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Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1907, p. 4

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â- '^Ti r/s^' •# Septemrbr19 1907 â-  I. â- !' . . â- =!!â-  tnt FLESHERTON AUVAN CE WWWWWW F, T. HILL & CO. WWWWWW The New Fall Dress Goods ARE HERE. We are Showing Them in Great Variety And Excellent Values. J . & W . B O Y J>. This wo«k we ar« p&wing into stock many new liuos of Fall goods and would particularly o»ll your attention to the exdleut »alu«s aiiJ Kreat variety of Btyies we are showinj? in New Dress Go >ds, Nbw Miiitles and Jackets, New Uoder-wear, New Shoes, and we also harn to band our big stock of Now Rubbers to fit all tho Ute styles in iSboes We oo'rdially invite you to pay our store a visit and inspect the new lines o! Fall Qoods we are SbowiDg. NEW DRESS QOOOS ARE HERE FOR FALL. This week we have passed into stock oar new Fall Dress Goods. They come in all the new shades in Fancy Tweeds, Cheoki, Homespuns, Plaids, Fine Broadcloths and Box Cloths iu all the leading shades and mo-lera^- ly priced (or double fold goods from 14o per yard to $1.50 BOYS CLOTHING, NEW STYLES ARE HERE FOR YOUR NESV FALL SCIT. We hare opened this week one of the largest shipmeuts of New Fall Clothing for boy* that thi« store ever stocked. Some 300 suits in all, aud we particularly emphasize the fact that we aio showing ihe nicest line of boys clothing at the most reasonable prices that you have ever been asked- to pay. See the buys suits wu are uelling at 92.50, 2.7o, 4.50, f 1.90, 6.50 and $6.00 A BIG SNAP IN MANTLING8 AND MATLE CLOTHS This week we put on sale our full stock of Mantle Cloths which iucluJrs all the leading shades, such aa blacks, browns, gr«yK, greens and blues, and fancy patteru*. These are carried over from last season and iu order that they should be sold quickly we make the fulluwiog reductions: 85c mantle cloths for 98c " fl.25cf " " fl.50c " •' 12.25c " " These prices will remain until all are sold, so be on handetrly. Remember, just h alf price and all are double fold. 42ic. 48o. 1.13c MILL ENDS IN HEAVY FULL CLOTHS AND FRIEZES FOR MEN AND BOYS WEAR This week we put on sale 200 pieces in lengths of 2J lo ten yards in heavy friezes, all in good dark colors, such as black, d<trk grey and bruwn, all suitable for fall and winter wear. There are COc, 65c and 70c vnlutis in tho lot, all on sale at one price per yard 48c. NEW FALL UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN HERE. Tills week we are paising into stock our new Fall Underwear for Ladies and Children. The best Qianufaclurers are represented in our collection and all popularly priced at per garment 20, 25, 35, 50, 75, 85 '"d $1.00 SELLING MEN'S FINE FUR FELT HATS AT A BIG REDDCTION. This week we put on sale tho balance of our slock of Men's Fine Fur Felt hat8,being the balauce our of But Stock which is left from spring selling, and iu order that they msy sell quickly we have priced 1.50, 1.75, and $2.00 Hats for your choice 98c. Grand Display of Millinery, Ladies' Tweed Jackets and Furs We invito our many Udy friends t» our lieautiful Millinery display on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 8op(, 26, 27 and 28â€" Tho largest and most beautiful displiy ever shown here. Misa E. L. McBEAN is in charge of the showroom. Visitors lo the fair kindly