ykskrt0n Jtbtana, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PRINCIPLE b NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, KO 1S28 Flestierton, Ont. Thursday Aucrust 15 10O7 W. S THTRSTON, EDITOR horKiETOR ] te«l by her pastor, Rtur. BalLintjue of Maxwell. Ucr er.j w:wi p&ico. Diod â€" At the lesiJeiicc- i>t Mr. John Arnott, Mrs. J. Giii.'wiii, H-ifu of tlie kte John Gtfihaia, of tliis toivii.'Jiip .if the age of W) y&u-s. lu the absence of Rev. J[r. ; Balkntyne Rev. -Mr. Stanley, Methodist ! n;inister of MiiiH el],coniluct«d the fiiner- Portiaw Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets.Lockets Bracelets. A run oa these thinijs now. Never had. ais Urge h stock, nnd cm sell «t lower prices than ever l>efore. In addition our other linea of Jewellery are more complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. Haying is about completed. Alchoutfh buiupsr crops aro not common, there dre some exieptions. \V. R. .Siiiimous har- ve.sted 42 loads from 24 acres and V\"tu. B'iaher ha.i .«ix acres that yielded 17 lood.-. â- r, /-»•.. F. H. Thompson and others also ba.l.^^'Py tOuntys McFARLAND & CO' I »1 .service. One hy one the old pioneers ' good crops iU-e {xuibing away. t Miiss Violet Ktinx of Toronto visited 3Ir. S. Gruu'.mett who liiis been ill with . the past tAo \veeks with her cousins, the iu!!;ininiiitioa of lungs is improving nice- i Misses feheardowo. aiARKD-^LE ON rAl<IO BIGGEST an.l CHEAPEST STORE ly nmier care of Dr. Bond Sir. And Mrs. Crosby :md Mrs. Duru.sha of St. Catharines iire guesLs of Mr. <in<l Mis. Hiiny .\rnott and otiitr friemls. Mr. and Mrs. Jiin Pedlar of Port Liw Were welcome Cillers at Mr. and Mrs. H. Diiivits !;u.t weok. Miss Miiggie Grummet of the south line , visited with her cniisins.Mistie.s Clara and Ethel GruRUiiet; Liat week. Mr. .\lbert Armstrong of Dundalk. h«s succeeded iu pLicing four Melott-e cream .sep.irHtoi.s on thia line in a dijstaiice I of one wile ;inJ three quarters. i A- number of faru»ers are tlirougk hay- ing and wo feel as.=.ured feed will not "do sc;vrce in this neighborhood this winter. Mr. G. Gruuiiiiett lias 78 loads under cover and other farmers have a good yield I for the numlier of acres tlioy hn\^ sown. I RobbatMl Alfred D'lwn spent Saturday and Sunday with friends,in FL^sherton [ and Ceylon. I Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor ij vi-iting with; friends in Toronto. i Mr. Macklerj, who a short time ago j set up liis poiubla saw.Tiill on .Jamcsl Gordou's farm, :? bu5> convirtir^g Ioj.'s into lumber. Miss Birdie and Master Lloyd Jolin- stoa of Toronto ai-e rne gtiests of Mr .and Mrs. J. A Thompson. John McXevin had the frame of his hew bani raised on Saturdny last. Ma.<ter Ernie Mci'hail of Toronto is visiting at Wni. Love's. Mr. John Bates, Jr., of Toronto, has been the guest v.f Mt. Zion relatives. Quite a "^•"ber from here attended I j.i„,Q^ii, Black Top ParisoLs. steel A ClearanccSalc You Can't Afford to Miss This Sale. For we .are selling all Summer GoikIs at DEEP-CL'T PRICES. Coma in and see "whit excellint things we are oJerina at hale prices. All White Mull and Lawn Blou.ses. Muslins, etc., tuujt !nove out. henoe we've marked them away down. PARASOLS REDUCED the Orar.ge piccic at Swinton Park and' repirt an enjoyable time. rods and acsorteil fancy handles, sold in j regular way aOc to 65c, reduced price each i'eylon f Mr. H. Holman. formerly C. P. R. I agent at the railway station here, visited Clianiberlalns Colic, Cholera friends in thus phice lately. Than Tlirce Doctore. f "^ oBicers and tatron.