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Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1907, p. 1

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Xhiiantt (S " TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, NO 1338 Flesherton, Ont. Thursday August 2 9 1Q07 W. fl, THURSTON, EDITOB EOPBIEToa Ladies' Gold Guards Neclets, Lockets Bracelets. A ran on these things now. Never hftd as large a stock, ikoti can .sell at lower prices than ever before. In addition our other lines uf Jewellery arc mora complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. ILimberley I ijeuiedv for Diarrhoea, Never I I Ii^nownto b"a.ll. I "I wmt to »i»y a few words for Chamber- I I laln'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used tbe prcparatioa in my famiiy for the past five vfars and have recommended it to a aumbei* of pe<'ple in York county and have uever known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I f«el that I can mic say too icucb for the bent remedy of the kind in the I world." â€" Sj_Jemi6on, Spring Grove, York County. Pa. Thia reaieily ia for sale by W. E. Richardaon. Ceylon Mrs. Barrett, Mr. EdT.Shaxt and child of MeUncthun viaited at Mr. Joa. Uill's , laiit week. ! Master Erne Wilson of CTeveland, ; Ohio, is visiting .-it Mr. Jas. Sproat's. MiBB Louie Dingw^iU of thtj south line is visitirg at D. SIcPhail's. ; Mrs. Joa. MiUs visit«d her mother, Mrs. Barret «f Molancthoo, on Saturday . and returned 'tn M-onday. i Two sons of Mr. John Turner of To- ronto are epending a .short time with their uucle, Mr. Jaa.Turuer >ii the South line, Ai-temesia. Miiis Jamieson of Eagenia is visiting at J.L.W.Kjd*. j Miss McNally of Ebordide is visiting at her uncle s, Mr. R. Cix>k. Mrs. T. Chi.slett, her J;iughter M,arie of Owjn Sound and Mrs. F.G. KirsteUt returned home on Monday after spend- ing a few days at Mr. H. Down s of Ilatherton. Sliss Minnie McKay of Fort William ' is visiting at Mr. D. Mc'Leod's. i Mrs. .\. McLean of Rockvato was the «â- *!> ant awfvl time. truest of her Ei8t«r,Mrs. Uao. Proctor, on ,^ , ,,.„.. .-,, , Mouaay usi. ; ^^^ .^vnj Dmrrhoeu Heiiicay Miss Jsa^lie Plewes of the Heathcote ; CureU Him. P. 0. spent Sunday at her pareotal home j It is M-ith {jleaeure that I give you thus un- h,re. ' soUcittd teitimonaL .Uwnt a year ajcn when 1 Mr. Ahorcrombie nf Fairmonnt gpent l^'?"'^*;"'^. '••'"* r^"'"*"'**,^ »"* «»>;«!" '^"' ).,., ,..,.k „ t.i^^A u..-.. '^ , ma hard Run an J themeaslex settled in my Shot at Wfartoo ' la 3 shoctin" affriv n«»r Wiartoo, Tuesday night, Mr. Pbili{> Gilbert, light- house keeper, was istisuttly kiUed, ITie sho<jtijlg was the reeolt «>t an attack hy citizens on a tent occujMed by the i:ot. ri- ous Mrs. Angu.s Thomas and a comp.uiiuu, Mrs. SttUa Backer in n -rild place .u the outskirts <>f the ti wn. She returned to Wiirt«n l*6t week, after having left on three dilftrent <<casioi]s, the Magistrate in eacli case hairing notified her that she was not waiitei-I in the community. The persistency of the woman aggravated the community, and Mr. GQbert set out to take the hiw into his own bands. He or- gnnized a number of Ixjya and men, var- iously estimated at from twenty-fire to forty, for the purp< se of driving the wom- en away; Tuesdiiy night abnut ten o'chjck armed with clubs and rotten eggs, the attack was made by his party. The at- tjickers apfiarently had little trouble in pulling dijwn the tent and the occupants were showered with rotten eggs. Ac- cording to the stories told, Mr. Gilbert was not satisliod with this, but went so far as to strike the womaa.aod she. while in a prostrate ;)<>siti(in, is said to hiive pri-nluced a roiolver ;uid fired qjickly three times in succession, each bullet taking effect un Mr. GilLwrts body. Death resulted inst.intaneously. The ciwwd immediately dispersed and the VQwea were placed imder arrest. TttE I.\\-i-:;.s-T A Coroner's I:i'[uest was held, when the jury found ••rimi, Pliiiip Gilbert came t<:> his death fr >w. a â- )i.