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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1907, p. 4

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Aimu8t81»07 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t^vwvvw^wy . F, T. HILL & CO. w^w^wywy^ BOOMING OUR JULY CLEARING SALE During the moiitli of July wo go through all dopartinentB in our blj( store and gather in all brokeu or odd lines and also many lines of nierchandiso that have not sold just as fast as they ought to. In this way we con- stitute » July clearing sale when all lines are put on sale regardless of cost which means extraodinary value to the buyer. The followng should be of inlwest to you. TRIMMED MILLINERY AT JUSl' HALF Rp:aULAH PRICES. In two weeks time our MiUiiiory Do jiaitment will be clnaod for the season and in order that wo nhould not curry over a trimmed hat and to make sure tlmt they will bo Hold, wo CUT THE PRICE IN TWO, so be on hand early; best always go first. TABLE OIL CLOTH REMNANTS AT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN YOD PAY. iUpieces Table Oil Cloths in a great variety nf pattern.^, nil faMo elo.h lengths of 2^ and 2^ yard.s each, selling nt t less than regular prices m follows: 2i yard lengths Fancy Tible Oil Cloth foi 4:3c. 2A yard lengths Fancy Table Oil Cloth for .48e 50 ends in this line A SNAP IN BOYS' COTTON ADK KNEE PANTS, I Q'p 125 pairs Hoys' CuttonHdc Pants, just the thinu for the small is Ic.S3 tlmn llie cost of making. ()u wale at per pair boy for summer wear and the piice 1 Ol 12lc. 70 pail* Boys' price per pi<it. BIG SNAP IN HOYS' TWEED PANTS, 29c. Per PAIR Tweed Pants, odd line», many diffevcnt patterns, but all sizes in the lot. Jul) 29c SELLING (JOOD DRESS (iOt)DS ATONKTHIRD TO ONE-HALl'' LESS THAN REGULAR VALUE. We have nearly M^ pitces of Dress (iooJs which huvf not been selliug a.s f»sl a.i we would like Unmi. 'I'hftre can be uo fauU found with tlie nuiility ami the lot represents .00c and 73c lines in Idacks and colors. On sale during July at pur yard only ..29c. SELLINO LADIES DRESS SKIRTS AT REDUC- ED PRICKS. 48 only Ladien' Dress Skirts in browns, blues, vrays and blacks, nearly all sizes in the lot and ?.'< 75c,8-t.50, and $5.00 Skirts are included. During July, your choice for 2.48 LADIES FINE WHITE RLOITSES, SLIGHTLY SOILED WITH HANDLING, FOR 08 CENTS. 60 Ladies White Ijiwn BhiuMiD in !t.")c. ?l.2r) and 81 .50, tiualilies. These are soiled from handling During July, your choice for o8c. LADIES SUMMER SKIRTS AT 50c. ON THE $; BLOUSES TO MATCH. 75 LaUie-s Summer Skirts in tine luwns nn.l linens, some are inscr.snin trimmed. Some made with pleats, and some lace trimmed; all sizes ate on, hand if wnnLeJ wu have the blouses lo match. Your choice for 98c CLEARING OUT ODD LINES OF SHOES 68c A PAIR, 125 pairs Childruii's, Girls' and Boys' Shoei^ in Don- golas Butri, Glove Grains and Box CUlf all sizes are in the lot and in miny cuses the price is less than half your choice duriiit; July 5p^.' CLEARING OUT ODD LINES OF SHOES .-VT 08c. 150 jmirs Women's, Boys', Girls' and Men's Shoes in extra <;iiod ipialitie.s but not e.\nctly the liit.'st slyleH but rcpri'scnt good woar and nearly nil sizoa ire in the l(;t, and in'iiiy cases the price is less than half. l)ur- ing July your choice for per pair 98o. ImidsummerI -- SALE -- j^adies White Shirt Waists, regular 1 60 to 1.85 for 75c print Wrappers, regular 1.00 for 75c ancy Dress IVl uslins, selling at 10, 12^ and 15c Embroidery Insertions, rci^ular 10c for 7c Ladies' White Underskirt", regular 1.25 for 96o Ladies' White Underskirt.s, regular 1.50 for - . 