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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1907, p. 5

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^• . TflE ILEESHERT03J ADVANCE Alg^st 8 1907 .1 A' if' - t i.' • f.. eSTABUSHCO 1673 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office .... Toronto A New Pastor. The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies. 19 FLESHERTON BRANCH Gocrs'e Kitcticil. I'Sai^aaer B».A.NCUE4 AI..SD AT DVRKA.M, MARRIfTOBf AND PRICEVll^I^r, lis ml Vicinity Chips For mcui'y at lowest rates, land secur- ''y» H'> to A- S. VanDiisen, Flesheiton. Nut found, for wagon axle. Apply to H. Wilson. The new bridge over the Boynein town was complo'.cd List wc-i k ajul the rigs crossed uii Friday. C. E. Tryon â€" Practical Fainter and Dfci'rator, will receive coiitrncts church decoration aud scho.d houses. PriCw'ville, Out. Notice t) TrB.'<pa3aor9--.\li peopla are hereby warned Hs;, trespatjsing on tho berry patch on my farm. Alfred lethwaito. ulo Mr. Ed. Thompson, baker, adveitisrd in last week's Advance for a lost di g One insertion brought the auiniat hooie. It was at Luly Bank. 01 ANT TRIPLETS -'Currency" "Bobs" a:-.d "SUig" Chewititj Tobaccoes, in big pluKS. Quality always the oauio. Kev. L F. Kipp preached at Paisley on Sunday. The Baptist church there is racant owinir to the resignation of Rev. Jonathan U Neil, who may sjo to Win* nipeg. For Quality and Quantify ask yonrdea^- er for the new big p!ui^« of "bolis" "stag" and ''currency" Chewing Toba.:ooe8. Dr. Caldwell's sermons for next Sun- day: a. w.â€" The Eatjle's Nest or h(.mc. p. m. â€" God 111 Astronoiuy.. Track layinsj is now in proKres.s at this end of the now railway and it only be a matter uf a sh<'tt time until con- struction trains will be on the line as fat a^ Priceville. For Saleâ€" MaxwiU Binder, tift cat. almost naw. Apply to Jos. Cornf.eid, Flesherton Doa't forget tha annual Dand Promen- ade on the .Agricultural Gr<Minds, Flesh erton, on Tuesday, August 'Z 1th Partic- ulars later. FoVM>â€" .V sum i.if money on the cross- iog between J. a:id \Y. Boyd's at.d Bcntham Bro.«. alo.'-cs on Thursday, July 'io. Loser api^ly at ;hi3 titiice. Keep your dates clear for the annual Band Projienade to be held on the Agri- cultural Groiuids, Fieshertou, on Tues- day, August 20th. Two bands, othtr attractions. Come aud have a t;ooil time. For Saleâ€" One mare 4 years old, about 1300 lbs. and sound yood worker or dri- ver. R.J.Sproule. Cattle Strayedâ€" Three 3-year-old sleets and one spotte.! heifer, t-aino to James MoKoDzie's, lot 12, con. 12, Ospr«>y, about July 27. Owner please pmvo property, pay expeusds ai,d take away. The Atlas Aisurance Co. of London Eng. are oft'erinx a nice present free to any one sending in thu date of expiry of their Fire Iimiranco ([iroviding Siinie expires within I'i month"-) also Coinpiiny on risk and rate paid. Call or address postal to I. Harvey Periijoe, Fire Agency Atlas Absuranco Oo , Fevcrsham, Ont. Noticeâ€" The Sydt. nham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 'jontricta to pay market value for household effect.*, farm stock, mpIenK-nts, li.iy and grain also losses or damage in full caused by lightning a'; about half thj cost thai other companies charge. An lnstitU4.iuu that offers such terms deserves tho a^ronago of all prop- gressive farintrs. A post card addressed to their agent, W. J. Bowes, markdale, rogarding terms will tecoivc prompt at- tention. HoKSi:i< For S.vtR, â€" 1 mare about ISUO pounds aud ] boise about llOO Both younj; and sound. Apply to Wm. CaawelU Aug. 22ud. Farm tot sale, cheap, lots 165. o r«nd 7, con. 3, \y.T. and 8. II., Artomesia, 145 acre.s, 20 acres biuh and swamp, well watered, Inrte frame harn. conifiirlable bouse, good orchard. For price aod terms spuly t" K. J. Spri>ule, Fleshertou, or John Stewart on the premises. Second-hand Noxen binder and mower for sals. D. McTaviah, Flesherton. W'A.NTEn, â€" Work by an experienced thresherman for the clover and grain season on either