- of ^he Ceylon '•Three years a^ro we had three drtct'irs with union Sabbath schi* I liold their annual PRICEVILLE The continued dry wenther is keeping tbK roit crop at a standstill and making patluro scarce. The Methodist garden party on the 7ili «f«s quue a success. The attendance was i I ot so Kri;o as on pomo former occas'oii.s, l-ut the liiiaucial receipts are probably a record biea.ter, the gross receipts amount- | Wii to neuty ijbo. Thu ladies of the cir- | cult still U[ili'.dd their good repuwtion Vy \ lading an excellent tea table. We got j t.chind the scenes {or a niinate and found | out that one of the choice basketsâ€" or in fict more than a basketful â€" was the vol- | iintary gift of a Piosbyleriau lady who [ hds the habit of cookiiic various kinds of ' food in such a manner that y(ju nre ' temptfcd to eat, even when yoa iin ifjine • that yoa have no apctite for ediblts. Tlie | Presbyterian choir, Durham, lent ihtir ; as.slstance, and made the entertainment ' quite Jitiraclivo by their well reiuhrevl • .selection?. Mr. Medford of Durham 1 pleiisotl the audience very lutich by his I well rendered aido^. The people here consider him an excellent singer. .M.ss ^ Anna James sang a sok) and the applause \ uiven her is evidence that she is still a ' favorite. Our Fleshertiin friendi also; l^nt a he'piug hand. Mim Trimble, «!j| aitist in music, gave sn up to-datt», Soto, and Mr Elwood Genoe (lave an jwmsinij ) recitjituin. Rev. Dr. Oaldwef^earo a I very patiiolic addres.s, his subject being . the Uni"U Jack. He ahowed each cross i of the union and explained to the youna people what they repre<)eDted, and hijieil i that the school teachers and ministers ; would strive to educate the boys and j girls f.f our country fo lore and honor i " the flnij that braved a tbouAaud yetnt the battle and the breeze." The Salem j orchestrs was preecut and rendered fine i instrumental music. For one encore they J played Yankee Doodle. Ab>.-ut 75 pe"- oeut. of the people did not know whit it I wa!>, and the boys thai did know let it pass as a joke, the Haw Bru«. being great favorites here. If a stiinfio company attempted to pl.iy Yaokue l>ocdle o.i a Pi icoville platform they would need to have their feet on the di'oretep and have j the wings I'f the moniini{ to "ait," or; there would be nothtug left In a few niin- ' utes but a scrap hesp. A'r. Lsidiiw ^ of Inistio'^'e i^are a plessiag address, and a's*>.Mr. W'oida ot Corlettou creattd ai good inn'ression while addressin^j the audience. Mr. Woods waa the Lucal â- Option candidate in the lato election iti ! Dutferin county, j Ihe railvay bridge and big till will be , completed tlii."j week. The steel gang have laid the raila to 30 tideroad acd w'.« expoct in a few weeks to see the big ; engine and caia iu town. 1 â- 111.- .â- I- â- â- 1 DRESS SKIRTS REDVCED Ladies Dress Skirts in light grey over plaid tweed handsomely Inmmi'd with _, two rows of wide black imlitarv braid a- iMir little boy and evrrythinR that they could : picnic in McKenzie « jjrove on Friday i round bottom, size 23 ''4 25 •"'6 only rio seeuie,! m vain. At last wh"" »" 'Vll* i Ixst. The weather being fine, the yout^g j waist bands, sold iu regular 'way at S6.00. seemM to be gone we besran usinc Chamber- ; _„,.,.i„ ,,„,,,„: .nâ„¢ ». j ^ i i i • ^ i -" "' ..j «, »._>.w, Uiu-. Colic, AoI._-.a ana Dir.rriioea Ranodv j P''"P'? 'M^acially ajipeared to have an en- \ reduced price to clear each ^3.75 and iu a few hours ho Iwcau to improve. To"- ; l^yable time. The .Methodist and Bap-; day 'he is as heal thy a "child as jwirents eniiM j list ministers of Flcdierton wete present j "*^*"^~~â„¢'*~ ^^â- ^~"" uis)i:i'r."-Mrs. H. J..Kihnston, Liatiin. Miss. ! and helped to make the time For Side by W. K. Kichardnon. i p ausaatly. "â€"-' I Master John 0. Tucker i Piii-sley thi.s week I Miss Frances i aunt, Mr^!. Wm Mr. R. P. CREAM LUSTRE SKIRTS REDUCED Fine quality siik finish Cream Lustre Skirts, trimmed with buttons and invert- ed pleaus. only 24, 25 and 2*5 waiat bands left. These were sellin;; at $4.50, and there is bat a small quantity to tell, re- duced price to clear $2.9" LADIES RAIN CO.XTS REDUCED Ladies Cravenette Rain Coats in Oxfonl Grey an<i Herring Bone stripe ot green that WIS selhng at -fo.OO. to clear ju.>it half price $2.50 piss more retitros to The Junior Matric. visiting her The result of tlio jmii.>r ui.-itiiculation exumiii^ttious was published iii Monday's dailies. The following passed in this county: A. Armstrong, J. H. Atkins, E.J.Bin- nio, S. L. Brown, N. Bethuue, W. A. Bb,hop, E. W. Brown, R. M. Clellat«lA. L. Cornwell, L. .