1.15 Special pricees in all white good.s including Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers. Women's Cotton Huse, reg. 15c for 10<. A complete stock ^f Parasols ranging in price from 60c to 2 25 Men's Furmshings. A full range of SunmiLr Underwear Fancy Veals, Belts, Ndokwe<»r, etc. Cashmere Socks, regular 2i"ic for 18c FaMy Shirts, regular 1.00 for 79o ^iF^^=^-= â€" = = House Furnishings A full range of Carpcti in Tapestry Brussels, Wools, Unions, nlso Linoleums and Oil Cloths. Bcught at the (Id prices and a<» there has beoti a big advance in these goods you will hnd it worth your while to msko your liurchasos while you get the benefit of the old price. 4 yd v,'ide Linoleum I)t .St quality .it , per si\. yd 60 Flour 'eedl We have a full stock of tiiui an.l feed including, Bran, Shorts, Feed llour, and FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Keowatinâ€" Every bag of this lUnir is guaranteedâ€" the best flour in the land â€" no other can equal it. COAL Several cars of No. 1 Hard Coal to arrive this month. Parties who use Coal f .r the winti't months should give thiir orders now and get the lowest price â€"call an! leave y^iur orders â€" i good time now to got it in. 6Jio0GRVDEPnKcmenc speeincs. 4 CANS CHOICE PEAS FOR 25c 6 CANS CHOICE HERRING FOR 25c 3 CANS CHOICE CORN FOR 25c mm m OUR RWDRettJJSRG DGPBHCItlEnC. Vou will find a f uil line at prices you want to pay. •:~ - •"- ^^^ ^MARKIMLE araiw^are a^wMw^ Is puliUnliedevcry 'niurmlay at ?l.(J<i par annum if paid in advuncc, i<l.r>o if nut ho puid Artemesia Council. roceivod and he 1h- paid PS.i.Od for 11 \ Several financial men of Toronto, it i.s dayn sui>erintonding work iiiid 82.00 for [ 8»-d, have int^erested Ihemselrts in the Tho Muuici|«il Councd of the Towii- ship uf Artemesia met in tho town hall, Fleshorton, on Saturday tho .'hil day of August, 1907. The members Here all present, the lUjeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and conlirniud. By-l;iws (>«'.) to lovy rates (or 1907, ttiHJ lo appoint Colleelors lor liM)7, and (i91 to authorize a loan of ^2500 for current expenses were introduced and a tirst lime. A i)utiti<m from 1. II. Atkinson and (12 others asking the Coun- cil U) close up and dispose of part of liiwn line Artemesia and (ilenelg as asked for by tho W. & L. Ily. Co. was presented and read. Mr. S]>ence, solicitor fort'. P. Ry. Co. waited upon (J.imicil 10 closing of town line and streets in Priceville. D. McMillan and N. McKinnon waited ujiHn ('ouncil respcctiug .\rtemesia Agriculiur- il Society. McKenzie â€" CarHon - That By-Laws tlS'.l, (i'M) and (591 be read a second time - (Carried. MoLoughry â€" McKenzio â€" Thai the (>'ouncil do now go in^^o committee on By Laws «H9, (190 and 091 -Carried. , ('ouncil went into eommilte accordin^dy, Mr. McKeii'.if in tho chair. Commillce, tho ILm.o in the chuir. Mr. MuKonzio presented By-Law «9l as sed in comittee and asked leave to sit again on By-I^aws (IHO iiml OOO. MeKenzie -Meads That By-hiw (\')\ ax lillotl up in cmninittfu be nou read 1 third time, signed, sealed and entered in By-Iiikw book and that By-lawn (IH',1 and (i'.t;) bo laid ovur to next session of council I'arried. (j'arsonâ€" McLoughryâ€" That the follow- ing certified accounts for gravid used hy oviiiseorH on roiils be p.i.