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Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1907, p. 7

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Kwws* ft Matters* Trtasnt â€" Boit ntubie BuHirinw tot baby. Und over SOvoBt. FinlcMap«BiM l7l>.P.E.PicMhiaiafft. Hakes Baby Strong Rtttore* die linlc aifuw to pasfeck heakh. Cfret •oond •ieep, wkbout I rooit toopiumorolhoinuirioaidniga. I** Al<hmwti'.23«.6baB]»$US.<i««IDni««iC3iaaMlC«.Ltii..M.i<w«l W!LSON'S FLY PADS â- very piaekat will hill •nor* fllaa than { SOO ahaata of stleky pm^mr I SOLD BY oiaecisTS, crocers mo general stores lOo. p«r p&chat, or S patckote for 28e. \ will latot « wholo aoawon. QUEBECSTEAMSHIPDOMPIIIIf[:d. limaod Gulf of St. lawrencfl Stunmer Omises in Oool Latitades Svln Scraw Iron S3. " Camp*na," with alaetrU _ ti, alactrio ball* and all madam eumforti. aXlta FBOM MONTRKAL ON M0ND1T8 M « a.m., irdand 17th Juna, Ut, litb aad tsth Jaljr, IBh and tnh Au«uit, ath and tSrd Saptanbar, •ad (ortnlf htir tharaafU? (or Pietou, M.S., oalll tag at Qitabao, Qupa, Mai Bax, Par«a, Capa Car*) Orand RiT*r, Samaaraida, P.B.I., aad Ckarlotl latown, V.K.L berIvTuda Sa-nmar Kxenraiona, IM, bj tha aaw TwM B«raw as. "Barmudtaa". t.iOO tons. Sailing Sth aad iMh Juna, 3rd, ITtb and Hat Jsly, 14th aa4 Mth Augu<t. 4th, 14th aad tsth Siaplambtr, 6tl| l<th and tain Oatobar, »th, 16th aad trth Noram* bar. T«nip«ratar« cooUd by aaa breaiaa laldud tiaaa abota to dagraaa. Tha Inast tripa of tha laaaon for haalth aad •omlort. ^ ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Qu«beoi A. E. OUTERBRIDGE * CO., Ageata^ •9 Broadway, New York. POLITENESS THEIR RUIN MAiNiNEns SOMI-rn.MKS CAl'SE MAiVS DOWNFALL. rkkiiiu "I» a Few Apples for a Poor Fruit Vcixlur CosJ a Man â- lis Ufe. There is n wiilou living in {jival pov- cily in Lcniltiii lo-diiy, who niiylil Ic iur but for iin ill-liinotl act ci wiuilosy on I1k> part of liini who wiis once her breiid-wiiuier. It was tlio nfUrnoon of Tiic.sdav, IScp- lenibi'r 3n.l. I87S, and the pier al".Stieer- Jicss was ciowtli'd with txjLslerou.s e.xcur- MonisLs. â- riii-<iiij,'h Ihoin tlireoded uie J.-iUn in qiio.stiv;n wilh his wife, ver>- K<jon to Ix' husbandloss. An old app'o- wcnian's .stall wa.s kix.cUeil down. '1 ho *nan sUipjicd to render uisisluuct', bi<J- tl'ii),' his wifo hiniy on to the boat to C'jiivoy llieni to London. lie would h How. He dill follow. nut, to) late. Tho vessel had fojic; iM'aring bis wife with ,i:. Tlio next Imal was the Princess Alice, which he cuiigtil, <.iiily to De tJiowncd in the Thames, off Woolwich, wilh M)nie TOO otiier unfortunates. .\nU .'ili Ihiduyii slnyint,' to gather up a few ,«pples for u poor fruit vendor. WHY THE TAY BRIDGE FELL. Sir Thomas Bouch, the eminent en- gineer, was one of the most corteous «iKl eoiisideralo of men; and to these jtraili in his character was dislmclly j traceable the awful tragody that ter- riiiiialed alike li is professional career and •his life. He had to ^.'rapplo wilh vital prob- jlein.s connecleil with the stability of ttio (first 'lay Hridge, and at the same lime keep in order an army of snlxji'dinates, 'e<AUo of whom were efliciont and hon- ^.st, and .some of wliom were not. The lw<i duties clashe<l. and neither was (P<irormed properly. Moreover, it bo- tanic known about llie w<irks that .'iir .Thomas was loo good-naturwl to dis- JViiss an incompetent man, wliilo lii« •native iwlilcness .shrank from adminis- tering reproof even. As a consc<|uence the bridge was bad- ly constructed as well as badly desiyn- • d, and in about a year and a half after Jtxing Orst opened for traflic it collapsed while a North Britisti mail traia