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Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1907, p. 2

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AN INCBEASE OF $22090,054 Canada's Foreign Trade for Four Months Totals $214,156,015. A dpspntcli from Olliiwn snys : Cnii- adii's foroij^ti Inulc toliilk^l $214,150,015 In U>e fii-sl four monllLs of Uw current t[scu\ (H'ri<t(l fwui the llisl of April to Ji:ly 'i\, uii ill! iviLsc fiver th*> siniil;ir [K-r- toll Ihe yiwr U-fore of $22.l)90,(i5i. l)llrill^' Iho four inonltis the imporls t<,lalliU S13l,S(i:i,07ii, an incn-aso of 8.V.I0,2()8 ; niiiiiiiiN un<i (liHr produrc, U.lallt>tl $77,7«6,1?1, im nf $15,- i'ii.'iVi. Imw iiuporU lotnlloil .$:)1,730,- hi'j, un incr<'ius(' «jf $<J. 703.700. Duty col- leclcU uiiioiintcl to $!;o,3y8,73i, un in-' of $'.,2I4,MG. Thoro wn.s a In Iho volume of 0N|Hirls. which w<'ri' of Uio viitiio of ?.>-j!,35L'.yi5, the <l<v.'rca.>o l)eing .fl.iWS,- 0."jJ. Diirinj,' Ihf four iiiDiith.s o.\[K}rl.s of [>nÂ¥hiits <if tlu! mine .slmwcd nii lncTC' of $743,838; agricultural prcducks sliow- rd an increu.'ic of $3,847,874. Tiio de- in exports for llio period were Oi-ii, S:>U>,m; lunil)er, .$51X1.20 ; animals and their pivKluce, $5,0^,373 ; nuuuiluc- lurers, Jtsajsl.liH. During July the volume of o.\[)orl.s kok a jump of $11,174,051, Ifdalling for the inonlh, $27,T^3,59y. LEADING MARKETS 1,853 DRVTIIS IN JL'LY. noiMirls of ilip I'rovinrlal Hoard of lle.dlh for Tliat Monlli. A despalcli fmm Toronto .says: I!c- rx'ils from .VH divlsi.,ns <jf llic province Jo Iho Hoard of lli-ullh show the nuni- l.or <if deaths from all causeso in July to have been 1,S53. From contagious di.'<'nses the juimher of deaths was 2u7, oil! of ji l^ilal of ()'.«) The slatisliis regarding eonlaglous and infectious disooscs for Iho month were as follows.â€" Ca.sos. Deaths. Smnllp<ix 40 o .Scarlet Kever 144 10 Itiphtheriu 1^4 j/, Mcasle.s 00 5 \Vli<K)|)iiig tkiugh .. . 104 ]('. T.vplioid .-,7 K> "J'uberculosis 152 147 COO 207 In the same month, of 190G, the fig- ures were as follows:â€" C^.srs. Deaths. Smullpfix If, a S<arlel I'ever 70 2 D.plitlieria loCi 22 Measles 08 7 WlKhipin'^ Cough .. . h^ f> TyplKiid 80 20 Tuhorculosis 140 130 545 195 nr:\i> skvkrkd i-kom body. AVindou Cleniior Drrapilnled in Klrva- tor Shafl. A <U'spalch fivim Toronlo say.s : Thoma.s Oavid.'^in, enipl<iyed a.s a win- dow deaiier at the '1 i-ader.s liniiN tmild- Jng, had his head completely .sevi-nil from liis iKMJy hy conuiig in <'<iiita(l uitli JI de.seeiiiliiig .-^haft on .'^^nlurfliiy Ofteniiion. IILs dci .ipitaUxl hody fell from tlu' ninlti IKkpt In llm U)t!<iin of the bihtdlMg, leaving the head reeling on a tiviis.K-Urini. I)avi(ls<in wils working at Ihc windows from Itie top of ,an e!e\Htor, which In- low'*'!!^! as Jie worked. The weight altaclu^l to anolher eleval<ir, wliirh wa.s running, tle.seends rai)i<lly as tiio aMend.'i, and, as he leaned over 111 hi?; w<irk. the weight caught him on llie t'ack of lh(^ neck. No one was nware of the iieeiilent until a nuin in cl:nrgc of it news stand on the gnanid fl<>or heard lhc> Imdy .strike tJie iKilloin of the sliufl. The head had to U^ carrie<I down ia lowels to he placed with the iKXiy in IJie [iHtrol wagon. David.son was i;3 years of age, and had only heeii a .short lime in the counliy. FIRK IN Pi:\nKNTIA«Y. Started ill Ifiridcr Twine nepiiiinioiit, Hut \>a.s .