">mif" J»i .in*.!' HE FLEES HERTON ADVANCE August 29 1907 CSTABU8HC0 1»T3 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office . '. • • Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Deipartment. Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. FLESHERTON BRANCH Gecif^o Mitchell, Manages- BR.ANCHE9 ALSO AT DtJS«.HAM, MAR.RWTOW AND PRICKVlLr.a was goitiK down the eight-fout embank- ment over she culvert and jumped for his life. One of the large drive wheels struck a n'roug cedar post and prevented tlie engine frou planning down, where it hung half way over. It took a half a day, halk a dozen men and h^lf a dozen jick» to ){ot the machine back on the road. Old Otfender Caught. Impossible to escape being cured if you apply Putnam's Corn Extractor to the worst com on record. Painless, safe and costs only a quarter in any drugstore. Vicinity Chips For uiuney at lowost rates, laud secur- ity, go to A. S. VauDusen, Flijsherton. Lito m ails will be fashionable for the next two weeks. Second-band No.\en binder and mower for sale. D. McTavioh, Flesbertou. A few youna Berkshire pigs for sale â€" John Heard, Fleshcitou, Cow for sale, â€"Part Jersey and part Ayshire. R. Wright, Fleaherton. The brickwork on Kichaidaun's dmg store has been completed. Three-year-old gmieral purprise mare for sale. A. B. MoDouald, PriceviUe, The lemeut n en left town on Thurs- day evening last. For saleâ€" YearliuK (jeneral purpose colt. For sale at R. Allen's, lot 170, 2nd con. N. E. T. & S.. R. Ceo. Watson, F'roton StnLiun. C. E. Tryon â€" Practical Painter and Decorator, will receive conrract.s for ohiirch decoration and school houses. PriceviUe, Out. LOST, â€" A pair of halters in a bag be- 1 I ween Cairns Corner and Flesherton on Fri , AHg.9. W. Stewart, Flesherton p.o, I Dr. Caldwell's sermons for next Sun- l dayâ€" a. ra.. Search the Scriptures, p.m., ; The Last Plagues of E-ypt. We have received from the Deput- ment of the Interior a map showing the route of the Grand Trunk P»ci6c fnmi Monoton, N. B.. to Prince Rupert, B.C. JTho line will be 3782 miles in length. Through Northern Ontario it will ran ,, .- , /. . L u wi 1 â- north of the height of land, crossing the Mr.Nuhnexpectti to finish the FleBhtri„y„,g^,,„3 branches «f the AbiUbi, IVloosa and Albany rivers. dam this week. For Qualityand Quantify ask your deal- er for the new big plugs nf •'bubs" "stag" and "'currency" Cheiving Toba:!coea. Born,â€" To Mr. and .Mis. R. H. Wright in town on Tuesday, .Vug. 27, twins, boy and girl. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs'' and "Stag " Chewinit Tobaccoes, in big plugs. Qiiility always the same. The Shirley M. syndicate will build a boat house on Fieisher's pond when the (lam is completed and Shirley will bo douiiciled there permanently. Waeon brake shoe lost between station and village. Finder kindly return to Geo. Cairns, bus owner. Want id â€" Good opening for a reliablo * ' I boy iibout 15 years >i( aae to learn general '?it': business. Apply : McFatlaud & Co., Maikdale. - ' ' Eugenia and Fleshorton football teams came together on the agricultural grounds here Saturday eve'iing, resulting in a tie, the score being 1-1. 1 hereby give notice that I will not be responsible ior any dulits contracted in my name without my special order.â€" W. it. Hanley. For Sale, â€" Brick dwelling and good stable known as the Elder j iroperty, Flesherton. Apply t'j A. S. VanDusen. '" Lost â€" August 21('t, Lady's brooch, crown set wiih pearls. Finder will bo r: - -' ' warded by leaving at l!i'.' Post Office. .. ,-• For Sale â€"One young general purpose mare and two colts, all sound. Apply to '•. .V â- Robert Richardson.. â- .\ For S lieâ€" Maxwell Hinder, 8 ft out. almost new. Apply tu Jos. Cornfield, Flesherton. Bentii;o'i township has been mulcted in *.oOO .Janiages. This i-ase arose over an etigine belouaing to Robert Smi'h going through a bridge in Bliy List. The case WHS settled by arbitrat,i';ii. Several young lads who have been CiUnpink! at Ewtiit's lake broke camp and returned 4iome Moi;J»y. They brouiiht with them some nic'j trout, one tipping the scaUs at two pounds, dressed. Calf cjime astray -To (ho premises of Andrew Piilli.iter, (iio mile wor,t of Max- well, about Augn.i. 7. Owner plenso prove property, jiay expenses and take same away. Magistrate VanDuson gave judgeine t on Thur8.1.iy last. ii< the Stinson v. Orr as».vjlt a.id bad lan;uaie ca.se. Mr. Orr wii.i fined 810 and .Si i)5 costs for assault and il aud 8.3. 