\, Cimn, K. M. Camp- bell. W. Clark, O. M. D-alis, J. D.Doher- ty, M. K. Ed^e, W. W. Evai-s. iJ.A. Ew- eu.s, J. Fleming. C. W.Ilind.s. J I.R.Hop- kins, .\. R. Hagenaan, L. tlanbid^je, M. Kerr, R. E. I.,u!liav.-. M. I. L.-.tiuier, F. C. Moran. J. M. Merklinge;-. A.Mc'Quay. .J. McCallum, A. J. .McEacUeni, H.T.B" McCuUough, F. MacGregov, T. J. Mc- CniTv, L. Nierjjut, O. M. P.-.ter.son, V. Priee, F. S. Ro<Uern. L. Sch.;ofer, W. E. 8i,iich,' A. S. Sibald, H. D. Tayh.r, A. '.Qrt«^an, S. G. YoLiti',', C. R. Uidditield. Brown is Cae'^ir. Lega'e smarted, for the Northwest on Tueshy. His son, Jaiues, J resides in .\lbeE«i,. He goes on the Hoiueseekers' excursion and will no Joubt sec his b'ly before he returns. ' Slasters R >bbie and AJde Down of , HailuTton visited fiiends at Flesherton I I and Ceylon tately. Wo were pleased to ; see the boys looking so well. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell ot Toronto is visit- ing hor people iu this vicinity. iS<oii« 8etti^nient (Intended for last week ) The hayiiinking in this section is just about tinished and though the crop is .soinewiiat light, the we;»rker h.is been ideal and the crop has been gathered in prime cimditiou. Mr Roy Fletcher of Owen Sound spent Sunday of husi week at the pareutal home here. Roy is one of those energetic anil sensible young men none tt>o frequently met with and foi; wht'hi we predict a suc- cessful future. -Any young mau who will devote his siunrner earnings to fuither education to till some-vtrustworthy .and confidential p^jsition, and thus render him- self a useful and respected member of society seldom misses the mark he so strenuously ,iim at. Roy is one of theiu. Sirs. H)irui>s, matron of the House of Euseuia TTie weather continues tliy and hot. Griiiii Is ripening very fast. F.all wheat is almost all cut. Although the spring v.a.s late the" harvest is going to be as eiirly as liist year, but not so giK>dacrop. At present our popular summer resort is crowded with visitors from all parts. The Eugenia Hoese is so full some have to .sleep out doors in tents. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson of Bist Aurora, N. Y., are guests of Mr. and Mi's. Jake ! Refuge, accoiiiiwuied by Miss Robinson Willumis. Tliey are delighle^l with the i »f the " Honi,^ ' stafl'piiid a short visit to .scenery ai-ound Eugenia. Mrs.Totton ;ind two chililren aro spend ing .a month with the formers mother, Mrs. j Wo aro glad to notice that Mi's. R. Henry Fenwick. | Whittaker, sr.. notwithstanding tlie 82 Chief Licenne Inspector Purvis, wife '. summers that have pa.ssed over her head, and family are gueets at the Eugeniii , stili retiins ti a remarkable degree much house. o< the activity >f former years and is able Mr. and Mrs. Hogg are at Alliston at- ' to walk ;uiiuiid and visit her neighlx>rs tending the sick be<l of Mr. Geo.Uuthvan i witliout even the aid of a walking stick, who is very low. j W'c hope she will continue in the 8;iiue Miss Falma Williams has gone to Tor- , condition for some years yi r. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone, on Tuesilay 1 List. Hetneclv for Olarrttoeet, .Vever JKnownto Vail. "I want to say a few word* for Chamlier- l.tiu's Ci'lic. ChiJeraand lliarrhoea Ktinodv. ' I have ii.seil the prejxiratiini la my fatiiil.v fi>r i tlie i>a»t five years and hsve recommended it to a nunilit'i' of {>e<iple in York omiity and i have never known it to fail to effect a cure in .any iustaiice. I feel that I ran unt sny tim nnieh fi>r the liest remedy "f the kind in the wnrld."