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Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1907, p. 5

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T il E FLEESHERTON ADVANCE eâ€" csTABUSHCo ^^^9 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - • - • Toronto The Standard Bank pays Interest four times a year on all Savings Banic deposits. Savinss Banlc Dqiartment in Connection mlfi all Branches. » FI^ESHKRTGN BRANCH Geor|(e MitcKell, Manager BRANCBXS AX^O AT DVR.HAM. HAR.RI5TON AND PRXCKVILLIC Vicinity Chips Cow for sale, â€"Part Jersey and part Ayubire. R. Wright, Flesherton. Miss Mabel Binaie of Dundalk spent Sunday with her sUtcr, Sirs. W. Boyd, ITor money at lowest rates, land secur- 'tyi go to A. S. VanDusen, Fleshetton. Mr. A. MuDshaw is in To. onto this weeic Attcudinx the fall races. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Stuart spent Sunday with the lacters parents in Tbornbuiy. Chopping dime every Saturday. â€" G. CullltiEuii, Ceylon. Mis^Jtfvrlle Blakely is visiting friends in Ow^^|md. Mrs. Geo. 'Best vieited her daughter. Little, m Owen Sound last week. GIANT TRIPLETS ''Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewinff Tobaccoes, in big pluj^s. Quality always the same. Mias Edith Kui^ht of the Sault is the (;aest of Miss Christene RichardS'>n. D'or Saleâ€" One young general purpose mare and two colta, all sound. Apply to Robert Richardson, Flesheiton P.O. Come to East Grey fall fair on Friday of next week. Mr. Wm, Claylou rotumed Monday from a three week's visit dowu east as far as Cornwall. For Sale,â€" Brick dwelling and «ood stable known as the Elder property, Fleshcrton. Apply to A. S. VanDusun. The Maxwell Women's Institute will le hold ou Wednesday, Sept iS, at the reaideijce of Mr. Andresa atiS p.m. Colonel Galloway of Toronto inspected the armory hero on Weditesdiy of last week and found things satisfactory. Cdl'la bitch lost about Sept. 9ih â€" dark sable, lyear old. Finder please commun- icate witii Mark Wilson, Fleshertou. Charles Bellamy and Homy Holman returned home ftora the hospital ou Fri- day l»t. Don't forget F. G. Karetedts millinery ope.'.i:;i( on September 25, 26 and 27. Miss Leu is in charge of showronra. Miss ManjarettA McCauley.who recent- ly graduated as a trained nurse,is visiting the pareutil home here. C. E. Tiyon â€" Practical Painter and Docorator, will receive contracts for church decoration and school bourses. Prioovillu, Out. Mr. Alex Stewart, wife and children, of Teeswater, called on frienJs here while on their return journey from a trip to New Brunswick. For Quality aud Quantity ask your deal- er for the new big plugs if "liobs" "stag" and "'currency" Chewing Tobaxoes. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker visited Oraugeville friends la«t week and took in ilie MarkdaleTornnto Jui'Ction lacrosse match. The central telephone eichanue is be- ing removed this week from the old premiacj to .\rmstriiiig's new hluck, wl'.ore a baudsoiue otUcu is bc:ng fitted up. For -saloâ€" Yearling general piiriiose colt. For sale ut R. Allen's, lot ITO. 2nd «<>n. N. K. T. & S. R. Geo. W.itson, I'rotou Siation. Miss Christine Richardson teturned last week after a five week's visit up the lakes. S!iB was aooonipniied hauj by her cousin, Miss Edith knight. Those who are aci^uaintcd with the de- licious iiui^jhriioni are revelling in them these (ixyn. Tlu'y are said t j be plentiful this fall. The trout tithing season closed on Sat- urday lasi. Monday was the tirst day of the partidge hunting season anc Oct I introduces the hire and hunter in each other â€" with dire lesults to bunny. Too Toronto Word has reduced its price and cun now bi- had, clubbed with thin *l.(i'1,$2.<)') f(ir I) .tli p-ipjrs. Th>; World itself was three dollars uu'il leuintly, whwn it rudu ed the price to 92. Calf canu- .Lstiay â€" To the premises of Andrew Piillister, omo mile weat "f Max- well, tt'^Mit Augnst 7. Owner please prove properly, pay P-Xlx-nees and take snme nnay. Mr. and Ms. Frank Bunt of CoUing- wi I'd were gu-st« of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. I>'..nt. Mr. Bunt wan at "ne time cterk wi.h II. J. S;>ruulo ill the goiieral store Easiness. This about 22 years ago. Strayed â€" A light red dehorned 2-year- >ld cow giving milk, and one dark red lehorr.ed 2 year old sti-er, on Monday, Vug. 26. Richard McMullen, lota 1-2, Con. 3, Osprey, Port Law P.O. Mr. Andrew Wilson continue? to im- prove aud hopes to be up town this week, also to be able to attend the adjourned inquest on the horseshoe disaster, at Toronto, where he is wanted, on the 24th iust. Strayed â€" About Aug.24 to the premises of the undersigned a large white sow. Owner please prove expenses and tnke away. Jos. Badger >w, lot 17?, con. 3 Arteinesia. Markdale lacrosse club lost to Toronto Junction on Saturday by a score of 4-0 thus placing them out of the running for the junior championship. Markdale did well to keep in the race aa long as they did. Subscribers in the United States when renewing will kindly' remember to remit $1.50, the new yearly rate forced upon publishers by recent postal changes. 