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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1907, p. 6

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M STRANGLED BY INDIANS 5ick Squaw Was Slain by Indian Medicine Man, Oltawn, Aug. 1.â€" Josr|)h nnd Juck ritlU'i', llio chief nnd Uie iiicdieine iiinn if llio fj.uiKly I.iiko Crcos, ore uiid.'i- must ill NVnwuy House on llie cliurgc tif inuidciiiig H sciiiuw. The woinnn, who is of Ihe sami' naiiio mid l)lo<id lis llio two [)ri;.<JiK'iti, fi'll nick ill Ihi' S|)ilii},' uiid U'CiiirK' dcliii- cus. The Iiiditiiis of this districi ix:- lk\c lliiil when u sick fwi'soii Ijeconies d<liri<iii-i a spirit or "\\endi{jo' liiis on- IcicJ l.hi'111, and thai if tlic persiju di>'s l:i lurnliy tlic \\<ii(li(;o fs<.a|)Os lo Ihe W.wkIs, pursues and frJKlilens away tlio jjariie, and famine folUjws. 'Ihereforc, ih.<- band asseinbled, and, neiording lo the_ cnst<jni, apix/ijiled their chief and rnedlfiiK' man lo Ihe tiif-'ti honor cl il,'4in(.' Ihe Mck S(|naw, Unit llic spirit mif.'lil not cseupe willi Ihe passiii;,' 4,f Lrtath, hut inij/ht remain iiiipris<;ned in the dead L»jdy. In lt;o presence <f the band, the chief and niedicjinc niait ci.rried out tlie instructions. A piece of canvas was placed (i bout the squaw's neck ajid llien Ihe noose of a rope. This leinj,' ll(;hlened liy the Iwo leaders of Ihi band, tlw; ruvin^'s of the woniun \.erc sloiiiied, till.' evil spirit was inipris- i;ncd and the game preserved. 'J his liicce of barbarism was excculcd witJiin Iwo bundled iiiih's of Kenora. Word (f it reaclie<l the autiioiilies, and the arrests followed. The Kidlers asked the ollicials not l<; be too severe with fheni, as Ihey had no idea thai Ihcy were dolnji wrong, 'ihey were merely doing their <!uly by the band, and folUiWing the eusloni of Ihcir fathers. The execu- tion of this duly was a high honor, (;iid, according lo ciistoin, the oxt-cu- li< ners were handsomely fed by the I.arents of the vieliin. 'Ihe Ju.>itice Department is lo decide whelhcr it will be better to send a judge lo Norway Mouse lo try Uic case <.r bring the prisoners and witnesses to iMimonlon for trial. LEADING MARKETS Toronto, Aug. Câ€" Ontario Wlieat â€" riacliially nominal; .No. 2 white, 87>aC to 8Kc. Manitoba Wheatâ€" Steady; No. 1 north- ern, 7'Jc; No. 2 northern, 'JSc. i:<jrii-\o. 2 yellow, ()l%c lo 62c. Harleyâ€" \</minul. Outsâ€" Ontario, dull; No. 2 wliite, K'/ic to 4ic, outside. MuniUjbaâ€" No. 2 ^vhite, ny^c on truck al elevator. I'easâ€" .Nominal. Hye â€" .Nominal. l""loui'â€" Ontario â€" 00 per cent, pulents. M.35 bid. $:\M askwl; Manitoba lirsl jiatf'iit.-, $.') to ii>.").20; seconds, $1.40 to «4,.'jO; strong bakers', .$4.20 t/i Bnni--.$IC to .$17, bulk, outside; shorts, In demand, aUjUl SI9 to .$20, outside. COUNTIIY PnODUCi:. niillerâ€" There is a good supply < f Ixlh erenniery and dairy, but the forni- tr is in belter demand. Prices are Kleady. tieaniery prints 21elo23c do .solids I0clo2lc Dairy prints 17c to I'.lc <l'i .solids l7ctolSc ('.lio<'seâ€" (jiiiot al 12c lo 12Xi' for large find I2^c for twins, in job lots hore. I'^ggsâ€" Prices continue veiy llrm (it i'i'A': to 18c, with the bulk .selling at JKe. I)o.insâ€"'i Uj iii|.70 for hand-picked 811(1 .$l.,10 t<i .'iil..