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Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1907, p. 4

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*• »- August 291907 THE FLESHfiRTON ADVAKCE r^v^wvwwvy F, T. HILL & CO. WWWWWW^ FALL opening; LADIES NEW MANTLES AND JACKETS WED. AUGUST 28 AND FOLLOW- ING DAYS. This is the first sliowing ul now Fall anJ Winter styles and we have usee' our best judgement in having for your iuspectiun one of iho finest collections of Ladies Mantles conceivable for style, aod representing the newest, up-to-date cloths at a very motlorate cjst, in fact wa are agent for oae of the largest Mantle manufac- turers in the world, Norheimor & Co., Germany, the centre of th o groat Mantle industry. We extend to you a cordial welcome to come in and inspect our new Fall Jackets, Men, it's time to look for your new Fall Suit. This week foe men and Boys wo pass Into stock one of the lari/est stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing that this store has ever handled. We are handlin<{ the celebrated Broadway Brand which represunts the latest New York styles and patterns and the values aro of an exceptionally ioterosting character. Being anxious to intro- duce the merits of this new line to the public quickly tre are offering special prices. See the New Fall Suitfl for Boys that wo are soUins; at 83.76, 4.50, 4.75, 5.50 and 6.50. They will please the most exactint;. Men, See the new Broadway Clot hing in Suits that wo are [selling W 0.50, 7.50, 8,75, 9.50, 10.50 and 14.00 Stacks of new Underwear are here. T he chill of the evenings and early mornings are forcible remindeis of ckc necessitiei of Fall Underwear. We are ready with it moderately priced. ^ 20 dozea M en's Fine Balbrigiran Wool Fleeced, of extra good ijuality, priced low, per garment for shirl and drawers 60c. 20 dozen Men's Fine Uiishri nkable Wool Shirts and Diawers, specially priced at per garment 85c. 20 dozen Men's Fine Botany Wool Qarmetita, unshrinliable and full fashioned. Selling at per garment.. 1.10 20 dozen Wakclield's extra heavy Unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers, regular value, 81.25, soiling at per garment 95c. HARDWARE A full and complete lino of Hardware carried in this deparlment at close prices. Come and eeo. mm MARKPALE MWMM^ M\H Is publiHlifcd L-vcry Thursday at 1?1.<W pnr auiiuiii if paid iuadvaucu, 91. 'lU if >>"'' â- 'â- ^ I'aid Experiments With Autumn Sown Crops i' Tho areas used for sowing whuat and ^' 'jthur (lutuiiin crops was soniowhat great- er throughout Ontiirio in the fall of IIKMJ than in that of l'.)05. At tho Agricul- tural (Jolkgo this year winter wheat and winlor ryo have produced largo yields of ' yrain which is above tlio avorago in qual- ity, but the winter barley and the hairy vetches havo given results somewhat liiwer than those of IIHHJ. i Ueneraily speaking, white wheats, UA compared with red wheatH, yield more grain per acre, [dissesa stronger straw, Heigh a little less per measured bushel, aro slightly softer in the grain, iiroduco a more popular pastry Hour, and furnish a somewhat weaker Hour for bread pro- duction. Of tho wlulo wheats, Daw.sou's Uoldou Chall'niid other very similar variotios such as Abundance, American Banner, Beardless iiural New Yorker No. G, American Wonder, Su[)erlative, Forty- luld. Prize tiiker and Kxtra F,arly Wind- siir ; and ot tho red wheats, Imperial Amber, Paramount and Crimean Uod liavo produced the highest yield of grain '" I ler acre in the college