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Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1907, p. 6

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yjl^^Wf . • .â€" urt"*â€" fc â- â-  \ ^ v>- NOT LOVE BUT MAMMON PnOF. JOHN GRAIIAM BnOOKS SAYS SOME SCATIIINti THINGS. Denunciation ot Present Day Marriages â€"Books Which Till ol Money Marriages. Tho rich do not wed ; Ihey buy part- ners." Such Is the sweeping Tviiiark made hy 1'rofes.sor John Graham Brooks, the llarvard idslructor, wIk) wrote "Social Ltirest," und who hus now set all New York by the ears by saying various scathing things about Iho connection between luarriago and money. One of them is that "a ricli woman can buy a man next to Iho kingâ€" his grace the gartered Dukeâ€" as she svould a bit of blue ribbon over the roun cr," and another that .she can "buy a Urd, or a whole .shoal of dapper cowits and seedy biiroiLs, und get into .society." Ho go&s on to say things much mor« fculliing alxiul tho power the moneyed inaji has with women, " money ha< the singular power of purcha-sing anything a man wants. .Money lias come In to disturb tlio ennobled passion of love." Opinion In England as to tho tnilh ot PrcjftRsor Iiro<-)ks' retnarks seems to be pretty equally divided. ClIARACllin FROM LIFE. "1 must say I e.grec with the Am^eri- cans," said Mr. Horace Wyiidham, whose latest novel, "Heginald AiibcTOn, thi- Autobiography ot a Selfish Man," was roviewc<l the other day in the Lon- don Daily Mirror. "It Ls tho appalling lark of mmanco in tho prcscnl-day courtships thai giivo mo the ground- work for 'Meginuld Auberon.' In thai b<"/)k there are three 'money' marriages; that ol the heroine, and tho two mar- riages of the hero {if one may so dignify him), who allows hintselt tip go \i the liighest l;;dder. He is for sale thrcugh- •lut tho entire volume, and I may as well Bay, In my own defence, that I lo<ik the charact<M' from real life." Ulioda Brouglilon, than whom there was no more popular story teller It our youlhltrl days, nuiintains, how- ever, thuL there i.s no more buying and Mllmg in the marriage market l<j-day Ihan there was when she giive u.s "Hod IIS a Hose Is She" and "(i<xid-bye, Swoet- hearl, (Kiod-bye," as typical epi.sodos of tl\e life around us. "Of course tlioro are Instances hero nnil there of a man or a woman marry- Jng for money," she said, "but If you take Lnglish people, at any rale, I airi Cfrtam you v\ill find more niiirriHges out (f pure affection than for any suidid reason. , WOnSF, I.\ Uf'PF.R CLASSES. "1 livo In Oxford, and my own know- ledge <if human luilure and belief in my f< llow-creaturus forbids my thinking thill e\eiy liiight-facod, clcan-lluibfnl, nihletii: university youth whom <^iiu! me<>ls in the streets or on the river \v< uld so falsify hiniself as lo sell his nalural Ijiilliiiglit- -love." Again ; "I'herc is a great deul of truth in l*it)fe.s.sol' Brooks' condetnnn- tion," a Ivoiidon West End clergyman said. "I am at times called ui>on lo ofll- ciale ill ceremonies which are pracliciilly notluiig inore thiin the surrender of yullifiil loveliness tor gold, or the pur- chase ol money with a title. I do not think llii\ stale <il Ihings is as biul In the lower 1111(1 Tiiidilii' classes us among the upper ton thousand, and then 1 Ihiiik th • men lire chief offenders." "I iim thankful to sav Ihiil these re- marks do nut apply to tho East F.nd of London," .siiid a liethnal (iivon mission- ary. "Wo may have separation orders, desertions, ap()euls, summonses for