31.00 will now pay for 8 months only. Xext Sunday Rev. L. F. Kipp begitu bis second year as pastor of the Baptiat church in the village. Special reference will be made to this fact at the service. Subject : "Does God Care About Ust" HEIFER STRAY ED, -White two- year-old heifer strayed to my premises in June. Owner please prove property, pay expenses and take away. W. S. Inkster, Wsreham. Mr. Wm. Wilson, an old man, father of H. Wilson, blacksmith, fell from a wagon while going down the valley road. One wheel passed ko close to his head that part of one ear was severed. Rev. Mr. Hewitt of Orangeville took the Methodist services here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Chantler of Oweu Soutid will preach on Sunday next. This will bo the occasion ot the annual thank offering. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, Mrs. W. H. Ihurston and A. S. Thurston have been appointed delegates by the Epworth League to attend the annual E)>worth League District Convention iuCbaUiworCh next week. Don't forget the concert in Ihn town on the 27th, the evening of the last day <if the fair. Air. Ted Puiker and Miss Belle Thompson of Toronto, both excel- lent artists, have been engaged for tliis concert. Mr. Eiuerson Bellamy came up with his brother Charley from the Toronto hns piial hist week and remained for a few day;:. Em. is emphiyed in the T. Eaton hardware department. .According to the Ttmts, Ovivn Sound has a colony of skunks within its borders. Wh always thought it was sewer uaa, but accept the above explanation. No won- der the Owen Sound peijple hold their heads high. Some have thou^iht it pride, bat now we know. The Toronto exhibition h;is evidently r-ached the apex of prosf»erity. Although fh.' weather proved l he b st eviT, si ill lecoipts Were only §500 abend of Nsr, year. It would probably have been ftiOIJ il the C P. R. had not tun its ex.-ursonists into the dit<:b. The Women's Itistitnto Will meet on Tu.-Kday, Oct. 1 (mstrad of S.'pi. 24) at 2.30 p.m. at the residence of Mr. W. .\. .\rnistroiig, Fle.shertoii. Suhjoc!, Differ- ent ways of Cjokii.g Tonulnes; Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. W. Moore and Mrs. J. Heard. Farm for sale cheap, lots 155, iind 7. cor. ."i. W.T. and !;>.R.,.\r:inie.siH.Uo acres '20 acres bush and swanr.i. ivell \vnierel lai'sje frame barn, coinfortal Ij house, good oreliard. For price and terms ap oly to R J. Spioule, Fleshurtoii, oi John Stewart on the pieinisvs. She waM a smnrt and prelty girl. She wrote the adverli^iog for a dry goods concern in Markdale. Ber mind used to run so much upon her bu.siness, that one day, when she wrote to her lovt-r to meet her that night at hoino.she uiiconstiously added as a postscript.- "Come osriy and avoid the rush!" The Atlas .Assurance Co. of London Eng. are offHrini; a nice presetit free to any one sending in the date of expiry of their Fire In^nniiice (providing same expires within 12 inonlhH) also Company loll risk and rate paid. Call or address podial to T. Harvty Periaoe, Fire ' Atlas .'Assurance Co., Feversham, Out. Rov C. A. Fournier, for eleven years a Rrinian Catholic priest in the province of Quebec, give an address in ihe Baptist church last^Tuesday night on the French Canadian evangelistic work being done by Grand Ligne ini«sion. The church was well filled and address was listened to witb great intereat. Miss Clemina Armstrong of T-.ronto is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Fred Hick- ling Our paper man in Toronto has kept us late in publisbinti( this week by non-deli- very of our paper, through aa accident to the pro^t-a. Died,â€" On Wednesday, Sept 11, iu Artemesia. Elsie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pedlar, aged 21 years. The funeral took place to Salem cemetery on Friday afternoon and was largely at- tended. The parents desire tj thank the friends for sympathy and assistance. Inspector Beckett of Owen Sonnd ia being kept on the run by the whiskey men who are trying every available means of evading the law. Last weak a search of the Central hotel was rewarded by finding a quantity of beer snugly tucked away iu a comer ami at the P.Uter8on botjsenjugof strong stuff was ferreted nut. Mr. M. K. Richardson left the Toronto hospital on Monday and will be home before this paper is