enginu or separator. Apiily at this otiice. Dandalk and Markdale held their civic holidays on Monday. A largo number of citiz'^'us of both places visited Eugenia. The Flesherton Citizens' Band gavo a conceit on the street hist Friday night. Vi'b understand they wi'l also play out this Friday evening. Artemesia voters list was placed in the hands of the cleik last week and the Osprey list is under way at this ollice. Owing to unavoidable circumstances the latter is a couple of weeks behind hand this year. Master Uoward Mc.Aulay fell from the buck of a^wagon ulii(hting on his head and was picked up uuconscious. It some time before he regained his senses, but he has now about recovered. It was a close call to a broken neck. The Standard Oil Company of the United States has been fined 829,240,000 for illegal acts. This is considerable of a fine but we suppose the Company can stand ir. Watch the price of oil soar. The cement sidewalk laying goes steadi- ly on in town, and will last for some t;iine yet. We are decidedly of opinion that Fle.sherton is gettini; a cheap joK. Wo notice by Collingwood papers that that town is paying lOi cents for plain walk and Hi for cross-ngs. The con tractors found it unpr<)Htable,ovon at that price, owing to the distance it was nec- essary to draw gnivtl. Pocketbook lost â€" Between Priceiille and John Van.oe's. O. D. R. Contained notes and orher valuable papers, includ- ing order on Flesherton Stand ml bank in favor of G. W. Tryon made by Donald BaxtHr, for §27. Finder ploa-JO leave at Park hi;nse Floshorton.â€" C. E. Tryon. Flesherton foot ball team wont over to Feversham Monday evening to play the team (here and cania hi)ine with victory perchina on their Hag. The score was 1-0. The leturii match will be played on the a;iricullural grounds here at G.30 Satur- day evening. The Presbyterian Ladies' X\d will hold a garden party on the agricultural grounds on Tuesday evening, .-Vug. 13. A base- ball match will be played at 5.30 between Markdale aud Flesherton teams for a handsome silver cup .Admissionâ€" .Vdults 2ric, childiQT l.'ic. Tea served from 7 to 8 p. ni. Flesherton Citizens' bjud will be in attendance. A horse belonging to Thomas Nichol, Priceville, created a little excitement one day last. The animal got frightened at some falling brick and ran away with tht bu«gy- A young man who was driving into town with his sister saw the animal coming and jumped for his life, chivsil rously ItMving his sister to look after the horse and hoisolf, too. The wheels col- lided, but fortunately the young woman held her seat and was not thrown out. Both buttgie.s were damaged and ihe horse was stopped shortly af'.erward. The village of Mar, in Albermarle township, is to have the best rural schfud iu Bruce conu'y The suction is kiio'vn as No. 2. The building will be 32.xl2, practically i wo stoma with basement, iu which wid be separate play rooms for boys and girls. It will be heated by a fun. ace, and will contsin all modern im- provements iu the way of cloak room.'*, closets, etc. Last Thursday as Mr. W. T. Blackburn 4th lino Nottawasags, was entering his barn the high wind which was blowing forced the door out suiMonly against him and threw him off the drive way. The bridge is quite a hiirh one and Mr. Black- { bum's wrist was broken as a result of the I fall. â€" Staynur Sun. I W. T,Wh9»tl»y of the Sovereign hotel, . Creeiiiote, was fined f50 and $4.45 costs .1 tor .'jo-'iag li((iior on Suudsy Rev. G. C. Little, the new pastor of Chalmers church, preached his inaugural sermon to a large congregation on Sun- day afternoon, taking for bis text Acts 20-28: "Then Agrippa said unto Pau', almost thou persuades! me to he a christ- ian." This text, though a rather common one, was handled "fn a very interesting, and was divided into two head.s, first why was Ai^rippa almost persuadea to be a christian; second, why did Aarip- pa not become a christian? Mr. Little has a powerful but pleasing voice, a free delivery, uses choice language, and was lisiiied to with