nuelty, but we have no buying und sell- ing in our marriages." HAIL NOT DlSSIl-ATEn DY GUNS. For several years past, in some of the vine-growing dLstricIs of I'rnnce and llaly, persialont uttempis have been iMide to dissipate gathering hail-stoinis bv the sysl.emntic tiring of guns at the cUuids. Many vinc-gi'owers believe that ll'.e method is effective, as their vine- yards have escaped Ihrealened hall- hl( rms when Itie guns were llrod. A re- r<>nt rfi>ort by Doctor lUnserna of (he results of a long series of experiments, under sclontilU' ixmirol, .•-hows llml the 8upix>.seil elfe«;ts of the gunllring are Ulu.sory, anil that hail cmiiiol b»> dissi- piited by firing in the uir any more th;in rain cun bo InJucixl by a siniiiiir mPtlifid. nortor: "Do you eat well, mv lilllo man?" I.ill.lo Man: "I ought to; I've been practising since I was two days old 1' PILES *â-  I thonfbt I mutt go on tDCferiaff frompilM uii:ll I died; tint Zam Buk cureif rae," sayi Mra. K. Heed, of 8t««ii- tnirg (UaiA anif ailils:- "I wm m w«Akwit(l l)>di I vould lnvrdl/ mut a kImiuU kud k ItUi* work cauMil uic I real «yoii|r. TIiod I hMtd u( llilii griui<l halin, undt am ihaubful to •aj ihkl It t\ai curxl mo Lu» - â-  â-  I. Ill"*", ch*'<-<! ll.ii>t. ftota tf\. n3«|k 1 •, Au^t kll afcui InJurlM mil rtiâ€" JM. RniMtoU kuil ttMtt USu. * Wi. a LuuUut C<>.,It>nuu, I itak >1«> <u'w riik. kum> tenliM, itUhiMi. WIOTM. Iitn^ra, chA'^M il.i.>t. ftota r»aV n3«|b nA t*lit pfttohM, »ii'\ kU afcui InJurlM will k«M'»C|l Jl, HUNTING BY SUBMARINE n-'FORT TO RECOVEn BULLION OF LOST WAnSUlP. When Vessel Went Down She Had 82,500,000 on Board-8500,000 Recovered. The latest Invention is a submarine f<r salving wiwks. and it will be used m an attempt lo salve II. M. S. Lutine, which was wreckrd off Terschelling Is- land, on the coast of Holland, In 1799. "The submarine is filled with a spe- ciaL internal apparatus," says J. Gur- nor Flood, of Ixmdon, England, who will bo engaged In the work. "It has regulators, by the aid of which the op- erator can control tho pressure of the aie inside, and so make it the same as lliat of the water. The bottom can then he opened with perfect safety, and the wreck examined with ease. "I have just returned from the wreck and I thhik that vvc shall be success- ful in our efforts. IT IS WELL MAI^KED, and is guarded by the local authorities. "There are, naturally, many difTicul- lios lo be overcome, one of the greatast Iting the conlinuul shifting of the sand around the vessel. At some times tho wreck is completely covered, and then <.U' work Is twice as hard. 'The Lullne now lies right in the centre of a number of dangerous sand- bunks, and some of the operations, winch have been frequent during the last century, have been attetided wilh less of life. "It is stated that when the vessel went down Ihero was bullion on tioarU to the value of $2;)00,000, but so far only $500,000 has been ivcovcred, and wo are now going to try to recover the remainder. "Unforlunalely, the weather handi- caps us Considerably, and during the v.'hole of this year we have not had one really favorable day. As can be CHsily iniaglne<l. when the .eea is rough the work is very dllllcult to carry out, and on one occasion, when an attempt wais being made with the aid of a div- inj, bell, the waves almost overturne<l it. DANGER .Vr A MINIMU.M. "With submarines the danger will be removed, but, nevertheles, on a r<:ugh day, the shoals of continimlly ni<ving san<l interfere wilh our work lo a great extent, and prevent our gel- ting (it tho wreck. "On one day, f<ir instance, the sand is all removed from alwjve the wreck, lul by the next it is fretjuenlly covered Ml again, and the work has to be be- gun all over again. "The Lutine now belongs lo Lloyd's and we have already placctl the order for the hiiildtng <if Uie necosstiry ap- paratus, so tliiil we shall begin .salv- li'M operations very shortly. 