exporiuionts. In the followiii;; characteristics tho varieties juentioued Imlow aro very prominent : f>liti'nes8 of straw, Dawson's Guidon ChalT /i;V i'rospority, Kconomy and Karly Ontario; hardness of grain, lluda Pusth, No. 5 lied, Crmiiian lied, Banatka, 'I'asmani.i Ked and (.ioiieva ; weight of grain, North- â- .ve.iter. Auburn and (ioneva ; and milling quality of groin, Tasmania Jved, Rudy, < Inigara, Crimean Hod, Yaroslaf, Turkey Red, Bftrly Oenesoe Giant, B.anatka, Northwuhter, (ieneva and Imp. Amber. Wo are eiuloavoring to improve some of the best varieties of winter wheal by â-  neitns of .><ydtonmtic seluction and by cross fortiliziitiori. I'lach of eight dilVerent se- lected strains of Dawsim's Golden Chatl" wlieat gave a yield of over 70 bu.shols of grain per acre in 1907. Scmio of tho most promisin<{ hybrids, which are con- stant in typo Ibis year, are those pro- tlnced by croHsing the Dawson'n Goldon Cliatf with tho Bulgarian, and with tho Turkey Red. 'I'lie object in crossing is to originalo now kinds which will com- bine the gooil >|ualities and eliminate tho nndesirablo features of parent varieties. The results of many tests at (ho col- lege indicate the imporUknco of sowing with a grain drill, largo, plump, sound » ell matured seed wheat at tlie rate of aUint a bushel and n half ]ior aero on woll prepared clover sod, and earlier if iiKSriiblo than the IDth of Septe.mbor. Smutted wheat should bo inunersed for UO minutes in a a solution <if onu pint of formalin and 4;J gallons of water. The recent testa at the College of other ('lasses of autumn sown crops show tho following varieties to bo tliu heaviest aver- age yielders of grain pur acre : Mam- nmth White W'inter Rye, 62 bu.shols; 'I'enncssoo Winter Barley, 63.4 bushels; Uairy Vetches, 5.7 bushels In tho co-o|)er,Uivo ex|>eriments, c(m- ducted tlirou>.liout (.)ntarii) in 1!M)7 under the direction uf the ICxperimuntul llnion ( !io averu^'o yields of grain jier acre wore as follows: Winter wheatâ€" Imperial Am- Ixa-, 22.2 bushels; Abundance, 21.7 bush- els; and Michigan Amber, 20.3 bushels, and of Winter Rye â€" Mammoth, 26.4 and Cummon, 21.4 bu.shels. DiSTUIBUTION OK MaTERI.VL FOR Exi'ERI- .MKNTS. As long as t!je supply lasts, material will bo clistribHled free of charge in tho order in which the applications are re- ceived from Ontario farmers wisliing to experiment and to report the results of any one of the following! tests: 1, Hairy Vetches and Winter Rye as fodder crops; 2, throe variotios of Winter Wheat; 3, Five Fertilizers with VVinter Wheat ; 4, Autumn and .Spring applications of Ni- trate > if Suda aud common salt ou Win- ter wlieat ; o, two varieties of Winter Rye. Tho size of each plot is to bo ono rod wide by two rods long. Material for num tiers 3 and 4 will be sent by ex- press and that for the others by mail. C. A. ZAVITZ. O.A.C., Guolph, Ont. Mrs. Gilroy. a Mount Forest lady, fell down stairs and broke her wrist, The Berlin Telegraph man has been made the victim of a vile congpirjioy. 