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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1907, p. 1

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\r -# mHi I ^- r yy^ flt^htvUn Xh^antt, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBIJSfOIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, NO 1328 Flestierton, Ont. Tliursday Avigfust 8 10O7 W. H. THDRSTON, IgJ-l^^TOB Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets, Lockets Bracelets. A run on these things now. Never had as large a stock, :ind can sell at lower prices than ever before. In addition our other lines of Jewellery are more complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. J Intyre npent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Kerton . The sad news was received here J uly 3Uth(of the death of Mr. Sam Beatty, while workinj! on the ore dock at Aahlnud Mich. Ho fell on a boat and died short- ; ly af tei wards. Much sympathy is extend- I ed to Mr. Thos. Beatty and Mrs. Robt. I Stock, in the death of their brother. Mias Mary Madden of the Sth lino was I found dead in the aarden on Monday, Au^:. 61 h. Heart failure is supposed to bu tho cauau. Much sympatpy is ex- prt'Sdud to the sister and bruthor who survive to niuurn her loss. ' Mr. Clark Russell of Duudalk renewed old acfiuaiiitanca in our vilbige Monday. Misa Artie and Bessie VV right have conjuieucud to take piano lessons from mias Mitchell, also Miss Kate Burns. Mr. and ilrs. Sampson of Nottawa visited the latter 's uncle, Mr. John Ivor- ton. on Suiid.iy. Mr. Chester Lon? and Misses Mae and Arvilla Wiiiteoak spiut Sunday with friends in Mnrkdalo. Maxwell and Mclutyre football clubs played a challenge match at Duudalk recently for S5 per side. The Dundalk paper described the ^ame as follows: Although the teams were very evenly matched and each side play- ed to win, the name was devoid of rough- ness. The play was too close for any | I combination work andindvidual play pre I vailed has been at Owen Sound hospital for treatment for a tumor on the face. Grasshoppers »re very plentiful and are damaginij the turnip crop, in fact they are eating up a lot of ;^-een stulf. Oatti are pretty much of failure owing to the blight. It is going to Ije a lieavy loss for the farmers as oats were their main crops the past years. Mrs. John Walker of Sholburne and da\ightor .ire vi.iiting her parents, Mr. and Mi«. .Tas. Arnistron;.'. Miss Milly Wilson is visiting at Sing- hanipton at present Shake Hands With Asthma. Awfully distressing is asthma. But worse if possible when combined with BroncliitiB. Relieved quicker by Catarrh- ozone than anythig elseâ€" cured ao thor- oughly by "Catarrhoaone" that it doesn't return. Cntarrhoxotie's healing vapor is breathed right into tho lungs, destroying the cause of Asthma and succeeds in the chronic cases. Try it. Two sizes, 25c. and 81-00, at all dealers. Ceyloa visited friends in Mr. J. S. McMillan Euphrasia last week. Master John O. Tucker is home from Paisley for his holidays. Mrs. Eva Seoiey of Buneasan visited ... , h»r brothers, T. and J. Chislett, of this Mclntyre kicked down the lield place last week. lOTH LINE, 08PUEY Mr. md Mrs. Wm. Davidson and little son visited with Mr. Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. C.mron, Fevershani, last w«ek. Captain and Mrs. Plant left for their home at HiiUybury (m Monday last, where the C;>ptaiu will agaiu take up his work in the Salvation Army, taking with him as partner of his joys and sorrows one of Osprey's fairest daughters, in the person of Mrs. Captain Plautt (nee Miss Ida Heron). May their lives be bIon<Jwl" Itrfavor of together for the uplifting of humanity and the upbuilding of the cause which they have espoused. Fleshettoi) and Keversham football teams played a match on the agricultural grounds iu Feveraham ou Monday even- ing last, resulting in 1-0 in favour of Fleshertou. Mr. Ed Thompson of Flesherton refuered the game and gave untire satisfaction. We are sorry to report the death of Miss Mary "Madden of the eighth line, death oaiuo very suddenly on Mias Mad- den. She was in her usual