very deep interest. He does not attempt any flowery flights of oratory, but dolii ers a plain, practical sermon which holds the attention of his hearerj from beainning to end without wearying. We bespeak for him a succesg- ful pastorate. A beautiful quartet was rendered at this service by Mesdumes Blackburn and Henderson, Me.ssrs Tucket and Dr, Heiidsrson. The induction service was held Tues- day afternoon. We notice by the Chatham daily Planet that the people of Bothwell, to whom Mr. Little ministered for four and a half years, on the eve of his departure pre- sented hiin with an aliectionately worded farewell address, accompanied by a purse of gold and handsome suit case. Pres- ents were also given Mrs. Little. Jlr. Little's mother and his two children. Mr. Little had a wearying experience -n the railways, lie hiiving accompanied his stock to look after ihem. At one point his way freight car was shunted on a sid- ing for a full day. PERSONALS Mr. Wes. Duncan of Hamilton is visit- ng the parental home, west back line. Rev. Mr. Little, the new minister at Chalmer's chuich, and family, arrived in town on Friday of last week. Mrs.(Dr.)Fred Murray, Toronto, spent a few days in town during the past week. Mr. S. Damude, Toronto, was a guest at the .Munshanr house over Sunday. Mrs. W. .(. Matheson of Havelock and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davidson of Toronto Junction v.;. re guests of Mr. and Mrs.W, A. Arnisiroiig during the past week. Mrs. Andrew Bentliam, who under- went an operation in the hospital a few weeks ago, returned to her home here on Monday. Dr. R. Hendersc n, T.a'oiito, spent Sunday with fiitnds in town. Miases M»y and Beatrice Hales are vioitiiig friends in .Alliston this week. Miss Lulu Mitchell accompanied lier girl friend, Miss Ashenhurst, to Toronto this week, where shi wi.I remain for a few days. Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Petty of Bentiiick and Mrs. Geo. Jloore of Tees- water spent a couple of days the past wetk With Mr. and .Mrj Will Moore. Eva and Clara Spence, M ss Maggie Moorehousu and Bert Banihouse, all of Tor<jnio, spent Sunday snJ Monday with friends liere. Mr. Chas. MoMuUen of Toronto is hol- idaying at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheppard and children of Toronto Junction are holiday- ing with relatives here. Miss Annie Howard of Toronto is visit- ing her mother. Miss Louie Nicholson of Toroutj^ is spending twi week9.,at the parental home in Flesherton. Miss Annie Gillespie ofTorontti is holi- daying with her mother. She is accom- jianiod by her friend. Miss Marlait. Mrs. (Dr.) Webster and Miss Maud Riehardwn left, acoompauied by the for- mer's husband, on Moiid.Hy for a fort- night's outing at Point au Baril. Mr. and Mrs. Richanl Bentham spent Sunday in Singhamiilon the guests of Mr. Sandy Weir. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong sp;-nt a few days last week in Owen Sound. Dr. and Mr<. Carter spent Sunday with friends in Clarksburg. Mrs. Geo. Wick ens returned to her himiein Toronto on Monday after aa ex- tended visit with friends here. Mr Wickens came up Saturday and she re- turned with him. Miss L'ly Thistlewaite, who has been visitmu her parents hero for the past foitnight, re'.urue>l to Toronto on Mon- day. Miss Christena Richardson left on Tuesday for a luouth's visit with friends at the Sault. Mr. .M. Kinw of Hannltim is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. Knustadller. Mioses Mabel and Lily Boyd are spending a week with friends at Mount Miss Belle Houderson returned tA) the city after a month's holidays at her homo. Mr and Mrs. Geo Persons of Buffalo are visiting at Mr, Herb Smith's. Master Nat Caswell of the Toronto gravel, rotarned l.aat Friday after a month's visit with his aunt, Mrs. A. Mc- Callum, Farn'iam. Que. Ula cousin, Mi.?s Jewell MoOalluni, accompaniefl Uim h>mo and will vt-niain for a month's viiiit s\ iih b«r cousin-' Creemore is organizing a brass band. The C. P. R. is adding to its rollinK stock just now at the