°sud and paid. I!. Akitt, 81 10; D. MiDoiiald, (I'ic; B. Kerri.s, 75i'; John White, 83.85; E.Culli.s «; J. W. Haney, ij'.l.HO; W. Whit.s IJ2.(K); Ti>eljr, 8.'«.U5; John Toet-n, Sl.Oit; W. L. Wright, !.0..; (Jc. M.M.if, ;j:i.;c.;Mis, Hewitt, 8:i.oii; H. Akitt, 8:i.-jr.; John MePlmil,$2 15; Jos. Watson, Ib<J.H>; A. Johnston, 8t.()<»; ( M.i.ire, J'J.O'I; John Poillar, *IJ.(H); W. Fisher, flulV) •Carried. MeLoughryâ€" Carson That Jud^',^ Wid- dilield'n aoormnt of 97.50, costs of revising HM«e.sHniont roll, re A. Mun.ihaw's appeal lie paid â€" ('arried. MoLoughry- -Mendsâ€" That tho Clerks \> mlnjfo account to date, 95.85, lie paid -(1arrie<L!â€" Carson That the Reeve's rop,>rt • >f I .\|ionditure on Valley R' ad he 1 dfiy on ciiinniilt«e -( airied McKenzie Meadsâ€" That Mr. Carson's reporl "f e.vpendilure iii ward 1, be re- ceived and lie bo jmid 819. ;!0, commia- Kion on ^lO.'i.OO e.xjieiided ("arrii.'d. Oirsoii- Mtljougliery, That W. H. Thurston he pjiid ^>C5.00oii printing con- tract â€" (,'arried. ('arson-McKonzioâ€" That VV. J. Meads bo paid JIH.OO for nine days HUperintend- ing work with grader, in ward ;{ and work with snow plow last winter- Curried. Mclvenzie â€" McLoiigliry- That I). Mc- Leod bo paid forty two cents for repairs to grader Carried. McKenzio - MeLoughry - That Lucas, Wnghl .\t McArdle's account of ?aO.OOfor legal services be paid, and 81 l-OO of the ainoiinl be charged to Proton Station di-ainago by-law account - Carried. Carson â€" MeLoughry â€" That a special grant of ^KX>.(K) be made for repairing bridge over cranberry marsh, 170 side road, to he tixpended by Coinmi.ssioner Meads -Carried. Carson â€" Meatls â€" That the Artemesia Agricultural Society be granted (25.00 as iiHiml â€" (Jarried. MeLoughry â€" McKenzie â€" Tha'. the Church of England be permitted to oc- cupy llu) Town Hall for their services in accordance with terms of by-law, viz., at the rale of Jjl'i.OO per annum, the care- taker of hall to have charge of making . „ fires and lighting, etc., and to receive 5()c ] nealed. Men say that Bu-Ju pve them lor each time he iscalled upon looponlho I J5*„ ""/.-""'"^fT"^'"* night's sleep hall -Carried. ' "" McKenxie â€" Meads- Thai W.alker Bros. l)j paid balance of aonlract price of Boyne Bon Allen Portland Cement Company, Limited, which will cre.^t « largo plant at Owen Sound or «l Ben Allen, on the Grand Trunk Railway, four and a half miles fron-. that town, where tho inarl and clay depositN are locati'd. The company is capitalized at $500,000. of which JfiO,- (K)D has been subfcribed for in Owen Sound and vicinity. The company pl-ins to erect mills with a capacity of (iOO Ini- rojs daily, with a view to extending oper- ations to 1,000 barrel per day later on. The cement business ill tho Owen Sonnd district is a.ssuming largo proportions. The companies now there incliidu llio (.)wen Sound Cement Company at Shallow Lake, the Sun, Grey and Bruce, and Imperial at O .Ten Sound, which liavoa combined capacity daily of nearly 3,000 barrels. A full stock of stoves, ian<;e.s and healers, axe3, .saws and all kinds of weod uien'j supplies, alsn BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. Parties contemplating building .should not neglect celling our prices before purchasing elsewhere J. 81 W. BOYD FLESHEKTON I Som« Men Get Up Six Times daring the night because their bladder is »o inflametl that h will not retain more than a lablespooniul of urine. Some old men, especially, urinate twenty-five timeu a day. These are Uie men who need Bu-Inâ€" the Gentle Kid- ney HU. The first tew pills gave relief. Acid urine is neutralizedâ€" the delicate membrane, lining the bladder, is soothed â€" and the kidneys are strengthened Bod I they had enjoyed in years. 