^.'') for primes. I'otaUes llas-U'in. dull and almost cveripioted at HOc to !)0c per bag; new fwital )es lirni al $'.\ lo $:!.25 per barivl, in ear lots on track. Haled Hayâ€" (.luiet at .$!'. I<i .$1.". f<ir N<i. 1 tiniolhy; new hay, uncertain, $12.- .V) lo $i:i. Haled .Strawâ€" $7.25 lo $7.50 per Ion, in tar lots on track here. , „ \\'in<l.s<^ir Ijneon, 1.5c lo 15>ic; fresh killed Hbatl<.ir dr«sse«l hogs, $U.75 to S!]0, uUve, $7.25 to $7.iU. nUI-t'AI.O MAnKKT. nulfalo, Aug. 0.â€" Klourâ€" null. Wheal â€" Spring- quiet; No. 1 Northern, $1.03^,'; Winter quiet; N-i. 2 red, 05e. (>jni- Sleady; No. 2 yellow, 50>ic; No. 2 mix- ed, r>l% to .58>ic. Onisâ€" .Strong; .No. 2 wliit<', 495ic; No. 2 mixed, 47c. Bar- l,.j_Noininal. Canal freightjsâ€" Unchang- Cil. NEW YonK wni:\T MARKFrr. New York. Aug. G.â€" Sixil easy; No. 2 red, 98Jic elevator; No. 2 red, 98%c r.<..l). afloat; No. 1 northern Dulilth, SI.OH% f.o.b. alloal; No. 2 hard winter, 08%c f.o.b. onout. PIIOVISKA'.S. Dressed H<igs- .$'.(.7.'i for lightweights mid .S!t.2.'> lor h.'aviis. I'cjik Shoit cut, $J2.75 to S23 per bar- rel, mess, ff>\ I., $21, ;")(). .SiiKiked and Dry SalU'd MenUâ€" l/ing r'uar bacilli, lie i<i ll>vC f<ir Urns and cases; hams, nuMliuin and light, V>%c lo lO"; heavy, li%c lo l.V'; backs, ll'.J.jjc to 17e; slKHiUlers, 10%c lo lie; ixills, llj^e; oiii o( pickle, Ic Ics-s tlian .smoked. I.iikI Sipiidy; lierccs, 12c; tubs, 12,,'ic; MONTRKAI, MAHKCT.S. Montreal, Aug. (i.-Oals- Hiisiness In ciily remains skiw and sales of car lots •)f MriniUiha No. 2 white were made at i'jc per biishol ex-store. l-'lourâ€" (Choice spring wheal .patents. f.' lo .$.'1.20; sec<inds. $4.i>0 lo $4.f.(l; (Winter wheal palenl.s, iA\U Ho $4.7.'); pli Might rollers, $4.1'.') to S4.35; do., in l)ag.s, $1.95 lo $.'.10; extras, $l.f>3 to $1.75. Millfeed \Ianlt<iba bran In bags, $20; shorls, »2;i to .$2.'. per t<in; Ontario trail in bags, 19 t<, $l!l.r)ll; shorts, $22.- 5n to $2:i; milled niomlle. $24 lo $2S |<r ton; siraighl grain, $:)0 to $32. Holled Oatsâ€" (>jJitinuc (lulel at $2.25 per bag. <'/irnniealâ€" I.s steady nt $1.45 lo $1.50. Mayâ€" llak'd liay is slendy under a lair local ileiiian<i; No. I, $1(1 lo $I('..M); No. 2, $15 to $15.Wr, clov.T, $i:t..'iO lo 614, and clover mixed, $12.50 lo $13 lior Uii\ in car kits. HntUrâ€" T<iwnstilps, 2l%c lo 22c; Que- iÂ¥T. 20>i; lo 21c. Heceipts were 3,4'»t piiekages. Cheese- Ontario, lOVJc to IO%c; cast- cms, l0%e to loxc- Kggsâ€" ."^ales of selected in single cas- es werr" made at 20c. and round lots of Flrnight rcceipl.s- at Ific; No. 1 candled (it I7e; No. 2 eandle<l at lie, and No. 8 .siraighl al \2'/jC per dozen. Provisionsâ€" Harrels short cut mess, *12 to $22..5n; lialt l.arrels, $11.2:. to l!ill.75; clear fal backs, $23..50 U) $24.,50; long eiil heiivv mess, $20..Mi lo $21. .iO; Valf larrels do., $10.75 lo $11.50; dry tiallicil king clear bacon, 10c to I1%c; tnrr<'ls pUile lieef, $14 lo SHi; half bar- ITls do., HI.W to $H.25; barrels heavy mess Iwef, $10; ball liarrels do., $5.,50; co?np<iund lard, IO>ic to lOJ^r; pure lard U%i to I2>ie: kettle rendered, 13c lo Ji^e; Iwinm 12)^0 Ui 15,'ije, aeeording to slito; bacon, IS^c to 14c; I.IVF. STOriv .MARKET. Townlo, Aug. 0. - Tliei-c were no choice ex[Kirters olfeiwl, nnd qiinlalions were nominal. Top (p>ality, .