1 think they will be .successful, and that wilh llie suhniarine wo shall recover all the bullion still re.Tiulning in the hold cf l^e ship." HAVE SEAMKN LOST NERVE? Rea.son Assigned tor the Restoration of the Mast and Sail Drill. In consequcjico of rejiorls having been made to the British adniiriilly -A .soanien in .some of his Majesty's ships having rotusetl lo go aloft in rough Iweatlier, it has been decided lo rein- stii'le ttie oIU "mast and sail" system <,r iiisti'\ic'ioii in the harlwr training ships. This system was «b.:)li.shed iiboiit .sev- e'l years ago, ami .t-ith it went the old cruiser squ^adrvin, oonsisUng of ful- lyrlgged sleariiships, in which yoiilhs were sent lo sea hetoro l>eing passed oil' into 'Iho ships in the first line. The .si.iling brigs Nautilus and Liberty were also diSMiantlod. In the placo of this system a new one was inlMduced hy whi<;li boys were r.rst sent lo sen ,in the shij)S of the par- ticular senicc squadron, consisting « f llrst-cliuss armored cruisers. .Sail drill, running •aloft, and such Ihings Avere c<.n.siHiio<l to the limbo of the past, as l.iiving no place in nn age o"f steam und steel. The (ibjoolions ot many di.sluigui.slwvl naval ollicers were overriilixl h.s iH^ng ohsolelo. They 6ai<l that drill aloft tiaiiifd the men in conlUlence and dar- ing. iiHiJ that its alxilition fvould result ill IX falling oft in those (|UHlities in which tlie British bluejackets has always bei n supreme. But the objtvctors were I'idiculecl. N<iw the authorities have discovered that the naval ollicers were right, ami 'Ui<> obsoleto "mast and sail" di'.ill is It, l>e reinstated. We have been train- int; our seamen in barracks for a gootl niiuiy years now, but a rully-rigge<l mast is to be ereijUxl In Iho grounds ot the Shfllley establishment, to 'ue fol- lowed, it is believed, by a similar molli- fication in Ihe training of youths when they pass out to sea. â- * JU.ST THE Oi'POSrVE. "They call the' town you live In a wo- man's paradise, do they?" said the man with the pointed nose. "Because the vonien outnumber the men live or fix lo one?" "Not at nil," answered the man with the bulging brow. "Becnitse the men outnumber Hie women five or six to one." ONE CHILD IN TWO DIES. Dr. Francis J. .Minn, medical onicor of beullh for Weslminster, England, slates in bis aiiniinl rep<irl that of l,l!78 chil- dren born in 363 families' <luring the past lhi«M> years, fi:i<)--exactly one in every two -died K'foro reaching the age of one Celluloid * REE Starch Jxmt tend u youT name and addreM on ftpo«t-card and we'll mail you a Painting Book for the little follu and a quarter-pound pack- age of Celluloid SUrch. That mean* fun for the children and eatlsfactory atarching for you. Celluloid Starch requu-ea no boiling, glvea a perfect finish to the clothes and never makes the irons stick. Write to-day for this free* book and sample. ne BraattsrS SUrck «*r1ii, UmitH BmnUord, Oataris mS TO THE DI.SCOURAGED. Meet your problems with an cttorl of th'> mind. Meet your ditliculties, your sf.rrows, youu-dioappointmentjs with an effort of the willâ€" which is a struggle of Iho brain. Devote your energies