50c a laree I box. At druggists or from The ClailiD Chemical Co., Limited, Windsor, Ouu 67 bi iilgo upon coiiiplotion and the engineer's report that the bridge is coiiipletod accor- ding lo contract â€" Carried. Council adjouruod. HAD AN AWPtTL TIMK. Farmers are certainly reoeiring great prices for horses these days. Mr. Jnmis Mather of Allan Park recently I'old a colt two years and a half old for $200 casl - and Mr. Jcdiu S. Bf'^ki'r of Bentick has refused an offer of f 425 for a young loam of heavy horses â€" Posf. n»il C;i\nrii1ie;rl»lii'A Collc!, Oliol- Of« Ami IltRiThoeu K«M»ccly C^iirect HIni. Tl is with pleasure that I give you this un- si.lirltort tBstlinoiml. Alxnit a ypar ago wh^'M 1 hail nHPveic ear.u of niuasli'j I got caught out ill 11 hard riiiii an I tlio mw.iiloj Hi'.tlhd in my i ,,.|,,„, ",i,„„ „ , „.. . Htoi.uch and bowlos. I had at, awful tiu.u ""-'" '.'l^y «" "*'*>' and had it ii..t born fortlie uk.i of OhioidKa- 1 ^''^'J' 'hn\k that there would Fashionable women in Wn.shington are planning a hotel for oats. The women, in the kindness of their hoartd, are un- willing to leave their pets without care for tho Ruminer. be pntroi- liiin'.-i Colli;, Cholera add Dianhoi'a Uuiiiedy I j ago enough for such a hotel to m.ikc it jould ni'i have powsibly liv.d l.ait a U\v Ikmuh I profirable. Boston nlrondy has an endow- lo„K(f. l.nt thanks to tliin roini'dy I ,0.1 \v'\v]oA cat honirt. Hot only for thj care of pet cats, I'tit for tho rescue r.f such agoil »iid htri)!!!' tad well. I liavi' wiittin llii' nt;i)Vi- tlir.ii^li Kininln Kratitudii and I sliall ahvavs Hj)i .d: a t:o id tt-ord for this runudy.â€" Hani. B. (iwiu, <!<iiic;iird, lin I'nr sale hy W. K. Kit 'lartU'in. buou tutnoj Ivo^ic l^lsi;'»K«s young mull CoLLEfiK Edi-caticnâ€" All anii women who intend full iudiifciit eats as have on the world. Kiiowli-a Bros., young Bnglishmoii, who conduct a farm near Cookstown, were the victims of a robbery n few days ago. Tho liiied man, a recent arrival entering a buMiioss collfgo this fall are j, from Scoi land, had been left in charge of invited to write to tho Elliott Busnicssi (.he farm for tho day and when theowneis (.iilloife, 'loronto, for their handsome' returned in tho evening they found 'hat catalogue. This school is clasiial ainongj the house had oeen rifled and the ' hirrd tho iMst business colleges in Canada. Unan was not to bo found. A vUe I he adveriistniQiit ot l!in collogi!' «r.ld waVh and tl^ arc sinore the miss in this ptp.T. j in^, aitiolcs. Voters' List TOWNSHIP OF AUTEMESIA. â-  NOTICK is Uoroby yiveu tUat I have trauaniit- tfft or (IvUvereil to ilio iiorsA^H umnlionod iu tecttoiiA 5 and Cot "Ttiu Ontaviu Voters' Lists .