8 aud i). Feveraliam, Octolier 3 and 4. London, Si'pteraber Gto 14. Meaford, September 26 and 27. Owen Sound, September 13 aud 14. Rocklyn, October 5 and 4. WINTER HARNE5 Bia St ock = = Bes t StocK Bells, Blankets, Kobes Fnr lined coats, pookeilxioks, satcliels, ritzur strops and utlitr leather <;o''ds. Cutters -best makes -and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flcshcrton Ont. Tin war e We carry 0110 of the largest stocks of hand made tinware ever oifered to the public which we are selliiii; at a very low price. Call and seo u-t, oiir prices aro right. Also a nice line ot dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes. Flour and Feed for Sale. Eave tiougliiiig aud Furnuca wo.k a speciklty. J. A. St. JOHN Gonoral Merchant anl Tiiisiuiih Port Liiw - - Ontario k t f iFf si « In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggous, « « Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- « « arators anil Wire Feucing. « HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works If you are thinking of buying a buggy be sure and give me a call before buying elsewhere as 1 have a first class selection to choose from. / Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinds of ploughs and plough rciiaira on hand; al»i> repairs for Massey Harris, Noxon and MoCormick fanu iiupleiueuts. A^ent f^ox*' MELOTTE [REAM SEPARATORS I>, MoTAVISH I keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a . cream separator please drop me a oanl and ' • JFl^sliertoxi me a card and their wants will be attende<l to. \; -.1 ..«fc«!k,j ,/i^»l*!&.l