\o(i(;ed in "Vifiio. \ tlospalcli from Kinj^m snys: Sat- Mrilay idght, n.lKiMt leii Sfloek, an alert walcliirian was sirrjir.-ed lo .'ee a .sud- <!< II IIhsIi <if lit!lit,.jin ihe enpiue-room <'! Itie hinder luiiie iTfn)'ill:i.<'ill nl the fieriJteMllary. lie .'iimfii-ptv d aid. iin I llie lire was sididind wilh lillle dam- lifio iH'yond scorch. iig the w^iodwork nnd hliickining tliv' walls. Sponlanvoiis <:nnihuslixjn among the oil and wa.sle nlKiut llie engine js th(jught lo have lieen the ns no lire hnd lnen in tl.i liuikling for I<jur or Ihe <hiys. thhei: ciiiluren droyvnicd. Skiff (•..^psi^l•d in Ijike in Ilaslings County. A dffi-pnlch from Mndoc snys : A drowning accident occurrt'd at (jilmour, ahont thirty miles north of hero, on Wedne.sday atlerncKjn, wheji three chil- dren of Mr. Nonnan A. Uii-cn, agent lor lli> ,^nglo•AIneri<:un Iron Omipany for North lla.sliiigs. and a resident of llii.s place, were diviwned in Wndsworlli's Lake, where .Mr. (invn lias l>e*-n .sie.nd- iiig Ihe .Suimner w^ith liis family. On Wednesday attemoon Mrs. (;ie<ii and one of llie older hoys. Percy, had gone oul picking licrries. Another Ixiy, Hos- coe, was in the house pulling the liahy lo sleep. On Ihe .sliore of Ihe lake, close l«i tlie house, was a new ^kiff, which Mr. (ireen purclia.sed this summer. 11 is llioiighl that the children got Ihe bonl into tlie Wilier, dimljed in. and pushed oul from shore. When about 4.5 <ir 50 feel oul, they capsized IJie skiff, which wns very light, aiid as the .sliore is ivxky un<J .slopes nway rapiilly, Ihey were thrown at once into d<H'p water, llo.scoo was Ihe llrst lo di.scover the accident. Having su«!eeded in putting the bahy to slwp, he hail gone out l<i join the olliers in their play, when lie was horrified In &< e Iho skiff llontlng bottom upwards, and III,- children nowhere to he seen. Tlie news of lh<' drowning .s^inn spread, and neighlKirs from miles around came t<i as- sist in <lragging loi- Uie lx>di«"s. That of III'' litlle girl, Helen, was Ihe lirsl to lie (h^ciivenyl. Her bcxly was found alHiut .se\«-n oVUx'k, Ihrce hours after the nrci- dcnl. 'I'he Uxly of Hurnell was rei'overed at 7.30 the following ni<irnliig. and Hint of Willie an hour laler. AI.IUCRTA'S BEEF CATTLE. Over 3.".,0fln YYil! be I'xporled This Year. A d<'spntcli fr<Mn Cnlg.iry, Alberlii, s(iys; I'mvincial Live Si<rck InsfxTlor Cix'swell Is enthuslastii: over Ihe np puiraiice <if Ihe lieef cattle which will |:c jiul on Ihe ninrkct this tall. He has |)e<'n thiviugh all paiLs <it AlU^rtu sev- eial limes tins summer luul is now go- inj. on anottier round. l.asl fall the n.iige.s were swept clean of everytliing Uiat would come near designalioii of "liwf," and lliere was u hanncr shii)- nu-nt, alyjiil 75.000 entile being exixirt- ed Owing partly to Ihis Uv:l and also