give us a callâ€" do difference whether you buy or not. IWftW MARKPALE WWWW^ LADIES FUR MANTLESâ€" We have an excellent range of Fur Mantles â€" the best we have ever shown. We can show you a skeleton Jacket which shows how every S'luare inch of the Jacket is made- -and wo give you a full guarantee with every garincnt. We also have »â-  beautiful ranijeof Ladies' Ruffs, Muffs, Caps, etc., Call aud inspect our Furs- prices right. LADID5' and MISSES TWEED JACKETS. This year the styles and patterns are staple. You can't make a mirtak? in buying one of our Jackets. Ou*- ^' rices are reasonable and the Jacket will appeal to you as beins; a good sensible article to buy. Prices iu Ladies $5.50 to $14.60. Misies ^3.00 to $10,00. She Is publinlied orery Thursday at tl.(M poi- anatuu if|>ai>l fnadTance,$1.5o if nutao paid Artemnia Council. The Municipal Coancil of the Township of Artemeaia mot in the town hall, Fleshuruin, on Saturday, Sop. 7. Tho members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of l.wt meeting were read and confirmed. Estimates from .the sevural school boards wore prosouted and A pelillon from J. J. Patterson aud others, protesting against closing the town lino betweau lliis munici- pality ami Glenelg io the villn/e of Price- villd aud d sposing of the same to the 0. V.Hy. Co. was presented and luud. McLaughry â€"Carson â€" That HCC'iunts for gra\ I'l as certified by oversuctH be paid, \iz . S. l*odl,«r, 70c; T. Aikimon, «2 25; A. BcHttio, $4.80; S. Podl»r, ««.'J5â€" Carried. McKonzieâ€" McLoucbryâ€" Th.t tlie Reevii be paid four dollars for lw<i day's serviuus iu connection with the Johnson ditch. BlcLoiigliryâ€" Carson â€" That John We- ber bo paiJ $4.50 for rcpiiirniK culverts and filling hole* on valley roiid â€" Carried. Cars<Mi~Mead«â€" That Ibis council uraiit 615 to be oxpendud by Mr. Mc- L"U^liry ill coinpleting contnicts in ward No. '2 â€" CHrrie<l. McKuiiziuâ€" Meads â€" Tlmt Mr. Mc- Loughry's report of exponditiiro in ward 2 be ri'coivtd and he be paid 824. com- mission on an expundituro of $240. - Carri-'d. Mi'iMlsâ€"Csrsonâ€" That Mr. MiKrnzitt's report on cxpt'udituro in wni'd 4 be ro- coivfil and llmt ho bo paid 81;}. 05 on WBixl rupmidituro, ti for work on gnidiT and ?7.50 coniminsion on expenditure on CaiupliuH'H hillâ€" Carrisnl. Council adjourned. Kimbericy Wedding Bells are ringing. Threshing is the order of the day with the farming public. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ford jr. and chil- dren, Willie and Charles, of Maikdsle spent Sunday tbo guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Ilamiuoud. A rather severe thunderstorm passed over our burg on Monday moniing last, no damage of a aerioiis nature being done. Quite a numlxsr from here nttonded camp meeting at Clarksburg on Sunday last. Mr. Fiiwcctt has gone to Flcsh- ort«n to learn tho butchering business. May MUCC088 attend your efforts, Lyness. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Fawcett and baby Hazel of Collingwo<Kl are spending a few ilays at tho formur'a pikrontal home hero. Bornâ€" On tho 7th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuwcett, a son. Wliat some of the people of this vicin- ity are thankful for: Major Bustâ€" That his chances for re- elL'ctif>n avu vrry bright. lIoMt Curroy of the Ttavellor's Home- That biisinoHH is so brisk. .