\ct" tlio copies requiro.2 by Baitl soctiona to tie so traULmiittudorueliveroilof the Ubt iitailo pur- duaut to ttiu said Act, of all the )>erBOQd appear- iii« l>v the last ItevisuU Assesiiuieat lloll ot tho ^al(1 Muutclpality tu bouutitlo«l to vote in tho saiU Muiilc'lp'ility at Kloctiona for Meui- latru of the iifRislativo ABSuiubly ami at Muu* Ictpat Kluotiutiu aud Aio 'tald L.i-t was ftott post- al up at luy oHlco atT letthurtoa on thd 2uu (lay of Auijust, 1W7, aud remains tborc for inspoc- tlou. r.lootors are oallud upou to examina tho said List, and it any oniti isstoDsor otiior nrrora are found tlieroui to take immfjdiatu Iproceediugs to liave ttic saiuo corrected accordiug to law. Dated thisQud day of August, A. D. 1907. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk Twp. of Artemosia ?arm for Sale Lot« 171, iJaiiil 3, Ist con. N. K.. Artomcsia, 12.''f aoruiiiu all ol ttret clasa fartuiD^ 1 audit) a goetl state of cultivation, situate.i 2^ miles BPUtli ol KloBhciton, Hhovt mile from Bchool, clf'sn uf ncxiouB weeds and well fencoil. 10 acres of uiarsb, S acres ot hardwood biiHli, bal- auce in eood state to work all kinds of machin- ery, well watered, '2 oichards, a ^^od house IH X C*\ voneorad iusido, kitchen 10 x '20, wood- shed IC X li, new buru 50x60Htouu foundation. This id ouu of thu beat farms in tbo township and oau be bcugbt right. W.J.CASWELL. Farm for Sale t.ots I audSoii tbu Otii Con. N. D. U. in the Township of Artemosia. ooiitainiuK 2V) acru^ of nhic-ii 1^ arecluactid atid the renmiuinu B'laro wi'll tinihered. Tills faria is located in tho Stoiio Sttttlemout ahotit2^ milo^ from l-'lusliei* j ton Statiou. is well watered, has ^ood huildinge I mid is iu a goodiitate uf cnltlvatioii. Apidy to Lucas, \VriKht & Uo.Vrcb, Boliotor-, a22ug Owen rioiin.l. WARNING iS'oti. islHToliy ^iveii thrit any person be held reaiionsible for daniRes. nut taking gravel sud iiiideriiiiiiiiiK my fence will -.IA8. PATON Pure Bred Cam worths and Berksbires I havn fur Hale young ntock of Sothbreeds U t hrei'ding pnipiiaes. Come ai.^l see them or write lor pilcen. M.17 07 -O. W.Roas Maxwell. Tarm Property for Sah. liOts 38aud:'.0, coiirossion 8, iiX) acres; Lot 3(>, coiiui'Shlou 11, ICXJ acres; Lot :W, oouocHtlon IS, \i\) aovoh; Lot :i7, ooooe^Rine lij. wostf^iiy tv, BCio-<. The stiiicsaid aro all In tno township of Ai'tcinoBit and will l>u eold at reasonable 1 rioi's on oasv leruia. J.K.HIt'KHNO, ro.t807, ColUngwood Bi:tll fox* Sepvioe ThorouRhbred Dut ham bull for service. JOHN ADAWS, Fleahjrtou Summer Stock. I have on hand a number of Rub- ber Kugs, Dash Aprons, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, A. \lo Grease, Hoof Ointment. Harness repair- ing; of all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance office. Flesherton, - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS B\q St ock ' ' Bes t Stock BellSt Blankets ^ Kobes Fnr lined coats, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and othir leather (<ooda. utters- best makes- and everything in the harness line. W.MOORE, Flesherton Ont. C'^^i^^.c HOMESEEKERS' Soand IVlp Rxcnrsloas to CMmditia NORTHWEST Lcavs Tcvonto TUESDAYS JULY AUGUST SEPT. 30 ISuder I0aada4 ticket! cood rvtaninfl wilhiD iixly dajn. VERY LOW KATES Iw â- cooo-clMilicUiitoWiBiikxauidUtbnpoMaatMklb- . TOUIIST SLEBMNO CABS OB each ennracal. Bartta al aatll ukStiooal coM, 8lnl» DUMt be rnnvtd euly t ytfr henv y d«Dan<l. An^y to local •oral •! lean > w«ak fccfon uonisa IsavM. TldMl Xtaat lor Aak aawMt CF.K. aava laionDatloa B. rOSTKa.Dh.IWA«.CPJt.TMM* For tiok.ns and full mforniaiion see ^V . Oaesar, Agint, Flmhcrton '<"â- - % ,^" .4 td- .i' â- - -» y- â-  « 1 '• . :^ :i:

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