i.i;rlly to Ihe loss e.viieriPiued last win- 'er <in Ihe <ipon ranges, Ihe shipment this year will not b<! neiirly so heavy as last, but the condition of Iho entile V, ill be far sup<'rior, altliouph last year's giade <if cattle was a high-class one. in Mr. Creswell's opinion there will he l.dween 3.5.000 nnd 40,(K)0 head <d ent- ile exporliKl Ihis senwm. Shipping has iii'tady c<imtiienced on n small scale, hill the big shipnieiil.s will n<il be put through for a month or two yet. BREADSTUFF.S. ToiYinIo, Aug. 27.â€" Ontario Whealâ€" No. 2 while, nominal; new wheal, 81c to 82t: outside, quick delivery, and 79c Ui 80(: f.o.b. f^ir o.xporl. Muuiloba Wheatâ€" No. 1 northern, Wyic to 97c; No. 2, 94c. â-  Cornâ€" No. 2 yellow, 65c, Toronto; No. 3 yellow, 64c; No. 3 mixed, 62c. Harlcy-No. 2 nominal at 52c to 53c; No 3 oxIiM, 51c lo 52c. Oats~.No. 2 while, 44>ic to 4.5c out- side; new onip, ;i8c io 39c, Chatham freights. Mftiiitobaâ€" No. 2 while, 45c to 4S>^c on track at elevator; No. 2 nii.xed <ir No. 3 while, 43Xc to •44c. fensâ€" .N'omiuul ut 75c for No. 2. Ryeâ€" 65c. Fiourâ€" Oiilnrioâ€" 90 per cent, pnlenls, nboul nominnl, $3.20 to $3.25; new wheal fhiir, .$3.10; Mnnilobn llrst pat- ents, S5. to $5.20; Woonds, .S4.40 lo .'i4.50; simng bakers*. $4.20 to $4.30. I?runâ€" $!(;..50 to $17, bulk outiido; shorts, $20 to $20.50 outside. COU.VIltY PHOUUCE. niiltorâ€" Mnrk.^t is very firm nnd small pdvuncs lire noted in one or two cases. C.rea iiiery prints 2.3c to 24c do .solids 21c to 22c t)niry prints 20oto2tc do .solids 19c Uj 20c Cliecs<'â€" Largo are fjuoted at 12%c â- iind twins at 12%c in job lots hcra. (It l»y,r to l'.)c. liean.sâ€" $1.05 to $1.70 for and-picked and $1.50 t<i SI. .55 t<ir primes. Potatoes Finn nl $3.50 per barrel for few slo^k, car UjIs nominal. Baled lliiy-New slendy at $12.50 lo S13, in car UjLs on Iraek lure. Haled SI rawâ€" $7.50 per ton in car Ids on track liere. I'HOVISION.S. Dres^d Ihgsâ€" .S9.75 for lighlweiglits and .$'1.50 f<ir heavies. I'ork-^lK.rl cut, $22.75 lo $23 for bar- ic :s; mess, .$20 to $51. .Sniok.M and Ory Salted Meals-l/>nc clear biicon, lie lo ll^c for Ions and cases; hnms. anwlium and light, 15>^c 10 16c; hcavv. lt>aC lo 15c; bucks, 10><;c to 17c; shoulders, 10%c to lie; rolls, 11 %c; out of pickle, Ic less than iiinoked. I.ard-Tierccs, 12c; tubs, 12K<:\ pai!s, U';<Jc. TEN KlI-EEn IN FnANCE. Fatal Collision Rnlween an Express and I'reiuhl. A des|)ntch from Coutras, France, snys : Ten persons were killed nnd Iweiily-llve iniure<l in a liea<l-(m ixillLs- sion oil Sunday Udwecn an train Ixiinul Iroin lUirdcnux for Paris, luul a freiglit train. Tlie ncridenl was enu.sed by a misplace<l switch. One Killed, Several Wounded, m the Clinton, N. Y., Prison. A d5.spnlch from Clinton, N. Y., snys: One of the worst outbreaks among Ihe insane pritvoncrs in the history of Clin- ton prl.s<iii at Dannoinora oeeiured on Wednesday niglii. As n result, Isaac Dubois, one of Ihi' Inmates, is dead, sli<il Ihi'iiiigh Ihe heart by a giiiird. The insane iirisiiiers were Ix'ing marsliallcd for boil wlan at a given sig- nal lliey rushed into Hie big Uiwer d<ir- Tnitorios and slammeil Ihe d<K>i's in the foaes of Uie guards. Having locked the <!