*t. 1 .shot wound, and the jury are of the (pinion that tho ballet came from a revolver tired by Ag' nes Thomas. McFARLAND & CO. Grey Coanty's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE A ClearanceSale You Can't Afford to Miss This Sale. For we ate sollin« all SammM Goods at DEEP-CL'T TRICES. Come in \ad »e« w*»t ^seeUiat thic^ we are oieriog at little prices. All White Mull and Lawn Blouses. Mislins, etc., must move oat, heac« w«Ve marked them away down. PARASOLS REDUCED Fine Quality Bhck Top Parasols, steel radi and assorted fancy haudles, sold in regular way 50c to 65c, reduced price each 38c DRESS SKIRTS REDUCED Ladies Dress Skirts ia light grey over plaid tweed handsomely tr.mai'ni with two rows of wide black military braid a- round bottom, jize 23, 24, 25, 26, oi>ly waist bands, sold in regular way at 86.00, reduced p.-ice to clear each ..... 9C.7.5 CREAM LUSTRE SKIRTS REDCCED Fine quality tilk finish Cream Lustre Skirts, trimmed with bactona and invert- ed pleats, only 2i, 25 and 26 waist bands left. These were sellinj: at ^.50, and there is but a small quiatity to lell, re- duced price to clear $3.90 LADIES RAIN COATS REDCCED Ladies Cravenette Rale Coats io Oxford Grey and Herring Bfjne stripe of green that was selling at ^.00. to cle<tf just h-i!f price f2.50 Sunday with a friend here. stoiuach and bowleg. I bad an an'ful time Mr. Saul Fawcett, who haa spent the : .,ud ha.1 been for the use of Chamber- pist mon h at his pir-nal home here, i laius CoUc, Cholera add LHiirrlioea Remedy I re'urno.1 t) Cobalt this week. i could not have fH)f»ibly lived Hut a f-;w heui* The Kiu:berley Branch of the O. W. I. i looK^'. b«' thanks to thU remedy 1 am now .1.111 ,n^,.ir i,. »!>.>( t_>nm.> U.11 ,„ T»..,„ â-  .strong and welL I liave written tkc above will meet in the Omage Hall OQ Jhurs- t,,^„*hMmi.le gratitude and I shail ahvavs d«y af tern, .on, August 29th, at 2. JO p. m. ' speak a ;,'caxI word fw thi* remedy. -Sam- ft- salt; by W'. E. A full attendance b requested, Mr. Jas. Stuart visited Heathcote frieuds ou Monday l:ist. Misses Elsie Piewes and Aggie Wick- ens visited Flesherlon friends recently. Mr. ail'! Mrs. John ThistlewMCe of Fleshertou visited friends here ou Sun- day last. Mayor Cleland and a Mr. Moore of Meaford wore the guests of Mr John Weber during the pa.<t week. A Liberal trio, and a u'<iod natnred bunch. Mrs. Roi.ert Fawcett Sr, is the guosi- of her sou, .Mr. J. R. Fawcett,at present. A .Mr. Mill of Fleshertou, occnppied the jiulpit ia the Union church here on Sunday afternoon last in the absence of â-  iwin. Concord, Richards'iu. Ga Ki'r the past<!r. Mr. 5pe<ker. MAXWELL Tki Women's lu^tituto met at the . home .)f Mrs. Wm. Wright on Wudnes- ' A-iy, .\ug. 21 . A very interesting paper | was read entitled "Euvironinenc" and j Mi-* M.try I'Killautyne our msti- < tuo with a nunilHjT of piano selections ".vliich were highly apprccir\teU by all. Mr. and Mrs. McCiuluui have rvturned from their e.xteudeU visit out west. Miss Mary Ucr>.>u of Fleshorton spent .SuniLiy at her h'uoe. Mv. Dara-sh i>f Bufl'alois visiting at Mr. MiU is an interesting ' l>riostly's at present I Kerton Brothers h.ive conuiienced the \ threshing season, h.-iving improved their i machine this seJvsou with self feeder. \ We wish the l»>ys suci'es. i Mrs. Niehol and little grandchild re- turned to their home in Toronto this week . Mr. Wiidsworth .tnd Mrs Phillips of , Clieiinbei-lniln'a Colic, Chiolertx and Dinri-tioeei Heuiejy, Ueiter Ttiu:i xriree Doctors. "Three veari aao we had lhre« doctors with ' our littl.J boy and everything that they could do seemed iu vain. .