$5.25 lo $:').50 ; medium heavy, $4.75 lo $5; bulls ant' <xiws, $3.75 lo $4.75. Biilelier cuttle were not nffered very fie<'ly. C.lioieo stock was qu<ile<l from ii;;.7,"i lo $4.!K); mc\liuin, $'..2.'« t<i $4. ,50. C.dws W4'r(! ubiiul tiK' only grade lo sli</w iinv iinproVi'iiienl, choice s<'lling up la $i."lO. with the range from $3. .50. A bid <it $3 (111 a bunch of stockers of m-. 1(0 tKX) lbs. was refuse^!, and buyers were not willing to go higher. C.tioice ai .; worth from $3.25 In $3.75. and com- mon to niedimn from $2. ,50 lo $3. Mili;h cows continued dull. Ouolnlinns iinehaiiged at .$35 to .$50 for choice and $2:) to $30 for comninn. \eal calves were steady and slightly higher at 'Jc In I'k' per lb. t-'.wes -vld at .$4.25 to $4..'iO; hiick.s and mils al $3 to ,$3.50; lambs .sold fixim $(>.50 to S7..50. Hogs heUl steady on n comparatively heavy run. Selects were quoted al .$C.90. BOY i'i:ij. 'riiiu:K sronioYS. Mirariiloiis Esc.ipe ol a I-ad ut yii(^?n's Hotel, Toronto. A des[iatch tivim Toronto says: To fill from a Ihrei'-slorcy window with ii hard cinder path beneath and escape iiLiiijured is an exfUTience which comes lo few. Such was what liap|iened U) Master Buell, a lad of H years old fmm Itochesler, N. Y., al the Queens Hotel I'riday nKirnin^,'. The l)Oy was leaning out of a win- <low on llie easl side when he kusl 'lis balance and fell <iul. Luckily tor him. an awning projeiMi-d out from the wall aloiil till*'. 11 feet from Ihe ground. .Mastor liiiell struck the awning broad- side on and ttilled off lo Ihe ground. He escaped without any injury what- ever. lIYi; I>H0\VM:D in LAl'Nf.ll. ICnuino Broke Down nnd Boat Went Over a Dam. \ despatch fixmi Oltuniwa, Iowa, says : Kive [leopk? were drowned Tliurs- duy night by llie capsizing of a launch in Ihe Des Moines Itiver, near this cily. The dixiwnrtt are ; Win. II. P«iwell, wife and son Hallie, Mi-s. J. V, Stevens and liaby. The iKial hud sUirlinl oul on i pleasurt^ trip. The boat l>ecaine uii- maniigiviblo in the .sinuig current, due to the high wilier, and llnally Ihe en- gin(> broke down altogether. The Ixint, with its helpless «iccupunls, tlien drifttHl over Ihe dam and crashed into Ihe locks Ih'IoW. BOi;i SI Ul < K : < IIII.DUFA' CONK. ^luaeiiloiis Ksrape ol Slrnllord Tainlly Iroiii l-ii|liliiin||. A (U'spatch from Slialford, Ont., says: Miiaeidous was the escape of Mrs. l-red Slruthers and family during I'riday nights elo"lrical storm. Mrs. Stndliei-s occupies apiirlnKMit.s in Ihe Old Strafford Hot<'l. The children cnnld nol sle<'p nnd wore removiMl from the liediviom to the kilclien. Inimodiately atK'rwnrds n Itoll of lightning enlere*! the lied-room, de- slioying the furniture and Ilxlun^s. COSTLY FIBE IN NOHTII BAY, Business Section oj Town Badly Dam- aged. A despatch from North Bay says: While a fierce gale ol wind was raging a fire broke out on Friday morning n the tailor sUjre of T. H. Campbell, Ihe scco^jd sUna of the (iilmour block, and, spreading with startling rapidity, was nol ciiecked until one o'clock, when Ihe (i.'imour and Richardson blocks were sniolderin^f heaps of debris. The fire c.rigiiiuled from gasoline used in clean- ing gannejils and Mr. Campbell was .s<riously