<-ir-i 'licy pro( cs'dcd coolly lo set nlxnil luaU^iS tneir ejuipe by siiiashini; the doors nnd sawing Ihe bnr.s. Some of Ihe less violenlly insane, however, helji- od llie jailers. .'•Jceing lliftt Ihe .struggling convicts ctuilil not be reached Ihiviugh the hig slcel d<vi|>s, Ihe guards turned on them fiv.m Ihe windows .strenm.s of water from the lire hose. This kept them nl hay hut did not sul.'Jue lliein. The gunrds were liiially obliged lo use ri- lles and pistols, nnd it wns alter mid- night bef<ii'e the uprising wns (pielle<l. llcsides Diilxiis. who wns killed, .sev- eral oilier pris<iner.s were mora or less boriou.sly wouudoU. MONriir.AL MAnKi-rrs. Mtintreal. Aug. 27.-Oal.s were firm and .sales of round lols <if Manitoba No. 2 while were made al 4Se to 48%c per biLShel e.x -store, and round kils were (pioled id 47>^c lo 47%c. Tliere wns no cl'aiige in Ihe flour market. I'rices:â€" Choice Si'r:ng wheal patents, $5.10 to .^.L'O; seconds, .S4..50 lo .$4.60; winter wht'al palints. $4.05 lo $5.7.5; siraigiil rcll.'-rs, ii\:lj Ui $i.:!5; do., in bags, $1.- '.'5 t<i mi. UK extras. .St.05 to $1.75; rolled < als wore ipiwl at J52.IO (xr bag. Corii- nniil is steady at $1.45 |o $1..50 jwr bag. .Millhed -.Manitoba hriin, in liags. .$20 lo .$21; sh-als, $23 lo $20; Ontario bran, m bags. $19 to .$19.50; shorts. ,'522.50 lo .«;2.3: iiiilU'd UKUiille, $i4 lo $28 per Ion; straight grain, .$30 lo $.32. Hated llay-No. 1, $17 lo $I7..50; No. ?, $15 to $10: c!<>ver, $I3..50 to $14. and (â- .<;ver inlxid, $12.50 to $13 [K-r ton, in car lols. Provisionsâ€" Hl^arrels. short cut. mess, S22 lo $ii.M; half-barrels, $11.25 Ui $11.- 7."); clear lul hacks, $23.50 lo $24..50; long cid heavy mess, .$211.50 lo .$21.50; half- barrels do.. $10.75 Ui $1l..50; dry -sail cliiir bacon, lOc to ll|ir; harrels plate Uef, Sib't to $16; half barrels do., S; ..50 lo $,s.25; barrels heavy mess beef, $10; halt-hnricls do., $5..50; compound U.rd. MVtC to l(>%c; pure lard, 11%c to 12>ic; kellle rcnden'd, 13c lo 13>^c; hams U'H;c lo I5)<;c. according to size; brenk- bacon. 14c' lo I5>;jc; Wind.-^or bacon. Ifc to l5Xe; fresh kilU'd abattoir dressed hogs, $!l.75: alive. $7 to $7 2.5. Butleiâ€"Tdwnships is (luotetl nl 21X<> lo 22c, and QueN-c 2l%c to 2l%c, nyid df.iry, IsVjC to 15)c; receipts lo-dny were 2.4SO pa'kages. Cliee.s<'--OiiliirI<i, l!V;c lo ll"<;c; t<iwn- ships, at IIV^'c lo 1l%c; Qiicbec, 1l>^c Ui II "-^c, and undergrmles. lie. Kggsâ€" No. I at 18c li 18>^c; seconds, I3l lo 14c, and straight gatheiod, 17c 'o 17Xc per dozen. DUFFAl.O MAnKirr. Tluff.ilo, N. Y., Aug. V7.â€" Flourâ€" Quiet. Wheatâ€" Nothing ilone; Wijiler str.-iig; Mil. 2 red, 91c N<i. 33 red, S7>ie. (:<irn - Slixiiig nnd higlier; No. 2 ylkiw, MMn- No. 2 white. Olc. Onts- Firmer; No. 2 jv,lxe<l, 4H)4c; No. 2 white, old, .58c. Uarlevâ€" fi8c lo 75c. Hycâ€" No. I, 83c; No. 2 Kic. NF.W YOUK \VIU;.\T MAHKKT. New York, .\ug. 27.