issued. Mr. Richard- son was much worse hurt than was at 6rst supposed, and came very near losing his life from loss of blood. Last week Mr. R. L Borden, the Consertative leader, called on Mr. Richardson at the hospital to express his sympathy. A note from Mr. Henry M. Douglass, who is at present in Quebec with his horaea, informs the Advance that at the Dominion exposition held in Sherbrooke he won four first prizes.two seconds, three thirds and the gold medal on Gauthier for beat carriage stallion, any breed. Mr. Douglass will be at the Ottawa exposition this week. , East Grey fall fair takes place Thursday and Friday of next week. Members of the society may not feel like showing their samples of fruit and roots, owing to inferior size, but any who have that idea should cast it aside as the drought of the past summer has placed every one in a like position and the chances for winning prizes are as good as any other year, al- though the grade may be inferior. Large bills of the fair were printed and distribu- ted last week giving full particnllars. Get a prize list from the secretary, R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. If ynu are not a member hand in your dollar at the same time, Mr. Sam Thompson of tho cast back line ia no Baptist, but he has been dipped all the same and this is how it uame about: While crossing his back fields he stopped at an old well to pump soine water for the cattle. This well is some eiijhteen fiel, deep and contained four feet of water. While induatriously pump- ing away, the boards, on which he stood, broke and p(ecipitated him 1 1 the bok o n. Fortunately a young man who works for Geo. Swnnton saw Sam disappear and went out to investigate, where he found Sam up to his neck in the water and un- able to get out. Sam says that it was not the least annoying thing to have that young man ask him what in the name of Jupiter Pluvious be was doing down there, anyway! Seriously, it was a cIo;s call for Mr. Thompson, a>, had the ac- cident not been noticed he miuht easily have perished befort being hcnrd or dis- covered as the well was a long distance from a house and only used for cattle. The Meaford High School WILL RE-OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1907 When classes will be formed to meet the needs of every studont that attends. This .school prepares for niatriciilntion, Junior aud Senior Teachers, Scholarship, CoiiuiiercittI Specialist and Comiuercinl Diploma. Nothing: Succeeds Like Success We would like all ptrents having children to ediicnto to consider seriously tho fol- lowing iK)int.s alx>ut this High school (1) Building, grounds, equipment un- excelled in the province; Athletics and Public speaking strongly cncouniged; Healthy town absolutely free of fevers; Good boan.1 in private families â€" cheaper than inj cities; Fees. !flO a year. ('i) Tho spleudid work of this School ha.s caused it's aitk.nhancbto moru nouBLK ill seven yciirs. (3) The high stand tiiken by its stu- dents in tho varioii.s Universities and tho liu'go nuiiiliur of it;, university graduates holding Fellowshii's iu Canadian aud .Vinerican Colleges. (4) A fully organizes* Coimnercirtl De- partment iu Book-keeping, Stenography, Typewritiii).', Busiiie.s.s Law, English Kranches. in the hands of a Specialist who is a chartered accountant. This de- jiartme?it is equipped with seven nf the latest II p-to-datet'iidorwond Typo- writers Record of school for 1^06 (5) The school pas.sed 17 out of 22 Junior Teacher candid.-itea and tho whole clas.s of [senior Teacher cajididntes. It in number. RECORD FOR 1907. Tho school passed 24 out of 31 Junior Teaclior caiididatei-- 13 out of 18 Mntricu- lants, four commercial diplomas and the whole ol,"usH of Seniur Teacher candidates, five in number. Eleven obtained luniors. ((() 111 the last seven years 19 pupils obtained their Junior Teacher certificates on only OIK" year's attendanco nt a high school .and that high schtvjl was Meaford. Send for beautifully illustrated Pi'os- pectus, mailed free on application. C.T. Sutherland. tJ.L.Cornwel I. B A SE0.