burned, his elothing being ig- nilid. The firemen worked lieroically i.i Ihe blinding smoke and blistering licat and succeeded hi preventing the llHiiies from .spreading lo the Purvis block adjoining. In IliLs Ihey were as- sisted by a lire wall, which helped to ei.eck liie attack of the llames. J. W. Hiehardsfjn's large brick block, occupied by him entirely as- a hardware store, was Ihe lirsl building lo fall. Of ttie Ciiimour blo^k adjoining only u few l.i icks remain of the front. The j-apid .spread of Ihe flanics prevented Jiiuch salvag'- and the stocks in tlie burned stores are ulm<*it total kisses. One man was nrresled for stealing while the fire was in progress nnd an- other, an intoxicated inuii, was placed :i llie lockup for safekeejiing, having been rescued by the liivmen from ci- templing to climb along a narrow ledge '•n the .s<'eond storey. The Richardson block was valued i.l .*G.0OO, with $4,000 insurance, divided between Ihe Liverp<x)l nnd Ixuidon and • ikibe, the Inion and the North Bril- isl. and .Mercantile Companies. J. W. Hichardison's hardware stock was valued nt $25.(KX), the insurance l)t-ing $I4.3<'>0. divided letwtvn the Guardian. Canadian Sun. Oimmercinl Union. Ottawa, Norwich Union. Home, Montreal, Canada, North British and Mercantile nnd the Atlas. 'Ihe Gilmour lilock, owned by .1. F- Ciiimour. was valued al $(),000; insur- ance $3,000, ill Monarch I/jndoii Mutiial and Standard Ouniiun es. T(jtal loss. Mr. T. II. Cnmj;il>ell carried insurance cf $700 on liousehold effects and piano. Very liUle saved, J. W. Smith, drug- gisl, curr:e<l a stock valued al .$3.00(), in- surance $1,000. Part of Ihe slock saved. T. M. Mulligan, cVothiiig merchant, slock $5,0OJ, insurance $3,000. ♦_ NO CIIKAI' HATES YET. (irand Trunk Huilway liives Notice ol .\[>l>eal. A despatch from Ottawa .says : The Ornild Trunk Railway C<impany has lost no lime in nulifying Ihe Railway I'^im- niission thai it is its inlenlkin lo appeal t-i the .Suppcnie Onirt against the judg- ment ol the loard conipelling il lo issue penny-n-niile lirkels and allacti car- riages lor tliird-cla.<vs passengers on one train each day iM'twiM-n M<inlreal and Toronto. The appeal will be taken al once. 11 will come before Ihe Supreme Cx'urt al its nexl sitting. N.) doiibl Ihe case will l>e tuken to Ihe Iinperiiil Privy Coiincil, should the deeisk)n l>e against 111' cmnpaiiv. This means that the order ot the board will nol go into effect for .some time lo come. HOLY WAR IN MOROCCO MOIilKIt IM.INCED AFIKU SON. \Yoiiian and llor Four-year-ohl Child Drowned. A despach from Caiv^m,, says . On Itie lionieslead of ,lolin Slack, near here, hi* widowed siciter. Mi's. IKn-son and her four-year-old son were drow ned o" Fiidny. The Utile felkiw was carry- ing water in a small pail, and on his lie- iiig missed, his eighl-year-nUI brotlier went in .se'iircli of him. The pail and hi- hal were seen Ikiating on the pond, and when the mntlier was calU'd she dashed into Ihe water, which was seven f(X't dci'p, and sank. The lHXlit\s were recovereil Iwenly minutes later. NEAMIA FIVE IMII.MO.NS. Increase In the C.iislonis Ilevenuc lor Four .Months. A de.spalch fMin Oltawn says: For Ihe first four inonl!is of llie pres(>nl ll.scal year to July 31 Ihe cu.sloms ivvenue slows an increase of nlmo.'