\t last when all hope i avemed to lie srone we betran using Chamber- ' Iain's Colic, thoKia and Diarrhoea Renieity | f «, i i - t- aud iu a few li uirs be be^n to improve. To- | Toronto are the guests of Mr. J ohn Ker- ilayhe is aa healthy a child «» parents co'iid I n-thati. wish for. '-Mrs. B. J. Johnston, XintuD, Mis*. I Miss Johns.. n of CoIlingwoiHl is visit tor sale by W . h. Ri chafd«.n. ) ;„ „.it,, relatives aero at present. Hatherton Harvesting is seueral in this vicinity. Mi4s M.ibel Winter* ha* returned from a pleasant vacation in ColUugwood and resumed her duties in the public school Miss Viva Scilley is visitiug her sister in Markdale. Miss Ella and Master Hartdd Earstedc spoilt a tew days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Down. .Mrs. J no. Win tors, who has been atteud- ins! the bod.-.ide of her daughter, who has Uev. Mr. Gordon and Dr. Sutherbnd t<K>k char^je of the prayer mcj-'ting last , Thursihiy evening iu the Methodist church, 'llie cou^egatioii l«rge .ind ; the iiieetiiig w^ils very interesting. Their many frieuds were very much pleased to • see them once more. Mrs. Stayky of ColUngwot)d spent a tew days last week with Mrs. Aiulress. Born -Uu Wed., -ViiL'. 2l8t, to Mr. \ and Mrs. AHx^rt McCidluni, a ihiugbter. I Miss Flos.sie Clintim, who has been in ' d.-irksbui-g for some time, is holidaying ' at her home hero. , Mi-s. Lon;; and Mrs. Beatty, whilo The Origin Ot Uall Stones They are gimp'y dried bile, made up of crystalline co:i,cituents of that tluid. Very cutiunon is this among merchants, ckigymen, shop girts and those of setliauary habits. Prevention consists in oMintaiuiog correct attention 1 of the liver and biwlee, which is best j accomplished by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. | No porsim using thi* meaicine need fetir| (jail-stones, nor will they ever be biliious. Sound dlitestion, good appetite, u clear color will evidence the heidth i{iv- ina: properties of Dr. Hamilton's f^lls, whi.:h are the safest and best for general family use. Insist on h^vin;; only Dr. Hamilton's Piils-.f Mandrake and Buiter- nut. 2dc per box at all dealers. Harvest Help Wanted West C. P. R. Rons )?12 ExoursioDS to Winnipeg. Upwards of 2O,00<.' taea are wauled in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and .\!berta to assist ill harvesting, and-::, meet tUc de- maud to some cs.tent the Canadian Pacif- ic has arran.;8d to run low rate farm liiborers' exourjious. Leaucg dates are â- Aug. 27, 30 md Sept. 4. - (.\dverlise meiJt ill auother column gives territory and further particulars.) From 4II On- tario stnti'iis oneway tickets will be sold 10 Wuiiiipeg at 512. Men are eii- gatieil at Wim.ipey and are giveu fvee tickets to points where help is needed east of Moose Jaw. After working-a' least thirty lijys and having the empUy- uig farmer .ertify to the futt, a licke* back to ori^iii',1 stiirtinit poiut is issued un payuieut of ?1S. Thk is a splendid op- pi>rtuuicy to .see the golden west and to make something mote than expenses. Local C. P K. agen.- ;s well i> sted aid will be glad to give anyone full informa- tion. 25 to 50 p. c. Discount in Remnants We have placed a large variety of Ri-'mnaats on bargaintebie, con3isting cf Shirtings. t'ottouaJes, Flannelltjtces, labia Lineua, Table Oils. Dress Gootite, Prints, etc . and have marked them to ?e!! frcm 25 to 50 per cen:. less than in regular way. If yoa can use any of these Remnants it'? a big saving. Come and ;oe. Don't ttllss Cbc^e Bargains and many others Gqually as Bood. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY r^;:ofeiCc^.>r>r^Tr>r-rC.^>'--c^^-^v^^ ^:£L-:>d2£2iS^ been very ill, has returned home. We driving last Thursdny bid the inisfortimo ; are plea-sed to learn her daughter is recov- eriMi! nicely. Mr. Watson of the Winnipeg Collegiate Institute staff spent a few days with his auuts.Mrs.S.UrummetandMrs J.Beattic, Mrs. Arui»trong and Mi*. D: Campbell of Duudalk wore victors at the home uf Henry Do»n oi.e day this week. Kev. Robt. Gordon of Sumerset.Mich., is visiting his brother. Jamas, and other frieiiiis in this vicinity. Ue preached iu Wareham Methodist church Sunday after- noon and at Maxwell m the evening when many old irieiids welcomed him. held a service at the home of Henry by W Down, where he wasasaisted by Dr. Suth- erland of Toulon, 111., and Dr. Egcrtou of Elintre, Minn. They also held a servicK in the Maxwell Methodiit church Thi r of their hotso running sway. They were thrown from the ng but csc.tped with • just a Ixid scare and a few bruist>«. ] Mr and Mrs. Shovly FieM »:id Mis. ' H. Field spout Sund*y with friomls in Thorn bury. Kczctnei. | For theic.Hnlof thiwe sutteriiig with eczema i or other such troul'le, I wish to say, uiy wife had«.