â€" Spot sliving; No. ? red, ti'Xc clevalor; No. 2 iwl, 97%c f.o.b. nikint; No. I northern, Duhith, $l.l07ii f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 8',i%c Lo.b. alkinl. LIVK .STOCK MAHKirr. Toronlo, Aug. 87.â€" Offei-s were made ol $4.0(1 to $5.10 per ewt for choice ex- pi rt4Ms' nillle, and $4.50 lo .$i.S5 for incdiuin ex|xiri hulls, ami cows sold ul .â- iin. 75 lo $1.25 ]>cv <'wt. Me<liiim Ul gtKKl butchers' cnlllc, .$4.25 lo $4.60; ctiiniiion, $:>.75 to ,$:i.50 ; riviico cows, .$3. .50 hi $1.10; fair c<iws, $.1.25 tfi !J3.75 : e^immon lo nie<liuni c<.ws, $2 to $2.7,5 p<>r cwl. F'or choice stockcr.s, $3 to $3.50 wns qiKiUxl, and for common, $2 lo ,$2.75 per cwl. MiUh cows ranged fivmi $20 to $50 each. CHlve.s conlinucd lo sell al 3 10 cmis p,"r lt>. F.xiiorl ewes, .$4.50 lo $1.75 ; bucks and culls. $3 lo .$3.50 ; lambs, $3.50 lo .$0.40 [HT cwl. llogs were ip.oUxl at .$0..5O for selects and $0.25 tor lights and late. KILLED AND BDRIED HDSBAKD Manitoba Squaw Makes a Confession of the Crime, A dcspnlch from Shonl Lake, Mani- tol)a, says : Tli© arresting of a .squnw, charged with murder, and the linding of Iho body of John A.s>sinwassis, of Holling nivor, commonly known as Fred John- ston, has cleni'od up the peculiar nnd sudden disappearance of that Indian alout a month ago. The squaw was on trial here on Thursday for the murder Ol the husband. rviween three and four weeks ago A.ssjnwa.s«is di.s<ipponrcd nnd no Irnce had been .seen of him for some Ume. ndian Agejil Wheatley nolified the po- lice and asked for an invesligaUon. fxin- siables Jos. Giiertin and Garrock, of » orlago La Prairie were put on llie I hcse two, after a careful search, found "> little mound about two miles north- east of th© town. .Scraping the earth' away, Ihey came upon the body of the- Indian, which had been burisd in a bad- ger hole. The accused .squaw made a confession,, staling that her husband had been drink- ing and brought home lo Itio tepee two laigo boLlle.s of whiskey, which she had hidden from him. Johnston Ihrenlened' Ic kill her if .she did not give up the hid- den whiskey. He chased her, and she laid down her child, threw hiin down and' choked him, not intending to kill him, but he died shortly ufterwards. Early in' the morning slie drugged the corpse to aj big knoll nearby and wiapped him in his' blnn4<et, nnd buried him, pulling his drinking cup under his arm. IM!.S.SI\G MAN.VGER SlICIDF^. A. Giannelti, ol Toronlo, Italian Bank, Cuts Ills Tliroal A despatch from Tonmlo says : A. Ciiannelti, tho niis.sing manager of the "I'aneo Ciiannetti," which ckised iU doors a few days ago, committe<i suicide by cutting Ills throat wilh a razor in a room cf the H<dcl Cecil, Queen Street and IX^'aconslield Avenue, shortly afler 12 o'clock on Thursday night. In hLs pos- se.ssi<in were found lolWiis addressed lo "A (iiannelli," n (lunnlily of Italian money, and $1,475 in American money. There was also an enveloiK; nddres.sed to the "Chief of Police, Toronto." The Ixidy was ideiitilied ns that of ^. GianneUi, the mis.