9CI coats for using bad language -in id! 81 '-'-So. 11KXF5R STR.vYED, â€" White two- yciii'-olil heifi-r strayed to my promises in .lime. t)wiier pk'ase prove property, pay expjnsas awI take away. W. S, liiknter, WMchftiii. Sproulo Cros-sley & Co. , fmit dealers, Flesherton, are reci'iving daily and selling at very closo priceb laruc shipments of tomatoes, black ciii rants, blue burrie~, i •nanges, bananas and all kinds of fruit. It will liny you to give them a call. The Atia** A.ssurance Co. of London Eiig. are offering a nice present free to any one sending in the date of expiry ofihi'irFiie Insurance (providing same expires within 12 month-.) also Company on risk and rate paid. Call or address postal to I. Haivey IVrisjoe, Fire Agency Atlas Assurance Co., Feversham, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Curiie of Toledo, Ohio, lost their baby b>y, VVnlter Blenkely, on the l!)h inst. l-y whooping couvh. Mrs. Cuirie wns Mis.s C.isgie Blakeley of tl'i'i village, and much sympathy is felt for her by her many tvionds in this and bercavomeiit. Farm for sale cheap, lots 155, 6 aud 7, con.3,W.T. andS.R.,Arteme8ia,145 acres 20 acres bush and swamp, well watered large frame barn, comfortable house, good orchard. For price and terms ap- ply to R.J. Sptoule, Fli.'shertoii, or John Stewart on the premises. The new fjtnituro manufacturing Company of Markdale have purchased from Armstroni! Bros, of that place their large factory and .saw mill for S8U0O caeh and will forthwith convert it into a furn- iture factory. This does uot interfere with the Armstrong wagou factory uow in couise of equipment. The "f-need-a" concert company are giving free entorUiiume.nts in town Ihi.i week, and put up a very amusing pru- graine, free from any objectionable feature. Mr. Johnson, the manager, is a first class entertainer, athlete, ventrilo- quist and magician, and Cyrilland Hewitt are comedians that it would be difficult to teat. W. A. Arnstrong suffered a costly ac- cident tho other day while workmen were taking down a sealfoldirig at his new b' ick. (Juo of tho lojng pules, when it fell kicked backwards'and woiit through alirge plate glass iviiidow that had been placed in positiou not two minutes be- fore. The loss will be in the neighbo:- hood of forty-five dollar". Notice â€" The Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. eontiacts to pay market value for household effects, farm stock, mplenients. hay and grain also losseb or damage in full caused by liKhlning a'; about half the cost that other companies charge. An institution that offers such terms deserves the patronage of all pro- gressive farmers. A post card addressed to their agent, W. J. Bowes, Markdale, regarding terms will receive prompt at- tention. R" L. Borden, Conservative leader in ihe House of Commons, will address a big convention in Owen Sound on Mon- day, Sept. 9. Excursions will he run. PERSONALS Mr, Ed. Wheeler is away on his holi- days. Miss Mary Doherty of Detroit is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. Mrs. T. Kerr of Alton was the guest of hor mother, Mrs. Hastie, over Sunday. Mrs. Honry Howe of Yonkers, N. Y., is the guest of her sistor, Mrs. W, H. Thurston. Mias Emma Sheppard of Toronto .Tunction fs visiting her friend, Mies Jennie Wilson. Mr. A. W. Walker of Hill & Co., Orangeville, spent Sunday with his broth- e", Mr. John Walker. Mias Wilda Crosaley has resigutd her p isition With J . & W. Boyd and will i/o Hannah, North Dakota, where a position awaits her. Miss Emelino Wright of Orange, N. .)