'Somebody got him to print the particu- lars of the sudden death of the wife of F. G. Gardiner, tho edition being no sooner off the press than tho amazed editor learned that the item was an ac- count of tho sudden death of the citizen's lirst wife, twelve years ago. Iho Tele- f/raph had to say it wae delighted that the present Mrs. Gardiner did not sutTer an untimely death, snd it apologized for tho " very reytottabl > chnraetor " of ita mis- take. The citizens of Beihn have an excusable cnuse for levity. ImidsummerI -- SALE -- Ladies White Shirt Waists, regular f 50 to 1.85 for 75c Print Wrappers, reoular 1,00 for 75c Fancy Dress Muslins, selling at 10, 12^ and 15c Embroidery Insertions, regular 10c for 7c Iiadies' White Underskirts, regular 1.25 for 98c L.idies' White Underskirts, regular 1.50 for 1.15 Special pricees in all white goods including Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers. Women's Cotton Hose, reg. 15c for lOo A complete stock of Parasols ranging in price from 60c to 2 25 Men's Furnishings. A full range of Summer Underwear, Fancy VcbLs, Belts, Neckwear, etc. Cashmere Sock.s, regular 2;)c for 18c Fancy Shirts, regular 1.00 tor 79c ^ House Furnishings! A full range of Carpets in Tapestry Brussels, Wools, Unions, also Linoleums fR and Oil Cloths. Bcught at the ild prices and as there has been a big ^ advance in these goods you will find it worth your while to make your (^ purchases while you get the benefit of the old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum ^F best quality at, per scj. yd 50 yjtt Flour 81 feed I V> e have a full stock of tloui and feed includinp;. Bran, Shorts, Feed Hour. ^ and FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by the Uke of the Woods Milling Co. ^ Keewatinâ€" Every bag of this flour is guaranteedâ€" the best flour in the land ?fJ â€" no other can equal it. ^ COAL I Several cars of No. 1 Hard Coal to arrive this month. Parties who use Coal ^ fit the winter months should give their orders now and get the lowest price ^K â€" call and leave your ordersâ€" a good time now to get it in. yki Hardivarc i A full stock of stoves, ranges and heaters, axes, saws and all kinds of wood aji men's supplies, also BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. Parties contemplating ^ building should not neglect getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere j^ J. & W. BOYD FLESHERTON Eleanor Layton, ex-postmistress of Meafoid, died jit CoUiugwood last week. Ernest Rowe, 21 years of ago, lost all the fingers on his hand by coming in con- tact with a pbiiior in Sparling's factory at Meaford. VVm. Davie, a young Scotchman, com- niitted Buicidu by taking paris green on the farm of his employer, James Shaw, Riverson. lie was a .steady, respectable young man, and no cause can be assigned for his rasth act, Mrs. W. J. Juniper of Meaford was badly burned by tho explosion of a lamp, which set fire to her clothing. The bouse was set on fire but llio tiremen succeeded ill extinguishing the flames before much daiiia^^u was done. Mr. Juniper had his hands burned in attempting to save his wife. The organ factory at Ux bridge was destroyed by tire a few days ago. The h)sa id estimated at 838,0(K) with insur- ance of 813,500. The loss will be severe- ly fult in Uxbridiieas the factory will not 1)0 rebuilt. Forty mechanics havo been thrown out of employment. At Moiiretield, sinco local option closed one of the hotels, the township authori- ties havo been busy making use of the fine, spacious building, which is of white brick. The building has been greatly enlarged and thoroughly renovated so that it now all'ords an exceptionally fine township hall, one of which the authori- ties and the residents of tho township feel jnstly proud. Robert Lunnoy, tho Chesley man who was so seriously kicked by a horse four weeds agi>, lias sines* been cared for in the Owen Sound hospital, and returned to his home a few days ago. He is some- what diaHguiod, but no permanent injury will result, although his escape from death