-TRE\S. PUINCIJ'AI. Mr. EMward Hamilton died In the Western hospital, Toronto, at 4 a. m. on ' Monday. He had only been ill a couple! of days aud was operated on an ob- ' struction ot the bowels,lMit died after the, operation. Deceased was 60 years of age. i Ho leaves a widow and a family of three sons and two daughters â€" Boy and Percy of Toronto,Herbert at Heathcote, Winnie and Blanche at home. Mr. Hamilton worked with D. McTavish here a few years ago at his trade as wagonmaker,and was known well in this county. The re- mains were taken to Thurnbury for inter- ment. A meetine of shareholders of the Flesh- erton Hotel Co. was held in Clayton's Hall, Friday aftemocn laac, to devise ways and means of raising money to put the venture on its feet, but nothing definite was accomplished. The meeting was poorly attended. This company is capitalized at 810,000 but only a little more than $4,000 worth of stock has been sold . The property has cost about $8,000 â- o far in round numbers and it will re- quire another thousand to complete it. However, if $2,000 or $2,500 more could bo raised it would float ttaelf.other- wise the property is in danger of passing out of the hands of the company at a complete loss to the shareholders. An several of these are heavy inveaton it is thouttht a big effort will bo made to raise sufhcient money to pay off pressing debts and put it in safe position. It would be a serious matter indeed if no satisfactory way is found out of the difficulty. Mr. Joseph Taylor, of Walter* Falls was killed on Tuesday evening of last week by a horse he was unharnessing. | While unharnessing the horse a pig ran | into the stable and frightened the beast, ! which knocked Mr Taylor down and I tramped on him, injuring him so badly that be died about 1 1 o'cl.ock the same | night. Mr.Taylcr's bowels were tramped out, his face badly cot, his right eye knocked out and a bad scalp wound on bis head. A young man who was present and saw the whole affair could do nothing to stop the beast from kickine and tramp- ing the deceased, who was 46 years of age and only married about six montlia to bis second wife. He was buried on Thursday in Meaford cemetery. â€" Jhata- worth News. Pure Bred Camwortbs- JInd Berksbires for Sale September 1» WO*!}^ Our Clubbing List Advance, and -Toronto World, daily | 2 60 Toronto Daily Newa 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 1 75 Family Herald & Star 1 Sq Toronto Star 2 Sq Farmers Sun 1 8o Farmers Advocate 2 3q Weekly Witness 1 8© Suturday Night 2 Sq Montreal Herald 1 2q ICeadaotie. This disease ia caused by m derangejient of the stomach. Take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TsbleU to correct this disorder and the sick hendache will disapper. For Sale by W. £. ftichardaen. ILiOoa.1 Sales]xia.xi. For Flesherton and adjoining ooontry to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NUR- SERIES." A permanent situation for the riirht man, for whom tho territory will b » reserved. Pay weekly. Free equipment. Write for iwrttculatn. STONE and WELLINGTON Fontht!* Nurseries Over 800 Acres TORONTO â€" â€" ONTIRIO For tickets and full information see W. Caesar, Agent, Flesherton. Thompson's Bakery I bave a fine lot of yoat.K EnRllah Berkshlrea from two to six weeks old also aome Kood Tam- worth sows ready to bread, Satisfaotion gauran- toed oa all mail orders. Write for wbat you waut. O. W. BObS, Hazwall F.O Bread delivered regularly and sold at the following plaees: â€" CEYLON R. Cook's and Jas. Pattison't. . EUGENIA H. Cairni, R. Parks. V. McDonald. KIMBKRLET F. Weber and M. R. Hammond. MAXWELL R. Kinnear & Son. FEVERSHAM EUt Robinson and Ab. Hatchinson . Beat Manitoba Flour for sale. S^. uhotnpton ^lamAmrtoK Jh^ â-  »â€" ^mJ % Boots & Shoes The time for bargains In Summer Footwear has arrived. We are now offering all kinds of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords, Sandals, Button Shoos and Patent Leathers at a big re- duction. Genuine bargalus. Call and see them. Also a lot of Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes and Shoe dressings at bottom prices. In Men's and Boys' wear a good range In Dungnia, Box Calf, Patent Leather, also he.ivier lines. Call and we will try to give SATISFACTION. CLAYTONS FURS! FURS 1 1 FURS 1 1 1 We have the be»t assortment in Lsdiee' fur coats, either Aatrachaii (f.iimmed or p'ain) or Seal, Stoles, RufTa, Caperines, Muffs north ot Toronto. Call and see one of the nicest sets of f<i.^, stole and mutf, over ou exhibition iu the county of Grey. Wo also havo a large assortment of men's fur and fur linod coats at tho lowest prices pos.«ible. Ladle's Fall and Winter Coats We have just opened up our fall and winicr coats, both of tight-fitting and sacks. They are of the latest sly'es made from the tineat checked iweoii.s \Vo also have s.imo nice black ciKits, both in the finest broadcloth or beavor ill all sizes. Ciillat THE FASHION STORE before buying either your furs <ir cent. We satisfy you. FLOUR . . . As you Are nil aware. Flour has t-akcn a raise ot thirty cents ft barrcll in tho past week. As wo havo some of our last car still on hand wo will, for » week only, .sell it at the old price. Wo havo just a few bags of bran left at the old price. F. G. RARSTEDT Flesherton - Ontario '•'^^S^^i^4"':^^S3^=i?^^^^^^5?^:'^^^^

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