•\uf,'imt\iH Burrittâ€" That ho comos of r.E.Loyiilist stock. Tho people in general â€" That prospoclM arc bright for a good Bujiply of coal oil. Hatherton A Storehouse for Poisons. You miiv lu.i ih^nk m., but tliar.'s wjiat you bftconii' when the kidnoys iire affoctiid. TheiB organs cluaniu the bolv; tln-y are • he HlierH that runuivu from the bluod the wasto iiiaticr tliut sets like deadly poisun on tho vitality and health of the syHiein. Dr. H'linilton's Piils sliniulatu the kid- iioys, oxpul fermenting matter from the bowlcrt, rcatoro the liv»r and stiniuUte all oxcrolory ornaiis. Thin fimbloH the bloixl to quickly roploirsh illi'lf Hiid eatablishoa pnrfeet healtli. No iiiedieiiin doe* sueh Jas' i.O'od as Dr. Il-imiltoii'i) Mandrake and IStilternut Pills 25c at all dealers. No' Biti-Ced with their prowess na r«- portud lant week in the way of catelrng i.ig hsb, 0. B. KichnrdH mi and U. \i. Sloati.^ Iia I aooihur try at it at Miilnur Lake Friibiy la«t, in company wi'h J. P. Mndill. They didn't do so bad, ei'lii:r, for they landed a trout moasiliin'^ 2 feet 7j int-hoM ill lenutli; (lirth, Iti indies; and weight ll't pounds. They'll have to go soinn to beat their own reooids -Eooiio- mist. Like A New Disease. New to I ho man who never had corns is thn p:iiti relieved by Putnam's Corn Extractor. (> d oorna and now one cured quickly by Puluaai's." Sold every whcie Owing to recent heavy rains tho harvest has Inien somewhat delayed. If weather contiiiiKiH line for a few days tho harvest will all be gathered in. Onta will bo a lifjlit eroj) but ihms aud fall wheat are gOOll. itov. Uyan hold a prayer inoeting at the home of Mr. James Arnott, subject, V >nfiniiation. Mr. Will AndolKon of Wnieliain kind- ly took eliarye of .iiir Sabbath sclu«d on Suiiilay 8Ui, in tho ub.senoe of tlio Su|)t., Mr. Down, who was visiting Maxwell Met Sabbath nchool, it being their rally day. We lire glad to report the convalescence of Mrs. U. Soillcy of St.'iyner who htw boeii very ill. Born â€" to Mr. and Mrs. Qoorgo Mac- M.i.ster, a Hon. Uov. Mr. Stanley, Methodist minustor at Maxwell, pleached a licl|)fiil unci in- struelive somwai tcj the ehi'.druii on Sun- day ovuniiiH. Wu think it is a Ktoi> "> the right direction. Our advice would Iw to have imo given ovoiy three months. Mi-K. J. Wright, hi: of Flosliertoii i» the gui-.ll of hor sisloi-inlaw, Mâ„¢. J. Winters .sr. Mr. James Winters had tho iiiiHfortuno t ) loHc a lino yearling colt. KloHHio Clinton is the guest of Mi.sH Kthel (irnninuitt. Wo extend our heartfelt synipallyto Mr. and Mih. Tiieker of FleNliciton in the lo«.s of their only mhi and wo canioat- ly hope to hear <-f iheHiiuudy icc( very of tin lie who were injured in tho wiick. Ceyloo Mr. Jas. Pattison has pnt in a cement platform in front of his store and resi- dence here. This is the first hiid in our village. Miss McCauley of Toronto who has been visiting her cousins, Mrs. John (iilchrist, for soino weeks {Mist, has re- turned to her home. Mr. R.H. Cook is buying a carload of horses to ship to tho northwest this wc«k. Tlie iujured iu this vicinity are all inprovlng. A man was driving aloug the main sireet of Cold water the other day, when a tire came off one of the wheels of his wng?on and ndled auainsi the plate kilass window of a hardware store, smashiui; it in pieces. Cards of thanks are often found in the Uical newspapers aftnr death