â€" JS. Jemionn, Snrh* Grov», Yirk County, P». This remedy Islor sale by W. K. Richardson. ; liathtrtoa Mrs. HiU passed peaoafally away on Monilay July 29th at the ripo old age of 88 years. She was ouc of the early pion- efifs of Osprey. Hw fnn<f»l wa^i (.Minduc- onto. Mrs. Willie Donaldson of Toronto J unction is visiting her cousin . Mrs. Henry Williams. Miss Bella Goiilon of Toronto is A'lsit- in^ her sister, Mi-s. Chas. Turner. airs. T. E. Fenwick gave .lu ice cream [.nirty to a nniuljer of her friomls one evanJug last week. Wiji nuisic and games a very jde;isant time w.os sjjeut by all present. Hay Fever Can Be Prevented. Don't seek other climes at "H»y Fever Season'' J"n't destroy your atomtch and nerves by drugsâ€" prevent the disease. â- day Fever IS c<tusc<t by germs that Hoat about in ihn air and finally find hid^eiuent iu your throat and lungs. Moilicine won't reach them there, but Catsrrhozone will. Catarrhozuiie is suie death to gcria?. Start now to uw Catarrhozono. Inhale it Into the throat, lutigs, nasal passages and bronchial tubes. It goes wherever the air you breithe gje«, and it wdl prevent and euro Hay Fever. Endorsed by imt less than one thou.«<and doctors in Canada and U. S. Sent to j â- *" aoy address for ll.UO forwarded to Pol- StalTord Murphy of M'lunt Forest, tal- son * Co , Hartford, Couu., U. S. or ler of the Bank of Montreal, W!w atowu- Kiiig'ton, Out. e<l at All-aton while bath u^. I Your cor. may be fairly considered a.s one of the iddest contributors to the col- umns of The .Vdvance, Ium first contiibu- tiou being i:i August 1;>S2, o.ttraots from letters received irom his nejbew, .i sergeitt in tile Royal Artillery engaged 'lu the Egyptian war conductotl by Sir Gar- net Wolsley against Arabi P.isha, enum- erJiting the affairs of Cas-'utssin, Suakiiu ajid lije brilliant battle of Tel-el-Kebir in which action the young sergeant (y»»ur scrilie's nephew) had two horses shot from mider him within an hour but niii'aculous- ly oscapcil, hiiu.sjlf. The Advance Wfs then ill its iuftnicy under the [Mirenlal control of A, R. Fawcett. From that time to the present your cor h:is been a frequent and f.-iirly regular contriliutor. \our correspondent tenders his con- frat'.ilations to nis bn>ther veterans of the "enian K;vid who recently received tlieii' row.'inl. Your scribe received his ju.-^fc a year ago. Miss Robinson of Markdale and hor sister, Miss Kuby Stone of this line », Saturday. Sunday and Moii.liy friends in Rockiyn acd Meafor 1. 25 to 50 p. c. Discount in Remnants We have placed a large variety of Remnants on bargaintable. consisting of Shirtings, Cottouades. Flanneilettcs, Table Linens. Table Oils. Dress Goods, PriDls, etc , and have marked them to sell frcm '25 to 50 per cent. less than in regular way. If yon can use any of these Renmauta it's a big saving. Come and soo. Do7i't miss Ct)e«e Bargains and many others Equally as Bood. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY I UlJk. â- r T i > I i I k'^ 'â- 5*? S^ -"' _"*^ .â- "^ S^ JZ^'JZ^^TrS^S!^^:^^''^'::^J^ilS9 --''^-^rJSJ^^/::^. r-,^':::\t. ^ BENTHAM BROS. ardwarc The btiilJiug season is now in full swing and we are fully prepared to meet the demand. We have a fu'l stjck of everything in that line. Call and get our prices before btying elsewhere. We have a full line of Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes. etc. necessary to ibo hayiog and harvjs*. trade. Wo are ago.its fot tlio Martin Senoiir pairt gtiai-antoed ICO per cent, pure, the best paint on i:ie market. GROCERIES When yon want s^'O'^efi'-S that you can rc'y on wo have Due persoual guarantee gots with auythiut; we sell iu the lino. The I'ruit soason is iiov,- ou and we can supply you with any all I'tuits now iu season. BUTTER AND them* rooery and FOR F.GGS. HIGHEST PRICES P.MD FLESH ERTON. ONTARIO. m - v m ' ^ n mr >> r ! It . â- "A ^ A "' ^y ' \T'^:? '-'. â- .t*'.v' ' k". ' A^ ' Avg^ *' ' * • ' "â- • ' ' * â- 'v * . ' '. ? > ' vS? 'y 4' ^^n w.th 1^ ew 'Xin = $bop» I desire t-o inform the public ihat I have opened a new Ti ..shoji in the Christoo lik>ck, Flosherton. I have [>urch)i.seil Mr. F. G. Kai-sttnlt's Complete linsniithiiig outlit and am fully piepartsl t<i iln all kinds of cus- tom work, includiiiL' eave troughing, furnace work and re(>airim; of all kind-i. A full stock of homemade tin ioods will Ite kept c<<>i)stKntly on hand. I purpose givinsj satisfaction to my patrons and all my wor* will bo dioie with that «ud in view. Give me a call- and a chance t»i desium- stiate my fitness to serve you. P. noriis. Flesbertdtia d< I^^^r