., daughter of Mr. Alfred Wright, called on friends here Mondiy. Miss Wright has beeu visiting Markdale friends for the past fortnight. Mr. Charley Irwin, who went out to Montana last spring to visit his son, Will, returned homo last week. Ho says Montana may be all right for some people, but ho prefers Ontario. â- I 111 â- â- â€" • Kor A.n tiupQired Appetite. To improve the appetite and stengtlien the digi'Stion try a iew doi«>a of Chamberlain's Stumoch and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Suitz, of Detroit, Mich., aay«: "They res'.orcd my appetite when impiuied, relievcdniu of a bloiiteil fet'Unir aud caused a pluiwiaut and s.itii-factoiy 'novenient of tho Iwwlus. ' I'rici'. U'5c. Samples Free. W. K. Richardson, It is a great thing for property ownero to have a rich Mayor. It was so at least in Wiartoo. At the Court of Revision i there were a number of appeals, and ua usual the owners were ountendlng that they would sell the property for lesa t lian ] It was assessed at. * III take it at that, " j said the Mayor. It was the saaa with | the next man, and the Mayor kept at it I until he had purchased one piece of pro- I perty at S2400, another for 81400, and yet another for 94*00. Then one of the spectators caught the speculation fever, and bought out a kicker at 91400. That brought the appeals to a dead Oniah. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a by-law w.-. passed by the municipal oouncU of the toma- Hliip of Osproy on the sixth day of July, A. D. I'JOT providing for the issue of delx-ntures to the amount of 31900, for the purpose of erectii.g a new school house in School section No. 14 in tlie said townshii) and that such by-Io* km reRistered in the leffistry office of the south riding of the county of ^rey uu the 18th day of July, A.D. 1907. Anv motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within one month from the date of registration and can- not 1)0 made thereafter. Dated this 20th day of July, A-D,, I'JO" THOMAS SCOTT. Clerk. A convention of tho county of Grey Women's Institute will be held in tho town hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday, Sept. 17, next, when two sessions will be held. at 2 30 and 730 p.m. Mr. Goo. Pntn;im, Superintendent of Institu'ef, will be present, together with other outside tal- ent. .An interesting program lias been prepared. This is the first convention of the kind held in this province, conse- quently tho ladies who have it in clliirge are imxious that it should prove an uti- qualitied success, and are working to that end. A laruo member of delegates from the various branches in the county aru expocleu to be present. Word was received hern Saturday from Hannah, North Dakota, that J. Bowler, tailor, was burned out a wcolt ago Satui- day, losing everything, and was also ser- ious'y burned about the nrnis and leg'. It appears he was cloaiiing a suit with benxine at ni^ht when the inllammable stuff set 6re to his sli'rt sloavo and then communicated quickly with other ponions of his clothing ,ind spread so rapidly that nothipx in tho shop oould be isavcd. Jim had a narrow osospo hitusalf from death. The letter did not stjito whether the o was any insurance. Mr. Bowler only went out to Dakota from Flesherton last win- ter an.l his misfortune will be regretted by hi.s many friends her. Mr. Andrew Beattio had a new thresh- ing engine delivered at this station on Monday. In bringing it from tho station after dark an accident occurred which, while not costly, niiuht easily have en- tailed a heavy loss. When approaching the culvert at Fle.sher's pond the hi^ ten- ton maohino hecaiiie uninaDagoablo owing to some defective bolts, and made a break [for the north side of tho road, crashing ^through the railing. Mr, Beattio, who I was on tho engine, thought Ihe machiuo Are jrow Courtini^ Trooble Do not neglect ytrar Kidneys antl thus | conit the return of yotir old friend Rheit- matTCTTi for the Wmter.startat oacetaking and by Winter your Kidneys and System will be fortifiied against Rhe im iad am or any other Kidney trouble. SOc. a tMx at Drugstores or t>r Mail. 91 tbeCUnn CHEMICAL CO.IimOcd. WDIIMlB,OaL BIG SALE Of Summer GoodS BOOTS AND CLOTMIN O AT J. E. Richards Big Departmeatal Store Du ndalk Everything in luie of Summer Goods must be cleared out regardless of coat, to make room for Fall goods coming in. Some Specials in G rocery Department Redpath's Granulated Sugar, 100 lbs fo"^ â- â- â- â- â- â- fi.OO Comfort Soap, 7 bars for 25c .|") lbs. "Our Special" 25c tea for. . ." !