nocun in a family. For some time we have decided- ly olijectitd to the publication of obituary poetry at less than ten cents a line. Since a fixed charge was made we have had none to publish, and to kill the practise was our S'de object in fixiiiv the rate. of tbu obituary poetry is not fit to publish, and wn think that Iriunds of tbo deceased will agree with us when their sorrow wo^rs oil. Cards of thanks are a litc!e different, but they are quite as unneues.iary. In times of sicknesa per- sons with a spark of humaniTy in them will render what assistance tliuy can and will n nor 'liink of the formnl Card of Thiiiiks. â€" Durham Olironiclo. The big Fair at Toronio is over and in it'i^nrd to Np'cial allruc'ioiis was not u|i lo last year's standard Tbo siege of B'lilajos is a mighty ).inie affair. )t Would r.nuire » wonderful jiower of im- agination to make any one, let alniio a iiiiliUtry man, think tl>e Hi eworks scene and band parAde reneuitded the tukins of tbo celebrated S(>aniNli forlreKs by Wel- ling on. Manager Orr Ims a very inibl cone, piion of a eitije. In tbo peiformai.- ei H before the grand Ktnnd tboro were ilie siiiiie old fool tricks and acrobatiu perfor- inanees, the trained eleiilian^s, the lion tr liner and hor three p -ts. ai.d the lioi>. - b.<ck piefii inilifos wi'li tht! s^ine hor»- 8 !,» In.-t yi-nr. Mrtnnij'r t'lr nuixt yet something new or go out of tbo speeinl attracti'iii bu.sioe.>-s. Of eciurae thoToi- ooto piiieis whose reporters are loaded down with preK.s onirtesles yive the bij fair a great boom, but ibo truth is'l'^roi - to Fair i* on tho down grade despite the bii! KrAiil.s it leceives from tbo Omninioii ami Proviiicnl eovoinmeiita. Peihal)^ t i i item iniy out us on! of a press tiilct mxi y.^iir, iiiit never'niind, we have Inut tlie sati.sf u.'ion of jtiving lOir candid iin- iren ion of Toronto Fair, Imviiifj Imd o) - poituniiie* of 8e«;ini( it for tho' tliree coiiKceuino years. â€" Chesley Knterpriz;'. House Furiiii^Kings A full range of Carpets in Tapestry Brussels, Wools, Unions, also Linoleums and Oil Cloths. Bcuttht at the old prices and as thero has been a big advance in these goods you will find it worth your while to make your purchaae.s while you get the benefit of the old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best quality at, per sq. yd 60 Flour 81 feed V\e have a full stock of Huui and feed Including, Bran, Shorts, Feed flour, and FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by the Lake of tho Woods Milling Co, Keewatluâ€" Every bag of this flour is guaranteedâ€" the best floor ip the land ^ , â€" no other can equal it, ^ Boar Kor Service. Tlioroughbrcd Yorksliire boar, "Orchard Home llooi." bred frou D. C Flstt'a tamuiia Yoiksbire Herd of MHiiroTe. Terms ODO dollar^ Wui. C«^(â- HoN, Lot J5C0D. S Ar teinouia. 1 mo. Tartn for Sale Lots 171, 2 a ml 3, 1st con. N. E.^ Arteinesis. lesacresiuall of flist class (ariuiUK land in a Koail state o( cultivation. situateJ 2i miles g utii ol Fleohcrtou, sbort mile from scbool. clean ot nexinus veeds and well fenced. 10 acres of marsli, 5 acres of hardwood bueh. bal- ance iu sood state to worl< all kinds of maebin- erv. well watered. 12 orchards, a Rood liouse IS X 95 Tuneer.