was miraculous. Ou Tuesday iiiorniiig the fine bank bitrii of Thns. Jackflon, Mono and Aniar- atith townline, a short distance norih of IJ side-road, was totally destroyed by fire. The barn contained tho hay and barley crop of this year. Tho fire was caused by sparks fr..m a fallow which had been oleatod tip. Tlio barn was built three yi-ars ag.. and wns a fine struo'.ure. The lots will l<o fully Â¥2500 and weuuderatsnd that tho insuianuo in about half that •mount,â€" Grand Valley Stat, STEVENS IN CAMP OR FIELO-A MOUNTAIN OR 8H0RB Thero It always a chanoe to enjoy tome ihootlng TO SHOOT WEtLVDU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABtE FIREARM: tli« only kind we have â- - bean making (or upwards of fifty years. Our Une: RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTSUNS, RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. Ask Four Deal«i*, and inaltt on tho ST£V£NS. Wh«re not Bold by Re- tailors* we ship direct, express pre- paid, ni>un receipt of Cutalug price. Hvnil fVir 140 1*i»k« lUuitrikt»tl rutuluu. An luUlspeuaikblu book of re»<ly relterence for mun und boy â- hooters. Mulled ft>r A cents In stumps to cover iMistuao. ncMutlf â- â- â-  Tea Color Ilnagvs ior\Tttrded A»r â- Ik cent* In Ntuanp*. J. SXIfiVKNS ABMB A TOOL CO. P. O. Box 4097 Clileopeo Falls, IttMi*., U.S.A. Voters* List TOWNSHIP OF OSPRE Y. rvOTICE isberobyglven that I have transniit- totl i)i- doliveroJ to tno porsoua inontioned in sections 5 and 6 of "The Ontario Votors' Lista Act" tho covloa rouuirod by saWl flections to be HO trammiittodor aelivei*oa of the list made pur- Huaiit to tho Raid Act, of all the pui'sonu appear* in^ by the last Keviaed AByouHiiiont KuU of the Bald Muniotpality to be outitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Mem- bers of the Legislative AsBemhly ami at Mua< icipal Eiuotions and the said List wa.'^ tlrnt post- ed up at my otHoo at Mclntyre on tho 17th day of August. ltM)7, uud remains there for iuspec- tiou. Gloctors are called upon to examiur the said Liat and if any ommisBions or other nrrors are found tbereiu to take imme<Uatu proceedings to have tho same corrected according to law. Dated this 17th day of Auguet. A. D.1907. TH08. SCOTT, CleVk Twp. of Oa prey. Summer Stock. I bavBou hand a number of Rub- ber Uugs, Dash AproDu, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, .AxloGreaao, Hoof Ointment, flarness repair- ' , ing of all ktuda done proiuptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance office. FlESHERTON, - - ONTARIO Fall term at XHe THE OWEN OUND Collegiate Institute Re-Opening Tuesday, supteiiibcr 3rd Tarm for Sale Lots 171, 2 and 3, Ist con. N. E., Arteineaia. 125 actros iu all of first olasa fariiiini* land in a goed state of culttvotion. sitiiatoJ Q) miles Bcuthot FlcBtierton, short mile from sctiuol. cloau of nexlous weeds anil well tuucod. 10 acres of uiarsb, 5 acres of tjardwoo<l l)UBb. bal- ance in uood state to worli all kiudB of uiacbin' ery, well watered, 2 orchards, a pood house 18 X 30 veiieerjd inside, icitchon 10x20, wood- slied 16 X 12, now barn 60 x (iU stooo foundation. This in one of tho best farms iu tho towusbiii and uau be bougbt right. W. J. CASWELL. Farm for Sale Lots 1 andTion the Gth Con. N. D. R. iuthe Township of .