was trn*'«ltirg over it. Rptween eighty and ninety persons lost their hves, and wilh the passing; of the first shock of horror came the niiporlionrnent ol tlic blame. Tlic un- h;;ppy engineer had to bear the chief liirdm of this, and it proved too heavy f< r him. Williin four nioiitlis of the ad- verse verdict of Ihc Hoard of Trade in- quiry he was dead â€" of a bivjken tiearl. One would imagine that a shopwalker Ciiuld hardly be too polite. But he can; and tticre is one Uxilring for a job nt iliis present moment wlio knows it to Ills exist. To this last pla-:e came a lady customer, YOUNG AND PRETTY. She bought freely, too, of furs, velvets, and other easily negotiable goods. Again and again she came, always with a bow and a .smile to the oblig- mg sh-opwalkrr. .\nd he, on his pari, nol conU^nt with Triercly showing her to the department she wished to pat- ivnize, piloted her all over the estab- lishment. Nor were his suspicions awakened even wlwn she showe an unfeminino curiosity regarding txilts and bars, nn.l tlic various ways of Ingress and egress l<- and from the premises. Only when, later on. a gang of burglars looted llie lilace <if some SdO,^^) worth of g'Xids. Sid he realize how their feminine con- federate had profiled by his poUtenes.s. .Similarly, tho unlucky sufferer in >\ recent notorious jewel robbery in Cler- kenwell. owed his inisforlime to a tike Irail In his character. The c<jnspir.i- Urs, who aflerwartls murderously as- .saulted and robbed him. sent a decoy, it will be remembered, to pretend lo ptrchns? a gold walcli and diamond pendant out of business hours. Natural courtesy, rather than mercan- li'c zeal, compelled attention lo the plausible rullian. and with disastrous resulls to (he accoiini!«xl'aling trador. 'Hie Hus.'iian peasant has a saying which invariably puzzles llie foreigner: 'Too p^ilile. and die like Rekovitch. ' The proverb refers to one of the most tragic episodes in .MUSCOVITE HIisTORY. Ill the early Spring of 1717 Prince Rekovilch Cheraski led an armed exp<> Ui.lion consisting of 4.(100 infantry and j ' (XX) cavalry into the then aln;osl uii- I known interior of the South-(^'ntral ; Asia. His ostensible object was lo open I up commercial relations wilh the Khans of Khiva and of Bokhara. His real one. to s*'e if it wore possible lo invade Ix.dia from tlie north. The lYince. wilh wh<ini were many oflicers of the IniixM-ial Bodyguard, a brilliant company, marched his men across the arid steppes with dilliculty. iiid on August 15lh halted .some eighty ii'iles from the cily of Khiva. The Kliivans, ignoring his pwfessions if friendship, attacked the f<jrce; but v.i'ie easily defeated by the belter armed and better disciplined .s<ilil/ei's of the i/zar. Ttieir Khan. thercM rescirleil Ut dipkiiiiacy. He visiitd .lie Russian c.iinp in stat<'. E.xplained that Ihc at- tack (lelivere<l by his people was all a mistake. .\ii(l invited Prince Bekovitch, and his principal ollicers, to visit his capita 1 as his guests. Two days later, at a grand enterlan- menl, tlie Khan toa.sted his "friends the Russians.' and vowe<l eternal friend- ship. He also locik the opportimily of requesting I'rijice Pelmvitcii to divide lii« army into small detachmcnis for entertainment in the suiniunding vil- l.'iges. regretting the inabilily of his ca- pital to entertain .so many guests. The Russian c<unmander p<ililely agreed to tie p<:ililely preferred request, tho Hus- sian f<irre was broken up. and the Khan k.ughed sutd'jni'.ally. HIS TURN HAD CO.ME. Early next day he killed Bekovitch. and (orwar.led hi.s head as a gift to the Khan of Ikikhara. Then he annihilated ihe Russian army. One kiad ot undcrweai, and only one, fits right, wean out ilowot, and uli»- fiea you (rom the day you buy it. Thul kind ii traxle- marked (a> above) in red, and guaranteed to you by liores that tdl ii and the people who make iu Made in many fabrics ana ttylea, at rariout prices, in form- fitting ozd (or women, men and children. Look for the PEN-ANCLE. D0F5 Thzit Stz^rRoof erf The strongest wind that ever blew can't rip away a roof covered with seli'-lockin|; "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Rain can't ^et through it !