lo inainlaining mental alertness. Reinem- be that that hrain Inside your skull con- tdins all your lioi>o for tho future, all yeur possibilities ot usefulness as well as pleasure, since there alone sensation and real activity exists. Use your brain Ic succeed, and, alwve all, use your brain to rounteracl the depressing, dis- couraging effects ol failure. Remember that it you do as well as )-ou can you have done all that you ouglil to do. Don't worry about tho superior achieve- ments ot othi^rs. You have no caust? for worry unless your life fails to bring you up to your highest possible degree at mental developement. Good D:ge.-tion .Should Wait on Ap- IM'tite.â€" To have the stomach well is to have the nervous sy.stem well. Very dilicale are the digestive organs. In .sonw so sensitive are they tlial atmos- pheric changes affect them. \\ hen they tKiOome disarranged no t>ctter regulator is procurable than l'arn;ehx;'s Vege- table Pill. They will asisl the diges- tioji so that live hearty eater will suf- fer no inooiivenienco and will dci'ivo al. the benelits of his food. THE WISE F.XTHER. "But I can't live pmpcrly on an al- Uiwanoe of $10 a week," protested the sen. "Of course you can," replied the fa- ttier. 'You want an increase so you ciin live improperly." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Serntches and every form of conlagious Itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Bir.iir. Little Millieâ€" Granddad, what makes a man always give a woman a dia- inoud engagement ring? Grandlulherâ€" 'I'he woman. A Pill for GiTieroiis Eaters. â€" There .'ire many pers-ms of hoallhy ap)vtUe .ind ixxir digestion who, after a hearty liioal, are subject lo much suflering. Tlic f(X)d of which they have partaken lies like lead in tlieir stomachs, lleud- i.che, depression, a smothering feeling folltAv. One so alllicled is luilit for business or work of any kind. Lii this c< ndilion PariiK'liv's Vegetable Pills will bring relief. They will the assimilation ot Iho ailmcJit, and used acMi'ding to direction will restore Iwullhy digestion. "How was it Dr. Know it got such a bit; fee from Talkative'?" "Bec« when he was c-alled to atlend .Mrs. TiiUialivo lor a slight nervous trouble he told her she had an acute attuek of ii.lliimmakiry verlwsity." "W<-ir.'""And r<coiimiende(l al\s<ilute quiet as the on'y means of iuerting paroxysms of cucoe- Ihes loquendi. .She's scareil dumb." Ov<rworl(td Persons, citlisr mentally or physii-alW, shwUl try " Forrorlni." the world renowneil narTe ami Wood tonic and thsy will ^iukiy rei^v«r utroantb and hualtb Matrimony makes a man awfully nstles.s a little while before and for- ever after. Askiltâ€" "What is Ihe quotation about 'A friend in need?' " Noiltâ€" "A friend in Juod kceiw a man bivjke." There are a nuiiilK>r of varieties <.f c<iriis. Ilolloway's (^iiin Cure will re- miove any of thein. Cull on your drug- gist and get a buttle at once. DIFFICULT. .\ teacher in a cerUiin En.storn .school osked lier to draw a picture of Ihat which Ihcy wished lo be when they gr<'w up. The pupils went diligei.lly to work wilh paper and pencil, some drawing pictures ot .s<ildiers, (volicemen, and flno ladies, etc. They all worked h<.rd, but one little girl, who sat quiet- ly holding her pad and pencil In bund. " Tlw leachcr observing her, asked: "IVin't you know wh;it you want lo be when you grow up. Alma?" "Yes, I know.' replied the little girl. "I know I want lo bo married, but 1 don'l know how to draw it," ENGLISH WEDDl.NG CU-'^fOM. A very ancient custom ninrked a re- cent wedding al Whitburn-by-lhe-.'