r^tc of 28 freight cars a day and 2(X) engines a year. For An Icn paired Appetite. Toimprove the appetite and stengtben the dig estinn try a few doaes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. .J. H. Saitr, of Detroit, Mich., says: "Tliey restored my appetite when imu.aired, relievedme of a bloated feelimr and caused a pleasant and satisfactory .novement of thtybowlos." Price, 25c. Samples Free. W. E. Richardson. TEAS. We have a spleudid- assortment of Taaa, including Melagitma, Salada and balk Teas, both green and black. Wo can su't everybody in this line. Be sure to call here for your Teas or anything else iu the Grocery line you may rei(uire. We have it all aud the prices are right. ICE CREAn This is ideal ice cream weather and our ice cream is the best. Try Some. W. L. Wright. FLESHERTON' 'h^ f'JU LiiCK FOR TruUBLE If fsu obtain a f\nim of doutit- VI ful qualily 'j>>y The exptrlmced Hunter's «nd â- 9*^1,^ "" Maiksinn's IdHi â-  ^<^t~Si ' ' ' â„¢li«:!i'6, unerring STtVEHS "W' FIND OUT why' V b} itiaotlng aur popular ^ RIfLES-SHOTGUilS PISTOLS. Ask ronr local Hardwac* or Snorting Goods Mer- chant for tlio STEVIiXS. If yoa cnnuot obtain, we slUp direct, exprens pre- paid, apou ceoelpt of Caia- lot; Prioo. s.-nil I cent"? li stamps for 140 I'ase lilustratcdCalHloff, liicluiUnij circu- lar-! of latrxt aUUlllons to our line. ContaiiM point.s on shoottu^, ainiuu* nitiou, tlieproi>erer;reof a nrearni. etc., itc. Ouruttractivo Ten Color L,ithograpIi«<l Haiicer moiled any- where fur six cents In stanipH. J. STEVENS AKIfS .<S TOOL CO P. O. KuK -J0'J7 C!iiconc« Fn!;«i, .Hasti., V. S. ,\. NOTICE ''^ â€" Notice lrmirel)y given that a, l)y-law w-.s- Iiassed by the municipal council of the town- ship of Osprey on the sixth day of July, A. I). 1907 prrjvidinK for the issue of debentures tat the amount of iVMO, fur the purpose of eractjui? .•» new school house in SchiKil section No. 14 in the said township and that such by-la« wa.i registered in the registry otfice of the south riding of the county of (trey onthel8thcl«y 'if July, A.D- r>l7. Any motion to quash or set aside tb« sune or any part thereof must he made within one month from the date of registration and can- not lie made thereafter. ! Dated this '^Oth day of July, A.D., I'M" i THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk. Clearing Sale At Port Law Everything in dry goods, grocer- ies, Boots and Shoes, Hardwire and Tin.vare, lo he s;jld for below value; all sales strictly cash or produce Bear in mind lam not leaving Port Law, only selling the stock so I can devote more time to eave troughing and job work . J. A. St. JOHN General Merchant and Tinsmith Port Law - - Outari Thompson's Bakery. Bread delivered regularly and sold at the following places;â€" CEYLON R Cook's ami Jas. Pattisou's. P RICEVILLE Post otiice. EUGENIA H. Cairin, R. Parks. F. McDonald. K 1 -M B E R L E Y F, Wober aud M. R. llam;aond. MAXWELL R. Kiunear & Son. F E V E R S H A M Eli Robinson and Ab. Hutchinson. r ^ ^ S? Boots ^ Shoes The time for bargains in Summer Footwear has arrived. We now ott'eiihg all kinds of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords, Sandals, Button Shoes and Patent Leathers at a big re- duction- Genuine bargains- Call and See them. Also a lot of Trunks, Suit Case*, Telescopes and Shoe dressings at bottom prices. In Men's and Boys' wear a good range In Dongola, Box C.ilf, P:itent Leather, also heavier lines. Call and we will try to give SATISFACTION. Claytons', Flesherton Farmers. . . . Now is the time to buy Forks, Rikes, Mitts, Rope, Pullers, Binder Whips aud , r . :.j, -. ;.. I Binder Tv^inc. . . . Which we handle the celabratad Plymouth and GiltEl^e Brands and also the Plym. nth Pure Mmilla Rope. Call and get our prices on Binder Twine aod .Rope before buying. Wu can satisfy as to ([uantity, quality aud price. \A Cofning. . . . Vr, A car of Flour and Feed ia expected to arrive any day. I- <h: F. G. RAHSTEDT Flesherton - Ontario g;! ..J

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