â-  25 year* (guaranteed in writing for that lonjp â€" good lor a century, really)â€" fire can't bother tut^ a roofâ€" proof against all the elementsâ€" the cheapest 'JOOlT roof there i». Write ui and we'll show you why it costs least to roof ritebt. Justa(ldrc«s The PEDLAR People T«.? OsluwA Uontrval OtUws Torouto Loudon Wlnntpec YOUn .SLM.MEH OLTI.NG. If .von are fond of lishiMg. canoeing, camping or the study of wild animals, look up th<; Algonquin .\alional Park of Ontario for your summer ouling. A tisli and game pivserve of 2.(>00.(m acres interspersed wilh 1.200 lakes and nvcrs is awaiting you. offering all Uie iittraclions that Nature can bestow. N.agnilicent canoe trips. Altitude 2.000 f< el ab<jve sea level. Pure ami exhilar- j aimg atmosphere. Just the place for a .v< img man lo put in liis summer holi- days. .\n interesting and profusely il- lustrated descriptive publication tell- i'lj; you all about it scut hec on appli- cation to J. n. McDonuid, Uiiiou Station, Toronto, Ont. A flatter af Importance to all thofw who are ran doTvit anil tlebUitated la the fact that " KorroTpn '* U tha bfM tonic ever compounded. It giras strength and builds up the system. NO'I QLITE. "Have you any dilliculty in gelling Iti;.' proper diet Un- the mvutid 7" ".\o, indeed ; the <loctor has ordered u" to give some of that pieiiared ileso- •:i'ated food.' Very many person.s die annually from cliolira and kindred summer complaints, who might have l.eeii .saved if pixjper remedies had Letii used. If atlackeil do not delay in gelling a b-jltle ot Dr. J. D. KelNigg's U.vsentery Cordial, the medicine that never fails lo effect a cure. Tho.^-e who have used it -say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues ttic pain and disease. Brooks : "Vk'here do people g<>t Ih" idea Ihal two can live as cheaply as (im. ?'' Newt.on: "Pcrliups it comes fivmi the same .souree as the idea that two hearts beat as one ! ' IS.St'E NO. 33-»7. He yelled at the top of tiis voice for two horns and then slopped. "Well,'' said his mollicr, "are you going to be good'.' Have you finished crying?" "No,' said T^iMimy, "I have nol linishod; I'll', only resting.'' Known to Thousands. â€" rarmeloc.s Vigelable Pills regulate Ihe action od Iho secretions, purify the blood and keep the slomarh and bowels free Uxnu deleterious mailer. Taken according lo daeclion they will overcome dyspepsia, eradicate biloiisiK'Ss. and leave Ihe di- gestive organs heallhy and slix)ng to IM-rform their lunctioiis. Their ineiils :iie well-known to tli<uisands who know Ly experience how benellcial they are in giving lojie lo the system. COLOS.SAL IDOL. Two miles from Kamakurn. and about '.!0 from Yokuliama, in Japan, on a ter- race near the temple, sits the most gigantic idol in the w<irld. It is Ihe brazen image of a deity, and dates from t'lic reign of llio Kmpcror Sho mu, who died A. D. 7W. The dimonsions iif tlic idol arc collosal. His height, fnnii the base of the lotus-tlow^r ui.>on which l\c sils lo tlio Uip of his lieaJ. is G;!'