<ing Italian, by means of a new.s- paper pictuiv-. The man registered at the hotel during the aflernixjn, giving hLs name as G. Lnsplraucc. During the evening his aclioiw aroased suspicion, and shortly niter the was lorke<l u(i for the night Iho allention of s<imc of tlw i-ooniers wns attracUxl by groans coming from ihe room. The door was found lo be locked, and when it had licen broken in Ihe dead body was foiuid on the bed. STABBED BY IT.VLIAN.S. liller in Rridgeburi) Shipyards Slruck FirsI Blow. .\ despatch from Bridgeburg, Ont., snys: A man hy Ihe name of .VIoxon, who woi-ks as a filter at tho Canadian shipyards here was seriously wounded <n Friday afternoon by being stabbed three tinu's hy an Italian. The trouble by the Italian stepping on some w' rk, which Mo.xon was d<iing. He slruck the Italian, who <lrcw hi.s knife. Till' Italian is miw under arrest, nnd wit' stand his trial al Welland. FIFIII YYARSIIII' IO HEAR NAME. TcHicraire Is Siirressliilly Launched al Davenport. A despatch from Davenport, F,ng., says : Tlw battleship Temeraire, third of llie Dreiulnoughl class, was successfully Uunr'hed al Hie dockyai'<l here on Sat- urday iwening. The cereiminy \va.s [vi- formcd l>y Countess Foi-tescue, and was wilne.s,sed by th<iusnnds of persoiks, in- cluding many nulables. OYER .\ lUNDRED \Y01NDS. YnotliiT Italian Slahbinti .Xffrnv al Fort >Villiani. A despatch from l'\irl William .says' .\nolher light in Itio llnlian sedifm on Satuiday night niiiy end in the death of one Louis Weguilot. It slaile<.l in the of a woman. Jnnelle Cieiliana, wliere two men l>egiin t«i nuarrel, aiut Pe<do de Filii>pt) di-.'W a knife and stalil od Wegoilol. De F'ilipiv) is ui jail and Wegoilol has over a. hundred v\-Hiiuls in him. CORPSE IN OPEN BOX. A Mysterious Tragedy ol the Algonia' \Yilderness. A despalch from Toronto says : Cased; in an open wooden box a partially de-' composed human Ixxly has been left ly- ir g in the walcj-s of the Blind River, near Uio town of that name, in the Dlslricl of Algomn. Such is Iho story told by leliers- which have rtiiched the Provincial Board of Health. The onistles which have brought the, aftnir lo the notice of Ihe authorities aro! dated alnml ,\ug. lt>. Their writers as-| serl thai about two weeks before thoi cirpse of a niurdored man was found! lying in tho bush al some distance from; the town. .\ week elapsed and no arlioni wa.s taken. Fimilly Ihe rcjnains, then! somewhat decompoi'd, were taken to^ Blind Hiver. There an inquest, was held., The writer of one Idler asserts that tho! body was then laid in a plain wooden, box and placed in the river, about Lhre«i feet from shore "in accordance wilh the orders <if Ihe coroner." The correspon- <lent c<nnplains to the Board of Ileallhi that Ihe lx)dy has lieen placed hi ckise proximity lo tho t<ivvn, and in th© si ream from which some residents drew water supplies, and il is coiisc<]Ucntly a menace to the lioalth of Ihe pettii». . 4. ROBBERY OF FRENCH GENERAL. Letlcr ol Credit Taken From His Pocket in .Montreal. A despatch from .Montreal snys : A daring robbery was conimitled on W'ed- riostlay, when General De .Negrier, of Paris, a guest at Ihe 'V\'indsor Hotel, was relievLxl of his wallet, containing a k-'ier of credit for a largo aiiKiunI, while he wns nttem|)ling to Uiard a slrovt car. General De .Negrier, who is well-knovvii in French army circles, having had '^om- niaiul of the French tnxjps in Alg -rai, i>^ on a visit to Canada. .Vccprdiiig lo h .