-lea, near .Suiulerland, England. Al the church door, us the bridal parly left, the villagers pre.senled a "holrpot," a mix- ture ol eggs and ginger, madi- very hot. Tlij presentation is considered a great Compliment. NEEDLESS CEREMONY. Peter had been hastily bidden to Bob- by Hunt's parly, and hia mother was "rounding him up" In front of the wash- stand. "O m ither," he said, "do I have to have a whole bath?" "Certainly." Peter jnumbled something, and his mother asked him what it was. "I said were you sure it wasn't just your idea," replied Peler. "I'm certain I heard Bobby's mother tell you over the telephone that the party was very informal." ,», CAUSED BV KLSSING. Evaâ€" "Do you consider kissing dele- terious to the health?" Jack â€" "I don't know. I kissed a girl one lime and black spots came before my eyes." Evaâ€" "Gracious- Was it heart dis- e(«w?" Jackâ€" "No, she wore a veil." Knicker^-"Wlial is a self-«iade man.'" Mis. Knlckerâ€" "One whose wife doesn't have to wear a self-made hat." R«M-colored spotf on tbe bodies of cbtldrea Ire eouatimei mistaken for meaeles. Tbe trouble may be roseola, a b^cal diiene uf tbe aklu: Promptly cured with Weaver's Cerate. Fathers who think they hove the Liightest child in thd world should keep Ihe thoughl to Ihemselvcs. A man is foolish to go round looking for trouble unless he Is strenuous enough to take a fall out of it. A D.\NIEL. "Can any little boy in the class tell me why the lior^ did not hurt Daniel?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "I guess it was 'cause he belonged lo the circus," answered a bright youngster. Do not delay m gerting relief tor the lilllc f<ilks. Mother Graves' Worm E\lerm:nator Is a pleasant and sure If you love your child why do you lei it suffer when u remedy is so near ul hand? Hostessâ€" "Mr. Lilewaytc is going lo s:ng u comic song." Guestâ€" "I knew .something would happen. 1 overturn- cd u salt-collar at live dinner-tublc." Ttiurislâ€" "What do the people round heio live on. Pal'.'" Jarveyâ€" "Pigs. sorr. m the winter, and tourbls in the suni- juer." Us Power Grows Wilh Age.â€" How nirtny medicines loudly blu/oned us punuceas for all human ills h.ave come j.nd gone since Dr. Thomas' Ecleclri? ( i' was first put uixin the mai'ket. Yet it rciiiaiiis. doing more good to humun- lily tl'un many a prepnraUm more higli- ly vau.nliH.1 and exleiuling ils virtues wi(l<'r and wider and In u larger circle every year. It is the medicine of the 'masses. One kiaJ Daderwear. a _ - oaly CDC, fiti rigb^ wean out aloweit. and salie- 6e* you from the day yog buT IL That Idnd is trade- mAea (as above) in leo, and guaranteed to you by stores that sell il and the people who make k. Made in many fabrics ana styles, at various piicea, in (onn-fiuuig sizes (or women, men and childiea. Look (or the PEN-ANCLE. (07 BEES F.\STER THAN PIGEONS. It is not generally known thai bees are swifter in flight ihan pigeonsâ€" that ;.-,, tor short disliinces. Some years iig(, a pige-m fancier ot Haiiime. West- phiilia, laid a wager Unit a do/.en bees Ulcerated throe miles from their hives would reach home in lime than a d<zeii I igc<^ns. The competitors were given wing al Rybern, a village nearly a league Iroiii llanime, and the first bee ri'aclied tho hive a quarter ot a minule •n ad\ ince of the tlisl pigeon. Three ottar bres reached Ihe goal before ihc second pigeon. The bees were also slightly handcapp<Hl, having been roll- ed in fl'iur bfforc starting