-^ feel. The face is tO feet in length and nine feet wide, (he eyes are 3 feet ',) inches from corner lo eorner, Ihe eyebrows 5)4 feel, and the cars 8>i feet. The chest is £0 feel in deplh. and Ihe middle finger is exactly five feet long. The .50 lea\es of the lotus lliixuie are each 10 feel long aad six feet wide. , SEWING M.\CHI\ES FOR RKNT. I y week or month, at low raU's. The SM!j,1er. and Wheeler & \Vhls<3n are acknowlo<lge<l the lightest-running and m< si convenient of any. Try t>ne and bo c'invinced. Only at the Singer st-r. s. L<xik for the Red S. .s^ijiger .Siwiiig Machine Co. Write us al .Man- ninr.i ('.h.tiiibers, Toronto, fur set ul Bin! (aids free. Tougher : "Well, did you make him take his words bark, as you said you were going to do?' Meeker: "Yes, he tiicik them hack ; but he u.sed them over again more eniiihaticully than lie diil before." T'lo Duke <'! Riclmiond had a cuarh- iiiat who had been in the .service of his family tor 88 years. ITCH. Nfange, Prairie Scratches tad every torm of coi.lagious llcli on humui rr animals cured in 30 minutes by 'Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It Mver UHm, SoM by all druggists. "Haven't I lold you.' asked the father, "always lo tell tlio truth?" "Yes, you told me that," ttio young man admitted; "hut another time you luld me never lo become Ihe slave uf a habit.'' .•\ .S4:iimd Stomach Moans a Clear lUiul.â€" Tlio high pressure of a nervous lifi, which men of the present (lay are conslraiiicd lo live iiuike duiiiglils upon iUdv vitality highly det- riiiieiital to their health. 11 is only by the luosl carofMl Irealiiient lliat they are able lo keep themselves alert and ac- tive in their various callings, many .if tViCin know Ihe value of I'armelces Ve- gelal.ile Pills in regiilnling Ihe stomach and consequently keo|>ing the head clear. GHOST WOKE PLl'G HAT. Was All in While Except the Ilea* Gear. A new ghost s'.ory is told by Lloyds Weekly, of Ixindon. .•V i)arly of .Norwood machine mind- ers, going home in Ihe early hours of .Satui-day morning were suddenly scared by a ghostly llgure rueiJig pajst them to the railway station. The apparition was clothed only !n a while nightshirt and a silk hat, and under its arm carried a book and a folded newspaper. One of Ihe work- men tried to stop the seeming plian- lom, but it was too quick for him. As it reachid Ihe railway station the fi- gure slop|)ed suddenly. WTien the ma- chine minders came up Ihey found an awakened and much distre.ssed som- nambulist, who turned and ran for home while they unsympalhclically Itugticd. * RAILWAY'S UNIQUE RECORD. Tho Highland '.Sixniand) Railway in one respect occupies a unique position ill British railway history. .Mlhoiigh tho first portion of the system was in- corporated so long ago as 1856, not a single passenger was killed until 1894. The first porti<jn was opened in 1858, so that for a period of thirty-six yeare not a solitary passenger lost his life in a train a'jcidenl, and allliough over ten years have elapsed since the fatality and many millions of passengers have dur- ing tliat period travelled over Ihe sys- tem the total of fatal train accidents to passengers yet remains al one, and may it long continue to do so. imninimiiKHmm Solves A Lot of Bother The starch that needn't be cooked.. that won't stick . . that gives a bril- liant s:IoM with almost no iron-effort, .isn't that tha starch you ought to have them use on your clothes T Buy it by name., your dealer sella it. iii Tiinmins, who believes in the old say- ing, "See a pin. pick it up, and all day long you'll have luck." one day .saw a pii> ill the street. Bending down lo get it his hat tumbled off and r<illed into Ihi- gutler. Ills eycglajses fell and broke on Hie pavemeiil. tiis braces gave way i behind, he burst the bullonhole on Ihe back of his shirl-c^illar. and he all but lost his new false teeth. But he got Ihe pin. Where can I g<'l some of Hollowny'.", G' rn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns by thi.s remedy and I wish seme more of it for my friends. So , writes .Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. CLEANING LADIES' # oil OUTIM« •UITS Oka ba done pari aotlr bf oar Fraiuli riiiinM. rii tk â- IITISM aUtSIOAK BVIMO 0« . â- CnmKAJa TOKOMTO, OTTAWA S QUUXQ "I don't believe I'm Ihe only girl you ever loved. Kred 1' "Why, dearest'.''; "Because vou kiss as if vou were u.sed t.) it.'" Like little volcanoes n( itiseaxe. the eruptloai of acxoma putir out diachar^ eii. Itatl blood causal the trouble. The local rameily is Weaver's Ceralo, ami Wearer's Syrup wlU drifs the poiaou (rom tbt Mood. Jack : "You should have seen Miss Billy. Her eyes Hashed fire, and " .\rlhiir : "That's funny. You sjiid a nio- nieiil ago thai she ftuze you with a giaiicc' The World is Eull of Pains.â€" The aches and pains that alllict humanity ' art many and conslanl. arising, fivjm a mullilude of indislingiiishable causes, tut in Ihe main owing lo man's negli- gence in taking care < f his healtli. Dr. Tl'oinas' Ecleclric Oil was the outcome of a universal cry for s<jme speeili.' which woulil .sp<^cilily relieve pain, and il has hlled ils mission to a remarkable degi-ee. A COMPROMISE. 01d-rashione«I Kulhcr isternly) : "Can your pixjspeetive wife make up a good batch <if bread ?' Triilhful .ssiii 'diplomalically) : "Well. she can haudlo the dough all right.' Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm L>terminal<ir because lliey knew il .'S a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. BETTER buy an L. C. Smith & Bros. Type- writer now than be sorry afterwards. Every useful deidce In- built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY IN SIGHT ILLUSTRATED CATALOOUE r«EE L. C. SMITH £t BHOS. TYPEWRITER CO. THE PEOPLE'S MACHINE. NEWSOME & GILBERT, LIMITEO SOLE DEALERS, 9 Jordan St., Toronto j HALIFAX. N. S. MONTREAL. CURIOL'S DIHEfTlONS. While walking , lliiv)H^I) Wiltshire., England, a week or two ogo a pedes- trian asked a nalive how far it was to lh> next village, and received the curi- 0U-. reply, ".\boiit Ihn^ pifies o' bneca." Hi subseiiiiciitly found thai walches and ck'cks were very rare in that dislrict, and that it was usual to iiidirato dis- tance by the number of pipes of lobacci) om could smoke on tlie journey. IRRIGATED FARMS AND *».' BLOCKS OF LAND FOR SALE in size to suit purchasers, from 10 acres upwards, situated on or near railways in the famous wheal, root and vegetable growing and slock raising districts of ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA Prices, with water right. t>erpelual and unfailing, lower than those ever placed upon irrigated lands in the adjoining States. The quality of the land the fbiest. An acre of irrigatp<i land in Soiilhern Alberla raises twice the crop of the best uniirigaUnl land eksewhcreâ€" A.'VD TIIE CHOI'S .NEVER I'AIL. This magnincent Irrigation tract of 3,0(Xl,00O acres Is without doubt the finest land proposilion on the inarUol to-day. Immigration is pouring in ; values will soon be on the rise. Write us for inlei-esling and full printed iafonnallon. The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, 174 Bay St., Toronto FacIusIvc Agent in CnUirio, Manitoba and t.he Maiilimo Pro- vinces for Ihe, (ANAUIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATION C0L()M/.AT10i> COMPANY'S irrigateil land.s, .

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