=) sU.ry. he was followed lo the Bank of Montreal, whrre he drew a considerable sum on his lelttr of cre<rit. by lliose \vh<: eventually stole his wnlUl. ".-Vflcr leav- ing, the bank and while trying to hoard a car, in order lo retuiii to tho hotel, he felt hiniself pushed, but paid no par- licular allenlion lo it. At the tune his v.idlel was in hi.s right hip pocket, nnd in Uio .snme jxicket wei>> the bank notes end gold which ho had just drawn fixim tlu bank. Strange to s^y the thieves misM'd the money and got away wjlh the wallet, which conlaine>l the letter of ciedit. which is of no negotiable value except U) the general himself. A SlocklKilm paper snys I hat Rudyard Kipling is to receive the Nobel literary prize for 1907. The French hnve captured a Geinian ve.s.sel Uiaded with rilles .sailing on llie Moniccan coast. CONSPIRACY IS THE CHARGE Information Sworn Out Against Alberta Lumbermen. A despatch from I^•ln?onlon, Ali.i., snys : Informations wei<? .sworn out <in Thursdny Ix'tiu-e lnsp<-,'lor Worsley, of {\\'y Mounted Police Barracks charging the foHowing mtiiilvi-s of the Kxeculive Coinmille«» of the AllxTia Lumber Deal- ers' A.ssocintion wilh conspirucy in re- lalion l<i trade nnd trade wmbiniilions: P. A. Prince, Calgary; W. 11. (kirk, FduKinlon ; W. I). Baker, Calgary ; .\. M. Cii'ogan, Calgary ; F. W. "invin, Wgivville; J. McDonald, F,dnKiril<iii ; A. G., Welaskiwin ; D. C. Ciour- lay, LacoinlK" ; William De;ui, Olds; W Stuarl, Calgary ; W. Barclay, Claresholm, nnd i. W. McNichol, Lelh- biidge. Isach defendant is charged wilh three rr.nspiracies, that is lo say wdh his co- directoi's and other memlH'rs of Ihe .Al- berta Uctail Dealei-s' .\ssociati<in, >vith (•(iiispiriicy with members of Ihe Moun- tain Milters' Associalion of British Ctl'.Mubia, and with conspiracy with llio I'.rilLsh Columbia Lumber and Shinpio A.s.socinli<in. known as Ihe CXiast -V.sso- Cinlioii. There are in all, therefore, one luiiidrt\l and forly different chargi>s in c<.iineclion with this proscvution, each i.m of the twelve dirtvtors of the Alberta Lumber IValers ' w\.s.socialkin Mng ctiarged with twelve <lifferent offences Th^^ .slaliite under which the charge i.s Uikl piMVktes : 'That evorvone is guilty 111 an indictable <if[onc<.>. and liable lo a penalty not exceeding f<iur llMiusand ikillars. aiKl luil kvss than two hiimh'ed dcllai-s, or lw'<i years' imprisonmejit. or, it a corporation, is liable to a penalty not excmling ien thoiLsand dollars, and I'ol less than one thousand dollars, who conspires, combines, agrees and ar- ranges wilh any Oliver person, or wilh an> railway, steamship, steamboat or tinnsiKirtation company, to unduly limit liicililics tor transj>orlali<in. to rtviilrain or injuiv trade, lo prevent, llinil or Ic'sen manufacture, or to prcveul or lessen coiiiiKtition."

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