for purposes of idonliQcation. Sheâ€" "Did you ever stop to figure out how ninny hats in a year you could luy with ihe money you Ihiow uway on cigai-s?" Heâ€" "1 have. dear. I could buy about litty for myself, but only about three for you." No person should go from home •with- out a Uitlle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- .sentery ("ordial in their p<issesision, iu"< change of water, cooking, climate, etc., frequently brings on summer complaint, and lliere is nothing like being ready with a sure, remedy at haaul, whii'h oftentimes saves groat suffering and Iriquently valuable lives. ThU Cordial hii.s gained for ilself a widespread re- putation for affording ivlief from all summer complaints. It men were to write their own epi- laplis marble cutlers would be com- pelled to work overtime. After celebrating Ihe Iwenty-llfth an- niversary of tier birth, the average woman's chief aim in life is to not look her age. DODDS V ;KrDNEYl i^,, PI LIS ..,;;. DO NOT BE UNKINDI To him who talkelh tommypot Oh do not be unkind; Think of tile burden did he not Get such things off his mind. ThdX Stz^Roof e Tbe strongcet wiai that ever Uew can't rip away a roof covered witli self-locking "OSHAWA" GALVA]i,aKED STEEL S?ifi«GLES Rain can't jfei through it in Kj '^Jn (guaranteed m writing for that long â€" good for a century, really)-â€" fire cant bother such (guaranteed m wridnif for that long â€" good for a century, really)-â€" fire cant bother such U a roof â€" proof arainst all tho elements â€" the I dieapcst GOOD roof there is. Write us and well show you â-  why it costs least to roof right. Just address The PEDLAR People %' OthftWft Mootnal OtUwa Torouto Loudoa Wlnulpov OHENILLE OURTAiNS LiCI CURTAINS "^'^.A ^n'/^" Writ* to ua about joan. niTltll AMUUMM •YtlNt ea. Ic 4 1M, MontTMl Every Woman U Intereittid &iu\ tliould kuoir aboat liio wuniiwrul ^MARVEL WhirllngSpray XbO new Voulnal 97r1n«r«H llPAtâ€" M I'll com eu- leiit. It cleaitWS [yonT^rugfrlBtforit. , It h« ctinnot iai)piy the UAIl V E L, act out no etti«r, but Mend stamp for Ultumuid bncliâ€" ftealdil. It glTe. . fnll pnrHnutarf Uld dlreoUotu in- Talnan> t'^ la<U*^. WINDSOR StPprY CO.. WlnJaop. Out. general AsouU fur Couudii. WILSON'S FLY PADS Kill th«m all. N« dessd fllaa lylnar about whan usad na directed. COLD BY DRUCCI3T8, CROCERS MB GENERAL STORES lOe. per paohet, or 3 packeta for 25o. will laat a whole aesuon. ISSUE NO. 38-07. FOR $2,50 ! We will mall Immediately a magnlllcent pair ol mens' S5.00 GAUNTLET DRIVING GLOVES Perfect In PIT. FINISH and FASHION The Swelle.«t aioves Obtainable In ih's Country. ^HE PARKOALE CLOVE WORKS TORONTO. QUEEECSIEAMSHIPCOMPAIiY U.MITED. River and 6ulf of SI. lawfencs Stimmer OruiBeB in Oool LatitadM Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana," with eleotrlo lights, electrlo bells and all modern oumlorti. SAILS FROM MOHTRRAI-ON MpNDAVrJ al Ism 9th and JSrd Sev'«"''»''i *""» 'ortnightlT thereafter for Wctou, N. S., calling at (Jiiobeo, Oaspe. Mai Bay, Perce, Cape (lore, Grand KlTer, BiimiDorslde, P.B.I., and Charlottetuwn, P.B.L BERMUDA Snmnier BuoursUni, Mj. hy tbe now Twill Sorow HS, â- nermudlun, " iS.MlO tone. Sailing tlh, uth and Mth September. 6th, l«th and 2«th Oc- tober, Mb, ICth and 27th»r. loiopera- ture cooled by sea brejies soidom risee aboTe M ''^fhe'dnest trips of the aeasoa for health aa4 comfort. AHTHUB AltKRN, Sccrelary, Quebec A. K. OUTIOHBHIDCK jc CO., Agv.n!A 29 Broadway, Ncv Yoik. , »

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