^t thirty per cent. C<illeclions during the four months nniounled lo .$20..5C>5,r.94. In ttie same I<,iir nionlhs in Ihe yenr prevkms the collections totalled $15, 721, (ISO. The in- crease amounted to $4,s.4i,til4. For the month of .Inly customs colleclkms to- lulled $5,442.(101, being an inci'ense -f !fl,&8!),2'22 over July of Ihe year before. INSANE, BIBNKD FATIIEB'S BAHN. Serious Ia>ss Tliroimh the Act ot u \Vrl- Innd Woman. A despaleh from Wetland .snys : Mar- garet Hoover, a demented woman, ageil thirty-four years, on W ediiestlay sc^ lire to tier father's barn, which was com- pletely tlesti'oyed, ineluding Ihe eontents, ,50 tons ot hay, a (luanlity ol grain and a bull. On Sunday she lrk'<l lo burn Ihe luiuse, Imt was priwenteil. Wednesday she ttiok advanlage of Ihe absence of th" men in Ihe lields and s«'l lire to the barn. Ry the lime the alarm was given It was ini|xissible to save anything. While ntlentioii was direchxl to the burning barn she again tried to -sol fire lo the liouse, but iier effort was friis- Irnted, Local nulhorities placed Hoover In cu.stody and she will be re- moved lo an asylum. Europeans Are Warned Not to Leave the Towns. A despatch from Tangier says: ^to- hamnied-el-Torres, Cominissiojier 'or Foreign Affairs, has nolilied the foreign representatives here that the Zair and oilier Iritx-.s arc in a slate cf unrest ow- ing to Ihe intervention of the French (â- xini{ilro!ler in the .Moorish customs. He warns Europeans not lo quit the l^jwn, mentioning especially Hubat, The steamer Gibel .Musa, from Casa- blanca, reports that when she left that (xjrl Ihe Europeans there were lield es hostages by iho natives, who feared bombardment. Il is reporle<i that Ihe natives al Salli are preparing lo emulate those at Casablanca. There are many rumors of an im- pending holy war and a general mas- sacre of all Christians in Morocco. Liut there is no confirnintion of these alarm- !â- ! stories, which are of a kind here. RUSHING WARSHIPS. A despakh from .Madrid says: .•\s one and peilinps two Spaniards were mur- dered al Casablanca, Spain has decided to co-operate with France in exacting^ sntisfuclion. This is in accordanco with Ihe agreement covering such cas- es. The cruiser Infanta Isabel, has been ordered to join Ihe French cruiser Galilee at Casablanca. The Govero-^ rrient has sr>nt a strong note lo Mohani-. n;ed-el-Torres asking that immediate at» teulion be paid to it, FRANCE SENDS WAI^HIPS. A despatch from Paris says: The war- sliip Cxmde Duchayla has been ordered, lo sail from Toulon and to join tho Galilee nt Casablanca as soon as pos- , sible. The Desaix, Cassini and La ' Hire have lieen ordered ito be in rcadi- â- ' ness to saii if Ihey arc needed. Lord .stralhcona arrived al Montreal, and speaks in warm terms of the U'lie- l!ls Canada will receive il live all-red line is carried through. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS IIAPPEM.NOS FBO.M ALL OVEB THE GLOBE. Iclegrapli Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries ol Recent Events. - CANADA. Harvesting has started in Lelhbridgc diitricl. James Smith committed suicide near WtKidslock by hiuigirig. The army cul worm is ravaging tho giirdons in Ixiiidoii district. Montreal's cusloins collections for Jely were $1,189,012, the highest ycl. Fi\e sustained injuries in a rear-end collision at Glen Grove on the MetroiKilt- lan Hallway. Three residence buildings in oonnec- lion with the University of Toi'^into will be erected, at a total c<kst of .'S 1 .50.000. TIr' body of Hairy Penilxr, the little iK^'y who disappeared from 10 .Nnpier .\\enue, Toronto, was found in the Don. .Sir Tlwimas .^luuigluiessy is plea.sed with the result of liis iiisiieetioii of the new C.P.H, lines in OnUirio. Marshall Townsend, a diwr, was suf- t<iculed in thirty feel of water in Lake .SI Clair by the air bn^akiiig. 'file Harbor Coiiiinissioners' elevator a' .Montreal has L>eeii pr<jiiounced dan- gerous. A Judges' squabble has caused a small diiutlock in the British txDiunibiu Su- pNiiie Court. Josejih Grail fell off the Quebec bridge ii'lo the water, a distance of 180 feel, and oscniH'd with a broken rib. The Ontnrk) Governmenl may esUili- lisli a number of permanent eniigration e.lliee's III Great Britain and Ireland. The C. P. R. engineers have asked for .1 c< inference with the company lo deal with iiiu>slioiis of wages and hours. Rev. Dr. It. P. .McKay of Toronio writes li'om ubwad thai the trealiiieiit 1.1 Cureaiis by Japniu'se is scarcely less alroeious than the li<irivii-s of llie Congo. Fire nt North Bay destroyed Ihe Gil- mour and Ricluirdson bUK'ks, and caiisixl a loss of about lifty tlioiisand dollars. A man named Galley climbed on Ihe mil <if a Kial al (^huthani. N. H., while intoxicated, fell overLourd and wij; (lr<iwiied, Hon. W, T. Finlay. Minister <if Agri- eulliire in .Mberia, has just inherited $70,000 tliTOugh the death of a brolhor il Ire'aiid. .\ Montrenl carter has been charged Willi revolting cruelly lo a horse. He diove the animal into a ditcll and then attacked it with a pitchfork. Only eighteen hundred miles of the Niilional Transcontinental Railway rc- n.ains to be contraoUxl for, and work on the big undertaking is being vig- oi'oiislv pushed. On behalf of Mrs. Lillian M. Smilh, wiiUiW <if C. F. Smilh, killed in Uie Ciysliil Hall disaster in Ixmdon, a writ (If hcen issued claiming $15,000 dam- ages fiom W. J. Held. R<iberl Thomp.son, a leading tniit grower of .St. Calharines, denies the slaleinent <if the Cily Clerk Pay that two-thirds of the peach trees are win- ter killed. UNITED ST.VTES. Judge Wood of Boise, Idaho, hn,s -e- fused lo grant bail lo PettiUme. Heavy <laniage has been eau.sed in .soiitliorn Michigan by hail storms. Five persons were drowiie<l tin I'riday liy the cansizing of a laiilicli in the Des Mouu's River. ('ommiinder Robert IVary hopes lo .start williin a woi'k on another trip in search of Ihe North Pole. Rurglars at Chester, N. \'., sMe a cow, killiHl it at a slaughter house and rallied <iff the meal in bags. James H. Moivy, aged 74, of Ring- hiiniUiii, N. Y., was drowne*! in the Sii.seiuehunii River, in .six iiiches tf wilier. Clarence W. Ryriie, a New Y«irU .sales- man, was sent t<i jail for allowing his daughter to die of pneiinioMia wilhoul mixlieal alleiidaiiee. The body ol an eight-year-old girl who had been strangled to death was found on Thui-sday in an east side lenemeut' in New York. Charles Ihigge. who has confessed io' having practised forgery for fifteen | years, lias been sent to the penitenti- ary for a long term in Cxilorado. Orchard's wife, Mrs. .