>niothini; ot that kind and .ifter tisini; ; the dis.Hors'renie.lies f<»r .â- wmio time c»>nclud'xl ' to try Chaniherlaiu'uSnlva, audit prove*! to lie . Ue , better than :mythiu(r she had tiieil. For sale , K. Rich;udsoa The Provincial authorities have located the owneig of the ptickaKu of furs which I Wis found at Flesherton on June 10. day evening when a Urge audience listcneilj The package, which ia valueil at $700, is Mt>nii\e y to the huuioroua remarks by | property of Reiluiond * Com^wny of Rev. Mr. Oordoo, the cUv»r and initruc- j Montreal, and waa shippetl to them ' tive address by Dr.SutherUod aud enjoy-' fr,.in Portage UPiairie but the furs were *d thoroughly tha touga rendered by Dr. stolen en route and tho nieaD8 of ideutific- ftKeitoD. i »tu.n r-moved Are You Subject Io Stiffness? Poihuj* it i> iu the neck or shoulders. First thiiiu is a sjood rub with Norviliiie. Jf" more spee<;y laniedy can be aiiopsed. When applied l.> llia muscles Xervilinc gives them tlexibility and vigor; ioSam- atl'in, "oreness and 3titfue.s.s disappear. "Whether" in t'ne chi^at .ir ihvu.^t i othmg can s'jrpacs Noviline " wr.tes <-' B. Den- ton, Lumber Merchant at Oak Bay, Jf.B. "Ruld>edon at night, trouble is gone by morning. I have proved JTervi'ine a groat medicine." Civeryono says the samp, and Serviliue always makes good, 25;; b'.-ttles sold everywhere. _- » »i»»< « â€" Sellin; his goods, which were oven-d by uior'gajio and failing to ac- o>.>unt for the proceeds resultei! in .Amb- rose Traiiior twing committed to the Central Prison f.'r nine months. Traiuor is a f.irmoc of Kiu^; to*n4hip. Acconlmg ti> tho Municipal World municipal council* all over th'8 province have been d.iiig ilk-;.;*! act* iu retiarJ to remisaiou of ta:te». Only Courts ot It.«- vision can «o remit. Tho Mi n c pa! World says : " This sub secu'>n author- ises the Court of RcvikLiu "o remit t..xe» at any liuie duriuii the year in which the assessment was made, or before the first of July in the foUowiux year. Nowhcr' 8 power given to council* toienait tax«i<.' BENTHAM BROS. . Hardware . The building season is now m full swir;^ and we are fully prppared to meet the demaad. Wo have a fuU s:^ck of everything iu that line. Call and got oar prices before b'lying elsewhere. We have a full line of Forks, Rakes, Scythes. Hoes, etc. necessary to tho haying and harvest trade. We are agcBls for the Martm Senour paiut guaranteed 100 per cent, puro, the best paiut oti the market. GROCERIES When you want groceries that you can rely ou we have them* Our personal guarantee goes with anything we sell iu the grocery line. The fruit season is now on and we can supply yoa with my and all fruits now iu soKSon. HIGHEST riilCES PAID FOU BUTTER .\ND EGGS. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. Hew = Citi = Sbop. I desire to inform tho pu'nlic that I have opened a new Tinshop in iho Christoo Block, Flesherton. I have purchased Mr. F. O. Karstedt's complete tinsiuithing outfit and am fully pieparevl to do all kii.ds of cus- tom work, includini/ eavo troughinij. furnace w.irk and repairintj cf all kinds. .4 full 3t.x-k of honieuiiuie tin pomls will be kept cous'sutiy on hand. I purpose giving satisfwtion to my patrons and all my wor< will bo done with that end in. view. Give me a call-and a chance to demt>n- strate my tituess to serve you. P. norrls. Fleshcrton. 21^ 5^

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