\rtoine9ia, ooiitniniiic iDU acres o( whieli Ii» are cleaved and tliu reulliiui^^ HO aro well tiuiliered. This farm is located in tho Htone Settlement aljoutaj iiiihn from Flesher> ton btation, is well watered, Imi nooJ buildings and is iu u good state of cultivation. Apiily to Lucas, WriRht & McArdle, bolictora, aa2ng Onen Bound. OWEN SOUND, ONT. COMMENCES ON Sept. 2nd, l'J07, Three thorough and practical o'lrses of study. First-clasH equipment. Ifpto-date uiatbods of instruction. StialiMits n'^^"," .s|)ecial assistance at deik. We tf;iih i'usi- iiess subjects including BCH)K KKVll'lNlt, COMMEKCIAL L.^W, .\Ji[TUMETTC, COKREHPt)Nl)ENCE, PKNM.\NS<HIP, ETC. SltOKTTlANUandTYI'KWKlTlNti, and PKKP.VTORY work. W,.rt!i.v students assisted to i)oeitloii8. Write for Auuounce- meut. C. A. FLEMING! Principal. li)07 The Oweh Sound ColleRlato tnalituto will vo- oiinn for the Kail term on Tuosdav. Sept., 3rd alii a. 111., wlien pupils will be enrolled and classitlod, and classes organized for tho geuora! Ooursn; the Cnnimeroial Course; for all grades of teachers' Ciertittcates; for pass and Honor Martieulatioo, and fo» eatrauco luto all tho iearnod profealoiiH. 8TAVP And EympMKSTâ€" The Staff consist of twelve tcuchors.ALL SlIOOIAl.IHra und men of the hiuliest pr..feHalonal staudlng. Tho B<iuipuiont is thoroughly modern ami amouu the liest in Ontario. Mani'ai^ Tmaimno and FfouaF.HOLD Scienop. â€"Rooms havo hoou thorouRlily equipped at a coat of over *12(H1, and tlio students of the lower forms receive iustruutioa in those im- pel taut dopartineiits. CoMMEKKciAL CoUHSE-To meet tho demand fora better conniorclal oduoaSlon, Hie Hoard has a thoiouglily ocpiipped Comuioroial denurt- uient, and inatructi'iii is given In the several liuliiects re.piii-ed for n good bnaiiiess education inrhiding pracHoo in Shortliand and Tvue- writiug. Tho sludei.l who aucooeBfullv coin- pletea this oonrsi' is granted ii diploma bv tho Collociatolnstitutollo.iid, For tho past seven years (Jweu Sonn.l Cull Inst, has prepared more teachers than anv other "ihool in tho Provlnee. ^ TEl .M.s -The foes are: For pupils from the ComUi-iH o, Oroy. Bru. e, Wolllngton, DuiTovIa ?„!."."'«;. '^" ''""""'= ''O'" o"'"' counties, twelve to llfteon dollars. ' For Annual announc.euioi.t oroMio inforni- utioo, Apidy to Thos. Mlhbay, rrincipal Juo. UDTajsiwoau.Hoc.Troas WARNING Notice is hereby up ven thut ,iny person takint- gravel and uiiderminini? my fence will be held rcsiiousible for damces. imges. -.TAH. PATON Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires I I have for sale young stock of Vmtlibreeds fcr ' breeding purposes. Come .ind see them or write fi>r prices, M.17 07 -G, W. Ros.s Maxwell. Tarm Property for $al e. Lots 38 and ,S0, coucesslon 9, 200 acres: Lot ?^' 'im'LT"'"i"; Ji* """• 'â- '<'' â- â- **'• wooeision IJ, 100 acres; Lot .W, oonoesaion 12, westerly («S acres. The aforesaid are all In the towushiu of Avtoinesu and will be iold at roasonabla prices ou easy terms. J.F.lllUKLINa, Box 807, CoUiugwood Sull f OP Sex*vioe ThorouKhhrcd Durham bull for service. JOHN ADAMS, Fleahâ€" ,, rV\NADIAN>-J, Additional Homieseekers * Excursions To WINNIPEG and all points iu tho North - West Special Tratiii leave Toiouto TUESDAY, AUG. -^7 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 TUESDAY, SEP. 24 TUESDAY, OCT. 8 TUESDAY. OCT. 22 Return secoud-classtickelx from Klfsh- ertoii at very low racon, raiii.;ii)i; from Winuipoa $32 tX),to Eaiu>nit<m,i!^-t2.50. Uood for sixty d.-i^s. TOURIST SLKEPINU CAIIS on oach excDrtlun. Cmnfortnlile berths at small extra cost. ObtHiii free pamphlet, rates aod full inioiuirition from W. Ciesar, Anent, KU t,hf. ton, or from 0, B. Foster, Dist.PnsH. Agr.., V. P, R., Ti ronto ' 1

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