healtii a few minutes before she Uiod, We understand that Mr. Irish has had his sawmill burnt a second time in a moath. , Mr. and Mrs. F, H. Perinoo, Fever- sham, spent Sunday with tho latters sister, Mrs. Philip Ottjwcll of the 10th line. Mr. and Mrs. Win McKeuzio of Fever- sham have gone to visit friends on the Manitoulin Island, I Mr. Uichardsoii Horon spent Sunday '] with his sister, Mra. K. J ~ ' John Chislett is spending part of this week witli his sinter, :iaar Buncssan. Miss Margaret McAithur visitedfticnds near Bunessan last week. Mr. .John S. McMillan is harvesting a line field of fall wheat this week. I 1 horns In I he Flesh. I Even worse is tha agony of corns. I Why 'suffer â€" cure is waiting in every 1 drug store in tho form of Putnam's Corn i Extractor wliioh relieves at once, cures For good and appeared to have the advantage in the first half, the ball being near tha Max- well goal the bulk of the time but the defence was not to be drawn out and no scoring was done. Near the close of this period, however, the ball got up to the Mclntyre end aud back of the goal wheu tho referee blow his whistle for a goal kick but tlie play went on without a stop aud C. Kerton scored for Ma.'cwell a dis- tance out. The goal was, of course, dis- allowed, and the goal keeper given his kick, relieving the situation and the half thoroughly and without pain endoi without result. Upto this point ' results use only "Putuain's.' Mclntyre had th'i best of it but it would be difficult to pick the winner. Early in the second period the tide seemed to turn the Maxwell boys but there was no scoring done until within about five minutes ol the finish when tho ball was worked close (luarters with tho Mclntyre goal and Maxwell was succcbs- ful in making a clean shot and winning the match. Mclatyro had as many op- portuniiies to scire, a.* Max'vell, but tlioii li^ht man ar tho riaht plnco wasn't there. A good crowd of villnyers turned out to si'e the sport. Camping Donts,^ Fairview Bethel Sunday aobool Intend holding their annual picnic in Mr. Gen. Thomp- son's woods on Wednesday, Aug. 14. A football match will bo played between the lOtk line Tigers and the Maxwell juDiom. Chatjntierlriln's Colic, Oliolera (Aad L>li.-irrrit.)e« Rd^ne.tjy, 15etter Ttiian Ttiree DoctorH. "Threo yearit .iro we had lline iloclurs with our little buy ami uverytliiiig they could do suelijed in v:un. \t last when all hope sfemiid to be gonewe beKii" iwing Cli.'iraber- Iain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Itemedy and in a !<i\v 1icmu9 ho bej^au to iiiipiove. To- <iay*be is as healthy .'i child a.s parent;* could wish for." â€" Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Liutun, Miss. For sale by W. K. RicharJ.ton. Eugenia , Mr. E«rl Gordon of Hainilc(>n, was Colquett, of I u gunst of Jlr.hO 1 Mr°.Will (Joidoii of the Kemedv tar OiarrHoea, Never KnourntoPexll. "I waat to day » few words for Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used the preparation iu my family for the past five years and have recommended it to a number of people iu York county and have never known it to fail to effect a cure in auy instance. I feel that I can not nay too iiiiich for the bent remedy of the kind in the world." â€" S. Jemisou, Spn'ug Grove, York County, P'l. This remedy is for sale by W. K. Richardson. MAXWELL 12ih line, the past week. Miss Clarabell Massoy of Chicago spent a few days of the past weuk with Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Fen wick. Mrs, Greerison Ellis of Toronto spent the paAt week with her many frieiKUi at Eugenia. Mrs. W. B. Feiiwijk and family have gone to Orillia to spend a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Thcu-burne. Mr. Ellis of Toronto, spent Sunday with friends at Eugenia. iVgaiu the holiday season brings its .share of city visitors, who think Eugenia an ideal spot to spend a plo!isant time in. From Toronto came Mr. Bert Barnhouse, tho guest of Mr. Deagle; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones aud baby, tho guests of Mrs. Munshaw; Mrs. Jas. Purvis, the guests of Mrs. Purvis, sr. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, tho guests of Mrs. Joseph Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Win Large of Markdale are the guests of tho formers parent.s. Miss Myrtle Blakoloy of Flesherton is a guest of the Misses .Janiieson. Miss Annie Janiiosini of '^I'oronto is visiting her mother, Mi-s. David Janiieson. Mr. W.altou Williaiii.s of Toronto is visiting friends here at pre.-ieiit. Miss Deaglo of tho Catiiract is visiting There are dont's in everything, but it is better to have them by heart than to undergo the humiliation of having a guide or friend diii theiu in your ears continual- ly while you are in the woods. A few which shoulil be kept iu iniiid are given by ''Recreation.'" Don't build a camp fire until all the dry loaves and inflaniable materials havebeuu raked away to a safe distance. Don't go away and leave your camp fire burning. Extinguish it completely be- fore you move on. Don't leave a sniudga burning while you are absent. Don't throw down a lighted match or stub of a cigar. When you light your cigar or pipe extinguish the match before throwing it on tho ground. Don't set Hre to a birch tree for tho fun of the thing. Don't burn a bee tree or use fire to suioke out gHiiie until every possible precaution is taken to prevent tho flames from spreading. Don't go away and leave the tree on fire. When You Eat Too Fast. You have indivestiou, perhaps cramps, or in any case the system ia overloaded matter that should I a eliir.inatel Breath gets bed, eye» look dnll, head- aches are frequent. Why not cleanse and puify the whole system, wliy not strengthen tho stomach, enrich the blood aud assist your overtax- ed digestive organs? Easily done with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; their action is most gratifying. In every cuso they give the exact assistance the ailing organs require. You'll fool fit and fine, eat with a rulishr sleep like a top, have a clear color, and restful sleep if you regulate your system with Dr. Hamiltoa's Pilla. Prioo 25c. per box, at all dealers. â€" â-  > i<i I â-  Died at 5arnia McFARLAND & CO. M^^EJICDALB ONTAl<IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE . SACRIFICE . We propose to close out the balance of our Spring and Sum- mer stocks at a great sacrifice. ITS BUSINESS Carried-over goods wonld be a poor claim for patronage next season. Judging from past few days selling wc shall close out our Spring and Summer goods in short order. The sale prices are so attractively low that they are sure to be picked up quickly. Can you stay away from these prices. LOOK AT THE DROP PRICES. Si.oo Dress Voiles for 58c Full 44 inches wide dress voiles of black and white mixture, blue aud white, grey and white. These are handsome weaves and sold in regular way at $1.00. Drop price, per yd Sri ALL WHITE LAWN AND MULL WAISTS DISCOUNTED All our white blouses in the house are a gem of excelleuce in every way and there aio moiiy styles to select from. Elbow, three quarter or long sleeves in the vari- ous styles. Here's but a few quotations to show how we're dropping the prices : Reg. 50o for 3oc; Ileg. tioc for riSc; Reg. 81 .00 for 78c; Reg. 81 50 for 1.11); Reu. 2.C0 and 2.10 for 1.06; rtei;.2.uO for 1.85; Reg. 3.00 for 1,U5, etc. All sifses in the lot. 58c Dress Voiles for 35c This lot of fine quality dress voiles con- sists of a large variety of Hake and chock effects 42 in. wide, and sold in the reg- ular way at 080 per yard. Drop price per yard 25c 86 00 DRESS SKIRTS FOR «4.38. Light Grey ovor-plaid effect skirts coU' sisting of two styles, one having two rows of black braid around bottom and plait ^ of self; the other, several rows of plaiting. These are handsome styles and eleiiant litters, regular piices $5.50 and Sd.'Hi. Drop Price IJ4.38 25c COLLARS FOR lOo .An assorted lot of Ladies F;inoy Embroi- dered coUai-s, all sizes, regular 20, Drop Price lOe ALL DRESS MUSLINS REDUCED Wo'vfl a nice assortment left of this season's dross muslins but we do uot_puri)os" carrying one piece over so have reduced all as follows: Keg. 10c, drop prion "c; Reg. 12* and IBc, Drop Price 9c; Reg. 25, 30 and 35c per yard for l.So. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY f!^7Vj..-»l., I Fy^\,-l<,*::<:^>j'J:^j^-^^'^ .â- ^^.s;f;^T>ir. "â-¼' ^^^ -v , "â-¼- , â- ^^. "w , â- â™¦' -^ '-.v.S?,v;^-v.i>ii^Ta?yrf'^^'i^^^^ Word was received here last week from Saruia announcing the sudden deatli of Jo.sujih Smith at that place. Deceased wa.s a brother of Isaac and Robert Smith of this township and had been a sailor for a nuinbei of years, lie was .'}5 years of age. He was picked up in a helplet* " nd was only able to condition at Sarnia BENTHAM BROS. esidonce before he died. Mrs. Akiiis of Milbrook is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Haying is the urdei of the day, and the crop is much better than expected. While raking hay last Wednesday, Sherdy Hudson had a very narrow escape. The horse touk fright and the bit broke, . leaving Slierdy a very poor chance of ' her brother, at tho power , . , , _ - .rynu to stop it rumiing some distance. . Mâ„¢- Tl'os- Bradbury .,f Thornbury is |\;^ ,";,,,;„, ^....^ „,,t brought homo for Sherdy was pitched over a fence aiiong | visiting her brother, Mi. Wm. Hi slop of im- itniams «t.i« v t, sume scones and got oS with a couple of , ''1><^ valley. broken fingers and his little finger very Mrs. B. W. White of Markdale is visit- b»dly cut. ' '"K ''w sister, Mrs. J. A. Williams. Misa Belinda Scbonniman of Buffalo is 1 Berry picking is the order of tho day. r--r, . . , visiting with her father at Dresent. i The berries are not very plentiful owing and a porsonally cmiduclea j.'araou m- Mr. James Long spent Sunday with a to tho dry weather. â-  creases hia laundry bill a dollar a week m friend in Feveraham. ! Rev. Mr. Little commenced his pastor- order to raise three doUais ' Miss^arah Kinnear viilted last week ' ate in the Presbytcri.m church on Sunday eight cent a' worth ..£ vcgo wHh her"sisf,er, Mrt. Albert Paul. i morning. A goodly number w;ere pr Mrs. Liinan and daukihter spsnt San- Hardware The building seasou is now m full swing auJ we are fully prepared, to meet the demand. We have a fuU stock of everything iu that line. Call aud get our prices before buying elsewhere. We have a full line of Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, etc. necessary to the baying and harvsst trade. We are agents for the Martin Seuoiir paint guaranteed 100 per cent, pure, tho best paiut on tho market. GROCERIES When you want groceries that yon can rely on we have them- Our personal gimrautee goes witii anything wo sell in the grocery line. Tho fiuit season is now on and we can supply you with any and all fruits now in season. FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FLESHERTON, ON TAR I v v"-y' ' -^'L<g^^y-^'j^^ ' ^4!S^ ^ ^ interment. About this time, says a newspaper paragrapher, the to»vn man with the hi.e , ent day with her sister, Mrs. McDonald. ' Mrs. 'Joe Itadley aiid Miss Juue Radley are'viBitiitg with their many friends hei<) thia wee*.- | ' Ht. and Mrs. Ue:tot Mooie of Mo- auJ mutt) - iblea. Aid tliat does not lake inlo iiccuuiit the o. - lie created a very favorable impres- iginal cost of planting. But the town i-ion aud was listened to with great atten- nian with the hoe is not trying to raise tion. ' dollars' woilh of vegelablos. Ho is r&:s Mrs. Henry Williams s|)ent a week inii and tan, acres of prioeleHS visiting friends at Credit Forks. ' a isfaciion, and an apiietite that the pr - Mi-8. Adaii} tfislop, jr., of the valley, duco of two good gardens cannot satisfy -^ new = tin â-  Sbop^ I desire to inform the public that I have opened a now Tinshop in the ChristOB Block, Flesherton. I have purchased Mr. F. G. Karstedt s complete tinRmithing outfit and am fully prepared to do all kinds of oua- toiu work, including eavo troughing, furnace work and repairing of all kiuds. A full stock of homemade tin goods will be kept conalantly on IiiuhI. I purpose giving satisfaction tc my patrons and all my woric will bo tloiio with that end in view. Give mo a call- and a chance to demon- strate my fitness to serve you, FUsberton. ^-iSatt.

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