< I insiile, kitchen 16 x SO, wood- sbedlUxl!. u«-w bain ."X) x tX) stone foundation. This is une of cbe be^t farm j iu the tuwusbii> and cau be t>ougbt right. W. I. CASWELL. WARMING Notice is hereby (riven that any (lerson taking; gravel and unaeruiiniiiK my fence will be brill rcsiMinsible fnr daiiittes. â€" .I.\a. PATON Tarm PropeHy for $ah« Lots :t8 and 'fO. coacuKHiou &. i300 iicn>^; Lot :iS, coiicetiSiuu 11, 100 acres; Loi .18, coiiceKsion 1?, 100 acios; bot :t7. coiicesaioii lil, woatuily G5 [icte>. The »rore8ai(l an* all hi thti towiiBhip of Artunieait and will be iJOM at reasoaablt) 1 rices on eaRV tt^ruif). J.f.lIlcKLlNa, rox807.Coniugwood Bull £ox* Service TLoroui<*tbi-*'(l Durham lull for«ervice. .)OUN ADAVS, Ftfshetton. STEVENS IN OAMP OR FIELD-AT MOUNTAIN OR 8H0RB Thtrtli always I ohasM to enjoy iom» ihoctlng TO SHOOT WELL YOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE FIREARM : tha only liind wa hav* Urn making for apwarda of fifty yaara. Our Um: RIFLES, PISTOLS. SHOTGUNS, RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. Ask your Dealer, and insist on the 8TEVKNS. Where not sold by Be- tallera, we ship direct, expresa pre- paid, upon receipt of Catalog prive. Summer Stock. I hare on hand a number of Rub- ber Rugs, Dash Aprons, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, AxU Grease, Hoof Ointment, fjarness repair- ing ot all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance offlca. Flesherton, - - Ontario Then* is a better position for every young man or WDraeii who will attend tho OWEN SOUND, ONT. AND Thorouxhly quilify lo either tho Sh:>rth»ad and T\pewrltiiit{ cr tbe llusiueati Doparti uent. Tbort'iigh and uracticalcuiuses nt study, Up- to date niettiods of luAtinctiou. Kiist cla'S uiiulpiiieiil. Students assixte t at their dusiiv. StudeutB admitted At uaytinie. Write for Xu- nual Auuotincfiinont. C. A. FLEMING Prinohwl. Voter's List Court of Revison NOTI(;i'. is lierebv (livon that a oomt »^ i be bcld iiursiiaiit to tlie "v'otor-i ^.i^ta \'\t," b. liiH Hiinxi- till) .ludi^o of tile County Cinn t of I'u' C.Mliilvof (In V ill 'he Tow 1 H»ll, Hcnll.i'loi'. on the SHIi (iRvof Septnni'idr I'JtlV, atlOo'idock II in. toluMir >iMd detoriiiiiie tlio wnvoral ooin^ Iilaiiitflo^ e;vors ana onim''*"ioris In tbe Votf^H' .l^taol the .\lniiloip>illi.y if ^lâ- ^•ellleBia ror 1007 All ixiisons bavin ' buninois ivt thn Court ar ! roiuiiud to attend at tbe siiid time and pl«0i. DatedatPles urts 1 t'lo UMi dav of Rantetu- Ler. iw;, V, Mua.l.AMY, Cljik of .titamaal , HeiMl tur 140 l*ui[e lllu>lrua«<l catuluai. AnlHUtepvaaaMebook of ready reitorence ibr n>ua and boy •hooters. Mulled <kr A ceuta In •tamuetoeoverpoeittse. Beautiful Ten liolor Iluager iurwuraed ft>r >lit cen»e I t * etau iue. J. STKVKNa AKUS * TOUI, CO. P. O. Box 4007 Chlcopeo Falls, Maaa., U.S.A. CANADIAN o "Pacific Ky. Additional Homeseekers ^ Excursions To WINNIPEG anJ all points in th» North - West Special Traina leave Toronto TUESDAY, AUG. W TUKSDA Y.SEP 10 TI'KSDAY. SEP 24 TUESDAY, OCT. 8 TUESDAY, OCT. 22 Riitorn acfoiul-cl«a<.tickel»fnini Fb'sh- ciliiii at MM-y low rates, raniium from Wimiipi-.j; ?32 00,t.. Kihiii.iittii.^UJ.aO (j.iod for sixty days. TOIRIST Sl.EEPINCJ CARS on i-at-h rXcnrHinn. Ciniifortablc bjrth- jit piii.iU â- â€¢xtra cost. < ibtniii free pniiiplilet, rates aud full iiloriiiatiiiii from W, Caesar, Aiient, Fli-sheiton, or from C, B. Knater, Agr,., (J. P. U., Tidoiiio -4^. • 4

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