\lbert E. Hors-, ley, of Norlhumberland Cx)unty, Ont.,' claims an interest in the Hercules inine» is the story now told in Boise. GRE.AT BRITAIN. The British Medical Association has suggested that sick pei-sons be treatedi al tlic .Stale's expense. Britain nnd Russia have amicably adr jiisted all oubstanding differences regard- ing llie Indian nnd Pei-sian frontiers. Tlie British House of Commons has passe<l the third I'eading of the bill es- tablishing a (xiurl of Criminal Appeal. GE.\ERAL. Eight Europeans have been killed ir. an .\rab rLsiiig al Casablanca, Morocco. Gernianys grain lields have been damaged by llcxxls for hundreds of miles, Tlie Fiench resident at Annam has locked the King up in his palace and established a regency. CHOP OITLOOK I.MI'BOYED. \Yeallier in the West Ideal lor the tirowiny Grain. .\ despatch fixim Winnipeg says . The weekly crop report whieli was handed out by ttie C.P.R. on Thursday shmvii that Ihe outlook is fur nwtv favorably Itian was expivted thre<> weeks ago. Tin weather has Iwen ideal for Ihe giMwing grain, and tho prospects are nov» Irighler than was ever dreamed of a short lime ago. There have been timely slKiwers ill .southern Manitoba, willi tlu result that IIh' reports from tluil district are greatly iiiiprove<l. The wheat is now rapidly heading out. In a number of districts, ill ,saskulchewiin particularly, there has been heavy dajiiage from hail, lull in most sections the damage has Lrvii light from storms. $7,000,000 BOLLIN(i STOCK. Oiand Trunk AYill Have New Cars Heady lor llic Full. .\ di\spiitc!i fr<uii Monlrt^al says: Tho Grand Trunk on Wednesday aniumnced that it will have rendv in .s;jxpt,,|„5^p t,;r Fall Iniflie .$7.(KI0,0()b worth of roll- irij. stock, which has been under con-' strnclion for .some time. So far 4,500 freight cars, out of 5,200. have been de-' livered, which al $S50 makes $4,120,000. | or Ihe sixty pn.ssenger conches. Ihirly. have been delivered, a total of $720,000,' and of 1(K) engines, sixty tinve been le-; ceived, amounting lo $1,500,000. ' 4< THE PEOPLE'S BAILBO VD. Iterripts and Disbursrnirnis ol Teniis- kaniiiif) Commission. .\ despaleti from ToronU; says : Re- ceipts of the Temisknming k Northern Ontario Railway tor May were $77,041 ; disbiirsemenis, $5t,4;Kj; net revenue,! $25,645. The dishur.s<>merils include, $8,512 )iaid for Insurance, which might have been spread over Itie whole year.' Passenger tralllc nccounUxI for $40,027, and freight. $30,842 of the tolal receipts. ^ l>uring May 138.9 miles were in opera- tion, as compared with 112 miles in May, liKHi. The passenger Irnlllc shows a large increase over the corresponding month of last year. MILLION IN crSTOM Dl-HES. CoHorllons at Toronto lor July Show Big Increase. A despate!i from Toronto says: For- eign inqxirls al Toronto still eonlinuo (.n the increase. The total duties col- kcteel nt this port during July were !>l,or>5,S53.27, For July last year the total c«illeetions were $7(')().:i29.97, and theretoJV this July was greater than Iho same monlh Inst .year by the substan- tial sum ol $289,523.30.

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