$i,00 3 cans Salmon for 25c Stock for Sale. Largo EiiRliah Berkshire pigs ot both box k^,rV^*^^ '° "J^^i-- . Easy feeders, toe rltbt k mcl; ttlRo some Oxford Down ram lambs for biTodiug and Toulouse Boese. '«""» 'or oc'ij H. D. MoIiAUaHBT Markdsle l^rtou Grovo Stock Farm Etox « TINWARE We carry one of tho largest stocks of hand made tinware ever offered to the public which we are selling at a very low price. Call and see us, our prices are right. Also a nice lino of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes. Flou r and Feed for ale. Eavo tioughing and Furnace work a specialty. J. A. St. JOHN Geaoral Merchant and Tinsmith Port Law - - Ontar Z^ Thompson's Bakery. 1 Bread delivered regularly and sold at the following places:â€" CEYLON R. Cook's and Jaa. Pattison's, P RIC E VILLB Post Office. EUGENIA H. Cairiis, R. Parks, F. McDonald. KIMBERLEY F, Weber and M. R. Hammond. MAXWELL R. Kiunear & Son. FEVERSHAM Robinaon and Ab. Hutchinson. Eli O^kompaon !fLeshenton â- -'-â- -jiFall Fairs Fhe fellowhig aro the dates for fall fairs in this vicinity. FLESHERTON. Sep. 2« and 27. Pricuville October 3 and 4 Collingwood, Sep. 24 to 2rt. Clarksburg, October 1 aud 2. Durham, September 24 and 25, Duiidalk, October 8 and 9. Eluivale, October 7, 8 and '.». Feversham, October 3 and 4. London, September to 14. Moaford, Siptembor 2i) and 27. Owen SounJ, September 13 and 14. Rocklyn, October 3 and 4. The Meaford HtghSchool WILL RE- OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1907 When classes will be formed to meet tho iieedH of every student that attends, This school prepares for matriculation. Junior aud Senior Teachers, Scholarship, Coininorcial Specialist and Commercial Diploma. Nothing Succeeds Like Success W'o wcmld like all parents having children to educate to consider seriously the fol- lowing jioints about this High school (1) Buihliiig, grounds, equipment uu- oscelled in the province; Athletics and Public speaking strongly encouraged; Healthy tjown absolutely free of fevers; (Jriod board in private families â€" cheaper than iuj cities; Foes, 810 a year. (2) The splendid work of this School has ciused it's attendanck to more than DOUBLE in seven years. (3) The high stand taken by its stu- deat.s in the various Universities and the large number of its university graduates holding Fellowships in Catad'an aud American Colleges. (4) A fully orgauized Commercial T)e- p.rtiuontin Book-koeping, Stenog;a hy, i'ypowriting, Business Law, Engl sh Branches, in the bunds of a Speeiahi t who is a chartered accountant. This de- partment is oquipptid with seven of the latest up-to-(lateUnderwood Type-writers Kttcord of school for 1^06 (D) The .school pas.sod 17 out. of '22 Junior Teacher cuudidates and tho whole class of Senior Teacher candidates, 14 hi number. RECORD FOR 1907. The school passed 24 out. of 31 .Junior Teacher candidates, 13 out of 18 Matricu- 1 lilts, fmi- commercial diplomas and the wholo class of Senior Teacher candidates, five in number. Eleven obtained honors. (8) In tho last seven years 19 pupils obtained their Junior Teacher certificates on only one year's uttondance at a high school and that high school was Meaford. Send for beautifully illustrated Prot- peotUH, miiileil free on application. C.T.Sutherlancl.iJ.L.Cornwell.BA Sbc.-Trbas. Pbikcifal • T%I% ts & Shoes Tho time for bargains In Sammer Footwear has arrived. We are now ottering all kinds of Ladies' and Children's O-xfords, Sandals, Button Shoes and Patent Leathers at a big re- duction. Genuine bargains. Call and see them. Also a lot of Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes ,ind Shoe dressings at bottom prices. In Men's and Boys' wear a good range in Dongola, Box Calf, Patent Leather, also heavier lines. Call and wo will try to give SATISFACTION, Claytons', Flesherton. Farmers. . . . m k Now is the time to Binder Whips and buy Forks, Rakes, Mitta, Rope, Pulleys, I I Binder Twine. i Which we handle the celebrated Plymouth and Gilt Edge Brands and also tho Plymonth Pure Manilla Hope. Call and get our prices on Binder Twine and Rope before buying. We can satisfy as to (juantity, quality and price. Coming. ... A car of Floar and Feed is e.xpeoted to arrive any day. F. G. RARSTEDT m Flesherton - Ontario I l^.^^'^g^^â- ^^.^'^i-?^^y^â- â- yi:-''<^.'i.y